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Police Gazette


Printer / Publisher: Harrison and Sons 
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 5935
No Pages: 8
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Police Gazette
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Police Gazette

Date of Article: 19/01/1877
Printer / Publisher: Harrison and Sons 
Address: St. Martin's Lane WC
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 5935
No Pages: 8
Sourced from Dealer? No
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Likely to Include : Criminals; deserters from the army, navy, and militia; police officers; and victims of crime. Identical content usually appears in more than one issue.

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r > v C* POLICE gtit& flrtte. CONTAINING Hit substance of all Informations received in cases of Felony and of Misdemeanors of an aggravated nature, and against Eeceivers of Stolen Goods, reputed Thieves, and Offenders escaped from Custody, wiih the time, the place, and the circumstance of the Offence. The Names of Persons charged wiih Offences who are known but not in custody, and a Description of those who are not known, their Appearance, Dress, and other marks of Identity. The Names of Accomplices and Accessories, with every particular which may lead to their Apprehension. A Description, at accurate at possible, of Property that has been stolen, and a minute Description of Stolen Horses for the purpose of tracing and recovering them. No. 5935 FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1877. .— It it requested that ail communication! tor the purpose of obtaining or giving information respecting supposed aSenders, or stolen property, may bear the Signature of She person requiring or sending the same, and all applications in esference to the POLICE GAZETTE may be made and addressed So the Editor, Police Court, Bow Street, London, W. C. %* Whenever it is desired that any person should be appre- hended, and the Name is gives, it is indispensably necessary that in Information should be made and sworn to before a Magistrate, • » the Offence charged, and as attested copy thereof, together with ih » Advertisement, forwarded to the Editor for insertion. As no charge is made for the insertion of any article in the POLICE GAZETTE, all Letters addressed to the Editor auosi prepaid, otherwise the insertion will not be made. The Names and Descriptions of Deserters from the Army, aed i » f Absentees and Deserters from the Militia, should be forwarded on War Office Forms 88 and 88A, to the Editor, as above, & r insertion in the POLICE GAZETTE. INFOrmATIONS MURDER AND MALICIOUSLY WOUNDING, Further information respecting the attempted murder of JOHN MORRISON, gamekeeper to Francis Monckton, Esq., M. P., as advertised in the Police Gazette of the 13th ultimo : three of the offenders, WILLIAM HUMPHREYS, alias JOLLY, WILLIAM PRICE, alias CHECKER, and THOMAS ALLMAN, alias TIMER, all of Shrewsbury, have been committed to the Stafford Assizes for trial. The following men ( who have absconded) are chargerl ou warrants with the attempted murder: JOHN WILLIAMS, alias GEORGE WILLIAMS, alias WORCESTER DICK, alias BRUMMY, a labourer, supposed a native of Worcester, 28 years of age, about 5' feet 7 inches high, stout build, fresh complexion, light hair, no whiskers, grey eyes, oval face, good features, haj a cat mark on right eye, which causes a slight cast, anchor and bracelet on right arm, stands erect, and walks with a Slovenlj gait. He served for a short time ia the Shropshire and other Militia Regiments. Has beea , frequently convicted of poachiog in the counties of Worcester, Hereford, Salop, Denbigh, Flint, Chester, aud Stafford. Has worked aa a navvy in those counties, and also in Lancashire, Yorkshire, Derbyshire, N ttingh'am, and Leicestershire, and is well known to railway contractors and timt- keepers. RICHARD OWEN, alias DICK THE NAVVY, a'ias WOODBINE, alias BAKER, a native of near Westbury Salop ( his wife and infant child are supposed to be in Derby). 35 years of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, stout build, very active, light hair, no whiskers, good features, and supposed to have worn, or to be wearing, ear- riogs ; dresses like a navvy, and wears heavy boots, wiih toe and heel plates, has a sealskin cap, as well as a dark cloth cap. Sjfai worked at. engine driving, horse driving, aod other work ou new lines of railway ( with Williams, alias Brummy). He ia known to be the possessor of a coasideraWe sum of money, supposed in a Derby Bank, aud has landed property falling to tiim near Pontesbury, Salop. These men are likely to tramp the country seperately in search of work, and will probably be found sleeping at railway huts or low public- houses, lodging- houses, casual wards, or canal boats. The same reward is offered. Information to be given to the Chief Constable, Stafford, or ot aay Police Station in Staffordshire.; — Bow- street, January 19. Absconded from Stockton Heath, on the 4th instant, charged on a warrant wish wounding Alfred Broady, of Walton Superior, on the 4th instant: THOMAS HART, a horse dealer, 24 yea-- s of age, 5 feet 9 inches high, sallow com- plexion, black hair, brown eyes ; dressed in a green shooting coat ahd vest, light woollen cord trousers, black soft billy cock hat, and lacc- up boots. He has been in custody at Stockport and other places on various charges; he attends fairs. In- formation to be given to Superintendent Steen, Town Hall, Runcorn, or to sergeant Beblington, Police Station, Stockton Heath, near Wariington, Cheshire,— Bow- street, January 10. spectacles, has a habit of continually replacing them with his hand, believed to be a Swede, and has a peculiar and rather foreign accent. £ 100 reward will be paid to any person who shall give such information as, will lead to his apprehension by Chief Constable Cook, Hull, Yorkshire. — Bow- street, January 17. Absconded, charged on a warrant with forgery : EDWIN FLECK, alias J E. HOLFORD, E. COOPER, W. E. WILSON, WILLIAM EDWIN DREW, & E. GRAHAM : 30 years of age, 5 feet b\ inches high, dark hair, brown moustache, whiskers shaved off, slim build. Recently employed as clerk in the leather trade at Bermondsey. He is supposed to be accompanied by a woman about his own age and height, fair complexion, and rather stout, She is likely to be wearing a drab hat, an ostrich feather of same colour, and two small green bird's wings on each side. In- formation to be given to Inspector Bailey, City of London Police, Detective Department, 26, Old Jewry, E. C.— Bow- street, January 17. Description of CHARLES EMERY, agent to the Discharged Prisoners' Aid Society for Sussex, who absconded on the 9th instant, charged with forging and uttering a receipt for Twelve Shillings on the 24th November last: about 40 years of age, 5 feet 9 inches high, daik complexion aud eyes, black hair, whiskers and moustaches, has a scar on forehead, and is proportionately built; dressed in grey tweed suit, or may be wearing a blue witney overcoat and hard felt hat. He is a pensioner from the 7th Regiment of Foot and a native of Farley Castle, near Bath. Information to be given to Superintendent Ellis, Constabulary Office, Lewes, Sussex. — Bow- street, January 15. Absconded, charged on a warrant with forgery : FRED- ERICK FORD, a clerk, 23 years of age, medium height, dark eyes, sallow complexion, no whiskers, mole on chin, scar on forehead, and of respectable appearance. Supposed to have in his possession a number of £ 100 New South Wales 40c Bonds, coupons attached, No. 20388 to 20408 inclusive, series ' U 3.' A reward of £ 100 will bs paid for his appre- hension, and 20 per cent on all Boiids recovered. Informa- tion to be given to Inspector Bailey, City of London Police, Detective Department, 26, Old Jewry, E. C.— Bow- street, January 19. Warrants have been iss ued against BALTZAR HENRY FRITHJOFF STALHAMMAR, generally known as HENRY STALHAMMAR, for uttering a forged Bill of Exchange for the sum £ 218 0a. lid. ; and another forged Bill of Exchange for £ 230 12s. 6d. He is from 46 to 48 years of age, 5 feet 6 to 7 inches high, sallow complexion, dark brown hair, slightly tinged with grey, full beard and whiskers of the same colour, brown eyes, short sighted, wears . Stolen from the person of Samuel Toy, of Cemetery- cottage, West Smethwick, about p. m. ou the 10thinst. : a silver lever Watch, No. 8919, maker's namejiWinkel, West Bromwich, sunk seconds, gold hands,- not capped, engine- turned, shield on back., bow broken off Information to be given to Sergeant Asbury, Police otation, Smethwick, Staffordshire.— Bow- street, January 17. On the night: of the 12th instant, ths Booking Office 0£ Great Ayton Station, on the North Eastern Railway, was broken iiito and stolen therein : 3 . in Silver and a brown paper Parcel addressed to ' W. Hutton and Son, Gt. Ayton,' containing 18 pairs of Carpet Slippers, 90 pairs of children's patent ankle Shoes, 5 pairs of boys'elastic Bide Boots, marked ' J. N. L E.,' aud 3 pairs of ladies' Boots. Information to be given to Superintendent Simpson, Constabulary Office, South Stockton, or to Acting Inspector Severs, Stokesley, North Riding, Yorkshire — Bow- street, January 19 Further information respecting the housebreaking at Wrexham, and the property stolen at Wrexham, as adver- tised in the Police Gazette of the 15th instant,, the person stealing the articles previously described, has baen apprehen- ded at Oswestry, and the property recovered ia both cases : he gives the name of CHARLES FYNCH, a native of Ben JohnsOn- street, Liverpool, a bricklayer, 23 years of age, 5 feet 4j inches high, stoops a little, oval face, rathsr high cheek- bones, slightly pockpitted. fa'r complexion, dirk brown hair, small tuft of nair on chin, and moustache, small grey sore eyes, slender build ; states that about 3 months since he was working in a railway tunnel at Birkenhead, now in con- struction ; he is remanded until 10 a m. on Monday next. . Information to be given to Deputy Chief Constable Bradshaw, Wrexham, Denbighshire.— Bow- street, January 19. During the night of the 5!. h instant, the dwelling- house of Robert Maxen, lock- keeper, , near Leek,-. was broken and entered and stolen therein : a small tin Canister, contain- ing oae Sovereign and about Twenty Shillings in Silver Coins; a small Box, containing about Four Shillings in Bronze Coins; a small ebony Musical Box about 5 inches long by 3 wide, which has beea repaired at the ends with brass, plays two tunes, and has the figures of horses embossed oh the top. Information to bs given to Superin- tendent Williams, Leek, Staffordshire.— Bow- street, Jan. 15. Between 8 30 a. m. and 2 30 p m. on the 30th ultimo, the dwelling- house of Christopher Slater, at Mutton, was broken and entered, and £ 26 in Sovereigns aoid 19s. 6d. in Silver ( amongst which wtra two crown'pieees) stolen therein. By a man ( who called at the house asking if any clocks wanted cleaning) about 28 years of age, 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, rather slender make, daik complexion, black hair, and small black moustache; dressed in dark brown cloth trousers and vest ( supposed with red stripes), much worn, black coat much worn, soft blank, billycock, a « d shoes. Information to be given to Superintendent Beetham. Chorley, Lancashire. - Bow- street, January 15. Description of two men charged with burglary, and stealing 2 Overcoats, aud 3 bottles of spirits, from a house at Willaston, as advertised in the Police Gazette of the 6th fas at: SAMUEL RHODES, alias DAVIS, alias BILL JOHNSON, alia a SLENDER- MAN, labourer, a native or Chesterton, Staffordshire, 30 years of age, feet 2 inches high, dark brown hair and whiskers, high cheek bones, large nose, thiu features, scoops a little,- and is of s - in build; dressed in a blue cloth monkey jacket, dirty fustian trousers, white slop underneath his waistcoat, strong lace- up boots, and an old dirty soft billycock hat. The other man goes by the name of JONES, and stated that he is a native of Abergele, about 26 years of age, about 5 feet 3 inches high, brown hair, pale complexion, no whiskers ; dressed in a dark cloth imonkey jacket, white slop underneath, moleskin trousers, and an old black soft billycock hat. Information to be given to Super- intendent Saxton, Nantwich, who holds a warrant for their apprehension.— Bow- street, January 15. Stolen between 7 and 11 p. m. on the 12th instant, by breaking into the dwelling- house of Mr. Victor Abraham, jeweller, No. 1, Victor- street, New Clee: twelve gold Geneva Watches, marked 14 and 18 carat, nine are new, and three second hand, eleven are ladies, one is a gentleman's watch, second hand, the gilt is partly worn off the dome, the maker of some is named Stauffer, all have gilt dials except one which has a white dial; a silver Lover, chronometer balance, 18 size, maker Money; seven ladies silver Geneva Watches ; five gentlemen's ditto, part are new and others second hand, one is an American hunting Geneva lever, steel movement and white dial; six gold Guards, one is a second- hand curb, one snake pattern, one box ditto, one secret link ditto, ard one fancy wire ditto ; five gold Alberts, three are second- hand, one Prince of Wales pattern, one box ditto, one belcher ditto; twenty gold Lockets, rouud, oval, and book shape, 9 carat; three crystal Lockets, open in the centre, one has a masonic emblem, square and compass ; ten gold Seals, large and small, one has a bload stone, one mounted with a horse's head ; nine suits of ladies gold Brooches ard Ear- rings, 15 carat, each suit in a morocco case, one enamelled set, set in pearls, one ditto set with garnet stones and tassel at the end ; twelve Rings, 15 carat, containing blood and white stones ; two wedding Rings; twenty keeper Rings ; thirty ladies gem Rings, 9 and 15 carat, one is very broad and stamped 22 carat; five hollow gold buckle Keepers; and twenty new and second hand signet Rings, all gold. £ 50 reward will be paid by Mr. Abraham to any person or persons giving such information aa will lead to the .^ prehen- sion and conviction of the offender or offenders, and recovery of the property, or in proportion to the amount recovered. Information to be given to Superintendent Jarvis, County Police Station, Great Grimsby, Lincolnshire,— Bow- street, January 15. Dsscription of a man who is charged ( with two others in custody) with breaking into the dwelling- house of Edward Woodhouse, at Kirton Lindsey, on the 11th instant, and stealing a large quantity of Wearing Apparel, most of which is recovered : from 23 to 25 years of age, about 5 feet 5 ins. high, light hair and whiskers; dressed in the following stolen clothes, dark cloth coat and vest, black cloth trousers, a pair of light ones underneath, strong nailed boots, supposed round nails in both soles and heels, and a patch on sole of left boot at toe, dirty stiff felt hat ( his own), spotted muffler, and pin. He took away a small Timepiece, with round brass case, aiid a pair of Trousers. He is a metal roller, belougs to Birmingham, and trampt- d from Liverpool, by way of Derby and Lincoln, wiih the two men who are in custody. Infor- mation to be given to Superintendent Sowden, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire.— Bow- street, January 15. Found in Great Berkhampstead, at 10 30 p rr. on the 14th instant, and supposed to have been stolen : a dark chesnut cob Mare, white star'on forehead, three white spots on the back, and tail cut square; it appears to be of the Russian breed. Information to be given to Inspector Goodyear, Great Berkhamstead, Herts,— Bme- sinet, Jan. 19. Absconded, charged with stealiug 12 Sheep, recovered on the 15th instant, the property ot Mr. White, of Little Witley, the sheep were sold in Worcester Market, on the same day in tBe name of Williams ( supposed fictitious) : a man, about 30 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches high, dark iiair and complexion, and small dark whiskers. He was respectably dressed in long dark or blue overcoat., dark grey trousers, black bowler hat, light coloured muffler with spots, black leather leggings, and carrying a light- colour mackintosh coat on bis arii. Information to be given to Deputy Chief Con- stable Checketts, Worcester, or to Superintendent Hardman, Great Witley, near Stourport, Worcestershire.— Bow- street, January 19. Stolen from a field at Sound, near Nantwich, during the night of the 6th instant: a bay cart Gelding, 3 years old 15 hands 2 inches high, black points, near fore foot white from fetlock joint, without shoes, long mane and tail, and a white star- on forehead. Also stolen a new white webbing Halter. £ 5 reward will be paid on conviction of the offender or offen- ders and recovery of the horse. Information to be given to Superintendent Saxton, County Police, Nantwich, Cheshire. — lion, street, January 19. Found at Nychi. ll, on the 31st ultimo,- supposed to have been stolen : a brown cart horse, aged, about 15 hands high, star on forehead, four white spots ou b ick, white near hind fetlock, and in gcod condition, information to be giveu to Superintendent Mapp, Kings Heath, Worcestershire.— BoW- sireet, January 15. Found in the parish of Colwall, on the 9 th instant: a dark brown aged cob Horse, about , hands high; sup 684 POLICE GAZETTE. January 1{> ? posed to have been stolen. Information to be given at the Chief Constable's Office, Hereford, or to Superintendent j Blunsdon, Ledbury, Herefordshire.— Bow- street, January 15. Description of J. E. O'HARA, alias J. E. WILSON, charged at Beading with stealing on the 9th instant a lady's small gold Geneva Watch, No. 5, blue enamel back with picture in centre ; a gold Guard with a gold Locket, a gold Cross and other Trinkets attached; and a pair of gold Ear- rings. He is about 22 years of age, medium height, dark complexion, hair and moustache, and slight whiskers, rather dark; dressed in dark overcoat with velvet collar, dark trou- sers, and high silk hat; he is of good address, and is believed to have been in a hospital as a student. Information to be given to Chief Superintendent Purchase, Borough Police Station, Beading, Berks, who holds a warrant for his appre- hension.— Bow- street, January 19. Absconded, charged with stealing thirteen £ 1 Notes, of the Commercial Bank and Bank of Scotland, between the lst and 3rd instant, from a dwelling- house at Callander, Perth, occupied by James Page, shoemaker, his employer : JOHN SMITH, a journeyman shoemaker, a native of Stirling, of Irish descent, about 24 years of age, 5 feet ins. high, dark hair, small thin dark whiskers and moustache, dark complexion, dark eyes, thin face, slender make, has a smart appearance, having served in the army; dressed in dark shabby shooting coat, dark vest, dark corded cloth trousers, ragged on legs, dark cloth cap, with double peaks, and leather boots. He left Callander on the 3rd instant, by the 12 noon train, for Kirkintilloch, and left there the following day for Glasgow, in company with a shoemaker about the same age and height as himself. Information to be given to Chief Constable Gordon, Perth, or to Superinten tendent Stewart, Dunblane, who holds a warrant for his apprehension. — Bow- street, January 19. Absconded, embezzling £ 10 from No. 5, Spring- street, Paddington: a man 20 years of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, pale complexion, small features, dark brown hair, dyed black, and has lost two or three fingers of left hand ; supposed to be wearing a grey Ulster coat and dark round felt hat. He is a butcher, aud has friends who reside at Great Malvern.— — Metropolitan Police [ X Division, January 19. Description of RUTH HIGGS, charged with stealing a Watch, recovered, from Jones's Refreshment House, New Swindon : she is about 20 years of age, medium height, round full face, fresh complexion, dark eyes, and dark brown hair, plaited behind; dressed in a black felt hat, with white buckle and small red feather, small black jacket fitting tight round the waist, black apron, and grey alpaca dress. She is of loose character, and a native of Farringdon. Information to be given to Superintendent North, Swindon, Wiltshire, • who holds a warrant for her apprehension.— bow- Street, Jan, 19. Charged on a warrant with embezzling £ 2A 18s. 2d., the monies o£ his master Mr. William Mowatt, coal agent: ALEXANDER McKECHNIE, a clerk, about 25 years of age, 5 feet 4 inches high, fresh complexion, dark brown hair, , whiskers, moustache, and beard. It is supposed that he will make for some seaport. Information to be given to Chief Constable Haley, Police Office, York.— Bow- street, Jan. 17. Absconded from Bilston on the 18th ultimo, Charged with stealing £ 10 15s. ; the property of George Thomas Jackson: CHARLES RATCLIFFE, a railway carter, for- merly a groom, 21 years of age, about 5 feet 5 inches high, slight build, and light hair ; he has been a driver of tramway cars in Liverpool, and it is supposed that he will seek similar employment in London, Liverpool, or Manchester. Informa- tion to be given to Chief Superintendent McCrea, Bilston, Staffordshire, who holds a warrant for his apprehension.— Bow- street, Janua y 17. A man who gave the name of HENRY CROSS, a tramping chimney sweep, supposed to be a native of Paulespury, near Towcester, Northamptonshire, about 40 yrs. of age, 5 feet 4 inches high, rather stout, and with the figure of a female tattooed on one of his arms, is charged with stealing a blue pilot overcoat, with pepper- and- salt coloured lining, blue cloth vest, cord trousers, blue and white check shirt, white necktie, with a blue spot, hard felt hat, and a pair of straps; the property of Benjamin John Brooks, of Chipping Norton, chimney sweep : he is supposed to be wearing the stolen clothes. 10s. reward will be paid for his apprehension. Information to be given to Superintendent Lakin, Chipping Norton, Oxon, who holds a warrant for his apprehension.— Bw- s'. reit, January 17. Further information respecting ALFRED WORSDELL, advertised in the Police Gazette of the 8th instant, charged with embezzling .£ 24 at Evershot, Dorsetvon the 6th inst. : he is about 19 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches high, dark com- plexion, and very dark hair; dressed in dark jacket, with small white spots^ grey plaid trousers and vest, lace- up boots, hard felt hat, red and black check shirt and collar. He speaks with the Dorset accent, frequents public- house tap- rooms, and was formerly in the employ of the Great Western Baiiway Company, as an assistant clerk. Information to be given to Superintendent Hare, County Police, Cerne Abbas, Dorsetshire.— Bow- street, January 17. Absconded from Halesowen, on the 3rd instant, charged with stealing a suit of grey Clothes and a pair of elastic- side Boots, the property of David Boilason, a fellow lodger : . JOSEPH ROLLASON, a horse nail maker, a native of Dudley, 19 years of age, 5 feet 1 or 2 inches high, stout make, round featuies, light hair, and is deeply pockpitted ; he is likely to be wearing the stolen clothes, and to seek employ- ment at his trade. Information to be given to Superinten- dent Kemp, Halesowen, near Birmingham, Worcestershire, who holds a warrant for his apprehension.— Bow- street, January 15. Description of CHABLES SANDS, a book canvasser, charged at Rugby with several larcenies of Books ; 38 years of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, fresh complexion, dark brown hair, brown eyes, and has lost his left hand. His wife and family reside at Nuneaton, and he is supposed to be now canvassing in Staffordshire. Information to be given to Superintendent Palmer, Rugby, Warwickshire, who holds a warrant for his apprehension.— Bow- street, January 15. Absconded from Hastings, charged with stealing some brass Taps; the property of G. A. Thorpe; ancl other larcenies: HENRY HOWARD, alias HARRIS, alias MADDEN, says he is a seaman, about 32 years of age, 5 feet 4 inches high, dark eyes, fresh complexion, and dark brown hair and whiskers ; dressed in old black cloth coat, dark trousers, laced boots, and soft billycock hat. He was convicted of felony at Clerkenwell Sessions i'a September, 1873, and sentenced to 18 months imprisonment; and has ' J. H. S.', seven a^ ars and a man on a cross on the left arm, ' E. P.', two hearts, wreath of flowers, and an anchor and flag on the right arm, and scars on forehead. He is supposed to be known at Brighton and Croydon. Information to be given to Chief Superintendent Glenister, Hastings, Sussex. — Bow- street, January 15. Description of a bricklayer's labourer, charged with stealing at Clewer, on the 11th instant : a silver lever Watch ( since found pledged at Windsor) ; the property of James Ayres; about 20 years of age, 5 feet 2 or 3 inches] high, rather dark complexion, and dark brown hair and slight figure ; dressed in dark brown coat, might have slop under- neath, corduroy trousers, striped woollen shirt, and hard felt hat. Information to be given to Superintendent Blake, Berks Constabulary, Clewer.— Bow- street, January 15. Description of GEORGE WILSON, a groom, charged with stealing Money belonging to a fellow- servant at Rugby, on the 7th instant: he is 27 to 30 years of age, about 5 feet 6i inches high, slight brown whiskers, and cut mark on left cheek bone; dressed in a blue cloth monkey jacket, blue guernsey, dark plaid cloth trousers, and hard black billycock hat. He will probably apply for work at hunting establish- ments or livery stables. Information to be given to Superin- tendent Palmer, Rugby, Warwickshire, who holds a warrant for his apprehension.— Bow- street, January 15. Stolen from the dwelling house of Mr. Peter Howard, Common- road, Stafford, on the 10th instant: a dark mixture cloth Coat, single- breasted, buttons with one button in front, and tapers off at the sides, side pockets, and buttons of same • material; also a grey calico Shirt. By a lodger about 60 yrs. of age, 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high, brown hair, bald on top of head, over which the hair is brushed and turning grey, and has lost the end o: the forefinger of right hand ; dressed in black cloth coat and trousers, and blue cloth cap. He said he was a plumber and piper- hanger and a native of Edin- burgh. Information to given to Inspector Grattidge, Guild- hall, Stafford.— Bow- street, January 15. December last. His photograph may be seen by applying to Chief Constable Wheeldon, Penybont, or to Sergeant Rogers, Knighton, Radnorshire.— Bow- street, January 15. Absconded from Lincoln, charged with stealing a Coat, recovered : a man, 20 to 25 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches high, thin make and face, sallow complexion, brown hair, bushey or curly behind, no whiskers or moustache, and shows his front teeth when talking : dressed in dark shabby clothes, and hard black billycock hat, he has a small hole in his coat on one shoulder, there was a tobacco pouch in one of the coat pockets, which he took out when disposing & f the coat, it is a bag pouch, white and dark check pattern, draws to at the top, and fastens with two small brass knobs twisting round each other. Information to be given to Chief Con- stable Mansell, City Police Office, Lincoln. — Bow- street, January 15. Absconded from Ipswich on the 7th instant, charged on warrant with obtaining a Horse, recovered ; the property of Charles Burton, by false pretences : TEMPLE PATTLE, a horse dealer, about 23 years of age, 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high, brown hair, no whiskers or moustache, swarthy com- plexion, thick lips, and has a sullen look; generally dressed in light coat, tight trousers, deer stalker hat, and a neck wrapper. Information to be given to Head Constable Mason, Police Office, Town Hall, Ipswich, Suffolk, who holds a war- rant for his apprehension.— Bow- street, January 19. Description of J. BRETT, charged on a warrant with obtaining by false pretences in advertising in the Exchange and Mart newspaper, a gold Watch: he is about 25 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches high, fair complexion, and very little whiskers ; dressed in a dark coat, chummy hat, a grey ulster coat, and a white wrapper round the throat; he has a wooden leg, and walks with a stick; he was staying at Wisbeach for about a month, and left about the 21st ultimo. Information to be given to the Head Constable, St. Alban's, Herts. Bcnu- rtreet, January 15, Description of EDWABD SAMUEL HOARE, J charged on a warrant with obtaining ££ 7s. at Hastings, from William Edward Thorpe, by false pretences : about 30 years of age, 5 feet 5 inches high, very thin, dark hair, short dark whiskers, and no moustache; dressed in light suit and round crowned hat; he is of sporting appearance, and has two pug dogs with him: was last seen in Princes Gardens, Hyde Park. Information to be given to Chief Superintendent Glenister, Hastings, Sussex.— Bow- street, January 15. Description of GEORGE THOMAS, late commercial traveller to Mr. John Terry, brewer, Buckingham, charged on a warrant with obtaining £ 50 by false pretences, from Mr. James Connor : from 45 to 50 years of age, about 5 feet 9 inches high, stout made, very fresh complexion, round features, dark brown hair ( parted down the centre), whiskers, and moustache, shaves the chin; generally dressed in dark grey 01- brown cloth Chesterfield overcoat, grey trousers, Mack jacket, top button buttoned, dog collar, scarf, and flat- brimmed black hard hat, which he wears forward on head. Had with him a small black bag and shawl, or rug. He was formerly a bank manager at Colchester. Information to be given to Superintendent Howe, Buckingham.— Bow- street, January 15. • Description of GEORGE NOBLE, charged with obtain- ing goods by false pretences at St. Neot's on the 29th ultimo : he is between 50 and 60 years of age, fresh complexion, long dark curly hair, hanging in ringlets to his coat collar, letter D on left breast; dressed in a round hard felt hat, dark plaid coat, much worn, dark vest with brass brace buttons, dark trousers, light tie, and lace- up clog boots. He tramps about the country, lodging at beer- houses, and lives by carving walking sticks. His favourite design is a hand holding a cricket ball, which he executes with a knife while standing at the corners of streets. He says he is a native of Tichborne, talks about the Tichborne trial, in which he represents he gave evidence. Information to be given to Superintendent Copping, Saint Neot's, Huntingdonshire.— Bow- street, January 15. Further information respecting the man advertised in the Police Gazette of the 8th instant, at Knighton, Radnor- shire, with obtaining £ 1 10a. by false pretences*? his name is RICHARD PRITCHARD, alias HENRY LEWIS, 29 years of age, 5 feet 5 inches high, rather stout build, sallow complexion, light hair, grey eyes, burn marks on left buttock, two moles between shoulders, and several blue marks on his body ; dressed in brown cloth coat, dark sealskin waistcoat, striped trousers, J and] black bowler hat with flat brim. He was convicted of fraud at Welshpool on 5th January, 1871, and sentenced to 7 years penal servitude and 7 years police supervision, and released from Portland Prison on the 19th Escaped from Ruthin Gaol, during the night of the 14th instant: WILLIAM ROWLANDS, alias WREXHAM BILL, 26 years of age, 5 feet 4 inches high, dark complexion, dark brown hair, brown eyes, stout build, end of first finger is missing of left hand, the little finger is contracted, and is a labourer. He had a blue pilot cloth Jacket, brown cloth Trousers, militia Socks, elastic side Boots, a white calico Shirt, white flannel Singlet, and Drawers. A man answering his description was seen at Cilcen, near Mold, about 8 a. m., on the 15th instant, where he had stolen a couple of Fowls. His home is at Wrexham, and he visits Mold, Chester, Liverpool, and Manchester. £ 5 will be paid for his re- cap- ture. Information to be given to the Governor of Ruthin Gaol,— Bow- street, January 19. Remanded to Montgomery Gaol, urtil the 2nd proximo, charged with larceny : WILLIAM PRYCE, a labourer, has been working chitfly in South Wales, at Neath, aud Morris- town : 32 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches high, dark brown hair, no whiskers, heavily pockmarked, scar above left eye, third finger of left hand taken off at the second joint, and has sore legs. Information to be given to P. O. Williams, Llanfyllin, or to Superintendent Ellis, Welshpool, Montgomeryshire.— — Bow street, January 19. Description of MICHAEL NEVIL. a tramp, committed to Maidstone Gaol for 14 days under the Vagrant Act : 33 years of age, 5 feet 6J inches high, stout build, fresh com- plexion, grey eyes, dark brown hair, sandy moustache, whiskers and beard shaved off, round shoulders ; dressed in old woollen shirt, twill drawers, Scotch plaid trousers, dark vest, old ragged black coat, 3 scarfs, one red and violet stripe, one blue do, one black, red and blue Btripe, and military blucher boots. He said he was a native of Edinburgh. Information to be given to Superintendent Morgan, Kent Constabulary, Cranbrook, Kent.— Bow- street, January 19. Remanded at Loftus until the 25th instant, charged with larceny: THOMAS WATSON, alias JOSEPH HANSON, a labourer, a native of Bradford : 28 years of age, 5 feet 2i inches high, brown hair, grey eyes, cast in the right, fair complexion, large nose, and a scar on right fore- head ; he is supposed to have been convicted several times in the North and East Bidings of Yorkshire. Information to be given to Superintendent Prest, North Riding Constabu- lary, Guisborough, or to Inspector Allen, Police Station, Loftus- in- Cleveland.— Bow- street, January 19. Committed to Warwick Gaol for 28 days on the 16th instant for vagrancy: WILLIAM WEBBER, a tramp, 34 years of age, 5 feet 7£ inches high, fresh complexion, dark brown hair, and light brown eyes. He says he is a native of Cheltenham, and has been convicted of felony in Warwick- shire. Information to be given to Superintendent Walker, Atherstone, Warwickshire.— Bow- street, Jan. 19. Description of a man who broke out of the Lock- up at Nantwich on the night of the 13th instant, who was com- mitted for housebreaking : SAMUEL McGUINESS, 27 years of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, rather brown complexion, rough skin, large eyes, long features, high cheek bones, pro- minent mouth, thick lips, front teeth broken, dark brown hair, cut Bhort, no whiskers or moustache, walks erect, and says he is a collier, and belonged to Kidsgrove, Staffordshire; dressed in a rough blue pilot cloth jacket, brown plush imita- tion sealskin waistcoat, dark striped trousers, strong lace- up boots with tips on heels, and large square headed nails in centre of soles, set diamond pattern, and two lows of small nails round the outer edge,, good hard felt hat, and a coloured neckkerchief. Information to be given to Superintendent Saxton, Nantwich, Cheshire.— Bow- street, January 19. Description of SARAH NOTT, alias FANNY LANE, committed for trial at the next Salop Quarter Sessions for larceny : she is 16 years of ? ge, appears older, 5 feet 4 inches high, fresh complexion, brown hair and eyes, and oval face; she is a native of Blythwood, Herefordshire, and has been previously convicted of larceny. Information to be given to Superintendent Caswell, Church Stretton, Salop.— Bow- street, ' January 19. ' Absconded from the Milborne Reformatory School, on the 17th instant: GEORGE PARKER, 16 years of age, 5 feet 3 inches high, ruddy complexion, brown hair, dark grey eyes, scar near right corner of right eye, and another between the eyebrows, shows his upper front teeth, and speaks indis- tinctly ; dressed in grey stable suit, and Scotch cap ; he belongs to Wareham, Dorset. 10s. reward will be paid for his apprehension. Information to be given to Superinten- dent Underwood, Blandford, Dorset.— Bow- street, Jan. 19. Committed for trial at the Worcestershire Quarter Ses- sions, on the 2nd April next, for Fowl stealing : GEORGE SMITH, alias ROBINSON, 39 years of age, 5 feet 5 inches high, fresh complexion, light brown hair, grey eyes, and has lost his right arm. He says he is a native of Bedford, where 9 years ago he lost his right arm while working with a thrash- ing machine. He is supposed to be known at Little Hough- ton, Northampton, and Bedford. Information to be given to Superintendent Kemp, Halesowen, near Birmingham. — Bow- street, January 19. Committed to the House of Correction, at Shepton Mallet, Somerset, for 7 days for vagrancy : a man who gives the name of WILLIAM HENRY BENNETT, and states that he is a miner belonging to Cornwall, about 30 years of age, 5 feet 5 inches high, sandy hair and tuft of sandy hair on the chin, light complexion, pockmarked, blue mark on the right cheek, lost the top of the second finger of the right hand, and bald on top of head ; dressed in cloth cap with peak, black velveteen jacket, cloth vest, black corduroy trousers, and old lace- up boots. Information to be given to- the Governor of the Gaol, Shepton Mallet, or to Superin- tendent Gillbanks, Somerset Constabulary, Axbridge. — Bow- street, January 17. Escaped from Nantwich Police Station about 10 p m. on the 13th instant, charged with housebreaking : SAMUEL McGUINEAS, a stonemason and native of Kidsgrove, 26 yrs. of age, 5 ft. 6 ins. high, sallow complexion, dark brown hair, and grey eyes ; dressed in blue monkey jacket, lined with broad braid, light brown astrachan vest, dark striped tweed trousers, and strong lace- up boots, nearly new. Information to be given te Superintendent Saxton, Nantwich, Cheshire. — jBow- street, January 17. Committed for trial at the next Assizes, at Winchester, for stealing from a shop : MARY GREEN, alias WATCH- HORN, alias MURPHY, a native of Co, Carlow, Ireland, January 19 POLICE GAZETT 20 years of age, 5 feet 3 inches high, pale complexion, dark brown hair and eyes. She - was convicted at Carlow Quarter Sessions in January, 1875, and sentenced to 3 months hard labour. Information to be given to Head Constable Ross, Borough Police Station, Newport, Isle of Wight, Hampshire. — Bow- street, January 17. Missing from his home since the 8th instant, JOHN NEWBY, a shoemaker, 45 years of age, dark hair and whiskers round the face, short and stout; dressed in a black smooth cloth monkey jacket, light cloth trousers, brown cloth vest with black stripe, and black soft billycock hat, with his name written in two or three places inside. It is feared some ill has befallen him. Information to be given to Chief Constable Mansell, City Police Office, Lincoln - Bow- street, January 17. Remanded until the 20th instant, on a charge of house- breaking, JAMES HOMER, says he belongs to Manchester, but has not been there for some years, is 35 yeas of age, 5 feet 8f inches high, grey eyes, dark brown hair, high and broad cheek bones, is tattooed on right arm English flags crossed, under them ' 1863/ a man riding upon an elephant and holding a spear, under that a lion, inside of arm a man, on left arm figure of a naked woman and another dressed, flags, anchor, cable, and cocoa- nut tiee with serpent climbing the stem, bracelet half way round each wrist, tattooed round the middle of both thighs with tigers and other animals, and has a large scar on the centre of iiis breast. He says he has been in custody at Liverpool for drunkenness three years ago ; that he has worked in Hull, Grimsby, and Liverpool, and has been at sea. And WILLIAM KING, born at Mount Sorrel, Leicestershire, 18 years of age, 5 feet 4| inches higb, dark brown hair, brown eyes, slightly pockmarked, rather dark complexion. Says he has worked as a labourer in Ponte- fract, and as a holder- up at a foundry in Belgrave- road, Leicester. Information to be given to Superintendent Sowden, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire.— Bow- street, Jan. 17. Remanded at Coleshill, until the 24th instant, upon a charge of larceny : PETER JOSEPH MOSELLO NOYLE, a tramp, 5 feet 8 inches high, pale complexion, dark brown hair, grey eyes, long thin face, and thick lips, has lost two upper front teeth, birth mark on back of left hand, scar on right arm, large scar on left shin, four marks from boils on left leg, and a small mole in centre of back; dressed in corduroy trousers, with fly fronts, leather braces, black cloth waisccoat, dark grey mixture coat, with pockets on the hips, bone buttons, dark grey cloth cap, black and white plaid scarf, white linen shirt, low shoes, no stockings. He says he has a relative living in Portland- street, Manchester, and that he left London on 26th ultimo, and tramped through Towcester, Daventry, Coventry, & c. Information to_ be given to Acting Superintendent Simmons, Coleshill, Warwick- ahire.— Bow- street, January 17. Remanded to the 22nd instant, charged with stealing Eowls : SAMUEL MERRY GIBSON, about 26 years of age, 5 feet 3 inches higb, fresh complexion, light brown hair, inclined to curl, slight sandy moustache, no whiskers, grey eyes, cut marks on left ear, left temple, and right wrist, and mole on right cheek. He is deaf and dumb but writes well; he gave his address as High- street, Upper Gornal, Stafford- shire, and hi3 trade a house- painter ; dressed in dark- coloured cloth cap with peak, corduroy trousers, blue cloth jacket and vest, white slop, white muffler, blue and red striped shirt, and clogs. Information to be given to Inspector Hall, Police Office, Tettenhall, Staffordshire.— Bow- street, January 17. A Tramp who gives the name of THOMAS JOHNSON, is remanded on a charge of stealing a copper tea Kettle, recovered, at Clewer, on the 15th instant: about 33 years of age, 5 feet 4 inches high, fair complexion, grey eyes, light brown hair, small whiskers and moustache, rather stout make, blind of right eye, and has crooked joints on 3rd and 4th fingers of right hand ; dressed in d? rk coat, corduroy trousers, strapped at the knees, and white billycock hat. In- formation to be given to Superintendent Blake, Berks Con- stabulary, ClewerBow street, January 17. Remanded for 8 days at Beaconsfield, charged with arson : a tramp, giving the name of ROBERT POTTER, 35 years of age, 5 feet 8$ inches high, proportionate build, dark complexion, black hair, moustache, and whiskers all over face, and grey eyes ; dressed in an old black coat, single breasted, black striped vest, double breasted, and trousers to match, old canvas boots, and soft high black billycock hat; he says he is a shoemaker, a native of Cardiff, and has served 9 years in the 12th Brigade Royal Artillery, and was discharged at Alderney, in 1870. Information to be given to Superintendent Dunham, Police Station, Slough, or to Inspector Ray, Beaconsfield, Bucks— Bow- street, January 17. JOHN ( alias) ELIAS MOORE is committed for trial at the next Gloucestershire Quarter Sessions, on two charges of larceny ; and he is also charged with burglary at Long Compton, Warwickshire, in November last, and is about 23 years of age, 4 feet 10 inches high, small stature, dark swarthy complexion, dark whiskers and moustache, blue eyes, thick dark eyebrows, very thick dark hair, and has a scar on right breast; dressed in ' an old grey coat, much too large for him, dirty brown trousers and vest, and is a tramping shoemaker. Information to be given to Superintendent Philpott, Police Office, Northleach, Gloucestershire.— Bow- street, January 17. Stolen on the 15th instant, from the Royal Sovereign public- house, Brook street, Upper Clapton: two Watches, two gold Neckchains, two ditto Lockets, one Necklet, one Albert, six gold Scarf Pins, seven gold Rings, three gold Brooches, four pairs of Ear- drops, one silver Thimble, two sealskin Jackets, one Petticoat, one Cloak, one Shirt, three Coats, one Jacket, one Vest, one Quilt, and eight yards Calico. Supposed by two men, one yrs. of age, 5 ft. 9 ins. high, long face, and small light whiskers ; dressed in black jacket, light trousers with stripe down the sides, and black felt hat; the other is 30 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches high, small sandy whiskers; dressed in dark coat, tight corduroy trou- sers, and skull cap. — Metropolitan Police, N Division, January 19. Stolen from a clothes line at the Laurells, near Stone, Staffordshire, on the 2nd instant: 2 pairs of calico twilled Sheets, one pair marked ' M,' and one pair ' Mountford' with redjcotton in the corners, Also stolen on the night of the 3rd instant, from the Limes, Stone : 5 Chickens, two game and Dorking, one silver pencilled Hamburgh, one black. Also stolen from the store- room of Mr. W. Vernon's shoe manufactory, Stone, during the night of the 15th instant: six kid Skins. Information to be given to Superintendent Chrisp, Stone, Staffordshire,— Bow- street, January 19. Stolen from an Iron Works in Middlesbrough, on the 13th and 15th instant : 14 new brass Shakes, 4 inches by 3, each being about 4 lbs,, and one marked at the end ' A,' one ' B,' one ' D,' one ' E,' one'H,' and three ' O'; 3 large Brasses, each weighing about 7 lbs. ; £ old Brasses, weighing about 6 lbs. each ; and 1 pair eccentric Rod Snaps, weighing about 7J lbs. each, all belonging to an engine. Information to be given to Chief Constable Saggerson, Middlesbrough, Yorkshire,— Bow- street, Jamuary 17. Stolen from the dwelling- house of Mr. Georges Remes, of Great Western- road, Smethwick, between 12 a. m. on the 12th, and 6 a. m., 13th : a Sewing Machine, marked on top ' Princess of Wales'; a long ulster Coat, dark blue knap ; a ladies Workbox, bit of white ivory on top ; a pair of elastic- side Boots, man's size, nearly new ; a striped or coloured Shirt, man's size, nearly new ; a white flannel Shirt; a white calico Shirt; 3 coloured Shirts, an Umbrella ; a white Table- cloth ; a blue and white Necktie ; a red flannel Petticoat; a flannel Shirt; and a keeper ring with three stones. Infor- mation to be given to Sergeant Asbury, Police Station, Smethwick, Staffordshire.— Bow- street, January 17. Stolen from a cottage in the parish o£ Upton- cum- Chalvey, Bucks, on the 12th instant: a pair of nearly new blucher Boots, stamped inside ' Badger, Windsor.' Supposed by a man, about 20- years of age, about 5 feet 4 inches high, stout build, fresh complexion, and brown hair; dressed in black soft billycock hat, fustian jacket, dirty white slop, corduroy vest and trousers, and very old shoes. He attends the head quarters of Militia Regiments, and enlists in fictitious names, but never attends the training. Information to be given to Superintendent Dunham, Police Station, Slough, Bucks.— Bow- street, January 17. Stolen in Ipswich on the 3rd instant, from the shop of G. W, Bugg: a Waterproof Coat, black outside, grey calico inside, velvet collar, four or five buttons and hooks and eyes in front. On the 4th instant, from a shop in Tavern- street: a pair of spring side Boots, memel tops, black waists, and hand- made. On the 9th instant, from the shop of Messrs. Alston and Co.: 2 pairs of Trousers, one pair red and brown check, fly fronts, cross pockets, not lined; the other pair black and white check, fly fronts, and not lined. On the 10th instant, from the shop of David Holland : a pair of new low leather Shoes, 5 lace holes in each side; one new lace Boot, rivetted; and one spring- side Boot, rivetted. Also on the 13th instant, from the shop of Octavius Holgate and Co. : a new rough grey double- breasted Ulster Overcoat, not lined, two outside hip pockets and a ticket pocket, eight or ten buttons in front, and four holes in each button. | Information to be given to Head Constable Mason, Police Office, Town Hall, Ipswich, Suffolk. — Bow- street, January 17. Stolen on the night of the 9th instant, from a stable at Ousby- row, Melmerby, near Penrith, Cumberland : a single- breasted dark grey Top Coat, about halt- worn, lined with linsey of two or three different patterns, supposed to have one white bone button, the others being black wood. Supposed by a man, about SO years of age, 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, swarthy complexion, and very dark whiskers round chin ; dressed in an old faded brown or grey coat, dark trousers, and black billycock hat. Information to be given to Super- intendent Eowler, Penrith, or at the County Chief Constable's Office, Carlisle, Cumberland.— Bow- street, January 17. The silver verge Watch, No. 270, advertised in the Police Gazette of the 10th instant, as stolen at Brownhills, has been recovered, and CHARLES HARVEY, a miner, 33 years of age, 5 feet 10- inches high, is committed for trial for stealing it. On 24th January, 1874, at Castle Eden, Durham, he was sentenced to 2 months imprisonment for stealing a Watch, Information to be given to Superinten dent Hill, Brownhills, near Walsall, Staffordshire.— Bow- street, January 17. Stolen between 9 30 a. m., and 3 p. m., on the 12th inst,, from the cottage of Richard Jones, of Weine Coppice Wood : a silver verge Watch, No. supposed 999, name engraved on inside case, ' Rd. Jones, 1857' under, short brass chain attached, with small shell and medal; 7s. in Silver, and about Is. in Coppers, and one Three- penny piece. Supposed by a tramp, about 35 years of age, 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high, fluatied face; dressed in dark coat, corduroy trousers, soft billycock hat or cap. Information to be given to Chief Constable Ivins, Wellington, or to Sergeant Higgins, Dawley, Salop. — Bmo- street, January 17. Stolen at Pelsall, on 12th instant: a new Wheelbarrow painted red, the property of Daniel Thompson. Information to be given to Superintendent Hill, Brownhills, near Walsall, Staffordshire.— Bow- street, January 17. Stolen from Liverpool- street Station, about 3 p. m. on the 12th instant: a lady's dressing Bag, with waterproof cover, with the initials ' C. E. P.' on outside, containing a number of Bottles with silver fitting, engraved with the initials ' C. E, P.'; and a Purse, containing a live pound Note, No. P 4163901 ; 8 Sovereigns ; a pair of gold Links, initials ' C. K.'; a gold watch Chain, with gold Pencil Case attached; a small gold neck Chain, a pair of silver Buckles, a broken coral collar Stud, a pair of onyx Ea - rings, a pair of small gold Ear- rings, and a gentlemans gold Ring set with topaz. Also stolen from a van at Brick- lane Station, about 7 p. m. on the 11th instant: a square travelling Basket, containing 4 account, and 3 memorandum Books, belonging to Messrs. Hill and Underwood, of London and Norwich, Information to be given to Superintendent Hedington, Great Eastern Railway, Liverpool- street, E. C.— Bow- street, Jan 17. Detained, when offered in pledge at a pawnbroker's in Oxford on the 22nd ultimo, by a young man about 17 years of age : a fetter link gold Albert Chain, each link about § inch long, stamped ' 18 carat'; supposed to have been stolen. Information to be given to Superintendent Head, Police Office, Oxford.— Bow- street, Jan. 19. Eound in the possession of a returned convict named JOSEPH ROCK, and supposed to have been stolen : a f- in wood Chisel, a bricklayer's Hammer, and a new Augur, with the name ' Isaac Greaves' stamped on it. Information to be given to Superintendent, Hill, Brownhills, near Walsall, Staffordshire,— Bow- street, January 17. ? 0Und ln the Posse38i ® a of WILLIAM WARE, at Chatham, on the 10th instant, who is charged with stealing the same, and remanded until the 22nd instant: a large open face silver lever Watch, capped, No. 6431. Information to be given to Superintendent Coppinger, Kent Constabulary, Chatham.— Bow- ttreet, January 17, Found at East Challow, Wantage, Berks, and supposed to have been stolen : a large brown retriever Dog, about 12 months old, with curly coat. Information to be given to Superintendent O'Neill, Berks Constabulary, Wantage.— how- street, January 17. Eound in the possesssion of a tramp committed to the House of Correction for 3 weeks under the Vagrant Act, and who was the holder of a pedlar's certificate, issued at Larnsley : one of the Royal Life Boat Institutions silver Medals, ' William Thompson, voted 5th March, 1863, engraved upon it, and in a morocco case. He gave the name of HENRY SPENCER, 22 years of age, 5 feet 4 inches high, has lost the light arm below the elbow; travelled through Yorkshire, to Grimsby, Boston, Sleaford, to Spittlegate. Information to be given to Superintendent Wynn, County Constabulary, Spittlegate, Lincolnshire.— Bow- street, Jan. 15. ' THE PREVENTION OF CRIMES ACT, 1871." WILLIAM MARSLAND, a person under police super- vision, has failed to report himself: he is about ' 28 years of age, 5 feet 4 inches high, proportionate build, fresh com- plexion, brown hair, blue eyes, has a scar near right wrist, and a small mole on left arm; he is a factory operative, and a native of Stockport. He was convicted Of larceny at Salford Hundred Sessions, in January 1876, and sentenced to 12 months imprisonment, and 7 years police supervision. Information to be given to the Chief Constable, Town Hall. Oldham.— Bow- street, January 19. Description of RICHARD LAWRENCE, alias LAWRENSON, under police supervision, who has failed to report himself at Ormskirk : he is 23 years of age, 5 feet 4f inches high, fresh complexion, brown hair and grey eyes, cut on upper lip, blue mark back of left hand, long scar left of nose, blue cut inside of right hand, and cut over right eye- brow ; he was convicted at Preston Sessions on the 7tb April, 1875, of stealing a donkey, and sentenced to 18 months imprisonment, and 4 years police supervision. Information to be given to Superintendent Dorset, County Police Station, Ormskirk, Lancashire.— Bow- street, January 17. The undermentioned persons, subject to police super- vision, have failed to report themselves : EDWIN or GEORGE DUDLEY, a painter, 23 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches high, light hair, grey eyes, stout build, oval face, small scar both sides of forehead, small wart centre, one near the centre, and two left side of throat, small mole on top of left shoulder, blood wart under right breast, two small warts over left breast, mole near right armpit, wart under left shoulder. Was discharged from Birmingham Borough Gaol on the 4th instant, and is a native of Birmingham. MARTIN CAULFIELD, alias CORFIELD, 20 years of age, 5 feet 3J inches higb, light brown hair, blue eyes, slender build, boil mark on right shoulder, ' R. C.' tattooed on right lower arm, face very much freckled. He is a gas fitter, a native of Birmingham, and was discharged from Warwick Gaol on 13 th ultimo. WILLIAM POWELL, alias EDWARD WARD, 25 years of age, 5 feet 4 inches high, brown hair, grey eyes, propor- tionate build, nearly blind of right eye, scar on back of right arm. He is a cab driver, and was discharged from Salford Gaol 20th November last. Information to be gpen to Chief Superintendent Bond, Police Office, Birmingham, Warwickshire. — Bow- street, January 17. JAMES GLEESON, Reg. No. 2767, a person subject to 4 year's police supervision, left Accrington on the 30th November without giving notice ; he is a labourer, about 33 years of age, 5 feet 8£ inches high, brown hair, hazel eyes, fresh complexion, scar on right elbow, and mole on right wrist. He was convicted of larceny at Preston Sessions the • 20th October, 1875, and sentenced to 12 months imprisonment and 4 years police supervision. Information to be given to Superintendent Alexander, County Constabulary, Burnley, Lancashire.— Bow- street, Jan. 17. WILLIAM CALVERT, a person subject to 7 years police supervision, has failed to report himself at Peterboro': he is a labourer, 23 years of age, 5 feet 4 inches high, fresh complexion, round face, dark hair, hazel eyes, rather stout make, has a large mole inside left thigh, and a scar inside of littlo finger of right hand. He was convicted at Huntingdon 27th. July, 1875, and sentenced to 12 months imprisonment and 7 years police supervision for larceny. Information to be given to Head Constable Hurst, Police Station, Peter- borough, Northamptonshire.— Bow- street, January 17. Description of a person under police supervision, who has failed to report himself at Bury, Lancashire : JAMES ROTHWELL, Reg. No. R. 2789, 27 years of age, 5 ft. 7J ins. high, dark hair, marks of wart and scar on back of right hand, wart on back of left hand, and scar on right cheek. He was convicted at Preston 20th November, 1873, and sen- tenced to 6 months imprisonment and 7 years police supervi- sion. Information be given to Superintendent Milne, County Police Station, Bury, Lancashire.— Bow- street, January 17. Description of JAMES BANKS, register No. 11388, • who is subject to police supervision, and has failed to report himself at Romford, Essex: 20 years of age, 5 feet high, light complexion, brown hair and eyes, scar upper part of forehead,' A. W.' on left arm. Ho is a tailor by trade, and was convicted of larceny from the person on the 7th June, 1875, and sentenced to 18 months hard labour, and three years police supervision. Information to be given to Super- intendent Dobson, Brentwood, Essex.— Bow- st., January 15. Description of CHAS. CARTLEDGE, Reg. No. 4839 C. charged at Knaresbrough with failing to report, himself to the Police : he is 36 years oi age, 5 feet 6 inches high, fresh complexion, blue eyes, light brown hair, ship on right arm, bracelet and battle axes on right wrist, female and ' E. A. C,' on right fore arm, crown, flag, and shot on left fore'arm, crown, bracelet, and battle axes on left wrist; supposed to be dressed in fustian or corduroy trousers, navvy's slop or old dirty brown coat, and old soft billycock hat, or a black cap ; he is a drover or labourer, and native of Knaresbrough. Information to be given at the Police Superintendent's Olllce, Knaresbrough, Yorkshire,— Bow- street, January 15, ^ 5- 686 P O L I C E GAZETTE. January 1{> 4 | p|| WAK' O'FFXCRvS January 19, 1877. On and after this date' ( 12 July, 1872), until further notice, the Reward given for the Apprehension o Deserters will be in sums varyirg From. FIVE SHILLINGS to TWENTY SHILLINGS; the amount being assessed according to the circumstances of eaah particular case. Smith, Eli Stevens, Timothy Taylor, William Turner, John Thompson, John Twigge, Edward Tudge, T. Tolley, William Traynor, Denia Whittle, John 1057; 3751 1566 1361 310 223 4352 30J7 10thBrig. Dep. 47thBrig. I) ep. 6th Drag, ( ids, ditto Scots Fusiliers 22nd Foot 58th Foot Roy. Artillery ditto 5th Drag. Gds. ; Man caster IDewtbcu- y, Yorff j Northallerton, York Bridport, Djrset Duidiogstcn, Edinb. Th. irps, Derby Tittenhal, Stafford Wolverhampton Rathfsm ham, Dublin Roehdale, Lane. labourer ditto carrier fitter cooper labourer ditto ditto ditto ditto 19 5 84 brown hazel fresh regimental 22 Dec. 5 41 Is. brn blue fresh ditto 26 Dec. 5 7 brown grey fresh ditto 23 Dec. ,5 S brown hazel fresh ditto 23 Dec. 5 8 brown blue sallow tweed trousers 15 Dec. j5 5 red grey fresh regimental 23 Dec. : 5 61 light blue fresh ditto 28 Dec. : o H brown hazel fresh ditto 1.6 Dec. | s ( M brown blue frssh ditto 19 Dec. | 5 8i It. brn brown fresh plain 20 Dec. SM. 0B osr DBSTWrXOS. MASKS, un » KHM. Ali.- tss Bradford left upper e. e tooth decayed cut Kngatn- o- T took the whole of reg. nec ! ... , r. . . P , . York ditto Aoerdeen Fleetwood Aldershot Woolwich ditto Wigan [ mole on left crest of pelois took part of reg. nec. scar cn both legs took waiBt- belt and part of reg. nec. off furlough recruit Woods, John Wilson, John Williams, John Walsh, Thomas Whalling, John Wright, James Wilson, John Webb, Henry Weathers, Geo. Watson, George 1230 6thDrag. Gc'e. 36t2; 17th Lancers 1303 956 10S0 20th Hussars Scots Fusiliers Roy. Artillery ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto Wenworth, Yo* k Dereham, Norfolk Lwdon WicUlow Birkenhead, Oheshre Prescot, Lansaskhe Manchester Beihnal Q- n., Md ILx. Leicester Birmingham groom blacksmith tailor carter platelayer mason sawyer groom moulder m 5 ai ;& 201; 5 24 23 24 23 J! m 3: 5 9 brown 8| It. brn 6} dk. brn lit It. brn 4 | brown 71 j brown 9 It. brn 6jj dk. brn 6 | brown 4 i brown blue grey brown grey grey grey brown grey g « > y blue fresh pale fresh fresh sallow dark fair fresh froah fair regimental ditto ditto black plain ditto ditto regimental ditto plain Adams, George Antrobus, Wm. Anderson, James Atkins, Benjamin Actor, David Asbury, George Austen, Fredk. Beckett, Edwin Barry, Alfred Brown, Geo. Chas. 1665 1022 521 3153 1587 337 1150 987 3640 7t. h Hussars 22nd Foot. 104th Foot Royal H. Art. Boy. Artillery ditto 44thBrig. Dep 20th Hussars ditto Scots Fusilier* AsbtO'd, Kent Birkenhead, Cheshire Lisburn, Dawn Woolwich, Kest Bkclhill, Durham Walsall, Staffed Holloway, Middx. Reading, Berks Chelsea, Middlesex Perth jiabourei I ditto 27 ,6 30 | 5 boilermaker 20 5 painter pu idler bre" » er compositor bricklayer servant labourer 22| 5 26| 15 194 5 201 5 21i| 5 26 23 6 brown 41 brown 7 brown 81: brown 6 | red 4J- dk. brn : brown 8 | dk. brn 7i brown 8 I brown grej blue grey blue brown grey brown blue blue ; fresh lair ! fresh fresh fresh sallow fresh dark fresh fair regimental ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 23 Dec. 17 Dec. 26 Dec. 17 Dee. 18 Dec. 12 Dec. 19 Dee. 14 Dec. 18 Dec. 22_ Dec. 27 Dec. 27 Dec. 15 Dec. 27 Dec. 11 Dec. 25 Dec. 27 Dec. 25 Dec. 26 Dee. 26 Dee. York Aldershot Brighton * Liverpool ditto St. Helens Ipswich Woolwich Colehcster took part of reg. nec. "" veterinary surgeon ' sear on right shin- bone ; off pass scar back of lett and scars right groin scar both cheeks * eh route to join scar on right knee and ep; ne recruit, attested recruit tattooed on armB ; off furlough to London scar back of neck ; recruit Hamilton Fleetwood Guernsey Woolwich ditto ditto Warlev Brighton ditto London Betts, Charles Brodrick, John Branegan, John Bennett, Henry Bell, James Brown, Alexander Bell, Gibson Bay, Eli Bethell, Thomas Best, Christopher 723 3784 3541 1954. 3128 39010 791!. 17th Hoot 888 88th Foot 1465 49th Foot 729 [ 60th Rifles 80th Foot Roy. Artillery ditto ditto ditto ditto | Botts | Mas chestt r, Lane. ' Dublin Bermondeey, Surrey Burslera, Stafford Haddington Gateshead, Du'ham Cork Shiffral, Salop MarTlebone, Middx. plasterei ! grinder carpenter ! labourer collier slater moulder I mason Ipuddler " room 20 5 251 5 7i 5 20 5 19 i5 1* 35 6 19* 6 • 21 5 231 | 8 2341S 6 | dk. tan 6 i dk. brn 61 [ brown 61 j brown 61! brown 5 It brn 3 fair 4f brown 4{ dk. brn 8 brown brown grey grey grey hasol brown blue brown brown grey fresh fresh fresh freafc fresh fresh fair fresh fresh fresh ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto Dec. 25 Dec. 26 Dec. 26 Dec. 26 Dec. 30 Nov. 28 Dec. 26 Dec. 11 Dee. 21 Dec. four scars on chin ; off pass to Chester joff furlough to Lisburn j 1 J. A.' rt. arm ditto moles on neck and face lefc little finger contracted took waist- belt and part of reg. nee. Hewport, M Manchester Portsmouth ditto Manchester New'tle- o- T ditto Woolwich ditto dito scar outer angle of right eye cfffurlough to Carlow, Ireland anchor lett arm,' H.' back of hand sear inside left calf; off pass scar over ieft eye tattooed on right arm ' J. H. D.' on left wrist two scare right shin Broughton, Alfred Brook, Thomas Barlow, Alfred Butcher, Joseph Buckley, Patrick Cooper, James Crockett, Edwin Carless, Thomas Challen, James Calder, John 2185 1611 1585 2531 2628 ditto 10t. hBrig. Dep. 13tbBrig. Dep 4SthrBrig. Dep. General Serv. 5th Drag. Gds. 6th Drag. Gds, 17th Lancers 5 th Foot 13 th Foot ' IValby, Lincoln jMirfieH, Yorks Bur/, Lancaster I Poplar, Middlesex ( Marylebone Mew York Bromsgrove, Wore, Walsall, Stafford Croydon, Suirey Nenagh, Tipperary labouret turner labourer bricklayer labourer fireman striker painter labourer servant 214 281 £ 6 181 18 231 21 33f 22 2' i 74 j rik. brn 61 It. hrn 61 dk. hrn brown brown brown brown lt. brn brown brown grey brown hazel hazel brown grey blue grey blua fresh light fresh fair fair dari fair fair dark fresh ditto grey; fustian tweei; cord plain ditto regimental ditto ditto ditto ditto 28 Dec. 30 Dec. 26 Dec. 18 Dec. 16 Dec. 23 Dec. 29 Dec. 24 Dec. 29 Dec. 23 Dec. Sheerness Huddersfld. Manchester London ditto Ballincollig York Aldershot Woolwich Aldershot Clayton, John Collins, John Canning, Henry J. Collins, Arthur A. Chadwick, JohnT. Clegg, Thomas Cole, Frank Cole, William Clarke, Alfred Cooke, Alfred 798 28th Foot — 30th Foot 790 ditto 333 52nd Foot 170 65th Foot 3227 107th Foot 110 Royal H. Art. 3 7201 Roy. Artillery ditto dilfc 3,188 3574 Liverpool Camberweil, Surrey Ross, Herefjrd Bristcl, Gloucester Bolton, Lancashire Manchester Ljmdhurst, Hants L'. j tonstone, Mssox Marylebone, M dds Islington labourer diiio ditto seaman weaver groom labourer ditto e; rn; an groom off pass to Lis. coin recruit recruit, attested ditto mole under left armpit; recruit off pass took part of reg. nec. squints ; took part of reg. nec. off furlough 26 5 22 5 231' 5 21115 21 1! 191 39 23111 201 5 ( i^ brovfn 7 S brown brown brown brown dk. brn lt. brn brown brown brown grey brown h& ia. blue brown brown grey grey brown blue fresh fresh ire? h dart fresh fresh fresh frssh fair fresh ditto plain regimental ditto ditto ditto ditto oi . to ditto ditto 1 Nov. 25 Dec. 26 Dec. 31 Dec. 23 Dec. 23 Dec. 23 Dec. 24. Dec. 27 Dec. 25 Dec. Hong Kong Chatham ditto Plymouth Preston Parkhurst Christchrch Woolwich ditto ditto off pass recruit., attested tattooei on arms; off pass tc London off furlough to Dublin mole on small of back lost three teeth off leave scar on right cheek cross on right arm Corbett, Patrick Creech, Edward Campbell, John Davis, James Davis, Robert Darlington, Henry Dixon, John Davis, John Easter, Henry Wm. Forbes, William 1444 Ditto lOthBiig. Dep General Serv. . 58th Feet 1025 eoth Rifles 3.611 4' 66 2679 4263 8E6 Boy. Artilkiy i ditto llStbBrig. Dep. ' itov. Artillery 6thDrag Gds. ^ Liirerick l Cork ; Scoiknd Wariirgfon, Lone. MafjUbrne, Mictdx. f- andbach. Chethire Wlii'. by, Yojks | Lir;, ehonee, Middx. Ctelsca Manleboue Jahovret plumber ; r. l -. oilier clitto ditto joiner miner labourer clerk 221 5 29 6 231 6 27 5 18i! 6 28|- ' 5 21115 24f 5 181 5 191 5 Pt black 65 dk. brn £ 1 • brown 61! It. brn 4| i brown 5 j — 91 brown 61 • brown 6| brown 61! brown grey hazel grcv blue grey brown grey hazel fresh fresh fresh fair fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh ditto plain ditto regiments! ditto ditto ditto plain regimental ditto 15 Dec. 13 Dec. 23 Dec. 27 Dec. 23 Dee. 26 Dec. 26 Dec. 18 Dec. 22 Dec. 27 Dec. Gosport Cork London Aldershot Winchetter Dublin Hilsea London Woolwich York mole on left knee ; off lurlough freckled recruit off pass to Woolwich took part of reg. neo. sear above and below cla? isle pockpitted ; recruit, attested ' R. W. Easter ' on left arm off furlough to London Feeney, Michael Foster, William Flannagan, Thos. Field, Thomas Fox, Teddy Fletcher, Charles Fox, George Ferguson, F. Gillespie, Chae. W. Gates, William 736 383 663 2796 3131 3846 1203 1939 1953 26th Foot jeSih Foot 106th Foot Royal H. Art. Roy. Artillery ditto ditto 49thBrig. Dep. 4thDrag. Gds. 18th Hussars K. ilmore, Roscommon Sheffield, Yorks W. Hartlepool, Drhm. Bromyard, Hereford Cork Chipping Scdhury* EensiDgton, Miidx. D.; ptt'ord, Kent Melbourne, Australia Southward, Surrey labourer sawmaker labourer ditto ditto grooin carpenter labourer artist clerk 211 5 241: 5 201' 5 35f 5 224 5 19116 83 20 24 181 8 7 5 5 5 6| | 61 5 9 dk. brn dk. bra dk. brn brown lt. brn It. bro brown dk. brn brown brown grey hazel dark grey blue hazel grey brown grey grey fresh fresh dark fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh- ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 25 Dec. 22 Dec. 25 Dec. 24 Dec. 26 Dec. 27 Dec. 81 Dec. 25 Dec. 16 Dec. 24 Dec. Glasgow- Preston Chester Woolwich Sheffield Woolwich ditto ditto Dundalk Colchester scar across bridge of nose off furlough ecar right buttock tattooed on ri^ ht arm J anchor on left aim off furlough to Leicester seir right buttock G.' o-. oea'e? Godfrey, Frank Gibbons, William Gillard, Thomas Green, John Gillgannon, M. Green, Wm. C. Gardner, Henry Grant, George Hodson, Eland Hardman, Charles 209 1321 245 776 1235 1227 160S 29th FOOL 31st Foot 49th Foot 30th Foot Royal H. Art. Army Service 49th Brig. Dep ditto othDrag. Gds 3th Dragoons Harker, Wiiiiam Higgins, William Howard, John Howells, William Hughes, Robert Hill, Thomas Hole, John Herley, Fredk. Jones, Henry T. Jennings, James 2673 Cold. G uards 1145; 7th Foot 1378 1977 645 1573 549 1488 4S7 17th Foot 23rd Foot Rifle Brigade Royal H. Art. Hoy. Artillnrj 42ndBrig. Dsp 15th Hussars 61, h Foo: Jersey Cirencester, Glouc. Portsea, Hants Duiley, Worcester Becien am, Kent Deptford, Kent Steij sington, Middlsx. Stafford Lurgan, Down Nuca- ppleton, Yoris Londtn Haggerstori. lliddlsx. Bed was, Glamorgan Livi rpool Stokc- upon- Trent Summercote, Derby Norrtiaropton London Bit- mir eharn labourov shoemaier bricklayer collier labourer pupil teachrj 18 | 5 " tabouret 1211' 5 baker shoemaker baker 21 f 5 i311! 5 Ia5}' 6 IX94! 5 20115 19 15 13| 6 33 5 9j; light 61! light 6 brown 61; b'* own dk. brn It. brn brown dk. brn lt. brn It. brn bine grey hazel grey blue grey grey dk. brn blue grey freett fresh fair fresh fresh fresh ruddy fresh fair fair ditto ditto hospital clothing regimental ditto ditto mixture regimental ditto tweed ; light 30 Dec. 23 Deo. 25 Dec. 23 Dec. 24 Dec. 21 Dec. 23 Dec. 25 Dec. 23 Dec. 20 Dec. Chatham Portland Portsmouth Manchester Woolwich Chatham Woolwich ditto York Belfast ' hoisebreakr ! porter I gas si okcr labourer painter collier ditto labourer gilder 30 : 6 £ 0^ 5 22115 28 i fi 221 ; 5 201 0 - 5 841 6 201 5 19? 5 i dli. brn 5 jdk. t) pn 8 ; brown 611 brown 41; brown 4l| browD browvs brown brown dfe. hrn pockpitted scar left forefinger ; off furlough pockpitted ; broke cut of hospital tear 00 right temple off furlough took great- coat and part of reg, nac. scar below left knee took part of reg. nee proper name supposed to be Longwell 6 61 7 6 brown blue blue grey blue grey grey grey blue hazel fresh fresh freih fresh fresfc fresh fresh brown freafc fresh regimental ditto grey regimental ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ;£ 7 Dec. 28 Dec. 23 Dec. 26 Dee. 26 Dec. 23 Dee. 2a Dec. 81 Dec. IS Dec. 130 Deo. London Dublin Newport, M Dublin ditto Woolwich ditto Oxford Canterbury Dover scar right eyebrow ' tattooed on arms off furlough off pass anchor left arm ; off fuslough to London, tattooed left arm * tola spring m& t.- r Jones, William Johnston, Thomas Jones, Henry Jenkins, Thomas Jones, John Jones, Thomas Jackson, Edward Jones, Thomas Kemp, John Kelly, James 1031 2807 3422 3869 1494 1968 83 fi 22nd ioor. l lteiljigh 107th Foot J Manchester Roy. Artillerv; Bi) plon, Stafford ditto ' vTarchet- ter ditto ; Hereford ditto iHy inej, N. 8. Wales Army Service I Witney, Oxo. i 16th. Brig. Dop. I Loudon 2nd Dragoons ; Idiu(. ton, Mid. llesex 8tSr, b Foot Droghoda miner labourer roller iron dress plasterer carman clerk labourei ditto groom 22 5 j29i'E 121 15 ! r' 24i| 6 241 i 5 ! l9il! 5 [ 81 118 \ 2U 22115 41 brown 6 | brown 5 | brown 4 j brown 811 brown j brown brown brown brown dk. brn hazej bszel grey hazel hazel blue brown grey blue brown I dark I fresh fresh ! sallow | dark I fresh I fresh fresh fair fresh plain regimental plain ditto regimental ditto ditto plain regiment ® .] ditto 30 Dec. 24 Dec. 16 Dec. 16 Dec. 27 Dec. 21 Dec. 29 Dec. 16 Dec. 28 Dec. 27 Dec. Fleetwood Parkhurst » ditto Woolwich ditto Aldershot London Leeds Manchester took part of reg. neu. off furlough recruit * en route to Woolwich ditto scar cn lower lip recruit, attested ' C.' or ' G.' below light breast King, George Kenny, Michael Keogh, James Kilroy, John Kelly, John Lomas, John Lovelock, Henry Little, Alexander Morris, Michael Maddick, H. A. 68th foot Rifle Brigade ditto Roy. Artillery ditto 8th Foot 60th Rifles Roy. Artillery 1st Dragoons 18th Hussars i, e:' dtf, i'trfc Kildnre Dublin Dtmdalk, L nth Liverpool Bui- y, Lancashire Clerkerwell, Middlsx Enni sliillen, Frinxijla. Donoughmore, Tyrne clerkenwell, Mddlsx. ; lahoiirej moulder labourer carter collar makr. ! barfeer carman labourer Jiron worker account a-- 1 28i 5 191 5 3 81 5 [ 191 c, [ 281 S 116 184 5 28f 6 23l! 5 23 ! 5 9 fl 4 41 7 H 41 01 8- 4 6- 4 brown brown brown brown rlk brn It . bra brown it. brn brown brown blue blue brown grey hazel blue hazel blue grey grey fresh fair - sallow fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 26 Dee. 25 Dec. 23 Dec. 10 Dec. 27 Dec. 28 Dec. 22 Dec. 23 Dee. 27 Dec. 23 Dec. Aldershot Dublin ditto Woolwich ditto Aldershot Winchester Glasgow Norwich Colchester off' pass to Brighton( tattooed left arm and hand left mi idle toes slightly webbed tattooed on arms off furlough small brown patch bottom ioits brown nark on abdomen ; off furlough January 1U POLICE GAZETTE. DESERTERS FROM HER MAJESTY'S SERVICE ( continued). MARXS Aire ESKABKg, McGregor, John McGuire, James McConochie, John McDonald, John Makers, Joseph Mason, W. C. McMullan, C. Murphy, Thomas McAuley, Thos. McGillicuddy, J. Scots Fusiliers gth Foot ditto 8th Foot 44th Foot 49th Foot 61st Foot 84th Foot H3rd Foot 101th Foot G- laegow Killiven, Monaghan Berwiek- on- Tweed Manchester Gay & water . Middless. Bisham, Berks Omagb, Tyrone Hyde, Cheshire Q- lasgow Kerry | labourer plater mechanic labourer servant labourer ditto collier miner groom 181 5 22| 5 18 25 19 25 22| 18} 194 32} fair brown dk. brn dark brown It. brn brown brown brown brown blue grey grey blue grey grey brown grey grey fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh sallow Iresi.' fresh fresh fresh regimental ditto ditto plain regimental ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 25 Dec. 23 Dec. 22 Dee. 15 Dec. 30 Deo. 29 Dec. 26 Dec. 29 Doe. 1 Jan. 14 Dec. London Woolwich dirt o Ashton- u- L Warley took waist- belt ani part of reg. nee. took part of reg. nec. ditto scar on nose and abdomen ; recruit tattooed on arms Portsmouth anchor right arm. ' C.' on left Aldershot Preston Dublin Guernsey pockpitted j off furlough red ecar left shoulder, tattcoed left arm short hair off furloueh to Waterford McGregor, James Meiering, C. B. Malins, John McGuire, Richard McCarthy, Edwd. Maquire, James McDermott, John McDonnald, Thos. McLaughlan, J. Mee, James Boy. Artillery i Paisley, Renfrew 2497 500 476 ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto diito 18thBrig. Dep London Kingston- on- Thames Liverpool Botherhithe, Surrey £ nuisi> illen, Frmngh, Longford Macclesfield, Cheshre | miner 25 ,6 seaman 120} 15 wbeelwrght 41 ! o 37th Brig. Dep Oloumel, Tipperaary 46th Brig. Dep Birmingham carter labourer ditto groom labourer ditto ditto 21 19 26 27 13 22} 19 5 ; sandy 71, brown 7 [ brown 6}! brown 61 [ lirown grey 74 fit 6} 61 4} It. brn brown light iws dk. brn blue blue grey grey- blue ha. isl hazel hazel fresn fresh light fresh fresh fresh fresh light pale fresh - ditto ditto ditto plain diito ditto ditto black ; grey blaek regimental 27 Dee. 30 Dec. 22 Dec. 16 Doc. 11 Dee. 11 Nov. 26 Dec. 19 Dec. 19 Dec. • 22 Dec. Sheffield Sheerness Woolwich * London « Liverpool twich Bristol Maidstone pockpitted took great coat anchors on arms * en route to Woolwich recruit, attested " between Ireland ani Portsmouth recruit, finally approved recruit Morris, James Marooney, John Maycock, Charles Nolan, Maurice Nash, Edward Onslow, Charles Ogilvie, John O'Callaghan, J. O'Neill, John Pillar, Joseph 49th Brig Dep.; Ec<; leshal!, Stafford 70th Brig. Dep. General Serv. 5 th Drag. Gds. 60th Rifles 1479 2nd Dragoons Armv Service 10th Brig. Dep. ditto 4th Hussars Killorglin, Kerry Holbom, Middlesex London Mockwearmouth* Hulme, Lancaster Bloomsburv, Middx. Mullingar, Westmtb. Cork Armagh labourer ditto printer sli inner seaman clerk carman sawjer labsurer 21 5 ' 25} 6 18 5 1231: 5 ! 23}| 5 21 5 2H5 19 fS 22 5 flax drosser'aOijS ttk. brn grey dk. brn grey brown brown dark dk. brn It. brn brown dk. bm brown grey blue hazel blue grey' grey grey grey fresa dark fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh freeh sallow fresb regimental ditto plain regimental ditto ditto ditto plain ditto regiments7 25 Dec. 26 Dec. 22 Dec. 33 Dec. 26 Dec. 23 Dec. 24 Dec. 30 Dec. 13 Dec. 22 Dec. Woolwich Jscar upper lip Tralee recruit London ilaltosed on arms; recruit Balliucolligitattooed on left arm; Winchester i off pass to Sunderland * Durham Leeds | recruit Woolwich upper front tooth broken, Bears on foreheaJ Dublin recruit, attested Cork I anchor back of right hand Belfast off furlough to Beflfast Panter, John Pearson, William Price, James Patchett, M. Parkenson, James Porter, Thomas Pendergast., John Power, James Roberts, Frederick Roberts, James Cold. Guards 2nd Foot 18th Foot 64th Foot Rifle Brigade Roy. Artillery l0th Brig. Dsp. ditto Boy. H. Gds. 60th Rifles Buckingham Rhayader. Radnor Delgany, Wicklcw Manchester Glasgow Stepney, Middlesex Omagh, Tyrone Manchester Leeds, York Chelsea, Middlesex labourer shoemaker labourer grinder laboxirer ditto grocer labourer clerk labourer 21} 5 24 5 18! 5 22} 5 26115 22} 6 8} light jgrey 6 | brown | jgrey Idk. brn hazel ! light 1 brown 25} 24} 18 25} 4} jit. brn 5}, It. bm 7 10} brown dk. brn brown blue grey grev blue blue blue hazel fresh fair fresh light fresh fresh fresh fresh fair fair white j moleskin regimental ditto ditto ditto ditto supposed pilot plain ditto regimental 27 Dec. 25 Dec. 23 Dec. 28 Dec. 27 Dec. 25 Dec. 2 Jan. 2 Jan. 29 Dec. 25 Dee. Birminghm Aldeishot Fermoy Aldersliot Dublin Woolwich Bradford ditto London Winchester recruit, attested scar inner side of each tbigh off pass to Dublin dark mole near mouth moles left side, tears on loins scar on right wrist scar centre of chest Russell, Thomas Richardson, John Roberts, Frederick Ross, George Ryan, James Roger son, Edwin Smith, John Shea, John Sanders, George Smith, James 105th Foot I Liverpool Boy. Artillery Glamorgan ditto ditto ditto ditto 3rd Foot 18th Foot 6 2nd Foot 93rd Foot. St. Pancras, Mddx. Lambeth, Surrey Kmsale, Cork Hull Armagh Dublin Ivinghoe, Bucks Pai » ! ey, Rentrew j ditto i puddler •' labourer : ditto • j ditto earder. er labourer ditto ditto ditto I24}: 5 124} 5 18} 5 : 28 21 38| ! ai I l « i 123 20} 4- brown . flaxen 7!; brown irowE 6 dk. bm 8! light 6} I brown 5!: brown 5 Idk. bm 7}| lt. brn hazel blue brown grey blue grey grey grey hazel blue fair fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fair fresb ditto ditto ditto plain ditto regimental ditto ditto ditto ditto : 27 Dec. SI Dec. 27 Dec. 24 Dec. 18 Dec. 29 Dec. 12 Nov. 27 Dec. 31 Dec. 1 Jan. Colchester Woolwich ditto London s Shoebrycss. Mauritius Fermoy Plymouth Dublin took part of reg. nec. Ecar over left eyebrow scars back of left shoulder- blade tattooed on right arm; recruit recruit * en route to Woolwich off pass to Dublin off pass to Tring, Bucks i car on right arm Sullivan, Patrick Smith, William Smith, Frederick Smith, William H. Smith, James Smith, Bernard Smith, John Smith, Charles Smith, Thomas Smith, John 1007! 100th Jtoot 2700 Roy. Artillery 3514 1928 3736 1149 Limerick Newburv, Berks Manchester Hoxtcn, Middlesex Gt. Yarmouth, Nrtlk. Liverpool Nottingham 37thBri. g. Dep. j Cheltenham, Glc uc. 48th Foot. Birmingham General « Serv. iNeweastle- on- Tyrw ditto ditto ditto 10th. Brig. Bep. 15thBng. Dej5 ditto tailor labourer ditto ditto ditto ditto bricklayer labourer 1214| 5 125 5 1821 5 ! 25 5 10|- ! 244 5 L25 ! 204 118 119 22 5} | It. bm jdark 4}! dk. bm j hazol dk. bm; hazel 5 9 5 61 5 6 dk. brn It. bm brown black dk. brn dk. bm It. brn haael blue grey brown hazel grey grey fair fresh freeh fresh tresh fresh sallow pals fresh fresb ditto grey j cord regimental ditto ditto plain tweed regimental dark plain 30 Dec. 2 Jan. 27 Dee. 27 Dec. 23 Dee. 23 Dec. 26 Dec. 23 Dec. 10 Deo. .10 Dec. Aldershot. Sheffield Birminghm ShoebrynsB. Woolwich Carlisle Manchester Bristol « London heart on arm scar on left cheek tear right knee and shoulder sHn stain on chest and belly recruit, attested scar on chest, scars on legs j recruit anchor on left arm * between Guildford and Derby scar right groin; recruit, attested Traynor, James Turner, William Turner, John Thrupp, William Taylor, William Ulph, John Varnes, Harry Wallace, Charles Williams, A E. 916,14th Foot. — jflOthRifies Rifle Brigade Army Service 48th Foot 1074 16S3 1243 1937 1312 General Serv. / Stafforl Manctiester Camb^ rwetl, Surrey St. Andrews, Middx. Toronto, Canada Farringdon, Berks 9th Lancers Roy. Artillery 18th Hussars 20th Hussars Yarmouth Farnhurst, Sussex Nottingham Reigate, Surrey ditto groom labourer clerk labouro? ditto ditto ditto clerk ditto j 201 21 15 33 5 • 21f 6 .26 5 22 5 1214 5 19 ! 5 ; 23 5 5 I brown jgrej 54 brown 8} brown 20} 15 brown, dk. brn brown brown dk. bm It. bm brown gray blue grey haael gray brown hazel grey grey iresh dark fresh fair sallow fresh fresh fair fresh fresb regimental plain ditto brown plain regimental ditto ditto ditto 26 Dec. 19 Dec. 28 Dec. 28 Dec. 10 Dec. 20 Dec. 26 Dec. 23 Dec. 20 Dec. 35 Dec. Belfast London Shorncliffe Woolwich s London Canterbury iVoolwich Colchester Brighton scars on back j broke out of barracks recruit, attested ' D '; off pass to Snaiesbrook scar on left shin * between Guildford and Derby; recruit scar bridge of nose j recruit, attested off leave to Norfolk scar knuckle left forefinger and thumb Wightman, James Wilson, Oscar Wilson, George Ward, James Wayde, Bernard Wilson, John Watts, George Weatherby, Thos. Wilson, John Wood, John ditto ; Orewe, Sialiord Gren. Guards Forfar Cold. Guards iNottingham — Scots Fusiliers Govan, Renfrew 1092 7th Foot 293 837 3444 11th foot 38th Foot Roy. Artillery 18th Brig. Dep. General Serv. fitter musician labourer groom clerk Gatway, Ireland St. Georges, Middr. j labourer Plymouth, Devon . seamaa ' Glasgow ' j carter Sheffield, York j labourer Hxmpstead, Middx. bricklayer iiei; 6 23 6 119 5 m 5 204- 5 274 5 18} 5 19 S 241 5 6} brown ; blua 0} brown jgray Bllbrown igrey dk. brn grey black brown brown brown dark brown grey grey dark ba, zel dark grey fresh fresh fair fresh dark fresh ds, rk fresh dark fresh cord ditio tweed brown ; tweed regimental ditto ditto ditto grey ; black | plain j 26 Dec. j26 Dec. | 27 Dec. 1 Jan. 26 Dec. 22 Dec. 24 Dec. 17 Dec.' 19 Dec. 16 Dec. ditto London Leicester 3- lasgow Dublin Aldershot Manehestei Malta Nari twich London off leave recruit recruit, surgically inspected offpaes fo Waterford off furlough to London scar left thigh. head and ' G. S.' left arm; recruit attested Adams, James Atkinson, Fredk. Allen, James Amoore, William Aldridge, Wm. Ayers, William Brown, William Beattie, Thos. Hy. Burridge, John Brown, George 6th Drag. Gds. 17th Foot 88th Foot Roy. Artillery ditto ditto 2nd Life Grds. 6 th Drag. Gds. 20th Hussars Cold. Guards Scarborough, Yorks mason j204 5 basket makr 19} 6 214- £ 224 5 Basf'ord, Notts 6- alway I groom Croydon, Surrey- matt- rssmVr H. Wycombe, Bucks labourer Toweester, Nthmptn. ditto Narthamptou seaman St. Giles's, Middx. poulterer Brighton, Sussex frenchp'lshr. Durhun labourer 214 25 21} 224 191 20} 9 | brown 6! brown £ 4 It. brn 8! 11. brn S 5 j light 5 5} ] It. bm 5 .10! brown 5 84! brown 5 Ji dk. brn 5 fl It. bm brown fresh brown ! fresh blue grey grey grey brown grey grey grey sallow fair fresh fair sallow fresh fresh fair regiment& i ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto plain regimental. ditto blaek: tweed 31 Dec. 30 Dec. 1 Jan. 3 Jan. 1 Jan. 30 Dec. 5 Jan. 30 Dee. 2 Jan. 5 Jan. deeply poekpitted York Newport, M scar ofrforehealj off furlough Athlone Woolwich Aldershot Ipswich Windsor York Brighton Durham Bourne, Edward Bannister, Wm. Brislee, William Byrne, William Berry, John Booth, Daniel Bell, James Barnrick, Francis Bourke, James Bagnall, John 9th Foot 19th Foot ditto 23rd Foot 26th Foot 30th Foot 433 145 1380 1112 78th Foot 90th Foot 150th Foot Roy. Artillery Mile- end, Middx. St. James's Maidstone, Kant Dublin Glasgow Padfield, Derby Galashiels, Selkirk Jedburgh, Roxburgh Dublin Bilston, Stafford ditto carpenter labourer slater labourer ditto tailor labourer J201. fi 22} 5 S0|- 234 21 23} 21} 214 24}-, 20} 15 6 i brown 71 brown 6} i brown 6 , brown 5}| « k. brn 5}; brown 4|' b'lack 5 | dk. brn 3f! brown 4}: brown grey hazel grey blue grey hazel blue grey brown grey fresh fresh florid fresh fresh fresh dark dark fresh fresb regimental ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 31 Dec. 30 Dec. 30 Dec. 4 Jan. 30 Dee. 1 Jan. 31 Dec. 30 Doc. 4 Jan. 28 Dcc. Colchester Aldershot ditto Dublin Glasgow Chat.. am Edinburgh Limerick Colchester Horfield off fu. lough tattooed right arm off furlough to Londen scar left side of chin tattooed left arm ; recruit tattooed on arms off furlough ditto anchor back of left arm off furlough took part of reg. nee. Barclay, John Bowers, Eli Baler, William Brown, George Bailey, Joseph Cooper, Wm. Hy. Cobain, W. Connor, Michael Carlisle, Robert 3756 7921 4420 2423 ditto ditto ditto ditto General Serv. 1722 18th Hussars 451 2nd Foot- Callaghan, Corn. 1890 806 417 17th Foot 27th Foot 104th Foot Bailymena, Antrim Ripley, Surrey | ditto ! labourer coaebman Westminster ib. oilermoker Darlington, Durham j labourer Windsor, Berls Armegh _ • er - Cork ditto Shenkkill, Antrim jholder- up i Cork : labourer 184,5 35 20} 204 22 214 18 23! 25j 20 7}: It. bm 10 , lt. bra 5} ' brown 7 ; black 5} ! brown 7i! dk. brn Sf; dk. bm 64 brown SI[ black 54idk. bm blue brown hazel hazel grey hazel hazel hazel blue grey lair fair fresh swarth fresh fair fresh fresb fresh sallow ditto ditto plain regiments' black ; drab regimental ditto ditto ditto ditto 3 Jan. 31 Dec. 2 Jan. 22 Dec. 5 Jan. 31 Dec. 30 Dec. 30 Dec. 2 Jan. 30 Dec. New'tle- o- T Devonport Woolwich Sheerness Darlington Colchester Aldershot Newport, M Colchester Aldernev Conroy, Denis Coot, Alfred Curley, James Craig, George Coleman, Joseph Cooney. Edward Clarke, Henry Chapman, Herbert Cahill, William Chamberlain, Geo. ditto ; K. illarney, Kerry Rl. Engineers Lambeth, Surrey Rifle Brigade Liverpool Roy. Artillery' Gateshead, Durham 3359 1166 41819 2631 ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto Hospital Corps Preston, Lancaster Denton Bow, Middlesex Ipswich, Suffolk Cork Mcrylebone, Midcx. groom rivetter labourer ditto ditto miner labourer groom blacksmith painter 19 20 30 24 22 21 23} 20! 22 244 6 Ik. bm 5} j brown 4| 1 brown 6} brown 64! brown 9 light 7 browD 4 [ brown El dk. brn 7! brown hazel blue brown grey grey hazel grey grey grey hazel fresh fair fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh dork ditto ditto ditto plain ditto tweed ; brown regimental ditto ditto ditto 35 Dec. 3i. Dec. 1 Jan. 22 Dec. 29 Dec. 27 Dec. 30 Dec. 31 Dec. 30 Dec. 2 Jan. off pass to Lanark Dj off furlough to Ripley spot oil arm off furlough recruit off furlough to London ditto to Belfast ditto to London ditto tattooed on arms Dempsey, John Duckworth, Geo. Doyle, Bernard Darington, Henry Dawson, Thomas Dooner, Edwaid Donaldson, John Daley, James Flynn, John Foley, Jeremiah 4th Foot Roy. Artillery 1912 4166 3161 1996 ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 30th Brig. Dep. 6th Foot 41st Foot Balljna, Mayo Oldham, Lancaster Liverpool Sanflbach, Cheshire Stirlirg Sheffield, Yoits Chisley, Durham IV'arylebore, Mid^ x. Eilmsrnoek, Ayr Ferir. oy, Cork I labourer ditto ditto joiner hammermn, miner labourer ditto collier shoemaker 23} 22} 19 22! 25} 22! 19} 22 24} 234 5 81 dark ' grey 5 4! dk. bm brown 5 6 s 5 , 5 10}! dk. brn'grey j brown grey jolk. brn'grey 84; dk. brn 7! | brown 5!: brown 61 It. bm 84' black grey blue blue brown dark dark fresh fresh sallow fresh fresh fresh fresh dark citto Chatham Dublin * Liverpool Chester Woolwich ditto ditto Edinburgh ditto off leave to London * en route to Woolwich recruit recruit, attested lost two upper front teeth; recruit boil marks on legs scar on neck ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto black j tweed plain regimental citto 1 Jan. 30 Dec. ISO Dec. j26 Dec. ! 4 Jan. 131 Dec. 1 Jan. 1 Jan. 80 Dec. 30 Dec. Curragh Woolwich ditto Dublin Aberdeen Chesterfield Stockton* Harnpstead Kilmarnek. Pembroke off furlough to Ardrass, Mayo tattooed on left arm scar on left breast; recruit off furlough recruit recruit, attested off furlough to Kilmarncck ditto * on- Tees 6 POLICE GAZETTE. January 1{> DESERTERS FROM HER MAJESTY'S SERVICE ( mnhnmd). Finlay, James Frazer, James Fuller, Robert Gannon, Thomas Goggins, Hugh Garrity, Peter Galway, Alex. Gibbs, John Griffiths, John P. Grantham, Jsph. 1945 2844 1383 1068 1031 48 3784 262 13911 Boy. Artillery ditto ditto 17th Foot 41st Foot 79th Foot 108th Foot Rifle Brigade ditto Rl. Engineers Fermanagh St. John's, Middx. Ipswich, Suffolk Bolton, Lancashire Dublin Dundee, Forfar Tyrone Canterbury, Kent Birmingham Wilmslow, Chester labourer ditto plumber labourer ditto ditto ditto tailor clerk scaffolier 291 25 i 191 19 291 22| 231 20 251 25 71 9 5I Bi- ll 7 71 41 5 8 black dk. brn It. bm sandy brown It. bm brown light brown black imu. M. 0B. 0OA5 & TBOVTWN. DATS OS DBSEBTN. FSAOI OS J D3JBKBTION. MARKS AND RWARK hazel grey blua grey grey- grey blue blue blue hazel sallow dark fresh fair sallow fresh sallow fair fair dark regimental ditto ditto plain regimental ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 30 Dee. 25 Dec. 29 Dec. 3 Jan. 31 Dec. 29 Dec. 30 Dec. 30 Dee. 1 Jan. 31 Dee. Woolwich Devonport Ipswich Newport, M Dublin Fort George Colchester Shorneliffe Dublin Chatham Gruar, Andrew Gibson, Henry Gipson, George Gibson, George Hancock, Arthur Henderson, Wm. Hayes, Thomas Hemming, Wm. Hines, William Hayes, John 8569 Roy. Artillery ditto Dundee, Forfar carter 22} 5 81; dk. bm dk. brn sallow ditto 31 Dec. New'tle- o- T 3731 Durham miner 191 5 71 dk. bm brown freak ditto 30 Dec. ditto 2251 ditto Peterborough ® labourer 221 5 6} 3t. bm grey fresh ditto 31 Dee. Devonport 3614 ditto Croum, Limerick shoemaker 201 5 6f dk. brn blue fresh ditto 30 Dee. Woolwioh 1357 lst Drag. Gds. Walton, Leicester servant 22} 5 7} It. bm blue fresh ditto 31 Dee. Manchester 1766 17th Lancers Edinburgh iromnouldr. 241 5 81 dk. brn dk. brn sallow ditto 3 Jan. Addershot, 606 3rd Foot Wolverhampton puddler 19} 5 7 dk. bm dk. bm dark ditto 19 Nov. Cape Town 848 6th Foot Birmingham groom 20 5 8 It. bm grey fair ditto 3 Jan. Birminghm 313 19th Foot Galway labourer 181 5 41 It. bin blue fresh ditto 30 Dec. Aldershot 517 96th Foot Manchester ditto 211 5 9 Bandy gs- ey pale ditto 31 Dec. ditto burn on left arm off pass to London scar back of head recruit, attested off furlough to Dublin ' G. P.' on left arm off furlough cut between eyebrows ditto to Birmingham mole between nipples ; off leave pockpittei ditto off furlough * Northampton sears on right thigh off furlough to Birmingham lost first joint of right index finger Hanrahan, James Hydes, Isaac Hughes, Richard Hodgson, George Hines, James Healey, William Jackson, William Jackson, Henry James, John Jackson, James 4054 2505 2672 2139 545 1796 606 1010 650 ditto ditto ditto ditto 42ndBrig. Dp. 2ndDrag. Gds. 3rd Foot 17th Foot 19th Foot London Barnsley, York Leicester Birmingham Hadleigh, Suffolk Wigan, Lancashire Wakefield, York Balmeer, E. Indies Hampthill, Be Is Middlesboro', York wheelwrght collier shoemaker baker labourer ditto ditto clerk collier labourer 28 201 241 23 24f 231 201 26 J 191 191 51 brown 41 light brown brown dk. brn brown brown brown brown red blue hazel grey blue hazel grey hazel hazel brown grey fair fair fresh fresh freeh pale fresh fi- esa fresh florid ditto ditto ditto ditto plain ditto ditto ditto ditto 29 Dec. 30 Dee. 30 Dee. 29 Dec. 22 Dec. 6 Jan. 31 Dec. 22 Nov. 30 Dec. 2 Jan. Woolwich ditto ditto Sheerness * Ojford Cahir Cape Town Newport Aldershot warts left side of neck scar over right aim tattooed on arms recruit * en route to Woolwich cross, anchor, and sailor on arms sear over left heel 5 off furlough off furlough to London Jones, William 3165 Roy. Artillery Bath, Somerset carpenter 24i 5 7 hrown grey fresh ditto 31 Dec. Woolwich James, Walter 1159 37thErig. Dep. Chalford, Gloucester ditto 24 5 9} dk. bm blue pale ditto 4 Jan. Horfield Jaryis, John — 43rdBrig. Dep. West Gnnstead* stcne setter 29 5 7 It. bm bluo lair plain 4 Jan. Hastings Kune, Henry 4362 90th Foot Londonderry labourer 39i 5 6 brown grey fresh regimental 30 Dee. Limerick Laycock, Wm. 420 9th Foot Doncaster, York ditto 21i 5 6i dk. brn grey sallow ditto 1 Jan. Colchester Laws, Thomas 1017 30th Foot Cambridge painter 19 5 71 brown grey fresh ditto 2 Jan. London Lewis, Richard 1404 31st Foot Ludlow, Salop labourer 314 5 6i brown hazel fresh ditto 31 Dec. Portland Locock, Wm. H. 1499 Roy. Artillery Chard, Somerset ditto 19 5 6* \ rown grey fresh ditto 30 Dec. Woolwich Lee, John — ditto Swansea, Glamorgan ditto 23 5 9 It. brn blue fresh black; fustian 5 Jan. • Laffin, Francis 1938 3rdBrig. Dep. Manchester ditto 23i 5 Si dk. hrn grey fresh plain 1 Jan. Sunderland tattooed on left arm broken nose recruit • Sussex off furlough sear on head and forehead small mole on right shoulder off furlough recruit * between Swansea and Card O. H.' on left arm Mullins, Thomas Marshall, Alfred Marsh, Thomas McDonald, Geo. Mannion, Thomas McDonald, John McDermott, Thos. Marrison, George McDonald, Wm. McCarthy, James 1681 1216 2395 1111 1112 629 159 739 702 4th Drag. Gds, 6thDrag. Gds. ditto 5th Foot 8th Foot ditto 11th Foot 19th Foot 26th Foot 30th Foot Maryborough, Q. un's Hiltley, York Kensington, MIdlsx. Stirling Chester ditto Rc scommon Lynn, Norfolk Johnstone, Renfrew Portlaw, Waterford ditto groom labourer quarry man labourer ditto miner labourer ditto grinder 231J 5 241 5 211,5 24 5 5 19 22- 1 I 211 271 221 brown dk. bm brown fair dk. bra It. brn dk. bm brown dk. bm It. bra blue blue gray grey blu ® grey hazel grey hazel blue freeh fresh fresh fresh fresb. sallow fresh FREBH dark ditto regimental ditto ditto plain ditto regimental ditto ditto ditto 31 Dec. 2 Jan. 31 Dee. 30 Dec. 29 Dec. 29 Dec. 5 Jan. 30 Dec. 31 Dee. 1 Jan. Liverpool York ditto Purfleet Liverpool ditto Aldershot ditto Glasgow Chatham heart on left arm; recruit small mole on right scapula sear on back ; took part of reg. nec. took part of reg. nec. recruit ditto scar left side of face off furlough McKenzie, John McLure, Samuel McGeoch, Andrew McKinnon, Hugh McAulley, Robert Morley, Israel Moran, James McBriarty, James Manning, James McCabe, Patrick 277 417 373 1985 684 2015 398 682 582 13691 78th Foot ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 84th Foot 90th Foot 96th Foot Rl. Engineers Nagg, Kincardine Stevenston, Ayr BothweSl, Lanark Arbroath, Forfar Bothwell, Lanark Loughborough, Leic. Sheffield, York Drumragb, Tyrone Lancashire Dublin tinsmith miner ditto labourer miner labourer driver labourer ditto cabinet mkr 20} 221 21 231 181 22 18f 201 191 201 brown It. bm dk. bm brown dk. bm brown brown dk. bm dk. brn fair blue hazel grey grey hazel blue grey blua brown blue fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh sallow pale fair ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 30 Dec. 30 Dec. 2 Jan. 30 Dec. 2 Jan. 1 Jan. 2 Jan. 30 Dec. 81 Dec. 27 Dec. Glasgow Edinburgh ditto ditto ditto ditto Preston Clare Manchester Chatham off furlough to Stirling off furlough ' W. M.' on left arm macula on front of chest off furlough • flat feet, scar on forehead mark on ! eft arm Murphy, Michael Murphy, John Meehan, James Macintosh, James Mitchinson, John McCabe, James Nate, James Nicol, John Nolan, Peter Neill, James 1022 3176 469S 8561 3735 9392 3013 480 727 Roy. Artillery ditto ditto ditto ditto 59thBrig3> ep. Gren. Guards Roy. Artillery 19th Foot 90th Foot Cierkenwell, Mddlsx. Glasgow Edinburgh Alloa, Clackmannan Middlesborough, Yrk Armagh Bristol Newcastle Glossop, Derby Lanark labourer carter labourer groom laboures ditto ditto smith labourer collier 21- 1 22} 201 19 2& i 25 41 20f 211 20 black dk. bm It. brn black brown brown dark brown brown brown blue bluo grey brown blue grey grey grey grey grey fresh fresh fresh fair fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto pilot; moleskin regimental ditto ditto ditto 1 Jan. 29 Dee. 1 Jae. 1 Jan. 31 Dec. 1 Jan. 4 Jan. 5 Jan. 30 Deo. 30 Dee. Woolwich ditto Aldershot Leith Fort New'tle- o- T Edinburgh London Woolwich Aldershot Limerick pockpitted scar back of head ; off furlough two dots back of left hand recruit, surgically inspected took part of reg. nec. off furlough to Edinburgh ditto ditto Neal, James Osell, William Penford, William Pettit, Robert Paterson, John Proudfoot, Thos. Parker, James Pooley, Robert Payne, Thomas Roe, Frederick G. 1172 2818 1875 9S8 784 779 148 325 1754 Roy. Artillery ditto 2ndDrag. Gds. 6th Drag. Gds. 26th Foot 88th Foot 96th Foot Roy. Artillery General Serv. 17th Lancers Reading, Berks West, Bromwich ® Reading, Berks Deedham, Essex St. Cuthberts, Edinb. Nobber, Meath Liverpool Ship down, Norfolk Chelsea, Middlesex Walmer, Kent Rielly, Owen Ryan, Patrick Ramshaw, John Reynolds, Edmd. Ryans, James Slade, Edward Smith, John Shannon, Thomas Sutherland, Geo. Sullivan, Timothy 471 1635 3720 1904 1555 793 539 397 1781 26th Foot 105th Foot Roy. Artillery ditto ditto 6th Drag. Gds. 26th Foot 31st Foot 78th Foot Boy. Artillery Glasgow Waterford Tanfield, Durham Salisbury, Wilts Preseott, Lancashire Swanacomb, KeDt Gl- iegow Boyle, Roscommon Thurso, Caithness Cahereiveen, Kerry groom 20 5 5 dk. brn brown fresh regimental 31 Dec. Woolwich puddler 19! 5 4} light blue rair ditto 27 Dec. Exeter porter 241 6 71 black dk. brn dark ditto 1 Jan. Cahir servant 28 5 8} brown grey fresh ditto 30 Dec. York labourer 21 5 6 dk. bm grey fresh ditto 1 Jan. Glasgow ditto 181 5 61 — grey fresh ditto 1 Jan. Athlone ditto 23} 5 6} sandy grey fail' ditto 31 Dec. Aldershot groom 27 5 51 It. brn brown fresh ditto 1 Jan. Woolwich carpenter 22 5 71 dk. bra grey fair blue ; light 2 Jan. London clerk 191 5 8} brown hazel fair regimonca/ 4 Jan. Aldershot scai right calf » Staffordshire scar left thigh; off furlough off furlough to Brentwood, Essex flags contra of breast scar right thigh, white spot on spine sailor on left arm scar over right eye and centre of hack ditto tanner labourer rivetter labourer shoemaker labourer ditto ditto 26f 15 20J 5 2D 21 19} 20 43 19} 391 61 jit. bra 6} auburn 5} It. bm 71 dk. bm 61 brown dark brown ik. hm brown grey grey grey hazel grey grey hazel blue hazel grey grey fresh fresh fresh sallow fresh fresh sallow ditto ditto ditto ditto black regimental ditto ditto ditto ditto 30 Dec. 30 Dec. 1 Jan. 27 Dec. 3 Jan. 2 Jan. 1 Jan. 30 Dee. 2 Jan. 1 Jan. Scott, William Scott, Neil Sullivan, William Sullivan, Timothy Shewan, James Scott, William Stead, Thomas Smith, William Smith, D. W. Statham, A. J. 1349 8696 30159 1781 3461 797 641 1083 2878 ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 16thBrig. Dep. 36thBrig. Dep. 61stBrig. Dep. Army Service Hospital Crps. Chard, Somerset Glasgow Ballyduff, Waterford Caherciveen, Kerry Peterhead, Aberdeen Cheadle, Stafford Crosshill, Ayr Da'sert, Lanark Richmond, Surrey Westminster, Mddx. ditto groom labourer ditto ditto ditto pointsman miner carpenter clerk Turner, John Tighe, Thomas Taggart, Henry Town, Elija Taylor, Thomas Taylor, Hugh Turner, Thomas Wood, George Wilson, John Wilson, Charles 1708 540 879 5166 620 2033 1413 1st Dragoons lst Foot 14th Foot ditto 17th Foot Roy. Artillery ditto Roy. H. Gds, 4th Drag. Gds. 17th Lancers S. Lowestoft, Suffolk Kildare Armagh Skipton, Yorks Birmingham Sligo _ Was wick Lewes, Sutsex Appleby, Wstmrlnd, Pimlico, Middlesex labourer clerk ' butcher weaver labourer shoemaker labours: ditto ditto clerk 211 5 41 dark 191 5 6 It. bm 24} 5 7* brown 391 5 51 grey 191 5 51 dk. brn 281 5 10 brown 201 5 7 dk. bm 201 5 71 brown 211 5 61 black 201 5 6 dk. bm 191 6 8 brown 221 5 6} sandy 27 5 51 jit. brn 29 5 71 brown 19 5 71 brown 251 5 6 dk. bm 22} 5 51 brown 301 S 2} dk. brn 201 5 10} black 25} 5 8}; brown Glasgow Colchester New'tle- o- T Woolwich Chester York Glasgow Portland Edinburgh Trowbridge scar inside leit ankle off furlough to Waterford soar left cheek, anchor and flags left arm eff furlough to Boyle, Roscommon hazel bluo grey grey hazel grey dk. brn blue grey blue dark fan- sallow sallow dark fresh fresh sallow ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto plain regimental ditto ditto brown grey dk. brn dark grey fresh fresh fresh dark fair fresh fresh dark sallow fresh blue guernsey regimental plain regimental dark regimental canvas; cord regimental ditto ditto 27 Dec. 3 Jan. 2 Jan. 1 Jan. 3 Jan. 12 Dec. 30 Dee. 1 Jan. 30 Dec. 6 Jan. 6 Jan. 2 Jan. 30 Dec. 30 Dec. 3 Jan. 30 Dec. 1 Jan. 8 Jan. 1 Jan. 5 Jan. Horfield Weedon Plymouth Trowbridge Exeter Ashton Glasgow Ayr Aldershot ditto sear on left groin tattooed on left arm flat- footed and bow- legged recruit Norwich Mullingar Belfast ditto Newport M. Newbridge Woolwioh London Dundalk Aldershot Weirington, O. Watson, Thomas Wilson, John Welch, Charles Welch, John* Williams, James Watts, John Watson, George Wood, Charles Woods, Samuel 19th Hussars 5th Foot 8t, h Foot 16th Foot 17th Foot 22nd Foot 80th Foot 81st Foot 1587 83rd Foot 925 ' 88th Foot 1625 254 635 414 1392 753 1001 1363 Leeds, York Alnwick, Nrthmblnd. Liverpool S. Minims, Hertford Reading, Berks Durham Limehouse, Middlx. Kingston- o- T., Surrey Burnsley, York Darlington, Durham puddler miner butcher labourer ditto cofier carman labourer groom labourer 181 211 211 21 19 311 84f 19115 101 6 61 61 81 51 6 61 6} brown brown brown brown black It. brn brown brown grey it. brn grey blue blue grey hazel grey grey hazel grey gray fresh fresh fresh fresh dark fair fresh brown fresh fair recruit recruit, attested anchor on left hand recruit off furlough ditto tattooed on right arm ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 30 Dee. 31 Dec. 30 Dec. 7 Jan. 80 Dec. 30 Dec. 2 Jan. 30 Dec. 30 Dec. 27 Dec. Longford Woolwich Aldershot Go sport London Fleetwood London J ersey Curragh Ath! one off furlough to Leeds took part of reg. nec. off furlough ship on right arm • alias Butler White, Matthew White, Edward Williams, Jonah Wane, William Wood, Albert Williams, George Walker, Charles Wilson, Thomas Walker, Samuel Young, George 200 491 3374 1414 4291 2786 3601 90th Foot 109th Foot Roy. Artillery ditto ditto ditto 4th Brig. Dep. 65thBrig. Dep. 67th Brig. Dep. Roy. Artillery Ahoghill, Antrim Rurraehu, India Tipton, Stafford Manchester Lambeth, Surrey Hull, York - Belper, Derby Dalmellingfaro, Ayr CI erl^ n w eii| jlddr. NemfefonitOTd* ditto miner labourer carman labourer ditto miner labourer miner 21 5 51 brown hazel fresh regimental 30 Dec. 16 5 4 brown ha, zel fair ditto 6 Jan. 23| 5 41 It. bm grey fresh ditto 30 Dec. 191 5 41 It. bm grey fair ditto 31 Dec, 19 5 41 brown blue fresh ditto 28 Dec. 251 5 4} It. bm grey fair ditto 1 Jan. 22! 5 7 dk. bm brown dark plain 23 Doc. 21 5 8} dark blua fresh black; tweed 5 Jan. 21 6 9 dk. bm grey fair mixture 80 Dee. 191 6 61 It. bm blue fresh plain 18 Dec. Limerick Aldershot New'tlo- o- T Colchester Woolwich ditto Sheffield Edinburgh Woolwich Leith off furlough to Kingston- on- Thames ditto to Barosley, lYorkehire ditto to Darlington, Durham off furlough took great coat and part of reg. neil. scar on head recruit, not surgically inspected yockpittedj recruit * Lanark January 19 f —- DESERTERS EEOM THE MILITIA. 146795 146796 146797 146798 146799 146800 146801 146802 146803 146804 William Harris John Healey Arthur Heyesman Henry Hill Henry Holloway James Holloway John Hooper Robert Hulett John Hunt George Hurst 9527 £ 578 8232 9589 9356 9459 9503 9188 9429 8171 lst Surrey** ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto Newcastle Brixton, Surrey Tooting Stockwell York Croydon, Surrey Hammersmith, Midx. Walwcrth, Surrey Brixton Shoredi<- eb, Middx. t labourex ditto ditto ditto ditto bricklayer painter carman labourer bro yn It, bm brown brown brown dk. brn It, bm brown brown brown hazel grey grey blue grey blue grey blue grey grey fresh fresh freeh fresli fresh fresh fresh fair fresh fresh 1 May X May IS June 26 June 1 May 1 May 1 May 1 May 1 May IS June Kingston ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto * absent from training + mount cuttMf heart on back of right wrist scar oyer right eyebrow flower pot and wreath on left arm slightly pockmarked, woman on DBI 146805 146808 146807 146808 146809 14 810 1468X1 146812 146813 146814 Joseph Ink James Jones Griffith T. Jones Thomas Jones William Kerney Edward Lane Daniel Lay James Leahey John Lee John Lee 9431 7318 8901 9240 9391 9232 7410 7595 9189 9585 ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto Bermondsey, Surrey i Sydenham, Kent . Billingsgate, Middx. Lambeth, Surrey Belfast, Antrim Southward, Surrey ditto Cork Croydon, Surrey Southwask ditto ditto ditto tanner labourer ditto ditto ditto ditto 21 25 23 19| 20 18 28 26 19 20 4i brown brown brown brown brown It. brn brown brown brown dk. bm hazei grey- grey bins gray grey grey grey blue grey fair scar over right eye fair fair fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh 1 May 12 June 24 June 17 June 1 1 1.2 June 12 June 1 1 ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto . tto tto 146815 146816 146817 146818 146819 146820 146821 146822 146823 146824 Edwin Legh George Lewis James Lewis Jeremh. Macarthy James Maloney Edward Manning Thomas Marney Henry Martin George Mills Thomas Moon 8102 9313 9361 8023 9369 8483 8562 9532 9437 ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto j Kingston Lainbeth Camberwell Sonthwaik Croyion Chelsea Brixton Southwark Brixton London, Middlesex painter hammermn. labourer ditto ditto painter labourer costermngr. labourer gen. dealer brown brown brown It. brn brown brown brown brown It. bm bro WE hazel grey grey grey blue grey grey grey Brown grey fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh ' resh fresh fresh 12 June 1 May 1 May 12 June 1 May 1 May 12 June' 12 June" I May 1 May 146825 146826 146827 146828 146829 146830 146831 146832 146833 146834 Thomas Morgan Phillip Murphy John Murray William Parker Robert Pearle James Portsmouth George Prior Robert Read John Reardon William Reed 9280 ditto Mortlake, Surrey labourer 19 5 4 brown 9500 ditto London, Middlesex plasterer 27 5 t> i sandy 9553 ditto labourer 24 5 It. bm Chelsea l>* 9254 ditto Croydon, Surrey bricklayer 18 5 4* black 9231 ditto Scuthwark labourer 18 5 71 brown 9479 ditto Camberweil ditto 19 5 Pi brown 9432 ditto Lambeth dyer 81 5 5 brown 9577 ditto Southwark labourer 13 5 3 dk. brn 9613 ditto Rotherhithe ditto 17 5 6t brown 9554 ditto Lambeth bricklayer 21 S 2i It. brn grey grey grey hazel grey hazel grey hazel grey blue sallow fresh dark sallow fair fresh fresh fair fresh May May May May May June May May May sear on left hip cut on left thumb cut aide of right eye mole on left wrist, cut on left thoa& itto ditto tto tto tto tto tto . to tto tto cut on forehead dots on left arm, cut below left wrist scar from left breast to centre of basi cut on centre of forehead anchor and star lef! arm three bald places top of head tattooed on left arm ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto cut on chin tattooed on right arm : F. A.' righi arm, cross on left 146835 146836 146837 146838 146839 146S4A 146841 146842 146843 146844 146845 146846 146847 146848 146849 146850 146851 146852 146853 146854 John Richards John Richardson Thomas Riley Charles Robers William Roberts George Rose Joseph Saunders Thomas Searle Maurice Shean William Slater 9475 9504 9601 9506 9315 9435 9219 9360 9576 ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto Richard J. Smith William Smith William Smith John Sullivan William Sullivan Timothy Sullivan John Summers Michael Tangney John Taylor Robert Taylor 7388 9258 9408 9534 9385 8013 9513 8745 9556 9539 ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto Souihwai k Brixton Wandsworth Wool wish, Kent Bermondaey, Surrey Metfield, Suffolk Croydon, Surrey Egliam Camberwell Brixton Lincolnshire Croydon, Surrey Cambers ell Poplar, Middlesex Bjrmondeey, Surrey Dartfcrd, Kent Walworth, Surrey Tralee, Kerry Ciapham, Surrey ditto groom stone maaon labourer leatherdrssr blacksmith sawyer labourer ditto ditto brown dk. bm It. brn brown brown brown brown brown brown dk. brri hazel blue greyj grey grey grey orora grey fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh dark fresh fresh freEh fresh 12 June 1 May 1 May 1 May 1 May 26 May 1 May X May 1 "" 1 ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto anchor on right wrist tattooed both wrisis scar on left chsek D ' on left siaa dots on right arm., one back left haad sawyer labourer ditto ditto shoemaker labourer costermngr. labourer bricklayer labourer 7 5i 64 5i 8 3 64 4 7i 43. brown brown brown grey brown dk. brn brown brown It. brn dk. brn blue blue grey blue hazel hazel blue grey- hen ® hazel fair fresh fresh fair sallow fresh fresh fresh fresh 12 June 1 May 1 " 1 1 12 June 1 May IS June 1 1 ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto cut side of left hand anchor left arm, crosa right hand ring on sccR^ d right finger star on ri£ kfc hand, gun on I 146855 146856 146857 146858 146859 146860 146861 143862 145863 146864 James Troy John Troy William Walby John Walker James Wall William Wall James Ward John Ward John Watts Frederick Watson 9550 9549 7487 9576 9581 9540 9579 9583 9372 ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto Newington, Surrey ditto Hatfield, Herts Paddington, Middx. Brixton, Surrey Clapham Brixton ditto Stepney Southwark ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto It. brn It. brn brown It. brn It. brn brown It. bm dk. bm dk. brn brown grey grey blua grey grey grey hazel blue fresh ireah fresh fresh fair fresh fresh fresh fresh 1 May 1 May 12 June X 1 1 1 1 1 5 May May May ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto croas on left airs tattooed back of kit hand scar 04 chin * H. F.' on right arm 146865 146866 146867 146868 14686i> 146S70 146871 146872 146873 146874 George Weaver Charles Webb George Wheeler Edward White Richard Wilkins Edward Williams John Williams John Williams George Wilson John Wilson 9541 9370 9362 9456 9364 9259 9262 9363 9515 9543 ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto Croydon Cambcrwell Southwark Willesboi ough, Kent Redhiil, Surrey Upton, Worcester Croydon, Surrey Horley Lambeth Wandsworth ditto ditto stone mason labourer ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto It. brn brown brown dk. brn brown brown brown black It. bm It. bm grey grey grey grey grey hazel grey blue fresh fresh fresh fresh dark feeah freak dark dark sallow May May May May May May ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto two dots on left hand cut on left wrist tattooed on arms ditto two cuts on left cheeSs 146875 146876 146877 146878 146879 146880 146881 146882 146883 146884 146885 146886 146887 146888 146889 146890 146891 146892 146893 146894 Robert Wilson Thomas Wilson William Wilson James Wood John Wood Charles Green Patrick Kelly George Elsey John Gurney James Wood 9178 9551 9634 9368 9333 9096 9574 7549 9160 9030 ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto Bermondsey " Wandsworth Weatminater, Middx. Kingston, Surrey Tunbridge, Kent Vauxhall, Middlesex Paddington Clapham, Surrey Marylebone, Middx. Camberwell, Surrey ditto ditto groom labourer ditto ditto ditto ditto dark sawyer 22 21 21 18 19 19 18 22* 23 191 4 5 7f 61 6i 4| £- 1 Si 6 brown It. brn brown dk. bm black It. bm dk. brii brown brown brown grey grey blue blue hazel grey grey_ nazes grey grey fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh X May X "" 22 X 1 X X 12 June 12 June X2 June May ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto scars and cuts on forehead and new scara on left wrist eight dots on left at'ia bracelet and star on left arm Benjamin Betts Michael Bourke James Bourke Patrick Bryan Patrick Bryan James Cahill Michael Cahill Patrick Carroll John Cleary Patrick Cody 3866 5026 5293 6310 5164 3782 4083 5206 5119 5229 Kilkenny* ditto ditto ditto ditto iifcto ditto ditto ditto ditto Kilkenny ditto Freehford Gowran Kilkenny ditto Ballingarry Callan Kilkenny Graigue tailor 254 5 5 dark bluo sallow » labourer 19 5 64 black blue fresh —_ dealer 22i 5 44 dk. brn hazsl sallow — ™ labourer 174 3 21 It. brn' hazel swarth • . ditto 18* 6 3i auburn blue fresh — « ditto 22+ 5 5 brown hazel fresh ditto 26* 5 7i brown blue fresh — ditto 26 5 5 It. brn blu ® fresh ,—— ditto 171 5 31 fair blue fresh —— ditto 174 5 64 black hazel fresh 3 July 3 Only 8 May 8 May 3 July 3 July 3 July 8 May 3 July 8 May Kilkenny ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto * absent from tramiisj 146895 146896 146897 146898 146899 146900 146901 146902 146903 k6904 John Curran John Curry Patrick Dalton Thomas Delaney Thomas Dowling John Dunne James Dunne John Egan Patrick Egan William Egan 146905 146906 146907 146908 146909 146910 146911 146912 146913 146914 Patrick Farrell James Fingleton Patrick Fitzgerald M. Hetherington John Hickey Daniel Hurley Martin Kealy Thomaa Kearney James Kelly James Laherty 146i> 16 146916 146917 146918 146919 146920 146921 146922 146923 146984 John Lee George Lewis Patrick Lundrigan Wm. McDonnell John McGrath Richd. Mulrooney James Murphy William Murphy James Murray John Neill 2907 ditto Piltown ditto 21i 5 4i sandy blue fresh - 3 July ditto 6207 ditto Callan dyer 24 5 6 black blue sallow 8 May ditto 5100 ditto Urlingford laboures I9f 5 74 It. brn blue sallow 3 July ditto 3900 ditto Kilkenny ditto 2ii 5 64 fair grey fresh 8 July ditto 3268 ditto Thcirastown marbleplahr 25i 5 6 dk. bm brown fresh 3 July ditto 3001 ditto Castleeomer miner 334 5 10|- brown grey fresh 3 July ditto 3727 ditto Goran labourer 20| 5 8| fair blue sallow —.. 3 July. ditto 3838 ditto Kilkenny whip maker 26f 5 10| It. bm hazel fresh — 3 July ditto 5163 ditto ditto ditto 18* 5 7i fair blue fre « h 3 July 8 May ditto 5187 ditto ditto plasterer 25 S 9i dk. bm blue fresh -—- ditto 3715 ditto Ihomastown labourer 224 5 6i It. brn hazel fresh • 8 July ditto 3146 ditto Kilkenny baker 29J 5 94 dk. brn grey fresh 3 July ditto 5237 ditto Kilmanagh labourer 20J 5 74 It. brn blue sallow —- 8 May ditto 3568 ditto Ca stle comer ditto 23| 5 74 It. bm brown fresh • 3 July ditto 5132 ditto teullinavafc ditto 19i 5 5i black blue freeh 3 July ditto E28' J ditto Kilkenny ditto 174 5 84 red blue sallow 8 May ditto 4049 ditto ditto blacksmith 204 5 4 fair hazel fresh 1 1 3 July ditto 6180 ditto Thomastown labourer 19 5 94 fair blue sallow — 8 May ditto 5039 ditto ditto ditto 21 S 5 black brown fresU 3 July ditto 3448 ditto ditto ditto 254 S 84 dk. bra grey sallow 3 July ditto 6188 ditto Castlecomer ditto 25 5 8f black hazel sallow — 8 May ditto 3320 ditto Piltown ditto 264 5 64 brown hazel sallow 3 July ditto 5218 ditto Callan ditto 18J 5 4 auburn hazel fresh 8 May ditto 5319 ditto Castlecemes ditto 184 5 34 dk. bm bro w n ruddy 8 May ditto 5188 ditto Gowran carpenter X8 5 4 It. bm blue sallow — ™ 8 May ditto 5240 ditto Kilkenny labourer 17J 5 4J dk. bm blue fresh • » 8 May ditto 6214 ditto Callan shoemaker 25 5 S dk. brn blu « sallow a 8 May ditto 6234 ditto Kilkenny labourer 24! S 6i dk. lirn hazel sallow — 8 May ditto 4022 ditto ditto di| to ditto 30| S 6 It. bm blue sallow 1 8 July ditto 4031 ditto Castleeomer SBf S Si brown blue fresh ... .1 . • — 8 July ditto • . in.. ,., . . • 8 P O L I C E G A Z E T T E. January 1{> DESERTERS FROM THE MILITIA— ( continued). OFFICE BEG. 1 NAME. . COEPS. WHEEE B0BN. TBADE. is SIZE. 1 HAIB. NO. NO. < 1 EW FACE. COAT & TEOITSEBS. I DATE 0I? riACB 0F jDESEBTN. j DESERTION. MARKS AND REMARKS. John Nolan Daniel O'Grady Thomas O'Hearn P. O'Shaughnessy Edward Rierdan Ratrick Reilly James Ryan Thomas Ryan James Ryan Robert. Shearman 6195 62S9 3901 5144 5182 3881 3930 6273 52882 5027 Kilkenny * ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto " ditto ditto ditto Joseph Smyth WilliamThompson Martin Walsh Michael Walsh Thomas Wilson James Ingham Harry James William Geraghty CastlecomeE Kilkenny castlecomer ditto Newtown Callan ditto Kilkenny Bennetsbridge Kilkenny baker labourer ditto ditto ditto tailor shoemaker miller labourer baker 22 16} 214 20} 22 21i 27 24} 17} 23 3} 64 5 A 9 4i 5 9 6} 61 dk. brn It. brn lt< brn black It. brn it. brn dk. brn black black dk. brn fresb blue Jjlftesh bazar*" fresh blue blue grey blue brown hazel brown sallow freak fresh fresh sallow fresh sallow 6041 5309 5022 5266 4083 6770 6269 2463 ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 7th Lanc. Sussex Kildare Rifles ditto Freshford Thcmastown Johnstown Kilkenny Eowick, Lancashire Chichester, Sussex Newbridge, Kildare cork cutter labourer ditto ditto ditto musician bricklayer 22 244 184 18} 194 19 16} 23 5 114 34 4 3} 31 7 84 It. brn dk. brn black fair fair dk. brn dk. brn dk. brn hazel bjue blue blue bin ® blue blue gray sallow freab fresh sallow fresh fresh fresb fresh 8 May 8 May 3 July 8 May 8 May 3 July 3 July 8 May 8 May 3 July Kiifeunj ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto * abcent from training 3 Julv 3 July 3 Juiy 8 May 3 July 19 Nov. 10 Dec. ditto dittc* ditto ditto ditto Bury Chichester aupgosed in Royal Eng'nsers at Wojlwich ADMIRALTY. Description of Deserters and Stragglers from Her Majesty's Sea Service. Ali:, » agh £ 3 reward is offered for the apprehension of Deserters at the time, £ 2 only is payable at the expiration of 3 months, and £ 1 only at the expiration of 6 months from the date of desertion and after the expiration of a complete year, no reward will bo paid, except under special circumstances. No reward will bo given in these cases if apprehended within the precincts of a port where a regular Police is organized, but all reasonable expenses will be paid. J- NAME. SHIP DESEETED IEOM DATE. BATING. ( 5 « f SIZE. WHEBE BOBN. HAIE. EYES. PACE. MARKS AND REMARKS. Edwin Paine Naval Barracks, deserter 5 Jan. i. B. 21 5 4 Deptford, K « nt brown brown fair £ 3 reward served in Scout and Tentdos J. H. A. Nicholson Implacable, deserter 7 Jan. boy, lat claas 18 5 24 Ramsgate, Kent Srown hazel pale ditto Joseph Burgoyne Impregnable, deserter 4 Jan. boy, 2nd class 17 5 3 Kilmarnock, Ayr br. iwn grey sallow £ 3 reward Charles A. Cook ditto 4 Jan. ditto 17 5 7 Gloucester brown grey fresh ditto Charles Johnson ditto 4 Jan. boy, 1st class 17 4 11 Walworth, Surrey It. bm grey fair ditto William Tucker ditto 4 Jan. boy, 2nd class 17 5 S4 Radford, Nottingham brawu hazel fair . diti o William Blackham ditto 4 Jan. ditto 18 5 34 Stafford It. brn grey fair ditto William Harris ditto 4 Jan. ditto 18 5 4 Aberdare, Glamorgan Glasgow brown brown fresh ditto Richard Welsh ditto 4 Jan. ditto 17 5 01 light grey ruddy ditto scar on chest James Williams ditto 4 Jan. ditto 18 5 24 Larn/ o, Pembroke brown grey sallow ditto George Aiken Ganges, deEerter 4 Jan. boy 17 5 24 Newtonbarry, Dublin brown blue fresh ditto George J. Ball ditto 4 Jan. ditto 18 a 2 New Radford, No. ts brown hazel freab ditto Robert Gazzard ditto 9 Jan. ditto 18 5 3 Bristol brown hazel fresh ditto George Glaister ditto 4 Jan. ditto 18 5 1 Liverpool It. brn blue fair ditto Michael Regan ditto 4 Jan. ditto 17 5 3 ditto brown brown fresh ditto Jobn H. Crossley ditto 4 Jan. ditto 17 5 3 Ashton, Lancashire It. bm blue fair ditto Joseph Weeden ditto 4 Jan. ditto 17 5 4 Manchester brown hazel fresh ditto John Smith D. of Wellington, deserter 17 Jan. ordinarv, 2nd class 21 5 2 64 Olapham, Surrey brown hazel dark ditto served in St. Viz sent John Ashton ditto 17 Jan. ditto 20 5 Mellor, Lancashire dk. brr brown fair ditto scar on left arm ; served in Simocm James Needs Iron Dule, deserter 4 Jan. ordinary 19 4 11 Bristol brown grey fair ditto Robert Millar ditto 4 Jan. boy 13 5 1 Paisley, Renfrew black dark fair ditto George Taylor ditto 4 Jan. ditto 18 5 5 Glasgow It. bm blue sallow ditto William Wilkinson Implacable, deEerter 3 Jan. boy, 2nd class 17 5 44 Manchester dk. bra blue fresh £ 3 rewara Joseph Davies ditto 3 Jan. ditto 17 5 M ditto dark hazel dark ditto ecar on forehead Samuel Livesey ditto 8 Jan. ditto 17 5 34 Salford brown hazel pale ditto Matthew Harper ditto 3 Jan. ditto 17 5 0? Shileton, Renfrew It. brn grey fair ditto Jas. W. Humphreys Assistance, deserter 6 Jan. boy, 1st cla. su 18 5 3 Brighton, Sussex light blue fair ditto served in Victory Samuel Davis Tamar, straggler 11 Jan. ordinary, 2nd clast 21 5 3 Bisley, Gloucester dk. brn bazo! fresh £ 1 reward served in Impregnable, Cambridge, ani Four Robert Moore Ganges, deserter 2 Jan. boy, 1st claas 18 5 4 Islington, Middlesex brown hazel freah £ 3 reward Thomas Elvery ditto 2 Jan. ditto 17 5 6 Gloucester brown blue fair Edwin Bloomer ditto 2 Jan. boy, 2nd class 18 5 3 Birmingham It. brn blue fair Edward Barnett Naval Barracks, deserter 1 Jan. A. B. 28 5 64 Southsea, Hants black brcwi! fresb £ 3 reward three moles on chest, one on fa^ e William Brunton Revenge, deserter 10 Jan. ditto 22 5 3 Dublin It. bm haze! aallow ditto served in London Joseph Mann Achilla, straggler 9 Jan. A. B. 23 5 5 Plymouth, Devon red sandy tab- £ 1 reward served in Royal Adelaide Philip Rowsell CijttO 9 Jan. ditto 21 5 4! Oridland, Somerset black brown fresh ditto ditto William Perrie ditto 9 Jan. private, R. Marines 23 5 8 Kilma ncck, Ayr light grey fresb ditto B. Jackson Hector, desertor 4 Jan. ditto 26 5 9 Tottenham, Middlesex brown bazol sallow £ 8 reward George W. White Duncan, straggler 2 Jan. A. B. 23 5 5 Some- stcwii dk. brn hazel sallow £ 3 reward William Hill Assistance, straggler 1 Jan. ditto ; s2 5 4 Bath, Somerset dark blue fail' £ 2 reward tattooed on wrist; served in Duke of Welli ngton A, Clarke | ditto | 1 Jail. ditto 22 5 • 64 Cra. iley, Worcester light blue sallow ditto served in Duke of Weilingts » Description of Men Discharged from Her Majesty's- Sea Service. NAME. SHIP DISCHarGED froM. C. J. Grogan Josh. G. Wells James Lloyd John O'Neill George Manus William Bulyer William Harvey Frederick Terrington Wm. Murray James Shea Euphrates ditto Monarch eclipse Audacious Bullfinch Frolic Monarch Pallas Hercules DATE. EATING. H cis SIZE." WHEEE BOEN. HAIE. E30SS. FACT; 9 Jan. A. B. 24 £ 4 London brown blue fresh. 9 Jan. ditto 26 5 64 Portsea, Hanfs red hazel fair 26 Dee. ordinary 26 5 6 Portsmouth brown blue fresh 3 Dee. carpenter's crew 37 S 6 Liverpool red blue ruddy 7 Oct. A. B. 24 5 3 Northampton light grey fair 9 Aug. ordinary 26 6 a Birnataple, Devon dark hazel — S2 Aujr. slitto 21 5 7 Deptford, Kent light grey fair 28 Oct. ordinary, End class 18 g • 6 Pottsea, Hants light. grey pale 23 Oct. stoker 35 f S 8 Hamilton, Lanark dk. brn irown tan' - Oct. ordinary, 3nr>. class 23 E 2f Livejpooi hrowr. blue- sallow MARKS ass REMARKS. discharged with disgrace ; served in Sr. Vincent and Clio ditto scar over left eye ; served in Boscawen discharged as objectionable .; carved in St. Vincent •. so urged as objectionable ; served iu Rodney and Rfpulse discharge! as- objectionable ; served in Boscawen and Forte discharged as an objectionable character ; served in Gbtron "( iwharged with disgrace ; serynd in St.. Vincent and Excellent discharged with disgrace; served in St. Vincent and Excellent ditto tattooed on left arm discharged- as abjectionable ; war on forehead ROYAL MARINES. Description of Men Discharged as Objectionable, fyc. NAME. DIVISION. WHEEE BOBS'. SIZE. ; 1TAIK. ! EYES. PACE. COAT TBOFSEKS. DATE OP DISCHEG. PEACE OP ! DISCHARGE..! MARKS AND REMARKS. Fredk. Humphrys Joseph Riley* Alexander Munro Charles Johnston Henry Stacey John Noiland William Brown William Boyers Wiliam Hawkins John McGhee E. Marine Are. ditto ditto DopSt R. Marine Art. ditto DepOt ditto Chatham Dep6t St. Alba, us, Herta Halifax, York Newton, Ajr Blackburn, Lane. Croydon, Surrey Sheffield, York Islington, Middx. Newcastle Marlborough, Wilts Abbey, Rsnfrew labourer striker slater engine drivr shoemaker puddler plumber labourer ditto ditto S3- 4 234 84} 304 22 20J 32 23i brown brow » brown brown brawn dk. brn dk. bm brown brown dk. bm I hazel brown , r, azel blue grey dk. brn haze] ha, zel hazel grey fresii fresh fresh fresh fresh pale dark fresh, froab. firosh plain 18 Jan. 13 Jan. 7 Jan. 8 Jan. 4 Jan. 1 Jan. 1 Jan. 27 Dee. 15 Deo. 7 Deo. Lowes •• ditto ditto Walmer Lewes Lewes Canterbury - ditto Chatham Canterbury discharged with ignominy ; soldier and flag right arm discharged with ignominy • alias Charles Stradling discharged with ignominy discharged a • utterly worthless and incorrigible discharged with if » no » » irry soars above buttocks ; lifcbarga. i with ignominy ' H.' & three anchors left arm ; discharged with ignominy tattooed on arms ; discharged with ignominy di' charged with ignominy discharged with ignominy ; taltroed or. arma Description of Deserters. NAME. DIVISION. WHEBE B0BN. TBADE. SIZE. HAIE. PACE. COAT & TE0USEB3. DATE OP DESEETN. PLACE OP I DESEETION. | MARKS AND REMARKS. Charles Archer Thomas White George Duglas George Carns Enoch Simpson Thomas Rooney Henry Townsend John Dixon , Thomas Whittaker | Portsmouth John Wilson j Chatham Plymouth B. Marine Art. ditto Leicester Ratcliffe, London Perth Birminglam Wellington, Salop Nottingham Shirehampton Glouc. Worcester Manchester ditto ^ seryant 20i 6 ' labourer 254 5 jo'' efk j& 2 5 book binder 22} 5 labourer 23} 5 shoemaker 25 5 labourer ditto di' to , ditto | 33i 5 1194 5 120} 5 ' 184 5 7i; brown grey 5} brown hazel 9 auburn blue n brown blue 74 dai k hazel 6 di. brn grey 64 Drown grey 7 dk. brn blue 64 brown grey 64 brown blue treah fair fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fair freah | fair uniform tweed undress uniform b] a,- k; cord black; plaid pilot; moleskin black; tweed , undress uniform 11 Jan. 11 Jan. 13 Jan. 5 Jan. 8 Jan. 8 Jan. 10 Jan. 10 Jan. 6 Jar. 4 Jao. Cainbrid ge Chatham s Plymouth Leeda ditto Portsmooth Liverpool recruit, attested off furlough to London seciuit * between Perth and Edinburgh belongs to the Shropshire Militia secruit, attested * between Derby and London < iitto * between Bristol and London ditto off pass to Portsmouth tattooi d on left arm LONDON ; PRINTED FOB HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, BT HARRISON AND SONS, ST, MARTIN'S LANE, W. C.
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