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Limerick City Petitions


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Limerick City Petitions

Date of Article: 31/07/1822
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No Pages: 1
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176 APPENDIX TO. REPORT FROM SELECT COMMITTEE Offic" to take ye oath of supremacy, allegiance, oath of office, & another new oath. Mr or Warden of any guild to take ye same oathes. All offic' 3 to be chosen by ye comon counc1. Forraign" yt com into this kingdome, & c. to be made free for xx'. 2. That noe person or psons that shal be hereafter elected either mayor, recorder, sheriffe, treasurer, alderman, towne clerke or one of the comon councell within the said citty or cor- poracon, or master or wardens of any corporacon guild or fraternity within the said city or corporacon shal be capable of holding enjoying or executing any the said offices places or employments, untill hee or they shall have taken the oath of supremacy established by Act of Parliament 2do Elizabeth ® in this kingdome, and the oath of alleagiance, besides the oathes usually taken upon the admission of any persons into the said respective offices places or employments, and also this ensuing oath, ( viz.) I, A. B. doe declare and believe that it is not lawfull upon any pretence whatsoever to takearmes against the King, and that I doe abhorr that traiterous position of taking armes by his authority against his person, or against those that are commissioned by him. Soe help me God. The said oathes to be taken before such pson or psons as shall admitt them to the said severall offices places and employments ( who are hereby impowered authorized and required to administer to them the said oathes) and upon any such pson or psons refusall to take the said oathes, the election of such pson or psons into any of the said offices places and employments is hereby declared to be absolutely null and void, such persons onely excepted wth whose taking the said oath of supremacy the Lord Ll or other chiefe governor or governors of this kingdome for the tyme being for some prticular reasons shall thinke fitt by writting under his or their hand by name to dispense. 3. For the avoiding such tumults and disord" wherew, h popular elecons of magistrats and other officers are often attended, Wee doe hereby further order and direct that for ever hereafter the mayor, sherriffes, recorder, town clerke and all other officers of the said citty of Lymerick shal be elected and chosen onely by the mayor, sherriffes and comon councell of the said citty of Lymerick or the greater number of the votes of such of the comon coun- cell of the said citty of Lymerick as shal be present on the daies whereon such elections are or ought to be usually made : And that noe freeman of the said citty, or other pson who shall not be of the comon councell of the said citty shall at any tyme hereafter have any vote in the election of any mayor, sherriffe, recorder or towne clerke, or other officers in the said citty of Lymicke, and that noe matter or thing in any wise relating to the affaires of the said citty shal be hereafter propounded or debated in any deere hundred or generall assem- bly of the said citty, untill the same shall have first past the comon councill of the said citty ; And that the psons offending against this rule shal be disfranchised by the mayor and comon councill of the said citty, any law usage or custome of the said citty to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding. 4. That all forraigners, strangers and aliens, as well others as protestants, who are or shal be merchants, traders, artisans, artificers, seamen, or otherwise skilled and exercised in any misterie, craft or trade, or in the working or making of any manufacture or in the art of navigation who are at present residing and inhabiting within the said citty of Limikeor who shall at any tyme hereafter come into the said citty with intent and resolution there to inha- bitt reside and dwell, shall upon his or their reasonable suite or request made, and upon pay- ment downe or tender of twenty shill* by way of fyne into the chiefe magistrate or magistrates and comon councill or other persons authorized to admitt or make freemen of the said citty, be admitted a freeman of the said citty ; and if hee or they shall desire it of all or any guild, brotherhood, societie or fellowship of any trade craft or other misterie within the same, during his or their residence for the most part, and his and their families constant inhabiting within the said citty and noe longer, and shall have exercise and enjoye all priviledges and immu- nities of trading, buying, working and selling in as large and ample manner as any freeman of the said citty might have exercise or enjoye by vertue of his or their freedome; and that every such person or persons who shal be admitted to be free as aforesaid, shall from thence- forth be deemed esteemed and taken to be denizen and denizens within this kingdome, any law, statute, charter, usage or custome of this kingdome, or of any citty walled town or corporacon of the same to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding. Provided alwaies, that all such strangers artificers and others to be admitted freemen as aforesaid shall take the oath of alleagiance to our soveraigne Lord the King his heires and successors, and alsoe such other oathes as are accustomably taken by all or any freeman or members of the said citty, or by all or any the members of any such guild or brotherhood, societie or fellowship of the trade craft or other misterie which hee or they shall occupye or exercise, in case hee or they shall desire to be incorporated into any such guild, brotherhood, societie or fellowship aforesaid, and shall pay all such and like charges as all freemen his Majesty's subjects of the like trade craft or misterie shall or doe use to pay and noe other or more, and that if the chiefe magistrate or magistrates or other persons authorized as aforesaid of the said citty, or any master warden or other governor of any brotherhood society or fellowship, or any trade craft or misterie within the said citty shall refuse to admitt any such stranger, being a merchant, trader, artificer, artizan, workman or seaman residing or coming into this king- dome wth intent as aforesaid to be a freeman of the said citty, or to be a brother or member of any brotherhood society or fellowship within the same, everie such chiefe magistrate or magistrates, master, warden or other governr respectively shall ( upon complaint and due proofe made of such refusall before the Lord Lieutenante or other chiefe governor or go- vernors and councill of this kingdome) be by their order disfranchized, and from thenceforth incapable ( without their licence) of being a freeman or member of the said citty, and everie such stranger being a merchant, trader, artificer, artizan, workman or seaman, upon tender by him made of twenty shill5 by way of fyne as aforesaid, and taking the oath of alleagiance before any justice of peace of the county of Lyinike who is hereby authorized and appointed tq
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