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The News

Date of Article: 08/07/1821
Printer / Publisher: T.A. Phipps 
Address: News Office, No 28, Brydge-street, Covent-garden
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 830
No Pages: 8
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N- 839 SUNDAY, JULY 8, PjUCE ted. I « pofctisfcod at vm eartjr Juror E » WJR SOWNAR Moraine, AT " T H E NBWS" Office, N O , 2 8 , Brvdgies- street, arid distributed THROUGHOUT the Metropolis and withm the Tiru- peiHijr l\ » t District, b r Nine o ' U o e k . — A d v e r t i s e m e n t s of any description arc ever inserted in tAis Paper. mitral. ..'. i> ^ i w » i iykj DEATH CP NAPOLEON BONAPARTE. " Moo's e « l nuuuwn toe in brass; sheir Vwnte* w wrvtein water." " R « fcoUs tie geai£ Ly ou brm.* Hoy < jf llE^ ai ( fe- Eiffltfh. © • « Wivinesday, the important intelligence was received ia town OF TBO DEATH of " T IM E X I L E , " at. St. Helena, ' jlie despatches containing the details ef this event w& e BROUGHT bv Captain HENDRY, of the Rosario sloop of war, accompanied bv Captain C « OKA. T, of tbe 20th rcjiaKSH. who arrived in town at about- half- past eleven •' dock in the forenoon. Sooo after, tbe following offiaiai bulletin was put into circulation from tiie Public © Usees-:— " St. Ifeima, May 7. * BOSAPASTS died oo Saturday the at 6 p. ni-, after aa BUiess of six weeks; the lust fortnight only considered • ufigHKNis. The body has been opened. and tbe disease as- Mrusiued to be a earner art the stuneaeh, with a yreut extent tdnora'JHni. " He h& s been lying in state since yestevday afternoon, the Admiral, Govemot, and heads ot departaeats Iwicf first seen the body." '• Daring tie first fbar weeks of his illness, it did not assume any very daDgeiroos appearance, ehoogh lie appeared ti « wei( to be consc- ioos tiiat it would- terminate fatally— Baring the last fortnight it was evident to ail ihe medical attendants that he could not recover. It U said that tie gave directions about bis affairs and papers till five or six hours before he died, having retained his senses till thai period.. He said he wished to be opened, in order that his SOD might be informed of the nature of hU disease. The body was ojwueri by his own surgeon. We believe that iie lel'f u will, ' which,,. with hb other papers, have been, or will of course be, transmitted to this country. " The despatches were immediately communicated to all the Ministers, and to the Ambassadors, by WIKJUI couriers are onderstood to have been despatched to their different Cuvrts." ANOTHER ACCOUNT. " The despatches broughfby Capt. CROKAT, announcing the death of BONAPAKTE, are dated St. Helena, May 7.— That event took place on tho 5th of May, at ten minutes before sis in the afternoon. The illness of tbe ex- Emperor lasted, in the whole, six weeks; and its effects on his frame, as described by an officer who had frequent opportunities » f seeing him during that period, were so powerful as nearly to reduce him to a skeleton, and to obliterate all traces of bis former features. During tbe latter part of his illness be frequently conversed with his medical attendants on its nature. of which he seemed to be perfectly aware. He declared that it was hereditary, and that his fcuher bad died of the same disease. On examination after death, the stomach was found in a state of extreme ulceration, so that it appeared in some placqs perforated in large openings. His medical, attendants gave it as their decided opinion, ir, which the physician who was called in coincided, that the disease was incurable, and that the climate had had no elieci in producing it.* One trait of character displayed Itself in his last moments, which marks the " ruling passion strong in death." As lie found his end approach, he was habited, at his own request, in his uniform of 3'' ieid Marshal, with the boots ar. d spurs, and placed on a camp bed, on which he wus accustomed to sleep when in health, and preferred to every ether. In this dress he is said to have expired. It has IHKJU asserted that the ship which brought the despatches, also brought the body of BONAPARTE to England, but this we understand is not the case. His attendants wished hi* body to be conveyed to Europe; but on opening his will, it was found that he had left a request tliat it should lie interred in the island, and pointed out the spot where he wished his remains to rest, in a beautiful valley near to his residence.— Though BONAPARTE is supposed to have suffered much, his dissolution was so calm and serene, tiiat not a sigh escaped ° It appears very clear to us, that many partsof this account are matie up, tor a particular purpose. In the present stage « t tiie atiair we see no reason to place the smallest credit on the statements which represent the death of- NAPOLEON to have proceeded from an hereditary cancer— which make him. say that his father died of tiie same disease— which represent tiiia as wi> tiirig to be buried at St. Helena— and which state that the climate had no effect as to the hastening of his demist. Ail these assertions we view with strong suspicion.*— Why did he ivsire his son to be informed of the nature of his disease, if lie (. NAPOLEON) believed it nothing extraordinary? him, or any intimation to the bye- slanders that it was so Bear. At the departure of the despatches, no day bad been fixed for the funeral, but it was understood that it would be soleinoiised wilh the military honours doe to his mnh. *' A likerxass of DO^ VAPARTB, after his decease, was sketched by an English Officer, and is brought to England. Count MONTHOLOR, we hear, arrived by the ship which brought the intelligence of this event, and immediately forwardwi it by anexiraofdinary courier to the French Ambassador. Numerous expresses left town on Wednesday rooming to announce the death of BONAPARTE to the different European O urts. Tbe news was conveyed from Calais to the French capital by telegraph, where it would be known in less than 34 hoar* after its arrival in London." Thus, heart- broken, but still like a Itero, has terminated the fife of this extraordinary man. To tliose possessed of the more kindly feelings of our nature, it mast he matter rather for rejoicing than grief, that a pitying Providence has at length close! . bis sufferings— Confimrf to a barren rock in tlic midst of the ocean— torn from his wife, his child, his family and friends, and committed to the charge, ami at the mercy of tiiose whom he ever considered his bitterest enemies, it can afford little ground for regret to liis admirers, that death ha* released him from a state in which commiseration for his misfortunes was mixed with a sentiment, of a less estimable nature, arising from a comparison of the splendor of his former life, with the degrading confinement arid inactivity of his latter days. Now that envy,, hatred aud malice hare spent their fury on his devoted head, charity maybe allowed her free scope, and the individual who alive excited our fears and called forth onr vengeance, may in the silent recesses of tile tomb lie deemed to have merited sympathy for the reverses of his fortune, and compassion for tlielr mournful termination.* We live too near the timeit of NAPOLEON BOHAPAKTE ever to expect to witness the application of an impartial judgment to his character. That lie was like other Conquerors, occasionally cruel, where his interest impelled him so to be, there can be no question; but we deny that he wus ever guilty of the mean acts of individual tyranny which disgrace the memories'of Louis XIV. and FRHDERICK of PBUHFIA, As a Monarch, it may IKV said with truth that lis vras more sinned against than sinning; and that- however he wight have deserved the fate which he experienced, lie certainly never deserved it at the hands by which he received i t— Had it not been for hia clemency, both as a man aud as a Sovereign, be never would have died at St. Helena, nor would ooe of the members of the Holy Alliance have been as they now are, enabled to triumph over his ashes. A singular fate may be said to attend him— that of receiving a species of retribution at. the hands of his enemies ; for however posterity may reprobate his ambition, and reproach him for many of his public actions, a still greater share of reprobation will he attributed to his persecutors, for they, towards him, outraged every grateful feeling, and in respect to tiie world^ have shewn themselves the possessors of all his tyranny, without the qualifying alloy of the smallest of his virtues. As to the circumstances immediately attendant on the death of this great man, truly has it been remarked that they partake of every tiling mean and disgraceful as they regard this country. " If," as The Morning Chronicle observes—" His detention was necessary to *' the repose of Europe— if it was impossible that the " Sovereign of ENGLAND cotilti receive him as another " THEMWTOCI. E;— it was not surely necessary that bis " captivity should have been mnbittered by such an in- " ccssant display of petty tyranny as made his life a " burden to him, and could not fail to bring it to a " rapid closc." This it is which will ever make England a participator in tbe disgrace which will attach itself to the persecutors of NAKOIEQN., It is not only that she degraded herself by submitting to the office of * This feeling was exemplified on Wednesday last in a quarter where it might have least been expected. A' meeting of East India Proprietors having taken place at the India House, the Chairman interrupted tiie business of the day by announcing the death of NAPOLKON. On this, Mr. LowNDks rose to coui/ raSalette the Court ou the event. Hut to the honor of the Bril^ sh character, a burst of indignant teeliug overwhelmed tbe voice of the speaker, and crios of u Order;' ami " Shainel" fesoaocfed through the Court. his Jailor— but that she lowered herself still further by becoming the tool and instrument of the petty and EEfeeling ver, gear. ee of the most contemptible of men. The conduct of England towards XAI'OLEON was Bujallcd for on every principle of justice or generosity. He WE* our enemy*— our bitter enemy we admit, but were rot we the most determined of bis foes ? Did not we, c'a every occasion, thwart his schemes and oppt. se ourselves to his ambition— and when success finally attended cur operations, and the utmost point of humiliation those of our adversary, should not his subdued and prostrateccKdition have annihilated, on our part, every feeling of animosity and revenge ? That it did not, will ever be a stain on our annals as a nation, and a disgracc en cur name both as men aud Englishmen. Such were the peculiar civccmstaaices attendant on the latter days of NAPOLEON, that it is not probable the world will ever arrive at tbe knowledge of that por? ie » of tliem which may redound in any considerable degree to his credit or character. To sink the fallen still kiwer seems to have been the ruling sentiment among tbe aatliorities at St. Helena. The shreds and patches of his last years, howsver, which have been allowed to see tue light, prove, that melancholy as was his fate and bitter as was the change from a life of active splendor and imperial command, to that of almost solitary confinemetiS and degrading, dependence on the caprice of others, yet lie submitted to it as a man and a soldier. No mean or selfish repining* appear to have proceeded from him, nor was liis death- bed ( apparently at least) embittered by any feelings which might not be owned by the Saee, tiie Philosopher, or the Hero..—" llequiescat in paee" Bonaparte was born on the I5th> of August, 17 ® ), at Ajaccio, in the. island of Corsica. Ife was the eldest- son of Carlo Bonaporte, a lawyer, of Italian extraction, W his wife, L" tifia BanSolini. General Paoli was his godfather, and General Marbauf his earlv patron. It w.- ls remarkable that Napoleon and the Duke of Wellington were born in tbe same year; his Grace having hem born in May, 1763. He was brought up in the Roval Military School of France as an engineer, and first distinguished himself as such at the siege of Toulon, when that place was in the possession of tiie British.— He afterwards became Ihe instrument of tiie Director Barms bv whose interest he was appointed to the command of the French Army of Italy, in which situation he ran ;>. most glorious career of victory; and ultimately effected a peace with Austria. Shortly after he projected the memorable expedition to Ejvpt; but on experiencing' reverses in that quarter he- returned to Frame. Availing himself of the then-- distractcd state of tl e country ( the war with Austria being renewed in bis absence), lit contrived to overthrow the government of tiie Exetume Directory, and,' under the constitution whici; succeeded, was appointed First Consul, or Chief of the Republic, for a limited term, but afterwards for life, in consequence of his having, by extraordinary exertions in the tieid, again compelled Austria to accept of peace. 1M 1804 he assumed the title of Emperor of the French, and was crowned by the Pope. Alter a long c- eurse of victory, the fatal campaign in Russia put an end to liiti power, and he was compelled to abdicate the F re nek throne in tbe year li- l- f. His abdication was followed by banishment to^ the island of Elba. Napoleon left Elba on the 2oth of February, .1815, at night, on board a brig, with a few hundred- followers, and landed on the Ist of March, at five in tbe afternoon, in the Gulf of Juan. Being well received, he proceeded onwards, entered Paris triumphantly on the 20th, and immediate!*- resumed the reins of Government. The success of Bonaparte did hot, however, long remain without a severe check. The fortified line of the Netherlands towards France, which was occupied by strong, garrisons, chief! » • in British pav, were greutly reinforced under the Duke of Wellington, and a Prussian army under Prince Blachcr. To oppose this force, Napoleon left Paris on the 12tb of June, J81S, and gained several partial advantages tiil the 18th,. when he was totally defeated near Waterloo, and fled buck to Paris, where he declared his political liie to be terminated, jmd withdrew himself m privacy-- The conquering armies entered Paris on the 3d of July, and on the 8th Louis re- entered the capital,, followed by the Allied Sovereigns. Napoleon reached Rochfort, where he surrendered himself to a British tnan of war. PMi LI AM EXT All V INTELLIGENCE. H O U S E O F L O R D S , MONDAV, JOLT 2. E C O N O M Y . The Earl of DABNLHV moved a resolution rel;: ti' « to tbe practice of economy in the public expenditure, similar to that of Mr. Hume in the Htifcso of GOWUJOBJ thtweek preceding-.— Ou the JEarl of LiYEiti'VSi. .210 THE NEWS. n*> ved an amendment ( siaiikar to Mj\ Banker's), which was © afrtetl item- aon,— Adjoimieof Tuesday, duly 3. The Duke of Clarence's Annuity Bill was brought tip from the Commons, and re* l a first time.— Adjourned. Wed. nesday, July 4. The hills on the table were forwarded through their respective stages.— Adjourned. Thursday, July 5. The Duke of Clarence's Annuity Bill went through a Committee.— Adjourned. HOUSE OF COMMONS, MONDAY, July 2. The Duke of Clarence's Annuity Bill, with the arrears, passed after its third reading, on a division'—- 94 to 33. The Extra Post Jii/ l was lost on a motion for bringing up the report— 31 for it, and 39 against it. Mr. SCARLETT obtained leave to withdraw his Poor Relief Bill.— Adjourned. Tuesday, July 3. " THE CONSTITUTIONAL ASSOCIATION." Mr. HODHOUSE rose to present a petition upon a subject of singular importance, and setting forth a ease of most extraordinary hardship. The petition was from Wm. Benbow, late a bookseller in the Strand, but now a prisoner in the King's Bench prison; and it stated, that without trial the petitioner was imprisoned at the suit of the Society for want of bail, where he was likely to remain until October, on account of the King's Coronation. ( Hear.) Tlie ATTORNEY- GENERAL promised to make inquiry into the circumstances of the ease; and if the Corona- Son delayed his trial, he should certainly procure his liberation. Mr, S. W H I T B R E A S then rose to make his promised motion on the subject of this Society. He said that no person of the least understanding could fail to perceive that this Society was set on foot only by a few attorneys, for their own private emolument. ( Hear, hear.) He did not blame these attorneys for having regard to their own interest, but he had a right to quarrel with them when they resorted to improper means of promoting that interest. Whatever might have been the crimes of Benbow or Dolby, the conduct which this Association hatf pursued towards them was oppressive in the highest degree. The Association assumed to itself the right of deciding what publications should be allowed, and what proscribed. The Law Officers of the Crown, in the execution of their duty, were subject to fhe influence of public opinion, and the animadversion of that House, where they were liable to have any part of their conduct called in question. The Association was under no such restraint, and whatever blame might attach to the Boeiety generally, each member would think that but a sitall portion belonged to him individually. He had always, observed, even in tbe transactions of private life, that individuals acting collectively would openly avow proceedings, which, in their individual character they would have been ashamed to acknowledge. ( Hear.) The Hon. Gentleman . then concluded with moving'that an • humble Address be presented to his Majesty, praying that he would be pleased to direct the Attorney- General to enter a noli prosequi upon all indictments preferred by the Society styling itself the " Constitutional Association" against individuals. Mr. B . BAT. HPB. ST opposed the motion, and defended the Society. Many societies were founded on a similar principle." He might refer for a particular example to the Soeiety for the Suppression of Vice. Dr. LUSHINGTON did not mean to deny that any individual who was aggrieved had a right to use the King's name in commencing^ prosecution; ' but he would ask whether every association, prior to the establishment of the one in question, had not confined the prosecutions which it instituted to Offences committed against its own members ? ( Hear, hear.) He begged pardon, there was one. exception- almost too contemptible for him to waste his breath upon— the Society for the Suppression of Viee- ( Hetlr)— a society, which, whilst it prosecuted bakers for roasting joints, of meat upon Sundays, and pried into the depths of obscene publications, in order, as it would almost sepm, to give to such obscenity an increased publicity, by the " prosecutions to which it sub- < « ted it, allowed all- the revelries and profligacies of the iigh- b6rn and powerful at the west end of the town, to proceed with'out notice, and without censure ( Hear)-, thus acting at once the part of the coward and the hypocrite. ( Hear, hear.) For what else was it than hypocrisy, what else was it than pusillanimity, to wreak the utmost vengeance on the poor, but to spare the wealthy and the powerful? [ Hear, hear.) There might be well- meaning'individuals amongst the members of that Society', but to hir. i at least they appeared most Weak in judgment. The members of the Constitutional Association deserved, however, to be mentioned in yet severer terms of reprobation, and could not be vindicated upon similar gronnds. He wished to know where the victims of this society were to look for redress in case of the prosecutions against them failing.. Let the House contrast the situation of this society with that of the individuals whom it selected for its victims. [ Hear, hear.'] On one side they had' a society with large, he had almost said unlimited, funds at its command, for the purpose of prosecution; and therefore able to afford fees to counsel and other necessary expenses; even though no further additions were to be made to its resources, which he was sorry to say was not likely to bethi case, as lie had that day seen among, the subscriptions a gift of 3001. from a Lord Powerscourt, a gift which told more against tA& head and heart of that nobleman than any other circumstance that cenld be imagined, © a the other sure they had poor and i; needy individtelp, involved in ruin and imprisonment by the mere institution of tiie numerous prosecutions which this society had commenced against them. ( Hear.)— Now, supposing one of these individuals to be fortunate enough to fr. ee himfelf from the fetters in which this Soeiety bad endeavoured to enthral him, and to get out of that Pandemonium to which it Was its avowed determination to consign all who were bold enough to oppose its measures and to thwart its designs, who was to answer for the responsibility of Mr. J . B. Sharp or Mr. Charles Murray, against, whom alone he would be entitled to bring his action of damages? ( Hear.) If any process would lie against Lord Powerscourt ( Hear), so as to render him responsible for the injury which lie shewed himself so desirous to inflict, one of his objections to this Association would be in some measure mitigated;, but the party injured would have to bring his action against mere men of straw, from whom little would be recovered, however heavy the damages that might be assigned to him by a jury of his countrymen. ( Hear.) " I therefore call upon the Right Hon. Gentleman," said Dr. Lushington, " if I am mistaken upon this point, to tell me, if not in pity to me, at least in pity to the numerous victims in whose future immolationhe seems so greatly to rejoice, to what other quarter they are to look for redress in case they should come unscathed out of this fiery ordeal to which they are subjected. As the Society is at present constituted, I know . of no other persons than these I have mentioned to whom they will have the slightest right to apply for redress." The Learned Gentleman then adverted to another curious circumstance in the constitution of this Association, and that was— that they perpetually created their osvn offences. ( Hear.) Like thai detestable association, the Society for the Suppression of fice, they sent out individuals to induce needy and unsuspecting , persons to commit the very offences for which they afterwards prosecuted them. ( Hear.) He was sure there was not a single Member in the House ( no matter what, were his political opinions) who did not view with the utmost detestation and abhorrence the practices of those who made crimes in order to punish them—- who sent out individuals to inveigle others into offences, in order to destroy them for those offences afterwards. ( Hear.)— Til is had been done, and done more than once, by this self- styled Constitutional Association. ( " Hear," from the Opposition benches, and cries of " No, no!" from the Ministerial.) Had the Hon. Gentlemen who cried " No," forgotten the petition which had recently been laid upon their table, and which developed in the clearest manner this abominable practice? or did they mean to dispute the facts which had been contained in it?— [ Here some symptom of dissent was made, we believe by Mr. TV. Courtenay.] He was sorry that his Hon. and Learned Friend ( the Member for Lxeter) should be found supporting the practice and principles of so extraordinary au association. For, though he differed widely from his Hon. and Learned Friend in politics, lie hail thought that the tenour of his Hon. and Learned Friend's studies arid pursuits would induce him to desire to work out the safety of the Constitution, if he considered it to be endangered, by the old legal means which it had prescribed, and not by the new- fangled innovations which this Association wished to introduce into it. ( Hear.) What would his Hon. and Learned Friend say, supposing that counter- associations should be instituted to check the tyranny of this Society? ( Loud cries of " hear!") He would frankly declare in the presence of the House, that if lie thought it likely that this Society would be allowed to continue its damnable. proceedings, and if he could bring himself to bulieve in the legality of a counter- association, he would be among the first to join sttoh counter- association, and to do liis utmost to stay the hand of oppression, which he considered to be raised at that moment for the purpose of crushing under it « weight a large number of poor and unprotected booksellers. ( Loud cries of " hear /") And what, he would ask the House, would be the consequence of such confederations? Would it not be this— that the country, instead of subsiding into peace and tranquillity, would be filled with rancour and ill- will from one end of it to the other; that man would be irritated against man, and that the same scenes would be repeated as were exhibited at the close of the year 179;} ( Hear)— when brother was set against brother, and each man was branding his neighbour as a republican, leveller, or jacobin? ( Hear, hear.) He protested against all measures that were calculated to create dissension' amongst the different classes of the community, and to prevent that cordial union between all ranks, which the state of the country no less than the safety of the Constitution so imperiously required. Mr. WitBERFOHCE entered into a defence of the Vice Society, which lie maintained had done much good. As to the Society in question, he admitted it was liable to great abuse, but still lie approved of its institution. Mr. DENMAN said that the great objection to the " Constitutional Association," and all similar associations, was, that they could not exist without becoming a seminary of spies. The person who couldcondescend to purchase a book, from which he was to derive emolument on the conviction of the seller, would be ready to act even a more degraded part. I f the book were not to be had for asking once, it would be asked for twice"; and they mi « - ht depend upon it, that the informer would not leave the shop without acquiring that which would afterwards prove a source of emolument. ( Hear, hear.)— The Association had been properly considered a nursery for spies and informers; large funds were raised for their payment and encouragement, and instead of diminishing- the number of objectionable publications, they . would see them daily augmented, as long as it was rendered worth the while of any of these desperate seducers to crime to promote their circulation. ( Hear.) I: i conclusion the floh. Gentleman returned his hearty thanks to the Honourable Member for Middlesex, for the manly way in which he had supported the honor of his nam © by the presfent motion. Mr. BROUGHAM asked, was not this Bridge- street Association combined only by party feeling— actuated solely by political prejudices ? Did it not exist merely for the purposes of faction ? Admitting for an instant that its objects were just and honest, its motives pure and disinterested, its proceedings fair and impartial;, honest or dishonest, pure or impure, partial or impartial, was the same for his argument; their enthusiasm must render them unfit to continue in existence; they were organized and embattled against one side; and in favor of another ; they prosecuted with vigor libels against their friends, and screened with industry all libels upon their enemies. ( Hear.) That the conduct of the Society had been illegal no-' one could . question. It w. as illegal for them or for any combination of men to use the process of the law in terrorum over the King's subjects, and without authority from situation, without tiie powers or privileges of office, to go into any peaceable citizen's shop and say to him—" If you will not agree to certain terms which I shall please to impose, I will indict you, and you shall take the consequences of resistance." ( Hear, hear.) It was illegal if Mr. Sharp or Mr. Murray thus addressed an honest tradesman—" If you willnot promise never to publish any more of this work, which I have in my judgment decided to be a libel; if you will not further testify your contrition for having published it; and if, in the third place, yon will not g- ive up your property to me, who am armed with no authority by law to receive it, who cannot receive it without a positive breach of the law, who cannot, legally ask a question about it, much lessschediilateyour property, still less compel you to take an oatli to* the truth of j= our disclosure and statement— if you will uot consent to this to me, who have entered your shop rather as a robber and a violator of the law than as one of its protectors— then you shall be subject to the terrors of an indictment; you shall be prosecuted by 300 Qr 400 persons combined against you with a common purse, and forming an association which aumbers amongst its members peers, spiritual and temporal, persons high in office in the country as well as in the capital, cabinet minister^, as well as those who look up to them for patronage.—- This is the risk to which you wil! expose yourself il you refuse to give up your property on the one hand, " and promise never to offend again on the other. ( ll- ur.)— i'M* he ( Mr. Brougham) held to be illegal ( Chew from all sides.) if this were the law, he had not so read the law of England; if this were the Constitution, it was not that under which he thought lie had been living. ( Hear, hear.) If such a proceeding were legal, all he could say was, that no society ever; was put down by the strong arm of the law as an illegid combination, which did half so much mischief, deserved half so much reprobation, or was half so much the terror ot all wise and good men vrho loved the Constitution, as this Huciety commonly known by the name of tb* " Bridgestreet Gang." ( Hear, hear.) He would conclude by saying, that there were among the members of this Society some to whom his respect would rather induce him to use the language of expostulation than of reproofs they had, no doubt, been drawn in by men of a tow description, who, by working upon their susceptible feelings, had obtained" the sanction of their names and the support of their pnrses: they did not, perhaps, know at all distinctly what they were doing, or they would never have consented to become the tools of tlios ® for whom it was impossible to feel any thing but disgust, In the hands of these men, who ought to be subordinate both from their rank and their talents, but who were, in fact, the viceroys of their masters, were the powers of the Association." It should never lie forgotten that when, though these underlings talked of honest designs, virtuous motives, pure principles, and genereus public spirit, which indeed were very fin ® sounds, when brought to the test they meant nothing but the rapacity of one or two individuals, whose in* terests would be promoted by the multiplicity of prosecutions— who swelled their own purses out of those of their patrons, and sheltered themselves from responsibi, lity under names of subscribers to the great undertaking. ( Hear.) Something had been said by the Hon. Member for Bramber about putting down calumny and detraction on all sides; but it did so happen that this Association, with a rich harvest of libels in all directions, had mowed down every thing on the one hand, but left the other untouched to rot in its own luxuriance*— He had been told, for instance, though he had never seen it, thatit. had prosecuted for an indecent caricature on his Majjhty, but which, in fact, was only a parody of another directed against her Majesty : the- latter they had wholly disregarded, though it had this trifling difference— that/ it wan a gross caricature upon a lady, and on this account certainly more offensive. He was disposed tq think that both caricatures rather originated in ii bad joke than in deep- rooted malignity, and for thie reason thought, perhaps, that both were unworthy of uotioe. What he had now stated he did not know from his own authority,, but . i t was a fact of public notoriety, that the press had teemed on one side with the basest, tbe foulest, and the most disgusting calumnies, not one of which had been made the object of the vengeance of thisjiM#, impartial, virtuous, and pure Association; while it had poured forth all the phials of its wrath on publications that opposed their own political prejudices.- ( The Hon. Member sat down amid loud cheers.) Mr. SCARLETT was fully convinced of the illegal nature of the S'ociety in question, at the same time he did not think that Honse was the proper place to propound the question of the law of the case, and he was therefore anxious that the motion of his Honourable Friend should be withdrawn. If pressed, he should certainly be compelled to vote against it, notwithstanding the (" pinion he entertained cf the unconstitutional character of the- Society. Mr. WIIITBREAD said he should adopt the advice of ljis Learned Friend. As to the Members of this Society lie knew little. He had no acquaintance with J. B. Sharp ; he knew nothing of him except as connected with this Society, nor felt any regret at not knowing more of such fi person. This Mr. Sharp was a bankrupt, and owed 3001. to a Member now in that House, who would never get 300 pence for the debt; and was that the person who ought to he intrusted \ Vith so much control over the conduct of others? ( Hear.) The motion was then withdrawn. ADJOURNMENT OF THE HOUSE. The Marquis of LONDONDERRY, in moving the adjournment of the House until Tuesday next, said it might be interesting to state, that since the commencement of the Session they had sat every night, on the itverage, 8 hours and 40 minutes. Their constituents would thus see that the situation of a Member of Parliament, was not a sinecure ; and that if little was done, at least labour was not spared. Adjourned at half past one o'clock. THE QUEERS CLAIM OF RIGHT TO BE CIIOIVNED. On Thursday, Rt tew o'clock in tlie morning, the Privy Council met at Whitehall, to hear her Majesty's Counsel in support of the Queen's legal right to he crowned witli tlie King at the approaching solemnity of the Coronation. For many years so large a Privy Council had not met, there being 49 Privy Councillors present, together with a large assemblage of Members of Parliament who are not of the Council. We observed at the council table— Their Royal Highnesses the Dukes of York and Clarence; « nd within the railing the Lord Chancellor, . the Lord President of the Council ( the Earl of Harrowby), the Lord Privy Seal ( the Earl of Westmorland), the First Lord of the Treasury ( the Earl of Liverpool); the Secretaries of State, ( the Marquis of Londonderry, Earl Bathurst, and Lord Sidmouth); the Master- General of the Ordnance ( the Duke of Wellington) j the Karl of Lauderdale ; SirChas. Long; the Lord Steward ( tlie Marquis of Cholmondeley); Lord Chamberlain ( the Marquis of Hertford); the Master of the Horse ( the Duke of Montrose); Mr. B. Bathurst; Mr. Wellesley Pole; Mr. Peel; the Lord Chief- Justice Abbott; the Chief- Baron ; Chief- Justice Dallas, and the Master of the Rolls; and Sirs Wm. Scott and John Nicholl; the Earl of Ikmoughmore ; Lord Melville; Lord Amherst; Lord Binning; Ix> rd Teignmoath; Lord Yarmouth; Mr. Robinson; Mr. Wallace; Mr. Tierney; Mr. Beckett; Mr. Arbuthnot; Mr. liluskisson; and many other official characters were present. '. Sir J. Macintosh, Sir G. Hill, Mr. Calc. raft, and several other Members of the House of Commons, were among the spectators. At the end of the table stood Mr. Brougham and Mr. Denman, her Majesty's Attorney and Solicitor- Generals, and Dr. Lushington. Mr. Wilde and Mr. Williams were in attendance, but not in their forensic habits. The King's Attorney and Solicitor- Generals sat near the Lord Chancellor, at the opposite end of the table. As soon as the members had taken their seats, no objection was made to the admission of strangers; the small space near the door, which is only capable of containing about a dozen persons, was instantly filled. The Chert: then read the Queen's Memorial as follows, addressed to the Kingjn Council:— " To the King's Most Excellent Majesty in Council assembled. " The memorial of her Majesty the Queen " Sheweth, that yonr Majesty has, by your royal proclamation, bearing dale at Carlton- honse, the 9th day of June instant, declared your royal will andjileasure to celcbrate the solemnity of your royal coronation npcfn Thursday the 19th day of Jnly next, at your palace, at Weatminster; but that directions have not been given far the coronation of the Queen, as hath heretofore been accustomed on the like oc- . casior. s. i " That divers of your Majesty's subjects, by ancient customs and usages of these realms, as also in regard of divers tenures of sundry manors, lands, and other hereditaments, do claim, and are bound to do and perform divers services an the day and at the time of the coronation of the Queen- ' Consort of these realms, as in times precedent of their ancestors, and as those from whom they claim, have done and performed at the coronation of the Queea- Consort in times past. " That the Queen most dutifully claims, as of right, to celebrate the ceremony of her royal coronation; and to preserve, as well her Majesty's said right, as the aforesaid lawful rights and inheritances of others of your Majesty's sub- i jects. " The Queen respectfully prays, that your Majesty will be graciously pleased forthwith to issue your royal proclamation, thereby to appoint the same 19th day of July next, at Westminster aforesaid, to celebrate the ceremony of her coronation as Queen- Consort, and to direct that all such as by the said customs and usages and tenures are bound to do and perform the services aforesaid, do duly give their attendances accordingly at the said day and time of the coronation aforesaid, in all respects furnished as to so great a solemnity apportaineth, and answerable to the dignities and places which every one of them holdeth and enjoyeth; and further, that your Majesty will be graciously pleased to issue your royal commission under your great seal, appointing commissioners to receive, hear, and determine, the petitions and claims which shall be made to them in this behalf. " And the Queen, as in duty bound, shall ever pray." Mr. BROUGHAM then rose to state her Majesty's claim. ; He had, however, a communication to make at the cutset which called for their Lordships' attention. He iuid the day before yesterday heard there was an ancient .259 THE NEWS. book deposited in the enre of the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, called the " Liber Regalia," and which was a written formula of the ceremonies to bo observed at the coronation of a Sovereign, ft was in fact tire book in virtue of the records in which tho Dean and Chapter were always admitted " to instruct" the King, and if the Queen shall be found, to instruct her also, as to the parts of tbe ceremony which they are to observe during the solemnity. Her Majesty's Counsel had lost no time in applying for permission to examine this ancient record; but he regretted to say, that their application- was not attended with that courteous facility of access, which they had to acknowledge the kindness of receiving in other quarters of reference, that it became necessary for them to make in behalf of her Majesty during their research. The Dean and Chapter replied to the application of her Majesty's Counsel to see the Liber Regalis, that they would not grant the request, without sti fliicient authority or legal sanction. In answer to a second application for the purpose of knowing what they wonld consider as sufficient authority, they replied, that the authority they required was " the highest authority." Application was again made to them to know what they considered to be the highest authority, and the reply was " either the crown or a court of law." As much time would be lost in applying for a Mandamus, he bogged of their Lordships to use their influence to obtain this book. The Earl of HARROWBY said they would send to the Dean and Chapter for the book. Mr. BROUGHAM then proceeded.— In maintaining the right of the Queen to be crowned, there would be two propositions which he entreated their Lordships to bear in mind while he went through his narrative of historical facts. The first was the uniform exercise of the right; namely, that no King had ever been croivned, being married at the time of his Coronation, without the Queen- consort herself partaking with the King in the solemnity of the Coronation; and, secondly, that there never was a Queon- cousort in England who had not partaken ofthe ceremony of the coronation ; but in making these two propositions he begged of course to- be understood, as using them subject to the Hsual qualifications of general propositions; which were— being bound to shew that where any interruptions had existed, they did not compromise the general right. He inferred the right of Queens to participate in the solemnity so early as the Saxon times, from the circumstance of a law being passed, in the year 781, excluding Queen Adelbriga from the ceremony of being crowned Queen of the West Saxons, because that she had murdered her husband.— According to Spelman, Selden, and Speed, this act was severely exercised, and considered at the time as a verv severe punishment to Adelbriga for her atrocious deed. The law was recorded by the antiquarians who reviewed the early periods of history as being a deviation from the ordinary course, and an alteration alone justified by the murder attributed to the Queen. On reference to the Saxon Chronicles, it, would be found, that Judith, wife of Athelwolf, King of the West Saxons, in the year 858, according to the 6th Chapter ofSclden, was crowned at Rlteims, and subsequently ( as wc understood Mr. Brougham) in England, in the words of the record, " like other Queens," assuming therefore the coronation ofthe Queen to boas a matter of course, and she was crowned in the same place and manner as the King. After quoting a passage from a manuscript, which Selden stated to be 600 years old, in support of his position, he proceeded to shew, that in all foreign countries, whether their laws allowed Queens to reign or not, they were universally crowned with their husbands. Having referred to the Saxon Clironi cles, he should come at once to the Norman line. He believed that it appeared, that William the Conqueror was married to Matilda 11 years before the Conquest. She did not come over to England with William, who was crowned in 1068 ; her coronation did not take place nntil 1068; the difference as to time was capable of easy solution from the disturbed state of the country. William Rufus was crowned immediately on his election to the throne. Henry I. was crowned four days after William's death, namely, on the 5th of August, 1100; he was then unmarried: on the 11th of November of that year he married Matilda, and she was crowned in Martinmas of that year, probably on the very day of the marriage. The King afterwards marrried Alice, of Louvain, and she was crowned on the 30th of January, 1110, immediately upon her marriage. On the election of Stephen, in 1135, he was crowned. Stephen's Queen was crowned on the 22d of March, 1136. Henry If. was crowned December 11), 1154, but there was some doubt as to the time of the coronation of his Queen Eleanor. According to Jems of Canterbury, she was crowned with him; hut, according to others,- she was crowned in 1155, and 1177. Henry II- was in fact crowned twice, some said three times; the first time he was unmarried. A very remarkable circumstance occurred during- the reign of that Prince : the solemnity of crowning his eldest son took place in his-( the father's) life time; the Prince ( or King, as he was sometimes called, from the fact of hi? coronation in his father's life- time) was married to a daughter of Louis of France, and she was not crowned although her husband was. The novelty of that omission of what was considered a uniform ceremony led to a complaint and remonstrance to " the King of England, and the result was, that he had recourse for redress to the usual process of Kings— to arms, and a declaration of war; and in front of his reasons for taking that step, the French King placed the omission to crown his daughter with her husband. So that here came an interruption to what he ( Mr. B.) contended was a long and uninterrupted enjoyment on the part of Queen- Consort of the ceremony— an interruption not acquiesced in by the Queen or her family, but formally and solemnly complained of; aud Henry was at length obliged to' submit, for he went over to 211 g ^ t m w e . M w u i I' 11— 11 » France and entered into some comprcm'se witii Louis to avert hostilities, ami the daughter o » tlie French King was solemnly crowned at Winchester by WsfcopS and other vcuera'ole and distinguished authorities, who were sent over from France to perform the ceremony of her Coronation with suitable splendour. Alice, ihie first wife of Richard the Ist never came to England. When Richard married into the Sicilian family, his then Queen was crowned in the island of Cyprus, where lie married lier. So that in every view ot the ceremony, the marriage of the monarch, appeared to bring after it, as a necessary consequence, tho coronation of the Queen, unless where reasons of accident interposed, not at all affecting the general right. King . John succeeded Richard, and was known to have had two wires.— He was crowned by himself on the 27th of March, 1190; and his Queen Isabella was crowned alone, October 3d, 1200. John, also married Arvisa, of Gloucester, from whom, however, he was divorced. Down : to King John, then, there were eight coronations of ; Queens without the Kings being crowned at the same time, and eight with them; in short, eight solemnities on account of the King's royal person, including Rufus, who was unmarried. There was the same number, the , very same number eight, on account of Queens, and byno means as n mere pageant for the Kings : they were exclusively and entirely on account of Queens, and they i occurred uninterruptedly down to Henry III., who was crowned in the year 1216; he was then unmarried; he was afterwards married to Eleanor of Provence on the 1 14th January, 1236, and she was crowned ahrne six days after, namely, oil the 20th January, the King attending in person to grace the solemnity of the scene. Matthew Paris described the whole ceremony— the carrying of the sword of Edward the Confessor, the Earl bearing it as Marshal of the Palace, with the right of restraining tlie King if " he acted amiss." The red book- in the Exchequer was also curiously minute upon the ceremony.^— Edwards I. and II. were both crowned with their Queens — the first- on the 19th August, 1274, with Eleanour, and tho second with Isabella on the 25th February, 1308. Nc observations arose upon either of these ceremonies. Edward III. came to the throne January 26, 1326; be afterwards married Philippa on the 24th January, 1327, and she was crowned alone in the April of the same year, and a proclamation was still extant, ordering- the usual solemnities to be observed on that occasion as upon the King's coronation. The Earl of HARROWBY then addressed Mr. Brougham and said, that as he had come to a point he wished to inform him that the book from the Dean and Chapter of Westminster was now iu the couucil room, if he wished to refer to it. The Dean had brought the book and a missal— which were deposited with the council. Mr. BROUGHAM thanked his Lordship for the information, but said that he should at present prefer pursuing his line of historic narrative, and that he should by and by avail himself of their Lordships' kind permission to refer to the " Liber Regalis" He then referred to a proclamation issued by the Barons of the Cinque Ports, for the' attendance of their assistants or bearers at the coronation of Philippa, and which was exactly the same as that observed at the solemnity for crowning- the King, and the same services were alike ift that proclamation prescribed, and the same conditionsmade to depend upon their performance, lie new came to the time of Richard IT., who was crowned on tha 16th July, 1377. Richard married his Queen Anne on the I4th Jan., 1382, and on the 22nd of the same month she was crowned. He afterwards married Isabella, in the year 1397 ; and according to the close roll in the Tower, she was crowned alone with the usual solemnity and pomp, the Sheriffs of I^ ondon having been enjoined to make the usual proclamation and summons as at the coronation of the Kings, enjoining the attendance of all those whq, by virtue of their places, privileges, or tenures, were under a condition to present themselves at such a ceremony. And the Kingin that coronation bearing no part, it was just like the others, the Queen's coronation as of ancient right. The next King's reign to which he should call the atten-. tion of their Lordships, w as that of Henry IV. Henry was crowned in 1377, afterwards in 1399, and his Queen in 1- 103, soon after her marriage. Henry V. came to the throne in 1413 ; he was crowned in the same year, eight years after, namely, in 1421, he came over from France to attend the coronation of his Queen Catherine, who was in that year crowned alone. ' Ilie close roll at the Tower contained tlie summonses for the performance of services upon that occasion. Henry VI. was upon his accession an infant only a few months old; he was not crowned until 1429; he was a second time crowned in 1431, and again in 1445, on May the 30th, when he. was married to - Margarette, who was herself crowned with the usual pomp and ceremony. Mr. Brougham then alluded to the law of Scotland, which, he contended, was in favor of his argument. He now came- to Edward the 4th. That King was crowned in the year 1461, he being then unrnarriod; in 1465 ha married his Queen, Elizabeth Woodville, or Grey, as she had been called, and he was again crowned with her in the year 1465: the " Ordo Corsnationis Efiwardi Qnarti" was to be found in the Cotton manuscripts, as well also as that " regina;"— the words were, " pro unclione regince." The whole form for the Queen was separately and distinctly laid down as one to be observed independently of the King's, but, with equal form, & c. This brought him to the timeof Richard III. and Queeti Anne his consort; and they were crowned together m the year 1483:' then followed Henry VII., upon which period more than one observation arose with which be should have to trouble their Lordships. Immediately after the battle of Uosworth- fic- ld, Henry was crowned being unmarried- In the following year he married Elizabeth of York, and a' remarkable delay took place iu. tt,-^-.— 3— r.- mrfc^ pwq THE NEW 8. ller Coronation. Margaret of Burgundy, Who married the Duke of Burgundy, had used most remarkable expressions touching the delay in the coronation of Henry's Queen. She said, that it was seen, not without great trouble, that an universal delay had taken place in the ceremony of crowning that Queen— an honor, she remarked, " of which " no Queen of England had been ever debarred since the Conquest." And she added, " that the time had coine, when, at the birth of her son, everybody hoped the King would do her that justice."— Up to tiie period of Henry VII., there had been from the Conquest 19 Kings crowned, 18 of whom had been married either before or after their respective coronations. He had also shewn them, that of the Queens w ho were married to these Kings, 18 had been crowned. The ceremonies, therefore, were alike and uniform, within that long period, for the coronations of Qusens as well as Kings, and as a formal and distinct ceremony, where the coronations were not coeval, the parties being married at the time of the King's ascension to the throne. This brought him down to the time of Henry VIII. The King was crowned with his first wife, Katherine ; and upon his divorce from lier, and his subsequent marriage • with Anne Boleyne, she was crowned by herself subse quently. Thus " far, even the reig n of Henry VIII. furnished'no exception to the general rule for which he mainly contended— that whatever King reigned, his consort was either crow ned with him, or by herself sepa rately, if her marriage was subsequent to liis ascension to the throne. The day after the death of Anne Boleyne, Henry VIII. married Jane Seymour ( and here came the exception.) In the King's then situation it would have been impossible for him to have celebrated Jane's corona tion, and very soon after her marriage she proved with child, and died theday afterslie had given birth, to Ed. VI., which was within a year and a few months from the day of her marriage. The case of Anne of Cleves could not be considered as an exception to the positions which he had before laid down, because it was well known that the day of Henry's marriage with her was the day on which lie began to meditate his divorce from her, and that till he accomplished that divorce lie had no other object so much at heart. He need not mention to their Lordships that Anne of Cleves at last consented to the divorce, and . it the same time, as he believed, waved her claim to be crowned. Catherine Howard proved incontinent, and was beheaded: and of Catherine Parr he could find no traces. The reigns of Edward VI., Mary, and Elizabeth, were not cases in point. James I. was frowned with his Queen. Much had been said of the Queen of Charles I. not being crowned— but he thought it was clear that the objection came from her, who, being a rigid papist, was unwilling to assist at a Protestant ceremony. The same objection existed in the mind of Catherine of Portugal, the wife of, Charles the lid., and i t was attended by the same effect. They had evidence that Catharine had objected to being married by a Protestant priest— was she not, he would ask then, more likely to object to a coronation that must lie performed by a Protestant bishop, according to a Protestant ritual, in a Protestant cathedral ? He now came to the case of James II. and his Queen, who were both crowned together. He was glad to have finished this dry historical deduction of facts; for now that he had brought it down to the time of the Revolution, he had nothing else to do than to remind them, that since that period c- vcry thing regarding this subject was well known, and that every King and Queen had been regularly crowned A MEMBER of the P R I V Y COUNCIL.—" What say you to the Queen of George I., Mr. Brougham?" Mr. BROUGHAM.— With regard to the Queen of George I., he must beg leave to observe, that, as she had never been in this country, he had nothing to do with her. Mr. Brougham then referred to the case of " The King v. IVolfe," in which the Chancellor had said, in consequence of some observations having been made as to the d< iendant having been guilty of some great offence, " If a man be guilty of ever so great an offence, and the proceedings against him fail in substantiating that offence, he is to he considered inlaw as innocent as if no such offence had ever been charged against him." Indeed, the position was so indisputable, that he almost ought to beg pardon of their Lordships for wasting their time in making it. He had now only to beg leave of the Court to inspect the Liher Regalis, and, when he had done so, he • would shortly close this part of the argument. The Liber Regalis and the Missal were then given to Mr. Brougham and Mr. Denman to inspect. They asked leave to withdraw to consult them, and permission • was accordingly granted them to do so. This was about one o'clock. At half past one Mr. Brougham returned, and stated • that he should be obliged to ask for leave to withdraw for at least another hour. In consequence, the Court adjourned until F R I D A Y . This day the rush was more dreadful than on the day preceding," and the instant the doors were opened the very limited space allotted to the public was crammed to suffocation. About 10 o'clock Mr. BROUGHAM recommenced. He said, the circumstance of one or two omissions of the right he claimed having taken place could not invalidate the right itself. Nothing was clearer in the rules of equity and law. than that non- uses did not forfeit, unless where they clearlv, from the length of the lapse, involved a waver of the claim. There was, the other day, before the Cotirt of Claims, a right admitted, which for a long course of years had lain dormant, and not been in any wav exercised— lie alluded to the allowed claim oi John Moyn, who, as Lord of four Manors in Essex, claimed to he Caterer to the King's kitchen, and. Larderer to the Kings and Queens. He should now beg leave, for the purpose of shewing that fixed and important arrangements were always provided for the Queen's coronation, to reier to the Liber Regulis, to which he had called their Lordships' notice yesterday; that book was a manuscript written in the reign of Richard II. Mr. Brougham then read various extracts from it, which will he found in a subsequent column. The Learned Counsel then cited two cases of tenures held by performing services to the Queen at the coronation. He then entered into a learned dissertation on the origin of the ceremony of a coronation, which he contended was for the purpose of shewing the King and Queen to the people, and holding them forth for their approval. Mr. Brougham concluded bv saying that he looked with confidence to the judgment of the Court. J l r . DENMAN then rose. He said he would venture to apply to the Coronation the lines of a well- known author— " This is the English, not the Turkish Court: Not Atnurath to Amurath succeeds, But Harry, Harry." The Coronation of the King of England rested on custom alone. There was lio written law that entitled the King to call on his subjects to witness the imposition of the crown on his head. It was the law of custom from the earliest times. Mr. Denman then observed on the unpleasant situation in which his Majesty would be placed, if at the moment when he took the solemn oath, to govern according to law and custom, he should violate the right, consecrated by custom, of the first subject of the realm. The Coronation was not a ceremony which would afford her Majesty any pleasure, but she was not in a condition to surrender any of her rights, Mr. Denman having ended, the Court adjourned. SATURDAY. The Privv Council resumed this morning, soon after ten o'clock. Below the Bar was again crowded to excess. Mr. ATTORNEY- GENERAL commenced by remarking, that the only ground adduced in favour of the Queen's claim was usage— for no law existed in support of the claim. Now from the time of Henry VII., six Queens had been crowned, and seven ( including the wife of Geo. I.,) had not; so that the majority was against the present claim, which it had been attempted to support on the plea of ancient, uninterrupted usage. The Learned Gentleman also maintained, that the coronation of the Queen was merely an adjunct of that of the King, and wholly depended on his will and pleasure. The Attorney- General concluded by saying, that their Lordships had, no doubt, heard a very able and elaborate speech from his Learned Friend, Mr. Brougham, and if he declined following him into his various historical details, it was not from any dread of being unable to meet the instances lie had adduced, but really from a disposition to save their Lordships' time. The SOLICITOR- GENERAL then followed. He principally rested on the proclamation of the King being necessary for the coronation of the Queen— and on the words which announced it, as " Our will and pleasure." Mr. BROUGHAM, in reply, urged that, many rights existed which were conjunct rights— rights existing on the performance of some act by another ; but they were nevertheless rights, and the King was bound to grant them. As instances, he Cited the writs of the Crown, and summonses issued to the eldest sons of Peers, which, though proceeding on petition, the King was by law compelled to grant. As to the language used in the Proclamations, words meant nothing if taken in their relative senses, for writs were issued in nearly the same terms as matters of right.— Mr. Brougham then commented OH the Attorney- General's remark, that seven Queens had not been crowned since Henry VII. One of those ladies, the wife of Geo. I. never was a Queen— another, Anne of Cleves, never was recognized as such— three lived in the time of Hen. VIII., whose reign afforded reason sufficient for their waiving their right, and the remaining two were of a different religion from the King, and objected to the ceremony. At half past three the Learned Counsel concluded a powerful argument, by saying, that if it were inconvenient to crown the Queen with the King', she shoujd be crowned as soon as possible after him. The Court was then cleared, and it was soon after announced that it had adjourned until TUESDAY next. PRICE OF STOCKS YESTERDAY. i. S per Cent. Red. 77J | Cons, for Acct. 78* I S per Cent. 108J l l I G H WATER AT LONDON BRIDGE THIS DAY. Morning, 44 min. after 7 | Afternoon, 11 rain, after 8. " THE NEWS. Mr. SATURDAYS LONDON GAZETTE. BANKRUPTS. W. Cooper, Beeston, Leeds, victualler. Attorney, Battye, Chancery- lane. T. Figes, Romsey, Southampton, common- brewer. Attorney, Mr. Gilbank, Coleman- street. J. Barnwell, now or late of Leurnington- Priors, Warwick, carpenter and builder. Attorney, Mr. Piatt, New Boswell- court, Carey- street, Lincoln's- inn- fields. J. Coombes, Lower Shad well, cooper. Attorneys, Messrs. GattyandCo., Angel- court, Throgmorton- street. E. Mather, Oxford, grocer. Attorney, Mr. Edis, Broadstreet- buildings. W. Higgs, Strand, hatter. Attorney, Mr. Brumell, Churchpassage, Guildhall. W. Peake. Sloune- square, linen- draper. Attorney, Mr. Jones, Sise- lane. J. Forsdick, Gower- place, Euston- sqnare, builder. Attorneys. Messrs. Stratton and Allport, Shoreditch. J. T. Betts, late of Aldgate High- street, tea- dealer. Attorney, Mr. Lang, Fenchurch- street. C. Rist, Cornhill, and of Dalslon, Middlesex, auctioneer and appraiser. Attorney, Mr. Lang, Fenchurch- street. G. Hanley, late of High- street, Shadwell, cheesemonger. Attorney, Mr. Templer, John- street, Minories. LONDON: SUNDAY, JULY 8. It would appear from The Morning Post of yesterav, that the exclusion of the Queen from the Coronation is not the only change from aneient custom contemplated in the ensuing ceremony: neither the Lord Mayor of London, nor any Commoner, is to dine in the Hall. Nav, even the Peers are not to dine at the same time as the King ( as has ever been hitherto the custom), but like lacquies. are to wait until he has finished. The serving up of the dessert to his Majesty is to bo the signal for the Peers to sit down to table. THE QUEEN. In our third and fourth pages, we insert the interesting proceedings in the Privy Council, on the subject of her MAJESTY'S right to participate, with her Royal Husband, in the Ceremonial of the Coronation. Mr. BROUGHAM and Mr. DENMAN have established a very strong plea, from which, to us, it seems impossible they can legally be driven. They have proved that from an era long preceding the Conquest, it was invariably the. custom to crown the Queens Consort of England, either with their husbands, if the latter had not been crowned before their marriage— or without them, if they had.— In fine, they have clearly demonstrated that our Henries and Edwards were Gentlemen, if not the " first in Europe"; and thatthey treated their wives as Gentlemen, not only by admitting- this right of Coronation, but also by the granting of tenures dependent on the exercise of that right. Some exceptions in course occur, but these rather make for, than against, the justice of the Q U E E N ' S claim. The principle of these exceptions took placc in the reign of that English Bluebeard, HENRY THK EIGHTH,— an appropriate time, as we said in » ur last number, for Statesmen of the present day to go back to for a precedent, by which to regulate the conduct of a King towards his Queen. One verysensible Privy Councillor referred to the case of the Princess of HANOVER, the wifeof GEORGE THE F I R S T ; without considering that, independent of her having been divorced for adultery previous to that Monarch's accession to the British Throne, she never set foot in the land, and therefore, never could take part in the. ceremonial. As humble defenders of the Q U E E N ' S right to be crowned, we contend that it is not sufficient for those who oppose it to adduce cases of Queens who have never been Crowned ; as Jane Set/ mow, Catherine Howard, Catherine Parr, Henrietta Maria, and Catherine of Portugal: they should also, to make good their case, prove that either of these Queens, desired to be crowned, and was refused. The waiving of a right by one Queen, by no means extinguishes that right in the person ofher successor. A variety of circumstances— difference of religion, ill health, or disturbed times, might have operated to induce a Queen to forbear the urging her claim, more especially if her husband had previously gone through, the ceremony; but such conduct can form no binding rule on succeeding Queens, who must judge for themselves as to the propriety of putting iu force any privilege which belongs of right to their rank and station.— The present case is another instance how frequently malice operates against its own purposes, and recoils on its possessor. If justice had been done to the Q U E E N is the affair of the Liturgy, and common decency observed towards her, by those from whom of all persons living she had a right to expect it, we are persuaded she never would have urged any ( claims which might have impeded a ceremony, on the performance of which her Royal Husband had set his heart. But every feeling of justice and decency has been outraged in her case; wretches have been openly hired to libel her, and a society has been formed to protect them in the exercise of their villainous employment. Under such circumstances, is not the Q U E E N justified in claiming all which the law allows her to claim ? The Gazette of last night contains no notice of the putting off the Coronation. It, however, has the official account of the death of Napoleon. This is much the - same as that we have given in front of our present number. Wc however insert the following., report, as matter of historic interest :— " Longwood, St. Helena, May G, IS21. " REPORT OP APPEARANCES ON DISSECTING OF THE BODY OP NAPOLEON BONAPARTE. " On a superficial view the bodto appeared verv fat, which state was confirmed by the first incision dow: n its centre, where the fat was upwards of. one inch uii. l a half over the abdomen. On cutting through the cartilages of the ribs, and exposing the cavity of the thorax, a trifling adhesion of the left pleura was found to the pleura costalis. About three ounces of. reddish .-. fluid were contained in the left cavity, and nearly eiifht ounces in the right, the lungs were quite sound.. The prericardium was natural, aud contained about an ounce of . fluid. " The heart was of the natural size, hut thickly covered with fat. The auricles- and ventricles exhibited nothing extraordinary, except that the. muscular puts appeared rather paler, than natural. " Upon opening the- abdomen the omentum was found, remarkably fat, ami on exposing the stomach, 213 HMWKW. I that viscus was found the seat of extensive disease. Strong adhesions connected the whole superior surface, particularly about the pyloric extremity to the concave surface of the left lobe of the liver; and on separating these, an ulcer, which penetrated the coats of the stomach, was discovered one inch from the pylorus, sufficient to allow the passage ef the little finger. The interna! surface of the stomach, to nearly its whole extent, was a mass of cancerous disease or scliirrous portions advancing to cancer: this was particularly noticed near the pvlorus. The cardiac extremity, for a small space near the termination of the ( esophagus, was the only part appearing in a healthy state. The stomach was found nearly filled with a large quantity of fluid, resembling coffee grounds. " The convex surface of the left lobe of the liver adhered to the diaphragm. With the exception of the adhesions occasioned by the disease in the stomach, no unhealthy appearance presented itself in tlie liver. " The remainder of the abdominal viscera were in a healthy state. " A slight peculiarity in the formation of the left kidney was observed. ( Signed) " THOMAS SHORTT, M. D. and Principal Medical Officer. " ARCH. ARNOTT, M. D. Surgeon 20th Regiment. " CHARLES MITCHELL, M. D. Surgeon of H. M. S. Vigo. " FRANCIS BURTON, M. D. Surgeon 66th Regiment. " MATTHEW LIVINGSTONE, Surgeon H. C. Service." * * We think it singular that the name of Professor Antom- • marchi, Bonaparte's own medical attendant, though present, is not to this document.—( Ed. News.) We refer to an article in our fifth page for some very important news from Constantinople. The Government there is evidently assumed by the Soldiery, and the Grand Signior virtually deposed. The statement of last quarter's revenue was published on Friday ; and the decrease, compared with the corresponding quarter in 1820, exceeds 400,0001. The Excise has decreased 321,0001.; the Stamps, ( 52,0001.; the Post- office, 31,0001.; and the Assessed Taxes, 15,0001.! When Bonaparte took leave of Capt. Poppleton, at ' St. Helena, he presented him with a snuff- box, set with brilliants, and said, " Adieu, mon ami, voila la settle bagatelle qui ine resfe. Je vous la presente afin que vous puissiez faire voir ledondeina reconnoissance apres ma inort." We state from authority that Parliament is to he prorogued by Commissioners, and not by his Majesty in person. Wednesday is mentioned as the day on which the prorogation is to take place. It is expected that the Coronation expenses will be much nearer one million than one hundred thousand pounds, the sum already voted for that purpose. The awning over the" platform on which the Coronation procession is to pass is of Russia duck, and 200,000 yards will be required to complete it. The Lord Chancellor is to be Viscount Encomb >( Earl of Eldon); Sir William Scott has been created Baron Stowel of Stowel, the estate which he purchased from the executors of Lord Chedworth. The following celebrated persons are, it is said, to be British Peers !!— Lord James Murray, Sir Thomas Liddell, Hart., Sir Thomas Freeman Heathcote, Bart., Rt. Hon. W. Wellesley Pole, Cecil Weld Forrester, Esq., Mr. Cholmondeley ( Cheshire), the Marquis of Conyngham: Ladv Charlotte Strutt to be a Baroness, the Earl of AUesbury to be a Marquis. Sir W. W. Wynn has declined a Barony. The Morning Chronicle says, " We are assured that orders have been issued for opening a rendezvous tipon Tower- hill, for receiving volunteer seamen for actual service, under a Captain of the Royal Navy. The Comtitutionnel of Monday contains a paragraph which, if true, may be considered as declaratory <> f war between Russia and Turkey. It says, that " the Divan having refused to reply categorically to the note of the Russian Ambassador, the latter lias quitted Constantinople." An article in the Hamburgh Papers of the 29th of . Tune mentions, that vessels which had arrived at Copenhagen in four days from Cronstadt, brought the news, which was considered as perfectly authentic, that the whole Russian fleet was fitting out with all haste to sail to the Mediterranean. On Friday morning five juvenile pickpockets were fiorged from the Obeliskjn Bridge- street to Blackfriarsbridge, and back again. Sheriff Williams attended, and saw that the ceremony was well and duly performed. Whilst these fellows were undergoing this punishment, it was generally reported among the spectators that it was tiie Bridge- street Gang upon whom the operation was. being performed.. In an appeal cause, " The Iimsr v. Wolfe " now before the House of Lords, the Lord Chancellor has intimated an intention of reversing the judgment of the King's Bench Judges, and liberating the defendant. His Lordship appears decidedly of opinion, that no J u ry can legally, separate witliout giving a verdict, without the consent of all parties. A. fracas of a most vivacious . nature, took place on Tuesday last in the Court- of Exehetpier, between two . silk gawns, Mr. M. and Mr, J., in which the terms " rascal," " scoundrel," and even " liar," were sent to and fro with astonishing celerity. Ultimately the Gentlemen were called before Mr, Baron Graham, who being unable to reconcile them, bound them over to keep the peace. Here the matter, for the present rests. . In the Court of King s. Bench, on Monday, W. Flover, Esq., convicted of certain publications against Sir Robert Peel, arising out of an election contest for the borougli of Tamworth,. was sentenced to be imprisoned for three months in the King's Bench prison, a finfcof 1,000!., and to find sureties for five years, himself ip " 4) 001.,. and two, others in IG001. each.., 1 The Shadwell Police Office was closed on Wednesday : the establishment is to be transferred to Mary- Ie- borie, where an office will be opened in a tew days. When Bonaparte's disease assumed a serious character, the symptoms were extreme pain in the region of the stomach, attended with constant vomiting and the rejection of every description of food. During this period of intense suffering a murmur of complaint never escaped his lips. A rumour prevails that the Governor of St. Helena had, lying in his hands, an instruction from Government, that in case of the death of Bonaparte, his body should be transported to Europe. If this is the case, no will of the deceased slioukl have been allowed to interfere with the performance of this duty. The death of Napoleon is a matter which concerns all fin rope, and every circumstance attending it should have been verified so as to leave no ground for calumny. A private letter from St. Helena, dated May 7th, gives the following description of Napoleon's lying in state:— " An immense number of persons, both yesterday and this morning, have been to see him. It tvas one of the most striking spectacles at which I had ever the fortune to be present. The view of his countenance, from which I felt it scarcely possible, even for an instant, to withdraw my eyes, gave mc a sensation I cannot describe ; his hands were as white as wax, and felt soft, though the chill of death was upon them. His remains must soon be closed from mortal view. In this warm climate dead bodies soon become offensive, and though all the dispatch possible is used in preparing the leaden coffin, it is already time that lie was soldered up. General orders are issued that he is to be buried with the highest military honors; and, perhaps, Thursday or Friday next will he the day." The Ministerial Papers are calling for public congratulations oil the death of Napoleon, on account of its saving the nation an annual expenditure of 400,0001. If any of this money were to find its way into the pockets of the people— if it lightened taxation but one feather, there might be some reason in this; but as we have little doubt the expenditure will merely change its currdnt, we, see no cause for rejoicing on this' account. One point the Queen's opponents rest on is, that because her coronation depends on the issuing of a proclamation from the King, ergo, it remains with the King whether he will or not ever issue this proclamation. Now, numerous instances exist of the King being compelled by law to issue proclamations and writs on the petition of the subject, which petition is a mere form : in point of fact, all writs issue from the Crown, but no one disputes the subject's right to obtain them. The King of England, not having made himself King, but being King by the Constitution, it is rightly argued that the same Constitution which made him King, did by its inherent power make her Majesty Queen also. They became King and Queen simultaneously in spite of themselves: there is no precedent in point of time on either part: what possible right, therefore, can the one have to turn round, and say to the other, " Yon shall " not be crowned with me, or if you are crowned, it is " b y my special grace and favor?" The reply is obvious. " Was I Queen by your grace and favor? No: " the death of our revered Father, George III., which " made you King, made me Queen in spite of your Ma- " jesty and myself too. How then can you, who could " not prevent me from attaining the roval dignity with " you, prevent me from sharing with you the external " badge and seal of it?" The form of the Queen's Coronation, to which we now solicit attention, entirely confirms this reasoning. We have extracted the account of the ceremonial from the Authentic records of the very last coronation in 1761 :— The coronation of his Majesty being finished, tlie Queen " removed from her scat on the south side of the area, to a " chair placed before the- altar, and was anointed, four " ladies holding a pall over her Majesty, and afterwards " invested with the ring and crowned by the Archbishop; " upon which the Peeresses put on their coronets. The " Archbishop then delivered the sceptre into her right hand, " and the ivory rod into her leit hand." Was there ever so substantive, so absolute, so independent a ceremony? Had the King been the person who placed the crown upon the Queen's head, something might be supposed to have proceeded from his grace and favor; but he. has absolutely nothing more to do with her Majesty's coronation than she with his. . The crown is. placed upon the. Queen's head ! and by whom ? By the Archbishop of Canterbury : the same dignitary who placed the crown upon the King's head. The sceptre is put into her Majesty's right hand, and the ivory rod into her left; and by whom? By the King? - No ; by the. Prelate who placed the sceptre and rod in the hands of the King himself. Where, tbenj- is the grace and favor. talked of? One- of- the strongest proofs adduced by the . Queen's Couusel of her right to the honors- of a Coronation is, that several jiersons hold manors and other inheritances, by- services which they are bound to.. perform at the Coronation of the Queen- Consort. It would be rather whimsical that so much importance should. be <; ivcn to the Queen's Coronation, if the ceremony itself were solely contingent on the will of the-. Kirig. The very existence of such tenures- proves that the original- grantors of the- lands— tke former Kings of England, contemplated the Coronation of. every Queen,- not as a matter of graca- and favor,- but as a necessary circumstance attendant on the Queen's accession to the Royal dignity. The old law-, of the land seems, to recognize the Queen as a person possessed of substantive dignities, lower in degree, but as well secured and as well defended as those of the King. Tlie new law, on which the Ministers have hitherto acted, seems tot take- for- granted, that - the Qutenof England may be, like the wife of a Turkish Monarch,' " a Queen of grace and- favor," raised above or degraded below his concubinss, according to the caprices of. the individual who. fills the throne. , EXTRACTS FROM THE LIBER REGALiS, RELATIVE TO THE CORONATIONofthe QUERNS COASORTof ENGLAND, REFERRED TO BY HER MAJESTY'S COUNSEL. TIIE ABBOT OF WESTMINSTER. • It is to be observed, that the Abbot of Westminster far the time being, by the space of two or three days before the Coronation of the King or Queen, shall instruct them what duties they are to perform in the celebration of their Coronation; as also to prepare their consciences before receiving the Sacred Unction. And if the Abbot be dead, sick, or absent in some remote country, or lawfully hindered, then shall one of the Monk9 of the said Monastery ( nominated by the Convent of the same Church) supply the office of the said Abbot in this case. THE BARONS OF THE FIVE PORTS. The Barons of the Five Ports shall carry a rich canopy upon silvered staves over the King. or Queen's head, in the procession to the said Church. THE ABBOT OF WESTMINSTER, The Abbot ( or Monk supplying. his place) ought always to be near about the King or Queen to give instructions. THE CORONATION OF TIIE QUEEN. And note, that in tiie Coronation of the Queen, procession shall be celebrated ; and if she be crowned with- the King, then ought she to be anointed upon the crown of her head, and on her breast; and if she be crowned alone, then otig. t she to be anointed upon the crown pn! y. crosswise with the Chrisme. THE QUEEN'S ANOINTING. The solemnity of the. King's Coronation and enthroning being performed, the Archbishop leaveth the King in his Throne, and goeth to ihe AHar. The Queen, who hath all i this while reposed herself in her chair beneath, ariseih and cometh to the steps of the Altar, and there kneeleth down. A Prayer said by the Archbishop., The Queen ariseth from her prayer., the chiefest Lady taketh off the coronet lirst, and after openelh her breast; . then the Queen kneeleth down again. The Archbishop first, poureth the anointing oil on the crown of her head, then he anointed her on the breast. A Prayer by the Archbishop. Then the Chief Lady Attendant clfcseth the Queen's robe at the breast, and after putteth on her head a linen coif. THE QUEEN'S CROWNING. That done, the Archbishop puts on the fourth finger cf tie Queen's left hand a Ring. A Prayer by the Archbishop. . The Archbishop, taking . the Crown in his hands, a& J laying it before him on the Altar, saith a prayer. THE DELIVERY op THE QUEEN S SCEPTRE . AND ROD After the prayer, the Archbishop delivered, first, the Sceptre in her right hand, the Rod of ivory with . the Bovft in her left hand, both which being dofie, he saith a Prayer, which Prayer being ended, the Queen ariseth and goe h;.-, > the Altar, and is led by two Bishops up. to the Stage, i. e. d passing by the King in his Throne she doth inclincure Regicius Majestatem ( « t decet cidorando) ; which having done, she is led to her Throne on the left hand, and somewhat lower than, the King's,- and is placed or enthroned in it.— After this the Archbishop beginneth the Communion : whereas after the Collects, Epistle, and Gospel read by . the. Archbishop, the Nycene Creed. Offertory is sung by the Choir: whilst the Offertory is singing, the King and Qut- en descend from their Throne, and come down to the Altar. . The Kingmaketh his oblation, tirst of broad and - wine, seeondly. of a mark of gold. The Queen, alter- him,- offereth . likewise; . after which the Archbishop . prpnounceth the blessing over them. That ended, the King and Qupen are- brought bajcK to their Chairs, hard by- die. AFtar. The Archbishop proceeded with ithe Comsiu » i « n. After the Archbishop hath communicated himself, and those which assisted him, xh « King and Queen como to the' steps of the Altar, there to receive the Holy Sacrament. The Archbishop ministereth : b••: body; the Abbot the cup, That done, the King and Qaeea are " brought back to their Throne ahove the, sthges. . There they stay till the Con\ munion be ended. After which they . both go. into the Chapel of Edward the Confessor, where they put off the Crowns wherewith they were crowned. They withdraw themselves into their- traverse.- The King p « : te: h off King Edward's robes wherewith he was invested. He ;- i arrayed with his own Robes Rayah by the Great Chamberiai > of. England. Then coming forth/ the1 Archbishop puts- on the King's and Queen's heads Hhe' Imperial iCrowns which they are, to wear. The King . takes St.- Edward's Sceptre i. i his hand, and the Queen her-' s: The train is set- in- order, . and they return the same, . way they . came. After the. Kiag and Queen return to the. Palaee. the Sceptres - are- delivered to the Abbot of Westminster, to be kept there among the. residue of the Regalia.. Doctor Slop's paper, The Muck Times, on Friday, contains the following curious argument, against the Queen's claim to be crowned:— - " We do- not wish to anticipate the decision of- the? proper constitutional. authority, but- to usy we own it appears little less than a solecism to say that one- person caniiave a tight a thing, . the very e\ istenca of which dejjends altogether on theAvill of another. His not denied,- that it depends altogether on the will of the King, whether he shall or shall not be crowned himself.,! It , is rot>. « ontended thai a Queen- Consort can be crowned, unless the King has been crowned previously. Now what sort of right is it,- which resides in the Queen to . do that in opposition to the will of the- King, which he has always thepower and the! right effectually to prevent?" This is easily, answered. '. Is not the right of. the I « aronsnuf the Cirique Ports to carry* tbe canopy, 1 and tieright of fhOiChainpion to perform his office, dependent nn the will of the King to go: threug h the ceremonials of fhe Coronation? but are they the less rights on ti. rt accwint, whenever hc. cltufes. to be cruiv. uctiJ,..- .214 THE NEWS. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. HAMBURGH, J U N E 25.-— We have received the following accounts from Constantinople by express:— " CONSTANTINOPLE, MAY 28.-— At a Council of Ministers, or Divan, held ou the 5th May, a most important- resolution was unanimously agree, d to, viz.:— That henceforward the corps of Janissaries shall be represented in the Divan by three members chosen from their own body.' " This measure, which may, perhaps, decide the preservation of the Turkish power, has been recommended liv Jussjif, Aga of the Janissaries, who ia well known , for his fidelity and prudence. This experienced man represented that this was the only means to attach the Janissaries to the L'orte, and to prevent all distrust. In the first Divan, held in presence of the three representatives of the J anissaries on the 15th May, it was resolved— " ' To organize the Ottoman army on the European footing.' " The representatives of the Janissaries made only two conditions, which were acceded to:— " ' 1st. That the dress of the troops should not be altered. " ' 2d. That the detested name of Niuum Dgedib, which . cost the excellent Selira his life, should be avoided, and another suitable one adopted instead.' " They are now employed in drawing up the plan of organization, which will make a remarkable era in the Ottoman history. " In the same Divan it was debated what was to be done respecting the insurrection in the Morea, and with regard to the Greek nation in general. Tho new Patriarch was called upon to give Itis opinion. ' i'he composure and dignity with which he spoke produced a great effect. " Another measure, which may be extremely important in its consequences, but may likewise tend . to inspire the Porte and lead to unpleasant differences with the maritime powers, is the summons sent to all the piratical States of Barbary, to join the Sultan's fleet with all the ships they can equip. In the summons addressed to the States every thing is said that can inflame fanatioism and tempt cupidity. " The English Ambassador has already declared that his Court cannot permit the ships of the Barbary States to come into the Ionian Sea, and that all the ports of the Ionian Islands would be shut against them. " The admission of Representatives of the Janissaries into the Divan, a circumstance unparalleled, in the Turkish history, has produced an extraordinary sensation here. ' I'he consequences of it are incalculable. " Unergetic measures have been adopted for the safety of the Foreign Ambassadors. All Turks are forbidden to speak of public events: two of pretty high rank have expiated their disobedience with their lives. A plot; concerted by the Idriots to burn the marine arsenal has been discovered: twenty of the persons implicated have been executed. " The English Ambassador, Lord Strangford, who had his first audience of the Sultan on the 18th of May, was received with extraordinary honours, and some degrading parts of the ceremonial were omitted. Generally, when the. Ambassadors come to the middle gate of the Seraglio ( Orta Capussi) they are desired to dismount, and invited to sit down on a bench, whisht is the usual seat of the imperial executioners aiM hangmen; here they are generally made to wait ail hour before they are admitted into the second court. Lord Strangford did not stop at all, but passed the bench. The Sultan himself answered his speech, which is usually done by the Grand Vizier. Among the ceremonies on this occasion, it must be added, that before the repast at which the Grand Vizier and the Ambassador eat sitting, and tha two first interpreters standing, the Janissaries received their pay— a tedious ceremony, which lasted five hours — the arrears being paid for six months. The moneywas brought in 13,000 leather bags of 500 piastres each ( six millions and a half of piastres). Tho Ambassador received as a present five horses, which are worth 5000 piastres, and their trappings 15,000 piastres. ' I'lie Ambassador had presented to the Sultan, in the name of his . Sovereign, a dagger worth 50,000 piastres." Tuesday morning one of the poor Italian begging toys who have for so long a time infested the metropolis, attempted to put a period to his existence by hanging himself from the scaffolding in the interior of a new building in Stepney- fields. The cord used for the occasion was that of. his drum ; but fortunately aperson was attracted to the place in consequence of the howling of a dog, in sufficient time to save the unfortunate youth from death. His dancing dog, by whose means he was preserved, his little drum and land tortoise were found placed adjacent to where he had been hanging. A number of his brethren have, within the last fortnight, been observed wandering about that neighbourhood, where it appears they have met with less success in the - pursuit of • tliiur avocations than at the West- end of the town, from which, in consequence of the vigilance of the Mendicity • Society's Officers, the greater, part of. them have fled, and it is supposed that extreme want, and a fear of returning home petinyless to his master, . prompted the unhappy lad to attempt this rash act. OLD BAILEY.— On Wednesday morning the following unfortunate malefactors were executed, pursuant to . their several sentences, viz.:— Join Bfakeney, for a street robbery; Muthias Driscot', for extorting monev • under a threat of prosecution for tui unnatural crime; Cephas Quested, for unlawfully assembling with others on tiie coast of Kent, and firing upon the Custom- house Officers, in the execution of their duty ; Charles Wade, and Robert Holding, for housebreaking; and John Shape, for forgery on the Navy Victualling Office.— The unhappy inenconducted themselves with becoming . resignation. LONDON GAZETTE.— Saturday, June 30. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. T. and J. Nichols, Chipping ODgar, Essex, coach- masters •— J. Haslam, J. Winterbottom, and T. Green— R. Heath and J. Davis, Manchester, iron- founders— G. Oswald and D. Williams, Raphidem- street, Southwark, curriers— J., R., and F. Mangles, and J. F. Turner, Wapping, ship- chandlers— R. W. Evans and J. Lucas, Cheapside, musical instrumentmakers— J. and W. Mitchell, Colchester, wateh- malters— P. Corral!, J. Mcrcer, A., A., and E. Homewood, and W. W. ise, Maidstone, bankers— S. and W. Wallis, Dristol, biscuit- bakers— J. Hutchings and G. T. Gollop, Yeovil, Somersatshire, bankers— T. and M. Fooks, Yeovil, Somersetshire, glove- manufacturers— S. Smith and F. L. Cricke, Rathboneplace, milliners R. and J. Holdsworth and J. Blenkin, Leeds, Hax- spinners— R. Douglas and G. Robertson, Wapping, ship- chandlers - T. Storey and S. Judson, Knaresborough, Yorkshire, tobacco- manufacturers O. Wilcock and G. C. Ciaik, Watling- street, warehousemen— A. Lambert and J. Blackmore, Friday- street, warehousemen—-— R. and J. Homersham, Canterbury, wooHstaplers— G. Tinson, H. R. Lodge, and J. Whalley, Bow- Church- yard, woollenfactors— W. and J. H. Gill, J. and N. Rundle, and J. Beard, quarrymen, Catte- Down Quarries, Plymouth— C. Rist and G. W. Newton, Cornhill, auctioneers— J. Brittlebank and J. Bainbrigge, Ashborn, Derbyshire, attorneys- at- law J. Dowthwaite and S. Shepherd, Maidstone, chymists E. Haighton asd R. Gibbs, High Ilolborn, linen- drapers— T. Wallis and J. Hayne— W. Leaf, S. Severs, J. Coles and W. Leof, Old ' Change, warehousemen—— F. Turner and J. Holmes, London J. Bellamy, R. Swansborough, and II. Oake, Cornhill, warehousemen. DIVIDENDS. July 21, R. Graham and S. Sharman, Leicester- square, linen- drapers— July 21. J. lies, New City Chambers, Bishopsgate- street, insurance broker July 21, G. W. B. Tonge, East India Chambers, Leadenhall- street, merchant— July < i7, R. Turner, Liverpool, butcher July 14, I. Palyart, London- street, Feuchurch- street, merchant July 27, J. Henzell, Newcastle- upon- Tyne, linen- draper— July 31, W. A. Brown, College- hill, merchant - July 21, R. Simpson, Crown- court, Threadneedle- street, merchant— July 11, H. Le Messurier and J. A. Du Buesson, London, merchants— July 28, J. Preece, Peterborough- court, Fleet- street, goldbeater— July 21, J. Crossley, King- street, merchant— July 21, S. Cater and J. Home, Watling- street, warehousemen—• July 21, W. Prentice, High- street, Southwark, ironmonger — July 21, W. Bryan, Camberwell, merchant— July 21, G. Rootsey, Tooley- street, Southwark, butcher—— July 23, C. Webster, Chedgrave, Norfolk, printer— July 23, J. Hardman, Manchester, warehouseman— August 14, W. Dunn, Hoxton, wholesale upholder— July 24, W. A. L. Bailey, Stow- market, cabinet- maker— July 25, T. and T. H. Robinson, and R. Hancock, Manchester, cotton merchants. CERTIFICATES— JULY 21. D. Hennell, Kettering, Northamptonshire, draper - J. Barnett, jun., Wesl- stroet, West Smithfield, victualler— D. Turner, Whitechapel- road, timber- merchant- W. Cole, Sinnington, Yorkshire, farmer— T. Burn, Southend, brickmaker— W. Fil'oot, Bristol, dealer— J. Wilkinson, Blackburn, Lancashire, cotton- manufacturer— W. Abbott, Berinondsey, New- road, cordwainer. TUESDAY'S LONDON GilZETTE. — — BANKRUPTS. P. Sullivan, late of Stewart- street, Old Artillery- ground, silkmaufacturer. Attorneys, Messrs. Weston and Co., Queenstreet, Cheapside. W: Lee, late of the Old City Chambers, Bishopsgate- street, wine- merchant. Attorney, Sir. Bolton, Austin- friars. J. Bennett, Marsham, Norfolk, miller. Attorney, Mr. T. II. Ewbank, North Audley- street, Grosvenor- square. J. Edwards. Goiigh- square, St. Bride's, furrier. Attorney, Mr. M- Duff Castle- street, Holborn. T. H. Ainsworth, late of Halliwell, Lancashire, calico- printer. Attorneys, Messrs. Adlington and Co., Bedford- row. T. Playfair, New Bond- street, trunk- maker. Attorney, Mr. A. IL Burt, Field- court, Gray's- inn. T. Whitehouse, West Bromwich, Staffordshire, miner. Attorney, Mr. Tavlor, Walbrook. DIVIDENDS. July 14, Il. White, Warminster, Wiltshire, linen- draper — July 28, J. Prichard, Chorch- lane, St. Mary, Whitechapel. cooper— July 24, R. T . de Roche, J. Perrin, and H. 1.. J. S. R. Rochas, Lime- street, merchants July 24, R. Lodge, late of Blackburn, Lancashire, butcher— July 14, T. and J. Dowley, late of Willow- street, Bank- side, corn- merchams— July 24, J. Mann, I^ eds, Yorkshire, commonbrewer— July 27, M. Cope, late of Derby, ironmonger August 1, A. Walter and J. Stokes, Bishopswood and Lydbrook Works, Gloucestershire, iron- masters July 26, A. Garrard, Dotvnham- market, Norfolk, tanner July 25, T. Taylor, Preston, Lancashire, tea- dealer July .7, W. F. Woodgate, late of Tonbridge, Kent, banker July 17, B. Barton, Paul's Cray, Kent, miller— Ju! y 7, P. Grose, Commercial- road, victualler— July 24, J Finch, East Grinstead, Sussex, carrier— July 27, R., Wadham, Poole, grocer— July 30, J. Canney, Bishop Wearmouth, Durham, shipowner— July 24, W. Thornton, Devonshire- street, Mary- lebone, merchant— August 4, J. Curtis, late of Fordingbridge, Hants, draper. CERTIFICATES— JULY 24. T. Wood, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, clothier J. Mason, Liverpool, linen- draper— R. T olson, late of Dalton, Yorkshire, manufacturer— W. Edwards, Manchester, manufacturer— S. Brewer, late of New Brentford, Middlesex, grocer— T. Brown, Longdon, Staffordshire, grocer— T. Moneey, late of Burgh, Norfolk, farnie" W. Roe, late of' Lower East Smithtiuid, wheelwright— T. and R. Tweed, Chingford- mills, Essex, millets— J. Dean, Bingley, Yorkshire, builder J. Laughton, iate of Arbour- square, Commercial- road, mastermariuer. LAW INTELLIGENCE. COURT OF KING'S BENCH, JUNE 30. QUARRELS IN THE KING'S BENCH PRISON. Mr. COOPER moved for a rule to shew cause why Wm. Jones, Esq., Marshal of the Marshalsea, should not answer matters contained iu the affidavits of Colonel J. Bayley, Captain P. Loftus, and two other gentlemen, prisoners under his charge. The first document upon which Mr. Cooper moved ( and the only one which in the sequel was read) was an affidavit, very voluminous, from. Colonel Bayley ; its effect was pretty nearly as follows: — Colonel Bayley becoming a prisoner in the month of July last, occupied an apartment over the King's Bench coffee- house, for which he paid ( independent of fire and candle) a rent of two guineas per week. In this chargeable chamber the applicant continued to reside until the month of November, when, his health requiring peace and quietness, lie found himself much molested by the hilarity of his neighbours/ xrr dessous,. the coffee- room visitors, who caroused " until the first cock,"— even until one or two o'clock iii the morning. A representation to Poole,' the coffee- house keeper, that such midnight revelry was contrary to the rules and regulations of the prison, produced no amendment; on the contrary, mine host put on his landlord's face ; treated the complainant as an ill lodger, — one who ate little, and drank less; and finally requested that he wtftild quit the premises, instead of disturbing better customers than himself. . If Colonel Bayley's remonstrance, however, failed in the object immediately contemplated, it had the effect of provoking the individuals against whose conduct it was directed, and they proceeded forthwith to retaliation; for, immediately after ( we believe on the very night ensuing) the topers assembled, the glass went merrily round, and the Colonel's ears were invaded bv a song it was a parody upon " The unfortunate Miss Bayley," intended, as he believed, in ridicule of himself. The'poeni in question was set out ( Mr. Cooper said) in the affidavit, but he would not offend the Court by reciting i t; suffice to say, that it was such as a gentleman could not listen to without offence. Under these circumstances Colonel Bayley descended from his apartment to'the coffee- house, where he found a person named Mead singing the song from a paper to the company; but his interference produced no other consequence, than a challenge, conveyed in the grossest terms, from Mr, Mead ; and the result of a subsequent appeal to the Marshal had been such as the Court would feel some surprise at hearing:— Mr. Jones replied to the complaint presented to him, by advising Colonel Bayley to remove from his then lodgings, lest the prisoners en masse, offended at his proceeding, should execute summary vengeance by pumping upon him. - Mr. Justice BEST.— All this happened in November. Why did you not come before? Mr. COOPER.— We state the neglect of our attorney, my Lord. The Learned Counsel then proceeded with Col. Bayley's affidavit, which charged that the Marshal, contrary to his duty, resided in tiie country, at a distance from the prison. Mr. Justice BAYLEY.— The Court has no power in that respect. The Marshal is not appointed bv us. Mr. COOPER said, that, by the Act 27th'Geo. IT., the Court of King's Bench might remove either the Marshal or his officers for misconduct. The Learned Gentleman then returned to the affidavit, which complained of various abuses : to wit— that the turnkeys bad rooms allowed to them within the walls, which they let for hire and did not live in; that prisoners were employed as turnkeys; and that some persons were allowed," for a pecuniary consideration, " the run of the key, & c." Mr. Justice BEST thought the accusations far too general: the affidavit was like a fishing bill. Mr. Justice BAYLEY said that, as the affidavit stood, the Court could not order the Marshal to answer its contents. Mr. COOPER then agreed to reform his affidavit, which being done on Tuesday last, the Court granted a rule to shew cause. Monday, July % BROWN v. WOOD. This was an action to recover a compensation in damages for an assault committed oa the plaintiff in February last by the defendant. Mr. GURNET and Mr. COMYN were for the plaintiff, and Mr. WALFOKD for the defendant. ' I'he case was this:— The plaintiff was a respectable tradesman, by business a ladies' shoemaker ; and the defendant a publican, at Deptford, and formerly a policeofficer, of the Hatton garden establishment. The' plaintiff having been robbed of a quantity of shoes, caused handbills to be printed, offering a reward for the apprehension of the depredators ; and about six o'clock in the evening, in the month of February last, being in company with two friends, was posting some of the bills in St. Giles's, when tiie defendant, on horseback, rode Up, and without any previous intimation began to abuse the party, calling them pickpockets and thieves. Upon one of the party remonstrating with him upon his conduct, he knocked him down with the hut- end of his whip. He then fell upon the plaintiff, who had lost one of his hands in the service of his country, knocked him down and beat him most inhumanly. The third person of theparty was also knocked down, and then the defendant rode off. The mob collected pursued and stopped him, when the plaintiff came up and demanded his name and address. The defendant again struck him a blow across the eyes with his whip, which confined him afterwards for three weeks, saying, " Thatis my address,'' and again rode off. He was pursued, and traced to the house of a publican, who knew liis address, which the latter immediately gave to the plaintiff on demand. The defendant, however, snatched it out of his hand, but it was ultimately recovered. The defendant said he was himself a Magistrate, and had a right to do what lie pleased, adding, that the plaintiff might bring his action but if he did, he, defendant, would carry it to the House of Lords, and spend 1,0001. in defending what he did.— Next day the defendantbehaved in the like extraordinary mannerto the plaintiff's two friends, saying that he would do the same thing an hundred times over, and thrust his fist into one of the witness's face. The case went to the Jury under the Learned Judge's directions, and they found a vcrdict for the plaintiff— Damages 501. THE NEWS. .. - it Thursday, July 5. CLAIM OP PRIVILEGE FROM A PERSON CLAIMING TO BE THE PRINCESS OP CUMBERLAND. MIVSCARLETT, on the part of a lady well known to the world by the name' of Olivia Wihnot Serres, had to move the Court in a matter of much delicacy and importance. Mrs. Serres ( their Lordships would learn) I- stul been arrested in a civil action; and she now claimed upon the ground of privilege, to have all proceedings stayed, and an exoneratur entered on the bail bond. Mr. Justice BATLEY.— Is the party moving now in c istody, Mr. Scarlett? Mr. SCARLETT.— She is not, my Lord; she is out upon bail. The Learned Counsel proceeded to state, that Mrs. Serres claimed to be the legitimate'daughter of his late Royal Highness the Dnke of Cumberland, the brother of the late King; and . that documents had been submitted to him ( Sir. Scarlett) in proof of the accuracy of her statement." On the plea of her near relationship to the late Sovereign, arid to the present reigning family, the applicant claimed exemption from arrest in all civil cases. Mr. Justice BAYLEY.— This piotion should have been made before special bail was put in. It had been held, that in all cases of privilege— tis in eases of attorneys and ethers— the parties claiming must come before hail is perfected. That point was fully settled in the case of Norton v. Danvers. Rule refused. MR. WAITHMAN and tlie HONORARY SECRETARY to the " MOCK" CONSTITUTIONAL SOCIETY. COMMON~ HA LL. On Wednesday tlie result of the poll for the election of Sheriffs for the ensuing year was formally declared in Guildhall, when the numbers were announced by the Common Sergeant, in the following" order:— For Mr. Alderman Garratt 1,667 Mr. Alderman Venables 1,425 Mr. C r o o k ' 423 and the election was declared to have fallen on the two worthy Aldermen, who then came forward in their gowns, and severally returned thanks. Mr. OLDHAM, in proposing a vote of thanks to the present Sheriffs for their conduct during the election, took occasion to eulogize the Sheriffs elect, who would, lie had no doubt, be found to imitate their predecessors in'the due and impartial performance of their duty, Tlie vote of thanks was unanimously agreed to. Mr. Sheriff WAITHMAN, in acknowledging the compliment which was thus paid to him, declared the gratification he always experienced at receiving the thanks of, liis fellow- citizens, and more particularly when, as on the present joccasion, he was conscious of deserving them. Easy, however, as was the task of their Sheriffs at this election, it had not saved him from the attacks of the Mock Times, which paper had dared to charge him with being a party man in the late contest, with which the Sheriffs elect would do him the justice to believe he had had no connexion whatever. Day after day he had, however, been assailed by the paper he had mentioned, and the basest calumnies had been in it revived against his private character. The Mock Times in attacking him had entered upon the defence of the Honorary Secretary f a laugh) of the Constitutional Society, J. B. Sharp, who was described in that paper as being brother of the late boroughreeve of Manchester ( a laugh), and as being a most respectable man, though unfortunate in the vicissitudes of trade. The Muck Times said, in adverting to the editor of another p; iper, that they would not attack him lest they should violate the s mctuary of the tomb and wound the feelings of innocent persons now living. And yet, however, though the editor professed that respect for the hallowed tomb, he did not hesitate to adopt the cause of this J. B. Sharp, whom he ( Mr. Waithman) publicly pronounced a buse and infamous calumniator, a heartless disturber of the ashes of the dead, who had promulgated anonymously and like a skulking coward, a false and unprovoked calumny respecting his ( Mr Waithman's) dead mother ; and yet that was the atrocious scoundrel whose character was now endeavoured to be maintained by The Mock Times, and who' was to be set up by the Constitutional Association as the corrector of public morals.— ( Loud. cheers.) He ( Mr. Waithman) had publicly denounced him in the face of day, and on that hustings, ' is the worst of scoundrels, as a mean slanderer. The society might be composed of many honourable and well meaning men ; but he would give them the credit of believing. that they were not aware of the character of some of the instruments they employed, unless indeed he could think that, acting upon the vulgar maxim, they selected this Sharp upon the principle of " set a thief to catch a tliief or on the maxim that an old smuggler always made the best exciseman ( loud laughter); or that the best way to catch a libeller was by laying their hands for the purpose upon the most infamous and atrocious libeller that walked the streets of this metropolis. He ( Mr. Waithman) was not only prepared that his character, so assailed by The Muck Times, should be put in competition not only with Sharp's ( « laugh),- hut even challenged the comparative investigation of it with that of the treasurer of the Association ( Mr. Aid. Rothwell.) ( A laugh.) He was now again compelled to allude to Sharp, in consequence of what was published in The Mock Times, and to shew whaS a miscreant this society had selected for its most active agent. If he were present, he ( Mr. Waithman) implored the meeting to hear him in justification of his character, if any justification he had to offer. A man upon whom such epithets were bestowed, ought to have, if he wanted it, a calm and patient hearing. He dared him to cqme forward, if he were present arid could defend himself, or else let him confess his baseness and knavery. ( Cheers.) It was whispered on the hustings that Sharp was present, but no Sharp appeared to answer Mr. Waithman's call. Mr. Sheriff WILLIAMS Shortly returned thanks. Sharp was again loudly called upon to come forward, but again declined to do so. ' On perceiving the f o l l o w i n g ' A r t i c l e in the P a p e r s :—• " RETRENCHMENT.— In the store- rooms at Woolwich, are a number. of Cats, which in prosperous times were allowed 6d. per week each, board wages, bu| in consideration of reducing the public expenditure, they have been taken down to 2d." " T o hum the sharps, and gull the flats, " Swallow pet Dukes, yet strain at gnats." Starve Woolwich Cats, that Treasury Rats Their usual dainty bits may pick, And stuff, and swell till they are sick, Was wisely done ( rest them merry), Of JJILLY WARD and LONDONDERRY; For, setting by the vast expense Of keeping Cats, it stands with sense, Since Ruts support the Ministry, And Cuts a t Rats presume to fly, Cats must be starved, o r Ratters die. G R I M A L K I N . BRIGHTON, J U N E 30.— Some weeks since we mentioned, that the King's stag- hounds liatl been brought hither for the purpose of washing them in the sea. The same pack was here last summer. Since their arrival they have been almost daily immersed in the brine of ocean, and on account of growing symptoms of hydrophobia, were often kept in the water until they were nearly exhausted, to render the remedy effective, and, on one occasion, one hound was drowned in the process of this treatment, and one or two others had been with difficulty recovered. But all would not do— the evil apprehended a few days ago began so unequivocally to shew itself, that it became dangerous to enter the kennel. This matter, of course, was duly reported, and an order in consequence arrived from the Marquis Cornwallis, the master of the stag- hounds, for the'whole of the pack here to be destroyed without further delay ; which order was carried into instantaneous effect, and four and twenty couple of the'most valuable and best trained dogs were presently breathless. They were despatched by the whipper- in and feeder ; the huntsman, Sharp, could not witness the slaughter; the voice of every dog was known to liim— he could almost hold a conversation with them, and every command from his lips would be separately, or collectively, as required, obeyed, so high was the training condition to which he had brought them. The ineffieacy of sea- water immersions, in cases of canine madness, is thus amply proved. POLICE. R O W - S T R E E T . On Tuesday a Mr. Emery, not Mr. Emery the Comedian, but a Mr. Emery who keeps a public- house in Rosamond- street, Clerkeuwell, well known to many a thirsty soul by the sign of St. John of Jerusalem, was brought before Sir ROBERT BAKER, on a warrant issued at the suit of his wife. Mrs. Emery is a'remarkably diminitive voung woman, apparently not more than eighteen, and Mr. Emery is a grave- looking, full- sized personage, of some forty- five years old, or thereabout. Each party was attended by their friends; and the lady, who had a pair of black eyes, and numerous other bruises about her face, wept incessantly. The cause being called on, Mrs. Emery stated, as well as her tears would let her, that her husband had boxed her ears so heavily, on Friday last, that she was obliged to quit his house, and take refuge in the house of a friend. This was the sum and substance of Mrs. Emery's complaint; and though the Magistrate repeatedly asked, " Why did your husband beat you?" she answered not* a word, but continued to weep and sob most piteously. At length the Magistrate turned to Mr. Emery, and demanded of him why he had beaten his wife? Mr. Emery replied that he thought he had good and sufficient cause ; and he thought also his Worship would be of the same opinion when he had heard his story.— He then gave a long and dismal narrative of his matrimonial sufferings; by which it appeared, that Mrs. Emery had so far forgot her vows, as to retain, what her husband denominated " a fancy man," upon whom she had long been in the habit of lavishing all her favours ; and, oil Friday se'nmght, he detected her in the fact— of slipping a letter into the hands of her said paramour, or fancy man. This, as Mr. Emery very properly observed, " was a sort of thing which no husband, that was a husband, could possibly overlook," and therefore he made a snatch at the. letter; when his wife flew at him like a tigeress, and endeavoured to prevent his taking i t ; upon1 which lie shipped her face as she had described. He succeeded in obtaining possession of the letter, however, and he now produced it. It was a lengthy, but very tender epistle, describing her dislike of her husband, aild her affection for her lover; desiring her said lover alwayS to wear a blue coat and nankeen tiwsers, and subscribing herself his loving antl affectionate wife, & c. Mr. Emery alfo produced a gold watch, with superb appendages, and sundry other trinkets, which he said he had bestowed upon his wife, and he now set them forth to shew that he had not been wanting in liberality towards her. Sir R . BAKER, after having read the letter, inspected the trinkets, and listened to many further particulars, observed that he certainly thought Mr, Eineiv hail received sufficient provocations for the blow he had given, and he should therefore dismiss th; complaint. At " the same time, however, he admonished him not to repeat his violence, and pointed out to him the necessity of making her a suitable separate maiuteuance. A H E O E B CLLLI. D- 8TEAL. ING,— Mrs. Thompson, a very respectable- looking, elderly woman, was brought before G. R. MINSJIULL, Esq." on Saturday se'rinight, charged with conveying; away and'' secreting the daughter of Mr. Ryan. Mr. Ryan deposed that about two years ago he was walking. along the Strand with his daughter ( then about twelve years old) hanging upon his ariri, when in an in-' stant she was withdrawn from his side as though by I some invisible agency, for though' he Iooked: about ' him I at the very moment with the utmost anxiety, and inquired' | of every person passing by, yet he could not find her, and he returned home in a state cf mind more easily 6on-' ceived than described. He immediately sent advertise-, ments to the newspapers, and issued hand- bills describing; her person, and the circumstances under which he had lost her, and offering a reward for any information res-: peeling her. Month after month, however, passed away*, without his gaining tire slightest intelligence, and at length he set out and travelled over the greater part of England anil Wales in search of her, but With no better success; and he returned to London with an almost broken heart. Two years had now nearly elapsed, - when, on Friday afternoon, as he was standing in Park- lane in' conversation with a friend, two ladies passed by with his . daughter between them. He instantly exclaimed, " Good' God, there's my child !"— but he was so overcome by his feeling- s, that for a moment or two he stood looking after. them merely, in a'kind of stupor. The whole party, however, who had evidently heard this exclamation, quickened their pace almost to running, arid beforehecould . come up with them, they had taken refuge in the house' of Mrs. Thompson, in South Audley- streef. He immediately knocked at the door, which, after soma time, was opened by Mrs. Thompson, and of her he demanded his lost child. She replied that she knew nothing at all' about it— there were two Indies in the parlour with her . daughter, she believed, upon private business, but the door was locked, and she could not interrupt them. He insisted upon seeing the ladies, and rushed towards the . parlour door; but he found it locked on the inside, and neither his entreaties nor his threats produced the slightest reply from the persons within. In this dilemma he went out into the street and sent some person for a constable, whilst he watched the door. No constable came, however, tind after waiting before the door nearly two hours, he learned that his daughter had been conveyed away from the back part of the house, over several walls, antl through another house into Mount- street, where she was put into a coach, which drove off at full speed. Having thus again lost all trace of her, he had determined to apply to the laws of his country for redress. The Magistrate having heard this story, called, somewhat austerely, upon Mrs. Thompson, to say wjiat she had done with the child. She replied, in a strong Scottish dialect, with much warmth, that she had done nftthing with it. She declared she had never seen the child in her life, till it was brought into her house the evening before, by the two ladies, who were strangers to her, though known to her daughter ; that they all rushed into the house together; and that the little girl, pale and breathless, with agitation, immediately crept under a bed, crying out, " Oh save me! Save me from my father!" She added, that when Mr. Ryau left the house, the child run out at the back door, climbed over the wall into the next yard, and so got away, but where she went to she did not know. " Woman!" exclaimed the Magistrate, " I'll makeyou know. I verily believe you have enticed the girl into your house for the purpose of stealing, her eluthes. Let her be sworn." Mrs. Thompson.— Aye weel, Sir, ye'fl believe whafc ye please, and ve'll say what ye please; But I'll tell ye, Sir, I'm an aitlcf woman in my sixty- seventh year, and I'd scorn to tell a lie about anything; and I'll tell ve, moreover, that had ye but known me better, ye would not have used such hard sayings to me as ye have." The old lady shed angry tears as she delivered this remonstrance : but the Magistrate, observing that he would not allow her to shuffle over , the question ill that way, and that he was determined to have the whole truth, ordered the oath to be administered. It was administered" accordingly; and Mrs. Thompson, having kissed the book with great; fervour, said, " There then !— I've ta'en the awful oath; and now let the father of the child look weel to liimsel 1" She then stated that Mrs. Ryan, tbe child's mother, lived with the Duchess of Northumberland, where Mr. Rvan was always welcome to visit her " baith at bed and boord," by full permission of the Duke and Duchess : but that about four years ago, after having got all his wife's property from her under a pretence of going into business, lie began to use her so ill, and conduct himself so strangely to all the establishment, that the Duke forbid him the house ; and shortly after he and his wife agreed to live separately. The little girl was then at school in the country; and the mother, hearing that the father had brought it to London, and threatened to send ' it abroad, where she should never see it again,, took means to get it into her own power. This she said was the whole truth of the matter; and she again solemnly declared, that she never saw the child till it was brought to her house on Friday evening last; nor did she know what had become of it since; though she supposed it was under fhe protection of its mother, who still lived with the Duchess ot' Northumberland1. Mr. Rvan was now a little more explanatory than he had been at first. He said he had property, and wished to leave the service of the great, and settle himself in trade. But he could never prevail upon his wife to leave the Duke of Northumberland's, and her refusal caused him much uneasiness. He had particular reasons, he ob,- served, for feeling uneasy at her remaining there. She peremptorily refused to leave, and at length lie determined to separate hijusssjlffrMii her altogether; send his 2! 6 TH F » NEWS. DAUGHTER to a friend o f his in F r a n c e for bcr sdncntioo, • T I V H aud go into some business by himself, fa ( his state of | ( f Tri, tilings it was that his daughter was first snntched away from him; and tire loss of her had incapacitated him from atteuding to anything since. He added, that he had never slept at tbe Puke of Northumberland's, nor was he ever fcAidden the house. The Magistrate now observed that he thought Mr. Ryan had a much better wife than he deserved ; and or- « bred tbat all the parties, including Mrs. RyaD and her daughter, should bo brought before him again on Friday aevt, when, he said, he ' would take care to see justice done on every side. On Friday tho Ryan cause again came on. The office was crowded to excess. Mrs. Ryan was accompanied by her daughter, who is a very interesting vonng person, by a female friend, and by several respectable gentlemen. " Mr. Alley attended professionally for Mr. Ryan, and now stated, on his behalf, that since the first investiga tion he had made minute inquiry into his daughter's situation ; and finding it in every respect most eligible, he declared himself perfectly satisfied, provided he was permitted to see aud converse with her occasionally. Two gentlemen, who, it was understood, attended professionally at the request of the Duke and Duchess of Northumberland, spoke of Mrs. Ryan's character in terms of the highest praise; and stated, that out of respect to her, the Duchess had taken her daughter wider her special notice and protection ; and she was, snider her Grace's auspices, receiving a liberal education at one of the most respectable seminaries in the country. With respect to the interviews desired by her father, that, he said, would depend upon himself: if he conducted himself towards her kindly and parentally, and did not seek to separate her from her mother, there was no wish to debar him from the intercourse he desired. Mrs. Ryan observed, she never had any wish to jirevetit her husband, seeing his daughter, provided she could hare felt secure that he would not have separated them. The daughter also, who appeared much affected, expressed herself to tho same effect. Mr. AI. LKV said, his client's object in promoting this investigation was solely his daughter's welfare; ami, feeling satisfied that she was s<> curc, he was instructed by him to say, that he pledged himself not to interrupt their future tranquillity. The Gentlemen aboveinentioaed, before they left the officc, begged to say a few words in behalf of Mrs. Thompson, who had been so unpleasantly dragged into this business; and who, at its first investigation, had undergone some rather Itarshinterrogatories. She was, they added, a most respectable woman ; and they thought it was due from his Worship to make it distinctly understood, that the warrant which had been issued against her, at the suit of Mr. Ryan, was formally discharged, and that no blame or suspicion whatever attached to her. In reply to this, the Magistrate said he was most happy to have an opportunity of expressing his firm belief that Mrs. Thompson was indeed a most respectable woman, and that her conduct in the affair had been dictated by the purest motives. His manner towards her in the first instance was occasioned by something which had been officiously and improperly whispered to him at the moment, and he was very sorry if it had given her pain. Certainly there was not even a shadow of a suspicion against her. Mrs. ' I'hompson entered the office just as the worthy Magistrate concluded, and had the satisfaction of heading him repeat what he had said. The parties then withdrew. tEtrRB, from Liverpool, as . teres: Sir Lucius gger was represented by a Mr. W A R P , from Dublin ; Julia was sustained by Mrs. CMAI'TERIEV ; and Lydia Languish, by Mrs. IL JO'UWSTOM, ( formerly of Covent- Garden Theafro.) Of the performance, and so run of the performers, ( the male part,) we can only say, th? y called for mu « h indulgence from the audience, and it was kindly extended to them. A littlo Operatic piece, called Peter and Paul, succeeded to The Itivate, but it wa* decidedly and deservedly dr. mned. On Thursday, Mr. CONWAY, formerly of Covent Garden Theatre, made a firm appearance in the character of Lord Totem'ty, in the Provoked Husband. We cannot deny this ' gentleman the praise of very great improvement in t h e histrionic art, and if his Lord Toten- I*;/ had not all the ease and grace of that of CIIARIJ'. S KRMBLJ!, it had much of appropriate dignity, and the colloquial part was delivered with correct taste and good fouling. He was warmly applauded throughout. MARRIED. Samuel Harris, Esq. surgeon, to Miss Eliza Birch, of the Parsonage, Caversham, Oxon. On tho £ 9th ult. at St. George's, HanovcT- square, Herbert H. Curleis, Esq. eldest son of E. J. Curteis, Esq. M. P. for Sussex, to Caroline Sarah, daughter of the late Robert Mascall, Esq. cf Peasmursb Place, Susses, and Asbturd, Kent. On Tuesday se-' nnight, near D^ lwicb, John Jolly, Esq, of Pimlico, to Miss Brays he re, ofDulwioh. On Tuesday last, at Ealing Church, Spencer Perceval, Esq. eldest son of the late Right Honorable Spencer Perceval, to Anna Eliza, youngest daughter of the late General Macleod, of Macleod. On Monday last. Colonel Hugh Bailee, of Mortimerstreet, Cavendish- square, to Mary, youngest daughter ami co- heiress of the late Thomas Smith, Esq. of Castletoa Hall, in tbe county of Lancaster. Tuesday, John Sargeaunt, of Cole-!. ill, Herts, Esq. to Miss . Steede, of Orchard- street, Portman- square. Tuesday, in the Church of St. George the Martyr, Henry Tenaar. t, of Lincoln's Inn, Esq. Barrister at Law, to Elisabeth, eldest daughter « / George Boone Roll pell, Esq. of Great Ormond- streft. On Saturday, tbe 23d ult., at St. James's, Clerkenwell. Mr. Jno. Hill, of Water- lane. Blackfriars, to Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph Theakston, Esq. seulptor, Pentonville. - } 1 [ E J > - ~~ On tbe 2d instant, of a decline, at the age of 20, sincerely regretted, Samuel, eon of Mr. Henry Mullow, of Yorkstreet, Covent- garden. On Thursday morning, suddenly, at his house in Portland- place. Charles Tnompson, Esq., one of tiie Masters of the Hirji Court of Chancery. On Tuesday last, Wm. Nettleshipp, Esq. of Gower- street, Bedford- square, in tbe 81st year of his age. On the 30th ult. at Boulogne, Sir Thomas Hyde Page, of the Royal Engineers. On the 3d inst. in York- place, Portman- pqnare, in the 75th year of his age, Lieut.- General Robert Nicholson, of the Hon. East India Company's Service. PRICE OF BREAD THIS WEEK. Tlte highest price of the be„ » l WheaWD Bread Ibronubnot the Metropolis, is stated by the principal Bakers to be NI vr - PEKCV. HALFPENNY th » Quartern Loaf.— Some Baker* sift the Quartern Loaf J'roiu One Penny to Two- pence lover, UXBK1DGE.— COR* INSPECTOR'S RETIJRJI, J « i r » . Wbeai. (> er Ijoad £. 11 Ot. to £. 17 ( is. Barley, p. qr. Ms 0Ha27' s Od I Beans, per qr. 28 » Ckt a l i t 94 O a t s . . . . . . 18s, 0da? 5 » Of | Peas S4s Od a 86s OJt ' NEWBURY, BERKS, JULYT ~ Wheat, perqnaj tor* 16sa C4 » j Oats, per quarter.. IS* a Mi Rye — s a— s j Beans 32s » 34 « Bartey 25s a 26s j Puas gtts a * s » Bread, per gallon, is 2$ d a Is 4 PRICE OF HOPS, |*- 7c. wi. Pockols.. 1819 £. 2 ft to S IS Bans . . . . 1819 a 8 lo J !• Pockets. .18,20 * It! to 4 l « Bags... ItM 2 16 to 4 * PRICE OK MEAT AT S. MITHF1ELD. Prr stxme of 8lb., irnkmy Ihe offal. • OHDAY. « . d. Beef S Mutton 3 Lamb 4 Veal 4 Pork 4 » . d. 6 a 4 6 a 4 0 a 5 6 a 5 b" a 5 nuo » r. » . d. Beef 3 10 a Mutton 3 6 a Lamb 4 2 a Veai $ 10 a Pork 2 10 a rf. i » t> 8 1 « IS HEAD OP CATTLE AT MARKET. Beasts 2,120 Sheep and Lambs 18,900 Calves 290 Pigs 240 PRICE OF HAY • ON DAI. £. « . £. » . Hay it 10 a 4 4 Clover 0 a 5 0 .. 1 8 a I 12 Straw Beasts 4.^ 0 . Sheep and 1- arabs. .. 7^ JSf> Calves 24 ® Pig* $ « « AND STRAW. PRIOAV. £. i. £. i. Hay S S a 4 S Clover 4 O a S ® Straw I 7 a 1 16 WINE, per Pipe, in tlonit. POSTS.— Superior Old 138 Gals. New Duty, 7s. 7d. per gallon. MADEIRAS, per 110 GaJs. Direct West India East India Duty, 7s. Sid. per gallon. Lisbon UO GWs. Sherry uo Teneriffe j | 2 Duty, 7s. 7d. j « r gallon. 45 a it 26 a 38 25 a 35 28 a 4 » — a — S5 a + 0 SO a e* 24 a S ® NEW THEATRE, HAY MARKET. This house, which has been built within an extremely short space of time, was on Wednesday night opened for the season. The exterior is simple; a portico with six Corinthian columns, and a remarkably well proportioned tympanum shelters the principal entrances. The colour rr- f the front is, with the exception of the capitals of the portico, that of dark stone. Above the portico is a range of circular windows in a frieze of ornamental work, and the general effect is striking and handsome. The passages of the interior are roomy in comparison with those of the former house. Up to tbe first circle the stairs are stone; a saloon on this tier looks into the street. The Theatre is considerably larger than its predecessor. It has two rows of boxes in the centre, and three at the sides. The circuit o f t h e Theatre is about twenty boxes. There are those offences to the eye, and conveniences to the actor, stage doors, and they project more than usual. Over each are two boxes of no jieculiar elegance of form. The fronts of the boxes are divided by retiring angles, which make the whole look like a Chinese chest of drawers: a gold wrire over a rose- coloured pahnel, and six gilt palm trees divided among the angles of the house and the sides of the stage, complete the Asiatic impression. Tlie whole might stand for a pavilion in Pekin. ' I'he rows of boxes are unsupported by pillars. Soon after seven o'clock, the curtain rose, and the corps dramaH'rue appeared in full fores on tlie stage far the purpose of singing God save the King. Their intention was, however, in a considerable measure, defeated by the cry of " God save the Queen," which resounded chiefly from the pit and galleries, and was lustily continued during the performance of the air. At its conclusion a cry of encore was raised by one party, which was answered by shouts pf " The Queen," from their opponents. The curtain raised, and God cut e the King was repeated amidst very great uproar, and reiterated shouts of " The Queen,"—" the Queen for ever." Mr. T R R R V then came forward, and delivered a Poetical Address, which was humorous, and received with much applause. The Play was The Rivals. This introduced - Mr. D E CASH', as Captain Ahsolu'e; Mr. FALKMER, from Newcastle, as Falkland; Mr. LONDON MARKETS. CORN EXCHANGE, FRIDAY, JOLY 6. Our market has been very moderately supplied with Wheat since Monday; the trade is, nevertheless, dull, though fine parccls fully support that day's prices. Barley tells on rather better terms, and Beans and Peas are steady io value. The arrival of Oats this week being very limited, tha sales were tolerably brisk this morning, at an advance of full Is. per quarter. In other articles no alteration. SPIRITS, per Gallon, in ifoud. Brandy, Cog. Ss. 1* 1. a 3s. lid. j Gene ™ . . . . Is. 8d. a la. Prf, Bourdeam. .2e. Sd. a 2s. 6d. Jam. Rum.. Is. 8d. a is. Spanish Is. lOd. a Of. Od. | Leeward . . . Is. 4d. a Hu. Gd, OILS, per Tim, of 24? GaJlom. Green!. Whale 321. 10s. a 231. South Fishery 221. 10s. a — 1, Seal 271. a 291. spermaceti Linseed .. Palo Rape , . .621. a — I. .. 311. a - 1. . .481. a — 1, P R I C E O F RAW FAT, per . Stone of Sib.' FRIDAY, JULY 8. TVfow Chandlers' Halt, j butchers' Halt. Average of Markets.. Ss. 9d. j Averageof Markets. '.'!*. lOtl, IMPORTS— Casks — I Bales.... — / English, per Quarter, s. » Wheat, Kent& Essex 86 a 60 Suffolk SI a 58 Norfolk 41 a 52 Rye 26 a 28 Barley. 20 a 26 Mult..". 50 a 56 White Peas ( boilers) 36 a 40 Grey Ditto 26 a 2ft Small Beans 28 a 32 Tick Ditto 24 a 36 Outs, Potatoe 23 a 20 IMPORTATIONS IAST WEEK. Wheat. Barley. Malt. Oats. Rye. Beam'. Peae. English.. 4^( 88 1,352 2,572 9,203 — 1,203 190 Irish 520 — — 1,580 — — — Flour ( English) 7,491 sacks—- American do. 450 barrels. ATKRAGlil> RICES~ OF" CORN f> er Quarter," in" Great Britain, for the Week ending the 16th of June, 1821. fiwjliAh. 9. *• Oats, Poland 21 a 24 Feed 16 a 20 Flour ( per sack). 45 a 50 Rape Seed, 341. a 361. per last. Forearn. Wheat, American — a — Dantzie 54 a 60 Baltic Red.... 50 a 54 Harnbro' 50 a 54 Brabant. Red 50 a 51 PRICES OF TALLOW, SOAP, & r. perCirl. Tows Tallow — « . a 48s. 6d. | Yellow Soap Yellow Rnssla — s. a 47s. Od. ' ' White ditto .. — « . a — s. Od. Soap ditto .. — s. u 14s. Od. Melting Stuff 38s. a 39s. Od. Ditto Itough 85s.' n — s. Od. Ptoses, 94s. Mottled Curd Pal in Graves Sli. Oil. Good Dreg6 8s. Od. England and Wales s. d. Wheal 51 10 P. ye 31 6 Barley 23 3 Oats '. 17 9 England and Wales, s. d. Beans 30 8 Peas 30 6 Oatmeal 18 7 Bigs AVERAGE PRICE OF SUGAR, Computed from the Returns made in the Week ending the 27th day of June, 1821, is,€. l 14s. Sfd. perCwt. P R I C E O F L E A T H E R . d. d. Butts, 50 to 561bs. each per lb 18 a il Ditto, 56 to 661bs. each 22 a 24 Dressing Hides 16 a 18 Fine Coach Hides 18 a 19J Crop Hides, 35 to 40! bs. for cutting 16 a 17J Ditto . . . . . . 45 to SOlbs 18 a 19^ Calf Skins.. SO to 401bs 24 a SO Ditto 60 lo 701 bs. 30 a 36 Ditto 70 to 801 bs. 26 a SO Tanned Horse Hides 16 a 18J Spanish Horse Hides 18 a 24 Small Seals ( Greenland) 17 a 19 t^ arge ditto ( per dozen) /.. 3 C a /. 4 0 PRICE OF SEEDS. ' J. Red Clover ( Foreign) per cwt 20 Ditto ( English). 2S White Ditto 65 RyeGruss per quarter 12 Turnip, New per bushel 14 White Mustard Seed ditto:..... ' 5 Brown Ditto ditto 0 Carraway Seeds per quarter 70 Coriander ditto 10 Canary ditto 35 a 60 a 65 a 95 a 36 a 36 a 8 a 10 6 a 75 a 14 a 48 P R I C E o p C A N D L E S , PROM TALLOW CHANDLERS' HALL. Store Candles, per dozen ... 10s. Od — Moulds.. 1 Is. 6d. 6< 1. per dozen allowed for ready niuney. n ; r i r E X C H A N G E , FRIDAY, J I LV 6. » . d. Wall's End, Newniarch 41 3. Wail's End. Northum. It) « Wall's End. Riddel I'a 42 6 Wall's End, Walker.. 42 0 Wall's End, PuUiene.. 49 6 Willington — $ Wylam 37 t Oul's Redheugh Si C Coslodge 40 3 Cuba — e SDNDSHLIXD. Durham Main — 8 Eden Main 38 9 Fawcett Main £ 8 6 NEWCASTLE. e. d. Adair's Main 38 0 Burdon 39 0 Charlotte Main 37 0 Cowfien 35 ,0 Coxiudge 40 0 Hartley 37 0 39 6 Healon 89 9 Holywell 37 3 40 0 Liddell's 35 0 Pelaw Main . .' 37 0 Pontop, Windsor's .. 36 0 34 0 Tanfleld Moor 36 9 37 9 Wall's End 42 6 Wail's End, Bell's ... 41 0 Wall's End, Bewick's 42 0 Wall's End, Brown's.. 40 9 Wall's End. Newsham 34 9 Wall's End, Green's.. 39 0 Wall's End, Burraton 40 6 Hedivorth S5 6 I> ambton t> Lambton's Primrose.. S9 C Nesham 30 & Wall's End, Lanibton 43 e Wall's End, Liddell's 38 6 Wall's End, Stewart... 4 3 6 Wall"/ End, Siobart... 38 3 75 Ships have arrived Ibis week— 11 unsold. Delivered at 12s. advance from the above prices. PRICE OF Till! PCliLIC FUNDS. 18- 21. Bank Stock 3 per Cent. Reduced 3 per Cent. Consols.. 3 J per Cent 4 per Cent. Consols... 5 per Cent. Navy Ann. Bank Long Annuities Imperial 3 perCent... India Stock India Bonds . . . . . . . Exchequer Hi lis, 2d. Omnium Consols, for Account. Alon. Tues. 230 / Fed. ml'' T/ iurs 230} 76g£ 77 86£ 94JJ94 861 . H i i 87 94 a I9J ( 9 3- 16 19} 51 5Sp 3p par 53 51 53 55 233} j 2 4]. 3 4 5 4 " i S I 77j 7k Fri. 77' 7G| 7 6* 7^ 35 94f iai'" 53SJ 1 S 5 LONDON:— Primed and published by Proprietor), at " T U B NEWS" OIL ice, NO stree!, Covent- ganieu, " i T . A. PHIPPS ( IL » 28, Brjjjss
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