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The Aberdeen Chronicle


Printer / Publisher: J. Booth, jun. 
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 751
No Pages: 4
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The Aberdeen Chronicle
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The Aberdeen Chronicle

Date of Article: 24/02/1821
Printer / Publisher: J. Booth, jun. 
Address: Chronicle Street, Aberdeen
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 751
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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l/ lJh r* v Al P I nr / , rr f| If ifl if t f • |> • i Mi * . Pit N ; M a E R 7 5!.] SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1831. [ Price ( yd.. Printed for J. BOOTH, Jan. CHRONICLE STREET,. ABERDEEN ; where, and by NEWTON" & Co. No. 5. Warwick Spare,. Na^ ato Street1; J. Will 1% 3 J, Fleet Street; E. H \ TiIW\ Y, N- j, 1, Catherine Street, Strand, LOUDON J J. E. JOHNSTON & Co. No. 1, Sackville Street, DUBLIN ; and J. T. SMITH & Co. Hunter's \ Square, ESJINHUHGH, Advertisements and Orders are taken in. Price of a single Paper, 6| d. -£ 1 8s fid. per Annum, delivered in Town — and £ 1. 10s. per Annum, when sent by Post. ABERDEEN, FORFAR, KINCARDINE, AND BANFF MEETING— 1321. I. OT1D, SALTOUN, PRESES. STEWARDS, Colonel Gop. nos of Cluny. GOSDOX. Esq. of Aucldttn'. es Sir JAS. CARXECIE, Burt. W. L. CARKraiE, Esq of Kinbletbmoiit. Tuos. Baajferr. Esq. Yor. of Cratlies. Capt. ROKEJIX RA^ ISAY. FIARDSK Durr, Esq. of Hntlon. C. pt. M, DUFF, R. N. " » The LORD PROVOST of ABERDEEN. lion. Colonel RAMSAY, Secretary and Treasurer. The Meeting " ill ( siteplace on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. 23th. SSth, ,30th, and StH Aug. 1' artl. er particulars in a future paper. JOII;< RAMSAY, SEC. telly, 11 Ik Fit. 18? 1. * Wis, by an omission of the Secretary, hot included in the last of Stewards in a former Advertisement. JOHN REID, GROCER. TEA DEALER. SOUTH SIDE CASTLE STREET, RETURNS his best thanks to his Friends, tiie Public, for the very encouraging patronage he has received tor nearly Four Years— he now intimates, that lie has taken thai SWOP, in the Bank of Scotland's'Nc*^ Tenement, adjoining his present Premises, into which be*, will move in a few days. J, li. expects, per the first SMACKS from LONDOX,- in addition to his present Stock, a fresh supply of TEAS, SUG A itS, G ROCE Hi ICS. & c. and being determined to keep ttie very best Goods, and sell them on the small' estprofi' j. ossible. begs to solicit a continuance of that support lie has hitherto experienced. Aierdten, Feb. 20, 18- 21. SALES BY JAMES li OSS. TIMBER FOR SALE. To be be sold by public roup, on Saturday. 3d March' at 11 o'clock forenoon, opposite Catto, Thomson, and Co.' s Rope Work, ri \ HE entire CARGO of the Ship LORD A WELLINGTON, from St. Joint's. New Bruns- vriek. viz. ISO to 200 loads YELLOW PINE, of excellent quality. 60 to TO do. BFD do. long lengths and large sites. A Parcel of excellent PLANK. 7000 to 8000 LI IID. STAVES of good quality. JAMES ROSS, Auctioneer. Aberdeen, Feb. 25, 1821. ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS, SALE of HOUSE, OA RDEN, and OFFICES* HOUSEHOLD FURN1TURE, and SHARES of SHIPS, Pelonging to Hugh Gordon, of Union Place, Aberdeen- * TPHE said HUGH GORDON, having grant- 1 e( j a Disposition to Trustees for behoof of his Cre- ditors, it is particularly requested that all those having Claims on him, will lodge the same, with Affidavits there- on, within one month from this date, in order that an ac- curate state of his Afi'airs may he made up; and, in the meantime, the Deed of Accession lies in the hands of J. tmes Grant, Advocate in Aberdeen, one of and Agent for the other Trustees, for the signatures of the Creditors, with whom it is requested all Claims may be lodged. A N D, On Wednesday the seventh day of March next, at six o'clock in the evening, there will be exposed to sale, by public roup, within the Lemon Tree Tavern of Aberdeen, the HOUSE. GARDEN, and OFFICES, belonging to Mr. GonnoN, situated in Union Place ; also, various SUA RES of SUfbS belonging to him. The House, Garden, and Offices, and Shares of Ships. Trill be afterwards more particularly advertised. In the meantime, intending purchasers will obtain such infor- mation as may be wished, by applying to the said James Grant, who will give orders for shewing the House, at time previous to the AND, On Monday the 2Sth curt, there will be sold, by public roup, at the House, it) Union Place, lately occupied by Mr. GORDON-. THK whole HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE there- in consisting of a Mahogany SIDEBOARD; a set of Mining Tables— Tea, Card, and other Tables— Maho- jiony. Rush- bottomed and other Choirs— a pair Drawing Room Sofas and Chairs to match— a Parlour Sofa— a Piano Forte— a Mahogany Desk, and Book Case— an Eight- day Clock and Case— Four- posted Bedsteads, with Moreen and other Furnitures— Tent Beds and Curtains— Moreen and other Window Curtains— Feather Beds and Blankets— Mattresses— Bed and Table Linens— China, Glass, and Stoneware— Silver Plate— Register, and other Grates Fenders and Fire Irons— Carpets and Hearth Hugs a Mangle— Kitchen Furniture ; and a number of other articles. The whole to. he viewed on Saturday, previous to the roup ; and the Sale to begin at 11 o'clock forenoon. JAMES ROSS, AUCTIONEER. February 20, 1821. W A N T E D, JiY THE ABERDEEN LEITII, AND CLYDE, SHIPPING CO. CONTRACTORS for supplying their Vessels with the under- mentioned Articles, from the 1st day of March to the 1st day of September next, viz. CORDAGE, Common and Patent. SAILS. Made, per Yard in full. BLOCKS, by the Inch, wilh or without Bushes. MAST HOOPS and GRIMMETS. by the Inch. 1IANDSPOKES, Ash and Iticcory. by the Piece. BLACKSMITH WORK, of best Swedish Iron per lb. BEEF, per C'wt. of Bullocks not less than 1 Cut. BREAD. perCwt. Sealed offers, for the above, with samples of Bread, to I,? lodged at the Co.' s Office, on or before VVednesday tiie 28th curt. N. 15,— Blacksmith Work to be done at Footdee. Aberdeen, I. eith, and Clyde Sliijtf). Co.' s OJJice,? Quay, ' 2.0th Feb. 182). J FISHINGS ON T HE R IVER DE E~ TO BE LET. To be let by public roup, within the Lemon Tree Tavern, cn Thursday the 1st March lirst, at 2 o'clock afternoon, FRN E RUT H RIESTO N, BRIDGE W A- JL TER, ana GEORDIK'S HOLE FISHING, « 3unng the present season. Also, the BANCHORY SA MON FISHING, lor the remaii> derof a Lease of of 3 years, from Andermas last; both as possessed by Alex Maciie, Merchant jw Aberdeen. For particulars apply to Peter Farcjuharson or Charles Ponaldson. Advocates. SENTENCE OF SIR FRAS BURDETT. Ar a mo$ t nmncrcms MEETING, beld at the Crown and Anchor, on Monday, February 12, 1821 ; for the purpose of talcing info consideration what condu t is fit ond proper to pursue respecting the sentence passed upon Sir Francis Burden, for his manly arid patri- otic Ail Iress to the electors of Westminster, on the Man- chester massacre ; JO IN CAM HOBllOUSE, Esq. in the chair ; it was unanimously re- oived, That Sir Francis Burdett. in writing his a Address to the Electors of Westminster,*' for the purpose of inducing them to petition for redress for the horrible outrage com- mitted on the people at Manchester, on the IGth of Aug. 1819, when lawfully and peaceably assembled " to consider the propriety of adopting the most legal and effectual means of obtaining a Reform in Parliament," did; as he has himself stated in his affidavit in the Court of King's Bench, 4< nothing unbecoming the character of an honest man and an Englishman." Fhat die instantaneous and eloquent declaration of Sir Francis Burdett. which the unparalleled barbarity of the attack upon the life and liberty of the people induced him to make, excited the admiration of bis constituents and of the people generally : and we regret that even a special jury should in any English county, have pronounced a paper so honourable to the head and the heart of the pa- triot— a libel. That the prosecution of Sir Francis Burdett, by an ex- oScio information, in the county of Leicester, where the address was not publishe 1, is a serious infringement on the liberty of the subject, and on ftie liberty of the press. That when, for compl lining in the energetic language of our forefathers of the open violation of tiie rights ot the people, and of their dispersion and slaughter by an armed force, Englishmen are prosecuted as for the commission of crime, there is but to much reason to fear that further at tempts will be made to destroy all their remaining liber- ties. Tr- at there is n6 hope of recovering those rights and li- berties which have been taken away, nor of preserving those which remain, but in a full, fair, and equal repre- sentation of the people in the Commons House of Parlia- ment. That our indignation at this prosecution of Sir Francis Burdett is increased, when we contrast it with the protec- tion and encouragement given to such wretches as Castles, Oliver, Edwards, and Fletcher, and the mercenary tribe engaged in the daily excitement of the worst passions of our nature, by circulating unmanly slanders against the independent part of the community, and endeavouring to wound the peace of families by cowardly attacks on the re- putation of unoffending females. Ttiat our friend and representative Sir F. Burdett— the intrepid op poser of the people's enemies— the steady sup- porter of the people's rights— having, for his manly and ex- cellent address, been sentenced to imprisonment, it is our duty to mark our sense of his many virtues— of his ardu- ous and undeviating conduct, through a period of twenty- four years, in behalf of the people— of his former and pre- sent privations and abridgements of his personal liberty — aud to assure him of our unalterable attachment and sup- port. * That, as a proof of our attachment, we do hereby resolve to raise by public subscription the sum of 2,0001. the amount of the fine imposed upon Sir Francis Burdett. and to pay the same to the officer of the Court appointed to receive it. That an address to Sir F. Burdett, founded on the fore- going resolutions, be now read. That the address which has been read lie adopted. That a Committee of the following gentlemen be now appointed, with liberty to add to their number, for the purpose of carrying the foregoing resolutions into imme- diate effect.* That the Address be presented to Sir Francis Burdett in prison, by our worthy representative John Cam Hob- house, Esq. accompanied by the Committee. That Samuel Brooks, Esq. be the treasurer of the sub- scription. That the thanks of this Meeting be given to our worthy representative, John Cam Hobhouse, for his manly conduct in the chair this day, and on all public occasions in which he has been known to the people of Westminster. Subscriptions are received by Mr. Samuel Brooks, 110, Strand; Mr. Joseph Hurcombe, St. Paul's Church- yard ; Mr. W. Peacock, Bishopsgate- street ; Mr. A. Galloway, 69, High Ilolborn ; Mr. Juggins, 22, James- street, Covent- garden -; Mr. Pickman, 7- 9, Dean- street, Soho ; and Mr. Parr, Great Russeli- street, Covent- garden; and of Mr. Clark, 380, Oxford- street, and at the Bar of the Crown and Anchor. SAMUEL' BROOKS, Treasurer. PAINTS, COLOURS, DYE- STUFFS, DRUGS, DAVIT) DUNNi QUEEN STREET, AP^ ehdren, HAS now got to band, in preparation for tile season, large additions to his former Stock of P- ATNTS and COLOURS, which he can sell on low and reduced terms, viz. : WHITE LEAD. Ground in Oil. VENETIAN RED, SPANISH BROWN, YELLOWS, LEAD COLOUR, BLACK, Fine Bright GREENS. Fi ne OLIVE G R E E N S„ xio. of do. Fine VARNISH GREENS, of do. Refined RED LEAD. Fine . Greet* VKRUITERS, of various Shades for Water Colours. Fine and common OCHK. K&. of do. for do. felack and Bright VARNISH. LI NTS EE D OIL; TURPENTINE; GOLD LEAF; BRUSHES, be. Paints - made ready and assorted to any Shade. Various DYE- STUFFS and DRUGS, at lower prices; and expects daily, a considerable quantity of LEECHES,' of which he intends to keep a more regular and targe Stock. do. do. do. do. do. do* of various Shades. Splendid Decorations with Laurely Evergreens, and Artificial Fhnvers ; And Brilliant Illuminations with Variegated Lamps, Transparencies, See. Lord Ex month's Address To the C HEW of the QUEEN CLIAR LOTTE, When she anchored in front of Algiers, will be sung o » . ery Evening during the Week, At the Grand Peristrephic Panorama of SALE OF DUNG. THE DUNG OF THE FLESH MARKET will be exposed for sale, by public roup, on Friday the 2d March, for Three or Six Months, as offerers may incline. The roup to begin at two o'clock, r m. on the* spot. TO MILLERS. To be i- et, for any number of years that may be agreed upon, from Whitsunday first, RPIIE MEAL and BARLEY MILL, called JL OLD MILL of FOVEIIAN. including KILN, finished with cast iron, I( T by 15 feet; two Granaries, by 16 feet; with the Cottage- and Croft of excellent Land attached to it, measuring 7 Acres and 34 Palls. The Uuildinws are all slated, and in the highest order, having been only finished in 1 S 1 9. This IMill has the command of water all the year ; and tire advantages of its local situation tire so well known, that wry further description would be quite unnecessary. Anv particulars required by intending offerers, will be voade known, on application to Mr Croinbie, Advocate, by whom sealed tenders will be received until 1' Kday the * 3d Of March, at 12 o'clock noon, when the Premises will < y: Let. Abtrdeen, TeD. £ 1, 1 £ 21. ** The Commit ee appointed consists of two electors from each of the nine parishes in Westminster, six gentlemen from the City of London, fuur from the borough of Southwark, four from the parish of St. Mary- le- bone, two from St. George and St. Giles, two from Paddington, aud two Iroin St. Pancras. Now Open in Mr. MORISON of Auchinloul's NEW HALL, . UNION STREET, ( ACCOMPANIED BY A FULL MILITARY BAND,) The Pr oprietors most respectfully beg leave to rcti rn their heartfelt gratitude to tlte Inhabitants of ABERDKEN, for the liberal Patronage thev have bestowed on the PANORAMA of ALGIERS- They beg to announce, that it must Close on Saturday Evening next; and that during the present Week, the Place will be beautifully Decorated with LAUREL and EVERGREENS, and ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, and brilliantly Illuminat- ed with Hundreds of VARIEGATED LAMPS, and that no expence will be spared to render the Exhibition more than usually interesting. This tremendous Event, so interesting to every feeling heart, is painted on upwards of 10 000 Square Feet of Can- vas. in a superior Style qf Brilliancy and Effect— the VESSELS being on the largttkt- Scale ~ erer delineated on Canvas, under the direction of Captain Sir JAMI S HATS BANE. K. W. from Drawings made on the Spot by eminent Naval OJfieers; and has given - universal satisfaction, bringing immcnseSrrowls of Spectators in Dublin, Edin- burgh, Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow, ijj- c. Order of the Subjects and appropriate Accompaniments : SUBJECTS. I.— The City, Harbour, and Bay of Algiers previous to the Bombardment, with their immense Fortifications and Batteries— Music— Overture and Turkish Air. II.— The approach of the British Fleet, Admiral Lord Exmouth conspicuous on the Quarter deck of the Q. ueen Charlotte.— M nsic— See the Conquering Hero• III.— The remainder of the British Fleet entering the Bay to take their Stations.— Music— Hearts of Oak. IV— The Bombardment of the City, with the British Fleet anchored close on Slioie— the Flotilla of Gun, Mor- tar, and Rocket Boats, in the act of throwing the Con- greve Rockets into the City ; and the perilous situation of the Leander.— Music— Grand Battle Piece. V.— Continuation of the Attack— the daring position of the Admiral's Ship— the Algerine Frigate in flames— the Emperor's Fort and the Citadel throwing down Shot and Shells on the Fleet, from their elevated situations.— Music— Naval Battle Piece. VI.— The British Fire- Ship exploding under the Oc- tagon Light- house of the Mole— the City also illuminat- ed from the Flames of the Algerine Fleet, Dock- yards, Store- houses, & c. which decided the l'ate of the Action, and compelled the Dey to submit to all the demands of the British.— Mnstc — Rule Britannia. VII. & VIII— The City, Batteries, & c. of Algiers, in Ruins, as they appeared the day after the Battle— the Christian Slaves released from Bondage, coming off'in Boats, shouting aud throwing their caps in the air. for joy— the Dey of Algiers and his Ministers viewing the destruction of his City & c. Music Britons strike home— Scots wha hoe— Finale, God save the King. Front Seats, 2s.— Back Seats, Is.— Children under 12 years of a^ e, Half- price. I^- The Proprietors having learned, that it is expected that the Admissions will be reduced, they beg to intimate, that it is their invariable practice never to lower the Prices. Books, descriptive of the Pan > ratna, giving interesting Accounts of the Battle, Christian Slavery, & c. to be had at the door, price Gd. TO CARTERS. THE COMMISSIONERS OF POLICE TT'OR this Citv, hereby intimate, that thev mean i to let the Dung of the STREETS in FARM, for the term of ONE TEAR, from and after the SJst March next. The Tacksman tobe bound to collect and carry oil'the Dung, and submit to the Regulations established by the Board, which are prepared, and to be seen at the Police Office, Broad Street. Tenders to be given in, on or before Saturday the 17th March. In the event of the Streets, not being let in the manner above proposed, the Commissioners will contract with any Person for Carting the Dung from the same to the Pub- lic Dung Hills, for One Year, from the 51st of March. Tenders to be lodged as above. By appointment of the Board, ' JOHN CHALMERS, Clerk. ' Aberdeen, Feb. 20, 1821. VALUABLE STANCE ON THE QUAY, To be feued by public roup, within the New inn, on Thursday the 1st March, at 3 o'clock, ( Upset Price 195. per Foot of Front.) rPHli CORNER STANCE in Commerce JL Street, next the Sugar House, having SO feet of jront to the Quay, and about 67 feet along Commerce Street, extending back to a Lane 24 feet wide, lately opened there. This Stance is excellently situated, and the extent of front and deptli of ground admit of a range of Shops. BY PRIVATE BARGAIN, STANCES along the West Side of Commerce Street, and along both sides of a Lane. 15 feet wide, to run from the Quay to Virginia Street, being a continuation of the Sugar House Ciose. Apply to Thomas Bannerman aud Co. Marischul Street, Feb. it, Ittiil. ABERDEENSHIRE AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION. r IMIE Committee of'the Association are requested JL to meet in DEMTSTER'S, upon Friday the 2d of March, at 12 o'clock noon. The object of this Meeting being to determine upon the appropriation of'the Fund for the present year, and various other matters of impor- tance connected with the Association, it is hoped there will be a full attendance. The Meeting is also open to other Members ; and from those Gentlemen who cannot attend, the Committee will be happy to receive any remarks in writing, which may tend to the interests of the Association. Members still in arrear of their Subscriptions, are particularly requested to order payment previous to the above Meeting. Aberdeen, 14th Feb. 1921. CHEAP TABLE LINENS. ALEX. DUNCAN & SON have got to hand a large Consignment of'i'A BL. E LINENS, par. tially Damaged at tile Field, and which will therefore be sold very great Bargains. Aberdeen, Feb. 20, 1821. ~ VESSEL"] pOR~ SALE. ~ There- will be exposed to public sale, within the Lemon Tree Tavern, upon Wednesday the 7tU of March, at G o'clock evening, THIRTY- ONE THIRTY- SECOND PARTS Of the fine Urig HALIFAX PACKET, ISa 73 & 4ih Tuns per Register, . built iu 1 fi 11, and Copper- sheathed to the light water mark about three years ago. The Upset Price will be at the rate of £ i - 20U few the whole Vessel, being considerably under u/ ie- third ui her original cost. Fur further paiticulars, apply to ROBERT DUTZIIE. Quay, Feb. 21, 1821. SALTTOF SHIPPING, Upon Friday the 16th March next, at two o'clock after- noon, the » * e will be exposed to sale by public roup, within the Lemon Tree Tavern, Aberdeen, f £ Ml E following SH A R E S of A SHIPPING. and other PROPERTY, belonging to the sequestrated Estate of H^^ jTfcl^ Anthony Wilspn, Merchant and Ship- owner aSlisSSjjlJm Aberdeen, at the several upset prices undernoted, viz. One- twelfth Share of the Brig WILLI AM IN A,.£ 1 SO Five Forty- eighth Share of the Brigantine BARBARA, One- eighth Share of the Brig DUNCAN FORBES One Twenty- fourth Share of the MORNING- FIELD One Ninety- sixth Share of the LOUSIA, One Share " of the NEW LONDON SHIP- PING COMPANY One Share of the COMMERCIAL BANK of SCOTLAND, Ten Shares of the HERCULES INSUR- ANCE COMPANY Five Shares of the EUROPEAN COM- PANY. D. 5 For farther particulars, application may be made to AU- x. Webster, Advocate, Trustee on the sequestrated Estate of the said Anthony Wilson. FIRST SPRING SHIP FO11 QUEBEC. The Fine Fast Sailing Coppered Brig VENUS, 250 Tons Burthen, ALEX. ANDERSON, MASTER. ( L. ute of the Patriot. J This Vessel has superior accommodation for passengers, being fitted up for the trade; trill be ready to receive Goods by the 1st February, and sail the 25th March. For Rate of Freight and Passage, apply to. ROBr. CATTO. Aberdeen, Oth Jan. 1S21. PROPERTIES in BROAD STREET, and at UNION PLACE, for SALE. Upon Friday, the " 2d day of March next, at two o'clock afternoon, there will he exposed tosale, by public roup, within the Lemon Tree Tavern, Aberdeen, RPHAT TENEMENT of FORE and BACK - S- LAND, with the Pertinents, lying on the West Side of the Broad Street of Aberdeen, and extending to the Guestrow, presently occupied by Mr. William. Ro- bertson, Bookseller, and others. Also, that PIECE of GROUND, on the North side of Union Street, near to Union Place, mea- nring 49 feet in front, with the Dwelling House and Offices erected thereon, presently occupied by Mr. George M Jienzie Merchant, burdened with an yearly Feu- duty of 9d. For farth. r particulars, application may be made to Alex. Webster, Advocate in Aberdeen, whj will sho » v the Title- deeds to intending purchasers. 150 1G0 10 140 155 For HALIFAX. PICTOU, & MIRAM1CHIE, THE FINE COPPERED BRIG LOUISA, XMSLSMW JAMES OSWALD, COMMANDER, 214 tons register, or 350 tons burden, will be laid on the Birth to receive Goods for the above places the 20th February, and will sail by the 10th of March. As tliQ, Louisa is a regular trader, Shippers of Goods may rely upon her proceeding to all the above potts. For Freight or Passage, apply to G. ALLAN, At Allan & Simpson's, Union Street, Or CAPTAIN OSWALD on board. P. S.— The Louisa has excellent accommodation for Passengers, being fitted out on purpose for the trade. FOR QUEBEC AND MONTREAL, THE FINE BRIGANTINE J U A' °> tlMiS- r JOHN HENDERSON, Master, 200 Tons Burden, Will be ready to receive Goods on board, for the above Ports, by the 10th of February, and will positively sail on the 20th of March ; has excellent accommodation for Passengers. For Freight or Passage, apply to GEORGE THOMSON. Quay. Feb. 2, 1821. FOR PICTOU AND MIR A MICH I, THE FINE FAST SAILING BIIIG AIM WELL, 400 Tons Burthen, JOHN MORISON, COMMANDER, Is ready to receive Goods on Board, for the above Ports, and will sail by the 20th March. Those intending to go Passengers cannot meet with a better opportunity, as the vessel has superior accommodation; and Mr. Morison is well known as a most experienced and careful Master ; to whom applica- tion tnav be made, on board tiie Vessel ; or to Donaldson Rose. Commerce Street. Aberdeen, Feb. 14, 1S2I. FOR MIRAMICHI DIRECT, THE FINE BRIG MARGARET, JAMES AIKEN, MASTER, 226' Tons per Register. She will be ready to receive goods by 1st March, and is un- der contract to sail on 25th of that month, having excellent accommodation for Passi ngers. For rate of Freight or Passage, apply to ROBERT CATTO, King Street, or to WM. FID0E8, at R. Catto's Shop, every Friday, Aberdeen. Feb. 16. 1821. mm. SALE OP i CLOTHIERY, HABERDASHERY, AND SILK MERCERY GOODS. Upon Monday tlie 2G( h Feb. curt, there will he sold by- Auction, in BROWN and SON'S SALE ROOM, UNION STREET, AN- extensive assortment of CLOTH IT'RY, HABERDASHERY, and SILK MERCERY GOODS, consisting of beautiful superfine Broad and Narrow C'lodies- Cassitncres— Pelisse and Habit Cloths— Flannels—. Bombaaettsanil Bombazeens— Printed Cottons -— Linen and Cotton Shirtings— Stripes and Checks — Silk Handkerchief.-,— Sarsanets— Gloves— Ribbons, ike. The Sale to. begin at 11 o'clock forenoon. FOR QUEBEC AND MONTREAL, ( A Constant Trader), The fine Fast Sailing BHIUANTINE MARY ANN, JOSEPH MOORE; MASTER, 220 Tons Regi ter, Will be on the Birth, to receive Goods, by the lst March— having a great part of her cargo engaged, will sail early. The MARY Akn has ex- cellent accommodation for Passengers. For Freight or Passage, apply to JOHN CATTO, SON, & CO. Aberdeen, Fib. 15, 1831. FOR QUEBEC AND MONTREAL, THE FINE BRIOA'NTINE EARL of D A I. II <) US IE, JOHN LTV IE, MASTER, 1 Bj Tons per Register, or 280 Tons Burden, Will been the Birth, ready to receive Goods for the above' Ports, by the 20th Februurv, and will sail on or about 25th March. For Freight or Passage, apply to Farqtiarson & Co. St. Nicholas Street; or Capt. Livie, on befctrd. N. IS.— The EARI, of DAI. I/ ; I- SIK being a fine new j Vessel, the accommodation for Passengers is excellent; and those intending to go are ictjoesttd to apply early. ESTATE in the COUNTY of ABERDEEN, FOR SALE. On Friday the M>' h of March next, at two o'clock afler- noon. there will bo cxpo ied to s-. le bv- puttie toup, within Dimtpsu- r\ Hbt'I < Aberdeen;- " ' RUJE ESTATE of CRABESTONE, consist- ing of 583 Scotch Acres, of whfch 257 are Arable,. 30 Water Meadow and valuable Pasture, 245 fn Planting, and the remainder Moss and Immoveable Moor. The greatest part of the Arable Land is in a high state of cul- tivation. substantially enclosed and subdivided, and every Field well supplied with water. The Plantations, of which a considerable. proportion is liaid Wood,- afe of different ages, and partly tit for cutting down. • There is a commo- dious Mansion House and Garden, and capital' Stealing of Farm Offices on tlie Muns. Onvthe" Premises there hi also an excellent Co. rn Mill, with a. Kiln attached, com- manding a good supply of water. ' The property is situated within live miles of Aberdeen, and the Turnpike Road from thence to Inverury passes through it. The Plantations, Clumps, and Hedge Rows, not only embellish the Es- rate, but afford excellent shelter to the freldsi The va- riety of surface, and exposure of the Grounds, is singu- larly be& utiful. The roads and walks are laid out in tha best style ; every thing having been done. to render tht* Property one of the most desirable and convenient places of residence in the County, to which its vicinity to Aber- deen materially contributes. . The public burdens are very moderate ; and a consider- able part of the price may remain in the purchaser's hands, if desired. The Title Deeds, and Plan of the Estate, are to be? seen in the hands of Andrew Jopp, Advocate in Aber- deen ; and Alex Watt, at Crabestone, will point out th^ boundaries. FOR ST. JOHN'S, NEW BRUNSWICK, i^- Tt-, THE FINE BRIGANTINE ALEX A NDER, WM& Stf? THOMAS CUMMING, MASTER, 300 Tons Burden, Will be ready to receive Goods on boat d, for the above Port, by the 5th of February, and will positively sail on- the 1st of March ; has excellent accommodation for Pas- sengers. For Freight or Passage, apply to GEORGE THOMSON. Quay, Feb. 2, 1821. FIRST SPRING SH IP/ or PHILADEPHIA. TIIE FINE F. AST SAILING BRIC1 DOUGLAS, JOHN MOIR, COMMANDER, About 220 Tons Burthen ; will be on the Birth at Newcastle,, the 1st of March next, for the reception of Goods and Passen- gers, for the above port. The after leaving Newcastle, will call at Aberdeen. This vessel has excellent accommodation for Passengers. For freight and passage, apply to Messrs. Greener anci Steel, Brokers, Newcastle ; or to JOHN DICKIE, Aberdeen, Feb. 5, 1821. James Street. DONO THE CAT AND THE BOOT Ory an Improvement upon Mirrors. As I one morning'shaving s^ t, For dinner- time preparing, A dreadful howling from the. cat... Set all the room a staring- 1 Sudden I turn'd— beheld a scene I could not but delight in. For in my boot, so bright and clean, The cat her face was fighting. Bright was the boot— its surface fair, In lustre nothing lacking ; I never saw one half so clear. Except by WARREN'S BRACKING. ( WARREN! that name shall last as lon « * * As beuus and belles shall dash on, Immortalized in every- song .••-• « That chants the praise of fashion ; For, oh ! without his Blacking, all Attempts we may Abolish To raise upon our hoots at all ' The least of jet or polish,) Surpris'd its brilliancy I viewed With silent admiration ; ' The glass that on the table stood Waxed dimly oil fts station. I took the boot, the glass diaplac'd, For soon I was aware, The latter only was disgrae'd. Whene'er the boot was near. And quickly found that I could shave, Much better by its bloom, Th m any mirror that T havs Within my drawing- room. And since that time, I've often smil'd To think how puss was frighten'd. When al the boot she ttn^' d and toil'd By W. VRRKU'S Blacking brighten'd. This Easy Shining and Brilliant BLACKING; pared bv ROBER T WARREN," 30, STRAND. London; \ •• SOLI) IN ABERDEEN BY pre- W. Leith, King Street Smith. Union Street Davidson, Broad Street Robertson & Iteid. Quay lteid. Castle Street Symon, Union Street Duncan, Ca. tlc Street Mollison, Renin I Table- Dowr. ie, Broad Street Bremuer & Co. Union St.. Smith, see. Castle Street Brautitigham, Grdlnwjrate Crtiicksh. mk, Bros 1 Street Prater, Union Street Milne, Broad Street Times, do. do. Garden. Castle Street Dyce, P- road Street Sutherland, Kins Street. Anderson. Castle g- j « Kt Bissel, Broad Street Esson, C- allyw- gaLe Bently. St, Nicholas Street' Affleck, Union Street Mackie, Quay Hay. King Street Troup, Castle Street Sing. f, Broad Street. . And sold, in every Town in tiie Kingdom. LIQUID, in Bott'isfid. lod. lSd. and led. « ach. Also PAS I E BLACKING, in Pots 6d. iCd. and J8d each. A Shilling Pot of Paste is equal to Fouf Shilling Bottlrt ef liquid. To the EDITOR of the ABE^ DE^ N CHRONICLE* SIN, AT a ntimefotis Meeting in'Kirkwall, oil the loth inst. convened for the avowed purpose of addressing the King on the present fttatt* of affairs, but really wttli a view to bolster up a tottering Administration, an Ad- dress was read aild s^ cofided, full of the usual Tory cant of impiety £ nd disaffection. Before this Address could be ptft to the Votej it t* as femarked by srtrhe members of the meetiiig, that, all the distresses of the cOUnffy were owing to the misconduct of Ministers, and an Address expressive of this idea was moved by the ttev. WALTER TitAltT. of West ore. second ed !> y THOMAS TRAIL!, Esq. of Wes- tore, and carried with applause by a great majority. Of this Address a copy is rioW annexed, which will Convince you, that in a County too ready to follow and flatter every Minister, a spirit of constitutional freedom begins to dawn. Hoping that this Will soon appear in your patriotic £ aper, T am, 5 » r, your most obedient servant? A WHIG. Kirkwall . Tan. 31, 1321. To the KING'S most EXCELLENT MAJESTY. l\ fay it please ytmr Majesty* WE, the undersigned Freeholders, Justices of the Peace, Heritors, and other Inhabitants of the County of Orkney, approach your Majesty with every feeling of re- verence and loyalty, attached to those principles which . seated yout- family on the Throne, and have tendered our common country an object of envy to the nations which Surround us* We sincerely wjsh, that your Majesty may rule in the hearts of a free happy, and loyal people, and that your reigri may be long and prosperous. From a sincere regard to your Majesty's trite interest and happiness, *' e deeply lament that evil Counsellors have endeavoured to alienate your paternal heart, from a people known to your Majesty only bv a steady and de- voted loyalty. The conduct of your Majesty's Ministers has been marked by an open contempt of all popular privileges, and a regular systematic invasion of those* principles which secure the happiness of the great body of the people. The acts of tyranny and oppression committed by them are numerous and flagrant; at Manchester, the blood of Our countrymen was wantonly shed, and every attempt to brinjr to punishment either the Magistrates, who basely attacked bv military force a peaceful unarmed multitude, or the ******** who perpetrated the massacre, was re- sisted and defeated by your Majesty's Ministers. Nay, so fur did they impose on your Royal mind, as to pro- cure thanks to the very men who had shed the blood of your innocent people. We further humbly represent to your Majesty, that j'our Majesty's Ministers, by a total neglect of economy, and by an extravagance the most unbounded, have crushed the spirit and dissipated the substance of a people once wealthy, independent, and happy. By an accumu- lated and accumulating load of Taxes, ( in a period of profound peace) Agriculture and Commerce are de- pressed, and the industrious reduced to indigence and despair. But % ve still more deeply regret, that your Majesty's Ministers have endeavoured to infuse info your Royal tnind, the most unjust suspicions of a people ever de- voted to your Family. They have destroyed the har- tnonv of domestic fife, bv filling the country with spies and informers— these base and venal wretches have se- duced the weak and unwary into acts of criminality.— They have suggested, and even organized, the plots for which the rash victims of their artifice suffered. This • was done by your Majesty's Ministers, in order to brand with suspicion ail who are attached to the principles of liberty established at the Revolution We cannot view but with horror the base and artful conspiracy of your Majesty's Ministers against your Royal Consort, the Queen ; and we congratulate your Majesty, and the whole Nation, on the defeat of this Most iniquitous attempt. We congratulate your Ma- jesty, because it was the aim of your Ministers to ruin the peace, the interest, the honour, and the happiness of the exalted Lady, whom, before the altar of ( Jon. your Majesty swore to cherish and protect. We congratulate the Nation, because the Bill of Pains and Penalties was the most daring encroachment on the Constitution ever agitated, even by men with whom encroachment has been the order of the day. We beg solemnly to assure your Majesty, that we are animated by the most loyal attachment to your Majesty's " Family, Government, and Person ; indeed, the feelings of loyalty render it our indlsperisible duty to beseech your Majesty to dismiss for ever from your presence and coun- cils, the weak and wicked Ministers who have laboured to bring your Majesty's Government into contempt. Bv inviting to your councils men attached to those principles which, at ti e Revolution, secured the civil and religious privileges of this great kingdom, your Majesty will remove the difficulties which now alarm us—- public confidence and public credit will again revive— plots and the rumour of plots will cease— Commerce and Agricul- ture, now depressed, will again flourish, and once more will this nation be what it was in happier and better times. Men of all ranks will bless your Majesty, for having delivered them from the destructive influence of men whom we cannot respect or love, and in whom we can place no confidence, as they have already violated ever) trust. Your people will revere and love you as their Protector, their Father, and their King. f of scier. de for ife- igr. oranee, and whose deed-; even its own paid servants and retainers have not tlie face to justify ? And is it possible to doubt, that there is 14 something rot- ten in the state of. Denmark" wberi these hi en not Only keep in power, but flourish by their very errors, and £ n trench themselves more ( irmly in office by acts which Should have led to its immediate forfeiture ? Sir Robert Walpole and Lord North were driven from power by pub- lic indignation, without having committed half so many Unconstitutional acts, or exposed themselves by errors half so flagrant, and without having incurred one- tenth part of the popular odium which pursues the present Minis- ters. Tn a recent debate, Lard CASTLEREAGH, alluding to the petitions for the dismissal of Ministers, is reported to have said, that " he was not to be dragooned by petitions ; and for the safety of the realm, he had long made up his mind to give a determined resistance to efforts of such a description and for such a purpose." ( Times, 7th Feb.) We make no comment on these expressions ; but the Trea- sury journals seemed to have caught their spirit pretty ac- curately, when they tell us, that those factious persons who get up petitions against Ministers have lost their labour, and may save themselves the trouble another time. The pretext of a factions purpose will never be wanting; but if petitioning were to be considered in the House as dra- gooning— or something which a Minister of State held it meritorious to resist— if means were to be taken to con- vince the people that petitioning is lost labour, what con- stitutional right or remedy would remain ? Our country- men we are persuaded, cannot give a stronger proof of their love of peace, their hatred of anarchy, and their re- spect for the constitution, than by petitioning Parliament, even at the ii< k of dragooning the Secretary for Foreign A flairs. The Noble Lord talks of delusions propagated among the people by the Whigs ; and we believe that many per- sons who hold the same language would be very happy to be convinced of the truth of what they affirm. These per- sons are not. ignorant, that those who propagate delusions in favour of Ministers run less risk, are better paid, and are fully more diligent in their vocation than those on the other side. Has not the pulpit been converted into a tri- bune, while every petty justice and local magistrate has been so eager to signalise his activity, that Ministers have motion of his. for some papers on the same subject, until Wednesdays in order that the question might be discuss- ed all at ohc£. . , . THE QUFEN'S ANNUITY BILL. The Earl of LIVERPOOL fixed the second reading of this bill fof Monday next, after the motion of his 5sfoble Friend ( Earl Grev) which stood for that day. Jf, however, it was the wish of Noble Lords that it should be postponed, he should feel fio objection, as he was anxious to give a fair discussion to the measure. Lord LIMERICK presented a petition from the clergy and gentry of Limerick, complaining of agricul- tural distress* and recommending a different mode of stiiking the averages. STATE OF IRELAND. The Duke of RED FORD presented two petitions, the one in favour of the Queen, from the Common Hall of London, and the other complaining of agricultural distress, from Ely. Laid on the table. The Eail of DARNLEY moved for copies of all cor- respondence between the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Mayor of Dublin, relative to the patent for the supply of all Government Offices with paper. The longitude bill was read a third time and passed, after sonic* observations from Lords Darnley and Melville. Adjourned till [ Monday. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Friday, Feb. 9. WAYS AND MEANS. On the motion of the CHANCELLOR of the EX- CHEQUE II* the house resolved into a Committee of Ways and ' Means, The Right Hon. Gentleman moved ; f a resolution, * that the duty of one shilling per bushel on j I Malt made w Great Britain, granted by an act of the last j session, to expire on the 5th July 1821, should be further continued. On the resolution being put, Mr. CREEVEY said, that he did not oppose the Speaker leavifig the Chair, because lie did not understand that any grant was intended to be proposed in the Com- mittee. He now rose to oppose the motion for supply brought under consideration, and would move as an amend- ment that the'Chairman do report progress. The House could not easily forget the expressions which had been made within its walls last night— the statements of grie- vances from persons of all descriptions-— from the agricul- tural and commercial interests, and,- above all, from that once great flourishing Town of Birmingham ( hear.) The conversation which took place on the Petition from that place called forth opinions and declarations which no man ever ventured before to make in that House ( hear.) An Honourable Gentleman, a Lay Member, and a most res- r. oiirable dentlemar. (? ir. Creevc- y}, for his haying called the attention of the House to the mode of voting the pub- lic money. After what they had - heahl - jast night of the j distress of the country, and much mdre after what they all ' knew personally, or from the representation of'their neigh- bours, he thought it hnpossible that tlrey should continue tiiat Usual course of voting money in blind confidence, which had brought them to the fatal brink from which, if they did not speedily recede, they must plunge into the gulph. _ # After some further discussion, the house divided, for the Resolution. 81.— againstit — majority 53. . Monday, Feb. 12, j The LORD ADVOC ATE of Scotland gave notice of I a motion for Thursday, to carry into effect a part of the Repot t of the Commissionss on the Scotch Law Courts. In answer to a question from Mr. M. A. Taylor, we under- stood the Learned Lord to say, that he did not mean to extend his proposition to the Court of Exchequer, only to the Court of Session. A lengthened discussion then took place on Lord John ' Russell's motion to transfer the right of choosing two '. members from Gram pound to Leeds. Mr. Davies Gil- ; bert aiid Mr. Bathurst, contended that it would be better to transfer the right of voting to the adjoining hundreds, while Lord John Russell's motion w^ s supported bv Mr. Ward, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Wynne, & c. and in the. end it was agreed to without a division. A motion was then made to give the right of returning the members to the West Riding of Yorkshire rather than to Leeds, but it was rejected by a majority of 136 to 60. Tuesday, Feb. 13. THE QUEEN AND THE LITURGY. After several petitions had been presented in favour of the restoration of the Queen's name to the Liturgy, Mr. John Smith rose to bring forward his motion on that sub- • ject. The Hon. Gentleman made a very able speech, en- forcing the justice of the restoration, and the advantages ; that would result from it in quieting the minds of the peo- | pie, and allaying the existing discontent and irritation, i Mr. Tennyson seconded the motion, v. hich was support • j ed Mr. Wilberforce. I Mr. WILBERFORCE said, whatever his opinions j might be upon particular parts of the case, he could not i but think, that looking to the whole of the conduct of his | Majesty's ministers, there was nothing which called for I the condemnation of the House or the country. The ministry had been placed in a situation of extreme diffi- culty ; they had only a choice of evils before them, and if they had erred in making that choice, their error should in fairness be regarded as an error of judgment, and ought j not to be imputed to incapacity, and still less to want of I integrity. A practical measure had been proposed to him | ( Mr. Wilberforce), and he felt it his duty to endeavour to | avert the evils which would result from the continued agi- tation of this subject. If he were called upon to decide whether the original omission of her Majesty's name in the Liturgy were against law, he should be inclined to say, that that glorious uncertainty which was imputed to the law, was applicable to this as to most, other questions. He agreed in the observations which had been ma le upon her Majesty's answers to addresses, and he could not but regret that she had adopted sentiments so different from suffered much more from the indiscreet zeal than the in- difference of their partisans ? Loyal addresses have been compounded of every sort of ingredient, from absolute truisms to the hottest denunciations of jacobinism, that they must be suited to every shade of opinion and size of understanding. The most barefaced of all delusions— that the people have less loyalty than the persecutors of of the Queen, and less religion than the abettors of the Holy Alliance— has been industriously disseminated by ministerial agents. The" hole and corner men" have en- countered general derision and got up addresses under so many disadvantages, that it may be safely said, had one half of the difficulty in obtaining signatures existed on the other side, not a single petition would have been sent up. Every possible obstruction has been thrown in the way of petitions— every possible encouragement given to ad- dresses. For ten long. vears the Treasury press has plied the people with every species of sophistry and argument; but amidst all the variety of opinions or " delusions" which have been current during that time, the people have never for a moment wandered into that one delusion which so much pains were taken to propagate— a good opi- tyon of Ministers. It is this that touclus them to the quick. In short, they and their partisans are not only morti- pectable Gentleman in the country, proposed an attack on the funded property of the country ( hear.) He called the fundholder a monster. Another Honourable Member, a friend, of his ( Mr. C's) hailed the attack on the fund- bolder, and shewed great anxiety, as he said himself, to be at it ( hear, and laughter.) The Right Honourable Gentleman ( the Chancellor of the Exchequer) laughed.— lie ( Mr. Creerev) would wish to know what Mr. Pitt • would have said if he had lived to hear such sentiments avowed in that House ? But what did these declarations prove? They proved the monstrous distress under which the country laboured— distress so great as to prepare one part of the Community to go to . war with the other for the possession of his property ( hear.) and yet in this deplora- ble state nothing in the way of relief was even hinted Since the above Address was carried at the Meeting, the Sheriff Substitute sent a loyal Address to Stromness thinking to get it filled with signatures there; but the people rose iti a body, broke the windows of one ofthe principal Tories, and paraded the streets singing Queen CAHOLINE for ever. THE MINISTERS AND THE PEOPLE. Tt had always until of late been held the first duty of parliament, to refuse to support Government, until power was in the hands of persons who were acceptable to the peo- ple, or while factions predominated in the Court, in which the nation had no confidence. BURKE'S Thoughts on the Cause, tjc. TF we had not greater confidence in the good sense and pood principles of the mass ofthe people, than in those of the party in power, we should dread the worst consequences from the present state of public affairs. If the people were naif as much demoralised as the sycophants of power represent if they were not much more religious than those factious clergymen who accuse them of blasphemy, and much more loyal than those well- paid tools who charge them with disaffection, we should consider the prospects of the country as very discouraging. No doc- trine can be more appalling, and tend more to throw a state into disorder, than a conviction in the minds ofthe people, that all their efforts to drive unpopular men from power, or to obtain a redress of what they consider griev- ances;- are utterly unavailing. Innumerable instances are to be found in Spain and Turkey, and in all tlie most des- potic states of Europe, of a minister being forced from the councils of his Sovereign by the indignation of the people. And let it be recollected, that the use of Parlia- ments and Juries, and a free Press, is not to control, but to give effect to this power of public opinion ;— not to keep men in who are offensive to the people, but to drive them out by a shorter and safer process than can be em- ployee? in countries not blessed with a free government.— The spirit of a system is, in fact, most effectually shewn jn the character of the men it calls to power. The Ame- rican democracy, so much reviled here, bestowed its highest offices and'lionours upon WASHINOSTON.' the most upright of men, the- purest of pat riots. Which of the Go. vcmmen'sof Europe would not have brought him to the Mock? And- who that loves the British Constitution, and knows by what proceedings the leading Minister in the present cabinet raised himself to consequence in 1798- 1799 and 1800. does not feel, that this single fact speak* more in favour of reform than volumes of arguments or decla* mation ? Men may dispute about what is good or bad in politics, as they do in morals. . But there can be no other ultimate standard tfian the sense of the people, who, in truth, derive their opinions from the wise and tfie learned, atid are al ways the best judges of their own interests. A fied by the incredible majority of their opponents in tb nation, but they are galled by the secret consciousness, that, if the number who have declared in their favour from mercenary motives were struck off, and those who have withheld their suffrages from the other side from fear of present. power were added, something much nearer un- animity would be exhibited, than was ever witnessed be- fore in any nation. This is a fact which no vote of Lords or Commons can alter. We shall not presume to say In what light precisely Ministers- regard the mass ofthe nation ; but it is the sin- gular fact, that all those who are supposed to echo their their sentiments, and court their favour, speak ofthe peo- ple as a man would speak of his personal enemies. They are ignorant, turbulent, factious, disaffected, immoral, addicted to blasphemy, and enslaved by delusions; and with such a ruinous load of faults and vices, nothing pre- serves them from self- destruction, but the virtues and ta- lents of the- administration. Some will think, perhaps, that a nation was never before protected from destruction by so slender a barrier, as the virtues of Lord CASTLK- RKAGH and the talents of Lord SIDMOUTII. And all will admit the truth of one circumstance implied in this state- ment, that the character ofthe people is a contrast to that of administration. The character of the nation, which has thus been placed almost beyond the confines of human na- ture by its vices, has been very differently estimated by foreigners, from VCILTAIRK and MONTESQUIEU down to Madame de STAEI. and Mr. WASHINGTON IRVING. They have described the En glish na ion as distinguished from all others, by superior intelligence, deeper views of reli- gion, a more severe morality, stricter habits of order, and a strong attachment to its rulers. In truth, who can hear with patience such disgusting calumnies repeated ? The English people have erected monuments to their intelli- gence, piety, humanity, and loyalty, in every corner of the globe. Is it a mark of the prevalence of igno- rance and delusion, that they have given birth to a greater number of inventions, produced more works of genius, land done more to advance the arts of life, than all the other nations of modern times together ? Is it a proof of impiety and depravity, that such multitudes have engag- ed in the establishment of Sunday Schools, of Bible and Missionary Societies, and a thousand other schemes for the dissemination of religion through our ow n country and every part ofthe world? Is it a proof of boing factious and disloyal, that for twenty years they paid taxes three times greater than any nation of Europe without a mur- mur ? And the men who bring these charges against them are the abettors of the Holy Alliance, the eulogists ofthe Manchester Magistrates, the patrons of OUVER. and CASTLES, the supporters of lotteries, the - planners of the Milan Commission, and the persecutors of an unpro- tected woman— and a Queen.— Scotsman. I at by Government— they heard no plan for the ameliora ' f ion of distress— night after night theythad before them the old story of Committees of Supply and Ways and Means ; but they heard not one word about Reform ( hea r.) not one word upon the necessity of retrenchment. Under such circumstances, he would not consent to grant ong farthing of the public money— he would divide the House upon every vote until he had some distinct pledge from those who took upon them to manage the affairs of the country, until some plan of practical Reform should be submitted to that House. He would call upon the Landholder and Fundholder ( o unite, to unite against Monsters— the Mon- sters were not the Fund holders, the Monsters were those who held places under the Crown, and sat in that House. They appeared in that House under various characters, as Lay Lords of the Admiralty, as Puisne Commissioners of the India Board, but they shewed that they were real pensioners, dependents on the bounty of the Crown ; their presence in that House was useless, it was worse than useless, for there they were to vote on all occasions with the Minister, never with the people. Let it not be supposed that he objected to the responsible Ministers of the Crown sitting in Unit House, their jyresence was necessary ; but it was a monstrous thing to see persons holding places at pleasure under the Crown, sitting and voting in that House ; these formed a part of the pack which stood firm and united ; it was found impossible to break in upon them. There were 72 persons in that House who held places to the amount of L. I20.000 a year, yet 40 Members were sufficient to make a House, to vote away the public money, or to invade the public liberties ? Was such- an imperial parliament* HOUSE OF LORDS. Monday, Feb. \ 9. AFFAIRS OF NAPLES. Lord ROSSLYN rose for the purpose of postponing the motion which his Noble Friend ( Earl Grey) had given, until Monday next. Many circumstances had induced him to postpone the motion, but none more so than the news which had been obtained on Saturday of the advance o^ the Austrian troops. He was particularly anxious to gain some farther information on this interest- ing subject, before the motion was submitted to the Hou:; e. Lord GROoYENOR expressed his regret that he should be unable to attend on Monday next, to express bis horror and detestation of the blood- thirsty spirit which bad been evinced by Foreign Powers against the free and independent Neapolitans. FOREIGN TRADE. The Marquis of LANSDOWNE gave notice, that on Friday next be should move for the revival ofthe Com- mittee on foreign trade. The Earl of LIVERPOOL had no objection whatever to the motion ; he merely rose to state, that he should take the opportunity, on Friday next, of moving for some information with reference to a point which he had alluded to in his speech upon a former evening, he meant the present state of the agriculture of the country. In that speech, founding his argument on the informotion which he had received, and which he had every reason to rely upon, he had attributed the distress of the agricultural interests to the excc3s of production. The Noble Marquis ( Lansdowne), on the other hand, attributed thv distress to a diminution of consumption. He ( Lord Liverpool) admitted, that this was a fair alternative, as the distress must arise either from increased production, or diminished consumption. With a view, therefore, of putting the House in possession of facts with reference to this point, it was his intention to move for certain information upon this subject on Friday. Friday, Feb. 1G. Lord ROSSLYN postponed the motion of his Noble Friend ( the'Marquis- of Lansdowne) for the re- appoint- ounck Minister may be popular for a day; but to call a , Minister good who is- permanently unpopular, is a libel on j mtMlt of the Committee on foreign trade, until Wednes- mankind. But what shall we say of a Ministry that is ! T,, e Noble Marquis was too much indisposed the sortie mimtjer. Tt was also desirable a majority of the jury should be empowered to return a verdict, for where one individual had the power of affecting a verdict, it was almost impossible to avoid corruption. He concluded with moving for l£ ave to bring in a Bill to alter and amend the. mode of constituting juries in Scotland. Lord U INNING expressed his regret, that the motion was brought forward in the absence of the Lord Advocate, He had no objection to the introductioh of the Bill, but be hoped it would be allowed to stand over for considera- tion. Mr, M. A. TAYLOR said, it was rather unparlia mentary that his Hon; Friend should be assailed because: he brought forward the motion in the absence of the Noble Lord, whose duty it was to be present. He did not see why. if the Lord Advocate was absent, their tongues were to be tied ; the Noble Lord should rather have apo- logised for the Learned Lord than have inculpated his Hon. Fiiend. His Honourable Friend had brought to view the arbitrary power exercised by the Court of Jus- ticiary, to instances of which he ( Mr. T.) had happened to be witness in a case, the details of which were printed, and which was also to be found in the debates of that House ; he meant the case of Mr. Muir and Mr, Palmer ( hear, hear!) He ( Mr. T.) had been in the House m the time of the debate, as well as in Edinburgh at the time of the trial, and certainly, in common with many' others, he did not think the verdict was that which wouhl have been given by an English Jury ( hear !). He had oti this point the testimony of a man of no mean authority, who was present, the whole time, he meant the late Sir Ilomilly Mr. Erskine, a lawyer of the very first emi- nence, declared, that on that occasion the Court of Jus- ticiary had misunderstood the law. when they sentenced the prisoners to transportation. The law said, that per- sons convicted of sedition should be " banished from their pleasant fields and native homes." But this never had been understood, or could be honestly interpreted, as giving a power to transport the prisoner to a particular place, as they did those prisoners to Botany Bay. The case was brought before the Iluuse of Commons by the present Commissioner of the Jury Court ( Mr. Adam); the Judges escaped censure with very great, difficulty, and no one who heard that debate, could suppose that the law gave the power assumed of banishing beyond seas for sedition and libel. But, forsooth, they were not to speak of Scots law. unless the Lord Advoca'e was present. In the House of Lords, the Chancellor decided on Scots law, though no Scots lawyer, and in that House, even if the Lord Advocate had been present, he should take oil himself to decide according to his own judgment. Mr. J. P. G R A NT said, the principles of the Bill had been laid by bis Honourable Friends on grounds which? required no amplification, but he should rectify a mistake of the Noble Lord ( Lord Binning), who supposed that it was only when a libel was restricted by the Lord Advocate that an arbitrary power was exercised by the Court of Jus- ticiary. Within not a great many years, in those cases in which by the law of Scotland they were enabled to infl ct a punishment, of which the utmost extent was banishment from Scotland, the Judges had assumed the power to transport the prisoner to a particular place, as under the Transportation Acts in England, and in a recent caseT for one of these offences, in which banishment was the ut- most legal punishment, the prisoner was recommended by an unanimous Jury to the lenity of the Court, and that Court in its lenity, transported him for five years- Lord BINNING explained. Leave was given to bring in the Bill, MALT DUTY. Upon the Order of the Day for the second reading of the Malt Duty Bill being read, Mr. CREEVE V rose to oppose the motion. He had, he said, two or three short reasons for resisting any Bill of Supply under existing circumstances. The first rea- son was, that although the House had been sitting for three weeks, no estimate of the public expence had yet been presented to the House from any department of ths Administration ; and he would not consent to grant public money to any department, until a clear statement of the ground ofits application were previously comm. micucl to the House. In this resolution, indeed, lie was the more confirmed hy the language which he understood was un- reserved!) used about the Treasury, and which was gener- ally believed by its adher ents— namely, that the. present would be a very short Session ( hear, beat \ from the Treasury Bench). He meant that it was understood about the Treasury that all the public business would be over before Easter ; that is, that Ministers were safe, that the Queen was sacrificed, and that nobody cared about money ( hear, hear ! and a laugh on the Opposition Benches).-— The Estimates then should have been sooner presented. They ought, indeed, to be two or three weeks before the House, in order that such Members as were disposed to attend to their duty ( and this was the duty of every Mem- ber) might have ample opportunity of examining those very voluminous and generally complicated documents, which, according to the existing practice, were seldom above a night or two on the Table before the House was- called upon to pronounce a final vote respecting them.—- Upon this, and upon other grounds, be felt it his duty to oppose the grant of any Supply, until the will and the wants of the public were attended to by Ministers lie had been told, that a certain Lay- Lord of the Admiralty ( alluding, we understand, to Sir G. Warrender), as he was called by some, but whom he would call a Sinecure and sham Lord, had been heard to declare, in those cir- cles of which this Lord was such a splendid ornament, that he would come down and inflict signal chastisement upon him ( Mr. C.), if he persevered in his purpose to re- sist the Supplies j but still he was determined to persevere, notwithstanding this frightful denunciation of punishment, for he had already found that some good resulted from his perseverance. The Chancellor of the Exchequer had endeavoured in some degree to satisfy the public desire for economy and retrenchment, that within this year there would be a reduction of one million in the nation expen- diture. It had not, however, been stated by the Right Hon. Gentleman, in what department such reduction would take place. But to return to the threat of the Lay- Lord of the Admiralty ; he begged to express a hope. be- Fore the friends whom this Lord had invited to attend his benefit, that he would be graciously pleased to carry his threat into execution with some clemency, that he would condescend to mitigate bis punishment for old- acquain- her first, declarations in answer to the address of this house, and so hostile to the interests of the country. Undoubt edly the treatment she had experienced ought to be taken into, consideration ; but it could not be denied that she had adopted sentiments no less dishonourable to herself than injurious to the country. He regretted that some of those addresses, in which the best and most sacred ins- titutions of the country were treated with obloquy, had not be- en made the subject of prosecution at their first ap- pearance. Such was the view which he took of this part of the subject. For the sake of the country, however, and because he felt that the voice ofthe nation demanded the restoration of her Majesty's name to the Liturgy, he should support the present motion, ( hear.) The continu- ance of heats, and differences of opinion had another bad effect ; as it tended to introduce somewhat of a political feeling into the devotions of the people. It was melan- j choly to reflect, that, instead of that atmosphere of love \ and peace which should surround the altar, the Church j itself was to become the scene of party feeling and politi- ! cal dissention. lie would not deny, that the restoration i of her Majesty's name to the Liturgy might have the I effect of producing a feeling of momentary triumph ; but it should be recollected, that the persons who wet e most likely to triumph on such an occasion, were not those who were most in the habit of frequenting the church— while that measure would afford permanent satisfaction to the more serious and sober part of the community. With re- spect to the feelings of the Sovereign himself on this question, he was perfectly sure, that if he had any ade- quate notion of the sentiments entertained by the bulk of the nation, he would glory in making any sacrifice, if it were a sacrifice, to the wishes of his people. The House ought not to forget that the proceedings against her Ma- jesty had only been brought before one branch of the Le- gislature. If they had been brought down to this House, much additional light might have been thrown on her Majesty's case, and very different impressions might have been made upon the minds of those whose opinions were now unfavourable to her Majesty. Guilt, or innocence, however, did not. weigh a feather with him in the vote he should that night give. Let no man suppose that by voting for the motion of his Hon Relation, he gave either a director implied sanction of her Majesty's innocence.— Neither was he so sanguine as to suppose, that by procur- ing the restoration of her name to the Liturgy, the im- mediate effect would be to put an end to the agitation that now existed. His solicitude was, in the language of Xord Falkland, to obtain u Peace, peace;" In the he- ginning of these lamentable differences, be manifested the same feeling— in the same spirit he recommended the present motion, as the path to conciliation and tranquillity. The motion was opposed by Mr. Legge, Mr. C. Wvnn, and Sir T. A eland, and on a division, was rejected by a » majority of 293 to 178. All the arguments on the subject having been previously exhausted, the discussion was not at. all interesting. THE MANCHESTER MEETING. Mr. HOB HOUSE said he rose to give notice for his Honourable Colleague ( Sir F. Burdett), in his absence, that he would, on the 15th of May next, make a mo- tion relative to the proceedings which took place at Man- chester on the 16th of August 1816. abuse to be endured ? was it possible from such men to expect the introduction of any plan of economical reform? There was another body of men in that House who were called independent members ; there were no greater ene- mies to the country than those independent Members— their votes were with the Ministers— their families lived upon the taxes— and did any one doubt it— could the Right Hon. Gentleman deny it ? The brothers, sons, and more distant relations of those Members, would be found throughout the country holding places in the Cus- toms, in tlie Distribution of Stamps, and in various other departments. The Right Honourable Gentleman knew tiiat repeated and daily applications were made to Mi- nivers from Members of that House. He knew that the steps of the Treasury were, daily beset by men calling for what they called their property ( a laugh.) The fact was notorious— he knew such people, respectable persons, who very comfortably lived upon the taxes,— These were the persons who effectually prevented any re- form in tli3t House. The 72 pensioners, and the 4< In- dependent Members," whose families were quartered upon the country, and lived upon the taxes, stood between the people and their rights. Those were the persons who composed the majorities, against the people— he was not surprised at those, majorities, indeed, far from it; he was only astonished that the friends of the country were able to make so gcod a fight as they had made in that House.— These were the grievances, and the redress of those grie- vances ought to go before the grant of one shilling of the public money. He regretted that he did not see his Right Honourable Friend, the Member for Knaresbo- rough ( Mr. Tierncy), in his place. He hoped that that Right Hon. Gentleman would bring in a Bill to prevent placemen from sitiingin that House, whose presence was not necessary for the public service. By the introduction of such a bill, his Bight Honourable Friend would do a • greatpublic service.—( hear.) An Honourable Gentle- man,_ to whom the country was greatly indebted, had submitted dusing the last Session a new system for the collection of taxes. He demonstrated, that of the mons- trous sum of four million, which the bare collection of the taxes cost the country, a saving of at least one million might be effected, ( hear) He* also proposed to take iome measure to secure the remainder from coming within the rapacious grasp of Members of Parliament, Wednesday, Feb. 14. CONDUCT OF SHERIFFS. Mr. BEAUMONT rose to bring forward his motion regarding the conduct of Sheriffs, who on certain occasions had refused to call meetings at Chester, Northumberland, Kent, Sec. He should abstain from personal remarks, his object being only to prevent the recurrence of such pro- ceedings by some legislative measure. He viewed as culpable conduct the refusal to call the meetings, but the refusal to divide a meeting when called was still more censurable. He should propose the appointment of a Select Committee,, in order that the facts might be brought before the House. He denied that the law gave the power which had been exercised ; or if it did, it ought to be re- pealed or amended, so as to limit the powers of Sheriffs at County Meetings, ( hear, hear.) He concluded by moving that the petition complaining of the conduct of the Sheriff of Chester be referred to a Select Committee. LORD CASTLE RE AG IT. It was not the desire of Ministers to interfere with such meetings. If, however, it. should still be thought that more parliamentary pro- ceedings were necessary, he hoped the gentlemen opposite, would completely open their views on the subject, and let the House know distinctly what objects were contemplated. quackish without being popular, that is hated by tlie mass of tfee pcogk for its oppressive* acts,, belddn scorn bj men \ to bring forward his motion. The Earl of LIVERPOOL would also postpone. a ( hear.) What he had said he believed to be as true as that he stood in that place ; and then, he' asked, were the people, ground down as they were to the utmost extremity of distress, to be treated without the slightest sympathy or consideration? He believed that a saving of at least 4 millions might be effected in the collection of the revenue and in the different offices of the State. Such a reduction would be most important, and would lead to most grati- fying consequences. The Members of the House of Commons would be a different set of men. The most happy prospects of future retrenchment would present themselves— above all, it would lead to a union with the people, and create the surest omen of public good. The CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER said, that from the Speech nf his Majesty from the Throne, which stated a reduction of the military establishment, a diminution of the public expenditure was expected. He was happy to inform the House, that in that expectation the country would not be disappointed ; he had every rea- son to hope not indeed that a reduction of four millions, or any thing so large could be effected, but that comparing the estimates of the present, year with the year preceding, there would probably be a saving of one million. He was very willing to discuss that when the Estimates came to be voted ; but he saw no benefit in mixing up the discus- sion of the Expenditure with every question before the House, The question now only was, whether the usual annual taxes should be voted, without which the public service could not go on. Mr. LOCKH ART expressed his gratitude to the Ho- If the parties were not prepared for this course, he would suggest the propriety of postponing or withdrawing the motion, ( hear, hear.) Mr. BEAU VIONT consented, in consequence of what had fallen from the noble Lord, to withdraw his motion | for the present. SCOTCH CRIMINAL LAW. j Mr. KENNEDY, in calling attention to the state of | Criminal Law in Scotland, adverted to the defective char- | acter of the act of 1701, which was intended to give power | similar to the Habeas Corpus Act. It was particularly | defective in matter of fact. He also alluded to the harsh f nature of the Scotch Libel Law, and observed, that as | the law now stood, a person convicted of libel in Scotland might not only be banished for the second offence, but transported for the first ( hear, hear.) And instances of this kind had occurred. He also noticed the severe powers exercised by the Lord Advocate in filing ex officio infor- mations, Juries in Scotland were also defective, as per- emptory challenge did not exist. He wished to take away the nomination of juries from the hands in which it was now placed, and to grant a limited power of challenge, to enable the prisoner to challenge three, and the prosecutor tance- sake, ami from a recollection that he was once among those with whom he ( Mr. C.) then co- operated, generally, acting, too, on the ultra side ( a laugh, and hear, hear !) The CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER ob. served, that the number of men and shipping had been already voted by the House and it was now proposed only to grant the usual supplies for carrying those votes into effect, and this was in accordance v it li the practice of the* House for a series of years. With respect, to the Esti*. mates to which the last speaker had referred, care would be taken to have them laid before the House, so as to afford ample time for their due examination. The greater part of those Estimates indeed, he had reason to think, would be laid upon the table within the present week. After some conversation, a division took place, when the numbers were— For the motion, 71—- Against it, 22 — Majority, 49. The Bill was accordingly read, a second time, and com- mitted for to- morrow. Thursday, Feb. 15. COURT OF SESSION IN SCOTLAND. On the motion of the LORD ADVOCATE, the order of the day was read for the House resolving itself into a Committee of the whole House on the Court of Session acts. The Learned Lord said, he would detain the Committee with a very few observations. The bill had been brought in agreeably to the recommendation of the Commissioners for inquiring into the regulations and- fees taken in the Courts of Scotland. It was. the objects, ofthe bill to provide stated and fixed salaries for the Clerks of the Courts, to be paid out of the fees fund, and to make* provision in case of any deficiency of that fund. The Right Hon. Gentleman, was proceeding with his observa- tions, when Mr. , T. P. G R ANT rose and said, that the Right Hon- Gentleman seemed to carry the bill through the House in too great a hurry. The LORD ADVOCATE said, that it was not his wish to hurry the proceeding ; the bill had been before the House before, and now came back with improvement. After some remarks, the Chairman ofthe Committee put the resolutions seriatim, the bill went through the* Committee, and the report was ordered to be received to- morrow. PRIVILEGES of the CHURCH nf SCOTLAND. Lord A. HAMILTON, in rising to bring forward his promised motion, said, the object of it was for the pro- duction of a very extraordinary document,, the Order in bound! dfrectrd fo the Moderator of the General As- sembly ofthe Church of Scotland. He should observe, in the first place, that the religion established in Scotland Was independent of the power ofthe Crown, independent ofthe Privy Council, and of every other power save the General Assembly—( Hear, hear!)— The Order in Coun- cil to the General Assembly of Scotland was signed by the same Privy Councillors, the Archbishop of Canter- bury, the Lord Chancellor and others, who signed the Order to the Clergy of the Church of England. Due obedience was required to be paid to that order ; but with- out meaning any sarcasm, he would saj, that the best obedience that could be paid to it was by not obeying it at . all. He would ask the Learned Lord opposite, whether the General Assembly could pay obedience to such an Order, without subjecting themselves to public derision? That Order, it appeared, was issued on the supposed authority of two Acts of Parliament, the one the 10th of Anne, the other the 32d of Geo. III. He thought that an Order issued to the General Assembiy should have liad better authority to rest on than these two Acts of Parliament, which, he contended, were indeed no au- thority for the conduct which that Order prescribed. He thought it must have been by some error ftr inadvertance that such an Order was sent, and that nothing was intend- ed by it. It became his duty to state two instances, in which it was attempted to enforce that order— the first was, in the case of the Sheriff of the Stewartry of Kirk- cudbright, who, on receiving that Order, called a Kirk Session, consisting of himself his son, who was a Colo- nel of the county yeomanry, and the Clergyman, when ; it was carried, that the Queen should not be prayed for; hut the Clergyman, greatly to his credit, dissented i from the other two. The result was, that the minute I ofthe Order and the dissent of the Minister were laid before the Presbytery, who approved of the Minister's dissent, and disapproved of the injunction, founded on the Order in Council ; thereby in effect denying the validity of that Order itself. The second case was that of the Colonel of a Yeomanry corps, the son of the Sheriff before mentioned. He ordered the Chaplain to the regiment to preach before the corps, asking him at the same time whether he had heard of the agreement of the Clergy to persist in praying for the Queen ? To which the Chaplain replied, that he heard of no such agreement among the Clergy, but that for himself he would follow the dictates of his own conscience and the laws of his church. The Clergyman preached a sermon to the corps remarkable for its propriety ; and concluded by offering up a prayer for the King, and at the close of that prayer it appeared that he was guilty of the great offence of saying, u bless likewise the Queen ;" for that offence the Clergyman was that very evening placed under arrest—( Hear, hear!)— I5v arrest he wished to be under- stood to say. that the individual was restrained from going outof the county; and that restraint was continued until the corps were disembodied. Could the Noble Lord think that such a subject was not fit to bring before the consideration of Parliament. For his own part, whether sitting at one side or the other of that House, he never would have suffered such an infringement on the liberties ofthe established church of Scotland to pass unnoticed.— ( Cheers.) — He understood it had been said in justifica- tion of the Order,, that there were precedents; but pre- cedents of a practice bad in itself, he should think it was at any time unadvisable to act upon i and never was there a fitter occasion for examining into them than had here presented itself. He thought that circumstances shewed that the Order in Council had been adopted with a degree of haste and precipitancy, which reflected great discredit on the parties concerned. He would read what he believ- ed as such in a Scots newspaper. It was accom- panied bv a letter, signed " James Buller," as follows: Herewith you will receive an Order in Council for mak- ing the necessary alteration in the prayers for the Royal Family, which you will see carried into effect according to the usage of the Church of Scotland." Now, it was worthy of observation, that there were no prayers to make an alteration in.—( Hear, hear !)— There was no book of Common Prayer— no Liturgy in the Church of Scotland. ( Hear, hear!)— Obedience was required— from whom ? from the General Assembly of Scotland, over whom the King and Council had 110 more authority than they had in Constantinople—( hear, hear !)— There was only one variation between the Order issued for Scotland and thai for England, and that was, that in the Order for Scot- land, Bishops were not directed to put it into execution. If it were not for that single variation, the Order sent to the General Assembly of Scotland would have been the most complete piece of absurdity that was ever attempted to be palmed on mankind—( Hear !) The Noble Lord contended that the reason of the Act 10th of Anne, or- dering the special mention of the names of Queen Anne and the Princess Sophia was, that at that time, as well as in the subsequent reign, there existed a strong dispo- sition in Scotland in favour of the Pretender, and that the Clergy were in the habit of praying for him under the title of the King. It was then the custom to observe upon that subject— Who the Pretender is, and who is King-— God bless us all is quite another thing. If. however, that Act were now in force, the Clergy of Scotland would still pray for Quoen Anne and the Prin- cess Soplna, for these were the only names mentioned in it ; and it gave no power to alter them from time to time. The next authority on which the Order was founded was the Act 32d of Geo. III. he believed cap. 65.; hut as that Act applied solely to Episcopalians, it could be no Foundation for an order directed to the Moderator and General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, who were Presbyterians. The Noble Lord then proceeded to com- ment on the conduct of the Kirk Session, and 011 the cir- cumstances attending the arrest of the Clergyman, by order ofthe Sheriff of Kirkcudbright. He begged the House to reflect for a moment on the situation in which that unwise and illegal Order placed the* Clergy of Scot- land. If a man resisted that Order he was to be placed under military arrest ; uuder arrest, because he would not, as he himself expressed ir, pray according to ' the word of command. The other motion which he was about fo submit was for the production of the letter ad- dressed by Lord Sid mouth to Colonel Gordon, on the subject of this Clergyman's arrest. That letter must • either justify or it must condemn the arrest. If it justified it, it did great injustice to the Clergyman ; and if it con- demned the proceeding, it necessarily implied the con- demnation of the Order in Council, in vindication of which ihe arrest had been made. He appealed to the House whether he had not said enough to show that this order was not entitled to the appellation of a 4 disgrace to the order- book. 1 The Noble Lord concluded by mov- ing for a copy of the Order in Council of the 20th Feb. 1S20 transmitted to the Moderator of the General As- sembly of Scotland ; also a copy of the letter written by Lord Sidmouth to Colonel Gordon of the Kiikeudbright Yeomanry, respecting the arrest. Lord GLEN O RCIIY rose to second the motion. He considered the order sent to the Moderator of the " General Assembly as a breach of the fundamental principles of the Church of Scotland—( hear, hear)— a Church that ad- mitted of no temporal interference, either as to the discip- line or regulation of affairs connected with public wor- ship. This privilege had been. long contended for both by words and acts, and had at last been established and rati- fied by the blood of persons who thought it an object every • way worthy of being achieved. The right for which they had so strenuously contended, was secured to them by several acts of Parliament, and if those acts had been duly considered, he did not see how any infraction of them could possibly have been attempted. The people of Scot- land were a religious people, and weighed well every subject connected with religion. He could discover no good motive for the order transmitted to the General As- sembly. Was it sent with the view of promoting the dignity of the Crown and the honour of the Royal Family ?. Was it sent for the purpose of advancing the interests of re- ligion ? No, it contemplated neither of these objects, lie could find no other motive for it, than a desire toin- dulgc in all those uncharitable feelings and vindictive pas- sions which marked the whole ofthe proceedings against her Majestv. The LORD ADVOCATE had hoped that the Noble Lord would not have felt it his duty to press his motion, but whether it succeeded or not was to him a matter of in- difference. It was clear that the motion was brought for- ward with the view of raising a question upon it, and lie gave the Noble Lord full credit for the zeal he evinced in favour of the Church of Scotland. It appeared to him, however, that he was mistaken when he charged a Noble Lord on " that side of the House with having spoken of his motion as a disgrace to the books.—( Hear^ hear).— He ( the Lord Advocate) had never heard any such expression from the Noble Lord in question. No man was more dis- posed than himself to respect the freedom and indepeod- I'ence of the Church of Scotland, always contending, at the snrhe- time, that it should be under the control of the law, and of acts of Parliament. Facts might be adduced in reference to the practice for the last . hundred yeafrs; to shew that the statement ofthe Noble Lord coiild not be sustained ; but he should not dwell upon these td shew that the. issuing ofthe Ordbr in Council addressed to the Church of Scotland was a legal exercise of power— nor should he talk ofthe subject of omitting tiie Queen's name in the Liturgy ; for, God knew, it was one upon winch the House and the country had already heard quite enough.—( hear, hear, hear).— He should confine him- self to that which was the proper question—- namely, the legality of issuing the order in Council. Upon reference to the act of the 10th of Anne, C. 7. s. 10. he found, that to neglect praying for the Queen, or tlie Princess Sophia, subjected the clergyman to a penalty of L. 20—( Cheers and laughter from the Opposition.) He would not rest upon that act —( Laughter.) lie would appeal to the re- peated decisions in the Scotch Courts from which it would appear that clergymen had been punished for neglecting to pray, not for Queen Anne, but for George I.—( hear, hear.) The real question for the House to consider was, whether the act was restricted to Queen Anne and the Princess Sophia, or whether it did not apply to every future Sovereign ? He would refer to the order in Council issued in the reign of Queen Anne herself. It enjoined that the Princess Sophia should be prayed for, but that Princess having died three months before the Queen, was it to be supposed that the operation of the act did not apply in the t> ase of every future heir apparent ? Upon the death Of the Princess Sophia, an order was immediately sent to the General Assembly, directing that the Elector of Brunswick should be prayed fo. . This order was dated in the year 1714. An order had afterwards been issued, directing that George I. should be prayed for, and it was . sent down at a time when persons prayed for the King, ] but did not cliuse to name him. This act expressly en- ! joined that they should pray for the Sovereign by name, ; After the death of her Majesty Queen Anne, many ! clergymen, giving the same interpretation to the act as j the Noble Lord, neglected praying for her successor, j thinking that the operation of the law was restricted to ! her. For that omission they were indicted in the Supreme j Court, and he could refer to the decisions to shew that the j act was not limited to the reigning Sovereign. He had found two instances in the State Trials, of clergymen being indicted for the omission in question, and had dis- covered various others in the records ofthe Court of Chan- 1 eery. He found that in January 1715, Robert Anstru- j tlier was indicted for the offence, and John Hay in the | same year. They were ordered before the Couit of Justi- \ ciary, though the charge was not followed up against | them. But he now came to the case of a clergyman, * named Guthrie, who, in July 1715, was indicted for \ entirely omitting to pray for the King and the Prince of j Wales, and fined L. 20. In Howard's State Trials, vol. 17, page 782. there was the case of George Robinson, ' who was indicted under the statute, and also fined. The I defence set up was, that the party could not be convicted ; because the names of George the First, or of the Prince of Wales were not specified in the act; and the paunel ( so a prisoner was termed in the Scots law) submitted that hehad prayed for all the Royal Family. The next was the case of Daniel Taylor, who, in 1716. was con- victed and punished for the like offence, together with some other clergymen. This case would be found in the 18th volume of the State Trials, page 13$ 3. One half of the penalty was given to the informer, and the other half to the poor of the parish. The Learned Lord, after citing some other cases of the same nature, observed, that from the time of the passing ofthe act, the King and the Royal Family were prayed for in Scotland as in this country. Whether those decisions were right or wrong, they were in strict conformity with the law of Scotland. It was fair to conclude, from the character of the Scots Bench at the time, that if there had been any doubt upon the legality of the proceeding, the prisoners would have had the advantage of it. He had already stated, that Queen Anne, and afterwards George I. were prayed for by name. From that period, with only two exceptions, whenever an alteration was made in the Liturgy, in this country, an order for the same purpose was sent down to Scotland. This had been the uniform practice from the year 1717 down to the present day. In Scotland, noth- ing disrespectful to the Queen was intended by the omis- sion of her narrp in the prayers of the church—( hear, hear). The Learned Lord here read the order in Council, which was dated Nov. 1818, and directed that " Ilis Majesty King George, and all the Royal Family," should be pray- ed for. He maintained that the Government were justi- fied by law in issuing the order. It directed that the King should be prayed for, but did not say in what terms, nor did it tie the clergy down in any respect as to form. | He would appeal to any of those Hon. Geutlemen opposite* who had ever been in Church in Scotland, to say if they had ever heard the words—" Most Sacred Majesty" uttered. lie was sure they never did. I11 praying for the King the clergy of Scotland were not prohibited from praying for any other branch of the Royal Family they might think proper. The King was to be prayed for nominalim, and be was free to confess, that, according to jj the principles of the Church of Scotland, he saw nothing illegal in praying for the Queen nominatim likewise. But he deprecated the introduction of sentiments into that Church, which oughtriever to be introduced in times like the present—( hear, hear.)— He regretted that the Chaplain of the Kirkcudbright yeomanry had not returned an answer to the letter which required him to say, whe- ther he meant to pray for the Queen. He came, and did pray for the Queen by name, aud the Commanding Officer put him in arrest, confining him to the county until a communication was made by the Commanding Officer to Government; and then an intimation was tnaJe that the arrest was at an end, and left it entirely to the individuals to settle the matter themselves. This proceeding could not be blamed 011 the part of an officer, who wished no- thin" introduced which could sow any distention among his corps. He had himself been made arbiter by the par- ties ; his award had not yet been made public ; and he hoped the House would see 110 necessity for the production of these papers. Sir JAMES M ACKINTOSH supported the motion in a speech of considerable length, as did Mr. J » P. Grant and Mr. Maxwell. Lord Castlereagh opposed it, and on a division the numbers were— For the Motion, 35— Against it, 110— Majority. 75. ADMIRALTY COURT OF SCOTLAND. The LORD ADVOCATE moved that the House should resolve itself into a Committee of Supply, for the purpose of voting a resolution to grant compensation to the Cleiks ofthe Court of Admiralty in Scotland. A conversation of some length ensued, in which Mr. Denman, Lord Folkestone, Mr. W. Dundas, Sir J. New- port, the Lord Advocate, Mr. Creevey, Mr. Brougham, and Sir II. Parnell participated ; the Committee then di- vided ; on the question that the Chairman report progress, moved by Mr. Creevey— For the motion, 22— Against it, 59— Majority, 37. The Report of the Committee was ordered to be receiv- ed to- morrow. Friday, Feb. 16. SCOTCH BURGHS. Lord A. HAMILTON said, that as he understood the motion was not to be opposed, he would abstain from making any remarks on the subject at present, but would confine himself to moving, that the several Petitions to that House from the Royal Burghs of Scotland, in the the years 1811, 1819, and 1820, be referred to a Select Committee to report their observations thereon to the House.— Ordered. TIMBER TRADE. Mr. ELLICE asked whether Government intended in the temporary bill to propose . any alteration ofthe duties, and whether a separate report on this particular subject might not be expected. Mr. WALLACE had said that the temporary act was merely to continue the present act to July, and he had added that any report could not be made in time to take the subject into early consideration. If the com- mittee should be able to bring their inquiries to a close, or to recommend any particular measure, it was intended that the ships which might sail this season should be sub- ject to such new regulations, if any were proposed. A Member said, that as this was the period for making bargains for the ensuing season, an early decision was desirable. SCOTS JURY BILL. Mr. KENNEDY brought in the Scots Jury bill, and on tin* motion that it be read a first time. The LORD ADVOCATE said that he should not oppose it in its present state; reserving to himself the right of observing it more minutely, when it should be known- to Scotland and the country at large. As far as hc*. could understand it at present, it would tend to increase that burthen which was already very heavily felt. But. it was not sufficient fo point out the evil, and he should expect that an adequate remedy would be supplied, if any change were proposed. When the bill was moved for, and, when the proper opportunity arrived, he should be prepared to defend the laws and criminal administration of Scotland, lie contended that they were mild, and that, there were fewer trials there than in any other part ofthe kingdom. When Members spoke ofthe absence of peremptory chal- lenge, they ought to recollect that prisoners had indict- ments 15 days before trial, and that Counsel might defend them throughout, having the power of uttering the last v| word. The whole, and not separate parts of the facts, ought to be taken into consideration. If that were done, then the merits and the leniency of the Scotch law would be comprehended. - , Mr. KENNEDY said, that he made his former state- ments with reluctance, but not knowing the Learned Lord was absent, it was essential to go into the statements which he had laid before the House. I11 love for his native establishments, none surpassed himself: tbe. y were ex- cellent, and because they were so, lie wished to remove particular defects. If what he deemed to be defects were proved to be such, why should they not be remedied ?— They could only be made evident by discussion, and he hoped that he was not promoting such inquiry arid dis- cussion without sufficient cause. He proposed to have the bill printed, read a second time pro forma, and then to stand over for further consideration. After some observations from Mr. M. A. Taylor and Mr. W. Grant, the bill wat read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time on Thursday. [ The debate 011 the Ordnance Estimates in our next.] FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. FROM FUGXCII TAPERS. PARIS Feb. 12—- The Paris Papers, though of the 12th instant, and containing accounts from Vienna ofthe 2d and from Frankfort ofthe 7th, yet afford trot the least confirmation of the reported passage ofthe Po by the Aus- trian army 011 the 29th ult. On the contrary, all the in- telligence is at variance with the occurrence of such an event at the time alluded to, and although a result of that nature may be anticipated as unhappily too probable, yet it seems to be clear that nothing was known to have actually taken place to render it absolutely certain that an appeal to arms would be unavoidable. Had the Austrian army passed the Po on the 29th ult. it is scarcely possible but that it must have been known at Paris or in some quarter or other previous to the dates mentioned, so as to have come to this country as an article of news in the foreign Journals. Ii is curious that in the postscript » to a private letter from Vienna, ofthe Ist instant, which mentions the active continuance of the conferences at Laybach, it is stated that the Duke de Gallo had not been permitted to proceed to Laybach, but was still at Gorice, and that he was not to be admitted to the conferences, except to receive the ultimatum. It is also said in a letter from Laybach of the 2Bth ultimo, that the Duke de Gallo was still at Gorice. The letter from Vienna, above alluded to. men- tions its having been several times reported, but without foundation, that the Austrian Army had passed the Po ; it is however conjectured, that the issue of the conferences would be such as to lead to that result, but the accounts from Laybach state that the most profound secrecy was maintained with regard to what passed at the conferences. It was only known that the conferences were held very frequently, and that on the 26th ult. the Plenipotentiaries from the Italian Courts, namely from Rome, Naples ( Prince Ruffo, the Ambassador, or rather late Ambassador from Naples to Vienna). Sardinia. Tuscany, and Mod en as were for the first time admitted to them. It could scareelyV happen that any determination could be come to which could possibly lead to the march ofthe Austrian Army, only three days afterwards. Some of the Vienna articles speculated upon the troops crossing the Po, some time between the 1st and the 10th instant; but this appears to be merely an inference, founded upon what it was sup- posed would be the result of the Conferences at Laybach. Letters from Corfu state, that the Turkish troops had raised the siege of Janina. having been tired out by the protracted defence of Ali Pacha. Accounts from Vienna state, that four additional regi- ments had received orders to march to Clagenfurth, which is the central point for the depots and reinforcements for the Austrian Army in Italy. From Laybach it is men- tioned, that the Conference which was to produce the ultimatum, to be handed to the Duke de Gallo, for trans- mission to Naples, had been again deferred. It is also still affirmed, that the Duke had not been permitted to proceed to Laybach, and that he was only t<> be allowed to receive the ultimatum. An Augsburgh article, 011 the other hand, asserts, that the Duke had been admitted to the Conferences ; and it is added, that the King of the Two Sicilies was desirous of returning as soon as possible to Naples. The intelligence from Naples speaks of great military preparations in the Abrurzos, whither the Prince Regent was about to take his departure. FROM GERMAN PATERS. VIENNA, Feb. 1.— The conferences are continued at Laybach with much activity ; it is thought that the re- sult w ill be sent to Naples in a few days. We may there- fore every moment expect to receive the news that our troops have passed the Po. It has been already announced several times, but without foundation. The Ministers of the Italian Courts were invited to the conferences for the first time on the 26th of January. The Duke de Gallo is still at Goritz. He will not, it is said, be admitted to the Congress in the capacity of Minister, but only to receive the ultimatum. LAYBACH, Jan, 28.— Every one knows the aversion which the Emperor of Austria entertains for revolutionary doctrines. When the Professors ofthe Lyceum of Lay- bach were presented to him, he said— " Gentlemen, the Students of Carniola have always de- served praise. Endeavour to preserve for them this good character. Remain ever faithful to what is ancient, for what is ancient is good, and our ancestors ever found it so. Why should it not be the same to us ? People are occupied elsewhere with new notions that I cannot approve, and which I never shall approve. From such notions preserve yourselves, attach yourselves to nothing but what is positive. I do not want learned menf I want only loyal and good subjects, and it is your part to form them. He who serves will instruct according to my orders, and whoever feels himself incapable of that, and embraces novel ideas, had better depart, or I shall myself remove him." Letters have been received from Genoa, dated 3d Feb- ruary, which state, that there have been 110 movements of the Austrian armies. Advices from Trieste, ofthe .50th January, mention, that the chief citizens and merchants had been to Laybach with an Address to the Emperor, who was expected at Trieste, and great preparations were making to receive thtf visit. A squadron of three frigates and two sloops were expected from Venice. The Traveller says,—" We have learned from the most respectable authority, that the Arrnstice lately signed be- tween Bolivar and Morillo contains a Secret Article re- cognizing the independence of the States of Columbia.— Thus in every quarter of the world the cause of liberty prevails." A severe shock . of an earthquake was experienced at Zante, on the 29th Deceinlwr, by which several houses were thrown down, and several lives lost. LONDON, Feb. 17. BRIGHTON, Feb. 16.— His Majesty, in the en- joyment of excellent health and spirits, has taken dailv walks in the Palace- gardens this week. The Princess Augusta, with Lady Mary Taylor, has enjoyed extend- ed carriage. airings before dinner, and everywhere receiv- ed unequivocal marks of affectionate respect from the people. There will be a splendid ball at the Palace on Monday ; tickets of invitation to the surrounding No- bility and fashionables have been issued. Our winter season is extremely gay. The presence of Royalty gives a zest to every thing. Notice has been given, that his Majesty will hold a Levee at Carlton House, on Friday, the 23d inst. at two o'clock. It h » 3 been for some days reported that the scheme for making Bank notes which cannot be imitated has totally failed. This rumour is not correctly true. The process, we understand, has been suspended, in consequence of some additional improvements introduced in the 110' es of higher value, which the Directors having seen, innned'ately wished 10 have transferred to the nottfa under five pounds. The Queen will give her first grand dinner on Monday next to the Duke of Sussex and several nobility and gen- ^ y- .. < v , - The Grand Jury of . Middlesex, 011 Friday la? rt found true bills of indictment against the proprietors of the Cou- rier and Morning Post, fof libels against the Queen, published in these papers. In our Paper of yesterday we stated " how many brave and gallant soldiers are now idle, who would glory in vo- lunteering their services. in the Two Sicilies, if means were given to equip and conyey them to the field/' We are now informed, that a Lieutenant- Colonel, for- merly much distinguished in the Staff of the Army, and now on half- pay, offered to raise a British Legion, to consist of 5000 men, and made his arrangements. accord ingly with the War Ministers at Naples. He applied to this Government, through the Secretary for the Home Department, for license to raise these men, accompany- ing, his application with a letter in explanation of his plan, and had the mortification to receive an answer, dated the 20th of January, that his- Majesty was pleased to reject the petition" . By the Foreign Enlistment Bill of last Session, Bri- tish Officers and Men are prohibited from serving any- Foreign State, or raising any Men, to. serve in any way, without the license of the Crown. Perhaps it may by said, that that Foreign Enlistment Bill was forced through the House of Commons in unison with the wishes ofthe people— we answer, with the concurrence of the nation, in the same manner as the omission of the Queen's name in the Liturgy has the sanction ofthe people. Pensioners and dependents 011 the Ministers were' then found, as they have been lately found, to declare to the contrary ; but we are confident every generous heart rebuts such proceedings with that disgust which they deserve. It is, indeed, lamentable that the noble exertions of the Nea- politans, and the cause of liberty, should, on the very first application, be refused assistance by the Government of England, a free and representative Government, and from which men contending for their rights and liberties against the odious conspiracy of Continental despots under the unhallowed name of Holy Alliance, had a right to expect assistance,— Morn. Chron. Feb. 16th. Wednesday the Protestant Dissenting Ministers ofthe three denominations assembled at Dr.. William's Library, in Red Cross- street, with a view of considering the pro- jected Bill of Mr. Brougham on the subject of Education. Several Ministers had expressed their sentiments, and among the rest Dr. Lindsay. A friendly conversation having been finished, the Secretary,, the Rev. Dr. Mor- gan, was proceeding to read to the meeting a series of Resolutions, when the attention of the company was ar- rested by an appearance of severe indisposition in Dr. Lindsay ; he fell insensible in the arms of those around him. Medical aid was instantly called in, but it was too late, the spirit had fled to Gon w ho gave it. The whole company was too much affected by this awful stroke to proceed with business. The Iiev. Dr. Waugh, attended by a large company of Ministers, offered an appropriate prayer. The Ministers departed deeply impressed with the powerful admonition on the uncertainty of life, and the necessity of being always ready for the stroke of death. Wednesday, a Court of Directors was held at the East India House, when Sir A. Campbell, Bart. K. C. B. was sworn in as Commander- in- Chief of the Company's forces 011 the Madras Establishment, and Member of Council at that Presidency. The General afterwards dined with the Directors at the Albion Tavern. The following Com- manders took leave of the Court previous to departing for their respective destinations, viz.— Capt. Welstcd, Gene- ral Harris; and Capt. Lindsay, Kellie Castle— Madras and China. Capt. Cobb. Kent; and Capt. Scott, Charles Grant— Bombay and China. The amount ofthe receipts at Covent Garden theatre. . jtih the night of his Majesty's visit, was £ 768, exclusive ofthe after mone} r, that is, the money taken between the end of the first act and the commencement of half price. Extraordinary Performance.— Thursday night a young man, of the name of George Kettering, a weaver by trade, undertook to stand four hours 011 one leg, withodt any support, at a house in Smithfield. The wager was for ten guineas. When he had stood in that attitude threepu ursand three quarters, he became so weak that, be could not speak, and with difficulty could support him- self; however, to the surprise of all, he stood it out, and was carried to his chair, not being able to move. After his leg was fomented for some time, and some cordial given to him. he recovered. The cuckoo was heard on Saturday and Sunday last, by several of the inhabitants of Coasthill, near Carlisle, being about three months before the usual time of these birds. MARKETS, Sfc. CORN EXCHANGE, Feb. 16. " We have had but little fresh grain since Monday, yet the sales were very heavy this morning, and only the finest samples of Wheat and Barley found buyers at Monday's prices; the inferior qualities continue nearly unsaleable, though offered on lower terms— The arrivals of Oats have been very considerable, and at a decline of Is. per quarter, the trade was exceedingly dull. AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN, By the quarter of Eight Winchester Bushels, and of Oatmeal per boll of 140lbs. Avoirdupois, from the Re- turns received in the week ending Feb. 10. AVERAGE OP EN'GLAND AND WALES, W heat, Rve, - Barley, Oats, - 54 h 21s 18s 7d Beans, Pease Oatmeal, Bear or Big, Sis lOd 56 s 8d 20s 3 d 00s OOd The average price of Brown or Muscovado Sugar, com- puted from the returns made in the week ended Feb. 14, is 3.3s. 8jd. per cwt. duty exclusive. HADDINGTON COHN MARKET, Feb. 16. A middling supply of Wheat in market, which met with a heavy sale. Current prices nearly the same as last day— Barley and Oats 6d. higher than last day. Wit" at. I< irst 33s Od Second- 30s 0( 1 Third— 28s Od Barley. 21s Od 18s Od 16s Od Oats. 18s 6d 16s Od 14s Od Pease. I Beans. 17s Od 18s Od 15s 6d 16s Od 13s Od I 14s Od This day there were 483 bolls of Oatmeal in Edin- burgh Market— Retail price per peck of best oatmeal, Is, 2d. second Is. Id. FA FEBRUARY Dornoch. Callan's Fair, 1st Wednesday Monymusk, 2d Wednesday Charleston of Aboync, 3d Wednesday Nairn, 18th day Abergeldie. last Friday Inverness, Wed- after 24th ( Old Stile.) Banff7. Candlemas Fair, Ist Tuesday Rattray, ditto Forres, Candlemas, 1st Wednesday Dingwall, ditto Stonehaven, the Thursday before Candlemas Mintlaw, 3d Tuesday IRS. '— ( New Stile.) New Pitsligo, 3d Tuesday and Wednesday Corn hill, ( Newton of Park) 1st Thursday after Cand. Botriphnie, Fuinack; 15th day Old Deer 3d Thursday Huntlyj last Tuesday Alford, ditto Strichen, do. & Wednesday Tarland, last Wednesday Itedcastle, ditto Oldmeldrum, day before Fyvie Fyvie, Fasten's- even, 1st Tuesday and Wednesday after New Moon, next after Candlemas Elgin, ditto. MARCH— Nairn, 1st Tuesday Dunkeld, 8th day Dornoch, Ist Wednesday Dumblane, 1st Wednesday Perth, 1st Friday Mintlaw, 2d Tuesday Dunfermline, 13th day Tain Spring Fair. 3d Tues. Banchory Ternan, MidJen- tran Fair, last Thurs. ( Old Stile.) Marnocb, Ist Tuesday Inverury, 2d ditto Lochel. do. ( New Stile.) Migvie, do. Tarves, 2d Tues. & Wred. Fraserburgh, 2d Wed. Old Deer, 2d Thursday Mamoch, 3d Tuesday Lena bo, 3d Tues. & Wed. Udny, the day before Comhill, Lady Fair, 25th day, or 1st Thursday after Huntly, last Tuesday Turriff, last Tues. & Wed. Fochabers, last Wednesday Ochterarder, 10th day Ken more, 1st Tuesday. MORPETH, Feb. 14. — At our market tin's day there were a full supply of Cattle and Sheep; prices steady, but many of both kinds left unsold— Beef from 6s. to 7s. per stone, sinking offals— Mutton, 6s. to 7 « . There were about 90 milch cows in Glasgow market on Tuesday, which were mostly sold, at from eight to twelve guineas; two particularly good ones sold for 161. each* There was but n bad show of hordes, at Stamford Fai* yesterday . se'ennight, and they splcj as badly— The beasj fair cm, Tuesday was( not large,•, sellers of meated things complained mi\ ch, but. for stores the prices obtained were decidedly better than of iate. PRICE OF STOCKS., . 3 per C Red. 7£ f, 73 [ Lottery Tickets 5 per Ct N. 105}£ | Om. , India Bonds, -. 41 pr. I Cs. forAcc. Ex. Bills,' 2.45 pr. j 251. 10s KUi li'A VAL REGISTER. fROM LLOYD'S MARINE XIST, kb. 13; The Eliza, Purdy,. of and from Dublin, to New York, put into Bovvmbre, Islay, 30th ult. with my ell damage iii her sails and rigging, and intended to return . to. Dublin by . the first fair wind. She had been out 13 weeks, and within two days'. sail of New York. Hamburgh, Feb. The ice has. bcgr. fi to bjtja1s,. ani( in a few days we expect that tlie navigation will be re- stored. ,, • . ; . Elsinqre, Jan. 27.— The Sound is clear of ice, and the weather very mi Id. • ... Valencia, Jan.;, 20.— An, insurgent privateer schooner of four guns, which had been plundering a number of vessels on this coast,., was . taken yesterday ; morning by boarding, by one of. our customrhouse vessels, an<| out of 80, men on board the privateer, 49, including the capw tain, were killed or wounded. . The John and. Sarah, Biltqn, frojn Riga tojtull was abandoned by the crew near Windan 011 3d ult. being beset by tlie sea. t • . ' FEB. 16.— The Indefatigable, . Cummings, from St* John's N, B. to London which was abandoned by the crew near the Land's End, ran on shore on the island of Innis Sberr » , near Londonderry, 1st inst.,., . , The Friend's Increase of Greenock, froth, the tf- est coast of Ireland, is totally lost o^ i the island Of Tirie. The master and two of the crew drowned. The Jane, Michara, lately ran. oil shore ne. ar Working- ton, but was got off 011 6th instant, after discharging part of her cargo. ; . : , r The Earl of Lonsdale, Burke, from Ireland, was dri- ven on shore near Harrington 2d inst. but has been got off with damage. ... The ,11 ope, Ditchburn, of and for Harrington, sailed, from Dublin 7th instant, sprung a leak off the Isle of Man, and foundered, Crew saved. • The Jane, M Cleary, Bramuff, sailed from Newfound-, land, 26di Ni> v. last, bound to London, and lids not since been heard of. ^ TOBERMORY, Feb. 8.— An express was sent us* on Monday, that the brig Guadaloupe, of Greenock, from Jamaica, was, at five o'clock in the morning of the 3d inst. literally dashed to pieces on the west side of the island of Coll. A part of the cargo was saved* consisting, of rum and cotton. The Captain died at sea, about 20 days ago. The crew had lived 14 days 011 sugar . and rum, having nothing else to subsist on. Four of the crew were drowned, together with a Lieutenant of, the 92d regi- ment, or Gordon Highlanders ; also a wdrnan, and an infant born three days previous to the wreck ofthe ves- sel. The first and second mates, with two of the crew- are saved. , ... The Revenue cruisers have been very successful of la. te upon this coast. The Dash was captured by Captain Hepburn, off Largo, with a full cargo of gin, brandy, tobacco, and tea. Her crew consisted of 19 men, all ( as was Srtid) foreigners. They were landed at . Newhaveu under an escort of marines, n. nd brought before one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace, by which they were, convicted in the statutory penalty of 1001. each, and all committed to jail in terms of the act until paid. Two of them have since paid the penalty and have been discharg- ed, but the others were sent to custody. Another smug- gling lugger, the Young Idas, with a crew of 29 men^ of whom 20 were foreigners, . was captured off the Belt liock by ( Japtain Oliver. Her cargo has been landed, and her crew were conducted before a Justice under a guard ofthe Fusileers, to be dealt with as those of the Dash. The guilt of these prisoners was pretty evident, and the cargo or part of it had been landed at Westhaven, but there was not sufficient legal evidence to convict them, and they were consequently discharged. EDINBURGH, Feb. 20. lira ii COURT OF JUSTICIARY. Yesterday came on the trial of Mary King alias Don- gal, accused of uttering five- pound notes ofthe Paisley Banking Company, knowing them to be forged. After hearing evidence at great length, the Solicitor General restricted the libel to an arbitrary punishment, and shortly addressed the Jury for the prosecution ; after which, Mr. Jeffrey addressed tliern for the prisoner, in a speech re- plete with ingenious argument. The Jury consulted a few minutes without leaving the Court, and unanimous- ly found the prisoner Guilty, who then received sentence of transportation for 1,4 years. The diet was then called against Donald Nicholson, also accused of uttering similar notes knowing thein to be forged, when Mr. Hope stated to the Court that lie should not trouble their Lordships, by goingintofhiscase. The [ prisoner was perfectly illiterate, not being able to read, and was unconscious of acting wrong at the time. I he Learned Gentleman said lie had made inquiry into his character from persons in whose employment he had been, and found he had always been trust- worthy. The prisoner must be sensible how much lie owed to his char- acter at that moment, which he ( Mr. H.) hoped he would not forfeit hereafter. Nicolson was then discharged, and the Court adjourned. TOWN COUNCIL.— At the ordinary meeting of the Town Council on Wednesday, the Committee appointed at last meeting to consider the proposal which had been given in, and to arrange'matters with a Committee nam- ed by the aggregate Committee, & c. in order to lead to a compromise of the law processes that has been carrying on for the last three years by Mr. Lawrie and others against the Magistrates, gave in their report, unanimous- ly recommending to the Council to give eleven hundred pounds to the complainer, & c. in name of expences, to stop all farther law proceedings in all the cases now pendw ing, which offer, it Was stated, had been agreed to by the Committee orf the part of Mr. Lawrie, Sic. After some observations from the Lord Provost, Mr. Treasurer Smith, Baillie Dunlop, and Deacons Fenwick and Cox, the re- port of the Committee was unanimously agreed to. The thanks of the Council were unanimously voted to the Lord Provost and the Committee, for the trouble they had taken to bring this long pending case to an amicable ter- mination. The General Post Office, it seems, is to be removed from its present situation to Waterloo Place, on the first of March. Thursday the Relief congregation, John Street, Glas- gow, gave a most harmonious call to Mr. WiHiam Ander- son, preacher of the gospel, to' be their pastor, in place of the Rev. Mr. Watson, who had resigned his c arge. On Saturday last, while a corporal of the 3d D. agoon Guards was riding along Dumbarton bridge his horse scar- ed, when he was thrown into the water of Lcven and drowned. MONTROSE, Feb. 16.— In a former number we announced, from what we supposed undoubted authority, that the law suit respecting the late election of our Magis- trates was amicably settled between the different parties. Some misunderstanding having taken place, however, be- fore the final withdrawing of the plea, has led the parties again into Court, and last Monday the Magistrates re- ceived notice to lodge answers to tha petition ofthe coin- plainer within fifteen days from Friday last— Montrose Courier. BIRTHS. On the 15tii insti the Lady of Major G. Cunninghatr e, B. S. of a son. At Edinburgh, on the 14th inst. the Lady of J. G. Lockhart, Esq. of a son. At Perth} on the 1 lib inst. the Lady of Anthony Max- tone, Esq of Cuitoqubey, of a daughter. At Dundee, on the 9th inst. the Lady of John Max- well, Esq. of a daughter, On the 14th inst. Mrs. Walter Dickson, Duke Street. MA II RI AGES. At Edinburgh, on the, 20ih inst. bv the Right Rev. Bishop Low, the Rev. James Walker, to Mis* Madeline Er ski tie. FOR THE ABERDEEN CHRONICLE. ' STATE OF PARTIES. AS the difficulties of the country increase by the ore- ration of causes now sufficienily'Wcll understood by all, it must be expected, in the common course of events, that party animosity should also increase, although it ought to " 1. -' theobj ct of every friend to his country to conciliate by all fair ami honourable means. The Petitioners for Reform and the Dismission of his Majesty's p- esent Advisers form, we are we' 1 assured, more than fSur- fWhs ef the population of the country ; they are of all r inks, and" include 111 their number men of the ftist ialtnffs and most extensive information. They feel the effects of the faUe system of Policy pursued for these last twenty- ei- iht vt ars, wh eh has left France the richest nation in Europe, and Britain in a state of un-, exainpled distress, without any immediate pios- ptct of re- lief. The evils arising from fictitious wealth, when the interests Of the country are sacrificed to money- jobbers and landlords, tenants, and those engaged in commercial pursuits find their property day by day diminishing in value, and as it were withering and shrinking in their j hands, are now evidently to be traced to the Crusades ag- insi the Liberty of France, and the wasteful expen- diture- of money, in order to support corrupt influence at home. In t: is state of affairs, those who suffer in con- sequence <> f the adoption of measures which thvy have ever condemned, can regard with. no friendly f.- eling tho . e who pro per as the public distress increases, and profit by implicitly following political leaders, without once inquiring into the rectitude of their proceedings.— ' On the other band, they regard a'l Reformers as per- sonal enemies, who would take from them a great part of the good things they possess, and leave their sons no other means of arriving at preferment than their own proper merits. If, in our Courts of Law, interest dis- qualifies a wime s, howeve r high his character may stand, because the fair presumption is, that it might induce him to violate the obligation of a solemn oa- h, how can we be Mirprized that interest should produce i's proper effect upon a political party, actually paid in various modes, tf > r sup- porting certain Leaders? When, however, those thus enlisted in he cause of corruption go beyond the Care of what they call their proper intere ts, and bearing false testimony against their neighbours, accuse of sedi- tion, dislovahy, and irreligion. the advocates of a salu- tary Reform iu the state, according to the principles of truth and justice, they do what is most unwarrantable, and subject themselves to ju* t reprehension. In this part of the world. Sedition and Blasphemy do not exist; our Churches are better attended than they were thirty years ago, and although depraved characters will exist in every society, the mass of the people are uncontaminated, and mue better informed than they were at any former period of our history. It is, therefore, unjust in the extreme to attempt to stigmatize as disloyal or irreligious those who seek that Reform which would do jus: ice between roan and man, preserving a just equal'ry of rights; for TO LET, T'nlry at IV. h> l. mnday _ first, rpllAT large elegant, and commodious FA- MILY HOUSE in Long Acre, presently posses- sed by Mr. Nicol. The accommodation is as follows, viz. On the sunk Floor— a Kitchen, Wash- house, with Wine and Coal Cellars. First Floor, an elegant Dining lioom, Parlour, and Pay try. « Second Floor, a Drawing Room, Three Bed Rooms, and Bed Closet. Attic Storey, four Coomceiled Rooms, and a Store Room, with several Offices attached ; and for a very small rent, the use of a good Garden behind. All the Rooms have fixed Grates. The Rent of the House will be moderate ; and may be seen every Wednesday, between twelve and two o'clock. For particulars, application may be made to David Ilutcheon, Advocate* Marischal Street. NEIXFIELD. r| MIE HOUSE of NELLFIELD, with the Bleaching Green, Shrubberies, and one of the Gardens, ( if desired) will be ) et for one or more years, as may be agreed on, from next Whitsunday : it. contains two Public Rooms, three Bed Rooms, large Did Closet, Pantry, Kitchen, Cellars, and Garret— and there belongs to it, a Stable and Washing House, Sec. There will also be let, with entry at the same time-— the smaller MOUSE at NellHeld, at present its occupa- tion of the Rev. Mr, Ramsay,, and Piece of Garden adjacent to it. ' William Rannfe, Gardener, at Nejl field., will shew the premises ; and intending offerers may apply to Duncan Davidson, advocate. JOHN ROBERTSON, ( J. ately with Messrs. JCil* oiirr'Robertson, § Co.) HAVING COMMENCED BUSINESS AS A GROCER, SPIRIT, # PORTER DEALER, in that SHOP in ST. N^ IIOLAS STREET, formerly occu- pied by Mr. WM. MOIUIEN. Druggist, begs respectfully to call tlu* attention of his Friends and the . Public to his Stock, which consists of SUGARS, TLA S. and every article in the GROCKRY LINE, of the first quality. He has also laid in a complete Suvk of the very best FO- REIGN and BRITISH SPIRITS— LONDON and SCOTCH PORTERS— EDINBURGH, and other ALES, which he with confidence recommends as being very superior. J. It. would farther beg to intimate, that he has been appointed Agent for in extensive House iu the TOBAC- CO and SNUFF LINE, and will consequently be able to deal in these articles so as to give every satisfaction to those who may be pleased to favour him with their sup- port. both as to quality and prices— and while he pledges himself to sell on the lowest terms, and that his attention shall ever be directed to the selection of the best articles, he, with the utmost respect, would beg to solicit the countenance of his friends, and the public in general. N. 15.— A great variety of FANCY SNUFFS. it is utterly false, that the idea of equal z ng property was ever entertained by any intelligent advocate of reforma- tion. Unquestionably t;. e> e fal- e imputations must widen t;: e bre. tcli, and :.. cease the animosity which necessarily exists under the present state of ssoc: cty, and should the time ever come, when ike'physical force of the country th. ili be arrayed against the powers that be, there may be reason for deep regret, that the great body of the people thou'J Lave been irritated and insulted hv actu ations vtvikh had not their foundation in tru'tr No man of common obscrva'ion can now conceal from himself the i* et. that the people of these kingdoms attribute the pie- tent distresstomisgoverurnent. and the extravagant amount A d misapplication of money drawn from them in taxes. They see the design followed up of separating the soldiery fr. im t'. eir fellow- citizens, and a force kept up during peace, that can have no other object than to overawe the country, peaceably a< it is disposed. Farther, it is said . t . at. in future. Commissions in the Army are to be only attainable by the reiat ,' es i f the devoted supporters of A'dminis'ration, their sound principles being vouched by proper funct'onaries iii the several counties ; aud Church Livings in the gift of the Crown will no doubt be disposed o; in a similar manner. Tne tendency of such measures cannot be mis'aken ; and if a spirit of honest'indepen- dence shall yet be found in the Army andjhe Church, we mav he well assured, that such spirit will have no fostering favours to expect of power. The Emperor of Germany has lately informed one of his Universities, that lie wants no learned men but good subjects, and the sentiment is held m common amongst nil the despotic power on die Continent; whether the Town Council of J^. diiibu'- gh in setting aside Sir WILLIAM HAMILTON- to make wav for Mr. WILSON, as Piofessor of Moral Phi- losophy, ad re dly caught the spirit of this Imperial I'at o. i of later., ure, is not easily to be determined, although it would be diuieult to And out 011 other grounds, an apology f. r the preference. In Fa liament, a moat respectable Minority in b" th llouses advocate the Cause of the Country ; hut ( he Course that Ministers have to pursue is so very plain, that they cannot hesita e about its adoption ; they have re- sbluU'Iy to d. ny dl charges of malversation however well founded, and bring forward their voters to find them a'. together in the right This is to be sure what the sea- men call plain sailing, . whatever doubts maybe enter- tained of the cotrectness of the departure, or the land fall to be. expected. February 21, 1821. Tilt] CilllONiCL& . ABERDEEN: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21-, 1821. FOR SALE. VALUABLE LOTS OF LAND. bn Friday the 6th cj-* y of April next, nt two o'clock af- ternoon, there will be exposed to sale by public roup, ( if not previously disposed by private bargain) in An- derson's New Inn, the following valuable LOTS of the ESTATE of FRASICRFIELD, viz. LOT ls'JMIR FARM of GREENBRAE, JL occupied by WII. LIAM MORRICE, consist- ing ofupwards of 20 Acres of Land, in a high state of cul- tivation, partly subdivided, and all enclosed. It is bound- ttl on the south' and east by the old public Hoad to Ellon ; OH north by the Land., belonging to Mr. Moir of i\ Iur- c. ir ; and on the west by the Estate of Dvce. This Lot forms a most compact and desirable little Pro- perty ; it lies on a gentle slope to the south and west, having a finely wooded prospcct in that direction ; com- mands an extensive view of the Coast and Bay; and from its vicinity to Aberdeen and other local advantages, is ca- pable of being rendered a most convenient and agreeable residence. LOT 2. Consists of part of WESTI'IELD and SIL- VEUtiUIiN, and is bounded upon the north and west, by the Lands of Scotstown ; upon the east by the Old jneldrum lioad, and upon the south by the Lands of V/ estfield. 11 contains about 30 Acres. 2 Hoods, and 1 Full, all arVMe ; except ahour ] Acre, 1 Rood, and 1 Falls in \ Vo< d. On tins Lot there is an excellent situa- tion t'iH- a House, commanding a tone prospect; and is ; capable ot'oeing rendered a very pleasant and convenient p'uee of abode. This Lot will be divided into two. if inteuding purchasers desire it, oue will consist of 12 Acres. 2 Roods, and 29 Falls the other of 17 Acres, 3 Roods, and 1 2 Falls. . LOT 3. Consi.- ts of part of the LANDS of MUR- CA R. and is hounded upon the north and west by a com- mon Road, which divines it from Iranfield. and a Lot of Murc^ r belonging to Mr. Moir of Scotstown ; upon the .. ast by the German Ocean ; and upon the south by the J, » nd occupied by Mr. George Allan. It consists of 46 Aires. 2 Roods, and 24 Falls, or thereabout; whereof eliout 28 Acres have been in cultivation, and 4 are iin- proveable ; the remainder Consists of Links, Bents, and Sands. LOT 4. Consists of that patt ofMl/' IlCAR, posses- sed by Mr. GBORGE Air. AS, excepting a few Acres s , d a small part of the Links to be retained. The whole of this Lot ( excepting the Links) is'inclosed and subdivid- ed ; it is bounded on the north bv Lot 3. ; upon the east partly l> y the German Ocean, and partly by the Ground to be retained; upon the south by the Lands belonging to Mr. Davidson of- Drumside; and upon the west by the Turnpike Road. It consists of nearly 100 Acres, of which about 67 Acres are under cultivation, and part of these is old Infield. The remainder consists of Links, Vt| » ! y capable of improvement, and of Rents and Sands. On the Premises there is a good substantial Dwelling House of Two Storivs, and a Steading of offices. This Lot forms a very compact Farm, capable, front its situa- tion. of being bronght to the highest state of cultivation, [• ilittle expense ; and it would; with I. ot 3, form a very desirable small Estate. A more detailed specification'may be seen in the hands of Andrew Jopp, Advocate in Aberdeen ; and David Cunningham, Grieve, at Fraserlield, will point out the boundaries o! the different Lots, © unmiarg of politics. PA I? LI A ME NT, or a majority in that assembly, preserves its consistency, by a determined opposi- tion to everv attempt for restoring the Queen to Iter rights and privileges It will not, therefore, be matter of surprise to the public, tiie rejection of Mr. J. SMITH'S motion for restoring her Majesty's name to the Lituroy, w liich was brought forward in the House of Commons on Tuesday the 13th inst. bv a majority of 120— the numbers being, ayes, 178— noes, 298. The only new feature in the debate was the distinguished part taken in it bv Mr. W ILBERFOISCE, who voted in favour ol tile mo- tion, not on the ground we should have been happy to see him t ike, that of the justice of her cause, but on the score of expediency. The lion. Mem ber, laying aside all the strong claims her Majesty had on the favourable regard of the House, from the wrongs she has suffered, advocated her cause from the consideration of the question being a re- quisite concession to the tranquillity of the country. The effect on the public mind must, indeed, still rj- mnin unfavourable, nor can it be expected otherwise, whilst this claim is denied ; and, as was justly ob served by Mr. WILBERFORCE, " every Sunday brings the subject fresh to remembrance, so that the wound is prevented beinghealed." The interest taken in her Majesty's cause is manifested by the many petitions which are yet presented to the House on the subject. This, on the night the above ques- tion was brought forward, gave rise to some discus- sion on Parliamentary Reform, the necessity of which is daily more and more apparent to the coun- try, to which a Reform in the Representation has Leeoine an object of primary interest. The avowed friends of the principle of Reform press the mea- sure more earnestly than ever, and we hope the number of its advocates is on the increase in the House of Commons. It is, at the same time, matter of regret, that this question, on which the nation has long placed its hope of renovating the Cons- titution, should in some cases be adopted, by those whose only view in giving it support proved merely, as it were, a passport to office. Of this melancholy truth we have some memorable examples. Mr. PIT I', the world knows, was the most strenuous advocate for Parliamentary Reform, and distinguish- ed himself by the greatest energy in its favour.— Lord CASTLEREAGH commenced his political career with a declaration of similar principles, yield- ing nothing to his predecessor in zeal for the cause, but following the example of the " Great Statesman, all probability be made, not1 any beneficial purpose atii . .- red, by the exertions of those who have stood forward in her- vindication. The Bill for disfranchising Grampduud, and transferring the right of electing Representatives in Parliament to the populous Borough of Leeds, was introduced by Lord Joilv: IiussEl,, committed, and sent to a Committee. This augurs favourablv, and will he hailed bv the Country with great satisfaction, as an earnest of the disposition in the Commons to check and punish corruption, and thus correct the gross anomalies which have been through time allow- ed to grow up in the frame of the Constitution— And should this Bill happily receive the Sanction of the Legislature, a great advantage and increase of strength will be gained. The important question of the foreign timber trade, it) which the commercial part of the community is so materially interested at present, and from the uncertainty of which the mer- chants in that trade have already suffered very great inconvenience, was noticed in the House of Com- mons, but no satisfactory answer as to the proceed- ing intended for its future regulation could be obtain- ed. Mr. WALLACE said, " without any authority, but merely front his own impressions," that it might, under certain, circumstances, be found convenient to recommend the continuation of the present laws until Je. lv. A bill of an alarming nature has been introduced into the House of Commons, for assess - ing Shipping at the port of Hull with the poor rates. The plea for this measure, which litis excit- ed the greatest anxiety among ship- owners, is, " that persons who have gained settlements by their servi- tude as marines, or in trades connected with ship • ping, and their families, form a large portion of the [ Kj.- ir of that town, so as to add to the great burthen of the poor rates." But this is- more or less the ease in ' every other port of the kingdom ; ar. d if the principle is once admitted, we cannot know how far it is to extend. No season could have certainly ever been found more improper for adding to titc burthens of the ship- owner, w hose property is re- duced in a greater degree than that of anv other class whatever, being in many cases altogether useless or unavailable. Our worthy Representative Mr. IltTMB, whose industry and uniform attention to the public interest have rendered him so peculiarly valuable a Member of Parliament, introduced a motion for production of the Ordnance Estimates in detail. In the course of the speech of the lion. Gentleman, he illustrat- ed in a striking manner the nature of the boasted retrenchment of Ministers in the public expenditure, which, in the sixth year of peace, it appeared was only to be discovered in the dismissal of a few su- pernumary clerks and common labourers. He suc- cessfully displayed the abuses which prevailed in several departments of oflice, which were perfect sinecures, either from the non- residence of the parties holding the appointments, or from the offices being in themselves merely nominal. With such facts be- fore it, the Hoise, constituted as it is, could not maintain its usual inflexibility in the support of Ministry ; so that, although the motion was lost, it On the 9tli inst. in Hans Flacc, Sloane Street, London, the Rev. Dr. Kicof., Minister of the Scots Church, Swallow Street. At Mormond House, on the 12th inst. HITCH CitARi. rs, the Infant Son of Sir. Gordon of Cairnbulg, aged nine months and a half. In Jamaica, on the 15th Dec. ult. JOVATHAH FORBES of YVaterton, Master in Chancery, and Colonel of the St. Catharine's Regiment. On the SJ inst. at Dalvey, ALEIAMJER MACLEOSI, Esq. of Daivey. The thieves w- ho have infested litis town for some time back, still continue their depredations. On Fti': ay last, a weaving shop belonging to a Manufactory in the neigh- bourhood. was broke into, and a quantity of cloth carried off: aud on Monday night, a Dyers Shop at the Loch- side was broke into, and a quantity of Silk Goods, & c. stolen, and carried away. We understand, that the thieves were fallen in with, in the aet of carrying off their booty, by a Watchman, who, after procuring assistance, suc- ceeded in recovering the greater part of the property — the particulars of which, we learn, aie to be ^ iven iu a Report from the Watch Committee. On Thursday night last, before eleven o'clock, as two men, one of them carrying a firlot of meal, were going up Xorth Street, near the Brewery, they were attacked by two villains, who, after knocking them down, robbed one of them of three pounds, and the other, who carried the meal, of his purse, containing only sixpence ; aud left them both much bruised and injured. Yesterday morning, at 3 o'clock, three Companies of the 8th Veteran Battalion, which have been doing duty here for some time, marched from the Barracks, under the command of Lieut. Col, CSAMHERLAYNK, and im- mediately embarked, with their numerous \\ ivos and fa- milies,; on board three smacks and as, banner, for Leith; thence to proceed to Ireland, where the regiment is to lie disbanded. It is but justice to say, that during the time this corps, of which part bad previously embarked for Chatham, have been stationed here, their conduct has been very cotl'ect and Orderly. Our Readers will perceive/ that a splendid decoration of Laurel and Artificial Flowers, and - Variegated Lamps, is to take place at Morison's large Hall, the ensuing week, being the last week of the Panorma of Algiers.— We can well conceive the interest it will excite; and we doubt not but the Proprietors of that noble Exhibition will receive ample remuneration for their indefatigable exertions.— See Advertisement. We understand, that a Subscription hasbeen entered illiofor another Boat Race, upon a more extended scale than the one inserted in our last, to take place on Thurs- day the 1st of March, at I i A. M. if the weather permits. Xt is to he confined to the Boats of the Whale- fishing Ves- sels, having five oars each, besides rhe steersman. Four boats have been already named, and others are expected to enter ; so that considerable interest is excited, to wit- tjess the contest for superiority in that branch of nautical skill, which is so important to the success of the Fishery. Wo are authorised to state, that at the time of settling accounts with Mr. ColtavN, on occasion of the late Dress Practising given by him for the Benefit of the Wives and Families of the Fishermen who unfortunately suffered on the 3d inst. Mr. DCMBSTER returned, from the expences of his Ilall, a Guinea in aid of the Charitv. JRRTVED AT AiiEr. iir. zx. Feb. lo. — Edinburgh Paiket, Hossack. Leith, gocjs. Expert, Leslie, and Regent, Turner, London, ditto . Diana, Hutcheon, Montrose, do.— 18. Myrtle, Wehsfev, Inverkeithing, salt ; London Packet, Williamson. Leith, goods; Industry. I. aitig, Wick, herrings — 21. I'hilorih, J. Jackie, Fraserburgh, goods.— 22. Aberdeen Packet, Kerr, London, do; Wellington. Gilhertson, Hull, do; Juno, Blues, Dutidcc, do— Three with coals. S A 1 L E n. Feb. 16.— Marquis of Iluntly, Davidson, Leith ; Clyde Packet, We ir, Glasgow, do; Resolution, Marr, New- castle, do ; Ann, Davidson. Peterhead, do.— 17. Triumph,' Findlay. and Lord Iluntly, Brown, London, do— HO. I'ox, Allen. Hull, ditto.—'> 21. Diana, Hutcheon, Mon- trose, do ; Myrtle, Webster, Newburgh, salt.— 22. Marv, Gordon, Dysart, goods. Four with stsnes, and 14 i'. i ballast. At LONDON.— Cato, Divies. I5t'. i ; Commerce Philip ;' Nimroil. Brown ; and Thetis," Crutchiy, I Ted. iu. t. The Nymph, (,' utcheon, sailed from Deal, oil the 11 Oa iust. for Marseilles. TIDE TABLE CALCULATED FOR ABERDEEN BAR. ( APPARENT1 TIME.) M. n < tmg Tide, j Kvrnivr, Tide, HI. JIM. 511. ISM. 3 — 43 6 — 54 8 — 29 10— 0 11 — 7 Feb. 1- 1. Saturday, - 25. Sunday, - We understand, a SERMON is to be PREACHED to SAILORS, in Frederick Street Chapel, TO- MORROW EVENING, the 25th, at Six o'Clock, by Mr. PENMAN. The Collec- tion in aid of the Shipwrecked Seamen's Fund. On Wednesday the lotery began drawing, and the Public got all the Three -£' 2000 Prices, which were divid- ed into thirty- six Shares; and although there were not any of the =£ 21,000 Prizes drawn, yet the Public have actually got them also, as every Tiiket was sold ; and the question now is— not who w: ill be the lucky Persons to get these ^' Ji. OOO Prizes— but who will be so unfortunate as to part iflth thejn. KICK O JL' PROVISIONS, & C. IN THE ABERDEEN MARKET, YESTERDAY. the uniform experience in such cases, as a test of the sincerity of their conversion, shewed the utmost intolerance to the sentiments their interest had led them to abandon. Mr. HOBIIOUSE, on this oc- casion, proved the approbation and strenuous support given by Lord C ASTLEUEAGIJ to the cause of Parliamentary Reform, bv the production of sundry Resolutions signed by his Lordship, strongly urging the necessity of such a- measure. Sir JOHN NEW- PORT, the close observer of the Noble Lord's poli- tical career, bore testimony to his apostacy, while he denounced the tendency of his Lordship's princi- ples as threatening to undermine the stability of the British Constitution, by seeking to dissolve the confidence that ought to unite Parliament with the People. His Lordship betrayed some warmth on this unexpected disclosure, which seemed to gall him considerably, and to elude or explain away its force he vainly exerted all his ingenuity. The fate of Mr.- SMITH'S motion will, in all probability, seal that of her Majesty's cause j. as there seems no farther hope of the independent part of the House of Commons having it in their power to remove the eanse of the discontent, so universally expressed bv the community on this great question, on which the public tranquillity so much depends. Ministry, conscious now of' their own strength, no longer Conceal their intention of persevering in the system of persecution towards the Queen, to which, from tlie ascendancy they have gained in the present i House of Commons, no effectual opposition euu in was only by a narrow majority of IF, the numbers being— for it, 44— against it, 58. In the present state of our representation, this speaks volumes. The foreign Journals do not confirm the intelli- gence of the Austrian army having, passed the Po to attack Naples, but contain such paragraphs as shew that such a result may speedily he expected. In several of these papers, it is stated, that it had been determined by the allied Sovereigns to wait an answer from the Parliament of Naples, to a com- munication of which the Duke de GAT. LO was to be the bearer. Of the precise nature of this propo- sition we are not informed ; but report savs, it is 3uch that little or no expectation was entertained the Neapolitan Parliament would accede to, being nothing less than that the Parliament should dis- solve itself, winch, laying aside the consideration of its coming under such circumstances from foreign powers, would render it altogether inadmissible By a letter from Frankfort, it appeal's, that a part of the Austrian advanced guard had passed the Po, but merely for the purpose of taking up canton- ments ; and this may have given rise to the report of the whole army having crossed. Active prepara- tions are making for defence in the mean time, aird for meeting the impending danger ; but public re- ports on the subject, at the sittings in Parliament, were discontinued, to prevent information going abroad to the injury of the state. All Europe seems to regard the cause of Naples as its own, arid the utmost anxiety is manifested for its success. The generous and patriotic spirit of Britons has been displayed, by Officers in the British service expressing an eager desire of shar- ing in the glory of defending the Neapolitans ; hut the means of equipping them for the field have either oe" ti wanting, or other obstacles have been thrown in th § way of these brave men thus demonstrat- ing to the world the interest which Great Britain takes in the, inherent right of every people to regu- late. their own Government. One Lieut. Colonel, who, in terms of the foreign enlistment bit! of last Session, had petitionedto be allowed to raise a British Legion of 5000 men for the Neapolitan service, had the mortification to meet with a rejection of his petition. The French seem jealous of their Go- vernment, as regards their conduct towards Naples. In the Chamber of Deputies, M de la FAYETTE introduced the question of the policy pursued by the Allied Sovereigns at Laybach. " We have a right," he said, " to put to Ministers the question lately put to those of England, and to demand of them, what part they have taken, as accomplices in the measures recently taken for the maintenance of a pretended social order, a social order that re- fuses to nations the right of ameliorating their insti- tutions." These expressions excited great a<> ita- tion, and a violent debate ensued, which termina- ted without any sati - factory answer on the subject. In crushing the attempt to establish on libera! prin- ciples constitutional Governments, the despotic Sovereigns aitn not only at fettering public opinion, but hindering the diffusion of knowledge. Of this we have a singular specimen in the Emperor of Austria, who, on being waited on by the I'rofes sors of Laybach, instead of complimenting them on the advancement of learning, audits happy influ- ence on society, told, inter alia, that with learning they had nothing to do; " I want not learned men, I want. only good subjects." Bv such means alone could he ensure success to the cause of despotism ; and could he bring his subjects back to the dark- ness of the Gothic ages, he might be able to carry into effect his arbitrary decrees. Quartern I, oaf — — 9d Oatmeal, p. peck, ! 0, la 1 Id Benrmeal. — 8d a 9d Potatoes, 1 Od. a ! 2il. Oil Malt. 2s6da Od Beef, p. lb. — - Id a Sd Mutton, — 5d a Sd Veal, — _ 4tl a 8d Pork, — — 3d a 7d Butter, — ) 5d a 18d Eggs, p. doz. O'J a 8d Cheese, p. st. 7s Od a 8s Od Tallow, 10s Gd n lis fid Hay, — _ 7d a 8d Raw Hides, p. lb. 3d a 4u Coals, p. boll, 3a 8J a 4s Od We understand, a Charity Sermon was preached last Sabbath evening, in the Church of Footdee, by the Rev. Mr. Sage, when a collection was made for the afflicted families in Tony, amounting to Ten Poundsand . Sixpence sterling. Issue of Tracts from the Depository of the Religious Tract Society, Aberdeen, for the Quarter preceding February, 1831. Tracts issued to Members, Sailors, and in the Conn- try. - 3,000 Tracts sold at and tin far prime cost, - 13,000 " We have great pleasure in stating the following par- ticulars regarding the production of Gas from Oil, which, we hope, may ultimately be of great consequence to those concerned in the Whale Fishery. " We can confidently state, that the advantages of oil gas ate daily becoming apparent. The city of Norwich is lit up with it: and it is making its way in London, being already used with fine effect in several of the large public buddings and found greatly superior to coal gas— cleaner, purer, the light far more brilliant, and even where coals arc cheap less expensive ; arising, in great measure, from a smaller and less costly apparatus being necessary, and from the saving of labour, ( a given quan- tity of oil yielding three times the gas obtainable from the like quantity of coal), that in this age of research and re- finement, a short time is likely to bring oil gas into irene- j o a D ral use. In the course of last Quarter, the Cashier of the Poor's Hospital has received the following sums, collected at the respective Churches of this city, viz, : — Ordinary Collections far Eleven Sabbaths. West Cburcli J2Z' 6 12 4 26. Mondav, 27. Tuesday, - 28 Wednesday, ifarch 1. Thursday, 2. Friday, MOON'S AGE. © New Moon, 4th March, at 5h. 28'. Morning. a — 17 7 — 0 — IJ 10 — Sti 11 — 3G 0 — i.' rosrscn' i rr. LONDON. 7' W » . 20. The question of the pnsfageof the Po, hy the Ai^ rJsn^ so much agitated since Monday seVrmi^ ht, appears wnv' set . it; rest. Private letters from Frankfort of the J 9t} j,- and Dutch Papers, received this day, confirm the revert of that movement having taken pluce, as originally s- tateHr on the 29? h of J inuary. The following are the authorities which this• dav are furnished in confirmation of the re* ported advance of the Austrian*? : — Extract of a letter datesi Fiankfort, February I" 2. - The important information which follows is taken from one of onr journals :—* LAYB. ACH, Feb. 2.—" The Austrian army passeii the Po on the 28th and 29th of January, and is advanc- ing upon Naples by three different routes. Forty thou- sand men w iii first advance to the frontiers, who will an- nounce, in case of resistance, that, they will be followed by 80.000 more ! " His Majesty the King of Naples has addressed a Pro- clamation to the inhabitants of the Two Sicilies, in which he orders the immediate dissolution of the Parliament.-— lie also calls on them to receive the Au-. trians as friends, and promises, on his return, to give them a Coir- ititu! ion. We have not time to ascertain the effect of liiis intelligence on our Exchange. P. S.— We just learn that a copy of the Procir. matioi* by the King of Nap] es has been received in tb .> place, ai. rl that it accords, in substance, with what is above stated.'* BERLIN. Feb. 10.— In the official paper is the fol- lowing article from the fronti crs ot Italy :—" The ^ Mairs- of Naples approach their decision, if the voice of tht? King is not listened to by his misguided subjects, the Austrian troops, - which have been advancing since the 29th January, will decide the business." East Church, ... College Church, Trinity Chapel, .. Footdee Church, 54 22 29 11 Quarterly Colli ctions. f West Church, 2.5 10 7 East Church, ... / 20 17 2 College Church 15 IS 1 Trinity Chapel 13 17 8 St. Paul's Chapel, 19 4 0 Chapel of Ease, P> ehnent'- street> 13 1 / » 2 Roman Cathoiic Chapel, - 27 5 Methodist Cbapvlr - 2 O O Kootdee Church, ... ... .. 4 3 10 •£\ 5G 8 Annual Collection from Sbiprow Chapel. Also, Annual Donation from the Trades* Hospital, Ditto from the Shipmaster Society, Legacy bequeathed by Patrick Milne, Esq. L* g;'. cy be(] ueathtd by Mrs, Cheseer, -£ U 5 14 5 - 5 0 0 o 90 18 BIRTH.— At Miyne, on the 12th inst. the Lady of Col. HAY of WE-. tertown, of A son. M A- HRI AGE.— Here, on the 17th inst. by the Rev. Dr. Glennie, Mr.. ROBERT HILLOCKS,- Land Valuator, to " Miss JANE, eldest Daughter of Mr. ALEXANDER DUTHIE. Custom- house. DEATHS.- Here, on the 12th curt, after an illness df some mouUis, Wx MOIUSON, Cabinet Maker, a^ ed 38. Total, £ 372 5 2 Upon the 14th inst. the Sitting Magistrate, on the complaint of the Procurator Fiscal, against James Watt, from Tar land, Jean Milne, his wife, James Stirling, William Duncan, Jean Sangsier, and Peter Drain, all vagrants, who had taken up their residence iu an old Shop in Guestrow, sentenced them each to one month's confinement and hard labour in Bridewell ; and banished them from the City and Liberties for five years after the expiry of their confinement, under the usual certification. On the 16th inst. Isobel Barron and Jean Black, both women of bad fame, were sentenced, by the Sitting Ma- gistrate, to three- months' confinement in Bridewell, and banished the City and Liberties for five years— for riotous and disorderly conduct in the streets. On the 17th inst. George M'Combie and Charles Wink, Weavers, were sentenced, by the sitting Magis- trate, to pay a tine of Oue Guinea eaih, for riotous and disorderly conduct in Castle Street, and were committed to Jail, until the same should be paid. And on the 19th inst. Elizabeth Turner and Elspet Sangster, both women of bad fame, were sentenced to three months' confinement in Bridewell, and banished the City and Liberties for five years—' for disorderly con- duct on. the streets. FATAL DUEL— A duel, attended with dangero « * consequences, took place on Friday evening last, at nine o'clock in a field between Chalk Farm tavern and P/ imicse- hill. The parties iu this unhappy conflict were Mr. John Scott, the avowed editor of the London Magazine, aud Mr. Christie, a friend of the supposed conductor of Black-* wood's Magazine - Mr. John Gibson Lockhart, of Edin- burgh. The original cause of quarrel between these - en-* tletnen. we understand, had its rise in a series of three articles which appeared in the London Magaz: ne, di- cuss- ing the conduct and management of, Blackwood's Maga- zine, and regarded by Mr. Lockhart as offensive to his feelings and injurious to his honour. Mr. Christie, na the friend of Mr. Lockhart, waited upon Mr. Scott to demand an explanation of the articles in question, and iu fact, to require a public apology for matter which hocon- » siderc. i j^ eisonally offensive to himself, or such other satis- faction as a gentleman was entitled to. This iiitervivwr led to others, as well as to a correspondence, in which muckof mutual warmth was expressed. To prevent mis- apprehension of what had occuried, Mr. Scott published his statement of the transactions to which he had been a party, which were very generally circulated in the literary world, as well as copied into some of the daily papers.— This was followed hy a statement on the pan of MY* Christie, the friend of Mr. Lockhart, which waa followed by a second statement from ilie pen of Mr. Scott, in whic& he treated the conduct of Mr. Lockhart with great aspe- rity, and defended the course which he had pursued wit& considerable warmth. Then followed a .- ot. n er- statement from Mr. Christie, which we lament to say, led- to the event we are about to describe. In this counter- statement, which has not yet met our eye, we have beeu informed Mr. Christie applied, as from himself, epi- thets to Mr. Scott, that he could not consistently with his own feelings as a gentleman, suffer to pass with impunitw He, in consequence, as soon as ever the statement in question met his eye, proceeded with his friend Mr. I* at-- more to Mr. Christie's lodgings and demanded an apology or instant satisfaction. Mr. Christie refused the former* and expressed his readiness, without loss of time, t- j grant the latter. The matter having come to tnis issue, it was- agreed that they should meet, w ith as lis tie delay as possible, at Chalk Farm ; and thither they proceeded,, as we have already stated, at nine o'clock the same night* Mr. Scott was attended by his friend Mr. Pat more, and hy Mr. Pettigrew, a Medical Gentleman, of Sprincr- gardens. The moon shone with brightness, so that the party had a full opportunity of seeing each other, andr having taken their ground, they fired together. The re- sult was fatal to Mr. Scott, who received his antagonist"^; ball in his groin, and fell. Every assistance which thur circumstance would permit was affoided him, and he was • conveyed on a shutter to Chalk Farm Tavern, where hts was laid on a bed in an almost hopeless state. Mr. Christie and bis second then retired, and t iking their seats in the post- chaise in which they had cjine, sought their OWIJ sifetv in flight. Mr. Pe ugrew, after having rendered all the assistance in his power to Mr. Scott, returned town, in order to procure further surgical assistance, an: l to . cive directions that Mr. Scott's* apartments- at Mr, Bohte's, in York S'reet should be prepared fur his re- ception. Mr. Scott having expressed a desire that he should be removed home. A short time after Mr. Petti.- grew* s departure, however, it wfas found that Mr. Scon; could not be removed with safety, and Mrs. Scott- apd her father, Mr. Colnaghi, of Cockspur street, were scut for. It is needless to say the melancholy summons wr. s- instantly attended to. Mrs. Scott, who had spent the day at her father's house, and from whom Mr. Scott had parted at seven o'clock, saying he vvaS going to dine wi U a friend in the Temple, instantly set off with her father in a post- chaise, to her husband's bed side, where she re- mained the rest of the night. The unfortunate gentleman lay in a tranquil state, but extremely weak. On exami nation, it appeared that the ball had passed through the intestines, and lodged at the opposite side, where it was distinctly felt. Advices, dated the 30th ult. were reteived on Saturday from Naples. The Sittings of the parliament were ro close oil the following day, but the Prorogation, which was to be made by the Prince Regent iu person, was not expected to he for a longer period than to the middle of? March. Meantime the Deputies would ail remain in Naples, to assist by their counsel, should any emergency occur, to place the safety or the tranquillity of the country, in danger- Intense anxiety existed in oil ranks of the community on the subject of the deliberations at Laybach- A Censorship of the Press has not, indeed, been vet attempted ; but all political publications below a certain price have been altogether interdicted. But we understand; that it is in contemplation to extend the system of re- straint, and to interdict caricatures as well as the produc- tions of the Press. Much difficulty, we hear, was. ex- perienced, by- those on whom the task of framing a Bill fur putting a slop to caricatures devolved.., in wording it in such a manner as at all to answer the object in view ; but whether they- think they have succeeded in overcoming* tijis difficulty we do not know.-— Atwn, Chcon,
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