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Leicester Journal and Midland Counties General Advertiser


Printer / Publisher: John Price & Son 
Volume Number: LXVIII    Issue Number: 3481
No Pages: 4
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Leicester Journal and Midland Counties General Advertiser
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Leicester Journal and Midland Counties General Advertiser

Date of Article: 23/04/1819
Printer / Publisher: John Price & Son 
Address: Market Place, Leicester
Volume Number: LXVIII    Issue Number: 3481
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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AND MIDLAND COUNTIES VOL. LXVIII. Printed and Published hy John Price Son, Market- place, Leicester. No. 3481 FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1819. { Circulated through the principal Towns and populous Villages in the Counties of Leicester, Rutland, ) I Lincoln, Nottingham, Derby, Statiord, Warwiek, Northampton, Cambridge, and Yolk. 5 ( STAMP DUTY id. \ PRICE SEVEN" PENCE— OIL t PAPER Ar PRINT., 3d. \ EIGHT SHILLINGS per Quarter Sunday and Tuesday's Posts. LONDON, MONDAY, April 19. A mail from [' landers lias arrived, bring- ing Brussels papers to the lGtii instant. Uw tlio 14th instant the Duke and Duchess of Kent proceeded on their journey to London. His Lloyal ighness is so careful of the health of Liis consort, that he. suffers no one to drive the carriage in which she travels but himself. A combination took place last month among the female cotton- spinners at Brussels, to the number of 400, whose object was to stop the, manufactories of Mr. Peche and Mrs. Boulon, of that city; and to de- stroy a piece of machinery, which, it is said, when put in motion by / women, " will de- prive three hundred persons of the means of obtaining their livelihood." Five of the ring- leaders in this conspiracy, all young women under 20 years of age, were to be tried on the 15th before die Tribunal of First In- stance. The disputes between the cavalry and infantry of the garrison of Brussels have been terminated by the parties meeting at a piiblic house, crossing their sabres, and swearing over them eternal friendship; in consequence of which the lmssars in custody as riugle dors in the disgraceful fracas . which disturbed the peace of the capital ofthe Ne- therlands, have been discharged. A rumour was abroad in France a few days ago, that the Northern Courts of Pe- tersbnrgh and tftock olin were not on the liappiest terms. The cause of. this. alienation is left to conjecture:— the effect, howei er, up- on the dignity of one person may be esteem- ed of great i portance. We observe also, that our Paris correspondent does not speak in terms ol unqualified praise of the present King of Sweden.— Vhe Times. Private accounts state, that the negociati- OHS between Sweden and Dmiliar , respect- ing the fulfilment of the treaty of Kiel, arc solar advanced, that a diflnitive Convention i$. o! i the point of being conc luded. Hop Intelligence. 1— Accounts from Maid- stone say " The polliug and dressing of Hops has generally commenced in this neighbourhood. The warm u eat er for the list few duys, has uud a great ff ct on the voungshoots, which now appear strong and healthy in most places," Lieuten nt Beeehey, who made the draw- ings duri g the 1 te attempt to sail to ti. e North Pole direct, is appoi , ted to tue 1 lecla, aud Lieutenant tioppuer to t ie Griper, about to sail to discover a passage to the Pa- cific Ocean, through Davis's Straits. The former Officer is the son of Sir . B. echey, ; UK1 the latter of the late artist, Mr. Boppner. The account in Consols close > 011 > hurs- day; but the differences wore not fii;;> lly adjusted till Friday, when two defaulters only \ gere declared, and these to a very inconsid- erable amount. ending- the Sth of April was £ 42,235,726; for theyear 1818, £ 39,598,192: exhibiting an ex- cess of £ 2,637,534 by the former over the latter. Such is the financial state of the country.— Let us now turn to the state of its commerce.— From the abstract laid before Parliament ofthe imports and exports for three years, ending the 5th of January last, it appears, that the total ofthe declared value of the goods exported in 1816 was-£ 42,955.256 ; in the subsequent year, £ 43,626,253 ; and last year. £ 48,903,760 :— a vast increase beyond its predecessors. The to- tal ofthe declared value of the imports, includ- ing those from Ireland aud the Isle of Man, was, 1816, £ 30,105,565; in the following year £ 33,965,231; and last year, ,£ 40,157.034. We commend these statements to the serious onsideration of those patriotic persons among us who have for years delighted in predicting nothing- but ruin to the finances and commerce of the country. They show, that our commerce has not lost that elasticity which enables it to ecover from temporary depressions owing to causes aud events over which human wisdom lid sagacity can have no control Facts like these are sufficiently discouraging to such men. They musteither abandon the vocation in which they delight; or consent to have their sinister rophesies falsified, and their motives sus- pected. THE REVENUE. Abstract ofthe Net Produce of the Revenue of Great Britain, ( exclusive of the Arrears of War Duty on Malt and Property.) in the Years and Quarters ended 5th April, 1818, and 5th April, 1819, showing the increase or decrease on each bead thereof. THE REVENUE. The official accounts of the net produce ofthe Revenue of Great Britain in the years ending the 5th of April, 1818, and the 5ib of April. 1319, have been laid before Pa liament and published. A tabular view of them will be fbundat foot. As, however, someof our reade. s may not be very conversant in financial details it may be useful to such to have the general re suits ofthe accounts exhibited to tbetn in an intelligible shape. The net income of Great Britain, in the year which ended the fifth of April instant, was £ 49.056,503; that of the year which ended th< f Sth of April, 1818, was £ 47,247,631- The re- venue of the year 1819 exceeds, therefore, that of 1818 by the sum of £ 1,808,93 2. This itself is a very considerable improvement. But it is in strictness, even greater this. It must be re liiembered, that the revenue of the year 1818 was swelled by a larger receipt of arrears of Property Tax than that of the last year. 1818 these arrears amounted to £ 1,295,299 voiid the year 1819. If, therefore, we deduct this sum from the revenue of the year 1818, the total amount of the income of the last year will exhibit an increase of not less a sum than £ p, 104,231 beyond that of its predecessor, most gratifying increase. Ia the great sources of revenue, the Customs and the Excise, there has bee. i a very cunsi derableand pieasing improvement during the past year. Compared with the prec< dingyear, 1* he excess in the Excise is £ 2.884,476 ; ill the Customs £ 259,( Kit; making, together, a total of „£ 8,143,54i>. The account of the Excise dti ties v. ill be read with satisfaction. It exhibits a marked increase in almost every article of domestic consumption on w hich an excise im post is levied ; particularly in some which are regarded as indispensable . to an Englishman, and the increased consumption of which marks the gro. w ing ability of the people to enjoy not few of the cumfurt, of life. In the two articles of malt and beer alone there lias been an in crease beyond the year 1$ I8 of £ 1.4 : 0,659, — The iiicieasciu the consumption of wine and tea has also been considerable. The only ar- ticles in which tiiere has been a decrease are poll'ee and cocoa, soap, and tobacco and gnu IT; amounting, altogether, to the sum of £ 81,759 jguch is the satisfactory state of the annual in- come of the country. 1 he iuc. ease 011 the quar- ter which ended tile 5th of April, compared with the correspondent quarter of the prect - ingi year is not less satisfactory. In 1818 L. i. iconic w as£[ 0,--. 9,207 ; in 1819 £ lO, 4ol^ O . total execs:- 011 the quarter *. 232, v ,' 0. From the sumo documents we learn, that tlfi inocme of the C'msoikiaUd Fund for the year r. s. ; sVl. • s S- ~ n £ § 2 5 o- S l'| a*. 1 — '— ic X C"- gc — 1 w ^ - 1 C tc W O b- * CN ~ V. C T- I 00 M il ic c c - 1 j: • i — " H ffi « O W p ic '-> '— " M V- *— -.} - i w - 1 - I ri — RT CCV'CTWO-- cc v> ^ A o • — 1 ^ C: g r > - 2 _. a- v o n X n - 1 5 n Tj. c rz. f S re — " '. • O. * 3 ' tc . e- o - 1 r c — - - ' c. « ^ O O Cl 2 5 x 2 - j 4- w sli - 1 - 1 i w- X ' " -' - ti rs 5- l's ® Z i. » » e SJ SJ 5 > 6 2 /. MONEY. A NY sum of Money from / 200 to £ 4000 now ready to be advanced on approved Freehold Securities, by applying at the Offices of Messrs. Soclcn £ 1' ohuer, Solicitors. Hinckley or at Mr PAI. MKR'S Oltice. in Lutterworth. Hinckley, 20th April, 1819. KJ- This Advertisement w ill not be repeated I UNION CANAL. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, TUI A. T the next half yearly General Assem- | bly ofthe Company of Proprietors of the Leicestershire mid Northamptonshire Union Canal, will be held at the Union Inn. near Market Haibo- • ongh, in the county of Leicester, on Monday, the 17th day ot May, i819, at ten o'clock in the fore- noon. T. SHEPPARD. ( Leicester) Clerk to the said Company. & Union Canal Notice is hereby given, rTMT VT the Passage of the Leicestershire and J^ Northamptonshire Union Canal will he stopped at seven o'clock in the evening of Tues- day the 18th of May next, and that such stop- page will be continued six days, for the pur- pose of having the necessary repairs done to the works of the said Canal. T SHEPPARD, Slerk to the Union Canal Company. ^ Leicester. April 2( Hh, 1819. ( k TO Bi. SOLD ifv' AUCTION, ** By Mr. Edward Lees, At the house of Mr. Charles Wykes, th-. Kings Arms Inn, in Atlierstone, in the county of War- wick, 011 Tuesday, the 4 th day of May next, be- tween the hours of four and six o'clock in the afternoon, subject to such conditions of sale as will be then and there produced, ( unless sooner disposed of by private contract); 4 LL that messuage er dwelling house, with j \ the butchers shop, slaughter bouse, sta- ble, and outbuildings, situate and beingin Ratclifle Culey, in the county of Leicester, and a close, piece or parcel of excellent pasture land adjoining there- to, containing two a' res or thereabouts, now in the occupation of Tkomus Vtriion, as tenant at will. For further particulars or to treat for the same by- private contract, application may he made to Mr. JOHN CRADDOCK, Solicitor, Nuneaton, Warwick- shire, or at his office at Atherstoue, on Tuesdays. Nuneaton, April 15th, 1819. Grantham Canal Navigation. " MIE General Annual Assembly or Meeting of the Company of Proprietors, of this un- dertaking, will be held at the Angel Inn, in Granth- am, 011 Thursday the Otli day of May next, at eleven o'clock in the morning Biank Proxies may he had at my Office, or at the Bar ofthe Biackmoor's Head Inn, Nottingham. Wm. Ostler, Clerk to the Company. Grantham, 1- ith April, 1819. J- I I Shearsby, Leicestershire. TO nK SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT r IYWO tenements or dwelling- houses, with Jj the appurtenances and garden occupied therewith, situa e at Shearsby aforesa. d. now in the enure ot'Joseph Robinson E » r a view of the. premises apply to the tenant, and to treat for tiie same to Mr WAI- SON, Solicitor Lutterworth. 20 Thousand Pounds For the First Prise!— and 20 Thousand Pounds .. For the Second Prize! 3 ON TUESDAY Xlth of Next Month. i jsi a J Of the Old Stale Lottery Officcs, 4, Corn/ nil, and 9, Charing Cross. London, Most respectfully reminds his best. Friends, the Public, that the ST ATE LOTTERY begins 011 TUESDAY, the 11 th of Next Month ( MAY,) on which Day the Two Fir* t Prizes drawn out of the \ Y heel will receive £ 40,000, in addition To whatever Prizes may be attached to them. The Scheme consists of only 10,000 Tickets., yet contains Four P And Eighteen other Capitals; And the total Amount of the Prizes, in Money and Consols, is £- 110,1501 ' A LL persons having any claim upon Mr. /\ THOMAS Ji wsr. URY. late < jf Meaisham, in the'county of Derby, prior to the 14th of May, 1817. are desired to send the particulars there- of to Messrs. ' DALBV and DEW I S. Solicitors, in Ash by - d e- 1 a - Zc u ch, on or before the 10th day of May next, Ashby- de- la- Zonch. 20th April. 1819. 1 ngel Inn and Posting House, M ARRET 1- LAEBO. ROTIGH; " UIE family of the late Mr. JOHN MUVTON, return their sincere thanks to their friends and the public for the very liberal support experi- enced bv their late father during his residence at the above Inn, and beg to inform them that they ! have relinquished the same, togethei with the Pof. t- ' inff Business, in favour of Mr. William Flint, whom i they beg leave most earnestly to recommend to their t future favours. K WILLIAM FLINT, EMBRACES this o; i prtunity of earnestly soliciting the patronage and support of the Nobility, Gentry, ; ravellers, and the public in general m the above concern, and trusts by the utmost attention and o" St accommodation to merit the public favor ; the house an stabling being in all respects the most '• onipact and eligible so as to ajiord every superior accommodation A Market Ordinary every Tuesday at one o'clock. Market Harborough, A|> i il Utl^ lSlO. The Offices of BISH are so well known for their good Foitune, that it is needles to enter into any Particulars; snffice it to say, that in the very last Lottery drawn they were ( as usual) pre- eminent as BISH sold a greater numbe of Capitals than any other Office- keeper, having sold FOURTEEN CAPITALS, including One J: 20,000, and One ofthe Grand Prizes of Six teen Tickets, by which three Individuals alter wards obtained great Capitals The t' 20,000 Prize was distributed as follows: Quarter .... to Hereford Eighth ... . to Saffron Walden Eighth ... . to Sidmoutfi Sixteenth ... , .. : to Bedford Sixteenth .... to Biidhsgton Sixteenth .... .... to Dartmouth Sixteenih ... .... to Edinburgh) Sixteenth .... to Halesworth Sixteenth .... to Ma Id on Sixteenth .... to Northampton Sixteenth ... ... . not registered. Tickcts ami Shares are selling BISH, London and by the following Age. its: C. A". II right, tleqkxUer, Niittingluim, J. I'. Lucas, High street, Birmingham, J. Turner, Booliftll'tr, Coventry, J. liliitlam, liooksel er, Worktop, Kins. Clemintsoii, Cost Ojpce, Melton, S. lieat. sinore, JS- mlcselter, Ashby- de* ia- Zovch, J. Ilbpkiuson, II me Merc'uint, Loughborough, .1. Drakurd, fipr*- Office, Stamford. '/'. J.- Vtoit, Jeiceiltf, Hinckley. If . Ctnrh'f l' « ti{ crr Mirkct lltLVbenugh. Farming Stock, 4' c- at Nailston Ledge. ^ TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, //( By THOMAS ARCHER, r On Tuesday, April 27, 1819, ART of the valuable long horned cows, heifers, sturks, calves, implements, & c. 011 the premises of Mr. WALE, At Nailston Lodge, neai to the turnpike road be- tween Nailston and Ibstoek, in the county of Leicester, who has left his farm atlbstock. Consistmgof3 in- calved cows, 7 in calved heifers sturks, 4 yearling calves, 60 lamb hogs, 10 e » e- aud lambs, waggons, carts, & c. Catalogues are now ready. Sale to begin at ten o'clock. It Dairy and Eat Cows,' fyc. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. CHAPMAN, On the premises at Oakthorpe. 011 Wednesday April 28, 1819, ra^ HE Farming Stock arid Household Fur- • - v niture of Mrs. Mary Elton, ( Who is parting with her Faro,). Sale to begin at nine o'clock. Consisting of 12 dairy and 2 fat cows, 4 cart mares, and a half bred ditto, sow and 4 store pigs, waggons, carts, seuffler, ploughs, bar- ows, horse tackle, gig and harness, bedsteads, feather beds, tables, chairs, and most other house requisites. Catalogues may be had of the Auctioneer, in Ashby- de- la- Zoui h. TO BE LET, And may be entered upon immediately, annually, If, or for a term of years, A ' l0Use ai'l shop with large bt> w win-> i \ do. ws, completely fitted up for the drapery and grocerv businesses, with warehouses and other out buildings, a private yard and t( ardef)< Situatii' ill a healthy conspicuous part of the pleasant tow- n of Meash . m, in the cotmtv of Derby. or a view of which apply to Mr. Piatt, tilt pfe. sent occupier, and to treat for the same to Mr, ROBKHI' IRONMONGER, the Proprietor. Shady fast good Hunters, BAROUCHE HORSES IIACKS, VOUN « HORSES, PACK OP CAPITAL HARRIERS, High- bred Greyhoundoi,„ as, Setters, Spaniels, ] C PARI- OF THE STOCK OF - INT LATE 1- J Sir HENRY CREWE, Baronet, fji' To Cover this Season, 1010. Blood Mares six Guineas, other Mures three Gui- neas, and half- a- Crown the. Groom. JULIUS CYFNAK, LATE THE. PROPERTY OF THE EARL OF LONSDALE,, The property of John Fryatt, Meiton Mowbray, Leicestershire. JULIUS CvESAItis a dark brown, no white but a star, stands 15 hands 3 inches and a half high, free from any blemish, bred by Sir U'. GERARD, got by LORD C. ROSVENOR'S Alexander, oitt of - onstantia, by Sir Peter Teazle. He is grandson of Eclipse, and great grandson of Highflyer. I11 1887, atPontPfract, Julius Ceesar won a sweep- stakes ot lOgs each, with 20gs added, for all ages, four miles, 7 subscribers, beating the Duke of Ham- lfon's Crazy— next day he won the members plate of lUOgs for all ages, 3 mile heats, beating Mr Sitwells !' aurus. Lord F1 tzWilliam's Delvile, and Vr Walker's Baionet— At Richmond he won the gold cup va- lue lOOgs a subscription of logs each, with a collec- tion, 4 miles, beating Colonel ChilderV Baron, Mr fiarforth's colt by Beningbroujh, Lord Mon son's Clfcveland, Sir. I Law- son's O ran, and Lord Lons- dale's lillev by Precipitate. 1808, at Newton lie •" o, the gold cup with a subscription of logs each, for all ages, 4 miles, 11 subscribers, beating Colonel C. hilders' Baron, Lord Grey's Belinda, Mr CSmith's Phlebotomist, and Mr Astley's Newton. At Pres- ton he won the union cup, value lECgs given by the Gentlemen of Preston, added to a sweepstakes of lOgseach, I miles, IS) subscribers, beating Mr Clif- ton's Josephenia, the Duke of Hamilton's Pretoni- 011s, who won the St Ledger, beatiugSir Sitvvell Sit- ' Mr sweep- stakes of logs each, with 20 added, - 1 miles, G sub- scribers, besting the Duke, of Hamilton's Peter Lit- tle, Sir Thomas Gascoigne's filley, by Hamiltonian, out of Golden Locks, and Lord Miltons' Sir Paul. 181) 9, at Preston, he won the Union cup, added to a sweepstakes of lOgs each, - 1 miles, 17 subscribers, beatinc Lord Derby's Jacobus, ic, 1810, at New- market, he won a sweepstakes of 25gs each, beating Lord Lowther's Agnes, the Duke of Rutland's Volu- cris, and Major Wheatley's Hippoinenes. This Horse won the • premium for Stallions, at Darlington, county of Durham, Stock by Julius Casar, in this country, rising five years years old, are hkelv to make famous horses, and ar - greatly approved of. JULIUS ( VESAR will be at the Fox Inn, Humber- stone Gate, Leicester, on Saturday's and Sunday's, and at Home the remainder of the week, during the Season. Any mare that was barren by this horse last sea son, may be covered this for One Guinea, which to prevent trouble, must be paid at the time. Every accommodation for mare's at lis. per week, mare's and foal's 7s per week. The groom's tee to be paid at the time ot covering, and the other at Midsum- mer Olivtcil - well s Clinker, Mr U entworth's Margaret, and i Purse's Bedalian. At Pontefract, he won a swei TO BE SOLI) BY AUCTION, tiy Mr. BREAREY, At the STAEI. ES of SIR GEORGE CREWE, Bath at Swarkstone. in the couutv of Derbv, on Wed^ nesdav the i! 8ih day of April, 1819, The Sale to Commence precisely at 11 o'clock. Lot HUNTERS. 1— |> OVER, a hay Gelding, by Orlando, !%. dam Angelina, by Flageolet, 9 yrs old 2— hanger, a bay Gelding, bv Orlando, 7 years Ok! 3— Forester, a bay Gelding. bv Oriaudo, 6years old B A ROUCHE HORSES. 4— Gallant, a bay Gelding 5— Galliard, ditto G— ilot, a giey Gelding 7— Argent, ditto HACK S. 8— Lillahulefa, II brown Gelding ! t- Audrey, a chesniit Male 10— Bustler, a s. iey Gelding, 7 years old 11— Meg, a bay Mare, G years Old 12— Fanny, a c esnut I ' onev, 8 vears old 13— Fairy, ditto, 7 vears old 14— A bay Filly, by Aladdin, dam Angelina, by fid* geolet, 3 years old 15— A bay Gelding, by Orlando, dam Angelina, 2 vears ol< l HARRIERS. Fifteen Couple — steady good Harriers, GREYHOUNDS, 3- c. , Three Bi ace high- bred Greyhounds Several steady Pointers, Setters, and Spaniels. Furth"> 1 particulars in next Week's Paper. When Catalogues may be had at the Black Head, Nottingham; Hull's Head, Loughborough ; Crowns', Leicester; Queen's Head Inn, Ashbv- de- Ia- Zoocii | Three Queens, Hmto ; Green Man, Asiiborne; and t Mr. BREARY, Derby. A Mar et Harhorougii, A very d'sirulle Freehold family Resident*, with ttaclv ( J ana detached offices, pleasure and kitchen gardens and paddock, contain" i/ ig about an acre. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By 1/;-. HOI LOW AY, On Monday the 26 « 1 » da- of April instant, abotif three o'clock n the afternoon, at the Swans Inn, in Market Harhorongh, in the County of Leicester, by order - it the Devises in trust un* der the will of ' rs. Susannah Ki. app, widow deceased. Very desirable freehold property, comprise Ing a spacious and convenient dwelling house, situate at the South end of Market Harbo- rough, containing four pimcipal and four Secondary bedrooms, drawing room, dining room, library oV breakfast parlour, good entrance hall, convenient and requisite domestic arrangements and ample cel- laring. The detached offices consist of a three stall sta- ble, with liav loft aud granaries; hay and straw barns, and other convenient out offices, large paved yard, with two pumps and wells of excellent, water, pleasure and kitchen gardens, inclosed with a brick wall, planted with choici fruit trees in foil bearing, also a paddock of exceedingly rich grazing land ad- joining, containing about an acre. Further particulars may be obtained by applica- tion ( if by letter post paid) to Mr. ADAMS, Soli-- citor, or the AUCTIONEER, Market Ilarbo- routh. Market Harhorongh, ) 2d April, 1S!! L \ To Cover this Season, 1819, Thorough- bred Mares Five Guineas, anil 6s. the Groom: Country Mares at Two Guineas, 2s. and 6d. the Groom; STREAMER: ( He was bred by George Baillie, Esq.) NOW THE PROPERTY OF William Nrep, jwnr. Kirby Lodge. Kirby is 12 miles from Leicester, aud 3 from Melton AChesniit Horse, foaled in 1803.— Hestand 15 hands 3 inches hi. h, free from any blemish, was gut by STAR, his dam ( Gratitude'sdam by Walnut,) by Ruler, grandam, called Piracautha byMatoh'em; great grandain " rophetess ( own Sis- ter to Prophet,) by Rugalas ; g g grandam Jenny- Spinner, own Sister ( to 1 iss Veyliell,) by Old Part- ner ; g g g graudam by Greyhound; g g g g gran dam, ( Saphouisba's dam) by Mr. Curwrn's Bay Hath, Lord D'Arehy'schesniit Arabian, Whiteshirt out of the Old Montague Mare ( Sedhury's dam) by- Old \\ oodrock. The Grey hound Mare was own Sister to Lord Halifav's two famous running Horses, Sampson and Goilah. STAR ( Sire ot STRE, vsiER,) was got by HIGHFLYER ; dam by Snap, out of Mr. Pratt's Riddle, own sister to Pumpkin, Maiden, and Purity, by Mateh'em, out ofthe Old Squirt Maie. RULER ( Sire of Streamer's dam,) was got by Young Marsk, his dam Flora, by Lofty, a son of the Godol phin Aiabian, grandam. Riot, by Regulas, Blaze, Fox, and Darley's Arabian. Streamer has won 13 times, 0 of which were 4 mite heats, and he has proved himself as good a 4 mile horse as any ot Ins day The Groom's Fee to be paid at the time of Covering, and the remainder at. Midsummer STREAMER w ill be at the Swan- with two- Necks Inn, Leicester, on Wednesday; to the Boot Inn, Loughborouali, 0 Thuisda. ; to the Red L1011 Inn, Derby, on riday ; to the » : ay pole Inn, Notting- ham, on Sa t ay, ami sieep at Hrculmo e, on Satin- day night; tlnoogh Ptnintree to Cotgrave, 011 Sun- day ; Cropwell, Colston Basset hose, and Claxton, on Monday ; and *> the While Lien Ji; a, Melton, on Tuessl- iiy's-; amlHiuiic af Night. Nor TH A M PTON SHI RE, Between Oundle and Market i iarborotigb/ ' he. Manor of >. iggin, with the Mansion and capital Estate, Freehold and ' litlie- free< Nearly one thousand three hundred acres of rick Feeding, Grazing and Wood land, s- f To be Sold by Auction, //• By Mr, Bobins, At GarraWay'sCoffee- house, Exchange Allev, Corn- hill, London, on Thursday, the 12th ot'May, at Twelve o'clock, - IN ONE LOT, THE Biggi Estate. Freehold and Tythe- Freg. The Manor of Biggin, welt stored with Game, with th • elegant designed mansion, nearly finished the elevation in the Italian StvJc,- with a grand noble Portico to the east front; with offices. Gardens, pleasure Grounds, surrounded bv upwardtofOne ThonsandHVo Hundred and Sixty Eight Acres of capital feeding pastures, meadows, small part Arable and noble woods, all stocked with - apital full grown timber, the principal of fine Oak. The Lands round the mansion in the Park Sty le with grand avenues of lofty timber trees. ' I he Woods and about ninety acres ofland are in hsnd, containing together two hundred and forty- six acres. The remaindei divided into eligible ferms- asd pastures, let to mos- t respectable tenants at Will tae rental and mo crate estimated value upwards of two thousand one hundred pounds per annum and highly improvable. A most eligible pioperfy for residence or investment , in a cheerful pleasant coun- try, excellent neighbourhood, ami abound! - gin field? sports; within t « o miles ofOiindle, 11 from Stilton and Stamford, 30 from Northampton, and !) 0 from London. The road from Omidle to- Market Harho- i rooi. li passes through the eslate. May he viewed any day preceding ( lie Sale, Sun- days excepted, by tickets, and bv applying to Char- les Berkeley. Esq. at the Mansion House which may be seen from eleven to fliree where particulars may br had; aud of Robert Shiwu d, Esq and at the Swan arid the Talbot Ii ns. O « iu! le; Angle, Peterborongb,- and Stilton ; Gemge ThrMpstoti.- Stsnifoi'd, iM Nor- tha'iiptoii; Swanns, Harhoroiish ; vvUaveock. Wans ford; the Hotel, Hen and thickens Bi- minguam; Ge- lge, Lieliiiel l; AiessrS Barley, Moore," Laise, anil Sinviev, Lii. coin's lun ; at Garr> » wa>'" « Cotree- honse. sitid of Air. liobiii. s, Warwick- street, Golden square, L'U Ion ; where pl'ms and elevattou, r » v 1,0 seen, andi'irikets- ior view. E^ bad, a:. d at the .^ aa sicij. Leicester Journal, and Midtortd Coutities General Advertiser. Letters Lave arrived from Cadiz to the Slst lilt, and from Ma ' lid to tlie 3d instant. Two of the vessels taken up here for trail.-- j> ort>, namely, the Sir Stephen Lnshington and the Adventure, had arrived at Cadiz, and the rest were expected by the 10th or ] 2th instant. If the accounts from Peru are to he credited, the people of Araucana had sent Deputies to Lima, who had arrived in November last. The object of their mis- sion was to seek for arms and military stores, iii order that the people whom they repre- sented might defend their hills and vallies against the Insurgents, who appeared to have I: id apian to invade their territories by the frontiers of Chili. The Viceroy, iL. is said, received the Deputies with every mark of respect-— expressing t. is determination to supply them w ith all sorts of arms, coilsist- i: ig of muskets, lances, and a considerable quantity oi gunpowder. He also advised, that they should be accompanied by cxpe- l- ienc d Officers, w hose duty it would be to point, out to the inhabitants of Arancana the best measures to he adopted to make it- difli- < tilt fiir the I'atriots to penetrate into their country. THE FUNDS.— A fall of one per cent, lias taken place iu the Funds since the Com- tyissiouers were served yesterday; Consols, v ere then at 7a. Wednesday morning they commenced at 723 for the Account, but from the immense sales thrown upon the inar- Vet, they fell to 7I1; the depression is attributed to the present stagnation of Commerce, and t ie reports in circulation respecting a Loan. The Commissioners gave 7 is for It educed, and were serv ed generally by the Jobbers. —- Una. Wednesday and Thursday's Post LONDON, WEDNESDAY April 21. A Hamburgh mail arrived, on Wednes- day morning, bringing papers to the 13th instant: These assert, that the dignity of Land Marshal of Hanover is to be made'he- reditary in the family of Crmnt MunsCer, lire" Ambassador irom thateouuirv toourCourt. The Deputies front Livonia, headed l; y their Land Marshal, have been presented to the Emperor of llussia, from whom they re- quested a confirmation, of the new Consti- tution, giving emancipation to t e peasantry. In his reply to their request, the Emperor said, " It must bo agree. ible to your carts to have contributed to the happiness of a nu- merous and important class of men, by con- cessions, which facilitate the means of ae- ' quiringit, to persons born with equal claims lo it. You have acted in the spirit of our agS, in which liber., 1 principles alone can found the happiness of nations." The Nobi- lity ofthe Government. of the Duna have now also resolved on the emancipation ol' the pea- sants, their vassals. The King of i rtissia has issued aa Ordinance, enjoining such of the youth of his dominions as are students at the Lnive- sity of Jena to quit that place, nrtd pursue their studies at some University in t e Prussian dominions. Those who do not comply w ith t is order of recall at e to be rendered incapable of holding any office under , the Prussian Government. A Con- v ention has been concluded between Russia and Prussia, by which woollen, linen, and leather, of Prussian manufacture, imported into Poland, will be greatly favoured. Car- n< it, the French exile is still at Magdeburgh, instead of hav ing gone to Frankfort, or Of- fenbach, us was reported. A loan, in the form of a Lottery, is to be opened in Han- over, to the amount of 800,000 dollars ; the price of each ticket to be 1.00 dollars. By a re olution of the states of the kingdom, the forced loan raised by the French, during their occupancy of Hanover, has been de- clared part of the public debtof'the state. • Ml • » 5g Charleston Papers, of a late date was re- c. ei ed this morning- Interesting from Washington.— We are in- debted to our friends at AVashington for the lollavv iug.= political news ; the views which they furnish ofthe late Treaty with Sp in are interesting, and vv ill only give you the out- line of the Treaty with Spain :— 1. Tue Floridas are ceded in full to the United States. The session includes all the t.- riitory ot Spain east of the Mississippi river, w ith the ad acent islands dependent on the Provinces. 2. The w estern boundary commences at the mouth of the Sanine liver, continues north along the western bauk of tlie said li- ver to the 22d degree of latitude ; thence by a line due north, until it intersects the Rio ]{ o\ o, or red river; thence along the river Jlio Uoxo, westward, to the one hundredth dogree of longitude west from London, and 32 from Washington; thence, by a line due north to tiie river Arthanas, to its source in latitude 42; thence, on that parallel of lati- tude, to the south sea. The last map of Me- lish, improv ed to the first of January, 181ft, is referred to in the treaty for the line, and vou will have no difficulty in tracing it. 3 The 24th January, 1818, is selected for regulating the validity of grants by Spanish i. utnority ; all before that day are declared v idid by the treaty, all subsequent to that day are void. 4. The United States and Spain mutually relinquish all claims for injuries, either na- tional or private, prior to the signing the treaty. 5.'" The United States assume payment to their own Ckizens of claims to the amount of - 8), 000,000 dollars, to be ascertained by Commissioners appointed by the President. G. The old treaty of limits and navigation to continue in force, except so far as chang- ed by the provisions of the present treaty. 7." A preterence is given to Spanish ves- sels, to the exclusion o those of other na- tions, in the ports of I'ensscola and August- inft, for twelve years. This is an outline of the. treaty ; it will not be printed in form until after the exchange of ratifications. It passed the Senats by an unanimous vote, and a resolution was agreed to, allowing tue substance to be given.— Sun. The House of Commons re- assembled on Wednesday, pursuant to adjournment; and the Lords yesterday. No less than 2- K> of our Naval Lieutenants have recently embarked for Canada, to pos- sess themselves of their portions of land in that province, conformably to the regulations oi Covermeut in their favour. Brace's Watch. — Among oilier pieces of anti- quity, in Iits present Majesty's possession, is a watch,- which was found fa Bruce's Castle in Scotland, about 45 years since. On the dial plate is written,—" Robertus 15. Re* SciflV runi," ; and over it, is a convex born, instead of a glass. Now, as Robert Bruce began his reign in 1305, and died in 1328. the watch must have been made upwards of5f) 0 years since. The outer case is of silver in a raised pattern, on a ground of blue enamel. Coolie.— A physician seeing Cooke about to drink a glass of brandy, said, " Don'tdrink that filthy stuff; brandy is the worst enemy you have." " 1 know that," replied Cooke, " but you know the Scriptures command us to love our enemies ; so here goes!" A letterfrom Tewkesbury states, that thetah- tinued depression ofthe stocking maniifaetmy has reduced the masters to suspend their em- ploy to artificers. It says, we have no trade- no money—- and unless something is done to re lieve the accumulating burthen of the poor's rate, we must all be ruined ; one house dis- charged 100 bands last week, and others are daily decreasing the number of workmen ; the consequences have caused an influx of applica- tions at tlie workhouse, more appalling and ex- iensive than at any future period. It further no- tices the gradual decline of business, an<! the eventual results which are fearfully anticipated by the whole of the inhabitants of this once flourishing town, than which there is not one better situated for commercial intercourse. A horse- dealer, of Canterbury, has undartak en, for a wager of 300 guineas, to ride from London to Canterbury, a distance of 5G miles, in three hours. The number of horses which he in- tends riding for the perfoimance is six, and, although confident of success, from th% known good bottom ofhis cuttle, bets are iu favour of time. The day of starting is not named. Wehave the Very great gratification of com- municating to our fellow citizens, an event which took place yesterday at a numerous meeting held under the commission of Messrs. Tl. omas and Joseph Hellicar, of this city, mer- chants.— Immedia tely after the choice of the as- signees, an unanimous resolution was entered into, to authorise them to confide to Messrs. Hellicar the entire management of their con- cerns ; a circumstance which affords the highest testimonial of their honour and integrity, and, at the same time, evinces tbe disposition of English creditors to bestow an appropriate re- ward upon honest and upright coaduat.— Bris- tol Journal of Saturday Suitors in Chancery.— The following is a re- turn of the total amount pf the Effects of the Saitors in the High Court of Chancery, in the years 1750', 1776, 178t>. 17' Ju, 1SOC, i816, and 1818, as laid before the House of Commons :— I, i tiie year 1756, the total amount of toe Effects of tlie Suitors iu the High Court © fChancery, w as ..£ 2,864,975 16 1 In 1760 the total amount " was 1,01< J, t « > 4 19 4 In 1776 the total amount was 6,602,229 8 6 In 1786 the total aniountnas .... £. 848,535 7 II I" 1796 the total. inioiiHt was .. V. 14,3 » 0,397 t 0 111 1S06 the total anionnt was 21,922,754 13 8 III 1816 tlie total ain'oiint w as 31,953,890 9 5 In 1818 the total amount was 30,531,520 0 1J SEDITION. Chester, April \ 9th, 1819. John Baguley', John Drummond, and Samuel Jo'ni. mii, convicted of Sedition, on the 15th itist. ( see trial in the last page,) were this day brought up to receive sentence. The Chief Justice, after having very patiently heard the Prisoners at the Bar make their de- fence respecting any mitigation of punishment, then addressed them as follows: " Samuel Johnson, John Drunimonit and John Baguley, yon have been charged, severally and jointly, vvith Sedition, with addressing a large meeting, and uttering such expressions as to stir up and incite the people to disrespect and hatred ofhis Majesty's Government and his Mi- nisters. You me likewise charged in this Indict- ment with a conspiracy against the Government of this Realm, with an intention to subvert it." His Lordship then observed, that the prisoners had pleaded Not Guilty to the Indictment, that the case had been patiently heard, that their Counsel was not interrupted, and that they had called on their part no witnesses, for they would have been heard also with the greatest patience. — His Lordship likewise observed, that the evi- dence w as so clear, the witnesses so consistent in every lespect as to their evidence, and that the Jury were so convinced of their guilt, as ap- pears fiom their verdict, to the satisfaction of himself and all persons present, appealing to them, and observing, that if any of them were not perfectly satisfied, they should state why they have any doubt on the subject, beeause he himself was perfectly satisfied that tbe case was so clear and convincing as nut to he contradict- ed. Elis Lordship then adverted to an opinion of one ofthe prisoners, who had been speaking concerning Judges, Juries, & c. having previous instructions from Government how to act; re- marking that they must be ignoinnt of the duty, See. of Judge, if they supposed their judgment depended upon any previous arrangement of Government, or of the Cabinet Ministers, for he declared, as be had frequently done before, that the sentence which would be presently passed upon them, would chiefly depend upon the evi- dence ofthe prosecution, and that it would have no relation to any other circumstance but w hat was connected with the present case; that he was biassed by no authority, hut he should pass sentence according to tire evidence he had heard. His Lordship then read some of ( lie speeches of each prisoner, with suitable comments: he ad- verted to the distress of the times when these meetings occurred, that the Weavers and Spin- ners were chiefiy out of employ, that they pa- raded the streets ia vast bodies about that pe- riod ; and then observed, that they took advan- tage to call a meeting to incite the people there assembled, by various inflammatory and sedi- tious speeches, intended to atir theni; » p to dis- affection to flie King and hatred ef the Govern- ment, and so forth, as was expressed in the in- dictment. He here read a great part ofthe evi- dence respecting the speeches of the prisoneis. — He observed uLo, that the meeting was c< j. lt- ed under the pretence of taking into csnslder- ation the distress and grievances ofthe people, and importing ti nt a change of representation was absolutely necessary, with other topics of the like nature, but that they at this meeting delivered speeches of a seditious tendency., as specified in the evidence: that their several speeches were on very inflammatory subjects; and such as were more calculated to rouse the feelings of their hearers with respect to their alledged grievances, sufferings, and so forth; adding, that in one speech the King is called, a robber; that they have been starved by him ; and that all thieves are cunning; and then their miseries were painted to them in the strongest colours, and they vv ere advised to redress them by arms; that the National Convention, which they would have established, should supersede the present Constitution, and the ordinary laws of the country, and that the people then present, together with the Delegates, should go armed to Loudon, should there remonstrate about their grievances, and if not immediately redressed, should contend with force for then liberties, " their long lost liberties." His Lordship then adverted to Johnson's speech, wherein lieavovv- ed an intention of assassinating certain indi- viduals therein named in a wilful, cool, and de- liberate manner, persons in the Cabinet ofthe names of Castlereagh, Sidmouth, and Canning, and he pointed out such evidence, as to render the case clear to all persons, evidence indeed so clear and consistent as not to be contradict- ed in any point whatever. His Lordjhipstated Baguley's sentiments respecting tbe Petition, & c What was the meeting held for? l Was it to take into consideration a redress of the griev- ances of the people? Did they think. it legal, when they asserted that they were so peacea- ble, or else they might be committed ! The of- ficers of justice were at hand, and they were conscious that very little would cause them to be co/ jimitted. lie then commented o'- i th » language maide use. of by Johnson and Drum mo. id, and informed them, it was very fortu- nate that they were secured so early in their, measures ; for if they had proceeded one step further, they would most probably have stood at the bar indicted for High Treason, the pun- ishment of which is the most severe that the Law inflicts, instead of the present judgment. — He then spoke of the prisoners, alluding to Sidney, Hampden, and I? ussell, ihe Founders ofthe Constitution names w hich they ought to revere, but which they had profaned, and al- luded to by tlie( n in an assembly of persons who could be little read in tbe English History.— That Government was under no alarm of such persons as themselves, that the great mass of the people were allied to the Constitution, and that. only - such poor and deluded wretches as listened to theirs and such speeches were dis- affected to it. His Lordship then pronounced the sentence of Two Year's Imprisonment, and the prisoners to find bail in £ 5ii0 each them- selves, for their good behaviour for two years- longer, and sureties in £ 100 each. v Corn Exchange, April 21. Owing to contrary winds, we have had no ar- rivals from our own coasit since Monday, and" what little fine English Wheat was left over fiom Saturday was taken off on full as good lernis as in our last. Barley continues very heavy sale, having but few buyers of that arti- cle, and the arrivals from abroad glut, the mar- ket. Oats support Monday's prices, and Beans were more enquired after, but the holders ask higher prices, which are not tJ be obtained. » B WKRFPTS From Tuesday's Gazette, William Jarmaii, jnn Kniglitsbridge, paper hanger Philip,- Messent, Quaker- felleet, Spitaiiields, silk weaver Em, iiutei Isaac Samuels, Great Present- street, lap- idary John Campbell, WhiteLion- conrt, Comliill, merch- ant i Samuel Bentley, Bradford, Yorkshire, worsted ma- nufacturer Williatii Farmer, Walsall, innholder William Turnee, Llangollen. Denbighshire, and An- drew Comber, Manchester, cotton spinners Brown 1- leteher, Biiinley, Lancashire, plumber John l> is(> n, Wellington, liieicCr A • bomas Booth, Newark- upon- Trent. and Abraham Booth, Nottingham, tallow chandlers John Whitton, Uull, merchant .- antes Stade, Froine Selvvood, clothier Jacob French, jun. Bristol, clothier TaoinaS Wood, Nottingham, grocer PRICE OP STOCKS. 3 per Cent. Red. 71J 3 per Cent. Cons. 71J 3i per Cent.,... 80 4 per Cents. 5 per Cents COBS, for Acc 101 72 Wanted, A Journeyman blacksmith ; none need ap- r\ ply only good workmen. Enquire of S. WALKER, Wanlip, or at Syston Wharf. AWater Mill Wanted. Jf . Wanted, Water Mill, w ith a good stream of water. or a building with a steam engine from 5 to 8 horse power. Apply to Mr. Pv YM., Druggist, High street, Leicester. - A Person travelling by Coach some months back, left at Hinckley a BROWN POINT- ER> 5 OG, if lie- is not taken avvay iu ten days after this police, lie will be sold to defray expenses. Liken ise in tl » e » ame place a SETTER 1) I> O has been taken up. Any person to whom he may belong may have ltiiu again, by payi gthe expenses incurred. /) 0* Apply to " Mr. CRITCHLEY, Hinckley. iiothlcy qmU Casiington Association. r | MIE Annual Meeting of the ROTHLEY and J[ COSSINGION ASSOCIATION, will be held at Mr. BYW VI KR's, Sothley House, ou Monday, the 24 th day of May, 1819. • NAMLIS OF SUBSCRIBERS. Thomas Bahington, Esq. President ~ The Bcv. J. I-' isher, Treasurer : The Kev. Will, R. Tyson ' 1 lie Rev. W. Babington Mr. Richard Fow kes > lr. William Hudson Mr J. M. Gonde Sir. Thompson Gonde Mr. J Kirk Mr. G. Doubteday Mr. T. l'agett Mr. C, Rowley M r. \\ ilkiuson Mr T. Rywater Mr. J. Bagnlty Mr. J lludsoa Mr. J. Kinton Mr. Oldersbavv Mr. Weston, Thurcastan T. J. Brujham, Esi|- Mr Siuipkio, Thnrcaston . Mr. Jackson, Alonntsorrel Mr. Brown, ditto Messrs. Win and John Peet, ditto- Mr. B. Fowkes, d. tto Mr. Beuskin, late of Wanlip J. ( SGEJYJiS, Solidier. 1 0 To PiiMimns. I L' TO BE LET, And entered upon immediately, R JPHAT old established and well known pub- I lie house, known by the sign of the KINGS HKAb, C< Me Street, HINCKLEY. ' 1 he brewing ves- sels and household furniture may be taken at a va- luation.— V'or particulars enijuiie of Mr. F. . WARD, Hinckley Brewery. 4 1' v. ldie IJavse to Let. 1 O • TO BE LET, And entered upon immcdhtt/ ify, \ LL that well established Public House, situate iu Hinckley, in the county of Lei- cester, known by Ihe sign of the Prince of Wales, in the occupation of Mr. Richard Claike. T he bievviug vessels to be taken at a tail'valu- ation For particulars enquire on the premises. Ot. . T O B E L E T. — Unfurnished, HANDSOME Apartments. pleasantly situ- ated upon the Weiforil Road. Enquire of Mr. WALE, Builder and Surveyor. Leicester, April 22, 1819. IS. Loughborough. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. HICK LING, Oil the premises, on Tuesday & Wednesday, the 27th anil 28th days of April, i8t!) ; LL the genteel, modern, and useful house- hold furniture, brewing vessels, & c. late the property i f John Henson, Gent. London road, Loughborough- deceased. Consists g of excellent guosecoat and other fea- ther beds, South down blankets and coverlids, ma- hogany turned post bedsteads, clothed in crimson murine and rich chintz furniture, handsome par- lour and chamber chairs, dinirtg, tea, dressing, and other tables, wash hand stands, bureau, night con- venience, bed round carpets, one Scotch floor car- pet 9 feet by 3 feet, tw o ditto 6 feet by 3 feet, one small ditto, handsome piyr, swing, and overlook- ing glasses, 8 d;. y clock, china and glass, capital barometer, brass candlesticks, highly polished fire irons, fenders, two 4 strike mash tubs, 9 strike ditto, small cooler, grout sieve and brigs, excellent iron bound vroiking tub, one 18 gallon barrel, one 14 gallon ditto, with a variety of other Useful articles Sale to begin each morning at 10 o'clock pre- cisely. ' the Furniture is nearly new, and may be. viewed on the Friday anil Saturday preceding the sale. Catalogues will be readv three days before the sale, and may he bad on the premises. ofllr. Huck, Bookseller, and ofthe Auctioneer in Hathern. ( nation to Flour Sellers, and Dealers in Wheat. • 1M- w 7" HERE AS the Flour Sellers & Dealers in Coin wilhin the Hundred of Sparken hoe, ' in the com ty of Leicester, having had legal notice in the Leicester Journal, to make their week, ly returns of the price and quantity of flour and wheat bought and sold by them, fit to make wheat- en bread, to the InspectorofCorn Returnsat Hinck- ley, in the said county, and the said flour sellers and dealers in corn having neglected to make such Retains, Notice is hereby given, By order of the Magistrates assembl d at the Pub- lic Office, in Hineklev, this day, that the full penal- ty ofTEN POUNDS", IV ill be'levied upon each de- faulter, from and after this notice. James JJollier, Receiver of Corn Returns. Hnckley, April 12th, 1819. COUNTY OF LEICESTER To nit, JLIIE ASSIZE or BREAD, l-' OU THE HUNDRKII OF GARTUEK in the COUN1 V of LEICESTER. THE WEIGH r UNO PRICE OF lb. nz. dr £. s. ti. The Peck Loaf Wheaten 17 Half Peck Loaf ditto 8 — Quartern Loaf ditto .... 4 — Half Quartern Loaf ditto 2 Peek Loaf Household... .17 — HairPcek Loaf ditto S Quartern Loaf ditto .... 4 — Half Quartern Loaf ditto 2 Two- pennv Loaf wheaten 0 12 —.—- Penny Loaf ditto 0 6 Set by us, Two of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace, in and for the said Hundred, the 20th Day of April, 1319, ail, I to- continue ill force for seven Days, from Monday next. C. ./. KEUICKE E. Gltlt'UN, Town Hall, Market Harborougli. 0- J0 3 10 0 fO 111 8( 0 0 11 i 12) 0- 0 51 o- vo 0 fo 8 ( 0 12 ) 0 u 3 ti 1 9 0 10| 0 51 COUNTY OF LEICESTER To a it. THE ASSIZE OI HRHtU), FOR THE HUNDRED 01 GUTHLAXTON. WEIGHT. PRICE. LI*. L> Z. dr. S. TL. WHEATEN. Quartern Loaf 4 5 8 0 11 Half Quartern ditto 2 2 12 0 5 J Two- pennv ditto . 0 12 10.,.. 0 2 Penny ditto 0 C 5.... 0 1 ST4NOARI> WJ1EATEN. Quartern Loaf 4 5 5.... 0 11 Half Quartern ditt- t 2 | 2 0 5 J Two- penny ditto 12 10.... 0 2 Penny ditto ti 5.... 0 I HOUSEHOLD. Quartern Loaf 1 5 8.... 0 10J HaifQaartern ditto 2 2 12 0 5£ Tvvo penuv ditto 0 13 8,,.. 0 2 Penny ditto 0 6 12 0 1 Set by us, Two ot liis Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for the said Hundred, this 17th day of April, 1819, and to continue in force for seven days, fromSataroav next. " HOliT. MARRIOTT. THUS. BELURAVE. Return of the Average Price of Grain & l'lour, at Loughborough, April 22. Wheat £ 3 19 0 1 Oats £ 1 Barley 2 15 O I Beans........ 3 ( • - a ( Wheaten ,£ 3 3 | FLOVR? ' Standard ditto 2 17 ( J- ( Household ditto 2 14 1 HE ASSIZE OF ItIlEAl), FOR TIIE HUNDRED OF IF E S T G O SC O T E. WHEATEN. Weight."} Quartern Loaf 4 5 8 ' Half ditto 2 2 13 Peiiny ditto 0 6 0 Two penny ditto 0 12 0 STANDARD WHEATEN. Quartern Loaf 4 5 8 Half dit'. o 2 2 12 Penny ditto 0 ( 1 7 Two- penny ditto...... 0 12 It HO. USEHOI. C. Quartern Loaf 4 5 8 Half ditto 2 2 12 Penny ditto 0 6 15 s. d. 0 Hi 54 1 2 103 1 2 I 0 10 0 5 0 1 0 2 Truly su] ierb and viodern Household Furniture. ' TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, lit! DAVIS and SON, On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, April 27th, 28th, and 29th, 1819, / V LL the truly valuable aud elegant hotnso- Jr\ hold furniture, of y P. L. STORY, Esq. On the premises, in the High Cross Street, f f Leicester. ( Who is going to a distant residence.) Comprising elegant lofty 4 post bedsteads, cloth'd with rich chintz furniture, mahogany feet pillars,! 4 prime seasoned feathei beds, excellent large blan- kets and counterpanes, 6 capital hair mattresses, valuable wool and straw ditto, highly finished ma- hogany wardrobe, six sets of valuable mahogany drawers, modern ' oahogany recesses, bason stand* and billets, rich Brussels and other floor carpets and hearth rugs, ( nearly new), 3 modern Grecian couches, modern fenders and high polished fire* irons, neat chimney glass, modern dressing glasses, fine plates, beautiful modern mahogany card, loo, sofa, penibroke, dressing, and other tables, set of excellent mahogany dining table in three parts, with additional leaf, on pillar, claws, andcastois, It) ( W- t 6 by 4 feet, 8 pair of rich moreen and chintz window curtains, beautiful gentlemen's mahogany dressing Two- penny ditto...... 0 13 14J The annexed ASSIZE set bv its, two of . his majes- ty's Justices of the Peace, iu ar. d for the county of Leicester, this 22nd day of April, 1810, and to continue iu force for seven days, f. 0111 Saturday next. C. 1/ PHILLIP PS. , JO'HN. DUDLEY. ( Attroti XARTIN, ' ' Receiver ofthe Amite. Returns for Lcttgfibjrapi'a. made mahogany chairs, morocco seats, rich drawing room and other chairs, excellent, large easy ctiair, with cushion and cover, good lounging ehair, beau- tiful mahogany book case with ttvee under drawers, 4 good green baize doors, 3 hall lamps, grev floor : drugget, 22feet by 16, iu good preservation, two. handsome- mahogany brass hooped wine celeretf, let dov 11 Venetian blinds, mahogany tray, stands* and folding fire screens, green tire guards, moreen chair back screens, long ironing boards, nests oi good stoie room drawers, excellent ( atent mangle by Bowman, capital large china cupboard w ilh fonr- under drawers, kitchen tables and ironing boards, large stove and piping, capital large copper boiler, partitioned corn binns. large oval bathing tubanj slipper, quantity of glass bottles, with a numerous assortment of other articles. Beautiful mahogany sideboard and celeret, pair of elegant Loudon made urns, set of modern rich ( bine ground) tea cuna, pair of handsome paper trays, with waiters. Sate to commence each morning at ten o'clock. Catalogues may be had ofthe Auctioneers, and at Mrs. < ocksliaw's Printing Office, High street, 6 days previous to the sale. > 3- The w hole of the above furniture is of a snpe- rior quality, in nigh preservation, aud may be viewed 011 Monday April 26. KNIGHTON— LEICESTERSHIRE. A capital Mansion, and Freehold Estate. NJ TO BK SOLD BY AUCHON. By Mr. O WSTON, At tbe THREE CROWNS INN, in I eicester, 011 Mon- day the 26th day of April, 1819, at four o'clock, in the Afternoon, ( under conditions of sale then to be produced,) imless previously disposed of by private contract, in which case notice will bfr given ;— ACapital Dwelling House, called STONFY GATE HOUSE, ( the Resilience of John Inge, Esq ) with convenient Stables, Coaeh- honse, and other Out- ofliees, Farm- yard, Gar- den, and Orchard ; and an Estate of Land, in good condition, containing, altogether, about 56 Acres, and lying contiguous to tbe London Turnpike Road, leading from Leicester to Mar » ket Ilarborough, and distant about one niiie from Leicester. AE$ O, A Cottage, and about one Acre of Land, siinate in the Village of Knighton, in the occupation of I'liomas Taylor. The Estate may be vicKed by Application at Stonei/ Gate House. For further particulars, enquire at the OFFICE of Mr. FREEH, in Leicester. N. 15.—' 1 he Furniture and Fixtures in the House and Out ofi'. ees may be taken by the Purchaser, ( if required,) at a valuation. Live Stork and Household Furniture. „ TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, 2°). By Mr. BALL, / ' ( For the benefit of Creditors ) On the premises, on Tuesday; 27th April, 1819,3* lOo'clock in the morning; ALL the live stock, household furniture, and stock in trade, belonging to Mr. Matthew Besson, Farmer and Cordwaincr, Russia Fields, in the pari it of Woodhouse, Leicestershire: Consisting of 2 useful new milch cow s, J in- calf heifer, 1 yearling, 1 fat calf, 2 ewes, 3 lambs, fence fleaks, ladder, winnowing fail, barret churn, wheel barrow, < Sie. < xc. 1 [ ouselioTd godils consist of good feather and flock beds, foil tester and other bed- steads. clothed in liandsi me gingham, homespmi, and other furniture, fine blankets, coverlets, coun- terpane,- beets, tablecloths, mattresses, oak dining, tea, dressing and other useful tables-, capital oak bu- reau, chest of drawers, swing and other looking glasses, house and chamber chairs, good clock, beac- fet, dough tub, side oven and stove, fire irons, panfy kettles, tubs, bairels, milk slate, « ic. & c. Shoe- maker s tools, Ijists, 3 se ats, au « T hides of leather, in lots. n « ( Continued from Uist column first page.) V, « ' REP ION PARK FARM. Incalved heifers, sturks, yearling calves, lar- teu cows, Sussex o ven, Sontii Bon n end l orUatal ewes, lambs, hoggerels, aud fainsT fat, porket, store, and other ] dgs, wtiggem horses, colts, gecriuy, iri ( jyvvs:, carts, ploughs, hat rows, land rollers, sctfflers, straw engines, win/ to: t ing machine*, forks, rakes, sacks, jhahs, timber, hay, wheat, A c. part of ihc sto< h of the late Sir HENRY CRF. WK, Barf. TO EE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. L RE A HEY, At the Farm of Sir- GEOHGE CREWE, Bart, at Rep- ton Park, ill the County of'Dirby, on Monday and Tuesday, the 26th aud27th days of April, 1819 ; the. sale to commence each morning pre- cisely at halt- past ten o'clock. T |" MlIS Valuable Property comprises in part, 1 four incalved Sussex heifers, 8 sturks, 4 yearling calves, 4 barren cow s, < i Sussex 2 years old oxen, 215 sheep, consisting of South Down ewes and iambs, Portland ewes and laaibs. South Dowa and Portland hoggerels, 12 South Down rams ami 1 Norfolk ram, 95 pigs, namely, fat, porket and stores, S pigged and inpigged sows and gilts, and 1 boar pig, 17 capital waggon horses and mares, 1 blaek colt 2 years okf, colt and 1 filly foal, geering for 20 horses, four narrow wheel wasg^ ns with ratlies, 6 broad wheel carts and I narrow wheel ditto, 2 double arid 8 single ploughs, large anil small harrows, 2sctifi! ers, 2 land- rollers, two straw engines, ladders, forks, rakes; measures, weight* and scales, 200 fleaks ( greater- part new), a larg » quantity of sundry timber, 18 sack bajs, wheelbar- rows, stone troughs, & c. & c. . ALSO, A lar^ e stack of wheat, andabont four tons tf capiial old hay. t alalognes jnay be had at the Black's Head, Not- j tirth. un; Bull's Head, Loughborough ; Crowds, 1 eicester ; Queen's, Ashby- de- la- Zoucli ; 3 Queens, Hi- rton ; Green Mail, Asliborne; and ef Mr. Brea- rey, Derby. ••• Mr Breavey l » egs. to inform the public that if the v hole of this Valuable Property cannot be .. old n t: e davs alyive mentioned;, the residue >..', : be sold < n tbe Thurs lay following ( the Aj ill ta VuM,- nijnce at half past iO o'clock. Leicester . Journal, and Midland Goantie$ General Advertiser AUCTION MART, And General Commission Rooms. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. B. PA YNE, On Wednesday and Thursday Evenings next, April 28th and 29th, at his REPOSITORY, HOTEL STREET, Leicester, ALarge quantity of excellent Books, Prints, pair of Globes, a valuable assortment of nodern Piano Forte and other Music, Musical In- sfrnroents, & c. Ae. k tale to commence in the Evening at C o'clock. ALSO, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. B. PAYNE, On Monday and Tuesday the 3d and Ith May, 1819, at his REPOSITORY, Hotel Street, Leicester, A Valuable assortment of modern and gen. teel household furniture, china, glass, Are. part the property of a GeNXLEMAN, who is re- moving to a distant residence. Further particulars in next weeks paper. Great Wiqston and Blaby ASSOCIATION, For the Prosecution of Felons, See. rpiIE next Annual Meeting; of the Members £ of the above Association, is appointed to be held at the Bull's Head Inn, in Blaby, on Monday the Drd day of May next, at 12 o'clock, at Noon, of which they are requested to take Notice. Dinner to be upon tlie Table precisely at One o'clock. IV. G. Oktacres, - Treasurer to the said Association. Kibwortli Beauchump, ) April 21st, 181!). 1 Chirtticoou Forest Inelosure. rpHE Commissioners intend to meet at the [ Anchor Inn, Loughborough, on Monday, tbe seventeenth lay of May next, to proceed in the execution of she Act for the said Inelosiire, and, on Thursday, tlie twentieth of Mav, the Proprietors and other person* interested in the same Inclostire, are requested to attend at the AnchoiTnn, aforesaid, in order that the Commissioners may then lay be- fore them the state of the concern. - o t John Cradnck. 5 3 Leo : Piddoche. Loughborough, 22( 1 Aoril, 1819. A JI Notice to Creditors. LL Persons who have any claim or de maud whatsoever, upon the Estate and Effects-" f thc late Mr. William Miles, ate re- quested to meet the Executors, at Mr. Henry ^ ililes's, of OSOATHORPE, on WEDNESDAY, THE ftth May, 1819, in order that the same may be discharged. Osgathorpe, April 21, 1819. To Debtors and Creditors. ALL persons > o whom the la. te THOMAS FULSHAVV, of Kirkby Mallory, in the county ot Leicester, glazier, stood indebted at his decease, are requested to send their accounts to Mr. James llrookca. of Croft, in the said county, or to the nfft e of Messrs LowniiA. il and GREAVES, Attornies, , Leicester, that the - ame may be forthwith examined and discharged ; and all persons standing indebted to the Estate of the said Thomas Fulsliaw, are requir- ed immediately lo pay their respective debts t- j the eaid James Btookes Leicester, 15th April, 1819. Ip the Press, and, speedily will he published, r JMIE ART of MIDWIFERY made easy. In 3o- l which the pretended mysteries of a- new Doctrine of Metastasis, are reconciled to cases « f daily obstetrical occurrence ; and the most tedious, and hillterto entm^ d un » « turpi labours expedited by a few simple manoeuvres.-'* « . The whole adapted to the level of the menn- csrcapacily, and this antient and important art completely stripped of all paiade- of system and false learning. By ail Eminent Accoucheur. ..—' Mr. Pearson's Sale. ( FRIDAY the 23rd instant,) MP, KING will this Day sell the remain- ing part of the handsome HouseholdFur- uiture, together with the whole of the beautiful Paintings Prints, and Books ; an I on MONDAY the Warehouse Fixtures ; and on TUESDAY, at the Lynches Farm, the Implements of Husbandry, and Brickmaking Materials. The Sale of the Warehouse Fixtures will com- mence at 2 o'clock. 3.1 L E I C- E S T E It 8 II I R E. YBSTRACT of the Treasurer's Accounts, of Receipts anel Expenditures, for one Y°: r, from Easter Session, 1818, inclusive ; to Easter Session, 1819, exclusive: published in Pursiumce of the Act 66 Geo. III. cap. 51. Section 18. Dr RECEIPTS. THE TREASURER TO Balance of last Years Accounts.. Conntv Rates received ........ Rents received Receiver General of Customs for Corn etnrns Fines for False Balances, c .. Earningsof Prisoners, & Profits ofTra e, & c. for one j ear in House of Correction £. S 474 7 9449 18 5 0 10 110 d. 8| 3 0 0 10 EXPENDITURES 392 WHEREAS a Commission of Bankrupt is a 1 arded and issued against JOHN PEARSON, now or late of Leicester, Commission Agent, Dealer, and Chapman, and he being de- clared a 15 ink nipt, is hereby required to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the said Commis- sion named, or the major part of them, on the 17th and 21th days- of April instant, and on the 25th day of May next, at 10 .11 the for noon on each day, at Guildhall, London, and liake a full discovery and disclosure of his estate a.. d eliects, when and where his Creditors are to come prepared to provt- their debts, and at the. second sitting to cliuse Assignees, and at the last sitting the said Bankrupt is required to tinish his examination, and the Creditors are to assent to or dissent fiom the allowance of Ins certi- ficate. All persons indebted to the said Bankrupt, or that have any of his eliects, are 1101 to pay or de liver the same but to whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but giv notice to Messrs. Alcoek and Hall, Solicitors, - kipton, Yorkshire ; or Mr Bever- ley, 3, Garden Court. I male London. TURNPIKE ROAD, From Market. liar oroug 1. to Covntry. Notice is hereby given, R~|~ MI AT a general meeting of the Trustees for putting into execution the \ cts of Parlia rpent made for repairing, widening, and amending the Turnpike Road leading from Market Haborouah 111 the cunntv of Leicester, through Lutterworth, in the said county, to the city of Coventry, w ill be held at'the house of Aon Elston, the Hind Inn, in Lutterworth, on Mondav the 3rd day of May next. Dated the 12th day of April, 1819. James Morpott, Clerk to the said Trustees. 32 IS oj BY Repairs at Gaol, Castle, & c. ... Expences of Gaol:— Bread for Prisoners :— Chaplain :— Surgeon : — Gaoler:— Salarv. < ic -— Expences of Bridewell:— Bread for Prisoners:— Keeper and his As- sistant :— Materials for Trade, tec. Conveyanceof Offenders to Gaol and Bridewell ....". Expences attending apprehend- ing several Felons 29 16 Prosecutions of Felons 157t> 18 Clerk of the Peace, Fees, 99 1 Coroners, for Journies aud tak- ing Inquisitions Repairs of Bridges, aud Survey- ors Salary Castle Keeper, Salary, Livery, Ac. Inspectors of Markets for Corn Returns. Inspectors of Weights and Bal- ances, anil for Measures purchased Poor Prisoners in King's Bench and Fleet Prisons - • Maintenance and Passing of Va- Cr. d. 5 1271 6 8 516 10 3 09 2 10 84 6 0 179 19 82 13 23 10 0 210 8 20 0 0 Ul ,088 10 3 095 2 11 -—— Payments to Spital Poor 14 6 0 Extra for carrying Soldier's Bag- 3 9 - - Advertising, Printing, and Sta- 00 IS 8 — - Chief Constables for their charges and in lien of Fees 700 0 0 Expences of Bridewells at Mel- ton, Hinckley, acc. ... ....... 10 7 1 Separate Account for Gaol .... 20 0 0 j Like Account for New House of Correction 3049 1 » 8 Like Account for the Judges Lodgings I'O 1 0 Treasurers Salary too 0 0 487 IS 11 £ 10,088 10 3 To received from the Coiiuty Rates. GAOL ACCOUNT, 24th GEO. ILL CAP. 64. £ 20 d. 0 By Mrs. E. M. Simons, two Year's T11- teiest of £ 200, due Lady- day, 1819, NEW HOUSE OP CORRECTION ACCOUNT, 24th GEO. III. CAP. 65. £ s. d. To received from the County Rates.. S019 10 8 £ 3049 10 8 d. 20 0 0 £ e. d. Bv Messrs. Harrison and Martin, re- mainder of their Contract, for Biiiid- ing New House of Correction..., 110 0 Ditto, for extra Work at ditto.... 125 13 - Sibson & Co. for the like at ditto 49 9 F. and A. Lacey, for Locks, & c. at ditto..., 208 0 P. T. Lang, forextra Work at ditto 17 9 Thomas Saft'ord and others, for AVork at Mill 821 4 6 Principal of fifteen Securities, of £ 109 each, borrowed towards the building of New HonseofCorrection 1500 0 0 Interest of Monies borrowed.... 125 0 0 £ 3049 16 .8 JrBf. ES LODGING! ACCOUNT, 68th GEO. III. To received of Thomas Freer, Esq. 011 eight Securities — Received of Miss C. E. Hodges, on one Security. ... — Received of" Miss M Hodges, on oneditto —^ Received from the County Rates d. 4000 0 0 500 0 0 500 140 £ 5140 1 0 By Tlios. Freer, Esq. for the Purchase of the Hotel Building 3150 -— Ditto for one Year's Interest of the Purchase Money Clerk of the Peacero » account of Expenses for obtaiuing Act of Par- liament —— Mr. Harrison and others, 011 ac- count of Repairs ....",-........... "- R. and S. Bray, for Annuity, charg- ed upon Hotel ...... — Two Year's Insurance upou same Half a Year's Interest.......... £. s. d. 0 0 157 10 0 300 ,0 0 1189 1 6 7 10 0 17 0 0 25 0 0 £ 5140 1 0 20th April, 1819 - Tlie Accounts, of which the above are Abstracts, were Audited by GEO: POCHIN. J. KING. it TO BE LET, And ma>! Le entered upon immediately, ' Or at Midsummer next, AN excellent set of warehouses well calcn- for the hosiery business, and hitherto vned for that purpose, situate in the Silver Street, and lately occupied by Mr. Pratt. The rent is very moderate. To treat for the same, apply to Mr. FOWLEII, Sur- geon, High Street, Leicester. Rutland Street, leicester. LO' TO BE LET, e* With immediate possession, \ LL that substantial new erected messuage or tenement, with the outbuildings, gard- en, a » d appurtenances adjoining thereto, late in the occupation ot Mr. William Chamberlupne. Also, the capital warehouse adjoining, late in the occupation of Messrs. Chamberlayne and Rawhnson kosiers. Vpylr to Mr. THOMAS HOIIAER, LEICESTER, « r & T the offices of Mr. SiiMn. ^ oV.- Uar, iiin:! jly> tfiacH^, Aj> r> l 1- Ufc. L%- J. HENFllKY, " t. tch and Clock Manufacturer, House Bell Hanger, 4' e- RFOS to offer his grateful Acknowledg- ments to the T. adics and Gentlemen of the ' low: and County of Leicester, and the Public in go eral, for the vcrv distinguished Patronage and • iip'- ort lie has experienced, during his long lesi- lence ill Leicester ; and respectfully informs them, he has removed from th" Hay Market, to the HOUSE late'v occupied bv Mr. He/ ford, Slioe- malar, opposite the ASSEMBLY ROOMS. Hotel Street, where he hopes bva strict attention to every department of his Bu- siness, to be worthy of any preference which may be shewn him. Onld and Silver Watches, of the best qualitv, on the lowest terms; Church Clocks to Ol der, made suitable to situations; also, Spring Clocks, of the newest fashion, and finest workmanship. Plate, Gold Rings, Jewellery. *}' c. N. B. An Apprentice wanted. SWAN WICK COA L. ARLOW respectfully informs the public _ _ that he is appointed sole Agent for the saleof Svvanvviek Coal at Leicester, and its vicinity. To prevent imposition a fled Ticket will be sent with the above. N. B. A regular supply of fresli Breedon Lime as usual. GENUINE TEA COMPANY, 23, Ludgate Hill, London: M. nd S. FREER, fo the Gentlemen, Vlergy, and Freeholders of the County of Leicester. NOTICE IS H EREBY G- iVKN, rjMI AT at my next County Court to be hold- i. en at the Castle of Leicester, on Thurs- day. the ( ith day of May next, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, I shall proceed to the Election of a Coroner for this County, in the place of Mr. THOMAS FREER, who has resigned that Oiiice. I a Thomas Sdnsome, Esij. '* T S. tEKlFF. Sheriff's Office, Leicester, 20tb April, 1819. X TO THE Nobility, Gentry, Clergy, ami others. Free holders of the County of Leicester. MY LORDS AND GENTLEMEN, THE office of Coroner for this County having become vacant by the resignation ef Mr. Freer, I beg leave to offer myself as a Candidate to succeed Mm, and most respectfully solicit your Votes and Interest on the occasion. Should I be so fortunat" as to be through your approbation elected to the office. I will endeavour to shew the high sense I entertain of your kindness, by a faithfvl discharge of its duties. I have the honor to be. My Lords an'l Gentlemen, Your vert) obedient humble Servant, ' (- HAS 1 MEREDITH. Leicester, April 22, 1819. ^ jnHE Public are respectfully informed the J^ Partnership between .1 and W SHENTON of Leicester, is this day dissolved In mutual consent, and that the trade in future will be carried on by each separately. • Joshua Shenton. Az* Wm- Shenton. WITNESS, M BARSBY. Lei- ester, 9' 1! April, 1819. RETURN their sincere Thanks to the In- habitants of this Town and Neighbour- hood, for the Encouragement they have met with, as Agents to the above Company, and inform them they continue to have Weekly Supplies of the under mentioned GENUINE TE^ jS— and from the high Reputation the Teas have acquired throughout the Metropolis, and 111 nearly two hundred Towns in the Kingdom. M. and S. FREER are impressed with the ut- most confidence in recommending the Teas to the further Notice of the Publii, arid hope to ensure their permanent Patrouage^ f The Company's Teas are packed in I. ead Cases, ( without extra charge,) in Pounds, Half Pounds, and Quarters, and the printed Price affixed on each Pareel, via:— J. JOHN TEEAR, CHEMIST AND DRUGSIST, Humherstone Gate, Leicester. RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that lie has re- opened the shop lately occupied by Mr. ARBOTT, where he iu- tends carrying on the above business, and hopes by strict attention to merit their commands. Leicester, 22d April. ' • Iri F Mr. William Hicks, of Stratford upon X Avon, in the county of Warwick, does not take away a Brown Gelding ( left by ^ iim at the Three Crow ns Inn Leicester, an the 3i d of March last,) on or before Thursday the 0th of May next, the same will be sold to dteray Expenses. Leicester, 22d April, 1819. FEVER INSTITUTION. \ T a Meeting of the Special Committee held this day, It was Resolved, That a General Meeting of the Governors of the Infirmary and Fever House of Recovery, be called on Monday, the 20th instant, at the Infirmary, at 12 o'clock to receive the report of the Special Commit- tee, appointed to obtain plans and estimates of the proposed Buildings, and to take such measures thereupon as may be deemed expedient. 1 U • II. !). Erskine, CHAIRMAN. Leicester. April 12 1819. FEVER INSTITUTION. Subscriptions received. F « Exhibition ofPictnres. Ji » ft Mr. Bryt^ Mii.,..,,.,,,..,^. J I i BL\ CK. s d Genuine Congou ... 0 0 Strong ditto 7 0 Strom: Souchong. .. 80 Fine ditto ........ 10 0 Sugars of the best Qualities. Bond Street, Leicester, April 21, 1819. GREEN. Sbiglo. Supci iorTwankay Company's Hysou..) 0 6 Fine Hv' 011 .12 0 s d 7 0 8 0 Mr. STERNBERG, JUN. Piano- Forte Tuner, and Regulator, from Messrs. Brnadicood's Manufactory, Great PnltnevStreet, Golden Square, LONDON; RESPECTFULLY informs the Nobility, Gentry, & e. of Leicestershire, he purposes being at the W hite Hal t Inn, Leicester, ( oil his quarterly visit) 011 or about the 28th instant, when all additional orders addressed to him there will be punctually attended to. Mr. S. has the following second hand Piano- foi tes on sale :-— Cabinet Piano foi te ( ly H'ornum) quite equal to new, only been lent to hire three months £ 45 0 0 Horizontal Grand Piano- forte^ by Uroud- wood) 35 0 0 Ditto Ditto ( Stedard) .. 35 0 0 Square Piano- forte ( by Tirmhinson ) equal to new, elegant cas-, pillar legs, grand piano touch, & c.. ; 31 10 0 Ditto ( by ditto) pillar legs and plain case, .." go 0 0 Organized Piano forte, 17 0 0 If not approved of at'ter trial will be exchanged gratis New Piano- forte's ( Broaitwopds . Isold, and if not approved at'ter 12 months trial ; Mr. S. will exchange gratis. A liberal allowance for old one? W exchange, Micep Street, Nort, h. tii| pt: it:, Ap. d £ 0, J> 13. Wanted, AN Apprentice to a Linen and WooMek) Draper. Enquire of Messrs. JACKSO>^ Market place, Leieester. IJEJCESTEI FRIDAY. APRIL 23, 1819. M A RR1 E D. On Tuesdav Inst, at Kirby Mallory, by tl » Re-.',' W. Pemble, Thomas Adnutt. Guit. of Markfteld, to| Amy, eldest danghterof the late John Lea, Gent ' ot' Ratby, both ill this county. D I E D. On Monday lart, Samuel Farrow, Gent, of Lough- borough. Yesterday, highly respected by all who Vtiew her, Mrs. Throsby, wife of Mr, Tlirosby, saddler, oi'Loughborough. , Exchange. Leicester. April' 19, 1819. )\ T a meeting of the Churchwardens, Guar- \ dians, and Overseers of the Poor of the several parishes in Leicester, convened by the Mayor and I\ lae/ isirates. Resolved— That 111 the opinion ofthis meet- ing the bill for amending the law relating to the settlement of the poor is a partial measure, cal- culated to relieve country parishes exclusively, to the disadvantage and at the expense of the manufacturing and populous towns. Resolved— That the said bill, will in the opin- ion of this meeting, be highly injurious to Lei- cester, by making many thousand of settle- ments beyond those which would - otherwise be acquired and consequently that it will greatly increase the burthen of the poor's rates. Resolved-— That it is the duty of every owner and occupier of property in Leicester, pay ing poor's rates, to use bis utmost exertions to pre- veif ti. e said bill from passing into a law. Resolved-— That petitions be presented to both Houses of Parliament against the said bill, anil that the petition now read be adopted, as em bodying the sentiments of this meeting. Resolved— That the petition lie for signatures at the Tow n Hall, for a few days. Resolved— That the Members for the Borough be requested to present the petition 1o the House of Commons, and to give it their sup- port; and that tUe Lord Lieutenant of the County be requested to present und support the petition to the House of Lords. Resolved— That copies of the petition, and of these resolutions be sent to the Members for the County, and that they he earnestly requested to support the same Resolved— That these resolutions and a copy of the petition b^ ctfculated in hand bills, anil advertised in the Leicester papers. Resolved - That the Magistrates be requested to forw ard copies of these resolutions and peti- tion to such places as they shall think fit. JAMES J^ ANKART, MAYOR, ( COPY OF THE PETITION) To the Honorable the Commons, ef the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in Parliament assembled. The humble petition of the Churchwardens, Guardians, Overseers of the Poor, and other In- habitants of the Borough of Leicester, whose names are subscribed. Sheueth, That your pstit^ opers are deeply interested in the bill now befiOre your Honourable House for amending the laws relating to the settle- ment of the poor." That your petitioners are sensible of the grievous pressure of the poor rates, and of the difficulty of legislation upon this important subject, and your petitioners would not there- fore be disposed to hazard objections upon slight or frivolous grounds, but the provision that settlements may be gained simply by three years residence, seems to your petitioners tobe so pregnant with evil to Leicester, and all other manufacturing and populous towns, that your petitioners would hold themselves deficient in duty, did they not solicit the earnest attention of your Honourable House to the subject. Your petitioners are alive to the distress which removals after long absence, to distant, and as it were strange places some time's occa- sion, and they can well appreciate the benevo- lenee by which this evil would be relieved or re- moved, but your petitioners can see no resem- blance to such a case ill instances where the residence of parties in the removing parish- has continued for only three years ;— a period w hich can scarcely have been sufficient to form new habits or acquaintances, much less to have ob- literated all regard to those associated with for- mer settlements. In objecting to this provision, therefore, your petitioners do not see that they ore " violating any feelings of humanity, or that theycon be justly char'gable with insensibility to the comforts of the poor. Your petitioners can see no other principle by which this measure can be either justified or palliated, for as a measure of relief they conceive that it does no- thing; having no tendency whatever to dimin- ish the quantum of public burthen or to prevent the evil of litigation, but rather increasing the chances of both. That it will transfer numerous settlements from Villages to the County Towns, and thus operate exclusively to the disadvant- age of large and populous places is obvious, and it is upon this ground your petitioners feel themselves aggrieved. Y'our petitioners are al- ready burthened with the maintenance of a ve- ry large proportion of manufacturing poor, and if the above bill should pass into a law, your petitioner- scan fix no limit to the incre ise of poor parishioners, or to the consequent distress which must ensue. The opulent and more al ! 6 payers of rates will necessarily abandon the tow n, and the master manufacturers will even- tually reside in the villages, thus leaving to Lei cester a consolidated population of persons needing relief, and none able to supply it. Your petitioners most earnestly beseech your Honourable House to take these objections and partial effects into your serious consideration, and they humbly pray thai liis saiU l| i! l t » ay j no! pats Into a Uuv. A meeting of the Churchw ardens, Ganrdlnns, and Overseers of the poor of the several parishes in this town, was conversed by the Mayor and Magistrates on Monday last, to deliberate rn the " Bill for amending the Law relating to tho settlement of the Poor." Several resolutions were ente> ed into, and a Petition to the Legit, latnre drawn tip and agreed to, which is iuseitu ed in this page. On Tuesday morning last about half past 4 o'clock, as the Telegraph Coach, going upwards, was entering the Gallowtree Gate, ( and a short distance from the Three Cranes Inn, its place ot destination) it was upset by the breaking nf the nxletree:— the Guard was seriously hurt, but • lie Passengers escaped without material injury. Two accidents occurred in the Market- piece yesterday morning in the short space of a few minutes, the horse of one of the Privates of tho Ith Dragoon Guards, during parade, reared up and fell backwards upon bis rider, w ho was in- inred, but 110 bones broken ; a Boy passing through the passage bv the Lion and Lamb . on horseback, about the same time, the horse slip- ped down, and in the fall the boys leg was bro- ken. He was taken immediately to the In- frmary. At the County Sessions held during the pre- sent week, the following Piisoners took tlieli"- trials, and w » re severally sentenced as under: — In the County Gaol.— Thomas Beggs aud James Gamble, chaiged with having stolen a quanti- ty of wheat) to be transported for seven years j two were acquitted and one discharged. In the County Bridewell.— James Burton, charged with deserting his family nnd leaving them chargeable upon the palish of Hathern, and John Dennis with running away and leaving hi* wife nnd family chargeable upon the parish of Loughborough, each to be imprisoned C months and kept to hard labour; Henry Steward and James Gregory, with liming extorted money under a false pretence and begging wiih afalse. petition, and other acts of Vagrancy tobeim- prisoned 1 ntil next Sessions, and kept to hard labour; John Read, with an assault, tobe im prisoned three months and kept to hard labrtsr ; Benjamin Glover, with beating and otherwise ill treating an infant child, which he was ad- judged to be the putative father of. John Stirk, with assaulting the constable of Sileby when in the execution ofhis office, and Wm. Scarbrow, with running away and leaving bis family chargeable upon the parish of Oadby, each to be imprisoned one month and kept to hard la- bour; John Cory the elder, charged with an assault upon the Headborough of Wallcott, when in the execution of his office, to be im- prisoned 14 days, and John Cory the younger, for the same offence, to be imprisoned 6 weeks end kept to hard labour. Ten were continued and 16 discharged. The following . lamentable instance of the consequences resulting front the. careless use of fire- arg^ s, occur red at Bristol on Saturday week: two respectable youths called at Mrs. Wilkin- son's, gunsmith. in St. Thomas- street, and upon asking to look at some pistols, one w as handed to them, which unfoitunately happened to Le loaded with ball. One of the young gentlemen, after lookii.: into the pan, and being satisfied that there was no powder in it, pulled the trig- ger, when the ball struck Mrs. V\ iliianrson in ths breast, and caused her immediate death.—. A coroner's inquest was held on the body, ar. d the Jury, after investigating the evidence, with* out hesitation, returned a \ erdict of— actidtnilil death. ADDRESS to SPRING. QUEEN of the Youthful Year again Thy genial banners a e unfurled ; Thy breath dissolves the icy chain That fetters dow n the frozen world; Arrays again the leafless tree, And clothes the lately- withered lea! Now, faintly howling o'er the bill, The northern blast retiies away; And, purling, now 1 hear the rill, Whose music swells from every spray. Ah ! ' tis the genuine" note of glee, As wakening verdure paints the lea l Why to mine e\ es doth opening Spring Appear more lovely than the last? Why sweeter do the warblers sing Than those which sung 111 Aprils past.? Or why, more sportive, gay, and free* Frisks the young lambkin o'er the leaf Ali! ' tis been use life's wasting hours, Have lately passed on yonder deep ; Where oft the moaning tempest iow'rs, And bursts with many a deathful sweep; Nor e'er is heard upon the sea, That melody which charms the lea! ' Neath this lone shade w here silence reigftf, I musing pass my hours away ; Life's busy hum, its giiefsand pains, Unknown as here I time my lay. The whispering breezes speak to me, And reason as they fan the lea! Of 1.1' ethey teli this mournful tale, That infancy and youth are fled; That manhood's pow'rsal length must f. il; That age shall mix Die with the dead No change of season then I'll see, but shrouded sleep beneath the lea! New Church in St. Margarets' Parish* ADDITIONAL SUBSCRIPTION P. Sir C T Palmer, Bart £ 10 10 0 1 F Turner, Esq 10 10 O Mrs W illiam Paies 10 10 f> Mrs Hubbard ' 10 10 (• Miss Fisher, St. Morgan is..,. 10 0 » Rev Mr Browne, Hoby, 10 10 0 Rev Mr Easton, Barren 10 0 0 Mr Thomas Wood 5 5 0 Mr F Ball 5 5 0 Mr Dal ton 2 2 0 Rev Mr Evans, Shwteil 1 1 O FA IRS. April 20— Loughborough, Beibrpcghton, Teat :- r, Broseley, Iron Actou, Atdiove*, I}: stock —.— 57— Palttpgh- im. DoritOTie — Ha- B. T, t~~ J•> : r, I/ tC'^ iri. i Leicester Journal, and Midtortd Coutities General Advertiser. The ' ZEl',; YK and the HOSE. In the garden of Venus a red Rose grew, As sweet as a morning in Slav ; But the sun beams lit-. d -. Irani; ail her exquisite And left her, alas! lot! - ay. [ dew, A Zephyr, • long in his covert had lain, Asthei iger . ivane'd stole out, He dane'd with tho gossamers over the plain, And fanu' i them in ether about He saw the s d looping as near her lie flew, And skipp'ii lonnd her withering stem; Then the sal t air of ev'niiig he over her blew, And deck'd her witli many a gem. As lovely again did ap. icartliered Rose, As when iu her earliest bloom; To the Zephyr she gave, as he sank to repose, All the sweets of her luscious perfume. ' Tis thus with a Maiden, whese tremulous breast Of Love the first symptom betrays ; If neglected she droops— but if kindly earest, Is happy the rest flier dAys! TO- MORROW. How sw eet to the heart is the thought ofTo- morrow, When hope's fairy pietu- cs bright colours display! How sweet, • hen we can from futurity borrow A balm for the griefs that afflict us to- day. When wearisome sickness has taught me to languish For health and ihc comfort it bears on its wing, Lot me hope ( oh I how soon it will lessen my an- guish) That to- morrow will ease and serenity bring. When travelling alone, quite forlorn, nuhefrierided, Sweet the hope that to- merrovv my wandering will cease. That at home, th - n, with care sympathetic attended, I shall rest unmolested, and slumber iu peace. Or when from the friends of my heart long divided, The fond expectation with joy how replete! That from far distant regions, by Providence guided, To- morrow will see us most happily meet. When six days of labour, each other succeeding, With hurry aud tod have my spirits oppress'd, Wh it pleasure to think, as the last is receding, To morrow will be a sweet Sabbath of rest. And when the vain shadows of time are retiring, When- life is fast Heeling, and death is insight, The Christian, believing, exulting, expiring Beholds a to- morrow of endless delight. Cut, the Infidel, then !— he sees no tomorrow ! Yet he knows t.' iat his moments are hastening away;— Poor wretch! can he feel without heart rending sorrow, That his joys aud his life will expire with to- day: TO THE EDITOR. Game Laics. No person under the degree of an Esquire, hi/ right, can appoint a gamekeeper over his la nds ; 22 and 23 C. 11. As qualified men are some times intercepted by men calling them- selves ( famekeepers, and whose employers do not possess above thirty or forty acres of land, I l » eg to give this information to all who are as foad of the sports of the field as A Spoilsman. UNITED ST A TES. To those who look with seriousness upon the affairs of the political world, it is of much in, ire importance t > trace the operation of good priii teifrles. than to mark the glaring, but transito- ry changes whi h some admire, and some fear too much : and it is particularly important to every man who feels as a citizen of tbe world, that good principles should strike root among the trans- Atlantic part of tbe family of man.— The United States are in progress to become a great power. The increase of her population, the abundant employment for it which her com- merce and agriculture afford : the reinforce- ments she is receiving, not only of physical strength, but of knowledge and art from Eu- rope, together with the natural magnificence, variety, and extent of her territory, must con- duit her to greatness. She must have not only the superior command in her own quarter of the globe, bi t also considerable influence in European politics, and she must have it quick- ly. For the case of the empire of the United States is totally different fiotn that of the old states of Europe. They had to commence from infancy: she has had her start from manhood. They all rose together from the mass of barbar- ism, deriving but scanty and slow aids from each other: America took her rise from > e country which bad already distanced the rest of Europe in Knowledge, liberty, " enterprise, and refinement. Her civil constitution bad not to grow up by tedious process, nor to sustain doubtful assaults. She bad not to furnish mar- tyrs either to civil or religious liberty. Her laws were received ready framed, and she ac- quired at once the benefits of the concentrated lights of the sages of jurisprudence, which, for ages, had l> een shining to a perfect day When s! i i began to exist as a state, she began her be- ing under a Protestant system of religion, the parent of liberty, morals, industry, and national strength, and bad not to rouse herself from the t - i'porarid lethargy, the corroding canker, the silent sap of the strength of nations which Pop- ery has ever been, and of which Catholic states are every where the examples. She was, there- fore, from the lirst, prepaied to receive all the benefit ofthe transmission of tbe improvements of Europe, She is little dependent upon her own authors, for tlk: books of the world flow, into her libraries; she is as little dependent upon native genius and invention, for the sci- ence and new arts of Europe are immediately 1 transmitted to her shores, and nothing is left but for her lo niake them known, and turn them to her advantage. As her rise has, from cir- cumstances, been rapid, so her progress must continue. In fact, she litis rather risen, and continues to rise, by being impelled upwards by the confluence of favourable circumstances, than advanced by her own energies It would be ridiculous to lament all this. It arises from circumstances which no power could arrest, and which no power ought to arrest, had it the ability. America must be great: but it depends upon herself to turn that greatness lo her own advantage, and that of tbe world. For she is not out of the reach of danger, or rather she is place I in the very mouth of it, by the conduct and principles of nb small part of her popula- tion. With ail the advantages America has de- rived from her intercourse with Europe, they have not been received without concomitant evils. Her republicanism prepared tbe mass of her people, violent and ignorant, like tbe populace of every other country, to receive the inoculation of European jacobinism. Their besoming parties to France and Bonaparte, operated with them as with tbe lowest of our factious, to blunt the sense of right and wrong applied to public aiiairs, and to raise a pas- sionate and malignant enmity to the old govern- ments of Euiope, and to none more than our own, because to us alone waa tiic interruption tif the destructive march of military jacobinism owing. The emigrations from Europe have been, in a vast number of instances, of per- sons rendered hostile to their own governments by the spirit of democracy, and, in. nlanv, ot men of no principle; infidels in religion ; jaco- bins in politics; tyrants in temper; broken in fortune ; and black with hatred of the country they were unworthy of. Many of these were, how ever, men of activity and plausible talents, ( so much the worse for the country they have empoisoned,) and not a few of them have got possession ofthe American press, and have at once secured themselves, gratified their own malignancy, and corrupted the American pop- ulace, by ministering to their worst passions.— The general character of America has, in pro- portion, suffered. There w as in tbe days of Washington, and preceding them, much of tbe spirit of the English gentry ; a nobleness and honour, which, though by no means now ex- tinct, are neither so apparent nor so influen- tial. It is not at all surprising, that the pros- pects now so tempting to American ambition should be too much for the genera! virtue. Pub- lic principles and morality have been dreadful- ly shaken and enervated, and the power of re- sistance diminished. If the good principles which remain should acquire new vigour, then the rising greatness of Amcrica may be equally beneficial to herself and to the world. Of this we regret to remark no symptoms. All file appearances seem ra- ther to indicate that they are not quite extinct, than that they are in healthy action. But the increase of the spirit of democracy, in the form in which it has long existed, affords no prospect of solid mid durable advantage to America.— ' I hey may give her temporary advantages, for who does not derive immediate advantage from roguery ? That honesty is the best policy, is a maxim which is only true as it takes in the ul- timate result, aud rogues are too short- sighted to look at that. The felon docs not, at first, pick up tbe haltci ; he picks up the money. Thus it is with nations. The immediate ad- vantages arising from a disregard of truth and justice, of bright and daylight proceeding, will dazzle an unprincipled populace : but the prin- ciples of a bad public policy have a fearful re- action upon domestic principles and interests, lay tbe foundation of internal disorder and cor- ruption, and, by an irresistible retribution, produce internal dissentions and weakness, which, at length, prostrate every country before some other rising and oppressed state. The very progress of the American States, if not bound up, in the process of advancement, by the firm bonds, the natural tonics of honour and integrity, is but a sw ifter progress to wretch- edness and dissolution. IMPORTANT TRIAL FOR SEDITION. CHESTER SPRING ASSIZES, APP. tl- 15, 1819. Before Serjeants Copley and Marshall. The King, versus J. Johnson, S. Drumnyind, and J. Bagnley, for Sedition. THE CHARGE. That the Prisoners, with others, did unlaw- fully conspire, assemble, incite, and stir up cer" fain individuals against the Government and Constitution, at a meeting beld Hear to Stock- port, on the 1st of September last, at which were present from 3000 to 4000 people assembled, under a pretence of petitioning Parliament for a Reform in tbe Commons House of Parliament. That the three prisoners mounted on a stage to address the people, derided monarchy, recom- mended to go with arms to obtain what they had demanded, nnd recommended a National Convention. If they do not attend to the peti- tion, you are to consider the Nation as your Re- presentatives, that they should arm themselves against the tyrants, and use force to force. The Attorney General stated the charges against the prisoners, with great candour aud liberality. Seven witnesses were examined on behalf of tbe Prosecution, namely, Mr. William Boul- ter, ( certainly nbe ofthe best evidences we ever beard .-) Mr. John Livesay, Mr. John Horatio Lloyd ( who stated the facts which had come to his knowledge with great perspicuity,) Mr. Ramskirk, Mr. James Coppack, Mr. Ralph Fogg, and Sir. Thomas Robinson. Their testimony disclosed one of Hie most ag- gravated cases of conspiracy and sedition, that ever claimed the attention of a Jury. The ha- rangues of these inob orators were made lo about 5000 people, at a place called Saudy Brow, near Stockport, and they bad chosen a period when the spinners and weavers were " off" for wages, to forward their insidious and revolut. onary schemes. They were mounted on V age, eight or nine feet high. A man named Harrison, was the Chairman ; be declared ( in his opening speech) the people of England as being run down at the point of cavalry swords and Cnstlereagh bayonets; be invited tlie mob to petition for a redress of their grievances, and if not successful iu that way, to obtain their rights by force. Baguley then stepped forw ard. He reprobated the apathy of the people, eulo- gized Tom Paine, and abused the Magistrates. He said a National Conv ention should be form- ed, modelled from that of France—, hat tbe whole country should proceed with petitions to London ; tlnut the Delegates should not wait ( br the tedious forms of the House of Commons, but go directly to the Speaker's chair, and insist on their demands being granted ; if they w ere not attended to, the Convention was then to act. and the existing Government be destroyed !— Johnson said the men nt Derby had been mur- dered ; and that Government had v. i ittcn to the Clergymen of that county, who bad packed a Jury to convict them. He added, " O ! that I had a sw ord large enough to strike off the heads ofaUtejiints;" and gave the names of Lords " SlumOTtli and Custlereagh, and Mr. Canning, whom he termed " rascals."— He observed be was fearless of consequences, and begged he might be particularly understood, for he would say it fearlessly, that whenever an opportunity offered he would blowout their bruins, and be would as Boon do so as get bis dinner and a bot- tle of wine with it I He then recommended the weavers not to go to work nt the old wages, and told tlicui if they were not satisfied in their de- mands, to burn their looms I Sooner than return lo work, he said, be would rob, and plunder, aye, even murder ; and put a pistol to the head, if he died on tbe gallow s! John Horatio l. loyd stuJent at Oxford, was at the meeting; 3000 and upw ards of people were there; saw Harrison in the chair: Baguley and Drummond. Harrison ( irst addressed the meet- ing; Baguley spoke afterwards; and then Druiumoud took minutes ( produced them to the Court.) Harrison spoke of the doctrine of re- sistance; Drunimoud spoke of mal- adniinistia- tion of Government, increase of the National Debt only to support the Royal Family ; Drum- inond continued, " We have now not only one Tyrant, but we have Commons, Lords, and Kings." Baguley said," 1 can rioiny duty. whe- ther by sword in band or otherwise. Drummond stigmatised the masters of factories? Rouse yourself Jfroin this pernicious lethargy. This was tiie last time they would meet to disenss tho question ; the next time they mii'st act— Liberty or Dealb. Johnson began in a violent manner, nnd spoke loudly; spoke of his long imprison- ment, and the next time they came must be with • swords in their hands.— Oh I that 1 had a sword large enough to strike off the beads of all the tyrants in the land. Some I will name, Castie- reagh, Sidmouth, and Canning. The prisoners called no witness in their de- fence; but Mr. Williams, their Counsel, spoke 2 hours and - 15 minutes. The Chief Justice summed up in a most im- partial and masterly manner. His Lordship observed, the question was entirely one of fact— and he entreated the Jury to dismiss from their minds all prejudice against the prisoners, and give their verdict on the evidence only. The Jury, in less than a minute, found the Prisoners— GUILTY. MEMOIRS OF KOTZEBUE. M. Kotzcbue, was the son of a Counsellor of Legation of tbe Duchy of Weimar. Having be- come at the age of 20, private secretary to Ge- neral Baur, one of the best informed military men of Russia, lie gained the good will of the Empress Catherine, for whom be composed some pieces which were acted at tbe theatre of the Hermitage. Induced by a romantic attachment, he married a Noble Russian Lady. He was quickly raised to the situation of President of the Civil Government at Revel in Esthonia, and to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, and was de- corated with the insignia of several orders. The independence of his principles caused him in 1795, to send in his resignation. He accepted in 1796, the oflice of manager of the theatre at Vienna, but was soon disgusted with a situation surrounded by embarrassments and unpleasant- ness. On his return to Russia, in the spring of 1800, he was arrested on the frontier of the em- pire, and conducted to Kurgan, a pretty little town in Siberia, where he enjoyed full liberty, and he caused bis pieces to be actcd by the in- habitants. His numerous friends soon removed all impressions against him from the mind of the Emperor, Paul I. and this Monarch recall- ed him to Court, and heaped favours on him,— Dining the lirst years of Alexander's reign, be travelled through France, Italy, and Germany, and afterwards, apparently, fixed his residence at Berlin, where he undertook the management of a Journal; but after some years. having given cause of displeasure to Bonaparte, he retired thence to a small estate which he possessed in Esthonia. Admiration and hatred did not fail to pursue him even to bis rural retreat. While tho thunders of the Moniteur, were hurled against him, tbe Agricultural Society of London sent him some farming implements, and the English Admiral, commanding in the Baltic, permitted the present of peace to pass unmo- lested. M. Kofzcbue took part in the manifestoes and diplomatic notes of the Russian Cabinet, published in 1811 and 1812. Tbe Emperor Alexander recompensed him by naming him at first, inl813, Consul General atKonigsberg; and afterwards, in 1816, by connecting him with the departments of Foreign Affairs, and Councillor of State. His delicate health not being suited to the climate of Russia. the Emperor permitted him, in the year 1817, to travel as much as he pleased in Germany, and at the same time pre- served for him all his appointments, on the sole condition of his sending a regular report on the state of literature and morals, atd on the politi- cal character of the country. Having received information of the fanatical rage excited against him in the Universities, he sent fo require bis passports to Russia, when be was prevented by assassination. He was but fifty- eight years old, although the public supposed him much older, from the numerous writings which he published ( lining the last forty years. He was twice mar- ried, and has left fourteen children ; the eldest of whom is a Captain in the Austrian Service; another son, M Otto de Kotzebue, in a Lieute- nant in the Russian Navy, and has already ren- dered himself remarkable by his voyage around the world- A third son, Maurice, an Officer iu the Russian Army, published some time ago an interesting account of the Russian Embassy in Persia, to which he was attached. Thus the talents of the children seem prepared to render the name as illustrious as it had been made by the father. The German Journals continue to express their feelings of horror and amazement at th ; horrible assassination, which ferocity and fanaticism have committed. | Club ; but lie killed the next 17, and missed the last bird. Mr. Keans had 17 to tie, IS to win; and lie was backed at 5 to 4, and nt 2 to I. after killing 11 birds in succession. He. however, missed the 12 and 13, and betting was even.— He also missed the 17th, and had fo kill the other four to win. He succeeded, and the prize was won by one bird. It was altogether the . most interesting match ofthi* sort known for years 4th ditto 5tb ditto 6lh ditto 7th ditto 6th ditto leiccster, April 19, 1819.— The Society of Florists held their Annual Spring Shew at the New Inn. The Prizes were adjudged as under :— 1st Green edged Auricula— Mr. Smalley— Strech's Alexander 2d ditto ditto — Mr. Gird— seedling, Fair Hibernia 3d ditto ditto -— Mr. Wolfe— Pri\ nicer ditto — Mr. Harley— Badajoz ditto — Mr. Smalley— Gorton's Champion ditto — Mr. Pearson— Gorton's Alexander ditto — Mr. Smailey— unknown ditto — Mr. Pearson— IlyderAlly 1st White Edged Auricula— Mr. Thornieraft — Incomparable 2d ditto ditto — Mr. Wolfe— Popple- well's Conqueror 3d ditto ditto — Mr. Pearson— Pillar of Beauty 1st Self— Mr. Smalley— Flora's Flag 2d ditto— Mr. Pearson— Seedling 3d ditto— Mr. Wolfe Seedling 1st Poly ant bus— Mr. Smallcy— Pearson's Alexander 2d ditto— Mr Pearson— Competitor 3d ditto— Mr. Gird— Park's Nelson 4th ditto— Mr. Smalley— Emperor 5th ditto - Mr. Car key— Sceptre Oth ditto— ditto — Seedling PIGEON MATCH. A grand Pigeon match between three Gen- tlemen of tbe Midgham Club against three of all England, has taken place on Farnham Downs, at 21 birds, 21 yards from the gun, for 150 guineas a side, charge u;, limited. Messrs. Adams, Russell, and Holt were se- lected from the Crack Club, against Messrs. King. Short, and Keans. The sports were as follows:— Mr. Adams killed 19 birds, and the remaining two were severely hit. Russell killed 18, but lost one three yards out of bounds, and Mr. Holt bagged 16, making a total of 52 from 63. The Club was at first backed to win, but tbe England shots w ere now backed freely at 6 to 4, as they were considered safe eighteen bird- men. Mr. King killed 20, but lost two out of bounds. Short missed bis 3 first birds, strange to relate, which broughi betting 2 to 1 oa tlie BANKRUPTS rr. OM SATURDAY'S GAZETTE. April 17 th. JHoyland, Knottir. glev, York, grocer W Heal, Bradford, M ilts, innkeeper C Brammer, Woodhouse, Hands worth, York, man mercer SDancliatt, Liverpool, merchant G F. lmer, Mistlev, Es « ex, merchant RMilnes, Mirfield, York, eoaj merchant J Mai tin, Saint Philip and Jacob, Gloucestershire druggist A I! Forbes, Bristol, draper J B Perkins, Carpenter's hall, London wall, iron monger T Bnrcher, Mitchell dean, Gloucestershire, timbe merchant J Roth well, now or late of Arnold, Nottinghamshire jobber E Collinson, Crooked lane, oil merchant A Aslat, late ofthe White Lion, Lambeth, but now a prisoner in the King's Bench, victualler C Hull, late of Silver street, Wood street, Londoi . and afterwards of Monevers street, Hoxton New Town, but now a prisoner iu the. King's Beuch ribbon manufacturer DIVIDENDS. From Tuesday1 s Gazette, April 13. AT GUILDHALL. May 1, S C Geraldes, Broad street buildings, merchant IN TIIE COUNTRY. April 24, J Mayhew, jnnr. St. Osytli, Essex miller, at the Bed Lion, Colchester May 7, J Eltonhead, Liverpool, spirit merch- ant, a't the George Inn, Liverpool 7, Tin- gall, Baw try, grocer, at ( be Itein Deer. Donoas- ter- - 5, T Adams and T Messiter, Bristol, mer chants, nt the White Hart Inn, Bristol 6, J Nash, Haverfordw est, linen draper. at ( he White Lion, Bristol 6. J i5 Hmithyman, Birming- ham, culler. at tbe Castle Inn, Bridgnorth ( 5, It Webb. Btcmyard, farmer, at lbe » Unicorn Inn, Worcester From Saturday's Gazette, April 17. AT GUILDHALL. May 11, J Pratt, Kennington, surgeon 8, J Bnttersby, Lower Sbadwcll, shipowner— C O Btcher, Lothbury, merchant 8. J St. Barbe, Austin Friars, shipowner 8, J Bry anf, Hadley, iniibolder 22. I> Mitchell, Ber- niondscy, tanner 11, G Poison, George yard, Lombard street, merchant—— 11, P Phil- lips, Bartholomew close, merchant 15, L M Eles, Bury couit, St. M< yy axe, merchant— 11, J Lachlan, Great Alic street, ship broker 11, S Taylor, Oxendon street, merchant 11, T Sissell, Jewin street, tailor 8, G Mooihouse, Doncaster, grocer 22, E Hud son, late of Gibraltar, gtocer 29, J Dellow, Lower ShadweiU basket maker 29, James Bruere, Craven street, wine merchant—— 24, J Kernot. Bear street, druggist 20, C W Wal ker, Brighton, stationer IN THE COUNTRY, May ! 9, W Randall, Leeds, merchant, at the Sessions house, Leeds l^^ vL' the old price of One Shilling per Bottle. R KF. RSHAW'sUniversal Restorative Bal saiti, prepared & sold wholesale & retail by GEORGE Ross, ( who married tlie Doctor's V idow) for consumptions, inward bleeding, coughs, sore throats, soreness of the breast, asthmas, green wounds, & c. for the particulars see the human di- rections: for the various disorders in cattle it has no equal, in quinsies, coughs, surfeits in horses, and particularly the gripes: likewise for cows, helping them to calve, cleanse, thrive and milk : for the va- rious disorders iu sheep, cX: c. for which see the bill Caution. Some Druggists and others took advantage of the temporary advance on the Balsam, to ofiet their spurious preparation to the injury of the public and the discredit of the genuine medicine, ( as they have got our bills printed verbatim) and some sealed up to deceive, but the puicliaser can return it after he has broke the seal, for none are genuine but those prepared by the Proprietor, at Ashby- de- la Zoneh. The Doctor's other medicines prepared as usual, Ills Cordial Auodoyne for the bowels, and excellent for children; his Tincture for disorders of the sto- mach, his pills for obstructions, worms. . Xc his Rheu- matic Salve which has never been knowo to fail where the patient continues to wear it any length of time, for particulars see the different bills. Price thirteen- pence halfpenny, duty included. Sold by Svvinfen and M bite, and Combe Leices- ter ; Hulse, Hinckley ; Corrall, Lutterworth ; linggs, LonghboroU! h; 1- rpe, Castle Donington ; and by several shopkeepers in the county of Leicester. In future the purchaser will observe the bills will be signed Geo : Ross. Empty bottles that have not been used for other purposes ljd. each will be allowed. Dr. Eadcliff'e's Elixir. F Sl>- , OR a general alterative medicine this Elix- ir has stood unrivalled for more than 80 years, and tlie public cannot have recourse to a more efficacious remedy, as a purifier ofthe blood from all humours, whether contracted by too free living, or from jaundice, surfeits, scurvy, or hu- mours after tlie measles or small pox, < s. c For all obstructions in the bowels, aud for the cure of worms in children or adults, it will he found equal- ly serviceable. It assists digestion, strengthens the stomach, ar. d has been found of infinite service to those who take long voyages, as a preservative against the scurvy. Observe that the words " Diccy and Co. No. 16, Baic Church l ard," are printed in the stamp affixed to each bottle, as counterfeit sorts are offered for sale in almost every town. Sold at the Original Warehouse for Dicey and Co's medicines, No. 10, Bo\ y Church Yard, Lon- don, price one shilling & ljd. a bottle; also at the Journal Oflice, Swinfen and ( Jo. Moore, and Combe, Leicester; Adams, Loughborough ; Clarke. Melton; Dyde, Higgs, Burton, and Gill. Harbo- rough Ward and Varnham, Hinckley; Corrall, Linteiworih ; Newbery, Whilwick; and by most respectable medicine Venders. Of whom may likewise be had, with the Words " DICEY and Co." engraved in the stamps, to dis- tinguish tlieui from Counterfeits, Dicey's original and the only genuine Dr Batenau's Pectoral Drops. Dicey's True and Genuine Daffy's Elixir Dicey's Anderson's True. Scats Pills Squire's Grand Elixir Stoughton's Elixir Bostock's Elixir gathiDg Spirits lietton's Br- itish Oil Golden and Plain Spirits of Scurvy Grass Pike's Ointment ! MAIIKBT HERALD. Mark- Lane. f- yrdm;. April 19. 1819, Although the supply of English Wheat v. r. s j very small this morning, yet sales were exceeiJ- . ingly heavy, and only < rime • n b - obtained ' last Monday's prices; ;;!! other descriptions may be considered 2s. pej quarter lower. Wbsit little English Barley appeared lo day sold Is. per quarter higher than last week, but tbe de- mand continues very trilling, and the inferior qualities unsaleable. Oats were heavy sale, nnd rather cheaper, the arihals both of English and Foreign far exceeding the demand.-— In Peas and Beans scarce any thing doing, and prices nominal. AVERAGE PRICE OF CORN, ( PER QUARTER) IN ENGLAND AND WALES, Forthe Week, ending- April iOth, 1819. TOl A L. Wheat Rye Barliy Oats Btans Pease « . d. s. cl. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d 76 6 53 o; 54 10) 32 2 j £ 9 lo' 62 4 i — | w j \ j \> Oatmeal, per boll, of 1401b S5s 7d RETURN I lilCh OX KOAUIl Shi? Foreign Wheat Fine ditto English Wheat Fine ditto Old ditto Bye Fine ditto Barley Fine New ditto Malt Fine Old White Pease Fine Grey ditto Fine ditto Tick Beans ( new).... Fine Small Tick Beans .. Old Potatee Oats Poland ditto ( new) .. Fine Feed Oats ( new) Fine OF GRA ^ S UNDER; • 60s.. to. • 67s.. to. • COs.. to. • 62s.. to. • — s.. to. • 44s.. to. • — s. . to. • 34s.. to. • — s.. to. • 40s.. to. • 55s. . to. • 56s.. to. • — s.. to. • 30s.. to. • — s.. to. • 40s.. to. • 40s. . to. - 38s.. to. • — s.. to. • 4Ps.. f0. • — s.. to. • 28s.. to. - 25s.. to. • — s.. to. - 18s.. to. • — S.. to. IN. • C7s • CSs . C3s . ecs • 70s .4ts — s 40s 42s 42 » 6Cs C< is — s 33s 34 s 44g 4 ( is 42s — s 42s 42s 32s 27s 30s 2l » 23s PRICE OF FLOUR. Town made Flour 60s.. to.. 65s ) per Ditto Seconds 55s. . to. .60s \ Such. Bran •• 12s-- to-- 15s J per Fine Pollard . H5s> • to • -£ 8s S Quarter Rape Seed ( new) . .£ 42- - to- -£ 44 per Last PRICE OF MEAT. SMITHFIELD, MONDAY April 19. To sinh the offal— per stone of 8lb. Beef.. 4s Od to 5s Od j Veal.. 4s 6d to 6s Cd Mutton4s 8d to 6s 4d | Pork . .4s 8d to 6s 4d HEAD 01- CATTLE THIS DAY. Beasts, about 22G2 j Calves 130 Sheep 14400 | Pigs lyt) PRICE OF HOPS. NEW BAGS. Kent. i' 5 5s . to..£ 6 12s Sussex. .. 5 Os-- to-- 6 Os NEW roCKETS. Kent £ 6 10 ••£ 7 7s-- to-- £ 7 15s Sussex-- 5 15 •• 0 Os-- to-- 6 16s Essex.. 6 Os • - to • - 7 ( is Farnham. 9 Os-- to-- 11 lis Foreign Hops . .£ 3 15s. . to. .£ 4 10s PRICE OF LEATHER. per lb. per lb. Butts, 50 to 56lis each 21( 1 to 22d Ditto, 56 toCfilbs each 24d to 25* 1 Dressing Hides 18d to 2<) d Fine Coach Hides lOd to 18d Crop Hides, 35 to 40ft* for cutting 18d to 20< 1 Ditto 45 to bPlbs 16d to 18d Calf Skins 30 lo 40//, 24d to 30d Ditto 50 to 70/ fa 30d to 36( 1 retto 70 to 80lbs ...... 30d to 34d Small Seals ( Greenland) 22d to 26d Large ditto per dozen... . COS.. to.. JJCs R AII 11 lit EX. „ PER STONE. Heifers. .2s6dto2s8d Steers., ,2s 6d to 2s 8d Middlings2s0d to 2s4d PER STONE. Ordinary Is 8d to 2s ( d Colt . . t's Cd English Horse. On t4 SHEEP SKINS. Polled. - to 8s Od I Shearlings.. o « m Downs, ,5s Od to 6sOd | Lambs ;^ S. Vto.'. SlS PRICE OF FAT, PER STONE OF EIGHT POUNDS. Stated by Tallow Melters. Stated by the Butchers. St. James's... .4s 3d St. James's ... 4s 3<! Whitecliapel . .4s 3d W hitechapel . .4s 3 « 1 Average ,4s 3d Average, ,4s 3< i PRICL OF ' FALLOW. SOAP, per 112/ J. Town Tallow... — sOd.. to. Yellow Russia-• — s Od to-- 7 White ditto ••• — s Od-- to-- Soap ditto 63s Od • • to • • Melting Stuff ... 52s Otl- to-- Ditto Rough • • • 34s Od • to. . Yellow Soap 90s j Mottled 102s , Palms — | Graves 24s Od | Good Dregs 10s d Price of Candles, per duz. 12s Cd— Moulds 14s ( a! 6d per doz. allowed for ready money. ' 5s Od 71s Od C3s Od 64s Od 64s Od — s o< 3 Curd 106s HOME MARKET. PRICE OF CORN " AND FLOUR IN LEICESTER MARKET, ' On Saturday, APRIL the 17th, 1819. WINCHESTER MEASURE. Wheat.. Rye.... Barley.. Oats.... Beans.. per Quarter. 79s 54s 61s 37s 70s per Quarter. Hog Pease — s to — « BluePccse — s to — f Oatmeal. — s to 8CF Pale Malt 84s to IQts Is to — s to 50s to 30s to 62s to Fine Flour 56s.. to . Seconds ditto .. 54s , . to. Thirds ditto 52s. . to J. SMITH, Receiver of Assize Return COs 57 s 54s ) per \ Sack PRINTED & PUBLISHED by JOHN I LK 5' & >"< 7 Market- place, Leicesicr.— This Paper is r:.- 1 >• filed in i. oxIION, at the Ijmaon, Clu.;. i .. . Coffee Houses; and by Messrs. NEWYCN .:• No. 5, Warwick- square, Newgate- stn ( : . r- ' J. Willie, No. 33, Fleet- street; v In \ « im- mcntsarc received. Advertiser < \ . .. <, n received, and the Paperilistribtti<• /• » . '' >• A''. Draggist, LoughborOi. tb : Mr. Bam v- fv < Mr. lleadsmore. A sliI y- de- la- 2ou< L ; " ir. l r Sheepshead ; Miss Ward, Hincklev •: • spr- ain! Co. Melton ; Mr. Bottrill'. I utten Mr. W. Dyde, Hf" borough; Mr. Clover, L and Grantham.
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