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The Hull Advertiser


Printer / Publisher: William Rawson, Isaac Wilson, and William Holden 
Volume Number: XXIV    Issue Number: 1288
No Pages: 4
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The Hull Advertiser
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The Hull Advertiser

Date of Article: 06/02/1819
Printer / Publisher: William Rawson, Isaac Wilson, and William Holden 
Address: No.49, Lowgate, Hull, Yorkshire
Volume Number: XXIV    Issue Number: 1288
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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Pec Cent VI. WEEK— 1st QUARTER.] Volume XXIV. — Number 1288/ ( SATURDAY, FEB I rket- place, 1734. IUARY i 3, 1819.) Xetter- Box in the Window. Printed and Published by William Rawson, Isaac Wilson, and William Uolden, iYo. 49, Lowgate, Hull. ( JJ ™ This Paper is regularlj Filed at Peele's. Lloyd's, Garraway's, and Chapter Coffee Houses at Newton ami Co's. Warwick- square, Newpvte- street; J. White's, 33, tleet- street, and J. J. Barnes's, Bull Inn. 92, Bishopsgate- street, London. J . S H O U E S , CHEMIST If DRUGGIST, N o . 3 3 , W H I T E F R I A R - G A T E , HULL, I S I N W' A N T O K A N A; P P R E N T I C E . FOll SHEEP, CALVES, LAM US, S[ Other CATTLE. Under Ihe Pairouage of The Right Hou. Earl WIKCIIELSKA, The Right Hon. l ord SOMEKVILLE, JOHN BLACKBURNE, E Q . M. P. AuJ olher distinguished Members of Ihe K O I B D OF AGRICULTURE. rUGHES's PICK'S CORDIAL, a certain cure for Ihe scouring Complaint of Sheep, Calves, Lambs, and other Cattle ; a valuable Restorative Cordial for livves after lambing, a « d an inlaliibie preventive of the mortification of auy animal after parturition. OBSEIIVE.— The name of the sole Proprielor, John Hughes, is written with red ink, on each bill of direclious, without which none can he genuine. C'opj of a letter Irom the Right Hon. Earl Winchelsea, to Mr. John Hughes. StR — I send you enclosed an account of some trials of your medicine, which were made by my steward, at Burley, near Oakham, Rutland. From these, aud from what I have heard of it from olher people, I have no doubt of ils being a very valuable remedy.— 1 am, Sir, your very htiuibie servant, South- street. WINCH ELSE A. I have tried Hughes's Cordial since last August, according to the direclious giieu, namely,— To seven sheep which had tiie scourin. or gurry, and it cured six otil of the seven ; Ihe one which died had water in It.- - To line Scot bullock, which had a cold aud fever, aud w ould unt eat ils foo. t,— in a few hours after ihe dose was given, it began lo eal, and in a few days quite recovered.— To three rearing culccs which scoured very much, and in a few days were quite recovered. NOTE.- When the tuediclue was given to I hem, they were shut up in a dry place. The bullock, w ben taking Ibe medicine, had warm water twice a day, and Ihe calces bad their milk as usual. HENRY W I L S O N, Steward to the Earl of Winchetsea. Buriey, near Oakham, Rutland. Sold wholesale by Mr. Hughes, Frederick's- place. Goswellslreet- road ; Mr. Edwards, DO, SI. Paul's Church- yard, Loudon i and retail by every vender uf Patent Medicines, price Ss. Od. the small ; large hollies, Ts. Od. which contains four times Hie qnautily ; largest siie, 10s. containing seven limes the quantity. TO SMP- OlVShJlS, and OTHERS. * X 7 " E beg to inform SHIP- OWNERS, that we are aulho- T V rifced lo stale that CHAIN CABLES, ol our manufacture, wilh proper Cerlilicites from its, agreeable lo Ibe regulations at Lloyd's, will entitle the Vessel using them to he Registered la Lloyd's Rooks accordingly ;,;'. s will be learnt ou application lo any of Lloyd's Surveyors. W U. 11A VV ICS, Sen. and CO. Gateshead Iron Works, Jan. 43, 1819. F , For Furl her Particulars, and Prices, apply to our Agenls, Messrs. THOMAS ana W A K O , No. 10, High- street, Hull, where patterns of pur Chains may beseeu. jSili- Si., WOOD. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the House of Mr. Francis Fallowfleld, the Plume of Feathers, Pocktiriglon, on Wednesday, February i i , 1819, at Four o'clock in Ihe ajternoon, The following T I M B E R: Lor I. 8 9 Nnmbeied O A K S , and 7 5 C R O S T P O L E S. 3.51 Numbered A S H E S , Si! Ditto Diilo. '< 102 Numbered E L M S . 8 9 Ditto Ditto, l i t CROST M A P L E S , Ac. ^ ^ S - f l g f a Growing in Grim'horpe Wood, near Pocklington. LOT '!.—' Numbered O A K S , and 4 CROST P O L E S . 14 Ditto A S H E S , and it Ditto Dttlo. • ii Ditto ELMS, and 10 Ditto Ditto, Growing upon Mr. Marshall's Farm, at GrimtUorpe aforesaid; together wilh % Numbered O A K S . 1 1 5 Ditto A S H E S , aud 18 CP.. OST P O L E S . 8 Ditto ELMS. Growing upon Mr. Quartan's Farm, Grimthorpe. Also 30 Numbered Trees, OAIC. ASH artd ELM, Growing in Ihe lYood al Grimthorpe, in the last Year's fall. Tbe said Timber is numbered atld crossed with a Screive Iron, is of excellent Quality, aud well adapted lor Ship- Builders, Carpenters, Coopers, firs, and situated within two Miles of Pockltngimi Canal. It may be viewed any day previous to the Site, by applying lo W I L L I AM COOK, of Pocklingtoii, Game- keeper. ALL IN ONE DAY. 2 Prizes of £ 20,000 Sterling AND VARIOUS OTHER CAPITALS, NEXT TUESDAY. Contractor for the late and pre jjL la « seat Lottery, having furnished his Agents throughout the ' Kingdom with a variety of Tickets and Shares, begs to point out lo his numerous Friends, lhat ihere is now lio time lor delay, as THE DRA- WINO WILL BEG IN AND FINISH NEXT TUESDAY, when the Two grand Money Prizes of £' 20,000 must be drawn, w- ith all the other Capitals. Of the success which continues . to attend BISH's CiFices, it were needless to speak, sufiiee it to say, that in tiie late Lottery be sold ' us usual J Prizes greater iu number and amount lhau any other Olflot-- kee|> er, amuiig which was No, 5,535, drawn a Prizeof £ 30,0110, Ac etc. Tickets and Shares are selling at too Contractor's Offices, 4, Cuinhill, aud 9, Cliaring- Cross, London, and by bis various Agents in Ihe United Kingdom. 3. RODFOUt), Booksei'er, Hull. T. DE1GHTON, Boo: • ter, York. J. liEATON, Bookseller, Leeds. 11. SEDGWICK, Bookseller, Bradford. S. and E. WOOLLEN, . Bookseller, Sheffield. F. G. OSdURN, Roper- gale, Pontefracl, J SIMPSON, Bookseller, Halifax. M. GALTRKY, Bookseller, Scarborough. T. KEMP, ' Bookseller, Hudderslield. A. GARY UN, Grocer, Bridlington. T. BOWMAN, Bookseller, Richmond. - G. WOOD, Hall Gate, Doncasler. G. HUltST, Bookseller, Thirsk. W. BOOTH, Bookseller, Selby. T. SQUIRE, Bookseller, Grimsby. G. WATSON, Grocer, Whitby. ,* 111 this Lottery ( here are no Fixed Prizes ; no Stock Prizes ; but all Sterling Money 1 !.! Mr, ISAAC WILSON, No. 4 9 , I. OWGATE, HULL, Has just received a large Supply of THE CELEBRATED C O R D I A L B A L M OF U A K A S J RI Or, NATURE'S INFALLIBLE RESTORATIVE. THE superior efficacy of this invaluable Medicine, so fully evinced by Ihe numerous aud complicated cases, daily restored from emacialiun aud decay lo strength aud vigour, after having baffled Ihe skill of the most eminent Physicians, i - ii,., i t - 1' Its rc- x.'- tn's: qualities and surprising iiYects. Numbers, solely tor the good ol mankind, have vnjuo • tarily come forvvard and attested, upon Oath, before the LorJ Mayor and Aldermen of ( he city of Lundoti, Iheir surprising recoveries from cases the most hopeiess and deplorable . testimonials of which, from the most respectable authorities, are now extant and inserted iu ( be list of Cures inclosed with each bottle of the Medicine, and testified un Oath as aforesaid. The advantages of this Medicine lo those afflicted w ith mental and bodily Decay, Nervous Debility, Inward- Wastiiigs, Loss of Appelite, Indigestion, Trembliug or .-- baking of the llandsor Limbs, Scorbutic, aud every other kind of Eruption, A « thmas, Cancer, Ulcerated Throat, Pains in Ihe l. imbs utnl Joints, Consumptive Habits, and all Constitutional Complaints, over every other Medicine biiherto discovered, can alone be estimated by its unerring success Its importance is incalculable to young people, who, hy residence in hot aud unhealthy countries, intemperate living, or other irregularities, have their constitutions undermined, apd where the organs nf life are but imperfectly capable cf perlormlug Iheir oalurai functions. Prepared and sold wholesale and retail by Dr. C. J. JORDAN, al the East Loudon Medical Establi- hmeut, No. 7. Cannon- Klreel Road, St. George's in ihe East, London, in bottles of l i s . each, or I wo quantities in oue for 20 s or four qttanlltlis jn one family bottle lor 33s. duty included, by which one Ils. K, utile is saved This inestimable Medicine will keep in all climates, and uiay be had of Barclay aud Sous, Fleet- market, London ; Isaac Wilson. 49, Low- gate, and Houghton and Co. 42, Whilefriargate, Hull ; W. Sheardown, Doncasler . II. Hurtoti, Louth; J Einge, Lynn; Hanson Plant, Spilsby ; F. S. Gilbert, Spalding ; J. fiatcheler, Southwell; Woodbeail and Trask. Retford ; and by the most respectable Medicine Venders iu every part of tbe Kingdom. B 3 » Dr. C. J JORDAN expects, when consnlied by letter, the usual compliment of a one pound note lo be iucliiseit, addressed— Money letter ; Dr. C. J. JORDAN, East London Medical Establishment, No. 7, Cannon- street Itoad, St. George's, East, Loudon.— Paid double postage. C L E V E L A N D . CAPITAL OAK TIMBER. To be S O L D by A U C T I O N, By Mr. W. KITCHING, At the House of James Hebbron, at Ingleby Greenhow, near Siokesley,' on Thursday, April 1, 1819, at One o'clock in the afternoon, Subject ( o such Conditions as will he then and there produced, r i l - W O - Hundred and Seventy- Eight OAK X TREES, aud 4S4 CYPHERS, now standing aud growing in Basedale, in the parish oT lugleby, and also 04 Numbered OAKS, and Hi CYPHERS, now standing and growing at Ealtersby. The above Timber may be viewed on application lo JONS G E D L I X G , of Baltersby, Iagleby Manor, Jan. 0, 1819. Fraud Prevented. r a ^ O counleract the many attempts lhat are daily made lo impose on the unwary a spurious composition, instead of tbe Genuine Blacking prepared by D A Y and M A R T I N , they are Induced lo adopt a uew Label- in which Iheir signature aud address. O N L Y 6,000 TICKETS. S WIFT A CO. arc- Selling the Tickets and Shares of the NEW LOTTERY, lo iie ALL DRAWN on tbe ( hh of ihe PRESENT MONTH ( February), consisting of only 0,000 Tickets, and containing 2 Prizes of £ 20,000 Sterling Money! Besides ELEVEN olher Capitals, At their Old Offices, No. 11, POULTRY ; 13, C I H I H N G CROSS ; a n d 3 ( , ALDGATE H I G H - S T R E E T , L o n d o n. SWIFT and C O . Sold TWO of Ihe. CAPITAL PRIZES in Ihe Last Lottery ; and, in the Late Lotteries, THIRTY other CAPITALS, including T H R E E of I'IJ. OJO. The Tickets and Shares are also on Sale by SWIFT & CO.' s Ageuts, • . J. FERRARY, Bookseller, Market- plate, Hull. W. TODD, Printer, Sheffield. T. INCH BALD, Bookseller. Leeds. J. BARR, Draper, Stokeslej, 2 . 2.... With L E E S , G O T T A M & H A L L E N , AT THE AGRICULTURAL REPOSITORY, Wimfey street, Opposi. e the Pantheon, Oxford- street; and est the Uteri Yard Wha- f, - the Louir End of Upper ' Thames- street; HAVE constantly « i Sale an extensive Assortment of Ihe followiug A it ii. tes made . entirely of Wrought Iron : Portable Field Fencing for Sheep aud Cattle, Park Fencing lor. Oxen or Deer, w ith Single or Fool Path, and Double or Carriage Wickets, te- correspond; Fancy Ornamental Fencing, with Swag- or Feslooii Chains, and decorative W ire Work, for Lawns, paddocks, Shrubberies, and Pleasure Grounds ; Slight Fencing for dividing Garden Grounds and Walks ; Dwarf Fencing for Walls, Terrace Walks, and enclosing Fish Ponds ; and each. description made Proof by Wireing. against Poultry, Pigs, Rabbits, and Hares; . Frames. Circular, Square, and Tripod shape, for Conservatories, Green- Houses, and llower Pats; Chairs for euciiclitvg Shady Trees, Paris, Garden, and Alcove Seals, and Fishing Stools ; Ploughs, Harrows, and Wheelbarrows; Covered Hay Racks on Wheels, for Cattle, SI. ftp, and Lieer ; Cow Cribs. Stable • Racks and Water Pails; Fire Buckets and Ladders; Double and Siugle Bedsteads, suitable for Servants, Hospitals, and other prirate or public Institutions, w ith a variety ol other nseltil and ornamental Articles. Tbey also execute Orders in Wronghl Iron from a Set ot New Patterns and Designs, for Park Entrauce, Lodge, Fieid, G. fden, Churchyard, and Turnpike Gates; and Pilasters, Verandas, Alcoves. Balconies, Roofs, and Staircases :— And for ihe Following Articles in Cast Iron, ( Specimens ol which may be seen at Ihe Repository,) Roofs, Rafters, Joists, Stairs, floors, Windo*- frames. Sills, and Doors, for Churches Schools, Slabies, or olher Buildings ; Cottage Window- Ir • s, I'tn- iigh. s, and Pantiles ; Colonnade Columns; Pillais » u « i Palisading ; Carriage and Foot Bridges lot Highways and pleasure Grounds; Field ami Garden Rolleis; Green House, lloi House, Cucumber, Melon. aud Hand- glass Frames, and Mlgniouetle Boxes; Clothes, Stable, Sireel, Lamp, Gas, and Gale l'o. ls; Siat. le Racks, Draius, and Maugers ; Horse, Cattle, Pig, aud Dog Troughs. Also, a great variety of Useful and Ornamental Wire Work, consisting of Decorative Basket- work for Flower Stands, Flower Bed Borders, ( Ira-- Plats, aud Covered Walks; Training Frames . or Roses, Sweet Pens, Creeping Plants, Espaliers and Trellis- work ; Venison Larders, Meal Sa'es, Dish Covers. . Pheasant Coops, Coops for Hens wiili Chicketi- s, l: beasaulries, Aviaries, - Covers for Alcoves, aud every oILer Article in Fancy VI ire urk executed lo Order.— W illi a general and super'or Assortment of Agricultural Implements, concentrating in one Depot those of ti. e most eminent . Makers iu their several Branches, aud vj hich practical experience : 4u the differeul Provincial Districts has decided lo he the he » l adapted for each particular Soil ; with Mouldplates, Shears, Shoes, Coulters, Collars, Ground- rests, Wheels, Axle- beds, Points, and Screws, any of which may be Ji'ad sep. iiale. Also, a grettt variety of Agricultural Machines, particularly those which have obtained Pa tr lit a and Priies, or lor recent Improvements have beeu patronized by Public Boards and experimental Farmers. Models prepaied to Scale, and Seasoned Timber and Iron Work kepi in constant preparation for Exportation Orders. HIGH HOLBORN, is placed so conspicuously in the centre o f l h e Label, lhat Ihey trust an attention lo this, and the dill'erence of the type which is unlikeallletter- press, willenable Purchasers at onceto delect Ihe imposition. 1 he Real Japan BLACKIVS, is matjeandsold wholesale by DAY and MARTIN, 07, High Hblhoru, and retailed by the principal Grocers, Druggists, BiiOksellers, Ironmongers, Perfumers, Bool- Makers,& c. in the United Kingdom, In Bottles at ( id.— Is. — and Is. 6d. each. A copy of the Label will be lefi wilh ail Venders. 15EAL J A P A N BLACKING. MADE by RICHARD TURNER, 114, LONDON- ROAD iiiB THE CORDIAL BALM Of' G1LKAD IS universally acknow ledged lo be the mosl agreeable and powerful restorative iu all Nervous Disorders ever dis- - covcred. This celebrated Cordial is peculiarly efficacious in all inward wasliugs, loss of zppetiie, iudigeslion, depression e f spirits, trembliug or shaking of the hands or limbs, obstinate coughs, shortness of breath and consumptive habjls; it thins the blood, eases the most violent pains iu the head and elomach, and promotes gtnlle perspiration. By the Nobility and Gentry Ihis Medicine is much admired, being pleasant to the taste and smelt, geuily aslringing Ihe fibres of the slouiach, and giving that proper tensity which a good digegtiou requires. Nothing ran he heller adapted lo Help and nourish the constitution alitr a debauch wilb wine, Sc. Much has tieen sa d by interested individuals against Medicines that are advertised, bul llu- re is a very important observation to be made respecting Ihe Cordial Balm of Gilead, that unless lis operation w as gent le, safe aud efficacious io Iboeecoinpiaiiils for which n is recommeuded, aud universally ^ ministered with invariable success, it could not have ataiueu the uuexampled demand it has acquired ; for, as il has arely the greal advantage of a persua- ive advocate, so nulling lint his conviction of its virtues, by its salutary effects an induce perseverance, and yet reasonable perseverance is ertainly most requisite to enable even the happiest combinaiou of chemicals and galenicals lo root out chronic diseases tnd restore Ihe valetudinarian toheallh. , sold by Mr. Isaac Wilson, 49, Lowgate, Mr. J. Rod ford, WdMessrs Topping & Dawson, Hull; Mr. Turner, Beverley; Ir. Wolslenholme, York; Mr. Hargrove, Kiiaresbro'; and all leJiciue Venders in the United Kingdom, price I Is. each, r four in One Family Ilotttefor 33s. by which one I Is. bottle > sated; with Ihe words " Saml. Solomon, Liverpool," enlaced on the Slump, to imitate which is felony. Uj" Dr. Solomon expect.', when consulted by teller, the usual ' iuipUinent of a one pound note lo be inclosed, addressed I. Uonejf Leller. Dr. Solomon GHead- house, near Liverpool, [ Jli'if double postage.". Also, Price Three Shillings, ^ iat Scarce, Interesting, and Useful Family Work, ( wilh which is given an elegant Porirait of Ihe Author," and a V i ew of Gilead- liiiusejeiitilh'd A GUIDE TO HEALTH; " Or, Advice to both Sexes, iu a Variety of Complaints. By S. SOLOMON, M. D. Containing a Treati= o mi Female Diseases, Nervous and ypochoudriac Complaints; also Geueral Remaiks on Ihose iseases wilh whicb Die human body is most frequently [' dieted ; explaining the symptoms, mode of treatment, and emedics most properly adapted for Sexual Debility, Ac. & c. s J S i i i' 5. t a a. J NEXT TUESDAY. . Prizes o f . .. . Prizes o f . .. . Prizes of 1,000. Prices of 500, 100, 3 0 ,? . £ 2 0 , 0 0 0 . . £ 4 0 . 0 0 0 Money. . . . 2 , 0 0 0 4.000 Money. 2 , 0 0 0 Money. 1,000 Money. itmoanlibg to ^ ALL IN ( 1,000 TICKETS, ALL THE PRIZES FLOATING, ALL IN STERLING MONEY, ALL IN TWELVE HOURS, ALL NEXT TUESDAY, » lii F E B R U A R Y , when All the Lottery will be Drawn. Tickets and Shares are on Sale at alt the Lottery OIBces in London, and by the Agents throughout the Country. N. B. All the Unsold Tickets nncl Shares must bs sent hi/ Post to London NEAT MOXBAY Evening 8ill February. r | H H E Proprietor of ihis Blacking disclaims all the Arts of M. Pulling— ibe merits of Ihe Article are too well known to need it. He merely refers lo his List of Agents and cuutidemty adopts the motto of the immortal Nelson— Pa/ mam qui meruit ferat." " Let him bear the palm who has deserved it." The admirers of this composition arc requested lo asli for TURNER'S BLACKING. Sold iu stoue hollies al 0d.— Is and ISd. eacli. Moxon, Benjamin Mills, John M'Lean, John Milners, Messrs Mottashrad, J. j Mo wet I, William | R. Wells and Co. Preston, James Pierson, John ! R idgway Suggll, Jefferson Sissioti aud Son SticUney, Mallliew Snowiten Tront, John Wiisou, Isaac Webster, A. \ S' i I her force, W m. BEVERLEY. jBrigltaui and Co. Brighaui,' Thomas Etcock, TboattiS [ Fenby, Peter Herdsman, Henry Melcalfe, Robert Oxloby, Robert Reynolds, Daniel Stephenson, L. Tjger, Pinnock Tilling, John Tiger, William Taylor James Watson. Thninas COTTINGHAM. Dixon, Mathew BARTON. Anderson, Benjamin GRIMSBY. Drury, James, BftlGG. Barnard. . Tiihn Spring, Chrislopher GAINSBRO'. Crowder, Josiah Crane, Tho-. nas Fowler, Edward Farmer. William Hugh, DinceiU Llllyman, John Moxon, Francis Sleight, John Turner, Samuel Wright, Samuel Wodil, John KIRTON LINDSEV. North. HULL. Aliby, Thomas Andrews, Richard Brooks, Benjamin Brooks, George Barnhy, John Butlie, R ichard Baron, C. Crowley, Thomas Calam, Matthew Dunning, Thomas l. bsworlh, John Fletcher, Jane Faw cell, Thomas Gibson W. Mtlon gale Gibson, Wm. Salthotise lane Hopkins, James llolds. worth, John ilprner, Eilwaril Hatden, Williain Hewitt, John Hammond, Charles Holllday, Bellby Halt, Robert Jackson, Ralph Jones, Thomas Kiltie, A. Lamheft, Joseph Shopkeepers supplied with this inesliinable Japan Blacking through ihe medium of the Wholesale Houses, or by applying to the Manufactory. No. 114, London- road, Soulbwark • AsU'. for T U R N E R ' S BLACKING BILIOUS A N D L I V E R C O A M P L A L N T S. A S a mild and effeclual remedy for all Ihose di^ oidiis which originate in a vitiated action of Ibe liver and biliary organs, namely, indirection loss of appetite, headaches, li eart ti ti r n , f la t n i^ nc ies, spasm*, cr. st iveaess, ail eel ions of the liver, Ac. & c. BIXONJ s ANTIUILIOUS PILLS have met vvilh more general approval, than any - other medicine whatever. Tbey unite every recomroendation of mild ope?- ation with successful ell'vct } and require no restraint or eonfioiMiient whatever diiriog their use. In tropical climate*, where the consequences of redundant ^ nd vitSated bile are so prevalent and a!; jrminef, they are an inva'fiHhIe and ekTicient protection. They are likewise peculiarly calculated tocot rect disorders arising from, excesses of tbe table, io restore the tone ofthe stomach and to remove every complaint occaMoned by irregularity ofthe bowels. Sold in Boxes, at in. 0d. 6s 1 Is. and by R. BnUer and Son. t, Chemists, No. 4, Chvkpside, London, and 31,. Sackyiliestrei i. Dnhlin ; also by VVil « on, Shore, Meynell, llowe, (' arliil, Hammond, lleeley and Craggs, Hull ; Tigar and Kenningham, 1? everley; Crogs, Bridlington; Sherwood, lbf^ iejd ; ffanson, York ; Ashton, Boston ; BaH, Brig^ ; Forrest Gainshro? ; Drury, Grimsby ; and by the princij? al Bookellers, t) f. ugi> istsi and Medicine Venders throughput tbe sniled Kingdom. FOR COLDS, RHEUMATISM, GOUT. Ac. " ff IFE PILLS, entirely Vegetable, discovered by Ihe Rev, £ J c. CARklNGTON, Vicar of Berkeley, one of His Majesty's Deputy Lieutenants, Ac. for ( be county of Gloucester. To al lev ie let he Tortures of lipasm, Gout, Rheumatism, Chotic, and Nervous Afflictions, with superb success, by giving/ rc. vA. tije and energy lo the efforts of nature, is not the only merit o' CARRINGTON's LIFE PlLLSi On the same principle Ihey are adapted lo Female Complaints, muse the dormant constitution, aod with gentle exercise in the open air, soon spread Ihe bloom of health on Ihe palest cheek. Tbey strengthen thedigestiveorgans, and expel wind ; they cherish ami prolong life in those debilitated by years or pleasure ; Ihey restore Ihe powers of imprudent joutli; and they prevent Ihealtaek of many fatal acute diseases, if resorted to on the first sensation of t hill, pain, or morbid lassilude; on Which account no person should ever he w ithout Ihem A large portion of lite human race is hurried to an untimely grave by Inflammations, Consumptions. Ac. the effect of neglected Colds; but a recent Cold is so certainly cured by these Pills, . invigorating ( he torpid arteries of Hie skin, and thereby restoring the perspiration, that whoever throws away his life by omitting them, dies little better Ihan a suicide. Sold in boxes, al Is. l£ d. and 4s. 6d. each, by B. VRRV and f o x , Bristol, w. lhoui whose name on the Stamp, they cannot be genuine; sold also hy Mr. ISAAC Wit. SON, 49, Lowgate, Hull, and by Ihe principal Medicine Venders in every lowu iu the United Kingdom. T U T I N T L I T T R O G A T I V K OR IN I K L L E C T t ' A L S Y S T E M OF E D U C A T I O N , By QUESTIONS and EXERCISES WITHOUT ANSWERS. IT is now above twenty years since the Proprie'or of the under- mentioned Works subn, itte4 to Conductors of Schools the first specimens of thai scries of improved Elementary Books which he Itttd planned for the purpose qffacilitating tl, e- Instruction of Youth, and rendering the acq iremeiU of Knowledge at once pleasant, rapid, and certain. Tliis System has since been known to the world under the denomination of llie INTERROGATIVE SVSTESI ; and, us opposed to sorae popular mechanical Systems, its Inventor his also dej. ned it, by way of eminence, the THI VXINAOR 1 NTELLEC > I; A 1. SYSTEM, from the obligation TO THINK, or mentally work ou the subject oj study, which it imposes on the pupil; and from the genual improvement ofthe INTELLECTUAL FACCLTIKS, of which habitual mental, extrci e is a necessary consequence. Ti& i System, in the popular ivorl. s published under the names of GOLDSMITH, B L A I « , ILAHROW, A I ; . U : I , < SC. . has been introduced into nearly every School of character in ihe BritiAi. Em pire, and has met with a degree nf approbation far exceeding the original expectations of in . author. The principle of leaching bj QUKSILOM WITHOUT ASiswMis, which - quires tout ihe pupil should furnish • answers to questions, often complicated, jrom the scattered data of his book demanded carious preparations, on the part of the t rior ; but ihe publication of the - TUTOR'S K t v , con laining answers to above six thousand questions, has removed ee& ry dijjiculty in practice. Among the compel, tors of the. la'errdgatite System, the respected iMate of PtssrAtj- izzi has appeared; but it ought to be known lhal his System is precisely lhal to u ltich the public attention is now incited, but which was taught in England many years before the name of PI STALOZZI in u. nj manner transpired. Others have annexed questions to ihoir books, and claim, d k l.• • lied merit; but, by an unhappy misconception of ihe principle, their quest oris accord in arrangement exactly with h. e oidei of the data to u- liich they refer, and therefore a f f m d no ercise to Ihe intellect ulfacult. es. Others, again, have so fdr mistaken the Itrni " IXRI'- RROGAIIVE SYSTEM," as la obtrude on the public, undtr its sanction, a series of bosks vn Irie obsolete jlau of q eslion and answer. ITaiie others lur - e basely i nilatttl baih the inventor's plan and his boats, ana have prod ced carious stperficial, i) Igor, and inadequate, compilations, whose only reeoMBt ndalions hare - been their close imitation of his Title• pages, ' Types, Ornaments, aud Bindings. As a means of protecting the Public gainst till such arlijices, and of support ing the reputation of hit se ies of Hooks, he has, therefore judged ii expedient to sat join a COMPLETE LIST of these ORIGINAL WOHii. t ;— I . UL. UU s UNIVERSAL' P ; CEPIOR, or General Grammar of all Arts aud Sciences; s. rviirg- us a Universal Teat- iiook lor every Class, in ail School ;; 4s. CtL— with 0i. C Quealions, sold separately at is. i . G o - CS-. ITH'S GRATTI'IAII o f G E N E R A L GEOGRAPHY, i n - cluding Problems on lite Globes, and 000 Questions for Exercise, w; lh Maps, View*, & c. 3-. Jd. 3. GomsMirH's GRAMMAR of B. IITISH GEOGRAPRV, or Details of the present Slate of the BRITISH E M P I R E l'i every Pari of the World, Territorial, Political, and cotiiinercial ; with Maps, Eighty Views, aod 500 Questions ; 5s. 4 . Su<' IHE'S GRAMMAR of the ELEMENTS of ASTRONOMY, illustrated with more Engravings Iban any other Work on Ibe same interesting Science, and forming the mosl popular System oi U'. ron. Miyevery published; with50i) Questions; 9s. « d. 5 . ROBI. NSON'S GRAMMAR ol UNIVERSAL HISTORY, from Ibe Creation to ilie.- Pe. ice of Paris, IS 14 ; with 40J Questions, a Chronology, Ac. 4s. II. BLAIR'S GRAMMAR of NATURAL a n d EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY in all its Branches; including a course of Chemistry, Giolugy, & c. price Us.— with jUO Questions, - gold separately a! Is. 7 . BAR ROW'S 5( 10 QUESTIONS on- the N EW TESTAMENT; being the only means of implanting the Elements of the Christian Religion ill tiie minds of Children ; Is. S. ' B A H R o w ' s 5 0 0 QUESTION, o n t h e O L D TESTAMENT ; c a l - culated lo maie youug I'ersoiisimimatefy acquaiuled with the Sacred History ; Is. '.). RuNDAiiL' 9 GRAMMAR of SACRED HISTORY; including all the Facts in both the Old and New Testaments, w ith 400 Questions, and . Maps and Engravings ; 4s. 10. ADAIR'S 5 0 0 QUESTIONS o n GOLDSMITH'S HISTORY of E N G L A N D ; calculated lo reader Young Persons familiar with the English History ; Is. 1 1 . ADAIR'S 5 0 0 QUESTIONS o n MURRAY'S GRAMMAR, a nd o a IRVING'S F. LEMENTS o f ENGLISH COMPOSITION ; I s. Ti. BLAIR'S ENGLISH GRAMMAR, beihg the completes!, and at the sarin H ue Ibe most succinct, Grammar exlaut, vvilb Exercises, and 400 - Questions ; is. lid.- aud 1 3 . Tbe TUTOR'S K E Y lo ihe preceding Twelve Book", containing Answers to all the Questions, or easy References for the Answers | wiih„ u lulrodutliou, explanatory of the Svstem ; 5s, S I N RICII A HO P H I L L I P S , in addition to the precious Works, lias directed or superintended the publication of the under- mentioned superior Elementary School Books, hating the same come/ practical views, and calculated, utw. nseen, to obtain the preference oj the intelligent Teachers and Conductors of Schools. I. ' I he H U N D R E D WONDERS ol t i e Wojy. li, iu ibe three Kingdoms of Nature and in proilticl ions of Ails ; with Eighty Engravings. By C C. CLARKE ; 9S. tid- houod. i . CLASSICAL EKCLII- H Pci. T TTV, for \ ke Use of Schools and Young Persons in general; consistii. tr or the « bok- e> t Short Pieces lo lie footid. in Ibe Works of tlie British Poets ; collected by Dr. MAYOR and Mr. PRATT. Sevritlh bdiliun. Us. bound. 3. PoKTiiv for CHILDREN, consisting oi' Short Pieces lo be committed to memory at au early age. Selected by LUCY A I I I IN ; with some Originals. The Fifth Edition. Price 4 . FIFTY- TWO SERMONS adapted to llts Use or Schools and Fami - s ; being one for every Sunday in the Year. By Ihe Rev. S. BAUKOVV. The " Fourth Edition, 0s. Lid. boards, or 7s. bound. 5 . The CLASS BOOK; cons+ stiug of Lessons arranged for every Day in tbe Year, extracted Iroru ihe Works ol the best Authors, and con. biuiug Instruction on every useful subject, with. Elegance of Composition; lly the tfev. DA- V> D B L A I R. A new Edition, being the Fifteenth, is. lid. bound. 0. The ELEMENTS of LAND SURVEVI v o . i o a l l il » Braucbes, practically adapted lo the' Use- uf Schools and Students. By ABHAHAM CROCKER. Illustrated with a greater variety of Copper- plates ihan any other Work uf the kind,, and with up- W. ird9 « f One iiuudred VVuod- culs. The Third Ediiiou, Bs. bound. X. READI- XG EXERCISES for Ihe Junior Classes iu Schools, being a Sequel lo MAYOR'S aud olher Spelling Books, and an Introducliou lo the Class- Book and Speaker. By ihe Rev. D A V I D BLAIR. A new Edition, tmhellwhed wilh Oue Hundred beautiful Engravings oil Wood, ils. 0,1. bound. S . GEOGRAPHY M I POPULAR PLAN, for the Use of Schools and Young Persuus; containing all the interesting and amusing features of Geographical Knowledge. By Ihe Rev. J. GOLDSMITH. Illustrated with upwards of Sixij beautiful Engravings, repriscuiiug the Dresses, Customs, and Habitations of all Nations', with numerous Maps, Ac. 15s. bound. 9. GOLDSMITH'S GEOGRAPHICAL COPY- BOOKS ; I art Land II. consisting oi Outlines lobe filled up wilh Ihe Pen, 3s each. 10. The Same, of a Royal Size. 5s. each. 11. The DEMY S: HOOL A . LAS ; serving also as an Original for iilliug. up the Copy- Books. Boards, 5s. and Is coloured. It. ' Ibe ROYAL St HOOL ATLAS; cuulainiug Problems on . Maps and a complete System ol the Construction of Maps. 1- s. and 14s. coloured. 13. A SYSTEM of PRACTICAL ARITHMETIC, applicable t o tha present stale of Trade and Money Transactions, illustrated by an unusual Number of Examples under each Rule. By the Rev.' J. JOYCE, a new and Stereotyped FidUion, 3s. Bd bound. 14. A KEY lo Ibe above Work, iu which every Sum is worked at length, for the convenience of Tutors ; audio which is annexed, A System of M E X : A L ARITHMETIC ; also in Stereotype ; lis. tid. 15. ' i be ELEMENTS of BOOK- KEEPING by Single and Double Entry ; comprising several Sets of Books, arrauged according to the present p n c t i c e o l the first Counling- Honses iu London and Glasgow, and particularly designed for ihe Use of Schools. By JAMES MORRISON. A uew Edi. iou, price Ss. half- bound. it!. Dr. MAYOR'S BRITISH NEPJJS^ containing tbe Lives of all those illustrious Britons who have been Ihe most remarkable lur their Taleuts, Virtues, and Advaucemeut in Life. Price 5s. I " . PLUTARCH'S LIVES ; selected and abridged ior theL'se of Schools, exhibiting to British Youth the lixampl. s of Ihe greatest Characters of Antiquity for iheir admiration and imitation. By W. A. MAYOR, LL. D. A new Ediiiou, 6s. bound. I S . The BOOK of KNGLISH T R A D E S , describing Ihe Art and Mystery of heart} One Hundred different Trades and cummercial Employments. A new and enlarged Editlon, iu oue ( hick \ Illume, royal Isaio. price 9s. bouud, with Seveul)- two liuisiioj Eugravin^ s, represeutiug the principal Trades, with their Tools,, Ac. <£ c 19 The FRENCH and ENGLISH WOED- BOOK ; consisting of THI; tilt, THOUSAND of the must useful Nouns, Aduouus, Pronouns, Verbs, Adverb,, Preposiiions, aud Conjunctions; adapted io be cum iiiltud to memory by the Junior Classes.— Price is. ILL. T h e FRENCH a n d ENGLISH P H R A . E BOOK; o r , K e y lo French Conversations; containing many hundred useful IdioiUiittc Frtucii Phrases, aad iuctudiug ali ihe dilUculties uf'tbe Language - trice Is. i l . ' ihe Fitisr I'IMSNCH GRAMMAR ;• conlainiog, in the AccWince of thi-.. F/' tiKh Tongue, every ibing eeseutial, and Hotiiiug- superfluous. t- Price 4s. tid. I F . Ihe SYNTAX of the FHENCH L A X « V A 6 E , I N which every Rule is accompanied by auuieroue Exercises from tbe best authors. Price .3s. HOIIGSONVT! » tHCVTC GRAMMAR of i b e FRENCH a nd ENGLISH, LANGUAGES ; calculated lo aid the English Student iiMhe Acquirement of the Niceties. of the French Language. • Ss. bound. I L . I . ' E N F A N T PBODIGUE, OU A Z A H L E T L I A ; Conte Moral. IIcttO de douze Graviires, dessiuees par I> itpi. ES6I- BERI AUX • Accotupagne de Phrases IdiuniAtiques. Price 3s. iS. The ITALIAN and E N G L I S H - W O R D - B O O K ; containing nea. ly THREE TTJOSJSA- ND o f l h e most iiseluland ofi- recurricg Nouns, . I'inonns, and Pronouns, Verbs and Adverbs; Preposition- mid Conjunctions; with a short Giauuaalical Accidence. Is. itj. The D A L I A N PHRASE BOOK ; or, Key to Italian Convert saliuu ; euntaining several buudred Idiomatic, Familiar, aud iiseiut Phrases. Price i s. - I . Tbe LATIN and ENGLISH WORD- BOOK; consisting of nearly Three Thousand of the . mosl useful and frequently reem ring Words iu every Pari of Speech, aud serving a s a Body of tbe Latin Toague, ior Preparatory S. hools aud Ihe Junior Classes. Price is. sewed. I S . The LATIN -- PHRASE- BOOK ; consisting of a Colleclioa of sevtrai hundred Idioms and Colloquies for Ihe Junior Classes, adapted lo be committed to Memory, and serving as a Companion to all the Gramultirs. Price Is £ 9. The ELEMENTS o[ N A T U R A L HISTORY; with Engrarings of < 500 Oirjecis. By W . MAYOR, LL. D. 7s. fid. D nnd. 3 0 1' ELMAM'S LONDON PRIMER ; esteemed the most pleasing Work ol the kind. lid. 3 1 . PI;, HAM'S F I R S I CATECHISM o f FAMILIAR KNOWLEDGEw itli a Clock Face. Is. 3 2 1 MAVOR'S. ENGLISH SFEELING- BOOK. IS. lid. bound. 3 3 . IRYING'S ELEMKUTS of ENGLISH COMPOSITION ; forming a Supplement to ali Grammars. Is. lid. 34. BLAIR'S M'ODKLS of J U V E N I L E LETTERS, and of polite and dignilie i Correspondence in English, French, and Italian, w ith Tcpits for Lxereise. 4s. 3 5 . MATHEMATICAL T A B L E S for SCHOOLS ; consisting of TAbles oi Logarithms, of Sines and Tangents. Ac. Ac.- with a Dissertation ou iheir Use aud. Application. By A. J A M I E S O N . 3s. hoards; Sd. SCRIPTURE BIOGRAPHY; cr, a popular Account of the Lives and Characters of Ihe principal Personages iu the Old and New Testaments. By J HN VVATRINS, LL. l). 7s. 37. A PORT- ABLE CYCLOP, EDI- A ; or, General I'nelionary of Arls- and Sciences-, for ihe U se ol Schools, Students, ami Young Persons; wtib Fingruv- iufjs. lly T . C. W A T E I X S . 15S. * 3- t. TRAVELS ol ROLANDO RouNDthe W O R L D ; iilnstraliug tfce Manners and Cusloius of each Couulry ; translated from Janlfrtt, by Miss A I K I N , t vols. 9s. 3 9 . MAYOR'S NATURAL HISTORY. IS. ( id. - It). ROBINSON'S AKCIBXT HISTORV. lis. tid. 4 1 . ROBINSON'S M O D E S N I H I S I O H V . fis. i i BARROW'S YOUNG CHRISTIAN'S L I B R A R Y . 4S. 4 3 . HAMILTON'S ELEMENTS of the Aar of D R A W I N G , wilk Sixty highly- finished Engraving-, its. 4 4 . MAYOR'S SVSTEM OI'- SHORT H A N D . SS. 4- 5. BUSBY'S DICTIONARY of Music, serving as a necessary Companion lo the I'iano- KoHe. 7s. tid. 40. TUe GRAMMAR ol M E D I C I N E , I'or Studenls ia that Art, ( is. 4 7 . The PALACE OR T R U T H ; an admiTahle Moral Story, translated fioai tbe French ofCienlis. V\ itb Cuts. i s . Bd. Printed for Sir R I C H A R D PHILLIPS, and published by JOHN SOUTER, 7 3 , SI. Paul's Church yard, London. So. d also by Isaac Wilson, 49, Lowgale, Hull; M. Turner, Beterley ; Alu*- wurlh, Scarbro'; Clark aud Medd, Whitby ; Jcc, Ac, e i f s s e t s l a f l ) OT!. - , For LEGHORN, X Tlie tin - A. I. Brig . ,.?• BRITAIN. CaplainS. FOSTER, 140 Tons Register, Will sail lotsb- l < be Trade. For Freight, & c. aiiply to Dull, January U, 1819 P. OBINSON & CAIiRY. ~ FwIMTDR J A N E I R O , Tbe fine A.. I. Riijj C O M E T . ISAAC SACKER, Master, fluvingThe grealer pari of tier Cargo ready to go on board, SF'ilJ'me"! yritii qiiieh dispatch. For Freight. Ac. apply to TKIl. Jdn ii. |$ l! » . ROBINSON A CALEV.' Daily expected to arrive from C H A R A M ' E . and will "' take the Both to Load for JSs% LISBON, BTffMT The fine fast- sailing Copper bottomed Brig C H A R L E S H A M I L T O N A B E l i D E E . \\ WAt. DONALDSON, Commander, « reat part of ilieCargo heiog engaged, will sail to sail tbe jaceomm. odalioi| of the. Trade. Hasexcelleul, Accommodation for Passengers. For fnrtiier Particulars apply lo Messrs. ROBINSON A CALEY ; or • • -.- » « U G H COCHRAN, Who has for Sale. A few Hundreds of REftand WHITfe WOOD ARCHANGEL and PETERSBURG DEA1. S, DEAL ENDS, different length*, all three inches ' hick « QRTUU\ l. and SPANISH CORK WOOD. Superior OAK HARK*, ' A quaulii). ol ii A R il W OOD, soiUb'e for Turners, and may lie Viewed in Air. CQC'IUIAX?* Warehouse, No. 4,. North Walls. Hull, January i l , 1819. ( One property. J For ' RIO D E J'ANEIRO., ~ ~ The tine first class Brig L E I P Z I G , JOHN FIN 111. AY, Master, Havino the greatest part of her Cargo engaged, she Is- intended losail on o before tbe Tth March For - Freight or other Tai. ticulars appij to Hall, Jan. n , m9. R. C. YOUNG. Excellent Accommodation for Passentrera. tor ROTTERD AM. The Brie; WELLINGTON, ROBERT FAIRRt RN, Will be shqrily dispatched. Halt. Jan. 19. 1819. W. A C. J,. RINGROSE. Tins DAY IS PUM. ISKIW, 4CATALOGUE of Hie Genuine ami Valuable HOUSEHOLD FURNi l y H i i , I. I. NEN, CHINA. GLASS, about lIMii, l. uiKi- 8 OMiu- ii ' Massy SILVER' PLATE, incInUlng asplendid TEA. URN, EPERGNE ami general Articles; about .159- Dozen superior O i l ) ' MaGEIRA and other W INK'si; a valuable LIBRARY, Classical, Historical, Polilii al, Philosophical, iiicfudiiig VV ood's Scinch Peerage. New Auiiu- tl, Register, Hoi, . riiclien's Heads, iiauiei's Sport-. Scotch . Encyclopedia and . Supplement ( 3d edition) Tubulin s SiaiuteH, Ac. tiie Books in g, eiieral very excellently Ouiitid, and in gn'bii condition ; port t- o'lios oi'VAXCABLi PRINTS ; a very rare and si arce set ul liOGA RTH s WCrRKS. fine impression*. mounted aud tiouiid ; Double and Single Barrel Guns- aud Pistols; a Cross Bow.; Fishing Apparatus ; Cabineis and Medicine Chests; tri- b Pipes, Viotiiis CUriouels and Ftuies; Philosophical atiii Opucal InslrnnH- nis, ju Microscopes, Reilectiug and Reli- aclliig ' I'ele. copes, Qiiad. ranls,.& c. Spring Clmis anil liuio Pieces; G'oirt an, I Eoameited Watches; Diamond Ring and Diamond Breast Pin; a Gold Musical Snuff Box, and a great variety of Trinkets, late Hie Property of - VIISM HAURISON, deceased, Saiihouse- laiie, Hull. •> ' t he Ft; RNITUflK comprises. Mabpgiiiy^ fopr- pos; ana Camp Bedsteads, wi'. h' Morern iimi Coflud Hangings; capital Feather. iWs, Hair. ,- ai| i^ s> es aud Bedding; Mahogany Double Lobby aod Single Chests of Draweis : ClaW- leel sei of Dining Tables; PetiibruUe, Loo and Card Tablts ; Mahogany Dressing Stands, Nighl Tables auii Bid| I<? t ; a baiiil- Otile Library Rook- case; Ciiiaittey, Tier and Swing Glasses and Mirror ; VV illou. Scutch aud Stair Carpets ; Vi edgwoudTable Services; handsome Tea Cpiua ; llrawing- rooru Chairs; Curtains ; Turners' Laliie, Joiners' Tuuls, aud mullilarioos Ariiclesof various hiuds'and stn- ts; which, by direction of tbe Adinini- iraior, Will be SOLD by AUCTION, By B E L L A H F. N D R Y , On the Premises, on Mouiidy, February 8, 1819, anrlfeur following d. iys ( it Hie en o'clock, May be viewed by Ticket only, ou Friday aud Saturday, 5lb and bth instant, from Eleven tili Three. Catalogues and Tickets for view lo be bad ofthe Auctioneers. LECTURE FOR THE PENITENTIARY. Mr~~ WEBSTER % p OST resperlfuily intorms the t. adies apd Gentlemen of l V j l Hull, ttiat he wilt I K'CTUKK in Aid of ibe FEM ALE I'i N. tTENTlARY. in Ihe Exchange, oa Thursday Evening, I eueiiar) I I, at Seven o'clock. Admission ps.— Tickets may he had of the Booksellers. SUBJECTS. ' MAGNETISM.— Tbe general theory of Ibis subject will be lliistraieit by a number of curious aud entertaining Experiments. A Magnet will be i nhibited of suttlcieui power to suspend I40lift. w, ight : - o ne Young Persons will be taken up by it iu Ibe Lecture- Room. . Vtr.- W. Will likewise introduce some interesting Experiment iu the CHEMICAL ARTS. A good Collection of Mineral- will be placed on the Table, and a lew Observatiuiis made . oil Ihe subject of MINERALOGY. Mr. VV Kust'ER begs leave to assure- bis Friends in Hull, thai no exertion will he spared- lu rendertliis lecture worthy their support ; therefore earnestly requests I heir co- operalion, not only by Ibeir iudivitlnal attendance, but likewise t> v Iheir endeavour lo recommend it lo tbe patronage of the i ttbiic in general. , fell F P U E s o i O N < JF V A G R A N C Y . . M O N E Y . '- f W l H H several sums of ,50 ot. GOO I., act) 80 Cf. r w i y to'be ad'vauced oirapprovcrl Freebold'securilies; ittii tbe several sums of liil., IMI., and IStl.. are wanted on good Freehold securities. Apply ( if by'. letitr, post- paidf) to Mr. .) C. RIRHANuso\, Solii- itor> Hull. 4 YOU KG MAN who can have aw utideiiiatiie Character from bis I. ite Employees, wauls a SITUATION iu a Mercantile OITtce. lie has been abroad, and would bave uo objections lo take tbat departnieut. Letters, post- paid, addressed Y. X. Post- Office, Coningaby, near Horncistle, will have immediate attention. Just fiubli- thed, price lit/, each, ! . A SliR. MOS, Preacbeit at the close of a temporary Residence iu Hull. Stcond Edition. II.— All, ADDRESS lo the Inhabitants of Tallershall, iu Lincolnshire, on entering on ihe Living of tbe Parish. Thiid Edition. I l l — A SECOND ADDRESS lo the Inhabilanls of Tallershall, on the commencement uf rh? New Year. All by the Rev. R. IV. SitiTtiORP, ,17. A. S( c. be. Sold by Ihe Booksellers ti' Hull, Lincoln, ilorncaslle, Louth. Ac, For HAMBURG, The A I. Schooqer MARY. GEORGE LAWSON. ( If tbe Elbe he inaccessible by Ihe Frost, the whole or any pan of tbe Cargo may be landt d at ( iixUven. ai Ihe option of the Consignees.) To sail in a few days. Hv//. Feb. 4 . 1819. EDW. A GEO. COULSON^ For HAMBURG, The fast sailing A . I . Schooner PACKET, R O B E R T R O A C H. ( IT the KLBB be inaccessible by the Frost, the wboje or . any part of Hie Cargo may be, lauded at COXHAVEN, at ibe • HjJliuu of Ihe I'oiisignees. ) • • Is now half loaded, and sails in a few days. For dJS'nVERP, The BETSEY. - THOMAS CURTINIMI, Feb. 5, 1819. _ GRF., LOFT A For ELS I .^ O UK % DANTZ1G, The Regular Trader ARIADNE. LUKE TAYLOR, Commander, TO sail in si! thi » Month. Hull, Feb. 5, 1819. GOODWIN A FROST. BH1G HOPJZ. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By BELL A H E N D R Y , In the Exchange, Hull, on Monday, Feb. lo, 1819, precisely at Two o'clock, i f not previously Sold by Private Contract.) I i i ^ R E f i n e Brig HpPj£, Capl. JOHN H. ASSELWOOD, JL burthen by Register id I 3s- 9ith Tons, built by Messrs. DYK ES and- Kit*!, iu I M I ,; Cupper fasletted, aud well foiiud ju Stores; slows a '. large Cargo, sails wt'il, and is suitable for the Hamburg, Bailie or Corn Trade. Now lying al Messrs. M E I I - A . I J ' a m i I; III. I. EX'S Quay, delivering a Cargo of Barley and Oats, from Memel. Fur I rice by Private Contract, and other . Particulars apply, to . Mr. W . IRVIN, or Mr. E D W A R O GEEVE. NE1V SUGAR- HOUSE, HULL. To be SOLD by AUCTION, RY B E L L A H E N D R Y , By Order of Ihe Atimiui » ii', aior of ibe la| a Aiiss HARRISON', Oii Wednesday, Feb 17, 1819,$/ Eleven o'clock, AI. Lllie Moveable- lileiwils, Ac. at ihe New Sugar- House, Hull; tompiisiqg ibiee large COPPER PANS; a Horse MILL and PUMP ; about Two Tons qf blue. Blown, ,. ud While PAPER; a Sm'ajl FIRE ENGINE; a great number of TOOLS, Ditto MOULDS and JARS , a variety of SPARS, UO > RDS. FIRE- WOOD, Old IRON, « c . Ac. l o be S O L O fiy A U C T I O N , WIIHOUL RESERVE, B y B E L L A H E N D R Y, .( On Accounfof tlu> Original, importer,) At the Dock Company's Bonding Yard, Kingston- upon-, H* ll, on Monday, February i l , ISi9, ai Eldeeu o clock, > HE Eotire Cargo of D E A L S , per tlie DCCKIXOEIELU HALL, from St. Petersburg, consisting of aboui iiiU St. Petersburg Standard Hundrtif, baif Red and Iwif White Wood ; will he put up in Lois of five HuUd. Standard each. Payment by approved Acceptances IU Louduu at liirec Months date. T To GliEENLAfrU SH1P OIVNERS. To be SOLD by AUCTION. At the Warehouse of A. G. Clark, J£ sg. next lo the Old Customhouse, Hull, art Friday,- f J, 1S49, at Tweite o'clock, S^ VENTY- SKVEN SHIPS' CASKS, ( Double Buns.)-- L May be viewed previously lo Ihe Sale, by applying lu Mr. R. C VoiiNajor. JOHN KEA. ^ ales bp pctiiare contvact. r f T H E HULL of a very fine New SIHP, now on B ibe Slocks at Gainsbro', feet in. Length or Keel ... 8^ 0 Breadth ot Frame.. ii 0 Height 20 0 The Upper Deck B• ams are fastened with Stringers and Iron Kuees ; the Slriugers bulled ihrongh every Timber, and dowelled into every Beam. She is Copper fastened under Ibe Biuds ; will register about 180 Tons, aud is nearly ready for launching. For further Particulars apply lo HAMM'iND, SMITH A CO. Hull; or, Feb. .5, 1819. HENRY SMITH, Gaiusbru' NLI S I X T E E N T H P A R T of Hie E A G L E Whale - Ship, wilb all her F I S H I N G S T O R E S. Fur Price and Particulars apply lo Mr. THOMAS WALTON, Hull. SCARBOROUGH. rHE whole of Ihe good Ship or Vessel called Ihe HALKC, but then 71 Tons, and carries 4. J Keels * of Coals ; tbe above Vessel sails well, tdiilitt without Ballast, aod is amply sturej. vyiib escelleut Materials of every kind. Further Particulars may he, known ou application to Mr. THOMAS CHAMRERS, Quay- street, Scarborough. A Cargo or LISBON ORANGES and LEMONS, just ariived MESSINA and MALAGA LEMONS. Hull, Jan. i l . 1819. W VI. I E VETT A SONS. YELLOW SOAP, or superior quality. IRISH PRIVIE VIES- BEEF. CRUSHING LIN'SI ED— U N S E E D OIL. OIL TURPKNT1 Nli — FLEMISH FLAX. WINKS aud SPIRITS, always on baud. GEO A VVM. GARTONi Hull, Feb 4, 1 8 1 9 . 18, - Sdlbou- e- lanr. T w o COI N T I N G - H O U S E D E S K S. Large O I L PAlVlING, by 11. GERMAONASBS. Vive Cvit. best W H I T E PAINT. Thirty Vaifcii" Superflue M U S T A R T) J - Three Novated Fine I . I N K J I R A G S. Eight v Yards B L A C K C L O T H. Silver- street. Feb. • » , 1 8 1 9 . CROSS A G L E N . HOUSEHOLD FURNJTURE. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By J. KiRKt S. On the Premises, in Seiiie- I'^ ne, Hull, au Monday, February .15, 1819, precisely at Ten o'clock|> i the forenoon, A Quantity or HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ( ibe Properly ol a Gentleman leaving hull,) comprising hauusome Four- Post and Camp Bedsteads ; good Feather li » d » ; sei ol Mahogany Dining, Card and other Tables; handsome Sideboard ; ten aud two Elbow I hairs; a doubleselui Ivory flatten Kuivee aud torks, in t ases ; Pier and iug Glasses ; Gla- s • China; a complete set ot . J1REW ING UTENSILS, suitable for a Private Family; ytiiu a variety of Kitchen Furniture: A SHARE in the HULL SUBSCRIPTION LIBRARY. May be viewed on Sslurday Ibe I . lib February. 7 BAIN TON. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At Bainton Sew Inn. in the county o/ York, on Monday the lid day , f February, I8l9. u( Twelve o'clock at noon, ( Subjec tu Condilioiis Of Sate then lo be produced,) A Valuable Freehold and Tytlie- free ESTATE CONSt. Stl. Nil Of I st. A Capital New- erected and Strong Bniit i l l Brisk W1. ND COR N MILL, witb two Acres of valuable LAND adjoining, situate .1 Bailllon a'oresaid. The Mill has a ground Hour and live Cbauibeis, carries Patent Sails ami Flies, and works tw o pair of French Stones one. pair of Crey oues, two H/ essiug Macliiaes, aud a Corn Sieve. id.— A good FARM- HOUSE, witb a BARS, STABLE, c o w . HQUSE, and olher GUT- BUILDINGS, and a GARTH adjoining, containing about two Acres. Also, a pleasant new- built DVVELWNG- HOUSE, wi'lb a GARDEN adjoin ing. And » tfji ten . Acres q( Capital Old Swartb 1 AND, and twenly- eigbl Acres of go. nl Arable LAND. These Premises are al- o siluate al UaiiUpn afofesald, and will be. offered in Lots lo suit Purclutsers. 3d. — Twenty- two Acres or Capital Tillage, LAND, siluate in Ihe parish of Huttou Cran^ wick, . adjoining the^ iariili of Baiutou. Part- of the Purchase Money, may if required, remain on Security of life Premises. To View the Instate, apply lo Mr. MARMAOUKE SIMPSON j u n . who is the Occupier thereof, and for iortber Particulars apply to b i n , or lo Messrs. H A L L a n d CAMPBELL, uf Beverley Solicitors. GVII. DAIAIA., KINGSTON- 1WIA., Feb. 1, 1819. At a . Mteliug'rof the Mayor, Magislralo » , Clergy, Guardians and Overseers ol tbe Poor, and principal Inhabitants- of the Towu aod County ul tbe Town oi' Kiug- ion- iiponiltlll, held this day, in pursuance of Public Adveriisenii n's, for ihe pu^ Ose otadopting Measures tu clear ibe Ttiwn and Neiajbl'oiiriiood as far as possible, of all VAGRANT'S, iXWSTU. ES. and ITIAV EIXI- VG BEGGFUS. , , The Right IForshipjul the MAYOR in the Chair.; The following Resolution's were unanlmoTisly agreed lo : — l s t . r - i . l H AT V AG RA NCY and M END1CITY have been ever JS considered a- fertileaontcts ol ui. ttal ev. l aud of 1Breclinns Diseases; that those wretched tece'piacle* ibe Common Lodgtng- hoiise. are the sure uieula' pt diffusing vicious principles ; aud ibat a very great' proportion of the Infectious Diseases can be clehfiy traced lo iho- e abodes of wrelcbeduessid.— Tbat these e- il- have of late increased lo an alarming degree; Vagrancy ani , Mendicity having refiued inlo » system al once Disgraceful and Datigerou-. 3ti-—- That ibe lale laudable exertiuus of the Magistrates of. I his Town aud Neighbourhood' lo'restrain these illegal praclices. coiiter upon tbeui ti. ut.- b bouour ; but il is very apparent, lhat extensive co- operation is further necessary, in order lo carry their public spirited wishes into lull effect. 4ih.— That lor Hits purpose, llie Gentlemen here pre- em individually pledge ilieir iilmost endeavours to clear tlie Town aud Neigbbmirhqo. d- of Ho'l, and keep Itiem clear, of all Vagranls, linpnstur » , Kii'd Travelling Beggarsol'every descripiiou.. 5lb.— That an OIKce t> e Icnuediaiel v opened iu Ibis Town which shall be called liie Vagrant Office, to be placed under the management pf a Committee; and lhat Ihe adjoiuing Parishes l.- e iuVited toco- operate iu tuis measure. tub.— Thai stranjei-, begging, and applying lor relief, shall be referred lo Ihi- Cttice, aud examiutu, aud an accurate description of lltcir persons and eircuqistaiices registered, according , ta. » form ajijiroved by ibe Ccfpuiittfe pl ( aacagemeut. 7lb. — That, in or.: er to carry the fortgping Reso'. uiious into more complete etiect, one or more Loilgiug- hoiises shall be immediately procured, with proper Persons lo Manage ihem, lo wbich all strangers asking relief, who shall oe deeuitd by t i e agislrales Ihe Committee, or the Vagrant Officer, lo ue proper objects, shall be seu' ; where- they may rest Ibeipselves, or remain all ni^ ht, according to circumstances. I hose who are nut proper objects shall be proceeded against according | o iaw, under ibe Vagrant Act. Sib.— Tbat il i> e particularly lecomuiended by tbis Meeting, lliat no relief he in future given lo . my Vagrant or Strolling Beggar, by any Guardian or Overseer of tbe Poor, hut ibat they be furtUshed with Tickets and directed to tbe Vagrant Office. 9th,— That tbe Inhabitants of ibis Town and Neighbourhood, be respfcifully requested lo desist totally Iroul reiieviug all Strangers soliciting charity ; as ibey will tie f| irhed with Printed Tickets from Ihe Vagrant Office, « h, ch Ihey will please lo give lo sucii characters instead of money ; Inch Tickets shall entitle ibe. bear « r » | c every attention that their cas- s ana t iMptosiauces shall require; aud thai every persou found ' otgimj after receiving such Tickets, ( ball tie proceeded against under Ibe Vagrant Act. lUlh.— Tbat, alter thy opening uf such . I, odgiug- hou « es, ery inker persou who shall kuowiugty suffer any person to lodge in his or her bouse, who shall eojte under the ties ription ot a Rogue and Vagabond, under ihe Vagrant Act, shall be pioceeded agaiasilor tbe peuiilty. of tony shillings; 1 lib. — Xbal Ibe Go. eruois and Guardians ol ibe Worabouse, With ilie oltlcers ol such adjacent Parishes as slguily tbelr intention to cu- ojierate ia these measures, be a comm. tlee for aiapagingt. be Institution. litb.— That'the Magistrates be re. qnesleti t o direct the Coustables, aud Special » oustables. lo use every exsrlion IO pprthetid all Vagrants, aud thai proper person* be. » pyoiuted lo assist Ibem. 13th.— That the necessary funds for carrying these resolutions into effect shall lie furnished out of the Poor's Rale. I4tb.— That this Institution is by no means intended 10 harden Ibe heart ot man against his fellow- man, nor to dry p the springs of charity trum the really. worthy aud necessitous pour; but rather to provide a medium through which such benevolent streams may he directed to objects wbich are in real need. The Vagrant Officii is . intended rather as an auxiliary in discriminating between the clan. purs ol systematic Beggars, aud the frii- udless objects of misfortune ; Deviating Ihe pangs of real misery, and if possible, re- I lining, the able- bodied aud idleslroiler Irom Vagfaucy and VJeniiicily. 15th.— That these Resolutions, and extracts from ihe various Acts relating lo Vagrants, Beggars, Ac. . shall be printed and circulated under Ibe direction of the managing Committee. 16th.- That the Committee shall give an account of tfceir proceeding* every year, to a Getter.. I Aieeling of ihe inhabitants, lo be held ou Ibe first Munilay in every February. ltth.— That IheCouimiltee be requested - to lake Ihe earliest opportunity of communicating litese proceedings lo all the neighbouring towns, urgiiig upon them ibe necessity uf eulerttg into similar Restitutions. IStb.— That Ibe thanks of this Meeting be given to the Gentlemen who h& ve brought forward these Resolution*. WM. HALL, Maypr. J9lb.—' That the Ifcanks of this Meeting be, given to ihe Mayor for his pulite attention in Ihe Chair. HOLDK11NESS - HARRIERS. MEETING of tbe MEMBERS of I,'. is HUNT, will be A held at tbe House or WI L L I AM T O D D , at Hedun, ou Monday, February i f j - Diuuer upon Hie Table at Three o'clock. WIDOW DAVISON, TAILOR V HABIT- MAKER, ^ 4, Grimsby- lane, HULL. DEEPI. Y sensible of Ibe numerous Favours conferred upon her since ber Husband's demise, feels It a duly publicly lo acknowledge Ihe same, and humbly - uliciis Iheir kind coutinuance, bopinglhe<- oulidence already reposed iu her Soil, ( who will continue lo Superintend the Concern ) will meet witb the strictest attention pos- ibieto merit eucrea- ing patronage and Support. T. MARSHALL, ROPE- MAKER, GREEN- LANE. ROPERY, HTNCOLMLF. E, OST respectfully informs Merchants, Ship- Owners, Va. lersof Ships and oilier Vessels, thai lie continues ihe above Business in all its branches. He returus his siucere ' Thanhs fur the liberal encouragement hitherto received, and solicits a continuance thereof, wbich il will he hi- constant study lu merit. HEMP aud TWICE LAID ROPE, made up, as usual. Rope Shup and Rigging- Shed, Norlb- sioe ol ibe Old Duck, near the Bridge, T. M has for Sale, two and a hair Tons of Twice- Laid ROPE of good quality, from IJ lo3£ iucbes Ibick; and STOCKHOLM TAR. on moderate Terms. " . N. IS. Dealer in MARINE STORES. " FARM on the ) FOLDS. ' To be LET, And entered on at Lady Day next, ACapital FARM, consisting of 7( 10 Acres of good LAND) accustomed lu the prudiice of all Crops except Beans ; aud all conveniently dividedand well Fenced, well Watered, w i l h good Roads, aud in the vicinity of different Markets Other information may be had an application lo Air. MATTU. EW Rivis, Wykebam, near Scarborough. To be SOLD, ONE SUA HE IN THE DOCKS, At KINGSTON- UPON- HULL. For Particulars apply to Hull, Feb. 4. 1819. JOHN LEVETT. APPRENTICE WANTED. ISAAC WILSON,' nooKSKLLER, t/ e. 49, lowgale, HULL, JS IN I. VI , VI k'iHA' 1 fi > V A NT OF A YOUTH of resectable Family, and Character, a* au APPRENTICE. Mr. WILKINSON, ITH the utmost respect, Informs his Frienlls and fbe Public in general, thai his ANNUAL BENEFIT is fixed for ' Tuesday next.. February 9th, whefl his lYiatsty'a Servants will Act the admired Play, interspersed w* itb Music, called The CONQUEST of TAKANTO Aua by Particular Desire, the New Dramatic Romance { id timeJ of ROBINSON CRUSOE; Or. The BOLD BUCANEEllS. Places aud Tickets as usual, and of Mr. WILKINSON, at Mr. HAMMOXO'S, Bow tat l e y - l a n e . YORK LUNATIC ASY LUM. * f N Consequence or tbe REMOVAL of several WJ'. STRIDING PAUPERS lo Ibe New ASYLUAI at W A K R - . FIELD, there are several VACANCIES lu this Institution. Patients are admitted at a rale of Payment according to their Circumstances; Ihe Terms fur Pauper Patients belonging lotbe City, Ainsty, and County, are 8s per Week. ISj" Applications lo be made lo Air. W I L E R I U PSEMONT^ the Steward. February 3, 1819. PRIME HEREFORDSHIRE CIDER, SUITABLE FOR BOTTLING. rH^ HIS being Ibe mosl favourable Time to remove Cider, ft Gentlemen, Innkeepers, and Ibe Public in general, are rvsnectfully informed, thai Ihey can be supplied wilb C1DEH, Hie Quality o which may be depended upon, being made trom Fruit of Ibe most delicious Flavour, on PurposeJor Bottling The smallest Quantity sold is Twenty- Five Gallons Price Two Shillings per Gallon. Apply to .1 MOUNT roan. Sbel- ley, near Worcester. N. R noiifpajd Letters received- A v f IS' Military Clothing. Camp an t Hospital Stores, Waggons. Harness, ifc. For SALE by AUCTION, At the London Commercial Sale Rcoms, Miicing lane, on Tuesday, the \ tith Wednesday, the 17/ 4, and Thursday, the 18/ Zi of Februury. at Nine for Ten o'clock each Day precisely, without reserve, by order of his Majesty's Storekeeper General, The Follovviug STORES, & c. viz.— About i , 0 marquees anJ lenis 10,000 lelt. Ac caps 5,000 t. uapsacks 3,000 sets of accoutrements a. OOO - T- forage uela, Ac 4- 0.00 - -— forage cords 10.00-.' canteens and straps 4,000 saddle water de< ks 1,400 leather water bucket 400 portmanteaus ( 100 tarpaulins 2,51) 0 nell booka A batchets 800 spades, shovels, aud pickaxes 69 waggons, complete 150 sets four- horse harness 200 bridles £ 0,000 pairs military shoes 2,000 - - b o u ts 10,000 shoe soles A heels 17,000 blankets aud Coverlets ; 0,000 sbeelsA palliasses 5,000 — b r e e c h e s and Irowaers 5,000 gailers 1.000 - — stockings 3,000 —— flantitl gowns, Irowsers, Ac. 800 cavalry cloaks A coats J ,000 linen shirts 1,000 bolster cases 12,000 four and live- bushel corn sacks, < Sc. { WOOD, at THOUNE and HATFIELD. To be SOLD by AUCTION". At the House of Mr. Thomas Vause, the . White Hart Inn Thome, oa Friday- March 5, 1819, at Six. o'clock, A Quantity ol'Valuable TI M B E R T R E E S now grow ing on Lauds ( n the town ship pI Tborne and Hatfield, in ihe respective occupations of Messrs. RICHARD PEARSOS, j u n . SAMUEL AINLEV, J O H \ WVATT, WM PJLKISOTON, W M . MORTIMAR, WM. Bncx LEDOE, VVM. OiiutiTiiimnoE, JOHN RIO oiLLaud VV. M. DOVE. • Mr. VV M. PILKINCTOJI, u'. Tborne, will direct a Person to shew the Wood, and further Particulars may be had of him, or of Mr. , Wu. HEMINOWAV, Hensali near Siiailb. Thome, Jan. ill, 1819. 10,000 baveraacks With a very considerable quantity of Camp Equipage, jtlospilal Stores, Bedding. Saddlery, Tools, Weight-, and Measures, Copper, Brass, Pewter, Iron and Lead, Rope, Siring, Paper, Packing Cases, Ac. Ac, To be viewed on the j s t of February, at wbicb lime Catalogues may be bad de ^ srifeipg where tbe goods may be seen, of THOMAS FELLOWS, Broker, Aldersgate- atreel, Loudon. T A VALUABLE F sEEHOLD ESTATE. In the Capital Trading Sea- Port Town of Boston. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the Peacock Inn, Boston, on Wednesday, April 7, 1819 IT not previously Disposed Of by Private Contract, of which - Notice will lie given, " IHE whole of ttio- e extensive PREMISES, many Year's in Ibe uccupation of Messrs. SHEATH and SON, and now in the tenure of Messrs. CAI. THSOI'S, or their Under Teuants ; comprising a most excellent Dwelling- house, wilh every convenience fur a respectable Family ; I. awn and Garden n jroni, enclosed with Iron Railing, aud a roomy Pew iu Buatun Church. Also, all those noble and extensive Brick and Timber built WAREHOUSES and GRANARIES, fronting Ihe Navigable River Witham,. and SuutJU Place, capable of containing ten thousand Quarters uf Grain ; in which a most extensive Corn Trade has beeu carried on lor a great number of Years. The Purchaser may be accommodated wilb a considerable part of Ibe Purchase Money, fur any reasonable term of Years, if required. Further Particular's, if by letter post- paid, may be known by applying lo Mr. EDWARD FOWLER, Ibe Proprietor; or Mr. 1, M. Biio^ iiiiiEAD, Solicitor, Lincoln. STONE- FERRY. To lie SOLD, f | W New HOUSES, one of whicb is occupied as a 1 GROCER'S SHOP, with Cow- Hcuses and olher Out- Buildiugs; also an Orchard, com lining one Acre of excellent Laud, and well storked wilh Fruit Trees. Kir* For Particulars, apply to JOHN PEACOCK, who occupies Part of the Premises. PRESTON. To be SOLD. AT PRESTON WEST EN1), AHOUSE, which lets in Two T e n e m e . i t a w i t b Cnw- HOIIMS, and other Ont- ISuiUiugs , also, an Ostrtiard, well - locked with Fruit- Trees ; and about two Acres of old Swartli Land, in excellent condition ' 8. J- F(> r Particulars, apply lo RonERT PEACOCK, Slou- i Ferry ; or lo MARK NORTON, the Tenant, who will shew ihe Premises. D I S S O L U T I O N OF Messrs. TUitMfiU's PARTNERSHIP. . TOTU'E is hereby given, that the Partnership lately agh. sistmg between uATTII • VV TURNER ami TIMOTHY TURN KB, Of. Riplihgh'am Graiuge, in the East- Riding otlbe county Of York. I'anuers, was ibis day dissolved by '. Suiiial Consent. As witness our bauds l b s tb- rliith day o- Jan. uary, I 19. MATTHEW TURNER. Witness, F. CAMPBELL. Tl vtOTHY TURNER. SCARBOROUGH. To be SOLD. And - Entered on at [, adi,- day, or May- day next, ACapital H O U S E aud S H O P situated in tbe centre of ( be Market- place, suitable fur and Retail Business whatever. For Particulars enquire of Mr. THOMAS ESTILL, the owner, who will shew Ibe Premises. Letters pust- paid, duly answered. P. S. The House fcas beeu much resorted lo during the Summer Season. WIDOW M1DDLETON and DYSON's BANKRUPTCY. DYSON'S SEPARATE DIVIDEND. HE Comsilaloners in a Commission of Bankrupt hearing date Ibe i8tb day of November. 1816, awarded and issued lot lb against ELIZABETH MIDDLETON and THOMAS UYSO"', bulb fcf Beverley, jo the county of York, Mer chaot*, Draltrs, Chapmen aad Co- parloVis, trading nnder the ITfmoP*' vvj'uow M i DDLs TON and llvsoN," intemt ( o iueet on' Ihe til It day of March Iiexl. j'. t Eleven o'clock in the forenoon, al tlje rl'teer lull, io Beverley aforesaid, to make a Div idend of Ibe separate Estate and Effects ui THOMAS DYSON, one uf lhe said Bankrupts, when and where the Creditors, who b. tve nol already proved their pebls, are to come prepared to prove tbe same, or Ibey will he excluded the benefit of the said Dividend. Aad & II claims wot Ibeu proved will be disallowed. HALL A CAMPBELL, Beverley, February 4, 1819. Solicitors. To be SOLD or LET, For a Term of Years, with immediate Possession, THAT very Commodious SHIP YARD, containing upwards of iOOO square Yards, wherein- the Ship Building Business has fur some time past been carried on lo a considerable extent, situate un the . South side o, the Harbour al brid| inglon Quay. A Purchaser or Tenant may lie accommodated witb a - oeat and convenient DWELLING- HOUSE, contiguous lo tbe af oresaid Premises, if required. Also, tx) be SOLD, A wel!- baht SLOOP, burthen 51 Tons per Register, peculiarly adapted for Hie < ousting and Ri ver Trade, In which she has beeu employed, aud is in excellent Repair. For Particulars enquire of Mr. S A M U E L HA L L, Bridlington Quay, ( If by letter, post- paid.) 7~ 1lOUHNE- SXREET. SCULCOATES. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, ALL lhat Neat and Convenient MESSUAGE, si'uate in Bourne street, in Sculcoates, in tbe occupation of Captain DntvEH, the Owner, The.- above Messuage is most substantially built, well finished, replete wilh conveniences, and iu excellent condition, and comprise- two good Cellar Kilcbeus, front and back Sittingrooms,- three Lodgins- rooms, and a good Garret. Also, a TENEMENT behind the said Messuage. For Price afitl- Hlber Particulars, apply lo Captain D R I V E R. who will - hew Hie Premises BRIDLINGTON. JOHN BELL'S SEPARATE DIVIDEND. rWIHE Creditors who bave proved their Debts against the Si separate Estate of JOH N BELL, under a Commission of Bankrupt, now iu Prosecution against JOHN BELL, of Pockiinglou, in the county of York, JOHN FOTHERLEY BtCLL, of Sculcoates. in Ihe said county xtf York, aud THOM AS BEL!., oi Scnlcoates, aforesaid, carrying ou Business al the lo n of Kingsloo- upon- lfull, as Merchants and to- partoers, may receive a furti. er Dividend on their respective proofs, upon applicaliou at the Bank o t Messrs. P E A S E , HARRISON, VVATSON, PEASE, and LOCKE, iu Wbitefriargate, Hull, any day after the l l th day ol February instant. MARTIN A SCHOLEFIELD, Hull, Feb. A, 1819. Solicitors. THOMAS BELL's SEPARATE DIVIDEND. rgTHlJ Creditors who have proved their Debts against i| ie JL separate Estate of THOMAS BELL, under a ( ommi-- missiou of Bankrupt, cow ill prosecution against JOH^ BELL, of Pocklington, iu ( be county of Yuik, JOHN tOTHERLKY, BELL, of Sculcoales, in the said connty of York, and ' THOMAS BELL, of Sculciiates aforesaid, carrying' on Business al Ihelown. of Kingslou- npon liult, as Merchantand Co- partners, may receive a Final Dividend on ibeir respective proofs, upon application at the Bank of Me » « « . PEASE, HARBISON, WATSON. PEASE and 1, I K E , in Vvbjtefriargate, 11 nil, any day after the I lib day oi February instant. MARTIN A SCHOLEFIELD, Hull, Feb. 4, 1819. Solicitors. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT. 4 I. I, that MESSUAGE or DWELLING- HOFSB, now divided into I w o Tenements, situate, on the South- side of ibe High- street, in Bridlington, as lite same are now in the respective Urcupatjens o FRANCIS SIMPSON. Cordwainer, an. I MATTRKW HIELBV. Cabinet- Maker, With convenient O U T - BUILDINGS, YARD, and a good GARDEN behind the same. And also, a BUILDING adjoining Ihe South Rack- lane, hitherto useilas a Whitesmith's Shop, in lull Busines the occupation of JOHN CORDINER. The above Premi- esare Freehold, and conveniently situs'- ' for Trade, and further Particulars may lie known by appli cation to Mr. BICHARD COHDINER, of East Heslerlon, lb- Owiur ; or to Mr D TAVI. OB Solicitor, in Bridlington. II'. RFAS a Comin. ss on of Bankrupt is awarded and issued forth against ROBERT BLYTII, of the town aud county of tbe town of Kiogston- upou- Hull, Corn Merchant, Dealer, and Chapman, aud he being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby required lo surrender himselt lo Ihe Commissioners in the said t'ommi- siun named, or the major pari ut Ihetn, on the 15th and Hilt, days of February instant, aod the 20 h day of March next, at Eleven o'clock iu the forenoon on et- cb of the sa il days, at Ihe Dog and Dnck Tav rn, in ' lie said town of Kiogtlon- tipon- Hnll. and make a lull di- covery and di closure ol his Estate aud Effects, when and where Ibe Cred. lors are to come prepared lo prove Iheir Debts ; and al the second Sitting lo ciitise Assignees, anil at Ihe last Siding the ' he - aid Bankrupt is required lo finish his Examination ; aud the I'redilors are lo assent to, or dissent from, Ibe allowance in hi » Certificate. All Persons indebted lo the said BankrupJ, or lhal. have any of bis EifeCls. are nol to pay or deliver tbe same, but to wboin the Commissioners * ball appoint, hut give notice to Mr. RALPH ELLIS, Solicitor, 43, Chancer, y- lane, London ; or, to Messrs. HAiueaud ASOERSON, Solicitor*, Hull. HORASEA. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, AConvenient FARM HOUSE, with a BARN. STABLES, arid other Out- Buildings Abo upwards of Sixty Acres of t'. icli Arable and Grass L l \ D , either together or in Lots, a. uiay suit Purchasers. Altoui Nineteen Acres ol Ihe above Land lie adjoining lite House, al ( he East end ofthe principal Street hading to Ibe Sea. pari of which is very eligible for l uilding. Tbe remaining part, consisting of above Forty Acres, lies iu Ihe East Field. The above is Copyhold Ihe fine small aud cerlaiu; Tilhe Iree, and the Land Tax redeemed. Immediate possession may be bad. For Pirliculats apply to Vir. RAIVKSOI Fliuton ; or Mr. R. PelehelJ, No. til. High- street, Hull; or < fr. STUPHEXSOX, ol t arlto.,. Carlton. January 19, I8i#<. To be SULD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, " IRISH PROVISIONS. New Prisne MESS CORK PORK, in Barrels. Ditto dull) ditto DUBLiS BEEF, in Tle. ces Of the very best quality, and approved iu Ibe prese-, 1 supply of the Greenland aad Davis' straits Ships. MARK CLIP! ORD, No. IB, Bond- street, Hull Feb. 5, 1819. ' enerai g n(. i i u t g s t o t t ^ u p a i t ^ i u i , FRIDAY, KEii.; UAttY 1819. Al naeras— The iiarfcw<> rib cjiiiluigg, from London aad Si. Hpl^ na, nud is^ iied for CV^ ipa. At Bengal— Th* S* » c> stris, ' Hiomiison, Trom rhVa yviit. j At Cadiz— Ti » e llp^ al C'bar! « ( U', Harper, Irons thi* port. At Eiut Hies— Tim Naucy, Carr. irom Petersburg, for tbis port. 4 At Arimdahl- The August Wilbeltxi, Ivruse, from this port, boiind to Kl^ iuore R^; t, vv. i( h 4iitna » ; g 4t Hamburg— I'iie Guai'ii, Ueau, ftrfirJ^ t^ i. s pert,, At llehoet"' The Goede Hoop, KarUe^. TtW^ LoIlina, —, both from this port. At Antwerp— The Lord Nelson, Graves; Industry, Hobtrts, both ( torn this port. At Gtaresend— The Leed. « , Coiib. from Uifra. WINDS AT DEAL- Jan. ^ . S W - ^ . ' ^ B - ^ , S — 19, ESIS S— 31, N W— Feb. I, N W. The '. ord NVisou, Gravei, of and for tbis port, was loaded at Flushing on Saturday last. I- The > Ss. Paul, ( lark, o f and for this port from . Flashing, iri one of the heavy fjal^ s of wind in the iiiiddle of ia - t month1; was. siranded on the 19th on ihe West Foiut of Atae and.— A quaniity of wheat, pari ol' her cargo, had ail been got out, aud the vensei was about to be laU^ n to ' iariiajjeu to repair. ; On Thursday morning 8eyrniight, in a heavy gwle of wiud from tlj. e Kast, the briy vlerchaut, Finiaysoii. of Sonderlaiid, booni^ from Aleaiet o London, wi'b a cargo of oats and linseed, vvasdriytn upon ihe rocks about half a miie to the Norm of Sand « > cnd, near Whitby, wUefe she lien iu . V daageroufr. sis. uat. ion. ' V. he, Highlander, DonaU, arrived at oreeuock, from Charleston. ( in ihe Kth nit. iu lat. 4< 5. lon- r. 2^. 4. fell in . witb Ihf Tfiion, Hogarth, of North Shields, from St. John, N Ji. She had sprung a lr< ut on tbe 14th Lec. aud on ihe 5th nil. became completeiy water lodged ; « same nighi carried away her foremast., bowsprit, inain- iopiiiast, boats, and every thing on deck, and stove in ber counter. At 9 a. m. Capf. Donald took Capt. llngarth, e^ ht men aud four boys, o f the wreck-, reduced almost to skeletons, h* vins; been ten daywiihont either m= ai or drink. James Gould and Andrew Graham died ( the day previous to the rest beinj; picked up) from fatigue and hunger." A Smuggling Vessel, of 18 guns, was tbe week before Jasf, chased into « he Schelut Oy one of our C r u i m s ; to elfect her escape. she vvas obliged to throw ID guns Overboard On Friday moruing ^ e'unighi, the line ship Trelawney,, Ileid, of Glasgow, 460 Jons, for Jamaica, went on shore ou the Ayrshire corist. between Sievenston Burn and Irvin « Har. At ten o'clock uex » morning blowing very iurd - ih a heavy swell, four ofthe crevv went on shore in the jolly boat with a Une. but it nnfortuiiately « li} » ped from ihe vessej, A H cask,, however, with a line reached the shore, and four active f adveuturoas seamen, at Saltcoats, ( three oftheui ship-. i. astei>) in a boat, reached the vessel and took on boaid the captain ana . ten of the crew, whrre returning when thebost upset, and [ on board jieHshed, within two hundred yards ol' the nhore, i^/ the sighfof a great niimber ol people, who could jfive them 0 5 assistance. The remainder of the crew, consisting of nine, i with passenger, clung to the masts aud rigging ail day, the sea breaking over ihp - vessel, but no attempt could be mad., j to save them, aud four of them dropped off during the uigh - f' The other live seaUIPn, v » iih the > as » enger, were got on shotf. next morning, the weather having moderated, and are fait j, recovering. v Oii Wednesday se'nnight, the Meoai frigate, of 28 gud, was launched from Chatham dock- yard aud.. wot off the s^ in i? very '> pantiful style. I'ear Aamiral Sir H. Kotham, ( ki of S Iiprds of the Admiralty, Sir J. Gore, Sir II. Bariow, at; late in j in i ''.- Ui neigbbou ring gentry . were spectators. Uuforaoa: My, whilst every one was enjoying high gratiilcatiou at ti si^ ht Of so handsome a launch, one of the hawsers broke, al several persons were much injured. Oue ol the inferior f ileers, named Potter, had his leg broken, and from the circumstance of the same leg having been before broUen on a similr occasion, it was found necessary that it should be amputat^, which was performed at the sursery, aud he was afterwar i taken on hoard the Argonaut bospiul- saip. Sir J. Gore, ail three olher persons, also received considerable. inj. ury. FOREIGN TKADKK* INWARDS. From Memel— William, Orwin ; Primrose. Laycock ; Cciv| fidence, llahn ; Brothers, Davidsou. From Riga— Diaia, Norris ; Twee Gebruders, Schultz. From Kiel— Margar. i Frost; Sophia, Melt I ; Louisa, Hee'eh ; Tre Sostre, Lauritz^ ; Roseh. ilt, Sawden ; Liberty, Gray ; Fire Sostre, Bager : Aqia Christina, Ahlman ; Hamifiord, Brorsen. From Rottertiaiijz- Goede Hoop Best. From Bremen— Celphin, YVolpuirit^. Front Flensburg— NancyV Norman. From Holtmau—- Act| e. ropplewell. From Petersburg— Nancy, Carr. From Loha — r- Valiaut, Asbton. From Amsterdam— Jonge Jurina, Bat- i| r; Goede Verwagting, Hanse. From Wismur—* Sophia, Schawl, rom Copenhagen- Peace, Garland, From fVyburg— ABU, Wilkinson. From Randers— Thomas and Ann, Cus'anf* From High— Ann, Bell. From Rotterdam— Ceres, Store house. From fVismar — Merenrius, Ti; rgeofc. From burg— Venus, Willows ; Vine^ Masonf FOREIGN' TRADERS CLEARED OUTWARDS. for Copenhagen— Frederick, Schibge. For Fiiime— Samuel Wbllbread, Dails. tor Kie/— Adonis, Clark. For Rotterdam — Jane aud Isabella, Piucher. For Hamburg—- Sheriiuru, Hanson ; Krieuds, Jagger. For. Hartingen — Waterloo, War ren. For Tontngen— U v b i t w i Christina, Gratitz. For Elsinore— Ailler, Classer. For Hamburg - Leeds, Wilson. COASTERS INWARDS. From Lyttn— Friends' Goodwill, Potter , Brothers, Nichols ; Sisters, Franks; Went worth. Walsh.. From Hhi'lby - Endeavour, Laverack. Front Spalding — Neutral, England. From Perth— Anna, Imrier hrom London - Perseverance, Bradley ;• Jubilee, Plaxton ; St. Petersburg Packet, morden. From Boston- Industry, Mayason. From Wells- Ann, Jiekliug ; Mary and Anil, Smith ; Hopewell, Curson ; Soulbwick, Ring- \ vood. From Wisbech— Seaflower, Tindale; David aud Aim, Binning ; Maria, Kilibiug ; Joseph and John, Cbepbam ; b'ortunalns, Cherry. Front Berwick— tame, Estill; Newcastle aud Berwick Packet, Hawks. Fro lit Newcastle— Gratitude, Dick; Fuur Friends, Wardale. From Aberdeen— Alliance, M't'addie. From heith — Frieodsbury. SniiJh. From Sunder land— William and Mary, Drinkald. From London— number, Eyre ; Boston Packet, Sibsey ; Plauler, Foreman. COASTERS CLEARED OUTWARDS. For Lynn— William and Ann, Clark; Amicus, Clifton; Marys. Wild ; William and Ann, Cairiey ; Industry, Draper ; Harriet, Bmiltnn ; Providence. Putts ; Hopewell; Pickering ; Queen, Auilrews; Marigold, Brown. For Ytirnumlh— Woodford, Parker ; William and Mary, Ford ; Trial, Burkinshaw. For Dundee— IIumber, Clark. For Shields— Orion, Page; Forth, Webster: Venus, Mentiam. For London— CbeslerOeld, Bales; Diana, While : Neptune, Mason ; Resurrection, Seath ; lludd. rsfield, Ilobertsh. iw ; John, Hawkesworth ; Provident i a l , W ilkmsoo ; Richard and Jane, Hardy ; Gaiushro' Packet, Catley ; ciiftnn. Knight ; Goodwill, Wilkinson. For Wells — Dolphin, Foster. For Wye — Friends' Goodwill, Pelharn. For l. eiih— Neptune, Blackwood. For Boston— Resolution, Cook. For Walnpel- Favouiile. Orford. For Bluckneg- Ann. Shan I ; Ann, Peiiton. For Newcastle— Vine, Inglis ; Lively, Innis ; Alexander, Peters; Constance, Itulters. For Perth— Maggie, Scollaud. For Boston— Resolution. Askew Harvest Home, Brown. For Wisbech— Commerce, Gibson; Dove. Lovvery. From Duniee — Farmer, Robinson. From iisrwick— Fame, Lindsay, From Whitby— Mm, JWowatt. rotating medium with all Europe beside. If the Chancellor of Ihe Exchequer was not au iustrumeul in their hauiit he, a' leasl, ten! them assistance. No system o! finance lit.- i beeu established hy him since the peace, uor auy attempt lofree Hi.; country frum lis citficulties. His object wa « lo make it be believed llial Iheiucorne ihe expenditure would be1 eqna - ized ; while Ihe case was, that he paid olf so uincd dml with Ihe Sinking Fund, and adrierl as much lo il by the issue ol Exchequer Rills.- Hear! — Ill 111* years 1816 and I8i7, Hie amount of the paper In circulation had been extremely low. Mr. V. lbeu wilh ail air ofli- itidiph, see- tied lohave little doubt about pay Ingulf the Four or Five per Cents. The low; rate of interest in the country aiv.- e from llie exresMve i- sue U paper, and tiad led lo exiravagaut fluctuations iu tbe f u u d s , 10 the great saiisfaciion of a certain race 01 men. lii 1SI1, Ihe 3 per cents had liven < 13, and in the course of eight niotillis they had risen lo 84. He himself should be sorry thai il. e 5 per cents, should be paid off by a forced paper circulation He should call It a fraud upon those wbo had placed their money in that fund. The present system could not go on ; thougU be had no doiibl ( iiat many wereof opiniou thai ( her* was no need of reverting lo Cash- payments at all. The obvious course was, Ihe appointment of'a Committee, whicft Ordinance, dated Nov. 5, ISIS, for carrying into effect the old French law of the year i7; 7. relative lo Ihe affairs of commerce an 1 Ihe colonies, togefhrr vylth Hie course of proceeedinij; to be adopted on the occasion ; by- which Foreigners sell led ; n Flench cotomeS. t hough ua'uralized, are forbidden toengage ill Irarle, eilrier as merchants, brokers, or agents for ihe affairs ot commerce, under a penally ol dilDl) 11 vres, and banishment. And natives oi France, or of Ihe colonies, forbidden to employ any foreigners, even though naturalized, as clerks, agents, or brokers , under a penally of 3000 livi/ es, to be j. aid io the informer s. A report from lhe war department of the government ol Ihe Uniied, Stale., relative tu Indian affairs, proposes lhat measures tiiniulu' Le immediately adopted by the executive power, lo exc. 4lde altogether foreigners from trading Wilh these tribe- ; ' ai.- t t « or. la in for citizens of ttie. United Sl. iles, the euliie monopoly, in order to s.- care this object, Mr, Cothonn recmnuieiids compuUfi'y steps, and Ihe establish went of a company with a sufficient capital to be divided into shares limited to the term of tw enty years. It would appear, that Ihe JbOMriea'u government is attempting to strike a blow at the tli'llis: r fur trade in Canada, which is of so much imnorwouid I lanee lo ihis country ; and the Secretary of the War Departfurnish materials for tbe consideration of Ihe Honse. Hesaw j oient e. tierisiiiH the opinion, ibui tlie iuilneiice of the North - reamo i m p e r i a l p a r l i a m e n t. l o f h e H o n e n oiiuums, on Monday, a Petition from Ihe Common Coin cil . if London against Mock Auctions was presented by Mr. Waith an, and leferred to a Committee. He also presented another Petition from Ihe same body against a renewal o tbrlnsolveni Debtors Act: which having been read, Mr. Alderman Wuilhman observed, he could not but cons i d e r this Petition as important as any which had been preinalt d during ( he pr, sent Session, . no! excepting even that on 4tie subject of the Criminal Code. The citizens of London, i - mid affirm, were as open to the feelings of humanity • t any M- of men existing.— Tbe Insolvent Act would be ar, : ; y adopted by them as by auy class of persons, If it was ii act of humanity . but this was an Act affording the r. idy road lo the Invasion of private properly, and, be • w, .-.. » i|, er say, to ihe destruction of public mora s. It also ope- aled as ao invasion of lhe Constitution, since it » u- . perseded lb.' besi of our institutions, the trial by Jury, and gave lo one individual Ju„ » e of tbe Insolvent Court the po- ver of deciding upon a bulkof property. greater in amount than cauie under the contronLof the Lord Chancellor, and all the Otlii- r Judges. Returns, had at different limes been made to ihe House oo tbe sui jR. f o f j h i s Bill, an. t its consequences. On ' he Istof March, I S t S , « Re urn was madelo Ihe House, by which il appeared, hat ' he iiii. nber o: persons who had at ii line beeu discharged amounted to B90U. and Hie am II of their debts to G. nOO, 0001. The House then pro cecited to e . aire what dividend Ihey had made on these debts, aud found ih average one quarter of a farthing in the pound. The Act then underwent improvement'; ami on Ihe lst of March, 14IT, another return was made, The persons discharge. 1 were in no nber 0300, tbeir debts 0,000,030/. an-. l tbe divide nl h- ilf a far . ing. Thus, this improvement had had ( lie e /' eel oi rais,.. g the dlvifc- r. d fioui a quarlcr of a farthing lo half a a th ug in the pound; and, going oil in th s progressive stale, by the time Ihe Act expired, about 14,00.1 j er- ons « nu.< i be discharged, at an expense of abo- e ] '. HiO 0001. taken from Ihe pockets of the m< wl hottest, most lu -.- irn-, and be would » ay, the most virtuous, pari of the' 4-. • , n'. i ily — a lax must enormous in its amount, vvhjch, in t :: live years, woalu lake more out of Ihe pockets of fhe in- On .1-- kino trades r a n , mure, much more than the amount ofthe Property Tas on this class ol persons. The Ilou. Member uoiiteaned, thai no advantage resulted lothe Debtor himself f . om this Act; on the contrary, il served i » . encourage fraud nil Ihe part of the Debtors, who now went oo to exhaust the , ll - - r— Oawtiiors In ' ii* last ferthlng., I bell to take themselves lo tin- n, This he conm p . froui docnmea. s in hi- possess mi. delivered lo him by Slieriif's Officers, l> y • t i r e it appeared that several of these persons had gone t o those Officers and deiiveied themselves up, wilh writs iu their hands. Ate Hon. Alderman concluded by moving, that tue Pent on should lie on the laole. Mr E I. Littleton fully coincided with the Hull. Alderman in all which he had saiJ ; be believed il had been a means of euahllui ihi franduleni debtor u> make trauiftrS o f - h i s ill acquire,; property, and ihen by goiug lo prison atld taking the uenelil of. the Insolvent Act, defraud the honest and unfortunate creditor. Mr. Brp'iyham agreed in much which had been said by Ihe lion. Gentleman n. ar him ( Mr. Waltbman.) He was ready to acknowledge that the Insolvent Act had been abused, tun he could no! a^ iee lo condemn ihe system altogether. The system itseil was oue which hud existed king before Ihe preseut Bill was pa- sed; it was a necessary oue ; and he trusted in the Committee to which Ibis Petition would be relerred, . and iu the discussion which would after wards take place . upon it in the House, It would he so far modified lhat Ihe interest of Ihe honest Creditor might tie guarded. One observation oi the Hon. Alderman's he must not suffer tn pass w ilboul notice. The lion. Alderman had talked nl 1 ,1) 00,000/. liking taken tioui till' pockets of the lionesl tradesmen; a sum as he said, more than iqnal to what they would have paid, under the Property la*. Unl he would ask the Hon. Aldermuu whether, if | Lis Act had not exisled at all. be'believed l i e honest tradesmen would have recovered this 1.5.000, OOU<. ? On ( he contrary, he ( Mr.. 13.) did not beiteve they would have recovered ihe fowrih pari of a farthing which the Hon. Alder iniu hail mentioned. The Petition was then ordered lo lie on Ibe table. Mr. Alderman H'ailhuum then moved for a return o f t he milliter of persons discharged under the Insolvent Act, the amount of their Debts, aod of Ibe Property delivered up by .. them I'm' Ihe benefit ol Iheir creditors, since Ihe passing the presetu luso. velit Act.— Ordered. A Pel it ion ' rom the principal merchants and manufacturers cf Leeds, was pies n ed hy Mr. Stuart Worlley, setting rorlb the evils which would result from the exportation of ( lie gold eoiu, aud the restraining the i, ssues of ( lie country hankers, if at Ihe present lime when IJC exchanges were unfavourable, owing lo Ihe late large foreign loans, the Bank of England were compelled l. i return io Cash payments. Mr. Tlerney snld the Resolutions had not been passed al auy Public Meeting, ' l tie Petition was ordered lo be printed. A bill for regulating the manufactory or knives, forks and razors, was read a first, and ordered to be read a second time ou Wednesday last. The following article affords another Instance of Die scandalous falsiiles lo which ttie adherents of Konaparie have recourse, in order to persuade I lie British public that they are harshly Inaled. Mr. Douglas, in consequence of statements by ti'en. Guurgaud, laiely seut out ol Ibis country under the Alien Act, thai his w Ub lo be carried before Ihe Priv y Council had been denied, aud thai his portfolio and papers had been taken to the Foreign Office, and opened, and iiie latter sent lo him unsealed— enquired of Mr. Clive, of Ihe Home Department IT these statements were correct ? — Mr. Clive flatly contradicted Ihem. ' I he General was taken before a Magistrate by bis own desire, bul lie never expressed a wish to be taken before Ihe Council. His papers were not only transmitted to his direction, hill delivered to hliu sealed, aud his portfolio ill the game state in which il was received at thai office. In the House of Commons on Tuesday, Petitions against taking off Ihe Bank Restriction in the same wordsas that froin Leeds, were presenled from Halifax and Liverpool. Mr. Tierney rose fo move for a Committee lo inquire into the effect produced by the suspension of Cash pay ments on the exchange w ith foreign countries, and on Ihe circulating medium. He understood Ministers intended lo continue the Restriction to March. 1S20; and Ibe question was oue of the most fa'portaul that had beeu agitated since the Revolution. The OI.. J reason he could see for Inquiry being opposed, w as, lis coining from his side of Ibe House, and Ihat he was ihe mover of it. Tbe principles in the report of Ihe Bullion Cooituillce formed his creed. The question was no lo ^ er one ol mere abstract reasoning, but whether tbe circulation could be restored to its former state. Much alarm had been felt on tlie subject : and il had been said, that should Cashpayments be resumed, the counlry would be mined. Such a doctrine was sanctioned by men of considerable influence iu ibe country ; and, hy a poweriul body, who attempted lo rontroul bolh tbe bauk aud the Legislature. Many of them were men of Ihe raliest character ; but the tail was formed hy others of a very different description ; men of no capital, who ii. id over- traded themselves, and, on that account, wished to keep tbe circulation as full as possible, and whose ruin would be inevitable upon the return ol j metallic currency. But it '. vae extraordinary tlmt England should riot have the same ciruo reason against the reluru to Cash- payments. The foreign loans amounted only lo 10 uiil lions al fir si, to be paid , iu niue months ; which sum had been reduced to 12 minimis, and the l i n e made 27 months ; so lhat ibe sum lo ee sent out of Ihe country was ouly 330,000/. per mouth, and thai hy private individuals. When the Bank bigau to take sreps lu pay iu specie, Ihe Stocks had fallen, and those fluctuations had been productive of gain IO artful men ; while, ou the other hand, Ihe losers bad beeu those who relied on tbe declarations of the Government. The present Chancellor of the Exchequer called for mure unlimited confidence Ibau Mr. Pilt bad ever done tu Ihe plenttjtde of his power. He ( Mr. Tierney) had offered lo exchange millions aud plaus with hint— A louet laugh— but the Right, Hon. Geol. was not to be moved. Th< Right Hoo. Gem. had opposed all enquiry, ( III it had bec- o recommended In bi. n by tlie Director* of ( he limn.. ii « hn. t HI) iluur. t ibe Bauti was prepared to pay iu specie ; lint in the tuoiiou of the j Chancellor ol the Exchequer, there wan a sweeping clause as I In other mailers, that might nieau any thing or every ihing. He himself only wanted distiuct answers lo different points. If Ihe House should stand by him, Ine Right Hon. Gent, would give way, as he had done oil a former occasion. Alter tile opposition he had given to llie uiotlous of his Hi u. Friend, ( Mr. Grenfell,) he had now agreed lo all that had been demanded. The case of ihe Income Tax, must be iresti in the recollection ol ihe House ; and the ease would be Ihe same upon the present occasion, should he ( Mr. T.) have the support of the House, which he thought he had a right to claim, a- all his predictions bad proved to be rij> kt, and iliose of tue Chancellor of the Exchequer lo tie erroneous. He could not believe lhat the House would reject his minimi, out oi compliment to the Chancellor of ibe Exchequer, whose object was to ste. v his strength iu tbe new Parliament ; aud a bet er opportunity could not possibly tte afforded to uew M' mbers, of testifying their devotion to the Minister. The question was, as Ibe appointment ofa Comiliiltee. There was uo ground for secrecy, as lo Ihe general question; aud, with respect lo I he affairs of the Bank, he should not object to a Secret Committee, so desirous was he lo come to a good understanding w ilh the Right Hon Geui. the Cbauceiior of the Exchequer. The Right Hon Genl. conclude!! his speech by moving for sucti a Committee as he staled . Ill the commencement of his speech. Mr. Vonsitlart expressed his surprise at ihe course which the Right Hon. Geut. had taken, who bad first gjveu a notice ofa mo iou on Ihe state of the Finances. This, however, he had entirely ahsiiiiutied on his ( Mr. V.) giving a ubli. e ou Ihe pre- 1nt subject; but even here, as it - would appear, from no oiher reason than lor opposition only, the Kiglll Hon. Geut, h d LL II posed a . motion less in extent then his. The Right linn Gent, had accused the Ministers of doing nothing tow, r is reducing taxation, ur ihe harden of the Public Debi. — Li contradiction . of ili. it assertion, he would shew, that iu three years from ihe termination of Ihe war, Ihe penpie had lieen relea- ed from a burden amounting. to at leasl i7,000,04) 0/ tit' taxation ; and there hud also beeu paid off front 2> In 3,. millions of uuiuudeU i) ei. t. He challenged the Right Hon. Geo1, to contradict « ti! s eiatemeut it he could, from which it appeared that more had been done in these l i m e years, lhaii in any oilier period of peace since lire Revbluiiou. On the present occasion, his object, as well as that ill' the Right Hon. Gen', was euyuii y .; aud. as both had iiie same object in view , be trusted Ihey should not dillVr materially us t o ihe mode. He had certainly come down to tbe Houte on tbeiirgi day of Ihe Session, and given notice of his intention tu propose a short prolongation of . the . Restriction ou Cash- pay men, s, and had not Ihen meolioned any enquiry; and he had refrained from doing so, thinking ihal tbe enquiry would have been heller delayed Mil nex! Session of Parliameat; h£ which lime t i e coiiiiisijn iuto vvtitci the financial systems, not ouly of this country, but of every Goveroment on tbe Ceuiioeat, was thrown, would have subsided, aud the enquiry been goueinio with more advantage ; and he should, under lhat persuasion, have proposed a, continuation of the Restrictions till March, IS' 20, but . circumstances had arisen which induced him to tliluk. Willi Ibe Right IIou. Gent. thai enquiry was necessary ; and he would go further.. The Right Hon. Geiit. only proposed toetiquire into Ihe effect which the . Resolutions on Cash- payments had on Ihe Exchange. Now lie, by bis proposition, proposed. 10 go further, and enquire into lue slate of the Bauk. of England. The . first and prominent point uf euqulry, as it struck hiai, was an enquiry into the stale of ihe Bnuk, anil the preparations they had made towards the re.- uulptlull of Car. h- paymeuls, and several other collateral circuuisiauc. es These would all be, embraced by his motion, whilst. the liifiht Hutt. GeuUMMu's motion would exclude them. The Right Hon. Gentleman must beaware, however, of t|. e d. i; ger 01 a public disclosure of all the concerns ofJhe 11,11... ills motion would avoid that inconvenience. He should move fur Ihe appointment of a Committee to enquire into the state ol ihe Bauk, relative lo all matters connected with lite resumption of Cash- payments ; into Ihe expediency oi oo v resuming such Cash- pay menu ; and that the said Committee should report lo the House the result or such eiiquii- ie,;, as far as Ihey could do ao without injury to the con. eru- of tbe Bank, j This would be his motion, and would, - tie cettceived, go j further than the Right Hou. Gentleman's With respect to Ihe farther extent iou of the Restrictions, if such should be deemed expedient, it would be desirable that the resniiiptiou of Casb- payments should lie so fixed as that it should take place ata period at which Parliament wassitting. The Committee would have much enquire iulo : they would enquire into iiie state ol the exchanges ; the stale of the foreign loans and many other subjects ; some of < vtiich it might he improper to make public; bnt it would rest with the Committee to discriminate between what might wilh sarety tie reported lo the House, and what ought, cousisieiitly with the public interest, to he withheld. , ie concluded by moving, as an amendment, lhat all ttie words in the original motion, alter these " Thai a Committee be appointed," should he lett on!, and the follow ing be inserted:—" To enquire into - the slate ' of the Bank uf England, Ihe Exchanges, aud other matter conoeeted wilh the Resumption ol' Cash- pay meats, ami iti .£ 3' west aud Hudson's Hay Companies among the Indians,, may be successfully opposed, A letter from Milan uaied January I, says :—" The Princess of Wales io. making preparations for a trip IO Ihe Holy Land. The Bartfn, ant y oung Austin i who is . always, addres- ed by ihe title iif Prince), accompany her Royal Highness, together wiiti a vast suite. Tbe Princess toldthe Marchioness of Douglas thai il w as her intention lo be absent six months, and that sue uieaiil to visit nil the places of note in Egypt During tue Princess's absence her new Palace w ill proceed. Two Gentlenl- n lately arrived from England, had a long conference with her Royal Highness " 1 HKICE O F STOCKS - 3f per Ct, Com. 7 S j 7 J jf The I'okiewiess Fox- hounds, we urVderstaiid, wilt meet on Monde} , Feb. b, at While Cross* ou Wednesday', Feb. 10, at Set oil . Village ; aod ou Friday, * iF « li. R , at Dringboa ; each morunjg at half past ten o'clock, if ihe weather permits. The Holderuess Harriers, we understand, will meet ( loulorrow) Saturday, Feb. 6, al Gauslead Mill, on Wednesday, Feb. 10, at lloiuipjon ; and lid Salurday, Feb. 13, at Lelley Mill ; each tiltuniiig at ten o'clock. Mr. Turton's Harriers will meet on Tuesday next at Huggate; . and ou Friday, at Driilleld Wind Mill, each moruing at hall pas! ten o'clock We had not a large supply of English Wheat at our Market on Tuesday last, sud but a few samples of tke remaining Foreign arrivals were r die red. The buyers came forward and gave is. lo 2s. per qr. above the prices of that day w eek ; but tbeMMcnanticipating a farther advance, did not pies* the sales. Barley was dearer; Oats stationary ; new Beans dull, and Ihe . Vieduei raneati old Beans'met little or no attention. Rape- seed cheaper. In Flour do alteration. Piices— Wheat, 72s. ao*. 84*. Barley, 40s. 48s. lids.- Outs, 2Ss. 30s. 33 » .— Beans, A8s. 60*. B3s.— Fiour, tine, 63s. per' bap, 20 stones. j Ditto Seconds, 6Js. dill;). — Rape s. ied, - Jdi to 47/. per last. In- patients. IN El It W A R \ . u t- patient,. Discharged Ac 4 Relieved, Discharged <£ c.. 45 Admitted ..... 2 , Admitted. 36 Physician l) r- Crosley. Surgeon — Mr. Fielding. John Broadley, E » q.- House- visitor. Inoculated for the Cow Pock by the House- surgeon, 47. HULL AN.' j SCULCOATES DISPENSARY. Patients. 1 Patients. Discharged . Cured, the 50 \ Admitted . . . Visited at their own bogies 38. Physicians— Dr. Ayre, aud I') r. C. Alderson. Surgeons— Mr. Dunning anil Mr. Casson. Mr. Wm. Lowthorp, of Weliou, has given a donation of one guinea, and Mr. j . Marshall has become a subscriber of halfa guinea annually, to the Hull and Sculcoates Dispensary. We are credibly informed that a Petition was to be presented to Ihe House of Commons last nighi, against the return of J. R. G. Graham, Esq. for this borough. The Petition is understood. to be from some of Mr. Slaniforth's Hull friends ia London. W. W. Billion, Esq Chairman of ibe Com niltee for making a Junction- Dock : at ihis port, has received letters from J. Mitchell, Esq. and J. R. G. Graham, Esq. Ihe Members for Ibis town, spying thiit they will give every attention in Iheir power to Ihe Petition, which has been sem from hence siuce our last, to ba presenled In l i e House of Commons, for leave to bring in a Bill for a New Dock, between the Old aud number Docks. A s- ries of Resolutions on a very important subject, the suppression of Vagrants and Begging, will be found in a preceding column; aud fhe proceedings at the Meeting iu our 41b page. VVe recommend Ijem to the nofice of our readers, aud trust they will ail tie ready Io go hand in band •. vMh tbe MegisiTaies ami JCSSietflBt iiud m i irdiaiis el the Poor, dn carrying tbeiu iniu effect. About seven o'clock on Wednesday night, fbree- yonng men of mean appearance- went into the shop. of Mr. Stingshy, tailor and slop man, Fifakle- stieet, under a preiencc ot buying cluathea; end while two of theiu were bartering, the Ihird tuuml meansto « ecnne several articles of wearing apparel, and . the whole reiired undiscovered ml! it too late. A sheep and two sacks of corn were,. « iolen a few nlghls ago, ' from a farmer at Wiideringbam ; aud there is reason to believe liave lieeo lirought to this town. In ibe nielli ef Monday last, Ibe brig Jason, ly ing it » Ihe Humber Dock, . was broken into, and several blankets, pillows, jackets, tFow. sers, shoes, I wo bibles, a qaatility of spirits, Ac stolen - therefrom. A woman and a boy are iu custody, susuected of being con « « rned in Ihis robbery. Committed to Hull Gaol, on Tuesday last, Jane Knight, charged wilh robbing . her furnished lodgings of blankets, sheets, Ac. the. properly of Samuel Todd, ol Blackfriargate. Wool, aod all other worsted ariici. es, enumerated. in Act 28. Geo. III. chap. 38. are now allowed lo be shipped coastwise from Selby, on obtaining tbe necessary documents for that purpose, at that place, In lieu of calling at this port, as usual. Tbe PUOIJHGING MATCH, promoted by file HO'., I> EHXF. SS AURIC T'LTOH iA SOCIETY, was exhibited in a field of Air. Brigham's, ai Billon, oil Wednesday the 27th nil. Tweuly- . seven ploughs started, and the weather was propitious, bnt the soil was much too dry to she'w the work lo the besi advantage. Tiie first and second prizes of three guineas and two guineas given by the Society, were adjudged to Thomas Capes, ploughman IN Mr. Edward Ward, of Bni'SLwick, aud George Flelcher, ploughman to Mr- John Acey, of Preston. The three guinea* added by Francis Constable, Esq. were adjudged to Matthew Abbey, ploughman tn Mr. William Stickney, of Ridgmout; William Barchaid, ploughman to Mr. Solomon Saiiih, of VTylon ; and Thomas Trover, ploughman to Mr. T:.., i> lliy Johnson, of Ryhitl; and several others, whose merits vrvre conspicuous, were handsomely rev arded from a very liberal collection made on the ground. A great concourse of judicious spectators were much gratified with ' he excellent appearance of tiie ploughing, and the lively interest and perseverlug exertion or each competitor iu lhe performance of li in a general remark, that the spirit of competition I iitaongsf the ploughmen in IL) Idem ess 1. much excited since ! : b'es » matches were first iustitnted. Wm. Barchard ploughed | his ianil of two roods and leu pcrches, la three tours and expediency - of taking off the Restrictions ; anil to report the !. twWi y - f l « « roinmes, being at Ibe cate. of oue acre, one rood, result of such enquiries, as far as the saiue cuuld be reported j and ten perches, in eight hours, which may be reckoned a fair consistent Willi public Interest; with Iheir observations J ploughman's day. It may, p e r i l s , nol'tre unimportant to " Vie thereon." of our readers to remark, tbot this ploughing is per Mr. F. Lewis support, d the motion, and strongly reprobated the present sy stem of fictitious capital and riches, which led individuals l'ulo speculations, which ended iu Iheir ruiu : and implored the House to returu, as fast as possible, to liie good old English custom ol paymeut With cash, which, he said, aloue would save the country. Lord CasUereagh said, Ihe Bank were prepared lo resume Cash- paynieuts. if allowed lo conduct Ibeir business only wilh a view to their ovvu interest, and to shut their ears to the applications of the . public. Tbe questlou was one of far greater importance than oierely as related to the Bauk. it was indeed, one of vital imporfauce— It wasoue in which the Bank was only as a fly ou a wheel. The question wm, whether, by a premature resuuiuliou of Cash- paymenls, commerce should eie ruined, and the commercial world thrown into chaos and confusion. This, iu the present state ol ihe Exchanges, would eulalt on our manufacturers a loss of a. t least 7£ per cent, and turn the b.. uk into an exchange for Brokers and Jobbers ; as our manufacturers would have to compete with gold at 7 7s. Od. per oz instead uf S4s. The Bank of England made no greater profits oil the suspension or Cash- payments than other Iraokers did, in proportion to Ihe amount of their capital. He bad never witnessed any Interested motive which had operated oil the Directors of ttie Bank refrain from Cash- payinenls wheuever the slate ot 1 tie exeb. iges was such a. would admit of their resumiug such payment, in a maimer beneficial to the public. Mr. BernalljLH. P. for Lincoln), and Mr. Maberley, spoke in favour of Ihe motion and Mr. Canning against it. Rlr. Tierney replied. The House then divided— For Mr. Tierney's Motion, 168— For Ihe Chancellor of the Exchequer's Amendment, 277— Majority, 109. Tbe Committee was then ordered l o b e secret, and by ballot— Adjourned at Half- past Twelve o'Clock. Advices have been received from Ceylon, by the way of Madras, communicating the intelligence o f t h e caji'ure of tbe Malabar Chief, pretender lo the Crown of Candy, who is supposed to have heeu the chief cause of the iusurrecllou which has so long prevailed in that island. Together with him was uiade prisoner, his Prime Minister, Kappilipola. The Governor of Martinique, M. Doazelot, has issued an foixied by one mm, with a pair S horses, aud the single plough in comnion use in Horaernesrl. The chimney of Mr. M. Burkiiisliaw, draper, of Beverley, having taken Ijre al an early hour- on Wednesday morning, a light was soon, afforwnrris perceived by one of bis neighbours in a room'oretipW as a wardroom,- which, on examination, was found to proceed from ttie buniiUg soot having lalteu into Ihe room, and conilnnnfeaied Io the goods there. And but for the' titeely discovery, the whole building would inevitably have beeu destroyed. ' The iire was extinguished with little da inan e. John Harrison, of Lockington, labourer, who was with bis brother apprehended and removed from Beverley, as a rogue and vagabond, iri November last, was again apprehended al the latter place, oti Tuesday list. In bii' possession were found a gun will: ti e slock broken, a ce. ilre bit. and u bag. Sarah Anatby, o' S'. arliro', wife of Jolio Analhy, has been sentenced by the V gi- trates to six months imprisonment for uttering hase money ; a very great quantify of which is at present in circulation in thai town aud neighbourhood. At Ibe West- Ridiug Sessions at Wakefield, a butcher al Dewsbury was charged with Selling and exposing for sale unwholesome meat, not lit for Ihe food of man. The animal, ( a cow) had been diseased a considerable lime before it was killed ; when killed he was apprised that it was unsaleable, and the person of whom he bad purchased it, had ottered to give up all claim to Ibe purchase money, in spite of these admonitions, he persisted iu selling a considerable part of it; the persons who purchased il found ii unfit lo he eaten, and the res! of the carcase was seized i » y tbe constable, and publicly burnt. The Jury found the defendant — Guilty, aud ihc cuurt sentenced him to- pay a fine of 4Ds. The Judges have cbo « en their respective Spring Circuits as follows :— Norfolk— Lorn Chief Justice Abboit and Mr. viaron Graham. Midland— lord Chief Justice Dallasaod Mr. Justice Burrough. Northern— I- onl t hief Baron and Mr. Baron Wood. Home— Mr. Justice Bay ley and Mr. Justice Park. Western— Mr. Justice Holroyd and Mr Justice Best. Oxford — Mr. Baron Garrow and' Mr. Justice Richardson. At the Oakhatn Quarter Sessions, the Minister of the parish of Cllpsbam, very prai-: ewortbily indicted a Mr. Rd. Hack, one of bis parishioners, ferpBre/ iiiJti'. ij ( as it is called) a it i f t : the Jury found a true bill. The purchaser was selected for punishment, as the most opulent, and fittest lo uiakean example of. Assessed Taxes— Many ot Ihe farmers in the E » sf. Riding having been surcharged as horse- dealers not having a license, have appealed, upou the. ground of farmers not heing liable lo he made dealers, consequently mil chargeable vvilb a license; when, alter a full aud impartial investigation before Ibe Commissioners, of all Ihe circumstances and Ihe laws furnished by Government to Ihe Surveyors of Taxes iu support of such charges, all the surcharges have been confirmed, ami not a single Instance has uoenred where the appellant has been relieved, from which . the l » w appears clear lhat a farmer may be a dealer as well a- any other man, and which decision in a county like'Yorkshire,- will- undoubtedly greatly increase the Revenue nnder the Tax department.— York Conrant. Caution to Swearers.— About a fortnight since two young men, one named Joseph Gowlelt, a sailor, aud ihe oilier a coal- porter, in company at a public- house, engaged, lor a pot of beer, to try which eoiiid swear the mo. I diabolical oaths ; when Gowlelt, afler using the most abominable expressions for a short time, became exhausted, aud could not- utter a syllable, and bas remained . peeehle- s ever since, a living example to those who take God I* name in vain.— Nomieli Paper. The important trial of ( he Rioters and Delegates for raising wages, came on at the Manchester Sessions.— J. Gorton, ahd D. Crook", for having, at Manchester. together with others, lo tbe number of 500 and more, riolously and luiiinllininsly assembled togeiher lo dislurb Ilie peace, to I lie greal terror of the inhabitants, and throw n a considerable number of stones at the tactory oi Mr. Betij. Gray, thereby breaking and deslroying Ihe windows ( hereof; were sentenced lo he imprisoned in Lancaster Castle for the term ot three years.— John Dogherty, anoiher of Ihe riotous spinners at Mr. Gray's factory, was sentenced to two years imprisonmenl In Lancaster Castle. Robert Pllki'ngton, Richard Kay, and Robert Ellison, delegaies from Bury to raise wajjes, were sentenced — Pilkiuglou aud Kay lo two years imprisonment each iu Lancaster Caslle ; and Ellison lu one year's imprisonment in lbs satne goal. Mr. J. S. Stubbs, a wooiien draper, at Glasgow, announces, that he has received a supply cf Vigouia black and blue superfine woollen cloth at 110s. a yard, money price! ! ! from Mr. Firth, of Leeds. The Marquis of Hastings, lo prevent its being supposed thai he had resolved upon Ihe war in India in order lo make an accession fo his fortune, h is most magnanimously thrown ihe w hole of bis share of prize money into the portion of the subalterns and privates! Oil Suuday the 17th lilt., during the absence of an old man residsng al Glnftou Bridge, Derbyshire, some person or persons broke into bis. house and robbed II « !' one. hundred and • sixty- eight guineas iu gold, eleven pounds in silver, and ren pounds in uoten. If the money had been in a Saving Bank, it would have been secure for Ihe use of its aged owner. On Tuesday se'iiuigbl a you » li was killed by the bursting of a gun, which he had purchased two days previous. A young man of ihe name of Weymouth, in the parish of Brislongion, just entering into l i f e with good expectations, also lost his life last week by firing a fowling- piece, which hurst, aud so dread- Tully shattered his head, that he speedily expired. A mother of a family, who was agaiu pregnant, three of her children, aud a young girl, 13 y ears of age, all inhabitants of Chateau Roux, lu the departmeul of the I mire, in France, were lately poisoned by eating poisoaons mushrooms, which they ( bought of good qualify. A few days ago, a person near Exeter ' Change, iu the Strand, having a quarrel wiili his son. the latter left him in anger, but soun returned wilh a large lior- e pistol, heavily loaded, the contents of which he discharged at his father's head. The, charge Just passed by his face, aod for the moment nearly deprived hiui of sight, but failed of further effect. The young ruffian instantly absconded. A wretch named Sawyers, whu was a fellow- lodger in a bouse in tiie New Kent Road, with a man and his wife, and suspected o f a criminal intercourse with the laiter, beiugjealous of a young man whom he suspected of meeting her, dogged her until his suspicions were verified, and struck her two blows over the herd with a lialchet, which fractured ber scull in two places. He immediately ahscunded. Yesterday se'nnight, at [ low- street, London, a man named Robert Fletcher, was charged wilh robbing the Rev. George King, prebendary of Ely CathetLal, on the south side of Covent Garden. He was eaaghl io Ihe act of stealing a printed sei- mou from ihe prosecutor's pocket, and commuted i'or trial. A German Astronomer has predicted Ihe weather of Ihe present year. The spring, lie says, will commence early; the mouths of March aud April will be very fine; all the harvests will be abundant, tbe cherries and prunes akiue w ill ail ; the wine will he. xif excellent quality, and above alt very - saccharine., out ( here will he . less ol it than in ISIS ; there- will be some dry fogs io'lhe mouth of August, and lite month « f September w i l l fcafessicoaie very cold . lays in it.— Those who live near volcanoes must be ou their guard, for there will tie many eruption?, precedpd by earthquakes.— Two cornels will approach our planet hut not cause any evil, ' l hey will be without tails, and frized a la Titus! ! Lately, at Totter, near Landrake, Lieiil.- Col. O'Dogherty, ot Ihe R. M. oneot Ihe most eccehiric characters, perhaps, in England, wbo, for more ( bail 20 years, occasionally visited Plymouth market oo an old while horse, lean as RosiMAle, whose laukappearance, coiilbined with In, own singular habiliments, formed together a spectacle of wretchedness fully equal lo any thing described of the celebrated Elwes. In his last visit lo Plymouth, a few weeks since, h'e: seated hlm- ell on ihe steps of Ihe Plymouth Telegraph Office to eat an apple. His dress then consisted of a dlrly night- cap round his head, surmounted by Ihe poll of an old hat without a brim, a rough waistcoat, patched all over, greasy leather sur. ll- cloihes, kept up by listing braces, outside the waistcoat, w it It wads of strawround the bottoms of his legs. In his baud he wielded a large hedge- stick. Amidst all this seeming penury, he pn-' -- erl some very excellent freehold estates in the above parish, welt stocked ; yet, he chose lo. quit ihe family mansion, and lived in a small cottage iu its vicinity, without a pane of glass in the windows; he nightly entered it by a ladder, which he drew after him, and slept in a corner of one of the rowan upon a wretched pallet. This eccentric character had, previous lo his death, made a will, hy which, after bequeathing 1,000/. iu legacies to various persons, lie iefi the residue, at least 4o, 000/. to C. Carpenter, Esq. oi' Modiionham. At lbjs gtutleman's request, two of the neighbouring Magistrates, Mr. Arundel, of Liindulph, and Mr. Tucker, ofTremasion Castle, attended the funeral,- after which Ihey accompanied him to read fhe will lo Ihe Cot.' s sun and three unmarried daughters, who were not eveu bl'eiUltMie'il in it. V.' heii the will had beeu read, Mr. Carpenter, in the handsomest manner, renounced all his right to I he property, which he assigned over to Ibe Colonel's four children, lo lie dlvidetf between theoi. What adds more credit, if possible, lo Mr. Carpenter's conduct On this occasion is the fact, that when an expre « reached Redruth, w here he Ihen was, W i l l i Cot. O'Dogheriy ' s will, he.' without loss of lime and lest any accident should occur before he could return home executed a codicil to his ovvu will, wherein he gave. all the property bestowed upon- hiin to ttie Colonel's children. Trails ( if character like these require no eulogy : tbey speak for themselves. M I N D ! C A J l I t O L L wild last Lottery a larger amount of Prizes than any other Office- Keeper, viz :— No. 2.387. . a Prize of. £ 30^ 000. No. 7,003. . a Prize of 5.000. and it is very probable th.. l Both the Pr. zes of £ 20,000 which must tie drawn NEXT TUESDAY, 9th FEBRUARY are now on Sale al his IOrtiii) a! e Office'. 19, Cornbill, and 26, Oxford- slreet, Loudon tor, by. his Agents, G. TURNER, Bookseller, Market- place, Hull. M. TURNER, Bookseller, Beverley. T. PI'tiRSON, Bookseller, King- sired, Sheffield. J. II. LEACH, Bookseller, Market- place, Leeds. J. HOLROi'D, Bookseller, Corn- market, Halifax. W. RANSOM, Thirss. R. HURST, Printer, Wakefield. J. BLACKBURN & SON, Primers, . Market- pi. Bradford / SECOLLECr.' — HAZARD aud CO. Sold ALL the THIR TY THOUSAND POUND PRIZES in ( he Lottery before last, and ANOTHER PRIZEor £ 30,000, in the Lottery just ended.— NEXT TUESDAY, TWO PRIZES of £ 2tl, « 0:>, must beDRAWN, as the Lottery of only 6000 Tickets begins and finishes ou that day. Tickets and Shares on Sale by Messrs. TOPPING and DAWSON, Booksellers, Low- gale, Hull, who have recently Sold PRIZES of jtfiO, 000, £ 20,000, & c. <& c. Agricultural Report for January. The mild open weather is in favour of the latter sown Wheats, hut not so of the early piauts, which, where they have uot been sheep- led, are, ill seveial districts, too luxuriant. and run much to Black grass and oilier weeds. The land working so kindly, has caused an earlier sowing of Beans aqd Peas than usual, a large breadth in Kent and Essex being already - ot In. Tbe followed lands ( or Barley aud Oats are found generally in guod condition. Clover & etd proves a slight crop. The Turnips which remained sound, and the Cole Seeds intended lo stand for a crop, are running away fast ; the latter suffered considerably from their for ward state. Trout the two or three shar p night frosts. The Hay market is stationary at last month's prices. The Meat markets have had good supplies ; Mutton Is rather lower, but prime Beef is somewhat higher. Lean Stock of mo « kinds is found scarce, and continue higb priced. Tbe Wool market is brisk, and fine clothing fleeces are advancing. MARRIAGES. Yesterday, at the Holy- Trinity Church, Mr. W . Child, of Easlnglon, to Jemima, daughter of Mr. John Fewson, of Lockholme, both in Holderness. Yesterday, al SI. Mary ' s Cbnrch, Mr. Wm. Labon Simpson, of Htmuianby. to Miss Ann Walker, second daughter of Mr. Matthew Walker, of this place. On Thursday lasl, at ScuJcoates Cburch, Ibe Rev. James Boden, of Relnird, Nottinghamshire, lo Mary Frances, only daughter oT John Thornton", Esq. of Ihis place. Ou Tuesday lasl, al Wbitby, Mr. Greenwell. of Newcastle, merchant, lo Miss Mellar, daughter of tbe lale John Mellar, Esq. or Whilbv. On Wednesday tbe 20th ult. al Norlh Dalton, Mr. James Newton, farmer and grazier, of Dronfield, Derbyshire, lo Miss, Jane Lund, second daughter or Johu Lund, Esq of Norlh Dalton. Oil the 18th oil. at Vunkeeling, by Ihe Rev. J. Wilson, Mr. Thomas Snarry, to Miss Ann Dickenson, botliof Bewbolm. On Ihe 20| h ult. al Fulford. near York, Mr. M. Glenton, of Bcrougbbridge, to Miss K. Delicate, lateot AWhrongb. On Saturday se'unight, at Spennithorpe, Mr. T. Fall, postmaster, Leyburn, to Miss Dorothy llebditch, of York. On Tuesday se'unighl, Sir John Maclean. Knl. Commander of Ihe Most Honourable Order of Ihe Bath, to Sarab, only child of Benj. Price, Esq. of Highgale. On Weduesday se'nnight, at Market Rasen, Mr. Martin, of Lincoln, linen- draper, to Miss Clarke, second daughter of R. Clarke, Esq. of the former place. At Abbotsbury, Sir Robert Sheffield, Barf, of Normanhy, io Lincolnshire, and Cooliridge, near Leeds, to Miss NewboH, eldest daughter of Sir John New- boll, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Judicature. Bengal.— Sir Robert in the fourth Baronet, and third in descent from Sheffield Duke of Buckingham, yvho was ihe companion of Charles II. the favourite of Queen Anne, aud tbe friend of Dryden and Pope. On Ihe 23d ult. at Roystone, near Barnsley, Mr. Slead, clothier, or Gildersom-, lo Anne, ( bird daughter of tbe lale Rev. John Menee, senior, Minister of Barnsley, and sister to Ihe Rev. . Benj. Mence, 6f Ihe same place. On Ihe 27th ult. at Hnddersfield, Mr. Wm. Haigh, eldest son nf Daniel Haigh, Esq. at FurJedown, near Sirealham, Surrey, to Miss Eliza Wesi, of Gledbolt, near Huddersfield. oil the l l l h August last, at Benares, in the East Indies, Wm. Wilberforce Bird, Esq. Judge and Magistrate of the city of Benares, lo Miss 11. E. Brown, second daughter of Ibe lale Rev David Brown, formerly senior Chaplain of Ihe Presidency of Beugal, aud Provost or the College at Calcutta. OtiAttlS On the Ist Sept. at Sparta, near New- York, aged 37, Samuel Rhodes, soil of Ihe late Mr Joslah Rhodes, of this place. On Tuesday se'nnight, aged 83, Mrs. M'Rte, mother to Mrs. Beach, of Nile- slreel. On t b e i S l h ult. al Hessle, aged 88, Mrs. Lucy Slathers, mother of Mr. Robert Slathers, ol Ihis place, joiner. On Saturday lasl, after a severeillness of four weeks, in Ihe 22d year or her age. Miss Terry, ooly daughter of the late Mr. John Terry, of I bis, place, gardeoer. On Saturday lasl, aged 80, Mrs. Ann Lyfhe. of Ihis place, widow- of Ihe tale Ge. orge I. yibe, one of the ringers at the Holy Trinity Church. She had gone- to rest the preceding evening as well as usual, and was found dead next morning. Ou Sunday morning, suddenly, aged 63, Tho « . Copeiand, of Ihis town, groceri and one of the Society of Friends. He was preparing lo go to the Meeting when he complained of a violent paiu io Ihe bead ; an apoplectic fil Instantly suceeded, aud he died in two or three hours. In . the character of thfc deceased were exemplified many of those virtues which are generally Ihe ornament of that body of Christiana of which he whs a member. tin Suuday last, aged 33, Mr. Wm. Eiherloglon, of this place, cow- keeper. On Monday lasl, aged ? 5, beloved and respected by all who knew him, Mr. William Hammond, son of Ihe late Heury Hammond, Esq, uf this tovvu. On Monday evening lasl, at his brother's house. Georgestreet, ill Ibis town, James Auguslns) Pearson,. 4tb son or Ibe late Mr. Pearson, or Louth, Gent, a young man who most long be remembered, aud while remembered can uever fall to he deeply regretted by alt who knew him. On Monday, aged 87, Mrs. Aoo Milchinson, of this place. On Monday, aged 75, Mrs. Dorothy Moat, of liris place. On Tuesday last, aged 19, in Ihe small pox, ailer having beeu inoculated for the cow pax when a child. Joseph Smith, uepliew to Mr. P. Lowliier. of Savite- streel, painter. Oa Sunday lasl, at Hociisea, aged 77, Mrs. Henrietta Brown, of ihat place. On Wednesday lasl, aged 7 yeirs„ the eldest girl of Mr. John Bennell, of Horusea butcher. She svas iu good health ou Ihe preceding day., On Saturday se nnight, at Patriuglnn, in Ihe 2.5IIl year of her age, Mary, the eldest daughter or Mr. W. Utile, of that place. - During a painful and trying affliction of eleven year* illness, ber duly lo her pareuls, universal benevolence, and patience, piety, aud resignation to Hie will of God, under all her sufferings, were truly exemplary. OiMhe 25th nit. at Ktlbam, of the small pox, in Ihe 75th year of his age, Mr. Wm. Pari, or that place, farmer. On Monday lasl, at Whitby, Mrs Scoresby, wile of Mr, William Scoresby, owner orihe- Greeuland ship Fame, of that port. On Friday, at h i s seat, Thorpe Lee, Surrey, io the 67th year of bis age, mon! sincerely regretted and respected, Sir Henry Tempest, Bart, of Tong Hall, county or York, and Hope Eqd, county cf Hereford; tbe last branch of the very aucient ra. inly or Ihe Tempests or Tong. Oa Friday last, aged about 77, Mr. Mosss Boyes, of Eskdaleside, near Whitby, On Friday last, suddenly, at Gaiusbro', in the 50th year of liis age, Mr. Garrs. Officer of Excise. Ou Friday evening, al her residence in Hill- street, Berkeleysquare, London, Ihe Dowager Countess of Sefron. Her Ladyship was 70 years of age, and hadbeen ill about three months ; she was aunt to Ihe Duchess or'Leinster, sister lo the Dowager Duchess or Newcastle, and sister lo the Earl of ilarrioglon and the Hon. Colonel Stanhope. On Sunday se'nnight, very suddenly, at an advanced age, Mr Greenwood, of FollyfoOl near Knaresborongb. On Monday se'nnight, at Staludrop, in the 94th year of his age, Mr. Aulbouy Bazin, much respected. He was a native of Frauce, and resided in England nearly 72 years. He formerly kept tlieinn at Calterick Brldge, aud wastfie projector of ( he firsl heavy coach from Boroughhridge to Carlisle. On Tuesday se'nnight, after a few day's' illness, at Rosiere, near Lyndburst, in Ihe New Forest, the Right Hon. the Karl or Errol, oneof the Sixteen Peers of Scot land, Hereditary Lord High Constable, aud Knight Marescbaie of Scotland", Lord Commissioner lo the Geueral Assembly o f tbe Chiireb of Scotland ; leaving three sons and six daughters Hfs'eldest son, Lord Hay. aid- de- eamploGen. Malllaud, was killed almost tbe first shot lhat wss fired on Ibe l7thof June, theday preceding Ihe greal battle of Waterloo. His teco'ud sou is about 19 years of age. ' i :•' : On Tuesday se'nnight, aged 57;' after a long Illness, borne with the greatest fortitude aud resignation, Elizabeth, eldest daughter or Ihe late Mr. William Holds worth', of Wakefield. Ou Wednesday se'nhight, Dr. Primrose Blair, physician his Majesty's fleet, at his apartmenis, IO St. Martio's- U j London. On Wednesday se'nnight. at Harrogate, aged 84, Mrs. Tengait, or the White Hart Inn, Low Harrogate. On Wednesday Ihe 27th u l t . . at Luolh, in her SOth year, Mrs, Grant, widow of John Grant, Esq. laleol Oxcumh. On Wednesday se'nuighl, sged 98, Mr. Alderman Thomas Foster, of Lincoln. He served the office of Mayor in Ihe year 1782 and 1793. Same day, after a lingering-.- illness, much regretted, Elizabeth.- the wile o ' John Millies, Esq. of Aislhorpe, near Lincoln. • -! On Thursday se'nuighl, at Parlington, Mrs. Gascoigne.— Her foes will he deeply felt ill her family, where'she was tenderly beloved, and throughout her neighbourhood, in which her charities were extended to every object whine wants or distress she knew or could learn-. - On Friday week, at Walsall, Stafford, C harles Windle. Esq. Alderman, and many years lustice of the Peace for the said borough, and brother to Mr, Wludle, of Leeds. On the 2d itisl. at Scarbro', aged 70, Wm. Snowball, gent, late of Mnltou. In London, aged 54, Mr. Joseph Bacon, of Scarbro', linendraper. On the 4th nit. at Bath, Miss Emplo, only daughter or the late Mr. George Emplo, formerly merchant of- London. This lady, we are informed,- fell in love with a voting rartner, a native or ttie neighbourhood or Oakham, when he " as at Freiston Shore, fur Ihe bite of a dog aboui five years ago, whuiu, if living, she lias made her whole ifttd sole executor, alter ibe death of au old maiden l » dy, who Is In her seventysecond year: lbi « lady has also left one hundred pounds 10 each of her sei- vanls. On the Iflth ult. in tfa* 6lst yearof liisage, Robert Harvey, Esq. of Farnham, in Ihe county « > T York ami of Killalue. in ihe county ot Wexford ; for the lasl twenty var* Colonel Commandant of Ibe Yorkshire- We t Riili i s Yeomanry. On the 26 nit. at Richmond, afteraction nines*, i'uumaf, last surviving mo. of Ihe lale Thomas Colpitis. Esq of Slreatlam, near Barnard Castle. On Hie 2Jlh u « . aged .74, Mr V. E. -.-(. « • On Christinas day lasl. at Naples, - • •:. in the 48th year of bis age, Mr. John Rauisbositio, late of- St. Mary's Parade, in Manchester. 1 S IR To the Ebt^ o'k of the ' { O C K I N O H A M. - Til your paper o> il. e 30ili i,| t. another letter appears before the Magistrates withiu ihejaat mfititlm, a n i « otl> of itieoi corporally' punished as were deemed lit subjects of it, aiiuLlbeu sent away ; but each of these cost the town at ieasi its. And tiie number of wandering Poor, wbo rereived occafrotuyonr friend, liie ( II, server, respecting tbe supply of Water from file Spring Ditch, which 1 leel induced to answer; altll'on .' b on reading the former epistle front Ihe same ancnymous author I was advised by a Member of Hie Corporation oot lo notice 11; but as 1 have learnt the real itamo of I he Ofwrcer, [ mean lo give my signature lo ( his letter, which I ejepqet your kiio" n candour will cause lobein « ' eiled in your next paper. I pretend not many knowledge of what happened in the years it - I 5A orott; neither shall I » " etit'b 11. tPi// re, nnrto Jockey > ntrWhite lor ttToPmaiion hb that subject. Your frieud, the OLstrvcr. eeoisiojhe ready w'irli his pen ; but j fear bedoes not always consider I, is subject, lu the rase before him, 1 will venture to say lie ha- not weighed il wilh attention; if be bad done so, he would not have suggested the idea qf deepening Ihe Spring I). fell ; ' or lie must have, been aware, thai llie depth of earth < o be exc* v. veii from the' bottom miisl be cast on the sides ; and as ihe bo'tom of the Diicli is not soii. l, by the increased weight on tbe top ihe sides would slip, and thereby reduce Il. e width of ihe Ditch ; hence his projected Reservoir would become n liarro'* channel and useless, aud Ibe expense of deepening tie thrown away. Now, Sir, 1 have bad some c o n v e r s i o n with Hie Native, who informs me, that be is surprised the Observer only ineolions one solitary instance i. f ibe waste- ol Water, ili Ihe Old Town, aud that in Spread- Jia. le- entry ; which be begs I wH; inform you. was occasioned by some midnight robber having stolen Ihe brass cock ind lead pipe, and uot from any » llful desire of Ihe proprietor of Ihe premises to waste ihe Wafer. 1 am u « advocate, Sir, for the Sjirtng Water runoiug lo wa « ie; yet if i were tint air a id of getting out of my depth, 1 would say, a supply of pure Water down tin millers in ear si reels is conducive to tiie health of Hie inhab. iaus of Ibe Old ami New Town ; for it must be well known, Ibal i > long and dry seasons, like the present, tiie » t « « l « and < utters are loaded with putrid vegetables. ( to the disgrace oi Ihe scavengers, or lilose Commisjti oners who tune liie cliartjeof clean- log Ihe streets.) This accidental waste of Water, therefore, is serviteable in washing ihi* putrid matter into Ibe grand Hmpcri- m lor ils reception Iroui wHence it is irresistibly compelled to retreat iuio Hit Huutber, by ( be. impulsive force givt t"" lo il from the Aqueduct cou. miiiiicaiiug wi'b ihe Old Hock; » Inch I doubt nut j diseases bei. ig He ( Ms. II rr will allow, may prevent levers. Ac. Ac. However a » tlie Native is til my elbow, 1 shall lake bis advice ami drop this extraneous subject by concluding with bis words, *' . bat every cobler is in danger when be goes beyond his last." 1 a. ii, Sir, your friend aud servant, Albion- street. Fib. 181!-). ANTHONY A KIXSON. P. S. M HI the Observer inform the Naiioes why Hie Spring Ditch was Increased U inches in depth, atlei the rain of Friday and Saturday last? Will be go lo the Moon lur Information? i do assert, not upon theory, but upon 43 years experience, thai t- u- ery day s heavy rain increases the Wan- r in f- iie Spring liitch : and further, thai if we nave a riling seaum file Spring Ditch til occrfau, should we experieace- sieilber frost, a/ iiiie. fogs, nor mists again. 11 may i » e uiiqeces- itr. y to inform you I was not Hie auihor of ibe lettei, signed " 1 Native;'' neither did 1 know any thing of ils conteut* until it appear*)! in jour columns. the abuses na. ler fhijs law had gone so far, lhat II was quite common for a debtor lo lake a writ it, lli « own pocket to the Sheriff's officer, in order lo have il executed, wilh a view of releasing himself from any personal responsibility lor all his sioual relit ! at Ibe WorkliOuie, was attended with all adtli- debts by undergoing a certain period of imprisonment. He I tonal expense, of 400/. By Hie establishment ol' a Vagrant Office, and proper Lodging- Houses, and an unanimous determination ol the inhabitants not to bestow any relief nt tiieir own homes, to persons whom Ihey did not know, but reler all sucb to Ihe Vagraut- Offlce, a great deal of trouble would be savej lo ihe Magislrales, as well as money fo tbe public ; atid the iutrodticiioti and spreading of itiled inns diseases, which often might be clearly traced ( u Ibis class, fie in had known of one instance, in which a debtor had released himself from Hie payment of 7,000/. and another, in which a debtor had relea- ed himself from 17 00HI. under the provisions of this extraordinary law. Bui several instances of a similar naiare had been mentioned to iiiin ; file aggregate of debts amounting to many millioiv. Mr. Alderman IVaithnuin said, that he had had several communications upon ibis subject from different parts of Ihe a great measure prevented. These effects. however, could not j country, all of which were decidedly adverse to the character be produced lo the full extent wdiich might be hoped, unless , and operation of li e law alluded to ; such instances were, T o t h e E ' O I T O I I o f t h e H U M , A D V E R T I S E R. SIR— 1 am sorry to see a |),. r- eiapli copied imo your paper, from . smut' coiiteu. porai- y journalist, which, I lake to be wholly futile and unfounded. Besides, I ha I the lest of Doctor Bull's proficiency, which made him worthy lo become Ihe representative ol ring laud ill succeeding times, was of a nature lo be u. ticlelligible to lliiil descriplitm of persons on whom popular celebrity depends; ii is rendered unnecessary by reference to a. parly pamphlet. u, f Dean Swift, highly celebrated in his day, i. i which this country is symbolized by tlie leim John Hull: Uoliaid e units S- ick Froc, and France is Lewis Baboon. It is evident ihe anllior contrasted Ike attributes of a Bali with those of Ihe Frog ana 0, ibaou, wilhont concerning himself v. iii the tiresham p. olVs- or; anil that the coincidence, if any, . is purely casual; for of all ;: iv il, . v. viti was ( lie most indifferent about mtmic. iur which be bad ao ear, and has left i t on record of a well known epigram. Il like-, ise behoves the advocates of j o u r s t o . j to show tiia 1 Ibe term occurs in print before ( iueea Anu's lime ; and a circumstance not a little suspicions 4s itejtatt- reieiiiitjance to au anecdote among painters ; who selale thai Mr AiTibutiy'" Y- ruijilje, when on H, e Continent, called on Frank Hals, to whom be'wTts- uer- ouatly unknown, and tai to lor bis port rail ; but preteltifcg to he mil of humour w. i'li- the work, assumed the pencils and pallet, and - made ' iln painter take his place ; who, on seeing the performt. siue uf I tie supposed gentleman traveller, exclaimed in the greatest astonishment, that none but Vandyke couid have done thai I It is rather remarkable that the ready wit of SI. Patrick's Dtau should not have served him to typify Spain under some other animal, iu continuation of his allegory ; for lhat monarchy i- Esquire South. On Hie same occasion the greai liiske of Marlborough became Humphrey Hocus, llie attorney; an appellation which, perhaps, hi- Grace the Ilul. e of Wellington would nut have been displeased lo see transferred - to bim sell, when it is o. served the reason assigned lor it was, lls. i! lie had pleaded the cause qf Ihe country so well. 1 am, Sir, Your humble servant, Jlutt, Feb. 1,1810. Lictsius. — — LA IV INTELLIGENCE. C O U R T OF K I N G ' S B E N C H , W E D N E S D A Y , JANUARY 27. THE KIVG 0 . ALCORN AND BHIDOER. The defendants, in this case, had been found guilty of wilful and corrupt perjury, during the esinsinifer fittings after last Michaelmas I erm. The prosecution was inst. tuicd by Waller Guy, Ibe elder. Waiter Guy, ( he younger, aud Thos. lfialiup, against whum Hie defendants bad given' evidence iu Ihe Court ol Exchequer, as bavins been assisting in a smuggling transaction, on Ihe 14th Sept. 1817. al a place called Mflllide- bridge. in Sus- e*. I'art of the evidence adduced on ibe prosecnliiiis of the defendants, lo shew lliat they bad sworn fal ely, was. Unit on Salui'day the Uih of SEPL. a the neiglibouring parishes, and ( he adjoining couutry, could be induced lo adopt Ihe same plans, ldut he had the pleasure it, stale, that Sculcoalis, Sutton, and Drypool were all solicitous to he included iu it ; and Ihe Overseers willing to uuderlake lopay a propifliouate share of Ibe expensis. tl migbi be necessary to repeat, lliat Ibe measure was not meant lo apply to the travelling Poor, whomusi necessarily be assisted to i heir destination ; but to ihose sturdy - beggars who went roiiud Ibe country from January to December. His friend, Dr. Crosley, would read the Resolutions, which w ere intended to be proposed for adoption. Dr. Crostey, prefaced the Resolutions, by remarking that according lo a recent estimate, about 0000 Vagrants were daily going about in London, and about ten times as many dispersed throughout the country ; and that by the mistaken humanity of Overseers, Ibeir maijitenaivce cusl tbe public nearly three luillions annually. In fact - tile present system, instead ol redressing ibe evii, only seemed to be intended to encourage if. The preceding speaker had shewn that in, many places' the measure now proposed for adoption, had been attended with fhe greatest success; and it ought to be considered lhat unless some such plan were acted upiHs here, we should be deluged by Vagrants from ihe whtde adjoining country, who iiudiug Ibey could no longer carry on Ibeir trade al Leeds, Yoik, Viakelietd, Ac. wtinlu flnck hither by hundreds. And this shewed Ihe necessity. If possible, ot acting in cert Willi Ibe adjoiniug Parishes ; lor otherwise, if bain- shed from Hull, Ihey would lake shelter iu Sculcoales, <£ c. and vice versa, lie particularly dwelt on ike dauger of infectious brought iby ihese Vagrants ; very recently a child hail been taken into Ife Work house in ihe smallpox, laugirt in this manner; and instances were not wauling wherein . die ilclt had been introduced in o very respectable fititiil. es, final servants having iutercoirse witb them, ' ihe tinmfj.- i' of Vagrants a as calculated lo mcreiiGe b) abunt iQ00 annually. Tiie' Resalui ions were . then read throughout; and afierw a ins pin seriatim; and uiost of them passed with. only some slight alterations, proposed by the Rev. G. Lue- aud- othe- is. — f See. Ativ. j Mr. SU'imt objected- to the St- h Resokilion, on the grmind that a local w ! of Parliaiaeui ' provided for iiie management of tbe Poor ill fl- tsll; whereas Hie adjoining Parishes were tiuder the general 4a vv of tbe country ; i. e duuoied ibe legality - of enlering inn, such an engagement with tlieai. and the right of appropriating tiie Poors' rate lo such a purpose. The Rev. G. Lee, thought I lie objection of no force; ami read au opltiion received from L). Syaes, Esq, oa '. he subject, lie made some remarks on tne great numlier of slum idle Vagrants it) til" to- vn ; a few- n i^ bis ago, several of - hese were begging in Pros',. ect street, k'lioi'kiiig al the doors of different people, and abusing [ hem .1 ilu- y rel'usud to grant theiu relief. The Resolutiou passed - unanimously. Mr. Marshall observed, Hut Hie tow. it was pestered with persons going about uuder the pretence 01 buying old cloalbes, bare skius, Ac. but whose elite! object, there was reason lo believe, was lo steal any Ibiug ' b-^ could lay hands upon, and lo ascertain iiow robberies might be best effected. Ou the 1 - 31 u Resolution being read, Tbe Rev. G. Lee considered it wholly irriilevant la the business of the Meeting. The other Resolutions were all Resolutions of business. This was » holly declaratory ; aud be thought it . improper lo mix them. Besides, there could be no doubt- excited in ( be utind of any person respecting - our humanity, merely bemuse of these Resolutions. The P. ev. Mr. Cclqiihoun, in a very neat sen& ifde speech, which we . regret we ate utile to give only very imperfectly, contended for tile proposed Resululiou standing as part of ibe proceedings ol the die, ling, tie saw uo impropriety in this, bui mi the contrary thiiughl'such . t declaialiou would obviate any misconception ofthe laudable onjtci for effecting which the Resolutions were ormed ; without it, many persons might be impressed wilh an idea, however fallacious, thai Ibey were only meant to steel tbe hearts of the community, aod - lo circumscribe Itie iatlueu'cc of real charily, iu order fosavethe pockets of individuals, if it was only to prevent - such au erroneous opinion from gaininggrouod, the Resolution onglii lo be adopted. The I'oor Laws, he observed, originated in charity. They were tnlended tar Ibe relief of those persons who were brought into sitiiatiniis of real distress, by sickness or unavoidable accidents. Queeii Eltiabefb uiiJonbledly meant well in this altempl. She thought lo prevent Vagrancy hy damming up Ibe source- of it; but the Hood had now risen lo such a height tli. it it threatened lo break iliiough all boundaries, and sw eep at- ay Ihe whole fabric of society !— He conceived the Resolutions already passed to be founded in wisdom, and excellently adapted lo produce the intended effect. Their object was not. lo prevent Ihe exercise of charity lowaids those - who were ( lie proper object? of . if ; but to prevent its being misapplied by couiribuiions to Ihose who ooghl uot In be supported in idleness and Vagrancy, at ihe expense of Ibe indiisliious- part - of the community . and particularly, when sui lt Vagrants as bad heeujustly observed by lhat gentleman { Mr. . Marshall) frequeuily made begging only a pretext in order to find oppol-' lunilies for stealing, aud robbing on Ibe highway : atid . iciing Hit* comedy of " High Life below Stairs." ( Applame.) The Rev. ./. Scott, agieed lhat Ihe objection, with regar. 4 lo Hie impropriety of mixing a declaratory resolution with others of filial. less, w as lo a certain exlent well founded ; iiul thought for the reasons so well advauceil by Ihe las! speaker, tile out in question ought to he adopted.— The Resolution was then passed unanimously. Ot: Mr. Aldertnaft Bolton moving thanks to the Gentlemen who l. a. i brought forward these R. solutions, Mr. Iidae Wilson rose lo second lite motion. And he look tiraud- chtld uf Guy, the elder, died ; Ihat oo SuuJay, tbe 1 4: 1,. | thi* opportunity of addressing Ihe Meeting, in order local! he went to court'!!, to appoint a day for i's burial ; thai he " " ' " ' " " ""' " then relnrn'eil home.; did tini afterwards siir out: and, couse- <] iieii. Iy, could uot hate been at Milltide- bridge, which is several miles from hi- residence. The Aitorneg GekMil now moved lhal the verdict slionld be set aside, and a new trial graiiled. He founded ibis ap- ] real ion on the affidavit of the clei k of the church lo which the elder Guy s- vore be wenl, on Sunday, Ibe I4ili of Sept. tv cbasuli respecting the burial of his grand- child ; which grandchild, the i lerk now deposed, wan buried ou the Oil) of Sepl. although be was slated uot to have died until tlie 13tb.— Rule grained. VAGRANCY. Oil Monday last, pursuant lo Advertisement, a Meeting of Ihe Inhabitants of Ibis lowu and county was held al the Guild ball, lo lake into consideration Ibe propriety of adopting measures tor suppressing as far as possible Vagrancy aud Mendicity. The \ luyor'having ordered the Requisition to be read, was uuauiiiiou y called to the i hair. J. Kirhiiun, Esq. iu opening the business observed, thai tbe existence and continued increase of Vagrancy, he- bad long cou- idertd as a great evil, w hich required Ihe strong baud of power to pul it down. The, pliiu by w hich Ibis might- be effectuated, and which would be- proposeil lo ihe Meeting. did not rest upon theory, bill had been carried into practice, aud that wilh tbe happiest success- The Magistrates and the Goveruor . and Guardians oi the Poor, bad on this head received a variety of coifimuaicaliunsfrom Keudal, Leeds, Manchester, Liverpool, < Vc aud'even Iruui Scotland,' wbi her the system had been extended; and in every instance, il it had not wholly eradicated the evi , it had diminished it iu au extraordinary degree, ' idle principal fealurtsof the plan were, Ihe establishment o f a V . gram- Office m each loan, lo which all Vagrauts were reiened lur examination into their casi s ; and the opining of ' odging- Houses, under the superintendence of an acting Committee, instead q' those which usually were in the practice in receiv ing Vagrants. The taller, ia Ibis, town, he could assert, from repeatedly having occa.- ion lo visit theai formerly ill Hie course of his professional practice, were Ihe very sinks of vice and iniquity ; six or eisbt men, women, - aud i ;.; 1.. IYII l. eiu^, frequently together naked in one bed.— hi Ihe. Vagrant- Office, an exact register and description of every person who applied for relief would he kepi, their agts, beigbl, Ac. which, in cases of robbery, or any ojhir species of crime, vtouli lacililate Ibe detection of Ihe offenders ; aud ills knowledge ol' which alone v. nnid prcbablj lessen Ibe number of those offences. Thai Hie measures prono- ed for adoption would decrease Ibe number of Vagrants was decidedly proved by the experience of Ihe inhabitant** ol hernial, whtre, ihe year before a Vagrair- Olllce was established 4000 of Hits cl- ijs had passed through ; whereas, I'or some lime past, though a lew pauper- really iu Want oi rtlitl, bad applied for it. pul. v one single. instance of Vagrancy bad occurred ; and scarcely a beggar was to be keen, el. her iu Retinal, Penrith, Aiautbes| er, Ac. He bad no doubt an tquaily gooa effect would be produced iu Hull aud the neighbourhood. ' 1 be number ol Vagrants, under 17 years of was calculated at 20,000. lu liuil alone, by Ibe activity of tbe Police, 300 Vagrants had beeu appreheuded aud carried their affeniiti^ to one part of Ibe subject mentioned by Dr. Crbiiley, which appeared to be. deserving of more ^ attention than il had rectived. He alluded lo the progressive iurrease of'Vagrant*, by abuut 2000 annually This was a serious and alarming evil, aud how could any 0< her consequence be expected, when we considered the siiii- itioii and habits of this class ? Most of tiiem bad families of cbildreu ; and even those who bad not,- it was well know n, frequently hired or stole children, it) order lo excite the fe. lings of Hie humane, and to obtain a richer harvest from Ibis additional claim upou tbeir humanily. These children were of course trained up lo every species of crime and imposture; aud consequently ia e* ery succeeding generation the evil must increase iu accelerated progression. The ordinary means of counteracting such a tendency were here in a great measure inapplicable. Miliou has described the situation of the fallen augels as one where " Hope never - comes, thai queues to ali." This description was applicable to these unhappy human beings, in what re lales It) spr. itnal instruction. Even if they were disposed fo avail themselves of the advaniages ill Christian Sabbaths, the squalid wretchedness which, when not seal, Ihey assume iu order to excite cod] passion, would ill a great measure deter Ibem Irom endeavouring lo enjoy such privileges, « s well as lite moral advantages of cieau. iuess, which that season is calculated lo render to Ihe lower classes of society. And it could scarcely be expected lhat the Minister* of Religion, or any oiber persons, however charitably disposed, would eolir into ( lie present Lodging- Houses, those sinks of iniquity as lhe> bad justly been called. In order to give them uioril and religious instruction ! He perfectly concurred in the observations of the Rev. Mr. t'olquhiiuu, and was glad. il bad been determined to refain Ihe Resolution which lhal gentleman had supported ; convinced Ilia' without it uiauy persons, - iVom a casual inspection of Ike ptoeeediugs, might have been led : o accuse Ibe- Meeting as cruel and uucbaiilable ; whereas , ils object was one of genuine rharity— fliat of rescuing thesetinhappy objects Irom lite dreadful evils uf Vagrancy, aud the vices and miseries w Inch inevitably attend 11 ; while al tbe same time, we cerlainfy hoped lu relieve llie public from a great pecuniary burthen, lie wasglad to find lhal the Meeting bad considerably increased in number, since the Chair was iirsl taken ; for however judicious the plan . and Resolutions, without the public were duly impressed with a proper sense of Ibe evil, and disposed fully Co concur in withholding ail relief al Ibeir own doors to Vatgntuls, if would be ia valu to look for any guid effect from them. Thanks were tlieii passed to the Chairman, and tiie Meeting broke up. — COMMON COUNCIL OF LONDON. Oil Thursday se'iinight at. ail unusually numerous Meeting of the Cotiiui'Hi Council, Mr. Faoell proposed a Pelition lo llie Hcuse of Commons against file farther cdiilinliance of ihe Insolvency Act. — I! e < ell that he would be oae of the last men to prevent ( he extension of mercy to unrortnnaie Debtors, but h° could not forbear from expressing au opinion which, be believed, was in accordance wilh the general observation ami sentiment of the country— lhal Ihe Act alluded lo afforded more proteclion lo fraudulent llebtors than lo those who were really unfortunate and deserving of clemency. Mr. Hurcomb, in seconding tbe proposition, observed thai in fact, so numerous, that the only difficulty was iu selecting those which were most unjust and grievous. Messrs. Jacks arid T) ixon supported ihe Motion, and reprobated the law to which it referred. - Mr. Oldham observed, lhat no legislative provision was necessary to protect hoiest debtors from oppression, because no creditors would attempt to oppress such persons. The law complained of was, however, not only unnecessary hnl highly injurious; for, by giving such extraordinary facilities to the release of debtors, it naturally led lo an extraordinary limitation of credit, and hence many bouest persons very severely suffered, while Ihe freedom of trade was materially impeded. He couid, indeed, see no benefit whatever that resulted from Ibis obnoxious law, except lo a particular barrister, for whom it provided a very comfortable situation. Mr. Crook said, that through his counectiou wjith the Sheriff's Office, he had an opportunity of wiluesslng the extraordinary . elleclstrf ibis law, and be happened lo know, lhat within one - year, since it* enactment, a certain number of debtors bad been released fur oo less a sum than 14.1,0 ( i/. of wliicu Iheir creditors ultimately received no moee than about one farthing in Ihe pound. But be had rei*;. uii lo believe lhat a tbuusand similar cases might be quoted. The moliou was agreed to, and the Pelitiao was ord « red to be pi t st illed. On a Report from llie Committee of Mock Audit ns, a Petition lo tbe House of Commons was agreed lo, relative to ibe imposition* and other evils resulting from the existence of Mock Auctions, and praying lhat measures I'or . the suppression of them might. be immediately adopted. i m p e r i a l p a r l i a m e n t. H O U S E O. F L O R D S , WEDNESDAY, JANUARY IT. Lord Sidmouth- IM mi the table Ibe Report ofthe Surveyor of ibe Board of Works, oa the experiments relative to ihe employment of machines for sw- eepiug cbimuies. Lord Holland presented a petition from ibe Common Council of London for a revision of the Criminal Code. He alluded lo the change which had taken place IU France since Ibe Revolution, from Ihe su l. st i! Ill Hill of less severe punishments. When torture and death were inQicled for privately stealing, no mail. of humanity would prosecute, and the ol- I'ence multiplied. Under the effect of tbe Code Napoleon the crime was seldom heard of, because none besilaled li> prosecute, and tbe offender was sure lo be- punished. Lord Liverpool attributed tbe comparative - increase of crimes staled in Ihe pelition to the change from war lo peace. A similar result had been observed al former periods. In. 1777 the . uumiier of capital convictions was 03; iu 1778 they were- 81.; in 17) 9 ihey decreased to 00, a circumstance well worthy of Ibedr Lordships' attention. In 1181 Ibe number increased to 98 ; in 11Hi the number was 18s.; iu 1783, still increasing, I. 7S ; in 1784 the convictions were 153; and in 1.785. they were 151. The same ratio would be found lo hold as t- o the war of 1750. Tbe number of Ihe convictions was in 1159, 15; - in 1700.14; in 1701, 13: ia 1702, 25; iu 1703, 01 ; ia 1704,52; in 1705,41. The Marquis uf Lausdown contended, lhat there was a rapidly progressive . increase of crimes, without any reference to a slate of war orpeace. In fact, among the culprits since tbe termination - of the late war, there was a very small proporlioa Of disbanded seamen and. soldiers. T4ie weigh! o taxation, the Unci nation <, 1 properly occasioned by Ihe measures of Government, and tbe stale of our gaols, which were nurseries oi vice, were the geuuiue causes of the increase of crimes. Lord K ng censured the Bank of England for not exerting the si- r. ie attention as - country banker*, in improving the execution of its notes so as to throw increased difficulties iu the way. ef forgiug I hem. He proposed that the right of issuing one. aud two pound notes, lo Ihe monoply of which tbe Baak ef England bad uu claim by ibeir charier, should be given to . other London bankers. The petition was then laid ou the table, Tae Marquis of I. a. isdoicne gave notice ofhis inleniion to move an address lo the Priucs Regent, for copies of the instructions given by bis- Majesty's Ministers relum e lo Ibe surrender of Ihe Dtilch . colonies alter ibe peace of Paris, kud particularly wilb respect to tbe is/ and of Java. The House having theu goue into a Committee on the Bill for the custody of his Majesty'* person, Lord Holland . moved fo leave out the clause vesting Ibe patronage of Ihe Windsor establishment in fhe Duke of Yock. The motion was opposed by Lord Liverpool, and negatived. The name el the Marquis Of Camden was inserted iu the list of Ibe Council, > in the plaoeof Ihe lale Lord Elleuborougb ; • and the Bill passed through the Committee. THURSDAY, JANUARY 28. The Duke of Montrose brought down the answer of the Prince Regent to the address ou the- Speech ofthe Lords Commissioners, expressing io Ibe usual terms his Royal lligbiiess's satisl'actiun at the dutiful aud loyal addles/ of their Lordships. In answer to a question from Lord Holland, Lord l. ioerpacl said, that by Tuesday next, at farthest, copies of the treaties referred to ia the Speech or Ihe Lords Commissioners would be laid be ore the House. The Bill for l i e cuslcoy ofhis . Uajesty's person was reported . FRIDAY, JANUARY 29. The Bill lo provide for Hie custody of his Majesly's person was read a third - time, passed, aud ordered to he sent lo the Commons by tw o of the Judges.— Adjourned lo Monday. H O U S E O F C O M M O N S , W E D N E S D A Y , JANUARY 2 7. PRIVILEGE. The Speaker slated, tliaf lie had to acquaint Ihe lfonse lhat he bad received a letter im ( lie iOil; of line month, w hich was dated tbe I4llt, from a- person signing his name " Robert Christie " Burton," and representing himself to Lave been elected a Member of Parliament for I in: Borough of- Beverley, ia Yorkshire, which teller, wilh the permission ofthe House, he would now re: id. The cuutenls of Ibe teller signified, thai the writer was eiecled oa the n t h of June last, but being confined tu the prison of ihe Courl of Common Pleas, in execution upuu- civil suits, was unable lo * tteui! in bis place in the House of Commons, lie bad been informed by- the warden, Mr. Nixon, that lie could no- be released without a warrant for that purpose, issued by I lie Speaker, and desired therefore to know what were llie requisite steps for him to take, with a view of obiaiuing this necessary authority. In answer lo Ibis application Iht Speaker observed, tbal he had proniised'to take lt.. t earliest oppjirmtiily of communicating ihe letter 40 Tbe House. He had, however, subsequently receiied another letter, dated the 20tl). desiring lhat the tbrni/ T should not lie considered as official or hi a Parliamentary view, a- circumstances would probably enaute non to take bis seat on Ihe Monday follow in Tile Speaker added, that be had last night received a third lelier from the sa ne party, stating, thai b. ving consulted various Acts of Parliament, and tfie nest authorities on the subject, he beg. ed lo refer Hie Speaiter to bis first . letter, and lu laiiefbe earliest opportunity of romamnicafiug 11 lo tbe House, for the purposeol euahling iiisi it, avail liiui elf o:' his privileges as a Member of it. The - Speaker here ibought ii rigbi lo stale, It, at there was a case iu point ou Ihe Journals, which occurred in Hie year 1807, and in which a Meoioer, upon a similar application, bad ueen. delivered from custody. The course to be pursued, if il should please the House to adopt that precedent, was to refer Ihe > pies toi) to a Committee of Privileges, the only object ueing io ascertain I lie identity of Ihe parly. When thai point should be determined, tlie necessary result would be to maae an order for his discharge. On liie motion of Mr. i'. tiulhurst, iiie letter of Mr. Burton was referred lo. the Committee of Privileges, which was directed to sit and proceed lo- morrow, and lo report their opinion lo the House. . THURSDAY, JANUARY 28. Sir J. Vnckiit'osh presented a Petition from certain merchants tn Hull, assignees of Messrs. Moxons,- stating Ibal . Mr. It. {'.. Burton, Who bad been relumed Member for Beverley, was indebted to Ihem id thtsMim of 10' J'd/. and praying eilber lo be beard by Counsel, or f o r such relief as Ihe House In its wisdom might think til to afford. The Speaker observed, that, as the- Petition was not signed by the Petitioners Ihemselves, htif hy IlieiKagent, it could not he received, consistently with tbe usages- of the House.— The Petition was accordingly withdrawn. EXTENTS IN AID. Mr. IV. Smith moved fur- an, account of the number of Extents in Aid issued frqm tile 45th of December, 1818, lo the 25th of December, 1819, - tpecilyiag Ihe amount of each.— Ordered. PRIVILEGES OF THE HOUSE. Mr. Wynne brought up fhe Report of Ihe Committee of Privileges, linding that . Mr. R. L". Burton was entitled to Uteprivileges of Parliament. He oluerved,. ihal a Member of Pariia-,' mem was nut lobe hindered from discliarguijjhis ni.- fy by eilher execution or mesne process for debt. Tbe doctrine bad heeti clearly established in the case of llrowne. in Isie year Hi7li, and that of. Asgtlj, in I70T : though in Ihe latter case, So far was tberi' from being any kind of personal favrior,' that after he had bten admitted lo take his seal, he had been expelled on account of an irreligious publication. The principle of Ihe privilege by virtue of which no Member of lhat House could be arrested or detained on a civil suit, was this— that as tl- e duty ol a Representative of Ihe People was Ihe highest service lhal coul 1 be imposed oil any man, be should not be. prevenled from discharging il hy any private cl.-. ims whatever. Tbe P. I pori was then agreed to ; aud . Mr, Burton ordered to be discbargeu from custody. Mr. Brunei presented a Peliiion from a person named Br. ownlotv, complaining of the improper conduct ol a Magistrate at Bl is'oi, in refusing to renew his license as a victualler, by which refusal the Petitioner had been subjected lo grievous loss and l. ijury. He at the same time gave uotice lhat be would, al'ler Easter, bring lite whole system of the liceosiog syslem uiider Ihe consideration of the House. Mr. Prttheroe aud Mr. Hart Davis bore testimony to the respectability of tbe Magistrate complained of. Mr. B. Bathurst and Mr. Courtenay thought the case was of a nature filler for cognizance in a Courl of Law than lor discussion iu that House. After some observations from Mr. Rennet and Mr. Hume. the Petition was withdrawn. Mr. Macdonald moved for an acconnt of fhe number of distributors of stamps, Iheir names, and the names of Iheir respeqtive d. siricls in Great Bniaiu, from Hie Isl of Jan. 1817, to ibe 1 at of Jan. 1818, together wilh an account of 1 he balances In their hands. Also for an account ofthe collectors of the revenue in England aud Scotland, from Ihe | st of Jan. 1817, to Jan. 18IS, their salaries and emoluments, and the balances iu tbeir bauds, from the 0th of April lo Hie I OH) of Oct. 1816. SANK OF ENGLAND NOTES. Sir J. Mackintosh rose, pursuant to uotiee, to make a few dbservaiions before be should submit his motion to the House, which he undersi- ied would not beoppnsed. Tho- eobserva lions lie should have inatlt- on the former evening, bad il not been tor Ibe absence vt' Ibe Member for Exeter. The enquiry which had been lately introduced on tbe subject of Rauli Notes, took its rise from a mulion which be had submitted to the last Parliament, iu Ihe view uf making the crime of forgery more difficult, i n this subject however, It wasseif- evid ni that one of two courses should be adopted, either the facility of forgery should be diminished, in a recurrence should lie had tu payments in specie. Though he bad bimselt uo doabl as to which of the two plans was liie nore eligible, yet lie couid not have anticipated such a decisive . auction as bis opinion had received from Ihe Report of Ihe Commissioners. That Repurt fully proved that there was no p.- ooabilify of diminishing the crime of forgery, hut by returning lo Cash Payments. Such a return was loudly called fur, bulb by a regard lo the lives a.. d morals ol our fe. lovv creatures. The substauce of the Report was, that out of 200 projects tha' had neeti submit!, d to t lie Bank, none were at ali calculated to answer the end inleuded ; and out of ihose lli tt had bei-. i laid before the Commissioners themselves, nine only had h. eit deemed deserving of serious consideration ; . tin) oi Ibese in: e, one only had beeu judged worthy of being made the suhj. i of experimeuts, and as an experiment only had it heen recommended by the Commissioners. But they had alsoslaled. tl at the carelessness of the Public might defeat the end. But lhat carelessness was one of Ibe principal difficulties ; and such a statement could be of no practical utility, as it was ntipo.— sible lo change Ihe character of the People. The carelessness and ignorant e of mankind had been the original cause of I! invention of money, the relative value ol Ihe different ailii- lm of barter not ueing easily ascertained; No Member of Parliament— no OMU ol common understanding, could rely upon Ibe ultimate success of a single untried experiment, d'..< Hons- might i< e convinced, lio n ibe liepo:), drawn up with the most studied caution of language, tnal all hope oi diminishing forgery, from any improvement in Hie fabric of Hank Notes, was net. i lo nothing. The Report showed lhat there was only one mode of diminishing forgery, and the question for Hie consideration of Ihe House was, should lltai bare chauce in the one scale ue set in opposition lo the view of misery in the oilier. In Ihe sear IMO itie House agretd : o a further suspension of Cash Payments, and since Ilia period there bad been 50execm ions for forgery. The question was, ought Hie present Parliament to follow tne example of its predecessor without ihe fullest and most satisfactory tn quiry. ' 1 he llou. Gentleman concluded ny muving lor a return of the number of persons prosecuted by the Bank of England for forging Baa's Notes, and having forged Bank Notes in Iheir possession, from tbe I Otis of April, 1818, loth? 28th of January, 1819. distinguishing J he number convicted for each orteoce.-, aild those coUvicted of having in liieii- pos-* session forged Notes, purporting lo be 5/. notes and upwards. Mr. Courtendy said. Ilia! he should not ent.- r iulo the general question. The Commissioners had staled file resu. t of Iheir experiments; but the degree of weight due to Hie Report was another consideration. Tlie Commissioners had iieen desirous to make the. r Report., as the longer it was delajt- d Ibe more auxiely would be felt by the public. They wished to show, that to substitute a new form of Bank Nofe was not. so easy as many had been led to believe. The Comaiissioiifirs had stated llieir hones! opinion, that nine plans ouly had s. fined lo ihem worthy of consideration, though many ingenious projects had been gent do them from abroad, aud parlicul. i.' Jy from Ibe United States. One fallacy bad run through ui?.> ny of the projects so submitted lo them, that Ihe proposed Noltf could not be imitated without the use of the same machinery. But an Imitation capable of imposing upon Ihe ignorant and unwary might lie effected by much inferior- machinery. The Commissioner* were of opinion, thai an imitation of Ihe form of Ibe Batik Note that lliey had recommended would be very difficult to execute so as to deceive the public. They were also of opiuion lhat that form could be materially improved, by combining v. iih it the properties oi' some uf'the other plans Ibat had been submitted lo them. ." Jr. Tierney observed, lhat nothing more was be d out in this Report, . ban a h pe that forgery would be rendered more difficult lie wished lo know when Hie experiment would be made, aud what hopes there were that 1.'. and it. Notes would be secured from forgery. Mv. Cuurtenag slaied, that a specimen of a Note of much iugecu- ity was then in progress, and lhal in a month's time a uole would probably he finished that could be recommended to Ihe adoption o. f tiie Bank : aud if adopted wilh an improvement iu the paper, would probably render forgery much muie difficult. Mr. Manning expressed, on Ihe pari of Ihe Bank, their entire w illingness to make any alteration in the fabricalion of Iheir Notes, thai might render forgery more difficult, and Iba! no lime would be lost for that purpose. Sii J. Mackintosh tbeu nio.' ed for an account of ' he number of forged Notes delected at the Bank from Ihe 10th of April 1818, to Ihe 2' sih of January .1 Si 9, which was agreed to. He a^ ain begged leave to stale that the only result of the Report was, the hope of success from an iiutried experiment. There could be no successful substitute but Ihe resumption of Cash Payments. l a answer to a question from Mr. Grenfell, Mr. Vansiltart staled, lhal of thesuin of eight millions due lo Ihe Banks, five had beet) repaid, and payment of Ihe remaining three millions was secured upon Ibe revenue of Ihe present year.— Adj. F R I D A Y , JANUARY 29. Mr. Curwen obtained leave to bring in a Bill for making a Caual from t arlisle lo ibe Sol way Frith ; and for improving the Navigation of tlie Soltvay. Mr. Lawson ro- e lo give- notice that he intended to move for leave lo bring in a Bill lo increase the number of Penal Statu'e*. lie was entering into an explanation, when Tbe Speaker told him he must reserve his arguments until tbe time when he should mn. e for leave to bring in the Bill. Mr. Lawsnn was.. nevertheless, going inloa long explanation, nut was again called lo order by Ihe Speaker. Mr l. awsou th « u gave noiice, ( if a Bull by any other Member were uot an encroachment on the privileges of tbe Memhers for the Sister Kingdom,) lhat be intended lo move for leave to bring it) a Bill to preserve tame- wild aitimals. This aro- e Irom a late decision of the'Judges at Hereford, that ferrets were f'erociocsauimals. aud might be destroyed. Another liili he meant to move for was, to abolish the Wager of Baltic. Mr. Sinclair . presented a Petition from Mr. Hunt, against the Westminster Hustings Bill. Sir R. IVilion brought in a Sill, which was read a first lime, for amending tin- different Acts relating to Ihe paving and lighting Ihe Borough of Soulhwark. Mr. Denman presented a Petition from certain inhabitants of Oxford, ailedging various acts of bribery on Hie part of Ihe Duke of Marlborough, iu furnishing entertainment, gifts, and rewards, to voters at tbe lale election for ' t e cily uf Oxford, in order lo procure the relum of General Si. John as one of Ihe representatives in Parliament. The Petitioners offered to make good their charges before a Committee cf Privileges, aod ill such case, prayed that Ihe House would afford thai relief to tbe Commons of the Realm as in their wisdom should seem proper. The Petition was ordered lo be printed, and taken Into consideration on Monday. Mr. Vansiltart moved lo postpone Ihe Commillee of Supply till Monday. Mr. Grenfeli again called the atlention of fhe House to the stale of the Currency. The price of Standard Silver was 5s. 7d. per ounce; so that 66s. in coin put into the crucible, came out iu a lump worib OTs. It wa, obvious lhat in this stale of things Ibe Silver Curtreacy wcnld fast disappear, ahdmte. should be reduced io the necessity of having- Paper Shillings* as well as Paper Pounds. Mr. IV Pole hoped the rise alluded to w ould be but temporary. II was occa- ioned by the great d.- uiand for dollar's in tlie Ea* t Indies, America, and other parls. - The Seignorage ou Ihe Silver Coin had heen adopted to prevent its exportation if possible; but il should be recollected that Gold was now our standard. After some observations from Mr. IVilson, Lord A. Hamilton, and Mr. Tierney, the subject was dropped , and Mr. Vausiltart's inotion for putting oil' Ihe Cuaimit'ee uf Supply was agreed lo. Sir M. IV. Ridley wished lo pul a question to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, iu tbe hope of obtaining from him a posilive answer. He would remember, lhat towards the latter end of Ihe last Session, he announced a measure " relative lo Country Bankers which be afterwards abandoned. Hewished lo know from him. whether the same measure, or any thing similar to il, was iu contemplation Ibis Session ? The Chancellor of ihe Exchequer said, thlsqn stion, and all others connected with tiie Currency, would lortn a very proper subject for consideration, iu the Committee which he bail it iu contemplation lo prouose. On Ibe motion ol Mr. Greufett, a return was ordered of ibe amount of Guineas, Half Guineas, and Seven Shillings Pieces paid by the Bank during last year. On tbe motion of Mr. Manning, a return wasordered of Ihe number of Prosecutions bv the Miut since Ihe lOib April, 1818. Mr. Rennet brought up the Report of Ihe Surveyor General j ° f ' he Board of Works, on Ihe uecessity of employ ing tlimbi ill" boys, and on ( he use of machinery in * wet ping chiiuaisi. ; It was laid ou Ihe table. 1 TREATMENT OF CONVICTS. Extract from the Report of ihe Select Committee on Transportation ( of which Sir Samuel Romilly was Chairman) presented ( o Ibe House of Commons, lOlh July, 181 i. " The evidence of Mr. M'Leay distinctly and satisfactorily explains the manner iu which Ihey are transported. An order is received from Ihe Treasury al ihe Transport Office, to lake op vessels lor New South Wales. They are advertised Inland the lowest leuder accepted. Clothing and provisions for Ihe support of the convicts during the voyage, and nine months afterwards, are sen! from ihe Victualling Office, and medicines are furnished from Apothecaries' Hail. An account of the stores allowed for 1 0 0 male or female convicts, is lo be found in Ihe Appendix. The owner* of tbe vessel provides a surgeon, who undergoes an examination al Surgeons' Hall and ihe Transport Office, lie is instructed lo keep a diary, uot ouly of H. e illness on board, but of the number of convicts admiffed on decu, of Ihe scraping tbe decks, cfeansin" the births, aud general treatment » f Ihe transports. The sick are to be visited twicea day, Ibeheallhy once. He is ordered io lake the greatest precaution against infection, and to fumigate Ihe clothes of Iho- e taken ta lue hospital. He has nut only power to use medicines, but also the stores, if any sick be fu want of greater nourishment. He it further instructed to transmit to tlie Secretary of Slate any observations which may oceor In him produciive of improvement in Ibe mode of • » " JI- '. I and h. is paid a gratuity of I K d. t. for every Coa vict landed in New Sonth Wales. ' Ihe ifls! ructions lo Ihe Master are equally satisfactory. He is lo be oarlicularty cautious to receive uo diseased person on ooard duriag the voyage: a proportion of Hie prisoners is daily to be admitted on deck, and ibe births of all cleansed and aired ; and these things are lo be noted in tbe Log Book, which i, a lerwards siu allied to the Governor of New houib Wales; and if the conduct of the . Master appears lo have been satisfactory, ha recedes a gratuily or 5' J/. If the contrary slmuld Inro out to be tbe case, a power ol mulcting him is given hy tbe conracl, aud be becomes liable lo a prosecution The raiiou of P'ovis. ou is iixea. and appears to he amply sufficient for tbe support of Ihe men. About 200 men or women are generally embarked ou board on - ship, wilh a guard of 3' J men aad aa Officer. •• Such are the present Regulations for the voyage ; and however, bad llie treatment of tbe Convicts oil board Hie ves' sels may formerly have been, Ihe present system appears lo your Committee lo be unobjectionable. The witnesses speak of il ia terms of high commendation, particularly two of tho e who have been sent out as Convicts. Governor Macquarie. ia his l is! despatches, mentions the good treatment of the prisoners on hoard Ihe two transports las! seal out ; and i . till stronger proof of Hie improvement in Hie mode of'conveyance is, that from the year 1391 Id ISui, of 3,833 Ccnt i; is embarked .385 died on board ibe transports, being nearly one ia ten. Bui since 1801, of 2,.' SOS embarked, 5i only bavu died on Ibe passage, heiug one in forty- six." • This was a mistake of the Commit. ee, The Surgeon is provided by Government. CO 11N- E XCtlMG E. LOVDON ~ ' \ l o i i d a v , Feb. I . ' VVe had a shorl supply of Essex, Kent, and Suffolk Wheat, hut so ee arrivals Ibis morning. Our ports heiug i--.-* almost certaiu to shut against Foreign Wheal Ihe 15th instant, we had a ready sale for thai article to- day at an advance of 3s, to 4s per qr. on fine qualities, and about 2s. per qr. on lbs* middling. Fine mailing Barley is 2s. jier qr. lower, and ail other sort* more, and very unsaleable. Grinding Barley, Beans, and Peas, are exceeding duH and lower: large sales of Egyptian Beans were effected Irotn 40 lo 43s. Our arrivals of English Oals are not large, but a very considerable supply from Ireland, and some from Scotland since this day we^ k. Good fresh Engliih Oat* were taken off preliy freely al about !>. per qr. lower prices than last Monday, bo! tbe decline on 1 Irish was more, and dull sale t Ihe old discoloured and stale Oafs in Granary continue almost unsaleable on any terms, and i'le quantity lying here exceeding large In Rapeseed and Linseed nothing doing ( loverwed dull, vv. jeat, Essex, Kent and Suffolk, new 76* lo 82 « — fine lo Od v — Ditto Norfolk, Lincolnshire, and Yorkshire . new 70.. lo 78s. to 00s— Do. second qualities, 00s to 00s. Do Northumberland and Scotch . New 70s, to 75 « .— fine 00s Irish oew. ( 18s. to 7 2s. — Ditto Zealand and Brabant, red. new, 74s. 70-.- while 70s. 78s.— Ditto Danlz'. g, EJbing. and Kouirigsberg. 70. sio 80s - line S2s l) o. Meeklenbergand Pomeranian Red .70* to 74s. to 00s. Do. Riga Liebau, or Courland. 60s. l o 06 « .— Ditto Petersburg and Archangel 58s. to 60s.— fine 64s. fl ye. 44s. to 5' 2s Barley g r i n d i n g . 38sto 44s— Mailing new 5G* to 66* vlalt . 80s to Wis. Peas, while bait in » , 50 » to OOs- Grey o? Hog 5Cs i c 60s 0B » Maples new lo t! 3s. Tick Beans. 50s lo 021— new to 58* Sin ill Beans 60s. to till*, — new 62s. Oals, Poland . Lincolnshire, ,10s lo 35*. to 00*.— Yorkshire 30s. io 33*. to 30s- Long or Feed 28s to 30* lo COs.- Dii; » Small Lincolnshire, 2k - lo 34s. to 00s.— Yorkshire. 20s to 34s.—— Ditto Y o r k , Klallon and Stockton, common 30s to 34s Polaloe. 36 » .— Northumberland and Scolcb common, 30s. to 33*— Potlaioe. 35s. to Ms Old 00*. Ditlo Irish common, 29s. lo 30s— Potaloe 38s t o 32s Fine 33s. Ditto Foreign Piled 28s. to- 32s. Brew, 31*.— Pomeranian and HolnteLu .30*. t o 3 3 k .— Russia, 2S » to 30s. Flour, Norfolk, Ac. 50s. t o O s . t o b'Os. — English Household 6Js. lo 65s. per sack - American 3f> s. to 43s. pee barrel. Rape- seed. 40/. to 45/. 0s. per last. Linseed54sto'J2s— line, 03s. to 61s. — fi!* e Meme! 68s> loOQs., -- Italian lo 75s. Clover Seed ( red) OJs lo 75*.— fine OOs. to J10*.— » uperfcc » 000s. to 00s. Ditto ( while) OUs to 110s— superfine new 112* Mustard- seed , w h i t e , lOst o 18s per bushel, — line lo 19s. Ditlo Brown , 9s lo 17s— Superfine 18s to 28s. Coriander- seed, 18sto24sper cwt. Carraway - seed ,40s. lo 50*. to 60s. per cwt. Canary seed, 105s. to 126s Tares. 7s. Od. to 15s. 0d. — line to 18s. Od. Turnip- seed, 12s. to 17s. Od. IMPORTATIONS OP LAST W E E K . Foreign, Wheal 2830 qrs. Barley 2278, Oat* 1313, Beans 3100, Peas 1344, Linseed 5.— English, Wheat 4* 14 qrs. Barley 919.1, Malt 5024, O K , 7784, Bean- 1010. Peas 1148. Tares 28, Linseed 14. - Irish, Oals 0400.- Flour, British 7 354 sacks-. HULL TIDE TABLE. Feb. High IVater. Morn. Tide. Keen. Tide 0. S a t u r d a y . . . 43past 7. Sunday 40 8. Monday 23 9. Tuesday 10. Wednesday. 35 11. Thursday — 12. Friday 23 13. Saturday .. .55 Sept. Sunday. 3 I 13 — 4 ! 4 — 5 1 43 — 6 i 20 6 ! 6 I 50 — 0 | F. Moon 3 morn. 7 | 10 - 7 | 7 i 40 7 I 7 ! 10 8 | T h e B. I RTON BOATS s a i l f r om h e n c e for BARION a b o u t I wo hours and an half beforehigh water ; and wlienthe wind is contrary halfan hour earlier. They return from BARTON to HULL at the time of high water. The GRIMSBY BOATS sail from hence at high water and return from GRIMSBY about three hours and a half before high water, asgiven in tbe precedingTable. The STEAM PACKETS for Gaiasbro', Thome, Selby , and York, sail each day from Hull. four hours before high traler and that for Grimsby , at high water. Printed by W. 1UWSON A CO. Lowgaie, Hull.
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