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Leicester Journal and Midland Counties General Advertiser


Printer / Publisher: John Price 
Volume Number: LXVII    Issue Number: 3454
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Leicester Journal and Midland Counties General Advertiser
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Leicester Journal and Midland Counties General Advertiser

Date of Article: 16/10/1818
Printer / Publisher: John Price 
Address: Market Place, Leicester
Volume Number: LXVII    Issue Number: 3454
No Pages: 4
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AND vWtt f. t'A VOL. LXVH. Printed and Published by John Price, Market- place, Leicester* FHI DAY, OCTOBER lp, 1313. I Circulate:' through the principal Tit.- Mis ami populous ViUaees in the Counties of Leicester, Rutland, ; Lincoln, Nottingham, Derby, . Stalford, Warwick,' Ncrthainj) t.' » ; Cambridge, and York. ; JNO. : ii± 4 I'StAmC Dt- Tti.::!,/. I PRicfe SEVEN i'ENCB- O* ( Paper & Pfu « i\; 5ti. j Eisiti sinixtshs pi* tluiiitef Sunday auii Tuesday's Posts. LONDON, MONDAY, 0ct. V2. SUPPLEMENT TO TIIF. LONDON GAZETTE, Of October 10. MONDAY, OCTOBER 12. INDIA BOARD, October 10, 1818. A Dispatch has lieen received at the East India House lio n the Governor in Council at Boar ay. dgted 19th May, 18l « , iuclosing a repfcrt from Brigadier General Thomas Monro, to the Honorable Monntstuart El- phinstone, ot which, tiie following is a copy ; Camp, before Sholapore*, May 11, 1 Sib. HP. AD QUARTERS— HELD, DIVISION. To the Honorable Monntatuart Elp& imlone, Commissioner. SIR, Oil the 9th instant L had til: 1 honor to re- port to you the arrival ol' the division under my command before this place, and that Guuput How Paunsee, had returned here from t'. ie south of the Bentn a river the day IK. fore, an i wad encamped under the guns of the fb t, in a strong position, with Bajee Mow's guns and infantry. Yesterday mpr.. ieg, at day- break, I car- ried- the outward pettah by escalade, and made a lodgement in the inner pett . h ( close up lo the fort,) where toe Arabs contii ued to defend tue- houses on that side of t' e fort, as.- i. sted bv the garrison, for a considerable liine. It is uo « r in our possession, 1 am happy to inform you. Just as we got possession yesterday of the outward pettah, Gunput Bowled a consider- able body of Ids infantry, with a few hundred Jiorse, round by the eastern side of the fort, and opened hie guns upon our reserve.- - Finding o r battery did not silence these guns, 1 ordered them to be charged, and car- ried three of them; the other two having been unfortunately withdrawn just then un- der the lire of the fort. Gunput Row was wounded, and V ictul Put Tattiah killed, be- sides several others of less note, at their guns and in their retreat. Hating understood that the enemy were going olf about four o'clock P. M. from their c imp, I or.!' red out our small body of caval- ry, under Brigadier General Piitzler, to pursu." them. fortunately Dhooly Khan cauio into camp just before front Tooija- popi't with 3:> 0 horse, after a long march, and joined in the pursuit. I have great satisfaction in acqnaintingyou that the Brigadier- G: neval w as fortunate teno'igh to overtake them abor, t seven miles from ea p, and ho pursued them five miles to the bail. s of the ScenaJ river, aud only gave over as the night closed iu, leaving be ' twjeen 7 and 0Q:> killed and wounded on tin fjeld, and among! tihe former, I believe, . Ma- jor de Pinto: his party, and the A rabs un der Dyaub, who did not part with theirarnis suffered inost., Th eocipy were about five thousand infantry, and sis or seven hundred • horse: the latter all escaped, having had so great- art advantage in starting; those of the infantry who got Oifthrew away their arms; so 1 hope 1may congratulate you upon the complete defesut and dispersion of Bajee Row's infantry, an ; as iii:; guns were taker. intQ. the fort, I expect we shall soon 1 aye , C. e ' remainder of theni also. The enemy lost all their baggage, camels, & c. < S: c. Oar loss yesierd- ty, I fear, has. been se- vere; as yet I have not received the returns of the killed and w ( landed. I shdl do myself the honour to send you a detailed acoount to- morrow of the operations of- yesterday. The garrison now consists of only eight hundred or one thousand infantry; and our mortars are playing on the fort from } he inner pettah since morning. 1 have the honour to he, < tc. T. Muuro. Field Army Orders § ', by Major- GcnerulMar- sha II, emit ma uui: itj. Camp, before. Hattrass, March 0,1818. Major- General Marshall congratulates the army iie has the honour to command on the successful termination of its sen i; cs against the fortress and town of flattrass; which • event has led to tiie surrender of 3l. oorsaun and eleven other forts. To Mnjo:- Generals Dotikin, Sir J. Tlors- ford, and Brown, and Major Aui. tiry, Gene- ral Marshall feels extremely indebted for tbe • judgment, ssenl, promptit'wle; ant I energy, which thev itijariably dismayed in vanying into eiFeet the operations dovobin;-, ttpou tiie several branches of the service to which they were attached. The science and skill displayed by the en- gineer and artillery departments were emi- nently conspicuous ; and the bombardment arid explosion of the enemy ' s principal maga- » ine, which, withoutd regaling fiout theni"- rits of others, must he allowed to have given us almost the immediate possession of the place, \\ ill long he regarded as the most me- * S! olapore, a town in the late Peishv/ a's do- roiuions. iicar the western boundary oI'lheNizam's about 1.10 miles south- east of Poena. i An unfortified place, 110 miles S. E. of A bined nuggar. \ A river falling into tbe Beoma. ^ Through some accident, the Dispatch from morable amOhg thehiffiiant events of thelast fortnight, and as demonstrative of the extent atld soundness of that judgment an ! pen ® -, tratloh, which, in the a* ow- ed . anticipation of these very consequences, enabled the army, by the provision of adequate means, to iiisure them. The practice of the artillery has an- swered theexpectntions of that high authority to which the Major- General has ventured to alude in tlse foregoing observations. Ano- ther motive for them is to bring forward and illustrate the feet more closely ; that where the equal to the science and prac- tical knowledge known to pervade every branch ofthe anny, the results must invari- ably be rapid antl successful, even against such strong ; tnd formidable forts as Hattrass has proved to be. The infantry and cavalry on this occasion had abundant opportunities of shewing their bravery, zeal, and devotion to the service. On one occasion, particularly, the Major- Geueral was highly pleased with the alacrity antl eagerness displayed by tlie infantry, who were formed in columns ready to storm the works ol the town, holding out ev ery expec- tation of success from men who evinced sueh resolution and desire of being led on. The duties of investing the fort latterly de- volved on the cavalry, and their vigilance and constancy in maintaining the blockade enti- tle them . to the Major1- General's highest con- sideration. The loss sustained by the enemy iu making their retreat front the fort, reflects great Credit on the two squadrons of his Ma- jesty's 8th Light Dragoons, the 7th Na- tive Ca>, airy, aud part of the Ist RohiJla Ca- valry, wiio entered— aud routed them. Tiie pioneer corps has given another proof to the many already on record of their cool- ness in the most trying situations, and of their extraordinary skill anil dispatch in the labours which belong to them in this particular species of warfare'. Haying tints noticed liis high appro v.- 1 of the conduct of < very branch of the army, Major- General iYlarsi. all desires that the several Officers employed on the " General Staff of the army will accept his warmest thanks for t- e able manner in which their several duties were conducted. The Major- General's Personal Staff,' con- sisting of Captain J'ames, Aide- tle- Camp MajoMJartwright, antl Lieut nant Suev- J, of the Quartcr- Master- GeneraEs Department, who both volttnt ered their services on this occasion, and acted as Aides- de- Camp, are entitled to his best thanks for their ready :.- - sistauce on all occasions. The. Commissariat Department, under Lieutenant- 1 olanel Stevenson aud Captain Cuneliii'e, answered tiie high expectations formed of it from past experience. Lieutenant Aplin's exertions, as . Acting Assistant Quarter- Magter- General, marked the sieal, intelligence and ability of this deser- ving and protuiiicg Officer; Captain VVatson, Protiueial- Arsistant Adjutant- General, and Brigade- Majol- Cough, had important aud laborious details to conduct, which they per- fon tied to the entire satisfaction ofthe MdjOr- Geijeral. A new Silver Coinage is in great forward- ness at the Mint; and will very , shortly be issued to the pnblic j it consists chiefly of Crown pieces, said to be of a veay beautiful dye, and will amount to £ 3,000,000. Sir Vicary'Gibbs u extremely Unwell, and little, being able any, hopes are entertained of his to. resume his seat as Chie!' Justice of the Common Pleas. Thus, it is expected, in the approaching term two Chief Justices will be appointed. Preparations are malting | n the stores of the Stor< keepof General < if the Ariiiy ttt Po'rtsniduth, to receive' tfie camp' equipage aud other articles that V ill lie iirotrglit tti England by our Army of Occupation. Such of the regiments as are quartered to the west- ward of Cambray, it is expected, will be embarked at Havre- de Grace, aud land at Portsmouth; The. Army.— The following is said- to be the amount of the approaching reductions :— The aith, 95th, JXith, 07th, » mh, and 99tb regiments; the lst,- id, and4th \\ est In- dia regiments, and the Royal Waggon Train to he disbanded by the 24th of December. The African corps, the West Indiuand York Rangers, and Chasseurs, are to beeontintred for culprits. The regiments in India will be kept up to tiie establishment, of i000— those oil other foreign stations ( WOO— and those at home to 450 rank and file. These, w ith the reductions iu cavalry ant! artillery, will, it is considered, put the army on the lowest pos- sible peace establishment.—- All the cavalry regiments are reduced io eight troops, except the Royal Horse Guards Blue', the 1st Dra- goon Guards, 8th, 17th, 21st, 22.1,2 1th, a- ti 2oth Dragoons, which retain their nine, ten and twelve troops,. found to contain- any article not.' described in the invoice, the V hole package shall be forfeited, and in case such goods, wares, or merchandize, shall he subject tin an ad valorem duty, the same proceedings shall be had. and thesame penalties shall be incurred, as are ' provided in tbe 11th section of this act: Provided, that nothing here- in contained shall save from forfeiture any pack- age tuning in it any article not described in the invoice." We have the pleasure te state, that there is an increase in the last Quarter's Revenue of about £ 1,500,000, as compared with the corresponding Quarter of last year. Altho" the information v. rs circulated generally last afternoon, yet no favourable impression was made on the Funds; and notwithstanding tiie near approach of the settling day,' it is retuarkable, that during the whole of the morning, there was scarcely more than the fluctuation of one- eighth p rcent. The opi- nion is g- neral, therefore, that a further de- cline will occur. The Bank of England is engaged in preparations to pay in specie whether t aili meut will or . will not deem it expedient to compel that establishment to resume? •, a.- b payir- ents. A fact of very con- sider1 I- importance reached our kno wledge j ou Saiuiday; the - quarter front which the ! information is derived. leaves no doubt of its authenticity. It is, that the Bank has di- minished the issue of notes within the last twelve months very considerably. The number of notes in circulation this time last year, amounted to £ 30,000,000, but they do not exceed at pros- nt more than between 24 and £ 25.000,010. This circumstance alone is a sufficient explanation for the scarcity of money, which lias continued, not as former- ly, for a day or a. week only, but for months together. This, independently of foreign loans: or political cause.-;, is enough to distress the funds, by taking a great quantity of mo- ney out of circulation, thereby rendering it much in demand; and as a natural conse- quence, produces an abundance of stock.— it appears certain also, that there is at this, moment a great accumulation of specie in the Bank. We hav e- reason to believe, that there is as much as £ 10,000,000. This goes in confirmation of eash payments. The Bankers are said to have sent circu- lars to the country Banters, informing them that the amount of their discount, must be li- mited, as the Bank of England had restricted the London Bankers,. consequently, the san e accommodation cordd not be afforded as for- merly."" Consols>. eve at 75i en Saturday, when AMERICA. New Commercial Regulation* The following is an abstract of the now regulations prescribed bv the. American Go- vernment, for the admission ot good's into, the United States — A law was passed by the American Congress on the 20th of April last, for the purpose of pre venting evasions of the duties by means of false invoices; and this law takes effect on all goods that mriy arrive from Eurnpfc after the 2t; th of Octoberiq Ihe present vetiL- ... [ Upon merchandize arriving from the Cape of Good Hope it doc;; not take effect until fifteen months after fhe passing of the act.] This law enacts that merchandize, subject to duty, and belonging io persons who I'.- side out of > ' te Vidled Stales* tit the time of importation, shall not be admitted to entry unless the invoice be verified before a Consul or Vice- consul of tbe Cuited Slates ; antl the owners shall declare on oath- whether tbeynre the viaiiufactitrers,\\ i whole or in part of such goods, wares, or merch in dize, or are concerned, directly or indirectly, in tbe proiits of any art or trade by which they have been brought to their present state of nia- nufacture; and if so, they shall further swear that the prices charged in the invoice are the current value of the same at the place of manu- facture, and such as be or they Would have re- ceived, if the same fend been there sold in the usual course uf trade. If goods belonging to persons thus resident out of the United States, arrive there without such Consular verification, they will either be deposited. ill tin: public warehouse, at the risk aud expenee of ihe owner, nnti! tin invoice duly verified by Consul or Vice consul may arrive, or they will be opened and appraised, at the ex- pen'e'e of the owner, subject to life enuttithiijs of the 11th section Of the Uuv< - a copy of which is sahjoiaed. ft has been imagined that merchants tffe're- quited to expose the mysteries of their trade by submitting their invoices to the inspect! of the Cons1.;! or Vice consuls before whom the same are verified ; this however is not the cas the gentlemen who attach the Consular seal do not investig'ate llit; face ofthe iavoice. The following ate copies of the 1 tth and 22nd sections cl tbe law here referred to ; and as they specify Ihe penalties attendant on false invoices therefore merit particular attention'. " :>;-. CTION 11th-- And he it further enacted, tliuf whenever, in the opinion of the collecfor, there shall be just grounds to suspect that goods, wares, or ntcrohandisfs, subject to an ad valorem duty, and imported into his district, have been invoiced below the true value of such goods wares, and feierehandizC, in their actual state Of manufacture, at the place from'which they were imported, such collector shall ' direct the same to be appraised in the manner prescribed by the ninth section of this aet ; and if ; he value ut w hich the saint- shall be appraised shall ex cefcd by twenty- fi \ e per centum the invoice pri thereof, then, in addition to the ten or twenty vtr centum, as the case may be, laid upon cor- rect and regular invoices according; to law, there shall be added lii'iy per cent, on the appraised value; on which aggregate amount tbe duties on such goods, wares, or merchandize, shall be estimated. " SECTION 22d— And be it further enacted,* hat the Collectors of tlie customs shall be required to cause at least one package out of entry in- voice, and one package at least out of every fifty packages of every invcice of goods, wares, or merchandize, imported' into their respective districts, to be- opened and examined, and if ti e fame be- fount! not to correspond with the invoice thereof, . orto be falsely charged in such invoice. a lull inspection ofall such goods, wares or merchandize, as may iie included in the same entry, shall be made; and if any package is tlteGti\ prnor- Gcneral inCouneil, eir. cringthese i bating revived a little since Frida; Orders, has not been received. 1 they were done at — O'jkrctr. * If the owner be resident in the United States, oalli will be made there, fin entry ofthe goods, that the invoice | rodiiced exhibits their trite value, in their actual state of manufacture, at the place from v\ hich they v. ere imported. ' Dl ML5.1NC. CURT E U G- T R 1 A I The following carious trial took place on the 26th nit. at Aberdeen, the action being brought upon an old statute of William tfl. !> ir preveut- ing and punishing d'afls: Tbe Court next pro- ceeded tothe trial of Lieut. James Rollo, of the > 9. tii regiment of- foot, on the' Complaint of Thos,, Rift hie. younger, of Cultmabmdie, private pro- secutor, with coilcorri'hce of: his Majesty's Ad- ocate— under an ' Actpassed in tbe 6tb session of the first Parliament of bis Majesty King Wil- liam, whereby " itis statufed antl enacted, that whosoever, principal or second, or other inter- posetl person, gi'. es a chalengc to % ht tultiel or single combat, or whosoever accepts the same, or whosoever, either principal or second, on ei- ther side. engages therein, albeit no fighting ensue, shall be punished by the pain of banish- ment, aral esebeht of moveables, without preju- dice to the Act alteady made against tbe fight- ing of duels."" Thf- circumstances of the case; as stated in the indictment, and proved by the evidence, were as follow :— That' on the 24th of November last. Lieut Rollo. when shooting on the property of Mr. i lron, of Black liuthven. was accosted by the said Thomas Ritchie, ar? d char- ged with having a few minutes before trespassed on his father's property, and shot a hare— high words upon this took place, and the consequence was, tbat- on the 25th November last, Lietit. Rol- 10 addressed to Mr. Ritchie aletter in the follow- ing vyoi ls:— Perth, 2£ th Nov. 1817; Sir, I have sent herewith my friend Captain Dreghorn, to demand you will give me the most ample sa- tisfaction for the gross manner is obieh vou in- sulted me yesterday, by the unjustifiable aii'd uft- genflemanlike^ naimei in which you accosted tne. I am, kc. James ifol'io. — To" Vl t. Tin n! as Ritchie, & c." On the recci| i of the above. Mr. Ritchie declined either lo make an apology,- to name a friend to settle tbe ali'tiir, or to accept the charteuge. Mr. Rollo afterwards addieased a letter to'himiu ihe follvving words:— Perth, 25th Nov. Iat7 ; Sir, I am ( xtremcly si try 1 havt made so gross a mistake this day, in con- ceiving you to be a gentleman, act! am sorry I have stooped so far below my station as even condescending to give yon the ( satisfaction . i f a gentleman, a'jtd shall this night post voitisa coward. J am, ;. Jaines lUAlt,. 1' PlacarflS according * rere put up in'tlie Exchange Coffee Room, and on the entry leading thereto, con- taining the following words:—" Perth. 26th Nov 1817 ; 1 hereby post Mr. Tiforhas Ritchie, younger, of Cotipliuc. y, ns a coward, and an tin- fit associate for any gentleman— James Rollo." After the examination of several witnesses, the jury were addressed on the part of the orosccu- lyr by Mr. MoiHiricff, and by Mr. Kay, for tbe defender. A minute detail of the evidence was then laid beiore them by the Lord Justise Clerk : and the jury having retired, soon after returned with a verdict, finding, by a plurality of voices, ihe libel proven. Before the seriteiifts was pro- nounced, Mr. Monorieff stated to the court, that his client had authorised bint to move his lord- ship to defer pronouncing judgment; and in or- der that the verdict might not hung Over the head of Mi', Rollo, Mr. Ritchie now deserted the diet against the defender, find therefore he( Mr.- Mon- crietf) moved bis lordship to discharge hiiii sini- pticitcr. In doing so the Lord Justice Clerk congratulated Mr. Rollo on the very handsome mantier ill which Mr. Ritchie had terminated the prosecution, liis lordship remarked that he was happy that an opportunity had been this day afforded of shewing the efficacy of the laws of our country; that, Mr. Ritchie's appeal- to thi'iu l. rftl been completely sustained, while Lis honour and character were vindicated ; and that by his conduct he had completely vindica- ted himself from the aspersion of having raised and carried on the prosecution from any vindic- tive feeling. At the same time his lordship ob- served, that the Act before qOOted bail certainly been, as it wcrc< raked up for this prosecttfiou ; that few trials, arid few or no convictions had proceeded upon it for nearly a century; but yet the statute was not obsolete. Ilis lordship in conclusion hoped, however, that Mr. llollo would now return, without any slur on his honour Or stigma on bis character, to that society in which he had hitherto moved, but from which bad it not beeu for the liberal behaviour of the private prosecutor, be must inevitably huve been for ever. separated. r. EtcESTCitsunui. Valuable Freehold end tythe- free Estates, TO RESOLD BY PRIVATE CON TRACT, AN Estate at Qneneloroiti> h, comprising the Manor ofQueneborough, with fishery and other apprit fenances, manor house, with suitable offices, dove- cot, spacious delarbcd barn, ( ad. r: fed to convert into a malting office; or stables,) together" with 5430 acres at arable, tue'ailow, and pastiirel. imd, 200 of whit It* are contiguous to the house, ( he whole of good quality, and in a high stale of cultivation. ( ineneboi'ottgh is 0 miles lioni Leicester. 7 from Loiijfliboroiigh, 9 from Melton, 5 from Qeoi- n, the roatis arc* excellent, and the situation highly desir- able lo a i'oxHt/ tv. t. K « r Agriculturist. This Estate will be sold together,, or in any allot- ments, suitable to the wishes of persons desirous to purchase. AT TWYFOfi D, Ail Estate, corupris'ng a Farm House, and suita- ble Offices, standins! upon SO acres of good arable and pasture Land, in a ring fence, on the load from Oakham to Leicester, 11) miles from Leicester, six frojB Melton iijowbi. tv. At SO MERRY, Au Estate, comprises a Farm House and Office*, standing upon 59 acres of grazing Laud, of Che first quality, adjoint!.!; the village,' is in- the centre of tiie Leicestershire, HUMS, S miles from Meiton, Strom Oakham, t i from Leicester Apply to Mr. HF. ALV, LACGHTON, near Falk- inghant, Ltncoinshire; post- paid let. e'ts- drly be attcndetl to. MeltSn Mow hi a v. October b; IbHL E. BROW'N, EGS fb reiurh sincere thanks to the fricoifjt and eusti n. ers . of bet late husband, add fbe public In general for tbe favors conferred upon him, rind to it. form thejii of ber infe'ntioii of c'outiiiuiug the S it ()!.) ItV business in all i a branches as usual, assurii- g titem that every I bssible exertion Shall, be iiittiife to meril their future orders, w'iijch will | i!- thaimfidly received^ and gratefully acknowledged. N. B. All debts to or l'foin the Esiale wiil bd ett'etl as ai live. A Ptedsuitt Hinting i ullage, or ntxit RUsidtiiceJof ii small f. ,.:,.<, | / } '.,;;,„';. . TO BE LET. Genteel anil comfortable Hunting- Cfrlafwn ( with or without a homestead dose)' must pleasafitly situated at Hottui, tv. o luib s and a liuif from - Loughborough, on die turnpike foa'd ffont tV- j*> ce, to N'oltmgfaum, ar. d tlilee miles from thd Qaorndon kcmict; The premises ctimprise two pa'flonrti, ft'fe beti chambers; kiteliens, brew bouse, and other ciiu-' venienccs, stables, yard, tat- den, orchard, and fore court. The stabling will beencfeused if desired by an eligible tenant. • For a view ar. d particulars, apply to Mr. PAKKIN- SON, the 1' ioptietor. WitT. eswoltl, October 8, 1818. - •--'--• „ - To Vi oolstaplcrs, 1 Totaled Makers, Eosiersi TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT; ASubstantial newly erected Building, 40ft; 7ins. by 2Cft. Gins, two stories high, tige- tber with Sfnker- makeis shop and garden, c'bn-' tairiing altogether by tidmcasureniebi. fi';)! squard yards, situate in tbe Bond Street, iu Leicester, and formerly oqccpi^^^ as a hosiers wtuebousei Enquire of Mr. COOK, Architect and Survey- or, Horse Fair Street. TO BE LET And entered upon nt 1 ady- doy next, A N ext'Cilcni and convenient House, fit for X~ Y residence of. a genteel family, with ti garden walled round, a coach house, Siable', antl other requisite outbuildings situate in, Ashby- de- ia- Zouch, in the occupation of Mr. Jo} in Tfnitiis. Immediate po'ssession may he had it required. A tenant may be accommodated with two pasture! Closes containing tugether about6 acres. Ashbv- de- la- i'fon. ch is within three miles of the Moira Baffin For further . particulars apply at thfe office of Mr. SMITH, in Asbby- dc- l,(. Zoneh; and for a vicwot the premises to Mr. . John jtmrns, the tenant. Ashby- de- lii- Zoticb, fitli October, 1S! 8. ' TO BE LET, ' And entered a/ up, immediately, Commodious dwelling- house, situfte at Hallateri, in the county of Leicester, witfit a spacious fardeK well stacked with fniit trees* stabling for » or more burses, cW: » enj< nt entbettf- ings, ar. d sin tibberv adjoining, together with or without 15 acres 6f excellent land. The premises are in te& d repair, welt adapted fef. a Hunting Bos. being in theeentre of the Quota « n d Cottesmore Hunts, and may be taken . frofti year to> year, or upon a short least. Application for viewing the same to be made to Mr. John I'ockliii< j1ou; t, t, the premises ; and Inithei' particulars may be known on appij'lag to jvlis^ VOWE, Ston- ey Street, Nottingham. A' Lincolnshire. The \ Yincebji Estate. To be sobl by Private Contract, rs'- HAT valuable and most desirable l- teebo'tl _ i Estate, comprising the " whole village snd parish of Winceby, ( excepting the I'aisonage house and 29A. OR. 33P of Glebe land),- containing up- wards of S00 acres of excellent pastille, meadow, arid arable land, including about o( l acres of beau- tiful and. vcrv valuable plantations, with farm house, cottages, ar„' i suitable buildings This Estate possesses great, advantages, the lartf being ofa very superior quality, ci'hef to/ pastiirtis<; or tillage, ihe rfrable land is " peculiarly adapted tat tbe growth cf turnips, barley, and seeds, and con- tains immense quantities of the richest marl, whiili makes the soil inexhaustibly productive at a triiiing expence. The Estate is v. cll watered and divided into Convenient pieces, bv good white '! era idg?',?. The preserves abound in^ anie, and ttie Brtickelsby ar. d Hurtiiii Hunts ate within up easy distance. Wiitccbv is situated ou a tine eminence, command- iag delightful views ofthe surrounding country and German Ocean, if is r. cavly equidistant between Hcrne'ttstle and Spilsbv, i. iotii ot them capital ntar- ' kets for farming produce of evt- ry description.-— Horncastle is noted tor having the largest' lairs in England, and is oi. ly » miles from Vvinceby, from whence corr. can bo quickly delivered; and fiottt tiiftrce conveyed bf datcr < 0 tbe best markets in Yorkshire, Lancashite, or London, at a liiCdtrattf expence. To the Gentleman who wishes to reniire bit pro- perty by pltrchasieg tin Estate that wilt pay uople interest, the Sportsman who would fecore au tildn- Kerrttpted range of fi- tld sports, or the Farmer who wishfrs fo establish himself both peia. anri- tly ar. d advantageously, this will i> o fbantl an epppiiunily that lately | resents itself. tbc i: e% hbo « ii- liood is high- ly respectable, and the tart>: i • iirg villages aic tn pleasingly situated, that the vic. ioty of tViiieeby is truly bnastii'r. l. Further panicniars ctfid price may be known l. y sfpplying to OCTAVCS ALI. SKKV, of Winceby, ESQ. SAMCEC of Maidenwell, Esq. or to WILSON, Solicitor, Loftfh, all in the eoanty of Lh,- coin. Oct. Tth, 1818. Leicestershire, Freehold and Lt uteLoiU fiSt!: tf'S. To l; e Sold by Auction, Either together or in lots, in the beginning of No- vember next, ( unless sooner disposed ot by Private Contract, of which tiim iy ndtice wiil A ' reehold Estate, situate ttt the hamlet of Wykin, in the pari-. h df Hinckley, in ihe said county of Leicester, consisting of 3 teiie- ntci. ts or tarin booses, with barns, stables, cow sheds, and necessaiy ontbuiidii. gs asd 2SIA. on. Site, ut' arable, meadow, and pasture land. And also, A leasehold Estate, consisting cf 85A. 3R. 15i » . to- gether with ilic lease of the Rectorial Tytftes over the whole hamlet of Vt vkin, contaiiiiug!)'?, 3A 3a 35P which are held hy lease under the 1J< an and Chap- ter of Westminster, for 21 years, at a small auuuai lent, reaewable <: verv| i7 years. For particulars or to treat for the same by Private Contract, apply tor Mr THOMAS CHAPMAN, of Drav- t/ n, near Athcmoue; or fo Mr. HOl. LleR, ofr lli.- cklav, » .' pt. SOthy 181' S. s JLc. i Lly iCi u uiiliiu l, aiitf Aiiciiaiid Counties General Advertiser^ UJIMB same ' rf idnesday and Thursday's Posts LONDON, WEDNESDAY Oct. 14, V THE QUEEN., ' 5i The following is" the Bulletin of Wed- npsdjty:— " Kew Palace, October H. '". The Queen passed the whole of ytesterday ill Cdm- jftirative ease and comfort, aud slept well last flight. llcnry Ilalford. The. Convention for the Evacuation of France by the Allied Troops was, we are as- sured, signed on the, ,9tl\ instant, and was feronsrlit to this Country List night by KAYE, the Messenger.—- iSV/ t. Extract of a lettr from Aix la- Chapelle, dated October 10:— • . . Too negoeiations of Congress regarding tli » , evacuation of France, have proceeded with great rapidity, and are sow cohfident. lv stated to- l e brought to. a close. Titer. - have . bscti sercfal conferences siftce I la. t wrote you.— There was yesterday one in tiie morn- ing, and another iit tiie evening, between - J? . mid 9, at Prince Metternich's. The ' Duk< j of llichelieu was at- tke last inteetiiig. Atthfc eouforeno'., the treaty of the evacuation was signed, and ins been to- day ratified - by all tlie » overei. jiis who are hen;. I hops very shortly to he able to send you a copy of it, or at least its priiicipal articles. It will be remembered, that tiie French Government obtained from the Chambers an eventual credit of 24 millions of rentes, to bp employ- ed for the payment o the contributions, pro- vided the evacuation took place before the Legislative Body wgs ag in assembled; and t'tat Mr. Baring contracted with Slinistry for the whole sum, or whatever part of it it might t e requisite to raise, at the rate of 07 per cent. It is now ascertained that only nine- teen" and a half, millions of rentes will be re- quired to raise the sum to he paid by France to the Allies, the principal being 26: i mil- lions, which is to be discharged, as I form- erly mentioned, by instalments, in tbe course pf nine months. Mr. Baring continues his conditional contract tor 12i millions, at the rate of ( i7 per cent. As the conditions, bow- ever, by tiie rise of the French Funds, have been fotmd more ' advantageous to the , con- tractors than could at lirst have been antici- pate;!, Mr. Baring agrees to pay for the re-, maiiiitig seven millions of rentes, only one and- a half per cent, less thin the price of the 6 per cents, at Paris on the 5th inst. or at t. h - rate of 74 per cent. This will be a gain to France of 7 per cent, on seven millions of rentes, as compared w ith the original contract. -..<•• It is reported, that orders have been- issu- ed, for the transports destined for the recep- tion of the English troops in France to . be assembled at. Calais on or before the 25th instant. A notice was'posted at Lloyd's yesterday, that Government wished to contract for the otlveuance of stores from Antwerp to tiie Tiiames. The stores are supposed to belong to the Army about to leave the Frehch ^ territory. At Antwerp, on the 2d instant, the bank- ers,' Me grs. Baring, Parish, and Bothsohihl, 1ifi l a nVeeti. ig at one o'clock", and their con- ference lasted for four hours. The object of it was, according " to report, to concert the means of executing" the loan, whose realiz- ation is to result from the departure of the foreign troops. Lord Castl reagh's Diplomatic School at Aix-! a- Chapelle, will form no small item in the account of the extraordinary expt- nce- s of his Lords ip's mission to the Congress of Sovereigns. The young Gentlemen who are thus educated for the good o their Country, are now so numerous., that. it. ought to be recommended to that great economist, the chairman ofthe Committee of Finance ( whioh of course, will be revived in the New Parli- ament,) to suggesf some plan for the educa- tion, of our future Statesmen, similar to the economical systems of Ur; Bell and Lancas- ter. Tins would, in some degree, realize what Mr. Burke called " the cheap d - fence of nations." Legal Christmas Boxes.— In the Report of th • Commissioners for inquiring into the Du ti- is Salaries, and Emoluments of the judges', & c. ofthe Courts of Justice in England, it appears, that the Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Ki- g's Bench, '" according to anci- ent u age, receives ' annually at Christmas, four yards of broad cloth from B1 i.- kwell Hall, and 36 loaves of sugar, presented to him bv particular Officers on t . e Plea side of the" Court;" and that each Puisne Jmlg* receives annually from the same Officers a . small siber plate, and IH loaves of sugar! The equinoxial gales have'expedited the annual migration of the herrings to thp south- ern coast. The fishermen have commenced their season with every prospect of success. The herrings which have been- caught, are r, f fafger size and finer flavour than any they have taken for many years p st. Hen- ings were so -- plentiful on Thursday at Hastings, in Sussex, th 4 they sold at the rate of tvehty- eight for fohr- peace. It is rumoured, that the Marquis of Has- tings will obtain from the Prince Regent tlie rank of Field Marshal. 11 is Lordship stands nearly at tiie head of the List of General Ofjiccrs in the service; and the 1 ; ss jealousy wind i therefore attach upon the ahpve splen- did tribute to the magnitude of his achieve- ments hi the East— Morning Post, Hops.— A clergyman iu Kent « rote, some time back to Sir Joseph Banks, requesting to ho informed whether ho thought the ctsl- 1 i\ ation of hops could be attended w ti. li any eaecost; in New South Wales. Jos ept of seed, and also a small treatise containing instructions on the mode of culture. His friend at Botany Bay has, since written to him, stating that the hop plant had succeeded I eyoiid his expectation, and that, many of the settlers had embarked in the cnltivadon of the same article villi considerable success. — It was expected that tiie produce wotdd soon be sufficient for the consumption of the place.-*- -..'••< • - The following Circular was on Saturday bust sent from the Adjutant. General's Office to the Commanding Officers of every regi- mentwhich it is not in the contemplation of Government to entirely reduce i— ( Of- RCUL. VR.) - Horse Guards, October 10, 1818. Silt, 1 am directed by the Commander in Chief to desire you will transmit a nominal return of such non- commissioned officers and privates of th • Regiment under your command as you would recommend being discharged, in the event of permission being git en for that purpose. His Royal Highness is desirous that this lie- turn should lie prepared its accurately, hnd fur- nished as soon as. possible, and that it should contain a distinct specification, opposite each man's name, of the reason * for recommending bis discharge. ( Signed)• 4- MAC DONALD, Deplily Adjutant General. * Ago, Under size, wounds, disease, long services. Among, the many alterations which will t ike place in tlie reduction of our army, we mfderst- iud if is intended that all Brevet Of- ficers shall be promoted to permanent rank, and ' be put on the hal,- pay list.— Captains from the half- pay will bs called in to com- mand the comp ihies which will Consequently have fallen vacant. - OnS bat. talio. i of Sap- pers and Miners,, three battalions of Royal Artillery, and all the Horse Artillery, ex- cepting two troops, will be included in the reduction. informed him thai the attempt would be fruit- to the el.' » .% it had hern made before and failed , '• n; yman- y notwithstanding this discon-. ra.-; irix in formation, sent out to a respectable friekd of " bis, resident at Botany . Bay, some of the best sets he eould procure, a quantity The most remarkable events in the Specula- tive department, have lately- occurred anions; the dealers in Hops; an article that bad got up to a prodigious price ; for it was nothing uncom- mon to Itcar five and twenty, or ( some say) thirty pounds„ demanded, a few weeks back, for the same as may now be . bough} for ten pounds, for eight pounds, for or less money. This decline in price has been fatal to several considerable dealers; and will spread further. It is said, that one of them lately Gazetted, was offered , a bonus of thirty thousand pounds: for what lie held in hand, an- 1 on speculation; he wanted more! mate! He is lieeeiv.' d : and with him not a few : they must now abide the consequences-. A Correspondent sty?,-—" Flour, to the asto- nishment of every one acquainted with tbe Corn Exchange, was lowered at the close of Monday's Market 5s. per sack, although the ports from the Eyderto the Bidasso are shut against Wheat, and that arfiole is at present higher than it has been some weeks back. What is tbe cause of all this J wasin every one's mouth, until at length one of those- persons conversant with its secret movements said, tbe fall of 5s. per sack in flour must low er wheat -, and only let the effect be a few shillings for the ansuing fortnight, when the average will be fixed, and the ports of the whole universe- must be shut against Wheat on the 15 th No v.' for the 3 succeeding months. Thus we see the Corn Hill, which during its discussion agitated the whole country, and brought such odium on its authors, has been put at noagbt, serving only a* a destructive engine in the bunds of a few interested individuals. The Spanish Proverb is here verified to the letter, that they that ma le the Law left a hole to creep through ; and we hope aud trust that one of ihe first acts of ilie New Parliament will be, to • alter and amend so much of t- ie Coin Bill, as will take from a few designing men the power of oppress- ing the poor."-— St-!*.' On Monday last, Capt. Filzgerald, eldest son of Lord R. Fitzgerald, and cousin to the Duke of L'- inster, returning toTerling place, in Essex, tbe seat of.?. fLStrutt, Esq. Meniberfor Maldon, from shooting, with Mr. Tyrellanil Mr. J. Strntt, fired at a duck, which fell into a pond. Attempts having been made in vain to getthe duck, Capt. Fitzgerald, bciag a good swimmer, immediately threw himself in, where he became entangled in the weeds, and never rose again. His - servant jumped into the water, and, in the vain attempt to save his master, had nearly lost his ow n life. Tbe water was drawn oil as quickly as possible ; when Ihc body was discovered, so entangled, both by hands and feet, as to render it impossi- ble that he could have extricated himself. This gallant young Officer was nephew to Lady Char- lotte Strutt, whose affliction on this lamentable occasion may easily be conceived. Public Houses.— The chequers painted on the window-: butters or doors of ale- houses, have been supposed to indicate that formerly a game like draughts might be played there ; this is an error. The chequers were the arms of the Kail ol Arundel, in whose department it was to grant tbe licences for the sale of spiritous liquors. Corn Exchange, Oct. 14. The Wheat Trade was exceedingly heavy this morning,, and although higher prices were asked, scarce a sale could be made, and nearly the whole of the Wheat left unsold on Monday was undisposed of at the close of this day's mar- ket. Barley was not so brisk in sale as on Mon- day, and that, day's prices could not be obtained even for the finest qualities ; Oats are is. per quarter lower, having bad large arrivals from abroad since Monday.; in Beans and Pease there is no alteration; BANKRUPTS From Tuesday's Gazette. Richard Day, Crooked lane, oil broker William H'addan, Clement's lane, tea dealer William Whitby, Clement's- lssne, (' rug broker Solomon Levy, Mausel- street, tailor John- Graves, Sonthwark, hop merchant James Sbeppard, Gainsborough, and Robert Sliep- pard Boston, corn factors John Ventross and Richard Emmerson, Newcastle- upini 5£ yne, cheesemongers William Skick,' Liverpool, woolstapler W i ' liam Av bitten bury, Manchester, cotton dealer Thomas Jones, Bull Ring,' Birmingham, o< mhvainer James Barnes, Cind'erford, Gloucestershire, coal merchant PRICE OF STOCKS. 3 per Cent. Red. 75J 3 per Cent. Cons. 75 4 per Cents, shut 5 per Cents 105 J Norwich Union Fire and Life Insurance. This Day is published, price 2s. . rnHE report of the London Committee of In- 1 vestigation, presented to a Meeting of Insurers, h< dd at the City of London Tayprn in Bi- shupssate street, on Friday, the 25th. ot* September, 1818; together with the Resolutions of the Meet' mg adopted thereon, and an Appendix of documents. Sold by Matchard, Piccadilly: i'ii- i. oek A: Maun- der, ' 207, Strand ; Ogles, Duncan, A: Cochruii, k' 95 Holborn, and % 7 Paternoster Row ; J. W. Whiteley, 103. IScwsate street. • LOST, On Monday Morning- last, between Lnbbesthorpe and Leicester, ALight dun coloted Fox Hound Bitch, marked with the letter R, answers to the name- of Partious.- - Whoever . will give any- ii. iVaxea tion respecting her, shall he handsomely rewarded by . applying to Mr.' Noah Oram, Lpbbesthorpe. - TO- BE SOLD BY AUv'TION, By Mr. II PAYNE, On Wednesday, the 21st of October instant, at Mr. Oltnian's, tiie sign Of'the Crown, ill Great Wig- Ston, in the cnui-. ty ofLeicester, at 4 o'clock in the af'tei noon, subject to such conditions as will be then and there produced ; AHons," and Garden pleasantly situated in , Great Wigston aforesaid, in the occupa- tion of Benjamin Bauti). For further " pai ticitlars apply to Messrs. P. vvsE and SON, Solicitors', Leicester. North Kihcorth, Leicestershire. To be'sold by " Private"' Contract, THF, one'ipireij term of a Lease lor 4 years, of aljt that messuage or tenement called or known bv the mime of North Kilworth Lodge, in the occupation of J. K. Bo water, Esquire, with a spa- ciecs yard and pleasure gardens, also a coach house, stables, kitclieti, garden, fishpond, and other suit i- ftle conveniences, together with the . deputation of the manor of North. Kilworth. The above situation is well adapted to a sports- man, beiug in the centre of the Leicester- hire and . Northamptonshire hunts. For a view of the premises enquire of Mr. t'- AVE, of North KiKvoi th. ai. d for further particulars ot'Mr. JOHN HAVFIEI. 1), Red Cross Street, Leicester. HEREAS a Commission Of Bankrupt is awarded and issued forth against Win. lloRTojv, now or late of Hinckley, in the county « f Lctcester, Hosier, and be being declared a Bank- rupt, is hereby required to surrender himself to the Commissioners, in the said Commission named, or tiie major part of them, on tile fifteenth day of Oc- tober instant, at sivof the clock in the evening, on the sixteenth day of October, and the seventeenth dav of November next fotlowirg, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of each of those days, at tbe house of David BriggSjtbe George tail, in Hinckley afore- said, and make " » full discovery and disclosure of his estate and eliecfs, vvhen and where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts, and at the second sitt. iag to choose Assignees, and at the last sitting the said Bankrupt is required to finish bis examination ; and the Creditors are to assent to, or dissent, from the allowance of his certificate. All Persons indebted to the said Bankrupt, or that have any of liis effects, are not to pay or deliver the some, Imt to whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but give notice tp- We. Chafes Beckett, of No. I, No- ble street, FalcOfr- So'ccre, London; or Mr. . tames Sodev, of Hinckley Sifofeskid, Solic'. tot to tl e said Commission, LEICESTERSHIRE M'LITIA, AND LOCAL MILITIA. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, I'll til A'F the seccra! Subdivision . Meetings, in and JL for t' e Comity of Leicester, will be held, for the respective Hundreds, on the sev. ral days and times, and at the• se& ralpfaccs, and( rmentioned, for the. purpose, of. receiving - f resh lists of all per- sons, between the ages of 18 and 45, <% each parish ; and also for. the hearing of appeals. BOROUGH OF LI ICESTER. On Monday, tile id day of November next, at the Guildhall! itl the said Borough, at ten o'clock in the forenoon.' GCVHLWTON HUNDRED. On Tuesday, the 3d day of November next, at the Bull's Hea l. Iim, in Blaby, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. H E- T GOSCOTE HUNDRED. On Wednesday, the 4th day of November next, at the Plough fun, in Loughborough, at ten o'clock in the forenoon il AKKP. NHOE HUNDRED. On Thursday, fhe 5th day of November next, at the Bull's Head Inn, in Market . Bosworth, at ten o'clock in the foreeoo". GARTREE HUNDRED. On Thursday, the- itti day of November next, at the liitse and Crown Inn, in Kibwurth Hareourt, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. EAST GOSCOTE HUNDRED. On Friday, th « tith day of November next, at the Unicorn and Star Inn, in Tliurmaston, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. FRAMLAND HUNDRED. On Tuesday, the 10th day of Noveipber next, at the George aud Talbot Inn, in Melton Mowbray, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. By oi dei of the Lieutenancy, DF. CTU US COOKE, Clerk ofthe General Meetings. ' Leicester, fith October, 1818. * m* Constables malting False Returns will be fined the full Penalty of £' 20 imposed by Act of Parliament. \ COUNTY Ol' - I. F. 1CESTER- - To wit, THE ASSIZE OF BREAD, FOR TUTI HT'X'NREO OF GARTRFt: iirlhe. COUNT Y of LEICESTER, THB WFlGtlT - 1M1 PRICE OF lit. oz. dr £, The Peek lyiaf Wheal en 17 0 Half Peck Loaf. ditto S 11 0^ 0 0 ( !) - Quartern I- oa'f ditto - 1 " 5 8 ( 0 • HalfOnaifCTii Loaf ditto 2 2 12 JO d. 2 1 fii 3 10 1 11 0 11J 0 Si Peck Loaf Household 17 0 o~) 0 Half Peck } , oaf. ihfto .... 8 11 0 ( 0 Quartern Loaf ditto - I 5 8 t'O —- Haif Quartern Loaf di'tto. 2 2 12) 0 Set by ns. Two of His Majc stv's Justices of the Peace, in and for the said Hundred, the 13th Day of October, 1818, aitii to continue in force for seven Days, from Monday next. E. GRIFFIN C. ./. UltmCKE. Town Hall, Market Harbqrough, COUNTY OF LEICESTER TO wit. THE ASSIZE OF BREAD, FOR THE HUNDRED or GUTHLAXTON. lis. oz. dr. s. d. Quartern Loaf Wheaten to weigh 4 5 Ditto Standard Whoa ten, .. 4 5. 8.... 1 0 Ditto Household 4 Half Quartern Loaf, Wheaten,. 2 2 2 Waistef \ N Apprentice to" a Surseon and Apotho- cary.— Apply to Mr. Eo Loughborough. Ettoowrs, Surgeon, Ditto Standard Wheaten Ditto Household Two- pennv Loaf, Wheaten. Ditto StaiTdard WhCaten ... Ditto Household Penny Loaf Wheate'n to weigh.. Ditto'Stan- lard Wheaten Ditto Household Set by us, Two of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace, in and for the said Hundred, this tenth day of . October 1S18. and to continue in force for seven days, from Saturday next. J. POWELL- THOS. BELGRAVE. 0 11 0 11 0 12 0 5 0 5 0 6 8.. 8.. 8., 12. , 12., 2 12., 5 9 1 10 12 0 ... 1 . . t . .0 .. 0 .. 0 .. 0 TO BE LET. And may be enterctl'vpan immediately, Public House, the sign of the Cross Keys, pleasantly situated in that populous xil- lage, t5arweil, iiear Hinckley. The furniture, brew- ing vessels, dec to be taken at a t| ir valuation. For particulars apply to Mr. Jos. jure on the premises. N. B, This Advertisement will not he repeated. Public Notice io the Creditors of Eb. enezer Hortan, of Arnesby, rg'HE Creditors of the above mimed Ebenezer | Horion, are respectfully informed that a final Dividend of Three Shillings in the Pound, now lies in the hands of Messrs. Davis and Sou,' Aucti- oneers, Leicester, for those Creditors who may chits* to accept tile same ithin 21 days from the date hereof, and ali Creditors not accepting the same witbin. the time, will be excluded the Benefit thereof. Leicester, ()< t. 1 « , 1818. FARMING- STOCK. Pool House, within four miles of Leicester. TO BE SOLD BY, AUCTION, By DA VIS and SON, On Wednesday and Thursday next, October 21 and 22, 1818, , rjAIIE Useful live Stock, Grass Keeping, Hay, 1 Turnips. Straw , Brewing Vessels, Cop- pers, and other Effects, of Mr, WILLIAM HARRISON, On the premises, - at Pool House, on the; Hinckley road, aiid within 4 miies of Leicester. ( Who is leaving his Farm.) tst Days Sale, Wednesday, Octtibrf< 21J - Consists of 21 useful tupping ewes and tbeaves, : 25, wether and eive lambs, 7 meated cow sandtieiters, bjirreB heifer', sturk heifer, cow and- calf, 2 dairy cows, 2 calves, very useful hackney maie, drunght niai e, ho? se tackle, quantity of potatoes good nar- row wheel waggon, stout 0 inch cart, roll, 3 pair of' useful harrows, good two. wheel plough, capital chaff cutter, cow cribs, seuftie. r, & c. Ac. ALSO, Ahont Fifty acres of Grass Keeping, With staeks- of w ell got liav, stra'w, and S acres ofTiirnips, ( an excellent crop) the hay and turnips to be eaten on the premises, and consumed by the 5th of April next. 2tl. days' Sate,, Thursday, October 22. . Consists of 4 draguikes, fan, ladders, bags, sough- ing tools, - forks, rakes, sieves, stone cheese press, several w ell seasoiieii- 20, 17, and 12 gallon bai rets, useful 0 strike mash and other brewing tubs, good SO gallon copper, small ditto, water and lie tubs, useful eak dining and other tables, chairs, good dough tub, large hanging press with drawers, three bedsteads, bottles, kitchen requisites, and a variety of other articles. Sale to begin each morning at ten iTelock-. Catalogues may now be had of the Auctioneers, and place of sale. . New Trent Boat. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By DAVIS and SON, At the Fleur.- dte- lis Inn, Pelgi'ave- gate, on Saturday, Oct. 31st, 1818,, at three o'clock in the afternoon, ACapital new Trent Boat, built of excellent seasoned word, has a 2- inch floor inside, and iu all other respects very strongly built. For further particulars and a view of tlie same apply to i{ oBEKT Jveit- HT1EY, Belgrave- gate, Lei- cester. lt » "" i, T. M'l. o B Y A UCTIOM, By Mr. HICK LING, At Diseworth, i. ti the county of Leicester, on Mo i- dayythe 19th day of October, 181S, on the premi- ses of Mrs. Mugliston, who is declining house- kcefijnsr- C40M PRISING house, parlour, and chamber y chairs, oak corner cupboard 3.0- hour clock in oak case, Arc. \ c. four post bedsteads, blankets, & c, and a quantity of pewter, and alargt variety of kitchen requisites. Also, Three useful in- caTv'd dairy cows, norkef pig, and manure. The sale to begin precisely at half- past 9 o'clock long Clan- son. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. BURTON, At the White Lion Inn, in Melton Mowbray, on Tuesdav, the 27th day of October instant, a; 3 o'clock in tbe afternoon; AFreehold Eslate, tithe f ee and land fax re- deemed, situate in the lordship of Long Ctawson, consisting of two closes of pasture land, containing together forty acres or thereabouts in the occupations of Messrs. Blafk, Marriott, and Hart. I or a view of tl'. e premises apply to Mr. IJart, of Long Clawson ; ai d for farther' particulars apply to Mr. LATHAM, of Melton Mowbray. VOTES FOR LEICi: Si i R- Hiii E. . Asfordhy near Melton Mowbray. To Tanners ami fellmokgers. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. BURTON, At the Blue Bell Inn, in Melton Mow bray, in the county, of Leicester, on I'liesdav the 27th October, 1818, precisely at six o'clock in the Afternoon, subject to such conditions of sale a « will be then . produced, ( with immediate possession,) ASubstantially built; brick and Slated Mes- suage, or Dwelling House, wiili- barns, stable?, and gardens thereto adjoining, siina'. e in the pleasant village of Asfcrdby, in the county of Lei- cester. And A Fellmongers Yard, in fell trade, a little detach ed from the house,. with buildings, sheds, and every other convenience for carrving on the business oil an extensive scale, Mid which, at an easy expence, might be. convened into a Tan- yard. The Estate'beionged to, and was for several years occupied by the late Mr. JOHN COOK, dec. AND ALSO, Three comfortable Cottages, orTenements, in As- f'oidby afore- aid, with gardens and convenientes adjoining, in the occupation of respectable Te- nants. If sold, one half of the Purchase Money may re- main on security If the Estate, at the option of the Purchaser: For further particulars apply to Mr. NEWCOME, Solicitor, Grantham. 5th October, 1818. Knawslcn. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. BURTON, At the Crown I'mi, in Oakham, on Saturday the 31 St of October, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, \ Freehold Estate at Knawston, iii the • County of Leicester, in tiie following Lots:— Lor 1. A. .14 .18 .12 2. Brand Meadow ,. High Meadow close iloiioiv back close LOT Brand Close ( in two parts).... LOT 3. New meadow LOT 4. House buildings and House close, ( in two parts) ...... .31 Utile close .;.,.... 4 Little House elope 2 Whisp close 11 Ploughed House close ....... 8 27 1 14 X 15 IO 3 0 11 2 30 1 32 0 0 1 31 2 20 37 3 SO 10 0 27 53 1 2 J Modern tend Genteel Household Furniture. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. OWSTON, . On the premises, High Street, Leicester, on Mon- day. anil Tuesday, the 20th and 27tli days of Octo- ber; IftlS, ,. . % T | "* I1E modern, genteel, and very nseful bouse- I bold furniture, linen, and other effects, of the late Mr TOM PSON, ( dece. iferi) .'. Comprising, lofty full tester and tent bedsteads, with handsome blue and orange moreen, dimity, jand other hangings, excellent feather . beds, hair and wool npattress. es, full size bianketsand counterpanes, diessii^; tables and glasses, iioor, stair, mid bedside' carpels', parlour and chamber chairs, mahogany dining, tea, aiid other tables, handsome mahogany' book case glass folding doors, an eight dav spring time piece, mahogany and oak chests of drawers and wash hand stands, ban ' some mahogany side board with drawers and clipboards, mahojjdiiy trays, and waiters, sheets, table cloths and . other linen and an e. eellent assortment of kitchen furniture. ' Catalogues may be had sis days previous to sale, of Mr. OWSTON. N. B.- Tlie valuable and extensive Shop and Warerooms. with the whole of the House and pre- mises, ( all freehold,) and which are siluate in the middle of the t( rt< i>, will be Sold Ji/ Private Contract; appliciSion must be made to Mr. THOMAS TOMF- SON, of Ashby- de- ia- Zouch. - ' [ fine concern. W. ymondl'aju, Leicestershire. TO BE SOLD BV AUCTION, By Mr J1BB, At the Angel Ir. n, in Wjmondham, on Wednesday, the 28th dat- ot October, at two o'clock ih the a'f uoon, ( in lots) • ". AFreehold Estate in Wymondham, consist- ing of a pleasant and eonvenienf house, f. t for the residence of a genteel family, in the occu- pation of Mr. William ivii. nn. A bake- house, with a dwelling house and btiild- ings adjoining, and a very excellent r. cwlv erected smock w ind mill, in the occupation of Mri'Spaflord. And one hundred and twelve acres of capital ara- ble and pasture ground, in ihe occupation of Mr. . Mann, A r. Spafiord, and Messrs. John and Rebel t Day. Mr. Spafford will shew the premises, and-' printed particulars ot the lets may be had, aud further in- formation obtained at the office of Mr. C. LATHAM, of. Melton Mowbray. ' ' - Helton Mow bray, October 5, 1818, TO BE SOLlFlVY AUCTION, By Mr HOLLIER, On Friday the ltifb day of October insf. at the George Inn, ih Hinckley, in the county ot'Lei- cester, precisely at six o'clock in tlie even- ing; niilrss previously disposed ot by. Pri- vate contract, of which due notice will be given, in the following or such oilier lot. nrlots as. may be agreed on at the time of sale, subject to such conditions of sale as will be then and there produced. LOT I. ALL that substantial piece of building, si- tuate in fhe centre ot the town of Hinck- ley, and opposite the Post Office there, bereto- foie used as a Theatre, and lately occupied by Mr. Job Smith, Upholsterer, and lying behind a mes- suage late in bis tenure or occupation, c. r> draining in length forty five feet, or thereabouts, iind ill breadth seventeen feet, or thereabouts, more OF less. ; • The above is an excellent situation for a.' Wool- stapler, or any other business requiring room, is in good repair, and capable of being" con- verted into two dwelling houses at a small ex- oeice. Ali, that oilier piece of building, nearly adjoining L 11; and now and for several years past used, as a candle house, with the stable, pigsties, and appur- tenances adjoining thereto, heretofore in the occu- pation of Mr. John Nutt, Tallow Chandler, but now of Mr. Timothy Payee, at the annual rent of £ 10. LOT 3. All that newly erected and substantial piece of BUILDING, situate nearly opposite Lot 1, lately occupied as a warehouse by Mr. John Thompson, hosier, and since then by the Bedwoj tli Mill Con- pan v, as a worsted w arehouse, at the yearly Rent of £ 15. For a view of ti e respective lots, and to treat for the same, and for further information applv to Mr. JAMES SOUEN, Solicitor, Hinckley, vvho.' has several sums ot money now ready to advance upon approved Freehold Land Securities. Hinckley, Sept. 30, 1818. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, Bi/ Mr. HOLLIER, On Friday, the 10 th day of October instant, at the George Inn, in Hinckley, in the county of Leices- ter, ( in the following of such other lot or lots as may be agreed upon at the place of sale, imiei- a previously disposed of by private contract, of which notice will be given,) subject to conditions of sale to be then and there produced, LOT 1. ALL that'newly erected Messuage, Tene- ment, or Public House, situate in Hinck- ley, in a certain street or place- there called Bond street, now or lately used asa public house, com- monly called oi known by the name or sign of the Lord Nelson, with tlie Butcher's shop, slaughter house, cistern, and other appurtenances, . now in the tenure or occupation of Mr. William Leedham, or his assigns. - The above is an excellent situation- for a Butcher, or any other occupation requiring rccm. LOT 2 Also all those three other Messuages or Tene- ments, situate, lying behind the first mentioned Messuage or Tenement, and now or late in the se- veral tenures or occupations of . William Thompson, and others their Assigns or Undertenants. Possession of the first mentioned Premises may be had immediately, and the other tenants are ten- ants at will. Lor a view of the respective Premises,. apply to the- Tenants; and for information, or to treat for the same, to the said' H'illie.- m Leedliam, ( the pro- prietor,) or to Mr. JAMES SOUEN, Solicitor, of llinckley aforesaid. Hinckley, October7,1818. Freeh old Estate— Leicestershire. 157 1 - 50 The Tenant ( Mr. PET- EB PHESTON) at the House, will show the j'- veniises, and farther particulars may be had at the office of Mr. LATHAM, of Melton Mowbray. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, ( IN ONE LOT). lhj Mr. HO FLIER, On Tuesday the 10th ( hy of November next, ( unless disposed of in tbe mean- time 1> y . pri- vate contract, of w hich due notice wiji be given,) at the Bull's ' lead, in Hinckley, at three o clock in the afternoon, subject to con- ditions: ALL those Two undivided Ninth Parts or Shares ( the. whole intoLiine equal - parts considered as divided) of and in all those several Messuages or Tenements, Farms ami Lauds, situate at Pickering Grange, Stapfetom and Peckleton, iri the county of Leicester, containing together Five Hmnlred and Ninety Eight Acres, or thereabouts, in the several occupations of George Thiiiby, Thomas Pratt, William Don ell, Joseph Richardson, fiprah Toon, and Henry, Buckley; subject to Land Tax- and Tithes. Tbe above Estate is situate in a fine country, with good roads, three miles distant from Market worth and Hinckley, and at easy distances fioj--. other market towns. ' - The Premises may be viewed by application t - the Tenants; and for further particulars, ajid an u spection of maps of tbe Estate, as also to treat tiie purchase of the. . same, apply to John Lyr^ s, ! oi Kirk by Mallory, Leicestershire; or lo j!, .- - Co upland, Dukes, und . Salt, Attonues, Shrew*!).- Leicester Journal, and Midland Counties General Advertiser. •- « — i. MELTON MOWBRAY. rpHE Pai tnt- rsbip lately subsisling under the J_ Firm of" BROWN and BAKEWELL, Millin- ers and DresS makers, Mellon Mowbray, in ths county of Leicester, being dissolved. All demands against the- said Co- partnership arc to be seat for payment, and all deh's due to the same are request- ed to be paid immediately. E. BROWN. Tepders her grateful acknowledgements for the favors conferred upon her in the above concern, ami liejss toaCqnainl lier frien'ds that she has resjgned h* r share in the business to her Sister Ann BakctrtlU A. BAKEWELL, Impressed with gratitude for past favors, respect- fully informs her friends'aud the public in general, that she intends carrying on the above business, tiiisfing by mi remitting attention tonifiit a continu- ance of that patronage and support so liberally ex- perienced in the late partnership. N B." An Apprentice wanted. or ICE is- hereby git en. that the Partner- [ ship between Thomas Grimley and Ann Brooks of Lei ester, M Miners and Haberdashers, was this day dissolved hy mutual consent.— All per- j sons indebted to the said Partnership, are requested | to pav their respective debts MI to the said Thomas ; Grimlev. who will discharge all demands on the aid , Partnership, and by whom the- said - business will in i future lie carried on,— Witness our baiids this 15lh day of October, 1W8. ;• "*" Thomas Grimley, " Ann Brooks, Witness, Joux . WARXTR. . • no num. if sessions. " T^ TOTICE is hereby given, that the next i > General Quarter SESSION of the Peace, for the llmtoi r. H OF Lfcif'ESTKR, will be lmlden at the Guildhall, in the said Borough, ori THURSDAY the TWEKTY SECOND day of OCTOBER next, at NINE o'eiock in Ihe fpre'. oon ; of which all prosecutors, witnesses, and other persons bound by recognizance to appear at the said Session, are required to. take notice. All persons intending to prefer biUs of Indictment, exhibit articles of the Peace, & c. at the said Ses- sion,, mirst leave instructions at inv offi'- e in NEW- STRKKT, ou or before twelve o'clock in the day pre- ceding tke Session, and tlie Prosecutors and Wit- nesses must be ready to go before, the Grand Jury immediately after the Court is opened.— Dated this 24tli day of September, 1818. -•>— THOMAS EITKBIDGF., Clerk ofthe Peace. LEICESTER COUNTY? SESSIONS. fJMIE next General Quarter - Sessions of the X Peace for the County of Leicester, will be balden at the Castle of Leicester, 011 Monday, the lUtli day of October next. Bnt notice is hereby given, that the Magistrates meet at 12 o'clock 011 the Monday, for the purpose only of transacting all matters of County Business under their Cognizance at Sessions, and that 011 the Tuesday morning, nine o'clock, the Courtwill com- mence with the Appeals. The Gcand Jury are required to attend by nine o'clock in the morning of'Tucsday, to proceed upon the Bills of Indictment, and every . Juryman not at- tending at the time, will be fined. All persons wider recognizance to prosecute or give evidence ' upon - any Bills of Indictment, are de- Sired to attend at I lie Clerk ofthe Peace's Oif. ce with instructions,- on tlie Saturday preceding ihe Sessions, or in the'foreiiftoii ot Monday, and to be ready to go before the Grand Jury at the sitting of the Court on the l ues lay morning. - Those persons who are under Recognisance to ap- pear at the Sessions, and' may have previously Com- promised, the matter, are. requested t » take notice, that they roust appr- ir either per sonally ui by their A t lor file's, iu order- to have tie o- Koer. giiizat. ecs jv. th- dr, i>* n, otherwise- the same will be Estreated. . The. Surveyoirs of the Highways of those Parishes uiidcr Indictment will take notice, that the Court w ill in future require an Affidavit of the Progress of the Repair of tire itoasi. Indicted, and Vvhat Iras biwii expended thereon, before they grant upon Motion any Respite of the! Indictment, & c. By the Court, THOS. FREER, Clerk ofthe Peace. Leicester, SOth September, 1818. N- B. The Justices are requested to send their Recognisances and Informations in Felony, to tiie Clerk'of the Peace's Office 011 the Saturday previ- ous to the- Session. And al! persons having any demand on the Coun- tv, are requested to deliver their Bills to Mr. COOKE, I Deputy Treasurer, oir Saturday, the 17th ofOrtober, that they maybe examined, or they will not be al- lowed at the next Session. 16 be sold by Private Contract, r f MI HEE Tenements, pleasantly situated at g Rearsby, in Ihe occupation of Sam. Roper and Tbos. Black. For particulars enquire of Mr. BEESON, Kcarsby. ' Not if' to Creditors. ALL persons who have any claim or demand upon tlie elVeets of ihe late. M., JAMES SPIERS, of Botbage. in the comity of Leicester, de- ceased,. are requested to scud the particulars- there- of either to Mr John Gloeet. or Mr. Jokn Parson, hosiers Hinckley, within I I days from the date hereof, or they will lie excluded from the benefit arising therefrom, as a final dividend will be then made. HiAcklcy, October 13, 1818. ' LOST, AT LEICESTER FAIR, OH MONDAY LAST, An Hue Sheep, MARKED with the Utter A, and ruddled ' across the loins, ally person giving in- formation respecting it shall be handsomely rewarded for their trouble, by applyiug to Mr. Clarke, Angel Inn, Leicester '"* TO EH LB y, ~ And entered U] ion immediately, A Six acre up land Eddish, enquire ef Mr. Bishop,.' three Crow ns Inn, Leicester. Leicester, 14th October, 1818. __ A merican Soothing - Syi up, For Children while cutting their Teeth. A more singular instance of the efficacy of this invaluable medicir. e cannot be found, • than in tile case of a child of Mrs. Smith, No. 20, Pear Tree- street, Waterloo- road, the child at it) months old, having only vfonr teeth, and suffering under ihe most alarming waste of body, it was ema- ciated to such a degree that its arms appeared to contain only a fibrous substance, 110 bone being tcit; in this slate'the child lingered for many months, in- capable of b ing moved, when Providence directed her to try iheSOO'l'HlNU SYRUP. which iu one week produced four more teeth and destroy*! the fever which had io'long threatened ihe hie " I the child, who is now four years old, having cat all his t « et'- i, and the bones seem to be ii; storfd to their natural substance, aud the cli Id is able lo walk about with the. assistance ot a go- cart. ThO. mother having another child three mouths old, lost 110 time 111 apply- ing the Syrup to ita^ mn., which brought its teeth through witii ease, and therefore prevented those alarming symptoms which so often attend dentition. The above singularcase may be proved by applying as above, where the child- may he seen. To be had of the proprietors, Johnson and Willi- ams, 94, Newman street, Oxford street, London; ami bv their appointment ol all the principal Medi- cine Venders 111 Town aiul Country, at is. 1) 4. per bottle. m^- r - ^—".;. 7; w. vi, , DISTRICT BOARD, RELATIVE ITO THE NEW CHURCH ACT, FiMthe Archdeaconry of Leicester. A- Meeting of , the Board for Special Pur- poses, will be holden at the Bell Hotel, in Leicester, oa Tuesday iiext, the 20th instant, when tiieatton la M- e ot all the Members is. earnestly re- quested. The chair will be, taken by the. Archdea- con precisely at 12 o'clock." I'. STOCK BALE HARDY, Secretary: Leicester, I3th Oct. 1818. TJTE GUINEA " REWARD. WHEREAS, THOMAS ALLSOP, of Hinckley) in tlie. county of Leicester, Framework; Kiiittsr, has absconded, and left his Wife mid family changeable to file said parish of Hinckley, Notice is herein/ ffitfen, That if any Person will apprehend the said ' flios. Allsop. or I'ive nftticetothe OVERSEERS of tlie POOR of the said Parish of Hinckley, so that he may be apprehended, they shall receive the above reward, and all 1 easonable Expellees. ' I'iie said Thomas Allsop is abbot 3,3 years of age, dark complexion, about .5 IVet 5 or 0 Inches high, and is well known as a Vender of Cobbett's Re- gister. Hinckley, 13th O' toHeh 1818. Notice to Creditors. ALL Persons to whom. TIIPMAS LEWIN, late of TUruasinjtoh Grange, in the coun- ty of Leicester, Gentleman, latt ly deceased, stood indebted at the time of liis death, are requested to send the PortiCillars of their Demands,( and a State- ment of the Securities they hold, if any,) < 0 tire Office of Messrs.' CARIIALE and Afecdcti, New Street', Leicester. ' JfONEY, . READY TQ be advanced 011 approved Free- hold Sei « ,- itlds several stuns of £ 300, £ 400, £> 00, £ 1,030, £ 1,20U, and £|, « 00* APply at the JOURNAL OFFICE if hi) tetter, post paid. Wau ted, In d'Gentleriian's Family in thij^ fomrty t \ N upper Footman, not under 30 years of T\ age, he must have been accustomed to Gentleman's service, understand How to wait at ta- ble, and to clean plate.— An undeniable character w ill be expected, Enquire of Mr. Hollins, shoe- ma- ker; back of tile Exchange, Leicester. COPYHOLD MANOR OF E. VKL SH I ETON. Notice is hereby t/ iien, fTUIAf the next Court of Sir Ralph Noel, Baronet, and the Honorable Lady Noel, Lord and Lady of the said Manor, will be bolder, at the house of Mr. Hcathcoat, the White Hal t lutein l- arl Sliilton aforesaid, on Wednesday, the twenty- eishth day of October, instant, at ten o'clock in tlit forenoon. All persons having business to transact at* the said Court are requested to give instructions at my office as early as tlicy conveniently can before the said 28 th day of Oc tober. CHAS. KING, Steward ofthe said Manor. Hinckley, Oct. 12,1818. WM. PARSONS] ( Late Apprentice to MR'. SHELDON, deceased.) BEGS leave to aiiiiftunce to tlie public that he lias commenced the Coopering business at Systi'ni, and hopes by a'steady attention to blisi ness to merit tlieir patronage and stippoi- L Aay Orders conferred on him will be evecute. d iu the best manner, and on very reasnnal ie terms. Sy ston, October ia, 1818. - 0 • GRAND ONION CANAL." NOTICB nt H' RKBY WiVRN, THAT the next General Assembly of the Company Of Proprietors ofthe Grand Uni- on Canal, will be held at the Crown and Anchor Tavern, in the Strand, London, 011 Monday, the se- cond day of November next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, and that tlic Chair will be laken at 12 o'clock precisely. R, C. Sale, Clerk to the Company. Canal Office, Norfolk Street, Strand, 10th October, 1818. Ctatit, lareestfv* BY PERMISSION. MR. ELLtSl'ON most respectfully info ms bis Friends and the Public, that tlirs THE- ATRE will POSITIVELY close for the Season On WEDNESDAY the 28th Instant. On MONDAY NEXT, Will be represented, THE SCHOOL OF REFORM. TYKE— Mr. TOKELY A favourite SONG hy Mrs. Hi'MIIY. With a variety id' COMIC SONGS, and other EM ERI'AINMI'. Nfs.— For the Benefit of Mr. TOKELY,' And positively his last Appearance, Ou TUESDAY,, By DESIRE, and under the IMMEDIATE PATRONAGE OF SIR FREDERIC FOWKE, Bart. Will be produced for the First Time here, The last New COMEDY, of THE GREEN MAN. The favorite Bird~—— DI ET. 13il Mr. M'K'eon, and Mrs HunJjy. Afier which, for the EIKSI- TIME, George Coleiilan's celebrated Farce, X. - Y — Z. On WEDNESDAY, A favorite COMEDY, ai'il NEW COMIC HARLEQUINAI> E For the BENEFIT of SIGNIOlt PA U L O, On THURSI) A Y, THE FOU NDLING OF THE FOREST. The Burlesque. Tragedy, HAMLET TRAVESTIE and THE TALE OF MYSTERY. Eon THE BENEFIT OF Mr. G. CRISP. V On which occasion, Two GENTLEMEN Amateurs w ill, ( for that Night only) appear' iu the Characters of Crti'xr RiiNAl. pt, and MICHNELLI . And Mr. NOUTON has kindly offered to ac- company Mrs. HUMP. Y, on the TRUMPET, iu the celebrated SONG of " The Soldier tir'd." On , FRIDAY; A Selection of ENTERTAINMENTS, - OE THE MOST POPT'I. AH KIN11. For the BENEFIT of - M R s. H U M B Y. MR. STERNBERG, JI N. Piano - Forte Toner„ and Regulator, from Alessyi, Broadieood's Manufactory, Great Piiltnev Street, Golden Square, LONDON; RESPECTFULLY informs the Nobility, Gentry, & c. of . Leicestershire a r. d Rutland - shire, he purposes being at the V » lilte Hart inn, Leicester, ( 011 his- quarterly visit) ou 01- about the 17th inst. when all additional orders adikessed tohiirt there will be punctually attended to. N; B.— Air. S. attends in the above Conntios regu- larly in the months of January. April, July, and October, Broadwood's Piano- Forres sold,' ( war- ranted good,) and if not approved after six months trial, exchanged gratis. Olil Instruments tuken in exchange. Mr. S begs to observe he intends being in Town next- month for the lairpcse of selecting Piairo- Foltes. Northampton, Oct: 12,1818. Fashionable Muffs and Fur Trim in hi tf » , LVWTON AND BRVAN, Q ESPECT Ft; LLY inform their friends that jhV their sale Of Furs has this day Coniiiienced for the.- season. Velvets, Merino Cloths, Poplins, Bombazeens, plain and printed Stuffs, elegant ". Scarfs, WftitrL- s, and every oilier fashionable article ill tiie greatest variety, and oil the usual Ifw terms. St. james'ssqiiare October Oth, 1818. "" BOROUGH OF sfAMlOi l). THOMAS MILLS, ESQUIRE, MAYOR. . Notice is hereby Qiiifjf, - "' fj AILiT the Fair called Saint Simon and Jude J[ Fair, which has been usually holden in the said Borough on the 8H1 day of November, yearly,' will in future be liolden as follows : viz. on tiie 8th of NoVeinber for the Sale of Horses and Sheep, and On tlie following day, the lith of Nov ember, for the Sal" of Beasts, except either of such days should happen on a » undav ; in which Case, if the 8th No- vember falls on a Sunday, the said Fair will be hol- deli for the Purposes a ' oresaid, on tin' t'tli and lOlh of November; am1 if the second Day of such Fair should be ori a Sunday, then pie sahie will be holden 011 the 10th and 11 tli of NovjBjfber. By Order. W. REED, Serjeant at Mace. Stamford, Sept- 3d, 1818. K. 11.—' the 81I1 of November happening this year 011 a Sunday, the Fair will lie held on Monday and Tuesday tlic Othand I Oth davs of November. — WVN'l'l'J), A Strong anif respectable Youth as . an Ap- lpientice to a Pliimber and Glazier. Apply ( if by b tier, post paid) to W. SHAVV, Pliim- ber, \ e.. Loughborough. ~ ANTED, AYouth as an A .. prentice in a Hosiers ware- house. Apply ut the Journal Office, if by letter, postpaid. rjHHERE win bo a SERMON preached at the j Parish Church of Lutterworth, for the be- nefit of the i'hnrch Missionary Society, 011 Sunday, the £ > th instant, bv the Rev. G. RUGG, B. A. • Servicc will lie in f; at thl-<- e o clock in the Afternoon CHARITY SERMON, on SUNDAY NEXT, OCTOBER IS ™ , A SER- M O N WILL BE PREACHED AT THE GREAT MEETING, LEICESTER; • For the henfclit of the" CHARITY SCHOOLS Belonging to that Society j 11V THE REV. CIIARLi^ BE^ RY. Smg Mrs. Austin* ••-• Handel. " Angels rrer bright and fair ™ latoiics ' cr. iicVu,. " Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, from. it. istiiig to evert . sting.— Avrin." Service to commence at 3 o'clock ( fi x Rlf Y SERMO N. On SUNDAY NOVEMBER TIIC- FIRST, IN THE AErEHNOON, A S E R M O N WILL FJE Preached in St. MARTlN's CIIURCII, BY Tilt Rev. H. J. MADllOCK, M. A- Late Fellow of Magdalen College, (' amhridgc. IN* At!) OF A FUND Foi- Erecting and Supporting A CHARITY S € tt O 0 L IN THE PARISH OI ALL S A T N T S, tS^' It is humbly hoped that thiSajqieal to the be Oevulence bf the T- own Will be welcomed and prospered. All! Saints' is ihe ( inly parish in Leicester, will! the exception of. St. Leonard's, which lias hot iis l) iy School for the Children ofthe Poor. The j% p illation is neatly four thousand, and consists chietlv of Pooi- ATanh- faeHirers. There are very few opulent in- habitants, and the rales are very burden- some. Grotihd liils been purchased and plans prepared for a building which may contain two hun- dred children; but to effect their object the Committee must rely upon the benevoleutas- sist. uiee ofthe town at large. By order of the Committee, ( Signed) E. T. Vaughan, A'ICA R. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1818. MARRIED On Sunday the4th instant, at St. George's. Church Bloomsbury. Mi. W. Humphreys, draper, Biltesdori, to Miss Elizabeth Smith, late ofthe Uigh Street, in this town. On Monday last at. I'. laby, Air. Grimes, to Jaue, second daughter of Mr. Greet, ol'thut place. DIED On the Oils instant, aged 84, Mrs. E. Pittom, of Barby, Northamptonshire. Lately, at Evingtony in the 89th year of bis age Mr. Jo'nu Goddard, greatly respected by all who knew him. - Lately, at the Percy Hotel, London, Sir John Ed- ward Dryden, Bart, eldest son of Lady Dryden, of Canon* Abbey, in the county of Northampton, ma- ternally, descended from the family of the Poet Dryden, and grandson, by his father, of sir E. Tur- ner, who, with Lord Parker, contested the election for Oxfordshire; in the year 1754, with Viscount Weumau and Sir James Dashwood, BOXES 3 « PIT 2s GALLERY Is. TICKETS to be had, and Places for the Boxes to be taken, at Mr. ELLA's, Confectioner, in the Market- place.; also Tickets to be had at CHAMBER- LAIN'S Printing office, East Gates. Doors to be opened at Six, and the Performance to begin precisely at Seven o'clock. to 63._— On Wednesday morning the sales ie- g8n- to. be brisk at from 7Ss. to Sis— but Several prime dav./ s remained unsold at the Close of the . day— and were taken home again. >' flic weather was very auspicious tor the holiday fo!.'< s, and there were abundance of Sbowi and Exliibiiions to gratify the gape and it are of al! parties. The slio^ of Rams at our Fair, has now be- come of. Considerable magnitude, and congre- gates together Breeders of the first eminence from every county in the Kingdom ; much busi- ness w as done,. ayil many were set at high prices for the season. A Ci. rcunistnoco occurred dur- ing tlieVxbihhion which evealeil strong indigna- tion, and vvd are sorry to learn is not a solitary instance of the Same Pari;/ having coiilihitied the sane c'Vwt- e. At the | ast Christmas Fair, an eminent Breeder- of Hum hers, tone had a Ram ( which bad been let for the season) returned, and left at the Bull's Head Inn, in the Market- place. The sheep w as tied- in the yard, and the hostler not. knowing, to whom it belonged, en- quired of a Breeder who frequented the house, if he knew any thing about it; the Ram was shortly afterwards fetched away by a man in a smock frock, who was apparently sent for it, and it was permitted to go without particular enquiry. On the owner applying he ftJuhd, tiie sheep gone, and advertized it ih the Leicester Journal of the ICtii January last, hoping " if any Gentleman bad taken ft by mistake, it would be returned, or information given so that it might be fetched." Nothing was heard oi'thr' Ram until Aloflday last, When the son o'f the rightful owner passing through the Fair, disco- covered it in a pen witii other Hams, belonging to a Breeder in the county, w ho is also w ell known as a spoi lsman. Olithe discovery being made, the youilg than pointed out the pen to liis Father and Brother, both of whom immediate- ly recognized the sheep. Oil application being made lo the party in whose possession it Was, he denied the right of the claimant;, declaring himself to have bred it; but on being threat- tied with a prosecution, he not only sent back the sheep, but Was made to mdke an apology iii the ' public market. ! The injured party certainly evinced more of " the milk of human kindness" then the prosecutor of a poor woman, who ( if we recollect right) was a few Sessions hack sen- tenced to six nionlbs imprisonment, for stealing a pound of powder sugar and a China'orange I The ott IMI MAFCII at Cricket, between a select part of' the Nt w LEICESTER CLUB, and the BARROW CLUH, ( announced in a preceding number,) was played in Si. Margarets Pasture on Wednesday the'/ tb instant, and terminated early on the following day. The BARROW YOUTHS, ( to use a sporting phrase) having " taken the conceit" out of Ihe LEICESTER GENTLEMEN, at One Innings, with ' 23 notches lo spare. AVe were not favonied with a gene- ral statement as tishub i The statement ot a friendly game at Cricket, between Austin's and Yates's party is received — but too late to be attended to tiiis w eek— fur- ther than to Mate, it was Avon by Yates's party at one inning if, and 9 notches over. A young- man has been taken into custody, aP" Liverpool, and held to bail, for Ihe false publico tion of a marriage-, ilia. Liverpool paper.— We hope this w ill operate as a cautioh to those silly blockheads, who too often trespass upon Provin- cial Editors with false statements, and gratify their own malicious intentions, at the expence of the feelings of their neighbours, • Tlie Marquis - of Anglesija takes the Chair at the next meeting of the Birmingham I'itt Club, Which is held on the Anniversary of ihat Statesman's birth day. '.-..'.'" Within the last t venty days, ftiorC than 470, 290 cheeses arrived in lire port of Lbndoh) from the various ports of Holland and Flanders. Commercial Iifoniiation.— As the laws lately passed by the American Government, regulat- ing the admission cf merchandize into the Slates, may not lie generally known, we have inserted ( in the fiist page,) for the information of persons transmitting goods frotn this country en their own account, an abstract of those laws, fn as much as they affect individuals ao situated. At tlie Newmarket Second October Meeting on Monday last, the Duke of Rutlands b. in. 1- tt da, won the third of a Subscription of 256' s. each— Twenty Subscribers— healing Lord Jer- sey's Cannon Ball. Lord Egremonts Skim, Lord Jersey's David, and Mt. Vansittarts Equator.— 5 to I against Rhoda— 6 to 4 on Cannon Ball— 8 to 1 against Skim. Sir GCorge Robinson, Bai t. gftvC a grand en- tertainment on Sunday to the Duchess nl- De- vonshire, Lord Melbourne, Hon. Mrs. Damer, Captain and Mrs. Clifford, and a sclect party, at Ins house in South- street, Grosveuor- square. Curious Challenge.— Miss Harriet Beer- ham, of Wood Endeiby, Horncastle, whose horse Ironside lately started for the cup at Horueastle, offers to run Ironside over the Lincoln Course, on 3d Nyvembef, to be ridden by Harriet Beech- am, against any other three year- old, horse, ridden by any Lincolnshire Lady, for 100 gui- At our Fair on Monday last, the show of neat Cattle was not so great, as we have witnessed; the improved state of pasturage made the sales brisk, for meated and promising stock— Sheep were in much request, and sold at an advanced price. The show of Horses very indifferent., and hardly to be disposed of at. any price.— Qn Tues- day a much larger quantity of Cheese was laid down than expected.— The hopes of the Dairy- men were sanguine, but the Factors were shy - and after one or two primedairys had been dis- posed of, at about 88s— there was a general pause, and little or nothing done, except iu Cheese of inferior quality, which sold from 60s HAIJP. OROUGH TRUE BLUE MEETING. A Meeting of the Friends of the Old True Bine Interest, took place- at Harborough on Wednesday last. The number of names which had bpen added to thelist since the former meet- ing, Was so great, that it was found necessary to apply for the us^ of the large room in the Town llall, which having been obtained, covers were laid for eighty- six, and by the kindness of Mr. Adams ami other friends, the windows were tastefully decorated with transparencies and light blue diapi rv. Duringtbe early part ofthe morning the, wants of lire Poor were not neglected, and a large number of Hie company attended a meeting at the Dispensary. About half | iast tw o o'clock dinner was served up, and did great credit to the aefive exertions of Mr. Bull, of the George Inn, assisted by other friends. The chair w as taken by W. F. Maior, Esq. and after the cloth was drawn the following toasts were given: The Kim;, God bless him— Song, " God save the Kimr," by Mr. Stanhope.' The Regent— Song," \' e good fellows all," by Mr. Hester. The Uue « B and the other branches of the Royal Family. The Duke of York and the Army, The Duke of ClarencjR and the Navy. Air. Keck, three " times three, arid loud and con tinned applause. Mr, Maior, three times three. The cause we advocate as worthy of Englishmen, may it prove triumphant. Our worthy Representative, Lord Robert Man- ners, 3 times 3. The Liverpool True Blue Club, and ^ lav those of Leicestershire be the first to follow their good ex- ample. Charles Godfrey Mundv, three times three. Colonel Keck and the Leicestershire Yeomanry, three times three. The immortal memory of Mr. Pitt. The Duke of Rutland and the Leicestershire Mi- litia. Nelson's last signal—" England expc. rs eve. Man . to di> his duty. , The Land we live iit. The Kev. T. Thorpes after a most elOqiiHii sbgpctl from flic Rev. Gentleman in which he ably disCajit* fed on the beauties and perfel- tibns of. orir glfiHbiiS. Constitution— gave Tue fall- Advocates of LoValty ih the CofcnM- . jf Leiccstvr. Prosperity to the Landed ami CoiiiiiiPfcial fall, resls of the County, Old Friends and, True. Tiie May nl and Corporation bf Leicester. The Duke of M ellii, j. j0„ Prosperity to the town. ofHarbofimgii: The flefe anil independent electors bf the CotrUf*, May itit- Town of Market Harboroligh stand fnrv- ard to slippbit those ii. ieii- sis which should dearto ihe inhabitants, as weiflis to'the rfest of it, fi comity; . May the success of this dav's meeting » oima14' ihe other Districts lb fbllbVoiii* cxampliu Our absent friendit. The use biit niii tiie abhsh bf a ft oppress. . Many loyal songs wbi- e sung by Messrs. Has- tfei:, Statihope, and Tbolnpsoh: The bells rung merry perils ibrouglihut ltd day, and we ventiire 1<; assert tlmt on no ftirfnes' hccasiiiii was hioii- biiarily arid good biimoni' evinced: all parties sebnied to ( inilein the ge* iierai sHiuinerits'bf Loyally tb mir jving and nta tacbrnent to olir glnriuws. Constifufion-, and w d are further. happy til state that befcre the rora « pativ separated it was llet^ niined ( hat a Meet- 1 ing should lake place every year ui. der tlie litld of The Hmt- oegh District li ne Blue Club. Of Ihis fostitutioit. we sbbll be able lo » ivd more detailed particulars in clir next Week ' ft paper; ihe foilbwtiig is a list of the principal Gertlt> meit present, W. F Mmdr. Esq.- O. A. 1 egh Keck, Fs'o. J. King. Esq.- iJ. Nefhtlto'at, ESq. Kcv. J. Ord— liev. ELcJ. Holdicli- It Hay mes, Eslp- U. IlRvmf.,, J- linblfley, Fsq.- R. fi; >! linfiev, Esq.— Rfev. R. Walker— H. Shiittlfwoifii, Esy.- A. shnt- tlewoith, Kso.- Rev. H.. Palf| iCi-- H. M. utfh worth Jliih Esq — H i Wai- lliabv, Esq.-^ Cbo. Warhmbv'i' •'- sq John Waftnaby, Esq.— Jose, h Wartiiabv, Esq.- lie,. T. Wai- tnahy— J. F. Ol d, Esq.— licv. T. C. Old— Rev: ThoicThorpe— Kc- v. F. Aiithor'p « — Rev. E. Ghiiin- ReV. E. firiffih, Jun.- H. Coleman, Esq.— H. coleifian, Jiin. Esq — Rev. I(. Farter J Morpott, Esip- y. Morpbtt, Jim. I s,, — T. Daveti port, Esq.— John A: Arnold, Esq,— W. pell Ffq —- Rev. C, Hlimfjey— G. Boswofth, Esq — W, De'ntj Esq;— BeV J, Dfent-- Rev — BHslif_ Rev. S Cclei man—- I bos. Wright, Esq.— R. Shbttlewbhh, tsq.-. —, Barnes, Esq; Ohr liniils Hill not permiflis toadd the v. little rif the names, we have therefore detailed thfem iii rotitme as received; The greSt Pedestri. n Match between Eatort find Jones which excited so trnicb curiosity in this neighbourhood, terminated in favOr ofthe latter. E atoli on Saturday morning at nine o'clock, gave tip the contest, Jones being eight iidles a head, in high spirits and good condition. EATON, JONES, rnihs. miles, Wednesday i: ;> S ; i......;. i.. i. 58 Thursday ;;....;. .- 18 ,. V2 Friday, ' iri. iti 47 i^ 46 Saturday 43 ;...;, ... 39 Monday ;.;.;. 71 j i., 6a Tuesday i .60 64 Wednesday . j;.... G0 i. P4 Thursday ,. ...... Friday ........... ,63 ...; .1, \ \ t\\\ Total- 492 Total— 500 Tlie following are ihe pedestrian sxploifs ot Josiah Ealon, wliois a native of W- oCdiW'J ir* NortliBmptOnsbire. aged 4!). in stature 6 feet ' Jt inches. At Stow Market, in Suflelk, he Walked a quarter of a miiein efe'rv successive quarter of all hour, for thespnee of six weeks ; comtnencul at 2 O'clock on the 12th of May, and finished 5 minutes before 2 o'clock on the 23d June, 1818. Having previously performed the following pcdestiian feats ,— Dec. ?( 3, 1818, on Black Heath. 1100 miles! on llie Barclay plan, viz. a mile an hour. July 20, 1816, at the same place, I i( t0 miles, commencing each mile within 20 miuutes after each hour. Deci 5, lSl6, an Brixton Causeway, 1998 half- miles in succeedinglialf- lio'nia. June 18, 1817, Wofiiiwcod . Scrubs; 2000 miles in 42 days. Sept. 6,1817, from Colchester to London one day, and returning lo CclebrstSr the next, being 51 lyiles daily, fot'twenty seaccssive days. Richard Williams, the unsuccessful Compe- titor of Jones, the celebrated Oxford Pedestrian, has undertaken to walk 60 miles in T2siicc, estiMj bonis ( exclusive of one hour for refreshment).-— The ground fixed on for this performance is on the road leading ftom Warwick to Leamington,• between the New Bridge and the seat of Colo- nel Steward, at Mytou. He commenced his un- dertaking- on Monday last. PA' order ef the Court for the relief of Insolv- ent Debtors. The Petiti n of Richard Camt, late of Kaston, in- the county of Lincoln, jobber, bat now a prisoner for debt confined in his MajtSty's Gaol of* the Castle of Lincoln, in the county of Lincoln, will be beard beforehisMajesty'sJiisriee's efth- Peace for the said couiify, at an adjonrnment of the General Quarti iSessions ot tin- Peace w hich w ill be b'olden at the Castle of Lincoln, in and for the s.- i I couritv, ou Friday, the ( lib of November next, at the liour'of III o'clock in the moriiing, and that a st hednle annexed to the said Petit ion couc. inilJga list of the creditors of the . saidPrjsore!- is filed in ihe office ofthe satdCoui t, No. 0, Essex Street, Strand, in the Comity of Mid- dlesex, to which the Creditors of the said Prisoner may refer, aiid he hereby declares that Ire is ready and willing lo submit to be examined touching the justice of his conduct to his creditors. Richard Count, X his mark. GEORGE GRAHAM, Solicitor, Soullrwark. COIXECHONS M AIJE AT . PLACES OF 1' L ILIITC WORSHIP, For the benefit of Ilie LEICESTER INFIRMARY, and paid to the Treasurer. Hallaton— — Rev. Mr. Rewicke. .£ 3 13 0 Burton Overy— Rev. Mr. ihorp$... , G 3 < 1 Carlton Ciirlieu— Ditto ditto...... 4 j I THE HEN PECK1D DANDY. The Demon of Fashion SIR FOPLING bew itches— The reason his 1 ady betrays— For as she is resolved upon wearing the breeches, In revenge he has taken the stays. FA ins Oct. 19— Cannock, Cheadle, A'oxhalf, Nffwnbani, Winterbnin, Nettlebed, fiakewell, Mar- ket Harborongh —— 20— Hodnet, Hereford, Asliborne, BlytU —— 21— Rugelev -—.— 22— Bromyard 23— Ripley —— 24— Tamworth. Market Drayton, Marshfield, Stow on the ti'old, Mattock, F. dwinstorie TO COURESPONBES TS. Tiie Paragraph transmitted from Lutterworth, respecting the M. ssionaiv Sermon, would sub- ject i s to similar ap ieals upon every charitable oc- casion, which our Emits will not j ermit uj to in- dulge in " = - L e i c e s t e r Journal, and Midland Counties General Advertiser. •- « — i. THEY MAY RAIL AT THIS LIFE. BY THOMAS MOORE, Esa. THEY may fail at this life— from the hour I be » gan it, I've fouin! it a life full of kindness and bliss, And until they cairshcw me son!" happier planet, ilore social and in ight, I'll content me with this. As long as the world has such eloquent eyes, As before me this moment enraptured I see, They may say what they will of their o iis in the skies, But this earth is the planet for yon, love, and me. In Mercury's star, where each minute can bring them, Nov* sunshine and wit from the fountain on high, Though the Nymphs may have livelier poets to sing titcm. They've none, even there, more enamoured than I, An t, as long as this ha p cau lie wakon'd to love, And that eve its divine inspiration shall he, They may talk , i » they will of their I'd ens above, Blit this earth is the planet for you, love, and me. In that Star of the West, by whose shadowy spleu dorfr, At twilight so often we've roaiu'd through the dew, There are Maidens, peihaps, who have bosoms as tcn- ler, And look, ill their twilights, as lovely as you But though they were even more bright th in the green Of that Isle th: y inhabit in Heaven's blue sea, As I neve/ these fair young celestials have seen, Why- this earth is ihe planet for Ynujnvc,. ind me. • As for those chilly orbs on the vf- r. iO of creation, W here sunshine and smiles must be eipiallv rare, I>; I thCy want a supply of cold hearts for that station, Heaven knows we have plenty 011 ltar'li we call spare. Ob! tlii'. ik what a world we should have of it here, tf the haters of peace, of affection, and glee, M ere to tly up to Naomi's comfortlesssphe. c And leave Earth to such Spirits as you, and me. the bounds of moderation and justice, already f'enr the recurrenec of revolution, outrage, and war. Time alone can solve a question, which in- volves Ihe tranquillity of the world. The Allied Sovereigns and their Advisers of course know best what are the probable designs of France ; j what are the securities for the stnbility of her | throne; what her conditions for the renew al of a contest against embattled Europe; and what means they themselves possess of resisting her attempts at hostility, and punishing her aggres- sions On their wisdom, their experience and prudence, we have more reliance than 011 the opinions of individuals of any party ; and there- fore we trust that the groat measure. npon w hich they haverescived. Avill be as beneficial, under the Divine Blessing, in its consequences, us its ten- dency is conciliati ry, and its motives aie ge- nerous. love, CONFEITFCNCE AT AIX- LA- CHAPELI. E. Tbe evesof Europe are fixed upon the m; jestic assemblage of Aix- la Chapelle. Whether V. e consider the rank and dignity of the Sove- reigns, who are there congregated in person, or are rep: esented by their respective Ministers; the union of diplomatic talent which is thus brought f. retber from all countries ; the stupen- dous interests which are involved in tbe deci- sions ; or, above all, the spirit of cordial una- nimity, and even of friendship, which influences the councils and proceedings of so many power- ful potentates and states, with w hose jealous ri- valry and opposing pretensions Europe has b- en made to ling with the din of arms for centuries past; in whatever point of \ jew this illustrious spectacle is beheld, it appears to be. the most solemn an I imposing in its character; the most deeply interesting and imj o taut in its results ; and the most splendid and majestic iu its effect; that any age of the world has wit- nessed. England, this is thy glorious work! Thy consta- icy and courage have emancipated the world from the most frightful despotism. In- stead nf beholdi, tig the crowned beads of Europe crunching at the feet of Bonaparte— assembled only fo grace his throne, and pay homage at his fool- stool— thou h ist enabled them to rneet in independence and in peace.— not. the sirvilt Vassals of revolutionary France,— but tbe mast- ers of her destiny— dispensing boons to thine ancient enemy, and fixing limits to her pride, her pretensions, and her empire? The King of Prussia arrived at Ai<- la- Ola- pelle before either of the other Monarch*. in the afternoon of Sunday tbe 27th of September.— • The day following, the Emperor of Austria wirs received nfcarthe town by tbe King of Prussia, and entering tbe same carriage with his ,1' oyal Majesty, the two Sovereigns proceeded into Ai x- la-( hnpelle, . amidst tbe acclamations of an immense multitude assembled on file occasion. About ten at night, th; Eiup'erorof Russia ar- rived, the whole population, of the city going out to welcome the august'Ally of their King. Monday and Tuesday were devoted to the in- to " change of royal visits, ceremonies, and. pre- sen'atiOns. Amotigst these, the most remark- able was tiie distinguished and delicate compli- ment paid by the Emperor Alexander to our Oreat Duke, the Hero nf Waterloo, His Grace having sent One ofhis Russian Aides- de- camp, to enquire when it would be convenient for bis Imperial Majesty to receive'bis Grace's hom- age, the Emperor, instead of returning- an ans- wer, privately descended the stair ease, and or- dering his carriage, drove to the apartments of the Duke of Wellington, thus paying bis Grace th » ' most flattering mark ofhis affection and es- teem. At half- past two, on Tuesday, the three Sovereigns, together with all the Ministers of the Allied Courts, dined at the Hotel of the King of Prussia. The illustrious company se- parated at 5 o'clock, and returned to their seve- ral hotels. On Wednesday and Thursday there was some portion of time devoted to business; and, 011 Thursday, at eleven at night, in the apartments of Prince Mctlernich, at the end ofthe third eoufcrcuce, the most important of the business of Congress was terminated, by an agreement ittuiicdiutely to WITHDRAW THE ARMY or OC- CUPATION FROM FRANCE. Count Caruiuan, first Secretary of Ihe French Em! riss> at the Court oJ? London, was instantly dispatched with this important intolligeu 0 to Paris. The Allied Troops are, by this determination, ' to leave Vrance in the course ofthe present month, or early in November. The contribu- tions, still to be paid by France, are all to be discharged i. i the course of nine months from the signature of the treaty. The first instalment is to he 25 per cent, upon the whole sum, to be p. iii on the 6th of December; aud the remaind- er is to lie paid by equal instalments at the end of every two months. The House of Baring & Co. supported by other Banking Houses, are - tenuity. for the payments, and have deposited satisfactory guarantees Of the sums to be con- tributsd, England will receive 48,000,000 of francs; Russia, 48', 000,001); Austria, 40,000,000; Prussia, 40,0 iO. OOO ; the Netherlands, 22 mill- ions: Bavaria, 10,( KK),< R) 0; the remainder'to be divided among the other States in proportion to their magnitude, the'r.. sacrifices, aud exertions in the common cjtusp. The Allied Sovereigns are to lea- ve Aix- lb- Ohapelle, 011 or about Thursday- next. By that, time, therefore, the. principal objects for which . they have assembled will hay, c been accomplish- ed,- — Their Ministers will remain for sonic' time longer, in order to settle matters of minor i; n- purfa.' tce* The jreat question of evacuating the French teritory being thui, determined upon,' hopes cf ihe. e rscd stability to the present peace, arc in • rlcti' » •! by those who think this generous pro- teinic will insure the gratitude of tho French psj> plc ; while ( hose who aro of - opinion, that nothing but turce can restrain Franee within SPAIN. Private accounts from Madrid state-, that a sudden change has taken place in the Spanish ministry, and that the1 change of the ministers has been followed, in the Turkish mode, by their punishment. The minister for foreign af- fairs has been exiled to Valencia; Ouray, tbe minister of finance, to Snragossa; and the mi- nister of murine to Andalusia. All the differ- ence between tbe proceedings of Ferdinand and tbe Sultan is,, that instead ofthe bowstring; he lias re; orted to the penalty of banishment. We are riot furnished with the reasons which" have, led to this measure; but it is one which shows bow far Spain is from possessing a re rular go- vernment, and ftuy thing, like constitution — All is conducted by faction, and the collisions of faction equally shake the throne and distract the nation. These movements, however, indicate that af- fairs in Spain are not in the state in which they arc likely to rest; and indeed, it is not desira ble tlmt they should rest; we know of nochnngc that could make Spain worse. A biggoted and feel le minded Sovereign, with, apparently, not a single qualification for governing by himself, or with sufficient skill and firmness to select mi- nis e s who may govern for hiin , an ignorant, slothful, and corrupt clergy ,- a nubility without character; and a people debased and enervat- ed. partly by misrule, but more by superstition: this is tbe picture of Spain ; and we cannot but btr e, that tbe strife of. faction may create an energy of principle and character, which may sen e to open a door of hope for a country,— which is prevented by moral causes,' and by in: ral causes alone, finui assuming her proper rar. k in tl. e family of European nations. Few countries have innnrkably sunk from ancient gl rand power Vur. d none, not absolutelycon- <]• e ed by a foreign foe, presents so pitiable a s; e'- facie Of weakness and decrepitude. We « ere always of opinion, that from her struggle with France a lasting good would re- sult. We have not been among those who have uttered piteous complainings as to' the estab- lishment of Ferdinand and the restoration of the Inquisition; nor did we think, that it was any business of Ihe allies to go a k night- errant- iag against either the civil or the ecclesiastical tyranny which the people of Spain chose to re- establish. That was their concern, not ours; — the business ofthe allies being clearly w'ith the po'. iiic I state aud relations of Spain, aufd i. ot with her i denial economy, which had a very indirect t olitieal bearing. The Spaniards, - we believe, pretty- generally wished b th forFe » ! in- aud and the li-. cuisiuon, and they have get them. The question now is, how they will ope- rate : and, as evil can never produce good, so ihe cxisti nee of evils for so long a time as to make itsel: appear evil by its effects, provides, io nations, its own remedy. It cannot lie that Spain, oppress - d w ith civil mid religious despo- tism. nnd sinking daily still further below the level of other n 1 ions, should not ultimately be shamed into some inquiry. The thinking part of ihe community will discover the real cause first. Their expressed opinions will produce distention. Tbe fight between just principles and ignorant or corrupt prejudices will com- mence. The struggle may be long ; the pro- gress towards a better state much slower than tho e ardent politicians wis j, whose presump- tion is such, that give them but a new constitu- tion iu one band, and a sword in the oilier, and th - y wilt engajs^ to bring any nation to a state of perfection ut once, and laugh at every other process— drivellers and egotists who, by their ignorant confidence, are perpetuating, in every nation where they me encouraged; the evils they profess to be able to euri\ only under dif- ferent names, ofliberty and icfirm. But, tho' the process will be slower, it will fix itself in iis dilj'eteht stages in public opinion; maintain its conquest before it proceeds to, ncyv ones ; and thus ultimately ..' fleet its purposes. ' There arc persons among us who can taste nothing sweet in political change, except it be served up in blood ; who can see nothing at work for good, except they bear ( lis shout of mebs; niul w ho think rothiig done, except Kings and Piiests are brought to the scaffold. Wc leave these anarchists to blow the trumpet of sedition at home and abroad. We are satisfied to see, in Spain, the collisions of opinion producing in- quiry, aud right feelings and views prevail by Ihe uid of conviction, and uuder the sanctions of experience. This is one proof of the wisdom of the allied powers in refusing to make them- selves the head of revolutionists either in Spain or elsewhere. The state of the world now does not require, if it ever did, the aid of compulsion ^ o force it to what is right, or what may be deemed right. Tbe principles of good government are within ( lie reach of all nations: and the great danger is, not that the know ledge of them will not be acquired, or tlu- ir influence not be fell, but tret tbf- y shall produce a fanatical spirit of democracy, equally destructive to tbe throne and the people, and more nearly allied to tyranny than to liberty. The discarded ministers are stated to be men of liberal views, and that this is the cause of their disgrace. ' The new ones, of course, are more to tbe choice of Ferdinand, or more properly, ofhis confessor. im— f - himhwb rar>- in 11 rum" The deposition of the first- mentioned person was taken yesterday before W. A. A. White, Esquire, one of the Magistrates of Queen- square Police oliiee, i; i the presence of the pri- soner :— Richard Clarke having been duly - sworn, stat- ed—" I live at No. 1. Jews' row, Chelsea, and am a tailor. Last night, between liie hours of six and eight, I was standing at the gate of Lawrence court, and the wile of the prisoner was talking with a Mrs. Ross, who livesiathat yard ; I was at a distance of one yard an'd a half behind them, and the prisoner was stand ing by his v.- tfe's right side, about a yard from her, nnd the other woman was standing with her back agnist- the gate post. The prisoner was accusing his wife of being given to drunk- enness, but talked w iili a mild voice. His wife replied, that ifsbe were so given, it was owing to his driving her to vice all day for bis benefit. I saw the prisoner put his right hand to the right " r f.,.. n niinntr mid keen nnffwunftn MURDER CAUSED BY JEALOUSY. It again falls to our painful lot to record a murder, which from tbe deliberate manner in which it « as perpe- rati d, is almost, if not quite unparalleled in ihe annals of Crime. The prin- cipal actor in this most melancholy tragedy is a German of the name of Thomas Losch, about forty- four years of age, and formerly belonged to the third battalion of the sixtieth regiment of foot, but it: now an outpeusioner of ChelscaCol- lege. The unfortnnatevietim of bis sauguinary passion. was Mary Ann, his wife, to whom lie was niaffied about two years since, at Chelsea Church. She is represented to be about twenty seven yenrs of age, was tall, and seemed to be a woman ' of prepossessing appearance. The following are the circumstances attending the perpetration of this horrid deed, as related by Richard Clarke, who witnessed the transac- tion, and alsoof Mr. Maybank, the constable of the night. side of his waistcoat for a minute, and keep fumbling about with bis hand, and without sneaking to his wife, be rushed between Mrs. Ross and her, nnd I saw the prisoner make a violt- nt plunge against his wife on the stomach with bis hand. The Mow could be heatd. I saw something in bis hand, but what it was I cannot tell, Immediately his - wife received the blow, she staggered buck towards me and cx- elaiincd, ' Oh! my God, I am murdered : will Any body take the knife out of me !' she then fell down anil repeated ihe same Words. I saw the blood stream dow 11 f rom her. The prisoner stood with his hands down, and said he was not going to run away, nnd that any man might take him that liked. " The prisoner was taken into custody, aud I understand his wife, was ta- ken to St. Ceoige's Hospital, nnd that she died at 5 o'clock this morning." The prisoner, having heard this evidence de- liberately read over to hint by Mr. Miller the clerk of the office, the magistrate, Mr. White, asked him if he wished to say any thing respect- ing ibis melancholy occurrence ! The prisoner replied with perfect coolness and apparent in- difference. ' I would not wish to say any thing at present.' Magistrate— Then his committal must be made out, Mr. Miller, alul be must be brought up again after the Coroner's Jury have sat— say Tuesday— for rc- examination. The prisoner was then removed from the bar. The Magistrate asked Maybank if tbe knife had been found .'— May batik answered in the affirmative anil produced it, saying it had been found and brought to brim by a woman named Hai row by. It is an old dessert knife, with a white handle, the blade of which is about live inches long, and much worn, particularly to- wards the point. Richard MaylianS, constable of the night at the watch house in Simmonds street, Sloane- sqtiare, gave tbe following account of tbe trans- action, as fur as it had came to his know- ledge :— About S o'clock 011 Friday night the prisoner was brought to the watch bouse, and without the slightest promise or suggestion, the prison- er admitted having committed the act with a knife which he had throw n away opposite Tbe Three Crowns. He said his reason was, that he saw something in his wife's conduct that he did not like. May baiik then locked him up, and went in search ofhis wife. who. be understood, hail been removed to l) r. Turnbull's, hi Sloane- square. On bis arrival there he discovered that the doctor was not at homo, and he in conse- quen e ordered her lo be taken to St. George's Hospital, • Tin- wound was six inches long from the abdomen upwards, and nearly tbe w hole of her intestines were, protruding through the wound. The cries of lire unfortunate crea- ture were too ap) ailing to. he described. She was taken to St. George's Hospital in pain the most excruciating, and every thing that skill aud humanity cctt'd suggest was done for her, but she did, not Jong survive. During the time Maybank was at Ihe Hospital, a woman named Ilarrowby, brought witness the knife be had produced before the magistrate, w hich she had found near the spot dt scribed by the prisoner. \\ itness then returneJ to the watch house, and before he produced the knife to the prisoner, asked him what kind of a knife it was heliad perpetrated the; act with ! The prisoner replied that if was a long knife with a white handle.— Alaybank then piodueed if, and shewed it to him, and the prisoner said—" I am sure that is ti r knife, and now I am happy !"— He was then locked up for the night, and iu the morning it being understood flint the unfortunate woman wias doad, preparations were made to convey Him to Queen square for examination, where be arrived in a coach about 2 o'clock, attended by Maybank and other persons, ft llowe'd by a greatcrowd, principally women, who were so enraged at bis diabolical conduct, that, had it not been for the officers prec; ution in procuring a coach, they wduld most probably have pro- ceeded against him in so summary a manner as to lenderfnrther enquiry useless. \\ bile lie was being conveyed to the office, be stated that be overheard a conversation which took place in the Coach and Horses public- bouse between his wife and a man with whom he strongly suspected she had indulged in acts of concubiiicticy, In the eoaisc of this conver- sation, she said she would go home with him ( the prisoner) to No. I, Exeter street, ( whereit appeared they lived), and wait with bim until be w as asleep; and then she would get up and return, and continue with him ( the person with whom she held. the conversation) all night; and that lie, tbe prisoner, having nkuowiedge other infidelity, was determined to thwart them in their criminal views, and hence he bad re- solved upon the commission of this barbarous deed. It was also mentioned that lie hud contem- plated ttie performance of'llie horrible act for nearly a fortnight. lie is about five feet seven or eight inches high, and very far from bsing well looking. CORONER'S INQUEST. On Monday afternoon at four'o'clock, an in- quest was held at the sign ofthe Triumphant Chariot, Pembroke mews, Grosvcnorplat- e, ',<- fore Hugh Lewis, Esq. coroner, on tbe body of Mary Ann Losch. Tile Jury beingjmpuntielled & sworn they pnoceetled to St. George's Hospi- tal to take a view of tin; body, nnd on their re- turn, after bearing evidence, gave in a verdict of" Wilful murder against Francis Losch, the husband of the deceased.'' The prisoner did not manifest the slightest agitation during bis examination, but appeared perfectly composed, and stated, that although lie knew bis situation to be very awful, be was w as perfectly conscious, and satisfied with what had happened. a Serjeant is the GOth regiment of Eoot; and having been a considerable number of yefcrs abroad, was rewarded - wiilia pension from Chel- sea Hospital Sonse time since he was married in Chelsea Cburch to the deceased ; he lived with his wifa but a few months, when finding that his pension would not support them both, he sold it. and giving his wife a small share of tbe purchase money, he embarked for Ostcnd, where he stopt some time. During iiis absence Mrs. Losch having expended her small pittance, was driven to tbe alternative of either going to the work- house, or adopting the precarious, and miserable life of a * trect- walher; she preferred the latter. A short time since she w as surprised by the arrival ot her husband at her lodgings, to whom she communicated her way of life, and on being preferred a portion (" if Ihe wages of his wife's infamy, it is said he professed himself well satisfied with her conduct, They accord- ingly again cohabited with eai'h other; but be ill- treated her, which she bore with patience and without complaining, being a woman of a very mild and conciliatory disposition.— The remonstrances of the neighbours, anil tbe tears and supplications of bis wife, seemed to have very, little effect on thr callous heart of Losch ; [ for instead of being softened, be seemed more fixed in his rancorous persecution, and con- cluded bis villainous conduct by a cool and pre- meditated murder, the pnrticulais of which are reported to be briefly as follows :— On Friday night last, about seven o'clock, JWiJjOscli was sitting in the tupj nt the Couch • ui. iTHorses, in Jews' Row, talking to some Chelsea pensioners, when her husband canvciu and asked her to go home with bim ; alter a lit- tle hesitation she agreed toaccompeny him, and having Wished her friends good ni^ ht, walked with him as far as tbe barber's, close to tlie Coach and Horses, wliere he drew out a large knife, pulled up her clothes, and plunging the knife into her belly, ripped it up several inches, so thai her bowels- protruded through the skin. Her screams brought a considerable 11 umher of persons to the spot, who immediately placed Mrs. Losch on a shutter, and conveyed her in a senseless state ( 0 the house of Mr. Turnbull, in Sloane square, but that gentleman being absent from home she was conveyed forthwith to Saint George's hospital, where assistance was given, aud every method surgical skill could devise adopted to save her life, but to no purpose; she languished in the most excruciating agony until five o'clock the'iiext morning, when she expired The delinquent was found standing on the spot and by the watchmen was conveyed to the w atch ho^ se, where he freely confessed thai he had in- fended lo murder her for some time; he also told the w atchmen tliut be had thrown the knife with which be committed the murder over the wall opposite, into tiie clwrch- yard, which was searched ; it was shortly after discovered 011 the other side of the road. The horror exciied in the minds of the inha- bit ants of Jews'row and the neighbourhood excessive; and had not the Officers of Justice interposed, they would probably have wreaked their vengeance on him.— Observer, MARKET HERALD. Mark- Lane, Monday, Oct. 12. 1818. We bad a middling supply of Wheat this morning from Essex and Kent, which sold on, much the, same terms as this dnv week.— The supply both of Barley mid Oals being large, Bailey was drill . nnd Oats Is per quarter cheap- er.— Malt is steady,— Pease' iiiiit Beans eonti- j. ne af our last quoted prices.— In other articles there is 110 alteration. ANOTHER ACCOUNT. ' FROM A CORRESPONDENT. A murder,- which for coolness and delibera- tion in unparalleled tfn the antiais of barbarity and bloodshed, was committed onf Friday night by a German, named Losch, 011 the person cf bis wife, ill Jews'row, Chelsea, near Chelsea College. The perpetrator of this horrid act was BANKRUPTS. FROM SATURDAY'S GAZETTE, FRidding, late of " Willington, but now of Birming- ham, tanner G Sykes and J Pope, now ol late of Huddersfield merchants S P Holland and P. Ball, Worcester, bop mer- chants W Richards and H B Richardson, Snow bill, I jmdon factors J Raven, C Raven, and R Lloyd, Norwich, and of Chcapside, factors D Beutlif, G'avesel d, shoe maker J Walters, Tredegar, Men mouth, grocer J A Butler, Blackht ajh, master mariner . EBrabainl, late of Manchester, dealer DIVIDENDS. From Tuesday's Gazette, October 6. AT CUII. OHALE. October 27, J Tabor, James street. Golden square, plumber 31, J and B Howell, Black frinrs road, linen drapers November 3, II Searlc, Strand, bootmaker 7, R and J Dickinson, St. John's street In- cw ers- 7, J Honnsom, Fleet street, linen drapers IN THE COUNTRY. October 27. T and E Mugridgc Lynn, Nor- folk. cork manufartnreis, atthe Crown, Lynn 29, T Paper, Northallerton, hardwaretnan at the Golden Lion Inn, Northallerton .1 Wnseoe, Northallerton, maltster, at the Gol den Lion Inn. Northallerton-—— 29,' T Meat yard, Fontmell Magna, dealer, at Woodyate; Inn. Peiitridge - 29', C W'orley, Pentrid innkeeper, at Woodyates Inn, Pentridge— 29, S Wood, Burnnge, merchant, atthe Bridge water Arms Inn, Manchester November 3, T and W Slatter, Ihninster,& c. clothiers, atthe George Inn, llminstcr—— 3, B Hewitt and E and J E Bowman, Nant- Avich, Staffordshire, bankers, at the Lamb Inn, Nantwich AVERAGE I'HU E OF CO UN, ( PER QUARTER) IN ENGLAND AND WALTS, For the Week, tvlfii. g Oct. iCth, 1818. TOTAL. Wheat Rye Barley Oats Beans Pease s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. 82 0 i C2 1 ! 00 10 5 I 76 i 1 2. Oatmeal, per boil, of 1401b 35s 7d T Fraud Prevented. HO coutiuraci tbe mapy attempts that are daily made to impose ou tbe unwnrv a spurious composition iustcailof Genuine Blacking prepared by Day and Mai tin they arc induced to adopt a new label in which their signature and address, <) 7, HIGH HOLBOIiN, s placed so conspicuously in the centre of the label, that they trust an attention to this, and the dilf'crence of Ib'e type which is nnlike all letter- press, w ill enablejiurchascrs al once to detccttbe imposition. Tin Kejil Japan Blacking, te « Je anj- sold whole- sale by DAY AM) MAU I IS, 97, llig'fi Hoihorn, and retailed by Ihe principal Grocers, Druggists, Booksellers, Ironmongers, Perfumers, Boot- Mak- ers, < XT. in tbe United Kingdom. In Bottles at ( id. 1 s. and Is. Od. each. A copy of the Label will be left with all Ven- ders. I if. James's Fever Powder, and / inaLptit Pa's. BFC respectfully, as proprietor of these in- valuable, medicines, to inform the public, that I have ceased to supply Messrs. Nevvbe'ry and Sons therewith, ami that 1 have appointed as my now sole iVhalesale Agents for tlte sale of them, Messrs BUTLER and SONS, Chemist and Druggists, Ko. 4, C- lieapside, corner of St. Paul's Church Yard, London, and No31, Sackville- strcat, Dublin. JV5css" is Newberry having, however since I thought proper to withdraw from them the sale of- my medicines, announced their intention of vending ccmpositioi j of, their own, under the above titles, tbe public are, in consequence fill ther requested to observe, ibat tpenabie them to discriminate between;/!!/ Medieh: es and those of Messrs. Newberv, I shall sign my. imme oi), the label of each packet of the powder, and box cf pills, thiit is sent in fitfare'out of myFlahoratury : and that Messrs! Newbery and Sons have no longer any interest orcOnrern whatever . in the genuine me- dicines prepared by me. R. G. G. JAMFIS. f I ru ton- street, lie rkeley- squa re.- Tlie genuine Br. James's Powder and Analeptic Pills may also be obtained at the Journal Office, and of tlte nmst, respectable booksellers, druggists, and medicine VENDERS THROUGHOUT UIE UNITED KING dom. I RETURN J RUM. UF CRA IN. ON HOARD SHIP AS UM11R. Foreign Wheat . eos. • to. • 79s Fine ditto . 64s. . to. • 82s English Wheat..'. . 66s. . to. • 60s Fine dittc . 70s. . to. • TCs Old ditto . — s. . to. • Rye . — s. . to. •— s Fine ditto . — s. . to. s Barley . 42s. . to. • 60s Fine . — RS . ao. • 60s Mew ditto . COS. . to. • fc8s Malt . COS. . to. • 63s Fine . 70s. . to. • 80s Old . — s. • to. • 84 s White Pease . 70s. . to. • 74s Fine . — s. • to. • 95s Grey ditto . 52s. ,. to. • 60s Fine ditto , — s, . to. • 68s Trek Beans ( new) . 66s. • to. . 7 0s Fine . — S. . to. .72s Small Tick Beans .., . COs. . to. ,70s Old — s. • to. , S4s Feed Oats ( new) . 26s ... to. .30*. Fine . 32s , . to. ,37s Poland ditto ( new) ..; .. 32s .. to. ,3C » Fine . 34s . . to. ,38s Potatoe Oats .. 34s . . to. . ,43s PRICE OF FLOUR. Town made Flour 65s. . to. .70s Ditto Seconds OOs. . to.. 65s Bran 15s- to-- 18s) to • • SCs S Quarter - to--£ 48 per Last Fine Pollard . 18s- Rape Seed ( new) .. £ 46• ) per 5 So per h. PRICE OF MEAT. SMITH HELD, MONDAY Oct. 12. To sink the offal—- per stone of Sib. Beef, ,4s 4( 1 to 5s 0d Muttoa4s 4d to 5s Od Veal, ,4s 4d lo 5s Cd Pork.. 4s Od to 5s Od HEAD OF CATTLE THIS DAY. ' Beasts, about 2700 ) Calves Sheep 16540 | Pigs 26ft PRICE OF LEATHER. per lb. per lb. Buffs, 50 to 66lbs each 23d to 25d Ditto, 56 to 66Us each <| to — d Dressing Hides 2td to 22d Fine Conch Hides 22d to 23d Crop Hides, 36 to 40lbs for cutting 20d to 21d Ditto Calf Skins Ditto Ditto , Small Seal: Large ditto 4ft to 50lbs , 30 to 40lbs 50 fo 70lbs 70 to 80lbs ( Greenland) .... per dozen. .. 21d to 23d ... 24d to ? 8d ... 33d to 40d .. .30d to 36d ... 26d to 30d , - 70s.. to.. 10C » PF. li Heifers, ,2s 8d to Gs Od Steers., ,2s 8d to 3s fid Middlings2s6dto2s8d RAH RLDES. STONE. Polled. Downs. SIl EEP SKINS. l> E! t STONE. Ordinary 2s fd to 2s 4d Calf. .. llsOd English Horse.. 10s td . 5d fo 0s Od • 3s Od to 4s Od Shearlings...., ,3s Cd Lambs . , s3. . to. .6s 6tl PRICE OF HOPS. NEW IIA OS. Kent. i' 6 10s . to Sussex. .. 6 6' s- - to.. Foreign Hops . .4 Os. . to.. NEW POCKETS. Kent £ 7 s-- to 10s 0 s OS Sussex • Essex.. •. Farnhoin*, 7 0s lis- Os- te- in- to- IO- CS S 9 10 8s 0 s 0s 0s PRICE OF FAT, PER STONE OI Stated by Tallow Metiers. St. James's.. , ,5s 9d Whitechapel ,. 5s 9d Average, ,5s Od PRICE OF TALLOW, EIGHT POUNDS. ! stated by tie Butchers. St. James's .. ,5s 9( 1 Whhecbapiel ,. 6s I'd Average. .5s 9d SOAP, & c. per Town Tallow... Yellow Russia- • While difto .••• Soap ditto Melting Stuff... Ditto Rough ••• 11 nib. — s Od. . to. .87s Od Od Od — s Od • • to • • !; 5s — S Od • • to -• 93s — s Od• • to-• 93s Od 79s Od • • to • • 80s 0d 04s Od • to . .56' s Od Yellow Soap 112s I Mottledl24s | Curd 1QS « Palm 128s I Graves 24s Gd | Good Dregs 10s d Price of Candhs. per doz. 14s Cd— Moulds 10s Od fid per doz. allowed for ready ivoney. HOME MARKET. PRICE OF CORN AND FLOUR, IN LEICESTER MARKET, On Saturday, OCTOPUS 10*//, 1813. WINCHESTER MKATVUE. per Quarter* _ per Quartet 1 Wheal old tOs to Ditto new — s to Rye 62s to Bailey.. .. 60s to Oafs...,.. 34s to Fine Fkuir - • Seconds ditto Thirds ditto.. Ms 74a — ft Sfs 98s Beans.... 70s fo — s Hog Pease 68s to 56s HUiePcase — s to 74s Oatmeal.. — s to 43s Ptde Malt S8s to • • 68s..- to . 70s . . 66s. . to. . 67s ; >/ r. .. 03s, . to. . OfcJ J. SMITH, Receiver of Assize Return PRIST ™ and PUBLISHED by JOHN PRICE, Market place, Leicester.- This Paper is regularly fib « in LONDON, at the. Ijredon, Chapter, and Peel's Coffee Houses: and by Messrs. NEV. JON and Co. No. 5, Warwick- square, Ncwgulc- sttcct; and by J. Wni5E, No. ? 3, Fleet- street; vlieie AdvertiM - wents are, received. — Advertiscv••( nts are u. ie received, antllhe Paper distributed, hj ' Mr. Adam.. Druggist, Loughborough; Mr. llarruw. Kcgwrvtl : Mr. Beadsmore, Ashby- de-| » - 2oecb; Mr. l est< 1 Mieepthead; Miss Ward, Hincklcv ; Messrs. If. • aud Co. Melton ; Mr. Bottritl", Latter iVt, Mr. Glover, jjio. bj and Grantham.
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