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Perth Courier


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Volume Number: XXIV    Issue Number: 499
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Perth Courier
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Perth Courier

Date of Article: 28/08/1817
Printer / Publisher: R. Morison & Co. 
Address: Courier Office, Foot of High Street, Perth
Volume Number: XXIV    Issue Number: 499
No Pages: 4
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N ° 499.) T H U R S D A Y , 0 6 I--. 10.1,:, , A U G U S T 28, 1817. ( PRICE 7d. POST 01- FICE PERTH. CHARLES S1DEY, has just received, No. V ( price 2s. 6d.) of . The EDINBURGH MONTHLY MAGAZINE. CONTENTS. Observations on Kemble's E- say on Macbeth and Rich • ru ill— Rematks on Music ( concluded)— Account oi Billy Mar. hall, a Gypsey Chiei— Fragment of a Literary Romance— Oa the Exportation of Coiton Yarn— Rep.) to the Vindication of the Antiquity of tbe Stewarts ot Allanti. n— Nuga l. iterar x— Account ol Dunblane Mi rcr. il Spring— sketches of Foreign Scenery and Manner? No. ill— Letters from Montrose, & c. to Gralunie ol Clavethouse— Original Poetry— Reviews of Moore's Dalla UookhY'mctuded)— Modern Greece, a Poem— Mis. Edgewotth's Harringt'- n and Orntond, & c.— Literary and Sci' otitic Intelligence— Monthly Register, & c. & c. Primed for William Blackwood, No. 17, Pince's Street, Edinburgh; and BalJvvin, Cradock, and Joy, Pa ternoster Row, London, to v. him communications ( pot; jiaid) may be addressed. No. VI. will be published on the 20th September. Also, Malthus on Population, 3 vtt's 8vo. fif h edition. Clarke's Travels, four volumes 8vo. 8/ 12s. EJgewor. h's, Harrington aiidOrtnoiid, Svt ls. 12tno. 21s. A select assortment of London Music, lately published. In a few days wiil be pub Vied, Hand. omely printed in one thick volume octavo, doublecolumns, price tl. Is. in boards, T H E E D I N B U R G H A N N U A L REGISTER, FOIt 1& I5. ' t * This volume wili be found to include th- it memorable series of miiitary " and po. itical events, which terminated with tbe Battle of Waterloo, and the final Dowr. fal of Bonaparte's Dominion. ' The narrative is wrirteti by t h e HIGHLY E M I N E N T I N D I V I D U A L w h o c o n t r i b u t e d t he .- anie department of this Work for the year 1HI4, and who has possessed peculiar opportunities of intercourse with the most illustrious amongst ihose who directed the movement of tbe grand political machine. P r i n t e d f o r A R C H I B A L D C O N S T A B L E and C o . E d in t u r g h ; and L O N G M A N , H U R S T , R E E S , O H M E , and JSaowN, London. On the lirst of September will be published, * handsomely printed, price 2s, T H E E D I N B U R G H MAGAZINE, A N D L I T E R A R Y M I S C E L L A N Y; A new Series of the Scots Magazine, For August 1817. MUSIC AND DRAWING. M ISS J. W A L K E R , begs leave respectfully to intimate to the public, that she will commence. teaching Music and Drawing, on Monday ihe first September. Perth, Aug. 28, 1817. WAN FED TO BORROW. T 7 0 U R HUNDRED T0UNDS or FIVE HUNDRED JL POUNDS for which undoubted Heritable Security . vtll be granted. Appiv to Andrew Thomas Waterson, writer in Perth NOTICE TO CREDITORS. T HE TRUSTEES for GEOKGF. SIM, Mason in Stanley, heieby intimate to the Creditorsof the said Ge rge Sim, thai a division of tbe Funds is immediately to take pLce, and thai all those who fail to lodge their groui. es if debt, an. l oaths of verity, with David Burns, . ri'eriu Perth, betwixt and the lit st of September next, . vtll be tx. lut. ed rom all = h ire of the Trus: l unds. Perth, 21st Aug 1817. MR M A N N , SURGEON DENTIST, From Loudon and Edinburgh, M OST respecfully informs the nobility and gentry he will make his annual visit to Perth, August 2~ th ; and may be consulted in every department of bis profession, at Mrs Elgin's Lodgings, above the Coffee- Room, George Street. TO THE NOBILITY AND PUBLIC. The S C O T S M A G A Z I N E was fe'.- gun in 1 7 3 . 9 , a nd has been continued, without interruption, during the seventy- eight years which have since elapsed. It forms how a record of Scottish Literature and History, during- that long period, the value of which is so universally acknowledged, as to render all panegyric superfluous. For some time past, however, it has been strongly pressed on '. he Proprietors, from various quarters, that, in order more fully to adjpt it to the taste of the times, a considerable enlargement of plan was become necessary, and that it • ought to rece ve some improvements in typography and appearance. The Proprietors felt some hesitation in making any change upon the plan of a work so long established-; but the ample and highly respectable assurances which they have received, both of regular support, and of • ccasional contributions, in the event of such a change, have ar length determined them to enter with spirit and zeal upon the execution of the improvements suggested. The Proprietors, therefore, be^ to intimate, that the present series closes with the number for July ; and that tlve number for August forms the Jirst of a new. series*, upon a plan greatly enlarged and improved, and which will combine, with the objects hitherto treated in the SCOTS MAGAZINE, a variety of others, which the narrower limits of that miscellany did not permit it to embrace. To form a repository for the sho. t and occasional productions ot men of genius— to draw illustrations of ihe jnanners, history, and antiquities of Scotland, from mi ea yet unexhausted or unexplored— to lecoid the remarkable occurrences of the republic ot letters, including an obituary of its eminent characters,— to illustrate die progress and pre- ent state of the fine, as weli as of the. wse- Jtil arts,— and to preserve a fa. thtul journal uf foruigri and dorre.- tic occurrences;— these are objects wh ch, with many others of a nature too miscellaneous to be particu lurly enumerated, they confidently expect to tullii, with a success Us't attained by any similar work hitherto attempted in this country. The work will now be entitled, u The Edinburgh Magazine, or Literary Miscellany, being a new series of the Scots Magazine," and will be published monthly The Mrtgweine bearing the former tiiie, was, in lb04, incorporated with the Scots iviagazine, and the two unit ed hive since bet- n published under rhe tirle of the Scots Magazine and Edinburgh Liter ry Miscellany. 1 will contain six sheet! of i titer- press, . and bei g printrd| iu a closer manner, wnl comprise in each numDer nearly double the present quantity of matter. The price will be Two Shillings. This mode; ate addition is icndereo unavoidable by the enlargement of the plan ana the improvement o f t h e materials; nor is here now any publication of the kind which is sold at a lowei rate. CONT NTS OF THE NUMBER. Observations on the Introduction into Scotland of the Instrument of 1' orrure called Tnum|> ikin- s, and the Use made of it in the Case of Principal Carstares and others, with an illustrative Piatt— Ot gin*: Letter from David Hume to John Home, with some Account of a rare and curious Tract characterised io tnat Letter— V- ew of ihe Change of Manners among, the higher Rai ks in Scotlaid, during the Couise of the la* t. Century— Orig Correspondence of Paul Jones wi h Franklin, Kosciusko, La Fayette, the Empress Catherine; ot Russia, and nihei eminent Characters— Accoun- f the Geological Siucture of the Calton Hill— Abstiac ot ' he Evidence r ken before the Committee of the Hcmse. ol Commons ui Steam- boats, with Observations— Miscellaneous Ob-. ei \' ations on some Facts in Natural H -. ory— Account o a remarkable Audience of a Polish Amsassad*. at th?* Court of Queen Elizabeth, in J597— Get- rd View ol the Credit and Commerce of the Cnuntn— On the Us of proper Terms in Writing—- Obse> v.. noos on the Pro ciples of the Poor Laws— ORIGINAL POETRY—. REVIEW of Knkton's History of the Church of Scotland— Lord Byron's Lament of Tasso— Fergusson on the M . mage Law — Murray's enlarged Edition of Le , c. en's African Discoveries— Analytical Notices of ihe Supplement i Encyclopedia Britannica. Vol. II. Part II— LITERARY and SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE— Mm tiny Register Promotions, Appointments— Reports., Commercial, Agri cultural, Meteorological, &. c & c. Printed for A R C H D . C O N S T A B L E and Co. Edinburgh a n d L O N G M A N , H U R S T , and C o . L o n d on FARM TO LET. THE F A R M of NETHER I O UN of C A I R N Y - WH1NG, on the Estate of Upper Pitsligo, in tbe parish o f T v r i e , and county of Aberdeen, containing about SO Acres of Ii.^ eld Land, and from 8 to 10 Acres of Moss Pasture, wiil be Let for 19 years from Whitsunday Uit This Farm lies within five minutes walk of t: e thrjying village cf New Pksligo, " here there i, a ready jiutket f. T farm produce; and th new turnpike ma, I from Fraserburgh to Banff being ihe north bound., y t. l the Farm, the tenant will bave » , sy access to the • ins cf Prtullie for shell sand, to wh « h be will have a right. Offers will be received by Sir William Forbes,.. the proprietor, at Edinburgh ; hy Lew i Chalmers, writer in Fraserburgh, betwixt and the 1st day of July, n.- r,- and William Smart, gardener, At Nsw Pitsligo, w: l. jjow the farm. OAK TIMBER FOR SALE, At Ochtertyre, near Crieff, Perthshire. rHE T I M B f R has been cut and peeled during this scasott, and consists ol Trees of all dimensions, from 3 lo 8) cub. cal lect, and the total quantity may be between 700 and 1000 cubical feet. rile timber wiil be delivered either at Ochtertyre, Perth, Stirling, or Alius. Apply between and the 1st October, to William Kem- ; ue, forester, Ochtertyre. Crieff, 5 h August.' 1817. FARM OF KIRKLANDS, Near Auchlernrder, THE F A R M of KIRKLANt> S, near Auchterarder, part of the Estate of DAM SIDE, the property of James Beveridge Duncan,. Esq. as presently possessed by James Henderson, will be Let lor such number of years as may be agreed upon, with entry at Martinmas next. This Farm measures 59 acres, 1 rood, or thereby, all at able, ie pleasantly situated on the north side of the great road leading from Perth to Stirling by Auchterarder, and within little more than a mile of that thriving village, and ti; e soil being dry and good is well worthy of public attention. Offers in writing to* be given in to Robert Peddie, Town Clerk of Perth, previous to the. first day of September next. James M'Raw, gardner at Damside, will point out th boundaries. Perth, ISrh August, 18: 7, L A N D S IN PERTHSHIRE. To be exposed to Sale by public Roup, within the George Inn, Perth,, on Friday" the 7th November next, at one o'clock afternoon, if not previously Sold by Private Bargain. H P H E F A R M of L E D G E R T L A W , as presently oc- X copied by John Strachan, consisting of about 250 acres ScQ'. s measure, whereof about 70 ucrts only ape hill pasture, and the remainder excellent arable grounds, lying in the Parish of Car gill, about 9 miles be- east Perth, aud about 4 mibs from Coupar Angus.- • These Lands lye compactly together; are pleasantly situated in the fertile Country of Stra• hmore, and command a rich - nd extensive prospect. The grounds are a deep loam, have a free bottom, are of an excellent quality, capable of bearing any crops, and are mostly sub- divided with thriving hedge r^ ws of trees about 40 years old. There is an excellent Freestone Quarry in the low grounds, and in the hill plenty of W hoist one. A most commodious and substantial Dwelling H- » use, with suitable Offices, and a Thrashing Mill, driven by water, have lately been erected on the premises. For farther particulars, application may be made to George Condie, writer in Penh, who will shew the Title Deeds,. and a plan and measurement of the Lands; and John Strachan, the tenant, wiil point out the marches. Fenh, 2lst August, 1817. IF T FARMS TO BE LET. HE ESTA TE of DUBHEADS, in the parish of M. tddeny, the property ol Lieutenant- Genera! Sir D. tvid Btird, K. 11. is to be peremptorily Let by Public Roup, on the Ground, on Monday, 15th September exi, ( if nor previously let by Private Baigain) in the follow. rig divisions., viz. 1. WELT. R. EE, containing about . . . 82 Acres, a. Wl-;- l h R DUBHEADS, . . . . » 7 S. TOD.) 1' OWN, and the two northmost? ra fields ol DUBHEADS $ J 4- Seven Fields of D U B l l E A D S , lying around the Steading numbered 1 tb 7 S4 on the Plan, S. The Three e., stmnst Fields, of DUB HEADS N. t 8 to It), . . . . G. The l'liree remaining Fields of DUB HEADS No. I i to 13, with the Mi 7 The north side of HAKDFOLD, . . 10 8. Tbe west side of FliRNEYFOLD, . . A corn and barley null will be erected on lot 6, and suitable - leadings on it and'lots 3 and 5 Lot 7 may be let in two divisions, and a cottage will be built on the west snle A Plan of tbe Estate, With the Conditions of Set, are in the hands of Robert Peddie, writer in Perth, to whom mien ling offerers may give in written proposals, for one or more lots, to suit then views. The Roup will begin at Dubheads, at one o'clock. Peter Wnanntfl, at Dubbeud., will shew the Land's. 2( itb August, 1817. Tu MR TURNER, Of London Road, on noticing the introduction oJ his valuable Blacking to the East Indies. } ' 12 Uo : m, S"" MR M A R R I O T T , . . Thread Lace aud Bobbin Net Manufacturer, FROM LONDON1, M OST respectfully intimates to the Ladies of Perth, and its vicinity, that be is newly arrived in tht » town, with a most elegant, fashionable, and choice assortment of Thread Laces, Fidgings, Footing,?, Plain Neus, and Lace Caps of the newest patterns ; a fine assortment of Baby Linens, Lace Squares and Veils, Black Squares and Veils, Blond l. ace and Bobbin Netts of every descip tion ; and from the advantage . of Mr M. being the leal Manufacturer, and the improvements making in that line, his enabled to sell on tbe most reasonable terms. Liber il Discount to Dealers. Hours of Sale from Ten to Six. E S T A T E IN PERTHSHIRE. There will be Sold by Public Roup, in the George Inn, Per il, Oil Friday tbe ' itfih d, ty of September next, at one o'clock al'ternuon ( if not previously Sold by private Bargain), rHE Lands of WESTER CLEW, consisting . of 232 acres, divided into eight Parks with substantial stone dykes. ' The Property is eligibly situated, has an excellent southern exposure, lies about three miles to tbe south of Dunning, and is well adapted cither for a grass or victual farm. Fur particulars apply to David Burns, writir in Penh, who has the ' Title Deeds, and will give every information necessary. Perth, 21st Aug. 1817. F R E E H O L D ESTATE Of nearly 1100 Acres, together with a Vote IN THE COUNTY OF ANGUS, TO Btt SOLD. THE Estate of T U L L O E S in the parish of Dunnichen, to be disposed ul^ y private bargain, either as one Estate, or divided into two Lots, the one nearly 600 Acres, and tbe olher near 500 Acres, consisting of encellent Arable Land, with some very thriving plantations. The Leases are nearly expired, tbe Steadings in gocd ord r, and tlie public burthens ait very trifling, tbe lauds being relieved entirely of minister's stipend. A great part of tbe price, will be allowed to reinaiu in the purcha- ers hands. For farther particulars applica'ion may be made to Alexander Low, Esq. of Goidonbank by Greenlaw, Alex. Pearson, Esq. W. S. or to David Louson, Town Clerk of Arbroath, who will give directions tor showing ' ihe lands. L A N D S NEAR PERTH. To he Sold by Private Bargain, ABOUT n o Acres Scots, or thereby, of the MAINS . of HUN TINGTOWER, situated iu the Parish of Tippermuir, and very little nlore than 2 miles west from Perth. These Lards lie on the south side of, and are bounded by tbe Turnpike road between Perth and Crieff, and extend westward near to tbe Quarry; are of an excellent quality, and capable of raising any Crops ; have a most delightful prospect, and as there is plenty of water © o the Lands, and being so near Perth, they may be advantageously laid out tn Villas. ' The whole will be sold in one or more I>< ts as purchasers may incline. For further particulars- application may be m ide to David litiisr, Land surveyor in Perth, or to George Condie, Writer there, who willtshow a plan of tbe Grounds. Perth, 30th July. 1817. TO BE LET, T- HE Farms of R Y E H I L L of C O U P A R GRANGE, and C L E A V E S and DOGHir. LOq'KS, consi t rg of about 153 acres; together with the C O R N and L I NT MILNSof Coupar Grange; all as lateiy possessed by David Fleming. ' These farms will be let for four years after Martinmas next, being the period to run of the original tack. They ate at present in a regular rotation of croping, and the tenant will, if he inclines, get the whole crop and stocking at a valuation, and enter into the fallow division and dung immediately, as well as to about 12 acres of excellent turnips. The corn miln has a line command of water, and considerable thtrlage ; and the lint miln is let to a sub tenant, whose rent will be made payable to ihe principal tenant. Offers may be g'ven in to James Miller, writer in Coupar Angus; or Mr John M'Ritchie, writer in Edinburg ; who will give every information wanted. N. B. The corn miln may be let separately, if offerers incline. 21st. Aug. 1817. By Warrant of the Sheriff. H E R I T A B L E P R O P E R T Y, NEAR METHVEN. To he Sold by Public Roup, within the George Inn, Perth, upon Friday the 29th day of August next, at 12 o'clock, noon, CHARLES TYRIE, L t N C E N S E D AUCTIONEER, AS Commenced business in the above line, ' and from his former experience he flatters himself that he will give satisfaction to those who may favour him with their emplov. C. T . From his practice as a Messenger, has had considerable experience as to the value of Country Stock of ail descriptions, and from the attention he will invariably pay to the interest of his employers, he humbly hopes for a share of the public patronage. He intends making his charges as moderate as possible. Blairgowrie, Aug. 16, 1817, T O BE SOLD A T LYNEDOCH N E A R PERTH. A B L A C K C O L T of great bone and size, rising two years old-— got by Champion ( by Sorcerer, dam by ^ Highflyer, out of a sister to Noble, who was own sister to the dam of Defiance) out of tbe Corby more, got by Aurelius, out of a sister to Mr Panton's Absurdity. Aurelius was got. by Eclipse out of a Biunk mare, his dam by Bay Snip Snip • » ••'•" Godolphin Arabian.— Price 80 Guineas. A BAY FILLY, rising two years old, of great promise ; got by Interloper ( for his pedigree, see Stud Book) out of a Brown Mare, by Oscar ; out of Annette, by Volunteer ; out of Wimbledon, by Evergreen.— Price 50 Guineas. These have no engagements^ and are qualified for any Stakes — Apply to Richard Deighton, Lynedoch. T W O - o f - . # 2 0 , 0 0 0 , STERLING MONEY, A N D ONLY 2,900 NUMBERS. G CARROLL •> the Contractor lor tbe ptesent Lottery, has the greatest pleasure in observing the general satisfaction afforded by the Scheme. ' This has been evinced by the rapid Sale of ihe Tickets, which, at i- uch an early period of tbe Lottery, can only arise from the circumstances of there being so few Number-, ( only 2,900) and tbe probability of their being all sold long before the 10th of SEPTHMBKK, tbe D » y of Drawing. Though this is so small a Lottery, it contains 2 ... Prizes o f . . . £ 16,000 2 4,000 2 2,000 2 1,000 12 500, & c. & c. And as the above'.£ 16,000 Prizes will each be entitled to ,000' more, tbey will in effect be the same as if they were both drawn the old- fashioned favourite Prizes of .£ 20.000. As there are T w o Tickets of each Number, Adventti rets, hy malting a Double Purchase at G. C A R R O L L ' S Offices, 7, COK NH1LL, and 26, OXFORD- St r e e t , whet e the lust j£ 30, O00 Prize was Sold, may obtain a magnificent Capital of FORTY- THOUSAND POUNDS! Orders from the Country, enclosing a Remittance, duly attended to. Tickets and Shares are also on Sale by his Agents, W. Rl. ID, Bookseller, Leith. A. STEVENSON, Bookseller. Aberdeen. J. WILSON, Bookseller, Hyde hill, Berwick. FEUd, A T CRA1GMAKERRAN, PARISH OF ST. MARTINS, To he Feued out, for Building, in Lots, of from a quarter to half an acre, " D A R T of the G U I L D R Y I N C O R P O R A T I O N ' S LANDS of GRAIGMAKERRAN, lying along V A L U A B L E G R O U N D S . IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF PERTH. To be Let for such number of years as may be agreed on, Irom Martinmas next, THE HOUSE and O R C H A R D of BALHOUS1E, extending to about seven Acres, with a'oo. ut, sue Acres aud a half more of ( lie adjoining Lauds of B- ilh o t t s i e . The Orchard of Balhousie is well stocked with Fruit Trees, and enclosed with a stone wall, and will be Let either separately, or together, with the adjoining grounds, which possesses every advantage which situation and quality of soil can enmtrvand.. For particulars apply to Mr Lorimer, factor to the Right Honourable the . Earl of Kinnoull; or Moncrielf aud Duncan, writers, Perth;— wi- h either of whom oflers may be lodged till the 1st qf September next, when the Lands will be Let. Dupplin Castle, 16th July, 1317. HOUSES IN H I G H STREET, PERTH, FOR SALE BY PUBLIC ROUP, Bf Warrant of the Sheriff of Perthshire. Upon Friday 19th September, 1817, at one o'clock afnoon, within the George Inn, the Subjects in the Hi^ h Street, belonging to Mr David Woodrow, merchant, will be expo. ed to Sale, by Public Roup, by Warrant o f t h e Sheriff, in tile following Lots, viz. Lot I. T ^ H E whole of the FRONT L A N D , with the - IL BACK JAMB, at present occupied along with the Front Land, at the uptet price of ^ 8: 0- Lot II. The, HOUSE presently occupied- by Mr D. Menzies, vintner, with' the whole"' ST A BLES, CELL A R S , aud G A R D E N ;• also at present occupied by Mr Meiizies, at the upset pr- ce of £ 550. Lot 111. The remainder of the P R O P E R T Y , on the East - ide o f t h e Close,, as occupied by Mr Rollo and othe s, including the small Office occupied by Mr Woodrow him- elf, at the upVet price of £~ 0. The Warrant ol Sale, and Articles of Roup, are in the hands of Robert Peddie, writer, who will inform as to paiticulars. Perth, t.- h August, 1817. D E S I R A B L E FARMS, AT CRAIGMAKERRAN, TO BE LET. There will be exposed to Sale, by Public Roup, withitf the Guild- Hall, upon Friday the Tenth day of October next, at one o'clock afternoon, LEASES for Nineteen years from Martinmas 1818, o£ certain parts of the L A N D S of C R A I G M A K E R - R A N , the property o- l tht) Guildry Incorporation ol Perth, which are to be divided into four Farms. No. 1, to consist of 136 Acres. — * 2, 113 Do. - — 3, 70 Do, - — 4, 64 Do. Suitable Steadings are to be erected upon the threo Farms first mentioned, and considerable additions made to the present Steading upon that last mentioned. ' These Lands are situated about five miles from Perth, on the east sit'r of the turnpike road leading to the bridge of Isla, to which road proper communications from the several Farms wili be formed. The articles of Roup and conditions of Lease, with a plan of the Farms, to be seen in the htmls of Mr James Duncan, at Mains of Cargii, a « d John and James Miller,. Writers, Perth, who will inform as to faither particulars. The Forester at Craigmakerrao will point out the Farms. Perth, 25th July, 1317. A R A B L E AND S H E E P FARMS TO L E T, hi Stratfiearn. Hail, England, hail 1 auspicious o'er the tide. T « > d. s- n: shores thy grand inventions ride; E'en he e, n these unlettered climes I view, What va ious blessings emanate from you ; The sub'e Indian wondfrs as he sees Engl nu's proud arts ' borne by the fresh'ning breeze. But one m - n's merit far outstrips the rest, A merit gain'd by long industrious zest j \ is' i UKNI R'S !— yes— that honour'd name is dear To every friend to modest merit here. Our polish'd boots by his jet blacking shows Each face reflected, and with beauty glows. When fi- sf that lovely Blacking hither came, lu each one's breast it rais'd a longing lame, Each forward prest, great: '! trR N ER'S JI: t to boy, And 011 their boots its beauteous bloom to try ; Fame spread its excellence and worth around, And crowds on crowds of purchasers Were found, PleasM, they survey'd the richness ic display'd, And sought to imitate its brill- ant shade; But sought in v.. in, • for i u « ner onlv can B iiig to perfection that sublime japan. To other; arts the Indian turns his thoughts, To arts less highly to perfection brought; Tiler he succeeds, ami England's, arts appear To bt t- Kiisphinted, and to bhjssom here If T U R N E R S ' B L A C K I N G rnus first rais'd the flame Of imitation in the I dun's frame— Must we not genun e praise to TURNER give, Whose blacking taught his. slumb'ring thought to live? Y s, TURNER ! we to thy exertions owe Trie newest arts our du- kv i anves know. r'ir baa th. y blacking never huh- r came, N> Imitative wish had rais'd a il me. Tnis troth rhen's clear, and ioi'g nwst thrill the mind, Tfeaf TURNER tends to civilize mankind* AN ENGLISHMAN. Madras, Nov 9, LSI6. * * Ask for T U R N E R ' S B L A C K I N G. A L L and WHOLE the just and equal H A L F of these 5 Acres, 2 Roods, 26 Falls, and 11 Ells of LAND, being a part of the Town and Lands of SAUCHOB, hear M- thven, now or formerly pertaining to William Imrie, wrght at Meckphen ; with the HOUSES and BUILDINGS thereon, excepting the Houses, Offices, and Yard, as formerly occupied by Helen Ferguson. The above property is situated near to the village of Methven, having two heat houses built upon it, and the grounds have an excellent exposure. For farther particulars apply to Messrs MoncriefF and Duncan, writers, Perth. Perth, SUt July, 1817. TO I HE CELEBRATED MANUFACTURER IN ST. GEORGE'S- FIELDS. Great TURNER, when my brilliant boots I view, Wh. it thanks are given to your Jet Black and you ; To you whose grand ideas have pourtrayed The brightest Blacking e'er by mortal made. Heroes may boast their deeds of glory done, Their blooming laurels and their battles won, Proudly may hope to gain a lusting name. But TURNER'S Blacking stands the first in fame, Their names shall flnUri& h and their laurels fade, But TURNER'S name shall never sink in shade. Come forth all ye who think to find a man, Whose art can rival TURNER'S rich Japan. Search round the world, from distant pole to pole, And where the Yellow Seas of China roil, t Their boasted their varnish all must yield, To thine, Great " To RN ER, of St GeorgeV field. Proud China's Blacking's giories all are o'er, Faded its fame, it now is Known no more; But not i; kij this shall TURNER'S Black decay, Bur loved shall last till memory melt away. Thro' the wide world shall TURNER'S honoured name Expanding echo on the wings ot fame ; No boasted Jetty Backing but must yield To thine Great TURNER, of St George's field. A F R I E N D 1 0 M E R I T, W. W. Ask T U l l N i i R ' i BLACKING, both sides of the Turnpike Road leading from Perth to the Bridge of Isla. The Lands to be Feued are sitttated about five miles from Perth, to which the communication by the Turnpike Road is excellent : the soil is well adapted for Garden Ground, and the supply of water is plentiful. The Feuarsare to have the privilege of Quarrying at the Craig, and will be accommodated with the u^ of a Bleaching Green, and 6ucjr additional Land in lease, as may be required. In short from the various ad vantages these Land's posses , a better situation can hardly be found for establishing a thriving Village. The Conditions of Flu, and further particulars, may be learned by applying to Mr James Duncan, at Mains of Cargii, or John and James Miller, Writers, Perch, by whom offers will be received. Penh, 25th July, 1817. L A N D S IN PERTHSHIRE. To be Sold by Public Roup, within the Star Inn, Perth, upon Friday the 24th day of October, 1817, at one o'clock, afternoon ( if not previously' disposed of by Private Bargain), n n H E LANDS of COW B Y R E , now called PLEA- 1 SANCE of C O U P A R ANGUS, immediately adjoining to the Town of Coupar Angus, and on the southside oi the Burn of Coupar, with the & hare of the Commonty allocated to the said Lands. The property consists of 105 acres, or thereby, Scots measure, of excellent arable land, capable of bearing anykind of crops, and may be considerably improved at a very moderate expense, there being plenty of lime within three miles of the property, and dun*, may be hud in the town ot Coupar. There are a suitable dwelling- house and offices upon rhe premises: . the lease, which was tor nineteen years, expires at M - rtinmas 1818. James Craik, at Pleasance, will shew the lands ; and farther particulars may be learned by applying to George Condie, writer in Perth, who will shew a plan of the property, and give any other information wanted. 13rh August, 1817, MOUNT A L E X A N D E R , IN llANNOCH, P E R T H S H I R E , .• WITH Excellent Shooting and Fishing. To be LET, for such a number of years as may be agreed on, HE MAN^ ION- HOUSF., Offices, Garden, and Farm of MOUNT A L E X A N D E R , lying on the north banks of the water of Rannoch, about three miles we^ r from Tiimmei Bcfidge ( on the military road between Crieff and Inverness), and the like distance east from Kinloch, to which last there is a regular post twice a- week. The mansion- house, which is delightfully situated on the east end of the district of Rannoch, commands a most beautiful and romantic prospect, is partly furnished, and is capable of accommodating a large family; the offices are suitable, and the garden extensive; the arable and meadow grounds ( which are Capable of great improve ment), including the garden • consist of about 72 acres or thereby, and may be entered to at Martinmas 1817 j there is plenty of lime rock within tile grounds, and peaCs at a very short distance. The tenant wiil be allowed the privilege of Fishing upon rhe l ike and water of Rannoch, and'of^ Shooting over the whole of the proprietor's extensive hills and low grounds, in, the vicinity of Mount Alexander, and also in Athole. The hills abound with mcor game and ptarmagan ; and on the low grounds there are blares, partridges, snipes, and wild duck. If a suitable tenant sh-> ll not appear for the whole pre mises, the mansion- house, with rhe privilege of Shoo ing and Fishing, wiil be set for the season, or for such number of years as may be agreed on. Alexander Mur. ro, at Mount Alexander, will shew the premises; and for farther particulars application may be made to George Condie, writer in Perth. 17th July, IS 17, To be Let for such a number of years as may be agreedon, and entered to at Martinmas 18] 7, H P H E following F A R M S on the Estate of KELTT JL lying in the Parish of Dunning, and County of Perth :— I. EASTER K E L T Y , with the Mansion- House and Offices, consisting of seventy. one Scots acres, or thereby % as presently possessed by the executors of the late Airs Ikummond. This Farm is all arable, well Watered, inclosed, a^ id subdivided, capable cf much improvement, aud fit for ail kinds of crops. II. The Farm'of SCORES, consisting'of six hundred Scots acres, or thereby, of excellent hill pasture; as at present poS es^ ed by John Hart. These Farms are conveniently situated with respect to roads and markets, being in the immediate neighbourhood of the thriving villages of Dunning and Auchterar- . ier, close by the public road leading through these villages to Perth, and within two miles of the new turnpike road from Perth to Stirling, by Auchterarder and Biack » ford. Offers in writing will be received, and further particulars made known, by William Menzies, at Greenhall, by CritfF, factor for Captain Drummond of Kelty, the proprietor, John Flockhart, ground- officer at Kelty, will » hev/ the Farms. Greenhall, 19th Aug, 1817. J U D I C I A L S A L E OF A N ESTATE, I N THE Vicinity of the town of Stirling. To be exposed to Sale, within the Parliament, or N ew Session House of Edinburgh, upon Wednesday the 19ih day of Novtmber next, betwixt the hours of five and stvtn afternoon, under authority of the Court of Session, and before the Lord Ordinary, officiating on the Bills fur the time, at the upset price after mentioned, T HpHF. LANDS and ESTATE of WESTER LIVI- _ L LANDS, in the parish of St Niuians, and county of Stirling, consisting of 105 acres, 945 parts. This property is beautifully situated in the vicinity of the town of Stilling j and commands an extensive view of the rich and picturesque scenery of the surrounding country. The soil is good, the grounds are well enclosed and well wooded ; and the house, garden, orchard, and, offices, will afford comfortable accommodation to a genteel family. The free proven rental of these lands is j£.'! 72 4 9 Deduct feu duties, minister's stipend, school salary, 27 1 Remains free proven rental, . . ,£ 345 8 s ^ Which valued and converted at twenty- seven years purchase, is Estimated Rental of Mansiou- House and Officf- s, £' 59 10s. wbich, converted at 12 years'purchase, gives . , . 834 Feu duty of £ i Is. Tf'jd. which, valued at 20 years' purchase, gives . . . 21 Estimated value of the Wood on the premises, . . . . 1200 8 0 0 12 I 0 0 o 4? r Total proven value and upset price? of the subjects under sale, - 5 A considerable part of the price will be left in the hands o f t h e purchaser, upon security of tbe property. The lands bold partly of the Crown, and p . rtly of subject superior,. The land- tax has heen redeemed, and the teinds, in so far as the late prnpiietor had not an heritable right to them, have been valued; and are txh Usted by the stipend pa) able to the minister of St Ni-- niaits. The Articles of Roup are in the hands of Mr Manners, Depute CI. tk of Session. The Title- deeds and Plat, » of the Lands and copies of the Articles of Roup, mav t » seen on applying to Michael Linning and Marhew' N. Macdonald, clerks to the signer, at their chambers, No. 20, Htli Street, Edinburgh • or to Mr Liujriohii, writer. Stirling • ft F 0 REIGN I N T E L LI G E N C E. FRANCE. PARIS, Aug. 12 A letter from P A N mentions the amval of Prince TALleyrimd in that town, on the 30ih, accompanied by Madame Edniond Perigoid, the Polish Princess PoniatOwski, and M. An- Oral, a physician o( Paris, After having t avelled along the precipices of the Pyrenees-, they proceeded in cat riages to visit the Paik of Henry the Fourth's Castle, where, by the shameful mismanagement of the postillion, the carnage was overturned into a hollow fourteen feet deep. The l'rince h ad his shoulder bruised, and the two ladies received contusions on the head. The physician was also hurt on the head. Fortunately the travellers were not seveiely injured. From the 29th ultimo to the 7th instant, there arrived at Calais, from Dover, 34 packet- boats, • with 804 passengers, 20 h- irses* carriasjes, and bag. gage. There sailed tor D iver* during the same period, foui English transports, with three officers, 78 soldiers, two women, two children, and 70 troop liorses ; and 33 packet- boats, with 6U0 passer, gets, 18 horses, baggage, and carriages. The widow ot the celebrated black general Talisraint Louvertute has died at Agen, aged 50 ; she lias lett two sons, Placide Louve. rture, a young mart between 28 and 30, who has not quitted his mo- j tlicr, and Jean Louvertute, who is educating at the / expense ot the British Government at an English college, where he was placed in 1314-. A third eon ot Toussaint Louvertuie, Captain in the French service, dt d about twelve years ago at Belle- Isleen- Mer, \ Vhere he was exiled-. The catastrophe ot the father will ot course be recollected, who fell a victim, like many others, to the perfidy of the usurper. In the last number of the Lcttres Cham. peroi. ses, it is stated that Madame de Stacl has left two millions to her son, a million to her daughter ( Madame de Broglio), two millions to young Rocca, and ail annuity lor life ot 3000 livres to M. Rocca. Aug. 15.— Yesterday morning his Majesty gave a private audience to M. de Fagel, Ambassador from the King ot the Netherlands to the Court of London ; aod to the Marquis of Cholmondeley, Lord S eward tothe Prince Regent ol England. The Minister at Notre Dame yesterday announced for Saturday the solemnity of the feafct dt the Assumption, and of the Processiort for the fulfilment ol the vow of Louis XI Ll. who placed his kingdom under ihe protection of the Virgin; ( in consequence, theie will be no publication ot any of th.- Palis papers on that day, Saturday last). A steam boat, h a v i n g come up t h e Seine, entered Pans to- day at one o'clock. A Crowd of curious pei sons assembled on the quays and b r i d g e s to ate her manceuvie. The Princess William ot Prussia-, sister- in- law to the King, was delivered of a Pi nice at Berlin, on the 2d instant. Lord Cochrane has just arrived at Paris. Pin ate letters Irom Petersburgh state, that the introduction and circulation in Russia ol the last editioo ot Voisgier, of the fifth volume of " L'Ermite de le Chaus- see* d'Anrin," and ol the works of M. de Pradt, are prohibited in Russia. Phe anniversary of the birth of the Prince Regentot England wis celebrated last Tuesday by the scholais of the Foreign Academy. They toasted the heaith of the Prince, the prosperity of England, the peace of Europe, and the union of all the world. Their young Fiench comrades participated in their festivity, ami intend, on the ' 25th instant, to show the sentiments of love, respect, and devotion, with which they are animated towards the It is believed, that on the 25: h instant, St Louis's day, there will be a new promotion of the Chevaliers of the Royal Order cf the Legion of Honour. AUG, 19.— The Duke of Wellington paid his respects to the King at the Thuilleries yestetday, and remained with his maj- sty half ar. hour. Tue Count de Rappin dined yesterday with his M ijesty and the Royal Family. To- day, at 11 o'clock, he received the Dake of Wellington. The Spanish Ambassador had an interview with the D i k e of Wellington. The COQI cil of State, in its Sitting of last Thursday, concluded its labours upon the Project ot a Law, relating to the competency of the Chamber of Peers, and its organization, as a judicial Cotfrt. French funds— Five per cents., 68f. 35c.; Bank actions, I377f. 55c. nation does she impose any restraint ^ Her ofily cnme is, that she bas been more industrious and more skilful in the arts than other nations, and consequently has become more commercial, more colonial, and more poweitul at sea. Does she force any of her wares into foreign states by power or fraud ? They trade with her because it is for their advantage. This advantage must be mutual, otherwise commerce could not exist; " Do not rail at us, therefore," the editor concludes, " but rival us if you think f i t ; and if you are so ingenious and so industiious as to succeed, in the fair course ot commercial rivalship, to supersede our superiority, and to establish your's, you will wage war against us in our own way and beat us at our proper weapons." Has real ignorance of the state of the Continent, or mockery of our situation, dictated these expressions ? Can we call liim generous who challenges Iiis antagonist to the fight, bound hand and foot ? In this latter situation are the nations of Germany, whose wares are not only excluded Irom the ports of England, but fiom the marts ot the greatest part of tlie world. Where do cur vessels find security ? The old Hanse flag lies mouldering in the dust, a prey to rottenness. We fondly hoped to see it rehoisted, when 500,000 Germans rose in arms, antong whom the 30,000 English were lost like a drop in ihe ocean. ' The ' Times may rest in the conviction that no people are blind to their own advantage ; and that when all voices from the Seine to the Niemen join in one and the same cry, there must be something else at bottom than Bonapartism, otherwise tbe whole Continent must have become Bonapa'tists, since Bonaparte himself is no more. The Titties speaks ot an honourable open contest of commercial rivalry, in which genius and industry must obtain the preponderance. " You challenge us to the combat ( we answer), be it so ; we accept the challenge with joy ; but, lhat we may be able to light on fair and honouiable terms, list unbind our hands and our feet, that is, allow our ships to enter your harbours, as we allow your's to enter our's. Permit our manufacturers to send their wares into your cities, by ship loads ; to teceive commis siont, for thein everywhere, by a ho3t of travelling cleiks; and to auction them, by wholesale, at the very doors of your manufactories, as we must allow with icgard to youi's. Permit, likewise, our manufactuiers to sell the refuse of their workshops tor a trifle at yout fairs, and to employ jews, hawkers, and pedlars, to inundate the lace of the country with them, as we have suffered youi's to do oui's. Suffer our linen, our lace, our hardware, our corn, our wine, and our brandy, to be freely imported, as we sutler your calicoes, your mudins, your sugar, and your turn. You yourself have said, that the advantage of commerce must be mutual aa the condition ot its existence; When you allow us therelore what we have already conceded to you, then the contest will be equal ; then may the genius and industry of nations vie for the palm of victory. We wi> h The Times would have sufficient, impartiality to insert this our answer to its challenge, and that it would give itselt the trouble to observe and communicare to us the impression which this proposal makes upon the English. And if that haughty people should reject the proposal with contempt, then may The ' limes have the couiage to tell them —" These demands at which your pride and your interests revolt, these very demands have been enforced by you upon the Germans, upon the very Germans of whom hundreds of thousands have shed their blood to lescue England from the verge of destruction to which the continental system had g r e a t and g e n e r o u s i n t e n t i o n s , and manifested tiie i n t e i e s t he t o o k in t h e w e l f a r e of t h i s c i t y. The harvest is abundant throughout the whole of northern Germany. S P A I N . MADRID, July 2 0 . — T h e hew system of taxation introduced by M. de Garay, and sustained by the firmness and energy of the King and Ministry, excites the greatest admiration in this place. Even those on whom it falls the heaviest cannot withhold their praise. Without bearing on the nation, and without increasing the expenses of collection, it at least doubles the revenues of the state. An opposition is expected, but it will be of no avail, as the Minister has had the good fortune to begin his operations at the time when tire people begin to have the gieatest confidence in the justice of the King ; when the most flattering intelligence is daily receiving from Mexico and Peru ; when, in spite of the most infamous piracies, ships are daily entering our ports richly laden with the produce of Lima, Vera Cruz, Porto- Bello, Carthagena, Havannall, and Manilla ; when the most abundant crops are ripening in our provinces ; when commerce and manufactures are resuming their wonted activity ; when the most amicable arrangements exist with Brazil, the United States, England, Austria, and Russia, and when the greater part of these Courts offer their assistance in reducing our colonies ; and, lastly, when those who should dare to oppose openly the wise measures of Government would draw upon themselves the public detestation. If outdebts be great, our resources are so likewise. Our colonies are not included in the estimate of the latter ; but if we again enter on the enjoyment of the riches of Mexico, that countiy alone, with the isle of Cuba, would pay our debt in a short time. Oui atmy, our navy, and all our civil servants aie punctually paid, as well as the dividends due to the public creditor. MADRID, July 25.— Independently of many ships of the line and frigates, which have alieady sailed from our ports for the coast of South America, otlier ships of war, having the same destination, ate arming, and will soon depart. The object of these expeditions is to vindicate the Spaniel flag tiom the insults it receives from tbe numerous cor salts who pillage meichant vessels, winch are too weak to resist them, with an audacity equ. il to the ancient buccaneeis. The only difference is, that the latter were few in number, while the corsairs consist no; only ot the American Independents, but also ot a host of foreigners of all nations, who find it. convenient to follow the trade of piracy, hecauseit speedi ly enriches them. It appears certain, that many foreign Powers are disposed to adopt measures which may enable our Government to punish such piracies. At the same time, in order to augment « ill further the forces which have been successively dispatched to our American possessions, theie wul be drawn, from each battalion of infantiy, ten men, destined for that distant service. an agreement, tiport the honotir and faith of Swedishmen, not to have any repast of more than six dishes, at dinner to give only common red wine and Malaga ( Mountain), in the evening no wine at all, in the afternoon no coffee ; to renounce the use ol all foteign confectionary and preserves : further, that the women shall lay aside all dresses of gauze, lull, crape, or other expensive foreign materials ; shall not wear any lace above two inches broad at the most, and to buy no Turkish or other expensive foreign shawls. COPENHAGEN, A u g . 9 . — T h e Roayl Board of Quarantine has made known, that official accounts, the plague has bioken Narcata, in Dalmatia ; at Alexandria, gypt; and in the Island ot Candia, in the pelago. according to out at in EAichi- NETHERLANDS. NORTHERN STATES. BRUSSELS, Aug. 16 Some Journals having spoken with inaccuracy ot the complaints brought by his Grace the Duke ot Wellington against the Printer and Editor of the Journal ot West Flanders, we give the lollowing details as certain :— The article in which the Duke of Wellington thinks himself insulted, is insetted in the papei of the 14th of July. " M. Debtee, Intendant of Mattinque, having exceeded his powers in causing a great many Fiench Officers to be loaded with irons and sent to France uuder the pretext of Bounapaitism, the Ministry in its policy, had thought fit to reprove him ana the Quotidienue had announced the nomination of M. Esmangaid : an order emanating irom the Ministry ot the Police, Ins enjoined that this news is not to be lepeated. It is affirmed that M. D bree, administering the colony very well in f. iv.- ui of a foreign Government, ( L\ L Debree ge rant tries bien la colonic en Javeur d'un Gouveruement, etrunger. J Lord Wellington has desired to see him tetain it ( de le lui voir conserver. J No more it wanting to perpetuate him in his honourable fuctiuns." The cause will be tried on the 30th of this month belore the Tribunal of Ghent. Mr Counsellor Beyens is charged with the defence of the accused, the Duke or Wellington being plaintiff ( s'elantporte parlie civile). The Counsellors Tarte, senior, » ioh'ssur at the School ot Jurisprudence, and Jouhand, are to plead his Giaces cause. BRUSSELS, Aug. 13.— Letters from ihe Fiench frontiers say that the Oidinance of the Kirsg of Fiance respecting the officers on half- pay, who have behaved well, is putting in execution. Several ot these officers have arrived in the principal fortresses, and this has produced a favourable influence on the other officers on half- pay. Profound tianquillity reigns in the Northern Departments, where the harvest has commenced under the most favourable circumstances. It is thought that three ol the French exiles who were to leave this city have received permission to remain, viz. Siczes, A inauit, and David. As foi Canibaceres, he is differently situated from the others, having received letteis ot naturalization. GERMANY. VIENNA, Aug. 3.— By official accounts from Florence we leain, it is not likely that the P'incess Royal of Portugal will embaik before the 10th or 12ih ot August. Theie aie many preparations to be made, and the ships must be furnished wiih fresh supplies. His Imperial Highness the Grand Duke of Tuscany and his family, her Majesty the Archduchess Maria Louisa, Duchess ot Parma, and the Prince and Princess of Salema were re solved ' o accompany the Princess Royal from Flo rence to Leghorn. The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Prince Metternich, as soon as he received of iicial information of the arrival of the Portuguese squadron, resolved to perform in person the act of delivering up her Imperial Highness to the Portu puese commissioners, and ienounced his intended journey to Carlsbad. The Prince went from Peggio Imperiale on the 25th to the baths at Lucca. It is not thought he will return to Vienna before the end of August. We alieady begin to feel the good effects of the harvest. All articles of the first necessity are fallen in price. Aug. 4.— We learn from Carlsbad, that Marshal the Prince of Schwartzenberg has reason to praise the happy effects which the waters have had upon his health. The Prince lakes much exeicise on foot, and theie is nci doubt of his speedy recovery. ELBEKFEI. D. Jilly 2 7 . — The Times complains of the reproaches against England in the Dutch and German papers. The Ghent journal in particular ( says that papei) has written so late as the 18th inst.— « Europe is now under the yoke of England. This yoke is more real than that of Napoleon, though not invested wilh such humiliating forms." The Times finds such reprotches abominable, because it alleges the gieat difference between military oppression and commercial superiority is intentionally overlooked. They are convinced that such a clamour can only proceed from the Bonapartists, • who inherit the hatred of iheir lord and master against England, and endeavour to diffuse their mafignity over Europe. They perceive in such reproaches the most shameful abuse ot the liberty of the press, which the sword and the blood of England obtained for the European community ; and finally i^. ey ask, wherein then does this yoke conjut which England imposes J On what foreign DRESDEN, Aug. 5.— On the 3< J, the anniversary of his Saxon Majesty's birth was celebtated in this city with great pomp. The people eagerly seized the opportunity of displaying fresh marks of affection and devotion to then Sovereign. RAS TADT, Aug. 10.— 1 he convention concluded between Austria and Bavaria, relative to the le ciprocal surrender of deserters, has been officially published at Munich. The price ot grain continues to diminish in the various States of Southern Germany. FRANKFORT, Aug. 9.— On the 4th, there arrived at Wuiizburg, by water, a number of animals, principally apes and parrots, as well as a collection ot rare plants, sent from St Helena, by the Commissioner of his Majesty the Emperor of Austria. They have been forwarded by land to Ratisbon, wheie ihey will be embarked on the Danube for Vienna. According to our letters from Vienna, it is certain that Loid Stewart, the English Ambassador, to the Couit ot Vienna, who has gone to Eogland, will return to Vienna in October. August 10.— A physician was sent for from this city yesterday, to atiend the King of Prussia, who is at Meniz. It is feared his Majvsty has aggiavated his complaint, by mounting his horse too soon after the accident that befel him. LEIPSIC, July 31.— A number of foreign oiders have been received here for some time past tor considerable quantities of Saxon wool. The greater pait of these orders come trom England, and from the manufacturers in the Prussian Grand Duchy of the Rhine. The English now prefer our wools to all others, with the exception of those of Spain, which they only use for articles of the finest qualiiy. Theie is also a considerable export of our silks, particularly to Russia and Poland. BAMBERG, A u g . 9 . — P r i n c e Plaidenberg will prolong his stay at Carlsbad : the use of the baths there has been very beneficial to his health. Ptince Schwartzenberg will remain 15 days longer at Carlsbad, and afterwards take up his residence upon his estates in Bohemia. It is said M. Capo d'Istria has fieqaent conferences with Princes Hardenberg and Schwartzenberg. The Count de Caraman, Ambassador from France to Vienna, is daily expected at Cailsbad. Mr Lamb, the English Minis'er at Munich, also continues to reside at Carlsbad. Many conjectures are hazarded upon the object of the negociations between ihese Ministers, but no uneasiness prevails. It is known that all the great Powers are upon the best footing with each other, and that there exists no subject of dispute between them. BERLIN, A u g . 4 . — I t is rumoured here that the grain destined for the Grand Duchy of the Rhine, was sold by the contractors to certain speculators at Amsterdam, when the price of corn wasexoibitant. When all the necessary information is obtained, tbe Minister intends to publish the whole transaction, that it may be known who caused the benevolent inten ions of the King to be frustrated. AUGSBURG, A u g . 7.—- The iast courier from Vienna, brings the intelligence that their Imperial Majesties remained at Lemberg till the 28ih July, when they set off for the Buckovin. HANOVER, A u g . 4 . — T h e new financial organization of our kingdom, occupies considerably the public attention. Government is convinced of the necessity of bringing it to a speedy conclusion. The Emperor of Russia in inviting the city of Hamburgh to accede to the Holy Alliance, addressed a Fiench letter to the Senate, of a very PETERSBURGH, July 23.— The erection and active suppoit ot schools in the whole extent ot tbe empire, of universities and other e tablishments fur the sciences, for which the nation are indebted to the wisdom and liberality of the Emperor Alexander since his accession to the throne, has already pro duced the most beneficial results. Even in the most remote districts, among the uncultivated legions of Sibetia, there has been diffused and awakened, by means of these schools) a desire tor learning and instruction, and a tasie tor mental improvement. JULY 30.— The King of Spain haa sent the Order ot the Golden Fleece to the three Gt and Dukes. PO. SEN, Aug. 6-— We are now bu- y in getting in the harvest, which is very abundant. D O M E S T I C I N T E L L I G E N C E . LON DO iV, AUGUST 2 1. j flaiteiing description. His Majesty disclosed his STOCKHOLM, Aug. 1.— The heads of the noble families who have at piesent a seat and a vote in the Swedish House of Knights amount to 73 counts, 191 barons, and 900 noblemen. The greatest number who have been present at any Diet was alter the ievolution in 1809, when the assembly consisted ot 740. At the last election for the throne at Orebro, his assembly amounted to between 3 and 4- 00. King Erick XIV., at his coronation in 1561, nominated the three first counts and the nine liist ba rons in Sweden. At the establishments of the Koights House, in the year 1825, there were elected into three families ot counts, eight of barons, and ninty- four of nobles. Since then besides those introduced lately there have become extinct 54 families of counts, 170 of barons, and 1,341 of nobles. In the pressnt leign this body has been increased by 12 counts, 33 barons and 45 nobles. General Cordell, who has so fully supported the ancient glory of the Swedish artillery, by his knowledge'ar. d his activity, has introduced ihe use ol field moitars, after an invention of his own, with winch a 6hot may be thrown 2 or 3,000 ells with a suier aim than 1,200 with howitzers. Lon artillery are here casting lighter than brass, and by a mixture of oies from different mines, obtain a degree of hardness which resist every lorce. A new artillery institution, wherein sixteen officers are educated lor the higher appointments of the service established at Marienbeig, half a ( Swedish) mile from the capital, wheie there is also a foundery and a complete apparatus for experiments. The King has piesented the cloth manufacturer of tilts place, Oberg, wiili a golden medal, with the inscription lilts quorum meruere labores, to be worn about Ilia neck, for his invention of waterproof cloth. By the last accounts of the year 1815 there were in Sweden 102 cloth manufactoi ies which manufactured cloth to the value of 1,212,971 bank dollars; whereas, in 1794, there were only 77, which manufactured to the extent of 404,630 dol- I irs value. AUG. 8.— Lord Strangford, Extraordinary Ambassador and Minister Plenipotentiary from his Britannic Majesty to our Court, had yesterday his first audience of tbe King, in which he delivered bin credentials to his Majesty. He had afterwards an audience ol the Ciown Prince and the Duke ot Sudermania. Considering the great importance of the oak forests for the fleets and navigation of the kingdom, and in order to encourage as much as possible the plantation of that tree, which is gieatly declining, 1 the Academy of Agriculture has appropriated two peimartent annual prizes of a gold medal, value 150 dollars, and a silver one, for the raising of 2000 and 100J oaks, which, after the expiration of 7 years, shall be found in full growth at the distance of at least five ells from each other. We learn that our Government has given orders to its Consuls in the Barbaiy Slates, urgently to require of them, that their corsairs shall no more come into the neighbourhood ot the Channel or the North Sea, that the German flag, and particularly that of the Hanseatic cities, may be free and sate in those seas. In the seaport of Calmar, the seventh town in the kingdom, containing4,600 inhabitants, the Magistrates and a great part of the citizens have signed The Prince Regent, it is said, after his visit to the Isle oi Wight, will sail in the royal yacht to Plymouth, and on Ins return, spend a day or two with his royal relatives the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, at the Lodge at Weymouth. The sailing of the Royal Sove eign yacht to Brighton has been countermanded. The Piince Regent is expected to sail in the Royal George yacht from Biighton ; he will be accompanied by the Duke of York, and they will, it is supposed, review some of the troops on the coast. The King's watermen, who are to attend the Regent, are to have new dresses, wiih the plumes, & c. on them, and on their caps G. P. R. There is someexpectation that the Queen will give up Buckingham- house for the accouchment of the Princess Charlotte, as a residence far less exposed to noise than Camelford- house, as well as nearer 10 the great Officers of State, who must be summoned upon the occassion. Mr Wellesley Pole had his horses shipped at Newhaven to- day, in the Duke ot Wellington packet, Captain Cole, for Dieppe. This gentleman will follow in the Tiber frigate, which is now expected lojnd to receive him. His Royai Highness the Prince Regent has been graciously pleased, as a matk ot his approbation of the distinguished services ot Sir Philip Keathing Roche, during the whole of the peninsular war, to nominate and appoint him a Knight Commander of the Royal Guelphic or Hanoverian Order. The system ol retrenchment is progressive ; the office of joint Paymaster of the Foices has been abolished, and it has been restored to its situation under one head, as was formerly the case. This office is now thetefore, wholly under the control ot the right honourable Chailes Long. The Duke of Lemster had a nairow escape a few days pas; ; the ruins of an arch, which formed part of the buildings at Caiton, having failed in unexpectedly a few seconds after his Grace had been inspecting it. The friends ol Reform, in Dublin, held a meeting on Thursday, in D'Arcey's Tavern. It was rather thin, and consisted of seven members om'y. The object was to ascertain Sir F. Burden's intentions in regard to the proffered dinner to be given to him by this association. We understand that Sir Francis did not give any direct answer to the invitation, but he - authorised a gentleman to express his sentiments, which amounted to a refusal of the intended honour. We have d! » o learned that a list is making up of those who ai e considered respectable persons for a dinner^ party, to which Sir Francis will be invited Dublin Journal. Lord Beresfoid has addressed a proclamation to thtt Poituguese troops at Cascaes, since the is uing of which tew have deserted. The King of Prussia's intended visit to the French capital is said to have no motive whatever but amusement, and itlief front an habitual depression of spiiits, which it is tar from a reflection upon his Majesty's feelings that some mournful circumstances in his demostic life should have occasioned. The Russian ambassador and suite ai lived in the Sandwich packet at Falmouth, from the Couit of Rio Janeiro. His return is said to be in consequence of a misunderstanding between him and the Portuguese Government. Extract of a letter tiom an English gentleman in Paris ;—" A short time back the Allied Ministers here were called together to consider another application from the French Government for a further reduction of the army of occupation. The representation was so stiong as to cause a considerable difference of opinion among the Ministers present, The Duke ot Wellington did not atiend ; but, after the meeting terminated, he was consulted as to the propriety of acceding to theteouest. The answer of his Grace wit, I am assuied, ir; substance this :— That he would not be responsible for the withdrawing of any of the troops then in France; bus that if a reduction was intended, it would be better to Withdraw the wbole at once, than leave a force which would cease to be imposing if farther diminished. This answer was considered decisive, and the application of the French Government was fof the present refused."— Day and New Times. Extract of a letter from the agent to Lloyd's, at Gibraltar, dated July, 28 1817 :— " The Lieutenant- Governor has at length receiv* ed official intelligence ofthe plague being in Algiers and Bona, from the British Consul, M'Donnell, and it appears to have been introduced by a caravan of Moors, returning from Mecca, who bave proceeded overland to Morocco, so that we may inter that it will spread westward. Extract of another letter from Gibraltar, dated July 28, 1817 :— Since writing you last, we have to confirm the Spanish cordon. All communication is for the present at an end ; but we have great hopes it will br of short duration, as we are all healthy. Wednesday night, as Mr Richards, the engineer and surveyor ( under Mr Rennie), of the new dock in Chatham- yard, was, with his son, adjusting tlie cylinder at the steam engine, he had occasion in so doing to suspend by a rope the cap or covering, weighing about five cwt. and while the son wa » pet forming the necessaiy operation with his heard over the edge of the cylinder, horrible to detail the rope broke, and this massive weight falling,- nearly severed his head from his body ; the unfortunate youth was thus, in the presence of his father, instantly put out of existence. On Saturday night a galley belonging to his Majesty's schooner Pioneer, at Deal, being on the look out, and riding at her grapnel, it suddenly came on to blow a huiricane, and the galley being struck by a sea, it washed the whole ot the crew overboard, when thev ail got hold of the side, and another sea striking her, she overset, and, melancholy to relate, a midshipman ( who had joined only Saiuiday afternoon), and five seamen, were drowned, the other saved himself by swimming on shore in Si Margaret's Bay ; four of the bodies bave been taken up, but the midshipman and the other seaman have not yet been found. This morning, James Fitzwilliam, Henry Wilkins, and William Bull, were executed in front of Newgate, for burglaries, pursuant to their sentence. They behaved with penitence and resignation.— An order for respiring the execution of J. C. ffin until Monday next ( who was to have suffered the awful sentence of the law with them, for violating the person of a child) was received at Newgate last night. By a letter received from Canton, we learn that t h e r e m a i n i n g part of t h e w i e c k of t h e H o n . Comp a n y ' s ship E l p h i n s t o n e , t h a t was b u r n t on the 12th of F e b r u a t y , was sold on the 2 5 t h d i l t o lor 1 9 , ^ 00 dollars. A letter from St Omer, in France, dated Aug. 15th, says:—" The two divisions of infantry, about 9000 strong, weie reviewed by Sir H. Clinton on Thursday; the sight was uncommonly grand, from the adniiiable state of the discipline and equipment. The 3d biigade ( Sit C. Giant's) of cavalry, were reviewed on Fnday last, consisting of the 7th hussars and 11th light diagoons, by Sn Henry Fame, commanding the cavalry in Fiance. He was highly p! ea; ed with the excellent appearance of both men aud horses." MN OWEN'S PLAN. An adjourned meeting was held yesterday in the city, for the purpose of further considering ttie chiir. ei teal plans ot Mr Owen. Towards its close, it exhibited the same scene of tumult and disorder which characterised the former one ; but, we understand, this was occasioned by its being protrac,. ed to so late an hour. Many who weie in the room at the commencement, left it towards the middle cf the afternoon, and their places were immediately occupied by a rabble, ifu. ugh Mr Fluat was not there, whom no 6ense ot decorum could lestrain. Mr Owen, howevei, had a full and fair opportunity of developing his views, and tor tiii sake, as well as for the sake of that good which & limited application of his scheme might possibly produce, we regret the use he made of it. We know not how to convey our opinions upon his speech, consistently with the sentiments we still entertain towards him. We believe him to be a deluded enthusiast ; at least we hope he is no worse. But enthusiasm, professing all that is good, and working by all that is evil, must not be silently endured. We will not stop to argue upon the imprudence of Mr Owen, at the very outset, in assuming to himself that lie alone was possessed of all Hue knowledge, and that the rest of mankind have been, for ages, and still continue to be, a mere congregation of fools. Even were this the fact, it is one which ought to be concealed by him who aims at its correction, or else he begins by exciting against himself every feeling of aversion and indignation that can obstruct the pi ogress oi his remedy. There is much solid wisdom in the maxim of the poet, which cannot safely be neglected, where we wish for success in the task of removing error,— Men should be taught as tho' you taught them not, And things unknown proposed as things forgot. But this is the least ground of complaint that we now have against Mr Owen. Our greatest, is his undisguised avowal, not only that he himself professes no religion, but that all leligion must be ba. nished from his new system of society. vVith Mr Owen's tenets, as an individual, we have nothing to do ; he may be the only ma who has discovered the arcana of human happiness, and he is ai liberty to console himself with the secret consciousness of his discovery. But if he comes forth to propagate his pernicious doctrines ; if, to speculative, he adds piactical enthusiasm ; it be would make proselytes to his infidelity, and begin, where possibly his system must end, by destroying a I modes of faith, all respect for religion, all reliance upon its tenets, all submission to its precepts, it is time that a decided condemnation should be pronounced. The French revoluiicn was mainly ptoduced, and constantly accompanied, by dogmas of this kind. Demolish the aitar, and the subversion of all temporal institutions will be e3sy and inevitable. We trust we have no superstitious leverence for Creeds ; but were we weak enough to disclaim all the divinity of the christian faith, and appeal only to the moial influence of religion, wc should still have the voice of every rational man, in the declaration, that Society would be incalculably worse without its wholesome restraints. What then— are we to be told by Mr Owen, that as a preparation for this grand exhibition of human virtue, this splendid drama of mere moi tal excellence, we must commence by destroying what has hitherto bee n deemed the basis of man's highest gloty and firmest superiority ? Shall we laugh to scorn the conviction ot such men as Bacon, Newton, Locke, Fenelon, Clatke, and Johnson, to qualify ourselves as pupils in the new schools of old infidelity which Mr Owen wishes to establish ? A - irain we say, we believe Mr Owen is sincere in bis opinion; but what are we to think of the modesty • f a mats, who ventures to declare, that all, save t. ict of Urquhart, Aird, & c. on the westward of himself, are knaves or idiots ? The presumption is feftainly in favour of the majority, as against Mr Owen and his disciples; if indeed he has yet been a. ble to farm disciples. If ! Let us rectify the supposition. A Morning Paper, describing what took place yesterday, has the following paragraph :—• in the delivery of his speech, Mr Owen's observations in favour ot liberty of concience, and of the ubuies of all existing religious establishments ttuere received witfi the loudest, cheers." Here then is a proof that he has disciples ; and \ v- put it to every reflecting individual in the kingdom, what must be the consequences, should he be permitted to extend their number, or to direct t:- e practical results of their conversion. The eh earns o f a visionary may be only matter of ridicule while confined to opinions merely, but they alter theircharacter in a most alarming manner, when they ere reduced to principles of action, and are propagated with all the zeal ofa sectaiy. Mr Owen aspires to the dignity ofa martyr ; he professes his willingness to encounter ail the perils which persecution can inflict 5 he thinks a victim may be demanded, and he answers " behold that victim !" This is indeed the temper of mind which enables men to accomplish the mightiest revolutions ; it is fanaticism in its naked, - Undisguised form ; and the only way to crush its energy, and save the necessity of making victims, will be by a timely suppression of the experiment. He is at least a Fair adversary ; he practises no concealment ; he does not carry plausible profession on his lips, and malignant intention in his heait. I t will be justice, therefore, to the community, and riercy to him, to dra. v the line now, which, if he is allowed to overstep, it will be most difficult to make him retrace. We have abstained from noticing many absurdities in his estimate of existing society, which are the mete coinage of his own feverish brain. Thev are indeed a libel upon human nature, but we should fail to convince Mr Owen of it, and there is no occasion to convince others. We have thought it sufficient to animadvert upon what appears to be the master piinciple of his scheme, » nd, in the adoption of which, would be involved so . much misery and ruin, that the minor consequences sink into comparative insignificance. If M;- Owen ever hoped paitially to accomplish hi* plans, by the countenance of opulent, reflecting and virtuous individuals, we think that he must row abandon that hope, till he conciliates the country by a recantation of the sentiments he avowed yesterday. „ An article from Dresden, dated August G, says —'" The pioposition of imposing a duty upon the importation of English manufacturers at Leipsic has bee- o rejected as prejudicial to that freedom of trade which the city of Leipsic must enjoy, if it wishes to remain, as it has hitherto been, the grand depot of meichandise for the North of Europe. The tfiee exportation of grain has been re- established in the States of Saxe- Coboutg. The other parts of Saxony propose to follow the same system. It is with pleasure we thus announce a termination to tiie prohibitive system in regard to provisions." A letter from Madeira, dated April 21, fays— u In this island tlie importation of all West India produce is rigorously prohibited, and also the importation of foreign wines ; and we expect the exportation of refined sugar will be prohibited."— Hamburgh Mail. Oo the 14- th of July the Africans, in New York, celebrated the anniversary of the Abolition of the { jlave Trade. The Sardinian Government is stated to have re- — sorted to compulsory measures to prevent travellers from traversing the Simplon to go to Milan, in or- ' rier that they may proceed to Turin to have their passports examined. this town. In addition to the other public buildings which have been erected within these few years in Leith, we understand that the Associate Congregation ot North Leith have feued gronnd in front of Cobourg Street, and are forthwith to build a large and elegant meeting- house for their accommodation. SEQUESTRATIONS, cjc. almiiing crowd tha* this machine has been in be'rig offered in the neighbouring market?, which appear SCOTLAND. EDINBURGH, Aug. 23. In Haddington market yesterday the sale of grain was extremely heavy, at nearly last week's prices. A small parcel ot new barley brought 28s. tid. Barley harvest has begun in the neighbourhood of Kilmarnock. A fine field was cut down this week upon the faim of Milton, and another upon the larm of Ganihorn. The crops of wheat and oats are looking extremely well. Thepotatoe crop never had a better appearance. La6t night at eight o'clock, the convicts from Glasgovy, Ayr, and Inverary, were sent off from the Lock- up- house, to ejnbark at Leith for the hulks on the Thames. The following were sent along with them :— From Edinburgh— Joseph Rae, Ebenezer Knox, William Campbell, Francis Watson, and Magus Blaikie, lor 14 years; and George M'lnnis, and James Seatb, for 7 years. From Kirkcudbright— John Pagan, for 7 years. Smith and Drysdale, two of the Glasgow convicts behaved in a most depraved manner. Yesterday morning a poor woman, wife of a shoemaker, had her . skull severely fractured by a slate falling off a house, undergoing lepair, near the Cross. She was carried to the shop of Mr Milner, surgeon, and afterwards to the infirmary, where she lies in a dangerous manner. NAUTICAL INTELLIGENCE. T H E CAHH ROCK.— A beacon, 50 feet high, is now erecting on the Carr Rock, at the entrance of trie Frith ot Forth. From the emallness of the rock, it has been found impossible to erect any building upon it of sufficient height to be above the leach even of very weighty seas, which would at cnce be fatal to the effect and apparatus of a lightbouse. The building is therefore to be covcred with a large bell, in the form of a cupola ; this bell is to be tolled night and day, to warn manners of impending danger. But as the beacon is too small, and is otherwise quite inadequate for the habitation of a man, it is none of the least interesting parts of this design to devise how this effect is to be produced, without the regular attendance of a person to wind up the machinery of the bell- apparatus. This is provided for in the following manner :— In the centre c. f t ' e Wilding there is a kind of chamber or cavity, into which the liJal waters are admitttd, by mean:, of a smuii conduit or perforation in the wall, » r: d as the t: cie rises on the exterior of the building, it also rises in the chamber, aud elevates a metallic float or tank, which is connected with a rod communicating with the train of machinery, to which the perpendicular ri.- e of the tide gives motion ; and io this manner tbe large fcell is tolled. A weight is also it the same time raised, and 2'- tiie tank or float is at the same time elevated to the h: ig! it of :; e- ip tit'en, to which the train of machinery ia Calculated, when the tide has flowed to its height, the weight begins to operate by its tendency to descend, and it k-: eps the machine in motion till the flood returns aj-. in to lift the float and raise the weight, or, in other •> words, to wind up the machine. In this manner the bell is to be toiled without intermission. Another shock of an earthquake was felt at Inverness on Sunday the 17th instant, at 20 minutes past eight A. M.; like some of the others latterly felt, the concussion wai more violeDt in the dis- Meelings of Creditors— Thomas Kerr, upholsterer, Greenside Place, Edinburgh ; in the Royal Exchange Coffeehouse, 8th Sept. at 2 p. M. for the purposes in the statute. Robert Shives, merchant, Glasgow; in the writingrooms of Fleming and Strang, 31, Nelson- Street, 25th curt, at 12 noon, on matters of importance. Notice to Creditors— William Burns, late spirit dealer, St Andrews- Lane, Glasgow. Claims to be lodged with Mr Collier, 24, Montrose Street, before 2d S^- pt. Dividend— J. & J. Tait, manufacturers, Glasgow; by John M'Gavin, accountant there, 21id Sept. — B I R T I I S .— At Berlin, on 2d curt, the Princess William of Prussia, sister- in- law to tbe King, a son. On 15th curt, at Framlington, Norfolk, Mrs Rig'oy, four living children, three buys and a girl. Dr Rigby ( the father) is a great grandfather. On 13th curt, at I. in » dale House, Buckinghamshire, the lady of John Pym, a daughter. — MARRIED At Edinburgh, on 6th curt. Mr Henry Spears, Aucliterartool, to Elizabeth, daughter of the late William Dawson, Esq. of Graden. At Kinchyle, on 14th curt, by the Rev. J. M'llbean, Donald Kennedy, Esq. R. N. to Helen, only daughter of John Clark, Esq. late of Demerara. At Montrose, on 21st curt. William Mowbray, Esq. merchant in Leith, to Miss M. M. Chalmers, eldest daughter of the Rev. Mr Chalmers, minister of Auchtergaven. At Edinburgh, on 2- 2( 1 curt, by the Rev. David Dickson, jun. Mr William Bell, teacher, to Joan, youngest daughter of the late Mr Archibald Ochiltrie. goldsmith in Edinburgh. — DIED— At Edinburgh, on 13th curt. Mr Daniel Taylor, writer there, aged 49 years. At Stonehaven, on 13th curt. Helen Macdonald, niece and representative of Angus Macdonald, of Keppoch, of 171.5, and relict of William Paul, Aberdeen. At Edinburgh, on 17th curt. Mr Robert Macvey, of the General Register- bouse. Oil Sth curt, at Knottingley, near Ferrybridge, in the 89th year of his age, Mr C. Abbott, comedian, well known for the last 50 years in the counties of Yotk and Lincoln, and universally respected. In Glen Street, Kiln-. ariiock, on Friday the 18th July, ' William Stevenson, aged 87 years. He was originally from Dunlon, and bred a mason ; but during many of the latter years of his life he wandered about as a common beggar. Thirty years ago fie and his wife separated upon these strange conditions : that the first that proposed an agreement should forfeit one hundred pounds. This singular pair never met again, and it is not now known whether the heroine yet lives. Stevenson was much afflicted, during the last two years of his life, with the stone. He oft en grievously reflected why Providence should keep him in such lingering torment. Nothing seemed to give him more concern than his inability to earn his bread; or that the money he had scraped together should be exhausted before he died. As liis disease increased, he was fully aware of his approaching dissolution; and fur this event he made the following extraordinary preparation :— He sent lor a baker, and ordered 12 dozen of burial cakes, and a great profusion of sugar biscuit; together with a coricspoiiding quantity of wine and spiritous liquors. He told the baker, that if this quantity was not suiheient, he should provide more, as nothing but whole cakes were to be served about at his funeral. He next sent for the joiner, and ordered a cuflin decently mounted, witb particular instructions that the wood should be quite dry, ami the joints firm and impervious to water. The gravedigger was next sent for, and asked if he thought he could get a place to put him in after he was doad ' He said, he dart- say lie might. The spot fixed upon was in the church- yard cf Riccarton, a village aboiit half a mile distant. He enjoined the sexton to be sure and make his grave roomy, and in a dry and comfortable corner; and he might rest assured that he would be well rewarded for his care and trouble. Having made these arrangements, he ordered the old woman tbat attended him to go to a certain nook, and bring out nine pounds, to be appropriated to defray funeral charges. He told her at the same time not to be grieved, for he had not forgotten her in his will. In a few hours afterwards, in the full exercise of his mental powers, but in the most excruciating agonies, he expired. A neighbour and a man of business were immediately sent for to examine and seal up his effects. The first thing they found was a bag, containing large silver pieces, such as crowns, half crowns, and dollars, to a large amount. Iu a corner was secreted, amongst a vast quantity of musty rags, a great number of guineas and seven- shilling pieces, lu his trunk was found a bond lor 300/. and other bonds and securities to a very considerable amount. In all, we hive heard, the property amounted to 9001. His will was got among some old papers ; leaving to liis housekeeper 20/ and the rest of his property to be divided among his distant relations. As it required some lime to give his relatives intimatijti of his death, and to make preparations for his funeral, he lay in state four days, during which period the place where he was resembled more an Irish walce than a deseited room v. here the Scots lock up their dead The invitations to his funeral were moat singular sous were not asked individually, but in whole families; so that, except hy a few relatives dressed in black, bis obsequies were attended by tradesmen in their working clothes, barefooted boys, and gills, an immense crowd of tattered beggars; to the aged among whom he left sixpence, and to the younger threepence. After the interment this motley group retired to a large barn fitted up for the purpose, where a scene of waste, profusion, and inebriety was exhibited, almost without a parallel. Scarcely one of them could stagger home without assistance, and some were obliged to remain all night stretched among tbe corn sacks in a nook of the barn. After all this profusion, a few worthies, who were neglected to be invited, threatened to raise the corpse, if they were not allowed to do hononr to Stevenson's memory ; and, in order to prevent such a catastrophe, the place has continued a scene of dissipation ever since. 53 years, that he winds it up four times a- day with some glasses of good wine, and a few rolls, and force- meat balls.. In conclusion, the orator requests something tp keep the springs in repair fiom the spectators, who throw him a few pieces of money, astonished that a human being should have taken so much pains to degrade himself below the puppets that constitute the amusement of the quays. T H E HUMANE SAILOR BOY On Sunday, as two children weie playing upon the Quay at Bristol, they unfortunately precipitated themselves into the tivet, just at the time the tide was at the highest ; the little innocents sunk, and many persons who saw the accident, and tendering all assistance in their power to rescue the children in " vain, had given them up for lost, when a sailor lad, belonging to one ot the vessels in the harbour, plunged in and brought out one of the children, which he fastened to a rope thrown out for the purpose, and dived three times before his laudible exertions were crowned with success, and he came on shore nearly exhausted, to behold the happiness and receive the caresses of the agonised parents, who were eyewitnesses of the accident. The age of the lad was only 14- years. An immediate but tiifling subscription was entered into to reward him, but we feel convinced that in the philanthropic city of Bristol he will obtain a more lasting reward. At Deddington, near Oxford, one day last week, a little pig having got its head between two rails, and crying out vehemently, a boy ran to its assistance, and while in the act of extricating it, the sow, its mother, seized him by the arm, broke it in two places, and tenibly bruised and lacerated it with her teeth. According to a table, describing the civil state of Sweden, 34- 4 children at the breast, were, during the year 1814, smothered by their mothers or nurses while asleep ; and in the following yeat, 369 died through this kind of impiudence. A young woman, lately convicted at Paris of having occasioned the death of her new- born infant, by imprudence, negligence, nnd inattention, but in the words of the verdict involuntarily, has nevertheless been condemned to two year's of imprisonment, and a fine of 50 francs ! / There died last week the celebrated trout belonging to Mr James Miller, Hunthill, Blaotyre. It had been 24 years in his well, and had become so tame as readily to take food from the hand. About six years ago, in attempting to swallow a small tod, it was almost killed, as the creature stuck in its throat, and had to be extracted by the hand. JUVENILE PRESENCE OF M I N D . — A few nights since a fire occurred at an Inn in Leicester, occasioned by the negligence of the astler. When the fire broke out, two young gentlemen from Peterborough, who were returning to that city to the College School, were asleep in a room up three pair of stairs, when alarmed they attempted to escape by the stairs, but these were on lire ! At this dreadful moment, the eldest, 13 years of age, proposed to his schoolfellow, about 9 years of age, to escape by the window. They immediately threw their boxes out of the window, drew the bedstead towards it, and tying the blankets and sheets together, fastened them to the bedpost, and descended without injury ! The ostler perished in the flames. ed in fine condition, and lit for bieaking, and was sold from 18/. to ' 221. per load. Little wheat or coi n of any kind, comparatively speaking, has been carted in this neighbourhood, although much wheat has been cut, and some little swarth corn. Had we escaped the lain which fell so heavy yesteiday morning, a large breadth of wheat would have been housed in the ensuing week, but which cannot now be carried so soon. The swaith com, particularly the oats, is in many places very backward, and it is recommended that some arrangement for postponing partridge shooting, for 14 days, should be immediately set on foot. — Chelmsford Chronicle. As a proof that commerce is reviving, there are more ships on the stocks ac this time in our port than have been recollected for these 20 years.— Yarmouth Herald. The demand for colonial produce has considerably increased at an improvement in price of all articles of that description.— Liverpool Advertiser. A few samples of new wheat have been produced in the Essex market, which appeared in fine condition, and fit for breaking. These produced from eighteen to twenty- two pounds per load. The late heavy rains have not had the usual effect of laying the corn, the stalk is so strong. The great noith roads have been filled of late with Scotch cattle driven up for the south country markets. This article, which the war had nearly reduced to a total stand- still, is now coming forward in great abundance. MISCELLANEOUS. ROMANTIC D E A T H . — A few days since, a young man, and a girl, weie found hanging on the same tree, in the Wood of Vessinet. The former was named Honore Noel, aged 24, and the latter Victoire Herriot, aged 19. It appeared they loved, and were equally desirous of intermariying ; but theii parents obstinately opposed the union. The Mayor of Chalof received a letter from this unhappy couple, signed by both, intimating, that in consequence of the above, they were determined to die together. T H E HUMAN MACITINE.— Among all the kinds of industry to which the versatility ot human genius has recourse in Paiis for the purpose of making a little money, one of the most simple in appearance, and perhaps of the most common, is that of imitating a machine. There is one of these human machin. s, however, whose preparatory exercises must have been of the most painful kind, and who, having carried liis profession to perfection, renders it very luciative. We speak of a man who goes about the streets dressed like a Turk, and amuses the idlers of the B mlevards with his automatical talent. He has acquired so complete an immobility, that a couple of candles brought within four inches of his glassy eyes, will not force him to wink. The person who exhibits him places him on a 6tooi, and makes him assume a vaiicty of whimsical positions, his limbs moving as if by springs. He throws him on the ground, and the man- machine falls with the stiffness of a statue. The confederate tells the STATE OF THE COUNTRY. We have great pleasure in reporting that the iron trade, so important to this country, continues to improve; an advance of nearly 10 per cent, has taken place during the past week, and the demand, both tor home consumption and export, has been and continues to be sucti that the present contracts will employ the works for several months.— Leeds Intelligencer. We have not, in a similar space of time, for some years past, witnessed the transit, to our wharves and waggons, of greater quantities of packed woollen goods, than have been seen duiing the last six or eight weeks. We tiust they are destined for good account, and that our trade is reviving permanently, for the common advantage o- the manufacturer, the merchant, and the industrious labourer and mechanic.— Ibid. A gentleman of this town, who passed last week through the country from Leeds to Lynn, in Norfolk, from thence to Liverpool, and fiom Liverpool to Leeds, states, that he never saw the crops have a finer appearance, in that lange of countty, than at present. Here we have had considerable falls of rain ; but though the getting in of the hay has been in consequence greatly delayed, the crops in genet al, we understand, have sustained no injury, and there is still the prospect of a most abundant harvest^ On Saturday we saw a fine sample of Per- I barley growing at the Nunnery, near HaieWood, quite ready for the sickle, and intended to be cut the first favourable day. Oats were cut at Rawden, near this place, on Friday.— Ibid. For the last three weeks, although we have observed with the highest gratification the progress of improvement throughout the commercia'- world, we have foi borne to offer comments, because we were not aware that the re- action, so rich in promise, had as yet actually reached the poorer part of the community, or ameliorated their condition ; but now, when the improvement is become so obvious in evei y branch of British manufacture, that the most prejudiced and sceptical cannot doubt the fact ; when the wages ot woikmen are raised, and the price of provisions, from the prospect of a most. abundant harvest in this country, and one of most memorable fecundity, reaped and realised throughout the major part of Europe, we may venture, without the tear of being thought premature, to offer our heartfelt congratulations to our readeis, our townsmen and our country, on the happy change which a few weeks has brought forth. The murmurs of dtsconent are dying away, returning comforts are smoothing the wrinkled brow of care, and cheerfulness once more illumines the faces or the working classes, who, by an increase in the value of labour, and a very material reduction in the prices of the necessalies ol life, can now satisfy their children's hunger, without fear of starving wiien the loaf they are cutting is consumed.— Manchester Herald, In our report of the Liverpool market last week we noticed the extraordinary demand for cotton. We have now the pleasure of calling our readers' attention to an equally important hand of our manufactures, but of much more local interest, viz. the iron trade. Notwithstanding that ail the furnaces in Monmouthshire and Glamorganshire are in blast, they are unable to supply the constant orders that are arriving, and this great revival has naturally advanced the prices from 81. to 1 U. When it is considered that all the woiks have also very materially reduced their expenditure, the present state of the trade is indeed a subject of congratulation.— Bristol Observer, August 20. The. cotton trade is at present the most lively we have, our sales during the last week amounting to 2800 packages, chiefly to speculators, at an advance of £ d. per lb.— Glasgow Paper. We have heard of a few samples ot wheat being CALCULATION OF LIFE. An Italian Journal contains some curious calculations on the probabilities of human life. It supposes the earth to be peopled by a milliard of individuals, all of whom die in the course of an age. Thirty- three years are counted for a generation, consequently there die every year 33,333,333 individuals : every day 91,324 ; every 1iour 38 3 ; every minute 70 ; evety second I. There are born every year 37,037,037 individuals; every day 101,471 ; every hour 4228 ; every minute 70 ; evei. y second 1. Of a thousand children born at the same time, 740 attain the age of one year ; about 600 the age of three years; 584 five years; 540 ten years; 446 thirty years ; 226 sixty years ; 4- 9 eighty years 11 ninety years ; 9 ninety- five yeais ; and 1 ninety seven. The author concluded from the above tables, that half the children born die before the age of seventeen years. Of ten thousand, only one arrives to the age of 100. The following is the number of men in the different countries on an equal space of territory. In Iceland 1, in Sweden 14, in Turkey 36, in Poland 32, in Spain 63, in Ireland 99, in Switzer- ' and 114, in Gennany 127, in England 152, in France 260, in Upper Italy 172, in Naples 182, in Venice 196, in Holland 224, in Malta 1103. Wh at a difference in population between Iceland and Malta. BON MOT. When Fox came into power, he was one day talking to Sheridan about new taxes— " Why," said Sheridan, " tbat is not my department ; all I think is, that we should be careful not to meddle with an? that reach ourselves."—" Ay 1" rejoined Fox, " what then think you of one on receipts ? A balloon was sent up last week from one of the public gardens at Paris, with a car attached to it, in which was a stag. When at a considerable elevation the poor animal fell out, and was dreadfully bruised. SPIES.— The latter part of Queen Anne's reign produced a system of espionage, which is thus exposed in The Guardian ;—" The town of late has been infested with lions ( a cant name given to Ministerial Spies). Their chief haunts are the coffee- houses. You seldom see a cluster of newsmongers without a lion in the midst ot them. He never misses taking his stand within earshot of one of those ambitious little men who make speeches in p'aces of public resort: and if there be a whispering hole or public- spirited corner in the coffee- house, you never fail of seeing a lion couched upon his elbow in its neighboui hood. He is particularly ad dieted to the persual of every loose paper that lies in his way, and appears more than ordinarily attentive to what he reads, whilst he listens to those about him. He takes up The Postman, and snuffs the candle that he may hear the better for it." H U M E A PLAGIARIST.— In consulting the excellent commentary of St Thomas Aquinas on the Parva Natu, aha of Aristotle, I was struck at once with its close resemblance, to Hume's Essay on Association. The main thoughts were the same in both, the order of the thoughts was the same, and even the illustration differed only by Hume's occasional substitution of modern examples. I mentioned the circumstance to several of his acquaintances, who admitted the closeness of the resemblance, and that it seemed too great to be explained by mere coincidence ; but they thought it improbable that Hume should have held the pages of the angelic Doctor worth turning over. But, some time after, Mr Payne, of the King' 6 Mews, showed Sir James Mackintosh son. e odd volumes of St Thomas Aquinas, partly perhaps from having heard that Sir James ( then MI) Mackintosh had, in his lectures, passed a high encomium on this canonized philosopher, but chiefly from the fact, that the voames had belonged to Mr Plume, and had here and theie marginal marks and notes of reference in his observed to her female attendant, that there was not sufficient water for her purpose in the jug, and requested that more might be procured, which was immediately attended to ; on her attendant re entering , the room with the water, however, Mrs W. suddenly attacked her, knocked her down, threw the jug and water over her, locked her in the room, and rushing up staiis reached the upper room of the house, from the window of which she precipitated herself into the street. Several persons in tliestreet sav/ the accident, and conveyed the unfortunate sufferer into her apartment, where every attention that medical skill and humanity could suggest were promptly administered. Mrs W.' s skull' w;,* fractured, one of her arms and one thigh broken, besides many serious bruises and contusions ; but it is a most extraordinary circumstance, that her mind became clear about two hours after the accident, and has continued so ever since. The body of Madame De Stael has been opened, and this operation has falsified the opinions given by her physicians. In her anatomy they have remarked the extraordinary dimension of the brain. A cast has been taken of her head. The guards of the Prince. Saxe Cobourg coach, that runs between Perth and Aberdeen, go ninety miles each every lawful day, in fourteen hoursmaking five hundred and forty miles in the week, or twenty- eight thousand and eighty miles during the year. This exceeds what any other guard or traveller in Britain performs. As TRONOMY— In some observations on the great comet of 3811, by M. Schroeter, he states that the teal length of the tail of the comet was 13,1S5,200 geographic miles. Ort reading the description of the tomb erected to the memory of the Marquis of Anglesea's leg. He now, in England, just as gay, As in tbe battle brave ; Goes to the rout, review, or play, With one foot in the grave / Fortune itidulg'd a harmless w h i m . Since he could walk with one. She saw two legs were lost on hilrt, Who never deign d lo run. T. V. An extraordinary circumstance occurred, during J ' ate inundations in Switzerland, A large ma^ own hand- writing. Among these volumes was that which contains the Parva Naturaliu, in the old Latin version, swathed and swaddled in the commentary afore- mentioned \"— Colrid< rc's Bionra pliIc a• rL • i teraria. ° On Tuesday last, two men who were bringing wood from Borlum, upon the river Ness, in two rafts, came in contact at the Haugh ; one of them threw out a rope to a young man, James Fraser, who happened to be near upon the bank, requesting him to tie it to a stake that he and his neighbour might get their rafts disentangled ; whilst Fraser was endeavouring to do this, the rope twisted about his right thumb, and the current being very rapid, tore it clean away ; the poor fellow did not, however, shew the least symptom of uneasiness, and when a surgeon, in dressing the wound, expressed a fear that he gave him pain, he said* " I don't mind the pain, but I am afraid it will disable me from writing." On Friday, while two soldiers belonging to the 88th regiment were bathing at Magdalen Fields, Berwick, one of them got out of his depth, the other perceiving his perilous situation, went to his assistance, when the drowning man caught so fast hold of his comrade as to prevent him being of any service ; and they must both hare suffered had not a young man of the name of John Walker, who happened to be at hand, stript and swam with an oar, which they got hold of, and were fortunately biought on shore. On Saturday morning, about reven o'clock, a most melancholy accident occulted at Chatham. Mrs W, for som. e time has suffered under the dreadful effects of mental derangement. On the above morning, whilst engaged in dressing herself, tbe the nufactory of tiles, situate wear the village of Fieu* den, was entirely sutrounded by water, which at length made its way into magazines full of lime. In an instant the whole edifice was on fire ; the oWneis had pi eviously quitted it, and, as no assistance could be afforded, it was burned, in the midst of the water, down to the level of it. At the marriage of Monsieur, the Count D'Artois, the city of Paris, by his Royal Highness's desire, agreed to distiibute, as marriage portions, to a certain number of young women, the money usually expended on fire- works, and other transient demonstrations of festivity. A smart little girl of sixteen, nartied Lise Noirin, having presented herself to inscribe her name on the list, was asked who was her lover. « Oh I" said she, with great simplicity, " I have no lover ; I thought the city furnished every thing." This answer created much mirth, and in the event a husband was found for her.— Journal des Dames. ADMIRAL MILBANK. - Some years since, the ba- gemen of his Majesty's ship Berwick, then at Spithead, quarrelled with the bargemen of the ship, which the admiral then commanded as captain, and the latter Were all heartily drubbed, to the no small mortification of the Admiral, who was. in his younger days exceedingly athletic and somewhat addicted to boxing. Our naval hero » a few days after called the boat's crew together, d~- d them for a set of cowards, dressed himself in a common jacket and trowsers, and observing the Berwick's barge rowing ashore to Portsmouth beach, ordered his own to be immediately manned, and thus disguised took an oar as one of the crew. The coxwain, a3 particularly directed, run the head of his barge against the Berwick's baige quarter, in consequence of which a broadside of oaths were given and teturned, which produced a challenge to fight with more substantial weapons. The Admital, as champion of his trew-, beat the whole ofthe other barge's crew, one after another ( eleven in number) to the great joy and admiration of his sailors ; and then making himself known, went and visited his friends in Portsmouth, as if nothing had happened. Mr Percival, in his Account of the Island of Ceylon, speaking of the Indian Ichneumon, a small creature, in appearance between the weasel and the mangoose, says it is of infinite use to the natives, from its inveterate enmity to snakes, which would otherwise render every footstep of the traveller dangerous. The proofs of sagacity which are seen in this little animal are truly surprising, and afford a beautif'tiT instance of the wisdom with which Providence has lined the powers of every animal to its particular situation on the globe. This diminutive creature, on seeing a snake ever so large, will instantly dart on it, and seize it by the throat, provided he finds himself in an open place, where he has an opportunity of running to a certain herb, Which he knows instinctively to be an antidote against the poison of the bite, if he should happen to receive one. Mr Percival saw the experiment tried in a closed room, where the Ichneumon, instead of attacking his en- iny, did all in his power to avoid him, Oo being cairied. outof the house, however, and laid near his antagonist in the plantation, he immediately darted at the snake, and soon destroyed it. He then suddenly disappeared for a few minutes-, and again returned as soon as he had found the herb and ate it. " Instinct and reason how shall we divide ?"— POPE, TIGER HUNTING IN INDIA, [ From a Calcutta paper.] On the march of our detachment from Lauton to Balrampoie, to join General Wood, we ai rived at our first ground of encampment about three A. M. Soon after our arrival, the Zumeedar of the village came to us to complain that a tiger had taken up his quarters in the vicinity, and committed daily ravages amongst cattle, he also killed several villagers, and had that morning wounded the son of the Zumeedar. On this information, Liut. Colnett, Captain Roberston, and Dr Hamilton, mounted their elephants and proceeded to disloge the animaU They soon discovered the object of their search ; Lieut. Colnett's elephant being a little in advance, was attacked by him ; the other elephant turned round and ran off to a short distance. The tiger had sprung upon the shoulder of Lieut. Colnett's elephant, who in this situation fired at him, and he fell. Conceiving him to be disabled, Lieut. Colnett descended from the elephant, for the purpose of dispatching him with his pistols, but in alighting he came in contact with the tiger, which had only couched for a second spting, and which having caught hold of him by the thigh, dragged him some distance along the ground. Hav ing succeeded in drawing one of a brace of pistols lodg. ed a ball in the body of the tiger, when the beast becoming enraged, shook him violently, without letting go his hold, and made off towai a the thickest part of the jungle with his prey. In the snuggle to disentangle himself from the clutches of the animal, Lieut. Colnett caught hold of him by both ears, auu succeeded, after some time ia fr'rowing the beast upon his side, when he availed lnrfiieT of this momentary release, to draw forth the remaining pistol, and clapping the muzzle to the Wast ol the tiger, shot him to the heart. He then returned to his. elephant, which he mounted without assistance, feeling at the moment little pain from the wound?, of wbich he received no fewer tha'n live and tivemy, between the knee and the groin, many of then! severe. I understand he has ever since continued to suffer from the consequences of the conflict, and that he has lost the motion of that knee which was the seat of the principal injury. M. Biot has giveti to the Academy of Sciences at Paiis an account of the geological operations which constituted the object of his voyage to Scotland. He had sailed for the Shetland Islands, which they propose to re- unite to the great tri- angulation of the British Isles. Colonel Mudge, correspondent ol the National Institute of France, and charged by the English Government with these operations, finding himself seriously indisposed, and incapable of continuing this task, Was replaced by several well- informed officerss M. Biot praises very much the reception he experienced; This ought not to be attiibuted solely to the merit of this literary gentleman, for all who know any thing of Scotland are aware that hospitality is among the number of the virtues of its itlhii& itarlts.— Monitcur. ROYAL PROMISE.— Dr William Lyons, Bishop of Cork, in the latter end of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, was originally a captain in the navy, Who greatly distinguished himself in several actions against the Spaniards. On being introduced afterwards at Court, her Majesty told him he should haVe the very first vacancy that offered. The See of Cork soon afterwards became vacant, and the honest seamen, who understood the Queen literally, immediately claimed the Royal promise. Elizabeth was astonished at the request ; but after some delay, finding him a strictly sober, moral man, as well as an intrepid ' commander, she gave him the Bishoprick, saying at the same time, " She hoped he would take as good care of the Church as he had done of the State." The dale of his appointment ( 1583) is on record in the Consistorial Court of Cork. He enjoyed the See above twenty years with great reputation, but never attempted to preach above once, and that was to pay the last honours to l.; s Royal Mistress; This prelate's picture, in his c aptain'a uniform, the left hand wanting a finger is still to be seen in the Bishop's Palace, at Cork. W E S T GREENLAND.— Those employed in our Whale fishery give the name of East Greenland to the islands of SpitZetbergen ; and West Greenland ( not that forming the eastermost boundary of Da vis's Straits, to tat. 73.) has long been supposed inaccessible fiom accumulated ice. This season the commander of a brig from Bremen, after making J. Mayen's island, in about 71. N. says, that he stood to the westward in quest of seals, and in lat, 72. found land to the eastward ; that he sailed nearly due north along this coast without seeing ice, but observing the bays and other appearances, to lat. SI. 30. when he found he cculd steer to the eastwaid", which he did for several days. That he then lost sight of land, and directed his course to the southward and eastward, and in 78. fell in with the first fishing- vessels he had seen. He gave this account to several ships from this place, pointing oat his course upon the chart; To the northward he saw no appearance of ice; and this part of his story is very probable, for many ships have been as high as 83. this summer, where they saw no ice, nor appearance of it, to the northward. The logbook of this voyage ought to be published, and if his statement appear well founded, a vessel ought to be sent out next summer to ascertain the beaiings of the coast, & c. When this captain was asked, with maiksof surprise, by the gentleman who gives the above account, whether he had seen no ice in this circumnavigation, he waved his hand to the open sea, and answered, " No more as dere, no fish, no seal." He saw no marks to show that the country was inhabited. One thing seems very probable, that, after passing the drifting ice in June, t r beginning of July, in latitude 78. to 81. there would be found an entirely open sea to the northward.— Aberdeen Chronicle. The following circumstance occurred at the Bath P E II T I I. THURSDAY, AU G U S T 28, 18V7. Tut! extracts which we have given from the French papers possess little or ho interest. The Duke of Wellington is said to have had a conference With the King on Sunday the 17tb inst. The King of Prussia, who is now in Paris incognito, is said to have frequent interviews with his Majesty, but they appear to be altogether of a private nature. This Prince is becoming a great favourite with the Parisians, who are quite charmed with his affability and condescension. The French Government has wisely granted, by a Royal Ordonnance, an entire amnesty to all persons prosecuted for criminal offences and excesses, committed in conseauence of the high price of provisions. Advices from almost every quarter of the Continent represent the jealousy which is so assiduously kept alive in the foreign journals, against British manufactures, to be as active as ever. Garay, the new Minister of Finance in Spain, has lately imposed a variety of severe exactions on British merchants in that country, in gross violation of the treaty, and not to be endured, when the immense sacrifices which we made in the peninsular war are considered. In Germany, the spirit of hostility which has long been cherished against our commercial prosperity, is still more vitulent, as will be seen by a long article which we have extracted from the German papers, under the head of Eberfeld. Even the Government of Sardinia, for the re- establishment of which we are regarded by some as having forfeited our national honour, has imposed such heavy duties on the importation of British goods into its Italian dominions, a3 to amount neatly to an actual prohibition of their use. The Biitish Government, in forming its commercial arrangements, appears to have trusted a great deal too much to the generosity cf other States. The King of Spain secms. determincd to try what lengths he can go with all classes of his subjects : he has lately obtained a Bull from the Pope, authorizing him to levy a subsidy of 30,000 millions of reals on ecclesiastical property. This measure, while it proves the hard shifts to which Ferdinand is reduced on account of the ruinous state of the finances, cannot fail to weaken the attachment of the clfrgy, by whom he has hitherto been chiefly supported. In consequence cf the death of the Count De Barca, First Minister of the King of Portugal, a new administration has been formed, who, it is said, are determined to push with renewed vigour the operations which have been carrying on, for some time, on the Rio de la Plata. Baron Ebcn and the other conspirators against the Government, having been found guilty of treason, are expected to be ordered without delay for execution. Mr Owen's plan, as it is called, continues to engage a great deal more of the public attention than should be given to a scheme of human society so absurd and chimerical as the one he proposes. There seems, indeed, to be but one opinion with tespect to its utter impracticability ; but though the objects which it holds out, and the means fey which these are to be realised, are admitted on all hands to be altogether vUlonary, mast people are disposed to regard the author o! it as an amiable enthusiast, misled by an ardent zeal for the happiness of his fellow- creatures. With every wish to do justice to the goodness of his intentions, we can scarcely view him in this charitable lights the arrogance with which he brings forward his dogmas, and the total indifference which he betiays to every species of religion, lead us to consider him as a Projector so Court for the Recovery of Small Debts, on Wed. ^ m u c l ) t h e m o r e dangerous, as his schemes carry nesday last:— A man, who was very vociferous in his demands to be heard, was desired by Counsellor Goodall not to be so troublesome, and his Cleik, Mr Gooden, observing he made as much noise as if the debt was of great consequence. The man r'eplied, " that though the debt were but voutteen fence, it was much to he, but a shou'dn't ha# ve axed the Couit to get it for un, hadn't the woman who Was debted to un been very abusive, and told un to go to the devil in hell for it, zo pleaze your worships I be com'd to you for it." JENNY SPINNERS Accoidingto a reverend agriculturist the wo: m which so much injured the Oat Crop this season, is the progeny of the fly that is so often seen in windows and around artificial S ghts, with long legs and body, called jenny- spinner. It belongs to the order Diptera, and the genus TipuU. Ills the Tipula Oieracea, which has b; en remarked as having laid waste whole fie! ds of bats in the year 1800, in various parts of Scotland. The history of this destructive insect is far from complete ; but it certainly depositsitseggsprincipally about the month of Aug. when the fly is most vigorous j and the larva:, or woims, are found in the toil, devouring the rooti ot corn and grass, about the months of May and June following: In July, the transformation takes place from the grub to the fly state. Obsei vatioos made in the course of the present season, discoverHhat on the open pans of corn fields, these grubs are most numerous,— the sides near hedges being less or even little injured. It therefore appears that the Long- legs fly' generally hovers over open parts of ground ; and in almost every instance known during the present year, it has committed its ravages in fields of oats broken up fiom lea proof that the insect most commonly deposits its eggs in glass lands. In low situated places, where the climate is early, as well as in others more elevated and late, the grub has beea found committing its ravages ; but in the former, many of the fields have rec ® veie. l and sprung from the roots, While in the latter tew or none have grown again, without being sown. It is piobable that, in early places, the transformation coming s ion forward has relieved the crop ; while in late c imates, wheie it wis ntce> sary to sow earlier, and the insect did not change till a later period, the t me of its ravages was prolonged. The scattered plants left untouched by this insect, have commonly stoled or tillered much ; but they do not promise 11 ' ipen well, nor can this be expected of grain 8 > wn in July, on the parts where the first crop was devoured. , One farmer is said to have lost the lising braird of two successive sowings of oats and one of barley, all in one field, in the present season. Many olhers who did not sow till July, on the ravaged spots, haye now corn rising there, but little hopes of IU3 ripening^ along with them an air of philanthropy_ and benevolence. About three o'clock this morning, a number of disorderly young men, who, we understand, make a practice of roaming about the stieets during the night, for the worst of purposes, attacked a country- man, in the High Stieet, with the intention of robbing bin), but having been scared from their design by a young man of the name of Walter Miller, they all madeoff except one, whom he seized. Soon after, however, his companion's returned to his assistance, and effected his rescue, after severely bi uising and cutting Mr Miller. Fortunately, these young miscreants were recognised by some persons who observed them by the moonlight, from tbe opposite windows, and two ot them are already in custody, A diligent search is making for the rest of them. The harvest has commenccd partiaHyin this neighbourhood ; and, should favourable weather set in, wiil be every where general, in the course of the ensuing week. A fine field of barley was this day cut down, at Hatton, paiish of Kinnoull. Salmon fishing ended ill the Tay yesterday. The season, though ot late rather unfavourable, has, upon the whole, been good. ' Phis day the Perthshire Bible Society held its Filth General Annud Meeting, in the Guild Hall of this city. The company was very respectable and numerous. Some Ladies had nearly fainted from the heat and were obliged to retire. Thepaiticulars will be given in our next number; We are happy to observe that the friendly hint, which we gave last week respecting the excavations in the South Street, has had an effect, as a railing has been placed round them during night, and a watchman appointed to warn the unwary passenger of the danger. The work going forward, is excellently calculated to improve the carriage- way be tween the north and south, through the South- street, and to prevent the offensive stagnation of foul water, which used to interrupt the foot passengers. On Friday the Rev. Mr Thomson received, through the Post- Office, in a letter without a signature, a One Pound Note, to be given in equal portions to tbe Sabbath School Society, the Bible Society, the Ladies' Society, and tiie Destitute Sick Society. The directions of the benevolent friend have been faithfully attended to. Adulterated nteal is still sold with impunity. Since no vigorous steps are adopted to check the villanous traffic, we would advise the injured community to concert measures, without delay, to have that valuable article from the City Mills, which are under the direction of Gentlemen of established respectability of character, and where it is uniforml y found u be of the firs' quality. Dn tVi'e 18th day of August, 1 Sl7i the Parochial School of Kirkmiehael, was examined by Mr Stewart, minister of Kirkmichaelj and Mr Duff', minister of Mouline. The general discipline of the school gave the visitors much satisfaction. In the several branches in which they were tried, the scholars showed a promptness and proficiency truly gratifying. From the impression which the school, both with respect to discipline and to progress, made upon the minds of the visitors, they have no hesitation in recommending Mr Macdougall as a teachei, who evinces more than an ordinary share of talent, activity, and usefulness. On Sunday, an extraordinary collection was made in this city, at. the doois ol the four established churches, in aid of the funds of the General Session. The collection was, in the East Church, £\ 1 12s. lid,— in the Middle and West Churches, s£ 18 17s.— in St Paul's, £ 6 17s.— and in the Gaelic Chapel, £ 1 12s. t | d.;— in all, £ U 13s. l^ d. This is the whole sum obtained, after the Session had represented to the community, by explicit intimations from the pulpit, for two Sabbaths successively, that their funds were completely exhausted, and pressed on its consideration the urgency ot the case I This is the whole sum obtained, in answer to an extraordinary call of distress, made in four churches, attended by the most opulent classes of a population of nearly 20,000 souls, and in which every seat is let I The Session, who made the application, have much personal trouble in managing the poor's affairs, ( to say nothing of the value of their time which it occupies) and they neither receive, nor desire to receive, any remuneration. Such a return to their application, is but poor encouragement to thern to labour for the public good, amidst the clamours ot wretchedness and poverty. We could not blame them, were they, disgusted with such a cold- hearted attention to their appeal, to throw up the business altogether ; but we. are happy to find, that they are determined to make one more exertion, and since they cannot obtain a scanty charitable provision, to require the immediate production of an adequate legal provision. Indeed, we have been often astonished, at the miserably poor collections at our church doors— that persons, in respectable stations, should continue to give the little mite, they were accustomed to give 20 or 30 years ago,— that persons in comparatively affluent circumstances, and who have all the pretensions and apparatus of gentility, about their persons and in their houses, should sally forth, of a Sabbath morning, with a penny or halfpenny in their hand for tbe poor, and without one blush give it to the Elder at the church door, as their proper gift of charity— that they should do this day after day, unmoved and unreproved by their servants and and tradesmen giving a similar sum, at the very moment, beside them, and that, on days of extraordinary collections, they should not raise the sutri above onesixpenceor shilling— shame, shame!— That it is ualikeChristians, coming to thealtarof God with gratitude for his bounty, and bowels of compassion for their less favouted brethren, to act in this manner, is sufficiently obvious ; but it is also unlike people who have correct ideas of personal respectability, and that proper self estimation which leads one to avoid what may stamp the character, as mean and sordid. When a person assumes that higher rank in society, to which he thinks his wealth entitles him, there is a something ludicrously inconsistent in his production of a - penny at the chuich door for the weekly support of a numerous poor. Were the eldership not accustomed to witness such things, it would be almost impossible for them to suppress the smile. Some, in vindicating their conduct, plead a heavy assessmentforthepoor— very heavyindeed ! the richest man of the city pays no jnore annually than 1/. 16s. Others plead their losses : these may be great; but they should consider what capital they have acquired, and laid up. Others plead that the times are hard, and that they cannot raise money. To this we shall justreply, that the Players, by circulating a lewhandbills, raised, at the door of their theatre in this city, more money in one week during the spring, than the Session, with all their endeavours, could in one month at the church doors, to keep the poor from starving. The truth is a liberal man deviseth liberal things, and if he be liberal upon sound principles, he will give to support the poor, as God has gianted him ability. We mean no offence by these remarks, and trust that they wiil have a salutary effect. THUNDER STORM. ABERFELDY, Aug. 18.— On the 12th inst. we were visited here by a tremendous thunder storm, seldom equalled in this high latitude. It commenced about 12 o'clock P. M. and continued with little or no inteimission until 2 o'clock A. M. The lightning was so vivid that it alatmed every one ; and at Mr Stewart's, a farmer, the fluid struck one of his farm houses, set lire to the roof, and gave the whole steading a shock resembling that ot an earthquake ; it went through the roof in a descending angle from the south to the north, ignited the roof on the south, and on the north made a perforation as if a twelve- pound shot had gone through it ; and, almost at the same time, there was a kind of tornado, which swept away or levelled every thing that obstructed its course. It carried some hay quite out of sight into the air; it crossed the Tay, carlying a very large sheet of the water into the air, and scatteiing it in various directions; in its progress it swept from their roots, corn, potatoes, and shrubbery, but happily neither lives nor houses were injured by it. During this time the rain- fell in torrents, resembling in some parts a water- spout, which did great injury to the crops ; and upon the sloping sides. of the hills, some small fields of potatoes were swept away, soil and all. " The WJioTe expense af this bridge, Including the embankments at both ends, amounted to about 5 0 0 i . sterling. It is sisaated oa the roads from Queeasferry to Crieff, and from Stirling to Kinross, near to the place where these roads cross each other. Its distance from Queensferry, is 16 miles; from Crieff, 20 miles; from Stirling; 17 miles; and from Kinross, 7 miles. " Perhaps the traveller may not be d; spleas^ d with the following description of the Devil's Mill, the Rumbling Bridge, and the Caldron Linn, by Dr Garnett, who visited this romantic scenery in 1798 : — " ' At the distance of about 6 miles from Kinross, we left the road, in order to see some waterfalls on the river Devon, The first we visited was what is not improperly called the Caldron I. inn, about 8 miles from Kinross. Here tbe Devon, which we saw murmuring along its pebbly bed, suddenly enters a deep linn, or gulf, and there 5c, ding itself confined, by its continual effort against the sides, has worked out a, cavity resembling a large caidron, in which the water has so much the appearance of boiling, that it is difficult to divest one's self of the idea that it is really in a state of violent ebullition. From the caldron, through a hole below the surface, the water slowly finds its way under the rock into a circular cavity, in which it is- carried round and round, though with much less violent agitation : this second caldron is always covered with a foam, or froth. From this boiler the water runs in the same manner, by an opening in the rock belnw its surface, into another, which is larger than either of them, the diameter of it being 22 feet. The water in this cavity is not agitated like the others, bat calm and placid. v From this cavern the' water rushes perpendicularly over a rock into a deep and romantic glen, forming a fine cascade, particularly when viewed from the bottom of the glen, to which there is access by a zig- zag path. This cascade is 44 feet in height, and the rocks which compose the linn are about twice as high ; so that it appears as if the water had worn its way from the top to its present situation, which most probably has been the case. It falls in one unbroken sheet, without touching the rock ; and the whiteness of the dashing water is finely opposed to the almost black colour of the rocks, which are formed of coarse grained basaltes. While we were contemplating this beautiful scene, the sun happened to shine upon ir, and1 the spray which arises from it to a considerable height, by refracting the r. iys ot light, exhibited the appearance of a luminous vapour, in which the different prismatic colours were easily discernible.. Leaving the Caldron Linn, we walked about a mile, or rather more, tip the banks of tbe Devon, and came to another linn or ravin, over which an arch is thrown, the rocks on each side approach so near, that an arch of 22 ieet span, is sufficient to form a communication between the different banks ofthe river; bur tiie depth from the bridge to the water is no less than 86 feet, and the want of a parapet prevents even the steadiest head from looking down this frightful chasm, without a degree of terror. The water both above and below the bridge, rushing from rock. to rock, and forming a number ol little falls, produces a constant rumbling kind of noise, which ismucb increased when the water is swoln by rains; ou this account the common people call it the Humbling Bridge. \ Vhen this bridge is viewed from the rwer below, it is a very sublime object. The sides of the ch3em are formed by bold irregular rocks, consisting of a kind of pudding, stone, which are in many places fineiy covered with brushwood above the bridge the water is seen running along, in some places concealed from the eye by the jutting rocks and foliage, and in others appearing again. In short, the whole forms a very romantic scene. Abnut 200 yards above the Rumbling Bridge, we came to another fall, though but a small one, with a kind of caldron in w hich the water has the appearance of boiling. In this cavity the water is continually tossed about with great violence, constantly dashing against the sides of the rock : this produces a noice somewhat similar to tbat made by a mill, and on this account it is called by the common people the Devil's Mill, because it. pays no regard to Sunday, but works every day alike." G A R N E T T ' S Tour, vol. ii. PS. ge 142. TO CREDITORS. AGENERAL MEETING of the CREDITORS of the late JOHN HAGGAST, Tanner, Boot and Shoemaker in Perth, is to be held within the George Inn, Perth, upon Wednesday the lOt/ i day of September next, at one o'clock afternoon. The Trustees are very anxious that the Meeting be fully attended, as business of importance connected with the final winding up of the Estate trill be discussed ; and a scheme of division, either of a partial or final dividend, will be submitted for approval. Perth, 21st August, 1817. FARM IN PERTHSHIRE, TO LET. To be I. et for such a number of years as may be agreed on, and entered to at Martinmas, 1817, i? H E Farm of DRUMCA1RN, in the parish of Abernethy and county of Perth; containing. 265 Acres, of which 103 are Arable. The Lands are partly enclosed with stone dykes, and are at present all in Grass with the exception of about 20 Acres. There is on the premises an excellent small Steading lately erected. Offers will be received by James i. aidiaw, W. S. Edinburgh; and James Wood, Bdboughtv. HOUSE AND SHOP, In the High Street of Perth, For Sale, By Warrant of the Sheriff. Upon Friday, 12th September, I IS 17, within the George inn, Perth, at one o'clock, afternoon, T P H A T SHOP situated upon the south side of the X High Street, a little above the Cross, and presently possessed by Andrew Dott, merchant, together with the second Fiat or Dwelling House above the said Shop, presently possessed by Mr DunCar. Clark, writer, will be exposed to Sale, by Public Roup, by Warrant of the Sheriff. The warrant of Sale, and articles of Roup will be seen in the hands of Robert Peddie, Town Clerk. Perth, 13th Aug. 1317. rived since our last. A paragraph' 5n tlte Gazette de France, which is little more than a translation from the London Journals, respecting ' he formida- , ble Congress at Carlsbad, with the addition of an on dit, that the affairs of South America are to be discussed there,. furnishes a topic of exultation to the Morning Chronicle, upon the accuracy of it3 predictions. That which was before doubtful, must necessarily be incontravertible, after so authentic a conjecture in the Gazette de France. In an article from Cambray it is positively asserted that the Army of Occupation is to be diminished another filth. If so, it will be a convincing proof to us, that the spirit of jacobinism is rapidly diminishing in France, for we are sure the Duke of Wellington would not sanction such a measure without the strongest conviction of its safety. The Funds, after remaining stationary for several days, took a start upwards on Saturday. The 3 per Cent Consols left off at 80* for August, and 8 1 f o r October account. It is reported that a project is in contemplation for absorbing, by degrees, the floating debt without funding, by giving to the stock holders tjie option of being paid their dividends in specie, or in notes hearing interest from 10/. upwaids. As many of these notes as ate taken by the public will leave a corresponding amount in specie in the hands of . the Bank to the credit of Government, which sums will be applied in paying off the Exchequer bills now existing. We are not told what interest these dividend notes aie to bear. The Glasgow, 50- gun strip, is ordered to be pre. pared for service at Deptford. The Flon. Captain Maitland is to have the command of her. A frigate'is in readiness to convey Mr Thornton, as our Envoy to the Brazils. We also understand that tbe Blossmn is to proceed out to the River Plate.— Courier. M A R K E T S , fyc. ARRIVED AT PERTH. Aug. 21.— Elisabeth, Tosh;. Peggy, Smith; Dundee grain: Tay, Turnbull; Expedition, Gowans; Dundee, goods: perseverance, iiisset; Janet, Butter; Catherine, M'Donald; Pegg. y, M'Cormick; St Martins; Moir- Firth, coals i Laliy, luirie, Leith, grain: Aid, Gouly, Cardoif, iron, SALLEO. Aug. 20.— Eliza, Anderson, Leith, bark : Rose, Tosh ; Perih, Dutbie; Dundee, goods: Euphan, Louden; Neliy & Jean, Sharp; Leith, timber; Peggy, Smith; St Martin's Moir ; Leilh, bark. ARRIVED AT DUNDEE. Aug. 2 1 .— Mary Ann, Duchars; Davis's- Straits, 32 fish, lull ship -. Lord Kinuaird, Simmers; London, goods. — 24, Archduke, Mitchell; Kliza, Turcan ; Newcastle, coals.— 25. Diana, Condie; Damaic, grain; Alexander, Arkley ; Strathiaiorc, Cowie; St Petersburgh, flax; Aid, Kidd; Riga, fl^ x: Union, Wishart ; London, goods;. Gipsey, Kincatd ; Leith, do.; Guthries, Kennedy; Aberdeen, qo.; Sprighty, Drydeu; Berwich, grain. — 26. Dispatch, Spink; London, good:-:' Sprightly, Phillips; St John's, New Brunswick, timber. SAILEIi. Aug. 21.— London Packet, Henderson; London, goods. — 24. Defiance, M i l l ; London, goods; Dame, Japp ; Leith, do.: Magnet, Robertson; Newcastle, Ballast. 26. Augusta, Myles; Glasgow, goods; PRICE OF STOCKS, Aug. 25-. 3 per ct. Red 80| 81 t. 5perCts 105£ 6 5 j 3 pr ct. cons |, India Bonds....,! 21 123 pr. Do. for Acc I Exch. Bills..., 31 34 32 pr. 4 per Cents | LougAun... 20 15- 1S CORN E X C H A N G E , Aug. 25. We had a good supply of Wheat to- day from Essex and Suffolk, besides large arrivals from abroad, but the weatner being unfavourable, there was a brisk demand for Wheat, but last Monday's prices were not obtained by 4s. per quarter; m Barley there was but little doing; Oats support jast Monday** prices, but not brisk in sale ; in Pease, Beans, aud other articles, no alteration. CURRENT PRICES OF GRAIN. FOR THE PERTH COURIER. The following account is taken from an Album Vialoutn, or Register of Traveller's names, kept by Thomas Young, vintner, Rumbling Bridge, in this county ; and may perhaps afford some gratification to our readers :— " On Friday the 2d August, 1816, thenew Rumbling Bridge was opened by the Right Hon. WM. ADAM of Blairadam, l, ord Chief Commissioner of the Jury Court in Scotland, accompanied by a numerous party of his Lordship's relations and friends. As the public are indebted lor this bridge to the exertions chiefly of the Lord Chief Commissioner, his Lordship's carriage was the first that passed ; and after consecration of the bridge by prayer, the whole party partook in this house of an elegant cold collation, provided by his Lordship. The 2d of August was fixed for this ceremony, that being the birth day of his Lordship; 11 Who made this grand romantic bridge to rise ? " The man » f Blair, each lisping babe replies." P O P E I M I T. " The span of the old bridge is 22 feet, its width 11 and i: s height 100 feet from the bottom of the river on the west side. The span of the new arch ( which is thrown directly over the old bridge) is 33 feet, its width, including the parapets, 22 feet, the clear carriage way 18 feet, and the height above the old arch, to the surface of the new road, 20' feet. From the highest point of the parapet of the new bridge, to the bottom of the river on the west side, is 125 feat. The height of Peese Bridge, in Berwickshire, is said to be 123 feet; if this measurement, therefore, is understood to be taken front the bottom of the water, or if the water there is less than 2 feet deep, the Rumbling Bridge is the highest bridge in Biitain. LANDS IN PERTFISHIRE TO LET. To be Let by Public Roup, on Monday the lst day of September next, at one o'clock, r. M. within the house of James Philips, vintner in Auchterarder, I. r j P H E farm of MAINS of f N N E R P E F F R A Y , in X the parish of Monzie, as now occupied by David M'Ewen, a » d formerly the late Henry Stirling, which, including the Garden, Greens, & c. contains about— 124 Acres. Pasttlrage of Woods, See. 16 In all, - - 140 II. The Farm of PQWMILN, in the parish of Mon zie, as now occupied by William Clement, containing about 68 acres. These Farms are situated in an early conntrf, and capable of great improvement, they will be I. er for a pe- Tiod of years to be afterwards fixed, and for further particulars application may be made to Messrs Moncrieff and Duncan, writers in Perth, or to Mr X, orimer, at Duppiin Ca- tle. Diipplin Castle, 7th Aug. 1817. POSTSCRIPT. L O N D O N , M O N D A Y , A U G . 2 5. Wheat 50s 90s to 96s Ditto ( old)..... s... — s Do. Fo 70s 82s 94s Rye 40s to 42s, Barley — s 26s to 46s Malt 60s to 80s White Pease 35s to Do. Boilers 44, to 46s Grey Pease 42s to 46* Small Beans 44s to 48s Tick Beans 36s to 44* New Ditto..; — s to — s Potatoe oats..— s 34s to 40* Ditto old Poland ditto.... Ditto old Feed ditto.....— D i t t o old Fine Flour Rapeseed.. ...— s to — s ... 30s to 36s ...— s to — s - s 16s to 32* ....—, to — » ... 75s to 80s .. 48/. to 5Of. SMITHFIELD, Aug. 25, Beef ,8s 4d'to Is 4d ' ' Mutton 3s 6d to 4s ( id Veal 4s Od to 5s 4d ' Poik... 4s Od : o 5s Od Lamb 4s Od to 5i 4d EDINBURGH M E A L - M A R K E T , Aug. 26. This day there were 607 bolls of Oatmeal in Edinburgh market, which sold, First 32s. Od.— Second 30s. Od. per boll— Retail price per peck of best Oatmeal 2s. I d .— Second 2s. Od.— There were also 98 bolls of Pease and Bailey Meal, which sold 20 » . Od.— Retail price per peck, Is, 5d. D A L K E I T H , Aug. 21. The quantity of wheat at market is large, which met a heavy sale. Barley, a shore supply, prices the same as formerly ; one parcel of new barley in the market, which sold at 29s- being one month earlier than last year. First new grain last season was- also barley, 19ih September. Oats a short supply. Pease and beans heavy sale. Wheac. Barley. Oats. Pease and Beans. First... • 45s Od 32s OJ 36a Od 30s Od Second .4 is Od 28s Od 32s Od 28s Od Third. .30s Od 25s Od 26s Od 26s Od HADDINGTON, Aug. 22. A large supply of Wheat in market, which met with a very heavy sale ; prices nearly the same as last day ; be:, c 45s, current prices from 25s. to 42s. Best Barley 38s. current prices from 33s. to 37s. One parcel of new Barley in market which sold at 28s. 6 1. Oats 2s. tower than last day ; best 38s. current prices from 27s. to 37s. Pease and Beans from 26. to 34s. Wheat. First...., 45s Od Second.. 36s Od Third... 28s Od Barley. 38s Od 34s Od 32s Od Oats, 38s Od 32s Od 26s Od Pea-- e. 3- Is Od 30s/ 0d 26s Od Beans. 34 Od 30s Od 26s Od There were 1072 bolls of wheat in market, whereof 554 Sold as follows : — . . . 1 . . . 1 ... 1 : 12 i 24old£ 2 10 new 2 72.. 5.. 13.. 17.. 77., 23., Average 2.., 22... 34... 29... 45... 55... 20... 10... . . L . l 14 13 12 1 1 10 8 7 7 10 26 1 10 1 15 1 10 1 20 0 446 unsold. 72 grey. 12ths per boil. In every quarter the trade and manufactures of the country are rapidly improving. We very late ly had the satisfaction of publishing accounts feeding to shew the increase of the cotton trade. The following extarct from the Birmingham Herald ot Saturday last, contains infoimation as gratifying with respect to that of hardware :— " We are happy to announce the following facts, as they are decisive proofs that the manufactutes of our town are in a very improving state. The mills tor the roiling of metals are now in full and constant woik ; and packing- box boards, which a short time back could scarcely find a purchaser, are now eageily bought up ; and the makers of tbat article are so completely employed, that it is with difficulty boxes can be procured," Paris Papers uf Thursday and Fiiday hnve ar- P E R T H CORN M A R K E T , Aug. 22. Wheat 53s to 60s Od Potatoe oats... 30s to 34s Od De. New.... 24s to 38s Od Common do... 28s to 30s Od Barley... 30s Od to 36s Od Pease & Beans, nominal'. The Quartern Loaf, weighing 41b. 5\ oz. The Wheaten at Is. 2d.— The Huusehcid at l i d. Oatmeal 2s. per peck, PERT H :— Printed and S., id by A'. M0R1S0N % Co. Courier Office, Foot of the High Street, every Thursday Evening— Advertisements and Orders are taken IH by NEWTON, & Co. No. S, Warwick Square, Newgate Street; and J. WHITS, 33, Fleet Street, L o n d o n ; and J. T . SMITH & Co., H u n t e r ' s STARS' Edinburgh. 5S38SB
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