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The Glocester Herald


Printer / Publisher: G.F. Harris 
Volume Number: XII    Issue Number: 616
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The Glocester Herald
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The Glocester Herald

Date of Article: 10/07/1813
Printer / Publisher: G.F. Harris 
Address: Herald Office, St John's Lane
Volume Number: XII    Issue Number: 616
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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W* r POINTED AND PUBLISHED, FOR THE PROPRIETORS, BY G. F. HARRIS. VOL. XII. No. 616. SATURDAY, JULY io, 1813. PRICE SIX- PENCE HALFPENNY. WEDNESDAY'S POST. LONDON, TUESDAY, JULY 6. VICTORY IN SPAIN. THE splendid victory which we have the cordial satisfaction of communicating, gained by Our Hero Wellipgtou, surpasses even the most ardent hopes so justly and so univrrsally inspired bv his past achievements. It outstrips the most enthusiastic ex- pectations of his gratefnl aud admiring country; and while it ltvives the glory of England iu all its ancient lustre, holds ont the cheering prospect of being emi- nently beneficial, not merely in the complete emanci- pation cf the Peninsula, hot in contributing new spirit, new eutrgies, and new resources, to the success of the common cause. Captain Freemantle, of the Guards, who arrived Friday at Plymouth, in the Sparrow brig of war, from the const of Spain, reached town between five and six on Saturday morning, with dispatches fiom the Marquis of Wellington. The substance of them was s- iortly afterwards communicated by Earl Ba- tburst to the Lord Mayor in the following Bulletin :— " WAR DEPARTMENT, " July 3, Six o'Clock in the Morning. Lord Bathurst presents his compliments to tbe Lord Mayor, and has the satisfaction lo inform his Lordship, that Captain Freemantle has arrived, with intelligence of Lord Wellington having obtained a SPLENDID and COMPLETE VICTORY over the enemy, on the 21st ol June, near Vittoria, having driven them from all their positions, and taken ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY- ONE PIECES OP CANNON, FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN WAGGONS OF AMMUNITION, all their baggage, piovisions, cattle, and treasure, and the co- lours of the fourth battalion ol the 100th regiment, Marshal Jonrdan's Il& ton of a Marshal of France, and a considerable number of prisoners. Lord Bathurst is happy 10 add, that the loss of the British is not more than 501 killed, and ' 2807 wounded, officers in- cluded. Captain Freemantle left Lord Wellington on the 25th, ill pursuit of the enemy, having taken, the only remaining gun they had in the course of the pursuit." This is, in truth, the most complete defeat the ene- my have yet experienced in the Peninsula. In former actions there might be a question as to how much tliey had lost, aud bow much they were enabled to carry away, but in this they appear to bave lost every thing— artillery, ammunition, baggage, cattle, provi- sions, money, in short, al! the efsential rtquisites of the army, aud all that could minister to its sub- sistence. The force thus so utterly defeated and rendered destitute, consisted of the combined armies of ihe South, and of the Centre, four divisions, all the cavalry of the army of Portugal, and some troops of the army of the North, the whole commanded by Joseph in person, assisted by Marshal Jourdan. The foiuier, we understand, had a narrow escape ; he was t loseiy pursued by a detachment of cavalry led by the M- lrquiv of Worce.- trr- p » pt* in WyosMx.-, who w » » in the pursuit, fired two pistol shots at the carriage in which Joseph was seated; but the latter having succeeded in passing a mill- dam, where the enemy had contrived to obstruct our pursuit, he mounted his horse, and escaped at full gallop, having behind him all his personal effet ts. The discomfited enemy was actively pursued for three days, until on the gtlh, they took refuge iu Pamplona. It thus appears, that the plans of the enemy have been completely disconcerted. Unable to form a junction of the whole of their armies iu time, a great body of their force has been completely and deci- sively defeated, and the rest are, by the consequences of that event, placed in imminent peril. The re- mainder of the Army of the North and of the Army of Portugal, united under the command of Clause!, approached Vittoria on the 22d, but were a day too late— the battle had been fought. Clansel then re- tired upon La Guardia, and subsequently marched upon Tndela de Ebro. Suchet, with the army of Ar- ragon, had commenced his retreat, but he has to con- tinue it under circumstances far different from those he expected, antl under difficulties from which it will require his utmost skill to extricate himself. Lord Wellington anticipating this movement, or rather aware that Suchet must of necessity retreat as soon as his Lordship's plan of operation practically com- menced, sent instructions to Sir John Murray to em- bark with the whole of the force at Alicant, and to land somewhere about Tarragona. This part of the plan appears to have been happily carried into effect. Our force set sail from Alicant on the 2d, with a fair wind, and the Lisbon papers, which reached town on Saturday, to the 20th ult. state that it had arrived safely at Tarragona, and was advantageously posted in the rear of Marshal Snchet, whose force was thus enclosed between two armies, and his retreat, it is Sloped, entirely cut otf. We have thus at length, by the skilful combinations ani prompt and decisive movements of Lord Welling- ton, the prospect presenicl to us of the deliveranre of Spain. His Lordship's last dispatch is dated the 24th, at Irnnum, which is but a short distance from the frontiers. Onr loss in the battlt of Vittoria was severe, but, compared with the vat advantage gained, it onght not to be considered as gieat. The loss of the enemy in the action is not estimated in the dispatch. Re- port states it at 15,000 meri killed, wounded, and prisoners; from the nainreof tbe action and the pur- suit, tbete must have been a considerable number of prisoners, and their loss in killed aud wounded must have been numerous. It is confidently expected in the public offices of Government, that nnder the present circumstances Marquis Wellington will re. eive extensive reinforce- ments from tiie natives, and will be enabled to ad- vance by the great military road over the mountains, and threaten Bayonnc with 100,000 men. This pro ject assitHies that his force will be sufficient to reduce or mask the numerous fortresses iu the occupation of tbe French in Navarre, Arragon, and Catalonia. Jonrdan's Baton, or Staff of Command, was sent to Carlton House, where it was displayed on the Prince Regent's breakfast tabie— a glorious trophy of British valour. The Park and Tower guns were fired on Saturday. The Extraordinary Gazette is to be translated im- mediately into French and German, and sent to ihe CoiUHirtit for distribution. Every means is to be adopted for its circulation. A messenger - noe. t, isparracd on Saturday from the Foreign Office to Lonl Catheart, with a ropy of the Extraordinary Gazette; aiiu the mail coaches were detained till ten o'clock, iu arc's. i0 communicate tbe cheering intelligence to every part '"' the country, The Lapwing packet arrived at Fa!> » iUi iu eight days from Corunna, has b rough! intelligence, that Lord Wellington had taken 1,9,000 " isoners, and that a division of the beaten enemy, consisting of about 14,000 men, had been completely cutoff, aud were hourly expected fo surrender at discretion. A supplement to Saturday's Gazel te was published on Sunday, detailing the operations of field Marshal the Marquis of Wellington, from il ie lst to the 19th ult. His Lordship states that a mi ist dashing atfair took place on the 2d, between tin : British Hussar Brigade, which was in advance, at id a body ot the enemy's cavalry. The enemy were p nisned for many miles, and lost 210 prisoners, heard es many horses, and two officers. Lieutmant Cot^ e of ' he 10th, gloriously fell in this charge. Oil tk e same evening, the Spaniards, nnder Dou J. Sane* " - French post .. « -" « « » no, and took t wo office * and M cavalrv prisoners. The enemv, ha' pinK destroyed tbe bridges of Zamora and Toro," the I ""' y halted on the 3d at Toro ; but the light division, and the troops under Sir R. Hill, having effected tfnt J passage of the Ebro, the movement was continued ois the 4th. His Lordship then notices the evacuation) < of Madrid by the French on the 27th ofMay, the gaitii soil ot which reached the Douro on the 3d of Jinn i. The enemy abandoned considerable magazines at Vji! lladolitl. On the 7th, the army passed the Carrio,'! t; ^ nd on the 8th, Otli, and 10th, effected the passap of the Pisn- ergo, without any serious resistance froi it the enemy. The celerity of the march had been Litis, lit ' o so great, that Lord Wellington found it necessar y to hall the troops on the 12th; though the right, I It* der Sir R. Hill, was pushed forward on that day to w ards Bur- gos. Sir R. Hill found the enemy, posti td inconsi- derable force, under Gen. Reille, on the lie i^ hts on the left of Hormaza. In consequence otf t ' ie rapid movements of the allies, the enemy evacufct ed their strong ground with precipitation. Three g mis and some prisoners were captured. On the 14tb in 115th, the army passed tbe Ebro. On the 18th, Gti » eral C. Allen had an affair with that part of the hostile force which had been employed in pursuit of Lciig a and Mma ; drove them from St. Millan, and took £ 0 0 pri- soners. On the same day Sir T. Graham was rfij ! aSed with the enemy, and drove thein, notwithst j. n ding their numerical superiority, from a position tit. iy had taken at Osma. The whole army arrived at t ie Ri- ver Bayas ou the 19th, upou which the enet iv lell bark upon Vittoria.—[ This brings the operatic its of ihe army up to the glorious battle described i ts 5 the Extraordinary Gazette, given in our last page.] A Gstteubnrgh mail arrived this morning wit. it J « telligence to the 30lh nit. The Swedish army is lie. r tainly in motion, and it is said with a fixed detei « i nation to march into Holsteiii, and re- take Haiu burgh. The Russian army under Gen. Lamlanoff, 40,0 W strong, is said to have joined the main Russian army nnder Wittgenstein aud Barclay de Tolly.— Mora troops are following this large accession ofstreca"' A story of the prolongation of the Armistice was industriously circulated on Friday in the city, and it i had the effect of raising Omuium a quarter per cent, but there appears no other authority'for it than an article from Frankfort, and which is set aside by the silence, upou this topic, of the French official state- ment. A rumour was added also, that Bonaparte was about to return to Paris, but for which there is idently no foundation. On Friday a Heligoland mail arrived, bringing pa- pers from Hamburgh to the 25th, and letters from the island to the 28th of last month. We have the satis- faction to announce, that almost all the gentlemen who were said to have been sent as hostages from Hamburgh to Paris, were permitted to remain in Harburgh on the Hanoverian side of the Elbe, and most of them having paid the first instalment on the contribution, have since been permitted to return home. The papers state, that Hamburgh was on the 20th declared in a state of siege, adding that the Swedes and Walmodeu's corps, who were not included iu the armistice, was only about twelve miles distant from the city. General Count Hoggendorff, one of Bona- parte's Aid- de- Camps, has been appointed Governor of Hamburgh. The following is the substance of the last letters re- ceived from Stralsund:—" A treaty was concluded at Breslan, attributed to the Count De Stein, by which Russia guarantees to Prussia all that part of Germany situated between the Prussian States and the Mein. Austria testified ninch discontent at this partition, made without her knowledge, and against her preten- sions. At first the Allied Powers did not yield to her remonstrances, but since the return of their troops to the Oder, conferences have been entered into more analogous to the views of Austria. The territories of the Duke of Brunswick being included in this cession, are said to have afforded his Highness much uneasi- ness.— The Prince Royal of Sweden has received a great accession of strength from the crowd of youug persons flocking to his standard from Prussia, Han over, and the Hanse Towns; but lie has not yet been joined by the expected reinforcements from Prussia." It is stated in ajonrn l published at Copenhagen, that the population of Norway, according to the cen- susof! 801, amounted to 910,074souls. Bergen, the chief commercial town, has 18,000 inhabitants, but Christiana, the capital, only 9000. It is said that a majority of the Federal or ( British) party is returned to Congress, and that the first mea- sure that will be brought forward will be a Bill for the Repeal of tbe Non- Importation Act, to meet the con- cilitary disposition of the British Government, mani- fested in the abrogation of the obnoxious Orders in Council. This proposition is expected to bring on a warm discussion, the result of which is looked for- ward to as a trial of strength betw een the conflicting political parties. If the Federal party, who style themselves " the Friends of Peace and Commerce," obtain the ascendancy over the Democrats, or French party, some overtures will, no doubt, be made to- wards negociation. Yesterday the Lord Mayor laid the first stone of the new Debtors' Prison, for London, to hold live hun- dred persons. The hailstones which fell, during the storm, at Brant, on Monday last, exceeded three inches in cir- cmnfcrence. Many ot the cellars and kitchens of that town were filled with water. The damage done at tbe Botanic Garden at Kew , is computed at upwards of 10001. All the windows of the hot and grteu- lionses, as well as many of the neighbouring dwelling'-., were totally destroyed, and the large vegetables, sueh as cabbages, lettuces, & e. were so completely perfo- rated as to bear the appearance of having been allot through Villi ball. The lightning struck two gate- posts at Brentford Butts, and shivered thfcui to i pieces, and did niAch d- mage in dieiueighbotirhood. ALVINGTON INCLOSURE. THE Commissioners named and appointed in and by an Act of Parliament made and passed in the fiftieth year of the reign of his present Majesty, inti- tuled, " An Act for Inclosing Lands in the Parish of " Alvington, in the County ofGlocester;" and pursuant to the directions given in an Act passed in the Forty- first year of the reign of his said Majesty, intituled, " An Act for consolidating iu oi. e Act certain Provi- sions usually inserted in Acts of Inclosure,, and for " facilitating the mode of proving the several Facts usually required on the passing of such Acts," DO HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, That we have set ont tlin under- mentioned Public Footways and Paths, in, through, and over the Waste and other Lands antl Grounds in the Parish of Alvington aforesaid. une public Footfvay or Path,, of tl: e V. uJtii' four feet, ( numbered 13 ou .- surveyors Map or Plan,) branching out of an ancient lane in Alviugtou aforesaid at the westward end thereof, aud exteudmi from thence in a westward direction along, into, through, across, and over the Eleventh Allotment herein award- ed and allotted to General Burr, till it enters ( he public carriage road leading from Wollastone to Cole- ford, aud which said last- described footway or path is the ancient footway or path leading fi om the village of Alvington aforesaid to the Lower Forges, also in Alvington aforesaid, belonging to Mr. Thomas Morris. One other public Footway or Path, of the like breadth of four feet, ( numbered 14 on the said Surveyor's Map or Plan,) commencing at an ancient stile in an old in- closure called Sanders Close, belonging to the said General Burr, and extending from thence in a north- ward direction along its ancient course or tract, into, through, across, and over the Tenth Allotment allot- ted andawardedto the said Gen. Burr, and the allotment allotted and awarded to Mr. Rd. Garrold ; and which said last described public footway or path is part of the ancient footway or patlr leading from the village of Alvington aforesaid, to the Grist Mill in Ayfburton, belonging to Charles Bragge Bathurst, Esq. One oth- r public Footway or Path, of the like breadth of four feet, ( numbered 15 on the said Sur- veyor's Map or Plan,) commencing at an antient stile in an old inclosnre called Clannah Leys, belonging to the said General Burr, and extending from thence in a westward diiection along its ancient course or tract, into, through, across, and over the Eighth Allotment awarded and allotted to the said General Burr, till it enters the Alvington and Coleford Road; and which said last described public footway or path is part of the ancient footway or path leading from Alvington aforesaid, to Saint Briavells, in the said county of Glocester. And one other public Foctway or Path, of the like breadth of four feet, ( numbered 16 on the said Sur- veyor's Map or Plan,) branching out of saint Bria- vells Roadj at or near the north- east corner of the Sixth Allotment awarded and allotted to Mr. James Procter Howell, and extending from thence in a west- wardly direction into, through, across, and over the said Sixth Allotment to the said James Procter Howell, in its ancient course or tract, till it enters Radmore Grove, in the parish of Saint Briavells afore- said ; aud which said last described public footway or | ,, utij onotiiei piwt of the ancient footway or path leading from Alvmgtou aforesaid, to Saint Briavells aforesaid. One private Footway or Path, of the breadth of four . feet, ( numbered 17 ou the said Surveyor's Map or 1 '-' Ian,) commencing at tlie premises now or lately be- jo viging to John Jones, in Alvington aforesaid, and ex- la tiding from thence iu its present course or tract, into, llu ' ongii. across, and over the First Allotment allotted a. vi ' awarded to Mr. Tiiomas Morse, to the brook or w » b er course which divides the Ty tiling of Aylburtiffi af Vt -- aid from the parish of Alvington aforesaid; wIAn, h said iast- described private footway or path, we,' t, be said Commissioner, have ordered, directed adjiAli ted, and awarded, shall frotn time to time and at all ti V » B? f° r ever hereafter, remain, continue, and be as an < 1 ' or a private footway or path for the use only of the o wners and occupiers for the time being of tbe said pr? i nises now or lately belonging to the said John J ones. And vn e other private Footway or Path, of the like breadth o f four feet, ( numbered 18 on the said Sur- veyor's I\ Aa 1' or Plan,) branching out of the Wyefield Leys Roaifi oil the south side thereof, at or near the north east < H orner of the Allotment allotted and award- ed to Mr. F « dward Harris, and extending from thence in a southvu rd direction, into, through, across, aud over part of the said Allotment allotted and awarded to the said Fl » Iward Harris, till it enters the Allotment allotted and i '. warded to Mr. John Stephens, at the north- west cot uer thereof, and extending from the last- mentioned co| ner in an east direction oil the north side of the last'* mentioned Allotment, till it enters an old Inclosure di died Pear Tree Moore, in Alvington aforesaid, belong iog to Mrs. Collins; which said last- described privat : e footway or path, we, the said Commissioners, 1' iave ordered, directed, adjudged, and awarded, shai'l from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter, remain, continue, and be as and for a private footwi ay or path for the use only of the Owners and Occup iers, for the time being, of a cer- tain farm and piemi ses called The Lower House, situ- ate in Alvington afa resaid, belonging to the said Mrs. Collins. And we, the said Commissioners, DO HEREBY FURTHER GIVE NOTICE, that we have ordered aud directed the following Public Footways to be dis- continued : One public Footway , commencing out of an ancient lane leading from the village of Alvington aforesaid, to the Wyefield Allotme nts, at an ancient gateway enter- ing an old inclosure called Hillentl, belonging to the said General Burr, aind extending from thence in a southward direction, into, through, across, and over old inclosures called Elillend, and Three Leasows, be- longing to the said < ieneral Burr, the Allotment al- lotted and awarded to the said George Buckle, and an old inclosure called The Wreck, belonging to the Duke of Beaufort, to a Grist Mill belonging to the said George Buckle, and in the occupation of Mr. Charles Bsrrow, antl which said public footway is in- tended to be for ever- hereafter stopped and discon- tinued. One other public Faotwiy, commencing atanancient gateway entering an » ld inclostiie called Upper Green Hill, belonging to the said General Burr, on the south- east side thereof, and extending from thence in a westward direction on the south side of the said old inclosvtre, into, through, across, and over Beanhill Green, until it enters the public carriage road leading from Wollastone to Coleford, in Alvington aforesaid; to. id which said last described public footway is intend- ed t. o be fur ever hereafter discontinued. One other public Footway, commencing at an a-' vient stile in an old inclosnre called The Close, belonging to the said Mrs. Collins, on the west side thereof, and extending from thence inasoutb- wistwardlv direction into, across, and over that part of the Hawfield Allot- ment, allotted and awarded to the said General Burr, so far as it communicates with the public footway by us set out and awarded from Alvington Village afore- said, to the Lower Forges,- at the south- east comer of an old inclosure cahed Hawfield Leys; and which said last- described public footway is intended lo be for ever hereafter discontinued. One other public Footway, commencing at the Lower • fbiges, belonging lo the said Thomas Morns, ai. d ex- tending from thence in a south- westward direction, into, through, across, aud over old inelosures called Great Rowley, Hilling's Rowley, and Rowley Rough, belonging to tbe said Gen. Burr, until it enters the parish of Wollastone; and which said last- described public footway is intended to be for ever hereafter discontinued. And one other public Footway, commencing ont of Ancient Lane, at tbe north extremity thereof, and extending from theuce first iu a northward, and then iu a westward direction, into, through, across, and over an old inclosure called Tbe Y'ouiig Orchard, be- longing to Mr. John Perkins, and old inclosures al- lotted and belonging to Mr. Christopher Blunt, until it enters an old inclosure called Little Parks, belong- ing to the said James Procter Howell; and which said last- described public footway is intended to be for ever hereafter discontinued. AND WE DO HEREBY GIVE FURTHER NOTICE, That we have prepared and signed a Map, iu which such intended Roads are accurately laid down and described, and that the same is deposit- ed with our Clerk, Mr. SAMUEL BEALE, Solicitor, Upton- upou- Severn, Worcestershire, and that a Du- plicate of such Map is left at the QLOBE INN, in Al- vington aforesaid, for the inspection of ail persons " concerned. AND WE DO HEREBY ALSO GIVE FUR- THER NOTICE, That we shall attend at the PLUME AND . FEATHERS INN, LYDNEY, in the said county of Glocester, on TUESDAY, the Ninth day of November next, at ten o'clock in Ihe forenoon, when and where any persons who may find them- elves in- jured or aggrieved by the setting out and discon- tinuance of such Roatls may attend, aud slate their objections, in order that the same might be taken into consideration. Dated this 17th day of June, 18! 3. THOMAS FULLJAMES. HENRY CLARK. GREET AND SUOELF. Y TENEMENTS INCLOSURE. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Commissioners named and authorised in and by an Act of Parliament lately made and passed, for inclosing LANDS in the Hatnlels of Greet and Sudeley Tene- ments, in the Parish of Winchcomb, in the Comity of Gloei ster, wiil hold their next Meeting by adjourn- ment, at the WHITE HART INN, in Winehcomb aforesaid, precisely at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon of Wednesday, the 14th day of July next ensuing the date hereof. Aud it is required that all Persons whomsoever having any Claims or Demands in respect to the state of Husbandry of any Lands or Hereditaments allotted from or to theiu under the said Act, or for any other matter or thing whatsoever by them done, iu pursu- ance of any order or direction of the said Commis- sioners relating to the said Inclosnre, or for the vacat- ing or annulling any Leases or other Agreements what- soever, for the letting or holding at Rack Rent of any Messuages, Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments with- in the said Hamlets or either of them, do deliver a Particular ill writing of all and every such claims to the said Commissioners, before tbe hour of Three in the Afternoon of the said I4tii day of July next, at the White Hart Inn, in Winchcomb aforesaid. And all Persons who are desirous of having any Highways, Footpaths, or oilier Ways, now, or hereto- fore leading across, or by the side of, or near to any of the Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments within the said Hamlets, or either of them, stopped up, diverted, or turned, or of having any new or other Highways, Footpaths, or other Ways made and set out, upon " or across, or by the side of any of such Lands, Teuaments, or Hereditaments, are also requested to deliver a Par- ticular in writing of such tlieir desire to tbe said Com- missioners, before the hour of Eleven in . the Forenoon of Thursday, the 15th day of Ihe said month of July l, iext, at the White Hart Inn aforesaid. . Dated this 25th day of June, 1813. Ey Order of the said Commissioners, T. WILLIAMS, Clerk. RHR. UMATISMS, PALSIES, and GOUTY AF- FECTIONS, with their usual concomitants, Spasm or ft. ving Pains, Flatulency, Indigestion, and general Deb. ility, ( originating in whatever source) are relieved and frequently cured by Whitehead's Essence of Mustard Pit's, after every other means had failed. The Fluid Essence of Mustard ( used with the pills iu those complain ts where necessary) is perhaps the most active, periev rating, and effectual remedy in the world, generally c. nring CHILBLAINS bv one appli- cation, and tbe seveiest SPRAINS and" BRUISES iu less than half the v'ime usually taken by any other Liniment or Embrocation; and if used immediately after any accident, it prevents the part turning black. WHITEHEAD'S FAMILY CERATE is equally efficacious for broken Chilblains, and all ill- conditioned Sores, Sore Legs', Scorbutic Eruptions, Blotches, Pimples, Ring Wovuis, Shingles, breakings ont on the Pace, Nose, Ears, and Eyelids, sore and inflamed Eyes, sore Heads, and Seurbutic Humors of every description. Prepared only and sold by R. JOHNSTON, Apothecary, No. 15, Greek street, Soho, London— the Essence and Pills at 2s. 9d. each; the Cerate at ts. l^ d. and2s. 9d. They are also sold at the Herald Office, and by Morgan, Walker, and Ingram, Glocester; Hincks, Henney, and Ruff, Cheltenham; Stevens and Wat- kins, Cirencester; Pearce, Hartelbury; Reddell, Tewkesbury; Wilson, Stroud; Goodwyn, Tetbury; Rickards, Dursley; Meacham, Ledbury; and every Medicine Vender in the United Kingdom. The ge- nuine has a black ink Stamp with the name of R. JOHNSTON inserted on it. JHarfcets. THE CORDIAL BALM OF GILEAD IS now considered as Hie greatest discovery that has been made in the memory of man, being potent, safe, aud pleasant. The rapid and increasing fame be- stowed on its author and inventor, Dr. SOLOMON, of Liverpool, is the true and only criterion to judge of the merits of a medicine, which has been administered from the highest to tbe lowest class of people with such happy anil uniform success. The venders of this medicine frequently cannot get supplied so quick as the demand is for it; and it is a fact worthy of remark, that they are. sold nearly as soon as they arrive to hand, most of the lis. bottles being bespoke before they are ordered. No person labouring under weakness and debility should despair, but make a trial of the Cordial Balm of Gilead, which will not disappoiut their hopes, howe- ver sanguine they may he. Sold by Wood, Walker, Morgan, and Ingram, Glo- cester; Reddell, Tewkesbury; Hincks, ' Cheltenham; Tymbs and Son, Worcester; Agg, Evesham ; Roberts, Ross; and Wright, Hereford; in bottles price lis each, or four iu one family bottle for 33s. by which one lis. battle is saved, with the words " Samuel So- lomon, Liverpool," engraved on the stamp. Dr. Solmon expects, when consulted by letter, the' usual compliment ot a one. pound note to be in- closed, addressed, " Money Letter. IJi Solorpon, Qi- 1 lead- House, near Liverpool. Paid double postage." CORN EXCHANGE, LONDON, JULY 5. Our market has been but shortly supplied with most articles of grain since last Monday.— Fine wheat was in demand this morning, and but a small quailtity of this description on sale ; such consequent- ly advauced 2s. per qr. on tile prices of this day se'n- night, but the ordinary kinds remain as last quoted.— The flour trade is dull, but stationary in price.— Barley is rather more plentiful than last Monday, aud dull in sale.— Malt is likewise dull.— Boiling pease have reached higher prices, hilt hog pease are the same as last Monday.— Beans were iu good supply from Essex and Suffolk this morning, and sell but slowly, though they are not lower in price.— The ar- rival of oats during last week wai very short, and but few vessels arrived for this day's market; an advance of about Is. per qr. has in consequence been generally obtained, bat there is very little briskuess in the sales. Wheat 87 toll2 Fine ditto — to — Superfine ditto. 124 to 132 Rye 58 to 63 Barley 43 to 53 Malt 84 to 9? White Pease... 90 to 100 Boilers 106 toll6 Grey Pease 68 to 76 Beans 70 to 85 Ticks 74 to 80 Oats 33 to 46 Poland ditto 34 to 50 Potatoe ditto to — PRICE OF FLOUR. Fine Itp5s. to 110s. per sack. AVERAGE P RICE OF SUGAR, Computed from the returns made in the w eek ending June 30, 1813, is 57s. 10} d. per cwt. Exclusive of the duties pa id or payable thereon on im- portation tliereot'into Great Britain. PRICE OF SEEDS, & e. Carrawayp. cwt. ro to 75 J RyeGrassp. quar25 to 56 Coriander ditto., 32 to i36 ! Mustard, wh. bus. 12 to 18 Red Clover dittoeo to J > j Ditto, brown, do. 18 ro 26 White ditto do... 70 tol ft > I Turnip, ditto 1'-' to 16 Rape, 381. to 431. per last. .. Trefoil, 30s. to 50s. p, cvvt. Oil- Cake. 161.1 ' 0s. per thousand. BAGS. Kent. Sussex .... Essex PRICE (), F HOPS I. » . I. s. 9 Otoll u 8 OtolO 0 9 9tol I 11 . POCKETS. I. s. I. « . 15, ent 11 0 to 14 0 Sm sex 9 9 to 11 0 pv., uham— 16 0 to 20 0 PRICE OF MEAT AT', SMITHFIELD, Sinking the offal,.. peril tonc of Silis. Beef... 5s. Od. to 6s. 6d. I Vert ••• 6s- i0 r*- ** Muttones. Oil. to 6s. 6d. | PorkL -- 7s- t0 7s- 8'' t* Lamb... . 6s. 8d. to'i 8d- NEWGATE AND LEADi - NMALL, „ „ By tin- Carcass. , „ „. Reef... 4s. Od. to 5s. 8d. I Veal . 5*. 4'!- 0cL MuttonSs. 8( 1. to 6s. 4d. I Pork ,7s. °,' J- t0 Cs" 0J' Lamb. 6s. Od. to 7s. " PRICE OF LEATHER. Butts, 50 to 56llis. each 23d. to 2. ld' FeIit'• Ditto, 56 to 661bs. each 27d. to 34 ^ Merchants' backs S2d. to 24a ' Dressing hides ? 0iSd. to 23U !* fine coach hides 52d. to 23d. Crop hides,'" 35 to 40lb. to cut... 22d. to £ 3 U. Ditto 45 to 501b 23d. to 231rf. Calfskins, 30 to 40' ib S2d. to 38d I) lttu 50 to 701b. 38d. to 45,1. Ditto ...:.,. 70 to 80lb 40d. t0 4 » d Small Seals ( Greenland) 34d. ; o 36d. Large ditto, 130s. to 190s. per dozen. Tanned Horse Hides, 22d. to 25d. perlb. RAW HIDES. Best heifers& 8teers, perstone 3s. 4d. to 3s 6d 8d. to 3s. Od. Ordinary.. 2s. 4d, t0 2s 6d. Market Calf ( each) od. to Os. od. English Horse i4s. Od. tol6s. Od. „ - « tfSE" T3V TALLOW. TownTallowpercwt. 91s. I Melt, ogStuff, percwt. 77s. Yellow Russia 89s. I Ditto rough White ditto 87s. j Graves... ..'.' 87s. | Good Dregs " o/ Yellow Soap, 102s... Mottled, U4s.... Curd l'l8s Candles. 13s. 6d Moulds. 15s. Od PRICES OF HAY AND STRAW. " ST. JAMES'S. Hay... 21. 15s. to 51. 10s. | Straw2l. 2s. to 21. 9s. WHITECIIAPEL. Hay... 41. 4s. to 51. 5s. i Clover6l. 6s. to 71 7s New., 01. 0 » . to 01. Os. [ Straw II. iCs. to SI. Oi! SMITHFIELD. Hay... 41. 4s. to 51. 5s. 1 Clover6l. Os. to 61. 10* New.. 01. Os. to 01. Os. 1 Straw. ll. 16s. to 21. 5s. CORN EXCHANGE, LONDON, JULY 7 We had no fresh arrivals ofanv grain this mori ing when very few sales of wheat were effected, there be- ing scarcely any demand ; but fine wheat obtained Monday's prices, and the ordinarv qualities were ra- ther lower.— Barley is dull sale, and scarcely sup- ports the price of last market day The supply of oats being large, and having but few buyers, the sales were heavy, at a decline of Is. per quarter.— In peas beans, and other articles, there is no alteration. ' Countcjri i © arfiet> J. GLOCESTER Wheat, 15s. Od. to 16s. Od.. Old Beans, 12s. Od. to 13s. Od New ditto, 9s. od to 10s. Od... Bailey, 6s. Od. to 8s. 6d.... Oats, 5s. 6d' to 6s. 6d per Winchester bushel of 8 gallons. Ross.. Wheat, 18s. Od. to 18s. 6d.... Barley § s 3d to 9s. 6d.... Oats, 6s. Od. to6s. 6d.... Pease, i43. Ou to 14s. 6d. Rye, OOs. per bushel of ten gallons HEREFORD Wheat, 19s. Od .. Oats, 5, i0d Peas, 13s. Od. Beans, I Is. Od Barley, Us od. per bushel of ten gallons. WORCESTER Wheat, 16s. Od. to 17s. Oil Bailey, 8s. Od. to 9s. 6d Beans, Qs 4d"*" to 12s. Od ... Peas, Os. Od. to Os. Od Oats 6s ' od to 7s. Od. per bushel of nine gullons. BRISTOL... Wheat, 108s- Od. to 119s. 4d. perquarfer Fine ditto, OOs. 0-> s Malting Barley, 0us. to 4.13 per quarter Peas, 80s. to IGos... <) at8' 32s. Od. to 40s... Fine Flour. 93s. to 103s... Second do' 88s. to 95s Horse Beans, Os. to 76s,. Clover OOs. to OOs Quarter 1 Loaf: Wheatcn 16i, t ' Standard, I5jd.; Household, 14id. Hay 7o," ii 92s Straw, Is. 8d. to 2s. 2d. " READING Wheat 120s. to 146s. 6d.... Beans OOs. to 82s. od Peas OOs. to 86s Oats Od. to 54s Barley 44s. Od. to 56s. I'd. " ' WARMINSTER... Wheat, 108s. to 132s... Barley 48. to 63s.... Oats, 40s. to 50s ... Beans, 70s. to 8Ss."' DEVIZES Wheat, 108s. to 128s. .. liar: ey 45S to 58s.... Oats, 43s. to 48s.... Beans, 66s. to 114V . NEWBURY Wheat 108s. to l4ds... Sunev40g ta Beans 74s. to 86i.... Pease Oi. to X'UhL. cL' « 30s. to 51*. ' i THURSDAY'S POST LONDON. WEDNK'tlAV , JULY 7. •" T- HF. Gazette ot la--! night contains a number of dis- Jk patches from officers in the Mediterranean and the Adriatic. They detail a variety of v< ry gallant ex- p nits by flie crews and marines of our cruisers on those stations, particularly tiinse ot the Berwick and J'uryaltls, who took and destroyed twenty- three ves- sels and a ship of war; those ol the Inducible, who spiritedly co operated in an enterprise with a Spanish lorce ; those ot the Volo . taire and Repulse, who eai- 1 intly rut out a nnmber of vessels ; those ofthe Apollo, who, with a detachment of corns under Col. Robert- son, capfuied the island of Augusta; and several roller achievnients of a mjuor description by different ships. CAPTURE OF THE CHESAPEAKE AMERICAN FRIGATE. A Telegraphic Message, from Plymouth, has an- nonnie l at the Admiralty, this afternoon, thecapturr of the Chesapeake American frigate, after a despc rate snd well fought action with the Shannon British frigate. The Shannon is commanded by Captain Broke, and mounts 38 gnus. S'ie was one of the large frigates sent to the Halifax station on the first breaking out of the war with America. The Shannon was built iu 1806. and is what is termed a crack ship in the navy in point of discipline. The Chesapeake, like all the American frigates, is in reality a fifty- gull ship, although rated at thirty- si* f. II lis. N The action look place on the glorious 1st of June, the ever- memorable era of Lord Howe's vi lory. Captain Broke, who commands the Shannon, is cne ol tlie most gallant and experienc ed Officers cf the Navy. He w as made Post- Captain ill 1801. This is the second capture of an American man 01 war by the Shannon. It was this frigate which cap- tured the Nautilus American sloop of w ar, rated at lb guns, bnt carrying 24. » Paris papers have arrived to the 3d instant, aitd they leave us just as much in doubt whether a Congress i » to be held, as all the preceding Paris papers have done since the conclusion of the Armistice. There is a dispatch fiom Bonaparte dated on the 24th nit. re- lating entirely to Daiitzic, aud boasting, not without jusiice, of its strength. The Emperor of Austria is gone from Gitcshen to a Citftle not fat off. The Emperor Alexander is at the I Castle of Opotschna, where be has been visited by the Austrian Minister Count Metteruich. There is iu one of the smaller Paris Papers an ar- ticle froni Perpignan, ilated the 24th of last month, giving an account of a battle near Tarra » ona. It favs, " the Spai. iai da ami English disembarked at . Talon, near Tarragona, in i rum tier 13.000 infantry, and 3<' 0 horse. They immed iately marched upon Tana gona, hoping, no doubt, to obtain poss. ssion of that place, btfoit it conhl be. succoured; they attempted to storm it, but the gare'. son every where ri pn. sed the enemy with bravery; n pon this General Mathieu ar- rived from Barcelona, and gave battle to the enemy, whaui he completely J efeated. The loss ofthe Anglo Espagnols in this affair is from 3 to 4000 killed or wonndtd, abandoned under the walls ot Tairagoiia; the remainder preei pitately and in the greatest dis- order re- embmkeil.' ' An article in thr 5c Pupeis s- ns, that the benevolent views of the Em ji - ror NapoU- ou are not likely to he v an ied into i fi.< tjS0 numerous and so great are the obstacles to pt j There - was j report yt sterdav morning, on tile au- thority of It I* • rs from the North of Germany, that Berthier, II,# prince of N. ufchatrl, was dead. In the after; IC it was Said to he Mam out, Duke ot Ragtisa, v- ; is dead, aud that lie had ptiislied in a house .1 |, een set tire lo, and in " Inch the Emperor . as well as himself, were lodged. There ! o. s not apj* , r ai, y account uf this in the French Papers which' arrived last night. A' Gottenbiirgh mail arrived yest< rday, biitigiug a(, 5' f es from thineeto the 30th ult. and fiom the J1;* !- quarters of the Allies iu Silesia to thr 19th.— ff1 e Russian and Piussian armies had been suoigL " tnforcecl, so that tin ir numbers fe calcul - ieti at lif- ' . cshoit of 100,000 men. Tiie Crown 1' iinci o' Sweden hud been , sireiigthcncd by the arrival of 16,000 Russians in the Isit- of Rugen, and had put h's troops in motion, supposed with a view of proceeding against Hamburgh, A messenger is arrived from Lord Cathcait widi dispatches, said to contain information of a Commer- cial Treaty being concluded between Gital B'ltun and the Allied Powers, on terms of reciprocal advan- tage. Aitona papers to the 19rh ult. reached town by the - Qottenburgkniail "' ^ yi' A Prj^ bnuaiion lias been circulated lit" Norway by the Crown Prince ot Sweden, iu which lie declaies that it is no! his inten- tion to commit hostilities upon the Norwegians, but to conciliate them if possible to the Swedish Govern- ment, not oi. lv by forhealance, but by acts of positive kindness. He states that the Swedish troops have taken up positions in Pomerania, for Ihe purpose of carrying on war against Denmark, in Holstein, Jut- land, or Zealand, if necessary, and thus to avoid all hostilities in Norway. A most agreeable expecta- tion is held out in the latter part of this document, which we trust will be fulfilled— The guarantee ol Austria to the annexation ot Norway to Sweden, is said to be daily expected at Stockholm I This would be next to a declaration by Ans'ria against France, hud most happy ^ hall we be to announce it upon offi ciat authoiity. Letters have been reciived from Malta to the 13th Id ay. In ronsequenct of a supposition that Ihe plague had appealed in the Island, all the houses w vi. e order- ed to be inspected by the physn iaus, when a large quantity ot am s aud ammunition were discovered sc- < n- ttin several of them, and a second conspiracy was detected, in wbieh it was inleiided to arm the French prisoners, and rise on the British. Of course jt w as effectually prevented. A letter from Cadiz states, that commotions had been occasioned on the coast of Catalonia, and in the Balearic Islands, ou the attempt to suppress the In- quisition, puisuant lo the orders of the Prince Pri- mate, in obedience to the Cortes. Tile number of French Generals taken, killed, or wounded, in the batile ot Vittoria, is said to be eight. Mr. Fishel, flu King's Messetigei, yesterday left the Foreign Office wish dispatches for the Russian head quarters, announcing the victory of Vittoria. Last evening dispatches wcte sent off from Earl Balhiirst 10 Field- Marshal Wellington, to be for- warded to him in a fast- sailing vessel. When Lord Wellington wrote his last dispatch on the 241 ti, lie was ai Inm, on the fionlier* of Spain, and detachments of the allied army had actually entered Fram e in pursuit of the flying enemy.— Iron is dis- tant about tw enty- one miles from BayonVie, a garrison town, and where magazines of arms and storas had i. e. n established. So great was the alarm at the lat- ter place, that the inhabitants were removing their most valuable effects; and much resistance was not expected, . should the army advance. The garrison ol Casno, and of some other places on tlie north coast of Spain, arc liMy to be intercepted in their retreat to Fiance. It fs said that Lord Wellington intercepted a letter from Bonaparte to his brothel Joseph, in which he desires him by no means to hazard a battle, the re- mit of which might be disastions to their affairs, as the frontier on that side was not defensible iu case of defeat. It is said that Sanfartder, from its ce- - lent posi- tion, is now to be the entrepSt of i .. is for Lord Wellington's army. Bayonne was called the oven for the army in Spain. \ ud it is pos- ihle that by the quick advance of Ihe al- lies the stoics may lie seized on, particularly if a notice he given to the inhabitants that a contribution will be demanded if they suffer theui lo he carried away. Various private letters have been received from the army; one of them says--" All Joseph's dresses, even his star, were taken; also his roach, about 200 offi- cer's carriages— in a word every tiling-— uot a loaf was carried off— Old England for ever." A letter from an Officer to whom the care of [ lie aitillery taken from the French was consigned, • tates, that by the rapidity of the march, from the l. itil of June to the 21st, at five leagues a day, the French were surprised, that their camp was in conse- quence crowded with close carnages, that in one of them tiie Countess of Gazan, the wife of the Second iu command, was taken, anil the specie seized amounted to 80,0001. sterling. We understand that it is intended to ronfer the honours of the Peerage, wilh appropriate pensions, upon Sir Thomas Graham and Sir Rowland Hill, tor their distinguished conduct in the late battle. Monday night a general illumination took place in honour of the glorious victory of Vittoria. The motto on the house of the Marchioness of Wellington was, " the brave Companions of Wellington." The crowd before the door compelled the servants of every car- nage that passed to take off tlieii hats. Tlu illuminations were last night repeated within- creased splendour and brilliancy. At Carlton House, in addition to what it had the preceding evening, there were four bra s two- pounders placed on the lop of Ihe collo'. ia ic, at tqual distances, which were oc- casionally fired. Over the ceulre arch were . the words " Wellington and Victory," iu small lamps, aud on the top Cie pyramids wel'e erected, richly ornament- ed with variegated lamps, which added much to the beauty audgraiideui of the whole. In cortsequence of a requisition to the Lord Mayor, lie yesterday appointed a Common Council for Fri- day, to consider of a Vote cf Thanks to Marquis Wellington; and also, to consider the Draft of a Pe- tition to Parliament, ptayinfl relief against the nume- rous and serious evils arising from Mock Auction- snd to receive a report from the Committee for Ge- neral Purposes on that subject, Iu the House of Lords, yesterday, on the motion of tin Earl of Liverpool, Mr Palmer's Claims Bill was ordered to lie read a second lime that day three months.— The Noble Earl observed that he had al- ways opposed these claims, as put forth on the ground of right. He would not, however, say what reward til? Crown might be disposed to bestow on Mr. Pal- mer for ihe service which he bad undoubtedly ren- dered. The pipes are now laying down for the purpose of lighting the Parliament Houses with gas. Drmy- lane Theatre is also to be lighted iu a similar manner. Tile Catholic Board has been instructed by ils con- stituents to consider the piopriety of Sending a memo- rial to the Spanish Cortes, imploring them to inter- cede in their behalf with their ally, the King ofGteat Britain, to remove their religious disabilities I Visterday a meeting was held at the City of Lon- don Tavern, to open a subscription for the relief of the poet in Canada, taken from their homes, and put to considerable inconvenience by defending that dis- trict. Hi- Roya! Highness Ihe Prince Regent gave a most sumptuous Dtjeun^ yesterday al Carlton House, in a stile of great magnifi cnei. Tlie company began to arrive at three o'clock. The fineness and serenity of the day added much IO the festivity ; the garden pre- sented a veiy splendid scene. In the marquee in win li the Piiuce and his Royal Mother ami Sisters look their seats, were exhibited a French colour ta- ken in the late memorable battle near Vittoria; and Iso the baton, over w hich w as suspended the . British flag. The Jamaica fleet, 48 sail, arrived at Portsmouth on Friday, and proceeded a ft el wards for the DOAIIS. An India fleet is expected home this month, under the convoy of the Bucephalus and Nit- men. Lord Cochrane is going out to Norlu America, as Commander oftlie Saturn, 74. THE CHEAPEST FOLIO EDITION OF THE BIBLE NOW PUBLISHING T/ iat is illustrated with Nates and Annntatianst and embellished with Engravings, entitled THE CHRISTIAN'S COMPLETE FAMILY BIBLE, or, Library of Divine Knowledge ; CONTAINING the Sacred Text- of the Old and New Testaments, wi'h ( be Apocrypha. The whole illustrated With Notes and Ar notations, Historical, Chronological, Biographical, and Explanatory. Beinj a clear and copious Exposition and Commentary on ; lx . Ho)} Scriptures, forming a complete Treasury of Divine Revelation, Wherein the obscure Passages yre clearly explained ; seeming Contradictions reconcih/ l ; important Troths confirmed ; the Prophecies an-/ Parables faithfully elu- cidated ; sublime Passages p Kited out; and the whole of Divine Revelation rende/ wi plaiR and easy to every Capacity, both with respect to Faith and Practice. I'he w hole comprising a compendious Body of Christian Divinity. As a further Dlustrat'/ on is given a general Concordance Also a Chronological index of Transactions from Aiiam to the Time of our Blessed Saviour. A Geographical In dex of Places mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. An Ac- count of ' he Apos'les and their Successors, who propose- < » ' he (. hristian Religion. A complete Illustration of the Doctrines and Duties contained in the various Parts of ihe Holy Scriptures; and useful Admonitions at the End of each Chapter. By the Rev. THOMAS BANKES, Of St. Mary Hall, Gxon ; Vicar of Dixtony in Mon- mouthshire. This Work is embellished with Sixty Engravings, and is completed in One Hundred and Twenty Folio Niimfet rs, price 6d. each, which may be purchased sepa- rately by one or more at a time, or bound, call lettered, 31. Ms.' elegantly gilt, 3i. 13s. Loudon: Printed for C COOKE, No. 17, Pater- noster- row, and may tie had of all other Booksellers in Great Britain. Of whom inay be had the following valu- able work, The far. Dr. Fleeticoo( Ts Life of OUR BLESSED LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. Containing every Transaction in the Life of tbe Great Redeemer of Mankind, from his " Birth, to his Crucifixion, aud Ascension into Heaven. Tog- lhet with the Lives of his Holy Evangelists, Apo- fles, Disciples, and other Pri- mitive Martyrs, w ho have sealed the great Truths of Chris- tianity wrh their Biood. Ais- also the. Life of THE BLESSED ViRGiN MARY, & r. To which added, a Fuji DEFENCE of the C liRIS- TIAN RELIGION; in w hich the Obj' Ciions of Atheists, and Deists, are completely refi. ted ; and the Religion in- culcated by ' ft'- Great Redeemer, proved to be the true Source of Eternal Happiuess. Ihj the Rev. JOHN FLEETWOOD, D. D. This Work is embellished with Twenty Er. gravings, itis printed in Quarto, and completed in Forty Numbers, Price Sixpence each, whiih may be" purchased separaieK, or " bound in calf and lettered, Price 11. Gs. or elegantly g. ti, h. To prevent Mistakes, tlie Public are indented to give positive Orders for Cooke's Edition of Fleetwood's Life of Christ; a superior Edition of the Work is printed - on a wove velium paper, price one shilling each, iu thirt, y Numbers. Price ef Stacks this day. 5 per Cent. Red. Ann. 50 3 per Cent. Cons. 56 J !) 4 per Cent. Cons. 71 Consols for Opening, 58 - J- 58. ARIS papers of a day later in date than those of H yesterday, are silent as to Sir John Mwrray'a de- feat on the const ot Catalonia; we therefoieconjecture that that General has merely changed tile scene of his operations, anil we do not despair of hearing the next accounts of him from a more accurate source than that of a French newspaper. The intelligence from the army, received by the Empress Regent, begins wilh telling us where the Emperor dined, and an nounees Ihe performances with which the French Comedians opened the Theatre at Dresden. The Congress is at last alluded to in the following terms: —" The Coneress has not yet assembled. We, how- ever, expect tint « t will in a few days. If a month be lost, the fault is not with France." Is it here insinu- ated, that the delay is imputable to Austria' A plainer hint of jealousy, relative to Austria, is given by another notice of the army, collecting by B. atihar- nois ill Italy, and by a statement, that the King of Bav iria is forming a cauiy of 25.000 men at Nym- | ihenr. iM- g ; a measure, which implies suspicion* ot the Court of Vienna. Oieat minibus of French troops, it is stated, have joined Davoust at Ham- burgh, who has also been reinforced by 15,000 Danes. It is stated that a Treaty has been concluded between Great Britain, Russia, and Prussia, for issuing a new paper money in Germany, under the guarantee ofthe three Povvirs. A mail from Gottenburgh arrived this morning, and the accounts from Stialsund state, that the Russians under Tchirnicheff have joined the Ciown Prince. The Russian German Legion, 15.000 strong, have ar- rived at Rngen to reinforce his Royal Highness, who is understood to be advancing towards Hamburgh. Some trifling affairs of out- posts have taken place be- tween the Swedish and Danish troops. A commercial treaty is said to have been concluded between Great Britain, Russia, . and Prussia. The armistice ban excited great discontent in Prussia, A fleet of about 160 sail arrived at Gottenburgh from the Baltic on the 30th nit. and sailed for Eng- land on the next day. Another fleet of 60 sail also arrived at Gottenburgh from the Baltic ou the 1st of July, and would proceed for England without delay. Il was yesterday morning reported lhat ihe Toulon fleet having put to sea, was attacked by onr Mediter- ranean squadron, and completely defeated, with the loss of eight sail ofthe line. Most llappy shall we In- to be able to confirm this statement; but at present we have not been able to trace the report to any au- thentic source. No furl her accounts have been received at the Ad- mii ally ofthe capture of tile Chesapeake frigate. — Of" Ihe fact itself there can be no doubt, although the officer with the dispatches has not yet arrived- from Plymouth, on account of its distance from the rnetio- poli. s, Lord Wellington is expected to make a grand dash into France, probably os far. as Bourdeanx. He is said to have thus addressed Major Fretniantle, on the departure of that officer :—" Go, my friend ; I wish you a speedy passage ; but it is probable that I shall be IN Fit ANCE as - ooii as yon arrive in England, and ' thence you may t xpect lo hear from me next." Litters have been received from the French coast, of the 51 h inst. which state. , i,„, j.,^,.,. u„„., por, j tin* entered France with the French armies ol Spain.. One of the letters ha » a postscript, which mention? Ill- it the Biitish light troops had actually passed til , Pvreneau Mountains, aud were Cariying away alt H ie cattle. r I'AitLlAMF. NT.— Thanks were last night mv mi- trion- iy voted by both Houses of Parliament to tin Marquis of Wellington, the- Officers and army » niter his command, for the skill and valour whirl i had ae. uevcd, ou the ' 21- 1 June, the deci- iv'e and siW . endid Victory over the French army near Vittoria. ' In tin- House of Lords, Earl Balhursi particularly met itioneii the death of Lieutenant- Colonel Cadogan. " J , j. ravcr or more meritorious officer," his Lordship ml d, " this conntiy never possessed. When he rcrry.- fd that wound which soon afterwards proved mot 1 al, he de- sired his soldiers to bear him to a neighbiM iring emi- nence— there he leaned his bat k against I tree, and continued to gate over the battle until h is eyes were closed for ever 1" ILLUMINATIONS.— The streets of th e Metropolis Inst night displayed, for the third time, a resplendent blaze of lltht. The Bank, ludia- ln/ use. Mansio' • house, and Public Offices, were < tpi| IJy splendid as on the preceding nights, as were the private liousis in general. PRESIDENT'S MLS AGE AT THE O? ENINC OF THE AMERICAN CONGRESS. We have received a copy ol tiiii. important docu ment. It was delivered upon Hie Stfitli of May. Mr. Madison begins by stating, that the Emperor of Russia early upon tin breaking out of the wat be- wciii Great Britain and Americ/ i, offered his media- lion, which was immediately aco pted by America. Two Envoys have keen accordingly sent to St. Pe- ters burgh to iiegnciate, and also to form a separate commercial- treaty with Russia. The Message asserts, that tl icre are now no ade- quate motives for tflreat Britai n to continue the war. It once more denies the right, of search, and ailedges that America, by passing tne. Bill for preventing the employment of foreign seameif, bad done all lhat can he reasonably expected ; and . all her conduct towards Great Britain, has been nialiked by " studied fair- ness." Ou the subject ofthe war now waging, the Presi- dent maintains, that it is carried on by the British " with ravage fury on one frontier, and oil a system of plunder and conflagration on the other, which are equally forbidden by a just respect fur national cba- lacterand the lawsofcivilizeVI men." The Message then alludes ba tile action between the Hornet and Peacock, as a brilliant naval achieve- ment; and mentions that an augmentation of the na- val force of America was in progress. Mr. Madison then states, that the events of the campaign by land flirni- hed topics of congratulation, aud enumerates the attack aad capture of Fort York and Fort Megs, aud the superiority of the Americans on the Lakes. The sudden death of Joel Barlow, it assrrfa as the reason for the protracting the final adjustment of the differences with France. t he Piesii lent nt xt exhibits a view of the lSnanees, and complains of Ihe deficiency in the leceipts for the year. Additional taxes will therefore be necessary for no loan can be effected in future without H stea- dy source of revenue. The last loan of sixteen oiih'i- ons was obtained at the enormous rate of 7 and . a half per cent. From this cause the Message concludes with a forcible appeal to the energies of the American peo- ple, iu order to enable the President to continue the war, which lie again maintains has been entered upon for Ihe preservation ot the dearest privileges ot that numerous and deserving class of Hie coinmniiity, who by their prowess have contributed to the glory and honour of then country. The above is a coircct analysis of this important document. GLQfES'ERSHTKE. SALE OF RAMS. Mr. KIMBER's, ( iiN » rtii Cerney,) Annual SALE of RAMS, by V. HANDY and Co. Will be IK Id at P. rrorti Brook, near Cirencester, on ' TUESDAY, the 27tti July inst. VERY VALUABLE INI) HIGHLY DESIRABLE ES I'A I E, IN HE'EFO H D SHIR P. TO BE SOLD BY' AUCTION, by A ' IV. HASVY and CO. At the Red Lion Inn, at Stifford's Bridge, in the Parish of Cradley. m the c< unty of Hereford, oil Wednesday, the \> lst day of July, 1813, at three o'clock ill the afternoon, subject to such conditions of sale as will be then and llere produced, in the under- mentioned Lots: LOT 1. - All tint trnlvdesirableand highly improve- able FREEHOLD ESTATE ( except part, which is Copyhold of Inheritance), comprising a substantial- huilt Farm Hi me, with large, and fertile garden, bams, stables, cow- hotises, spacious drink- houses, ci- der- nnll, jnd all other necessary and requisite out- buildings for carrying on the Farming Business on a iar. e scale, with sundry workmen's cottages, and up- wards of Three Hundred Aetes of extremely rich Arable, Meadow, J'asturc, Hop, and Wood Land, Very compact with one of the best P'antations of Fiuit Trees in the county. This Estate is known bv the name of tin- HALES END, and is situate m the most fertile part of the parish of Cradley, m the aforesaid County of H< reford, but bordering oil Worcester- shire, being ivithin9 miles of the City of Worcester, "<- « ' in the oc cupation of Mr. Waitis; it lies m a tine sporting coil ...-.„!„,•{ exception one of the most coinplet e aud best Estates m n,„ ,„„..,_,. LOT 2. — 4 ' ousists of a Piece of valuable A. H. P. LAM), novt- planted with Hops, known by tiie name off, he Mill Hop Yard 9 0 13 Also a P1 ce of Rich Meadow LAND ad- joining, caii cd Mill Meadow, situate on the west side u f Lot 1, over the Brook, con- taining...... . 3 0 33 ALL Persons having any Claims or Demands on the Estate of the late Mr. JOHN COX. of Fan- ford, In the Comity of GTocrster, aie desired to send the Particulars of the same ' o Mr. P. Cox. at Fairford aforesaid, on or before the 2d day of August next. 8fh July, 1813. Capital Country Residence. TO he LET, for a term of five, seven, Ot tell years, with immediate possession, a Genteel Roomy House, called LITTLE SOOBURY HOUSE, capable of accommodating a large Family . consisting on the ground floor, of a kitchen, servants' hall, house, keeper's and butler's pantries, breakfast- room, eanjft. room, and drawing- room, four good tied room^ dressing- room,- and water- closet, on the first floof; and five excellent sleeping- rooms, and store- room « i the aitw stoiy ; with g mil underground cellum. There aie two good GARDENS, and ttie Officw consist of a brewhonse, bake- house, cider- house ( with mill '/ m! press), dairy, skullery, and knife- house, with a coach- house, and stabling for seven horses; lh » whole supplied with plenty of good water. The House commandsbaautiful and extensive views of the surrounding country, and with the Parterre m front is separated by a sunk fence from a LaWn of Acres, ornamented with fine F, ms. Adjoining, is an ORCHARD of 3J Acres, capnblt of making from 15 to 18 hogsheads of cyder, and a Close of MEADOW, of 5 Acres, which will be let with the House ; and the Tenant may also be accom modaied Will a field of MEADOW l.\ NP, of 20 Acres, now ready for mowing. Tin House is situate, within a mile of Chipping-^ oil- bury, a well- supplied Market T wn, vhere there is a dauv post; and is distant from Bath abont 13 nulls, and from Bristol about 12 miles, and the Roads in tilt *.-~, i. i> anrhood are good. For particulars, apply to Mr. Ridpntli, Solicitor Bath.— All letters to be post- paid. i liath, 9th July, 1813. 12 16 I^ iT 3/—- Three substantial well- built Cottages, under omi i; oof, with fertile gardens adjoining, in the several oc cnpationsof John Wall, John Hirber, and Thomas ( '. lifton, situated near to Stifford's Bridge. LOT 4 . - One neat Cottage, with Garden and Orch- ard adjoi „ uig, now iu the occupation of Redding, near to ] Lot 3. Lor 5.— One other neat Cottage, with Garden and Orchari J adjoining, now in the occupation of Edward Powell Lor 6.— Two neat Tenements, under one roef, near 11 ae before mentioned, now ill the occupation of f - ipilsbury, and Lit T 7.—- One piece of rich Meadow Land, A. B. P. cailef I Lung Meadow, adjoining to John Busk's tene. i nent, in ar Bachelor's Bridge, containing by a ^ measurement 5 0 23 Is or further particulars apply ( if by leiter. post paid) to f Long, Solicitor, Upton- upon- Severn; W. Wall, Es « or the Auctioneers, Worcester. I ' i- inled particulars will be prepared, and may be haf 1 upon the Premises; Falcon and Kind's Arms Inn, Bi omyatd ; Feathers, Ledbury; Hotel, Heieford; Oak att d Unicorn, Leominster ; Hotel, Malvern ; Swan, ' 11 nbiity ; Crown, Ludlow ; King's Head, Upton- upon *>< vein ; Swan, Tewkesbury • and of the Auctioneers, •> Ivo have a Map and Ten ler of the Fstate. GLOCESTERSH1RE. ' yo he SOLD by AUCTION, at the Ram Inn, JL ill Cirencester, . tliout the latter end of Jnlv inst.— A CAPITAL FARM, called STONK'S FARM, in tlie parish ot Bdiury, iu the county of Ghicester, containing about One Thousand Acres of ARABLE, PASTURE, and WOOD LAND, in a Ring- fence, nearly all Tythe Free, wilh a substantial FARM HOUSE and Outbuildings, m complete it- pair. The Turnpike- road from Cirencester to Burford passes through tiie KStair. Further particulars will appear in the next week's paper, and may forthwith be had by applying to Mr. BEVIH, Solicitor, Cirencester. ~ N0KTIIAMPTONSHIRlE TO RE SOLD BY VUC I ION, BY 1 HF. NRY CI. ARKE, At the Wheat Sheaf I , n, in Daventry, Northampton- shire, on Wednesday., the 28th day of this nisi Julv, between the hours of four and six o'clock iu the even- ing, subject to the Conditions of Sale which will be then and there reduced;— A VERY COMPLEAT AND COMPACT EST A'I l!,, Freehold of Inheritance, and Tythe Free by virtue of an . Act of Parliament, Most pleasantly arid conveniently sitiiatedatWATFOi! n, in the said county of Nerlhamptoii, on the side of the Road there leading to Market Harbro', Leicester, and other places, distant about four miles from Daventry, twelve from Market Harbro' and Northampton, aud seventy from London, lying within a ring fence, on the borders of the Grand Junction Cana',— inclosed and subdivided with good Quick Fences,- well water- d ami timbered,— Neighbourhood good,- Payments and Taxes extremely moderate,— Roads excellent,— ai d Situation elevated, nainbrions, anil picturesque: comprising a FARM HOUSE, Barn, open and stall Stables, Cownouse, and other Buildings, Garden, Folds, Yards, and about One Hundred and Sixty Acres ofsuperior and rich LAND,. Eighteen Acres of which are Arable, and the residue Meadow and Pas- ture, now in the possession of, and on lease to, Messrs. Stephen and Walter Wa son, for a term, about 2 years of which are unexpired, at the very low old yearly rent of i400. Descriptive Particulars, which are preparing, will shortly be printed, and may be hail at the Wheat. Sheaf, Daventry; George, Northampton; Warwick Arms, Warwick; Lion, Stratford- upon- Avon; and at the Offices of Henry Clarke, La < 1 Surveyor, Sliip- ston on- Si our, and of s. Beale, Solicitor, Upton- upon- Severn, Worcestershire. Capitul Rreehold and Tythe- free MANOR, MANSION HOUSE, and ESTATE. T^ O be SOLD liy AUCTION, early in tiie month .1 of September next, at the AUCTION MART, LONDON, on a day whith will be stated iu a subse- quent paper ;— AH that ELI- G1BI. E AND CAPITAL Manor, Mansion- Huuse, and Estate, Called Donmngton, Situate in the Parish of Siow on- llre- Wold, in the County of Glocester, on the side of the Turnpike- road leading from thence to Bath and Bristol, to Moreton- in- Marsh, Birmingham, Manchester, and Li- verpool, the property and residence Of-' I'HOMAS HAR- TON, Esq. sealed on a beautiful elevation, command- ing extensive and unbounded views ofthe surrounding country, and comprising a MANSION- HOUSE in complete repair, witn coach- houses, stables, cold hath, walled garden, slirubbeiies, and plantation*, most conveniently arranged; FARM HOUSE, liann, stables, sheds, folds, and all other agru ultural build- ings, and about 560 Acres of rich Arable, Pasture, and Meadow LAND, lying withm a ring fence, m a capital state of cultivation, most admirably well divid- ed, with gnod quick- set fences, well wooded, and surrounding the buildings, the whole of which is tythe- frce by virtue of an Act of Parliament. The whole Estate ( of wlucii early possession may be obtained) is Freehold of Inheritance.- The Manor abounds wall Game, and theie are two Packs of Fox- hounds in the neighbourhood. Particulars are preparing, and may be had after the first day uf August nexi, at the Aufrtlou Mart, Lou- don; Star, Oxford; Hotel, Birmingham; Unicorn, Stow; White Hart, Chipping- Nortou ; Basil, Bristol; White Hart, Bath; Hop- Poie, Worcester; Ki g's lfc- au, ( iiocester; and at the Offices of A. Watts, Esq. AO, Symond's Inn, London, and of S. Beale, Uptoti- uyon- Severn, Wi icestersliire ; at wuicli Offices Maps of', the Estate may be seen. AMI. For a view of tlve Eniai. e apply at the Mau- jiun- i^ U'se. Valuable Freehold Estate. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,- A VALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE, Situate at COMITON ABDA- LE, in Hie county cf Glocester, consisting of a substantial and well- built FARM HOUSE, with Barns, Stables, Bowsuigs, and all necessary Out uildings thereto adjoining; and also several Closes or Inclosed Grounds of rich ARABLE, MEADOW, and PASTURE LAND, and about three Acres of WOODLAND, planted with good Oak and Ash Timber, containing In the whole ti Actes, more or less. Compton is situate at a convenient distance from the Market Towns of Cirencester, Norinleach, and Cheltenham, and m a neighbourhood abounding with Game. The Estate is adjoining the I iirnpike Road leading from Northleach lo Cheltenham, and in the occupation of Mr. Joseph Lyne, under a Leaie of which two years will be unexpired at Michaehnm next, but earlier possession may be obtained if a Pur. chaser dc sires it. Any Person disposed to treat for the pnrchase of the Estate, may apply to Mr. J. N. WILKINS, Solici- tor, Boiirton- on- tbe- Water, Glocestershire, either prr » sonally or by letter; and for a view of the Premise*, enquire ofThomas Harris, ofComptoii aforesaid, JI> tier, who will shew the same. D AGEING WORTH, NEAR CIRENCESTER. MR. HAINES's RAMS will be LET by AUC- TION, by WM. JEFEERIES and SON, on tlie Premises, on Wednesday, thei4th day of July, 1813, and may be view^ J the Morning of Letting till Tea o'Ciock, ai which time the Auction will commence, N. B. A Person will attend with Refreshments for the Accommodation of the Company. SOUTH CEKNEY, GLOCES'l'ERS 111 Rl~~" } O BE SOLI) BY AUCTION, by i KM. J FEFF. il ILS and SO N, at the Greyhound Inn, in Siddi - gton, Glncestersliiref on Tuesday, the SOili day of July, 1813, betweeotlie hours of 4 and 6 in the afteriwon, subject to Conditions - THE FOLLOWING CLOSES, adjoining together, wnh a good OX1-'!' ALL thereon, and Situale iu the Parish of South Cerney, m Ihe said County of Glocester, exonerated from Land Tax, and Tythts. Possession to be given at Michaelmas next. The Coppice Ground... Hood and Pastur The Little Ground The Green Hales Stall Ground . Catt. H am l- eifs Wesdon Ploughed Hales. Hales Green Lane. Land adjoining the Canal. Pasture Pasture Pasture iles t 4 Arable A. a. p, 5 0 IS 0 S i' 2 9 3 0 0 3 30 3 t 12 8 0 30 A 0 i> 3 t » 1 0 15 1 2 HI 3? z . 8 For further particulars, apply to Mr Charles Urain- ble, Siddmgton ; and to treat to Mr. BEVIR, Solicitor. Cirencester. T GRETTON. O BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by W. MOORF. X SON, At the NEW INN, in GRETTON, in the Parish of WINCHCOMB, HI tbe Comity of GLOCESTEH between tin hour » of four and six in the afternoon of Mond y. tiie 19th of July, 1813, subject and according to Con- ditions of Sale to be then and there piodnced:— AU those Tw o Freehold Closes or Pieces of extremely, RICH PASTURE LAND, Containing 4 Acres and a half or thereabouts, situate at Gretton aforesaid, commonly called the Poot Breaches, and now in the occupation of Mr. John Greening, of Langley, or his undertenants. For a View of the Premises or other Particular! relating thereto, apply to T. Williams, Solicitor, ia Winchcoml) afoiesaid. June 25, 1813. ALDERTON. rT~ 0 BE SOLI) BY AUCTION, bv JL tf. AWOKE and SOX, At HOB NAIL'S INN, near AIDERTON, in t/' c County of GLOCESTER, between the hours of four and SIX in the afternoon of Tuesday, tie 20th day of July, 1813, subject and according t Ccndilions o/' Sale to be then and there produced:— Thitollowmg FREEHOLD PEEMISKS, in LOTS. LOT I.— A MESSUAGE, TENEMENT, or FARM HOUSE, with a Gardei and well- planted Orchard, Bam, Stable, and Foldyard thereto adjoining, now in the occupation of WiUam Richmond, as undertenant thereof to Mr. John Oliver, aud situate near the top of Alderton aforesaid. LOT 2.— The Sciie of a MESSUAGE or TENE- MENT, together with, two Gardens, and a Piece of Land thereto adjoining, containing in the whole near half an acre, and situate near llie centre of foe said village of Alderton. 3.— Another MESSUAGE, TENEMENT, or FARM HOUSE, wth a large Bain, Cart- house. Sta- ble, and Pig- sties, Fold and Rick- Yards, and au ex- tremely well- planted Orchard in fnh bearing, the whole adjoining together, and situate near ti> « Iwiiom of the said village of Aid iton, now in the occupation of ihe said Mr. Oliver arid Mr. James Roberts, and containing about au acic and a half. 4.— A COTTAGE and GARDEN adjoining Lot 3, and now in the occupation ot Mary Stepnens as Ten- ant thereof. 5.— The REVERSION, in Fee Simple, expectant on the decease of a Life imw aged 80 yea is orthne- abouts, of and m another Cottage, with a well- planted Orchard, and wveral Gardens ad^ ming, eontatniir. ui the wh. de about an ane, aiie"< iw " ie occupation" Edward Goldiciilt. and ' nets his undertenants. The Premises are freehold of Inheritance, and some good Tiinf^^ s growing on. some pans thereof. For a view the Premises, or oilier particulars re- lating dyaeto. apply to T. Williams, Solicitor, m Wincojroiub, # Ioctfitet\ SATURDAY, JULY 10. CHELTENHAM ARRIVALS. Lord aud Lady Kingston, Lady Clarina, Rishop of Limerick and " family. Sir W. Macartney, Sir Ed- ward Blinit, Sir Charles Blunt, Major- General Kontag, Major General Molineux, General Matthew, Lient. Col. J. Nellev, Lient.- Col. Cayter, Rev. Messrs. I- es- lie, Jav, Davis, Wittenoon, Williams, Rowland Hill, Dr. Franklin, CaptS. Thomas, Sharp, Darling, Ben- net, Mr. and Mrs. Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Holmes, Mrs. and Miss Moore, Mrs. and Miss Ross, Messrs. Pely- art, Walters, Pasheller, Pinkney, Merray, Wale, • Sunkio. Reveiev, Hurrel, Berrand, Cooper, Met- calfe, O'Connor, Marsh, Armstrong, Goddard, Kings- ton, Norton, Iven, Sullivan, NeWconie, Parsons, Plnl- laker, Tom, Carter, Mahonev, Davis, Maratta. Com- mehne, Diolie, Finch, Webb, Weston, Grigg, Sliet- lork, Walts, Hustian, Smith, Banks, Misialeim, Smith, Pinfold, Hughes, Tabbs, Morse, Redlei, Mount, Bai- tha, Rubarts, Warner. Edwards, Jabolie, Monlson, Rippitigiiam, Warhnrton, Grant, Turner, Straiford, A'gerton, Roveriey, Ellison, Anderson, Barker, Shaw, Burnet, Hanghton, R- ss, Albert, Petrie, Gibson, Wel- fit, Macfariane, Anderson, Richards, Rogers, Maclean, Ballinghall, Watts, M'Millan, Burnett, Hammond, Welfit. Thompson, Vvghe, Murray, Mackensie, Pinck- nev, Wales, Haines, Church, Evans, Dunne, Mitchell, Mariere, WhittaKer, Simeon,. Sherburne, Jacobs, Ba- nner, Cooper, Webb, Browning, Bolton, Armstrong, Lahinf, Shipton, Barnard, Hirks, Weston, Mistresses Vt iO Ihotisc, Basset, Bourne, Saunders, Newsk, Dig- nins, Doyne, Doriswork, Aspinali, Gray, Sowerby, Warburton, Holmes, Taswell, Allen, Russell, Wood- ington, Davis, Laslimar, Jenkins, Combly, Sieho, Misses Lloyd, Middleton, Aspinall, Dwver, Crumpton, Kohertson, Cater, Anderson, Loy, Muke, James, Dowyers, Sahnood, Cramer, die. OXFORD CIRCUIT. Mr. Justice Bailey and Mr. Justice Dumpier. Berkshire Monday, July 26, at Abingdon. Oxfordshire... Wednesd. July 28, at Oxford. JForcesters/ ureSaturday, July 31, at Worcester. Staffordshire.., Thursday, Ang- 5, at Stafford. Shnpshire Wec'nesd. Aug. It, at Shrewsbury. Iferefordshire.- Monday, Aug. 16 at Hereford. Jl/ iminw'/ is/ ureSaturday, Aug. 2i, at Monmouth. Cfoci iter shire.. We dnesib Aug. 25, at Glocester. MARRIED.— On Friday, at Walcot Church, Bath, • the Rev. Daniel Lysons, of Hempstead Court, near this city, to Mtss Josepha Cooper, daughter of John Gilbert Cooper, E « q. of Tlmrgaston Priory, Not- tinghamshire.— On Wednesday, at Clifton Church, by the Rev. I. Hensman, John Morse, Esq, of Down- field, near Stroud, to Mary Anne, eldest daughter of • the late Francis Adams, Esq. of Clifton.— On Monday, ol Tewkesbury, by ihe Rev. Wm. Woollams Holland, Mr. Thomas Holland, to Miss Moore, eldest daughter of Mr. Win. Moore, both of that borough.— On July A, at Rodinarton, in this county, Mr. Robert Lane, of Kemble, Wilts, to Miss Eliza Milsom, of the same place.— On Saturday, at Norlhleacb, Mr. Thos. Wood- man, ofFariuingtou, to Mrs Lyne, lateofStoekwell. — On Tuesday, at Minety, near Cncklade, Mr. Perry, of Purton, to" Fiances, youngest daughter of the late Rev. Thos- Jones, aud niece to Win. Keene, Esq. of Mmety House, in this county. DIED.— On Saturday last, at Garnons, after a few hours' illness, Frances Isabella, the wife of Sir John Geers Cottereil, Bart. M. P. for the county of llere- ford— a lady whose life was a continued unaffected display of ali the social virtues of the friend, the tender affections ofthe wile and mother, the faith and chan- ty of a Christian. The loss of such a iife can no more be expressed than repaired— it is justly deplored by a numerous acquaintance, and most acutely felt by those who best kurw her worth.— July 2, in Cheltenham, aged 80, the Rev. W. Chester, vicar of the Leigh, iu tin* county.— On Monday, aged 7a, Mr. Jas. Maddy, ofthe Land, HerefouLhiie, a man whose integrity of heart, liberality of mind, and suavity, of manners, ren- dered him highly and deservedly esteemed.— July 4, Mis. Lewis, wife of Mr. Lewis, shoemaker, of Chel- tenham.— At an advanced ane, at his house in St. Alban's- strcet, London, Valentine Green, Esq. A. R. A. and F Keeper of Ihe British Instl » « "< ill; till was a man of considerable talents ii » M> pmtessinii, as his numerous works will amply rest fv. Mr. Green was a native of Worcester, and i. « well known as the au- thor of the history of that city.- Mr. David Ramsav, of Edinburgh, long proprietor of the Edinburgh Even- ing Coiirant.— Suddenly, » t the Hotwells, aged 61, Cbarle.. Turner, Esq. el Mount Hdl House, Kocl. es- ' ter \ t Plymouth, , lie ot at"' r" v(' r>' lo" 8 illness, borne with the utmost fortitude and resignation, Ml . Benjamin Robert Haydon, bookseller and printer, of that town - a man universally esteenud — On Fri- day the Id ni'tatif, deservedly lamented, altera short bit severe illness, Ihe Rev. Thos. Morgan, aged 34, R D Vicar of Eglwswrw, Rector of Brideli, and Master of the Grammar School, Cardigan. He was earned ' o the grave on Sunday evening by, six ofhis senior pupils, attended by the Royal Clarence Cardi- gan Local Militia, amidst the tears ot surrounding multitudes, who by their sorrow testified tbe regret thev felt at parting with a man rendered deservedly dear to them, bv the unwearied discharge of his seve- ral duties, the suavity of his manners, and uprightness of liis conduct..—- On * the 1st ult. sincerely regretted, aged 80, John Gnffiths, Esq. of Ffymiondwfu, ill the parish of Nevern. The Rev. John Batey is appointed one of the minor csnoes oi Bristol cathedral. We hear that the Visitation of the Archdeacon of Wilts is appointed to be held at Marlborough on the 13th, Swindon 14th, Malmsbury 15th, and at Chip- penham on Jfitli of July. The follow ing names have lately been added to the Commission ot the Peace for this county : Philip Du- caiel, Thomas Bayly Howell, Purnell Braiisby Pur- Jiell, John Savage, and Nathaniel Peach Wathen, £ sqs.; aml Francis Pelly, George Turberville, and Thomas Thomas, Cleiks. Captain James Stevenson has been appointed Agent for French prisoners ol war at Stapleton, in the room of the late Capt. Malbone. • Oxford Commemoration took place last week, When the honorary degree of D. C. L. was conferred iipon several distinguished characters, among whom was the venerable aud celebrated Warren Hastings, Esq. There was a Mnsieal Festival on a very exten- sive sraie on the occasion, ill which Madame Catala- ns Mr. and Mrs. Vaiighan, Miss Darby, Mr. Goss, Mr. Bellamy, & c. assisted. We nnderstand the Consecration of the Masonic Lodge, at Ross, as noticed in our last, is unavoidably postponed to Friday, the sixth day of August. The Cotswold Regiment of Local Militia are to as- semble at Cirencester, for fourteen days training and exercise on Ihe I'Jtli instant. - See advert. The South Glocester Militia, commanded by Col. JBerketey, arriived in Bristol ou Wednesday, to take garrison ihity. On the 28th ult. was launched from the yard of J), r » * sher and Co. at Chepstow, a fine new ship, for the West- India trade ; and on the following day ano- ther v « ry fine ship, copper sheathed, for the Jamaica trade, launched from the yard of Buckle and Co. in that to » sn. On Frii^ v last, the bailiff of Mr. Price, of Stan- ton Court, ^ Voscestershise, was found, quite dead, • suspended to < 0 beam in a barn; but no cause can be • assigned for hisijiaving committed tile rash art. T\ k Local ' l* « ken Bill was read a third time on Thursday in the llrtpsi-. pf Commons, the provisions of which ttvtend the ci renin* ion. of this useful medium of exchange tilHix. weeks altc. r the nexr meeting of Par- Jiameut- ta very gratifyingjpier e of intelligence, we conceive, to tile coiuitiy at. large, but chiefly to tradesmen. The dra- ee ofinomeritary apprehension and alarm occasioned by the ime impending Am lion Bill has stib- idcd j| to a sctUe4 calm a it was ibiuwuuuton Friday. The Dnke of Norfolk, we hear, in exploring his newly purchased domaiu, the ancient Castle at Guild- ford, dim overed subterranean apartments and pas- sages of considerable extent, which probably were unknown to many ofhis predecessors in fee. A num- ber of men are busily employed on the premises. On Friday the Royal Assent was given by Commis- sion to " An Act for erecting a New Gaol, House o' Correction, and Penitentiary House, for the borough of Tewkesbury." At our Mi dsn in » er fair, on Monday last, bnsiuess was flat, and the prices of cattle much on the de- cline ; so that we may reasonably look forward to a considerable reduction in tbe meat markets. Vcy few good horses. At Hereford fair on Thursday last, a large quanti- ty of wool was exhibited for sale, though but few buyers attended. Prime trinded and untrinded sold from 26s. to 32s. per stone ; a few fine Spanish cio- s lots from 36s. 10 40,1.; inferior sorts from lis. to 20s. A considerable quantity was left unsold. The shew ofcattle was considerably less than has been lor many years, and very few were sold.— The few good horses bought fetched high prices. On Wednesday last, an inquest w; as taken at Dy- moek, in this county, before Thos. C. ommeline, Esq. Coroner, on view of the body of Luke Jones, who. in endeavouring to stop the li'or> es of a team, which had taken fright, was thrown down, and the wheels passing ovei his head, killed hiin instantly. Verdict, accidental death. On Sunday night last, a woman in Cirencester, of the nainc of Mary Beaconfield, put an end to her ex- istence by hanging herself; she belonged to the com- munity of Anabaptists in that town,- had attended the meeting three times on the above day, aud was fre- quently beard to say, very mournfully, that there was no salvation for iler, and that she felt herselfa lost soul; these ideas are thought to have wrought so much upon her mind as to cause her to commit the rash act, Wednesday night a post- boy belonging tn the White Hart Inn, in Bath, returning over Brisliiigton Com- mon with a pair of horses, was attacked by a gang of fellows w ho desired him to stop ; but disregarding their menauces he galloped off, when one of the vil- lains fired ii pistol, which fortunately missed him. Friday, Sarah Hanks was brought before John Neate, Esq. at Malmesbury, charged with having en- tered the dwelling- house of Charles Porter, of that place, and stealing therefrom gold and silver to the amount of 101. . Sarah Godwin, her daughter, and a girl, were implicated ill the charge of Receiving part of the money, and appropriating it. It appears that the girl procured a key, by means of which Hanks entered the house in the absence of its inhabitants. The two former were committed to Devizes bride- well to take their trial at the ensuing Salisbury as- sizes, and the latter discharged to appear as evidence against them. In the Court of Exchequer on Monday, the long- pendiug cause Sir Watkin Lewes v Morgan was de- cided. A majority of the Barons coinciding in the judgment in the House of Lords, the Deputy Remem- brancer was ordered immediately to calculate the ac- counts of rents and profits received by defendant from the estates, and apply litem in discharge ofthe mort- gage, so that tiie' estate might be restored to Sir Watkin. On Tuesday, John Brasinfton, was committed to our County Prison by Philip Shephard, Esq. charged ivith stealing a pick- axe, the property of John t. ovegrove, ofAveniiig.—— And on Wednesday, Henry Allum \ vas committed by Richard Havnes, Esq. charged u ith stealing from the pocket of Richard Penning, Esq. of Bittun, on Friday last, two one pound bank of Eng- land miles, his property. BIBUHY RACES.— Tuesday, The Sweepstakes of lOOgs. each wt re won by Mr. Peach's Janet te, beating fonr others. The Sherborne Stakes of 50gs. each, with 50gs. added by the Club, by Mr. Drake's J . nettr, beating ttrree o; tiers. " Wednesday.— The Sweepstakes of 5gs. each, with JOOgs. added by the Ciub, were won by Lord Low- liter's Euiyalus, beating two others.— The Sweep- stakes of 25gs. each, with lOOgs. added by the Club, also by Lord Lovrthci's l-' uryalus, beating Lord Sack- villt's Yorke. — The Handicap plate of 601. by Mr. Whitmore's Rail* beating two others. Thursday.— The Plate of lOOgs. was won by " Sir H. C. Lippincoti's Crossbow, beating Mr- Pigot's York.— The 501. for bores of all denominations, by Sir H. C. Lippincoti's Beveiley, beating two others. BRISTOL SHIP NEWS. CAME IN SINCE OUR LAST.— The Edward, Ger- main, the Ann, Garden, the Minerva, Fisher, tbe Laura, Lewis, the Kingston, Sale, the Bristol, Har- vey, the Flora, Powell, the Jane, Andrew, and tbe Sophia, Gay, from Jamaica; the Diligence, , from Dublin; the Catherine, Francis, and Aid, Mor- gan, from Waterford ; the Brothers, Flynn, the John and Mary, Jones, the Flora, Richards, and the Bristol Packett, Parfitt, from Cork. ARRIVED.— AtKinsale, the Two Brothers, Lee ; at Gibraltar, the Venus, d? la Rue; at Oporto, the Rosalia, Morinello; at Newfoundland, the Eagle, Bibbins, the Friends, Thome, the Harmony, Cridde- ford, and the Hiram, Williams; and at Messina, tlie Friends Increase, Jones, all from hence. SAILED.— The Surprize, Lee, for Malta; and the Augustine, Webber, for Jersey. PATIENTS IN GLOCESTER INFIRMARY. Men, 54, Beds, 72.— Women, 23, Beds, 45. HEIGHT OF THE TIDES Iii the River Severn, Bristol Channel, & c. feet, inches. THIS DAY.... 12 9 SUNDAV 13 - 7 MONDAY 14 4 TUESDAY 15 L WEDNESDAY. 16 1 THURSDAY... 16 3 FRIDAY 16 9 GLOCESTER. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, bv Mr. BARNARD, At the Grand Jury- room, Booth- hall Inn, on Wednes- day, the 21st day of July, 1813, and following davs;— An extensive Assortment of NEW and OLD BOOKS, ' Comprising 1500 Volumes; Paiticnlars of which will be expressed in Hand- bills, GLOCESTER. XO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY JL, Mr. PHILLPOT1S, At the KING'S HEAD INN, fn this City, on Friday, the 16lb day ot July, 1813. at Six o'Clock in the after- noon, in Lots:— A substantial and commodious BRICK BUILT MESSUAGE, With suitable Out- buildings and Appurtenances, to- gether with a Garden adjoining to and lying behind Ihe same, desirably situate on the liorth side of St. Mary's. Square, ill this City, and now in the occupation of. Mr. George Drayton, Surgeon. These Premises are held by Lease nodei the Dean and ChaptersH Glocester, for tbe remainder of a Term of 30 Years, commencing at Michaelmas, 1806, at tlie yearly re- served Kent of 6s. Also four FREEHOLD TENEMENTS and a STABLE, with Gardens lying behind thesarne respec- tively, situate in St. Mary's-. Square aforesaid, adjoining tne above- mentioned Messuage, and now in the seve- ral occupations of Messrs. Rose, Manns, Jennings, and Bnnily as Tenants thereof.— Early Possession may be bail. For further Particulars and a View of the Premises [ apply to Mr. George Drayiou; orMl. Smith, Solicitor' I Nortbgate- Sticet, Gh> e(! ster. ' * BAKF. R WANTED. rHERE is a VACANCY at the INFIRMARY, Glocester, for a BAKER. Any Person who is perfectly acquainted with Bak- ing and Brewing, and whose charactei will bearstrict investigation, may apply to Mr. MUTLOW, ai tbe Infirmary, for particulars. A COOK is also wanted, who must bring with her a similar testimony of character. MRS. LLOYD GIBBON, from Sackville- street, Loudon, most respectfully informs the Ladies of Stroudwater, Wotton- under- Eilge, Dnrsley, and their Vicinities, she purposes being at NUPEND HOUSE, HORSLEY, where Ladies can he sup- plied with her ANATOMICAL STAYS, by the King's Letters Patent, from the 1st of August to the 14 th. Ladies are requested to observe they cannot he sup- plied with this useful Invention after the 14th of Au- gust. Ntipend House, Horsley, Gloeestershire. Silver- Street, Cirencester. MISS MORIER'S Seminary will OPEN, after the present Vacation, for the receptiou of YOUNG LADIES, on Monday, July 26, 1813. NEWENT SCHOOL. MRS. aud MISS COWLES respectfully inform their Friends and the Public in general, that ( lie School will RE- OPEN on Monday, the 19th inst. Music, Dancing, Drawing, Writing, ami Arith- metic, on the usual Terms. STAVERTON Ladies' Boarding School. RS. LOVEDAY, impressed with the m< » st lively si use of gratitude to her Friends, for the encouragement she has hitherto experienced, bges leave to inform them and the Public, that her School will RE- OPEN the 19th of July, 1813. TERMS:— Eighteen Guineas per annum, One Gui- nea entrance. Staverten House is a remarkably healthy situation, and the Premises are very spacious and commodious, on an eminence, and within a short distance of the turnpike road leading from Cheltenham to Glocester. WHITCHURCH ACADEMY, By the Rev. THOS. PHILLIPS, M. A. THIS SEMINARY will RE- OPEN oh MON- DAY, the 26th instant. TERMS as usual. Whitchurch, near Ross, July 1, 1813. AYLBURTON ACADEMY, NBAR NEWNHAM. R. GARDINER informs his Friends and the Public, his ACADEMY will Open, after the Recess, Monday, July the 26th. The very flattering success of bis Institution, w hich, by combining prac- tice with theory, rapidly promotes the knowledge of his Pupils, is the best approbation ofhis Friends, and he solemnly pledges the same habits, founded in the religious ardor for the welfare of man, will be con- stantly exerted in his Seminary, to ensure their future patronage, and merit iiis best reward, the. approval of liis own heart in the cause of youth and genius. N. B. All letters respecting the knowledge of his terms, must be addressed to his Academy, post paid. A Coach, connecting all the great roads in the Empire, passes every other day through the village. This day were published, by James Cawthorn, 24, Cock- spur- street, London, HOBHOUSE's Journey through ALBANIA and other Provinces of TURKEY in Europe and Asia. Illustrated by views of Athens, Constant. nople, and . various other plates, maps, & c. ANECDOTES, hitherto unpublished, of the pri- vate Life of PETER the GREAT; on Ihe authority of Mons, Stehling, Counsellor of State to the F. nviiress Catherine; and translated from the French of Con it I VEsrnertijy, Chamberlain to the King of Wirtemberg, Price 5s boards. GLOCESTERSHIRE. DESIRABLE FRF. F. HOLD HOUSE and LANDS, Distant about four miles from the City of Glocester, capable of improvement. Land- Tax redeemed. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by JL Mr. PEACH. At the CROWN INN, on CORSE LAWN, in the parish of Hartpnry, in the said county, on Monday, the 19th day of July, 1813, at four o'clock;— ALL THAT MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, Pleasantly situate at a place called the King's Standing, on the turnpike. road leading from Glocester to Upton- lipon- Severn aud Ledbury, near the Crown Inn afore- said, with the Barn, extensive Garden, Orchard, Land, and Premises thereto belonging, containing to- gether by estimation nearly five Acres, be the same more or less, For a view, apply to the Tenant, Mr. Woodward; and for further particulars ( if by letter post- paid,) to Messrs. Bowyer, Solicitors, Glocester. AVENING, GLOCESTERSHIRE. Without the least reserve. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on Tuesday, the 20th day of July, 1813, beginn ng precisely . at 12 o'clock at noon, on the premises, at Lvnton Barn, in the parish of Avening, and near to the Turnpike- road leading from Minchinhampton to Tetbury, four miles from the former and two from the latter place— THE VALUABLE LIVE AND DEAD FARMING STOCK On the said Premises, comprising five cart horses, two nag ditto, one cart mare and colt, nine two- year- old heifers, thirteen yearling ditltf, two yearling oxen, one two- year- old [ mil, 20 barren ewes, 4t) sl* ar lings, three narrow- wheeled waggons, three narrow- wheeled carts, one light ditto with lilt, four sets of long and two of thillers" geering, two ploughs, one pair of drags one pair « if drag harrows, three pair of harrows, one barley roll and two winnowing fans, and a chaff machine by Cook. STATE LOTTERY Begins draining the 17 th of September. SWIFT and CO. ( the Contractors) respectfully so- licit the attention of the Public to the Scheme of the New Lottery, which they have endeavoured to form upon the most popular principles— the lowest Prize being twenty pounds, and at the same time there are more Prizes of-£ 20,000 and .£ K>, 0uO, than were ever before given in a Lottery of ONLY 12,000 TICKETS. 2 .. of... -£ 20,0.10 ... are...,£ 40,000 2 10,000 20,000 5 1,000 5.000 6 500 3,000 - '^ 17 200 1,400 ' 20 •••-• 100 2,000 30 50 1,500 100 25 2,500 2,230 20 44,600 The first. 1000 Blanks drawn will each be entitled to 201.— the first Ticket diawn a Prize above 201. on the first day, will receive an additional Prize oflOjdOrl. — and the first Ticket drawn a Prize'above 201. on the second day, will also be entitled to an additional Prize of 20,0001. Persons in the country may he supplied with Tic- kets aud Shares,( by sending then- Orders, with Remit- tances, to ihe Contractor's Offices, No. 11, Poultry, No. 12, Cliai'ilig. ei'oss,. and. No. Jl, Aldgate High- street ; or by application to their Agents, J. WAiHBOURN, bookseller, Gthcester_ W. STEVENS, Jun. Cirencester. E. KEDDELL, Printer, Tewkesbury. I Royal Cotswold Regiment cf Gloucester Local Militia. NOTICE is hereby given, That the several Men who have been enrolled to serve in this Regi- ment of Militia, fur tbe Hundred of Berkeley Upper, ( except the Parishes of Alkington, Arlioghant, Ashe!'- wor h, Sbmbridge, Cam, Coaloy, U! ev, Stiiichcombe, Berkeley Borough, and Dursley, which are apportion- ed to tiie Royal East Regiment,) Bisley, Cirencester, Grnmbaldsash Upper and Lower part, Longtiee, Thorubnry Lower, ( except Oldhury- on- Severn, which is apportioned to tlie Royal West Regiment.) Hen- bury Upper, Langley and Swiueshead Upper, and Crowthorne and Minety, do assemble for Fourteen Days' Training and Exercise, ( exclusive of the Days of arrival at and departure from Head Quarters,) at CIRENCESTER, 011 Monday, the 19th of July 111st. at ten o'clock in the Forenoon. And Notice is hereby further given, That every Man ( not labouring under any bodily infirmity inca- pacitating him), who shall not appear, will be deemed a Deserter, and punished accordingly. H. WILTON, Clerk of the General Meetings. Gloeester, July 3, 1813. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ALL Persons having Claims or Demands npon the Estate of JOHN MUNDY, late of STRATTON ST. MARGARETS, WILTS, Corn Dealer, deceased, are requested 10 forward the particulars thereof, with- out delay, to C, ROWDY & MAYOW, Solicitors. Faringdon, Berks, June 17, 181?.. GLOCESTFTC 7tli JULY, 1813. A MEETING of the TRUSTEES for RE- f \ BUILDING a BRIDGE over the River SE- VERN, at Glocester, will be held at the Tolsey, iu this City, on Tuesday, the 13th inst. at 12 at noon, for appointing a proper Person to collect the Tolls arising at the temporary Bridge. R. and H. WILTON, Clerk to the Trnstes. Northgate Turnpike Tolls. TO he LET by AUCTION, at tiie White Hart Inn, in this City, on Thursday, the 15th day of July instant, between the hours of twelve and one in the afternoon ;— THE TOLLS Arising at the Toll- gate, at Wootton, near Glocester, called the Nortligate Pike. Tiiese Tolls were last let at 7141. and w ill be put up nt lliat Sum. The best Bidder must be prepared with Sureties for becoming immediately bound for payment of ihe Rent, and performing other Terms anil Conditions of Letting. By Order of the Trustees, H. WILTON. Glocester, July 3, 1813. OLOCESTE K S111K E, Winchcomb District of Turnpike Roads. NOTICE is hereby givin, that 1 lie next Meeting of the Trustees of the above District of Roads, will be held at the While- Hart Inn, in Winelicomb, on Friday, the 2,3d day of July, 1813, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon,— At which Meeting New Trustees w ill be appointed in the 100111 of those who are dead, or refuse to act. Bv Order of tbe Trustees, JOHN CHADBORN, Clerk. TURNPIKE ROAD From Faringdon to Crickladc, Malmcsbury, Acton Turvitle, and IJmvnend. NOTICE is hereby givi n, Tuat a Meeting of the Trustees for putting in execution the Act pas- sed in the 38 th vear ofthe reign of his present Majes- ty, for more effectually repairing, widening, and im- proving, the Road from Faringdou to CNckiade, from thence to Maluiesbnry, and to the Turnpike Road at Acton Tiirville, and also from Sheistone to the Turn- pike Road leading from Tetbnry to Bath, and for making, maintaining, widening, and improving several other Roads communicating ilierewiiii; will be held ( by adjournment) at the house of Elizabeth aud Mar- tha Derby, the Kiel! and Queen Inn, in llishworfh, on Thursday, ilie twenty- second day of July instant, at eleven o'clock in tbe forenoon. And that at such Meeting the TOLLS arising or payable at Faringdon, Sevunbridges, Eastrop, and Wesftnp Gates, will be LET, separately or two or more together, to the highest Bidder, for one whole year, from the first day of August next, and will be pot up at such Sums res- pectively as Ihe Trustees of tiie said Road shall ilunk til. Whoever happens to be tiie best Bidder, must at the same liine give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the satisfaction of the said Trustees, for payment of ihe Rent agreed for, and at such times as they shall di- rect. By Order cf the Trustees, J\ S. CROWDY, Clerk. Highworth, July 3, 1813. Glocestershire fy Herefordshire new Line, of Road. TURNPIKE TOLLS. TO be LET to the hitrhest Bidder, at the George Inn, in the Town of Newcnt, oil Tuesday, the 27th day of July instant, at three o'clock iu the after- noon of the aforesaid day, under such Conditions and Agreements as will be there and then produced, for one year, to commence oil tbe first day of August next ensuing, THE TOLLS arising and to be collect- ed at tlie Turnpike Gates on the said new Line of Road, ( with tiie Toll- Houses for collecting the same,) called Hall's Gate and Crow Hill Gate, on the said New Line of Road leading from the Crown Hill, in ths Town of Newent, to the Crow Hill, in the Parish of Upton Bishop, in the County of Hereford, to join tbe Turnpike Road there leading from the City of He- reford towards Newiiham, in tbe county of Glocester. And at this Meeting the Treasurer's and Surveyor's Accounts will be examined and passed, and various other business relating to the said New Line of Road transacted. By Order of the Trustees, O. AINSWOR l'H, Clerk to the Trust. Nevvent, 1st July, 1813. TO ROAD MAKERS. FEB WOR TH 1NCL OSURE. ANY Persons willing to contract for the forming and making the several ROADS, set out Udder this tiiclosure, and herein after mentioned and described, are desired to send their Proposals in Writ- ing, sealed up, to the Office of Messrs. Lavender and Byreli, Solicitors, Evesham, on or before Monday, the 12lh day of July next. One Road, tiom Stauchill- lane to the entrance of Mr. Thomas Shekell's Allotment in the Down F'ield. One other Road, down Stanehill- lanetoMr. William Bonner Shekell's Allotment in the Dow n Field. And one other Road, from a place called Bolts Leys to Pebw orth Pasture. The Roads are to be respectively formed of the width of 15 ftet, and stoned of the width of 9 feet. The stone to be laid on at least 15 inches deep in the centre, and 9 inches deep 011 the sides of the said Roads respectively. Evesham, June 19th, 1813. EBKINGTON INCLOSURE. WE whose names are hereunder written, Com- missioners appointed in and by an Act of Parliament made and passed in tbe fifty- third year of the reign ot his present Majesty, intituled " An Act for Inclosing Lands within the township of Ebriueton, and the hamlet of Hiteoat otherwise Hitcott, in the county of Gloucester," do hereby sive notice, Tliat we intend to hold our FIRST MEETING, forputting the said Act into execution, at the Manor House, 111 Ebrington aforesaid, on Thursday, the Twenty- second day of July next; and at the same time and place to appoint a Banker, or such Person or Persons as shall be approved by a majority in value ofthe Proprietors who may be then present, into whose hands all Monies to he raised or received by us, under and by virtue of the'powers contained in the said Act, shall from time- to time be paid. Given under our hands this thirtieth dW of June, ltslS. JOHN CHARLTON. THOM AS FULLJAMES. HUGH JACKSON. BEAST MARKET. TVTOTICE is herebv given, That the BEAST 1 ^ MARKET shall be Kepi BEHIND tile COL- LEGE WALLS, and not elsewhere,' except when there is not sufficient room, in which case only it shall be extended to HALF- STREET,' ami ST. MARY'S SQUARE. By Or- Ierofthe Mayor, R. P. WILTON, Deputy Town Clerk. City of Gtocester, July 9, 1813. GLOCESTERSHIRE. ' NOTICE is hereby given, That the next General QUARTER SESSIONS ofthe PEACE for this County, 11 ill beholden at. the Boothball, in Glocester, in and for the said county of Glocester, 011 TtirsDAY, the THIRTEENTH DAY of J- JIY inst. and that the business of the said Sessions will com- mence AT TEN O'CLOCK I. N TIIE FOR b. N- OON OF THAT DAY, and be proceeded on in the fol- lowing older, viz.— After the electing a Chairman to preside for the Sessions, by calling over the High Constables, and receiving their leturtis; also bv admi- nistering the Oaths of Qualification, and granting Li- cence or Certificate to such persons as shall appear and apply for 1 hat purpose : the Court 11 ill then adjourn to the King's Head Inn, for the purpose of considering and making Orders relating to the General Police oftlie County, of auditing, settling, ami ordering payment of all hills and charges on the Comity Rale, » lieu and where all Coroners, Keepers of Prisons, and other per- sons havingdt- mands on the Comity Rate are required to attend with the same; and such bills as may be neglected to be delivered before tbe hour of Five in the Afternoon of this day will be referred to a future Sessions. That precisely at TEN O'CLOCK in the FORE- NOON of WEDNESDAY, the Fourteenth, theCourt will sit at the Boothhall, at which time Rod place all persons summoned to serve as Grand and Petty Jurors, are requiied to attend and answer to their names ; and Bailiffs and Constables ivho shall have summoned such Jurors are to he present 1- 0 prove, if required, the due service of such summons, and make a return of pro- cess to them directed The Court will then proceed. First, to the trial of all parish and othei appeals.— Secondly, to the trial of traverses.— Thirdly, trial of indictments for felony.— Fourthly, to deliver the Gaols and House. sof Correction of persons committed until the Sessions, for deserting theii families, for breaches ot the peace, for bastardy, See.— and, Finally,' to cull on the scleral parties bound by recognizance, to respite or discharge the same, as the case may be.— All per- sons, therefore, intending to prosecute appeals, or to prefer any bill or bills of indictment, or to try any traverse ; and all witnesses in a- ty bill, cause, or suit whatsoever, intended to be prosecuted or preferred, are required to attend iuthe Bontbhallou Wednesday morning, by ten o'clock, that ^ he Court may not be delayed in proceeding on business.— And all such persons as have presentments to make, or bills of in- dictment to prefer, are desired to attendthe Clerk of the Indictments, Mr. Robert Wilton, at his Office, 111 St. John's- Lane, in Glocpster, and give their instruc- tions for the sauie, as early. as possible on Wednesday morning, that the Grand" Jury may hot be unneces- sarily delayed. EDWARD BLOXSOME, Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Dursley, July 3,1813- HEREAS 11 Commission of Bankrupt is award- ed and issued forth against WALTER HIL. TON JESS OP, of Cheltenham, 111 the county of Glo- cester, Money Scriviner, Dealer and Chapman, and he being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby required lo surrender himself to the Commissioners in tlie said Commission named, or the major part of them, on the eighth day of July next, at six o'clock in the even- ing; Oil the ninth day of the said month of July, at eleven o'clock iu the morning; and on the thirty- first day of the same month of July, at eleven o'clock in the morninsr, at the Talbot I1111, in Cheltenham, and make a full Discovery and Disclosure of Ins Estate and Effects; when and where the Creditors are to come prepared 10 prove their Debts, and at the second Sitting to ehnse Assijiiees, and at Ihe last Sit- ting the said Bankrupt is required to finish his Exaini. nation, aud the Creditors are to assent lo or dissent from the Allowance of liis Certificate. All Persons indebted to the said Bankrupt, or that have any of his Effects, ,\ re not to pay or deliver ihe same but to whom the Commissioners'shall appoint, hut to give notice to Messrs. Vizard and Hutchinson, Solicitors, Lincolns Inn, London; or to Mr. PRUEN, Solicitor, Cheltenham. JAMES LLOYD HARRIS. THEODORE G W1N N E'L T. THOMAS WILLIAMS. HEREAS a Commission of Bankrupt is award- ed and issued forth against JOHN BROWN, of Tillsdown, iu the Parish of Cam, in the County of Glocester, Liqn r Merchant, and he being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby required to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the said Commission named, or tiie major part of them, 011 Wednesday, the twenty- first day of Julv instant, at four ofthe clock 111 the afternoon ; 011 Thursday, fhe twenty- second day of July instant, and on Saturdiv, the twenty- first day of August next, at ten of the clock in the forenoon ofthe days last- mentioned, at the Old Bell Inn, in Dursley, in the said county, and make a full discovery and dis- closure of his Estate and Effects, when and where Hie Creditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts, and at the second sitting to clnise Assignees, and at the last sitting the said Bankrupt is required to finish his Examination, and tbe Creditors are to assent to or dissent from the Allowance of his Certificate. AH Persons indebted to the said Bankrupt, or that have any of his Effects, are not to pay or deliver the same but to whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but give notice to Messrs. Price and Williams, Lincolns Inn, Londpn; or to Messrs. Bliixsouie and Wells, Solicitors, Dursley. WHEREAS a Commission of Bankrupt is award- ed and issued forth against WILLIAM LEO- NARD and JAMES TYNDALL, of the Parish of Cam, in the Comity of Glocester, Shopkeepers, Grocers, and Copartners, aud they being declared Bankrupt, are hereby required to surrender them- selves to the Commissioners in the said Commission named, or the major part of them, on Wednesday, the twenty- first day of July instant, at four of the clock in the afternoon ; 011 Thursday, the twenty- second day of July instant, and on Saturday, the twenty- first day of August next, at ten of Ihe clock in tbe forenoon on each of the days last- mentioned, at the Old Bell Inn, in Dursley, in the said County, and make a full Discovery and Disclosure of their Estate and Effects, when and where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts, and at the second sitting to clmse Assigness, and at th^- last sitting tbe said Bank- rupts are required to finish their Examination, and the Creditors are to assent to or dissent from the allow- ance of their Certificate. All Persons indebted to the said Bankrupts, or that have any of their Effects, are not to pay or deliver the same but to whom tbe Com- missioners shall appoint, but give notice to Messrs. Price and Williams, Lincolns Inn, London, or to Messrs. Bloxsome and Wells, Solicitors, in Dnrsiey. '" ITIE utmost caution cannot prevent the introduc- X tion of that unpleasant and troublesome disorder the ITCH, even inio tlie most respectable families ; and from lis infections nature individuals are constant- ly liable to its attacks. It will therefore be of advan- tage to any wlvo may suffer under it to know, that they may rely 011 being effectually cured by ONE HOUR'S APPLICATION OF BARCLAY'S ORIGINAL OINTMENT. This safe, speedy, and efficacious remedy, has been in general use for upwards of eighty years," wjtin ut a single instance of its having tailed to cure the most in- veterate cases. It does not contain the smallest pat- tide of mercury, or any othtr dangerous ingiedienr„ and may be safely used by persons of the most delicate constitution. The public are requested to observe lhat 110116 can possibly be, genuine, unless Ihe names of the proprietors, BARCLAY and SONS, are engraved on the stamp affixed tp each box^ and gi t at danger may arise from the neglect of this caution.— . Soid wholesale and retail by Barclay auib. Sous, ^ ilie ONLY successois to Jackson and Co.) No. 95, Fleet Market, London, price Is. 9d. duty included ; and by their appointment by Ingram, Walker, and Morgan, Gl, cester; Hiucks, Heuney, and Kufl, Cheltenham; Stevens and W « t> uiis- Cirencester; Pearce, Hartelbury ; Kcddell,. Tewk* 4, bury ; WiUnn, Stroud; Goodvyy n,. Tetbury ; Rickard.% Dnrsley ^ MeachaniAl. edhiiiy ; and. ever* . VI<: diiUi » Vender m tiie Uuutd. jiiugdswi. GLORIOUS and DEC S1_ VE VICTORY IN SPAIN. London Gazette Extraordinary. SATURDAY, JULY 3. 1( 513. W AR DEPARTMENT.— DOWNING STREET, JULY 3. DISPATCHES, of which tu « - . oao » ingare<- opie » < have been Ihis day received by Earl Batlnirst from the Marquis of Wellington, dated Salvatierra, June 22, 1813, and Tricnycen, June 24, 1813. MY LoiiD,— The enemy'S army, commanded by Joseph Bonaparte, having Marshal Jourdan as the Major- General o! the army, took up a position, or. the night ot the 19th instant, in front of Vittoria, the left of which rested upon the heights which end at puebk de Arlanzon, and extended from thence across the valley of Zrdora, in front of the village of Arunez. They occupied with the right of the centre a height which commanded the valley of Zadora, and the right pf their army was stationed near Vittoria, and was destined to defend the passages of the river Za- dora in the neighbourhood of that city. Tliey had a reserve, iu rear of their left, at the village of Go- Eieoha. The nature ofthe country through which the army had passed sin e it had reached the Ebro, had neces- sarily extended our columns, and we halted on the 20th in order to close them up, and moved the left to Margitia, where it was most likely it would lenee essa- ry : 1 leeonuoitred the enemy's position on that day with a view to the attack to be made on the following morning, if they should still remain in it. We accordingly attacked the enemy yesterday, and I am happy to inform your Lord- hip, that the allied army under my command gained a complete victory ; having driven them froui all their positions, having taken from them one hundred aud filly- one pieces of cannon, four hundred and fifteen waggons of ammu- nition, all their baggage, provisions, cattle, treasure, & c. and a considerable number of pii - oners. The operations of the day eomniui ed by L'ente- nant- General Sir Rowland Hill obtaining possession of the heights of La Pnebla, on which the enemy's left rested, which heights they had not occupied in great strength. He detaehe I on this service one brigade of the Spa- nish division under G neral Murillo ; the other bri- gade being employed in keeping the communication between his main body, oil the high toad from Mi- randa to Vittoiia, and the troops detached to the heights. The enemy, however, soon discovered the importance of the he ghts, and reinforced their troops there to such an extent, as that Lieiitenant- General Sir Rowland Hill was obliged to detach, fiist, the the 71st regiment, and the light infantry battalion of Major- Genera! Walker's biLadt. under the cominarW of the Hon. Lieutenant- Colonel Ci logan, and succes- sively other tioops to the sum- point, and the Allies not only gained, but maintain! d possession of these important heights throughout their operation, not- withstanding all the efforts of the enemy to jt'ake them. The < on test here however was very severe, and the loss sustained cousid Table. General Mnrillo w as wounded, but retnainei iu the field ; and I Sin con > rued to have to report, that die Hon. Lieute- nant- Colonel Cadogan his died of a wound which he received. In him his Majesty has lost au officer of great zeal and tiied gallantly, who had already ac- quired the respect and regaid ol Hie whole profession, aud ol whom il might bt expected, that if lie had lived he would have letidered the most important ser- vices to bis country. Under < ov « r ' he posse sion of these height". Sir Rowland H II suects- iv. ly pa- scd the Zadora, at La Pueb a and t e defile fori, e oy the ueiglrs and the liver Z dot a and a acted and gained possession of the village 0 Sab jaaa de Aiava, in fron ot th ,-,: e my's line, which th enemy mam repeat d attempts to regain. The difficult nature ot II e • • nu ry pre vented the communication between our difie lent co limns moving to ihe attack from tiieir stations en the river Bayas at as early an hour a- 1 had expf te i, and it was- late before I knew that the column composed of the 3o and 7th divisions, tin ler the command ofthe Earl of Paihousie, had arrived at the station appointed for them. The fourth and light divisio- s, however, passed the Zadora immediately after Sir Rowland Hill had pos- session ofSabijana de Alava, the former at the bridge ofNanclaits, and the latter at the bridge of Tres Put" tes, arid almost as soon as thise had ' r « ssed, the co- lumn tinder the Eail of Dalhousie arrived al Meudon- za, and the 3d division, under Lieutenant- General Sir Thomas Pieton, eroded at the bridge higher up, followed by the 7th division, under the Earl of Dal- bousic. These four divisions, forming the centre ofthe ar- ' « my, were destined to attack the height on which the S right ofthe enemy's centre was placed, while Lieut.- Gcn. Sir Row land Hill should move forward from Sa- bijana de Alava to attack the left. The enemy, how- ever, having weakened his line to strengthen his de- tacbment in the hills, abandoned his position iu the valley as soon as he saw our disposition to attack it, ami commenced his retreat in good order, towards Vittoiia. Our troops continued to advance in admirable or- der, notwithstanding the difficulty ofthe ground. In the mean time, Limtenant General Sir Thomas Graham, who commanded the left of the army con- sisting ofthe tst and 5th divisions, and Gens. Pack's and Bradford's brigades of infantry, and Gens. Bock's and Anson's brigades of cavalry, and w ho a been moved on tie- 20th to Margiua, moved forward from thence on Vittoria, by the high road from that town to Bilboa. He had besides with liita the Spanish di- vision under Colonel Limga and General Giron, who had been detached to the, left under a different view of the state of affairs, and had af erwards been recal- led, and had arrived ou the 20th at Orduna, marched that morning from thence, so as to be in the field in readiness to support Lieutenant Gen. Sir T. Graham, if his support had been required. The enemy had a division ol' infantry and some ca- valry advanced on the great load trom Vittoria to Bilboa, resting their right on some strong heights co- vering the village ol Gamarra Major. Both Gamarra and Abt chnco were strougly occupied, as tetes- du- pont to the bridges over the Zadora at these places. Brigadier- Gen. Pack, with his Portuguese brigade, and Colonel Longa, with the Spanish division, were directed to turn and gain the heights, supported by Major General Anson's brigade of light dragoons, and the fitli division of infantry, under the command of Major- General Oswald, who was desired to take tbe command ot all these troops. Liont- snant- General Sir Thomas Graham reports, that in the execution of tliis service, the Portuguese and Spanish troops behaved admirably. The 4th aud 8th Caeadores particularly distinguished themselves. Colonel Longa being on the left, took possession of Ganiarra Minor. As soon as the heights were in our possession, the village of Gamarra Major was most gallantly stormed and carried by Brigadier- General Robinson's brigade of the 5th division, which advanced in columns of battalions, under a very heavy fire of artillery and musketry, without firing a shot, assisted by twognns of Major Luwson's brigade of artillery. The enemy suffered severely, and lost three pieces of cannon. The Lieiiteenant- General then proceeded to attack the village of Abechuco, with the 1st division, by forming a strong battery against it, consisting of Captain Dubourdieu's brigade and Captain Ramsay's troop of horse artillery, and, under cover of this fire, Colonel Halket's brigade advanced to the attack of the village, which was cariied, the light battalion having charged and taken three guns and a howitzer ou the bridge; this attack was supported by General Bradford's brigade of Portuguese infantry. During the operation at Abechuco, Ihe enemy made the greatest efforts to repossess themselves ofthe vil- lage of Gamarro Major, which were gallantly repulsed by the tioops of the 5th division, under the command of Major General Oswald. The enemy had, however, on the heights on the left of Zadora, two divisions of infantry in reserve, and it was impossible to cross by the bridges till tile troops which had moved upon the enemy's centre aud left had driven theni through Vit- toria. The whole then co- operated in the pursuit, which was coutiuned by all till after it w as dark. The movement ot the troops under Lieutenant- Ge- neral Sir Thomas Graham, and their possession ot Gamarra and Abechuco, intercepted the enemy's re- treat by the high' road to France. They were then obliged to turn to the road towards Pamplona; but they were unable to hold any position for a sufficient length of time to allow their baggage and artillery to he drawn off. The whole therefore of the latter which had not already been taken by the troops in their attack of the successive positions, taken up by the enemy in their retreat from their first position on Arunty aud ou the Zadora, and all their ammunition and baggage, and every thing they bad were taken, close to Vittoria. I have reason to believe that the enemy carried off with thcui oue gun aud oue howit- zer only. The army nuder Joseph Bonaparte consisted of the whole of tbe armies of the Soulh and ofthe Ceutre, and of four divisions, aud all the cavalry of the army of Portugal, and some tioops of the ariny of the North. Geueral Foix's division of the army of Por- tugal was ill the neighbourhood of Bilboa, and Gen. Clausel, who commands the army of the North, was near Logrono with one division of the army of Por- tugal, commanded by General Tophi, and General Vandermasen's division of the army of the North. Tbe 6th division of the allied army, under Major- General tbe Honourable Edward Pakenharn, was likewise absent, having been detained at Medina del Pornar for three days, to covtr the march of our ma- gazines and stores. I cannot extol too highly the good conduct of all the general officers, officers, and soldie rs of the army in this action. Lieutenant- General Sir Rowland Hill speaks highly of tiie conduct of General Murillo, and the Spanish troops under his command, aud of that ot Lieutenant- Geiieral the Honourable W. Stewart aud the Conde d'Amarante, who commanded divisions oi infantry under his diiections. He likewise mentions the conduct of the Honourable Lieutenant- Colonel O'Callagan, who maintained the village of Sabijana de A lava against all ihe efforts of the < neuiy to regain possession of it, and that of Lieutenant- Col. Biooke, of the Adjutant- General's department, and Lient.- Colonel the Honourable Alexander Abercioniby, of the Quarter- Mauler General's department. It was impossible for the movements of any troops to be conducted with more spirit and regularity than those of the respective divisions ol Lieut.- Gi n. the Earl af Dalhousie, Sir Thomas Pieton. Sir Lowry Cole, and Major- General Charles B iron Alten,— These troops advanced in echelons of regiments, in twft, and occsaionally three lines; and the Portuguese troops, in the 3-. I aud 4th divisions, under tbe com- mand of Brigadier- Gen. Power and Colonel Stubbs, led tbe march, with a steadiness and gallantry never surpassed on auy occasion. Major- General the Hon. C. Colville's brigade of the 3d dtvsion was seriously attacked, in its advance, by a very superior force, well formed, which it drove in, supported by Geueral Inglis's brigade of the 7lb divi- sion, commanded by Colonel Grant, of the 82d.— Tnese eifficers, aud the troops under their command, distinguished themselves. Major- General Vandeleofs brigade of the light di- vision was, during the advance upon Vittoria, de- tached to tire support of tiie 7th division, and Lieut.- General the Earl of Dalliousie has reported most fa- vourably of its conduct. Lieuteiiaiit- General Sir Thomas Graham particular- ly reports his sense of the assistance be received from Colonel Delaney, Deputy Quarter Master General, and from Lieutenant- Colonel Bouveiie, ofthe Adjn- tant- General's Department, and from the officers of his personal staff', aud from the Honourable LicuteH- ant- Colouel Upton, Assistant Quarter- Master Gene- ral, and Major Hope, Assistant- Adjutant, with the first division: and Major- General Oswald reports tbe same of Lieutenant- Colonel Berkeley, ol* the Adju- tant- General's Department, and Lieutenant- Colonel Gomtn, of the Quarter- Master General's Depart- ment. I am particularly indebted to Lientenant- Genera! Sir Thomas Graham, and Lieutenant- General Sir Rowiand Hill, for tbe manner in which they have re- spectively conducted the service entrusted to them since the commencement of the operations, which have ended in the battle of the 21st, and for their condn t in that battle; as likewise to Marshal Sir W. Beresford, for the friendly advice and assistance which I have received from him upon all occasioiis during the late operations. I must not omit to mention, likewise, the conduct of General Giron, who commands the Gallician army, who made a forced march from Orduna, and was ac- tually on the ground in readiness to support Lieuten- ant Geueral Sir Thomas Graham. I have frequently been indebted, and have had oc- casion to call the attention of your Lordship to the conduct of the Quarter- Master General Major- Gene- ral George Murray, who, iu the late operations and in the battle of the 21st inst. has again given me the greatest assistance. I am likewise indebted to Lord Ajhner, the Deputy Adjutant- General, and to the Officersof the Adjutant and Quarter- Master General's Departments respectively, and to Lieutenant- Colonel Lord Fitzroy Somerset, Lieuteuaut- Colonel Camp- bell, an ! the Officers of my personal Staff, and to Lieutenant- Colonel Sir Richard Fletelier, and tbe Officers of the Royal Engineers. Colonel His Serene Highness tke Hereditary Prince of Orange was in the field as my Aide- de- Cainp, and conducted himself with his usual gallantry and intel- ligence. Mareschal del Campo Don Luis Wimpfen, and the Inspector- General Dou Thomas O'Donoju, and the Officers of the staff of the Spanish army, have invari- ably rendered me every assistance in their power in tile course of these operations; and I avail myself of this oppsrtuuity of expressing iny satisfaction at their conduct, as likewise with that of Mareschal del Cani- po Don Miguel de Alava, and of Brigadier- General Dou Joseph O'Lawlor, who have been so long and so usefully employed with me. The artillery was most judiciously placed by Lieut. Colonel Dickson, and was well served, and the army is particularly indebted to that corps. The nature of the ground did not allow of the ca- valry being generally engaged, but the General Offi- cers, commanding the several brigades, kept the troops under their command respectively close to the infantry to support them, and they were most active in the pursuit of tbe enemy after they had been driven through Vittoria. I send this dispatch by my Aid- de- Camp Captain Freinantle, whom I beg leave to recommend to yonr Lordship's protection: he will have the honour of laying at the feet of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, the colours of the 4th battalion of the 100th regiment and Marshal Jourdan's Baton, of a Marshal Ot France, taken by the 87tli regiment. I have the honour to be, & c. ( Signed) WELLINGTON. I enclose a return of the killed and wounded in the late ope ration, and a return of the ordnance and am- munition captured in the action of the 21st instant. ABSTRACT OF LOSS FROM JUNE 12 TO 21. Total British Loss.— 1 lieut.- col. 6 captains, 10 lieu- tenants, 4 ensigns, 1 staff, 17 Serjeants, 4 drummers, 460 ra k and fiie, 92 horses, killed ; 1 general staff", 3 lienteiiant- coionels, 5 majors, 40 captains, 87 lieuten- ants, 22 ensigns, 5 staff, 125 serjeants, 13 drummers, 2504 rank aud file, 68 horses, wounded Total Portuguese Loss. — 3 captains, 1 lieutenant, 3 ensigns, 4 Serjeants, 1 drummer, 138 rank and file, 1 horse, killed ; 1 lieutenant- colonel, 4 majors, 16 cap- tains, 10 lieutenants, 19 ensigns, 2 staff, 35 serjeants, 1 drummer, 811 rank and file wounded. ' Total Spanish Loss.— 1 captain, 3 lieutenants, 85 rank and file, killed ; 1 general staff, 1 lieutenant- col. 3 captains. 6 lieutenants, 453 rank and file, wounded. Grand Total.— 1 lieut- col. 10 captains, 14 lieuten- ants, 7 ensigns, 1 staff', 10 serjea. its, 5 drummers, 683 rank and file, 93 horses, killed; 2 general stuff', 9 lieu- tenant- cols. 9 majors, 59 captains, lOS lieutenants, 41 ensigns, 7 staff, 158 serjeanis, 14 drummers, 3768 rank and file, 68 horses, wounded. N. B. 1 seijeaut, 2 drummers, 863 rank and fiie have been returned missing by the se veral corps of the at my, British and Portuguese; it is supposed that the greater number of them lost their regiments in the course of the. night, and that very few have fallen into the bands of the enemy. ( Signed) AYLMER, Dep. Adj. Gen. NAMES OF OFFICERS KILLED. British.— 11th Lt. Drag. Lieut, the Hon. G. Thel- Ittss. n, attached to the l6tb Lt. Drag. — 12th Lt. Drag. Cornel Hammond — 18tu Hussars, Capt. Turing. - 4th Foot, lst. Batt. Lt. Thorm, Adju. Baker.— Sth Ft. Capt. Adams, Ensign Bolton.— 47th Ft. 2d Batt. Lieuts. Harley and Hill.— 5lst Ft. Lieut. Percy.— 52d Ft, 1st. Batt, Capt. Curry.— 68th Ft Capt. Anderson, Ensign Parvin.— 71st Ft. lsl Batt. Lient.- Col. Hon. H Cadogan, Capt. Hail, aud Lieut. C. M'Kensev.— 82d Ft. lst Bait. Lieut. Carrol — 83d Ft. 2d Batt. Lieut. Bloxsoili, Lt. Lingsey. — 87th Fi. 2d Batt. En- sign Greedy.— 35th Ft. 3d Batt. Lieut. L. Campbell. — 94th Ft. gd Batt. Volunteer Enrigbt. NAM ES OF OFFICERS WOUNDED British— From 12th lo 19tb June. — 3d Dragoons, Capt. Sitwell, severely.— 95tli Foot, 1st Batt. Lieut. Haggup, severely.— Brunswick Oels, Lieut. Meger. se » erely. — lst Royal Scots, Volunteers W. Dobbs and S. Miller, slightly; Volunteer T. Sutbrill, severely.— 23d Fusileers, Lieut. Sedley, severely. On the 21st of June. General Staff— Major- Gen. tbe Hon. Chas. Colville, slightly; Major the Marquis of Tweeelale, 44th regt. A. Q. M. Cr. slightly ; Capt. T. 11. Brown, 23d Fnsi- leers, D. A. AG. slightly; Capt. Hay, lst Royal Scots, Aide- de- Camp lo Major- Geu. Hay, severely; Capt. Bringhnrst, lst Diagoon Guards, Aide- de- Camp to Major- General Fane, sligiitly; Capt. Hay, Aide- de- Cainp to Major- General Brisbane, slightly; Captain Webster, 9th Light Dragoons, Extra Aide- de- Camp to Major- Gen. Long, slightly; Capt. Woedyer, Royal Artillery, slightly— 3d Dragoon Guards, Lieutenant W. Stewart, severely— 15th King's Hussars, Captain Hen cox, slightly; Lieut the Ho » . J. Finch, slightly— 16th Light Dragoons, Lieut. Arnold, slightly; Adjt. Barra, slightly— 18th Hussars, Capt. R. Carew, se- verely ( since dead); Cornet Foister, severely— Royal Horse Artillery, Lieut. Swaby, severely— Royal En- gineers, LieuU Wright, slightly— lst Foot, 3d Batt. Lieut.- Col. Campbell, severely; Lieut. Giover, se- verely; Lieuts.- Armstrongand Rae, slightly; Lieuts. M'Kellegaue and Cross, severely ; Ensign Green, slightly— 4th Foot, lst Batt. Capts. Williamson, Kep- ping, Ward, and Edgel, severely; Lieut. Hopkins, slightly Ensign M'Crohan, severely— 5th Foot, lst Batt, Capt. Bateman, severely; Lient Bird, slightly; Lieut. Higgio3, seveiely; Lieut. Welch, very slightly; Lient. Johnson, severely ; Lieut. Galbiait!, very slightly— 27th Regt. 3d Batt. Lieuts. Gordon, Weir, and Hill— 28th Foett, lst Batt. Maj. Patterson, ( Lieut.- Col.) severely; Capts. Wilson and Bowles, ditto; Lienfs. Wolf and Morris, ditto; Lient. Gordon, slight- ly; Lieut. Irwm, severely; Lieuts. Coen and Burue, slightly ; Lieuts. Sweney and M'Donnell, severely; Lieut. Clark, slightly; Lieut. R. Mitchell, » « v « - t « iy ; Lieut. Evans, siiglitlv ; l. ient. K. H. Mitchel, severely; Ensign Alexander, slightly; Ensign Burn, severely— SlstFoot, 2d Batt. Capt. Girdleston, severely— 34th Foot, 2d Batt. Lieut. Bail, slightly; Lieut. Mogge- rige, severely ; Lieut. Cannes, slightly— 38tll Foot, lst Batt. Lieut. M'Gill, slightly; Ensign Cnrren, se- verely— 39th Foot, lst batt. Capt. Carthew, slightly ; Capts. Walton and Hicks, severely; Lieuts. Mead, Crotty, aud Reynolds, severely; Lien's. Spiers and Baiuos, slightly— 40th Foot, lst Bait. Capt. Ellis, se verely ; Lient. Gorman, severely ; Ensign Fox, se- verely- 43d Foot, lst Batt. Capt. Duffey ( Major), slightly ; Lieut. Houlton, seveiely— 45th Foot, lst Batt. Lieut.- Col. Ridewood, severely ; Lieuts. Ren- net and Little, severely; Ensign Edmonds, severely. — i7th Ft. 2d Batt. Capts. Hodges and Parsons, slight- ly ; Capt. Yates, severely; Lieut. Short, slightly.— 50th Ft. 1st Batt. Capts, A. Gordon and Gardiner, se- verely ; Lieut. Bower and Turner, severely ; Ensigns Williams and Reid, severely.— 5lst Ft. Ensign J. Campbeb, slightly.— 52d Ft. lst Batt. Adj. Jones, se- verely — 57th Ft. 1st Batt. Lieuts. Northey, Dix, and Frances, slightly.— 59th Ft. 2d Batt. Lieut.- Col. Fane, severely ; Major Weir ( Lieut. Col.) severely; Lieuts. M'Gregor and Mayne, severely; Lieut. Walker, se- verely ( since dead): Lieuts Laugley and M'Pherson, severely; Ensign Pyne, slightly.— 60th Ft. Sth Batt. Capt. Franchiiiy and Lieut. Joyce, slightly,— 66th Ft. 2d Batt. Capt. " Nicliolls, severely.— 68th Ft. 2d Batt. Lieut. Col. Johnson aud Capt. Gough, severely; Capt. Read, sligiitly; Lieuts. Sorlv and M'Kay, shgntly; Ensigns Fawke, Ball, and Stretton, severely; Ensign Skene, slightly ; Adj Hinds, severely. 71st Ft. lst Batt. Brev. Lieut. Col. Cother, sliglit'y; Capt. Read, severely; Capts. Pidgeon and Grant, slightly; L ent. Doff', slightly ; Lieut. Fox, severely, ( since dead); Lients. Richards, M'lntyre, Toristho, Campbell, and Coimneline, severely; Lieut. Cox, se- verely aud missing.— 74th Ft, Capt. M'Queen, slight- ly; Capt. Ovens, severely; Ensigns Hamilton and Shore, severely ; Adjnt. White, severely.— 82d Ft. lst Batt. Lieut. Col. Grant, severely ; Lieuts. Derenzy and Agnew, severely.—, 83d Ft. 2d Batt. Major W ei- derington, severely ; Capt. Venables, slightly ; Lient. Baldwin, severely; Lieut. Smith, slightly.— 87III Ft. Sd Batt. Capts. Vaiidelem, O'Brien, anil King, severe- ly; Lieuts. Higginson and Mountgarret, severely; Lieut. Dowling, slightly ; Ensign Stafford, slightly.— 88th Ft. 1st Batt. Capt. M'Dermot, severely ; Lieuts. Flood, Fitzpatrick, and Faires, slightly ; Ensign San- ders, severely.— 94th Ft. Lieut. Col. Campbed, Capt. Cairncross, aud Lieut. M'Antlmr, severely; Lieut. Cannon, slightly; Ensigns Stain ton and Natrne, severe- ly; Adjut. Jackson, severely.— 95tli Ft. lst Batt. Brevet Lieut. CoL Cameron, severely; Lieuls. Cox, Hopwood, and Gardner, severely; Lieut. Lester, slightly.— 95th Ft. 2d Batt. Capt. Jenkine, slightly,— Chasseurs Bnttaniques, Capt. Mdlins, slightly; Lieut. Lenhart, severely.— lst Lt. Ii. itt. Kis g's Ger Leg. Lieut. Iledemati, slightly.— 1st Ft. 3d Batt. Volun- teer Dobbs, severely; 5th Ft. 1st Batt. Volunteer Rees, severely. NAMES OF THE PORTUGUESE OFFICERS. hilled.— 9th Reg. of the Line, Ensign Martinho C. Reyo, Dns. JoaoMatuo— 16th Reg. of ihe Line, Capt. Lyticii— 2lst Reg. of the Line, Capts. Manuel Vicente de Sequera, Carlos Joao D'Aro, Lieut. Joao Palmer — 6tu Cae adores, Ensign Antonio Ozzono. Wounded.— Lieut. Col. Harding, deputy quarter- master general, severely ; Capt. Fitzgerald, brigade- major, slightly— 3d Reg. of the Line, Captain Smith, severely; Lieut. Jose Vicente Cordor, slightly— 9t) i Reg. of tbe Line, Majoi Ross, Capt. J. M. J. Desoure, Frenando de Viliar Boas ( since dead), Guilheniy Pot- ter, Lieuts. St. Martin<>, Querado; Ensigns Tomar J. Mesieli, Ignacio, Lopes Bareto, Cbaquim Nunes Ue Malos, and Antonio Pimk da Gema; Adj. M. S. Gomes II til Reg. of the Line, Major Donahue, sligiitly ; Capt. Joao de Govie, ditto ; Capt. Geo. Shipping, severely ; Lieut. M. Santos, severely ; Lieut. Luis Pinto, Ensign Jose Antonio Ribeire, slightly; Ensign Frenanuo de Govta, severely — t. iiii Regiment of the Line, Maj- A Campbell, severely ; Capt. B. Baptisto, slightly.— 16th Reg. of the Line, Capt. Man. In J. Xavia, Ens. F. T. Penebra, siigutly — i7th Reg. uf the Line, An. Evage, slightly— 21st Reg. of the Line, Capt. S. Gir- nier, Capt. A, J, Soeras, Capt. Diego Mecliad; Lieut, Gaibrieth, Lient. F. de Lima; Ensign J. A. Pinto, Ensign T. d Ruigo, Ensign A. S Loevas, Ensign J. P. de Cea. Eusigi Jose de Olevena - 23d Reg of the Line. Major F. D. de P" d Azeo, severely ; Capt. F. J. Pierio, Ensign Salvada de Cunba, Ensign Jeaqtiini Robeira, sightly — 4th Cacadores, Capt. M'Greger, severely ; Ensign Frazao, slightly.— 7th Cacadores, Capt. T. Velente, slightly ; Lieut. Pedro Pauls, se- verely ; Lieut. F. Cezar, Ensign J. Chrisoatonis, slightly - 8tu Cacadores, Capt. A. Carlos, severely ; Eusign Petraara, severely — 11th Cacadores, Lient. Antonio Roy da La, Pedro D. M. Pioroto, Eusign A. J. Vedal. Spanish.— Rrigarl. er Gen. Pablao Munllo, severely wounded.— The other Spanish officers names not as- certained. ( Signed) AYLMEH, Dep. Aelj Gen Return of Ordnance, Carriages, and Ammunition, cap- tured from the enemy, in the action of the atlsf of June, 1813. Vittoria, June 23, 1813. Brass Ordnance on Travelling Guns. — 28 twelve- pounder guns, 42 eight- pounder guns, 43 four- pounder guns, 3 eight- inch howitzers, 20 six i ich howitzers, 3 four and 2 five- inch howitzers, aud 2 six mch how- itzers.— Total 151. Cussions. — 56 twelve- pounder guns, 76 eight- pounder guns, 68 tour- pounder guns, 7 eight- inch howitzers, 54 six- inch howitzers, 5 four and 2 five- inch howitzers, 149 small arm ammunition.— Total 415 Rounds of Ammunition.— l936tweive ponndfcr gnns, 5424 eight- pounder guns, 3434 four- pounder gnns, ; 7 eight- inch howitzers, and 3358 six- inch howitzers.— Total 14,249. 1,973,400 musket- ball cartridges, 40,668lbs. of gun. powder, 56 forage waggons, and 44 forge waggons R. D. HENAGAN, Commissary Royal \ rtillery. A. DICKSOB, Lieut.- Col. commanding Artillery. Irunzun, June 24, 1813. MY LORD,— The departure of Captain Fremuntle having been delayed till tins day, by the necessity of making up the returns, I have to report to your Lord- ship, tbat we have continued to pursue the enemy, whose rear reached Pamplona this dav. We have done them as much injury as has been in our power, considering the state of tbe weather and of the roads; and this day the advanced guard, consisting of Major- General Victor Baron Allen's brigade, and tbe lst and 3d battalions of the 95th regiment, anil Major Ross's troop of horse artillery, took from them the remaining gun tliev had. They have entered Pamplona, there- fore, with one howitzer only. General Clausel, who had under his command that part ofthe Army ofthe North, and one division of the Army of Portugal which was not iu the action of the 21st, approached Vittoiia on the 22d, when be heard of the action of the preceding day, and finding there tiie 6th division, which had just arrived under the command of Major- General the Hon. E. Pakenham, he retired upon la Guardia, and lias since inarched upon Tndela de Ebro. It is probable that the enemy will continue their retreat into France. I have detached General Giron with the Gallician Army in pursuit of trie convoy which moved from Vittoria on the morning of tbe 20th, which I hope he will overtake before it reaches Bayonne. I have the honour to be, & c. ( Signed) WELLINGTON. ADMIRALTY OEHC1'., JULY 3, 1813. His Majesty's Ship Surveillante, at anchor off Castro, June 25,1813. MY LORD,— I have the satisfaction to acquaint your Lordship, that the supplies of the garrison of Castro de Urdeales, having been cut off' by bis Majes- ty's cruisers on this coast, and the total want of meat obliged the commanding officer to evacuate the castle on the 22d inst. and retired to Santoua. The Spar- row heaving in sight at the same moment, obliged the Commandant to do this to precipitately, as to pie- vent bis destroying his artillery and powder, or doing any mischief lo tiie castle itself. Capt. Taylor very properly immediately garrisoned the castle, and this day we have had a party of tbe anny under General 51cndi< abcl. I am soi ry to say, five- sixths of this town is in ruins, Btid that the dreaatm oaroaruies '• ft. mniut- u oy the French. Italian troops, as detailed by the few sur- viving old women, are too shocking to be made the subject of a public letter ; nor was the carnage con- fined to the evening of the storm alone. The inhabi- tants who Heel are now leturning, but misery anil po- verty are at an acme. Fourteen of tile savage authors of these excesses w ere taken to Bilboa, since the eva- cuation, and were deservedly put to death. I have now the pleasure of saying, tltat the whole line of coast from Guetaria to Santoua is evacuated by the enemy. I have tbe honour to be, See. ( Signed) GEORGE R. COLLIER. WAR- OFFICE, JULY 3. His Royal Highness the Prince Regent has been pleased, in tbe name and on the behalf of Ins Majesty, to appoint the under- mentioned Officers to take rank by Brevet as under- mentioned; commissions to be dated 21st June, 1813. General Arthur the Marquis of Wellington, K. G. to be Field Marshal in the Anny. MAJORS Bryan O'Toole, of 39th Foot; Alexan- der Du Hautoy, of Chasseurs Britanniqnes; Aug. Farer, of Royal Artillery; D. Rnlierts, of 51st Foot; R. J. Harvey, of the Portuguese Staff; Hew D. Ross, of Royal Artillery; Hon. Wm. Stewart, of the 90th Foot; Dudley St. Leger Hill, of Royal West India Rangers; George Marquis of Twee- dale, of 41st Foot; J. P. Hawkins, of 68th Foot; E. K. Williams, of 8lst Foot, to be LIEUT.- COLS. in tbe Army. CAPTAINS George Marlay, of 14th Foot; Jona- than Le acb, of 95th Foot; Robert Atiwyll, of 4th Foot; William Perceval, of 95th Foot; Tbos. Light- foot, of 45th Foot; Archibald Ross, of 91st Foot, John Schocdde, of 60th Foot; George Jenkinson, of Royal Artillery ; William Moore, of 74th Foot; Jas. Miller, of 74th Foot; Samuel Hext, of 83d Foot; George Hay, of RoyaJ Scots; Hon. ^ arnes Stanhope, of lst Foot Guards; George Cowper, of 92d Foot; Alexander Anderson, ot 42d Foot; Thomas F. Wade, of 42d Foot; Thomas Weare, of 35th Foot; T. Free- man He, et Coldstream Guards; Charles Baron Du- ring, of lst Battalion of the Line King's German Le- gion ; John Bell, of 4th Foot, to be MAJORS in the Army. PARLIAMENTARY. HOUSE OF COMMONS FRIDAY. AUCTION GILL. Mr. WHITEREAO wholly disapproved of the Bill, and said, that though it pretended merely to keep down mock Auctions, it would have the effect ot ex- tinguishing the profession altogether. He hoped the bill would be postponed till next session, by which time the House w ould come to an accurate knowledge of the defect « t the present system, aud be able to adopt the most effectual means of remedying it. A discussion took place on the proposition of tbe Chancellor of tbe Exchequer, that the report of this bill be taken into consideration on Monday. To this an amendment was moved by Mr. Frankland Lewis, tbat the report should be taken into consideration this day three months. The CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER agreed to wave a division, and the bill was thiown out to all appearance by a large majority. The House went into a Committee on the East In- dia Bill, on the motion of Lord CASTLEREAGH, when the discussion of the subsequent clauses of the bill were proceeded in. On tbe clause for the appropriation, & c. of tile Company's funds at home and abroad, Lord CASTLE- REAGII entered into au explanation of this pan ol the lull, which had been much misunderstood. He no- ticed the difference between tbe political and com- mercial expenditure of the Company, and said be would propose a clause which - bonid repay al1 the sums paid out of the commercial treasury ofthe Com- pany ai home lor political purposes, by the political tunei iu India, being applicable lor commercial pur- poses in the ensuing year; and a second clanse giving territorial or political claims from India a preference over commercial claims on ihe funds at home alter payment of the dividends of 10 § per cent. He con- cluded by moving, " To leave out certain words in the clause read, to make room for these propositions." Lord CASTLEREAGH'S motion was agre ed to. The bill, as amended to be printeel.— Aeljourned. Sunday the following bulletin was exhibited at St. James's Palace:—" Windsor Castle, July 3. His Majesty has in general passed the last uiouth ill tran- quillity and comfort. Messrs. Daniels and Fisher left London on Saturday night, tbe former with dispatches for Lord Wellington and the latter with dispatches foi Lord Cathcart. A young lady of great fortune, who had been given in marriage by Bonaparte to one of his military offi- cers, poisoned herself iu Paris last month, to avoid the nuptials. The East Indians are beforehand with the Mission- aries, tor it is said they have sent over a number of jugglers ( who swallow swords, and do ail kinds of mi- racles), to convert the Nutivesof this Metropolis. Ou Saturday, in the King's Bench, a motion was made on the behalf of Mrs. Mary Anue Clarke, to slay proceedings iu an actiou of debt, it being swoin that she bail been married, and tbat her husband was alive. The Court refused lo interfere in a summary way, it not having been sworn that the plaintiff knew she was married. The learned Counsel insisted that the no- toriety of the fact of her marriage was sufficient; but the Court refused to have any judicial knowledge of Mrs. Clarke's coverture. A TRUE BRITISH TAR— The following anecdote is an additional trail of the determined valour of the crew of the unfortunate Java. Au Officer, who was a passenger in that vessel, and suffered to come home on his parole, related the circumstance to his friend on passing through Bath:— A stripling, who had distin- guished himself by his heroic ardour, during the Java's hard- fought battle with the American frigate, got his foot so shattered as to cause immediate ampatatioli to be necessary. He bore the operation with manly fortitude ; and sometime after was about to be remov- ed Oil shore, to effect which with some degree of fa- cility, a flag was brought to carry him. On seeing it he exclaimed, 44 That's an American flag— shiver my limbers, if it shall ever be honoured by carrying a British Sailor— bring some English colours, and throw me into the sea wrapped up iu them if you like, — but d— n me if I'll be hauled about in an American fl Ig." The brave lad was resolute ; and no other ac- commodation being at hand, he was taken from his hammock with no covering but his shirt: ' iwas under the line— intensely hot— and he soon fell a sacrifice to bis ideas of national honour and patriotic resent- ment I UANKRUPTS FROM SATURDAY'S GAZETTE. John Richardson, Wakefield, woolstapler, Jnly 16 17, August 17, at the New Court House, Wakefield! Atts. Evans, Hatton Garden; or Beaver, Wakefield. Barnard Barnell and Alexander Davis, Shadivell High- street, slopsellers, Julv 6, 13, August H at Guildhall. Att. Bennett, New Inn- buildings, Wych- s'reet William Haroeti, Lamb's Conduit- place, mo- ney sciivener, July 6, 17, August 14, at Guildhall. Att. Gaunt, Lamb's Condutt- sireet WdliemStuckey, Svt affhatn, money scrivener, July 15, 16, August 14 at. tiiei White Hart Inn, Sivaffhain. Alls. Yarin^ tou' Swatfhaui; or Windusand Holtowav, Chancery- lane. John Bisp, Bristol, butcher, July 8, 15, August 14, at the Commercial Rooms, Bristol. Atts. Biooke and Btidges, Red Lion- square; or liiddnlph and Hare. Bristol William Coward Chippendall, Liverpool to- bacconist, Joly 20, 21, August 14, at the Globe, Li- verpool. Atts. Blaekstock and Bunce, Temple ; or Hi nt, Liverpool Henry Jones, Deptford, taylor, July 6, 17, August 14-, at Guiidhall. Att. Chambers, Furntvul's In ii IVillium Bache. Union- street, Lam- beth, blacking- manufacturer, July 6, 20, August 14, at Guildhall. Att. Hope, Coptbal) court, Throgmor- ton- street H illiam < arUr, Hamrn rsmith, cor n- chandler. July 6, 20, August 14. at Guildbnll. Atts Field and Sheargold, Cliffird's Inn .../' f. BlandeU, Lucas- Street, Gray's loo lane, insurance- broker, July* 6, 17, August 14, at Guildhall. Atl. P. illen, f- oie- Zir, 1 VV'l, l,,^ te.... B.' 1 ham CoocA, Canterbury, gun- smith, July 10, t3, August 14, at Guildhall. Att. Levis, Curs, tor- streel. Chancery- lane Thomas i? « V T V" S. tr,,'? t- Stuiihwark, sack- merchant, July 6, 20, August 14, at Guildhall. Arts, l. oxlev J ' t , ^ 7' W. Hackney- road, builder, Joly 13, 14, Angus, 14, at Guildhall. Att. Harvey, Curs, tor- street, Chancerv- laue John Rar. o-- smooth cutler July U, j3, August 14, at ttie ts Portsmouth. An,. Ma,- ud,, Portsmouth; remple....... W Jennings, Bradford, York- rn- miller, July 23, 24, August 14, attheTal- ker, Portsmouth cutler July l. t, f5; A'ugu » l 14, iSll ttie Blue Posts, Portsmouth, •• - or Piatt shire, cor bot Bradford. Atts. Hadstone aud^ ntfeVrBriifei- d'" or Evans, Hatton Garden Saunders, White- chapel- road, haberdasher, July 6, n, Aueust u at Guildhall. Att. Birkett, Bond- court, Walbrook Joseph Strickland, Bramley, Yorkshire, clothier j'u'tv 23, 24, August 14, at the Talbot, Bradford ' Atts Evans, Hatton Ga'rden; or Crossley, Bradford ... Mutt/ tew Birk'msUa'x, Kingston- upon- Hull, merchant" July 8, 9, August 14, at tbe White Hart, Kingston! upon- Hull. Atts. Rosser, Bartletl's- buildings- or Sandwich, Hull John Cooper, Manchester, flour- dealer, July 30, 31, August 14, at the White Lion, Manchester. Alts. Entwistle, Manchester; or Milne and Parry, Temple Charles Wood, Dyinock, Glo- cestershne, cattle- dealer, July 15, 16, August 14., at the White Feathers, Ledbury. Atts. Tovev and James Netvuliam ; orVizard aud Hutchinson, Lincoln's Inn- square William C'o- irt, Birmingham, nail founder. July 16, 17, August 14, at the Union Tavern, Bir- mingham. Att. Lowe, Ravenhurst, Birmingham Thomas Mason, Newcastle- upon- Tyne, butcher, July 22, 27, August 14, at the George, Newcastle- upon- Tyne. Atts Bainbridge, Newcastle; or Atkiusoa and Co. Chancery- lane. IJIVIDENDS.— July 27. J. M'Alpin, Bristol, at the Rummer Tavern, Biisto) July 24. J. Wynde, Leo- minster, Herefordshire, merchant, at the Guildhall, Worcester. BANKRUPTS FROM TUESDAY'S GAZETTE. George Hrumiei!, Fiaucis- place, Westminster- road, hosier, July 10, 17, August 17, at Guildhall. Atts. Jones and Reyual, Lord Mayor's Couit Office, Royal Exchange Luke Silburn, Ipswich, Suffolk, liquor- merchant, July 15, 16, August 17, at Ihe Queen's Head, Ipswich. Atts. Brame and Notentt, Ipswich; or Burnett, Chatham- place, Blackfriars John Mine- thorpc, Wakefield, Yorkshire, maltster, July 16, 17, August 17, at the New Court House, Wakefield. Atts. Evans, Hatton Garden; or Beaver, Wakelield William Lace, Liverpool, slater and plaisterer, July 1% 21, August 17, at the Globe, Liverpool. Atts. Phillips, Liverpool; or Windle, John- street ' Thomas Hirst aud John Battye, Heckmondwike, Yorkshiie. me. rcba, its, July 16, 23, August 17, at the Black Bull, Gomersjl. Atts. Evans, Hatton Garden; or Carr, Gomersal Henry Brauman. Green- street, Bethnal Green, baker, July 13, 17, August 17, at Guildhall. Att. Mitchell, Swan- street, Minories Daniel Donling, Devonshire- street,, Queen- square, schoolmaster, July 17,24, Aug. 17, at Guildhall. Alt. Chrishop, ChildVplace, Tem- ple Bar George Jordan, Newcastle- upon- Tyne, join- j er aud cabinet maker, July 26, 27, August 17, at tbe l urk's Head, Newcastle- upon- Tyne. Atts. Constable, Symond's Inn; or Kirkley and Fenwicke, Newcastle- upon Tvne John Mason, Pesckham, Surrey, pota- toe- merchant, July 10, 17, August 17, at Guildhall. Atts. Kear- ey andSpurr, Bishopgate- street j/ ios. Jenkins, Fleet- stieet, taylor and draper, July 10, 19, August 17, at Guildhall. Att-. Douolloii and Bowden, Copthall- buildiHgs, Throgmorton- street /, Jovctt, Radford, Nottingham, miller and flour- seller, July 9, 10, August 17, at the Punch Bowl, Nottingham. Atts. Coldham and Enfield, Nottingham; or Bleasdale and Co. New Inn John Seggcrs, Wood- street, Cheap- side, hosier, July 10,24, August 17, at Guildhall, Ait. Sivann, New Basingliall street. ... Geo. Ilenton, George- street, Tower Hill, broker, July 10, 17, Augtist 17, at Guildhall. Au. Mitchell, Swan street, Muiories... .. Gideon Gradate, Ship Allev, U'ellclose square, jew. eller, Julv 17, 27, August 17, at I Idball. Att. Col- . lingwood, Water- stieet, Blackfriars Thos. Heather, Southampton, dealer, July 23, 24, August 17, at. ihe Coach and Hoises, Southampton. Atts. Ifuliue, Riu- sei- sqoare; or Parr, Poole Geoige Siltmer, Ken- sington, corn and coal- merchant, July Kl 17, August 17, at Guildhall. Att. M'Dutf West Smnhfield... John Saunders, Slioreditco, cabinet- maker and upno. sterer, Joly 17, 24, August 17, at Guildhall. Ait, Coote, Austin Friar-. Citn- NHCA- rs, July 27.— S. Innts, Cheltenham, lace, man.
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