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The Northampton Mercury And General Advertiser for the Counties of Northampton, Bedford, Buckingham, Huntingdon, Leicester, Warwick, Oxford, and Hertford


Printer / Publisher: T.E. Dicey, W. Sutton, & R. Smithson 
Volume Number: 93    Issue Number: 11
No Pages: 4
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The Northampton Mercury And General Advertiser for the Counties of Northampton, Bedford, Buckingham, Huntingdon, Leicester, Warwick, Oxford, and Hertford
Per page: £2.00
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The Northampton Mercury And General Advertiser for the Counties of Northampton, Bedford, Buckingham, Huntingdon, Leicester, Warwick, Oxford, and Hertford

Date of Article: 29/05/1813
Printer / Publisher: T.E. Dicey, W. Sutton, & R. Smithson 
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: 93    Issue Number: 11
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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And General Advertiser for the Counties of Northampton, Bedford, Buckingham, Huntingdon, Leicester, Warwick, Oxford, and Hertford. VOL. 93. SATURDAY, MAY 29, 1813. No 11. Ready Money is expected ) with Advertisements. i ^ Circulated through every Town and populous Village in the Counties of Northampton, Bedford, Buckingham,^ I Huntingdon, Leicester, Oxford, Warwick, Hertford; Part of Cambridge, Nottingham, Lincoln, and Rutland. $ n r- ji $ Stamp- Duty - 3H. i PRICE 6dh [ PapJand PRINT A' Sunday and Tuesday's Posts. LONDON, TUESDAY, May 25. MERICAN Papers to tiie 18tli ult. have been received. No armistice had then taken place, but it was supposed that such a measure might be consequent upon the pacifir mission of Messrs. Gallatin and Bavard, who were about to set out for the Court of Peters- burg), there, in conjunction with Mr. Adams, to treat of peace under the mediation of the Fmperor Alexander. The Federal, or Peace party, has decidedly prevailed in the Stale of Massachusetts, as well in the election of Chief Magistrates as in that of the Senators; and this circumstance ap- pears to have afforded much satisfaction to the moderate and ' sensible part of the community. Our squadrons most severely annoy the American coast, in manv parts the utmost alarm prevails. ' It is said in the American Papers, that the Bill some time since pending in Congress, to tender penr. l the employment of foreign seamen on hoa. d American shipsj was passed both by the House of Representatives and the Seriate, and that it received the assent of the President on the 3d of March. Hamburgh papers to the 13th inst. were re- ceived yesterday. The impression made upon the public mind, respecting the battle of Lutzen, as having terminated in favour of the- Allies, is d< ep and wide through the north of Germany. Halle add Xeipsic, it is said, are both in possession of the Prussians. Berlin, on the 8th inst. was a scene of enthusiasm and martial preparation. The lent/ en masse has been resorted to in that capital, and answered with joy. All males between 15 and 60 have been called out, and they cheerfully obev the summons. It is expected to produce 40,000 men. Some letters have been received in town from Hamburgh to the 10th instant, nn which day the bombardment of the city was expected to com- mence. In these letters great fears are expressetl that the citv coultl not hold" out for more than three or four days, as there are no hopes of driv- ing the French from the island, in which they have strongly entrenched themselves. All the old men, women, and children, have left Hamburgh.• There are also great apprehensions that the property in that ritv will be committed to the flames, if the citv should fall into the hands of the French. • Letters from Koningsberg of the 6th inst. men- tion the warmth with w hich all classes enter into schemes for the promotion of voluntary levies nnd equipments. In that city upwards of 200 German Ladies have forvjied themselves into a gocietv, ' or working at the manufacture of dif- ferent articles, which are sold for the benefit of the young warriors. On the fir9f sale by puhhe auction, one- fourth of their work was sold in the Boersenhalle for 1000dollars; the remainder was expected to produce 3000 more; the tvhole to be expended in arming and clothing the newly raised troops at Koningsberg. In fine, every town in Prussia exerts itself in contributing to the neces- sities nf its country; and individuals who are unable to come forwards with ready money, bring their mites in gold or silver articles, or such- other * aluaVes as they can best spare. It is said thattwo junior hrothersof the Emperor Alexander, viz. the Grand Duke Nicholas and the Grand Duke Michael, are about to pay a visit to ' hifi coHiitfy. The sum to be expended for the reduction of the national debt, in the ensuing quarter, .£ 4,074,156 1s. Oid. For Saturday's Gazette; the remainder of this Tost, & e. fl- r.— see last page. New Northamptonshire ' Tups To be LETT. WILLIAM BLISS respectfully informs his f riends and the Public, that his SlIK W of R AMS will he on TUESDAY the FIRST of JUN RC, when he will be glad to see any Geulleinen who will favour hiin with thfir Company'. Adstonc, May 11, 1813. New Northampton Taps. JOSEPH ROBINSON respectfully informs < » his Friends and the Public, that his SHEW nf, TUPS far L. ETTIVG, will commence on TUFSDAY the Stli of JUNE, and continue the ten following Days ( Sunday excepted) ; and re- eom- inenee as usual on the 8th of SFTPTEIIIBITFT, and continue through the Season. Wellingborough Lodge, 19th May, 1313. w. RAMS. GRIMES'S Annual SHFAV of RAMS for LETTING, commences on WEDNES- DAY tbe 2d of JUNE, at BAOINTON, when he will be happy to see any Gentlemen who will favour him with their Company. Ragintan, It, ay 13, 1813. w. RAMS. UMBERS'S SHEW of RAMS for LETTING, at WAPPENBURY, in the County of Warwick, commences on TUESDAY the 1st of JuNI!, when lie will be glad tn see any Gentlemen who will favour him with their Company. tVappenbury, May\, 1813. H. RAMS. ROBBINS'S Annual SHEW of RAMS for LETTING, at HARFORD, near War- wick, commences on MONDAY the 31st of MAY, when he will be glad to see any Gentlemen that will favour him with their Company. Barfard. 5th May, 1813. NORTH ILL, Bedfordshire, Mj v 3d, 1813. SAMUEL SANDON informs his Friends and the Ptiblie in general, that his SHEW nf It A MS will he on FRIDAY the FOURTH nf JUNE, ivhen he will be happy to see any Gentlemen who will honour him with their Company. BRITISH PAINT MANUFACTORY, 41. f. ondon Wall, opposite, liethlem, [. oynov. 1 IMPENETRABLE PAINTS ground in Linseed * Oil, tor Park Pailing, Tiles, Slates, useful antl ornamental Painting in general, and Weather Boaiding of every Description. Stone Colour, per Cwt 55s. I. ead or Slate Colour 56s Light Blue 80s, Chocolate 501. Red 40s. Invisible Green per Cwt. ' 56s. Dark Olive Green .. 70s. Bright Olive Green 112s. Black Paint 5Ss. White Paint 56s. Yellow ^ 56s. Prepared Drying 0VL, to thin tbe above for Use, 51 per Gallon. Genuine Cround White Lead, per Cwt. 56s. Od. Turpentine, per Gallon 12s. Od. Linseed Oil 5s. 6d. Fine Colours, Sec. Sec. Best Sperm Oil..., Rs. fid, Double Refined Oil ... 6s. fid. Single Ditto 5s. 6d. P^ le Seal Oil 4s. fid. Pale Whale Oil 4si Od. UPTON Se Co. Colour Manufacturers, invite Wall, and Kennet Wharf, most respectfully recommend the above Paints to the Public, as applicable to th* general Purposes of useful and ornamental Painting. They dry very quick, are very beautiful in Appearance, and possess a Durability which renders them pe< » . liarly valuable, when applied to Work constantly, or partially exposed to the Effects of the Weather. Advertisements having lately appeared, recommending Paints under similar Titles, which are prepared with Fish- Oil, or sold in an unground State, UMON it CO. feel it proper to say, that they are not connected with those Houses, and that their Paints are not prepared with Coal Tar or Fish Oil. Merchants, Ship- Owners, and the Trade supplied. A THOMAS SCOTT, PLUMBER WATER- CLOSET llatfield, Herts. To be L E T T, And entered upon immediately, Capital FARM, within 23 Miles of London; containing three Hundred and Forty Acres of good Arable and Meadow Land, in the highest State of Cultivation, with eight Years Lease unexpired at Michaelmas next, The House is fit for the immediate Reception of a Gentleman's Family, — Bams, Stables, aud every other Building in good Repair. — Eight Cottages on the Farm for Labourers, with several Acres of good Orchard.— The Rem is low, and the Situation pleasant, abounding with Game. Fur further Particulars, apply to Mr. W. II. I. ACKMORE, the preseot Occupier, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays; if by Letter, Post- paid. MAKER, Market- Harborotigh, Leicestershire, EGS Leave to inform the Nobility, Gentry, mid the Public ill general, thai he makes WATER- CLOSETS upon a very simple Con- struction, which act without Valve, Plug. Vide, or Cock, aud hold a certain Quanlity of Water in the Basins; warranted to keep sweet and clean not liable to he frozen, or out of Order from Paper, which is so enminnn in Water- Closets. Barrack Office, l. ondon, 19th May, 1813. ADVERTISEMENT. OUCH Persons as are willing to contract O for enclosing a P. URIAL GROUND fnr ihe BARRACKS at NORMAN- CROSS, in the Cnunty nf Huntingdon, mav see the Plan, Rpeeifirailon, and Forms of Contract and Proposal fur the same, at the Office of Ihe Barrack Master, any Day be- tween the Hours of Ten and Four o'Clock.— The Proposals must be addressed tn. " The Cammis- " sinners for the A ffairs of Barracks. Harrack- " Office, Spring Gardens, l. ondon ;" wilh " Tender •' for enclosing a Burial Ground for the Barrarks " at Norman Cross," marked on the Cover, and delivered, sealed up, by ihe Post at the Barrack- Oflice in London, nn or before Two o'Clock on Friday the 4th nf June next, after which Hnar no Tender will be received.— The Parties tendering must transmit the Names of two Sureties for the / mount of the Sum slated in the Contract, for the due Performance of the Work. ill A JV S 1 0 N, Northamptonshire. Tn be LETT, And entered vprm. immediately, AMANSION - HOUSE, in complete Repair, with an excellent Kitchen Garden; Orchard and Shrubbery, and Stabling for twelve Horses, plea- santly situated within three Miles of KETTERING, and about tour from PYTCHLEY. The Tenant may likewise be accommodated with am Quantity, from III to 50 Acres, of rich Meadow Land, for Particulars, apply to Mr. MARSHALL, Kettering. Eligible Estale, on the Market- Hill, St. Neots. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. ABBOTT, At the Cross Keys Inn, in St. Neots, in the County of Huntingdon, at Six o'Clock in the Evening of Thursday the 3d Day of June, 1811, in two Lots, A very desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate l\ in the most pleasant and public Part ot the MARKET- HILL of ST. NEOTS, now in the Occu pation of Mis. Kdis, Mrs. Palmer, Mr. Layton, and Mr. Thomas Abbott. Lot 1 comprises a very commodious Dwelling- House, containing a large convenient Shop, now and tor manv Years used as a Grocer's Shop, a neat Parlour in Front, Keeping- Rooin, Back Kitchen, Pantries, and Cellar; four excellent lied, Chambers, and three Garrets; contiguous to the Keeping- ( oom is a very neat Tenement, with a convenient Garden and paved Yard, and a Pump thereto with rood Water. Lot 2 consists of two other Dwelling- Houses ad joining, containing also a Shop with two Fronts, an a neat Parlour fronting the Market- Hill, with a Keeping- Room, and commodious Kitchen, Pantiies anl other Conveniences, three Bed- Chambers, and two Garrets, a Range of Woik-- hops, with a Stable and Out- offices under the same, next the Stieet. The above Premises, from their very advantageous Situation for Trade, are highly deserving Attention and the Tenants, have Notice to Quit at Michaelmas next. I- u- iher Particulars may he known by applying to Mr. DAY, Solicitor, or the Auctioneer, St. Neot Valuable Manors, Impropriate Rectories, Tdbes, and rich Grazing and Arable Lands, at Wh. it tlesea, in the Isle of FJy. * To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, " HIE very extensive and valuable MANORS of WHITTLESEA- ST.- MARY and WHITTLF- S- EA- ST.. ANDREW, and the MANOR of the ECTORY of WHITTLESEA- ST.- MARY. called the C- OQU ENARY, with the Fines and Quit- Rents, amounting annually on an Average to s£ 123 16s. 6d. " isheries and other Manerial Rights thereto belonging, extending over upwards of 23,000 Acres of I. and. The I MPROPR1 ATE RECTO R I ES of WHIT- TLESEA- ST.- MARY and WHITTLE SEA- ST.- ANDREW; comprising thf Great and Small Tithes arising from 18,863 Acres ot rich Grazing, Meadow, and Arable Lands; the Right of Presentation to the perpetual Curacy, and sundry Messuaget, Out- buildings, Farms, and Lands, amounting to 2,125 Acres, in various Occupations. The Extent and Consideration fthis Estate is such is rarely brought before the Public. The favour- able Situation of Whittlesea as to Markets, both by Land and Water Carriage, the Wealth and Extent of Population, and the good Quality of its Land, are ufUcicnt to encourage the Adoption ofMeans of permanent Improvement which will realize to the Purchaser an Increase of Value to a very great Amount. The Roads are already in a high State of Improve- ment, and the prospective Advantages by Drainage nd Inclostire are alpiost incalculable. A large Portion of Whittlesea is high and dry Land, nd the Remainder is chiefly border Land — It is within six MiLs of Peterborough, and 15 Miles of Wisbech and St. Ives, a great stock Market, all of them Markets which are rising into the highest mportance. Should this Estale not be sold in one Lot in the Course of two or three Months, it will be brought to Auction in Lots. For further Particulars, apply to Messrs. Forster. Cooke, Se Frere ; Messrs. Woodcock, Bateman, Se Jones ; and. Messrs. Vizzard & Hutchinson, ail of incOln's Inn, London; Mr. thepheard, of Great- Russell- Street, Bloomsbury, London ; and of Mr. Custance, Cambridge. A liavenstharpe and Watford, Northamptonshire To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT', Very valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, Tithe- free and Land- Tax redeemed, situate at RA- " VENSTHOR. PE ; consisting of 93 Acres, or there- abouts, of rich Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, • with a food Stone- built Hpuse, spacious Yard, and ail nece. sarv Out- buildings thereto attached, now in the Occupation of Mr. Thomas Heygate, of which Possession may be had at Michaelmas next. Also, a desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate and being in ihe Lordship of WATFORD, of exceedingly rich Grazing Land, known by the Name of CRIKDLE CL'- SE, and Meadow, containing together 48 Ai res and a Half/ more or less), adjoining the Witling- Street- Road, near Watford- Gap, in the Occupation of Mr. Win. Hevgate. For a View of the first Allotment, apply to Wm. GREEN, at the House; for that of the second, to Mr. WM. HEYGATE, West- Hiddon; and for further Par- ticulars, to Mr. HEYGATE, Surgeon, West- Haddon, Northamptonshire. „< 1 desirabte Free/ tola Estate, Tithe- free, with immediate Possession, situate at Syresham, near Brackley, Northamptonshire, in the Occu vation of Mr. Iiurnaby, Proprietor, Which . will be SOLD bv AUCTION, By P. WESTON, At the King's Head, in SYRESHAM aforesaid, on Monday the 31st Dav of May, 1313, between the Hours of Three and Five o'Clock in the After noon of the same Day ( under such Conditions as will be then produced); CONSISTING of 10 Acres ( more or less) of excellent Arable and Pasture Land, divided into two Closes, with a Stable thereon j also a capital Windmill standing on the said Premises, in full Trade, and good Repair, capable of working two Pair of Stones, with a Four- foot Flour Machine nearlv new. The said Premises are desirably situated adjoining the Turnpike- Road from Northampton to Oxford, and Distance from Towcester seven Miles, from Brackley four, from Banbury 10, and from Bucking- ham seven, beingallgood Market- Towns. N. B. For « View, and Particulars, apply on the Premises, or to the Auctioneer. Also, will be SOLD by AUCTION the same Day, on the Premises of Mr. Burnaby aforesaid. An useful Waggon, Six- inch Cart, Flour Cart Bed, and Flour. Cart nearly new, Ploughs and Hairows, Hayiess for lour Horses complete, a Quantity of Straw, Ditto Dung, about 100 Feet of Oak Boards and Planks, some Wheelers' Stuff", Posts and Rails, & c. two Guns, and various other Effects. Sale of the Farming I mplements will commence o^ cv')' St El « ven o'Clock. A To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. ABBOTT, At the White Horse Inn, in Eaton- Soeon, in tlii County of Bedford, on Wednesday the 21st Day ol July, 1813, at Six o'Clock, Must valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, adjoin- ing upon the Great North Road, in EATON SOCON a foresaid; consisting of a substantially buil Dwelling- House, with two spacious Rooms in Front, and a good Kitchen behind, situate in a walled Garden at a pleasant Distance from the Road, a detached Wash- house, and Laundry over the same, twolarfl well- timbered Barns, and various other Out- buildings a Close of very rich Pasture I4and, containing ( with Sclte of the said Homestead and Garden) about fou Acres, and upwards of fifteen Acres of very fertile ArableLand adjoining, now in the Occupationof Mrs Blofield and Mr. Thorns. These Premises will, upon Inspection, be found particularly desirable as a Residence for a Gentleman nr for any Person desirous of carrying on the Com Trade on a large Scale. The Barns and Out- buildings are very valuable to takedown, or may easily be con- verted into Mailing Offices or Storehouses, Sec. and the Land is of the very first Quality.— The Tenant under Notice to quit at Michaelmas next. Further Particulars may be known by applying to Mr. DAY, Solicitor, St. Neots, where a . Plan of the Estate may be seen. A Warwickshire.— Valuable Freehold Estate, at Hilt morion, near Rugby, free from Tithe. To be S O I ' D by AUC T I O N, By Mr. PRICKKTf At theAuction- Mart, near the Bank of England, on WE nesday the 16th of June, 1813, at 12 o'Clock, Very desirable FR- EEHOLD ESTATE, free from Tithe, situate in the Parish of HI LI MORTON, a justly esteemed and rural Part of the County of Warwick, at the Distance of about one Mil from Rugby, two from Dunchurch, 14 from Coventry and three Quarters of a Mile from the Oxford and Birmingham Canal; consisting of several compac Closes of valuable I, and, containing by Compulation 40 Acres in the Tenure of Mr. Edward Perkins Also a Dwelling- House, Offices, Garden, and Close of Land, in the much- admired Village ot Hillmorton. May be viewed on Application to Mr. EDWARD PERKINS, the Tenant, of whom printed Particulars may be had. Particulars may also bi had ot Mr. WRATJSLAW, at Rugby ; the Denbigh Arms, Lut- terworth; the Dun Cow, Dunchuich ; the King's Head, Coventry ; the Sancen's Head, Daventrv ; at the Auction- Mart ; of Messrs. DAWSON Se WRATIS- LAW, New - Burlington - Street; of Mr. JOPSON, Castle - Street, Holborn; and of Mr. PRIGKRTT, Highgate, Middlesex, or at his Office, No. 7, War- wick- Court, Holborn, London. To Consumers of British Iron. THE above Article may be had at Fisher's Iron Yard, OUNULE, at Sixteen Pounds per Ton. The Money to be paid before the Iron is taken away. Benjamin Goodman's Bankruptcy. THE Creditors who have proved their Debts under a Commission of Bankrupt, awarded and issued forth against BENJAMIN GOODMAN, of STAVKRTON, in the County of Northampton, Dealer and Chapman, are desired to meet the Assignee of the Estate and Effects of the said Bankrupt, nn Monday the 21th Day of May next, at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, at Samuel Johnson's, the Bear fnn, in Daventry, in order to assent tn, or dissent from the said Assignee commencing and prosecuting an Action at Law against the said Bankrupt, for Recovery of the Sum of Eighty Pounds, being a per Centnge of Two Pounds and Ten Shillings more than he is intitled to receive, according to Ihe Dividends he has paid, which said Sum of F. ighty Pounds the said Bank- rupt illegally withholds from his Creditors: and aKo to consent to the said Assignee's paying out of the said Bankrupt's Estate and Effects', all Costs antl Charges 1 rasinn- d by, » r incurred in the ' Prosecution of such Action, and on Mile, special Affairs, By Order, ,, J. M. WARDLE, Assignee's Solicitor. Oaventrv, ' IHlh April, 1813. MARKET- T- JF^ RBOROUOH, May 20th, 1813. Freehold Premises'in Great- Bowden, in the County of Leicester. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. ROUSE, On Tuesday the lst Day of June next, at the Swans Inn, in Market- Harborough, in the County of Leicester, about Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall be then produced, * RPIIE REVERSION in FEE, expectant on the < Decease ot Mrs. SARAH BE R RY, Widowfnow in her 80th Year), of and in'the undivided MOIETY of a FREEHOLD CLOSE of rich G RAZI NG I. AND, ill the Lordship of GREAT- BOWDEN, in the County of Leicester, adjoining the Fast- Side of the Road leading from thence to Market- Harborough, containing ei£ ht Acres, or thereabouts, in the Tenure of Mr. John Johnson ; the Land- Tax of which Close is redeemed For further Particulars, apply to the Auctioneer, or to Gnoses WARTNABY, in MatkeyHarborough. T Wellingborough Volunteer Cavalry. THE Gentlemen of the WELLING- BOROUGH VOLUNTEER CAVALRY are requested to assemble nn their usual Parade, in WELLINGBOROUGH, on TUESDAY the FIRST Day « f JUNE next, in marching Order, for the Purpose of being trained and exercised under eheir own Officers, pursuant to the Provisions of the General Volunteer Act. The above Corps will be embodied on the Ist, 2d, 3d, 4th, 11 th, and I2th of JUNE, and on the latter Day inspected hv Lieut - Colonel Corbet. JOHN NEVVTON GOODHALL, Captain- Commandant. Wellingborough, 17th May, 1813. BEDFORDSHIRE;. To Drapers, Grocers, and Talliw- Chandlers. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, AVery convenient and well- built FREEHOLD HOUSE and PRhMISES, situated in a capital Market. Town in the Central Part of Bedfordshire ; together with the Good Will of an old- accustomed and well- established Tradeasa Draper, Grocer, and Tallow- Chandler. The Premises consist of a com- rnadious Shop, Counting- House, Warehouse, Candle- House, and Store- Rooms ; a Parlour, Hall, Kitchen, seven comfortab'e Bed- Chambers, a good Yard and Garden, a Stable, Chaise- House, Barn, and other requisite Out buildings. Immediate Possession maybe had.— The Premises are most singularly desirable to any P « rson wishing to engage in Business. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. DAY, Soli- citor, Woburn. Capital Inn, Market- Harborottgh. To be LETT; And entered upon immediately, THAT well- known long established PEACOCK INN, pleasantly situated at the South End of MARK ET- HA RBO ROUG H, Leicestershire, now in full Trade, being an extensive Market. House, and very improveahle. The Ground Floor consists of a spacious Dining- Room, convenient sized Parlour, Bar, House, back Kitchen, lirewbouse, & c.; the sScond Floor comprises six comfortable Sleeping- Room-, with Attics over the same, excellent roomy Cellar, neat compact Yard, surrounded with good Stabling for between 40 and 50 Horses, useful Granary, with other convenient Out- Offices ; Pump of excellent Water, and a very desirable Kitchen Garden adjoining— The incoming Tenant may be accommodated with a Close of rich Pasture Land. For a view of the above Premises, or to treat for the same, apply to Mr. Thomas Rswlatt, of Great- Bowden, near Harborough, Mr. Thomas Norton, Maidwell, Northamptonshire, or to Mr. William Hplloway, Appraisei and Auctioneer, Market- Har- boroush aforesaid. N. B. A Person of small Capital and Ability, will find the above Inn a very desirable Situation. Copyhold To MARKET- HARBOROUGH, May 20th, 1813. Freehold Premises at East- I. angton, in the County • of Leicester. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr; HOLLO WAY, At the Bull Inn, in Church- Langton. in the County of Leicester, on Wednesday the 8d Day of June next, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall be then produced, AMESSUAGE or TENEMENT, with the Yard, Garden, and Appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate and being in EAST LANGTON, in the County of Leicester, late in the Tenure or Occupation of Daniel Coleman, but now untenanted Also a MESSUACE'or TENEMENT, with the . c J J • . Garden and Appurtenances thereunto beldn- inz in ^ ' ^.|^^' e « d Sward G, ound, lying dispersed EAST - LANGTON aforesaid, in the Tenme on * - If- i c r ^ CH EDDINGTO N' aforesaid ; Occupation of William Eagle ^ in a high State o{ Cultivation, and immediate Pos- For further Particulars, apply to Mrs. BUSZARD, may be ha< l. of Church- Langton, or to GEORC- E WARTNABY, in Market- Harborough. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Desirable Frtehold and small Part Estate, be SOLD by AUCTION, By T. WOOD, Without Reserve, on Wednesday the 2d ot June. 1813, at the Swan Public House, Cheddingtom near Ivinghoe, Bucks, - at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon ; COMPRISING 19 Acres and a Half of desirabl rich Arable and Sward Ground, lying disperse Freehold Estate, Raunds, Northamptonshire. To be Disposed of by PRIVATE CON TRACT, 4 N eligible, and most desirable FREEHOLD l\ ESTATE, inclosed and TithtJ- free, with Pos- O w^,.*^ MlJc,'! ae, mas next> s'fua, e in the Parish of R A U N DSandH A RG RA VE, containing 89A. 0R. 7P. ot t asture and Arable Land, in a good State of Cut- ivation conveniently divided into five Incisures, and well fenced with thriving Quick Hedges, Home- stall, with large Barn, Stable, Sheds, Granary, Hen- House Piggeries, and Yard, 1R. 36P. and thriving Ash Plantation, 2R. 10P. together 8 ® A. 2R. I3P! bounded with the Roads to Shelton Eas\ and Raunefs North, contiguous to the Turnpike- Road' from Kim- Doltonto Higham- Ferrers, now in the Occupation of Mr. Samuel Witney. For a View of the Estate, apply to Mr. WIINIY, ot Kaunds; and tor Particulars, and to * reat for the same, to Mr 1' IF. RSON, General Agent, K- imbolton. All Letters are requested to be Post putid. Valuable and desirabte Freehold Estate, at h'adwell, in the Parish of Fetmersham, near Milton, t'. X the County of Bedford. To be SOLD bv AUCTION, By BROWN'SON, On Friday the 4fh Day of June, 1813, at Three o Clock, at the Swan Inn, Sharnbtook, in - he y °- ii if u subj'ect t0 such Conditions of Sale as will be then produced, VLL those valuable and desirable COTTAGES. ORCHARDS, GARDENS, with 14 Acres of rtch ARABLE LAND, in three Lois Lot 1 comprises a good and substantial House, situate at Radwell, leading to Moore End, consist^ of a good and convenient Kitchen and Parlour, fou? Chambers, back kitchen and Dairy. Cellarand Room adjoining a good Yard, with Barns,. Stable, and . Hovel, a large Garden and Orchard adjoining, planted with excellent FruitTrecs, in full Perfection, lhe above is pleasantly situated at RADWELT, tr ZZt we l f « ced m. i capable of Improvement, 1,, ?? genteel Residence, now in the Occu- pation of Mr. Joseph Huckle, a LA0t n ? nd convenient House, situate at Radwell Moor End, consisting of an excellent Kit- chen and Parlour, Room adjoining, three Bed- Chambers, a well- built boarded Barn adjoining the House, good Yard and Garden, also a CWse of excel- lent! asture adjoining, containing one Acre, be the same more or less. This Lot is pleasantly situate at Radwell Moot "'- I?' ,! he in good Condition, and now in the Occupation of Mr. William Joice, at a low and improvable Rent. Lot 3 comprises three Closes of rich Arable Land, adjotning each other situate at Radwell aforesaid, oa the Side of tie Road leading from Rati well to Felmer- sham ; tne Whole of these valuable Closes are plea- santly and conveniently situated, remarkably well fenced, and tor their Situation capable of sireat Improvement, containing 14 Acres, be the same more or less, and now in the Occupation of Mr. Joseph Huckle. Possession may be had at Michaelmas next, as the Tenants have Notice to quit at that Time All Timb- r and Timber. like Trees to be taken at a fair Valuation. For a View of the Premises, apply to Mr. JOSEPH HUCKLE, the Tenant; and tor further Particulars, to BROWN & SON, Auctioneers, Bedford. KEMPSTON, To be SOLD by AUC T ION, liy Mr. BEDFORD, At the Chequers, at fltarsron, on Wertncsdnv, June 1813, at Four o'clock, subject to suc'b Conditions as will be then and there produced, \ Valuable and desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE; Zi. situate in the Parishes of . WOOTTON and MA RSTON, in the Countv of Bedford; consisting ot 13 Acres one Rood 19 Poles of rich Arable and Pasture Land, with a convenient Homestall, Cottage, and Orchard, in the following Lots: — LdtL— la WUOITWN HELD. A. R. P. One Land in Long Fu.- long, containing by Admeasurement 0 One Ditto in the same Furlong, Ditto.... 0 May be viewed by applying to Mr. JAMSS PUNTER, the Tenant and further Particulars may be known of Mr. WOOD, Land Agent, Sec. Leighton- Buzzard. FISHING. To be LETT by AUCTION, At the. Union Inn, near Market- Harborough, in the County of Leicester, on Tuesday the lst Day of June, 1813, at Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, under such Conditions as will be then produced, for one Year from the above Time, PHE UNION CANAL COMPANY'S RIGHT ! of FISHING in the RES E RVOI R, near the Village of SADD1NGTON, in the County aforesaid but which will be restricted to Angling only, and in • the Day Time.— The Tenant will be expected to find such Security as the Companv's Agent, Mr. Brtcdon, of Saddington aforesaid, shall approve, to wlum an Application may he made for a View and farther Particulars. To One Ditto in Ditto, Ditto.. 0 One Ditto in IIoo Furlong, Ditto 0 One Ditto in Ditto, Ditto 0 Two Ditto in Ditto, Ditto 0 1 12 1 32 1 20 1 5 l in 3 10 Lot 2.— In M A RSTON. A convenient House with good Yard, Barn Stable, Shed, Garden, and a Close of Pasture Land, called Home Close, con- taining by'Adineasurement -.-._....... 1 2 33 Forfeit Close, Pasture, adjoining ........ 210 Town Ground, Pasture, adjoining,... 1 1 38 l ower Close, Pasture, adjoining 3 1 37 Bates's Piece, Arable, adjoining 2 3 32 Hudson's Piece, Aiable, adjoining 3 1 17 Lot 3. A Cottage, with Garden and Orchard, well planted with thriving Fruit Trees, con- taining by Admeasurement ............ 0 15 0 37 2 13 COMPACT FARM, be SOLD bv AUCTION, Br, THOMAS MARTIN, On Thursday the 10th Day of June, 1813,! between . the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternooh, at the Bull Inn, in Weedon- Royal, in the Courty ot Northampton, AVery valuable and desirable FREEHOLE and TITHE- FREE ESTATE, situate at DOD FOR D, n Northamptonshire; comprising a Farm- H » use, Agricultural Out- buildings, Fold Yard, a choice Orchard in full bearing, and 101 Acres of Arabl; and Pasture Gionndin a Ring Fence, divided Into nine lnclosures ( the greater Part excellent Turnip L » nd), occupied by Mrs. Catharine Watson. There is a considerable Quantity of thriving Timber, and a valuable Lime Stone Rock and Kilns upon the Estate. Possession may be had at Michaelmas next. The Village ot Dodford is contiguous tn the Tirn- pike- Roads leading from Northampton and Towcester to Daventry, within one Mile of Weedon- lUyal through which Place a Canal passes), three Miles ot Daventry, nine of Towcester, nine of Northampton, ana 68of London. ' or J View of the Estate, applv on the Premises ; and for further Particulars, to Mr. BURMAN, Solicitor, Southam, Warwickshire. IS 1 19 The Whole is in the Occupation of Mrs. Susannah Cooke, who has Notice to quit fir Michaelmas next All Timber and Timber- like Trees to. be taken at Valuation, down to 2s. fid. per Stick. The TENANT will shew the Lots; and for further Particulars, apply to the AUCTIONEER, Bedford; or to Messrs. COLLINS Se KEENS, Stafford. To A FREEHOLD ESTATES. Impropriate Tithes, and Advomson, Little- Marbrc, Bucks. To be SOLD bv AUCTION, By Mr. TAYLOR, At Garraway's, Cornhill, on Tuesday, the 15th of June, at Twelve, in four Lots, AValuable * nd very improvable FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate at LITTLE- MAR LOW, about 30 Miles from London, in a very beautiful Part of the County of Buckingham, and comprising he Advowson of the Vicatage, spacious Wharf, sundry Homesteads, Cottages, and J50 Acres of Arahle, Meadow, Pasture, and Wood Land, together withsll Rectorial Tithes arising therefrom, also from i20 Acr< s adjoining. Of the Wood Land and Tithis. about 280 Acres are in Hand, and the Farms aid Cottages are principally held at Will, or on Agrie- ments expiiing at Michaelmas next. — Also, in a separate- Lot, a Brick ^ welljng- H'ous*, with Coach- House, Stable, and walled Garden, at Great- Marlow, now in Hand. May be viewed by applying to Mr. Edward Sawyer at Little- Mallow, of whom printed Particulars with engraved Map may be had after the 15th of May also at the Upper. Crown, Great- Marlow ; Red Lion, I- ligh- Wycombe; Printing- offices at Henlev and Reading; Sun, Maidenhead ; White Hotse, Uxbridge; and at Garraway's. Particulars to be had also of Messrs. Ryder, No. 1, Lincoln's- Inn, New. Square ; and of Mr. Taylor, Surveyor and Land- Agent, Hadley - G rcen, near Barnct. be SOLI) bv AUCTION, By Mr. MAULDEN, On Tuesday the 6th Day of July, 1813, at tile George Inn, in Bnekden, in the County of Hunt- ingdon, in ten or more Lots, the Particulars of which will appear in future Papers, Most desirable ES TATE, consisting of a capital FARM- HOUSE and HOMESTEAD, situate at STURTI. OE, in ths Parish oflUJCK- DEN; and about 220 Acres of very rich and con- vertible Inclosed - tmd Open Field Land, with the Commons and Appurtenances thereto belonging, now in the Occupation ot Mr. Leonard Waller, the Proprietor. An Act of Parliament has passed this Session for the Inclosure of Buckden, and this Sale will afford an Opportunity, probably the only one, tor Persons wishing to obtain an Allotment or Increase of Pro- perty there.— Three- fourths of the Purchase- Money may remain on Mortgage, s The Premises mav be viewed by applying to Mr. Waller; and further Particulars known of'Wr. Day, Solicitor, St. Neots, or the Auctioneer, Biggleswade. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. HOLLIER, At the Denbigh Arms Inn. in Lutterworth, Thursday the 3- lth Day of June, 1813, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, ALL that MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, with the Barns, Stables, Farm. Yard, Homesteads, Gardens, Orchards, and Appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate in BI TTF. S'vV E L L, in the Count) of Leicester, now or late in the Tenure of Mr. Michael Cheattle ; together with a very valuable and improvable Farm, late also occupied bv the said Mr. Cheattle, situate in the Parish of BITTESW E LL aforesaid, and in ihe Parish ot LUTTERWORTH containing together upwards of 146 Acres. The above Inn adjoins the Turnpike- Road leading from Bitteswell to Lutterworth, and on Account ot its Contiguity to the latter Place is very valuable as \ ccommodat. ion Land, and ihe House may, at a very small Expense, be made the Residence of a Gentle- man, Part of the Ground annexed to it being orna mented with Plantations and Water, and is within a Mile of Lutterworth, and the Chester Mail passes to and from London every Day through the Village ol Bitteswell. The Premises may be viewed by Application at the House of the said Mr. CHEATTLE ; and further Parti nlarsmaybe had a » the Law Offices ol Mr. J s avis, Solicitor, of Hinckley. - Hinckley, May 1313. Superior Pasture and Arable Land, Houghton, . Huntingdonshire. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. LOVELL, At the Unicorn Inn, in St. Ives, on Wednesday the 9th Dav of June, 1813, between the Hours of Five and Seven in the Evening, subject to such Con- ditions of Saleas will be then produced, ' jPHE following very valuable Inclosed and 3. TITHK- FREE ESTATE, in Lots, viz. : — Lot I. All those five Closes or inclosed t'ieces or Parcels of Arable Land, containing 85. A. 2R. 14P. ( more or less), Lady Sparrow, North; Sawtry Way. South ; John An> iey, Esq. and others, East; and Thos. Wilssn, West. • Lot 2. One oth - r Piece of Ditto, called Cottage Lane Allotment, containing l. A . iR. ( more or less), Johnson, North; Thos. Wilson,' South ; Cot- tage Lane, East ; and Lotl West. Lot 3. A Piece of capital Arable Land, containing 21A. 2R. 2P. ( more or less), Sawtry Way, North; the High Road, South; Lady Sparrow, East; and Thomas Wilson, West. I. of 4, A Piece of rich old- inclosed Pasture Land, being Part of Pound Green Close, containing 3R. 33P. ( more or less), the High Road, North; a Common Drain, South; Roadway, as stumped out, East; a Footpath, and Wilson's Willow Holt, West. Lot't. A Piece of rich old- inclosed Pasture Land, being other Part of Pound Green Cio-. e, containing 2R. 30P. ( more or less), the High Road, North; a Common Drain, South; Lady Sparrow, East; and Roadway, as stumped out, West. Lot 6. A Piece of rich old- inclosed Pasture Land, called Tim's Close, containing 1A. OR. 8P ( more or less), Lady Sparrow, North ; Road towards St. Ives, South; John Selby, East; and Mrs. Hunt, West. Lot 7. A Piece of rich old- inclosed Pasture Land, called Bailey's Close, containing 1A. 3R 37P. ( more orless), Lady Sparrow, North and East; Road towards St. Ives, South; and Thomas Rowe, West. Lot 8- A Piece of rich old- inclosed Pasture Land, called the three Closes, containing 6A. 2R. 51'. ( more orless), Road towards St. Ives, North; John Ansley Esq. South and East; and the Meadow Road, West Lot 9. A Piece of rich old- inclosed Pasture Land called Lane Clpse, containing 4A. 0R. 3P. ( inote or less), Lane, North ; Houghton Meadow, South George Bailey, East ; and John Ansley, E.- q. West. Lot 10. A Piece of rich old- inclosed Pasture Land, called Far Hill Close, containing2A. OR. 161'. ( more or less), Footpath to St. Ives, North; Lady Sparrow, East; and Robert Hunt, West; together with a Pieceofexcellent Meadow Land adjoining, containing 9A. 2R. 6P. ( more or less), Lady Sparrow, East and Mrs. Hunt, West. Lot II. A Dwelling- House, divided into two Tenements, with a Yard and Garden, containing 1R. 23P. ( moreor less), John Allen, North; George Bailey, South; Robert Johnson, East; and the Street leading to the Mills, West. Lot 12. A Piece of particularly rich old- inclosed Pasture Land, called ths Orchard or Pightle, con- taining 1A. 2R. 31P. ( more or less), Roadway, North; a Lane, South ; Lot 13, East; and Thomas Wilson, West. Lot 13. A neat and convenient Dwelling- House consisting of Parlour, Hall, Kitchen, Back Kitchen Dairy, and four Bed- Rooms; together with a large Garden tastefully and usefully laid out, and plante . with choice thriving Fruit Trees; also, an excellent Homestall, divided into suitable Yards, with a Barn Stable, C'JW- House, and excellent Dovecot, the Whole containing IA. 1R. 19P. ( more or less). Road way. North; a Lane, South and East; and Lot West. The above Estate was the Property of the late Mr CUP1SS, and has been several Years in the Occu. pation of Mrs. Cupiss, who is now retiring from Business.— The Whole of the Land is Tithe- ftee, Copyhold, Fine certain of the Manor of Houghton with Wnton, in excellent Condition, and fenced wilh good Quicks, and there are a Number of young thriving Trees on the Estate. HOUGHTON is about three Miles from Huntingdon, and t\ Vo from St. Ives, capital Market Towns, in ; Picturesque and fertile Part of the Country, with good Roads branching out in various Directions. There are excellent Corn- Mills in the Parish, and the navigable River Ouse runs through the same, and Possession of each Lot will be given on the Uth Day of October next. Descriptive Particulars and Conditions of Sale may be had, 14 Days previous to the Auction, at the George, Huntingdon; Unicorn, St. Ives; George Ramsey and Somersham; also of Mr. James Blott Witton ; Mr. Greene, Selicitor Ives; Mr Charles Cookney, Solicitor, 9, Castle- Street, Hoi born, London; and of Mr. Lovell,' Surveyor and Auctioneer, Huntingdon, where Plans of the Estate , may be seen. near BEDFORD. Valuable Crops of Grass, Seeds, Aftermath, & c To be SOLD by AUCTION, By BROWN 8f SON, On Wednesday the 9th Day of June, 1813, on the Premises, A LL the valuab'e GROWING CROPS of rv GRASS and DEED'S, the Property nf the late RORERT DENIS, Esq. at KEMPSTON? near Bedford, under such Conuitions as. Will be then produced; consisting of forty- six Acres of most xcellent Upland and Meadow Grass, and Aftermath intil the 29th Day of Sep- ember next, and ten Acres of Seeds, a most capital Crop. Security Mo" thS' Credit wiU be 8iven on » Pproved Way oe viewed any Time previous to the Sale by pplying on the Premises, and Catalogues had in lue lime, at all the Towns ydjacent, the Place of Sale, and ot Brown & Son, Auctioneers, Bedford. BEDFORDSHIRE. * " To be SOLD bv AUCTION By BROWN'S- SON, ' Sometime in June next, subject to such Conditions ot Sale as will be then produced), at the l ive Bells, at Risely, of which timely Notice will be on given, ( unless disposed ot by Private Contract or before the Ist Day of the said Month), \ Valuable and desirable INCI. O « ED and TITHE- FREE FARM, with good and convenient Farm- House, suitable Barns, Stables, and other Out buildings, ill good Repair, at RISELY, and now in tile Occupation of Mr. WILLIAM BURBIDCE, the Proprietor; consisting of 30 Acres of very excellent I'asture, and 48 Acres of rich Arable Land, be the same more or less; with a complete Cottage or uelliug- House on the said Farm, now in the Oc- cupation of Mr. Thomas Matthew ; : ituated in tha* pleasant and much improved Part of the Village of Risely, in the County of Bedford, on the Side of the Turnpike- Road from Bedford to Kimbolton, to which the Whole ot the Farm is attached. The above valuable and compact Farm is in the best State of Cultivation, the Fences are remarkably good, and Hie Whole lies convenient and well warered- it is Leasehold, held ot Corpus Christi College* Oxford, under a Lease, ot whtch 20 Years are unexl pired at Michaelmas next, and renewable every seven Years. For further Particulars, and to treat by Private Contract, apply to Mr. DAY, Solicitor, St. Neots; or to Mr. WILLIAM BURBIDCE, of Risely, the Pro- prietor, who will shew the Premises; or to BROWN & SON, Auctioneers, Bedford. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. YORK, t the Plough and Bell, in D-. ventry, on Thursday the 10th Day of June, 1813, at Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, \ Substantial newly built Fr. EEHOLt) DVVEL- IA LI NG- HOUSE, with a large Shop in the Front, and Kitchen on the Ground Floor ; three Bed- Cham- bers, and a handsome Sitting. Room oif the first Floor, nd five Attics; and a goal Yard, Garden, and Out- buildings, desirably situate in the SHE A F- STR EET, in DAVENTRY, now in the Occupation of Thomas Wright. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. WILLIAM LITCHFIELD, or Mr. BURTON, Attorney, in Daventry. To A RO'TIt WELL, Northamptonshire. be SOLD by AUCTION, By Messrs. DAVIS 4- SON, At the George Inn, Northampton, on Tuesday the 29th Day of June, 1813, about Three o'Clock in lhe Afternoon, either together or in Lots, as will be settled at the Time of Sale, and subject to such Conditions as will be then produced, unless sooner disposed of by Private Contract, of which due Notice will be * iven. Very dasirable FREEHOLD ESTATE ; con- sisting of the impropriate Rectory of ROTH- WELL, in Northamptonshire, together with the very valuable and improvable Allotments of Land, lately- set out by the Commissioners lor the Inclosure of Rothwell, in I • ieu of the Great Tithes belonging to the said Rectory, and containing Two Hundred and Ninety- three Acres, or thereabouts, of exceedingly rich Arable, Pasture, and Meadow Land. Also a veiy large Tithe Barn, Granary, and Farm- Yard adjoining, situate in the Town at Rothwell ROTHWELL is situated in one of the most fertile Parts ot the County, is particularly distinguished by the Goodness of its Soil, and is about tour Miles from Kettering, seven from Market- Harborough, 14 from Northampton, 10 from Wellingborough, 11 from Thrapston, and 20 from Leicester. Further Particulars will appear in a future Paperj , and will be left at the George Inn, Northampton ; Bell, Leicester; Hind, Lutterworth; Swans, Har- borough ; White Hart, Kettering ; and Crown, Roth- well ; in the mean Time, and to treat by Private Contract, apply to Messrs. BARRETTS, TALBOT, and TURVILE, 9, Holbom- Court, Gray's Inn, London; or Mr. WATSON, Lutterworth. Mr. DALBY, at the Crown Inn, Rothvvell, will shew the remises. Wednesday and Thursday s Posts. 25. from the LONDON GAZETTE of " May Foreign- Office, May, 25. ADispatch, of which the- following is a copy, has' heen deceived hy Vigcnim't Castlereagli, lis Majesty's principkl Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, from General Viscount Cathckrt. ' K. T. his Ma- esty's AtiibWssadhr Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to tHe Court 9f. Russia, dated .' Dresden, May G. TTT LOUD,— My last dispatches informed your Lordship of the arrival of the Ruler of France, and of the concentration of his forces near Erfurth nnd towards the Saale, as also of that of the Allies upon the Elster. I have now the honour of inclosing herewith, the . Yficial statements which have been published hy the Russian and Prussian Governments, of the general action which took place on the 21 instant, between the two armies; and after which the Allies remained in possession of the fieldof battle, and of the positions from which in the course of the day they had dislodged the enemy. The last division of General TormasolFs corps having crossed the Elbe on the 28th ultimo, . the whole" of it moved forward by forced marches to the Elster. His Tmpci^ s! Majesty and the King of Prussia arrived at Hirna on the murnina of the 1st instant, with the reserve; and the several parts ofthe armv were on the same day collected in the vicinage of that place. Marshal Prince Koutousoff Smolensko was left ill on the march at Buntzlau, where he died; but his deBth was not published. Count Wittgenstein, at that time at Zweukau, was appointed to com- mand the army. lie had on that dav reconnoitred the enemy, and ascertained his position ; and the same evening a disposition was made fo* a general attack, to take jflare on the following morning at day- break. During the preceding week, the advance of the enenly's main army towards Naumburg, and the approach of Beanharnois from Quedlinburg, had been indicated bv several skirmishes and partial affairs, particularly at and near Halle and Merseburg, where the Prussians behaved with great gallantry. On the evening of the 1st, the enemy appeared to have great masses of his force between Lutzen wnd Wtis- enfels, and after dusk a strong column was seen moving in the direction of Leipsic, to which place there was clear evidence that he intended to move. The advanced corps of CountWittgenstein's army having been engaged on the same evening, to the eas' and north of Lutzen, the cavalry of it re- mained there to amuse theeneinv in the morning, but with orders to retire gradually. Meanwhile the several columns of the army were ordered to cross the Elster at Pegau and bear down, and to follow the course of a rivulet which, rising near the Elster, j yns in a norti- weit direction to the Saale, by which movement, which the ground favoured, it was intended to turn the enemy's right between Weisenl'els and Lutzen, while his attention was directed to his left, between the latter place and Leipsic As soon as their Majesties saw the troops placed according to the disposition, the whole was put in motion towards the enemy. The country is uncovered and open, the soil dry anil light, but with very considerable variety of hill and valley, and much intersected by hollow ways and mill- streams, the former not discernible , till closely approached. The enemy, placed behind a long ridge, and in a string of villages, of which Gorscl. en is the principal, with a hollow way i. i front, and a stream sufficient to float timber on the left, waited the near approach of the allies. He bad an immense quantity of ordnance, of 12- pounders, and larger natures, distributed throughout the line and in the villages; the bat- teries in the open country were supported by masses of infantry in solid squares. The plan of operation determined upon, on view of the enemy, was to attack the village of Gros Gorscben with artillery and infantry, and in the meanwhile to pierce the line to the enemy's right nf the villages, with a strong column of ca- valry, in ( Trder to cut off the troops in the villages from support. The remainder of the enemy's line was to be engaged, according to circumstances, by the corps opposed to it. The cavalry of the Prussian reserre, to whose lot this attack fell, presented themselves, and supported their movements with great gallantry, but the showers of grape- shot and musketry, to which they were exposed, on reaching- the hollow \ vay, made it impracticable for them to penetrate, and the enemy appearing determined to maintain the villages at any expense, the affair assumed the most extensive character of attack and de fence, of a post repeatedly taken, lost, and retaken. The cavalry made several attempts to break the enemy's line, and behaved with the moft exemplary coolness and regularity' under very heavy fire; in some of these attac ks they succeeded in breaking into the squares, and culling down the infantry. . Late in the evening, Bonaparte having called in the troops from Leipsic, and collected all his reserves, made an attack frotn his left on therigl of the allies, supported by the fire of several batteries advancing. The vivacity of this movement made it expe- dient to change the front of the nearest brigades on the right, and as the whole cavalry from the left was ordered to the right, to turn this attack and to charge it, I was not without hopes of witnessing the destruction of Bonaparte and of all his army; hut, before the cavalry could arrive, it became so dark that nothing could be distinguished but the flashes of the guns. The allies remained in possession of the disputed villages, and ofthe line on which the enemy stood. Orders were given to renew the attack in the morning, but the cnetny did not wait for it, and it was judged expedient, with reference to the general posture of the cavalry, not to pursue The wounded have all been removed across the Elbe, while the cannon and prisonerstaken, and the ground wrested from the enemy in the action; are incontestible proofs of the success nf the allies. Both Sovereigns were ; n the field the whole day. The King was chiefly near the village where his troops were engaged. The Emperor was repeat- edly in every part » f the field, where he was re. reived with the most animating cheers by every corps he approached. The fire, to which bis per- son was not uufrequenlly exposed, and the casualties which took place near him, did not ap- pear in the least to disturb his attention from the objects to which it was directed, and which he followed with > ut any ostentation. General Wittgenstein, with the army, is be- tween the Elbe and the Elster, with the command of several bridges over the former. The Russian troops, of all arms, fullv realized the expectations I had formed of their bravery and steadiness, and the emulation and spirit of patriotism which prevatles the Prussian a- my, merits the highest encomium. I avn, & c. ( Signed) CATHCART. Letter from Admiral Sir J. B. Warren, Bart, dated San. Uomi'go, off Annapolis, Chesaveak, April 20. In proceeding up this Bay, off the river Rappa- han nock, hve sail of armed vessels we re discovered. It falling little wind, the boats of the squadron, manned aud armed, were sent in under the direc- tion of Lieut. Ptickinghorne, of this ship ; and after a most gallant attack from tile officers, sea- men, and marines iu the boats, and a determined resistance from the enemy's vessels, who were prepared to receive them, the w hole ( vie. the Arab, 7 guns 4.5 men; Lynx, 6 guns and 40 men; Racer, 6 guns and 30 men; Dolphin, 12 guns and 93 men) were carried, with the loss of two men killed, and Lieuts. J, Puckinghorne, slightly, Flint, royal marines, severely, Brand, arm amputated, and 8 inen, wounded on our side. Lieut. Brand having formerly lost an arm, and being so unfortunate as to lose bis remaining one, as a volunteer upon this occasion, I trust their Lordsips will confer a mark of reward for the misfortune of a most courageous, zealous joung man. I am & c. J. B. W ARB EN. LONDON, THURSDAY, MAY 27. A Gottenburgh Mail is arrived with letters' from Sweden to the I9tb inst. The accounts by, tliem (• enerally s'ate, that the Swedish transports; still CO itinued in the Roads wind- bound. Accounts from Ca. lscrona, under date of the 13th, state that the Crown Prince was still there, where lie hud been waiting since the 7th, in the utmost anxiety, for a fair wipd: he was accompanied by Mr,. Thornton. The Swedish Admiral Puke, Field- Marshal Stentiack, several Russian Oflicers, and ap English Admiial, were also at Carlscrona. The Bill for the further relief of his Majesty's Catholic S . bjeets is lost, jit least for the present Session .-- Til the House of Commons, the Committee on the Bill was on Monday bight resumed, and a long discussion took place, upon an amendment moved hy the Speaker, to omit the words of the first clause, by which Catholics are rendered ad- missible to seats in either House of Parliament ; he principal Speakers in favour of this amend- ment were Sir J. Nichol, the ( hancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Bankes, Mr. Yorkc, Mr. Rathurst, and Mr. Manners Sutton. The original clause was supported by Mr. Whitbrend, Mr. Ponsonby, Lord Casllereajh, Mr. Grattan and Mr. Canning At two o'clock a division took place, and the amendment was carried by a majority of 4, there being 217 for the clause, and 251 against it.— Mr Ponsonby, then said, that as the bill, without the clause was neither Worthy of the acceptance of the Catholics, nor of the further support of the friend: of concession, he would move that the chairman do now leave the chair; this motion being carried without a division, the Bill was, of course, lost. An order has lately been issued by the War' Office, permitting the Fife Militia, now at Chatham, and all the other regiments of Scotch Militia, to volunteer into the 40th reg. ofthe line, now ser- ving in Canada; oil condition, as is to be statetl n their attestations, that each volunteer shall be discharged at the expiration of six months after a general peace, and be allotted a quantity of land in proportion to his rank. Sir Thomas Mostyn, Bnrt. Member for the county of Flint, has this Spring planted seven hundred thousand forest trees upon his estates in that county. The great foot- race far 400. guineas, between Cro. sS, Captain Barclay's groom, and Uait^ r, the Kentish butcher ( which of them should first per- form 100 miles, the latter giving Cross an hour at starting), took place on Saturday, on Sunbury Common, Cross was completely broken down when he had gone 43 miles i. i about six hours, and was put to bed, Rainer went on till he had gone 91J miles in 17 hours, when he likewise fell exhausted. Rainer has since finished bis 100 miles, and won the wntrpr. . iCnrtiamptonshire Ycamaprij Cavalry. Gentlemen of ,' tho' . WELLING- L BOROUGH TITPOP » rerequested to assemble on ihe MARKET- PLACE, JO WKLLINGBOROI'GII. on MoVnAY the 7ib Day of Jcsa, 1812. at Ten o'clock. The Troop to remain in Quarters from the 7lh to the 12th, bath Days inclusive. F. DICKINS, Captain. Northamptonshire Yeomanry Cavalnj. THE Gentlemen of the KETTERING TROOP are requested to assemble on ihe MARKET- HILL, in KETTERING, <> n MONDAY, JUNE 7th, 1813, at Four o'clock inthe Evening. The Troop will remain in Quarters at Kettering until June 12th inclusive. GEORGE WATSOV. Contain. Methodist Sunday School, Rriccltrv. ON. SUNDAY, . lime* 6th. TWO SERMONS willhf preached a< the Mr- r. rortisT C n't per. >< v the Rev. E. ROBERTS, of 0* ford, for the Benefit of the a tin ye Institution. Seat Household - Furniture, Post - Chaise an Harness, with other Effects, Dunthurch, in the County of Warwick. To be SOLI) by AUCTION, Bv JOHN DAY % SON, On Tuesday the 8th Day of June, 1813, and following Day, if necessary, on the Premises late the Star Inn. the Property of Mr, SEDGLEY, having declined Inn- keeping, PARI of the HOUSEHOLD- FURN ITU RE and other EFFECTS. Further Particulars and Notice of Delivery of Catalogues will apoear in next Week's Pan-:'. By his Majesty's Royal Letters Patent. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. ALL Persons having any Claim or Demand on the Estate of JOHN SHELDON,- late of WITGKAVE, in the County ., f Nnrthamptoo. Gentleman, deceased, are requested to transmit the some forihwith to Messrs. SMVTH. Solicitors, in Northampton, in order that the seme may be dis- charged bv his Executors; and all Versons indebted to the said Estate, are required to pay their re- spective Debts immediately to Ihe said Messrs. Smyth, who are authorized by iiie Executors to receive the some. Northampton, 29th May, 181SI KETTERING BOWLING GREEN. ufinnciK INN. ' HE First Mee'. ing ' if the Gentlemen whi honour, the above Bo( tliug Green w- iirh theii \ ttendance, will lake place. oa TUESDAY next, tin Ul Day of J c N g.-- Dinnrr OH the Table at Thro o'Clock. GEORGE MORGAN. GOODMAN'S PATENT SADDLE- CLOTIL To prevent the Saddle running forviaxd • without the Use of a Crupper, & c. 1- M1E Utility of the PATENT SADDLE- . CLOTH is allowed to suroass all other Inven- ions of the Kind ever before offered to the Public, being so construc'ed that it by no Means alters the Bearings ofthe Saddle, nor is there any unpleasant Appearance in the wearing of it, as no one would suppose it to be anv Thing more than a common Saddle- Cloth. The Patent Cloth being first placcd on the Horse, the Saddle may b; put on in any Situ- ation required, where it will remain firm, without any additional Strap, Buckle, * rc. By the Use ot this Cloth the Girths of the Saddle do not require lo be buckled tight, a Relief to the Animal which mu- t b- obvious to every one. It may be used with any Saddle, being completely separate. It is peculiarly adapted for the East or West Indies, as it entirely prevents a Saddle running forward 6n Mules or anv other Beast of Burthen. Sold, Wholesale an I Retail, bv the Patentee, J. GOODMAN, Sadller, Sec. in Northampton, and may h » had of one principal Saddler in most Market, Towns in the United Kingdom, and of the Newsmen whocircHlatethe Northampton Mercury. freehold Estate, lithe- free, Haustope, Bucks. To be SOLD by AUCTION, P. y JOHN DAY i SON, At the Saracen's Head Inn, fh Old- Stratford, in the County of Northampton, on Thursday the ( Oth Day of June next ( and not on the9th as before advertised), at Four o'Clock inthe Afternoon ( subject to such Conditions as will then be produced): Lot 1. \ PiGUTLEof rich PASTURE LAND, X\ called Lin- hjm's Pightle, adjoining Long Street, in HANSLOPE aforesaid, containing by Admeasurement three Roods and sixteen Perches, and now i. ithe Occupation ot Mr. John Webb. Lot 2. FOUR CLOSES, lying together, of rich AIMBiE and PASTURE LAND, situate in IHNSLOPE aforesaid, adjoining the said Pightle and the Street called Long- Street, and containing together Ky Admeasurement thirty- six Acres thr « ? Roods and twenty- eight Perches, and now in the Occupation of the said John Webb. Tiie Tenant will shew the Estate. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. CONGREVI, Solicitor, Stony- Stratford. AT a MEETING, at BEDFORD. held in the SntRE- HAi. i., on TtJESOAV, May the 18th, 1813, and convened bjj| the MAYOR, iu Consequence of a Requisition signed hv several of the principal Inhabitants, tn consider the Propriety of addressing HER ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCESS OF WALES, on the Result of an Enquiry so honourable to herself, and to the Nation. JOHN DAY, Esq. Mayor, in the Chair, It was resolved: — 1 St,— That an Address be presented to her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, congratulating her on her late Escape from and triumph over the Dangers of a most abominable and wicked Conspi- racy, conducted by suborned nnd perjured Wi>- nesses, affecting not onlv her own Honour and, Life but Ihe Right also of Succession in her Royal Daughter to the Throne of the United Kingdom. 2dlv,— That the Address now read he adopted. 3dly,— That the Thanks of this Meeting are due to the Honourable Cochrane Johnstone, for bring- ing forward ihe Case of her Royal Highness lo the Notice of the House of Commons, and ui Sainuel Whiibread, Esq. our worthy Representative, for his zealous and indefatigable Exertions in the Cause of Iiinncence and Virtue, nnd to Matthew Wood, Esq. Alderman of the City of London, for his manly Conduct in defence of an injured and insulted Princess, and in Defiance ofthe Threats and Frowns of Corruption. 4lhly,— That the Members for this Town, be requested to present the Address' to her Royal Highness, 5tb! y,— Thatthese Resolutions ( veifhtlle Address) be published in the Times, Morning Chronicle, Northampton, and Cambridge Papers. ( Signed) JOHN DAY, Chairman. Resolved,— That the Thauks of this Meeeting be given to the Mayor for his Readiness in convening the Meeting and for hi » Conduct in the Chair. The Address was proposed hy Charles Fy » he Pa| mer, Esq. seconded by John Foster, F> sq. aud was uuaniinouily carried. The Meeting was fixed at Twelve o'clock, and was numerously attended. FM1E Commissioners in a Commission of I. Bankrupt, bearing Dale the ( iih Day of November, 1813, awarded and issued forth against JOHN COLES, of STAPLE- ASTON, in Ihe County of Oxford, Bull er Facior, intend to meet on the 12th Day of June next, at Twelve nf the Clock at Noon, at Guildhall, London, to make a first and final Dividend of the Estate and Effects of the said Bankrupt, when and where the Creditors who have not already proved Iheir Debts, are to come pre pared to prove the same, or thev will be excluded the Benefit nf Ihe said Dividend.— And all Claims not theu proved will be disallowed. Tells if Puddle- im Turnpike- Road'to Lett. VT OTICE is hereby given, That a General Meet- I ^ ingot the Trustees ofthe Turnpike- Road leading from the House formerly known by the Sign of the BLACK BULL, in DUNSTABLE, in the Codnty of Bed- ford, totheKiNc's A * MS, in HocKLirn, in the said County, will be held ft the SUCAR LOAF INN. in DUNSTABLE aforesaid, on SATURDAY the26th Day ot JUKE next, between the Hours of Twelve and Two o| Clock of the same Day, at which Meeting the TOLLS arising and to be collected at the several Toll- Bars, Side- Gates, and Weighing. Machine on the said Road, will be put up for the Purpose of being LETT by AUCTION, to the Best Bidder, for the Term ot Three Years, to commence upon the first Oay of August next, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, in the Manner directed by the Act of ihe 13th Ye^ r of the Reign of his present Majesty, for regtiljting Turnpike- Roads; and'that the said Tolls will be put up at the Sum of =£ 1,59.1 per Annum, beingthe JRent they were last lett for, over and above the Expenses nf collecting ; and further Notice is given. That the Trnst » es will retire the Person or Persons taking such Tolls, to pay down immediately into the Hands of the Treasurer a Deposit ot .£ 100, and to execute a Bond with sufficient Sureties lo'be approved of by the said Trustees for the Payment ot the Rent at the rimes to be specified, in the Contract, and for the ferformance of the.' sevteral Covenants which will be required from aud on tliS Part of the Lessee or Lessees. JOHN HOOPER, Clerk to, the said Trustees. Du n'able, 15th lftl'i. NEWPORL - PAGNELE BRIDGES. N- OT. TCE it hereby... given, That a General Meeting ofthe Trustees, appointed by and acting I! the Execution of the Act ot Parliament for takine town and re- building certain Parts of NORTH BRIDGE and TICKFORD BRIDGE,' in the Parishes of N E WPO RT- PAGNE LL and LATH. liURY, in the County of Buckingham, and for widening ati^ l making, more commodious' the said Bridges and the Approaches thereto, Will be held at the SWAN INN, in NEWPORT- PAGNELL, on TUES- bAv the 1st Day of JUNE next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon. — Dated the 24th of- Mav, 1813. WM. LUCAS. Clerk to the Trustees To be SOLO by TICKETT, ~~~ tu ALTHORP PARK, on Tuesday the Sth Day of June, 1813, A Large Quantity of fine OAK TIMBER * L Tickets to be given out at Ten o'clock. If. BAILEY. To be LETT or SOLI), " our l) a; Enquire of THOS. BROWN, Leighton, Beds AN ASS, and FOAL four Davs old.— F. WOBURN SHEEP - SHEARING, JUNE 14th, 15th, and 16th, 1813. MORNIKC. EVENING ShewofSouth- down- j fSa] e o{ South_ dswn Shew of MerinoTups Ew" Shew of Hereford ' ' and Devon Cattle, j 1 South - down Lett. tups Prize Wethers. Prize Theave^. Prize Boars. Ploughing. Implements. f Sale of South- down Ewes. Tuesday,) SaleofV 15th. i] Saleof Merino Tups STOLEN oa STRAYED, ) N THURSDAY Night toe 20tli of May, Voii, oitof a Clo- e. belongi ig to JAMES OA KEY, ot Witi. ioN, near Hinckley, A Diirjt- br j- vn half- bred HORSE, Four Years old, abo t 15 Hands high, with his fo- e t white before, and the near hind Foot white, a switch, Tail, his Eyes rather dim, and a few wttite Hairs between them. Any Person giving In. formatjort of the () Sender or Offenders; shall, it stolen, on. Conviction thereof, receive a Reward of l'EN POUNDS, ot Mr. OAX. EV of Wigston aforesaid ; and if strayed, any Permit giving Information of the said Horse, shall be wCli rewarded for their Trouble. TOWCESTER IURNP1KE NOAD. OTICE is hereby given, That the nex, t Meeting of the Triistees of the Turnpike- Road leading from Towcester. to the Turnpike- Ruad in Colt„ n- End, in the Parish of Hardingsimi, the County of Northampton, will he holden pursuant to an Adjournment made by me ia Com- pliance with Ihe Directions of the Act, at the DUKE of GRAFTON'S ARMS, iu BI. ISWORTH, on WEDNESDAY the ninth Day of JOKE next, at Eleven of ihe Clock in the Forenoon WM. TR. SMYTH; Cleric. 29th May, 1813. N Estate, Tit he- free. Steeple- Inclosed Free hb Id. Cl< tydon% To be £ OLD bv AUCTION, By JOHN DA Y SON, On Saturday the Pith qf June, 1813, between the Hours of Three and Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the House ot Mr. Treacher, the Swan Inn, in Buckingham aforesaid, in one Lot, AVery desirable FEEEHOI. D ESTATE; com- prising a Brick and Tile- built Farm. House, in excellent Repair, newly built within a few Years, with Barns, Stables, Cow- House, Pigsties, and other convenient Out- buildings; with lirne Yard, Garden, and Orchard well planted with choice Fruit- Trees; with the under- mentioned Quantity of rich Grazing Meadow, and Arable Land. Sward Arable Acres Acres Dairy Ground in which the House standis 43 Meadow near 20 Hill Ground .... 20 Ground called Sixteen Acre Piece, ad- joining the Road to Bicester 16 Ten Acre Piece adjoining... 10 Piece near the Sheep Walk .......... 15 White Bridge Meadow 15 1( 13 42 Theabove Estate is a desirable small Purcha e; the Whole of the Land lies contiguous to the Home ; the Situation within an easv Distance of Buckingham, Winslow, Bicester, and Thame ; is now in the Occu- pation of the Proprietor, Mr. Geo. Brooks — Pos session will be given at Michaelmas next. For a View of the above, apply on the Premises; and tor further Particulars, to Messrs. HEARN Solicitors, in Buckingham, or to the AUCTION EES, ii Stony- Stratfoid. Freehold Estate, at Great- Linford, near Newport Pagnell, Bucks. To be SOLD by AUCTION, ( If an acceptable Offer liv Private Contract be not forthwith made), AVery desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate in the Parish of GRKAT- LINFORI), in the County of Buckingham ; consisting of a good Farm- Hou « e, with convenient Homestead, and requisite Out- huildings, and upwards of 3S0 Acres of fertile Arable and Grass Land, the principal Part in the Occupation of Messrs. William and Richard Bacchus. For a View of the Premises, and to treat for the same, apply to Henry Andrewes Uthwatt, Esq. at Great- Linford Place, of whom, and nf Messrs. Hearn, Solicitors, in Buckingham, further Parti- culars may be had. Notice of the Tim- and Place of Sale will be given In next Week's Paper. (£ f* All Persons having any Claim or Demand on the Estate of the Rev. HENRY UTHWA I'T UTHWATT, of GREAT- LINFORD, in the County of Buckingham, Clerk, deceased, or on ihe late Banking Concern of Messrs. Uthwatt & Andrewes, at Great- Liuford aforesaid, are requested forthwith • to deliver in their Accounts to Henry Audrewes Ulliwatt, Esquire, ( one of ihe Executors of the said Henry Ulhwalt Uihwatt, nod surviving Partner in the said Bank) al Great- Linford Place. — And all Persons standing indebted to ihe said Estate or Banking Concern, are lierebj required lo pay their respective Debts to the said Henry Andrewes Uthwatt, oti< or before the 84th Day of June next, or they will be sued for the lame without further Notice or Delay. 2Bth May, 1813. Tn be SOLD by AUCTIO N, In June, or the beginning of July next, A Very valuable inclosed and TITHE- FREE ' » FARM, with au excellent Farm- House and Homestead, situate in the pleasant Village of IttCHKSfER, inthe County of Northampton, and about 175 Acres of very rich and convertible Land, Part ot which adjoins the Turnpike- Road leading from Higham- Ferrers to Wellingborough, and is within about a Mile of the latter Town, now in the Occupation of Mr. Cook, as a yearly Tenant. The Arable Land is well divided by flourishing Quickset Fences, into seven Fields, communicating with each other, and there is a Barn and Fold Yard, very conveniently situated for the Occupation of Part ofthe Land adjoining the said Turnpike. Road. The Time and Place ot Sale will appear in a future raper; and further Particulars may be known ot Mr DAY Solicitor, St. Neots, at wftoee Office a Plan may be seen. TOLLS fir OOKLL ROAD. VT OTICE is- hereby given, That the Annual 1AI Meeting ot the Trustees ofthe Odell District of the Turnpike- Road, leading from the South End of B R OWN'S- LAN E, in the Parish of G A E AT- ST A UG H~ T » N, in the County of Huntingdon, to the Bedford Turnpike- Road, in the Parish of LAYINOON, in the County of Buckingham, will be held, at the Witt AT SHEAF INN, iu HARKOLO, on MONDAY- th: 28th D< y0f JUNE nex', at Twelve o'CIotk at Noon, when tliv Trustees will settle the Treasurer's and other Ac- counts, and transact other Business relative ti the said District ofthe said Road; and at the said Meeting the TOLLS arising at tne several Toll. Gates of the . said District ot the said Road, will bj LETT to FARM hy AUCTION, tothe Best Bidder or Bidder?, for one Year, to commence on the 2d Day of Juiv next, in the Manner directed by the Act passed in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of bis present Majesty K. tiig George the Third, tor regulating Turnpike- Roads, and will be put up at theseveul Sums fol- lowing, being the Sums which they respectivelv produced for the list Year ( including the additional Halt loll on Narrow- wneel Waggons, Wains, and Carts), that is to say: — The Ode/ 1 and Snelson Gales at £ 132 0 0 The siarnimk Gate at 84 0 0 Whoever happens to be the He= t Bidder or Bidders, must forthwith give Security with sufficient Sureties, to the Trustees of the said District of the said Road, for the Payment of the Rent agreed tor at such 1' imes and in such Manner asthe said Trustees shall direct.— Dated the 24th Day of May, 1813. WM. DAY, Clerk to the = i'd Trustees. Capital Mansion- House and Laud. To be SOLD or LETT, Ami may be cnteret upon immediately, ALL - that capital MANSION- HOUSE, with Stabling, Coach- House, and all other suittblr Out- offices, fit for a Family of the first Respectability, situate at 1 RTHLlNGBORO UGH, in the County of Northampton, Utely fitted up in a modern and superior Style, with PL- asure and Kitchen Gardens well stored with Fruit- Trees, Orchards, and a Close of very rich Pasture Land adjoining, containing about 14 Acres ( more or less) late the Residence of SI MO N OLIVER TAYLOR, E » q. Theabove is a most desirable Situation for ant Sportsman, being at a convenient Distance from the Pytchley, Cakley, and Earl Fitzwilliam's Hums, and the entire Manor of Irthlingborou h, Fishe ie?, 4c.; and also, about 50 Acres of goo. l Arabte and Meadow Land, in Irthlingborough (- foresaid, may be occupied and enjoyed therewith if desired — There is a Mall " Coach and Day Coach through Irthling- borough, to and from London every Day, For further Particulars, aoply to Mr. ARIS, of Irthlingborough; or to Mr, HOWES, Solicitor, Northampton; or Mpssrs. KINQERLST, LONG, and AUSTIN, Grays Inn, l. onSon. Tobe SOLD bv AUCTION, By M-. ROUSE, On Tuesday the first Day of June next, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, at the Three Swans, in Mirket- Harborougb, A Very desirable FRFFHCTLD ESTATE; con- iTJL sisting ot a substantial Farm- House, with suitable Out- oflices, and 107 Acres ot very rich Arabl and Pasture Laud, in a Ring Fence, situate at CLIP- STONE, in the County of Northampton, now in the Occupation of Mr. Ellis. Sen. Possession may be had at Lady- Day. For further Particulars, apply at the Office of Mr BURTON, Attorney^ in Daventry. To be SOLD by AUCTION, On the 10th of June next. FREEHOLD PROPE1UY, Tythe- Free ; consisting of upwards of 101 Arres, of very prime Arable and Grass Land, situate io the Parish of DODFORI), near Daventry. Further Particulars will hegiven in next Weeks Paper. A Genteel Residence, Brilt, Bucks. To be 5 O L I) by AUCTI O N, By Messrs. STONE, At the Sun Inn, in Btill, in the County of Buck, ingliam, ou Thursday the 10th Day ot June, 131 J, at Three o'Clock, AVery desirable FRFTHOLD ESTATE, pleasantly situatedio BRI Li- aforesaid ; con - sisting of a neat Brick, Tiled, and Sashed Dwelling- House, comprising a Parlour, Hall, Kitchen, Shop, four airy Sleeping- Rooms, good Cellar, Wash- HoUse Stable, Yard, and excellent Garden adjoining, walled round, in the Occupation of Mr. Caswell, Surgeon, a yearly Tenant^ also, a Brick and Tiled Tenement adjoining. The Estate is situate in a very healthy Spot, com- manding fine Views, is in a genteel Neighbourhood, in Sir Thomas Mostyn's Hunt, and firms a desirable Residence for a Gentlemsn fond of the Sports of the Field, or a small genteel Family. May be viewed with Leave of the Tenant; and further Particulars known of Mr. DOKRINCTON, Solicitor, or the Auctioneer, Thame. Oxon. Freehold Public House. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By R. JAR PIS, On the Premises, on Tuesday the 1st Day of June, 1S13, at Three o'Cloiik in the Afternoon, AI L that desirable FREEHOLD DWELUNG- HOUSE, and APPURTENANCES thereto belonging, late in the Occupation of Mr. Henry Sewell, deceased, at U P P E R- I30DD1 N G I'O. M, in the County of Northampton ; comprising a commo- dious Kitchen, Parlour, pleasant fining- Room, tour Bed Roomsand Garret, a good Cellar, Brewhouse, Pantry, a Yard, Garden, and Orchard with choice Fruit- Trees i a Stable and other Conveniences j which may be viewed any Time previous to th: Sale. Further Particulars may be known by applying to Mr. WESTON, at Boddington; or the Auctioneer, Binbury. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By TlfOMAS HAGGER, On Tuesday the 1st Day of June. 1P13, A LL the very neat HOUSEUOLD- FURNI- fV rURE, PLATE. LINEN, CHINA, GLASS, and BREWING UTENSILS, on the Premises of the Ute Mr. and Mrs. H XTLEY, Plumbers and Glaziers, at POTT > N, Bedfordshire'; comprising Four. post and other Bed teads, with very near Mahogany Feet Pillars, Chintz and other Fufni- tures, two prime Goo-, e Feather, and four com. mon Feather- Beds; Mattress, Blankets, Countet- panes, Pier and Swing Glasses, Mahogany and Chamber Chairs, Mahogany Dining, Dressing, Pembroke, and Claw Tables, Mahogany and Wainscot Bureaus and Drawers, 30- Hour and Eight- day Clocks, • teat Wind- up Rang-, Pantheons, Fire. Irons, Plate', Linen. China, Gta s, Kitchen- Requisites, Brewing- Uier. sils, a Plumber's Cart, Window Machine, Hovels, Sec. » / All Persons having any Claim or Demand agaiistthe aforesaid Mr. or Mrs. H VI'LEY, deceased, are iiereby requested to transmit their Accounts fo the Auctioneer, within one Month, or on neglect, they will be excluded all Benefit arising from tile former and present Sales of their Effects ; and all Persons standing indebted to th? tvaid Estates, are requested immediately to pay the same to me, at my House, inthe Market- Place, Potton afore, aid.— Dated thisllth Day of May, 18F3. THOMAS HA GO E R. N B. T. Haggcr also iofbrms the Public that he has left at his House a Quantity of fine WHITE and GREEN TURNIF SEED ; also, YELLOW TRANSP L ANTED SwWISH, and warranted, from the Knowledge of its GroWth; Wholesale and Retail. Valuable Pups. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Messrs. LOVED AY, By Order of the Executors of the late Mr. SAMUEL BARN ETT, deceased, on the Premises at TACH- BROOKE, near Warwick, on Monday the 12th of July, 1813, -" pWENTY- EIGIi r very valuable TUPS, from I. two- shear to four, late the Property of the said Mr. BARN ETT. And at the same Time will be LETT by AUCTION, Eighteen very capital SHEARINGS, of the same Stock. — Further Particulars will appear in Cata- logues, which will be ready a Foriniaht previous to the Sale, and may be had at the principal Inns in Warwick, Coventry, Stratford- on - Avon, North, ampton, and Gloucester; at the Place of Sale, and of the Auctioneers, Warwick. The Superiority of the late Mr. Barnett's Stock, has been so well known t:> the Public for a Numberof Years past, that the Executors conceive it quite unnecessary to make the least Comment; and the Public are assured that the 28 will be. sold without the least Reserve. N. B. May be viewed any Tuesday or Thursday previous to the Sale, by applying on the Premises. Sale to begin at Ten o'Clock p. ectsely. ' To BE SOLD BY AUCTION. By Mr. DAYJS, At the- Crown Inn, in Brackley, in the County of Northampton, on Wednesday the 9th of June, between the Hours of Five and Seven in tile Afternoon, HE absolute REVERSION for the RF- MAlNDER of a long TERM of YEARS of a MESSUAGE. or TENEMENT, with the Appur- reninces, situate in the Parish of ST. PETER, in BRACKLEY aforesaid, in the Occupation of Woitton, Expectant on the Decease of a Widow Lacy, now aged upwards ot 70 Years Hot further Particulars, apply at Mt. WTKHAM'S Oflce, or tothe Auctioneer in Banbury. I BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Minor, Chiltern and Vale Farms, Woods, and Tithes. To be SOLD by AUCTION, Or the 30th of June, 1S13, in Lots, unless an accep. able Oder for the Whole by Private Contract b: nade before Tuesday the 15th, APeculiarly eligible and improvable Freehold ESTATE, with a verv small Part Copyhold ot Imeritance, in the most Picturesque Part of the County; consisting of the Manor of Wardrobes, and sij Farms, with vei'y convenient Homesteads and Buildings, and upwards of 800 Acres, by Estimation, of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land. 160 Acres or rhtrealxmts, ot Wood Land, and the great and small Tithes ot 2.300 Acres, or thereabouts, situate in the Paishes of PRINCE'S- R 1 S BO R <) O G H, Mf) t\ K* S- R 1SUOROUGH, and HORSE. NDON, of the estimated Annual Value of nearly Two Thou- sand Pounds, exclusive of the Timber and Wood. This Estate would he incalculably benefited by an Inclosure ot the principal Parish, which, it is ex. pecied, will shortly take place, and would form a mist enviahle anil consequential Property, being rarely equalled tor Variety and fertility of Soil, or Beauty ot Scenery and Landscape. For a View of the Estate, apply t » Mr. JAMES GRACE, of Prince's. Risboi^ ugh, Bucks; and tor flirt tit I Particulars, to hiin, or Mr. ROSE, Solicitor, Aylesbury ; to the latter of whom, Otfets by Private Contract may be aduressed. 1 Sa| e of Hereford and J (. Devon Cattle, PrizeWetfjers. dead. ) jrSile of South- down Sheep Shearers. ( Wednesday, \ Ewes Shew of Hereford f ltitn. ) Sale of Hereford and andDevonCattle,) ( Devon Cattle. PREMIUMS given to promote the IMPROVE- MENT of LIVE STOCK. Sec. Sec. I.— For loug- noatled Fat Wethers. 1. To the Person wlio shall irerd the DestTwo- shear long- wool led Fat Wether, a Piece of Plate. Value. Ten Guineas. To the Person who shall ireed in Bedfordshire, the best Twd- shear long- woolled Fat Wether, a Piece of Plate. Value Five Guineas. The same Per- son not to have both Premiums.— The Name of the Breeder, together with the Place where bred, to bt duly certiti d. The Wethers, with the Certificates, tobe produced on Tuesday, between the Hours of Nine and fen, at Wobum Abbey: They will be sheared, weighed alive, killed, and Weighed tlead, and due Attention paid to Wool, Carcase, and Tallow. II. — For short- woolted Fat Wethers. 1. To the Person who shall hieed ill; best Two shear short. woolled Fat Wether, a Piece of Plate, Value Ten Guineas. 2. To the Person who sliall breed in EeJfrdsbirr, the best Two- shear short- woolled Fat Wether, a Pice of Plate, Value Five Guineas. The same Per- son not to have both Premiums.— The Name of the Breeder, together with the Place where bred, to be duly certified. The Wethers, with the Certificates, to be produced on Tuesday, between the Hours of Nine and Ten, at Woburn Abbey: They will be sheared, weighed alive, killed, and weighed dead, and Uue Attention paid to Wool, Carcase, and Tallow, III,— For long- w6olled Theaves, tied in Bedfordshire. 1. To the Person who shall treed in Bedfordshire, the best Pen of three long- woolli? i Theaves, a Piece of Plate, Value Ten Guineas. 2. To the Person who shall breed in Be Ifo'dsiire, the second- best Pen of three long- woolled Pneaves a Piece of Plate, Value Five Guineas. The same Person not to have both Premiums. The Sheep to be shewn in a Store Statl, and to be produced at thi Abbey on Tuesday, between the Hours of Nine and Ten, with Certificates that their Theaves were bred in Bedfordshire, specifying the Parish, and Name of the Breeder; also that rhev have been regularly kepr with the Flock until the Time of their being sent to be exhibited. IY. — For short- wanlUd Theaves, bred in Bedfordshire. 1. To the Person who shall breed in Bedfordshire, the best Pen of three sh irt- woolled Theaves, a Piece of Plate, Value Ten Guineas. To the Person who shall breed in Bedfordshire, the second- best Pen of three short woolled Theaves, a piece of Plate, Value Five Guineas. The same Person not to have both Premiums. The Sheep to be shewn in a Store State, and to be produced at the Abb.' y on Tuesday, between the Hours of Nine and Ten, with Certificates, that their Theaves were bred in Bedfordshire, specifying the Parish, and Name of th I Breeder; also that they have been regularly kept w ith the Flock until the Time of their being sent to be exhibited. Y. — Foi Boars. To the Person who shall produce the he't Roar, not exceeding two Yeats old, a Piece of Plate, Value- Five Guineas.— The Boars, with Certificates, to be produced at the Park. Farnl on Tuesday. VI. — For Sheep- Shearers. To the best Snearer, Five Guineas; second- best. Four Ditto; third. best, Three Ditto; fourth- best' Two Ditto ; fifth- best, One Ditto. It mote than ten Candidates, to draw Lots. ThV Trial t » be made on the Wednesday: Candidates to give Notice on the Saturday before the Clipping. VI I. — For encouraging Improvement in Implement, of Avricuttiire. To the Person who shall produce the best and mnsr useful newly. invented Implement, the Sinn ot Twenty Guineas. As it is the Intention, in giving this Premium, both to encourage, and to introduce to general Notice such Improvements in Implements of Agriculture, as appear of real Utility, it will be left to a Com mittee to decide— 1st, Which Implement produced deserves the Preference; 2dly, Whether any of them merit the Reputat ion that the Acquisition of a Premium might confer. The Implements to b brought to the Park Farm on Tuesday; and the Claimants to give Niftice at or before the Arrival ot their Implements. VIM. — Fur Ploughing. To the Per* ou who shall produce the Plough which shall plough a Rood of Land in the best and most Husbandlike Manner, a Piece of Plate, Value Ten Guineas. To the Ploughman holding the same Two Guineas. Due Consideration will be paid to the Merit of the Implement, to the Time of performing the Work, the Force employed, and the Cleanness and Depth oi the Furrow. Claimants to give Notice on Monday Evening, or before Ten o'Clock on Tuesday Morning. IX.—- For Shppherds. To the Shepherd in Bedfordshire, who shall have saved the greatest Number of Lanitjs, on the I t of June, 1813, in Prooortion to the Number ot Ewes being not less than 100, put tu tlii Ram the preceding Autumn, Five Guineas. To the Shepherd who shall have saved the next greatest proportionate Number. Four . Guineas. To the Third, Three Guineas ; to tile fourth, Two Guineas ; to the filth, One Guinea. Certificates to be sent in on the first Day of the Woburn Sheep- Shearing, 1813, signed by the Owner Jt the Flock, and two other respectable Witnesses, stating the Numberof Ewes tupped, the Nutnher of Lambs saved on the 1st of June, and the Age ot the Ewes. viz. the proportionate Number of Theaves, Two- years- old, Three- years- old, and Full- mouthed Sheep. X. — For tiie best Cultivated Farms in Bedfordshire. 1. To the Farmer in Bedfordshire, the Land in whose Occupation ( not being less than One Hundred and Fifty Acres Arable), shall be adjudged to be cultivated in the most judicious, clean, and in every respect Husbandlike Manner ; the Nature of the Soil, Ihe Time of his having occupied it, and the Condition when entered upon, being taken into Consideration, Fifty Guineas, or a Piece of Plate of that Value. 2. To the Farmer In Bedfordshire, the Land in Whose Occupation, ( being less than One Hundred and Fifty Acres, and not less than Kitty Acies Arable), shall be adjudged to be cultivated in the most judi- cious, clean, and in every respect Ilusbinulike Manner; the Nature of the Soil, the Time of his having occupied it, and the Condition when entered upon, being taken into Consideration, Thirty Gui. neas, or a Piece of Plate of that Value. It is required that the Farmers, who may be Can. didates tor these Premiums, do give Notice to the Duke of Bedford, of their Intention, on or before the 15th of July, 1813, that the r l- arms may br inspected by such Persons as the Duke may appoint, at such Periods as may tie judged necessary, previous to the Sheep- Shearing 1814. They must also stare the Nature ot the Soil of their Farms, and the systi ni ot Farming they practise. N. B. The Person who may obtain either of th « Premiums in the foregoing Class, shall not be a Candidate tut the same Premium iu ihe en. uing STON Y- SIR AI FOR D TU RN PIK E- UO AD. OTICE is hereby given, That the next Meeting of the Trustees appointed f„ r put- ting into Execution the Act of Parliament lately passed for more eUectuallv repairing Ihe Road from HARDIMGSTON to O I. n- ST R AT FOR I>, in Ihe County. of Northampton, will he holden pursuant loan Adjournment : it the WIJITE HART, in GRAFTON- KEC. IS, in the said County of North- ampton, nn THURSDAY the TENTH Day of JOSS next, at Twelve o'Clock. WM. TR. SMYTH, Clerk. _ 29th May, 1813. WhiUlevioot} Forest, Northamptonshire. , PARTICULARS oT OAK » , K1 ASH TREES S- and LOPS and TO PS. ot TREES, felled for the Useot the Navy, in the Forest af WHITTLE WOO D in the County of Northampton,' to be SOLD by AUCTION, by Order ofthe Right Honourable Lord Glenbervie, William Dacres Adams, and Henry Dawkin- s, Esquires, Commissioners of his Majesty's Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues, bv JOHN DAY Sc SON, on Monday the 14th ot June, ISIS, at the Rein Deer, POTTERSPURY. Old Tun Coppice.— Ash. ] Lot 1 2 3 4 5 6 T Numbers. Vear. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 S) 10 11 12 o 11 20 30 4) ' 52 60 65 ' 70 76 81 90 95 1 to and — 6 to and — 1 2 to and — 21 to and — 31 to and — 41 to and — 53 to and — 61 to and — 6fi . to and — 71 to and — 7/ to and — 84 to anil — 91 to and — 96 to and 100 — 101 to and LIS — 109 to - and 115 — US to and 120 — 121 to and 121 ^ 1* 4 to and 1* 1 — 128 to and 133 — H4 and 135 — 13S and 137 — 131 to and 140 Saplings. — ltl 10 and 146 — 147 to and 154 — 155 to and 161 — .162 to and 170 — 171 to and 175 Old Oaks. — 178 — 179 — 180 '' Repair Tree Toft. 1 — 1 to and 4 2 — 5 to an I 10 3— 11 to and 13 Maiden Oak Navy 7sees. ' 1 to and 4 b and 7 ta and 10 to and 14 to and 17 and 19 and 21 to and 24 to and 27 ' and ' 29 to and 3J to and Lot 1.1 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 S9 30 31 32 33 Numbers. 38 to grid 40 4l to £ 43 47 50 5' i 55 58 60 61 68 7I) 73 75 77 79 83 ss- 89 92 94 97 6 9 13 i6 18 2) 1 23 26 28 32 37 CONDITIONS 41 and 44 to and 4H to and 51 to and 54 and 56 to and 59 and 61 to and 65 to and 89 and 71 to and 74 and 76 and 78 and 80 to and 84 to and 87 to and 90 to and 93 and 95 W and Br'. r^ sed Navy Tree Tom 34.- 9tt to and log * 35 — 107 to and 11* 36 — 115 to and 37 — 123 to and 130 S8 — lyl to and lag Aib Navy Tree Tops. * 1 16 and 4 5 to and ' 10 to and 13 and 15 to and 19 to and 25 to and 28 to and to and 37 to and 43 to and 50 to and 55 to and 60 and 62 to and 67 ro in,* 72 to and 7 7 to and 51 to an. t 85 to and .89 to and 93 to and .„ 9o ta and luO SALE. i 2 3 4 • 6 6 7 • .8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 • it 23 • O F 9 13 14 13 24 27- 34, 3S> it 49 5t 69 6i 64 71 7 > 80 84 BS 9i 95 The Lots will be sold to the Highest Bidder, ( the Officer of the Forest, conducting the Sale, reserving to hnnsei, t the Right of once bidding, if it shall apt pear to him that the Offers made for the same shall be below the. lair Value thereof); and if any Dis pute arise Oil ihe bidding, the Lot or Lots shall be put up again for Sale. The Purchaser of any Lot or Lets to pay down at the Time ot Sale Twenty Pounds per Cent, on the value ol the Lot so purchased, and the Remainder bv" Five o'Clock in the Evening, or forfeit the Deposit Money. 1 he Timber and Tops to be removed out of ihe Coppices on oi befoie the 1st of September next - in default thereof, tobe forfeited, and te- sold for'hi s Majesty's Benefit : and the saule are after'tlie Sale tu be at the Risk ot the Purchaser, and not of tha Crown. ' No Option will be allowed of selecting out of anv Lot or l. ots any I'att of such Lot or Lots. ' Forest, concerned in No Deputy or Officer ot the . the D trection at'd Management of the Sate, will be allowed to become a Purchaser, either by himself or any other I cison iu Trust for him; and it any Col. lusion or unfair deding is in any Respect practised or permitted, on I'rout thereot, the Persons offendine - will be punished. & No Poundage. Fee, Perquisite, or Emolument whatever, shall be demanded or taken bv any Officer ar Person conducting the Sale, under Pain of Punish- ment on Proof ( hereof. Catalogues may be had at the Compasses, Silver- stone ; Barley- Mow, Paulerspury ; Place of Sale - and of the Auctioneers, Stony- Stratford. Sale will begin at Ten o'Clock. Satcey Forest, Northamptonshire. PARTICULARS of OAK and ASII TREE?- and LOPS and TOPS of TR E EJ, felled for the Use of the Navy, in the Forest ot'SALCEY in the County of Northampton, to be SOLD by AUCTION, by Order of the Right Honourable Lord Glenheme, Wi|| lam Dacres Adams, and Henry Dawkins, Esqrs. Commissioners of his Majesty's Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues, by JOHN DAY & SON, on Tuesday the 15th of June, 1813, at the Rose anil Crown, HARTWELL. kot Numbers. Great f. aun.— Ash. 41— 154 Rose Coppice.•— Maiden Navy Tree Tops. ' * 2 4 8 11 IS f « 19 22 Rose Coppice. — Ash. Lot Numbers 1 —. 1 to and 7 2 — 8 and 9 3 — 10 to and 14 4 — 15 to and 20 5 — 21 to and 25 11 — 26 t.. aud 29 7 — 30 and 31 8 — 32 and 83 !! — 34 aud 35 10 — 36 to aud 38 11 — 39 litd 40 12 — 41 and 42 13 — 43 , and 44 14 — 45 tn nutl 47 15 — r 48 to iind 50 16 — 51 tn and 54 17 — 55 to and 58 18 — 59 to and 65 19 — 66 lo and 7.1 20 — 74- to and 76 21 — 77 tu aud 80 22 — 81 lo and 87 23 _ 88 In and 90 24 — 91 U and 94 25 — 95 to and 100 86 101 to and 105 27 — 106 | o aud 110 28 — ltl to and 120 S9 — 121 fo and 123 30 — 124 to and 126 31 — 127 to and 135 32 — 136 tn and 142 33 — 34 35 30 37 38 39 Sapling. 113 Old Oaks. 144 145 146 147 148 149 and 150 the Riding between Straights Coppices.— Ash 40 — 151 ( o ami 153 1 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 • 17 rs 19 20 21 22 23 24 2A Sft * 7 1 » ind 3 and 5 to aud 9 to and 12 and 14 to and 17 lo and 20 to and 23 ? 4 25 26 to and 29 to and 33 and 35 and 37 and 39 to and 43 to . and 46 to aud 49 and 51 to and 51 and 5ft to and 60 to and 63 and fr* to aod 7* lo and t'labtree Thick Ditto. 28 — 76 to and 7S 29 — 79 to and HI Rose Coppice.— lirtKscii Ditto. 30 — 83 to and 91 31 — 92 to and lOO 32 — 101 to and WH S3 — 10!) M aod 117 Oribtree Thick Ditto. 34 — 118 lo and 12* Kose Coppice. — Repair Tree Tops. 1 — 1 to and ' 4 Sale will commence at Ten o'clock. Conditions of Sale, saow at ui \ YninUwwtJ, 28 32 34c 36 38 42 45t 48 5C> 53 55 59 65 67 71 75 Friday and Saturday's Posts. LONDON, FRIDAY Mav 38. AMERICAN papers were received on Tnesdai nieht ast. The Chesapeake frigate arrived at Boston, after a successful prnue, Great appre- hensions had been entertained for her safety.— These papers inform us, that the four vessi- N captured hy the boats of Sir J. B. WnrrenV squadron, ( see Tuesday's Gazette) viz. the Dolphin, Racer, Lynt, and Arab, wore aferwardi manned t( 7 the British, and sent further up the Chesapeake Bay; and, about six miles abisve I'atuieht, cap- tured a number of small craft, together with the schooner Providence packet.— There is a good deal of talk of American military moVelhents, but nothing of the smallest importance.— These papers are indeed very barren. By a letter from an English officer with the Allied Army, various interesting particulars relating to the great bat'le of Gross- Gorschen, ( or Lutzen), and its immediate results have been received. In the battle, Sir Robert Wilson, assisted by Captain Dawson, Colonel Campbell, and his two Aides- de- Camp, acted a very distinguished part. Sir Robert in person rallied a Prussian detachment, and carried the village of Gross- Gorschen, of which he kept possession for Several hours, until the evening, when the enemy renew ed the attack with three columns, and drove tbe allied trbops almost Entirely from this position At this period Sir Robert received the commands of the Emperor Alexander, to put himself at the head of the Prussian reserve, which having done, and uniting himself with the Russians, who were still disputing the skirts of the village with the cnemv, he dtove the French hack to Lutzen, and at the close of the combat remained master of the contested spot. The Select Committee of the House of Com- mons, appointed to inquire into the Corn Trade of the United Kingdom, has made its report. It • tates ( as a fair practical inference to be drawn Irom their inquiry ipto the means which Great Britain and Ireland possess, of growing an addi- tional quantity), that they are able to produce as much more Corn in addition to that which they already grow, as would relieve them from the necessity of continuing, iu any degree, dependent for a supply oil foreign countries. In the last five venrs, the value of the whole of the corn im- ported into Great Britain, was <£ 18,934,359. A British Tar.— On the examination before a Court Martial o{ the surviving Officers of his Ma- jesty's late ship Java, Jones Humble, boatswain, despesed as follows:—" About an hour after the action commenced, I was wounded ; I went down, and stooped near an hour; and when I got my arm pu a little to rights, by a tourniquet being put on it, nothing else ( my hand was carried away, and my arm wounded about the elbow), I put my arm into the bosom of my shirt, and went up again, when I saw the enemy a- head of us, re- pairing his damages. I had my orders from Lieut. Chads, before the action began, to cheer up the boarders with my pipe* that they might make a clean spring in hoarding."— This is a fine and truly characteristic specimen of the British sea- man; his hand carried away, hi| aim torn and shattered, he appeared totally unconcerned, and is anxious only to gain the deck, that with his pipe he may cheer and animate tbe boarders ! A'. ALL GOOD RESPECTFULLY informs Iter Friends, lhat « he has returned from LONDON with a Va- ety of fashionable DIIESSUS. SPHACERS, and " ORSK+ S i also a Variet v of TRIM wis GS of every Description, which she hopes Mill meet with Vpprnlialion; and merit a Continuance of those Favours she has at all Times received. E. Millinery and Dress- Making. F. ARNSBY begs respectfully to inform her Friends and the Public in general, that she is returned from I. oarnoN with a SEAT and GENTEEL ASSORTMENT of M I L 1,1 N E R Y, DRESSES, & c.; also ? L. UN and TWILLED SARSNRTS, Arc. & c. which are now open for Inspection. Daventry, May 59th, 1813. An APPRENTICE wanted. J. ALLEN, tinen and Woollen- Draper, Hosier, Sc. HAVING declined Business in Favour of Messrs. AncocK & CURTIS, returns his sincere Thanks lo his Friends, for their liberal Sup- port during his Residence at Wellingborough, and solicits a Continuance of their Favours lo his Successors. ADCOCK & CURTIS, HAVING taken the Shop lately occupied by Mr. J. ALLEN, also his new and valuable Slock, which is to be immediately sold al reduced Prices for Ready Money.— They at the same Time respectfully solicit the Favours of his Friends aud the Public, assuring them that nothing on their Pari shall be wanting to merit their Confidence and Suppoit. May 29th, 1813. SWEDISH TURNIP SEED, RAISED from a very good Sort of Trans- planted TURNIPS, selected for I hat Purpose, « y SAMUEL SHARM. AN, of HAROWICK, and retailed by him at Nine- pence per Pound; any Ready- Money Customer, taking a large Quantity, may have a very handsome Allowance. N. II. Anv Persons occupying cold wet Land, who are in Danger nf the Rot among their Sheep, may be accommodated wilh a good Trenching Plough, at a very moderate Price, and have their Choice of two..—. Enquire as above. Millinery ' arid :& trca- Manu) uetary, MERCERS'- ROW, NORTHAMPTON. MSTANTON takes this Opportunity of • acknowledging Ihe rnmv Favours she has alreadv received from her Friends rind Ihe Public, - tort begs to infftrm litem she has just returned from Lovnov, willi a fashionable Assortment of CJOO'DS, which are now ready for their ln- i » ection. N. It. A great Variety of PLAIN and T11. Lko SABS- VETS, ITALIAN NETS, LUSTRES, WOHKED MUSLIMS, & C. < tc. Woi, 88th, 131.3. BULL INN. S TO N Y- S Til AT FORT). JPHILLIPS returns his best Thanks for • the many and increased Favours he has ex- perienced from his Friend9, Commercial Gentlemen, and the Public in general, andQolicits a Continuance of their kind Patronage, assuring Ihem lhat every Etrriion will be used to promote their Happiness and Comfort, 20( A Man. 1813. Northamptonshire, Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire, di- Lincolnshire <£ offtt ESTABLISHED IN mi, AT No. 2, SKINNER- I Street, London, under the Sanction Of the Com- mittee o'f British Coffee Planters and Merchants, VV. HOLDEN, Esq. Treasurer and Secretary. The Public are respectfully informed that Ihe above Establishment was formed for Ihe sole Pur- pose of supplying thein with sound wholesome Coffee of Ihe finest Flavour, at the lowest Prices which can possibly be afforded. The undermeniioned being ippoinled sole Agents for their respective Towns and Vicinities have engaged In receive Coffee from the Coffee Marl only as above, and lo sell the same at tile annexed Prices, viz. :—. Best Dutch Coffee, roasted 2s. 4d. per ll> Fine Plantation Diito Ditto gj. 2d. Second Diito Ditto Od. Messrs. O. OSBOItN Si SON, Norlhamp'on. Mr. II. W. COOPER, Leicester. 1, Mr. JOSEPH KEEP. Nottingham. Mr. THOMAS BARRATT, Stamford. SWEEDISH TURNIP SEED, RAISED by WILLIAM SWAN- WELL, Warranted transplanted from the Yellow Turniji, sold by hini at FILGROVE, Bucks, and at his Son's, at PAVENHAM, Beds, at 2s. per lb.; not transplanted, Is. ^ er lb. PIANOFORTES, Musical Instruments, Paper Haitgings, JAB F, I:, begs Leave to inform the • Admirers of Music, that he has now for Sale i most beautiful tSIprigFit f3t. i! iafaree> constructed on an improved Principle, bv Olerarnti % Co, which for Hrillianev nf Tone, Excellency of Touch, anil most valuable Quality of keeping in Tune ( a Circumstance hitherto generally deemed unattainable), can only he equalled by the Elegance of its Appearance nnd Convenience of its Size, for although it only occupies Ihe Space of a smnll Book- Case, it possesses nearly the Power of Ibe mosl harmonious Grand Pianoforte.— Also several Square PIANOFORTES, with additinml Keys, from ihe innst approved Makers, which J. A. is now offer- is; on such Terms as on Enquiry cannot fail of iviog complete Satisfaction. A very extensive Assortment of BASS- VIOLS. TENORS, VIOMU ( among which is a real CRE- MONA, and several other fine- toned Italian Instru- ments) KITS, BASSOONS, SERPENTS, CYMBALS, TAMBOURINES. CLARIONETS, PATENT DITTO, with additional Keys, FLUTES on lh, » Principle of Monzani's improved Patent, POTTER'S DITTO with six or eight Keys, VOXHUMANOS, TRUMPETS, newly invented KENT PATENT BUGLE, WITH KEYS, TENKROONS, and II AUTBOYS, wilh Reed Strings, and Books of Instruction* for every In- strument. Likewise an extensive Assortment of modern PRINTED MUSIC always on Sale, as well as a Collection of Ihe most esteemed SACRED MUSIC.— Orders for New MUSIC executed every Week.— Also, a general and modern As sortment of PAPER HANGINGS and BORDERS, Besides the newest Patterns of Ditto, from which Ordefs are executed with the strictest Punctuality and Dispatch. ( t^ T PIANOPORTES Lett out to Hire, exchanged. Parade, Northampton. Man 22, 1813. HOUSE OF COMMONS, Thursday, May 27. Mr. Vansittart called the attention of the House to Ihe arrears of the Civil List. He stated Ihe se- veral instances in which the expenditure in each class had exceeded the estimates; and accounted for it by the difference of circumstances, and by the increase in price of almost every thing in use, since the year Hj04 lo the present time. The ar- rears amounted, he said, to-,£ 203,000. It would be much lo the honour of < he nation if the Civil List could We put on such a footing as in prevent the possibility ofils getiMig into arrears; hut Ibis could not be done whilst charges of n contingent nature were laid upon it. These he should submit should be got rid of; and, as one step towards it, he would suggest tbe propriety of separating the chnrg& of Foreign Ministers from the Civil List, and leaving it lo Parliament to provide for lhat head of expense. He concluded by moving, lhat a Select Committee be appointed to examine into the ch- argM * nd rxpemKtuf of the Civil List Estab- lishment, and to report Ihe same In ihe House. Mr. Whitbread enumerated the different sums which had beengranted in support ofthe Civil List, and the establishment nf the Prince Regent; and la- mented lhat now his Rnjal Highness possessed an income much larger than his Majesty, or any oltier King of this country ever had, the Civil List should f etintoarrear £ 203,000. He thought that, previous loihe House agreeing to a Committee, Ihev should be informed whether the money voted to discharge his Royal Highness's debts had been properly ap- plied. His Royal Highness possessed an income nf a£ 150,000, over which Parliament had uocontroul ; this sum might, in some hands, be so applied as to obtain inch an influence inlhe Houseof Commons, hy the purchase nf boroughs, and other arts, as would give to the Crojvn a power it would be impossible for the Commons lo withstand ; and might al some future period, endanger the Conslitution and Liber- ties of Ihe People.— Mr. Whilbread then adverted to the situation of the Princess of Wales, who had an income of £ 17,000 per annum, a sum which he thought a very low and inadequale allowance, not at all fit for her slate and necessities; and he put il to Ministers, whether it ought not In be increased al this moment, when every necessary of life was increased in price nearly double what it was 18 years ago, when the present income was settled on the Princess. Since last April, there hhd been issued no lets thmi £ 160,000, out of Ihe Droits of Admi rally, for Ihe use of the Royal Fnmily. The state of the Civil Lis! was sufficient to nlitVin every body he therefore moved as nn amendment, lhat instead of a Select Committee, it should be a Committee of the whole House. Lord Cnstlereagh replied lo M r. Whitbread, and lamented that lie should have seized this opportunity nf throw ihg out reflections against the Prince ltegen't, which were unjust and unfounded. As lo the income of llie Princess of Wales, she had much more lhan Ihe ' Mftn mentioned ; and il must be re- collected thai the Prince had discharged debts. con- tracted by her In I he amount of £ 50,000. . Mr. VVhitbread't amendment was then negnlivcd, without a division; nud Ihe original Motion was carried, and a Committee ordered to he appointed. Mr. Tierney, Mr. Hurst, Mr. Bankes, Mr. Barhiun, and Mr. Ponsonby, considered Ihe ap- pointment of a Committee, without full powers, as uieless and a mockery on Ihe public; and for that reason Mr. Tierney, Mr. Whitbread, and Mr. Ponsonby, declined serving in it.— The Committee t being al length nominated, Lord Milton moved, lhat the Committee should have power to tend for persons and papers.— On this question the House divided— For the motion, 29 ; agaiust it, 108— Majariiy, 79.— Adjdurneil. A NEW POST COACH, Commenced running oil Monday, Mav 10, IRIS. I^ Hli LEICESTER and LONDON CON- . VENIKNCK lea. es the Bell Hotel, Leicester, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at Five o'clock io the Morning, and arrives at Ihe Thiee Cups Inn, Aldersgate- Street, London, by Seven o'clock the same Evening; leaves London every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Morning, at Five o'clock, and arrives at Ihe Bell Holel Leicester, hy Seven o'clock the same Evening, where there are Conveyances to all- parts of the United Kingdom every Morning, JOHNEARL, WILLIAM SMITH, & Co. N. B. The Proprietors of the above Coach re- spectfully heg Leave lo inform the Public, thai it Is their Determination to work this Coach equal if not superior lo any Coach on ihe Road, but will not be accountable for any Package containing Bank Notes, Cash, Jewels, Plate, Watches, Lace, Silks, or Muslins, however small the Value, nor for any other Package of more than £ 5 Value, if lost or damaged, uuless Ihe faine be specified, and an Insurance paid, over and above the Usual Carriage, when delivered al any of their Offices on the Road. KING'S BIRTH DAY. Only one more Day to draw. ON FRIDAY NEXT, JUNE 4tf>, the STATE LOTftEI!. Y finishes Drawing, and Ihe following Capitals still in the Wheel: 1 of £ 20,0^ 0 | 2 of £ 10,000 1 ot 10.00J 2 ot 5; 0 2 of 2,000 | Sec Sec. The following Capital Prizes drawn on Thursday last, were all sold and shared by T. BISH, At his foitunate Offices, 4, Cornhill, and 9, Charing. Cross, London viz. :-- No. 9190 £ 10,050 18,131 2,00d 6,680,... 500 14,515 501 16, U7 300 No. 19,23s £. 300 4.643 3' 0 7,32* 20.) 13,285 SW 7,023: 20D A Share of No. 18,131, drawn a Prize of £ 2,000. on Thursday last, was sold to Mr. J. Johnson, Shoe- maker, of Northampton, by Bish's Agent, Mr. J. FREEMAN, Printer and Bookseller, by whom. Tickets and Shares, WARRANTED UK DRAWN, are now on Sale. Performed by j * w ANTED immediately, as an Assistant HOUSE, A YOUNG MAN of unexceptionable Character, who has been accuslomed lo taking in Luccj and knows something of Book- keeping.— If he has lived in a Shop where Lace Manufacturing was a Pari of Ihe Trade, he would be preferred. Apply personally, or by Letter ( Post paid) to Mr. ABEL, Stationer, Northampton. WANTED immediately, An Apprentice lo a CLOCK and WATCH MAKER. For further Particulars, enquire of JOHN BLISS, Silversmith, & c. & c. Newport- Pagocll, Bucks, if by Letter, Post- paid. WANTED immediately, An. a PLUM BER, GLAZIER, au Apprentice to audl'. A INTER. — Also a JOURNEYMAN waited in the above Businesses. For further Particulars, enqnire of Messrs. TYE & TOMKINS, Newport- Pagnell, Bucks, if by Letter, Post- paid. WANTED immediately, WHEELWRIGHT.— A A Journeyman A good Baud may meet with constant Employ and good Wages, by applying to JOHN IKCLEY, Wheelwright, Long- Buckby. N. B. An APPRENTICE wanted. Mr. M'KORKELL'S CONCER F. At the Peacock Inn Assembly Boon, Northampton TUESDAY EVENING 1st of Jtmri, IS13. PATRONS. The Right Hon. Ihe F. arl SPENCER, K. G. The Right Hon. Lord ALTIIORP, M. P. Sir JUSTINIAN ISI^ AM, Bart. WILLIAM RALPH CART WRIGHT, Ksq. M. P WILLIAM HAN BURY, Esq. M. P. F. Dickins, Esq. Edward Bouverie, Esq. J. H. Thursbv, Esq. S. Isted, Esq." T. S. W. Samwell, Esq. W. Z. L. Ward, Esq. John Armytage, I5sq. Robert Andrew, Esq Walter Strickland, Esq J. P. Luard, Esq. Rev. Ashlon Vade Rev. J. Seagrave RPI. J. Hornsliy Rev. James Buctcby WANTED in a Clergyman's Family in the Country, A steady aclive MAN, who understands the Business of a FOOTM AN, and will undertake the Care pf Horses.— An unexcep- tionable Character will he required from his last Place.— Apply lo Mr. BIRUSALL, Bookseller, Northampton. WANTED A SITUATION, in a small Family, in Hie Capacity of HOUSE- KEEPER, « r COOK and HOUSEKEEPER, either in Town or Country. No Objection lo a small Dairy, Addiess, if by Letter, Post- paid, to W. L. Post- Office. Daventry. SOUTH WICK IIALL. Elegant, neat, modern, and genteel Household- Furniture, Live and Dead Farming- Stock, Oak, and other Timber felled, and other valuable Effects. To he SOLD by AUCTION, Bv Mr. XlHStJA IF, On Monday the 14th Day of June, 1813, and following Days, ALL the elegant, neat, modern, and genteel HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE in the Man- sion at SOUTHWJCK, near Oundle; consisting of Drawing- Room Furniture en suite, viz excellent Brussels Carpet, 7J Yards by seven Yards, large Chintz Window Curtain lined with Drapery, Fringe and Tassels, black and Gold Poles complete, two I gyptian Couches with Squabs and Bolsters, handsome Mahogany inlaid Sofa Tables, painteu Chairs, withCaneBotfoms, Hair Cushions and Covers, bright Stove- Grates, highly polished Fire- irons and Fenders, inlaid Pembroke Tables, Card. Tables, Ladies' Work Ditto, & c. Sec.; large Mahogany Feet Four- post, Tent, ami other Bedsteads, clothed with various'Hangings, Window Curtains to match, fine Goose Feather- lleds, and Down Pillows, Haii and Wool Mattresses, full sized Blankets, and Counterpanes, Mahogany VVardiobes, Sofa Bedstead, Mahogany Dining, Card, Pembroke, and other Tables. Dressing! Ditto, neatly inlaid with Satin Wood, Chairs'of various- Descriptions, plated Articles, an elegant Epargne, Tea- Urn, Candlesticks with Branches, Chamber Ditto Cheese- Toaster, Bottle- Stands, Spoons and Fotks, Snutters and Stand, handsome Chimney, Pier, and other Looking- glasses; Turkey, Brus* els, and Scotch Carpets, Mahogany and Oak Chests ot Drawers, a Billiard Table nea'ly new, 10 Feel Q Inches, by 5 Feet 7 Inches; Gentlemen's Dressing- Tables, Mahogany Secretary and Bookcase neatly inlaid, a Ditto with Cupboards, liuo elegant ancient Cabinets, in Cedar, richly inla: d and stiferb inside Drawers, Gilt with Gold, both in excellent Condition — Kitchen and Dairy. Uten- sils in general, in Copper, Brass, Pewter, See. Sec. ; Dairy and Brewing- Utensils, with numerous other valuable Articles. Also, the LI V li and DEAD FARMING- STOCK, two capital milch Cows, Ewes and Lambs, three Coresot well eotten Hav, a Narrow. wheel Cart, an • xctllent ThiMsbtng. Machine by Dlxen, Sow and Pigs, i Brown Blood Ma e, with a Foal bv Scyscraper, a Grey Brood Mare, several Colts and Fillies, mostly by Scyscraper, one Dit o by Lord Burgess's Arabian; a Dressing- Machine,. Chad- Box, Sheep and Cow. Cribs Number ot sawed Gate- Bars, Pig- Troughs, A « h Poles, loose Wood, Grindstone and Frame, Lai - riage and Cart Harness, Fork*, Rakes, Shovels, Bucket-, Sec. Sec.— About 20 Oak Timber Tiees and l'i Ash Ditto. Catalogues inay be had indue Time at the principal Ir. ns at Oundle, Thrapston, Stamford, and Peter- borough, and of the Auctioneer, Peacock Inn, North- ampton. And under the Direction cf Mr. M'KORKELL VOCAL PERFORMERS, Miss and Mr. JKRVIS, Pedal Harp, — Mrs. M'KORKELL, Grand Piano- Forte,— Miss C. HENDERSON. Organ,— Mr. C. JERVIS. Leader of tbe Band.— Mr. R. VALENTINE SecondViolin, Mr. Hyriot' Violoncello, Mr. Kell. im Viola, Mr. Boitrill DoubleBasS, Mr. Ilarrold Flute Mr. Goddard Trumpet, Mr. Palmer Double Drums, Air. Joel Edeos Messrs. Dorieo, J. M'Korkell, Mevius, Jarmaiu J. IjoDsor, Kerling, Knutl, & c. PART FIRST. GRAND OVERTURE to Zain.."-( Full Bapd) — WiNTrn. DUET— Miss and Mr. JERVIS—" Gay being, & c — B. J. It. SALI. DUET— Harp and Pianoforte—" Pray Goody "— With Flute Accompaniment. — MAZEIHCHI. GI. EF... three Voices—" It hither ivoulj you lead me then "—( From Rokeby) — Dr. JOHN CLARKE.— Accompanied on the Harp, Pianoforte, Violoncello, and Double Bass. OVERTURE in the Oratorio of Saul, with the Dead March-{ full Band) — HAND NEW CONCERTO- Grand Pianoforte.- CRAMER SODIG— Mr. JERVIS—" The last Words tf Marmion — BR A H AM. SONATA— Pedal Harp.— D ACV IU A R E, PART SECOND. SONG— Miss JIR'/ U.—" The Minstrel's Harp."— Dr. JOHN CLARKE, DU ET— Harp and Pianoforte--- Miss HENDFRSON. GLEE, three Voices—" Glorious At< rth.".-- WiBti. NEW CONCERTO— Pc- dal Harp. — Sri an LT. SONG— Mr. JiRVis..." Oh Lady, « ? r."--( From Rokebv).— Dr. JOHN Cum. GRAND OVERTURE to fphigenia." — ( Full Band).— G LUCK. AIR with Variations — Pianoforte— Miss H IN DEK'SON. Finale—" God stive the King." The Concert will commence al Eight o'Clock. After the Concert, a BALL.— Anexcelleut Baod wiM auend. T. fckcts, 7s. 6d. each. Tea included, may be had at Mr, ABEL'S, Parade, and of Mr. M'KORKEI. L. Abingtifn- Street, Northampton, « 6fh May. 1813 JOHN ROBERTS'S INSOLVENCY. THE Creditors of, JOHN ROBERTS, of WonuRN, Beds, Cordwainrr, who have delivered lo Mr. Thomns Day, Solicitor, Wbhurn, he Particulars of their Demands, and whose Debts ave been allowed, may receive a final Dividend on heir respective Debts, al Ihe Office nf Ihe said Thomas Day, oil Friday the 4th, Friday the 11( 11, Friday the IStb Days of June, 1813. after which last- mentioned Day, Ihe Dividends ( if any) remaining unclaimed will be paid into the Hands of the Trustee, Mr. Waterfield. of Dunstable, Leather Seller, and Ihe Accounts finally clu. ed. IVobum, 2Hth May, ISIS. Freehold Estate. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By G. KERBY, •• © n Monday the5th Day of July, 1813, at Ihe Sign of the Wykham Arms, in South- Newington, in the County of Oxford, AVery desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE; con sisting of a substantial Stone and Slate Mes suage or Farm. House, with convenient Out- buildings, Jlarns, Stables, Yard, Garden, and ' other Conve- niences thereto belonging, with several Closes or in- dosed Grounds of Meadow, Pasture, and Arable Land, near and- adjoining the Farm- House, containing aiout 60 Acres, eligibly situated in the Village and Parish of SOUTH- NEWINGTON, in the County of- Oxford, now in the Occupation of Mr. Thomas Southaa), whose Lease expires at Lady- Day next. The fc'state is Tithe- free and Land. Tax redeemed, ^ and pays only Three Shillings a Year Quit Rent.— ' J hereischarged upon the Estate an Annuity of Thirty ^ Pounds toa Person upwards of 77 Years of Age, and 9 this Estateis inclosed to be sold subject to the paying • ot those Out- goings. V * Forfurther Particulars, sppfy to Wm. ArttTREi • Esq. Solicitor, Deddington; or the Auctioneer, Buck f anil Bell Inn, Banbury; where Particulars and Con- V ifitions may be had; also at the Place of Sale, and j^ P principal Inns in the Neighbourhood. / This Day are published, in Mo. illastrated with Engravings, Pricc £ 8.2s. Hoards, ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURAL i CHEMISTRY, in a Course of Lectures for the Board of Agriculture. By Sir HUMPHRY IAVY, LL. O. F. R. S. L. and E. M. R. I. Printed forLongmun, Hurst, Rces, Orme, and Brown, Ptlernoiier - Row, Laodon » oni^ A Constable « r, J Co. Edinburgh. CALEB GRIMSHAW'S INSOLVENCY. NOTICE is hereby given, That a Meeting of the Creditors of CALEB GRIMSIIAW, lale of HOCKLIFFE, in Ihe County of Bedford nnholder and Carpenter, will he held at the heal Sheaf Inn, in Wobiirn, Beds, on Monday the 7th Day of June, 181S, al Three o'clock in ihe After- noon, to inspect the Insolvent's Accounts, and lo determine on Ihe Proceedings lo be taken in Hie Se dement of his Affairs. The Creditors are rr- quesied lo deliver to Mr. Thomas Day, Solicitor Woburn, at the said Meeting the Particulars of their respective Demands, and lo cxccute the Assignment made for the Benefit of the Creditors, which will be then produced ; Ihe said Assignment will afterwards remain at the Office of the said Thomas Day for 21 Days, for Ihe Creditors lo execute.— All Persons indebted to the said Caleb Grimihaw, are desired to pay their respective Debts lo ihe said Thomas Day, within one Month from the Dale hereof. Woburn, 28th May, 1813. J JAMES SIBLEY'S INSOLVENCY. ^ HE Creditors of JAMES SIBLEY, late of Ihe LION and LAMB, REDROURN, in t County of Hertford, Victualler, are requesied to meet at the Crown Inn, in Dunstable, Beds, on Wednesday ihe 2d Daj of June, 1813, al Two Clock in the Aflernoon, to take into Consideration a proposal that will be then made on the Pari of Ihe said James Sibley, for compounding the Debts due from him. T. DAY, Solicitor. Woburn, 13th May, 1813. WILLIAM ATWOOD'S INSOLVENCY. THE Creditors of WILLIAM ATWOOD of WOBURN, Victualler, whose Demand have been allowed, may receive a final Dividend on their respective Debts at the Office of Mr. Day Solicitor, Woburn, on Friday the 4th, or Friday the llth Days of June, 1813, on which last- men- tioned Day the Accounts will be finally settled, and any Money that may then remajn unclaimed, wi" be paid into the Hands of the Trustee, k tToburn, 58iA May, 1813. Freehold Estate, at Woolton, near Northampton. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By MASON't,- SON, On Thursday the 10th Day of June, 1813, at the House of Mr. Jelfery, the Anchor Inn, North- ampton, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as will be theu and there produced ( unless s'ooeer disposed ot by Private Contract, at which Notice will be given), » LL that MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, ~\ situate and being in WOOTTON, in the County of Northampton; comprising a Kitchen, Parlour, Dairy, tour Bed- Rooms, and a large Garret, with a good Bain, Stable, Cow- Hovel, Yard, and Pump ot excellent Water adjoining. Also a large O RCHARD and GARDEN adjoining the Dwelling. House, containing in Statute Measure V. OR. 35P. with a large Number of excellent Fruit Trees growing therein. And also, all that CLOSE « f rich ARABLE « nd PASTURE LAND, adjoining the above Orchard and Garden, containing In Statute Measure SA. IK. 26P, The Whole in the Occupationof Mr. Witi. Samwell, who is Tenant at Will. For fuither Particulars and to treat for the Purchase by Private Contract, ipply to Messrs. BUSWHL SON, Solicitors, or the Auctioneers, Northampton. TSCIUT* T. tytndiib,. Friday, May 28. YESTERDAY, a Corunna mail arrived will: letters and papers to the 23d instant; tliev innonnce the immediate commencement of the ampaign in Spain. On the ldth instant the firs detachments began to ( hove; and ahout the lltl, 12th, Lord Wellington was expec ed at Cuidad Rodrigo, with General Castanos, who was to accompany him on the inarch to Salamanca. On the 2d instant, the head- quarters of the French army of the South was in Arevalo; but it was expected that they would fall hack behind the Douro. The general expectation from all parts Spain is, that the invaders will be driven behind the Ebro.— The Alicant army, under Si rol. n Murray, remained in its position. Suchet ad detached a bodyi. f troops stgainstthe Marquis of Villacampa, who, according to the Spanish accounts, maintained a glorious fight at Ouda; tit neither the date nor details of this engagement are given. Mr. Robinson, the Messenger, arrived yesterday, with dispatches from Sicily. He came throug'. Spain, and was also tV> bearer of dispatches from the Marquis of Wellington. Sicily was, at his departure, in a perfect state of tranquility ; and the advice he bruits from Spain is, that Lord Wellington having comphntd his preparations, had moved forward to commence offensive opera- tions, with the fairest prospect of being able to bring the campaign to a speedy and glorious issue. Paris Papers have been received to the 19th nstant, containing official intelligence from the ariny to the evening of the 12th. The King of Saxony has joined Bonaparte. They met on the morning of the 12th, and after embracing, entered Dresden together at the head of tbe French Im- perial Geards. All the Saxon cavalry were to assemble at Dresden on the following dav. Marshal Nev has been received into the fortress f Torgau, and Regnier has again assumed the comtnaod ofthe Saxon corps, lately undet General Thielman. The refusal of the Saxon Governor to surrender the fortress of Torgau to the French, without the special order of his S6vereign, was among other circumstances, calculated to encou- age a hope that the King of Saxony would join the Allies; but from his wavering and doubtful conduct, it was also evidrtit, that he was only waiting to see which side Was the more likely to prevail, in order to take part with the stronger. A Proclamation is given in these Papers, ad- dressed by Bonaparte to his army, dated from his Camp at Lutzen on the 3d, in which he thank them for the victory, and designates the battle of Lutzen as superior to those of Austerlitz, Jena, Friedland, and Moskwa. In its conclusion, li renews his threat of driving back the Tartars, as he calls the Russians, to their frightful climate. On the Dili there was a smart partial action at the village of Prieluitzon the Elbe, the result of which is stated to have been the expulsion of the Allies with a loss of from 1,500 to 1,800 killed and wounded. With this exception, ' there does not appear to have been any hghling since the pnrtial affair of the 7th, betweeti Nossen and WiisdrofF, in the advance of the army to Dresden. There is no notice of Hamburgh in the Paris Papers. Much anxiety is felt for the fate of the unfo tunate city of Hamburgh; whether it has fallen into the hands of the enemy, or still continues to resist, remains uncertain. Above twenty- five vessels, laden with people and their effects, have left it for Heligoland, and many are about to seek an asylum in England. A frigate and forty gun- boats are to he sent to Hamburgh immediately.— The bank of Aliona has stopped payment in consequence of the genera! distress. It was currently reported this morning on ' Change, that an Austrian Declaration has reached this country, in which the Empstor Francis ex- presses his earnest desire for the restoration of Peace on the Continent; declaring, at the same tiure, that he will act against such Powers as will not accept of his mediation, lt is added, that Austria has demanded aa armistice ^ etween the contending parties. In addition to the immense battering train lafelyrsnipped off from Woolwfilcti, orders have been received there tor the preparation of another equipment to a a equal extent; and for the same purpose. Saturday last died, at the Episcopal Palace, Kilkenny, in the 7ai, d year of his age, after a short illness, the Right Rev. Dr. John Kearney, Bishop if Ossory. Dr. Kearney was elected a Felf. iw of Northamptonshire Yenmrtnrn Cavalry.— 71. L. Vlansrl, Esq. ( o be Lietiienaiif; J. tVnri. and I!. W. Deny, FIsqrs. and Henry, Karl of Huston, ( vice Armytage), to he Cornels. Peterborough Yeornar. fu Cavalry.— W, V7. ^ qurre, Esq. lo be Cupiain; J. Faciin. and G, Plate!, Rents, to be Lieutenants; J. W. Cole, Gent, to be Cornet. To SHEEP- BREEDERS. MR. WryATI'S Annual SHEW of RAMS for LETTING, will be on FRIDAY the 4th of JUNE, nt HANWBLI., near Banbury. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE WEST Ell N REGI- MENT of LOCAL MILITIA. HIS Royal Highness the Prince Regent, having been graciously pleased, in the Name and en the Behalf of his Majesty, to direft that the said Western Regiment of Local Militia should be trained and exercised in the present Year in two Divisions at the Town of Daventry, instead of being assembled at the Town of Northampton, as at first intended, the Men serving and enrobted in the said Regiment for Iht Subdivision of BnjCKtKr, are hereby orde. red to assemble in the. MARKET- PLACE, DATEKTUT aforesaid, on TVESDAY the 8th Day of JVDK next, at the flour of Eight in the Forenoon, for 14 entire Days' Training and Exercise. And the Constables, Ifeadbortiughs, or other Ptace- Officers of the several Parishes and Places ) n the said Division of Bracktev, are hereby required to give Notic « to the Men enrolled for thejame respectively, to attend at the Time and Place aforesaid. Head- Quarters, Daventry. May IS, flSlS. JOHN PLOMER CLARKE, Lieut.- Colonel Commandant W. N. L. M. Dublin College in 1761, became Professor ofj for ten pair of shoes, by improperly making them. Oratory in 1781, and soon after a Senior Fellow, up and putting a quantity of cloy between ths III 1799 he was appointed Provust, and in 1806 soles. /) n Wednesday last, the following persons were committed to the county gaol, by J P. Clarke Esq.— Charles Satcjmell, " John Wood, aiid Richard Hil- oii, charged with stealing ftvij pieces of calico, the prnperty of Messrs. Piekfords & Co. from a boat lying at Braunston.— Ann Share and William Shaw, charged with stealing several pieces of linen, the property of some person or persons unknown. — And John Barrett, charged with stealing a piece of calico, the property of some person or" pei sonS Freehold Land, Maalden, Beds. To be SOLD bv A U C T 1 O N, By ANDREW'GARDNER, At the White Han Inn, Ampthill, on Monday the 21st Day of June, 1413, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, ( subject to such Conditions as will be then pioduced, |" HIE following desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE £ situate in the pleasant Village of MAULDEN about two Miles from Ampthill. Lot I comprises a substantial Brick. built Farm House, with a good Yard and Garden, a Stable, Thrashing- Barn, two Cow- Houses, two C « rt. liovel and a Shelter- Hovel; together with two Closes ot good Sward called the Orchard, and the Piglitle or Walnut- Tree Close; and two Closes of capital Arable Land, called the Great Close or Orchard Gate Close, and the Middle Close or Futrow Piece, containing together about 11 Acres, more or less. Lot 2. A I'iece of capital inclosed Arable Land, catled ihe Spiney Close, containing 2A. 2R. more or less. Lot 3. A Piece of rich old- inclosed Pasture Land, called the Meadow, containing 8. A. more or less. The above are in the Occupation of Mr. Richard Barnard, « s Tenant, who will shew the same. Lot 4. The Allotment or Four Acres Piece, being a Piece of rich Arable Land in Lower End, in the Oc- cupation of Mr. Wm. Barnes, as Tenant. Lot 5. The Allotment or Upper- Close in Upper- End, in Possession of Mr. Benjamin Clarke.-- This is also a Piece of capital inclosed Arable Land, con- taining four Acres, more or less. The House ami Buildings are in good Repair, and the Land ia the best State of Cultivation. For a View, apply to the TENANTS ; and further Particulars may be had at the White Hart Inn, Amp. th ill; the Lrrwn Inn, Dunstable; the Swan Inns, Leighton. Huizaid, Fennv- Stratford, and Newport. I'agnell; and of Mr. Day, Solicitor, or the Auc- I uonetr, Woiurn, Beds. THE ADVERTISEMENT or NOVELTIES rUE CELEBRATED AND WONDERFUL WHIMSIPHUSICONS, continuing to he received by all Rank* nf People with ihe greatest Applause, respectfully ( with the WANDERING M ELODTSTICA LS), inform I tie Public, that they will perform in the following PlnCes, positively for the. Time specified only, op Monday Evening May Ihe 31st, in WELI. I NO- BOROUGH; on Tuesday Evening June the 1st, in KETTERING; on Wednesday Evening June the 21, in TnRAPSTON ; on Thnrsdav Evening June Ihe 3d, in KIMBOLTON; and t » n Friday Evening June the 4th," being the Birth- Day of our good King, at the Theatre, OUNDLK, for the Amusement of the Eastern Division of llie Loyal Northamptonshire Local Militia. Tlife Lord Chancellor has heed pleased to ap- point llehry Lamb, of Kettering, in this countv, Gentleman, a Master Extraordinary in Chancery. We are happv to observe the splendid patronage Mr. M'Korkell's Concert is honoured with, and the justly merited estimation in which the t « lcnrs of some of the performers are held, lead us to anticipate its being favoured with a numerous assemblage of Nobility and Gentry. The. WhittisipBuslcotis fire displaying thsir abilities iri the provincial towns, to crowded and enraptured audiences.— See Ads!. A few days ago the sum of one pmjnd was paid into the hands of the treasurer of the Geilcral Infirmary, in this town, a benefaction from Mrs. Chapman, being a con- peiisaticn from a person who had assaulted her. On Monday last, two troops of ihe 4th or Royal Irish Dragoon Guards, left this town and Barracks ( where they have been statiohed three weeks) for Donpaster, at which place they cxpect to arrive on Monday next. Local Militia.— By the 53d Geo. Sd Cap. 28. Sect. 2, it was enacted, That the allowance made to the wives aiid families of men serving in the Local Militia shall be payable and paid in a rateable proportion for the fractional part of a week, whenever the period for which any allow- ance shall be made un j.; r the said recited acr, on account of the assembling of the Local Militia fur any of ihe purposes therein mentioned shall make it requisite, in order to the giving sech allowance for the whole period of the men being so assemblsd as aforesaid." . Debtors.— It appears ty the Report ofthe Society for the discharge and relief of persons imprisoned for small debts, at their Annual Court lately held in Lon. don, that the number of debtors discharged and relieved witli'fh the last. year were 677, wh> had 497 wives and 1410 children. The average expense of their liberation, including every expend diture, amounted to £ 3 5-. 9fd. each. A butcher was convicted before the Mayor and Magistrates, at the Exchange, Leicester,' on Fri- day last, in the penalty of 20s. besid s costs, for having a pair of false steelyards at his stall. Tha steelyards were ah i broken. On Friday the 14th insr. ' Thomas Masters, ft labouring man, working in the turf grounds in the hamlet of Wiinlington, Lincolnshire, was struck dead by lightning. The than was found ne# t morning by two of Ids children; with his bread and cheese hi his hand*; His hat had a hole in ir, and it appeared that he was struck above the ear; his cheek and beard were much scorched. He Ins left a wife and six children whtsse only support was frem his earnings. Oti Tuesday morning last, the body of a decent dressed woman was seen in the river, from tiie North bridge Nrwport- Pagnell, Bricks, near tiie turnpike. She is supposed to have been in the" waier some days. Her age appeared to he between 20 and 30. She had a few pence iu her pocket, hut nothing wns found about lire which could lead to a discovery of her name or place of residence. On Monday last, en inquisition was taken at Roxto- n, before Thomas ' Tunes, coroner for the county of Bedford, on vie* ofthe body of Northen.— The circumstances attending lifer death were as follows :— Ou ihe preceding nigfit she wn » riding in the Peterborough wa^ grau, on her wav home, and whilst passing over Tetnpsford Bridge", the waggbn was met by a posf- ch;> jsfc ; the wag- goner, who was in his proper place, called to the driver of the chaise, desiring hiin to stop, hut be being asleep, his horses kept or. and forced those of the waggon so close to the side of the bridge as to overturn it.— There were; besides the deceased, a woman and boy in the waggon, neither of whom received any serious injury, but upon searching for the deceased, immediately after the accident, it was discovered that a cask of liquor had r., ih- d upon her, and she was found quite dead with the cask lying on her chest.—^ Verdict accidental death. George Neal, a journeyman shoemaker, wa « . last week convicted before John Chambers, ana Charles Smith* Esqrs. two of his Majesty's Jus- irss « f the peace for this town, in the penalty or da- mages of £ 5, for Wilfully spoiling the material* reiuoved to the See of Ossory. Price of Sttcks this Day—' I per Cent. Red. 57}. per Cent. Cons. 58J. 4 per Cent. Cons. 71 J. Navy 5 . per Cent. Ann. 87JJ. India Bonds 1 2d. Exchequer Bills 3 5p. Cons, for Acc. 59ii$. NORTHAMPTON SATURDAY I'. FENING, MAX 29. ^ TRAYEO, into a Close at SHERRINGTON, Bucks, in the Occupation of Thomas Hale, on Monday the 10th, or Tuesday the llth nf May Instant, THREE SOUTH- DOWN SHEEP. Whoever has lost ihe same, mav have them HgaiD Hy applying to Ihe said THOS. HALE, Emberton. Watford, Northamptonshire. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, ADesirable Freehold ESTATE, situate and being in the Lordship of WATFO RD, of exceedingly rich Crazing Land, known by the Name of CR I NDLF CL ISE, and Meadow, containing together 48 Acres and a Half ( more or less), adjoining the W- siling- Street- Rcad, near Watford- Gap, in the Occupation of Mr Wm. Heygate. For a View of the Fstate, apply to Mr. WILLI AM Hivmri, West - Hiddon; and for further Par. ticulars, to Mr. HEVOATE, Surgeon, West- Haddon, Northamptonshire. To he SOLD bv AUCTION, By THOMAS'HUGHES, On Thursday the 17th Day of June, IR13, at the House of Mr. Cockerilt, the Sign of the Greyhound, at Milton, near Northampton, under such Con- ditions as will then be produced, X LL that FREF. UOLD MESSUAGE or DWEL- rV LING- HOUSEv with a good Bam, large Harden, wt>! l planted with Fruit Trees, alsothriving Elm and Ash Trees, lilSS Yard; with » seed Weil of Water, situate and being in the plea sant and poou lous Village of MILTON aforesa'vd, Half- a- Mile from the Northampton Arm, and one Mile from Blisworth — The above Premises are in the Occupation of John Burton, Tenant. 1 or further Particulars, apply to THOMAS HUCHES, Auctioneer and Appraiser, Towcester. Sale to commence at Five o'Clock in the Evening. BIRTIL] On Wednesday ke'nnight, the Lady of W. R. Cartwright, Esq. i\ I. P. of Aynho, of a daughter. MARRIED.] On Thursday se'nnight, at Wor- ton, Oxfordshire, Mr. John Eagles, eldest son of William Eagles, Gent, of Cropredy, to Mary- Ann, eldest daughter of Mr. Owen, ofthe former place. Same day, Mr. Grissoid, of Mollingtou, to Miss Alikius, of Cropredy Grounds. Tuesday last, at Cambridge, Mr. W. Hazlewood, printer, to Aliss Martha Thorpe, daughter of Mrs. Thorpe, of the Black Lion, in that place. Same day, at Mancelter, Mr. Mee, Solicitor, of Eait- Redford, Nottinghamshire, to Jane youngest daughter of the late Mr. G. Chapman, of Upton, Leicestershire. A few days alio, at Preston, Rutland, Mr, Springthorpe, of Mantofi, farmer, to Miss Parker of the former place. A few davs ago, Mr. Thomas Baker, glover, & c. to Mrs. Elizabeth Darlow, boih of Banbury. A few days ago, at- KisliBsburyy- nearthis town, Mr. Hall, carpenter and joiner, to Maria, only daughter of the lale Mr. VV. Rogers, both of that place. Lately, tit Brtiefiehl, in this county. Mr. W Arnold, miller, only son of the late Mr. Joseph Arnold, of Eai on- Socon Mill, Bedfordshire, to Mary, youngest daughter of the late Edward Arnshv, Gent, of the former place. DIED.] On Tuesday se'nnight, aftera lingering illness, Mr. Downing, grocer, of Longford, ueai Coventry, Wednesday sennight, Mr. John Gibbj, fell- monger, of Wellingborough, aged 77. Thursday se'miight, Mrs. Eldridge, wife of Mr. Eldridge, of Overthrop, near Banbury. Saturday last, aged 06, Airs. Watts, widow of the late Mr. W. Watts, of Yarnton, m the county of Oxford. t A few days ago, at Deen, in this county, in his 82d year, Mr. John Chambers, blacksmith, an industrious honest man, much resppcted ; he lived to bury five wives, and was the father of a nume- rous family. —- Commissions of Deputy- Lieutenants and Officers in the Militia, and Yeomanry Cavalry, signed by the Lord- Lieulenapt of this county. Deputy- Lieutenants. — S. W. Harrison, R. Clarke and T. P. Maunsell, Elsqrs. Old Militia.— C. Wake, W. Davison, and VV: Hudson, Esqrs. to be Captains; W. Modson, T. Pochin, II. Bowles, nod G. Maliog, Gems, to be Lieutenants; Arthur Brooke de Cupel Brooke, aud J. Bondou, Gents, lo be Eusigns. Local Militia, Eastern Regiment.— 8. O'Brien Esq. to be Major; J. Ilicks, and W. G. Cole Esqrs. to be Captains; Jl. L. Parkinson, Geul. to be Lieutenant. Central Regiment. — Spencer Joshua Alwjne Earl Coropion, to be Lieutenant- Colonel; R. Holmes, E. Gales, and J. Armfleld, Gents, tri be Lieuteiiantl. Western Regiment. — A. Hemans, Esq. to be Adjutaul, with the rank of Captain. u nknown. Corn- Exchange, London, Ftiilay, May 28. We have had several vessels irom Suffolk with Wheat and Barlev since Monday, wnich cause these articles to be dull in sale, but the prices ars nearly as on thatdav.-- The demand for Beans ts falling of?', and several samples this day came to hand ; hence this article has declined from 2s. to per quart. r... 1' easare also beavv in sale. — On Wednesday we h-. l a'brisk demand for Oats, a.. d b. it tew arrivals; hence this article has risen in value about 2s. per quarter, at which advance it remains tlrs di'y, although ihe buyers di not come forward so readily. Northampton — Saturday. Wheat 120s. Od. to 127s. ( Id. Rye — S. Cd. io OU. Barley 44$. Oil. to tils. 0J. New Oats 4tjs. 0.1. to 49s. 61. Beans _ s Od. io — s. Od, New Bean » — lt Od. to — s, Cel. Peas — s. Od. to — s. I) d. « . bj " iu Standard Measure. leighlon- Butzurd— Tuesday latt. Per Load of five Bushels. Wheat Old Beans Kyi Hog PIM Barley Oats Per Quarter. 70j. 40s. —; S. 55i. 6.11. 42s. to to to to to to « 3t. Sli, — V- 62.. 6G » . 53s. Market- Hurborougk—' Tuesday lust. Wheat .. 116s. nd. to 1311s. Od. Barley 60s. Qd. to 66s. Od. New Oats 50s. 0.1. to Ms. 0,1. Old Oats _ s. Od. to — s. Od. New Beans — s. Od. to — s. Od. Old Beans — S, ( Id. to 120s. Od. By the Customary Measure. Duvcutry— Wednesday last. Wheat — 126s. Od. to 14Cs Od. barley 55s. ( M. to 63s. Cd. Oats 4Ss. Od. to 5-< s. Cd. Beans. 100s. Od. to 109s. ( W. Hog Peas lnOs Od. to — s. Od. By the customary Measure. Banbury—' Thursday lust. Wheat fp? r Bushel) .. 12s. fid. to 15s. 6J. Beans ( Ditto) 9i. () d. to iOs. 6d. Hog I'ess ( Ditto) — s. Od. to — s. 0d. Vetches ( Ditto) — s. 0d. to — s. Od. Barley ( per Quarter) 55;. Od. to 60s. Od. Oats ( Ditto) Si's Od. to 55s. 0.1. Bread 2s. gtf. the Half- peck. LIST of FAIRS _ from May 81, to June 12, within the Circuit of tins Paper. Mi May 31. Southam. Tu. June 1. Leicester. F. — 1— 4. Bicester; S, 5. Biggleswade, and Brixworth. M. —— T. Amersham, Bcrkhamstead, Daven- try, Ouoiile, and Toddington. Tu. 8. Ashby- de- la- Zouch, Leightou- Buz- zarrt, and Yardlev. VV. 9. Wellingborough.", Th. 10: Btickiiigham, Biftmiighanij and Odell, LINES Written at Wilna, during the Retreat of the French Army through that City, in December, 1812. I^ AIR Wilna, by » hy rapid stream I see a cheerless baud advance ; Are these the victors lately seen i Are these the veteran troops of France? Why bends their march on Wilna's tower, With feeble step and eager eye ? No more the vaunled signs of power, The plumy eagles wave cn high. On Krasnoi's plain, ' mid dark and storm, Ry hardier foe, their eagles fell; And, hark!— at hand, wilh shrilly horn, The Cossack war- notes mingling swell. Fast by the gale, now rolls the tide, TumuItnou= of the motley throng. And fierce the crimsou'd warriors ride. As Moscow's name they shout along. By day, in clouds of darkest hue, And e'en in night, though distant far, The ruin'd Kremlin meets their view. The ancient seat of many a Crar ! That deed shall call their vengeance down, Resistless on Ihe drooping foe; All— heedless of the winter's frown, Siberian frost, and beds of show. The wretched slave of transient power, Cold, wounded, rolls his glaring eye— Thinks on Ihe flow'ry meads of Loire, And gladly lays him down to die I A stranger asks, what mouldering bones, Pil'd high, are those that taint the air? What captives they, from distant homes? What accents these, of wild despair? JYom the LONDON GAZETTE of Mav 22 Dooming Street, May 22. DISPATCHES, of which the following are textracts, vrere this day received by Earl Bathurst, from Brigatlier- General Lyon. Extract of a Letter from Brigadier- General Lyon, ' dated Hamburgh, May 8, 131S. The advance of the different corpsof the French armv to the Elbe, rendered it necessary for the divisions of Generals Tettenborn, Dorenburgh, and Czertiicheff, to recross this river: they con centrated fit Hamburgh. On the 1st of May. General Sebastiani, with about seven thousand infantry and three thousand cavalry, moved from Lunehurgh in the direction of Magdeburgh. On the 4th, this corps arrived and halted at Salzwedel General Davoust, with about ten thousand men including the division of Vandarnme, occupies Luneburgh, Ilarhurg, andStade; detaching small posts of unequal strength at intermediate points along the banks of tiie Elbe, On the move of General Sebastiani to his right, General Count Walmoden marched with the cofps of Dorenberg and Czernicheff to Deumitz. Extract of a Letter from Brigadier- General Lyon, dated Schu arzenbeck, May 11, 1813. A few hours after I had closed the letter which I had the honour of addressing to your Lordship on the 8th instant, the enemy attacked the posts on the island of Wilhelmsburg arid Ochsenwerder, but I feel most happy in reporting they have befell repulsed with considerable loss. It appears that Marshal Davoust had collected from five to six thousand men in the vicinity of Harburg cn the 8th instant. ' I his force, wilh the exception of about fifteen hundred men left in Ilarhurg, was embarked at one o'clock iu the morning of the 9th. Favoured by the ebbtide, and under cover of numerous batteries on the opposite shore, a landing was effected at Wilhelmsburg long before break of day. The number of troops stationed " in this island did not exceed eleven hundred men, the enemy gained therefore in the first instance considerable ground but on the arrival of a Mecklenburgh battalion, which was ordered immediately to their support, lie was adumced upon and driven back to the boats. A battalion of Hanoverians, commanded l. y Major de Berger, and a Lubee battalion, march- ing from Bergadorf and Zouenspiker on Ochsen- werder to the assistance of a corps of six hundred men stationed at this post, attacked the enemy with vigour and impetuosity on his right flank : this compelled him to retreat, and in filling back he set fire to all houses. and wills in the line of his march. The conduct of the corps under the orders of Major de Berger has been described to me as most distinguised. It was my intention to have made a very particular report on the very rapid progress in discipline which this corps has made, although so very recently formed for his Majesty's service; and it is with great satisfaction I can add, that their gallantry in the field is equally conspicuous. Upon the advance of the enemy, a flag of truce was sent out by Gen. Whagher, commanding the advanced guard of the Danish army in IIolstein with a declaration, that the forces under his com- mand would co- operate in the defence of Ham- burgh, should an attack he persevered in on that city. On the officer's return, and a continuation of the operations of the enemy, the Danish forces actually passed the frontier, and took up a position on the Hamburgh- berg, with ten pieces of cannon whilst a line of gun- boats was at the same time stationed for the defence ofthe port. I am unacquainted with the loss thp Allies have generally sustained in the late affair; it is estimated at about one hundred and fifty men and fifteen officers. I have learnt with regret, that the Hanoverian battalion has suffered severeiv, two captains and eighty men being killed or wounded The enemy entered Cuxhaven ou the 8th inst The detachment of the veteran battalion, under the orders of Major Kenzinger, are safely embarked. —-"- 1/ I/ I/ J/ t/ i-— Sunday and Tuesday's Posts— continued from the First Page. It is reported ill letters from the Continent, that Count Gottorp had ail interview with Bona- parte at Frankfort, on the subject of his claims to the Swedish Throne. Letters from Constantinople of the 2d ult. men- tion that the Grand Seignior is prudently apply- ing the leisure which peace with Russia has afforded him in terminating the civil distu" 4 ances which have so long weakened the Turkish Empire. His troops have chastised and reduced several rebellious Pachas in the East; amongst others Molla, Pacha of Widdin, who has frequently been in open rebellion against the Porte, and was the great protector of the Servians; another Turkish Chief, mimed Ramis Pacha, who had been some time prisoner in Russia, was, on the 2? th March, strangled at Bucharest, with 17 persons of his suite, on his return from captivity, on suspicion of being a partizan of Russia.— Count Andreossy is said to be exerting all his influence at the Porte, to persuade the Divan to break the peace con- cluded with Russia. He had distributed much money among, the Members of the Council, and mide large presents to the Grand Seignior. An important State Document has been recently received from Spain. It is a Manifesto of the Cardinal de Bourbon, the head of the Spanish Regency, against the seditious, if not treasonable conduct of the Papal Nuncio, who had been secretly endeavouring to excite the Spanish Bishops to refuse publishing and i eading in their respective dioceses the Decrees of the Cortes for the sup- pression of the Inquisition; at the same time that he was openly corresponding with the Regency on the subject. In a decree, exposing this duplicity of the Nuncio, the Regent says, that though he should be authorised to send him out of the king- dom, and seize his temporalities, his desire of evincing his veneration for the Pope, and his fear of increasing his sorrows, prevent him from doing more than expressing his decided disapprobation of the Nuncio's conduct. A return of the Casualties of the different re- giments of the British army, from Dec. 25, 1811, In the House of Commons on Friday last, Mr. ] C. Western postponed his motion respecting thei Innkeeper's Petition to have an increased allow- ance for soldiers quartered nn them, till Thurs- day.— The Insolvent Debtors' Bill .( by which it is ntended to introduce into this country the foreign principle of eessio bonorum : i. e. that a debtor, on giving up the whole of his g/ iods, shall be, set at liberty), was ordered to be re- committed this day se'nnight, after some objections by Mr. Ser- jeant Onslow and Sir S. Romilly to that clause which makes the conccalment of effects a capital offence. The convict ship Emma, which lately sailed from Portsmouth for Botany Bay, with female convicts on board, has been captured and burnt; the women were landed at one of the Cape de Verd Islands. A ship will sail wilh the present fleet of Indiamcn to bring them to England, that they may he re- shipped for the colony. The nephew of a British Peer was executed at Lisbon on the 7th. lie had involved himself by gambling, and being detected in the act of robbing the house of his English friend, by a Portuguese servartt, he shot the latter dead, to prevent disco- very. After execution Ii » head was severed from his body, and fixed on a pole opposite to the house in which the murder and robbery were committed. Three privates of a British Regiment of Light Dragoons lately deserted to the enemy, who after drawing from them all the information in their power, compelled them to return to the British lines, where, upon their arrival, they were tried by i Court Martial, and sentenced to be shot: the sentence was carried into execution against two of them. King's Bench.— Mr. White, proprietor of the Independent Whig, was brought into Court yes- terday to receive judgment, for having published in his paper a libel on the Duke of Cumberland. Mr. Justice Grose pronounced the sentence of the Court, which was, that Mr. White should be im- prisoned in Newgate for the term of fifteen calend. it' months, and pay a fine of „£ 200 to the King, and be further imprisoned until such fine be paid.- Friday, an eminent tradesman in Newgate- street was brought for final examination before the Lord Mayor, under suspicion of forging the Indorse- ments to two bills of exchange for upwards of .£ 400 each, with intent to defraud T homas Cobb, or the Governor and Company of the Bank of Eng! and. The Lord Mayor's Clerk read over the evidence of the witnesses, as taken at the former examination, which they signed, and swore to respectively, and the prisoner was fully committed. On Friday hist, a coroner's inquest, attended by a most respectable jury, was taken by Mr. Whateley, at the Five ways, near Birmingham, on Mrs. Mander, widow of Mr. Thomas Mander, who died a few weeks ago. Tbe following circumstances relative to the melancholy event were disclosed oil the examination of the witnesses. On Monday morning last, Mrs. Mander being indisposed, re- quested a friend to purchase for her, in Bir- mingham, two ounces of calcined magnesia; that he accordingly called and asked for the same at the shop of Mr. Knowles, druggist, and was served by his shopman. In the afternoon of that day, the Same friend having some doubt from the quan- tity and weight of it, that there might possibly be some mistake, called again at Mr. Knowles'sshop, and asked the shopman ( who had lived there about 1( 5 years) whether he was sure- that the article he had sold him in the, morning was magnesia; when he replied that it was. Previously to Mrs. Man- der retiring to rest, the same night, she took about a tea spoonful of it, and her sister, Mrs. flull, took about half that quantity; almost immediately fterwards, most violent effects were produced on both of them, but more especially on Mrs. Man- der. Medical assistance being called in, it was discovered they had taken something of a poison- ous, nature, and notwithstanding every antidote was administered to counteract the effects of it, Mrs. Mander died on Thursday morning last; but Mrs. Hull is recovered. On application to Mr. Knowles and his shopman, and on examining the bottle fpjm whence the supposed magnesia was taken, it appeared that it had been taken from a bottle coutaining a mixture of arsenic and alum. Part of the remainder of the powder has been nalyzed, and it proves to consist of nearly two- thirds of arsenic and one- third of alum. Under the above circumstances the jury returned the following verdict -.— That the death of the deceased was occasioned by having unknowingly taken arsenic instead of magnesia. CAMBRIDGE, May 21. The following gentlemen were admitted to the undermentioned degrees nn Wednesday last:—• Masters' of Arts— The Rev. T. Rennell, and W. Heath, of King's college; and S. Duckworth, of Trinity college Bachelors of Arts— Jl. M. Thorif- ton, and E. Bradley, of Trinity college; and E. Pole, and H. J. C. Blake, of King's college. OXFORD, May 22. On Thursday, the following gentlemen were admitted to degrees: — Bachelors iu Divinity— Rev. T. Davies, of Jesu* college; and Rev. G. A. Lamb, of Magdalen col- lege.— Masters of Arts— Rev. H. Evuns, of Wor- cester college, Grand Compounder; and Rev. J. M. Traherne, and Mr. J. Keble, of Oriel college. — Bachelors of Arts— Mr. C. J. Barton, of Queen's college; Mr. T. Eades, of Worcester college; Mr. J. R. Fdwardg, and Mr. R. Brown, of Pembroke college; A Brooke, Esq. of Magdalen college; aud Mr. J. H. Christie, of Balliol college. RIVER CHKRWEI. L. VCII Injury having of late Years arisen from the frequent Overflowings of the River CHER WELL, which has been principally occa- sioned by the Want ofitSbfing properly cleansed — A Meeting is intended to beheld at the Fox » s » Cfiows INN, in the. Pariah of NORTH- ASTON, in Ihe County of Oxford, on W EDN'ESOAY the 2d I) a> of JUNE next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, for the Purpose of taking into Consideration the Expediency of obtaining a Commission of Sewers, or adopting some other Means for the Cleansing of the River Chcrwell, when the several Proprietors and'Occupiers of Lands lying within the Level of the River are requested lo attend. May \ 3th, 1813. A' 1 Coiterstock cum- Glapthorn Inclosv. re, WE, whose Names are heieunto sub- scribed, being Commissioners appointed in and by an Art of Parliament passed in the Fifty- third Year of the Reign nf his present Majesty, infilled, " An Act for inclosing Lands in Ihe " Parishes of COTTERSTOCK- CUM- GLAP- " THORN, in the County of Northampton," Do hereby give Notice, that we shall meet at Ihe SWAN INN, in O0NDI. fi, on THURSDAY the TWENTY- FOURTH Day of . TUNE next, al lileven of the Clock in the Forenoon, when we intend to inquire into, ascertnin, determine, and fix the Boundaries of the Parishes of Coiterslock- cum- Glapthorn, for which Purpose we shall perambulate the Boundaries of the said Parishes, beginning at Cotterstoek Bridge, and proceed progressively round the Boundaries of Ihe said Parishes, against the Parishes, Townships, or Places wf Klmington, Oundle, Biggen, Benefield, Southwiek, aud Tanso — Given under our Hands this 11th Day of May, 1813. HUGH JACKSON'. CHARLES BERKELEY. ROBERT SHERASJ). Cotterstock- cum- Glapthorn hrclosure. whose Names are hereunto sub * * scribed, being Commissioners appointed ii and bv an Act of Parliament for the said fnclosure, Do hereby give Notice to all Persons and Bodies Corporate or Politic, who have or Claim any Common or other Right to or in any ofthe Lands to he Inclosed hy virtue of the said Act, to deliver to us at our Meeting to be held for that Purpose at the SWAN INN, in OUNDLE, on SATURDAY the 26th Day of JUNE next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, an Account or Schedule in Writing, signed by them or their respective Husbands. Guardians, Trustees, Committees, or Agents, of such their respective Rights or Claims, and therein describe the Lands and Grounds, and the respective Messuages, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, iu respect whereof they shall respectively Claim t be infilled to any and which ot such Rights in an$ l upnn the same or any Part thereof, with the Name or Names of the Person or Persons then in the actual Possession thereof, and the particular com pitted Quantities of the same respectively; and of what Nature and Extent such Right is, and also iu what Rights and for what Estates and Interests they Claim the same, respectively distinguishing Ihe Freehold from the Copyhold or Leasehold.— Given uuder our Hands this 11th Day of May, 18J3. HUGH JACKSON. CHARLES BERKELEY. ROBERT SHERARD. MANSION akb LAND. To be LETT, And may be entered ui/ on at Midsummer next. Truly desirable MANSION for a Gentle- man's ' Family, in a genteel Neighbourhood, and Central Part of NORTH AM PTO MS H 1 R E. — The Premises consist of a commodious Mansion- House, rind suitable Offices, with a Coach- House and Stabling for ten or more Horses , also near In which is a large Kitchen- Garden, walled round, and abounding with a great Variety of Wall and other Fruit Trees, in hiffh Perfection; adjoininj: and surrounding the said Premises, there is about 15 Acres of very rich Pasture or Meadow Ground forming together one of the first Situations for any Gentleman as a Sporting Residence, being but few Miles from the Pytchley and other Hounds.—- The Whole is well watered by several fine Springs there. The Tenant will likewise have ihe Privilege of shooting and fishing^ ver the Manor. Particulars may be known by applying to Mr. J. SMITH, Rushlon, near Kettering, if by Letter, Post- paid, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, rT",[ lAT the next Meeting of the Trustees for A repairing and widening the Road from the Greal Bridge in Ihe Boro'jgli of Warwick, through Southain and Daventry to Ihe Town of North- ampton, will be held at the SARACEN'S HEAD INN, DAVENTRY, on TUESDAY the FIRST Day of JUNE next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon. JOHN TOMES, Clerk to the Trustees. Warwick, \ st May, 1813. TURNPIKE TOI. L^ TO LEIT. " NOTICE is hereby given, That the next Meeting of the Trustees of the Turnpike- Road leading from Saint Neots, in the County of Hunt- ingdon, to the Town of Cambridge, is appointed to be held at the CROSS KEYS INN, in SAINV NKOTS. in the said County ot Huntingdon, on WEDNESDAY the SECOND Day of JUNE next, at Eleven o'Clock in ihe Forenoon ; when the TOLLS arising at the three several Turnpike Gates on the said Road, called Saint Neots Gate, Eltisley Gate, and Coton Gate, will be LETT to the Best Bidder or Bidders, either together or separately, for the Termofone, two, or thtee Years, as the Trustees then present shall direct, to com- mence from the 1st Day ot September next, in the Manner directed by the Act passed in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of his present Majesty King George the Third, " tor regulating the Turnpike- Roads ;' Which Tolls were Lett the last Year at the Sum of Foqr Hundred and Twenty Pounds, clear of all Charges of collecting them ; and if Lett together' will be put up at that Sum ; but if separately, at such a Sum each as not to exceed in the Whole for all the said three Bars, the aforesaid former Rent, or Sum ot 1' our Hundred and Twenty founds. Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder or Bidders must at the same Time g've Security with sufficient ' ureries, to the Satisfaction of the said Trustees, for Pavment ofthe R;- nt or Rents agreed for, and at such Times as they shall direct ; and sui'h Bidder or Bidders will be required to pay one Month's Rent in Advance at the Commencement of the Term. J. WELLS, Clerk to the Trustees. Eynesbury, St. . Neots, 26th April, 1813, TUACKL'KV, 20th May, 1813. A LL Persons who have anv Claim oi l) e- £ 1 mand upon Mr. JOHN L ATH BURY, Ear- ner, of SAINT PETERS, in BRACKLEY, are re- plevied to forward an Account thereof to Mr. Miller's Office in Buckingham, in order to be examined and discharged,— And all Persons who - tand indebted to the said John Latbbury, are desired to pay Ihe Amount of their respective Debts to Mr. Miller, who is authorised to receive give proper Discharges for the same. To the Debtors and- Ct editors af HIOL^ AS IL1FFE, of IIit. I. MORTON, in the County of Warwick, Grocer, Baker, and Chapman. WHEREAS the said THOMAS ILII'FE, hath by Indenture hearing even Dale here- with, assigned over all his Estate and Effects to ' oseph Flecknoe, . of Braunston, in the County of Vorthampton, MilVr, and Thomas Voile, of Rugby, in the County of Warwick, Draper, in Trust for the Benefit of such of his Creditors as hall execute the Deed of Assignment within six Weeks from the Date hereof; Notice therefore is hereby given, That Ihe Deed of Assignment will he at the Office f W. F. Wratislaw, Solicitor, Rugby, ' dating hat Period, except on Fridays the 28th instant and 4th Day of June, when the same will he al the Craven Anns, Coventry, from One till Four o'clock, for the Signature nf such of Ihe Creditors who may choose lo execute the same. — All Persons ndebted to the said Insolvent, are requested to pay the Amount of their respective Debts to the aid Mr. Voile forthwith, or they will be sued for the same. By Order of the Assignees, WM. FR. WRATISLAW. Rugty, May 20th, 1813. a Commission of Bankrupt and issued forth against THO. PULL, of UPPI R- BOIIDINGTON, in the County of Northampton, Victualler, Dealer antl Chapman, and he being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby equlred lo surrender himself to the Commissioners n the said Commission named, or the major Part of them, on the Twenty- eighth and Twenty- ninth Days of April instant, and the Fifth Day of June next, at lileven in the Forenoon on each Day, al the House of John Pratt, known by the Sign of the White Lion Inn, in Banbury, in the County of Oxford, and make a full Discovery and Disclosure of his Estate ami l'. ltects, when and where thp Creditors are to CONTRACTS FOR COALS AND CANDLES. Commissary in Chief's Office, London, May 18 th, 1813. WANTED for the Barracks in the under- mentioned Counties in South Britain, for the Barracks in North Britain, and iri the Islands ot Guernsey, Jersey, and Alderney, such Quantities ot Coals and Candles as may from Time to Time be re- quired by the respective Barrack- Masters for the Time being.— The Deliveries to commence as soon after the 25th June next as the respective Barrack. Masters shall require, and to continue until the 24th of June following. Proposals for supplying Coals, made separately for each County in South Britain, the VVholeof the Bar- racks in North Britain, and likewise for those in the three Islands of Guernsey, Jersey, and Aldt rney, sealed up, and marked " Tender for Coals," will be received at this Office until Twelve o'Clock on Wed- nesday the 2d of June ; the Parties tendering observing, that in those Counties where both Sea and Inland Coals are used, the Proposal must particularly t xp ress the Price ot each Description. Proposals for supplying Candles, sealed up, and marked " Tender for Candles," will be received until Twelve o'Ciock on Friday the 4th ot June; but nv Proposal, either for Coals or Candles, will be noticed unless mjde on ot annexed to a printed Particular, and the Prices inserted in Words at Length ; nor unless a Letter be subjoined to such Proposal from two Persons of known Property, engaging to become bound with ihe Party tendering in the Sum expressed in the Par- ticulars, tor the due Performance of the Contract. If Tenders are sent by Post, the Postage must be paid. Particulars of the Contracts may be had on ApplT- cation at this Office., between the Hours ot Eleven and Hive; to Deputy- Commissary. Ceneral Lindesay, Edinburgh; Deputy- Commissary- Gener. il Coope, Guernsey; and Deputy- Commissary- Gsmeral Low, Jersey. COUNTIES. HOCK LI FEE ROAD. IVFOTICE is hereby given, That a Meeting of L% the Trustees of the Turnpike- Road leading from llocklifle, in the County of Bedfoid, to Stony. Sttatfotd, in the County of Buckingham, Will be liolden at the COCK INN, in STONY- SIRATFORD aforesaid, on WEDNISDAY the TWEXIY- THIRD Day of JUNI next, between the Hours ot Eleven and Three, at which Time and Place the TOLLS arising at a certain Gate erected on the said Road, called the Two MILE ASH GATI ( with the W EIG HI N C- F. N- OIKI), will be LETT to FARM by AUCTION, to the Best Bidder, for the Term of one Year, in the Manner directed by the Act passed in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of his present Majesty " for regu- lating Turnpike- Roads ;" and will be put up at such Sum as the Trustees present shall think fit, and sub- ject to such Conditions as will then be produced. Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder must imme- diately pay into the Hands ot the Treasurer one Month's Rent is Advance, and at the same Time pro- duce the Names and Undertaking of Sureties to the Satisfaction of the Trustees, to enter into a Bond for the due Payment of the Rent agreed for, at such Times and in such Manner as the said Trustees shall direct, and for the Performance of the Covenants to be contained in the l. easeot such Tolls. By Order ot tile Trustees, JN. FR. CONGREVE, Clerk. Steny- Stratford, May 26th, 1813. William Tiroomhead, of Coventry- street, Hav. nvrket, Middlesex, linen- draper, d.& c. Mav June 5, and July 3', at Guildhall. — Attornios. Messrs. Richardson. Fisher, & Lake. Burv- strcet, St. James's. Thomas Haslam, Samuel Haslam, J> hn Haslam, and Roger Haslam, late of Bolton. le- Moors, Lan- cashire, cotton - manufacturers, d. Se c. May 31, June 1, and July 3, at the Bank Inn, Bolton- le- Moors.— Attornies, Messrs. Haworth. Bolton- le- Moors. Robert Topham, of ^ South- Shields, linen- draper; d.& c May 27, June 17, and July 3, at the Rose and Crown I mi, South- Shields.— Attorney, Mf. Bain- bridge, South- Shields. Tryce Samuel Birch-, of Red I. ion- street, Middle- sex, iron- founder, d. & c. May 29, June 1, an- t July 3, at Guildhall.— Attornies, Messrs. Morgan & Wills, Bedford- row. Joseph Cowell. of Brvdges- street, Covent- garden, Middlesex, woollen- draper, d. & c. May 29, June 5, and July 3, at Guiiihall.— Attorney, Mr. Bous- field, Bouverie- stieet, Fleet- street. Edward Scott, of Lynn, Norfolk, grocer, d. Sec. June 1, ft, and July 6, at Guildhall, l. ondon. — At- tornies, Messrs. Few, Ashmore, & Hamilton, Co- vent- garden. George Hurst, of Broadstairs, Kent, tailor, June 2, 3, and July 6, at the Guildhall, Canterbury.— Attorney, Mr. Mount, Canterbury. George Hatton, of Canterbury, perfumer, d.& c. June 8, 9, and Julyfi, at the Guildhall, Canterbury. — Attorney, Mr. Lewis, Cursitor- street, Chancery- lane. Isabella France, of Manchester, innkeeper, d. & c. June 3, 5. and Julv 6, at the George and Dragon Inn, Manchester.— Attorney, Mr. Walker, Manchester. Alexander Cabb:. ll Mann, of Comhill, London, auctioneer, d. & c. June 1, 2, and July G, at Guild- hall— Attorney, Mr. Lewis,- Mark- lane. John Field, of Chi. well- street, Middlesex, linen- draper, d.& c. Mav i9, June 8, and Julv 6, at Guild- hall — Attornies, Messrs. Swain, Stevens, & Pearse, Old- Jewry James Wheatley, of Nottingham, mercer. YATHEREAS a » » is awarded an cotne prepared to prove their Debts, and at the second Sitting to choose Assignees, and at Ihe last Sitting the said Bankrupt is required lo finish his Examination, aud the Creditors are to assent to, or dissent from the Allowance of his Certificate. All Persons indebted to the said Bankrupt, or that have any of his Effects, are not lo pay or deliver the same but to whom the Com- missioners shall appoint, but give N otice to Messrs. Aplin, Solicitors, Banbury. Banbury, April 21 st, 1S- 13. Maples, d. & c. June 4, 5, and July 6, at the Black Goats Inn Lincoln.— Attorney, Mr. Cartwright, Spalding. ' John David Collins, of Greek- street, Soho, Mid. ...... D & C_ M 29 J , . Debility ( originating in whatever Source), are re- lieved and frequently cured by Whitehead's Es ence of Mustard Bills, after every other Means have failed. The Flstd . Essence of Mustard ( used with the Pill, in those Ct5mi)!.,* ints where necessary) is perhaps the most active, penetrating, and eltectual Remedy in the World, generally curing the severest SPRAINS AXD BRUISES in less than Hall the Time usually taken by any other Liniment or Embrocation ; and if used immediately • niter any Accident, it pievents the Part turning black. Piepared only, ar. d sold by R. Johnston, Apothe- cary, No. 15, Greek- Street, Soho, London, at 2s. 9d. each Box or Bottle, They are also sold by the Printers of this Paper; Higgs, Market- Harboraugh ; Loggin, Aylesbury and Leighton ; Tomalin, Daventry; Matner, Wellingboriugh ; Baxter, Bicester; Marriott, Banbury; aud every Medicine Vender in the United Kingdom. (£ 3* The Genuine has a black Ink Stamp, with the Name of R. Jonnston inserted on it. Berks Chester Cornwall, includingSciliy Cumberland Devon Dorset Durham Essex Hants Hunts sle of Wight Isle of Man Kent Lancaster Middlesex to Dec. 25,1812, has just been printed, by order ofthe House of Commons. The subjoined are the general results:— Deaths 14,: 58 Discharges 3,557 Desertions 5,837 Taken prisoners, or missing.. 2,521 Total 26,667 NEWMARKET SECOND SPRIMG MEETING, Tuesday, Mity 18.— Mr. Barlow's Merryfield, 9st. beat Major Wilson's f. by Brother to Vivaldi, 7st. 51b. T. Y. C. 50gs.— Lord Sackville's Lady of the Lake, 8st. lib. heat Lord Jersey's Antonio, 8st. 91b. T. Y. C. lOOgs.— A purse of £ 50, was won by Mr. Udnry's ch. f. hy Stamford, beating Gen. Goner's Ludona and 11 others.— A handicap plate of £ 50, » » s won by Lord Stawell's Cato. Wednesday, 19— A handicap sweepstakes nf lOgs. each, T. Y. C. was won by Lord Stawell's Mockbird, beating Lord Grosvenor's Chintz, Lord Lowther's Loiterer, and Mr. Best's b, m. by Tot- teridge.— The Jockey Club Plate of 50gs. was won by Gen. Grosvenor's Defiance, beating Mr. Van- sittart's Euryaltis, Ld. G. II. Cavendish's Eccleston, and Lord Lowther's Aquarius. Thursday, 20.— Mr. Batson's Idle Boy, beat Gen. Grosvenar's Vulpecula, and Gen. Gower's Lama, lOOgs. each, h. ft.— Lord Sackville's Donna ClarabeatGen. Gower's Crispin, D. M. 200gs. Ii. ft. Mr. Vansitlart's Eurvalus heal Lord Sackville's colt by Walton, Fifty Pounds, T. M. M. B. C Lord jFoley's Osprey beat Lord Sackville's Lady of the . Lake, Y. C. I50gs. Friday, 21.— Mr. Shakspear's Bobadil beat Maj. Wilson's Spotless, A. F. lOOgs. h. ft.— Ld. Foley's Teasdale beat Gen. Gower's Crispin, a gold Cup value lOOgs. by horses of all ages.— Xord F. G. Osborne's July rec. 40gs. from Mr. Craven's Pen- tagon, T. Y. C. h. ft.— Duke of Rutland's Eliza- beth rec. ft. from Mr. Bruen't Hollyhock, T. M. M. 200gs. h. ft. » G*" 1 To the Pill NTH RS. ' SIRS,— Your Correspondent S. S. is anxious re- specting the state of our public roads, and a late act of Parliament enacts, that, for the purpose of keeping them in better repair, all Trees within a certain distance shall be cut down, & c.: but these regulations are principally, if not exclusively, for the benefit of those who travel on horseback or in carriages, whilst 110 one thinks of the poor foot passengers, who iu wet weather are obliged to trudge through the mire ( sometimes half way up their legs), and arefrequently under the necessity of turning out of the road for carriages, and also for droves of cattle, who mav justly in this instance be termed " fellow travellers." Is there no mem her of Parliament to be found, who will take the trouble of advocating the cause of our soldiers and sailors, together with their wives and children, and many others both male and female, who are under the necessity of travelling on foot, by proposing the measure of a public foot- path 011 the side of every road throughout the kingdom, by which they would he relieved from many of the inconveniencies they now experience, and would only have to con tend with the fatigue naturally attending that mode of performing a journey, and whiph ought not to be aggravated by the circumstances alluded to? __ public- spirited man, Sirs, who could obtain so great an amelioration to Ihe sufferings of poor foot travellers, would not only be entitled to their warmest thanks, but would likewise obtain a good footing in the mind « f every Pedestrian throughout England. Yours, & c. W » b » n, 1\ thmy, 1813. HUMANITAS. Norfolk Northampton Northumberland Nottingham Somerset Suffolk Surry Sussex Warwick Wilts York North Britain Islands ot Guernsey, Jer- sey, and Alderney TURNPIKE TOLLS TO BE LETT, NOTICE is hereby niveii, That a Meeting of the Trustees of the Turnpike- Road, leading from Wendover to Buckingham, in the County 01 Buckingham, will be held at- the BELL INN, WIBSLOW, in the said County, OUMONAY the' Day of JUNE next, at which Meeting the TOLLS to aiise at the several Toll- Gates upon the said Turnpike Road, will be LETT to FARM by AUCTION, to the Best Bidder, between the Hours of Eleven and Two of the same Day, in the Manner directed by the Act passed in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of his present Majesty, for regulating Turnpike- Roads, which Tolls were lett in the last Year ( clear of the Salaries for collecting the same) at the respective Sums hereafter mentioned : Walton Gate, with the Weighing- Engine . .£ 938 H'llmnns Bridge Gate 383 Buckingham Gate 321 And will be respectively put up at those Sums. Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder, must at the same Time give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Satisfaction ot the Trustees, for Payment of the Rent agreed for and at such Times as tllcy shall direct. And it is required that such Bidder do pro- duce. in VVriting, the Name'of his Sureties, to the Satisfaction ofthe Trustees at the Time ot Bidding, and pay down in Advance, into the Hands ot the treasurer, one Month's Deposit if the Security should be approved of, and execute an Agreement to pay the Remainder monthly, as the same shall become due. LAN. VVYATT, Clerk to the Trustees. Winslom, 95th May, 1813. To the Ladies of Northamptonshire. AMONGST those Discoveries which have tended to enhance the CH A RMS of PERSON A L BEAUTY, without injuring the Constitution, the celebrated GOWLAND'S LOTION, as prepared by M rs. VI N C EN T, has for a long Series of Years been pre- eminent. * lt is an imperious Duty to cau- ion the Public against vile Imitations ; Mrs. VINCENT'S Gowland's Lotion is the only genuine Preparation, and its superior Lfiicacy in removing all Disorders nf the Skill, and imparting a delect- able Appearance to the Complexion, has been authenticated by Testimonials froin Persons of high Rank and Fashion. Sold by Mrs. Vincent, No. 6, Davies- Slreet, Grosvenor- Sqnare, London; iu Northampton, by the Primers of this Paper. Edge, Abel, and Ed- monds; in Newport, by Barringer; iu Bedford, by Palgrave ; and all the respectable Venders of Genuine Medicines in every Town in Europe, in Quarts at Ss. 6d. Pints 5s. 6d. Half- pints at 2s. 9d. (£ 5" To prevent Counterfeits, Mrs. Vincent signs her Name upon the Label of every Bottle that is Genuine. r|, HE decided Benefit produced in Scrofulous I Cases by SPILSISURY'S PATENT ANTI- SCORBUTIC DROPS, renders their Utility un- questionable. Patients pronounced incurable, by this Medicine alone have arisen from their Beds to their Crutches, and thence to a comparative State ol Activity. Such Cases are recoided, will again be tecorded, and Veracity will support them. The PATENT ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS are given in Eruptions,, Cases of Abscess, Scorbutic Coin, plaints, Rheumatism, imperfect Secretion of Bile, and are sold in Bottles of 6s. — tOs. 6d. —£ 1. 2s. Duty included, at the only Dispensary where they are pre- pared, 15, Soho- Square, l. ondon, where Mr. SFILS- KURY, on their Use, may be professionally consulted. COMPOUND ESSENCE. 8s. CORDIAL BALM OF G1LEAD. r|^ HE various Weaknesses peculiar to the Fai I Sex come immediately under the Power ot this Restorative, and many Ladies of Fashion and Re- spectability have found it to be the best Medical Appendage to the Toilette they ever met with, recruiting the decayed Spirits, dissipating the Head- Ach, Dulness and Langour, and creating a pleasing Vivacity— chasing away Melancholy, it gives Com- fort and Strength to the whole System. The Virtues of the Cordial Balm of Gilead are daily demonstrated, in eradicating the worst and most dangerous Symptoms of Nervous Debility; and nothing has tended so much to establish the Fame ot this Medicine, as its certain Success in those Com- plaints which strike their Roots so deep in the Constitution, and ate so fatal to the Happiness of Mankind. Sold by the Printers of this Paper; Barringers. » riu Rliss, Newport- Pagnell; - iieesley, lianburu • and all Other Medicine Venders in tl" United kingdom, Price lis. each, or four in one Family Bottle tor 3Ss. by which one lis. Bottle is saved, with the Words " Saml. Solomon, Liverpool," engraved on the Stamp. $ 3T Dr. Solomon expects, when consulted by Letter, the usual Compliment of a One Pound Note to be inclosed, addressed " Money Letter. Dr. Solomon, Gikad. House, neat Liverpool, Paid double Postage," 8 UST received, a large and valuable Supply by • I the Printers of this Paoer ; also by Mr. Sharp, Perfumer and Hair- cutter, Northampton; Ward, Da- ventry ; Swinfen, Leicester.; Nettleship, Lincoln ; Vloxon, Gainsborough; Page, Perfumer, Oundle; and Core, Peterbo'ough ; Of that invaluable Production, under the illustrious Patronage of their Royal Highnesses the Princess of Wales and Dukeof Sussex, his Excellency tbe Spanish Ambassador, aud many Families of high Distinction, MACASSAR OIL FOR THE HAUL This Oil is proudly recommended on tbe Basis of Truth and Experience, and the most respectable Testimonials, it possesses Properties of the most salubrious Nature for restoring the Hair where it has been bald for Years, preserves it from falling ott' or turning grey to the latest Period of Life ; produces on the Tresses a most beautiful Gloss, Scent, and Curl. This Oil is infinitely efficacious in renovating Children's Hair, promotes the Growth of Whiskers, Eye- Brows, Sec. — In tine, it is pre- eminent • for renovating the Human Hair, and rendering it truly elegant and beautiful. Merchants, Captains, Sec. will find this an Arlicle of pre- eminent Utility for preserving the Hair in hot Climates. For general Utility is enclosed, ROWLAND'S TREATISE 011 the Improvement ot the Human Hair, giving a full Description of the Virtues ot the Oil, with Testimonials fioin Persons of distinguished Consideration, worthy the Attention of Parents, Proprietors of Schools, & c. included with each Bottle in the Wrapper. Price 3s. 6d. ; 10s. 6d.; and ,61. Is. per Bottle. Sold Wholesale and Retail, by the Pioprietots, ROWLAND Se SON, Kirby- Street, Hatton- Garden, London; and by their Appointment, by their Wholesale Agents in London.— Also by all Perfumers and Medicine Venders in every Town throughout the Empire. CAUTION. — No Macassar Oil is genuine without the Book, and the Signature on the Label, in Red Ink, " A. ROWLAND Se SON," to counterleit which is Felony. Of the above may be had, A1. SANA EXTRACT, lor the TEETH and GUMS, at 5s. 6d. and 10s. 6ii. per Bottle, or 2s. 9d. per Box. tor Pimples, Blotches, freckles.. Ring- Worms, Black Worms, Carbuncles, ' 3c. eSc. tbe g> latest Clearer ana Beautifier of the Face, is undoubtedly TYCE'S ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS; VVTHICH are seriously recommended to all v v Mothers, Guardians," the Faculty, and Public in general, as a certain Cure for foul Humours ot the Blood, pimpled Face ; Surfeits, Scurvy, Scrofula, Scald- Head in Children, Sore Eyes, Sore Legs, 1 Vene- real Ulcers ( wtien Mercury has failed), festering and other Eruptions on the Skin, whether from lnoctv- lation ot the Small- Pox, Cow- Pox, or any Cause whatever, effecting the same, in less Time, with greater Safety, and at a smaller Expense, than any othsr Medicine yet discovered. Price 2s. 9d. of rive Bottle! ( value 2s. 9d. each) in one, tor 12s. The following Case is a strong Proof of the supe- rior Efficacy ot these Drops;— An Infant, aged four Years, the Son of Mr. Bunutt, Miller, ol Whitchurch, had a violent Scorbutic Eruption all over his Body, particularly the Face, insomuch that a Swelling on the Side of the Nose, the Size of a Pigeon's Egg. entiiely closed one Eye, and much aflected the other. Having had all the Medical Assistance possible for eighteen Months without Relief, he was induced, through Recommendation; to try these Drops, which had the desired Effect; and in three Weeks the Child was perfectly cured, the Sight" of the Eye restored, land lias continued in perfect Healthever sint; e. This Infant had been inoculated for tile Cow- Pox, about three Months prior to the Appearance ofthe Eruption. Many other remarkable and well. attested Cures, which are too long for Insertion in an Advertisement, may be seen in thellill of Directions round eachBottic. — lie particular in asking for Tyce's Antiscorbutic Drops. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by the Proprietor, John Tyce, No. 20, Hatton- Garden, London; and, Retail, by ( lie Printers of this Paper, and Edge, North- ampton; Mather, Wellingborough; and all Venders ot Medicines in the Kingdom. dlesex, baker, ( I. Sec. May 29, Jnne5, and July ti, if Guildhall. — Attorney, Mr. Fowler, Clement's- Inm Plumsted Lloyd, of Birmingham, maltster, d.& c, June 14, 15, and July 6, at the Royal Hotel, Birming- ham.— Attoinies, Messrs. Barker Se Unett, Bir- mingham. Richard Colshed, of Liverpool, watch- maker, d. & c. June 22, 23, and Julv 6, at the Star and Gar- ter Tavern, Liverpool .— Attorney, Mr. Avison, Li- verpool. William Cross, of Ilminster, Somersetshire, vic- tualler, d. & c. June 2, 9, and July 6, at the George Inn, Ilminster.— Attorney, Mr. Jesse, Ilminster. Hugh W'Corquodale, of Liverpool, merchant, d. & c. June 15, 16, and July 6, at the George Inn, Liverpool.— Attoruies, Messrs. Lace & Miller, Li- verpool. David Griffiths, of Aberystwith, Cardigan, shop- keeper, d. & c. May 2S, June 4. aJid July ( i, at the Talbot Inn, Aberystwith.— Attornies, Messrs. Jone » & Owen, Machynlleth, Montgomeryshire. Thomas Jones Wilkinson,' ot Cwersyllt- hill, Den- bighshire, ironmaster, June 16, 17, and July 6.— At- torney, Mr. Jones, Chester. William Gater, of Lane- End, Staffordshire, lus- terer of earthenware, June 3, 4, and July 6, at t!. Bell and Bear Inn, Stone.— Attorney, Mr. Seekers-, „ Stafford. George Ferguson, of the Minortes, London, habJ ' dasher, d. Se c. June 5. 12, and July 6, at GuHdhaP Attorney, Mr. Allingham, St. Jobn's- squjjprt- Belcher Byles, of Austin- friars, London, merchY; d. & c. June 1, 5, and July 6, at Guildhall. — Attorj nies, Messrs Palmer, Tomlinson, & Thomson, Copr thall- court, Throgmorton- street. William Reynolds and Michael Memory Wright, of Idol- lane, Tower- street, l. ondon, wine- merchants, d. & c. June 1, 19, and July 6, at Guildhall.— At- torney, Mr. Kirkman, Cloak- lane. John Newton, ot Lamb's Conduit- street, Middle- sex, watch- maker, d. Se c May 29. June 12, and July 6, atGuildhall.— Attorney, Mr. Barrow, Thread- needle. street. John Clarke, of Hatton- Garden, Middlesex, grocer, Jurie l, 2, and July 6, at Guildhall.— Attorney, Mr- Smith, Hatton- Garden. Jane Elliot, of Eltlnrr, Kent, baker, d. & c. June 1, 5, and July 6, at Guildhall, London.— Attorney, Mr. Saward, Princes- street, Rotherljj'the. John Haynes, ot Westmorland. buiIdings, Alders- gate- street, London, enameller. May 29, June 5, ami July ti, at Guildhatl.— Attornics, Messrs. Russen Se Son, Aldersgate- street. DIVIDENDS to be made to CREDITOKS. June 12. Jdhti Coles, of Staple- Aston, Oxford- shire. butter- factor, at Guildhall, London. June 14. T. Bryan, sen. late of Bampton, Oxford- shire, shopkeeper, at the Staple Hall Inn, Witney. June 15. Alexander Walker, sen. of Birmingham, merchant, at the Royal Hotel, Birmingham. June IS. T. Grace, of Prince's- Risbo'ough, Bucks, and J. S. Woodcock, of Aylesbury, bankers, at tbe County- hall, Aylesbury. June 29. Nichnrd Andertoo, late of Birmingham, cutler, at the Unicorn Tavern, Birmingham. CERTIFICATE to be granted. June 12. John Lawrence, ot Stainjround, Hunt, tanner. ingdonshire. the greater market; T JESUIT'S DROPS. HE true original JESUI L'S DROPS are now prepared by SHAW & EDWARDS, 66, on the Footway, St. Paul's Church- Yard, Successors to Joseph Wessells. The Jesuit's Drops have been long known and esteemed a sate, cheap, effectual, and often an imme- diate Cure for Strangury, Gleets, Weakness of the Kidneys, or " ladder; and when taken on the first Attack of Venereal ' Infection, they will infallibly accomplish the desired Effect: Should the Complaint be far advanced, it will be necessary to take tbe Spe cific Remedy with the Jesuit's Drops. The many Depredations made ori the Property of the Proprietors, compels them to give this Camion, that no one Bottle will be sent out of their House without SHAW and ED WA RDS ( Successors to J. WESSELLS) 66, St. Paul's Church- Yard, engraved 011 the Stamp. All others which are sold without the above Names are Impositions 011 the Public.— Price2s. 9d.— lis.— and 22s^ Sold Retail by the Printers of this Paper, and Marshal, Northampton; Barringer, Ntwport- Pagnell; Higgs, tlarborough; Loggin, Aylesbury; Tomalin, aad Wilkinson, Daventry; Gallard, Towcester; I'oul- , tei & Knighton, Stony- Stiatford; and P » ge, Oundit BANKRUPTS required to surrender. Peter Croinpton, of Manchester, merchant, dealer and chapman, June21, 25, and July 3, at the Bridge-' water Arms I1.111, Manchester. — AtU.; nies, Messrs. Duckworth, Ciuppendalt, & Denison, Manchester. Thomas Houghton, of Newton- in- the- Willows, Lancashire, merchant, at the Bridgewater Arms Ion, Manchester.— Attornies, Messrs. Duckwoitti, Chip- pendall, Se Denison, Manchester. • James Bradock, of Manchester, merchant, d.& c' June 2t, 2S, and July 3, at the Hrid^ ewater Arms Inn, Manchester.—' Attornies, Messrs. Duckworth, Chippendall, & Denison, Manchester. George Matchem, ot New Sarum, dealer and chap- man, May 31, June I, pud July 3, at the White Hait Inn, New Sarum.— Attornies, Messrs. Wiluiot & Godwin, New- Sarum. Edward Ascroft, of Liverpool, money scrivener, June 14, 15, and July 3, at the Ceorge Inn, Liver- pool.— Attorney, Mr. Rosson, Livetpool. William W illiams, ot Bristol, coach- master, d. Se c. June 2, 3, and July 3, at the Rummer Tavern, Bristol. — Attorney, Mr. Cornish, Bristol. William Leaf, of Manchester, merchant, d.& c. May 31, June 26, and July 3, at the Bridgewater Arms Inn, Manchester— Attorney, Mr. Cunlifle, Manca ester. Waitain Carpenter, of Pitchconibj, Gloucester, shire, clothier, May 29, 31, and July 3, at the Geotge Inn, Stroud.— Attorney, Ml. Newman, Stroud. v Paul Thomas Lemaitrc, of Castle- street, Holborn, Middlesex, watch- case- uuker, d. & c. May 25, June 5, and July 3, at Guildhall.— Attorney, Mr. Tucker, Bartlett's- buildings, Holborn. John Evans Green, of the New Road, Bermondsey, Surry, rope- maker, d. & c. May 29, June b, and July 3, at Guildhall.— Attorney, Mr. Keeks, Wellclose- square. Edward Browning, of Larkfield, Kent, d.& c. May 29, June 12, and July 3, at Guildhall, London. — Attornies, Messrs. Debary, Scudaiuoie, & Curiey, Lincoln's- Inn- fields. George Gurnett, of Horsham, Sussex, currier, d. & c. May 29, June 2, and July 3, at Guildhall, London. — Attornies, Messrs. Ellison & Walter, White Hart- court, Lombard- street. Philip Channon, of Bridgew. iter, Somersetshire, merchant, d. & c. June 1, 8, and July a, at ihe Lamb Inn, Bridgewater,— Attorney, Mi. Boys, B. idge- water. Edward Shellard, of Foghill- house, Gloucester- shire, victualler, June 4, 5, and July 3, at the Angel Inn, Bath.— Attorney, Mr. Evill, Bath. Kobeit Caton, of Monmouth- street, Middlesex, slopseller, d. & c. May 29, June 1, and July 3, at Guildhall.— Attorney, Mr. Blatklow, Frith- street, soho. George Bruin, of Tooley- stieet, Southwaik, mer- chant, d. & c. May 29, June 5, and July 3, at Guild- hall— Attorney, Mr. Lee, Three Crown- court, Southwark. John Wood, of Newington- Butts, coal merchant, d. & c. May, 29, June 2, and July 3, at Guildhall Attorney, Mr. Allinghatn, St. John's- squaie. Benjamin Welton, ot kirby. street, Hatton- garden, Middlesex, fringe- maker, d. & c. May 29, unci, and July 3, at Cuildhall.— Attornies, Messrs. Ro- binson & Hine, Charter- liouse- square. Isaac Spurrier, of Enfield. highway, Middlesex, coal- merchant, d. & c. May 29, June a, and J'Ty 3, at Guildhall.— Attorney, Mr. Saunders, Chailotu- stieeti Fititoy- squsis. LONDON MARKETS. Corn Exchange, Monday, May 24, 1813. At the latter part of Ian week we had a pretty good supply of Grain, of which thi portion remained over for this day's but we have received but little additional supply this morning. Good dry W heals, inconsequence, obtained rather better prices, but the ordinaiy spris are dull in sale, and somewhat cheaper.— Fine Malting Barley is ralher scarce, and sup- ports our last prices; hut the ordinary qualities hang on hand. — Malt meets a very dull sale, at a- reduction of about Is per quarter.— i'here is no alteration iu the value of Peas, but Beans beinj in very short supply, have advanced full 2s. pec quarter.— Having not much demand for Oats at present, and a large supply, a reduction has taken place iu the prices of from 2s. to 3s. per quarter on fine sample., and rather more on infe- rior.— Flour remains as last Mouday. Suliolks. .. — s. to — c. Gtey Peas ..— s. to — s. Fine - . .— s. to —- s. Beans SOs. to 83i. Fine — s. to 88s. Ticks 76s. to 82s. Oats - 32s. to 40s. Poland* .... 35s. to 40s. Potatoe dttto43s. to 50s. Wheat 86s. tolOJs. Fine — s. to — s. Superfine,.. — s. to — s. Fine White, ,128s. tol3Js. Rye 56i- to ( iOi. Barley ii- is. to 4is. Fine Suffolk — s. to — s. Malt 81s. to 92s White Peas.. 95s. tolOOs. „„_ , Average of Wheat, 1I9 » . ? id.— Os. ld. lower than last return- Fine Flour, 105s. to 110s.— Seconds, 95s. to 100s. Average of Flout 109s. 4d.— 0s. id. per sack lower than l. rst return. PRICE or SEEDS. Carraway 9, Is. Od. tolOOs. Od.) Coriander 40s. Od. to 45s. 0d.( _„,_,. Red Clover 75s. 0d. to 95s. Od. C P" cwt* White ditto 60s. Od. toPitis. Od.) Rye Grass 30 » . Od. to 56s. Od per quarter White Mustard 14s. Od. to 16s. Od., Brown ditto.. T u rn 1 p 26s. Od. to 28s. Od 14s. Od. to 25s. Od. per bush ditto. PRICE or HOPS. BAGS. Kent 81. 0s. to 121. Os. Sussex 81. 0s. to 101. Os 81. ' Os. to i21. Os. POCKETS. Kent 91- Sussex ... I' arnham 0s. to 151. Os.- 0s. to 131. 0s. ... 161. 0s. to 251. 0s. SMI L'HFI ELI). — MONDAY, May 24. ( To sink theollal— per stone ofSlbs.) Beef.. 6s. 8d. to 7s. 8J. 1 Veal 6s. 0J. to 8s. Od. Mutton7s. Od. to 8s. Od. Lamb 7s. I Pork Js. Od. to 8i Od. to 8s. Od. 8d. Head of CattU this Day.— beasts, about 1500— Sheep 12,200 — Calves, 110- I'igs, 280. NEWGATE AND LEADENHAI. L. MARKETS. Beef.. 5s. Sd. to6s. 8d. Mutton6s. 4d. to 7s. 4d. Lamb 6s. Veal ,5s. 4d. to7s. 4d. | Pork - 7s. 0d. to 8s. Od. Od. to 8s. 4d. PRICE OF TALLOW. & c. TownTaliow 90s. 6d. Yellow Russia87s. Od. White ditto — s. Od. Soap ditto . ,82s. Cd. MeltingStuil' 74s. Od. Ditto rough 52s. Od. Graves 24s. Od. Good Dregs. 9s. Od SOAP — Yellow.. 100s St. James's Market 0s. Od. Clate Market 5s. 3i. Whuechapel Maixet5s. 2d. 10s. 5d. Average per st. of 81b. 5s. 2d. J Od. Mottled.. 110s. Od. PRICE OF LEATHER, rm POUND. Butts, 60 to 561b. each 22d. 10 25d. Ditto, 6S to 661b. each - 6d. to2/ d. Merchants' Bacss * 2d. to 231. i Dressing Hides 20d- 4 to 21d. 4 Fine Coach. Hides .. 21d. i to 23d. 4 Crop Hides, 33to401b. tor cutting ,. 20d. to 21d. i 4s to 501b 21d. Calt Skin 30to 401b 33d. 50to 701b 3Sd. 70 to 801b 40d. Small seals I Greenland) 33d. Ljrge Ditto, 120s.- to 180s. per Dozen.- Skins, 34s. to 62s. Northampton : Printed and Published by and for T, IS. Dicer, W. SCTIOH £ j It. SMITH six.
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