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The Northampton Mercury And General Advertiser for the Counties of Northampton, Bedford, Buckingham, Huntingdon, Leicester, Warwick, Oxford, and Hertford


Printer / Publisher: T.E. Dicey, W. Sutton, & R. Smithson 
Volume Number: 93    Issue Number: 7
No Pages: 4
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The Northampton Mercury And General Advertiser for the Counties of Northampton, Bedford, Buckingham, Huntingdon, Leicester, Warwick, Oxford, and Hertford
Per page: £2.00
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The Northampton Mercury And General Advertiser for the Counties of Northampton, Bedford, Buckingham, Huntingdon, Leicester, Warwick, Oxford, and Hertford

Date of Article: 01/05/1813
Printer / Publisher: T.E. Dicey, W. Sutton, & R. Smithson 
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: 93    Issue Number: 7
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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And General Advertiser for the Counties of Northampton, Bedford, Buckingham, Huntingdon, Leicester, Warwick, Oxford, and Hertford. VOL. 93. SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1813. No. 7. eady Money is expected ( with Advertisements. S i Circulated through every Town and populous Village in the Counties of Northampton, Bedford, Buckingham, , 1 Huntingdon, Leicester, Oxford, Warwick, Hertford; Part of Cambridge, Nottingham, Lincoln, and Rutland. r, ~; 1 S Stamp- Duty - 3 PRICE 64. \ PAPEI. AND £ RINT 3D; Sunday and Tuesday's Posts. LONDON, TUESDAY, April 27- DISPATCHES were received on Sunday from Lord Cathcart, as well as advices from Cuxhaven and Hamburgh; the following Bulletin of their contents was issued by Government:— BULLETIN. " War Department, April 24, 1813. " Government have received advices from Ham- burgh of the 17th, and from Cuxhaven of the 19th, stating the arrival, upon the Elbe of Gen. , with the van- guard of the Swedish army, amounting to 6,000 men. This corps was to be followed immediately by the main body, com' tnanded by the Crown Prince of Sweden, for whose reception preparations were making at Luenburg. " T he allied force upon the right bank of the Elbe had sent detachments, which had penetrated within ten miles of Zell, and to the neighbourhood of Gerden. They were cheerfully supplied with provisions by the inhabitants, who gave the accurate information of the strength and move- ments of the enemy's forces. The French shewed no intention to advance. A part of Davoust's corps was at Zell and Brunswick on the 12th, in communication with the Viceroy. ' They appeared to be apprehensive of an attack from the combined Russians and Prussians on the Elbe, and of an attempt to get into their rear. " It was believed at Hamburgh that General Kleist bad obtained possession of Wittenberg- whether by capitulation or storm is not known. " The advices from Prussia concur in stating, that up to the 1- 1-'. h inst. the army under Count Wittgenstein, and that under General Blucher, were advancing without the enemy being able to check their progress. On the contrary, his forces were falling back upon the Maine. At Duben the Russians had taken considerable magazines destined for the supply of Magdeburg. " The Senate of Hamburgh had received an assurance from the Emperor of Russia, that the whole military force of his Empire should be employed in restoring the independence of Ger- many, whilst his own frontiers would be left in defence of the militia, which hail been called out and encamped. By the first of May there would he 300,000 Russians engaged id Germany, including Cossacks. " Regiments of Oldenburghers, Brunswickers, anrl other Germans, were raising at Boitzburgh. " The object of the expedition against Cuxhaven was to cut off all communication with England by the way of the Elbe, and to intercept the trans- ports, with thesupplies of arms, which were known to be destined for Hamburgh." Paris Papers to the 22d instant have arrived. Bijnaparte reached Mayence oil the 16th, at mid- night.— At midnight be set out from Paris— at midnight, only did he venture to make bis first halt. The fell fiend now obviously dreads the light, and in the darkness of midnight alone can be hope even for that precarious safety which for a time ( a short time it is trusted) he is permitted to enjoy.— There is no news from the theatre of war in the North, and it is merely stated that reanforcementscontinue to march in that direction. F ® ur patriots, subjects of the Duke of Olden- hurgh, two of whom are supposed to have b£ « n Ministers to his Highness, have most infamously bnen put to death by the French, and their pro- perty confiscated, for having returned to their allegiance on the retreat of the enemy. It appears by private advices, that retaliation has been resorted to on the persons of some French Officers; bv which practical lesson the enemy, in Germany as well as in Spain, will not fail to bfcome enlightened on the subject of the rights of the patriots of the soil. A Mail from Corunna arrived yesterday with ] fitters and papers to the 15th. They confirm the former accounts of the retrograde movements of tiie French armies, and mention two new titles conferred by the Prince Regent of Portugal on Lord Wellington and Marshal Beresford, the former being created Duke of Victoria, and the latter Marquis of Campo Mayor. The Marquis of Wellington addressed another general order to the officers of his army on the The Cossack who lately arrived, having written lis name in Russian, was interrogated, whether the knowledge of reading and writing was common his country; he replied it was very common. Being asked as to his situation in Russia, he said that he had land as much as be chose to cultivate foe the use of his family, but that the land in his country was ill a manner common; that if any Cossack disliked the spot which he cultivated the last year, be removed to some other be liked bet- ter: iu which case he either removed his wooden habitation, or if the place were at a distance, he left the old bouse for the next occupant. The Cossacks pay no taxes or tribute to the Russian Emperor, but arc engaged to serve him in war. In the present war, the Cossacks of the Don offered a much greatei number of troops than the Empe- ror had occasion for; of those atone whose term if service was expired ( which was his case), as many volunteered their service as would have composed 37 regiments. By a Bill now in the House of Commons ( as amended by the Committee) to facilitate the performance of the duties of Surveyors of High- ways and i urnpike- roads, it is directed that the cutting of hedges and lopping of trees in or near Turnpike- roads, shall be completed before the 1st of November, and the cleansing of drains, & c. before the 15th of November and 1st of March in cach year, on general notices being affixed on the Church- doors, and Proclamations made in the Church- yards after Divine service No fence adjoining highways to he more than five feet high, unless more than five feet distant from the side of the road, and fences may be lowered by Magistrates or Trustees of Roads, on giving 14 days' notice to the occupier of the land. Government has ordered the Botanical Lottery to be drawn with the State Lottery, on the 6th of May— the, Tickets are only Two Pounds Five Shillings each, and every Purchaser is presented ( gratis) with a striking Likeness of the Emperor Alexander. Firs at Pool.— Thursday a raging fire broke out between five and six o'clock at the King's Arms, on the Quay, connected with a druggist's shop, several small tenements, the Custom- house, and two large stores facing the harbour, and this whole circle of buildings were presently destroyed with thci. valuable contents. The accident was occa- sioned by a girl at the public- house going into a fuel- house with a lighted candle, and stumbling with it set fire to a quantity of dry heath, which burnt so furiously that there was no stopping it. The Custom- house being the most remote, the principal part of its contents were saved. OXFORD, April 25.— Yesterday, T. Mayo, B, A. and K. Burden, 15. A. of Oriel College, and E. Hawkins, B. A. of St. John's College, were elected FelloWi of Oriel College. For the remainder if this post— see last page. QUCII an s Opportunity, as the one now afforded, sessing the unrivalled Works of Dr. THORNTON, for the small Sum oi =£ 2 5s. will never again occur, as the Books cannot be re- pub- lished, and the Copper- Plates are, by the Act ot Parliament, directed to be destroyed.—^ There is no Doubt that those Works will be at a'high Premium and that the purchase of a Ticket befcre Thursday next, the 5th of May, must be a certain gain. The great Prize, valued at =£ 5080, will produce more than that Amount. J' To the. Creditors of JOHN WIIITEMAN, Uite of HOUGHTO ..- CONQUEST, in the County of Bedford, Blacksmith, deceased. npilE Creditors of the said JOHN WHITE- JL MAN, who have not already sent in their Accounts, are desired to send thet » on or before the sixth Day of May next, either to Win. Whiteman, of Ickwell, in the said County of Bedford, Car penter, Administrator of the Goods and CJi* i< eIs ot the said John Whiteman, deceased, or Mr.. Eagles, Attomey- at- Law, Ampthill, in order H. xt the Amount of the Debts may be ascertained, and paid as far as the personal Estate of the <) ertased will extend. And all Persons indebted ts the said Estate, are requested to pay their rcspetfive Debts to Mr. Eagles, on or before the said Mjtli Day of May, or they will be sued for the sanv without further Notice. Ampthill, 23il April, 1813. STONY- ST I'AT TO RD, Brc KS. O H N 11ENN ET T, VETERINARY SURGEON, having attended at the Royal Veterinary College, as a Resident Pupil, under " rnfessor Of) LEM A N, aud also received his Diploma, begs Leave lo inform ihe Nobility, Gentry, and hers, that he has taken a House ill Ihe Market- place. Stonv- Stratford, where h** purposes prac- tising in the VETERINARY ART, and hopes by ssidnity and Attention to merit Support. N. B. Horses Shod on the newest and most approved Principle, under the immediate Inspection of J. Bennett. Accommodation for Horses on moderate Terms. NEXT THURSDAY The STATE LOTTERY will begin Drawing. WIFT& Co. respectfully remind their Friends and the Public, that the present State Lottery will begin Drawing on rbeSth of May, t? n which Day every Ticker, drawn will be a Prize. The Scheme contains 10,159 Prizes, among which are 3 of =£ 20.000 I 4 ot ,£ 2030 3 of 10 000 I 6 of 1,000 n the last Lottery the following Capital Prizes were all sold in Shares hv Swift and Co. To the Debtors and Creditors of WILLIAM BUSWELL, of SCAT. DWELL, in ' the lounty if Northampton, Sheep Salesman. WHEREAS the said WILLIAM RUS- W ELL, hath by Indenture bearing rven Date herewith, assigned over all his Estate an! Effects to John Sibley, of Maidwell, and Richard Turner, of Harrington, in the County of Northampton Graziers, in Trust for the Benefit of stub nf his Creditors who shall execute the Deed of Assign- ment : Notice is hereby given, That the same is left at the Office of Mr. Hood hall Solicitor, Wellingborough, for the Signature of such of the Creditors who inay choose to execute the same. All Persons indebted to the said I nsolvent aix- requested to pay the Amount of their respectiv Debts to the Assignees without Delay, or they will he sued for the same. By Order of tiie Assignee; JOHN NEWTON GOODUALL Wellingborough, April 22d, 1813. To Consumers of British Iron. rrMIE above Article may be had at Fisher's J- Iron yard, OUNDLE, at Sixteen Pounds per Ton. The Money lo be Paid before the Iron is taken away. RICHARDSON, GOODLUCK k Co. RESPECTFULLY inform the Public that the STATE LOTTERY will commence drawing the 6th of MAY next.— The Scheme contains more Prizes than Blanks, including 3 of... ,£ 20,000 I 4 of ,£ 2,000 3 10,000 | 6 1,000 & C.-& C. & c. Tickets and Shares are selling at Northampton, — By J. ABEL, Bookseller, Banbury,— J. G. RUSHER, Priniing. Office, Bridge- Street. Wellingborough,— J. JarsoN. for Richardson, Goodluck, and Co. London, who sold in the Lotteries drawn in tile last and present Year, 1 Prize of ,£ 20,000 2... 10,01) 0 1 5, OOJ 3 3,000 & c. & c. & c. WHEREAS I, WILLIAM HIRANS, BYFIELD, in the County of Nortbanipti Carrier, did, on Thursday the 15th Day of Apri 1813. violently assault and beat WILLIAM BLEN COWli, of BANBURY BRIDGE TOLL- GATE for which he hath commenced a prosecution against tne, but hath kindly consented to withdraw the same on Condition of my publicly acknowledging my Fault, and asking Pardon for il. Now I do hereby acknowledge my said Fault, and ask Pardon for the same; and do consent and agree that a Copy hereof be inserted once in the NorthamptonMercurv and once in the Oxford Journal. — Witness my Hand WILLIAM HIRANS. Witness,— GEORGE FESSEY. To COVER, this Season, At WHITTLE BURY LODGE, near Tswcester rpitlUMVllt, Grandson both of Eclipije at i Highflyer, at Ten Guineas, and Ten Shilling: the Groom. Triumvir was got by Volunteer fSon ot Eclipse) out of the Highflyer Mare ( Sister to did Tat) out of Plaything, by Matchem. He is 16 Hands, of very large Bone, and superior Action. Partners' Mares, and Mares which have hunted with the neighbouring Hounds, may be covered at Three Guineas and live Shillings. N. B. The greatest Care taken of the Mares, and only the actual Cost of Keeping charged. To GEORGE INN, KETTERING. CGEORGE MORGAN having entered on T the above Iirt, humbly solicits the Patronage of the Nobility, Gentry, Commercial Travellers, Sic. assuring them no Pains will be spared in making the Premi. es peculiarly adapted for their Comfort and Accommodation; and that no Exertion shall be wanting to give universal Satisfaction. Neat POST- CHAISES, careful DRIVERS, and good Horses.— Choice WINES, SPIRITS, & c. N. B. The Leeds Mail to and from London every Morning and Evening. KING'S HEAD INN, BROUGHTON, near NEwroRT- PAGNELI., rOSEPil ATTERBURY begs Leave to ' inform the Public that he has entered on the bove Inn, where those who may please to Favour im with their Custom, may depend ou being fur- nished with good Beds, Stabling, and every Accom- modation on the most reasonable Terms. N. B. Good LAIR, well watered, tor all Sorts of Cattle. Broughtan, April 23r7, 1813. 5,741 Prize of ,£ 3000 2,201 ,.. 200 Sec. Sec. No. 921 Prize of ,£ 10,000 6,025 2,000 6 , 22 500 . Tickets and Shares are selling at their Offices, No. 11, Poultry, 12, Charing- Cross, and 31, Aldgate High- Street, London, and by their Agent, J. WEBB, BEDFORD. BRITISH PAINT MANUFACTORY, 41, Lmdon Wall, opposite Ilethlem, I. oieoorr. [ MPENETRABLE PAINTS ground in Linseed Oil, for Park Tailing, Tiles, Slates, useful and ornamental Painting in general, and Weather Boatding of every Description. Invisible Green per Cwr 56s. Dark Olive Green .. 70s. Bright Olive Green 112s. Black Paint 56s. White Paint 56.. Yellow 56s. Prepared Drying Oil, to thin the above for Use, 0>. per Gallon. Genuine Ground White Lead, fer Cwr. 56s. Od. Terpentine, per Gallen 10s. Oil. ... 5s. 6d. Stone Colour, per Cwt 56s. Lead or Slate Colour 56s. Light Blue 80s. Chocolate. 50s. Red 40s. N' UNION CANAL. OTICE is hereby given, That the next Half- yearly General Assembly of the Company of Proprietors of the LEICESTERSHIRE anil NORTHAMPTONSHIRE UNION CANAL, will be held at MR. THOMAS MUNTON'S, the Union Inn, near Market- Harborough, in the County of Leicester, on MONDAY the SEVENTEENTH Day of MAY, 1813, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon ; and Notice is also hereby given, that the Transfer- Books will be shut on the first Day of the same Month of MAY, and not re- opened till the first Day of JUNE next following; and consequently that no Transfers can be registered in the mean Time. T. SH'EI'PARD, Clerk to the said Company. the THRAPSTON TURNPIKE ROAD. NOTICE i3 hereby given, That Yearly General Meeting of the Trustees of tile Turnpike- Road leading from Market- IItir- burough, in ihe County ol Leicester, to the Pound the Parish of Rrampton, in the Cuunty of Huntingdon, will he held at the WHITE HART INN, in THRATSTON, in the County of North- ampton, on TCESO \ Y the fourth Day of MAY next, at Eleven o'Clock ill the Forenoon; and at the same Time and Place, new Trustees will be elected and chosen in the several Places and Steads of such Trustees as shall be then Dead.— Given under our Hands this first Dav of April, 1813. THO. MARSHALL, WM. MARC. ETTS, Linseed Oil ... Tine Colours, Sec. Sec. Best Sperm Oil , 8s. 6d. Double Refined Oil 6s. 6d. Single Ditto 5s. 6d. Pale Seal Oil 4s. 6d. Pale Whale Oil 4s. Od. UPTON & Co. Colour Manufacturers, London IVali, and Kennet IVhurf, most respectfully recommend the above Paints to the Public, as applicable to the general Purposes of useful and ornamental Painting. They dry very quick, ate very beautiful in Appearance and possess a Durability which render's them pecu- liarly valuable, when applied " to Work constantly, or partially exposed to the Effects of the Weather, Advertisements having lately appeared, recommending Paints under similar Titles, which are prepared with Fish Oil, or sold in an ungrounil State, UPION & Co feel it proper to say, that thev are not connected with those Houses, and that their Paints are not prepared with Coal Tar or Fish Oil. Merchants, Ship- Owners, and the Trade supplied their Clerks A1 B U T C 11 E 11 S. To be LETT, And Fntered upon immediately, N old- established BUTCHER'S SHOP and . , _— DWELLING- HOUSE, with Barn, Stable, 15th ult. from Freynada, enforcing the necessity Cow- House, Pigsties, Garden, and two Closes of of preserving strict discipline among the men.— Sward Land, containing 11 Acres, adjoining the same, Several soldiers he states lost their lives during the at ABTHORPE, and 11 Acres of Sward and Arable late retreat in contests with the inhabitants, who ^ ND WAPPENHAM. in the j . . , . i . . il Countv of Northampton, with a Right ot Common were endeavouring to protect that property which in whittlewood Forest. the soldiers were desirous of depriving them of. ABTHORPE is three ' Miles from Towcester, and The fortress of Czenstokau surrendered on the eight from Buckingham. • 4th inst. to a Russian force commanded by Lieut For a View of the Premises, and further Par- Gen. till: Baron Von Sacken, after the batteries t, c" lars' '! 97' Lt° Mr' J° HN PlNCKARD> Slapton. had been opened two days. The artillery was so April ad, 1813. well directed, that it speedily set fire to three of \' P0 Drapers, Grocers, and Shopkeepers in general the enemy's magazines, while the 8th and 29th LETp regiments of chasseurs kept the garrison so much And may be entered upon ' in May next, in awe, that they durst not shew themselves on the walls of the town. This parf of the operation i ! n full TradC) and „ ith respectable Connections was under the ( Predion of Major- General the situate in a pleasant, healthy, and populous Village, Count lie Lieven. The enemy at first proposed centrically placed for four Markets, and in a neigh, terms that were inadmissible; but hl'tervlards sur- bouring County which has the Conveniences of a rendered as prisoners of war. ' ^ Post and a Carrier's Waggon from London twice . 1 ,. k , , e • ,. p, a Week. — The Premises are replete with every Con- 1 he wind proving favourable, the Stirling Castle v . nienccj aml the Concern calculated to suit the Bailed on Tuesday from Portsmouth, with the Earl Views oi an industrious married Man. of Moira, and the East Indiamen under convoy. Further Particulars ( if by Letter, Post- paid), or Per The Duke of Cumberland's beautiful set of sonal Application, may be known by applying to carriage grevs were brought to the hammer yes- Mr-" eor « e D" Pcr- Stony. Stratford ; Mr. ii' t . r i • n; i Dauphrate, Woollen Salesman, Banbury, Oxon; terday, at lattersalls, ( on account of his Royal | Mt_> R Waters> Much- Park- Street, near the Saluta- DOUBTFUL, The Property of Mr. D. F'AI. KNEB, of Grea Barfurd, near Banbury, Oxon, WILL COVER, this Season, 1813, thorough bred Mares, at Ten Guineas and a Half; and Mares not Thorough- bred, at Two Guineas and Five Shillings each, as usual. DOUBTFUL is a Bay Horse, 15 Hands two Inches high, he was bred by Mr. ALDERSTON, ot Richmond, in Yorkshire; he was got by Constitution, out of Stately's Dam, by Amarantbus; Grandam, by Silvio, Great Grandam, Daphue, by Regulus, which was got by the Godolphin Arabian ; his Dam, Grey Robinson by the Bald Galloway ; Grandam, by Snake, out of Old Wilkes, a Daughter ot OH Hautboy- Doubtful, in 1806, won a Stakes of 130 Guineas, at Northampton, beating Piccadilly and six others; in the same Year he won a Stakes of 19d Guineas at Warwick, and a Plate ,£ 50, the next Day.— In 1807, a short Time after covering, he won ,£ 50, beating Miss Coiner and two others, at Warwick. — For the Whole of his Performances, see the Pacing Calenda He will beat the following Places every Week during the Season.— Saturday, at the White Bear, Shipstone; Sunday, at Gaydon Inn ; Monday, through Southam, to the Black Horse, Marton ; Tuesday, at Dunchurch; Wednesday, at the Horse- Shoe, Da- ventry; from thence to Wardington; Thursday, at the Three Swans, Banbury ; Friday, at the Crown. Bicester; thence to Middleton- Stoney, and llop crolt's- FIolt, in his Way Home the same Night. The Money to he paid at the Time of Covering, or at Midsummer next.— Good Accommodation for Mares at a reasonable Price. THOMAS SCOTT, PLUMBER WA TF. It • CLOSET TN a few Days those invaluable Fainting - Grand National Works, valued in the Sc BOTANICAL LOTTERY. s and Schedule of the Act of Parliament, at SIXTY- SEVEN THOUSAND POUNDS, and which have excited the Admiration of all Europe, and received the marked Approbation and Patronage of our illustrious Ally the EMPEROR of RUSSIA, must be gained tor Two Pounds Five Shillings, that small Sum being the Price of a whole Ticket in Dr THORNTON'S BOTA. NICAL LOTTERY, to be drawn with the State Lotterv, On THURSDAY next, MAY 6th. All Purchases must be made before that Day, as the first- drawn Ticket will receive the Grand Prize.— Tickets are selling by all the Agents for the State Lottery.— Every Purchaser will be presented ( gratis) with a Likeness of the Emperor Alexander. ALL PRIZES!,! NO BLANKS. ON THURSDAY, 6th May, in the STATE LOTTERY, 20,000 Tickets, numbered from No. 1 to 20,000, to be drawn in four separate Days. . SCHEM E. 3 of =£ 20,000 is 3 ... 4 6 8 10 15 20 40 50 10050 10,000 2,000 1,000 500 300 200 100 50 ,• 40 20, Sec. Sec. =£ 60,000 . 30,000 . 8,000 . 6,000 . 4, iW0 . 3,000 . 3,000 . 2,000 . 2,000 . 2,000 , 80,000 =£ 200,000 Oddl Turnpike- Road. NOTICE is hereby given, That the Annual Meeting of the Trustees of the Oilell District of the Turnpike- Road leading from til South End of Brown's- Lane, in the Parish GREAT- STAUGHTON, in the County of Huntingdon to the Bedford Turnpike- Road, in the Parish o Lavendon, in the County of Buckingham, will he held at the WHEAT SHEAF INN, in HARROLO, in the said County of Bedford, on TUESDAY the 18th Day of MAY next, at Twelve o'Clook at N'onn, when the Trustees will settle the Treasurers' and other Accounts— choose new Trustees in the Room of such as shall be theu dead or refuse to act, and transact other Business relative to the said District of the said Road.— Dated the 26th Day of April, 1S13. WM. DAY, Clerk to the said Trustees. MAKER, Marlcet- IIarlorougfi, Leicestershire, BEGS Leave to inform the Nobility, Gentry. and the Public in general, that he makes WATER- CLOSET'S upon a very simple Con- struction, which act without Valve, Plug, Slide, of Cock, and lmld a certain Quantity of Water in the Basins ; warranted to keep sweet and clean, not liable to be frozen, or out of Order from Paper, which is so common itl Water- Clo. iets. N. B. Wanted immediately, A good Workman asa PLOMBKR only. Highness's immediate embarkation for the Con- tinent,) and sold at very high prices. The Duke of Northumberland sent a Bank- note of ^ 1000 on St. George's Day, to the fund of the Royal Regiment of Horse Guards Blue, established for the Benefit of those privates who may retire from the service with good characters tion, Coventry; » r to A. Post- Office, Bedford. LIGHTERS, & c. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, On AT A TAin Valuation, AGANG, consisting of EIGHT LIGHTERS and a BOAT in complete Condition, with It is gratifying to observe, that the price of | Horses, and every oilier Appendage fit for immediate corn of " all descriptions, is considerably on the t SK^ r without the decline; and while the crops continue to wear Horses, and may be seen, and Terms known, by ap- their present healthy appearance, and the sup-| plying to Mr. LINDSSLL, St. I ves, Cambridge, plies from the continent pour into this country so M A JN S I U N, Northamptonshire. ' To be LETT, And entered upon immediately, A MANSION - HOUSE, in complete Repair, / l with an excellent Kitchen Garden, Orchard and Shrubbery, and Stabling for twelve Horses, plea- santly situated within three Miles of KETTERINC, and about four from PYTCHLEY. The Tenant may likewise be accommodated with any Quantity, from 10 to 50 Acres, of rich Meadow Land. For Particulars, apply to Mr. M ARSHALL, Kettering. MANSION AND LAND. To be LETT, And may be entered upon at Midsummer next, ATruly desirable MANSION for a Gentle- man's Family, iu n genteel Neighbourhood, and Central Part of NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. — The Premises consist of a commodious Mansion- House, and suitable Offices, with a Coach- House act SeaMing for ten or more Horses , also near to which is a large Kitehen- Garden, walled round, and abounding with a great Variety of Wall and other Fruit Trees, in high Perfection ; adjoining and surrounding the said Premises, there is abou, 15 Acres of very rich Pasture or Meadow Ground forming together one of the first Situations for any Gentleman as a Sporting Residence, being but few Miles from the Pytchley and other Mounds.— The Whole is well watered hy several line Springs there The Tenant will likewise have the Privilege of shooting and fishing over the Manor. Particulars may be known by applying to Mr. J. SMITH, Rushlun, near Kettering, if by Letter, Post- paid. Brixworth, Northamptonshire. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, LL that Substantial Stone- built and Tile- MESSUAGE, TENEMENT, or DWEL- LING- HOUSE, together with a good^ BAKE- HOUSE adjoining, Barn, Stables, requisite . Out- buildings, and Appurtenances to the same belonging, situate attd being in the Centre of the Village ot BRIXWORTH aforesaid, and now in the Occu- pation of Mr. WM WARD, or his Undertenants. And also, all that MESSUAGE, TENEMENT, or DWELLING- HOUSE, together with the Garden, Out- buildings, and Appur: enances thereto belonging, situate and being in BRIXWORTH aforesaid, in the Occupation of WILLIAM FOSTER, For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. Til IMAS WARD, of Ravehsthorpe, or at the Office of Messrs D ' ' ' A1 abundantly, there inust be a sensible reduction in the markets almost weekly. The accoutrements of the Local Militia Corps within 80 miles of London are ordered to be given up, to send to the North of Germany. Auxiliary Bible Society of Uxbridge, fyc.— On Northamptonshire. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, By Mr. SCOTT, AFREEHOLD excellent FARM, compact nnd Tithe- free, lett on an old Lease, which will expire at Lady- Day, 1815, most desirably situated adjoining the G leat Turnpike- Road from Towcester to Friday last the Third Anniversary of this Society „ aventry> near the Gr'and Junction Canal, seven was held at Uxbridge, and most respectably at- Miles from Northampton; comprising 167 Acres of tended by about 500 persons of all Christian de- rich Land, 98 Acres ot which are excellent Meadow, nominations. The Right Hon. Lord Gam bier, the with Farm- House, kc. „ micr I'resident, took the chair at about twelve o'clock. After reading the Report of the Committee lor the situated NEAR PATTISHALL CHURCH, and per. preceding year, the Chairman announced an I petual Tithe Rents included in the said Lease, anonymous donation of ,£ 50.— The Rev C. F. A. Apply to Mr. Scott, New Bridge- Street, London. Steinkopff much delighted the Meeting by a most Property- Trent and Mersey Navigation . nn. nn ilacnrinlllin nt MIC IfltP tOlir fin the mil- I < ^ , Tl r,,^ " Bonds, ana Duy Paper Shares. NOTICE is hereby given, That a Meeting of the Trustees appointed by Act of Parlia- ment, for repairing the Highways form Old Strat- ford, in the County of Northampton, to Dunchurch, in the County nf Warwick, will be held by Adjournment, at the WHITE HORSE INN, in TOWCESTER, in Ihe County of Northampton THURSDAY iheSOrh Day of MAY next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon ; at which Time and Place ilie TOLLS to arise for one Year, at the under- mentioned Toll- Gates, will be LETT to FARM by AUCTION, in Manner directed by the Statnle made in the 1.3th Year of his present Majesty's Reign, for regulating Turnpike - Roads, whidi Tolls were Lett the last Year at the several Suns hereunder mentioned, clear of the Salaries fur collecting the same, viz. The out Stratford Gate =£ 591. The Tovocester Gale .=£ 592. The Drayton- Lane Gttle =£ 581- And will be put up at such Sums as the Trustee* shall direct. Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder, must immediately pay ,£ 50 in Advance for each Gate, and find Sureties, and give Security for Payment of the. Residue of the Rents agreed upon, at * uch Tidies as the Trustees shall direct. And Notice is further given, that the Trustees will then and there take into Consideration, and determine upon the Propriety of erecting a Ticket- Gate, or other T. unipiki'- Gate arrnss the said Road, nt or near lace called Sow- Brook, in theParish of Daventry. By Order of the Trustees, Daventry, \ Glh Anrit, 1813. EDM. BURTON To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the Swan Inn, at Leighton- Buzzard, in the County ot Bedford, on Tuesday the 4th Day ol May inst. at Elevefl o'Clock, in 96 Lots, rIMIE MANOR of DAGNALL, with its 5 RIGHTS, MEMBERS, and APPURTK. NANCES, in the County of Buckingham; and sundry MESSUAGES, FARMS, and LANDS, situate at Dagnall, and in the Parishes of EDLES- BOROUGH, EATON- BRAY, I. ITTLE- G A DDISDEN and STUOHAM, in the Counties of Buckingham, Bedford, and Hertford. Printed Particulars may be had at the Sw. tn, in Leighton; orof Messrs, STRONG, STI LL, & STRONG , Lincoln's- Inn, London, where a Plan of the Estate mav be seen. To interesting description of bis late tour on con- tinent, and the present state of religion there, tnore particularly in Germany, Russia, and Sweden; he gave a very affecting description of] the eagerness with which the Scriptures were sought, and the joy with which they were received by the inhabitants of those parts. The other principal speakers were Sir Wni. Gibbons, Bart. V. P. Admiral Sir Henry Stanhope, V. P. the Rev. Thos. Scott, the Rev. Jno. Owen, the Rev. Edw. Ward, the Rev. Cuningham, the Rev. Carter, the Rev. Redford, the Rev. George Bedford, Dr. Pope, and Mr. Bingham. ' The most perfect harmony reigned, and the Meeting sepa- rated about five o'clock. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. SCOTT, On Friday May 7th, 1813, at Twelve o'Clock, at the Mart, London, T" EICESTER, Melton - Mowbray, Grand Junction, Shropshire, Union, Chelmer and Blackwater, Ellesmere, Kennet and Avon, and Wilts and Berks, Canal Shares, six Bonds of ^ 101) each, bearing £ b per Cent, on the Trent and Mersey or Grand Trunk Navigation, and Ten Shares in the Day Newspaper. Particulars at the Office of this Paper; New Hotel, Birmingham ; at Hatchett's Hotel, Piccadilly ; at the Mart; and ot Mr. Scott, 2tJ, New Bridge. Street, London. To the Ladies of Northamptonshire. \ MONGST those Discoveries which hav? / Jc tended to enhanre ihe Cn ARMS of PERSONAL BEAUTY, without injuring the Constitution, the celebrated ROWLAND'S LOTION, as prepared by Mrs. VINCENT, has for a long Series of Years been pre- eminent. 11 is an imperious Duty to cau- tion the Public against vile Imitations; Mrs. VINCENT'S Gnwlaud's Lotion is the only genuine Preparation, and ils superior Efficacy in removing . all Disorders of the Skin, and imparting a delect- able Appearance to the Complexion, has been authenticated by Testimonials from Persons of high Rank and Fashion. Sold by Mrs. Vincent, No. 6. Davies- Sfreet, Grosvenor- Square, London; in Norihampton, by Messrs. Dicey, Sutton, & Sinithson, Edge, Abel, and Edmonds; in Newport, by Barringer Bedford, by . Palgrave ; and all the respectable Venders of Genuine Medicines in every Tow « in Europe, iu Quarts at 8s. 6d. Pints 5s. 6il. Half1 » ints 2s. 9d. ( JrST To prevent Counterfeits, Mrs. Vinrent signs her Name upon the Label of every Bottle that Genuine. BEDFORDSHIRE, be SOLD bv AUCTION, By ' P. WOOD, On Wednesday the 5th Day of May, 1813, at the Swan Inn, in Leighton- Buzzard, between the Hours ot Three and Five in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions ot Sale as will be then and there produced: Lot l. A LL that CLOSE of rich MEADOW GROUND, situate near the Town o LEIGHTON- BUZZARD, called Perrott's Meadow, containing by Estimation, three Acres and a Halt more or iess, late in the Occupation of Mr. Ingram. Lot 2. All thatCLOSE ofPASTURE GROUND, most desirably situated, adjoining the said Town of LEIGHTON- BUZZARD, called Gates's Close containing by Estimation, two Acres and a Half, more or less, late in the Occupation of Mr. Willis. The above Estates are Copyhold of Inheritance of the Manor of Leighton. Buzzard, and are in the Possession ot the Proprietor. Immediate Possession may be had. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. EAGLES Solicitor, Ampthill; or Mr. WOOD, Leighton Buzzard. Freehold Estate, Burby, Northamptonshire. To be SOLD by AUCTION, ( Immediate Possession given if required), By RICHARD BOOTH, On Tuesday the 4th Day of May inst. at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the George Inn, in Crick, in the said County of Northampton, either together or in Lots, as shall be agreed upon at the Time of Sale, and subject to such Conditions as shall be then produced, ( unles in the mean Time disposed of by Private Contract), of which due Notice will be given, ALL those three Closes of rich ARABLE AND PASTURE LAND, containing 30 Acres or thereabouts, situate in BA RBY- NO RTOFT, in the Parish of BA RB Y aforesaid, adjoining the Turn- pike- Road leading from Hillmorton to Crick, in the Occupationof Mr. S. Edmunds. N. B. About 20 Acres of the above is rich Pasture Land, and the Whole is well fenced and watered, and a Number ot young thriving Timber Trees growing in the Hedge- Rows. — For further Particulars, or to treat for he same, apply at theOffices of Messrs. C. iLDicoTTr tnd BKNN. Solicitors. Rugby, Warwickshire. Freehold and Tithe- free Estate, at Sturerton, in the County of Northampton. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. TITE, At the Wheat, Sheaf Inn. in Daventry, in the County of Northampton, on Wednesday the 19th Day of May, 1813, at Five o'Clock in the Afternoon unless previously disposed of by Private Contract of which Notice will be given ( subject to the Estate for Life and Widowhood of Mrs. Mary Clarke, aged 50 Years, or thereabouts), A LL that MESSUAGE or TENEMENT situate at STAVERTON aforesaid, with the Yaris, Garden, Homeclose, Barns, Stables, Dove bouie, andother Outbuildings thereto belonging, and six (.' loses of exceedingly good Arable and Pasturt Ljnd, containing together 47 Acres or thereabouts ard now in the Occupation of the said Mary Clarke, For a View of the Premises, apply to Mr. THOS CLARKE, of Staverton ; and for further Particulars or to treat for the same, to Mr. ROLLS, Solicitor Prior's- Marstoi', near Daventry. ENNY & SON, Solicitors, in Buckby. 10,159 Prizes. The first drawn 1,000 Blanks =£ 20 each... 20,000 The second drawn 1,000 Blanks ,£ 10 each... 10,000 T. BISH, the Contractor, respectfully advises an immediate Purchase, as from the Popularity of the Scheme, and the increasing Demand in Town and Country, theTickets and Shares will certainly rise ia Price. Persons in the Country who find any Difficulty in getting supplied, are requested to send their Orders, to the Contractor's fortunate Offices, 4, Cornhill, or' 9, Chaiing- Cross, Loudon; or to his following Agents: j. FREEMAN, Bookseller, NORTHAMPTON. J. TURNER, Printer, COVENTRY. ( 13" In this State Lottery more than Half of the Tickets are sure to be Prizes. BUCKS LOCAL MILITIA. VTOTICE is hereby given, That the LOCAL MILITIA MEN enrolled to serve in the Three Regiments of the ROYAL BUCKS LOCAL \ Ml L1T1A are to assemble at the several Times anil Places undermentioned, viz : — The First Regiment, at HI GH- W YCO MBE, on FRIDAY the 7th Day of MAY next, at Nineo'Clocic in the Forenoon Ihe Second Regiment, at AYLESBURY, ott, FRIDAY the 7th Day of MAY next, at Nineo'Clock in the Forenoon. The Third Regiment, at BUCKINGHAM, AND NEWWRT. PAGNELL, on TUESDAY the 25th Day of MAY next, at Nine o'Clock in the Foreooon. To be trained and exercised for the Space of fourteen Days, exclusive of one Day for assembling, and one Day for returning Hnne. By Order of The Most Noble The Marquis of Buckingham, His Majesty's Lieutenant for the said County. ROBERT MILLER, Clerk of the General Meetings. Buckingham, 23il of April, 1813. LOCAL MILITIA. VTOTICE is hereby given, That the IIUNT- I NG DO NSHI RE REG IMF. NT of LOCAL MILITIA, commanded by the Right Hon. Lord Viscount HINCHINGBROOK, is ordered to assemble at the MARKET- PLACE, HUNTINGDON, on W EDNESDAY the 19th Day of . VI AY, at Ten o'Clock in the Morning.— Those Men who reside at Brampton, Hanford, Godmanchester, and Huntingdon, will assemble at Nine o'Clock the same Morning, at the Siore- Room Yard. Constables are ordered to bring up their Men, and . account for Absentees, and report any improper Conduct. No Sick Certificates will be admitted, but from a Medical Practitioner, who will please to forward the same by the Constable of the Parish for which such Man is serving. Men desirous of joining the Regiment from other Counties, must bring with them a regular Certificate from their Commanding Officer, with the Date of their Enrollment, or they will not be acceptel. Such as wilfully absent themselves, or do not ap. pear at the Time and Place appointed for the as- sembling of the Regiment, will, agreeably to the Local Militia Act, be liable to serve in the Regular Militia of the Counties for three Years. By Order ot the- Commauding Officer, EDWARD NOBLE RICHARD BELL, Captain and Adjutant of the Huntingdonshire Kegiment of Lical Militia. Head- Quarters, Huntingdon, April 21 r/, 1813. T To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. THOMSON, On Thursday the 6th Day of May, 1813, at the White Horse Inn, in Irthlingborough, in the County of Northampton, at Threeo'Clock in the Afternoon, ,1 LL those two Stone- built MESSUAGES or t\ TENEMENTS, withtheOut- buildings, Yards, Gardens, and large Orchard thereunto adjoining and belonging, situate and being in the West- End of IRTH LING BOROUGH aforesaid, and now inthe several Tenures or Occupations of William Curtis, and John Marriott. For a View of th » Premises, apply to the respectiv Tenants; and for further Paticulars, at the Officeo Mr. HOWES, Solicitor, Norrampton. Capital Farming Stock, Lawrence- End, in the Parish of Kimpton, Ilerts. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. IF. STANTON, On the Premises, on Wednesday May 5th, IS13, MIE valuable FARMING- STOCK and IM- PLEMENT'of HEN RY HAWKINS, Esq. deceased, at LAWRENCE- END; comprising 100 South Down C ouples principally bred from the Flocks of the Honourable T. Krmd, and Mr. E. Smith; 20 fine Ewe Pugs, and two Ram Pugs; seven exceedingly fine useful TJrift- Hoises, one yearling Colt, seven fine Milch and In- calved Cows, breeding ioivs and Store Pigs, Fowls anil Ducks ; Part of a Rick of fine Meadow Hay, Ditto ot fine Clover Hay; a good Waggon, five Carts, Market- Cart, Water- Cart, seven Ploughs, Harrows, Shaft- Roll, Hurdles, Chaff- cutting Machine, Horse- Harness, Barn Uiensils, Sc. ace. Brewing and Dairy Utensils, and sundry other valuable Effects. The Sale will begin at Eleven o'Clock precisely. N. B. Lawrence- End is four Miles from Luton, nine from St. Albans, and seven from Hitchin. . Catalogues may be had at the Red Lion, Luton and ' Dunstable; Wool Pack. St. Albans; the Two Brewers, Kimpton ; the George Inn, Coddicot; the Swan, Wheat- Hamsteaii; the Bull, Whitwell; and of the Auctioneer, Hitchin, Herts, Tithes and Estate at Goldington, near Bedford. ' To be SOLD by " AUCTION, By Mr. J. DOUl'ON, At the Swan Inn, Bedford, on Friday the 2lst Day of May inst. at Two o'Clock, IE grest TITHES of the Parish of GOLD _ 1NGTON, in the County ot Bedford ; also an excellent Dwelling- House, Yard, Barn, and Out- buildings. nine Cottages, and about 90 Acres ot valuable Meadow and Arable Land, situate at Gold- ington aforesaid, within two Miles of the Town of Bedford; also two lnclosures of verv rich Meadow Land, one called Newnham Wall Piece, Tithe- free, containing nearly 16 Acres, and fenced on two Sides by a very capital Stone and Brick Wall ; tile other, called Long Holm, Tithe- free, and containing nearly 14 Acres, both situate very near the Town of Bedford aforesaid. The Premises may be viewed on Application to the Tenants, Messrs. Stnithson and Wilson; and Par- ticulars may be had of Messrs. Sheppard, Adlington, and Gregory, Bedford- Row, London; at the Swan, Bedford; the Surr, Biggleswade, the White Hart, Shefford; Sun, Hitchin; White Hart, Ampthill; of Mr. Webb, Printer, Bedford, where a Plan of the Estate may be seen; and of Mr. Douton, Auc- . tioneer, Land and Timber. Surveyar, Bainet, Hetts,, and its Vicinity is the most respectable. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By R. JAR VIS, On Wednesday the 12th Day ot May, 1S13, at the Red Lion Inn, in Brackley, Northamptonshire, at Five o'Clock in the Afternoon ( if not disposed of before by Private Contract, of which due Notice will be given), ACapital FREEHOLD, Stone- built, and Sa « heH DWELLING- HOUSE, and APPURTE- NANCES thereto belonging, desirably situated near the M ARK IT. PLACE, in B RACK LEY aforesaid, and late in the Occupation of Mrs. Derbishire. The House consists of Entrance Hall, Dining and Breakfast- Parlours, Drawing- Room, convenient aid airy Bed- Rooms, good Attics, Kitchens, Pantries, Beer and Wine Cellars, Dairy, & c. and is replete with every Accommodation for tile Residence or a genteel Family. The Back Court contains Brewhouse ar. d Wash- house, with l. aundty and Granary over, Pump- House, Coal- House, Stable, and other Out- buildings, large Garden stocked with the choicest Fruit- Trees, with Green- House and Alcove. Also, a Close of about four Acres of most excellent Pasture, near the above, with a Cow- House thereon, being Leasehold of Magdalen College. Immediate Possession may be had. For a View of the Premises, apply to Mr. CAVE, Red Lion Inn, lirackley ; and to treat by Privat Contract, to the Auctioneer, County F're Office, Banbury. The above is well adapted for a Professional G « n. tleman, or Private Family, as the Town ot Btackley T IVedvtsday and Thursday s Posts. from the LONDON GAZETTE of April 17. Dozcning- Street, April ' 26. ALetter, of which the following Is an extract- has been received from Lieut.- Colonel Bourke. dated Corunna, Aprii 14. An official account, which I have received front the Governor sf Castro Urdiales, reports the in- vestiture of that place, on the 18( h ultimo, by about three thousand men tinder- Gen. Palornbin, who, after different attempts, in all of which he was heat off by the garrison, retired on the 23th towards Bilboa and I) u ran no. The immediate cause of Ills retreat was the approach of General Mendizable, with the division of Longa and other corps, to the relief of the place. The enemy lost in the different attacks, and in a skirmish with the force under Gen. Mendizable, on the 26th, nearly six hundred men, in killed, wounded, and missing. The greatest excesses arid. barbarities were com- mitted by the Italian troops in the villages in the neighbourhood of tie place, during the period of the siei; c. General Mendiznlilc has since returned with his troops to Valmaseda and Orduna, leaving a battalion of Col. Longa's in garrison in Castro. • R-.- 1' L/ L/ L'I'^ LONDON, THURSDAY, APRIL 29. By the arrival of the Heligoland Mail this morning, intelligence has lit en brought from Hamburgh to the 22( 1, and from that island to the 515th instant. ' Ihe latter is peculiarly gratifying, and communicates the total defeat of the French army at. Magdeburglv, in an attempt to make sortie from that garrison. The. particulars of this glorious and truly important victory, for its influence must ho felt even to the very head- quarters of Bonaparte, are not yet known, but the results of the battle in favour of the allies are positively stated to be the loss of SEVENTEEN TBDTLSAM) men, and three Generals, on the part of the enemy. The account was brought to Heligoland last Saturday by a vessel wlm Ii left Altona the preceding day. The Captain declared, that on Friday miming a bulletin, or official • account, had been published at Hamburgh by thn Governor, General Von Tettenborn, commu- nicating the results of the battle as they aie noticed above. This account, however, must receive further confirmation, before reliance can be placed on it. The last German accounts stated that the whole garrison of Magdeburg consisted of not more than 7,000 men. The Hamburgh Correspondenlen and German Papers reach to the 22d inclusive. The mea- sures conjointly adopted by the Emperor Alexander and the King of Prussia, for the liberation of Germany are equally iVstinguished for their wis- dom, promptitude, and decision. A Proclamation, addressed to the people of Northern Germany* has been published bv these two Motntrchsannouncing tiie formation of a Council of Government, to preside over and conduct the affairs and interests of that part of the Emp're with vigour, union, and harmony, in all matters respecting the Police, Finance, ami War. The French continued in possession of Bremen, and should they attempt another attack against The Leicestershire sheep are sa'd to have suf- fered less bv the laie rot than any other brW<< l. It is a fcell known fact, that Bakewell, the flrsi founder nf the new Leicestcrs, l<* t his first tup to a Mr. Wilson, of Illsou- on- the- Hill, for 16s. and a short time before his death hired out oneoi the same stock for 400 guineas ! An Irish estate haS been recently advertised in a Cork Newspaper, with temptations to a purchaser of no ordinary kind, it conists ( if two villages, the future prospects of which are set forth, by stating, that one of thein is let for nine hundred years, and the other on a lease for ever ! on the expiration of which terms, both the said villages will be capable of great improvement. A shocking accident happened last wieek at Stepnev- green Fair, by the breaking down of ofle of those dangerous instruments of amusement, a swin « , hy which four persons were th- own out, two of whom had their legs broken, ttie other two escaped with considerable contusions. Edith Morrey.— On Friday, at twelve o'clock, this vi rc tolled woman was delivered into the custody of the proper officers, and underwent the dreadful sentence of the law at the usual place of execution at Chester; after which her body was delivered to the surgutiB lor dissection. Hamburgh the most efficient measures have br.^ n taken to oppose a successful resistance. In an action which took place near D. nnni, between the garrison of that place and the Prussian advanced guard, the former were routed and driven back within the fortifications. The Heligoland Mail and German Journals were brought to Harwic'i yesterday evening by the Diana packet, Captain M'Donoogh, who states, tiiat tl e defeat of the French near Magdehurgh was generally credited at Heligoland, aud that the public joy excited or, the occasion was in- expressible. It appears from the Paris Papers, that Murat, ( Bern( mite's brother in law), King of Naples, the renowned General nf Cavalry, is at length found out. Various conjectures have been hazarded with respect to his fate. The prevailing opinion was, that he had fallen into disgrace, and some were inclined to believe that he v. as the dis- tinguished state prisoner, the new iron mask tha' apuwo'ftd in Germany. This opinion is, however, erroneous. King Murat is safe ar home at Naples. On the 2d iust. he visited the flotilla in the beau- tiful bay of that citv, and held a council on board one of the vessels. Does lie meditate a ue « v attack upon Sicily? The Paris Papers have been for some time labouring to shew that the public feel- ing in the island is ripe for it. It is confidently repotted that the mission of Count Bcrnstorff to this country has failed, and that he has demanded his passports to return to Copenhagen. The negotiation is supposed to have broken off on account of the fxtavagaot terms demanded by Denmark, liping nothing less, it is said, than the restitution of the. Islands of St. Thomas, St. John, St. Croi*, Heligoland, and Anliolr, of the ships taken at Zealand, and .£ 600,000 in money for the damage done to Copenhagen.— We trust the whole story is without foundation. The Court of Denmark must be insane to propose such terms, which its pfesent political situation by no means warrants. A letter has been received at Liverpool from Mr. Innman, Master of the Harriet brig, captured oil" Pernninliuco on the 30th January, by the Corntl American privateer, from which a strong Suspicion arises, that the American cruisers have agents in this country, who give tlif. rn very particular information. Jlr. Innmau states, that the Americans enquired particularly after the . Aurora, and when he told them that there was no such ship in the Fleet, thoy replied that they knew better, for that on her voyage from Liver- pool to Cork, she had put into Kinsale in distress that she had been repaired at Cork, and sailed with the December fleet; and they also specified exactly the nu. nber of her guns and men. A silly story of ihe assassination of Bonaparte prevailed in the early part of the week, and iva: again revived yesterday, on the authority of sonnj alleged communications from fishermen, an nouueed in a letter from Deal; in which he was said to have been s lot in three different parts of his body ! !! A letter from Capt. Paget states, that a young Frenchman, whom he found on board an American schooner from Nantz, captured by him, says thai Bonaparte was certainly shot at on the parade at Paris, by a man in the ranks; but lie missed hitn, and instantly shot himself. The Frenchman says Le was present and saw it. This may hare tiiven rue perhaps to the rumour of Bonaparte's having been shot on his way to the army. Private letters from the French roast slate, that Ta'levr vnl had been appointed President of the (.'. 111ciI of Urgency at Paris. The Prince of Orange is arrived in town. An immense quantity of arms, timmuni'rian, clothing, and military stores, have been shipped i,, r Germany. Mr. Plotter left London nearly ihrte weeks ago to superintend- their delivery.— Several transports are arrived at Harwich, to receive 5,000 troops, destined for the Continent. — The Dukfi of Cumberland is fxpected imme- diately to leave town for Germany.— Count Mini- ster is likewise about to set out for the Continent. A communication was yesterday made from Jlr. Ilase, of the Bank, to the Gentlemen of the Stuck Exchange, that lie had received notice from the Treasury, that six millions of Exchequer Bills would he fu. ided ill the 4 per Cents, at the rate of . f 339 lor every ,£ 100 in money ; and that • the subscribers to the Debentures would be allowed to take double the amount in the 4 per Cents. The Funded Debt of Great- Britain and Ire- land, on the 1st of January, was ,£ 906,939,58!), lCs. Hid. the unfunded debts,£ 56,397,848 l^ s. lOd. The ' Tour of Doctor Syntax to the I- ukes, is one of those productions of British genius, that not only amuses the age in which it is written, hut is also destined, like its only rival, llurlibras, to transmit to posterity a faithful account, of the manners of preceding times. The Doctor's humour, wit, and morality remind us of the good Vicar of Woke field, and we sincerely hope he will obtain suitable pro- motion, and should rejoice to see him in lawn tleevcs.— See Advertisement, page i. col. l. ANN MOORE, OF TUTBUUY. Oil Wednesday last, at two o'clock in the afternoon, pursuant to the regulations adopted bv the Committee, the Watch commenced on ANN MOORE, eft TUTBURV. The room was examined wj., h the most scrupulous accuracy by the Committee and the th ee Gentlemen who undertoi k the first Watch, to their entire satisfaction fiat no kind ot food either solid or liquid was or could be secreted in any part thereof. A new bedstead was provided, a new bed fit'ed in theit presence, every article of the bedding searched with the utmost minuteness; the removal of her person front one bed tfl another, was closely wntched in every circumstance and particularly by all the Gentlemen-, after which, at her own request, her peison was examined, and everv possible satisfaction afforded, that no collusion coald have taken place in any part of the t ransaction. Not a single article of any kind or description remained unexplored ; and when the business of search alid removal was con. clui- led, no doubt was left upon the mind of i he parties present, that she was entirely deprived of possession or the means of access to any kind of tood whatsoever. A barrier is placed across the room, within which the Watches alone occupy their Situation, and prevent ail access to the woman which could implicate het in the smallest shate ot suspicion— Varicos regu- lations have Keen made, and are rigidly adhered to, in order to conduct this watch in suph a manner as to satisfy the public mind through tin- medium of the Committee and the Watchers, as to thetru'h or false- hood of the case. Her bedstead is olaccd upon a Merlin's Weighing- Machine, constructed with pecu- liar accuracy, in order to ascertain the variations ol weight during the period of the watch.— The folio wins attestations were signed by the Gentlemen who Under- took the first two Watches. WED. NESDY, APRIL 21st, 1813. Six o'Clock in the Afternoon. We, Sir Oswald Motley, of Rolleston, Baronet, William Hennet Garlike, of Derby, Doctor of Physic, and l. egh Richmond, Clerk, Rector of Turvey, in the County of Bedford, being the first persons ap- pointed on the Watch of Ann Moore, did, at 20 minutes past two this afiernoon, proceed ( in the presence ot the Rev. George Watson Hutchinson, Messrs. Charles Rott, William Smith, George Cooper, and Joseph Bennett Hankin Bennett, all of Tutburv, and Mem- bers ot the Committee), most minutely, - to search an. l exam; ne the room which she occupies and the content; thereof ; and have fully ascertained, that vo food is secreted or concealed therein, nor are there any private nieans by which aliment could be con- veyed.— We hive also witnessed her removal from the former bed to another purposely made, which, toge- •'"- -- iih the bolster, were filled in our presence A prwr. 29lU, 181.1. A T a ftleetirg of the General Committee of t1 the NORTH A M P TONS' 111? E SOCIRTY for the EDUCATION ofihePOOIt in the PRIN- CIPLES of ihe ESTABLISH lil) CHURCH, held this Day at the School- House, in St. Gilen's- Sireet, Northampton, present, fhe Most Noble the Marquis of NORTHAMPTON. in the Chair, Earl Cotnplon, M. P. W. R. Cartwright, Esq. M. P. Rev. Robert Baxter, Rev. G. Bool ton, T. Carter, I'. sq. J. P. Clarke, F. sq. Rev. C. Crawley, K. Dieting, Esq. ( lev. J. IS. llnrrison, J. lsham, Esq. Rev. W. L. Maydwell, Rev. S. W. Paul. Rev. J. J. Rye, T, S. W. Sam well, Esq. C. Smith, Esq. Rev. T. Sikes, antl the Rev. J. Seagrave; A Report was rereived from the Parish of Daventry, that in Consequence of the Money voted at a former Meeting, Measures had hern adopted towards fitting up a School Room in that Parish ; anrl a Report from Kettering that ihe School there had been actually opened, and receives between SO a » d 90 Children s— by which, and the Applications made from several Parishes for Assistance, and pe- cuniary Aid having been ( ranted towards the Build ing » f a School Room in the Parish of Slowe- nine- Churches, it appears, That the new System of Education is making a Progress towards general Adoption throughout the County, And at the said Meeting it was resolved that for Ihe more convenient Dispalch of Business, the General Com. r ittees be held he rcafter ou the second Day of Ihe Quarter Sessions, instead of the first, at Ten o'clock. Signed, NORTHA MP FOV, Chairman. Army Regulation Water / Vo./ Cloaks. WPUI. SFOR1) ( late K'nlsfotd and % S. ereeam), Ma-. nfactuiers of Water Proo! Camblet to the Koval Fam| lv, begs Leave to an- i lunce Chat ' or five Years there has not been a single ' n- tanceof this Article failing to answer the most . anguine Expectations. although used in Spain. Portugal, East or West indies, at all Seisons of the Year. His Excellency Marquis Wellington, Marshal Berestord, . and most of the General Officers on Service have given their unqualified Approbation of its Warmth, Durability, and repelling Wet, however great the Length of Time. W. P. most confidently recommends the same to the Notice of Gentlemen goim; on Foreign Service, as well as those resident in the Country, being kept in a Variety of Colours for Gre- it- coats, Shooting. Jackets, Ladie.' Mantles. Sec. See. at his Army Regulation Equipment Warehouse, No. ' 1, King- Siree- t, St. James's,. Square, London. WHEREAS frequent TRESPASSES continue tri be made upon Lord HAMP- DEN'S FISHERIES, \ a liiddenham, ISroMam. ami Claplinm Waters ; NOTICE IS IlF. Rr. 3Y GIVEN, That all Persons so offending wili be prosecuted according to Law. — Strict Orders are. given, and [ ten arils offered for their Detection aud Conviction, for Lord HAM DEM, MILLER GOLDtNG. liiddenham, Jpri'. Wth, 1813. To Kumitl's Creditors. TIIK Assignees of the Estate and Kfleets of WILLIAM BURNT LL, of ALOKIITON, near Towcester, Parmer, intend to meet at the White Horse too. in Ttmcester, on Friday the 7th Day of May inslaut, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, for Ihe Purpose of laying before his Creditors their Accounts, and paying them a first and tiual Dividend upon their respective Demands. J. M. KIRBY, Solicitor to the Assignees. Toarester, May 1 st, 1813. Kotice to Debtors and Creditors. ALL Persons having any Claim or Demand on the Estate of EDW ARD RODDIS, late of FIOORE, in the Cuunty of Northampton, Yeoman, deceased, are requested to transmit the same forthwith to Mr. Wardle, Solicitor; in Da- veniry, in order that the same may be investigated and discharged ; and all Persons who stand indebted 10 the Estate, late of the said Edward ( toddis, are requested to pay their respective Debts immediately to the said Mr. Wardle, who is duly authorised by his Executors to receive the same. Daventry, 28th April, 1813. Turnpike Tolls to Lett. VJOT1CE is hereby t; iven, That the next I T Meeting of the Trustees appointed by an Act of Parliament made ami passed in Tie Thirty- seventh Year of the Reign of his present Majesty King George the Third, intituled '' An Act for amending, widening, " altering, and keeping in Repair, the Road leading " from a Place called MORTON'S CORNSR, in the •' Townof WF/ LLI NGBOROUG H, in the County of " Northampton, to tne East End of ABINGTON " STREET, in the Town ot NORTHAMPTON," will be held at the flouseof JOHN K NIOHT H loot NS, known by the Sign of the Hi NO, in Wellingborough aforesaid, on THURSDAY thestxTii Day of MAY next ( and not on Tuesdav the fourth Day of May, as b'eforeadvertised), at Klfeven o'Clock in the Forenoon of the same Day, at which Titneand Place thefespective TOLLS arising it the two several Toll- Gates on the said Road, called the Wellingborough G and the Abington- Lane- ( 5ate, will he LETT to FARM .( separately) by AUCTION, for two Years from the 12th Day of May next, to the Best Bidders, between the Hours of F-. leyct) and;. Two o'Clock of the same Day, in the Manner directed bv the said Act. which said several Tolls tfmdttceti in the last Year ( clear of all Salaries for collecting thg same) the respective Sums herein- after merrcned, that is to - ay :—> Wehingii, Gate: 0 0 AbittfftM- Lane Gate .. f| 0 And whi: h Tolls will be respectively put up at these respective Sums. Whoever happens to he the Best Bidder or Bidders, most forthwith give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to The Satisfaction ot the Trustees for t'avment of the respective Rents at such Timesas they shall direct.— Given under my Hand th's Seventh Day of April, in the Yeaiot out Lord One Thousand Eijht Hundred and Thitteen. JNO. HUDSON, Clerk to the Trustees. N. B. The Bidders are first to give in the Names of their Sireties, with in Authority umler their re- spective Hands tli. it they will enter into the usual Bond. tlier with chalF.- We also witnessed a thorough exami- nation ofthe pillows find bed furniture. The whole ofthe preparation of the bed for receiving her took place in our presence, and not a single cir cumstafCB apt eared to which we could attach the slightest suspicion. Immediately alter which examination we com uienced our watch ; and we do hereby certify and attest, that we have most diligently and attentively watched the said Ann Moore to this time, ( Six o'clock), and we are ftillv satisfied, and do declare, and will maintain, that she has not received any to^ d whatever, liquid or solid, during our watch; and that the said watoh has been conducted in strict con- formity with the regulations prescribed. As Witness our Hands. ( Signed) OSWALD MOSI. EY. W. B. GARLIKE. Ltcii RICHMOND. Witness,— J. B. H. BENNETT. COPY OL' THE SKCOND ATTESTATION. WEDNESDAY, ATRIL 21st, 1813. Ten o'Clock in the Evening. We, Elias Sandars, Curate ot Church- Broughton, aud John Webster, of Burton. Surgeon, do hereby certify and attest, thatffrom Six o'Clock this evening to the present time, being four hours) * ve have most diligently and attentively watched Ann Moore during the said four hours, ( having first entered the room before the preceding watchers withdrew) and we are fully satisfied, and dodecUre and will maintain, that she has not received any food whatever, liquid or solid, in the course of that time, and that our said watch has been conducted in strict conformity with the regu- lations pi escribed. As Witness our Hands. ELI AS SANDERS. JOHN WEBSTER. Signed in the presence of CHARLM BOTT, and J. B. H. BENNETT. The W Itch has been uninterruptedly continued to the present time, Wednesday the 23th instant, by a succession of Magistrates, Clergvmen, Physicians, and Surgeons, whohave volunflfcred their services far that purpose.— Ann Moore continues in very ; iood health and sprrits after a week's watch. The Gentlemen who conduct this singular and interesting investigation a; e unremittingly employed, day and night, incom- pleting the arrangements and superintending the most accurate fulfilment of the ta, k which they have so laudably undertaken. It may be considered as fully proved, that this ex- traordinary woman has subsisted ONE entire week without receiving the smallest particle of food, or abating in her usual strength and spirits. She caught some degree of cold arid fever through the removal, but is recovered again.— The Committee have pub- lished their wish that Gentlemen from considerable distances would kindly contribute their testimony to this remarkable ca e, in addition to those of the more immediate vicinity. Benjamin Goodman's Bankruptcy. rjr" MlE Creditors who have proved tlieir A Debts under a Commission of P. ankrilpt, awarded and issued forth against BENJAMIN GOODMAN, of STAVERTON, in the County of Northampton, Dealer and Chapman, are desired to meet the Assignee ofthe Estate and Effects of th- 1 said Bankrupt, on Monday the Sitll Day of May next, at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, at Samuel Johnson's, the Bear' ( tin, in Daventry, in order to assent to, or dissent from the said Assigne commencing and prosecuting an Action at Law against the said Bankrupt, for Recovf i'y of the Sum of Eighty Pounds, being a per Centage of Two Pounds and Ten Shilliugs nlote than He is intitleJ to receive, according to tHe Dividends he has paid, which Said Sum of Eighty Pounds the said Bank- rupt illegally withholds from his Creditors; and also to consent to the said Assignee's paying out of the said Bankrupt's Fstate and Effects, all Cosls and Charges occasioned hy, or incurred io the Prosecution of such Action, and on other special Affairs. Bv Order, J. M. WARDLE, Assignee's Solicitor. Daventr'y, 23/ S April, 1813. A To be LETT or 80LD, N ASS with a Ft) AL, about three Days old. Enquire of J. THE, Mayorhold, Northampton. FORTY GUINEAS'REWARD. STOLEN, last Night, oreaily this Morning, out of the Yard belonging to Mr. RICHARU IRONS, of LITTI. E- BARFORI>, ( near Banbury, Oxon ;) A BLACK IIORSE, of the Cart Kind, • rising three Years old, about fourteen Hands three Inches high, has a Star in the Forehead, a Wart within the near Kar, and a Wart nn the Brenst ; the hind Heels part While; and the Shoes were marked I. R. when Stolen. This is ta give Notice, Whoever will give Information of the Offender or Offenders, so that he or they may be prosecutrd- to Conviction, shall, on such Conviction, receive a Reward of FORTY GUINEAS of the said It. IRONS.—- If more than one were concerned in the above Robbery, and either will impeach his Accomplice or Accomplices, the like Reward will he given, on Conviction as aforesaid, andEndeavours tl! « erl t » procure a free Pardon. Litth- Harford, 87M April, 1813. A lie toner r, and Appraiser, AMP l'HILL, Beds. YyiLLIAM SMITH beus Leave to in- * " form the Public that he has enterpd inlo the above Business, and hopes by an unremitting Al- temien to merit their Support. All Property committed to his Care it will be his constant Study to sell on the most advantageous Terms, and ail Monies that arise by such Sales will be immediately paid into the Hands of his Employers. Cntterstock- cum- Glapthorn Jnctosvre, WE, the Commissioners for the said In- cisure, do hereby give Notice, that we shall hold our, first Meeting at Ihe SWAN INS, in OHNOI. E, in the County nf Northampton, on TUESDAY the ELEVENTH Day of MAY next, at One o'clock in the Afternoon, at which Meeting it is intended to appoint some Banker, » r such oilier Person or Persons as shall be approved of by a Majority in Value of the Proprietors w ho may be present at such Meeting, to whom, or iu whose Hands all Monies to be raised under, and by Virlun of the Powers contained in an Act of the Forty- first Year of his present Majesty's Reigo, and iu an Act of the Fifty- third Year of his said present Majesty's Reign for inclosing Lands in the Parishes of Cotterstork- cum- Glapthorn, in the said County of Northampton, shall from Time to Time, and as often as the same shall amount to the Sum of Fifty Pounds, be paid and deposited.— Dated this- tenia Day of April, 1813. HUGH JACKSON. CHARLES BERKELEY. ROBERT S HER A It D, Solicitor and Clerk to the Commissioners. William Burditt's Insolvency. WHEREAS WILLIAM BURDITT, < sf WiLBARSTOX, in the County of North- ampton, Farmer and Grazier, hath assigned over all his Estate and Effects onto Mr. Thos. Burditt, « f Wilbaretbn aforesaid, Grazier, and John Mea- dows the Younger, of Medbourn. in the County of Leicester, Grazier, in Trust for the equ- 1 Benefit of the Creditors of him the said " William Burditt, who shall execute the Indenture of Assign- ment on or before the 24lh Day of May next; Notice is hereby given. That the Assignment of the above- mentioned Estate and Effects is leftat the Olficeof George Warloaby, Attorney, in Markel- IIarborough, in the said County of Leicester, for Signature of the respective Creditors of him the said William Borditt. All Persons indebted unto the said William Burditt, are requested to pay the Amount of their several Debts to the said Trustees without Delay, or they will be sued for the same. By Order of the Trustees, GEORGE WARTN'ABY. Mar Ret- liar borough, April 2$ lh, 1813. RIRNPIKE TOLLS TO BE LETT. NOTICE is hereby given, That a Meeting of the Trustees of the Turnpike- Road, leading from Wendover to Buckingham, in the County of Buckingham, will be held at the BELL INN in WINSLOW, inthesaid County, on MONDAY the 24tli Day of V1AY next, at which Meeting the TOLLS to arise at rhe several Toll- Gates upon the said Turnpike Road, will b.- LETT to FARM by AUCTION, to the Best Bidder, between the Hours of Eleven and Two ol the same Day, in the Manner directed by the Act passed in the thirteenth Year ef the Reign of his present Majesty, for regulating Turnpike- Roads, which Tolls were lett in the last Year ( clear ot the Salaries for collecting the same) at the respective Sums hereafter mentioned : IValt'm Gate, Kith the Weighing- Engine Holms ns Bridge Gate 3fi'i Buckingham Gate. 321 And will be respectively put up at those Sums. Whoevtr happens to be the Best Bidder, must at the satne Time give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees, for Payment of the Rent agreed for and at such Times as thev shall direct. And it is required that such Bidder do pro- duce, in Writing, the Name of his Sureties, to the Satisfaction ot t'! e Trustees at the Time of Bidding, and pay down in Advance, into the Hands of the Treasurer, one Month's Deposit if the Security shou d be approved of, and execute an Agreement to pay the Remainder monthly, as the same shall become due. L AN. W Y ATT, Clerk to the Trustees. VHnslmv, 13d April, Ifili. Capital Live uud Oeud Stock, 4 c. To be ' S O L I) bv A U C T I O N, By SAMUEL GOODMAN, On the Premises, on Mon lav the 3< i of May, 1813. \ LL the valuable LIVE and DEAD FARM- ING- STOCK, DAIRY and BREWING- REQUISITES, & c. of Mr. JOHN A M II RI D G E, at CRANFIELD BONE- END, in the County of Bedford ( who is leaving his Farm); consisting of a capita! Draught Mare in Foal, seven Years old, Ditto iu foal, six Years old, black Horse rising four Year- old, bay l illy rising two Years old. black Yearling Horse Colt, Fallow Plough, Seed Ditto, three stout Narrow- wheel Dung Carts, and a Jockey Cart, Wj„_ novving Gig, two Fans, with Barn Tackle in gener . I Harness for four Horses, Saddle, Bridle, Pillion, 10 Sacks,. nine good Milk- Leads, a capital Salting- Lead, seven Kimnels, Cream Can, Yoke and Pair of good Milk- Pails, two large Br. ss Kettles, Five- bushel Ma h- Tub. and other Tubs, Hogshead and Half- Hogshead Barrels, Five- dozen Churn, ; log. Tub, an i two Ditto Troughs, good 30- round Lauder, with various other Articles. Sale tocommence at Eievan o'Clock. Three Months' Credit will be given for all Lots above Ten Pounds, on approved joint Security, or a Discount for the same lor ready Money. To CARPENTERS, WHEELWRIGHTS, 6K. Capital Oak Timber, To be SOLD b\ v AUCTION, By SAM( ML GO0DMA V, On the Premises, on Wednesday the 5th Day of May, " 1813; C^ 1 ONSISTIXG of. about 120 fine thriving OAK J TIMBER TREES, with the Lop, Top, and Hark, standing in the Lawn Spinney, near CKAN- HE Lt>- WOOD- END, in the Parish ot Cranfield, in the County of Bedford, which for the Accommo. dation of Purchasers will be put up into convenient Lots.— Sale to commence at Eleven o'Clock. Credit will be- givan until the 1st Day ot September, 1813, on approved joint Security. May be inspected, and further Particulars known, by applying to the Awctioneer, Cr infield. The Auctioneer begs Leave to say, that the above Timber is worthy the Attention of the Public in general, it being ot a superior Qualitv. Little Shelfurd Inctosuri. WE, the Commissioners named ttnd ap- pointed in and hv an Act of Parliament passed in the Fifty- third Year of his present Ma- jesty, lutitied " An Act for inclosing Lands in lie Parish of LTTTI. E- SnEr. roan, in Ihe County of Cambridge," do hereby give Notice, that wesliall hold our fir& t Meeting at the SUN INN, in Ibe Town of Cambridge, in Ihe said County of CAM- bridge, on THURSDAY the THIRTEENTH Day of MAY instant, at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, at which Meeting it is intended to appoint a Banker, or such other I'ersnn or Persons as shall be ap- proved of by a Majority iu Value of the Proprie- tors present at. the said Meeting, to whom, or in whose Hand all Moipes lo be raised under, and by Virtue of the Powers contained in the said Act. or in an Act of the Forty- first Year of his pre- Kit Majesty for consolidating inlo one Act certain Pre- visions usually inserted in Acts of Inclosure, ami for facilitating the Mode of proving the seVeial Facts usually required on Hie ppssing of such Acts, shall from Time to Time, to often as the same shall amount to Fifty Pounds, be oaid and depusited- Dated the first Day of May,' 181.3. CL'LAS. BERKELEY, A. WATFORD. R. k C. SHF. RARD, Solicitors. St. Ives, Hunts. SOLD bv AUCTION, uiuuudy me or may, \ LL the I IVE and DEAD STOCK, and oth . ^ EFFECTS ot JOHN' ANSf. EY, Esq. at I 1 arm in ST. IVES FIELD; consisting of a Numl To be By Mr. f tCRSON, On Monday the 3d of May, 1813, other his . ,, , consisting of a'Number ot Hurdles, tour Dung Carts, one liroad- wheel Cart, one capital Waggon with Tilt. Ploughs, Harroivs, ( orn Dressing- Machine, a Quantity of Trefoil in -, u: ks. Tarpaulin, two Ricks of Hay, 10 Cart Horses and Mares, a Four- year- old Hackney Mare, capital Pony, Three- year- old Bipod Filly, caoital Blood two- year- old Co t, and a brown' Mare in Foal* handsome- built Dog- Cart, 20 Lambhogs, and about 0 Ewes and Lambs, and several other Articles in the Fanning Business. Sale to begin at Two o'Clock precisely. To be SOLD by A U C T I O N, By R. % E. BLABY, On Thursday the 13th Day ot May, instant, on the Premises of Mr. Blaby, at Floo e ( removed there for Convenience of Sale), AGeneral Assortment of useful HOUSEIIOLD- FUKNll'URE, the Property of the late Mi. JOSEPH BONNAN, of BROCK If A- LI.; com- prising Oik Dinin. e, Claw, Dressing, and other Tables, Bureau, Chest of Drawers, beautiful Oak Dresser, with Shelves, Cupboards, and Drawers ; Feather and Wool Beds, Blankets and Quilts, Bedsteads and Furnitures, Chairs, Corner Cupboard, larje Meat- Sat'e, an excellent polished Kitchen- Range, Ash- Grate and Fender, Bath and oiher Grates, Fire- Irons, a large Q lantity of Enithenware, with useful Kitchen Requisites in general ; a capital Oak Mangle; a very good M- Gallon Copper, and a smaller Ditto, and Grates, large Brass Milk. Kettles, small Barrcl- Chnrn. and other'Dairy Utensils; Iron Oven Door, Mash- Tub and other Tubs, with a Variety of other use to I Household- Furniture. Also, a Quantity of useful Farming- 1Inpltments, in excellent Preservation, late ihe Property of GRANT, Esq. ot 1.1TC ! 1 Bl> RO UG H. deceased; comprising one stout Narrow- wheel Waggon, several Ploughs, two very stout Drag- Harrows, made for the Purpose of clearing Wood Lands, two Seed Ditto, onrf siout Five- share Scufiler, Bean- Drill, Land- Hoes, Winnowing. Fan, Sieves. Kiddles, Bags, Hurdles, Hovel Wood, Stone and Wood Pig- Troughs, and a Variety nf other Articles.— As the Whole is intended to be sold in one Day, the Sale will cotn- menceat Ten o'Clock. r| M To be SOLO by AUCTION, By R. 8f E. BLABY, At Three o'Clock, on Friday the 11th Day of Mjy instant, at the Sign of the Windmill, at BADftY, two Miles from Daventry, in the County of North- ampton, upon the Turnpike- Road to Banbury, WO very stout Stone- built well- timbered DWELLING- HOUSES ( m two Lot-) com- modiously situated in the Centre of the Village; one of these Premises is admirably calculated for a Horse or Cow- Dealer, or any Uusiness that requires Room, having three Stables large Barn, Sheds, Sic. a large Yard and Garden walled in, and a Pump ol excellent Water therein, and may be entered upon immediately.— The other is a large and roomy House, with a large Building adjoining, used as a Carpenter's Shop, and other useful Offices, with a Piece of Land attached, for the Purpose ot a Garden, laying Timber upon, or other Purposes, and may be entered upon at Michaelmas next. Mr. DOUGLAS at the Windmill will shew the Premises. \ 1/ HERE AS a Commission of Bankrupt * ' is awarded and issued forth against THO. HULL, of UppF. a- BoDniNr. roN, iu the County of Northampton, Victualler, Dealer and Chapman, arid he being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby required to surrender himself fo the Commissioner", in the said Commission named, or the major Part of them, on the Twenty- eighth and Tweniy- niiith Days of April instant, and the Fifth Day of June next, at Eleven in the Forenoon on each Dav, at the House of John Pratt, known by the Sign of the White Lion Ion, in Banbury, io the County of Oxford, and ' make a full Discovery and Disclosure of his Estate and Effects, when at) d where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts, and at the second Silling to choose Assignees, and at the last Sitting the said Bankrupt is required to finish his Examination, and the Creditors are to assent to, or dissent from ihe Allowance of his Certificate. All Persons indebted to the said Bankrupt, or that have any of bis Effects, are not lo pay or deliver the same hut to whom the Com miasioners shall appoint, hal give Notice to Messrs. Aplin, Solicitors, Banbury. Banbury, April 21s<, 1813. TURNPIKE ROAD MEETING. NOTICE is hereby given, Thut the Trus- tees appointed by Act of Parliament passed ill the Thirty- third Year of the Reign of lit5 present Majesty King George the Third, for repairing and widening the Road from the Font of a certain Bridge in the Parish of Little- Bowden, in the County of Northampton, commonly called Soinl Mary's Bridge, to the West Side of the Toll- Bar it the North- End of Ihe Town of Rockingham, in the said County, and bv another \ ct passed in the present Session of Parliament, for enlarging the Term and Powers of the above- mentioned Act, intend 10 meet al the Angel Inn, in Market- Har- borougti, in the County of Leicester, on Wednesdnv the 9th Day of June nett, at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, for the Purpose of redueing the Tolls authorized to be taken by the last mentioned Act of Parliament, at the several Toil- Gates erected upon or on the Sides of the said Road, if the Persons entitled lo ftve- siTlh Parts at least of the Money due 011 the Credit or Security of tile said Tolls shall consent thereto. Bv Order of the Trustees, GEORGE WARTN'A BY, their Clerk. Market- Ifarborough, AprilSMh, 1813. To Builders, Farmers, Carpenters, and others. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By ED IV. N HA LE 6f SON, On Wednesday the 5th of May. 131 >, atl> ROWN. « - OVEft, WHA. tF, near Rugby, Warwickshire, O EVER A I, Thousand Feet'of capital OAK O - BOARDS, from eight Feet to 14 Feet long, about 4,000 Feet of Two- inch OAK. PLANKS from sevt'n Feet to 14 Feet long; several Hundred Feetot OAK SQUARES, from three Inches to six Inches Square, and dillc- rent Lengths; a laree As- sortment of OAK sawed, GATE and PEN- POSTS ; with a Variety ol other SCANTLINGS, which will be found well worth the Attention of'Purchasers. T.. Manor of Buckland. be SOLI) by AVCTION, At the Swnn Inn, in Leightoh- Buzzard, 011 Wednesday the 5< h Day of May iiist. at Twelve o'Clock in the Forenoon, in two Lots, A Valuable ESTATE; consisting of the t\ MANOR of BUCKf. AND, in the County ol Buckingham, with its Rights and Royalties, and of sundry Quit Rents, amounting to a£ 24 a Year, with til." Liberty of sporting uv- r 2,00,1 Acres o- Land, and divers Copyhold Estates of Inheritance liolden of rlie'- aid Manor. Particular ay v be had at the Swan Inn, Leighton- Buzzard, « :. : , '- ssrs. Strong, Still, & Strong, Lin- coln's- Inn, I - Jon. Freehold Pasture and. rich Amble Lund, Kewpslou Bcdfyrdshii e, / To be SOLD by AUCTION, Bi, BllOWN SON, On Wednesday the I9th Dav of May, 1S13, at the Sign of the Quart Pot, Kempston, Beds, at Four olCIock in the Afternoon ( subject to such Con- ditions as will be then and there produced), Q EVEN Acres of capital ARABLE LAND, and one Acre and three Roods of excellent P \ S. TURE. in Lots, lying at K E M PSTO N. U i'- E N D, adjoining the Road leading from Bedford to Woburn! — The Timber and young Fruit- Trees to be ralued down to one Shilling per Stick. The above Arable Land is of a superior Quality, and fit for Garden Ground, lies particularly dry, and situsted very advantageously, being within two Miles ot the Town of Bedford. For a View of the Land apply to ISAAC RARRATT, Jun. Kempstcn,- and for further Particulars, to BROWN Ci SON, Auctioneers, Bedford. Buckingham Freehold Estate, To be SOLD by AUCTION, By THOMAS HOLDOM, On Friday the 7th of May, 1S13, between the Hours of Four and Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the Swan, in Buckingham, subject to such Conditions as will be then and there produced ; / COMPRISING a Brick and Tiled- built V^ MESSUAGE or TENEM ENT, with Kitchen, two Parlours, four comfortable Sleeping- rooms, Brew house. Barn. Stable, Pigsties, Yard, and other Conveniences, pleasantlv situated in BOURTON. HOI . D, in the Parish of Buckingham, in the Occu- pation ot Mr. Wtn Cross.— The above Premises are a desirable Situation for a Butcher, th-: re not being one in that Part of the Town ; or any other Business that requires Room. For further Particulars, apply to the Auctioneer Buckingham. Freehold House, Buckingham. To be SOLD by AUG T I O N, By THOMAS HOLDOM, At the Royal Oak, Buckingham, sn Saturday the 15th Day of May, 1313, between tile Hours of'Four and Five in the Afternoon, under such Conditions as will be then md there produced, unless pre- viously disposed ot by Private Contract, ASubstantial FREEHOLD MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, situate and being in the Centn of the M ARKIT- P L AC 1 in the Borough of BUCK. INGHAM, now in the Occupations of Mr. Edwarc Grant and Mr. William Woodward, who Lave had Notices to quit. The Premiees may be seen by Leave of the TENANTS; and for further Particulars, and to treat for the f'u- chase by Private Contract, apply to Mr. KIN-., Solicitor, in Buckingham, or at his Office in Bicestr, on Market- Days. Valuable Stock of Beasts, Fat Sheep, Ewe ltd IVether Tegs, Household- Furniture, fyc, To be SOL D bv A U C 1' 1 O >, By THOMAS GRIMES, On Monday and Tuesday, the 10th and 11th Da* ol May inst. upon the Farm of Mr. EDW/ RD MANN, of WOOLSTON- MILL, in the Cwnty of Warwick, in Lots, ' JiWENTY- FOUR valuable In- calf and farren L COWS, 91 capital tat SHEEt*, and 60 EWE and WETHER TECS. On Wednesday, Part of the clean and useful HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, BREWING and DAI RY. UTENSILS, seasoned Casks, & c. Sic. Printed Particulars of which will be distributed in due Time. Sale to commence each Morning at Ten o'Clctk. Valuable Live and < tock. Implements in Hus- bandry, Core of excellent II.: y, Dairy Utensils, and other Effects. To be SOLD bv AUCTION, By BROWN SON, Oil the Premises, on Friday the Kth Day of May, 1813, AIX the valuable Flock of POLLED SHEEP, very useful and younj' DRAUGHT HORSES, one verv fine Two- veir. old HORSE, fitting for a Gigor Coach. In- calf and Barren COWS, STURKS. Two- year- old BU LL, HOGS, Quantity of FONV i S OAK HOVEL- FRAMES, and other EFFECTS) la'e the Property of R. DEMIS, Esq. deceased, at KEMPSTON, near Bedford ; comprising 40 exc. e I- ingly fine Couples, 50 Tegs, six Gist Ewes, seven capital In- calf Cows, two barren Ditto, one Sturx, and a Two- year- old Bull; five useful young Draught- Horses, and very capital Two- year- oU! Horse, fitting tor a Gig or Coach, In- pig Sow, , arge Quantity ol Fowls, stout Waggon with Iron Arms, Broad- wheel Cart, three Narrow Ditto, two capital Leicester Two- wheel Ploughs, Fallow and Seed Ditto, large Pait ot Harrows, two Pair of common Ditto, and Pair of Seed Ditto, stout Three- horse Dak Shaft Roll, Two- horse Ditto, single Ditto, exceedinglv good Gears, and Harness for five Horses, about 100 Dozen of new Hurdles, large Quantity ot useful Ditto, Cak Hovel Frames, Cart Ditto, Bari - Tackle in g o ral, Sheep and Cow Cribs, Troughs, long and short Ladders, Plough and Cart Timber, Elm Planks, & c, 10 ex- ceedingly good Milk- I eads, Milk Pails, Kive'rs, ex- cellent Six- dozen Churn, and Dairy Utensils in general, latge Quantity of fine Swedish Turnip Seed, Core of excellent Hay, and other valuable Effects. The Stock, Sec may be viewed the Day preceding the Sale, which will begin at Ten o'Clock. Catalogues may be bad the Saturday previous to the Sale, at the Cross . Keys, Amptbill ; George, Woburn ; Swan, Newport- Pagnell; Bull, Olnty ; Falcon, Sr. Neots; Swan, Biggleswade; WhiteHart, Shetford ; George, Sil- oe; Half- Moon, Kempston; Mr. WEBB'S I'rinting- Olfice; and ot BROWN & SON. Auctioneers, Bedford. To be SOLD by A iiCI fo>.,~ By Mr. BOUSE, On Tuesday the first Day of June next, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, at the Three Swans, in Maiket- Harborou^ h, AVery desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE; con- sisting of a substantial Farm- House, with suitable Out- offices, and 107 Acresot very rich Arab! an< Pasture Land, in a Ring Fence, situate at C 1.1 P- Sl'ONE, in the C.' ounty of" Northampton, now in the Occupation of Mrs. Ellis, Sen. Posses- ion may be had at l. ady- Dsv. For further Particulars, apply at the Office of Mr. BURTON, Attorney, in Daventry. Capital and expensive Freehold - Estates, near Lei- cester and Market, lldr'bbrough. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Messrs. DRIVER, At the Swan Inn, Market- Harborough. on Tuesday Ma. Uth, at Two o'Clock, in- 28 Lots, OUNDltY very capital and valuable Fit BEHOLD * ESTATES, the greater Part TITHE- Fate, most conveniently situate at K IB WO UTH, SM K ETON, MOWSLEY, GOADBY, PHO RI'E- I. ANGTON, ^ LAWS- TON, and WELHAM, in the County ot Leicester; containing nearly FOURTEEN HUNDRED ACRES Of remarkably rich ARABLE, MEADOW, and PASTURE LAND, with Farm- Houses and Home- steads, in the Occupation of most respectable Tenants, and of the present Value of nearly Four Thousand Pounds per Annum. A considerable'Part of these Estates is Tithe- free, and other Parts subject to the Pavment of- a t ori Rent in li lt of Tithes.— The several Farms are re- markably well situate for good Markets, being only about 10 Miles from Leicester, five from Haibo- ough, and seven from Uppingham, and are in the Occupation of yearly Tenants. Printed Particulars, with engraved Maps, will be ready after the 5th of April, and may then be had at the S wan, Harborough ; Three Crowns, Leicester; Denbigh Arms, Lutterworth; Falcon, Uppingham; Angel, Northampton, and Mel ton- Mowbray; of Robt Kirk, Esq. Wei ham- Lodge; ot Wm Leake, Esq. 27, Sackville- Stiget, Piccadilly ; of Messrs. Burley antl Voore, Lincoln's Inn; and of Messrs. Driver Surveyors and Land Agents, Kent- Road; or at their Offices in the, Auction- Mart, London. BEDFORDSHIRE. The Manor of Great- llardwick, and a capital Freehold F. stutc, very eligible for investinn Money. To be SOLD by AUCTION, " By Mr. KOBINS, At Garrawav's, oil Thursday, May 13, at Twelve, \ Vtry valuable TITHE TREE and ex'ra Paro- chial and singularly desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE; comprising the Manor of GREAT HARDWICK, wi'h the Right of Fisherv in the River; aud HARDWICK FARM, containing fou Hundred Acresofex ellent Meadow, Feeding Ground Pasture, Arable, and Wood Land, lying compact with a spacious House ants Offices, just put into substantial Repair ; a good Garden, Orchard, & c. The Lands are in an excellent State of Cultivation, .' bounding with. Game, and a fine Stream of Water runs through Part of the Estate: nearly the Whole i lithe- tree and extra Parochial, and forms a mos eligible Property, situate near Sheffbid, on the Turn pike- Road to Bedford, from whnteit is distant only sight Miles, seven Miles from the Market Town ot llitcliin, five from Biggleswade, and forty- two Miles from London. May be viewed by applying to Mr. BAKER, the Tenant, whir- Particulars may be had ; at the Crown,. Shefl'ord ; Swan, Bed- ford; Sun, Biggles- wade and Hitchin; Salisbury Arms, Hatfield; of fames WorthafOk Esq. Solicitor, Castle-> treet, London; Mr, James Crowdv, Hammington, near Highworth, Wilts; at Oarraway's ; and of Mr. Robins. Warwick- Street, Golden- Square, London, where a Plan of the Estate triav be seen. Eyucsbury, Hunts. To be SOLD bv AUCTION, By Mr. PIERSON, On Mondav the 10th of May, 1S13, A I. L the LIVE and DEAD STOCK, and rl sundry other EFFECTS, late the Property of Mr. SIMON STAUGHTON, deceased; consisting if about 2,000 Fagots, 30 Dozen Hurdles, four Dae? Carts, one Six- inch - wheel Catty one capital Waggon several useful Lots of Plough Timber, Oak Timta and Elm Planks, a Quantitv of Voles and Firewood, Blacksmiths'Bellows, Cart Harness, Timber Pulity with Brass Wheels, four Timber Chains, capital Six. po- t Oak Hovel, Harrows, Pair of capital Gjf. Harrows, Ploughs, Drags, Sheep- Cribs, five Lard- !< ol! ., SIX Cows, four. of which are in Profit, six : ap; tal Horses and Mares, Pi prime Leicestershire Couples, aCock of capital Hay, a Number of Daiiv. Utensils, and numerous other Articles, Sale will commence at Ten o'Clock precisely. Catalog*!- s may be had at the Cross Keys, Neots; andof Mr. Pierson, General Agent. Kimboltm' Amplhitt, Bedfordshire. To be S O L D by AUCTION, By Mr. PIERSON, On Wednesday the 12th of May, 1313, A LL the neat and modem IlOUfjEHOLD- C\ FURNITURE of Mr. SAMUEL A SH BY, . lecease. i;, consisting of Four- post and Tent Bedsteads, with Dimity, Chintz and plaid Furniture; Featlier- Beds, Mattresses, Blankets, Counterpanes, Maho- gany Dining- Tables with Circular Ends, square Ma- hogany Dining and other Tables, handsome Sofa, Chairs, Mahogany Drawers, Carpets, Child's Cot, Hogsheads, Half- hogsheads, and other Barrels ; China, (. lass, Tea and Coltee- Urn, Number of Kitchen- Requisites, and sundry otlu- r Effects. Sale to commence at Eleven iPClock precisely. Catalogues may be had, thretTbavs preceding the Sale, at the Cross- Keys, Ampthiil; and of Mr. I lerson, General Agent, Kimbolton To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. F1ERSON, At the Swan Inn, in Oundle, in the County of Northampton, on Saturday the 15th Dav of May, 1S13, at Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as tjhall be then and there produced, AN ESTATE at WARLINGTON, in the CV County ot Northampton; consisting of the following Closes, lying contiguous to each other, viz. West Leys, with a Barn thereon ( Pasture).. 34 " ij 17 West Leys, NorthofTheabove Close ( Pasture 125 2 3t Meadow Land 33 3255 Park Close f Arable) g j 3,1 Brake Slatie ( Arable) " II". 24 2 12 127 2 0 Buglry, Warwickshire. To be SOLD by . AUCTION, In two Lots, the Latter End of this instant May, unless sooner disposed ot hy Private Contract, of which due Notice will be given, Jk IX those TWO CLOSES of rich ARABLE ti LAND, adjoining to the Upper- and Lower Hillmorton Roads, situate near to the Town of I'UGBY, and containing e: ght Acres, or thereabouts', ogether with the Barn and Buildings standing on the - aine. qow in tfle Occupation of Mr. John t. iggins, the Proprietor.— The above Closes aro well fenced ai d watered, and there is a Number of young thriving timber Ttees growing in the Hedge- Rows. For further Particulars, cr to treat for the same, apply at the Offices ot Messrs; CALDSCOTT Sc BUNK, Solicitors, Rugby, N. B. The Whole of the before- mentioned Estate is Freehold, excepting 14 A. 2R . 2SP. Part of the last mentioned Close, which is Copyhold of Inheritance a » . l h ine certain. Mr. RICHARD MAIDWELL, the Tenant, will shew the Premises; and further Particulars in the mean Time may be had of Mr. HUGH JACKSON, or Mr. THOMAS HIPPISLET JACKSON, Attorney at Law, Stamford. HIS ELY, Bedfordshire. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. PIERSON, At the. White Lion Inn, Kimbolton, 0: 1 Friday the 2lst Dav of May, 18,3, between the Hours of Five aad Seven in the Evening, Very valuable and most desirable Freehold' ESTATE, pleasantly situated in the populous ViLage of RISELY, consisting of a convenient Farm- House, Garden, Orchard, Barns, Stables, Cow- House, Piggeries, and necessary Out- tmiltlings and upwards of 120 Acres of rich Pasttire and Arable Land. Lot 1. Farm- House arid Homestead, Garden, Homeclose, Hill F; eld, Mill Hill Close, and lnclosures. South of Babsway 93 Lot 2. Cole's Close of Pasture Land 5 Lot 3. Cole's Close of Ditto 4 A 2R 14PJ Ditto 6a 2a 27rS Lot 4. Church- Lane Close of rich Pasture Land ] l. ota. Dove- Hbuse Close of Ditto 2 Lot 6. Lammas Leys Ditto II 5 A R. 2 33 3 it 1 I 2 18 1 26 3 31 Outgoings TotaL 120 3 0 Quit- Rent =£ 0 3 6 Land- Tax = 4' 9 2 1 5 7 TheTenant is under Notice to quit at M iehaelmas next. The House and Farm- Yard are situated in the Village of RISELY, adjoining the Turnpike- Road, an, I the Farm divided into convenient Inclosures, fenced with thiiving Quicks, and iu a good State of Cultivation. RISELY is a large pleasant Villate, five Miles from Kimbolton, aboat 10 Miles from Bedfotd, St. Neots, and Higham- Ferrers, with a ' turnpike. Road to all the adjacent Market Towns, in a fine Sporting Country, and a healthy Situation. The Estate may be viewed by applying to the Tenant; and printed Particulars and Conditions of Sale had at the principal Inns in the neighbouring Towns, at the Auction- Mart, London, and ct Mr. PIERSON, General A^ ent, Kimbolton. py / th Mnj, sty's Royal Letters Pa! cut. \ ) > 4 GOODMAN'S PATENT SADDLE- CLOTH, To prevent the Saddle running forward without the Use of a Crupper. & c. THE utility of the PATENT S A D D L E- CLOTH is allowid to suroass all other Inven- tions of the Kind ever before offered to the Public, being so constructed that it by no Means alters the Bearings of- the Saddle, nor is there any unpleasant Appearance in the wearing of it, as no one would suppose it - to be any Thing more than a common Saddle- Cloth. The Patent Cloth being first placed on the Horse, the Saddle may be put on in any Situ- ation required, where it will remain firm, without any additional Strap, Buckle, Sec. By the Use o! this Cloth the Girths of the Saddle do not require to be buckled tight, a Relief to the Animal which mil t b? obvious to every one. It may be us- ed with any Saddle, being completely separate. It is peculiarly adapted for the East or West Indies, as it entirely prevents a Saddle running forward on Mules or any other Beast of Burthen. Sold, Wholesale an I Retail, by the Patentee, J. GOODMAN, Saddler, 4c. in Northampton, and may be had of one principal Saddler in most Market- Towns ill the United Kingdom, and of the Newsmen who circulate the Northampton Mercur*-. f. inert and Woollen- Drapery, 4" C- p P. SQl'lRiir I, begs Leave tn return his grateful Th , iks to hi « Friends, and i lie Public in general, for ih<> liberal Siippo'l he has already received, and tak-' s this Opprrtu itv of informing them, that lie i- just- returned from LONDON, havihg selected a Variety of NEW and FASHIONABLE ARTICI. ES for the present Season, which he is enabled to offer on such reasonable Term as lie trusts will insure tu him a Continuance of theiy Favours.' Northampton, May1, 1813. Golden Lion Inn, Market- Place, Uaveutrij. TOIIN BROWN ( from the King's Head Inn, High- Street, I) A V E N TRY.), grateful! v hee^ Leave to return his sincere Thanks to his Friends • ind Customers, for the very liberal Support ho at all Tiroes met with wli. ile at the King's Head Inn, and respectfully informs ih « m, he h \ s now opened a commodious House, the GOI. DEN I. IOV T\ N, well situa'erl in the Centre of llie M A RK KT- P t- ACE 1) A V F. NTRY, where he still hopes to'mee. t with that Patronage and Support it will ever be his Study to deserve. Good STIBIIIO, comfortable and well- aired BROS, and a good Ordinary OH Market- Days. N. P. Genuine and neat Foreign and liritjish ( fines, Sniritaous Liquors ami Compounds, Whole- sale and Retail. GNTEN& II MONUMENT TO THE MEMORY OK The Right Hon. Spencer Perceval. A MOUNT of SUBSCRIPTIONS , t\ before advertised a£ 2,094 11 0 R. Remmet. Esq. Lincoln's Inn 5 5 0 Subscriptions are received by Messrs. Praeds, Maokworth, ft Co. Bankers. London; and by Messrs. Smith, Hall, & Co. Rankers, Northampton. MONEY WANTED" On or before the bth of MAY, " Vl/" ANTED to Borrow £ 500, on good * " Security, for which j£ 5 per Cent. Imprest will be regularly paid, without Deduction of Pio- perty Tax. Apply to Mr. KIDMAN, Bedford. April 10th, 1813 WANTED, on most ample Securities, several SUMS of MONEY, from One Hundred to Four Thousand Pounds, the Interest whereof will be punctually paid Half- yearly, or otlierw ise, as may he required, without nnv Trouble to the Lender, and without Deduction of Property Tax.— Fur further Particulars apply to Mr. W. F. WRATISI. AW, Solicitor. Rugbv. A NEW POST COACH. \\ ill commence running 09 Monday, Mav 10, 1813 Hp HE LEICESTER and LONDON CON- 1 VENIEVCE will leave the Bell Hotel, Lei- cester, every Mondav, Wednesday, and Friday, at Five o'Clock in the Morning, and arrive at I lie Three Cups Inn, Alrleisgate- Street, London, by Eight o'Clock the same Evening; leave London every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Morning, at Four o'clock, and arrive al the Bell Hotel, Leicester, by Ivght o'clock the same Evening, w here there are Convev. mces to all parts of the United Kingdom everv Morning. flair Cutting Rooms, Perfumery and Toy Wat'e-' house, Mc. reer£- Row, Norlliainnlim. f^ HO. MAS SHARP returns Thanks for past Favours, and begs to inform his Friends hat he has just returned from LONDON, where lie has purchased an excellent Assortment in the above Branches.— Likewise, a lar^ e Quantity of Natural, Curled, and prepared HAIR, which lie is now making up in the most fashionable Manner fur public Inspection, T. S. is determined to sell Ihe Whole 011 Terms that shall give Satisfaction to all who may please lo Favour liiin with their Patronage. N. B. All Kiuds of COMBS, FANCY BRUSHES, Perform ,, < JO UN EARL. f< n,- v ( DANIEL IIA MS II A W & Co. N. B. The Proprietors of the above Coach re- spectfully Ueg Leave to inform the Public, that it is their Determination to work this Coach equal if not superior to Tinv Coach on the Road, but will not he' accountable for any Package containing Bank Notes, Cash. Jewels, Plate, Watches, Lace, Silk « , or Muslins, however small the Value, nor for any other Package of more than £ 5 Value, if lost or damaged, unless the same be specified, and an Insurance paid, over and above tlje usual Carriage, w hen delivered at any of their Offices on the Road. W ANTED, An APPRENTICE to LINEN AND WOOLLEN DRAPER. Apply to Mr. S. JOHNSON, Draper, Daventry. To PRINTERS. TlfANTS a Situation, A COMPOSITOR. * * who. vrvuld not object tn occasionally work- ing at Press.— Respectable Reference can be given for Sobriety and Industry. Enquire of the Printers of this Paper, if by Letter, Post- paid, addressed P. S. ' Vi/' ANTS a SITUATION in a LINES t^ d WOOI. LEN DRAPER'S SHOpin the Country, A YOUNG MAN, 21 Years of Age; lie has nerved his Apprenticeship, and can have a Cha- racter from his late Master.— Letters addressed to A. Z. ( Post- paid), to be left at the Post- Olace, Towce- ter. will be ditlv attended to. ANTED immediately, A stout active ' • LAD, asan APPRENTICE to a PLUM BER, GLAZIER, and PAINTER. Enquire of Mr. JOHN GIBES, Plumber and Glazier, Towceter. WANTED in a Gentleman's Family, A COOK, and HOUSE- MAID — The Cook to be perfect in her Basinets, cleanlv and Active ; the House- Maid must be strong and healthy, and have lived in a Gentleman's Family, can work well n! Iter Needle, and understand w hat Business is required of a Servant in that Capacity. Apply at Mr. WEBB'S Printing Otfice, Bedford; or at Mr. ABEL'S, Bookseller. Northampton. STOLEN or Strayed, out of a Close in OADBY Lordship, near Leicester, a large light coloured, Four- year- old, In- calf COW, about three Weeks to go of Calving; with large brown Spots, a brown Ring round one Eye. with a Wart on each Pap, on the milking Side.— Whoever will bringthe said Cow to W. BURBAGE, of Oadby, or to the Peacock Inn, Market- Haiborough, shall be handsomely rewarded ( on Conviction of the Offender, if stolen), anil all reasonable Expeuses paid.—, Oudby, April 29th, 1813. WANTED on the 11th Dav of May inst. a steady MAN and his WIFE, without Incumbrance, to undertake the Management of the POOR- HOUSE iu the Parish of STEEPLE- CLAY DON, Bucks. For Particulars, apply to the Churchwardens rind Overgpers. TlfANTED, A MAN and his WIFE* * » without a Family, to underfakethe Manage- ment of the POOR of the Parish of C II / VLGRWE, in the County of Bedford. A Vestry Meeting will be liolden at Ti- hworth, in the said Parish of Chalgrave, for that Purpose, 011 Thursday the I2O1I1 Day of May, 1813. For further Particulars, enquire of the Church- wardens anil Overseers. N. B. N0 Letters will be received unless Post- paid, The Barony anil Manor if Vodford, in the County of Northampton. " T^ JOTICE is hereby given, That the View 1A of FRANK PLEDGE of our Sovereign I, ord the King, his Duchv of Lancaster, and Honour of Leicester, with the Court Baron of Sir CHARLES KNIGHTLEY. Baronet, Lord of tiie Barony and Manor of DODFORD, in the County of Northampton, will be hidden at the SWAN, in DODFORD aforesaid, on the 5th Day of W AY instant, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, when and where all Constables, Freesuitors, and other Persons concerned, are to attend and pay thei respective Quit Rents, Fee- Farm Rents, aiid other Rents due to the Lord. EDMUND BURTON, Steward. Davtnlry, May 1 st, 1813. To the Debtors of ROBERT WOOD, lute of WEi. LINGB0iH1Cf. il, in the County of North- ampton, Surgeon and Apothecary, deceased. HP HE Executors of Mr. WOOD, having A been prevented from paving his Creditors bv Reason of the unprecedented Negligence of bis Deb- tors, in discharging their Bills, notwithstanding the repeated and various Modes of Application which have been made to them for that Futpose, Do hereby give Notice, That all such Persons whose Debts remain unpaid beyond the Space of 21 Days from the Date hereof, will be sued for the tame, at the Expiration of that Time. JAMES MURPHY. THOMAS MARCH. HENRY CHEETHAM. Wellingborough, iith April, 1813. Northamptonshire Local Militia. NOTICE is hereby given, to all and every ( he Men enrolled in the. t. OCAL MILITIA of the said Comity o f ; V0 It TII 1 M PTO V, that they are. required to appear personally at the Times and Places hereinafter mentioned, for the Purpose ol' being trained and exercised for the Space of fiiHr/ een entire Days, exclusive of the Dayt of arriving at and Departure from., and marching to and from the respective Places appointed for Exercise ; that is to say— The WESTERN REGIMENT, Under the Command of Lieut .- Colonel CL A RKE. The Men enrolled for the Subdivisions of DAVSN- TBY and TOWCFSTFR, areto assemble on the MARKET I'LACF, in the Town ot DAVENTRY, on TUESDAY the 18th Day ofMjy instant, at the Hour of Nine in the Forenoon, and march on the following Day t) the ' Town ot NORTHAMPTON, being the Place appointed for the Exercise of the said Regiment; and the Men enrolled for the Subdivision of BRACKLEY, are to assemble in the M ARRET- PLACE of DAVENTRY afore- said, on WEDNESDAY the 19th Day of MAY instant, at the Hour of Nine aforesaid, and join the DAVEIITRV and TOWCESTER DIVISIONS of the said Regiment on the following Day, at the said Town of NORTH. AMFTSN. The EASTERN REGIMENT, Under the Command of Colonel the. Earl of WESTMORLAND. The Men enrolled for the Subdivisions of KET- TERING, PETERBOROUGH and OUNDLE, and the HICHAM - FERRERS Hundied of the WELLING- BOROUGH Subdivision ( with the Exception ot the Men enrolled foi the Parishes of Bozeat, Woilaston, Rushden, and Higham- Ferrers), are toassemble in the MARKET - PLACE, in the Town of OUNDLE, 01 FRIDAY the2Sth Day of MAY instant, at the Hou of Ninein the Forenoon. The CENTRAL REGIMENT, Under the Command of Lieutenant- ColenH SAMWELL. The Men enrolled for the Subdivision of NORTH- AMPTON, and the Hundreds of HAMEORDSHOE and ORLINGBURY, in the Subdivision of WELLING BOROUGH, with the Men enrolled for the Parishes of Bozeat, Woilaston, Rushden, and Higham- Ferrers,, in the HI GHAM- FERR ERS Hundred of the said last mentioned Subdivision, are to assemble on th MARKET- PLACE, in theTownof NORTHAMPTON, on MONDAY the 7th Day of JUNE next, at the Hour of Nine in the Forenoon. And Notice is hereby further given, that every Local Militia Man ( not labouring under any Infir- mity incapacitating him). who shall not appear at the. Time and Place, appointed for Exercise as a fore- said, will be deemed a Deserter, and if not taken until after the Time, of Exercise, Kilt be liable lo forfeit and pay the Sum o f £ 20. And also, every Local Militia Man, who having joined the Regiment to which ha belongs, or any Company or Detachment thereof, shall desert or absent himself during the Time of such Exercise, and shall not be taken until ifter the Time of such Exercise, will be liable to forfeit and pay the Sum of £ 20, and if such Penally shall not be immediately paid, the Justice of the Peace before whom any Local Militia Man shall be convicted, will commit such Local MiliM'i Man to the House of Correction to hard Labour, or lo the common Gaol, there to remain without liail or Mainprise for any Space not exceeding three Months, and not less than fourteen Days, or until he shall have paid the said Penalty. And Notice is hereby also giren. that no Local Militia Man will have Leave of Absence during tliesaid Period of Training and Exercise, except in Cats of the most urgent Necessity. CIIAS. MARK II AM, Clerk of the General Meetings. Northampton, May I « f, 1813. C. WIimvORTf!, EOS Leave most respectfully 10 inform his Friends nnrt the Public, that he intends RE* OPENING his Shop in the DRAPERY, 011 the • iih of MAY, with An Entiie Vein Stack of LINEN and WOOLLEN DRAPERY, & r. when he hopes for a Continuance of that Patronage he has hitherto So liberally experienced, and for which he returns his grateful Thanks. Northampton, April 24th, 1813. Ry Permission of the. Worshipful the MAYOR. THE Will MSI PHUS1CONS, Or, WoX n F. R FUL MEf. O HI ST I C ALS, Wil! dispiav thtHr unrivalled Talents IN TH R TOEATllfl, NORTHAMPTON, FOR FOUR NIGHTS OM. V% On Monday F. venin^, May on Tuesday the 4th ( and being; the Fair Dav thrse Performances will ikewiie he given at the Theatre, at Three o'Clock n the Afternoon), on Wednesday the 5th, and posi- tively the last N'isrht on Friday May the 7th, pre- cisely at Seven o'Clnckeaeh Evening;. TT" ING5THORPE BOWLING GREEN will be opened on TnunsoA Y next, MAY 6. Dinner at Three o'clock, as usual. Man 1, 1813. Price of SMt itis Day—-. p; r Cent. Red. 5 » 3 per Cent. Cons. 5SJ. 4 per Cent Cons. 71. Vavy 5 per Cent. Ann. 8Pi 3. India Bonds 1 2ii. Excheojier Rills 7 ! Ju C& ns. !' r Acc , o9i. T CHRISTIANITY IN INDIA. a General Meeting of the Inhabitants of One Hundred Pounds R. eri: ard. WHEREAS a FIRE was discovered on SUNDAY the 28th Day of MARCH last, about Two o'Clock in the Morning, on the Premises of WILLIAM BYF1E1. D, ot PAULERSPURY, in the County of Northampton, which appeared lo have commenced in a Barn adjoining his Dwelling- House, and which entirely consumed the Whole of the said Barn, Dwelling- Hou., e, and Furniture therein ( but fortunately no Lives were lost), and by the great Exertion of the Inhabitants, the Flames did not extend any farther. j And whereas there is great Reason to suppsse the said Premises were wilfully set on Fire by some wicked and malicious Person or Persons, Notice is therefore hereby given. That a Reward of >£ aO'will be naid by the Globe Insurance Company ( in whose Office the said Pre- mises were insured); and also a Reward of £ oO, by the Parish Officers of Paulerspury aforesaid, to any one who shall give such Information as may cause the Person or Persons concerned in the said Felony to be convicted of the said Offence ; and if more than one Person were concerned therein, and either of them will impeach his or her Accomplice or Accomplices, so that he, she, or they may be convicted thereof, such Person shall be entitled to the said Rewards, and Interest will be made to procure him or her his Ma- jesty's Pardon. 1). D. DAVlES, Agent to the said Company. Towcester, April 30lb, 1813. John Braggins's Insolvency. rpHF. Creditors of JOHN BRAGGINS, of A S11. STON, ill the Coantv of Northampton, Shopkeeper, an Insolvent Debtor, are requested to meet the Assignees of his Estate and Effects, at the Saracen's Head Inn, in Towcester, in the said County of Northampton, on Wednesday the 5ili Day of May next, at TweKe o'clock at Noori, to inspect the Assignees' Accounts, and to declare a Dividend therein. By Order, JOHN LOVEI. i., Assignees'Solicitor. Towrester, April 19lb, 1813. To the. Creditors and Debtors of ROBERT JELLY, of ALDEKTON, in Ihe County if Northampton, Farmer. llfilFJIEAS the said ROBERT JELLY, ** hath, by Indenture bearing even Dale here- with, assigned over nil hi- Estate and Effects to Messrs. James Jlill, and Thomas Tarry, in Trust for ihe Benefit of themselves and such other of Ihe Creditors of the said Robert Jelly, who shall execute the said Deed of Assignment, on or before the 1st Day of June next; Notice is hereby given, That the said Deed of Assignment is left at the Office of Mr. Lovell, Solicitor, in Towcsster, for Signatures.— All Persons indebted to the said Robert Jelly, are requested lo pay the Amount of « ' ieir respective Debts to the said Assignees without Delay, or they w ill be sued for the same. Bv Order, JOHN LOVELL, Assignees' Solicitor. Towcester, April 29/ 4- 1813. Lilbourn, Warwickshire. To be LETT bn Lease for Three Years. 17IVE Pieces or Parcels of PASTURE nnd MEADOW LAND, together or separate, situate at LILBOURN; containing togetherabout 73 Acres. Attendance will be given at Mrs. Gardener's, the Bull Inn, Lilbourn, from the 3d to the Sib of May inclusive, for the Purpose of shewing the same.— Further Particulars may be known of Mr. GLASIER, No, 11, Park- Street, Westminster. The Hay in the respective Fields must be t'ken at n Valuation by the Person renting the same, who will he at Liberty to sell, or feed it off, nn the Premises OAK BOARDS. FOUND, in a DITCH in the Parish of LI LL! N ( iS TON E - DAYRELL, BUCKS, several OAK BOARDS, supposed tn have been ftnleu- Whoever lias lost the same, and will pr jierly describe thein, and when lost, may have them ngain, if claimed by the 7th of MAY, 011 payinj Ihe Expenses of this Advertisement. Applv to Mr. WM. KIRBY of the same Place. The Sl'ALLlON FYLDENEK, Winner of the St. Lerer, and many other capital Sweepstakes, fcc. Ike. the Property ot RICHARD BRADLEY, WILL COVER THIS SEASON, At the CROFT'S FARM, Two Miles from Strat ford- on- Avon, on the Road leading from thence to Banbury ; at Five Guineas and a Crown each Mare. F Y LDE N 1 R is own Brother to Sir I) liver, i'oulton Sec. got by Sir I'eter, his Dam . Fanny, by Diomed (' rand- Dam Ambrosia, by Woodpecker, great Crand- Dam Ruth, Sister to Highflyer's Dam, by Blank , Itc. Sec. lie is a Bay Horse ( without White), of great Size and Power, with excellent Constitution, and Action tqua! to any Horse in the Kingdom. — He has covered Tjiree Seasons with great Success, being, a most cer- tain Foal- getter, and his Stock large, bony, handsome, and very promising. At the above Place there is every possible Accom- modation for Mares, aud Foals, ot which great care will be taken, anil the Charge moderate. The Money to be paid beiorethe tyares are Mkrti away. Capital Inn and Premises, Stony- Stratford, tiucks. To be SOLD liv AUCTION, By JOHN DAY Sf SON, On the Premises, on Friday the 28ih Day of May, 1813, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, either in one or more Lots, as shall be agreed upou at the Tim: of Sde ( unless previously disposed of by Piivate Contract), \ LL that old- established and well- accustomed . INN, most desirablv situated in the FIICH- STREEI- of SI'ONY - STRATFORD aforesaid, called the GEORGE INN, with the Yard, Garden, Stables and Out- buildings thereunto adjoining and belonging; and also a small and convenient Mes- suage or Tenement, at the Bottom of the Yard of the said George Inn, with the Garden, Stables, Grauarie and other Conveniences thereunto adjoining. The Inn has been established tor many Years, and received a very considerable Portion r. f Business.— The House is in excellent Repair, and capable of great Accommodation. N. B. The Situation of this House is particularly desirable for any Person wishing to enter into Business either in the Public or in any other Capacity, and may, if required, be divided and converted into two convenient Houses, at a trifling Expense. I immediate Possession mav be had, and the Stock and Furniture taken at a Valuation, if required. For further Particulars, or to treat for the sarnn apply to Mr. RICHARD LONGMAN, the Proprietor or to Mr. CONGREVE, Solicitor, Stonv- Stratford. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE MILITIA. ALIST of the NAMES of the several MEN enrolled in his Majesty's NORTH- AMPTONSHIRE REGIMENT of MILITIA, commanded by Colonel Sir RICH A tt 0 URQOKF D1! CAP E LL BROOKE, Bait, who have VOLUNTEERED to serve in his Majesty's REGULAR FORCES, under the Provisions of an Act of Parliament passed fn the 51st Year of the Reign of his present Majesty, intitled, " An Act to allow a certain Proportion of the Militia of Great- Britain, to enlist annually into the Regular Forces, and to provide for the gradual Reduction of tliesaid Militia." BRACKLEY DIVISION. Timothy Howard, served for William Reeves, of Whitfield, into the 27th Reg. Foot, 1st April, 1813. DAVENTRY DIVISION. Eli Taylor, served for Weedou- Beck, into the loth Reg. Foot, 1st April. William Warner, served for Norton, into the 14th Reg. Foot, 3d April. Charles Chapman, served for Daventry, into the 37th Reg. Fool, 1st April. KETTERING DIVISION'. Thomas Gibbs, served for William Sampler, of Maidwell, Into the I6th R » g. Foot, 2d April Charles Hopper, served fur Edward Hilfnrd, of Little- Bowden, 37th Reg. Foot, Ist April. NORTHAMPTON DIVISION. Joseph Linnel, served for Samuel Evans, of Wootton, 16th Reg. Foot, 1st April. WELLINGBOROUGH DIVISION. John Nobles, served for Joseph Knight, of Wel- lingborough, 16th Regt. Foot, 1st April. The following were raised by bent of Drum, and not enrolled for any particular Parish or Division ; John Barton, 37th Reg. Foot, 1st April, Thomas Gibbins, Ditto, Ditto. John Tompson, 14th Reg. Foot, Ditto. George Barron, I61I1 Reg Foot, Ditto. George Cumberpatch, 171 h Reg. Foot, Ist April William Cumberpatch, 17th Reg. Foot, Ditto. Binyon Drage, 17th Reg. Foot, 3d April. Bv Order of the Most Nohle Charles Marquis of the County of Northampton His Majesty's Lieutenant of the saint Countv. CIIAS. MARKIIAM, Clerk of the General Meeting-. Northampton, May I, 1813. the Town ot WE 1.1.1 NGBO ROil GH, and its Vicinity, in the County ot Northampton, at the School- House, the27; h Dav of April, 1H13, CHARLES HILL, Esq. in the Chair, The following Resolutions were unanimously adopted : — Resolved. That ihere being upwards of fiftv Millions of native Inhabitants subject to the British Empire in the East under the Influence of the most destructive and most degrading Superstitions, This Meeting does most cordially concur in the folio wins Resolution ex- pressed by the Honourable House of Commons in the year 1793: " That it is the bounden Duty of the Legislature to promote, by all just and prudent Means, the Interest and Happiness of the Inhabitants of the British Do- minion in India; and that for these Ends such Measures ought to be adopted as may gradually tend to their Advancement in useful Knowledge, and to their religious and moral Improvement." That a Petition, founded in the above Resolution, be presented to the House of Lords, and another to the House of Commons, praving, that in the Event of a new Charter beyig granted to the East Indi i Company, no Obstruction mav be given to the free Admission of Christian Missionaries, of all Denominations, in their Endeavours to propagitethe Holy Scriptures, as long as they shall conduct themselves as peaceable and good Subjects. The Mo- ving is a Copy of the Petition which the Meeting resolved to adopt : — " To the Right Honourable the Commons of the United- Kingdom of Great- Britain and Ireland, Parliament assembled. " The humble Petition of the undersigned Gentry. Clergy, an* other Inhabitants of the Town of Wellingborough^ in the County of Northampton, and its Viijinity,— Shewcth, That your Petitioners, conceiving it an imperious Duty, from the degrading Ignotance ot so many Millions oti, their Fvllow- Creatures, Subjects of the British Finpire in India, do most humbly and nor. stitutionally implore, that, in Conformity to the wise and politic Resolution of your Hmourahle House in 1793, such Clause or Clauses may be inserted in the New Chapter about to be granted to the East India Company as may best secure the moral and religious Improvement of their Fellow- Subjects in the East. That no Obstruction may be given t > a tree Cir- culation of the Holv Scriptures, so well calculated to promote Civilization, Order and good Faith; an I that if any Impediments have been placed in the Way of the laudable Exertions of the Missionaries they may be removed. " That while a Disposition has been evinced by the l egislature fvt the Promotion of the b - trer Observance of rehgious Worship among our own Fellow. Coun- trymen. which, under God. may prove instrumental in gradually weaning the Hindoos- from their native Superstition and Idolatry — Your Petitioner- further Trust, thpt Protestant Missionaries may be allowed to eujov the Protection of the State,' so long as the\ conduct. ijiemsew:-'. in a peaceable and orderly Manner, hereby evincing the Nature and Tendency of the Gospt-, 1 Dispensation.". That the Right Hon. Earl Spencer be requested to present the Petition to the ILuise of Lords- and thai Lord Viscount Althorp an I Win, Italjih Cajtwright, Esq. Members for the County, that to the House of Commons. That the following Gentlemen be a Committee, with Power to carry into Execution the Objects of this Meeting: — COMMITTEE. POSTSCRIPT. London, Friday, April 30. SURRENDER OF DANTZIC. T1IIE following statement 011 this very impor- tant subject is brought by a mail from Heli- goland, which arrived this morning; anil given in second editions of the Evening papers of to- day :— " Government received this morning from our Mi- nister at Hamburgh, Mr. Cockburn, advices, stat- ing that Gen. Tetterborn had just received a dis- patch from General Wittgenstein, informing him of the most important fact of the Surrender of Dautzic by Capitulation. The particulars had not been received by General Wittgenstein, but would be forwarded to Hamburgh the moment they reached him." We are sorry to observe that the above mail does not bring a confirmation of the accouutfgiven in the preceding page) from Heligoland, of the great victory obtained over the French near Magijeburgh. A skirmish however is stated to have taken place near that town, in the night between the 12th and 13th, the French having come out, 3,000 strong, to carry otf some hay, in which they were defeated with loss. It is possible that this may have given rise to the report from Heligoland, particularly as the affair we. have just alluded to was, iu fact, a sortie from the fortress. An action. is mentioned to have taken place on the 22d instant, in the vicinity of Ottersburgh and Uothenburgh, in which the enemv, under The Rev. Ren:! Is Mr. Sharman The Rev. R. Jjconib Mr. Morton Mr. Tuck AAx- .. Mr. Marriot Mr. M e Mr. Gibboo Mr. Whit worth Mr. 1 lirdwicke Mr. Dully Mr. Corrie That the Petition shall lie for Signature at the" School- House, Wellingborough. That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to the Rev. Mr. Fuller and the Rev. Mr. 1 Grimshaw, tor their Attendance and able Statement on the Subject ot the Meeting. Tnat the cordial Thanks of this Meeting be given to Charles Hill. Esq. for the very able, impartial, and satisfactory Manner in which lie has dischirged his Duty as Chairman upon this Occasion. That the Thanks ot this Meeting b* given to the Rev. Mr. Jacoinb and the Rev. Mr. Renals, for ac- ceding to the Wish of the Committee to chaw up the Petition. That trie Thanks of this Meeting be given to the Rev. Charles Pryce for his Att mbnee and kind Services to promote the Object of this VT e v. Household- Furniture and Hi, . To be SOL D by A I) C 1 O N, » By JOHN DAY 4 SON, On Tuc « dav tile 1th of May, 1813. on the Premisesof Mr. REYNF. R, at the Red Lion Public House, in NEWV. ORT. PAG NELL, Bucks : HP HE Household- Furniture comprises Bedsteads, 1_ Beds, and Bedding ; Tables, Drawers. Chars, Kitchen- Furniture, See. ; a Number of Deals and other Boards, with various other Effects. The Sale to commence at F. l ven .' Clock preciselv. rpAL" EN up at RUSHDEN, the 19ch Day of - JL APRIL, 181.1, A BLACK GREYHOUND BlTCII; Whoever has lost the same, may have her again, by describing her proper Marks, and paying the Ex- penses of Keeping, by applying to WILLIAM MARRIOTT, Blacksmith, RUSHDEN. Northamp- onshire, within the Expiration of .14 Days from the Date hereof; or eLe the said Bitch will be sold to defray the Expenses of Keeping, Sic.— May I. IK, 13. NOR THAMPTONSH IRE. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the George, in Thrapston, on Tuesday the 25th Day ot May, 1813, A Capital FARM, at 1HNGSTEAD, in the Occupation of . Mr. JOSEPH BETTS, Tenant at Will ; consisting ot a very good Farm- House, and about 130 Acres of excellent Land. — f or Particulars, enquiie of Mr. JOSEPH BETH, of Ringstead. Elm and Ash Timber, in the Parish of Waddesdon, near Aylesbury, Bucks. To be SOLD bv AUCTION, By JOHN DAY Sf SON, On the Premises, in Lots, on Wednesday the 5th Day of Mav. 1813, UPWARDS of 100 ELM, ASH, and one large . WU. NUT TREE. The greatest Part ot the Elm is very tine Timber. The Whole is lying on a Farm in the Occupation of Mr. W. Hitchcock , called WARVISTON, in the Parish of WADDF. SDON aforesaid. The Timber is laid into Lots and marked, and may be viewed till the Sale. Catalogues will be delivered at the Inns in Ayles- bury, and Towns adjacent, at the Place of Sale, and at the Auctioneers', in Stony- Stratford. N. B. The Land, containing about 31 Acres, 011 which the Timber grew, rich old- inclosed Grazing Land, with the Buildings belonging, will be § old hi Auction, in one Ldt", in a short Time, of which Notice will be given". Under a Commission of Bankrupt. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By T. WOOD, On Friday the 7th of May, 1813, at the Carpenter's Arms, Harlington, precisely at Three o'clock in the Afternoon, ' IMlli LIFE ESTATE, of Mrs. MARTHA * NASH, a Bankrupt, of and in a FRRKHOLD Estate, situate in the Centre of HARL1NGTOK ; consisting of a Dwelling- Houne, Shop, Pantry, and Cellar; Sleeping- Rooms, Butcher's Shop and Fasting Pens ; Barn of two Bays, Cart- Hovel, Wood and Coal Barns, with Gardens, and an Orchard of Sward Ground adjoining, planted with Fruit- Trees, con- taining about an Acre. The above Premises are in complete Repair, and immediate Possession may be had. Further Particulars may be known of Mr. WOOD, Leighton- Buzzard. To be « ) LD by AUG HON, By T. WOOD, In Lots, about the Middle ot Mav, 1813, rstUE Whole nf the valuable BUILDING- 1 MATERIALS, of BURC'OTT- HOUSE and OFFICES, near Leighton- Buzzard. Further Particulars will appear nuiext Week's Paper. WARWICKSHIRE. Capital Freehold Estate of 407 Acres, Tilhe- Free, together with the Manor and perpetual Advowson. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By W INSTAN LEY, # SON, At the Mart, on Thursday the 27th Day of May, at Twelve o'Clock, in one Lot, AValuable and most desirable FREEHOLD and TITHS- FREE ESTATE; consisting ot The Manor or Lordship of lllLLMOR I'ON, Extending over nearly 3,000 Acres— the perpetual Advowrson of the Vicarage— the Tithes of about 84 Vjres, and 407A. 2R. 33P. ot remarkably rich Meadow, Pasture, and Arable Land, in a high Staie of Cultivation, lying exceedingly compact, with a Mansion- House, and all requisite Farm Buildings, in the Occupation ot Mr. Lovett, on Lease whereof four Years ate now to come, at a very low and old Rent; but estimated to be of the annual Value of at least One ' lhousand ' J'ao Hundred Pounds. HILLMORTON is situated in a feitile Part of the County of Warwick, two Miles from Rugby, thiee from Dunchurch. five from Daventry, 14 trom Co- ventry, 18 trom Northampton, and 82 troin London. To be viewed, by applying tu the Tenant. — Printed Particulars may be had 26 Dav s preceding the Sale, at • h: principal Inns, at Rugby, Dunchurch, Daventry, Coventry, . Northampton, Lutterworth, Hinckley, Warwick, and Birmingham; Messrs. Woodcocks aud I'wist, Coventry; Messrs. Baxter and Martin, Kuinival's Inn, London : at the Mart ; and ol Wiiistanlsy and Son, 1 a: cmostei- Row, where a Plan may be se » n. BUCKINGHAM. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By'JOHN DAYS,- SON, At the Sign of the Royal Oak, in Buckingham,- on Saturday the 8th Day of May, 1813, between the Hours of Four and Five in the Afternoon, In One Lot, \ LL that FREEHOLD MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, and GARDEN GROUND thereto belonging, situate in BUCKINGHAM, at the Town's End. near unto the Turnpike Gate on the Road leading from Buckingham towards Brackley, now in the Tenure or Occupation ot WM. TODD, together with a desirable CLOSE of OLD MEA- DOW or PASTURE GROUND and P1GHTLE adjoining thereto, called Kiln Close, containing by Estimation, I- ive Acres ( be the same more or less) in the Occupation ot JAMES ROGERS. The Tenants are under Notice to Quit. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. MILLER, Solicitor, Buckingham. To he SOLD by A U C T I O N By Messrs. BERRY 4- IIAYWARD, At the Crown Inn, BrickLy, on Wednesday the 5th ot May 1813, at Two o'Clock, in two Lots, RIN II E following very valuable LEASEHOLD 6 M EADOW and PASTURE LA N D, desirably situate in the Parish of ST. PETER, RRACKLEY, ot which immediate Possession may be had. Lot 1. Two Closes ot Meadow Land, containing 6A. 2R. 2P. ( moreor less), late in the Occupation ol George Thomas, Esq. 2. A Close of Pasture, containing 3A. 3R. 33P. ( more or less) with a small Pightleof Ground, on which a Windmill formerly stood, in the open Field of Brackley, late also in the Occupation ot the said George Thomas. The above Premises are held by Lease of the Pre- sident and Scholars of St Mary Magdalen College, Oxford, for a Term ot 20 Years, 15 of which were unexpired on the tith Day of December lust. Printed Particulars may be had 14 Days previous to the S ile, at the principal Inns in the Neighnour- hond, and of Messrs. BERRY and HWWARD, Ayles- bury : and further Information, by Application to Mr. HAYWARD, Solicitor, Brackley. Gen. St. Cyr, were defeated by Gen. Benkendnrtf, with the loss of several hundred men killed, wounded and prisoners. It does not appear that the French were in pos- session of Lunebourg as asserted in the Paris papers ; 011 the contrary, the allied troops were there on the 20th, the date of the accounts from thence bv this mail, and Davoust had marched- towards Brunswick. Gen. Winzingerode was nt Leipsic 011 the 18th. He there published a proclamation, in which he declares he will exercise the right of retaliation in its greatest latitude for all violences which the enemy may commit upon any of the inhabitants of Germany. Swedish troops continue to arrive at Stralsund, on their route to Rostock; Bernadotte was ex- pected at tlie former place on the 15th instant. A regiment ' if volunteers is raising in Swedish Po- meranin, - vho are to equip themselves. There is also to be a ' militia, composed of men from lii to 30 years of age. The inhabitants of Prussian P- imerania are not less zealous in hostility against the French.— An interesting article from Stargarrl describe-., in striking colours, the insurrection of the whole valley of the Oder, to defeat a precon- certed j- ilan of the French garrisans of Stettin and Cusmn. These garnSous had determined 011 a joint sortie, in order to ravage the intermediate country; but. tliev " ere defeated by the peasants who assembled from all the villages at the sound of alarm bells, and marched >. lf, headed by the Pro- prietors of Estates, the Clergy, and the Land< li- reetors, and preceded by a cross and a flag, with the inscription of, " Bv the aid of God— for our K nj and Country." This spirit, diffused, as it is, through territories so large in extent, cannot be easily extinguished. Paris Papers arrived last night to the 24th inst. They contain accounts from the armie. s in the North to the loth inclusive, at which time the Vicerny was in his positions, his left on the Elbeat the mouth of the Saale, his centre at Berubotirg, his right towards the mountains of the Ilaltz; the reserve at Magdehurgh. Some partial aff airs are stated to have taken place in various directions, in each which the enemy. of course claim the advantage.- It appears, however, from the FVeuch papers themselves, that Blucher'sdetachments weresweep- ing the whole country to the very confines of the kingdom of Saxony, anil even beyond it. Thev had penetrated into the principality of Bayremb, a- far as lloff; and into that of Sate Gotha, ns fur as nortra itself, which is 15 or 18 miles beyond Erfurt. In this latter place, they had the boidness to tui- rounil the house of the French Envoy, Baron st. Avman, anil carrv off his Secretary. Davoust is stilted tu ks » t Z « Ue, unit Vaud: i 111 : ilt' in lire'oeri Fourteen thousand Saxons are stated to be sliut up in Tnrgau, although the fortress is only watched by some parties of Cossacks.— Twelve hundred Bava- rians 011 their march tojoin the Viceroy, fell in with the Russians and Prussians, whom they are stated to have repulsed ; bin as it is ackiiowle Iged " some fifty straegleis" were taken, we have no doubt it was an affair in which the enemy sustained a serious loss.— Bonaparte WHS s ill at Majeure 011 the 19il>, but was expected at Frankfort on ihe following day. He is, as usual, accompanied By Berthier. His suile consists » nly nf t> vo carriages. At a late hour last Wednesday niglit, II. II. Addington, Esq. second son to the Right lion. J. II. Addington, set off from the Foreign Office, for Yarmouth, in his way to the allied anm at Dresden, lie carries out dispatches to SirCbarles Stewart and Lord Cathcart, and is, we understand, to remain attached to tlie mission under the former. That part of the Allied Army commanded bv the Emperor in person, was expected to reach Dresden 011 Saturday last. - Yesterday the Russian Ambassador bad an an- dience of the Prince Regent, and introduced the Don Cossack, and the Russian Officer who cauic with him t-> England. Major- Gen. tho Hon. Alexander Hope, who has lattly returned from an important mission to the north of Europe ( and who was dreadfully wounded in' Flanders some years agtl), succecds, it is said, to the Colonelcy of the 47th regiment, vacant by the death of General Fitzpatrick ; anil Majur- General filontgnmerie ( Lieu. enatit- Cnlont'l of the 64th) stets the 7 1th, now held bv General. Hope. The Gaxette of Saturday ( see last page) con- tains an account of the defeat of the American General Winchester, by an army not above halt his numerical force. Much has been saiii of the courage and prowess of the Yankees; and their naval successes, gained by Impressed British sea- men, have sanctioned such gasdnade ; but the letters of our military officers furnish the best evidence of their bravery and military skill. Yesterday in the House of Commons, a great variety of Petitions were presented from Protes- tant Dissenters, Baptists, and others, prayins that, in the event of the East India Company's Charter being abolished or modified, provision should be made for facilitating the propagation of Christianity, and permitting any of his Majesty's Protestant subjects to reside in any part of India. Mr. Franklsnd Lewis moved for leave to tiring in a Bill for the better regulating the Assize of Bread.— The law which no v prevailed throughout the country 011 this subject was, he said, passed iu 1758; in 1797 that law was altered, as far as it applied to London and its suburbs, and a fixed standard appointed, the result of which was, that the bakers of the metropolis enjoyed an advantage above all the other bakers in the country. The object of his Bill was, to extend that fixed standai d and benefit thereby enjoyed, trom London to the whole country.— Leave given to bring iu the Bill. The Catholic Bill will be presented this evening in the House of Commons. City Address.— On Wednesday morning the Lord Mayor, accompanied by the two Sheriffs, and several members of the corporation of the City of London, proceeded in procession from Guildhall to Kensington Palace, to present an address to her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, from the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of the City of London, in common council assembled. The procession passing through Pall- Mail, St. James's- streef, along Piccadilly, and through Knightabridge, readied Kensington Palace a little after one.— The Lord Mayor and Corporation were then introduced to the presence of her Royal Highness, attended by the ladies of her court, w hen the Address being read to iier Royal Highness by the Recorder, was presented in the most respectful manner by the chief magistrate, and most graciously received, ller lio/ al Highness then read, w ith groat emotion an I feelings, her gracious answer, and afterwards ap- peared at the window, when 1 lie populace cheered her Ruyal Highness with repeated plaudits. NORTH AMP ION, SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 1. —> » < MARRIED.] On Sunday se'nniabt. Mr. Christopher Lapworth, to Miss Charlotte Briscoe, both of Warwick. On Thursday se'nnig'it, at Warwick, Mr. J" scph Atherley, of Earl- Sliilton, in the county of Lei- cester, surgeon, to Miss Eiizabeth- Bhck Fulford, of Warwick. Same day, Gregory Lee, Esq. of London, to Anne, youngest daughter of the late W. Cunning- ton, Esq. of Heytesburv, Wilts. DIED.] Oil Monday sc'iinight, . Miss Coles, daughter of the Rfv. Mr. Coles, formerly ricar of Sr. Mary's, Warwick. • Tuesday se'nnight, Mr. William Follows, of Castle- Donnington, Leicestershire, nged 42. Same day, Mr. II. Sewell, of the Plough public house, Upper- Boddington, in this county, aged 42. Sunday last, at Reepham, Norfolk, Mr. WiHiatu Fellows, officer of excise, formerly of this town. Same day, at his residence in South- street, London,/ he Right Hon. Rich. Fitzpatrick, a Ge- neral in the army, Colonel of the 4- 7th regiment, and M. P. for the borough of Tavistock, which he represented from 1780 to 1806 inclusive. I'e satin the last Parliament for the county of Bed- ford. The General was younger brother to the Earl of Upper Ossory, was Secretary to the Duko of Portland, when Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, in 1732, and Secretary at. war to the Ministry of 1785; to which situation he was again appointed in 1806, in the Administration of Lord Grenville. General Fitzpatri- k was in the 66ih year of his aae, born the 24th nf January, 1748, and . was presumptive heir to his brother's titles. General Fitzpatrick was distinguished for his elegant at- tainments as a scholar, and his talents as a poet. Tuesday last, after a lingering illness, which he bore with truly christian fortitude, Beriali Botlield, Esq. of Noi ton- Hall, in this 0 - nitty. Last week, Mr. Becklcv, carpenter, Banbury. A petition to the House of Commons, in favour of Missionaries to the Fas - Indies, was signed his week by eight hundred r. nd fifty of the. inhabitants of the parishes of Brixworth, Spratton, Creaton, Church- Bruinpton, West- Haddon, Guils- borough, and Cold- Ashby, in this county. On Tuesday last, a meeting was held at Wellingborough,, for the purpose of petitioning both House's of Parliament, on the subject of promoting Christianity in India; ( for an account of the proceedings of the day, see the advertise- ment).— The meeting was numerously and respect- ably attended, an I was opener! with a clear and impressive address from the chair, explaining tile object for which it had been convened.— The Rev. Mr: Pryce, the Rev. Mr. Jacomb, and the Rev. Mr. Renals, severally addressed the meeting in an able and perspicuous manner, and the Ife- olutions and Petition were 01 iveii and unanimously carried.— In the course of the day, the chairman took an opportunity of introducing the Rev. Mr. Fuller, and ihe Rev. Mr. Grimshaw, the former gentleman, from his particular con- nexion with one of ihe Missionary Societies, was enabled to communicate much valuable and important information upon ( li s interesting sub- ject. He combated, with great success, as well by his own arguments as by documents from Dr. Carey aud others, whatever objections have been raised by the opposers of the measures against tiie expediency of sending Missionaries to the East; and was followed by Mr. Grimshaw, who, in a strain of manly and impressive eloquence, contributed most eminently both to the gratifi- cation of the meeting, and to the elucidation and support of the cause. The Duke of Grafton's horse Joe Miller, is matched against Major Wilson's . Spotless, at the first Newmarket October Meeting, fir loOsuineas. The celebrated and truly wonderful Whimsi- phus'cbns will display their unrivalled abilities in our Theatre on Monday next, and Tuesday, Wed- nesday, and Friday, and from the report of their • alents, we have no doubt but the Theatre will be crowded.— See Advt. On the morning of Tuesday se'ntiiglit, between five and six o'clock, a very alarming fire broke out in a barn belonging to- the widow Armbrough, at Wheatley, Oxon, and communicated with amazing rapidity to an extensive range of buildings, which, with all her corn, un l a considerable quan- tity of hay and straw, were entirely consumed. The flames very soon extended to the out- hoi'ses, and a furze stack belonging to Mr. Latnburn, baker; but, by the timoly arrival of 1.11 engine forwarded by E. Biscoe, Esq. from Holton Park, and one from Oxford soon afterwards, the duell- ing house of Mr. Lamburn w- a « , ( c mtrarv 10 all expectation), prese rved, arid tlie prubab'e <! cstru'c- tion ofa considerable pai't of the villageprevcmed. Mr. 1. imbum's prrperfv was insured; but. it is thought that Mrs. Armbroitgh's ioss must amount to £ 700,110 part of her stock hc- ins insured, and the buildingi only for an iueousi L- rablo * in. It has not been satisfactorily ascertained whether the premises were accidentally or maliciously sc- t tin fire. Several accidents happened in Nottingham market- place last week, by young people lulling from the cljairs ol the merryg'troumls: one gill had her arm twisted and broken, another ha, f her skull dreadfully fractured, and a third received so severe a contusion that she was taken away senseless. In order to, prevent further m scluef, the Mayor immediately directed tho iiiaciiii. es to be removed. The Gentlemen of ihe Grand Jury at the Quarter Sessions left iu tile hands of the Gaoler £ \ for the Debtors. *** The order to discontinue the Advertisement of a llorse stolen trom Little Bart. iid, arrived too late. — THE HORSF. IMS B5 EN' FOUND. Corn- Lnhunge, London, Fr iday, i{ p> U 80.- The supph of every rticle since last Monday has been but - canty; and tins day we had a pretty brisk demand tor most articles, which produced some advance in the prices. — Barley. Beans, and Oats, are each about Is. per quarter dearer, and the other kinds ot t; iam meit rc. uiy sales at somewhat above VI MHIIIV'S price. Northampton — Saturday. Wheat - 116-. Od.' to 128s'. Od Rye His. Gd. to Barley fi'is. 0d. lo New Oats ' 16s. Od. to Beans - 9Ss. Od. to New Beans — s. Od. to Peas — s. Od. to by ttic Standard Measure. 83s. Od, fi5s. Od. 52s. 6.1. — s. Del. — S. Od. — s. ild. Market- Harborough— Tuesday last. Wheat ... lJSi Od.' to 131s. 0d. Barley 68s. Od. to 74s. Od. New Oats 40s. Od. to 48s. 0- t. Old Oats s— s. Od. to — s. ( Id. New Beans — s. Od. to — s. Od. Old Beans — s. Od. to — s. Od. By the Customary Measure. Banbury— Thursday last. Wheat ( per Bu » hel) 14s. Od. to 16s. 61. Beans ( Ditto) 10s. Od. to 13s od. Hog Peas ( llitto) — s. Od. to — s. Od. Vetches ( Ditto) 2ls. Od. to 2is. 0.1. Barley ( per Quartet) 58;. Od. to fos. Od. Oats ( Ditto) 45s Od. to 50s. Od. Bread Is. lOd. the Half peck. LIST M. Tu. W. I'll. s. M. W, Th. F. S. of FAIRS from May 3, to May 15, vrithin the Circuit of this Paper, May 3. West- Hadjon. 4. Amplhill, Krilh, Northampton, and Thrapston. 5. Marlow. 6. Buckingham, Chipping - Norton, Higham- Ferrers, tvinghne, Oak- ham, Risborsugh, and Weldon. 8. Nottingham, —— 10. Stamford. la. Litile- Hrtekhill, Leicester, Litch- field, Stow- on- the- Would, Tow- cester, Warwick, and Wenduver. 13. Silsoe. 14. Nuneaton, and Stratford- ou- Avun. li. Eftlnw. and R** bv THE BEST OF WIVES. A Man had once a vicious wife, J * ( A most uncommon tiling in life I) His days and nights were spent in strife, Unceasing. JT? r tongue went glibly, all dav long, Sweet contradiction still her song ; And all the poor man did was wrong, Most wrelch'dly ! A truce, without doors, or within, From speeches long, as statesmen spin, Or rest from her eternal din. He found not. Tie, ev'ry soothing art display'd { Tried of what stuff her skin was made; Failing in all, to Heav'n he pray'd To take her. Once, walking hy a river's side, In mournful terms—" My Dear," he cried, " No more, let feuds our peace divide, " I'll end them. " Weary of life, and quite resign'd, " To drown, I've now made up my mind, " So tie my hands, as fast behind, " As can be ; " Or nature may assert her reign, " My arms assist, my will restraiu ; " And, swimming, I once more regain • « My troubles." With eager haste, the dame complies, While joy stands glist'ning in her eyes: Already in her thought, lie dies Before her. " Yet, when T view the rolling lide, " Nature revolts," he said, " beside " 1 would not be a suicide, " And die thin : " It would he better far^ I think, " While close I stand upon the brink, " You push me in— nay ! never shrink ! " But do it! To give Ihe blow the more effect, Some tiventv yards she ran direct, Aud did, what she could least expect, She would do. He slips aside, himself to save, So souse she dashes in the wave, And gave, what ne'er before she gave. Much pleasure ! " Pear husband!— help!— T sink," she cried, Thou best of wives !" the man replied, " I would— but you rny hands have tied. " God help ye I" —— From the LONDON GAZETTE of April 24 Downing- Street, April 11. A Dispatch, of which the following is a copy was this day received^ by Earl Bathurst, one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State from Liout.- Gennral Sir George Prevost, Bart Governor General and Commander- in- Chief of the Forces in North America. Qiteber, Feb. 8, 1813. " MY Lotto,— I have the honour to congratulate your Lordship upon the signal success which has again attended liii Majesty's arms iu Upper Canada. Brigadier- General Winchester, with a division of the forces of tlie United Slates, consisting of upwards of one thousand inen, being Ihe right w ing of Major- General Harrison's army, tin own in advance, marching to the attack of Detroit, was completely defeated nil the 22.1 of January last, by Colonel Proctor, commanding in the Michigan territory, willi a force which he had hastily col- lected upon the approach nf the enemy, consisting of a small detachment of the 10th ( loyal Veteran Battalion, lliree companies of the 41st regiment, a party of the Royal Newfoundland Fencibles, the sailors belonging ( o Ihe Queen Charlotte, and one hundred and fifty of the Essex Militia nntexceeding five hundred regulars and militia, anil about six hundred Indians; the result of the action has been the surrender of Brigadier- General Winchester, xvitli five hundred officers, non- commissioned officers, and privates of ihe American army, and with a loss on their pari nf nearly the like number in killed and wounded. For the details nf this affair, which reflects the highest credit on Colonel Proctor, for the promptitude, gallantry, and decision which he lias manifested upon this occasion, I beg leave to refer voiir Lordship to his letter to Major- General Shenffe, herewith transmitted. I have also the honour of transmitting lo your lordship returns of the killed iinjl wounded on our part, and of the prisoners taken from the enemy, 11re latter of which, your Lordship will not fail lo observe, more than exceeded the whole of the regular and militia force which Colonel Proctor bad to oppose to them. Major. General Harrison, with the main body of his army, consisting of about two thousand ineu, was reported lo be four or five days' march distant from Brig.- Gen. Winchester's division, advancing in Ihe direction of Detroit. I think it not improbable thai, upon hearing of the disaster of this division and the loss of the supplies; he mav commence his retreat ; hilt should he persevere in his endeavours to penetrate fuvther info the Michigan territory, I feel the fullest confi- dence in the skill and bravery of Colonel Proctor and the troops under his command, for an effectual resistance to every attempt of the enemy in thai quarter. A small detachment from the royal artillery, al Fort George, with the light infantry company of the 41st regiment, have marched to reinforce Detroit; they are to be replaced on the Niagara frontier bv troops now in motion from Montreal. I iiave the honour to be, & c. ( Signed) GEORGE PKEVOST. Sandwich, Jan. 25, 1813. — in my last dispatch I acquainted you that the enemy was in the Michigan territory, marching upon Detroit, and lhat T therefore deemed it neces- sary that he should be attacked without delay, with nil and every description of force within my reach Early in ( he morning of the 19lli, I was inform? of his being in possession of Frenchtowu, on the river Raisin, 28 miles from Delroii, after expe riencing every resistance that Major Reynold*, of the Essex uiilitla, had in his power to make, wilh a thre. i'- nounder, well served and directed by Bombardier Kelson, of the royal artillery, and the militia, three of whom he had well trained to ihe use of It. The rctteat of the gun was covered by a brave band of Indians, who made the enemy pay dear for what lie obtained. This party, composed of militia and Indians, willi the gun, fell back eighteen miles to Brown's Town, the settlement o the brave Wyandots, where I directed my force to assemble. On the 21st instant, I advanced twelve miles to Swan Creek, from whence * e inarched to the enemy, and attacked him at break of day on lb 22d instant; and after suffering, for our numbers a considerable loss, the enemy's force posted in houses and enclosures, and n liich, from dread falling fnlo the hands of the Indians, they most obstinately defended, at length surrendered at discretion; the other part of their force, iu at templing to retreat by the way they came, were t believe, all, or with very few exceptions, killed by the Indians. Brig.- Gen. Winchester was taken in the pursuit hy the Wyandot Chief Roundhead who afterwards surrendered hiin to me. You will perceive that I have lost no time; indei it was necessary lo be prompt in my movements, tile enemy would have been joined by Major- Gen. Harrison in a few days. The troops, the marines and Ihe militia, displayed great bravery, and behaved uncommonly well. Where so ranch zeal and spirit were manifested, ii would be unjust to attempt to particularise any; I cannot however, refrain from mentioning Lieut.- Colonel Stv George, who received four wounds ill a gallant attempt to occupy a building which was favourably situated for annoying the enemy; together with Ensign Kerr, of Ihe New foandlnud regiment, who, I fear, is very dangerously wounded. The zeal and courage of the Indian department were never more con- spicuous than on this occasion, and the Indian warriors fought with their usual bravery. I am much indebted to the different departments, the troops having been well and timely supplied with every requisite the district could afford. I have fortunately not been deprived of the ser- vices of Lieut. Trnnghton, of the Royal Artillery, and acting in ihe Quartermaster- General's depart- ment, although he was wounded, to whose zealous and unwearied exertions I am so greallv indebted .- is well as lo ihe whole of the Royal Ariillery, for their conduct in this affair. I inclose a list of ihe killed and wounded, and cannot but lameut that there are so many of both, liut of Ihe latter I am happy to say a large pro- portion will icturii to their duty, and mnst of them in a short time. I also inclose a return of the arms and ammunition which have been taken, as well as of the prisoners, whom you will perceive lobe equal to my utmost force, exclusive of the Indians, St is reported that a party, consisting of one hundred men, bringing 500 hogs for General Win Chester's force, lias been completely cut off by the Indians, and the convoy taken. Lieut. M'Lean, ray acting Brigade- Major, whose gallantry and exertions were conspicuous on the 22d inst. is the hearer of this dispatch, and will be able to afford you every information respecting our situation.— I have the honour to be, See. ( Signed) HENIIY Paoeroa, Col.- Com. To Major- Gen. Sheaffe, & c. & c. Fort George. Total prisoners taken, 495. N. B. The Indians have brought in and delivered p several prisoners since tile above return was taken ; they continue to d » so this morning, so that this return is not perfectly correct, nor can a cor- rect one be procured until they arrive at Sandwich. Total British killed, 24 ; ditto wounded, 15S. Names of the officers wounded. — Royal Artillery, Lieut. Troughton, 41st Foot. Captain Tallon and Lieut. Clemow ; Royal Newfoundland Regiment, Ensign Kerr ; Marine Department, Lieutenants llol'ette and Irvine ; and Midshipman Richardson ; 1st Essex Militia, Cap'. Mills, and Lieuts. M'Cor- tnic and Gordon ; 2d Ditto, Claud Garvin ; Staff, Col. SI. George. Admiralty- 0ffi. ee, April 21.— A letter from Ihe Hon. Capt. Paget, of his Majesty's ship Superb, announces the capture of the Viper, American letter of marque, of 274 tons, six guns, and 35 men, from Vantes.— A letter from Ihe Hon. Capi. Bouverie, of his Majesty's ship Medusa, mentions Ihe capturc of the American schooner letter of marque Caroline, of four guns and 28 men, from New Orleans to Bourdeaux, The St. Petersburgh Gazette of the 2Tth of February contains ' he following traits, which do so much honour to Count Woronz IW, a Russian Nobleman, the early part of whose life was passed in tiiis . country, where his sister is naturalized, by marriage, as Countess of Pembroke. It is scarcely necessary to remind our readers, that the father of this gallant officer is the Count Woronzow, who was for many years distinguished by the able man- her in which he discharged the diplomatic functions at this Court. " Amongst the ace omits published at the head quarters of our army, is the following: Major General Count W'oronzow having been wounded in the battle of Borodino, had repaired for the re- establishment of his health to an estate of his in the Government of Wladirnir. Shortly afterwards other wounded individuals, passing through the same place on their way to the regular hospitals, the Count invited them to remain at his residence till they recovered. Accordingly the number' increased at last to 40 officers and 300 soldiers all of whom were most cordially entertained at th Count's expense, and each according to his rank the soldiers received their money and provisions as they would have done from Government, and even the horses' forage was distributed at the same time. Those who have since returned to I ho army, feeling that they are indebted to the kindness of tbe Count Woronzow for their lives, speak every whare with the liveliest gratitude of their gallant protector, who with a truly parental anxiety, himself superintended every thing relativ to their cure. We consider it the more our dutv to give general publicity to this noble conduct the Count's, because he himself endeavoured to keep it secret." General Tnc/ osure Bill.— A bill is at this time before Parliament of a most important description for facilitating the Inclosure of Waste Lands, provides that Proprietors of Commons, Common able and Undivided Grounds, and Waste Lands, wh wish to inclose, mav, by presenting a petition the Justices at the Quarter Sessions ( after comply in » ; with certain regulations) receive authority frotA such Justices to proceed in inclosing, provided Ihe Owner of such Waste Grounds, and three- fifths in value of the Proprietors of Lands, & c. with the District proposed to be inclosed, have given their consent thereto. The consent nf the Justices being obtained, the business of the inclnsure is to be managed by a Commissioner or Commissione named in ( he petition; the powers vested in these Commissioners appear to be directed solely to the welfare of Ihe parlies concerned, and any one wh is dissatisfied with their determination on any point has an appeal to a Court of Law. The Lords Owners of the soil are to have a compensation their right in it, and the owners of the tithes are a'so lo have a compensation in lieu of tiihes. The Commissioners' accounts of receipts and dis burseraents are lo be annually laid before Justice? of the Peace for their inspection. Th preamble to this Bill states, that—" as there are Wa- le Lands of great extent in England and Wales, it is of great national consequence that the same should he inclosed, cultivated, and rendered pro- ductive." The Ilev. Mr. Hewlett's valuable edition of the Holy Bible, with critical, philological, and expla- natory Notes, has lately been completed in three large volumes in Quarto. It is sold with or without Engravings from the. Old Masters. The interpreta- tion of doctrinal points is strictly conformable to the Liturgy and Articles of the Established Church, received and taught by our Bishops, and the great bodv of the regular Clergy. It is a little remarkable, that no Bible, of this character, ac- companied with any thing deserving the name of Commentary, has issued from the English press during the last fifty years. Dr. Rees's New Cyclopadia.— The Editor and Proprietors have lately announced, that this valuable work will be completed in three years, forming thirty- six volumes, twenty- four of which are already published. Of all the Encyclopaedias to which the original and celebrated Dictionary of Chambers has given birth, the Cyclopedia of Dr. Rees is the most comprehensive. The long life of trie learned and indefatigable Editor has been devoted to its Improvement, aided by his nume- rous able co- skdjutors. The elegant and accurate Engravings of Lowry, Milton, and Scotr, which llustrate this Publication, are in themselves of superior utility and value, aud render the Work absolutely unique in this popular class of publications. On Thursday the 1st instant, the body of an infant was found floating in a pond at Harleston Norfolk ; two women, suspected of pregnancy, were taken up, and examined before the coroner, but discharged, for want of evidence. One of them, named Mary Tyrell, being nevertheless strongly believed to be the unnatural mother, she was again apprehended and examined, and a second time discharged. Three days after, how- ever, she swallowed a quantity of arsenic, and died the following morning, denying that she had taken any tiling to destroy herself, only saying that " they say they heard the baby cry, but they did not." A coroner's inquest returned a verdict of J'elo desc, and she was buried in a cross road. ARMY IN POKTUGAL. The following is the disposition of the troops iu the Peninsula:— Commander in Chief, Marquis of Wellington. Second in Command, Gen. Sir Thus. Graham. Commanding the Portuguese Army, Marshal Sir W. Bcresford. Cavalry Division, Lieut.- Gen. Sir S. Cotton, K. B. 1st Division, Lieut.- Gen. the Hon. Wm. Stewart Sd Division, Lieut.- Gen. Sir Rowland Hill, K. I?. 3d Division, Lieut.- Gen. Sir Thos. Picton. K. B. 4th Division, Lieut.- Gen. Sir G. Cole, K. B. 5th Division, Lieut.- Gen. Sir J. Leilh, K. B. 6ih Division, Lieut.- Gen. Clinton Till Division, Lieut.- Gen. the Earl of Dalhousie Light Division, Major- General Baron Allen Quarter- Master- Gen. Major- Gen. SirT. Murray Adjutant- Gen. Major- Gen. Sir C. Stewart, K. B. Commander of Guides, Colonel Scovell Chief Engineer, Lieut.- Col. Sir R. F'letchcr, Bart. Inspector- Gen. of Hospitals, J. Macgregor, Esq. Commissary- General, Sir Robert Kennedy General Kemp has joined the Light Division. When the last letters left the arinv, the follow- ing regiments were thus posted:— The 48th Regiment, commanded by Major White— at Frexo. 27th ditto, Lieutenant- Colonel M'Leaij— Mada 7ih ditto. Major Burton— Arvadoza 53d ditto, Lieutenant- Colonel Bingham— Ranhadaz 52d ditto, Lieut,- Col. Hum— near Almeida 081 h ditto, Lieut.- Col. Johnston— Martin'na 2d ditto, Captain Scoit— RanhadaS; 20lh Ditto, Colonel Ross— Pisquera Oxford Blues and Life- Guards— Santarcm fjtli Regiment, Lieut.- Col. Murray— Papox de Baxo 82d Ditto, Colonel Gram— Gouvea 45th ditto, Lieut.- Col. Leaky— Moimenta de Beira 1st Guards, Colonel Graut— Viseu 40th Regiment, Captaiu Stretton— Marialvo 23d ditto, Lieut.- Col. Campbell— F" onte Arcada 83il ditto, Lieutenant- Colonel Carr— Vilor 16! b Dragoous, Major Hoy— Santa CuialKidao KING CHARLES THE FIRST. Sir Henry Halford lias published a Narrative of the Investigation which lately took place a- Windsor, in the Vault of King Henry VIII, in presence of the Prince Regent and a select few, appointed bv his Royal Highness for the purpose. The fill-) wing is an extract:— " The vault is covered by an arch, half a brick in thickness, is seven feet two inches in width, ine feet six inches in length, and four feet ten ches in height, and is situated in the centre of the choir, opposite the eleventh Knight's stall on the Sovereign's side. " On removing the pall, a plain leaden coffin, tli no appearance of ever having been enclosed wood, and bearing tin inscription, " King hatlcs, 1648," in large legible characters, on a scroll of lead, encircling it, immediately presented tself to the view. A square opening was then idein the upper part of the lid, of such dimen- sions as to admit a clear insight into its contents- These were, an internal wooden coffin, very much decayed, and the Body carefully wrapped in cere- cloth, into the folds of which a quantity of unctuous or greasy matter mixed with resin, as it seemed, had been melted, so as to exclude, as effectually as possible, the external air. The coffin was completely full; and from the tenacity of the cere- cloth, great difficulty was experienced n detaching it successfully from the parts which it enveloped. Wherever the unctuous matter had insinuated itself, the separation of the cere- cloth was easy; and when it came off, a . correct im- pression of the features to which. it had been pplied was observed in the unctuous substance. At length, the whole face was disengaged from its covering. The complexion of the skin of it was dark and discoloured. The forehead and temples had lost little or nothing of their muscular sub- stance; the cartilage of the nose was gone; but the left eye, in the first moment of exposure, was open and full, though it vanished almost irame- liately: and the pointed heard, so characteristic of the period of the reign of King Charles, was perfect. The shape of the f^ ee was a long oval; many of the teeth remained ; and the left ear, in consequence of the interposition of the unctuous matter between it and the cere- cloth, was found entire. " It was difficult, at this moment, to withhold a leclaration, that, notwithstanding : ts disfigure- ment, the countenance did bear » strong re- semblance to the coins, the busts, and especially to the pictures of King Charles I. by Vandyke, by which it had been made familiar to us. It is true, that the. minds of the spectators of this interesting sight were well prepared to receive this impression; hut it is also certain, that such a facility of belief had been occasioned by the simplicity and truth of Mr. Herbert's Narra'ive, every part of which had been confirmed by the investigation, so far as it had advanced; and it will not be denied that the shape of the face, the forehead, an eye, and the heard, are the most important features by which resemblance is determined. " When the head had b'sen entirely disengaged from the attachments which confined it, it was found to he loose, and, without any difficulty, was taken up and held to view. It was quite wet*, and gave a greenish red tinge to paper, and to linen which touched it. The back part of the scalp was entirely perfect, and had a remarkably fresh appearance; the pores of the skin being more distinct, as they usually are when soaked in mixture; and the tendons and ligaments of the neck were of considerable substance and firmness. The hair was thick at the back part of the head, and in appearance nearly black, A portion of it, which has since been cleaned and dried; is of a beautiful dark brown colour. That of the beard was a redder brown. On the back part of the head, it was more than an inch in length, and had probably been cut so short for the convenience of the executioner, or, perhaps, bv the piety of friends soon after death, in order to furnish memorials of the unhappy King. " On holding up- the head, to examine the place of separation from the body, the muscles of the neck had evidently retracted themselves consi- derably; and thp fourth cervical vertebra was found to be cut through its substance, transversely, leaving the surfaces of the divided portions per- fectly smooth and even, an appearance which could have been produced only by a heavy blow, inflicted with a very sharp instrument, and which furnished the last proof wanting to identify King Charles the First. " After this examination of the head, which served every purpose in view, and without ex- amining the body below the neck, it was imme- diately restored to its situation, the coffin was soldered up again, and the vault closed. " Neither of the other coffins had any ifisbription upon ihem. The larger one, supposed on go id grounds to contain the remains of King Henry VIII, measured six feet ten inches in length, and had been enclssed in an elm one, two inches in thickness; hut this was decayed, and lay in small fragments near it. The leaden coffin appeared to have been beaten in by violence about the middle; and a considerable opening in that part of it, exposed a mere skeleton of the King, Some beard remained upon the chin, but there was nothing to discriminate the personoge contained in it. " The smaller coffin, understood to he that of Queen Jane Seymour, was not touched; mere curiosity not being considered, by the Prince Regent, as a sufficient motive for disturbing these remains. " On examining the vault with some attention, it was found that the wall, at the west end, had, at some period or other, been partly pulled down and repaired again, not by regular masonry, but by fragments of stones and bricks, put rudely and hastily together without cement, * I have not asserted this liquid to be biood, be- cause I had not an opportunity of being sufe that it was so, and I wished to record facts only, and not opinions ; I believe it, however, to have been blood, in which the head rested. It gave to writing paper and to a white handkerchief, such a colour as blood, which has been kept for a length of time generally leaves behind it. Nobody present had a doubt ot its being blood ; and it appears from Mr. Herbert's nar- rative that the King was embalmed immediately after, decapitation. It is probable, therefore, that the large blood vessels continued to empty themselves for some time afterwards. I am aware that" some of the s ifter parts of the human body, and particularly the brain undergo, in the course of time, a decomposition, and will melt. A liquid, therefore, might be. found, after long interment, where solids only had been buried: but the weight ot the head, in thji instance, gave no suspicion that the brain had lost its sub- stance ; and no moisture appeared in any other part ot the coffin, as far as we could see, excepting at the back part of the head and neck, 1 Wisdom -" id 7 Others.— The Third Class of the Oatlands Stakes was won bv Mr. Pigot's Mantida- mun, beating Joe Miller, ' l'ooley, and 6 others. Thursday. — A Sweepstakes of 2' iOgs. each, h. ft. Sst. 51b. A. F. wis won ' sv Lord Darlington's f by Giles, beating the Duke of Grafton's Jest, and Lord Oxford's f. by Warrior.— Seven to four on Lord Darlington's f.— Lord C. H. Somerset's Oll'a's Dyke, beat Lord F. Bentinck's f. bv Staveley, lOOgs. — Five to 2 on Offi's Dyke.— A Subscription Plate of = 630 for 2- vear. olds, was won by Lord Sackville's b. c. beating Mr. W. Butler's cli f.— Fifteen started, but the Judge could place only two. — Mr. Norton1' Scrub received ri^ s. from Mr. Charlston's Hermet.— I One hundred yards for 50gs. I Friday.— A Sweepstakes of lOOes. each, b. ft. A. F. } vvas won by Mr. Ladb- oke', Octavi is, and 9 others. — A Sweepstakes of lOOgs each, h ft. T. Y. C. was won by Lord Sackville's l. adv of the Lake beat- ing Mr. Batson's g. brother to Briseis, General L. Gower's Anastasia, Mr. Pavne's Lady Sophia. Mr. Kellerman's Ptolemy, and Mr. Andrew's Calyba. Saturday.— A Sweepstakes of 200< s. each, h. ft. A. F. was won by Mr Craven's The Captain, beat- ing Mr. Andrew's The Corporal, and the Duke of Grafton's Jest.— Mr. Rruen's Hollvhock. against the Dukeof Rutland's Elizabeth, T. M. M. 20' 1gs. h ft. — Mr. Barlow's Merryfield against Major Wilson's f. by brother to Vivalid, 11. M. lOOgs. h. f. Off by consent. i BY ORDER OF GpVRUNMENT. | *| MCKF. TS and SHARES for the prejfnt Stnt OR. THORNTON'S Royal BOTANICAL LOTTERY must be drawn on the 6th ol MAY, when every Ticket will be a Prize. Value of the Prizes, taken from the Act of Parliament: 1 of ,65,0811 is <£ 5,080 199 80 I5,93u 200 30 fi. OO 1 600 15 9,001 2,000 6 10,00!' 7,000 3 21,000 a Lot Eery, containing more Prizes than Blinks, are on Siiile at the Office ol HAZARD, BURNF. & Co. Stock- Brokeis, Royal Exchange, London, when No. 1.191, the last Prize of ,£ 2^, 000, and the only one in that l. otterv, was sold ill one Half, one Eighth, and six Sixteenths. Thepresent Lottery begins drawing the6th of MAY. The Scheme contains .3 Prizes of. =£ 20,000 3 Prizes of .. =£ 10,000 & c. &- c. CHRISTIANITY IN TNDIA. To the PRINTERS. SIRS,— I rejoice lo find. the attention ofNorthamp tonshire lias lately been invited to the importance of securing the blessings of Christianity to the immense population under the British Empire ill the East. It. is no common cause; and Ihe serioas omission of so necessary a provision in the renewal of the ISast India Charter seems to have excited similar appre- hension ® , as well as similar exertions, in many other parls of Ihe kingdom.— As the case stands at present, there is not a single Missionary, either under til? patronage of Ihe Church Establishment, or in con- nection with any other denomination, that is exempt from the possibility of being excluded from so wide and beneficial a sphere of action lo religious bene volence and zeal. Nor are grounds of apprehension wanting, from a spirit that has displayed itself both at. home and abroad, adverse to these undertaking Whether the Gospel is to be closer! on India for 20 years, or its blessings are to be diffused under judi cious and salutary regulations; whether our Asiatic Empire, with a population of sixty millions, i annexed to Great Uritnin for the mere purposes of com nercial aggrandizement, or lhat she might avail herself of .. er ample means, united we would • hope with a will ample as those means, for rescuing benighted millions from a supers! it ion which has been denominated a religion of pollution and of blood, is an important topic both for political and religions discussion. The moral obligation to dispense Christianity seems generally admitted. It is solely a question of expediency : but lei not Ihe principle be sacrificed, in deliberating on its policy ; and lei a gpneral expression of the public feeling, prove to Parliament, that Ihe country is solicitous to give action to this principle ; and that we are not desirous to make a compromise of moral obligation to political expediency, because we think expe- diency and duty nne and the same ; and because we have faith that in supporting the honour of God, he will furnish us with means of doing it effectually, I rejoice to hear that t wo more public meetings are in contemplation, lo promote petitions to Par- liament, one of them, I understand, a district associ- ation. This union of villages, by not confining Ihe expression of the public voicelo towns alone, shews the interest that the subject has excited ; but no time is to be lost. I would beg to recommend therefore, a general imitation of this mode of proceeding. Parchments may be distributed for signature in adjoining parishes, with a copy of Ihe petition, and then attached to each oilier, and 10,000 Prizes. = 667,000 TITE ( JKYVD PRIZE in this National and Valuable Lottery, consists of that inestimable Collection of Paintings which form; the Linnxan Gallery, now exhibiting to the Public What renders these Paintings of such extraordinary Value is, that they are mostly the Productions of those deceased Artists Opie, Russell, and Bartolozzi, and consequently never can be replaced. THE OTHER PR1JRS are different Series of Books, each Set embellished with several Hundred beautiful Engravings ( and not single Prints as in Bowyer's and Boydcll's Lotteries'. As the Act of Parliament directs the Cooper- Platei to be destroyed, these Prizes must be increased in Value beyond all Calculation, The first 10,000 Tickets drawn will receive all the P- izes, in the Order in which they stand in the Scheme, viz. the First- drawn Ticket will be entitled toth-: Grand Prize; the 199 next drawn Tickets to the Prizes valued at =£ 80 each, aud soon, in regular Succession, therefore ail Purchases must be made before the Drawing begins. Tickets, Price only £ i 5s. each, are selling at the London Offices, and by all the Agents in the Country. Every Purchaser will be presented ( gratis) with a striking Likeness ot the Emperor Alexander, sup- ported by a Cossack and a Russian Grenadier. On Diseases of the Skin. Eruptive, Inflammatory, and Ulcerative. R. WILSON, Surgeon, announces that he shall publish a familiar Treatise, illustrative of the Limits beyond which domestic Management in these extremely delicate Cases cannot safely proceed. Mr. W.' s Experience being honourably extensive, affords too much Proof of the lamentable Evil deducible from mistaken Views and misapplied Nostrums In all future Consultations by pro- fessional Gpntlemen in the Country, a Detail of the preceding Med'cinal Course is requested. When consulted by Patients themselves, Mr. W. desires a faithful historical Description ; yet ( when it is con venient), he will ever prefer the superior Accuracy of a professional Statement. Mr. W. limits his Practice to Diseases of the Skin solely, and merely prescribes. — No 202, Piccadilly, near St. Jame&' s Church, London. \ Gentleman consulted Mr. Spilsbury, at fits t\ Dispensary, 15, Soho- Square, last Summer, having an encrusted Eruption of the pustular Form covering his Hands, attended with violent Pain, and Swelling of the Glands ofthe. Arm from Irritation His Nights were sleepless, and his helpless State ( bis Hands being useless) rendered this Case in so young a Man distressing. Much of the Virulence had been produced by previous improper Treatment. Being directed to a mild sedative Plan, the aggravated Symptoms gave Way, and the Patent Antiscorbutic Drops restored his Hands to their natural State; and he now expresses himself as enjoying abetter State of Health than the two preceding Years. N. B. The Genuine Medicine, Spilsbtiry's Patent Antiscotbutic Drops, has the Words, " By the King's Patent," expressed on the Bottles, Bill of Direction, and outside Wrapper, and the King's Duty is printed in black Ink. — in Bottles of Six Shillings— Double, Ten Shillings and Sixpence— and largest One Pound Two Shillings, Duty included.— Compound Essence; Eight Shillings. This Medicine is peculiarly successful in Scurvy Gout, Rheumatism, Scrophulous and Bilious Com- plaints. BANKRUPTS required to surrender. George Leonard Tantz, ot Baker- street, Portmai- square, Middlesex, tailor, dealer & chapman, April 27, May 8, and June 5, at Guildhall.— Attornies, Messrs. Bod fie Id, Punton, & Thompson, Hind- court, Fleet- street. John Horn, of Portsea, slopseller, d.& c. Mav 4, 15, and June 5, at Guildhall, London. — Attornies, Messrs. Jonesfe Rocke, Covent- Garden Church- yard. James Taylor, of Stoke- Newington, Middlesex, butcher, d. & c. April 27, May 15, and June 5, at Guildhall. — Attorney, Mr. N'oy, Mincing- lane, Tower- street. Thomas Byrne, late of Portsmouth, salesman, d. & c. May 5, 6, and June 5, at the Fountain Inn, Portsmouth.— Attorney, Mr. Hart, Portsmouth. Cornelius Berry, of Sweeting's- alley,. Cornhill, London, stationer, April 27, May 1, and June 5, at Guildhall.— Attorney, Mr. Concanen, Great Prescot- Street. Thomas Sindrey, of Trinity. street, Rotherhithe, Surry, baker, Mayl, 11, and June5, at Guildhall.— Attorney, Mr. Quallet, Printer's- place, Bermondsey. Peter Crokat and Ailam Piatt, jon. of Liverpool, merchant. May 19, 20, and June 5, at the Globe Tavern, Liverpool.— Attornies, Messrs. Crump & Lodge, Liverpool. George Winter, of Newbury, Berkshire, grocer, d.& c April 27, May 4, and Jur. e 5, at Guildhall, London. — Attorney, Mr. Eaton, Westmorland- place. David Stevens, of C'ockhill, Ratclifle, Middlesex, slopseller, d. & c. May 1, 8, and June 5, at Guild- hall.— Attorney, Mr. Coote, Austin- Friars. Benjamin Newmarch, of Cheltenham, common- brewer, April 28, 29, and June 5, at the Bell Inn, Gloucester. — Attorney, Mr. Wathen, Stroud Matthew Kear, jun. of Coiford, GloucesJershire, coal- miner, d. Sec. May 10, II, and June 5, at the Rummer Tavern, Bristol.— Attorney, Mr. Hartley, Bristol. lohn Neal, late of Worcester, innholder. May IS, 19, and June 5, at the Star and Garter Inn, Worcester. Attorney, Mr. De Courcy, Worcester. Thomas Hull, of Upper- Boddington, Northamp- tonshire, victualler, d. & c. April 2S, 29, and June at the White Lion Inn, Banbury.— Attorney, Mr. Aplin, Ranburv. Benjamin Roberts, of Pudsey, Yorkshire, machine- maker, d. & c. May 4, 5, and June 5. at the Hotel, Leeds.— Attorney, Mr. Blakelook, Leeds. Thomas Davies and Paul 1' ortway, of Tipton, Staffordshire, timber- merchants, d. & c. May IS, 19, and June 5, at the Littleton Arms Inn, Penkridg-.— Attorney, Mr. Fellows, Dudley. William Harvey, of Jermyn- street, London, wine- inerchant. May 4, 18, and' June 8, at Guildhall.— Attorney, Mr. Burn, Auction- Mart. Anthony Stevenson, jun. of Newcastle- upon- Tyne, ship- owner, d. & c. May 5, 17, and June 8, at' the George Inn, Newcastle- upon- Tyne.— Attorney., Nir » Seymour, Newcastle- upon- Tyn- RHEUMATISMS, Palsies, and Gouty AfTec- re Members of both Houses of Parliament, some of tions with their usual Concomitants, Spasms whom are already kindly engaged to fulfil that ° r Hying Pains, Flatulency, Indigestion, and general office, solicited to presefit oue to each house. May Debility ( originsting in whatever Source),_ are we remember that once we were idolaters, objects of compassion, like those for whom we are now called to interpose. And may a sense of our happy deliverance from such a state, impress the Divine precept on our minds, " freely ye have received, freely give." A Friend to Christianity in the East. On the 20th of April was published, at R. Acker- mann's, 101, Strand, London, and to be had of all the Booksellers in the United Kingdom, a Third Edition of \ TOUR in SEARCH of the PICTURESQUE, RV by the Rev. Dr. SVNT. IX; U Poem : Printed ivith J new Type, and new Plates by Rowla'ndson ; oil large Royal Octavo Velluin Paper, hot pressed. Price, with thirty- one coloured Engravings, 21s. or without tbe Engravings, 10s. 61. Also, a Second Edition of tbe Poem of BLAIR'S GRAVli; illustrated with 13 beautiful Engravings, by the late Mr. L. Schiovonetti, after the Designs ot Mr. Blake; to which is prefixed the Lives of Blair, Schiovonetti, and Cromeck. Printed on large Ele- phant Quarto. Price £ 1.12s. 6d. extra Boards. A fcw Copies on Quarto Atlas, Price £ 3. 13s. fid. Boards. Just published, as above, COSSACK LOVE SONG. Price 2s. 6d. An original Russian National Air, translated into English, with an Accompaniment for the Piano- Forte or Harp, and a beautiful Engraving of a Don Cossack, altera Drawing by Orlowsky. Also, after the above Artist, TWO PORTRAITS ot PLAT. OFF'S BRAVE COSSACKS, the Terror and Destruction of Bonaparte and his Army, printed on large Imperial Paper, and coloured, Price 10s. Gd. each. Likewise, TWO PORTRAITS, after Russian Originals, of General KUTUSOFF and General WITTG E N ST1- I N, Price 3s. 6d. each. RUSTIC FIGURES, drawn and engraved, in Imitation of Chalk, by W. H PYNE. The Figures are selected with a View to point out to the Students those characteristic Traits which mark the Rustic, and to lead them to make similar Sketches from Nature. CONDITIONS.— 1. There are to be six Numbers, with six Plates in each, on large Colunibier Octavo Drawing Paper. 2. No. I, delivered on the 1st of April, and to be continuedon the 1st of every succeeding Month, until completed. Price 6s. each Numb- r, RUDIMENTS of LANDSCAPE, in progressive Studies, drawn and etched, in Imitation of Chalk, by SAMUEL PROUT. CONDITI ONS. — 1. The Work to be printed on Quarto Imperial Vellum Paper, in Twelve Numbers. 2. The First Number was published on the 1st of March, 1S13, and will be continued monthly until completed. Each of the first eight Numbers to con- tain six Plates; the succeeding tour to contain each four coloured Plates. Price 6s. each Number. R. ACKERMANN'S superior WATER COLOURS, ( approved, patronized, and recommended hy the First- rate Artists in the United Kingdom), being refined and prepared under his immediate Inspection, they will be found, upon Trial, to be free from those Im. perceptible, destructive Particles, which occasion those frequent Changes of the brilliant Hues of Colour. They have besides a most peculiar Conve- nience, each Cake being stamped with the Namt of the Colour. They are sold in Boxes of various Sorts and Sizes, and. in single Cakes, large and small. Likewise, DRAWING PAPERS and MATERIALS for DRAWING; also, COLOURED FANCV PAPERS, & c. & c. Wholesale and Retail; and to be bad of Mr. Abel, Northampton ; and of al! the most respectable Booksellers, Printsellers, and Stationers in the United Kingdom. lieved and frequently cured by Whitehead's Essence of. Mustard Pills, after every other Means have failed. The Fluid Essence of Mustard ( used with the Pill, in those Complaints where necessary) is perhaps the most active, penetrating, and effectual Remedy in the World, generally curing the severest SPRAINS AND BRUISES in less than H. ilf the Time usually taken hy any ether Liniment or Embrocation; and if used immediately after any Accident, it prevents the Part turning black. Prepared only, and sold by R. Johnston, Apothe- cary, No. 15, Greek- Street, Soho, London, at 2s. 9d. each Box or Bottle. They are also sold by the Printers of this Paper; Higgs, Market- Harborough; Loggin, Avlesbury and Leighton ; Toinalin, Daventry; Mather, Wellingborough; Baxter, Bicester; Marriott, Banbury; and every Medicine Vender inthe United Kingdom. IPs" The Genuine has a black Ink Stamp, with the Name of R. Johnston inserted on it. FUSI received, a large and valuable Supply by the Printers of this Paper; also by Mr. Sharp, Perfumerand Hair- cutter, Northampton; Ward, Da- vento- y ; Swinfen, Leicester; Nettleship, Lincoln; Moxon, Gainsborough ; Page, Perfumer, Oundle; and Core, Peterborough; Of that invaluable Production, under the illustrious Patronage of their Royal Highnesses the Princess of Wales and Duke of Sussex, his Excellency the Spanish Ambassador, and many Families of high Distinction, MACASSAR OIL FOR THE HAIR. This Oil is proudly recommended on the Basis ol Truth and Experience, and the most respectab'e Testimonials. It possesses Properties of the most salubrious Nature for restoring the Hair where it has been bald for Years, preserves it from falling off or turning grey to the latest Period of Life ; produces on the Presses a most beautiful Gloss, Scent, and Curl. This Oil is infinitely efficacious in renovating Children's Hair, promotes the Growth of Whiskers, Eye- brows, & c. — In fine, it is pre- eminent for renovating the Human Hair, and rendering it truly elejantand beautiful. Merchants, Captains, Sec. will find this an Article of pre- eminent Utility for preserving the Hair in hoi Climates. For general Utility is enclosed,' ROWLAND'S TREATISE on the Improvement ot the Human Hair, giving a full Description of the Virtues of the Oil, with Testimonials from Persons of distinguished Consideration, worthy the Attention of Parents, Proprietors of Schools, & c. included with each Bottle in the Wrapper. Price3s. 6d. ; 10i. ( id.; and £\. Is. per Bottle. Sold Wholesale, and Retail, by the Proprietors, ROWLAND & SON, Kirby- Street," Hatton- G » rden, London; and by their Appointment, by their Wholesale Agents in London.— Also by all' Perfumers and Medicine Venders in every Town throughout the Empire. CAUTION.— No Macassar Oil is genuine without the Book, and the Signature on the Label, in Red Ink, " A. ROWLANO & SON," to counterfeit which is Felony. Of the above mav be had, ALSAN A EXTRACT for the TEETH and GUMS, at 5s. 6d. and 10s. 6a. per Bottle, or 2s. 9d. per Box. Titus Keymer and John Rad. ey Hall, of Friday- street, Cheapside, London, warehousemen, d.& c. May 3, 8, and June 8, at Guildhall. — Attornies. Messrs. Willis, Fairthome, & Clarke, WamforJ- court, Throgmorton- street. Cyrus Motrall and Iver Borland, of Liverpool, merchants, May 19, 20, and June 8, at the Geirgo Inn, Liverpool.— Attorney, Mr. Radclifle, Liverpcol. Junes Torr, of St. John's- street, London, linen- draper, d. & c. May 4, 11, and June 8, at Guildhall-,, — Attornies, Messrs. Sweet & Stokes, IlasinghalU street. John Edwards, of Waltham Holy- Cross, Essex, carpenter, May 4, 8, and JuneS, at Guildhall, Lon. don.— Attorney, Mr. Jt- ssop, Waltham- Abbey*. John Davis, of Brighthelmston, Sussex, carrier, May 1, 3, and June 8, at the Old Ship Inn, Bright- heimston— Attorney, Mr. Attree, Brigiithelmston. John Dixon and Lawrence Ramsden, of Leeds, Yorkshire, dyers, d. & c. May 12, 13, and June 8, at the Three Legs Inn, Leeds.— Attornies, Messrs. Lee & Raynar, Leeds. George Edward Hicks, of Sun- street, Bishopsgate- street, London, jeweller, d. & c. May 4, 15, and June 8, at Guildhall'.— Attorney, Ms. Briggs, Essex. st eet. Strand. Thomas Holt, of Pall- Mall, Middlesex, jeweller, d. & c. May 4, 15, and June8, at Guildhall.— Attor- ney, Mr. Llewellin, Noble- street, Cheapside. Thomas Powis, of Vauxhall, Middlesex, victualler, d.& c May 1, 8, and June 8, at Guildhall.— Attor- ney, Mr. Walker, Chancery- lane. Richard Clark and Ralph Brown, of Clement's- lane, London, grocers, d. & c. May, 8, 15, and June 8, at Guildhall.— . Attornies, Messrs. Gatty & Haddan, Angel- Court, Throgmortori- street. DIVIDENDS to be made to CREDITORS. May 17. William Barnett Stuart, late ot St. Ives, Huntingdonshire, feltmonger, at the Sun Inn, Cambridge. May IS. R. Gtiffin, of Birmingham, draper, at the koyal Hotel, Birmingham. May 18. E. Kay, of Birmingham, brandy- merchant, at the Royal Hotel, Birmingham. LONDON MARKETS. Corn Exchange, Monday, April 26, 1813. The arrival of Wheat for this day's market, from various ports, was plentiful : we had also a very good supply ot Flour: the^ e circumstances, com- bined with but little demand, have occasioned it dulness in the s lies, and a depression ot fiom- 2s. to 3s, per quarter in the prices. — Fine Barley is still taken oil" by our Maitsters at nearly our last quoiation, but the Ordinary sorts ate lower. — Malt is dull i- i Sale, but nearly as dearas our last.— Beans arid Boiling Peas are much as last noted ; but Hog Peas are reduced in value.— Oats were in good supply this morning, but theie are still but very few fine samples ; hence no alteration worth riotica has occuried in the prices, except th, it the very inferior descriptions may be purchaied about Is. per quarter lower ... 95s Wheat Fine ... ' Superfine.. . Fine White.. Rye fiarley ..... Fine Suffolk Malt White Peas.. Suffolks -^- s. to — s. Grey Peas ..— s. to — S; Fine — s. to 70s. Beans 67s. to 7 Js, Fine — s. to 7js. Ticks S3s. to S^ s. Oats 24s. to 29s. Poiands 25s. to 30s. Potatoe clitroSjs. to 42s. 5Jd. higher than toll5s. — s. toi2is. — s. to — s. — s. to! 34s. 63s. to mi. 33s. to 46s. — s. to — s. 90s. to 96s. 90s. to 100s. Average of Wheat, I23s. 3id.— is. last return. Fine Flour, lOSs. to 110s.— Seconds, 95;. to 100s-. Average of Flour i09s. 5d.— 0s. 2£ d. per sack higher than last return. * RICE or SEEDS. Carraway 9'.) s. Od. tolOOs. Od.) Coriander 40s. Od. to 45s. lld.( Red Clovei 80s. Cd. tolOOs. 0d.( White ditto 56s. t) d. toi41s. 0d.. Rye Grass ,' JOs. Od. to 56s. Od per quarter perewt. T NEWMARKET CRAVEN MEETING. Monday, April 19.— The Craven Stakes were won by Lord ( 1. Somerset's Offa's Dyke, beating Ros- topchin, Merrygoround, and 1- 1 others.— A sweep- stakes of 200gs. each, was won by Mr. Payne's f. by Selim, beating Ld. Osborne's f. by Sorcerer and Lord Grosvenor's f. bv Meteor. — A sweepstakes of 20.1 gs. each was won by Lord Suffield's Hocus Pocus, beat- ing Scheherezade, Corporal, and 2 others. — Lord Foley's Soothsayer heat Sir J. Shelley's Phantom, 500gs.— The First Class of the Oatlands Stakes was wqn by Mr. Lake's Venture, beating Sorcery and llothers. — Lord Foley's Benedict beat Col. Udney's Truffle, SOilgs.— Major Wilson's Spotless beat D.' ot Grafton's Joe Miller, 150gs. Tuesday.— Lord Suffield's Hocus Pocus beat Mr. Neville's f. by Sorcerer, lOOgs. — Ld Jersey's Cossack won a sweepstakes of lOOgs. each, beating Ld Foley's c. by Selim, Corporal, and Brian. — Sweepstakes of lOOgs. each, between Gen. Grosveaor's f. Poodle, D of Rutland's f. by Selim, and D. of Grafton's f. Music: dead heat between the two former, when the D. of Rutland and General Grosvenor agreed to divide the D. of Grafton's stake, and Gen. Grosvenor's filly walked over.— The Produce Sweepstakes of lOOgs each were won by D. of Rutland's Solyman, beating Malek Adhell and 3 others. — Mr. Neville's f. by Shuttle won a sweepstakesof lOOgs. each, beating Mr. Andrew's f. by Walton, and Ld F. Bentinck's f. by Selim.— Mr. Craven's The Captain won a sweepstakes of 200gs. each, beating Ld Foley's f. by Sancllo, and D. of Grafton's c. by Pioneer. — Mr. Lake'sch. c. by Giles, beat Ld. Rous's c. Quizzer, lOOgs.— The Second Class of the Oatlands Stakes vvas won by the D. of Rutland's Grimalkin, beating Woeful and 8 others. Wednesday— Mr. Batson's Pranks won the Han- dicap Sweepstakes of 25gs. each, beating Pericles, Scent, and Lazyboots.— A subscription plate of £ 50, was won by Sii J, Shelley's Comas, beating EMOLLIENT BALM. IMIIS Vegetable Compound is used in Shaving, . as a Substitute for $ oap, but far peferable; a constant Use of it removes lhat yellow Taint from the Complexion, occasioned by the Use of Soap Lather. — For washing the Hands of Ladies or Gentlemen, cannot be excelled. Price 2s. Messrs. Dicey & Sutton, No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, are appointed the only Wholesale Venders; may be had Retail of the Printers ot this Paper, VV, Birdsall, and J. Edge, Northampton; and of every other Vender of Medicines in rhe Kigdom. B OB TWINING, of PAIWICK, a Lad about ' J fifteen Years of Age, was grievously afflicted with the King's Evil or Scrophula. He was much reduced, and totally helpless, being confined several Weeks to his Bed, and incapable of stirring Hand or Foot. There were many Wounds in different Parts of his Body, his Thigh was quite bare, and the Ligatures plainly to be perceived. In this deplorable Situation ROBERTS'S MEDICATED VEGE- TABLE WATER was administered to him, gratis, by the Use of which lie is perfectly restored, and since bound Apprentice. The Case was properly a Psoa Abscess, which is generally deemed incurable. This celebrated Restorative in Cases of Canccr, Scrophula, Leprosy, Scurvy, and all other Scorbutic Affections, such as ulcerated sore Legs, Scald- Head, Flushings, pimpled Faces, & c is prepared and Sold by Daniel Roberts, Painstoick, Gloucestershire, in Ha'. f- pint Bottles, at 6s. each; and in laige Bottles, con- taining five Half- pints, at 22s. each, Duty included ; ivith remarkable Cases of Cancer, and Directions, signed by the Proprietor ; sold also by Sutton & Co. late Dicey & Sutton, Wholesale Agents, London ; and Retail by the Printers of this Paper, Barnes, New- port- Pagnell; and respectable Venders in general. Ot whom may be had, the Proprietor's RIMARKS on the SCROPHULA, Sec. Price is, printed by VV. Phillips, London. JESUIT'S DROPS. HE true original JESUIT'S DROPS are now prepared by SHAW & EOWARDS, 66, on the Footway, St. Paul's Church- Yard, Successors to Joseph Wessells. The Jesuit's Drops have been long known anil esteemed a safe, cheap, effectual, and often an imme- diate Cure for Strangury, Gleets, Weakness of the Kidneys, or Bladder; and when taken on the first Attack of Venereal Infection, they will infallibly accomplish the desired F ttect: Should the Complaint he far advanced, it will be necessary to take the Spe- cific Remedy with the Jesuit's Drops. The many Depredations made on the Property of the Proprietors, compels them to give this Caution, that no one Bottle will be sent out of their House without SHAW and EDWARDS( Successors to J. WESSEI. LS), ^ 66, St. Paul's Church. Yard, engraved on the Stamp. All others which are sold without the above Names are Impositions on the Public.— Price2s. 9d.— lis.— and 22s. Sold Retail by the Printers of this Paper, and Marshal, Northampton ; Barriuger, Newport. Pagnell; Higgs, llarborough; Loggin, Aylesbury ; Tonialin, aad Wilkinson, Daventry ; Gallard, Towcester; Poul- ter & Knighton, Stonv- Stratford ; and Page, Oundle. White Mustard 14s. 0d: to 16s. 0d.,< . Od. to 28s. Od. S Perbust> ' irown ditto.. 26s Turnip .16s. Od. to IBs. Od. ditto. BE it twe PRICE or HOPS. BAGS. Kent 101. 0s. to 121. Os. Sussex 81. 0s. to loi. Os. Essex 101. 0s. to 121.. 0s. 1' oc KITS. Rent 101. 0s. to 161. 0:.' Sussex 101. 0i. to 12,. 12.. Farnham 1SL 0s. to 251. 0s. SMITH?] ELD.- MONDAY, April 25. ( To sink theofl'al— per stone ot Slbs.) Beef., fis. Od. to 7s. 4,1. I Veal 7s. Od. to Ss. Od. Vluttoi7s. Od. to 7s. 8d. | Pork 7s. Od. to 8s. 4d. Head of Cattlt this Diy — Beasts, about 2443— Sheep 11,000 — Calves, 96- Pigs, 260. NEWGATE AND LEADENHALL MARKETS. Beef.. 5s. 4d. to6s. 6d. I Veal ,6s. Od. to7s. 8d. Mutto, 6s 4d. to6s. 81. I Pork. 7s. 01. to8s. 4d. PRICE OF TALLOW, & c. I T C H, it ever so inveterate, perfectly cured in wenty- four Hours, by an Ointment called TYCE's OINTMENT, which is agreeable in Smell, does not contain a Particle of Mercury, or any per- nicious Ingredient, but is so Innocent that it may be used With the greatest Safety on Persons of the most delicate Constitution?, pregnant Women, and Child- ren at the Breast. The superior Efficacy and Repu. tation of this Ointment having induced some Persons to counterfeit it, the Proprietor finds it necessary to caution Purchasers to be particular in asking for Tyce't ( tin n. ttt. One Box, Price Is. 9d. will cure one grown- up Person, or two Children. Also, at the same Place may be had, TYCE's INFALLIBLE C'HYMlCA L LOTION for the same, by the Use ot which Persons may cure them- selves with so much Secrecy as not to be discovered even by a Bedfellow, being without Smell or Stain. Price 2s. 9d. each Bottle. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by the Proprietor, John Tyce, No. 20, Ilatton. Garden, London ; and, Retail, by the Printers of this Paper, and Edge, Northampton; Mather, Wellingborough; and all Venders ot Medicines in the Kingdom, TownTallow 81s. 0d. YellowRussia83s. Od. White ditto — s. Od. Soap ditto . .82s. Od. MeltingStufHOs. Od. Ditto rough 52s. Od. Graves 24s. Od. Good Dregs. 9s. Od. SOAP— Yellow.. 96s. Oct. St. James's Market 4s. l0d. Clare Market 0s.' Od. Wliitech^ pelMttrket5s. Od. 9s. 13d. Average per 9t. of8Ib. 4s. lld. Mottled., 106s. Od. PRICE or LEATHER, PER POUND. Butts, 60 to 6Slb. each 22d. to 24d. Ditto, 66 to 661 b. each 24d. to 25d. Merchants' Backs 21d. to 23d. Dressing Hides 20d. to 21d, Fine Coach. Hides 21d. to 23d, Crop Hides, 35to401b. lor cutting .. 20d. to 21d. 45to 501b .2Id. to 23d. Call Ekin SO to 401b S2d. to 40d, 60 to 701b SSd. to 45( 1, 70 to 80ib 40d. to 44d. Small Seals ( Greenland! rJ6d. to 37. f, Large Ditto, 140Si to 180s. per Dozen. Gnat Skins, 34s. to 62s. Northampton : Printed and Published by and Jtx 1\ I£ Die BR, TV. SBTTOX Sj R. SMITBSOS.
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