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Belfast Commercial Chronicle


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Belfast Commercial Chronicle

Date of Article: 27/01/1812
Printer / Publisher: Drummond Anderson 
Address: Belfast
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 1086
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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4NGTRrn. I... ./ * Cio7r- -" is. NEW AMERICA M PJT ASHE3. W - F & HH ' " /^ feiiiER 1,086..] MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 1812. y' [ PRICE 5D. NEWRY. A U C TTo N O F Tobacco, Oak ' Timber, and Pot Ashes. A NDREW AIKEN, will sell hy Auflion, at his Stores, vCa. on SATURDAY, the 1st February next, 37 Hhds- very dry bearingTobacco, lately landed, 100 Tons White Oak Timber, I( j Barrels 3d sort Ne w- Tori Pot Ashes. Terms will be liberal. ROBERT MOLLAN, BROKER. Newry, Jan. '-' 1. ( 410 KING'S STORES, DUNDALK. LEAF TOBACCO BT AUCTION. rj » « G 8F. SOLD BY AUCTION, on TUESDAY the 4th • it of February next, at the KINO'S STORES, in the Town if'DUNDAl. Ifr. at the Hour of ELEVEN o'clock, 147 Hogshedr. s Prime Bearing1' obacco, Or winterer Quantity o( the tame, thjt may remain unsold er the nbove. day In the interim, any Persons desirous of puril'. 5uin) f, will - please apply to Messrs. JOHN & HENRY QUINN, Mer- chants, Newry. ROBERT MOLLAN, Broker. Nitwit*. January 1, 1811. ( 322 | ~~ TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, jiTARcni'ihr. t pf IlmvKSHiKE, \ } PURSUANT to a De- VlaluUff; a L cree of his Majesty's 11/ Mi. TON Moo* i, Eiy. \ Court of Exchequer in Ire- am/ Clint, 1 land, made in this Cause, Defendants. \ the Towniands of BAI. I. Y- ' M ACREELY and CAR- RICKRUSKY, situate in the Barony of Dufferin, and County cf Down. Further , irticulars, with the Rental and Day ef Sale, j will be published at a future period. 334) Belfast, January 1. FFKK- siwlk F. STATK IN THE COUNTY OF DOWN. TO BE SOLD BT AUCTION, at lie DONEGALL- A. 1W. 1, Be/ fast, on FRIDAY tie 6th Day of March next, at ONF. o'Ctoei, ri « HF. Townlands of HOl. YWOOD and KNOCK- .4. MAGONF. Y, situate and being within four Miles ef the Town « f Belfast, containing in all about One Thou- sand Acres; free of all manner of Tythes; and subjedl to a very small Chief Rent only.— The Townland af HOLT- VOOD is at present very low Set, and will rise considerably. The MANSION- HOUSE is vety large and commodious, with a large range of OFFICES, of all sorts, and in com- plete order;. with a GARDEN, containing Eight Acres, walled- iu, and well stocked with all sorts of Wall, and other Fruit Trees; and the Demesne domains upwards of Two Hundred Acres. For every information respecting the srnie, anplicition to be made to THOMAS I.. STEWART, Esq. Bei'iast, where the Titli- Deeds and Rrut- RolU can be seen. 327) Dated Belfast, 1st January, 1812. 7T6T} E~ SOLEL ripHAT HOUSE, BLEACH- YARD, and FARM of S- LAND, in the Parish of Derryaghy, containing 15A. SR. 1ftP- English Measure, subject only to -£ 30 annually; formerly occupied by the late RoBpRr DUNCAN, Esq. - It i situated withiii five miles of Belfast, and two of l. isburn ; K'd bj >. ' si tlie MARQUIS of Hp « ut » « p for one good Life only 15 years of age, ami the remainder of 21 years from November, 1800. The Bleach- Green was ca- pable of finishing from 4000 to 5000 Pieces of Linen in the drieit season.— For futther particulars, apply to EDWARD CURTEIS, of Glenburn, Esq. 11) November 1. ~ TCTBE SOLD, ABOUT Sixteen Acies of the Townland of D9NEG0R, Tor the remainder of a term of Sixty- one Years from November, 1798; and about Fifty Acres ( with Houses), Part of LOUGHANMORK DEMI SNE, will be Sold, or Let, for such a term as may be agreed on. If the above Lands are not di posed of before the first day cf February next, of which notice will be given in this pa- per, they will on that day be sold by Public Auction on the j Premises. • ( 198 ' COUNTY OF LONDONDERRY. TO BE SOLD, rSIHE Town and Lands of Tobermore, Gortamny, Mov- JL asset, Caimore Upper and Lower, Cloan, and Fort- wiiliam, situate in the Barony of Loughensholien. insaidOoun t), held by few farm Grant, at the yearly Rent of ,£ 14. Pa it of the Estate of the Right Honourable Sir GEORGE Ft i /. CUKA F. D HILL, Bart, containing 1111 Acres, or there- abouts, and HOW held by solvent Tenants at a clear yearly Piofit Rent of .£ 780,10/. lOii the greater part out of 1 ease, and that ' n Lease held on very short Tenures. The Lands are now valued at .£ 1303, Pj. M. and if ail out of Leas', from the nature of the Soil and the abundance of Limestone, may be valued at 3Cs per Acre, round. Said Lands will be 1 separately or together ; « n. t the Purchaser or Purchasers declared as soon as the value shall be offered. Proposals in riting, will he received by MARCUS SAMUEL HILL, Esq. I. ondonderry; ANOREW LITTLE, Coleraine ; JAS. GREGG, • f- Londonderry ; and JOHN CHAMBERS, 11, Lower- Gardi- ner- strret, Dublin, Attorney at Law, will furnish Rentals of said Premises, and give all further necessary information, ' and with whom may be seen a Map of said Premises.— Mr. TBOMAI M'CLILLAND, Newtonlimavady, will shew the Lands. * 71 BARRACK OFFICE, DUBLIN. January 17, 1812. XTOTICE is hereby given, that Proposals will be • LN received for supplying cerTtin quantities of FJ RING CANDLLK l'or the use of his Majesty's Forces in the several Brjracks and Quarters throughout Ireland, tor one i year, from the ltitb of April next; the said Proposals to be | sealed and indorsed, " Proposals for Firing, & c." to be sent under cover to Major General Freeman, at this Oflicc, on or before the 19th day of February next, after which day no Proposals will be received; and the Proposer* are te » ob- serve, that the Fuel of each description must be of the best quality, and delivered lit the places contracted for, by Dub* liu measure; viz.— Sea Coal, of four bushels to the barrel and eight barrels to the ton— Stone Coal must be deliverd, by weight, and proposed for by the hundred weight— the Turf by box of four feet long, two feet broad, and two and a half feet deep. The quantity of Firing and Candles re- quired will be specified in « ach Contract, and must be de- livered, or clamped by the Contractors, in the Barrack Mas- ter's Stores, where there are such. One fonrth of the amount of tlie Contract will be paid to Contractors upon their enter- ing into security, and further sums from time to time ( not exceeding the other two- fourths) will be advanced proportion- ably to the quantity delivered, and vouched - by the account • hie receipts thereof being produced from the Barrack Mas- ter ; and the balance will be discharged when the account nrri vouchers furnished shall be duly examined at this Oflicc, d found correct. The written consent of two responsible raons must be inclosed with each proposal, resident, if pos- s hie, in Dublin ; ami no proposal will be attended to where ' this shall not have been complied with, as well as the resi- lience of tlie Proposer. Inconvenience having arisen to the Service from the too eneral and extensive Undertakings of former Contractors, i hereby uotilicd, that local Proposals from eligible l'er- nons will be preferably considered \ By Order, JOHN HUGHES, £ 424) Secretary. BRIDGE- END FOUMDERY, BELFAST. BENJAMIN EDwARDS, Sun. G1 RATEFUL for past favours, begs leave to inform his IF Friends and the Public, thar he has resigned the FOUNDERY BUSINESS in favour of Messrs. CHAINE ft YOUNGS, for whom he solicits a continuance of that share of public patronage which he so amply experienced, con- vinced that any orders committed to their care will be exe- cuted with punctuality. JOHN CHAINE & JOHN & wM. YOUNG HAVING camm? nced Partnership in the FOUNDERY bU- S1NESS, & c. In that old established Concern lately occu pied by Mr. BENJAMIN EDWARDS, Seu. under the Firm of " CHAiNE y YOUNGS, be? leave to inform tn « r Friends and the Public, that they wifl be af at! times sunpluid with every Article in the above Ltfle, and that th ir Friends may depend on their Orders being executed With ijare and dispatch. 413) liridge- eud Foundery,. Belfast, Jan. 22. /!) I* io be Lent, on a mortgage of Lands, situate in the JL County of DovtN,— Apply to JOHN. CRAIG, Attor- ney, Downpatrick. January 8, 1812. N. B. It must be . the first incumbrance. ( 353 MONEY WANTED. TJ^ EN THOUSAND POUNDS wanted, on the most un II. exceptionable S curity.— The interest to be paid in any manner most agreeable to the lender. Application to be made to CORTLAND M. SKINNER , Esq Belfast; or ROBERT HAMILTON, Esq. Sackville- Stree:, Dublin. ( 321) January 3, 1812 SOAPBOILER & CHANDLER WANTED IMMEDIATELY, T N a Country Town,— To one perfetSlly master of his Bu- I; siness, liberal encouragement will be given ; and to save trouble none other need apply.— References as to character, abilities, Stc. will be required. Application- by Letter, ( post paid), to A. B. at this OfEce, will be attended to. 362) December 26. It, the Matter of ") MI^ HE CREDITORS of said JOSEPH LINDSAY, ( iL Bankrupt are desired to a Bcnkrupt. \ take notice, that a Dividend — —_ J is. ed. in the Pound is ordered to be paid, on the amount of the debts proved ill this mat- ter, and same will be paid on application to WILLIAM TELFAIR, Acting Assignee. Wiaecellar- entry, January 22. ( 416 LONDON ETTE EXT3£ A= 1RY4 TUESDAY, JANUARY 21. DOWNING- STREET, JANOARY 20. Capt. Harris, commanding his Majesty's sfdp Sir Francis Drake, arrived last night at Lord Li- verpool's office with a dispatch, of which the fol- lowing, is a copy, addressed to his Lordship by Governor Farquhar, dated Port Louis, Isle of Fiance, Oft. 22, 1811. Batavia, September 99, 1811. SIR— I had the honour to acquaint you in my dispatch of the 5: h inst. that the conquest of Java was at that time substantially accomplished by the glorious and decisive victory of the 2'> h Augnst. I am happy to announce to your Kxcellebcy- the j; realization of those views, by the a& ual Surrender ! of the island and iti dependencies ' bt'k capitula- tion concluded between their Excellencies " Lieu- ' tenant- General Sir Samuel Auchmuty and Gene- ral Jansens on the 18th September. k I have the honour to enclose a report which the Commander- in- Chief has addressed to me of the proceedings of the army subsequent to the 29ih August, with its enclosures. Your Excellency will observe with satisfaction, from these documents, that the final pacification of the island has been hastened by fresh examples of the same spirit, decision, and judgment, which have marked the measures of his Excellency the Commander- in- Chief, and of the same gallantry which has characterized the troops since the hour I of the disembarkation on this coast. The Commander- in- Chief will sail in a few days for India, and I flatter myself that I shall be able to embark on board his Majesty's ship Modeste, for Bengal, about the middle of October. I have the honour to be, & c. ( Signed) MINTO. To his Excellency R. T. Farquhar, Esq. Ac. itc. & c. Isle of France. | Cheribon. aiau.^ uis. " VI> « . » . » .,- . muiw mil. p'- iw • t . ;{ in a. state of preiv^ ati ji fol u fores, Tvi: h r! s; th it j| forward at the termination of the armisttcr. was my intention to embark, and accompany || « < Colonel Agnew gave orders for this purpose Rear. Admiral Stopford with the squadron, for I in his presence; and informed him, that if Gen. Sir HENRY VANE TeM- F! J) URSUANT to the PEST, Bart and ANNE JL Decree made in this CATHERINE, Countess of Cause, bearing date the 23d ANTRIM, his Wife, Day of December 1803, Plaintiffs.; ^ and the Decretal Orders ARTHUR, Lord Viscount DUN- I thereon, 1 will, at the Hour GANNON, and Others, | of ONEo'Clock, on WED- Dcfendants. j Nt'SDAY the 29th Day of January next, at my Chambers on the Inn's- Ouay,. Dublin, Set up arid Sell hy PuHlic Auiftion theseveraiCHIF. FandFEE FARM RENTS remaining nnsold, arising out of tile several TOWNLANDS atl l PREMISES situate in the Baronies of GLENARM, dUnluCe cAReY, an:'. KIlCONWAY, in the County o! Antrim, part of the Estate of the late MARQUIS of AN- TRIM, deceased, as particulary mentioned in the printed Rent- Rolls thereof, for the purposes in said Decree mention- ed— Dated this 11th Day of November, 1811. THOMAS ELLIS. N. B. Said Chief Rents are well secured, and payable out of considerable Estates, and paid pundtually In Gold, at May and November, and will be set up in Lots most agree- able to Bidders. For Title, Rentals and information, application to be made to Messrs. HUTCHINSON & LOVE, Plaintiffs' Soli- citors, No. 19, Upper Gardener- street, and at their Offices ill Ballymouey and Ballymena; ROBERT HAMILTON, Esq. No. 38, Sackville- street; RICHARD WARING, Esq. No. 61, Capel- street, Dublin; at his Office, Belfast, the Defendants' Solicitor ; EDMOND M'GILDOWNEY, Esq. the Rent Agent, Ballycastle ; and WILLIAM WHITON , Esq. No. 10, Great James's, Bedford- row, London. For Chilblains, Sprains, Bruises, &; c. E\ R. STEERS's OPODELDOC is far superior to all '' other external applications in the Cure of Sprains, Bruises, Rheumatisms, & c.; as also in Cramps or Numbness, and in promoting Circulation in the Limbs when in a para- lytic state. It is the best Rmiedy for Chilblains, if dissolved in a spoon and applied warm, or with , a pledget of lint well moistened with it, and tied on the part afFe& ed. It is like- wise of admirable service in the accidents and local com- plaints to which Horses are subject. Sold only by F. NEWBERY and SONS, ST Paul's, London, a » d 29, Dame- street, Dublin, in bottles, price 2/. 9d. each, ! British.— Observe the words " F. Netvbery, 45, St. Paul's," are engraven in the Stamps; aud. hy their appointment, by Messrs. ARCHER & WIRLING, and T. WARD, Belfast; Mr. JAS. WARD, Lisburn ; and Mr. THOS. WALSH, Armagh. TO THE RIGHT HON. LORD MINTO, GOVERNOR- GENERAL, & c. See. " On board hi « Majesty's ship Modeste, offSa_ marang, Sept. 21, 1811. " My LORD— Immediately on receiving the in- telligence of General Jansen's retreat from Bug. tenzorg by an eastern route, and the occupation of that post by our troops, I placed a force, con- sisting of the 3J battalion of Bengal Volunteers, and a detachment of artillery with two guns, un- der the orders of Colonel Wood, and directed his embarkation, in communication with Rear- Ad- miral iitopford, who ordered three frigates on the service, for the purpose of occupying the fort of Transports weiy; at the same time put Ailee, and over part of which the road was. cut the doubtful light, and great height of the hi]) | j they occupied, made ihe position appear at first most formidable. It was resolved to attack it im- mediately, and as the leading division or advance of the detachments moved forward to turn the enemy's left, a fire was opened on them from mffny guns placed on the summit of the hill, and various positions on its face, which completely commanded the ro4d:—. these Were answered by our field- piecps as they came up, with the effeCt, though fired from a considerable distance, and with great elevation, of confusing the enemy's ar- tillery in directing their fire, from which a very trifling Itfss was sustained. Their flank was . turn- ed with little difficulty, but wh^ t rose from the [ extreme steepness of the ascent, and after a short but ineffectual attempt to stop, by the fire of some guns advantageously posted, across a deep ravine, the advance of the body of our detachment, the enemy abandoned the greatest part of their ar- tillery, and were seen in great numbers and in great conftlsion in full retreat. " It was evident that their Saroiy Was com- pletely disunited ; several officers, some of them of rank, were taken ; their native., allies, panic struck, had abandoned their officers, and only a few pieces of horse artillery remained of their field ordnance.— With these they attempted to cover their retreat, pursued by Colonel Gibbs, who, with the detachment, passed several incom- plete and abandoned batteries ) and at noon, after twelve miles hard march over a rugged country, approached the village o Oortarang, in which, and ir « the small fort beyond it, the enemy ap- peared to have halted, and collected in irregular masses. Small cannon from the fort and village opened on the line as it advanced : our field- pieces were breught up to a commanding station, and by their fire, covered the formation of the troops, who, led by Colonel Gibbs, were advanc- ing to assault, the fort, when it was evacuated by the enemy. Alarmed by our fire they were seen to abandon it and its vicinity in the utmost con- fusion, leaving some light guns with much ammu- nition and provisions in the village, where they had broken the bridge to impede pursuit ; the road beyond it was covered with the caps, clothing, and military equipment of their troops, who seemed to have been completely routed and dispersed. Early in the night Brigadier Winkleman, with some other officers, came into my quarters wilh a flag of truce from General Jansens, charged to request an armistice."— An armistice of 24 hours was agreed to. On the forenoon of the 17th September, an of- ficer arrived with powers to treat, and a capitu- lation was agreed to, which General Jansens at first refused to approve of j but Sir Samuel Auch- muty immediately threatened to march the troops tion to atid between these j hut will os easily ar- ranged when the troops ordered to Samanmg .11 have arrived, i » nd the rtipyrt of Ca^ i. Robinson • shall have warranted a judgment, of the strerig- h of these deachmentsj fS^ fi}) " S. AUCHMUTT." By the capitulation, the enemy's troops jce considered prisoners'of wah The naval dispatches < innoK?. re the surrender r.{ Chgribon, wuh. iiit oppoSi!/ oiV, to Cap:. i. 1"..' ivi [•, and of Taggell to Capt. Hfrilyar, of Gres> ie, of Soambaya, and of Fort Ladowach. Captain Harris also gives an acc'tin! i. j capture of the fort of Sananap, Sorns st. r - e was made by the French at the East end or' the town, but our seamen and n vrines beat ths ". m my in a most gallant manner,* r. d tot. t the Governor and the Dutch inhabitants prisoners. In a- v ; r letter he announces the total o' : rt! v- iw of tiia French Authorities in Madura and the adjacent Islands: the Sultan of Madura having declared for the British. Return of f. illed and wounded of the detachments tumn. m. t- • 4 by Colonel Gibbs, - in the attack on the enemy's por- tion at Jattee'AUee, September 10, f81!. 14th Foot—- 1 serjeant, 3 rank and file woimdeJ. 78th Foot— 2 rank and file killed; 7. rank and file woundel. Total— 2 rank and file killed; 1 Serjeant, 9 rank aild file wounded. ( Signed) P. A. AGNEW, Adj.- Gen. ( A true Copy.) ( Signed) J. tRAWFURD, A& lng Sec. Gov. £ Returns have also boen transmit: ed of ord- nance taken in the fort of Oonarang, and in the bat' teries between Samarang and Oonarang, amount- ing to 56 pieces of eannon; also of a " large amount of ammunition, stores, See. found at and Cheribon.] Oon. iran^ w BALLAST OFFICE, DUBLIN, llTH JAN. 1812. HEREAS on the night of Thursday the irfsi. some wicked and evil disposed persons did throw a number of stones of very large dimensions, that lay on the Quay of Newcastle, in the Co. of Down, for the purpose of securing the Light- House at Kil- warlie, from the said quay into the harbour ; and did also affix on the door of the dwelling of George Carr, Superintendant of the Light- House, the fol- lowing threatening Notice:— " I, Captain Firebrand and Captain Lasher, has " made our appearance here, and by the accounts " of this county, there is need for ys. I give you ". charge, George Carr, in particular, in stopping the " Embarcation of this Harbour of Newcastle. 1 " visit ywn, and what is done is only a Ei « '' lem of " what wili come on. Signed, " CAPT « ' n FIKKBRAND « CAPTAIN LASHER." The Corporation fo>- (- reserving and improving the Port of Dublin, lurtherance of the powers vested in them relate to Light- Houses, viewing with de- testation illegal proceedings, in order to bring the r^ rsons guiity thereof to the punishment they are t- j justly liable to, and to prevent the repetition of such enormities, hereby promise a Reward of ONE HUNDRED POUNDS STERLING, to any Person or Persons who shall discover, and Prosecute to Conviction, the Perpetrator or Perpetra* tors thereof; or of any Person or Persons who shall, within Six Calender Months from the date hereof, be guilty tf such crimes ; or they will pay a Reward of FIFTY POUNDS STERLING, to any I'ei son who may give such information to them, or to aiy Magistrate, as may lead to their discovery and coiviction. By Order, WM. BIGGER, SE « . the attack of Sourabaya and Fort Louis, towards which place it was supposed the enemy had re- tired. " On the 6th of September, wh « n on the point of Indermayo, I learned from an express boat, which had been boarded by Commodore Brough- ton, that Cheribon was in possession of the frigates detached on that service, having separated from the transport, on board of which all their troops but the Commodore had embarked. Capt. Beaver, the senioi officer of the squadron, had landed the seamen and marines, and occupied the fort, which surrendered to his summons in time to make a prisoner of Brigadier Jamelle, while passing on his route from Bugtenzorg, with many other of- fleers and troops. Letters, intercepted on this occasion from General Jansens, announced his in- tention to collect his remaining forfie near Sama- rang, and to retire on Solo. This intelligence de termined me to sail for Cheribon, where I arrived on the evening of the 7th of September, and find- ing that no troops had yet arrived, that a detach- ment of seamen and marines had marched inland on the Bugtenzorg road, and been successful in the securing great numbers of the fugitives from thence, and gaining possession, an terms of ca- pitulation, of the post of Caron Sambong on that route, I sent immediate orders for the march of reinforcements from the distriftof Batavia." Sir Samuel Aucbmnty proceeds to state, that he arrived at Simarang on the 9th Sept. On ^ 10th, be sent Gen. Jansens an invitation tf capitu- late by Captain Elliott and Col. Agnew.—'" They saw the General, received his ascertained that he had still with him at least a numerous staff, and that he prqfe-" t-' d a determination to persevere in the co » cest* The small force with me did not a- Jml* of my attempting to assault the place, while H w » s supposed to be thus occupied ; but an attack was made that night by the boats of the squadron, on several gun- vessels of the enem,' 1, muored accross the entrance of the rivers lading to the town, and the precipitation with which they were abandoned gave a character of probability to accounts, which reached us from I fishermen and others, that the General was ocCu- pied in withdrawing his troops to the interior, and had fortified a position at a short distance on the road toward Solo or Soercarta, the residence of the Emperor of Java." Sir Samuel then says Samarang was evacuated, as at Batavia, and that the enemy had retired to a strong position six miles off, where they were ereCting batteries and entrenchments. The whole of our troops had not arrived ; but in order not to give the enemy confidence by a longer delay, Sir Samuel determined to detach Colonel Giobs to attack the enemy— the British force did not ex- ceed 1100 infantry, and the necessary artillery to man four six- pounders, with some pioneers, " Colonel Gibbs marched at two o'clock on the morning of the 16th from Saraarang, and aft<: r ascending some steep hills, at the distance of near six miles, the fires of the enemy appeared a little before the dawn of day extending along the sum. mit of a hill, which crossed our front at J. itte Jansens allowed the opportunity of capitulating now offered, to escape, by not accepting the terms already prepared, no other could be offered. Bri- gadier Winkleman returned with all speed to Ge- neral Jansens, and Colonel Gibbs marched with his detachment at six o'clock on the road to Soli-, gata, where, after advancing about five miles, he was met by Brigadier Winkleman, bearing the capitulation, confirmed by the signature of General Jansens, and accompanied by a letter, No. 2, which strongly marked the acuteness of his feelings at being compelled, by the desertion of his allies, and the destruction of his army to adopt this measure. The detachment counter- marched immediate- ly, and after sending a company ( at the request of Brigadier Winkleman) to secure the guns in the post of Soligata, moved back to Oonarang, whence on the evening I returned to Samarang, just before General Jansens had announced his intention of joining me at the former place. The General, with great part of his officers, also reach- ed Sarnarang that night. I visited him on the following day, and arranged for che equipment of a transport to convey him to Batavia with his suite, in which they embarked his morning. " I have dispatckcu Colonel Gibbs to assume the command of the division of Sourabaya, to which I have allotted his Majesty's 78th regi- ment- the 4th volunteer battalion, the light in frntry battalion, and the Royal artillery. I have sent a small detachment under Major Yule, of the 20th Bengal regiment, an officer on whose conduct I have much reliance, to accompany the Prince of Samanap and his force to the island of Madura, where I have directed the Major to as- sume command, subject to the general controul of Colonel Gibhs: he has been instructed to oc- cupy the small forts of Joanna and Rambang on his route, and I have directed that of Japara to be occupied from Samarang, Idiamayo and Paca- longa have been garrisoned by the troops from Cheribon. In mentioning the Prince of Samanap, it would be unjust to him not to report, that pt ior [ to my march from Samarang, to attack the ene- ; my, he sent to ask my orders, being, With 2000 I of his people, within a short distanae at Damak. \ He visited me on my return to Samarang, and expressed ail earnest wish for the protection and friendship of the British nation, ' « I have detached Captain Robirison, your Lord- ship's Aide- de- camp, with a small escort, to the Court of Solo and D'Jogocarte, to deliver a let* ter from me to the Emperor and Sultan, and an- nounce the change that has taken place ; I h;. vc also called upon the residents at their Courts, Van Braam and Englebard, to continue, agreeably to the capitulation, the exercise of their function in behalf of the British Government, and to secure carefully the public property of the late Govern- ment, placed in the territories of the respective PrinccS at whose couitthey reside. " It will be necessary soon to arrange for the guard of honour attached to the Empe. or and Sultan of the troops of the European Govern- , ment of Java, and for the occupation of the forts |! ENGLISH LAW INTELLIGENCE. COtlRT OF CHANCERY, JANUARY 17. HAKWOOD LI. SIR T. BUSDETT. The Plaintiff's Counsel, Sir S. Rumilly. Mr. Hart, and Mr. Bell, were heard this day, at ' jreat length, upon a petition for rehearing of this came, upon which his Lordship had some time ago given judgment. Our readers will most probabh rec; lleCt the heads of it from a formvr report s they are briefly the following :— The plaintiff, MV.- Harwood, was nephew of a Gentleman of the* name of Tooke, but not on terms of inti- nacy, such as might be expeCted, from such a relation- ship, until the good offices of Mr. Horne Tooke* the nephew was reconciled to the uncle, and by that mesns has inherited a very conside- able for^> tune. The kindness of Mr. Horne Tooke waf greaily enhanced from the great probability of succeeding, in his own person, to the Gentleman'* property whose nephew he had thus generously served, as tbe uncle had beer, known to i. a'. v given hints of such an intention. Mr. Harwood express* ed his sense of this generous interposition, . y giv. ing Mr. Horne Tooke a note of hand for J£ K) 00. This note was passed in 1803. Mr. Horne Tooke desiring to convert this into a provision for iiig family, purchased for part of it an annuity from Sir Fiancis Burdett, and took a bond for the re- mainder, £ 1600} upon which the plaintiff filed a bill in equity, and moved for an injuuCti. n to stop the proceedings at law, on the ground of no fair or valuable consideration having been obtain- ed for the note in question. The Chancellor grant- ed an injunction, conditionally, on his ( the pi tin- tiff) confessing judgment, and paying the inonej'- into Court. His Lordship's judgment, as hat been stated, was adverse to the plaintiff, who, however, has thought it advisable to petition his Lordship for a rehearing. The very Learned Counsel, in support of the Petition, in a great measure re- opened the cause, and argued that, even upon the Defendant's own. shewing, no valuable consideration had been given for the note ; that it had been obtained iri eonse* quence of an intimacy that was followed by a kind of undue influence j that general policy lis- countenanced transactions of this nature ; that the Plaintiff and Mr. Home Tooke did not stand in that degree of relationship, which sometimes, and under particular circumstances, gives an appear- ance of equity to such proceedings, there being- no equality of contract in the parties in t. h « * case and that great danger would result from the es- tablishment of the doCtrine, that stratigers might bargain for their advance in the affairs of relations. The cases cited in support of those arguments were v ry numerous. His Lordship noticed all the points with hi « usual accuracy, and seemed to lay a particular stress upon the ciicumstance of the Defendant, Sir Francis Burd^ tt, having no notice from the ITJCIU U1 JdVdt cUlU IUI of their capital, and on tkc lines of co& rmmica- \\ Jury Plaintiff of any legal or equitable objection to the note at the time of his giving a valuable conside- ration for it. Upon the whole, the leaning of his Lordship's mind seems to be for the affirming of his own decree j but he has thought proper to r. iie further time for the consideration of it » His final judgment is expeCted on Monday. No Counsel appeared for the Defendant, a cir- cumstance which his Lordship no; iced in the be* ginning of hixobservations, by stating die nee. sky of greater aecura- y on his own part, innsmucii as it was his own decree, and that the Defendant had reposed so much in his validity. An uncommon circumstance in the annul i of Juries occurred on Thursday. The case or ue ship Anna Maria came on to be ui- d a - Gu lJhall; after which, the Jnry retired to consider of their verdiCt; Mr. G. B . relay being their fotem. u . When the Court clo ed, the Ji ry had r ; t majj np their minds on che subject. They cnntiruel ill the Irish Chambet all night, aisd y « st « rc < t morning they were as undecided ever, T. v wards the afternoon, Mr. B Hutton, one of Jurymen, petitioned fhe Court to bt releasee', which was attended Co. We under,' '. v. d that new trial will be necessary, and it c , u ;.", i fce> Ji BELFAST CO MM KRCIiVJ, CRUONICLF COMMONS— TUESDAY, JAN. 11. Mr. PONSONBY, in the name of a Noble Trierd of his, ( Lord G. Cavendish) postponed in j. consequence of the melancholy event in his Lord- ' shi] '. family, the motion respecting the State of Ireland frorti Monday next to Mondny fortnight. Sir J. NEWPORT asked Mr. Rose, whether it was his intention to brine forward a motion to ascertain the amount of the Population of Ireland? Mr. ROSE answered, that as soon as it was possib'e to overcome the difficulties which pre- sented themselves to that inquiry, the account should be laid before Parliament. On the motion of Sir F. BuRDETT, a return was ordered to be made of the number and names , of ' he Police Magistrates appointed in the county of Middlesex, under the SI st of the King, stating th » qualifications, and whether they them « elves, or their wives, held any pensions from the Crown. B£ 01 ' * 0 » ADMIRALTY. Mr. BROUGHAM rose to make his promised lliotjon on the ^ ub]-^. H4 began by impressing UO01 the House the importance of the inquiry at the time it was making a civil settlement of the Crown on a new he^ I. I; Ie adverted to the returns Upon the table, wbich showed that the revenue deriw ' from the Duchy of Cornwall amounted to ^ 13,000 a year, and frc m that of Lancaster a large ' sum not precisely ascertained. The 4* per 1- pnt. dtity ontheLee- vard T- lands p- oduced alarge pnjast, and impolitic revenue : but tbe principal by far in magnitude was the Droits of Admiralty, which reached the enormous sum of 8,000,000, place.' n tho hands of the Register of the Court of Arlri Iralry and the Governors of the Bank of England. The question was, whether it were right that the Crown should possess such an unl:- Jnited revenue, or rather whether, having possessed it, it were rot now the time to put a stop to it ? He noticed the prodigious influence which this vast revenue gave the Crown, so inconsistent with the Constitution ; and the power it also gave the Mi- nisters, by which if was rendered almost unneces- sary for them to come down to the House to ask for supplies, the voting of which was one of the prerogatives of the House, and could be exercised by no other authority. Those Droits, in fafl, su- perseded ihe necessity of any Parliament. Mr. Brpugbaiti here cited several cases to them, that theie wus no gionnds to justify the alienation of these Droits to the Crown, and took an extensive review of the subject in all its relations. He con- cluded with moving a string of Resolutions, de- , ebjeing, that the possession by tbe Crown of any suir. s aiising from sources not responsible to Par- liament, was contrary to the principles of the Constitution : that it was the duty of this House to incjnire into, and to regulate all sums proceed- ing from such sources as the Droits of Admiralty, & c. and that the funds accruing to his Majesty from such sources, had now increased to an amount which called for their serious consideration, which, sifter an animated Debate, were lost— 38 to 93. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 22. KISTILr. FRY ULl,. M.. T, XTSHINGTON brought up the report of this Biii, and on the question being put that it be read a- second lime. Sir JOHN NEW PORT lamented that he had not at an earlier period called the - attention of the House to a clause in the Bill, on which be wished them to pattre, and to weigh the subjefl well be- fore they adopted a principle which might lead to the most injurious consequences; he meant the claus « which prohibited the intercourse between the two countries, England and Ireland. If it were nec;-< sary to alter the article of the Uuion re- latii. sr to this subjiefl, he wished it to be done by fair etn. lative provision, and not by a side- wind in En aft or Parliament, not having this alteration for its stle and distinft objeft.— Ever since the Union ha'd passed, it seemed a favourite effort with the British Government, year after year, to fritter away all the advantages enjoyed by the Iris's listilleYs, under the stipulated privilege of exporting its produce into England, by, suspen- sion, bv prohibitions, and other measures of re- strictions jn favour of the English dis illers. If this measure were applied to spiiit, what was tbeie to prevent its application to linen also? He pit it to Ministers, whether it was fair to pursue this course, an. to ii.' ist upon it only because the Irish Members were the weaker party. 558 one side, and 100 on ibe other ? Tire Hon. Baronet entered at » <- r> n> leng- h into' the Distillery Laws,' and warn- ed the Vionse not to admit a principle which Ihiglit be applied lieieafttr to allthe articles of Irish in . nufaCfurf. The CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER said that as the Bill had to go through other stages, he would not now reply to what had been ob- served., Ms. SINCLAIR made some short remarks oh jj the impolicy of trenching on the agricultural in- terests of the country, as was done mom material- ly in this Bill. Sir GEORGE CLARKE said this Bill, to- gether with other circumstances, gave the English Distiller many advantages over the Scotch, and he should therefore move that a clause be insert- ed in the Bill to remedy the defefl. The SPEAKER observed, that in the present stnteof the Bill, no clause could be received. The CHA- NCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER in reply to Sir John Newport, observed that the statements made were not founded in fed. If the Aft of Union were striftly carried into execu- tion, so great an advantage would be given to Scotland, as to be very injurious to Ireland. He further argued that the case put respecting linens was too extravagant, and that there was nothing to be dieaded from the dangeioils principle talk ed of, as tbe measure was one of mere necessity. Mr. C. HU TCHINSON adverted to a transac- tion in the teign of King William, when a mesi sage was sent to Parliament to destroy the wo. il- lso manufacturers of Ireland, And was it more extravagant to suppose that the present Ministers would endeavour to destroy the Linen trade? He admitted that Ireland had possessed advantages jo respect of the Distillery, but it was not fit that they should be taken away without an equivalent. No answer had been given to tbe assertion, that ins Union was violated. Sir JOHN NEWPORT explained. Mr. HERBERT maintained that if the Union had not taken place, Ireland would have become hostile to Great Britain.— ( Hear, hear).— He la- mented that he observed a disposition rather to separate than unite the countries.—( Hear, hear). He was certain that they should soon find it was their interest to remain united. The amendmcn's were then read and agreed to, and it was ordered th'ujthe Bill be read a third time to- morrow. Sir JOHN NEWPORT said he should, on Tuesday next, move for an aft to ascertain the population of Ireland, The House next went into Committees of Sup- ply, and Ways andMeans— inthe latter 2,000,000/. were voted out of the taxes.— Both reports to- morrow. Mr. WHARTON moved fnr an account of pay- ments in the Civil Lists, since May, 1804, which were brought up, with other papers moved for by Mr. Tierney - Adjourned. L/ ONDON, IVcdncsday, January 22. THE KING. An express was received yesterday from Wind- sor, at Carlton- house, stating, " Tnat his Majesty had a restless night," and his irritation had much increased." An express was received last night from Wind- sor, at Carlton- house, stating, 41 That his Majesty's irritation rather increased." ( Signed by four Physicians.) His Majesty is so much indisposed, that it has been thought necessary to have a relay of- horses on tne road in constant waiting, We received this morning the following letter from our Correspondent, at Windsor, stating, that the violence of the paroxym witi which his Majesty had been seized, had abated. " Windier, Jan. 21. " The strength of his Majesty's constitution has again withstood the attacks of the violent pa- roxysms of last week. To- day the King is mueh better in his bodily health, having enjoyed seve- ral hours sleep in the course of the last night; and in consequence the state of his mental ma- lady is more tranquilized." Yesterday the Prince Regent received a letter from one of the Princesses, with an account of the state of the King. The Report of the Committee of the House of Lords, appointed to examine his Majesty's Physicians, is printed. It does not differ in sub- stance from that of the Committe of the House of Commons. Dr. Heberden considers his Majesty's recovery improbable, but not hopeless. He does not ex- pect the King will recover. Dr. Monro considers the present mental health of his Majesty insane ; his recovery very impro- bable, but he does not entirely despair. Dr. Symons says, that his Majesty's mental Jjealjh is much deranged— his recovery improba- ble, but not hopeless. Dr. John Willis says, that his Majesty's men- tal health is in a high degree of derangement, and his recovery very isnpiobable, but not im- possible ; has not an expectation of recovery. Dr. Bailie states, that within the last two or three days ( the examination was on the l- l< th) his Majesty's mind has been entirely lost in error j does not expect recovery. Sir H. Haiford deems recovery very improba- ble. Dr. R. Willis considers recovery all but im- possible. His Royal Highness die Prince Regent gave au- dience yesterday to the Earl of Moira and Mr. Adam. Mr. Perceval had also an audience of his Royal Highness. Mr. Perceval gave a grand dinner on Monday last, at his house in Downing- street. His Royal Highness the Prince Regent had received a card of invitation, but his Royal Highness sent a mes- senger he could not attend. The Arabella packet, which brought the Lis- bon mail received yesterday, spoke his Majesty's ship Leonidas, which had chaced, on the 14th inst. off Sc'iWy, a French schooner privateer, of 18 guns; but th- privateer, by her superior sail- ing ( after throwing tier guns overboard), escaped. The Dnke of Kent was at Lisbon, and expected to sail the 5th inst. The extra ship Carmarthen, from Bombay, ar- rived in tbe Downs, the 21st inst. ; safiM from St. Helena the 20th November, in company • with the country ship Bheemolah, from Bengal, ana the Marv whaler, which ships are also arrived. The Bheemolah touched at the Isle of France, sailed ftom thence the 11th of October, and ar- rived at St. Helena on the 15th ot Novsmber- The Union R. ulkin, arrived at Bombay on the 24th --. f July. The Princes Amelia, Taunton Castle, and Hope, sailed from Madras for China on the 4th Septem- ber. The ships from Madras had arrived in Sau- gur Roads, viz. the Castle- Eden, Carnatic, Rose, and Metcalfe. , 1 The greatest activity prevails at the respective dock- yards at present. Many new line- of- battle ships are ordered to be built; others in a great state of forwardness completed, and no Captain is allowed leave of absence from his ship lor more than a w » ek. We think it right to state, that Williams, the suicide, was not a native of Ireland, but an Eng- lish man, born at Coggeshall, in Essex.—[ Morn- ing Herald. A singular circumstance yesterday occurred at the Old Bailey— a man was indicted for the com- mission of a rape, and his wife, for assisting and abetting him. FATAL ACCIDENTS.— A servant of Mr. W. Cavendish ( son of Lord G. and Member for Derby) arrived in town yesterday with the me- lancholy account of the death of his master, oc- casioned by a fall from his^ uggy, when returning from a shooting party, in company with Mr. C. Cavendish, a younger brother, and Mr. Smith, his late tutor. The horse having taken fright, Mr. Cavendish was pitched on his head, and is supposed to have received a kick on the same parr, % s he ntvt; spoke after the accident. BRAVERY. The Sicilian and Gilv- a'tar P » pers brought hy the last Picket, were deliven- d at a late hour on Wednesday. The following are extrafts of tbe most material articles thsy supply :— " ORDER OF THE DAY. " Head- quarters, Messina, Nov. 10. " Lieut.- G° n. Maitland feels the greatest sati-- faftion in notifying t& the Army, tbe bravery and good condnfl of a detachment of the62d regiment, consisting of 2.50 men, under the command of Major Darlejs ' jfhis detachment, with 50 royal marines, commanded by Lieut. Pipon, landed from the Iraperieuse and Thames, in face of the enemy, 1000 strong, commanded by Gen- Pigna- telli Cerelclara, attacked and carried the position oi" the enemy j and being themselves attacked, re- pulsed the enemy in a charge, driving him from his ground, and maintaining their position for two days. " They also took a convoy of nine gun boats, and twenty otfeer barks, laden with naval articles, which were in the ba^ r of Palinurus; two batteries were likewise taken, with a telegraphic tower.— The conduS of ail the officers and soldiers is con- sidered by Major Darley as being glorious and conspicut- ms. Lieut- General Maitland is very sensible that the intrepidity and judgment of Ma- jor Darley conduced the troops to this fortunate success; and he severally thanks the Major, and all the officers and soldiers, for their operations, which have been worthy of the reputation which this army has acquired." ISLE OF FRANCE. We learn by private letters from Port Louis ( Mauritius), of the 27th Oft, that Admiral Stop- ford, with the greater part of the fleet from Ba- tavia, have arrived there. The Admiral was to sail shortly for the Cape. The following is an extraft of a letter from a Naval Officer, of the above date :— " I seize the opportunity of writing, a « duty prevented me from doing so by the Minto ( brig). I am sorry to inform you that the two Frepch fri- gates which were, blockaded at Sourabaya have made their escape, The air of Batavia has been fatal to many of our brave fellows. It is a most beautiful place, the country uncommonly fine, and the buildings very grand. What a pity it should be so unhealthy. Admiral Stopford sails shortly for the Cape. His ship, the Scipion, will then go to England, and he will hoist his fl. tg on board the Lion. Capf. Beaver, of the Nisus, will ba the senior naval officer on thilstation. .-. Every article of necessity is extravagantly dear at this place. Blue cloth sells at £ 6 per yard, and every thing else is in proportion. The hurricane and rainy season is again coming on, but we have had very fine weather lately, only so exceedingly hot, that all the principal families are now retiring to their country seats." LATE SHIPWRECKS, IN THE NORTH SEA. The following plAin and unvarnished appeal , n the feelings of their brother Tars, has been trans- mitted by the Crew of His Majesty's ship Argo, now at Portsmouth. W* leef great safr?' i » aip'n in giving it publicity. Lotfg may the gallant He- roes of the Argo enjoy ilhe delightful sensations which their noble conduft must excite 1 " His Majesty's ship Argo, Spithead, Jan. 20,1SI2. " SHIPMATES— As the unfortunate losses by shipwreck, in the instances of the ST. George, Hero, and others, must be seyerely felt by the truly deplorable Widows and Orphans of the unfortunate Sufferers therein it belongs to us, as well as to the whole Navy and Nation at larpe, to strive to al- leviate and render as comfortable as possible the distressed' Widows and Orphans above- mentioned; and, as it may be our own fate, let us commence a donation of Two Days Pay- to the above charitable purposes ( which no doubt will be speedily followed, if not already begun, by our Brethren at Spithead and other ports). It can hurt none of us, bur, on the contrary, will give the Ship's Company tredic thrsiigh- out the Country, in having, unasked, and thereby shewing an example for others to follow so lauHaMe a purpose. We hope that no one will be so mean a? to think'any rhing is meant by this more thai! what is expressed herein, for it will, if ac- ceded to unanimously, refletft the highesc. honour on us all. In case it is agreu to, we will mention it to the Captain, who will, we douht not, think it a great pleasure in mention- ing to the persons who may be appointed to receive sub- scriptions for that intention.— We remain, hoping to hear of yon agreeing generally to this, your obedient Servants, ( Sighed the Petty Officers), " Thomas Marlow, Wm. Robinson, Wm. Edwards, John Wadsworth, Andrew Young, Wm. Young, John Swan, John Davis, Thomas Lacy, Edward Fisher, Wm. South, Thomas Binder, John Liscombe, George Turpin, John Johnston, Ed- ward Newton, James Wyatt, Charles Sheppard, John Pike," [ Please to pass this to next Birth.] " Approved by the Captain and Officers of his Majesty's ship Alga. ( Signed). " J. ALLISON, First Lieut." WAR- OFFICE, JANUARY 21, 1812. His Royal Highness the Prince Regent has been pleased, in thv name and on the hehalf of his Ma- jesty, to appoint undermentioned Officers of the East India Company's Force , to take rank by Brevet In his Majesty's At- my jix the East Indies only, as follows; their Comt* iS!, ions to be dated January 1, 1312:— COI. ONELS Gabriel Doveton, Thomas Dallas, Alexander Cuppage, Aid- well Taylor, John Chalmers, Alexander Dye, Keith Ma- calister, Charles Corner, Robert M. Strange, John j, rand, To be MAJOR- GENERALS. LIEUTENANT- COLONELS George Ball, Charles Stuart, John Williams, James Ir. nes, Colin Macauley, Joseph G. Hill, Richard Cook, George Holmes, William M'Culleck, St. George Aslse, David Ochterlony, Henry F. Oajcrjft, Edward S, Broughton, Francis Kyan, Francis Aiskill, John Eales, To be COLONELS. MAJORS Francis A. Daniel, William H D. Knox, Robert Armstrong, Charles Webber, William Henry Cooper, Samuel Kelly, William Raban, George Carpenter, To be LIEUTENANT COLONELS. CAPTAINS Charles Mellingehamp, William Smith, Adam Brown, John Lloyd Jones, David Fowlis, R, Fotherijigham, John For- tune, Edwari Bagsfeaw, Thomas Stewart; To be MAJORS. On Monday last, Bills of Indiftment were found at the Surrey Sessions, against twelve persons, subjefts of the King, charged with being found, at the capture of the Isle of Frince, traitorously in arms against his Majesty. The 3d of February was fixed for the trials, in order to afford time for furnishing the prisoners with copies of their re- spective indictments, lists of the witnesses, & c. A few ijays ago, the passengers in a Yarmouth coach, going from the metropolis, were stopped at the toll- gate near Colchester, and on inquiring the cause uf delay, were informed that they had travelled tbe last stage, nine'miles ( through Kelt vedon) without coachman or guard.— After some time the careful servants arrived in a post- chaise. It appears that both of them had left the horses to go into a public- hous*, and after regaling them- selves, fduftd they had lost both coach and horses- Two other Yarmouth coaches passed the one with, out a driver, but took no other notice than enjoy, ing the " good joke " of lat? arrival. DREADFUL RETRIBUTION. The following instance of awful vengeance, Will contribute to shew what Napoleon will have to en- counter, and the determined resolution he will have to subdue, before- he can bring Spain into that abject submission in which he holds the rest of continental Europe. I give it in substance, from the mouth of a Spanish Gentleman and dis- tinguished patriot, of unblemished character, who assisted in performing ( he last and sad offices to the intrepid heroine. When the town of Naval Carnero, about 35 miles south of Madrid, was taken by the troops of the Imperial Spoiler, among the horrid butch- eries that succeeded, was the inhuman massacre of the father and mother of a lad/, named Ma- riana Samaniego. After the tumult of blood and murder had, in some measure subsided. Gen. Veluci and six of his officers, entering the house of the above lady, demanded refreshment. Pro- bably the resolution then first struck her mind.— In a short time the meal was ready and they pre- pared to eat, when one of the officers suggested the probability that it was poisoned, ( for, some thnes, when villages were deserted, whole vine- yards were poisoned, and numbers died by drink, ing,) but the firm and fearless Mariana, to avert suspicioh, offered to eat with them, and acccord- ly they sat down together. , After the meal, Mariana said to Veluci, " You murdered my father and mother, and in return I have destroyed you. In a short time you will all be dead ;" and, indeed, in a few hours they all expired ; a dreadful sacrifice to the manes of her parents and the freedom of her country, . But to crown all, the intrepid Samaniego, soon fell dead among the lifeless guests. While it is impossible to mourn for the fate of the minions of Napoleon, we cannot but lament the destiny of the heroic maid, and heave a sigh of regret that a country, once the greatest in the world, should become a prey to rapine, cruely, and blood. EDINBURGH, JANUARY 22. ' A young lad, about 15 years of age, servant in a farm- house about two miles north from Dun- fermline, went out, with two of his companions, in disguise, as is the common custom in Fife, on the last night of the old year, and get drink at differ- ent houses, until they were unable to manage themselves or assist one another. Two of them, however, got home ; but the other was found, at a little distance from his master's house, on Sun- day morning, frozen to the ground, with his clothes off rind lying beside him, having, it is sup- posed, stripped and laid himself down, imagining that he was going to bed. EXTRAORDINARY SUICIDE.— On Monday night last, James M'Neil, at Drumberg, parish of Tor- thorwald, put en and to his life, by suspending himself by a rope, upon his own bedstead. To account for this rash act, is impossible, he being a man advanced in years ( 80 years of age), hav- ing aIWay& borne a fair character in the wotld.— Unembarrassed in money matters, and apparent- ly at peace with all mankind, his untimely exit strikes the minds of his acquaintance with horror I and regret. BELFAST COURSE OF EXCHANGE, & C. JAN. 24.— Belfast on Ia> ndon ( 2 Ids.) 7f per cent. Belfast on Dublin ( 61 ds.) 1 per cent. Belfast on Glasgow 7 per cent. / n: sn, Jjn. 22.— per cent. Gov. Deb. 7Sf — 5 per tent. Ditto lOlf Mnbush, Jan. 20.— S per rent.. Consols 62$ JAN. 22.- TDub. oh Lon. 7£ f | J AH. 22.— Lon. on Dub. 9| ARRIVID. MAILS SINCE OUR LA8T. nus 2 BY DONAGUABEE. 1 3 Br DUBLIN O BELFAST, Monday, January 27, 1812. London Papers of the 22d and 23d inst. were yesterday received, from which extrafts are given of whatever appeared most worthy of notice.— One Packet remains due by Donaghadee. The most important parts of the London Gazette Extraordinary, containing, the official details of the complete reduftion of the Island of Java; and the surrender of General JANSENS, will be found in another part of this day's Paper. We are enabled to give a sketch of the pro- ceedings in the House of Commons on Wednes- day last, which will be found interesting. They " hiefly relate to the subjeft of Distillation, and in whict, allusion is made to Ireland. On Tuesday, Mr. BROUGHAM brought forward his motion respealng the Droits of Admiralty; which, after a long dewe, was lost by a majority of 55, the number being 93 gainst 38. Trade was never so dull as at *> Uualtar at pre- sent.— Exchange was at - " N^. A letter received from Liverpool, says, " tlNt Baron Gibson, some time ago British Consul at Dantzic, lately died there, and having, in his Will, declared himself to be an Englishman, his whole fortune consisting of about a million of guilders, about J650,000, has been confiscated by the French. His executors have already been obliged to pay 90,000 guilders, in ready money, to the French Consul M. de Jassaud." The Lottery did not conclude drawing until. 12 o'clock on Tuesday night — The following are the Prizes;— No. 5,497, i'M, 00(^— 2,504, £' 6,000 — 995, ' j£ 4.', 000— 1,825, 2,717, 4,756, 1,020, i 2,525, 5,052, 5,005, * 5Q0 each. PORTUGAL. Dispatches fsom Lord Wellington were receiv- ed in London on Wednesday ; they ate dated the , 25th tilt. HP to which period, no movement of OIK array had taken place. Head quarters were s'ilh at Freynada, and the sick list had considerably de. creased. A division of the army of the enemy had retired beyond Placentia, in the direilion of Madrid. The French, with 11,000 troops, were closely besieging Tariffs, were constantly bombardi » g it from nine pieces of heavy anillery, and were ereil. ing batteries for more guns to play on thar place. The garrison of Tariffa consisted of about 800 English, under Colonel Cough, and 5000 Spanish - tsoops, who would defend it as long as possib'e; but it was expe& ed that the place must surrender to the enemy. A number of heavy guns and much ammunition had been sent there from G'b- raltar, and our gun- boats and snips of war wen using every exertion for its succour. General Ballasteros' head- quarters were at St. Roque. During the time the French were in possession of that piace, they destroyed every thing that they could not carry away ; and, while the inhabitants were forced to seek shelter under the guns of Gibraltar, they had been exposed to - every hardship. It rained ' incessantly nearly all the time, which loosened a part of the rock, which tumbling, killed four and wounded eighteen of these unfortunate people. Oo the 16' th inst. in lat. 49. 37. long. 9. 3.">, the Adventure spoke his Majesty's ship Dauntless, with a fleet of about 40 sail, from Coik for the West Indies, all well. COMMERCIALLY IMPORTANT." By the Zephyr, f om Buenos Ayres, we have received advices of so late a date as the 10 h No- vember, previous to* which time, the difference » so long subsisting between the Governments <>* Buenos Ayres and Monte Video, had been ter. - minated by a treaty of Peace, of which the follow- ing are the principal Articles :— I. Both Parties solemnly protest, that they do not, nor ever will, acknowledge any other S > ve « reign than Ferdinand VII, and his lawful heirs " and successors. II. The Junta of Buenos Ayres, refer to a Ge- neral Congress of the Provinces, the important point of acknowledging the authority of the Corte* of the Monarchy ; at same time, declaring, that it considers the Provinces as constituting an integ- ral part of the Monarchy. III. The Government of Buenos Ayres pro- mises to remit such aids to the Mother Country, as the state of their revenue permits, and to en- courage voluntary contributions among the inha- bitants, for the same purpose. IV. and V. The Government of Buenos Ayr » s offers immediately to address a Manifesto to the Cortes, explaining the cause of their delaying to send Deputies to Spain; and they pre > se to send confidential persons ro the Paninsul.., to nuke known to the Cortes their intentions and desires. 1 VI. and VII. The troop9 of the TjiUA- th.- s4— evacuate the eastern side of tfcjf Rivet; Plate, as far as the Uraquny; and forces of neither Govern- ments shall be at liberty to enter into certain Towns, situated between the Rivgr, withojt pet. mission from the other. VIII. IX. and X. No persofi snail be molest ed on account of tKe part taken in die late differ* ences j the artillery and prisoners taken on each side to be restored. XI. The Portuguese troops to retire from the Spanish territories. XII. and XIII. All hostilities to eease instant- ly, and the Viceiov of Peru and General Goy- conichi to be immediately informed of the pre- sent treaty. XIV. and XV. All communications by sea and land, between Buenos Ayres and Monte Video', and their Dependencies, shall be fully re- estab- lished. XVI. Every vessel, national or foreign, shall be at liberty to enter the potts of either Govern- ments, paying the royal duties, agreeable to a fixed rule, to be determined on between both Go- vernments. XVII. In case of invasion by a Foreign Power, both Governments engage to furnish all necessary assistance to repel the enemy. XVIII. All private property » hall be respeft- ed, and may be removed freely from the tetritory of either party, to that of the other, at the de » iie of the owner. The remaining Articles, regulate the mode of carrying into effeft, some of the preceding stipu- lations. ( Signed) JOSE JULIAS PEREZ,. JOSE ABAVF. DO. ANTONIO GAKFIAS. - - - Jamaica Papers to tbe 24- th, and Luc.,* fi> u, t? 26th November bavearrived, which are of no small interest. The proceedings in the Assembly exhi- bit a dismal piflure of those consequences, which have arisen out of the present res'rifled state of West India trade. Mr. Stewart, a Member, drew a deplorable sketch of the present distress and mi- sery of the Planters of Jamaica. It was i quec- tion warmly debated, whether, und^ r the present gloomy state of affairs, and the general poverty, • the usual sums appointed for the suppoit of the, troops in the Island should be voted. The reso- lutions descriptive of the miserable state of afF. iirs, and the inability to meet the grant of suppiy to the troops, were negatived by a majority of nine. The following motion, on the 19, h, was moved and agreed to :— " That a Committee be appointed to prepare an humbie Petition ro his Majesty, setting forth tbe deplorable situa- tion to which his most lo. yal subjedb, tin- inhabitants this island, have been reduced by the pressure of t/ ie protntSeii warfare, « M the peculiar animo'ities with wbitfa the resir c- tjons growing eat of it, have been direStJ against the agri- culture and proJuAion of the Colonies, wv i : h, in place of being alleviated, have been agghivated by tlie regulations ot national policy." '•** ' .1. .. vj ® H We have accounts from St. Thomas's to thei. 14th of December, mentioning, that the Legisla- ture of the Province of Cumana, wljich had adopted the revolutionary order of things at Ve- nezuela, had exercised various niu 0! Soveieizu auihoiitj. » - BELFAST COMMERCIAL - CHRONICLE'* A VIRTUE A". The following is given in Dablin, as the latest intelligence from America, being to the 16th ult. two days later thaii die Papers brought by the Protection : WAR WITH ENGLAND. NEW- YORK— Due. 14. Randolph'* Sp- ech h degraded by personal allusions, and illiberal - a- casms, as to do honour to no one but a Billings ? ate fisherwoman. With all his genius and talents, his pe" iulance. and spleen, render him a perfect snarling Thersites> tHte: iy unworthy of the place he holds, and a scandal to his Constituents, who send him th ; re. raOM OUR CORRESPONDENT. Washington, December II. " The House took up, thin- day, the unfinished business of yesterday, on the Marion of A'ir, Porter, which was '' e Resolution trfft red by the Committee for Foreign Relnti § , authorising the enlistment of an additional Regular Army M Mr. Johnson ( of Ken.) spoke L> r about an hour and a fcalf in defence of the Administration, in favour of war, and ia reply to the remarks of Mr. Randolph, made yesterday. He was followed by Mr. Wright, who occupied nearly the um-' Ir^ gth of titne. So far, the war has been carried on off nsivelv. The Federalists, neither great nor small, have uttered on word on the subje&. " Mr Calhoun i to spealc to- morrow. He is a new Member; rather eloquent in words, yet rapid in his delivery. " The Pesolutioa. will all pass, ^ ni nearly unanimously, n my opinion." The melancholy event in the family of Lord George Cav iidi- h, has occasioned the delay, for it few days, of the Motions to be made in Parlia- ment on the Catholic question. In the H> use of Loids, he motion is to bp rhade on Friday, the 51st ins! an', - and in the House of Commons on Mondav, the 3d of February. The following is a statement of the arms ship- pe 1 from the Tower, for Spain and Portugal, to the 31st of D e.- mbeT :— Spaio. " 37,000 muskets, 4B') 0 carbines, 86 ) 0 pistols, 101,000 sets of in- fra ry accoutrements, 50,. 000,000 ball- cartridges, 8,500,000 lead balls, 35 .900 powder barrels ;— Portugal. 4! iXXX) muckets » 600 carbines, 21,200 rifles, 8900' pistols, 50,000 sets of accoutrements, 18,607,000 ball- cartridges, 60,900 lead balls, and S009 powder barrels. We are informed, that persons of respectability in Banbridge have taken much pains to inquire through that neighbourhood respeiling Williams, alia* Mut phy, - acc . tsed of being concerned in the late mind'Js in London, who was stated to be bred iu that pan, but they cannot discover that he was from that par of the country, or has any relatives there. We have :-. vn favoured with the particulars of a let'er, dated the 27th of October, from an Eng- lish OfS - er at Mauritius, who had just returned from B itavia. The British troops at Mauritius and Bourbon w. re h.- akhy and in high spirits, and perfect tranquilli ••/ prevailed in these settle- men's, where nothing w . s apprehended but in the hurricane season, when the plantations are greatly endangered. It should seem, by the pre- parations hat a e making at Java, that it is the intention of the Anglo- Indian Government tore- tain possess! : of Batavia and its neighbourhood, at least dori^ the war. The forces of the island principally consisted of Sepoys, which were sta- tioned at.-> f ort or Palace about three miles from Batavia, " on tEe road to B « nts. r » , wd-. ick is con- sid red f0 ^ healthiest spot in the vicinity ; but it is utterly impossible, in this baleful region, by any precautions human wisdom can devise, to prevent extensive destruction among those who may be employed on this perilous duty. Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Hardy, of Water- ford ( Inspecting Field. Oflicer of Yeomanry and Volunteers in Gra ft Britain), has been appointed Inspec ing Field; Officer of Yeomanry and Volun- teers in Ireland, with the rank of Lieut- Colonel, vice Godfrey, deceased. The following General Officers are placed on the Staff, viz.— Major- General J. Lindsey, on the Staff of he Windward and Leeward Islands; Major- General J. Le Coureur removi d fiom the Staff of Ireland to the Staff of Jamaica, in the room of Major- GeneralCutnings; Major- General Terence O'Logblin, to the S aff of Ireland, in ihe room of Majo-. General J. Le Conteur, placed on the S aff • t Jamaica. In consequence of the spirited zeal evinced on many occasions by the Ross- Castle corps of Yeo- manrv, under the command of Captain D'Alt in, in preserving the public peace at fairs, escorting prisoneis. and other acts of voluntary service, his Grace tie Lord Lieuteintnt to mark his appro- bation of such worthy conduct, has ordered one months full pay to be bestowed on each non- com- missioned officer and private of the above corp\ The crews of the St. George and Defence, con- sisted of upwards of 1300 excellent seamen, be- sides Officers, among wh < m we enumerate the fol- lowing : Officers of th? St, George.— Admiral Reynolds, Captain D. O'Giiion, Lieutenants N. ipier, Place, Thompson, Br innel. Douce, Tristram, Riche-, J. Mac fat lane, D. M'Queere. and Rogers, Tippet, Flag- Lieutenant; C'ptain C> les. RIM.; Mr. J. I It, Mister; Mr. J. Raylton, . Secretary; Mr. Heyr • •., Surge" a • Rev. W. H. Lake, Chaplain ; Mr. Saunders, Purser. Officers •)•' the Defence.— Captain Atkins, Lieu- tenant P. H. Biker, R. L. Peeyour, Philpot, I. B. Neis/ rfi, a- id De Lisle; Mr. Mabson, Master; Mr. NiciitoliOn, Purser; R. Hickman, and A. I;., wile M. A " lice, an astronomer of Milan, has con- tracted a telescope 17 feet in length, and 1 linches in diameter. It is the largest ever made in Italy, a- id is said to equal the best English glasses for observing the heavenly bodies. On trial it was p- oved that the smallest writing might by means of it be read at the distance of 300 yards, and every stop and fine stroke plainly discerned. ANDROIDES.— This Exhibition, wonderful in its c instruction, and productive of great satisfafiion and innocent mirth to its numerous visitors, con- tinue to attrafl public attention and patronage.— • A h: gh « Bcey occurred at the representation last v - k: A ' fiady's lap- dog, with its fore feet on the h md- rail of tlie from b > i, took umbrage at the ^. irking of the little, dog stationed at the door of the fruitery. to prot'eft'the fruit— the barking be- tw£ en the two caught tbe- public attention, and l. iughter, wonder and plaudits, suspended, all ex- hibition for nearly ten minutes. The nicest ear could not say which barking prevailed, the re- sponses were so just, between the dog of quality fn. d the fruitress' humble domesiic. Messrs. Moore and Hamilton Echlin, A'torncys, have removed their Office from No. 16. A. m. itreet, to No. 76, Mill- street, Belfast, where their business will be condoled in future by Hamilton Echlin— Mr. Henry Watcrson having been < 3is- -• ontinued in their employment. Belfast, January 2, No. 76, Mill- street, 1812. HENRY \ VATERSON, agreeable to notice givtH by him to Moore and Hamilton Echlin, Attornies » in June last, has, several months ago, withdrawn himself from the management of their business in Belfast.— His Office is, as usual, at his H " ise, Mo. 58, Ann street. January I I, iS12. Married. At Maherlane, on the 20th inst. by the Rev Mr Dol- ling, EDWARD Russet, Esq. of Baliinderry. to the agree- able ELEANOR, secand daughter of the late Jas. MKiniey, Esq of Aughagallorh On the 21st inst. by the Rev. John Sturgeon. Mr. Man- Tt- t REA, Jun. of Casrlenavin, to Miss MARY DUNWOODY, of he Board Mill, both in the County of Down. In Merrisn- square, Dublin, by the Most Rev. Doiftor Mur'ay, WILLIAM F FINN, Esq. Barrister at Law, to Misj . LI. LCIA O'CONNELL, daughter to the late Morgan O'Con- nell, of Cishen, co Kerry, E- q and sister to Cbunsellor O'Connelf At Doneri'ile, on Thursday the 15th inst. by the Rev. John B Creao; h. HENRY FELIX SHUTTER, Esq lace Chap- lain in the Dutch service, to the mosr truly amiable and high- ly accomplished MARIANNE, daughter to the late Colonel Pitt, and cousin to the late Right Hon W. Pitt. On Sunday evi- niug List, Toimsct Nurse, of Bally- macarret, to ISABELLA ROCK, - of same place, toe B. ile- •< room in this case evinces a strong attachment to the matri- nonial state, having buried his former wile 14 w^ dts a u. " BELFAST SIJ LP .< r, n?>, The Neptune, Davidson, from Liverpool • for this port, ar- rived safe on the 25th inst. The coppered and armed brig Britannia, is loading for Lend © n, I © sail first fair wind. , The Levant, M'Kibtoi, is loading at London for this port, to sail in a few days. The Cunningham Boyle, Bel], from Liverpool, arrived here en Saturday last. The armed brig Fail or, M'Niece, sails first fair wind for London, The new armed brig George, Caughey, is loading at Lon- don for this part. The Diana, M'Callnm, is loading for Glasgow, to sail in a few days. The Margaret and Nancy, Galbraith, for Glasgow; and the Bet, Rankin, for Dublin, sailed yesterday. The Betseys, Neilson, at Glasgow; and the Dispatch, Jamison, at Dublin, are loading foi Belfast. NEWRY SHIPPING LIST, For the Week ending January 25. AR RIVED. Martha, of and from New- York, Gardner, with staves and flaxseed. Brothers, of Dumbarton, Blair, from Glasgow, with rum, Muscovado sugar, sugar- candy, c* st- iron, and refined sugar Johns, of Liverpool, from Liverpool, Will arns, with Muscovado sugar, bale goods, stav- es, cheese, earthenware, iiarilla, iron hoops, onions, and lead shot. Christopher, of Ullaproi, M'Kay, from Stornaway, with herrings and ling fish. Four vessels with slates. SAILED. Auspinous, of Newry, Clarke, tor Liverpool, with butter, linen cloth, and 11 x. Friendship, of Portsoy, Watson, for London, with beef, pork, butter, and mustard. Brathers, of Newry, M'Nulty, for Liverpool, with pigs. Charlotte, of Newry, Fegan, lor Liverpool, with butter, lin? n cloih, beef, potatoes, fe'aihers, teligarc, ". inen yarn, and flaxseed. Charlotte, of Newry, Ferari, for Liverpool, with pig « . Johns, of aud for Workington, Storry, with linen cl » th and flax. AdUve, of Newry, Savage, for Liverpool, with butter, linen cloth, flax, and feathers. Jessie, of Grangemouth, Duncan, for London, with bdef and butter Diligent, of and for Harrington, Gibson, with linen cloth. NEWRY MARKETS, JANUARY 25. i. d. t. d. 0 — 56 0 • per barrel of 20st. 2 — 1 6 • per stone of 141 b. 0 — 22 6 > per cwt. of 112lb. Barley ... 28 0 — 2 » 6 . per barrel ef l6st. First Flour .. 39 0 — 0 0 1 Second ditto...... ... 37 0 — 0 0 hi . Third ditto ... 35 0 — 0 0 Fourth ditto ... 2.5 0 — 0 0 • | » « r cwt. of I12lb. 6 — 0 0 8 — 0 0 0 — 126 0 J Rough Tallow... ... S 6 — 9 o - 0 —- 28 o ; per stone of 16lbs. Ditto Undressed. .... 13 0 — 14 o Barilla ( Sicily)... .... SO 0 — 0 0 Ditto ( Alicant) ... 34 0 — 36 0 per cwt. ef 112lbs. P6t Ashes .... 40 0 — 45 e Iron ( Swedish) .,.=£ 25 Do, ( British) ^ 17 Beef 45 Park............ 82 Liverpool Coals 34 Swansea ditto 34 Malting ditto 30 —£ 1S 6 — 55 0 — S3 14— O 1J- O 0 — 32 Weight of Bread at the Public Bakery this Week. White Loaf, 1 3J/. 3ib. 9. « a. | Household Loaf, 13i. 41b. ! CZ. Brown I. oaf, let. 21' as. 7.0z.— Snia' 4 Bread in proportion. • per ton of20cwt. ° | perewt- of 112lb. u per ton. NOTICE. IF^ HE TENANTS of the MARQUIS of DONEOAIL, in the jl it County of Antrim, are hereby required to pay all " Rent, and arrears, of Rent, due on their several holdings at November last, within twenty- one days from the date hereof, i otherwise legal proceedings will be taktu to enlorce payment of the same. EDWARD MAY, AGE. VT. Castle- Office, January 27, 1812. ( 43S IRISH MELODIES. JUST PUBLISHED, by W. POWER, DUBMN, and Sold by ROBERT & JOHN HODGSON, Booksellers & Stationers, 4, High- street, The secmnd Number of the seem! Volume; being the ro'oKTH NUMBER of Sir JOHN STEVSN » ON'S Irish Airs.— The words by THOMAS MOORE, Esq. N. B. Complete Sew of the above Work to be had as above. ( 435 FIRST SPRING SHIP FOR NEW- YORK. The American Ship MARTHA, LOBAN GARDNER, MASTER, ( Burthen 500 Tons), Will be ready for sea oi the 15th February, and sail posi- tively the first f » ir wind after. She is a fine new » hip, only J one year old. Such Passengers as desire to embrace this ! tarty conveyance, are r « justed to make an immediate ap- ' plication to the CA1' TAIN, on board, at Warrenpoint, or to RICHD. BRYANS, Who has for Sale, FLAXSEED and BARREL STAVES, received by the above V « pe), from NEW- YORK. 427) NSWKXj January 24. THE FIRST OF THE SIX S U BSC ill PTIO N ASS K MB LI PS ILL be held at the Exchange- Rooms, on THURS- DAY, the 13th of February. Gentlemen's Subscriptions =£ 1, I4J. I id. Ladles' Ditto affl, 2t. 9/ Noil subscribers, resident in Belfast, or within four miles of it, to pay each of admittance, Gentlemen ltti.—' Ladies 7r. 6J. The Military, aud Persons residing at a greater distance lhan four miles from Belfast, to pay St. 10/. each admittance. Subscribers Tickets transferase i. i families only Ladies to draw for places at NINR o'clock precisely. MAJOR WALLACE, -) RICHARD DOBBS, / j ANDREW ALEXANDER, f atewara8- Captain CONRAN, J Mr. HULL, Master of the Ceremonies, will issue Tickets to Subscribers on receiving the Subscription Money. ( 434 WILL SHORTLY CLOSE. ANDROIDES* R. HADDOCK takes the earliest opportunity of ac- quainting the Public, that he recei'Wd a letter from Cork, which obliges his return, to erefl a New Organ id the Cathedral Church of Cloyne. Doors open, Muring his stay) in the Evenings, at half- past SEVEN o'clock, and Exhibition begins at EIGHT; and o « i FRIDAY, opens at half- past- TWELVE, an 1 begins at ONE. — Boxes, 2t. 6d. Upper Boxes, li. SJ.— Children under Twtlve Ycart, Half- Pi ice— Places and Tickets at his Lod- gings, 6, Waring- street. ( 390 REAL WELSH FLANNELS, & c. See. ADAM M'CLEAN TTAS just received an additinnal Supply of REAL lU WELSH FLANNELS,. such as are recommended by Medical Gentlemen.— Also, a quantity of the newt- st Patterns in CARPETING, FANCY CORDS, CASSt- MKRES, & c. >& c. for Breeches; and a Bale of the best and largest sued BLANKETS. 4SO) Belfast, January 27. PORTER & ALE STORES. , ROBERT HOLMES OST respeitfully acquaints his Friends and the Public, 1L that he has removed from Warehouse- lane to his House and Stores, No. 66, MILL- STREET, and has now for Sale on moderate terms, Cork Porter, Superior Strong Ate, Devonshire Cider, Brown Iff White Spruce Beer, Genuine Soda Water, In prime order, in Bottles. Particular attention to orders from the country, oi- for Exportation. ( 428) Belfast, Jan. 23.' AUCTION OF ALICANTE BARILLA. fl REG & BLACKER, will sell by AuSion, at the ' VIR Stores of JOHN S. FSKGUSON, Esq. in Donegall- • qnare, north, ouJFRlDAY, the 31st January, at the hour of ONE o'clock, .129 Bales ALICANTE BARILLA, of first quality. WALTER MACFARLAN. Belfast, Jan. 24. ( 414 HAY BY AUCTION. ROBERT GRAHAM will Sell by Au^ ion, « n TUES- DAY next, the 28th inst. about 15 Tons of weUjsaced HAY\ Now standing in a Yard adjoining Green- street, off E< i- ward- ttreet — Sale to commenc* at ELEVEN o'clock.— T* OTS at Sale, _ . WALTM MACFARLAN. January 23, 1812. ( 436 NEWRY, 24th January, 1812. THE SUBSCRIBERS have just arrived SIX CARGOES of SLATES, consisting of Imperial Mill Tons, Common Tons, Duchess, Countess » Lady, and Doubles ; Which, with GOOD PINE TIMBER, OAK, HARD- WOOD, PLANK, SPARS, DEALS, and their usual Supply of BUILDING MATERIALS, SCOTCH MALTING & LIVERPOOL COALS, they will sell on moderate Terms 429) SAMUEL MAY & CO. w NEW GARDEN SEEDS. JAMES SMYTH, English- street, Armagh, ( Late Gardener to his Grace the Lord Primate,) EGS leave to inform the Noblemen, Gentlemen, and the Public, that he has this day landed hit New As- sortment of GARDEN SEEDS, fr « m on board the VINOS, Captain PENDLETON, from LONDON to Belfast; also, Red & White Clover, 1 White English Grass Seed, Trefoil— Fetches, | Bass Mats, All will be engaged of the best quality, and lowest pries3. Also, some Fruit Trees and Thorn Quicks. 432) ARMAGH, January 24. A good Farm, and Sit: t rtion for Machi- nery by Water. TO BE LET, FOR SUCH A TERM AS MAY BE AGREED UPON, '( pHAT part of the LANDS of BAI. I. YNF. SS, near Bu » h- I niills, commonly called the WAK MILL FARM; containing upwards of 50 Acres Arable and Meadow Land, of the best quality, which has been grared on for many years past. Upon this Farm is a fall of the River Bush, sufficients work Machinery to any extent; and liberal en- couragement would be given to any Pirsou or Company who would establish a Wtrk of public utility on it. Proposals, by lerter- free of po- uge, to be made to the Proprietor, Huoa MONTGOMEHV, Esq. Benvarden, Cole- rain; or Mr. M'Neile, Ballycistle. 431) January 24. AUCTION, ON SATURDAY the First of February next, at the Hour of TWELVE o'clock, will be set up and SoM by Public Auflion, Ihe American Ship ELIZABETH, With all her Materials, where she now lies at RCSASAW PotN r, in the Harbour of I. O'JGH JWILLT. The Materials will be set up in Lots to suit the Purchasers. N. B. This Sale will be well worth the attention of Ship Holders. 426) LONDONDERRY, January 22, 1812. I FOR GLASGOW, THE DIANA, JOHN M'CALLUM, MASTER, ( A constant Trader), Now loading, to sail in a few days. FOR DUBLIN. The BEE, RANKIN..; To sail to morrow. For Freight apply to GEO. MONTGOMERY, The BET9EY9, NmtSOK, at Glasgow; and the DIS- PATCH, JAMISON, at Dublin, are loading ior Belfast. Belfast, January 24. ( 123 SHl. J npH2 SUBSCRIBERS are landing, fro- N on board the 1 L Pritediun, H. EARNS, nris'iT, 250 HHDS. NEW TORK FLAXSEED, And have also for Sale, at their Stores, 50 Bags New Red Cliver Seed, 25 Pipes Teneriffe Wine, 22 Cases Liquorice Ball, Coffee in Barrels, Oil of Caster, Allitant Barilla, Refined Salt Petre, and St. Ul/ es' Salt. CRAWFORD3, WALLACE & Co. January 25, 1312. ( 425 ROBERT TELFAIR, JUN. T JTAS received per the CER ES, from Liverpool, and MAS- iLJl. GARET & NANCY, from Glaigaio, . 48 Hhds. JAMAICA SCALE SUGARS, Of Very Fine,, fine, anl Second Qualities. 28 Hhds. VIRGINIA TOBACCO, A few Serons SPANISH FLORA INDIGO; And per the LIBERTT, from Dublin, 45 Puncheom WHISKEY, Strong and Well- Flavoured, and A few Butts ZANT CURRANTS; Which, in addition to the following, 46 Hhds. Prime Virginia Leaf Tobacco, Richmond Inspection, Fine and l. nmmon Gongou and Hysott Teas, Scotch Mo'osses, in'Hhds iyc. fee. He will dispose of reasonably. He is always supplied with COMMON ROLL, CANE, and PIG TAIL TOBACCO, GRASS- CUT, SUCCARDS, and SNUFF, of his own ManufaAure. 3S9) January 16. NEW TEAS, CLOVER- SEED, & c. ir'HE SUBSCRIBERS are LANDING, per the- VE- L NUS, 204 Chests Teas, assorted, 50 Sacks fine new Red Clover- seed, 10 Hogsheads Lump Sugar, Which will be sold cheap. MARTINS, HARRISON, & CO. Church- lane, January 20. ( 405 ROBT. GETTY & JAS. LUKE A RE now Landing, the NELSON, from CORK, 100 Puncheons Cork IVUskey; Which they offer for Sale, with the following, viz :— New Orleans and Upland Georgia COTTON, New- York POT ASHES, Bleachers' SMALTS. ( 3! 6 NEW TEAS, CLOVER. SEED, & c. & c. DAVISON fc REFORD are Landing, from on board the VENUS, from LONDON, Fine and (% mmon Congou. Souchong and Hyson TEAS, Red and White CLOVER- SEED, Black PEPPER, East India INDIGO, TURMORICK, BRAZIEL, MUSTARD and CARAWAY- SEEDS ; AND HAVE ON SALE, Very Fine, Fine, Second Scale, and Refined SUGARS, Meant BARILLA., Spanish and East India INDIGO, Refined SALTPETRE, LIQUORICE BALL, CANDY, Ground LOGWOOD, ALLUM— STARCH, and A few Boxes New Muscattell and Bloom RAISINS, £ 3V. (. 11) Belfast, 106,- High- street— Jan. 20, 1812. NEW TEAS. " ITOHN JOHNSTON has received, per the Failor, from til LONDON, 45 Chests Teas assorted, Which, with an Assortment of Goods in the GROCERY LINE, will be sold on moderate Terms. 19, Ann- street-— January 10. Gunbowdtr and Patent Shot. ( 366 DUBLIN WHISKEY. WILLIAM WIGHTMAN BAILY expe& s rhe arrival of a large. parcel of WHIS- KEY, of an Excellent Quality, from DUBLIN, which he offers for Sale. TOGETHER WITH Yellvw Pine Timber— 6 and 9 Feet Deals— Plank— Jamaica Rum— Spanish Red Wine, & c. 378) LISBURN, January 14, 1812 K >.-_— The Public are respectfully inform- » d, that it is inwtided the, following A "'> 3 N. E. TRADERvS .. J&'. 1''" Shall tail at tie under menti ontd ierioJt • FOR LONDON, The armed brig BRITANNIA, ABERDEEN, First fair wind Thie armed brig VENUS, PENDLETON. 8th February. ifj* These Vessels being armed and completely well found, Insurance by them will consequently be tSftled on the most reasonable terms. FOR LIVERPOOL, The NEPTUNE, DAVIDSON.. In a few daysj FROM LIVERPOOL FOR BELFAST, The JANE, BUSBT....'. First fair wind. The KELLY, M'ILWAIN Seven days after, FROM LONDON FOR BELFAST, The Armed Brig LEVANT, M'KIBEIN... 5th February For Freight, in London, apply to Messrs. WM, & JOHN WHARTON, Nicholas' Lane; or, in Bslfast, to R. GREENLAW, Agent, Who will receive and forward LINEN CLOTH = n « other MERCHANDIZE with care and dispatch. t? A lew Stout l. ils wanted its APPRENTICES to the SM. W whom libera! Fnr. iurayennent will he stiver: FOR BUENOS AYRES,- DIRECT, THE REMARKABLY FAST- SAILING, COPPER- ED. ANIV ARMED SHIP ZEPHYR, h DUPARCQ, MASTEH, Will be clear to sail about the 10th February.— For Freight or Passage, apply to . MONTGOMERYS, STAPLES, & CO. WHO HAVE ON SALE, Buetics Ayres Tallow, and Suited Hidet, Demerara, J WTT0N- W00L, . ( jeorgia, J Leaf ToLaoco— Logwnod and Fustit. 412) JatMary 24. ; NEW AMERICAN PJT ASHE3. 1 GEORGE LANGTRY cf CO. 1 ] TJRAVE just received, din-& from NEW- YORK, per '' le F JLJL Ship ProtcBion, 150 Barrels, of first Qwtlit'j. in fine or- der, and of the latest Mauuf uc. urc, Which they will sell on reasonable ' enrn. 422) Belfast, Jaousiy S4. MONTREAL AND NKW- YORK POR AND PEARL ASHES, frit Brands, . aid exolleat w. th choice NEW HOPS, in Pockets, for Sale by JAMES CUNNINGHAM & CO. Belfast, Jan. 24. ( il8 M'ADAM, MARSHALL, 3c CO. fTAVE just RBCE1VP. D, by the VENUS, fron ' LONDON, 15 HOGSHEADS, BALES, CHESTS, cf..> CONTAINING Peruvian Bark, Spermaceti, Jalap, Quicksilver, and a Viriely of its preparations, Oil Pepperment, Sassafras, Rhubarb, Scammony, White Wax, Sulphur Vivum, Grim Copal, Asphaltum, Myrrh, I Suit of I,? m. u, Ammonia, Mthtr, Qxid Bisniiill). Dragon's Bloody Anatto, Turmeric, Saffron, Cloves, Nutmegs, & c. ALSO— A few HALF- CHESTS GENUINE FLORENCE OIL, and a Dupper EAST INDIA CASTOR OIL, Clear and Tasteless. M'ADAM, MARSHALL, & CO beg leave to inform their Friends in the Apothecary and Drug Line in ireheia!, that they haVc ereSed a POWDERING MILL, on u impfoVed construction, by which tliay are enabled to offir Powdered Articles of genuine quality, at a Comparatively small advance. They have iust now a very complete Stock of DRUGS, OII. S. and COLOUR.:,, of the best qualify, which they will Sell on very reasonable Tern,', for regular ayments. ( 420) 41, High " teec. CORK WHISKEY. t AA TRUNCHEONS, of Prime Quality, just arrive.! 1 UU V and for Sale by JOHN SC THOS. CUNNINGHAM. January 6, 1812. ( 340 SAMUEL & JAMES CAMPBliLL ( 7[ AVE received, per the FACTOR, from LO, s- OL DON, Chests Congou &' Green Teas, ass •>•/. .<, Very Fine and Fi, Sugars, Refinrd Sugar, Refined Saltpetre, Spanish Indigo, Black Pepper, Pimento, , Ginger, FOB SALE, WITH ' Scale Ihi Sea Island Cotton- Wool, Georgia Ditto, West India Ditto, Pot and Pearl Ashes, Bleachers' 1 Smalts, Alicante Barilla, • Leaf Tubaccoi 338) All of which they will dispose of on reasonable ferms. January ( J. NEW FOUNDERY, NEWRY. PATRICK SHARKEY MOST respefifully begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public, that he has ^ ummenced the Cast- Metal Business. In EDWARD- STREET, CORRY- PLA<! E, where he is ready to receive and execute orders, for MACHINEPvY or any other CASTINGS. Georlemen who may favour him with their commands, may rely on having them executed in the best manner, a: id on the shortest nutice. 404) January 20, 1812. A GOLD WATCH & c. LOST. Lost on ihe Evening of the 15lh inst. ADOUBLE CASED GOLD STOP WATCH, Cap- jted and Jewelled, ( with a Gold Chain, Ki> y, and Seal), Maker's Name, WILLIAM HALBERT, Glasgow, No. 11,338. Any Persoh who will bring sitid Watch, Sic. to ROBERT HAMERTON, Esq. Surveyor of Excise, Njwtownlimava- dy, will receive TWO GUINEAS of Reward, and no Questions asked. 417) Newtownlimavady, Jan. 21. THE FIRST SPRING SHIP FOR NEW- YORK. " JF^ IJU THE AMERICAN SHIP ® P ROTE CT10N, HENRY BEARNS, MASTER, ( A regular Trader.) Now in this HarboUr, having just arrived after o passage of 25 days, and will sail again for the above port first fair wind after 24th February next. As only a few Passengers can be taken, immediate appli- cation will be neces « ary to GEORGE LANGTRY & CO. Belfast, January It ( 421 Those who may have Orders from America, to be received sn board, are requested to apply immediately. j. M-^ ^ The Public are respectfully inform- h ed, ch « the rbib'ving V.-. f^-, regular TRADERS V ;;; i;)^ JlStri^' n. Will mil for tbtir ritptSh* PoHi, ->"<""- - Ssiri. xvitb tbe frit fair iVind after the daits runtitnrd : FOR LONDON', The Armed Brig FACTOR, M'NIECE In a few days The Armed Brig ENDEAVOUR, Pi rz SIMO s s, 14 daysafter. FOR LIVERPOOL, The CUNNINGHAM BO. YLE, BELL;... Slsa January. The FANNY, MAR . I'N F.' rglit d » > s alter. FOR BRISTOL, The SWIFT, N>* t 1st February. ' FROM LIVERPOOL FOR RET- FAST, The MINERVA, COORTEN.- Y 2. .:. J - i) ry. The COMMERCE, Eisam...... tight • - Its. . FROM LONDON FOR BELFAST, The Armed GEORGE, J. vs. CAU'GHEY... 10th K- R- The Armed Brig LAG.- IN, H » BRI « -... 14 DAYS after. For Freight, in London, ipplv to Mcsrs. ALEX- INDKR aild WILLIAM OG1LBY, f.' ucnurch- Yard. Gentlemen v/ ho have Linens to forwaid, tvill please - on 1 THEM T « GEORGE LANGTRY tj- A few Stout Lads wanted as Apprentices to the ca. SHIP FOR SALE. THC $ 111? J A M E S BAILIE, ADMIASURINO 2S2 TO » L, '' Copper- bolted, and Coppered to- the Bends , oi ! y twelve months old ; built of thebest Mat- rials, and extt mcljtwell fboHd in every rtspefl— For Inventory, ail larther par- ticulatj, apply to M'CLURE, BAILIE, & WHLLAS', 307) t'uN^ GAII.-$ t'A>. BELFAST COMMERCIAL - CHRONICLE'* POETRY. [ For the Belfast Commercial Chronicle.'] VERSES jmn** SSJN TO MRS. CSITEIS, or GI. EHSURN, ON BU DONATION OF SHIRTS TO TUE CHJLDRIN OF THE 111- S'JRN FREE- SCHOOL. While Winter rules, and in his train Wait poverty, dis^ ase^ and pain, Exulting o'er their prey j Accomplish'd CDRTEIS! in thy breast Exists the feeling to arrest, His desolating sway. Thine is the sympathising " heart, Relief and solace to imoart To virtue in distress; Thine is the interposing arm, To shield from inTsmv and harm. The child of wretchedness. Who hut the sordid wretch abhors, That ne'er distributes of his stores, From pure benevolence : Behold him hesitating stand, And reckon off, with nigpard hand. His weekly fifteen- pence. * I. et folly's daughters— pleasure's slaves, Launch out on dissipation's waves, And riot in excess;- The joys from acfts of love that flow, Hearts, such as thine, may feign to know— Thine only can express. Whilst grateful lips shall bit" thy name, Tho' poor and transient he the fame, The Poet's pen can give; Thy deeds of charity shall riset With sweetest incense, to the skies, And there for ever live. Latum. W. • Al'ti^ ing to th » pitiful contributions of some of the » f- 6nent inhabitants of Lisburn to the fundi of the benevolent Society. FRENCH PAPERS. AMSTERDAM, Dee. SO. Among the number of English ships lost or sunk off th « Tfxel, are the following: The Hero, ot 74 i> tin*.— crew lost. The Centurion, of pight carronades— crew lost. TheCras'hopper. of 18 guns, and a crew of 120 men, with IS pa*. engers. ran aground, was afterwards got off and con- ducted into the road— the pilot only perished. The Archimede, a transport brig, lost— 20 of her crew saved. The Flora transport, of 359 tens, laden - with 1500 barrels of powder, and 250 chests of arms, each containing 20, sunk, a part of the crew has been saved; a great number of th « chests of arms are expeited to be recovered. The, Ro, iiia, of SfO tons, teturning in ballast— the Cap- tain and 17 men drowned. Tht Bnkman, from Baltimore, returning in ballast, sunt, the Captain and 13 men lost. A brig sunk between Carnpen and Bergen. In all 147 mdi have been saved.—( Mnniteur, January S. J TBXEL, JANHARV 8. The s- s continues to throw upon our coast the wrecks of the Fnglfeh ships escorted by the Hero. Nine hundred bar- rels of powder have already been collected. A great num- ber of cabl'- s and arm- chests have likewise been found— ( Hfmlzur, January 1.) HAMBURGH, Jisciir IS. The English never suffered such losses at sea as the have this summer. All are the result of the Continental System, for it was the wish, in defiance of the season, of remaining in the Baltic, and letting their convoys land their goods up- on the Swedish and Danish coasts, that has caused them such considerable losses. It is reckoned that since the 1st of November the English have lost five ships of war, of which two were three- deckers, three frigates and five or six brigs, independent of a great « timber of merchant vessels. REPORT TO MIS EXCELLENCY THI MINISTER OF MARINE. '< Road of Isle d'Aix, Dec, 28, 1811. " MoNStiONEUR— I have the honour to inform your Excellency, that vesterday, at nine at night, a small convoy, coming from Rochcdle, was pursued by five boats of the English squadron, which obliged the coasters t » take shelter - close in- shere in the t'ay comprehended between Rochelle and the Isle d'Aix. The wind was pretty fresh from N. to N. W. » nd there was soon a high sea. I quickly formed the projjCt of cutting off the retreat of these five boats, but in order to induce them to advance I made no movements in the boats with which I intended to attack them, rill they had evidently compromised themselves, and the apparent inatten- tion encouraged them to advance still further. " I then ordered the gun- boats 18t>, 191, and 184, under the command of M. Dure, Lieutenant de Vaisseau, and four ships' boats, under the orders of M. Constantin, to be got ready, and sailed in such a direction as to, cut off the retreat of the enemy's flotilla. " As soon as the English. squadron perceived this move- ment, a ship, two frigates, and a brig, sailed to disengage their boati;' the brig, supported by the ship, at a trifling distance, fired upon the gull- boats, which briskly replied to it several titties. H Pur'ng ' his time M Constantin attacked the largest of the enemy's boats, near her own vessels, and almost under the fire of the brig, and took it. The gun boats surrounded the o'her four, which they took, after a very great resistance. " Nipbi and very stormy weather, having immediately succeeded this expedition, my boats have been dispersed upon different points of this coast, where I see them, but cannot, by this courier, transmit your Excellency all the details of this affair; I reckon, nevertheless, that 100 prisoners, all picked men, of the English squadron, at least, must have been token in it.— I beg your Excellency to accept my pro- found respeCt. u xhe Commandant of the naval forces of his Majesty, ( Signed) " JACOB." TO THE SAME. « Isle d'Aix, JOth December. - MoNsrlONEt'S— I bad the honour, in mv letter of the 3Bth instant, to inform you of the taking of five bo. ts he. longing to the English squadron, which I suppose were man- tled by 100 men; there were 118 on board them. " A violent gale, which commenced immediately after this affair, having dispersed my boats, I did not know the details till last night; I hasten t* transmit them to your Ex- cellency. " The Enseigne de Vaisseau, M. Constantin, commanded a boat with 22 men, with which he attacked one manned with 30, at the moment the enemy's division, which rallied, W s cming to proeil them. " This Officer had engaged with hit swivels and musVets, but fearing the enemy should escape him, he ordered him to be laid on board. ' 1 he English, confident iu their superiority of numbers, rushed to tile boarding, but M. Constantin jumped among them and drove ' hem to the opposite side of their boat, which this movement caused t* fill; the French gained their boat, and succeeded in saving 26 men, one of whom was a volunteer, and another a surgeon. The Of- ficer commanding the boat was killed, and three men dan gerously woueied. " During t'ds aClion the three gun- boats attacked the ion other » , « ts all armed with carronadss, swivels, and muskets The Lieutenant de Vaisseau Dun, keeping at the tauie time in check tile English brig, which endeavoured to droteS the boats, took one with 18 men, two of wi,- m were volunteers; the three others, annoyed hy my hoj commanded by the volunteer of the first class, Porgi, pierced j with bullets, and n. arly sinking, arrived upon the coast, j where he pursued and made prisoners the crews, amounting to 70 men", one of whom w is an Officer, and five volunteers. " The result of this affair, Mon eigneur, Is the taking of five boats, and 118 men, two of whom are officers, eight volunteers, am! one surgeon. Out of this number one offi- cer and four sailors have been killed, two others died imme- diately after, and five remain dangerously wounded. It is likewise to be supposed that in the boats pierced with bul- lets, there must have been some men killed, who were thrown into the sea. ( Signed) « JACOB." List of Officers, Seamen, and Marines, in two boats belong- inj to his Majesty's Ship Colossus, taken on the 27th De- cember, 1811. P. Podden, Midshipman, commanded a boat, and had pass- ed for a Lieutenant; J . Franklin commanded another boat; N. Malcom and J Hynson, Midshipmen. Seamen— J. Erasftienson, J. Gouldson, J. Price, J. Andrews, J. Brown, T. Haney, J. Wilson ( 1), T. Jones ( 3), J. Forrest, C. Connor, P. Rooley, J. Poole, W. Kelly, J. Agnew, W. Goddarel, C. Weston, M. Loveday, C. Sibley, J. Cole, T. Turton, P. Jones, N. Bowles, J. Tomlinson, ( alias Popple- stone), J. Dinaby, N. Welsh, P. Hoskinson, G. Green, and A. Barry. Private Marines— B. Billier, J. Green, J. Casey, T. Tal- loon, H. Boyle, J. Rafferty, T. Furtfiinger, R. Burgess, Da- vid Reece, and J. Gulliver. Total— Four Midshipmen, one Assistant- Surgeon, twenty- nine Seamen, and eleven Marines. A list of Officers, Seamen, and Marines, in three boats be- longing to liia Majesty's ship Conquestador^ taken the . 27tli December, 1811. Lieutenant F. dmond Stackpole commanded the whole ; Edwin T. Cautfield, Midshipman, commanded a boat; Dan!. Baird, Master's Mate ( passed for a Lieutenant), com- manded another boat; George Peard, Midshipman; D. O'Bryan Volunteer, 1st Class ; Francis Sutherland, Midship- man ; R. Thompson, Quarter Master; A. Newbury, Gun- ner's Mate; J. Ripton, Quarter Master's Mate. Seamen— J Durham, G. Miller, F. Esqueir, T. Murray, P Aciamson, J. Brain, D Sinclair, G. Leveson, G. Gillard, J. Howard, J. Penny, J. Bligh, J. Busbridge, J. Mitchell, J. Cameron, J. Levie. A Perkins, J. Tuiner, R. West, P. Now- land, J. B. Colbert, J. Jackson, ( 2), E. Murphy, J. Periivan, J. Clegg, T. Clarks, ( 2), J. Welsh, M. Hend'ey, J. Gouxh, T. Donovan,, W- Williams ( 1), W. Thompson, S. Christian, P. Hammond," j. Palmer; T. Herbert, W. Clarke, J. Lifton, C. M'Guire, J. Richmond, J. Barnes ( 1), H. Sloane, W. Sheppard, J. Nonn, J. Messidor, Robert Brooks, T. Saxtotf, R. Brooks. . • • j Marines— J. Brobell, Corporal; J. Seymour, S. Wads- worth, J. Whitworth, H. Anderson, M. Tail, J. S. Lansa- tank, B. Fegan, W. Wade, N. Tilson, J. Nicholls, Corporal. Total— One Lieutenant, oue Master's Mate, three Mid- shipmen, one Volunteer of the First Class, fifty » one seamen, and eleven Marines. JUDGE DAY'S CHARGE. Dublin, January 24. Yesterday, the 23d, being the sitting day of Hillary Term, the Chancellor, the Master of the Rolts, and the several Judges of the Law Courts, took their seats on their respective Benches, save only Judges Fletcher and Mayne; the latter of whom, we understand, is in London, and the for- mer confined bv a slight indisposition. In the Court of King's Bench, the following Term Grand Juries were sworn: CITY GRAND JURY. John Exshaw, Foreman | Samuel Read, Thomas Thorp, A. B. King, Mark Bloxham, Jonas Paisley, Francis Hamil- ton, John Tudor, L. Ogelby, A. Montgemery, Thomas Ab- bott, Marhew West, Simon Beileari, George F Carleton, George Studdert, George 8. Scott, William Milling, J. Pim, Daniel Kinehan, Jacob West, George Thompson, B. Eaton, Lewis Morgan. COUNTY GRAND JURY. Compton Domville, Foreman ; John Hamilton, John Car- leton, Ambrose Moore, William Norton, George Cassin, Lundy Foote, M. Hime, John Hutton, John Alley, J. T. Synnott, Richard Cole, William Rathbourne, George Grier- son, J. Sweeney, Edward Rice, Thomas Dillon Williani Por- ter, John O'Neil, S. Gresham, Robert Beiweod, David Court- nay, Robert Fyans. Mr. Justice Day then proceeded to charge them to the following effoct:— " Gentlemen of both Grand Juries— I do not know that I can open the juridical year in a manner more grateful to you or to myself, than by con- gratulating you upon the uninterrupted tranquil- lity and good order which have continued so long to characterize, under the peculiar circumstances of the times, this great metropolis and the popu- lous county which surrounds it.— Upon looking into your kalendars which are just put into my hands, it is highly satisfactory to see how moder- ate the number of prisoners is for trial, and how light, in general, the complexion of the offences charged upon those prisoners, with the exception of two or three who stand committed for a trea- sonable conspiracy. What the character of this charge shall turn out to be; whether it be the atrocious crime, which, upon its surface, it im- parts ; or only the crazy reveries, the waking dreams of a distempered drunken fanatic, I have not the means to anticipate, and if I hud, it would be highly unbecoming to do so but its prompt disclosure to tha Government does great credit to the Roman Catholic body, and argues, on their part, a quick and lively sensibility to character, and ( what is of great importance in these times) a laudable vigilance, an the part of the enlightened and morerespectable among them, to repress every seditious or dangerous movement among the ignorant and intemperate of their own communion. « This alleged conspiracy, in the heart of your city, the horrid and savage atrocities which have lately occurred in London, the stubborn excesses that hare raged without controul in one or two counties, even of that civilized and well regulated country— these are but some of the awful signs of the times, which demonstrate an alarming con- tempt of the laws, and decay of religion, morality, and public virtue, which mark the evil spirit that is abroad, and afford a solemn warning of the danger of magisterial relaxation, and of the indis- pensable necessity of a multiplied vigilance and activity through all the constituted authorities of the state. The atrocious and ever- to. be- lamented insurrection of 1803, burst out like a volcano in the midst of a profound calm. And therefore, j Gentlemen, the settled tranquillity which happily prevails through Ireland, would be, in truth, a , misfortune, and not a ground for exultation, if the Magistrates and Executive Authority were now, as at that disgraceful period, to be found asleep * t their posts, and not to maintain that watchfulness and incessant jealousy which our past sufferings ought naturally to inspire. In the same spirit let me earnestly recommend that the Ma- gistracy have a watchful eye upon those semina- ries of sedition, the public- houses of Dublin and iti yicinage, and to wilhdiaw their licences from all suspefted publicans, but particularly from such as keep their houses open at unseasonable hours. It would, in truth be a regulation of great public benefit to shut up all places of mean and obscure resort at an early hour. There can be no hard- ship in. requiring men to retire eatly to rest, who should rise early to earn their daily bread* It is in the dead of night, when all nature seeks repose, all but animals of prey, that conspirators assemble and hatch dark and Bloody crimes. And it is in those htft- beds of corruption that the first seeds of criminality and vice are sown, which afterwards ripen into full- blown gnilt, and find so much ex- ercise for our criminal tribunals. So also let me avail myself of this occasion, to warn the Sheriffs of both bailiwicks to take timely and vigorous pre- cautions against a recurrence of that disgraceful scene of tumult and wild uproar, which outraged this Court last Term, upon the trial of Dr. Sheri- dan. Some other trials of interest are appointed for certain days in this Term. The Law has vest- ed ample means in the Sheriffs for suppressing, and, what is more material, for guarding against all disorder; and this Court will hjld them seri. oasly responsible for maintaining that calm and dignified tranquillity, throughout the Term, which the sober administration of justice so imperiously demands." After hearing the Hon. Judge Day's charge, the Juries retired. FROM THE AMERICAN PAPERS. PHILADELPHIA, DEC, 12. The Committee on that part of the President's Message relative to the Navy Establishment, we understand, have agreed to report a Bill for the purpose of building six 7^' s, and twenty frigates, in addition to our present navy, You will perceive from the enclosed what we are coming to. We are to have the French sys. tem, and very properly therefore an American • Secretary adopts the French nomenclature, certi ficates of origin, & c. & c. & c. The resslutions of the Foreign Relation committee were up this day in the House of Representatives, and were opposed by Mr. Randolph with great force and eloquence. No question was taken and from appearances we shall have much fire and smoke, or smoke and lire to- morrow. The Federalists have taken no part in the discussion, and as far as I understand, will not: so that the administration will not be able to bolster themselves up with the country in their re- striClive system from an opposition to thei. efforts towards energy. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Nov. 16, 1811. SIR— The evasions of the non- importation aft appear to have principally arisen from three quar- ters. 1. Vessels. have arrived from ports not belong, ing to Great Britain, with merchandise of British growth or manufafture which has been entered as being of the growth or manufacture of other coun. tries. This is believed to have been by far the most fruitful source of evasions, and appears to have been, as yet, confined to vessels coming with colonial produce from St. Bartholomew, and Span- ish ports. 2 Coasting vessels, chiefly from the northern ports, have brought largo quantities of plainer of Paris, commonly taken on board in the waters of Passamaquoddy bay ; and it is suggested that they have also occasionally received there, or from vessels at sea, other species of British mer- chandise. 3. Merchandise has been illegally imported by land from Canada, and as it is believed, principal- ly through the State of Vermont. The official and direCt information received on that snbjeCt is not very extensivs. Verbal or pri- vate communications have been made to me, more in the shape of suggestions than founded on a positive knowledge of the fafts. Still that eva- sions have taken place in the manner above stated is sufficiently established. But I am induced to be- lieve, that with the exception of rum brought in from St. Bartholomew, and of plaister of Paris from New Brunswick, the amount of merchandise actually smuggled is not very considerable. Ex- c'usively of special instructions applicable to par- ticular cases, and of the employment of cutters, boats and men, the general measures adopted for checking and preventing those illegal attempts, were incorporated, and will be found in the two enclosed circulars.' But some further provisions appear necessary ; and I beg leave to submit the following suggestions: I. With respeft to the importation of British articles under colour of their being the produce of other cotiiiiries. itwo efficient modes may be adopt- ed : I, to admit no . such articles after a certain date, unless accompanied with a certificate of ori- gin from the American consul, or commercial agent, at the port of exportation ; 2, to direft a summary mode, by sworn examiners, to decide, at the time of arrival, on the origin of the article, which decision shall be admitted as conclusive evi- dence in case of trial. II. In relation to coasting vessels, it is propos. ed— 1, that they should be obliged to enter and clear, though ostensibly bound to another port on the same or an adjacent state, making only the proper exceptions in favour of packets and of ves- sels employed solely within the same. III. The situation of Passamaquoddy seems to require some special provisions, such as to forbid altogether the importation of any foreign article from that port into* any other port of the United States, and not to suffer any vessels to go there without special permission from the President Similar provisions may also be useful with respeft to St. Mary's, in Georgia. IV. It is believed that the prevention of smug- gling from Canada depends more on the vigilance and activity of the collectors, and persons employed by them, than on any additional legal provision. It seems, however, necessary to extend generally to inspectors the power of searching houses, which, by the collection law, is given only to the collec- tors, or persons aCting under a special appointment for each case. It has also been suggested that a pet mission to import salt from Canada would, in other respeCIs, facilitate the execution of the law. V. It is not known that vessels laden with salt, and coming from Lisbon and other places, have brought any forbidden articles; but tke facility of concealment, the article being now duty- free, and neii her measured or examined, is obvious ; and it sug £?<; ts the propriety of directing that . salt should be r peasured, or weighed, as if liable to dtity. 1 here are some other improvements, of a more geniiral and permanent nature, to which the atten- tion cf this department h s been more forcibly cal- led t> y the restriClive laws, and which I will also beg leave to suggest. The superintendance of the treasury over the collectors, for the purpose- of producin g uniform- ity in every respeCt. and of obtaining early infor- mation of delinquencies, unfaithfulness, or ne- gleCt, would be much more prompt and efficient wi h the aid of some officers, who should, once or twice a year, visit all the custom- houses, examine the books, the manner of ascertaining duties, and generally the conduft of the c . lleftors, and report to the treasury. I believe four such effi cers would be sufficient, and that, exclusively of other advantages, the delinquencies they would prevent woold more than pay their compensation. The importance of promptly ascertaining the want of vigilance of a single collector, is at this time obvious. The mode of appraising merchandize seized by collectors, and restored by order of a court, re- quires revision. It is defined only in cases arising under the collection law, and in all others is left altogether to the discretion of each separate dis. trift court. In all cases, it seems necessary and just that the invoices should be produced and the true value ascertained in the same manner as is provided for ascertaining duties; that the duties should in every instance be secured ; and that the security given for the value appraised should be indisputable, and approved by the collector or dis- trict attorney. Another evil of great magnitude arises from the want of a sufficient remedy in the case of ina- bility of the district judge to perform the duties of the office. The only provision in force is a trans- fer of suits to the circuit court, which, in states where that court is already overburthened with business is altogether inefficient. The enclosed letter marked ( D) will shew the extent of the in- convenience in one of the districts. The northern frontier of the United States, from Lake Champlain to Lake Erie, includes seven districts, viz. Champlain, Oswegatchie, Sackets Harbour, Oswego, Genesee, Niagara and Buffaloe Creek, all in the state of New- York. The distance from the city of* New- York, where alone the dis- trict court is held, and that court having more business than any other in the United States, is one of the greatest obstacles to the execution of the revenue laws. In faCt, a district court " is, in that respeft, as necessary on that frontier as on the Atlantic coast. I have the honour to be, & c. ALBERT GALLATIM. WARLIKE RESOLUTIONS. The Rev. John Gemmil, formerly a Presbyte- rian Clergyman, and lately elefted a Senator in the Legislature of Pennsylvania, from Chester County, has submitted the following Warlike Re- solution. to the Senate :— R-' csIutions relative to the Proceedings of the General Go- vernment with th* Belligerent Powers; read in Senate, December 6. The present, is a period, replete with national occurrences, as momentous as ever marked the annals of the world. That collision of Kingdoms and Empires, which has deluged Europe with blood, borne down the praftice and nearly extin- guished the principles of justice and humanity, is not, in itseffeCls, confined to that unhappy quarter of the globe. The unparralleled prosperity, the enterprising spirit, and the expanding commerce of the United States of America, have rendered them, to the two mighty Belligerents, an objeft of envy, and a medium of retaliation, pretended,, as to one, and iniquitous to both. The Emperor of the French has yet much to do, before the just claims of our country can be satisfied : but he has annulled those Decrejs which were the only legal obstruction to a friendly and commercial intercourse with his dominions. He has annulled those very Decrees, on which the British Government solemnly declared its Orders in Council not to be suspended. To the British Government, and to the world, be has evinced the extinguishment of those Decrees, by the united evidence of solemn profession and uniform practice. But have the Orders in Council expired with . the French Decrees ? No. Compared with their prior, their subsequent operation has been as life from dea'h. They have been executed with re- doubled vigor. Our seamen impressed : our citi- zens robbed : our flag prostrated : our own waters infested: our coasting trade annoyed: our har- bours blockaded. While maritime oppression has thus risen to its summit, an Envoy Extraordinary is sent to our Government, not ( as might have been reasonably expefted) to soften our irritated country, by con- ciliatory language; not to offer atonement for of- fences, and indemnifications for wrongs that are past— These, with a single exception, he passes over as things beneath the notice of the British Government or its Envoy; or as injuries to which the inexhaustible forbearance, the presumed timi- dity, or the abjeft debasement of the American Government, would ensure her silent submission. He commences a new species and system of insult. He prescribes to the President what he shall re- commend, and what the National Legislature shall enaft. He demands a law which shall ad- mit the products and manufactures of Great Bri- tain into the ports of the United S » ates ; although American manufactures are, even in time of Peace, excluded from the British Dominions. He com- mands the American Government to procure, of the Emperor Napoleon, an abandonment of his Continental System, and the admission of British products and manufactures into his own and the ports of his Allies. A compliance with the first of these demands, is a relinquishment of Sovereignty. To fulfil the latter, the United States have neither right nor power, nor the folly to attempt. The first is de- grading— the second impossible ^ and yet a sub- mission to these royal mandates is menacingly de- clared to be the only condition on which the Or. ders in Council shall be repealed, and the violation of our neutral rights discontinued,. | Solemnly impressed wi h these considerations, and contemplating demands so unjust, so unrea, sonable, so disrespectful to the intelligence, and so insulting in the Sovereignty, of an enlightened^ < free, and independent People; We, the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in Ge- neral Assembly met, do adopt the Mowing Re- solutions :—. 1. Resolved, that the policy of the British Go- jj- vernmsnt, as exhibited by her naval power on the hieh seas, and expressed by her Envoy to the United States, merits the reprobation, and can- not but rouse the virtuous indignation of every friend to this Country and its Government. 2. Resolved, that when submission or resist- ance, to the unjust demands of a Tyy. tnt, is the alternative, the latter only can be clwsen by the Freemen of America. 3. Resolved, That although we would rejoice in the adoption and practice of justice, which, would secure to Great Britain, our friendship anil friendly intercourse, we will, in order to repeal aggression and obtain reparation, vigorously exert all the powers which we possess, to acc. de- rate the accomplishment of such military pre- parations, as the wisdom of our national legisla- ture may require. 4. Resolved, That it k our duty as Legislators, to employ a suitable portion of the finances ofritis Commonwealth, iwpromoting thegrowthand pros- perity, and securing the permanence of our infant manufactures - r that as individuals of the commu- nity, we will, as much as possible, abstain from wearing any thing but the produft of these ma- nufadures ; and that we will recommend the same patriotic praOice to our constituents. 5. Resolved, That the question merits'serious, consideration whether, in order to suppress the system of plunder and impressment oa the higU seas, it would, or would not be a just, humane, and efficient retaliation to lay hold on property of the British Government or of its subjects, wher- ever such property can be found, to an amotinf sufficient to indemnify the plundered American r and for every impressed American citizen, to seize a subjeft of his Britannic Majesty wherever such subjeft can be. found, and to subject him to imprisonment and labour corresponding to the condition of the impressed American, on board, of a British ship of war. 6. Resolved, That the wisdom, patriotism tind firmness of the Executive aud Councils of the General Government, entitle them to our confi- dence, and their measures to our prompt and eealous co- operation. 7. Resolved, that the Governor of this Com- monwealth be instructed to transmit a copy of these Resolutions to the President of the United States, with a request to communicate them to Congress. ) —. - I .* - aiL. lL x TRAITOROUS CORRESPONDENCE. London, Jan. 9.0. The French General Simon, stHing himseif a Baron of the Empire, and decorated with the Grand Cross of the Le- gion of Honour, one of Bonaparte's accompli,!'' d Generals, who, in violation of his par « ie ui honour, absconded from Odiham, and is charged with being concerned with other* in carrying; on a traitorous correspondence, has hero talcen ' Vickery, the Bow- street Officer. He was found in the coal- isole of a hotu* in Camdorj- town. In th* same l\ ouse w;. » also taken M. Boyson, a surgeon, who was couccrned with, and escaped at the same time as the General. They were conveyed to T » thill- fields, Bridewell. In the evening a French woman, in the same house, was apprehended anit conveyed to Bow street, on a charge of having harboured them.— It wa » through a correspondence with the Frencl* Government, that a French Officer, who h- id conducted him- self with pereiSt honour in this kingdom, and was allow,;,! to return to his countrv, was seized immediately un his arri- val at Moriaix, and shot. His sole offence, we hear, was, that he expressed himself ashamed of tile mantiCT in which many French Officers had vialated their parole of honour ; aud these expressions were conveyed ta Bonaparte, whj or- dered liitn so be shot instantly ! [ FURTHER PARTICULARS.] A Gentleman from the Transport Office discovered the- traitorous correspondence of General Simon and Surgeor* Boiron, with the French Government respecting the landing of a considerable number of troops on the coast of Cornwall. General Simon, it is said, undertook to arrange with the pri- soners here to join them. On We( Uvesday morning, having received information that two foreigners answering their description had been seen at Richmond, the Officers went; there, and on inquiry found that two foreign Gentlemen had. been there in a post chaise, but were satisfied they were rvrtr the men they wanted. They then went to Hounslow, sup- posing they would cross the country there from Odiham to, the coast of Sent. There they heard of Frenchmen in . r post chaise to town, who answered the description in every respefl. They traced them to the corner of Dover- street,. Piccadilly, where all farther clue was lost. It then occurred^, that they might have gone to a French Doctor's in Dover- itreet, who had been suspe. ted of corresponding with Gen. Simon They had called there, but remained a short time. The officers thenjv/ ent to Madame Gio « ( proprietor of the diligence which used to 7un to Paris), in Great Pulteiiey- street, where they found three Frenchmen, and they con- cluded one of them was Simon. They ascertained that neither of them was he ; but discovered that the were ail • officers who had broke their parole, ami in consequence- took them into custody and lodged tljem in Tothill- fiields. The officers afterwards went to a house in Pratt-^ treel,. Camden- town, gave a single knock at the door, and were answered by a female servant in the area, fhe officer who knocked at the door told her he wanted to speak to she Gentlemen who lodged there; she denied any being there, and refused to open the door. The officers surrounded the house; they got upon the garden wall behind, and by the light of some candles, saw some men in the back parlour, who disappeared, and the candles were put out. Lavender went a short time alter, and knocked at the door; the girl answer- ed him from the area ; and he told her he had got a letter fos the lady of the house, which he must deliver to her; the girl refused; Lavender then thretened to shoot her, if » he did not; but she was net to be intimidated, and dared him to it. Mean time the other officers got over the wall be- hind, and found the General and his companion Boiron in a dark kitchen. On Saturday the Mistress of the bouse, who is a French woman, and the servant girl, underwent an ex amination before Mr. Nlires. In consequence the above dis- covery, a number of Frenchmen who corresponded with General Simon, have keen lodged in Tothill- field", Bridge- well, and were on Saturday removed thence to a prison- ship at Chatham. BELFAST: Printed and Published by DRUMMOND ANDBRSON, fo? Self and the other Proprietors, every MonJafi H'linniat, and Saturday.-— Price of the Paper, when sent to any pari of the United Kingdom, >£ 3, 8/ 3d. yearly, pmd in advance* AGIHTS— Messrs. Tayler and Newton, Warwiok- sq Lon- don— Mr. Bernard Murray, 16( i, Old Church street, Dub- lin— Mr Jas. Anderson, bookseller, Edinburgh.— Mr. Jas. l. ang, post- master, Newry— Mr-. Sam. Peoples, post- mas- ter, Derry— Mr. W. M'Williams, jun. Armagh.— Mr Thos. Morris, postmaster, Lurgan— Mr. Wm. Adams, Ran ' alstown— Mr. John Sharp, Co'erain— Mr. Joliu Lietchj Ballyawna-— Mr. James Ward, Lmbxru.
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