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Belfast Commercial Chronicle


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Belfast Commercial Chronicle

Date of Article: 15/01/1812
Printer / Publisher: Drummond Anderson 
Address: Belfast
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 1081
No Pages: 4
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NUMBER 1,081.] WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1812. [ PRI 0 E 5D. PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF LORDS— THURSDAY, JANUARY 9. AFFAIRS OF IRELAND. Lord GRENVILLE rose to move, tkat the order for summoning the House on Friday se'n- night should be discharged, and fixed for the 24th of this month. His Noble Friend, who had mov- ed for the summoning of the House, to take the important affairs of Ireland into consideration, desired him ( Lord Grenville) to say, that in this short delay he felt much reluftance. On their last meeting he ( Earl Fitzwilliam) expressed the same opinion with himself, that this was the crisis when no delay nor procrastination could be endured by the People of Ireland; in consequence of which he sincerely lamented that any delay, however ne- cessary. should take place in the discussion of so important a subjefl. But it had been represented to him that many Noble Lords, Representatives of Ireland, had not yet reached town ; on rl> is ac. count he felt it due to them ( hvfthat species of Couttesv which is always observed in that House) to allow them an opportunity of delivering their sentiments, and giving the assistance of their ex- perience on the present awful crisis of their coun- try. It' the HoHse would grant the present post- ponement, he thought he might Venture to assure it, that no further delay in the discussion of this important question should take place. The House was then ordered to be summoned for the 24th instant. FINANCES OF THE COUNTRY. Lord GRENVILLE said, he rose in conse- quence of some accounts which he had that day ^ een, to make some motion relative to the accounts of the revenue for the last year. He did not hold it manly in any one to utter expressions of de- spondency respecting the state of the Finances, or to deceive the country about that, which m ght prove to be unfounded. He should, therefore, ab- stain for the present from making any remarks on that subjeiS until the proper period of its discus- sion ; and should content himself with moving, that there be laid before the House, Accounts of the Amount of the Consolidated Fund, the Wax ' Taxes, the Revenue of Ireland, & c. The Earl of LIVERPOOL did not rise to of- fer any objeflion or opposition to this motion ; but he would venture to say, that no one in authority had either deceived himself or the country respect- ing the state of its Finances. He was quite as anxious as the Noble Lord that the fullest infor- mation on this stibjeift should be afforded to the House and the country. The motion was then agreed to mem. Jit. HOUSE OF COMMONS, WEDNESDAY, JAM. 8. STATE OF THE KING'S HEALTH. Mr. Secretary RYDER brought up the Report of the Queen's Council upjn the State of his Ma- jesty's Health, which was read by the Clerk at the table, and of which the following' is a copy :— We. the underwritten Members of the Council appoint- ed to assist Her Majesty, in the execution of the trusts com- mitted to Her Majesty, by vMve of the Statute passed in the 51st year of His Majesty's Reipn, entitled,' An A61 to pro. vide for the Administration of the Royal Authority, and for the care of His Majesty's Royal Person daring the con- tinuance of His Majesty's illness, and for the retumptinn of the exercise of the Royal Authority by His Majesty;' hav- ing; duly met together on this 4th day of January, 1812, ar the Queen's Lodge, near to Windsor Castle, and having call- ed before us, and examined upon oath the Physicians an4 other persons attendant upon his Majesty, and having ascer- tained the state « f His Majesty's health, by all such ways and means as appeared to us to be necessary for that pur- pose; do hereby declare and certify, that the state of His Majes'y's health at the time of this our Meeting, is not euch as to enable his Majesty to resume the personal exer- cise of his Royal Authority " That his Majesty's Bo- iily health appears to us to be as good as at any of the periods of our former Reports. « That His Majesty's mental Health appears to ua not to be worse than at the period of our last Report. " That all the Physicians attending his Majesty agree in stating, that they think his Majesty'scomp! ete final reco- very improbable, differing, however, as to the degree of such improbability, some of them expressing themselves as not des- pairing, others as not entirely despairing, and one of them representing that he cannot help despairing « f such recovery. ( Signe.,) " C. CANTUAR « AYI. E » FORI> " E. F. BOR " EI, DON " MONTROSE « ELLF. NBOROUGH " WIN6HELSEA " W. GRANT." " Shortly after the above Report had been read in the pre- sence of ail the Physicians, and one of the Members of the Council had bft Windsor tbe Physiciau alluded to in the last clause of the Report stated in writing to the other Mem- bers of the Couucil, then remaining at Windsor. ' That he hid unguarded'-- ^ ot an expression which he was apprehensive might carry a meaning far beyond what he in- tended to express, and requested te be allowed to coreeft it, and assured the Council, that whilst he thought the final re- covery of His Majesty very improbable, he by no meant Repaired of it.' " The Members of the Council to whom the above state- ment was made, having sworn the Physicians alluded to the truth thereof, afterwards communicated the samo to the whole Council assembled this 5th day of January, who have deemed it right to subje< 5t this fadt to the above declaration ( Signed) " C. CANTAUR " AYLESFORD " E. F. BOR " ELDON " MONTROSE " El. LENBOROUGH " WINCHELSEA " W. GRANI-." " St. James's- squatie, Jan. 5, 1S12." REPORT ON THE ADDRESS. I. o; d JOCELVN brought up the report of the ad- d ess. Mr WHITBREAD observed, that he was prevented v sterdav, on account of the extraordinary turn which the debate had taken, from stating his reasons why t e House should not concur in the present address, tie agreed to all the expressions of affection towards his Majesty, and to its earnest wishes for hi; recovery ; but not to any other parts, txcept in congratulating the Prince Regent on the valour displayed by his Majesty's troops, more especially in the gallant affair of General Hill. He approved and admired the con- duct of Lord Wellington, who had not, during the " last year, derogated from his farmer higli character, which placed him on a level not only with the great- est of modern Generals, but with any of the most ce- lebrated heroes of anc't. it times. But he could not, when he considered the present ss^ te of the Peninsu- la, compared with its condition in the former year, entertain any such hopes of final success as were held out in the address. We were told in the speech, by the mouths of the Lords Commissioners, that the dangers of Spain were increased, but that more ener- gy had arisen in the people ; yet he saw that the French armies carried every tiling before them, and had military possession of Spain nearly from one end to the other. True it was, that every thing possible had been done towards the support of the war; yet all that we had achieved was the possession of Por- tugal ; and Lord Wellington was himself forced to retreat as soon as he lia. l driven Massena from the frontiers, and had acknowledged that it was impos- sible to succeed in making head against the armies of the French. He wished, indeed, that the Right Hon. Gentleman had communicated to the House what were the sentiments of Lc d Wellington himself respecting the war— whether he entertained any hopes of the expulsion of the French ; then, perhaps, he ( Mr W.) might give his consent to this part of the address ; but none of the opinions of Lord Wel- lington were exhibited to the House. He wished also that the Right Hon. Gentleman would inform him, what were the situation and feelings o th? 4elf called Government of Cadiz, with respect to the South American Colonies. He knew that persons had been commissioned and sent out to mediate be- tween the Spanish Government and the rerolters of South Ameiica. Had the Spanish Government ac- cepted this mediation ? And if it had been accepted, what progress had been made towards reconciliation ? He begged to know the reasons which had so long detained those Gentlemen who had been appointed to diplomatic offices ? What, also, he must ask, was the present state of our army in Spain. Were the ranks full ? Were the wants of various kinds remov- ed ? If not, what means, what resources had Ministers to meet these exigencies, and supply these deficiencies ? Another point on which he dissented from the present address, was, the gross delusion which it held out, when it asserted that we intended to pursue with the American Government, that conciliatory system which had been already adopted. He had himself, late in the last Session, applied for the papers relative to the Amei ican discussions. The papers were refused : and if the American Government had acted in the same manner, we might still have been all persuaded, that the language of our Ministers was perfectly concilia- toiy, and required nothing but what the prosperity, the honour, and the security of our country demand- ed. But even then, at the time of the refusal of these papers, Gentlemen on the side of the House on which he sat, had prophesied that war must necessarily en- sue with America. Now we saw what had been the consequence of all our notable schemes with regard to America : fraught as they were with, and produc- tive of, base subterfuges, and base commercial perju- ries. All these line projects, after an existence of five ye;: rs, appeared likely to end in forcing America into : in alliance with France and a war with England.— The address talked of conciliation. When the Fo- reign Minister, in his negociations with that Govern- ment indulged in contumelious expressions, or in more contumelious silence, was such contumely to be cal- led a plan of conc liation ? Would it be reckoned conciliatory among individuals not to answer a letter which stated serious matters of complaint ? When flat denials were given in the face of facts* and a Mi- nister was sent out to demand what it was known could not be conceded, was the Prince to be deluded by an address which expressed the language of con- ciliation ? He must say, that the whole conduct of Ministers, with respect to America, proved that they were acting on those haughty and unconciliating prin- ciples which must prevent peace with any Govern- ment in the wold. Last year America had asserted, that the French decrees were repealed. This was de- nied on our part ; but he delied the Right Hon. Gent, to adduce one instance to rebut this assertion. Such was the language of the Americans themselves, which must be believed, unless we supposed that their intentions were rather to be learned from the wisdom of the Right Hon Gent.— that wisdom which had de- vised the grand design of depriving the French hos- pitals of bark,— that wisdom which had projected the mighty plan of destroying the French commerce, and had made our own Exchange a desart. All that we knew was, that the affair of the Chesapeake was in- deed adjusted ; but all other differences were still un- econciled. The Congress had met, and an address had been issued, which evidently anticipated war— which war, he had no hesitation to say, depended and resulted from the unbending and unaccommodating conduct of our Government. The address to the Re- gent was also blameable for the great want of infor- mation on the subject of our F. ast India possessions, and the policy to be pursued with respect to them.— He could not conclude without, expressing his deci- ded dissent and political abhorrence of some of the principles and maxims advanced last night by the Noble Lord who moved the address. That Noble Lord had said, that it was impossible to make peace with a person of such a character as Buonaparte.— Never, at any period of history, till the time of the present war, had so monstrous an assertion been ven- tured, that the personal character of a Governor should be any impediment to a negociation between states. He pretested, therefore, against a doctrine which must lead to eternal war. The grandeur and power of England were factitious,— the grandeur ard power of France were natural ; and in a long pro- tracted struggle between the two countries, it was not difficult to foresee which must ultimately be subdued. He concluded by saying, that he must make an obser- vation in contradiction to what had fallen from the Noble Lord last night, that the great object of Bo- naparte was to obtain ships, and colonits, and com- merce : and that he would never make peace till he had obtained them. If, said Mr. W. this be the sole obstacle to peace, would to God that Bonaparte had colonies ! would to God he had commerce! Lord Joe ELY V said, there was not one word in b « speech last night, with reference to the personal character of Bonaparte, which could I wive warranted the Hon Gent, in attributing to him those opinions of eternal warfare which he stated him to have given utterance to. The CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER said, that befote he entered upon a more regular reply to the Hon. Gentleman ( Mr Whitbread), he felt himself bound to notice, and to reprobate the concluding Sen- tence of his speech. If, indeed, the Hon. Gent, was anxious that Bonaparte and ranee should pos- sess ships, colonies, and commerce, then it was not very difficult to understand, why lie preferred to aban- don that system which kept those ships, colonies, and commerce out of his grasp. ( Hear J J His antipa- thy to the measures retaliatory on the Berlin and Milan decrees, was on this score very easy to be ac- counted for. If it had not been for them Bonaparte might have plumed himself on the success of his de- crees ; and the Hon. Gent, too, would be able to console himself for not having liis present subject of regret. Following, next, the course of the Hon. Gent.' s observations, the first topic he had to notice, was the gloomy picture which he thought proper to draw of the state of affairs in Spain and Portugal.— When the Hon. Gent, indulged himself in this his favourite strain, it would have been a little fair for the Hon. Gent, to look back to his declamations at the beginning of the last Session ; to recollect how he then described the state of affairs on tin Peninsula; to travel back to his predictions and | ophecies, and to see whether those had ; rcen fulfiled. But no :' . the Hon. Gent, did not like those r- : eliect( ons ; his prophecies were quite a' p'easanter t' i^; and again was he at his occupation, pronared to for'ctel and re- prophecy ah he had said before. " Destroy tbe web, and prophecy in vain; Tile creature's at his dirty work again." ( hear, hear ! J But it did not astonish him, nor ought it now to astonish the House, that the Hon. Gent, should sit down once more to his gloomy work, when they had it from himself, that it was done in expecta- tion of the irresistible power of France. Happy, how- ever, was he, that the expectations of tile Govern- ment of France, and of the Hon. Gent, were disap- jiointed. The French Government had made many boasts, but were they verified ? Among others, were we yet driven from Spain and Portugal into the sea ? Oh no! but the new reading now is, that we are to be destroyed after our resources shall have been ex- hausted, and when the Spanish nation shall have been completely subdued. First we were to have been the earlier victims, but now we are to be left for the last. Would any man in his senses listen to trash like this ? Would any man believe, that if it was in the power of the French Emperor to crush us, that he would not have done so ? Could those, in particular, who were in the habit of continually admiring the power of France,— no doubt with the expectation that it might become irresistible,— could they he of opinion that France would not long since have broken us down, if it had been in her power? He was confi- dent that France had done her utmost, but she met a resistance upon which she did not calculate : a resis- tance which was effectual to her disappointment, to her vexation, and to her disgrace. He did not mean to speak presumptiously, but, judging by fair anal- ogy drawing our conclusions from the past to the fu- ture, had we not a right to say that we could not be conquered— that the nations of the Peninsula could not be subdued ! That as long as a British arm re- mained in the Peninsula, a resistance would be oppo- sed to Bonaparte which he could not overcome— a resistance, which was the more vailing, as it was a standing shame to his designs, and a standing con- trast to his cause— to the basesj spectacle of tyranny, fraud and oppression, that ever was exhibited to or disgraced the world. With this view of things, had he not reason to look on the contest, not only cheer- fully and sanguinely, but even to hope, that in this very stage of bis crimes and tyranny, Bonaparte might find the grave of his ambition. The Rt. Hon. Gent, then adverted to an observation of Mr W. in which he had stated that the French were in military pos- session of the country. If he ( Chancellor of Exch.) were competent to form any idea of what military possession was, he could by no means understand how the French could be said to be in such possession. If that be military possession where even a convoy cannot be sent across the country without almost an army to escort it, then the French had such posses- sion. But to suppose that in a country where armies rise in the rear after their compatriots are defeated in1 the front— where, so far from their spirits being broken by increase of difficulty, they seem to be rather in- vigorated by defeat— to suppose that in such a coun- try, military possession is taken by the enemy, appear- ed to him absurd. Looking, therefore, at the kind of military possession which the French had of Spain, and seeing the quiet and steadfast possession whit", the English had of Portugal, he did not hesitate to say, that the affairs of the French were deteriorated, while those of the allied nations were improved ; that there were fainter hopes for France, and greater hopes for Spain, than there were a year ago. The next question which the Hon. Gent, put was, whether Lord Wellington approved of the plans by which the war was carried on ? Did the Hon. Gent, suppose, that ; ven allowing the views of Lord Wellington to be ever so desponding, it would be wise or just to dis- close them ? There was BOthing which a military commander, so much deprecated as the disclosure of his opinions or his views. The Hon. Gent.' s next wish was foi" information with respect to the connec- tions between the mother country and the Spanish Colonies ; and also with respect to the intentions of the Prince Regent's Ministers towards both. He had only to state, that the English Government wish- ed for measures of conciliation, and to act as the me- diator between the Colonies and Spain. As to the Jelay of Sir R. Wilson and Mr. Liston from going out to their respective stations, circumstances had oc- curred which had hitherto prevented tiie carrying of those missions into effect. Another point insisted on by the Hon. Gent, was, what he called the e> x- ; hausted state of our military force. The Hon. Gent, asked how we were to replace the waste of our re- sources ? It was sufficient and satisfactory for him to state, in answer to this question, that, notwith- I standing all our waste of men, our military force was stronger by 10,000 men than it was at this time last year. Another topic, and one which he confessed to be of the greatest importance, observed upon by the Hon. Gentleman, was the state of our relations with America. He hoped that the House would be indul- gent enough, if they saw at present an indisposition on the part of Ministers to go into any discussion on that point, not to attribute that indisposition to want of ability to meet any such discussion, nor to any ap- prehension that this country would suffer in her honour or her interests by whatever might be disclosed upon it. Tile true policy for this country to adopt towards America, and which had been adhered to by Minis- ttrs, was ta stare off that catastrophe— the catastro- phe of war— which it was the interest of both nations to avoid. The conduct of Government to America ought to be temperate and moderate, but at same tirtie, dignified and consistent; but nothing could impede its plans and progress more than, during the pending ne- goc'ations- to be thus putting it upon its defence— to be thus putting the country upon its trial. If the con- duct of America was really that of a fair impartial neutrality, as the Hon. Gentleman contended, he would rather give the Hon. Gent, credit for his opi- nion, than run the risk of endangering the success of the pending discussions, by any declaration - o the contrary. A war between this country and America would be productive of evil to both ; although, in his opinion, not of so much evil to England as to Am - i ica. So far from considering the interests of both countries to be - in any opposition ti one another, he would always consider the wealth of Artierica as ac- cessory to the riches, and her prosper ity as accessor y to the greatness of England. He would indeed, be sor- ry to see America crushed, impoverished, or destroyed. ( Here Mr Whitbread sneeringly repeated the word destroyed.) The Hon. Gent, might repeat his words, but though lie did not use the woid destroyed a lire sense of a physical annihilation, yet he contend- ed that a war with England would prove destructive to America— destructive to her wealth, her strength, her prosperity, and her progressive civilization.— The Hon. Gent, reviled the phrase of conciliatory disposition, which the Regent's speech attributed to Government in its transactions with America. For his part he was candid enough io confess, that he would bear with more from America than from any other foreign country with whom England could have any relation. His opinion of this point might be er- roneous ; but he was confident that he possessed to- wards America the fullest spirit of conciliation.— The Hon. Gent, further remarked, that we should have believed in the revocation of the Berlin and Mi- lan decrees, because America said that tliey were re- peated. Our charge against America was, that she has been too acquiescent and partial to France— too partial to her opinions, and too acquiescent in her decrees. So much did he differ from the Americans on this point, that he considered the very notice of revocation itself the very strongest testimony that they were not revoked. In what the Hon. Gentle- man called revocation, he saw the clearest evidence of re- enactment, and the existence of the spirit in which those decrees originated. He even conceived that he saw in that revocation a determined intention of abiding by them to the last extremity.— If this re- vocation was as sincere as it has been said to be— if it, indeed, existed at all— why did not America pro- duce the instrument itself? But the tact was, that - France only gave a notification, and, that, too, a con- ditional one, dependent upon two alternatives. The j Hon. Gent, totally abstracted the condiiionality of j the instrument from its consideration, but he ( the I Chancellor) could not.— Wiiat were these conditions ? That Britain should revoke her Orders in Council, and abandon her new system of blockade, or that America should cause the independence of her flag j; to be respected : that is, that Britain should abandon that system which is founded on the law of nations, and her own immemorial practice ; because Britain adopted no new system of blockade, but adhered to her old principles, to those principles and maritime rights, Which were the productive causes of her great- ness, and without adhering to and asserting which she could no longer exist as an independent nation. New words had been invented ; lately we had heard of denationalizing ships, which meant suffering them to be visited by us upon the ocean ; but if Great Bri- tain is to be hindered from visiting and searching American ships on the high seas, according to her recognized aild legitimate rights, then, indeed, should we cease to be the nation that we hare hitherto been. As to the very heated remarks of the Hon. Gent, on his Noble Friend's speech last night, with respect to the personal character of Bonaparte, he was glad that the Hon. Genu was set right by his Noble Friend, before he had the honour of rising to address the House. Hi? own opinion as to the propriety of identifying the personal character of a ruler, with that of the nation which he governed, was, that a people should not suffer for the crimes of any tyrant, inas- much as the guilt of such a person ought not to be considered as an obstacle to negociations of peace. Mr. WHITBREAD—" I do not rise, Sir, to explain, but to demand of the Right Hon. Gent, to explain, if he meant any personal allusion in some words that fell from him that appeared to me to be of no ver y delicate description, and therefore I do now ask of that Right Hon. Gent. If he did intend atiy such al- lusion ?" Mr. PERCEVAL—" I could have meant none.— The lines are Pope's— the metaphor is that of a spider spinning a new web after one has been destroyed. I thought it applicable to the pertinacious manner in which the Hon. Gentleman appeared to me to have been reviving his prophecies over again : but I do as- sure him, that I would not have so applied it, could I have imagined that he would have so construed it— • ind that were I even indifferent to his disapprobation, which I atri not, I could not be so indifferent to my oivn, as to descend t ® the grossness of any such per- sonal allusion."—/' Hear, hear ! J Mr. Wni'rBREAD—" I am perfectly satisfied with the explanation given by the Right Hon. Gent, and I am sure that had the same words been so applied to him, he would have felt it necessary to call for an ex- planation." Mr. PERCEVAL here said, with a smile, across the table, " Indeed I would not, Gen. TARLTON", entered impolicy of the war, and he Contended that it had been almost uniformly unsuccessful. The truth was, that this country was altogether unequal to struggle with France on the continent. Mr. CREEVY could not agree to pledge himself to vote whatever sums Ministers should think proper to demand for the war in the Peninsula, without first asking of the Minister, what were the financial means of the country, in the present year? He believed, that in the comparison of the produce of the revenue of the- J. ist year with that of 1810, it would be found, that there was last year a deficiency of three millions ard a half in the receipt of the taxes, while there had been an additional chaige on the coniolidat- d fund, amounting to a million and a half, making a total of i five millions* in which the revenue of this yc:. r would j, at some length into the ' all short of that of last year. He, therefo: , should j. move, that the report of the address should Ire wight il up this day, week, instead of this day, in order that the papers relating to the receipts of the iWenu? for las year might be laid before the House. He con- cluded by moving as an amendment, that instead of the word " now," the words " this day se'ennight" should be inserted. The CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER assured the Hon. Gentleman, that his view of the great deficiency of the revenue was an un- founded one* It was true that the amount of * be revenue last year was not equal to that of the year 1810, but the revenue of that year had been most remarkably flourishing, and the product so extraordinary, that it Was conceived a proper sub- jeft of congratulation to be mentioned in the speech; but although the revenue of the year 1811 Was not equal to that of ( he year 1810, it was however greater than that of the year pre- ceding it. It was true, that in the published state- ments to which the Hon. Gentleman alluded, the comparison was only between the last quarters <, x the years 1810 and 1811, in Which there appeal- ed a considerable increase In the last quarter. He would also allow that the produ& s of the revenue ^ for the remaining three quarters were inferior to those of the year 1810; but at the same time h- must point out to the attention of the House, that in the last quarter, although it Was stated that our trade had entirely failedt the amount of the duty from customs considerably exceeded that of the corresponding quarter in the year 1810. From this circumstance, he thought the House might well indulge the hope, that our trade was not at present in that declining situation in which it ap- peared to sortie Gentlemen. As to the Excise, which is much the most produflive source of our revenue, the receipts of the duties on this account were greater than even in the year 1810. He would admit, however, that, upon the whols, the amount of the revenue of last year fell short by about two millions of the produce of the very fa- vourable year of 1810. As to the security ofthe public creditors, it was very well known that the quarter ending in JanUary was the heaviest quar- ter in the year, and yet in this quarter there was a surplus of more than ^ 400,000. The reason why the quarter ending in January was always a heavy one, was, that the taxes imposed, perhaps late in a Session, were not by that time receive 1 into the Treasury. In the last year there had been a defalcation in the amount of the duties on spirits 1 an additional sum of jgTOO. OOO had been expe& ed from the distillation from grain; but ita o- peared that the distillation from sugar had been suf- ficient to supply the entire demand of the stimm » r » Mr. VVSE shortly explained upon a point in which he conceived himself to be misrepresented, by an Hon. General ( General Tarleton). He had not, in seconding the Address yesterday, said, that Spain was now in equal security with Por- tugal ; but he had said that it was equally uncon- quered. Mr. WHITBRfiAD was not satisfied with the answer which had been given to his Hon. Friend by the Chancellor of the Exchequer. If the income of the country were increasing, so were the ex » pences; but if it should appear, that while the ex- pences are increasing every year, the income was not only not increasing, but Was positively falling off. The Right Honourable Gentleman must be. in* deed, a very bad financier, ifvhe did not think it high time to look about him, and see from what source this growing expenditure was to be supplied. It appeared to him, that the amount of the duty on customs was a much fairer standafd to judge of the state of out trade by, than the excise. Did the Right Honourable Gentleman suppose, that if our trade, and consequently our customs, should decline, the excise would not decline also ? He wished that the Right Honourable Gentleman would say whether he imagined that the revenue could either continue or arrive to the prosperous state in which it Was in the year 1810. If this was not to be expefted, he did not know that he could agree to the same expenditure for carrying on the war in the Peninsula in the same manner in which it had hitherto been conduced. As to the mention of the flourishing state ofthe revenue last year in the speech at the opening > t' the Ses- sion, he believed that it had been a common prac- tice for many former years to allude ill the speech to our financial prosperity* Colonel HUTCHINSON, notwithstanding the thinness of the House, could not alitjw himself t > give a silent vote on the present occaiinn. HJ certainly dissented most com pie el y' from the sen- timents contained in the Address, believing, as he did, that the circumstance of the times called for language from the House very di£ F. jrenr from that of adulation. When the address oflast year w is moved, he had thought fit to express his conviiflion that it was then the duty of the House to speak out their sentiments, and apprise the Prince Regent of the awful circumstances under which he assumed the G vernment; thai durirg the preceding reign a great part of the empire had tteen for ever lost, and the safety ofthe remaining parts endangered, and that he could neither with honoui4 to himself nor safety to the country, adopt the plans which had been already pursued with such ruinous and mischievous effetts. Every thing which had taken place since that period served to confirm him in the opinion that such was the language with which they ought to approach the Prince Rege. it, and he ( herfore wished to enter his decided protest on thisoccasion against the principlesand proceedings ofjthe present Ministers. With respefl to the pr o- posed Address, is slated little, and that little hi- correflly, and it kept back and concealed that which was most important. It vv^ s not true tha't our armies had erf'jfhully defended Portugal. He certainly did not wish to reflatf on the conduct of the General to whom the command of h1 arniv in Portugal was entrusted, nor on the condu^ f < { the troops ; for he believed that eirery thing haJ been done by'hem which it was possible for them to do undes the circumstances in which they lui been placed. But he would ask, if they real. y ( For cwAtsaalku see tecmdpay. J met .£ PARLIAMENTARY INTELLIGENCE. Continued fr" m firrt page.) mpait to s'aTe to fie countrv m< 1 to F. iir « n » , tint ' the En? r « h army Sat! efFeftuallv' secure1 th° de- fence of Portugal? Th t armr was allowed to remain in Portugal, not because it could not he driven from it, hut because it had never yet been the policy or interest of the Emperor of the French to carry on the attack in that quar. ter — The Right Honourable Gentleman opposite had sa'd, that he had afforded an addition of 10,000 men to ' he forces in the Peninsula during the last year ; hut could anv man believe that this nnply in any wise • fctml for the successful pros- » m*! on of the war ? Such exertions as had h'thert" been mid" wer » certalnlv m « st inadequate for the defence of Port'icw'. and we must soon he under ' lie n^ cessifv of withdrawing our forces f oro fhat rmintry, if the Commander is not fur- nished with better means for defence. It was a fafl "- hicb it was impossible to conceal or disguise, that the en « mr had hitherto attempted nothing in which he had not completely succeeded. He would re^ » t' Se » e, that h » had not the smallest wish tn reflet on the cond'ft of Lord Welling, ton rr his troops. With regard ro Spain, it was certainly most undeniably true, notwithstanding all that had that nijjht been uiged on the subjeft bv the Rjpht Hon. Gentleman, that the enemjr were in reaTtrv in the military possession of Spain. was ir becoming them in the House to state in the; r / MHrrssto the Regent, that the affairs of flnain wore a better asoe. l than they did < n the former year, or to tell him that the situation of So ' in was in anv way improved hy our defence of Portugal ? The situation of Spain was indeed now Jo a verv different situation from what it had been in the former year. Since that time fort- esses an armies had be< en lost ; and though many op- portnnities occurred when assistance on our part could have been given at various points, where it ' vould have he » n efF° flna1, no " nth assistance wis ever given, and the opportunities were uniformly allowed to pass by unimproved. But what were the opinions of the Spaniards themselves, whocer- tainlv wete the best judees of the assistance de- rived by them from the Bri ish arms ? They have •. old us that the defence of Portugal is not the de. fence of Spain ; and that that was the Spanish feelintr nn the subjeft, wa • evident from every thing that had come to our knowledge. With regard to America, he rejoiced to see that at last there was some prospeft opening of an accommodation with that country. Still, however, the question rectirted— had Minister* done every thing to con- cilia'* » bat conftry j or had they not rather done fivery thing which it was possible for them to d to prov- kc and exasperate the Americans ? with ri gar J to that subje< 3, it was certainly most becoming for them to expri ss the feelings which « nch a system of mis'- ondud oughtto exci e, to the Prince Regent. He would now proceed to con- sider what h id been said with rcspeft to the state and condition of Ireland— and after what had been done to provoke and exasperate the people of Ire- land, hp conceived that he should be disgraced in the opinion of every thinking man, connefled as he was with that country, if he did not express his strong disapprobation of that part of the Address. After the measures which had been adopted, cal- culated only to disaffeH and alienate the affeflions of the Irish people, it was indeed rather astonish- ing that any such word as satisfaction should come to be employed in reference to the situation of Ire- land. By these measures, however, they have suf- ficiently proved that the I ish are United against them. They had hitherto been most disgraceful- ly managed by their own disunion and disagree- ment; but'the policy of Ministers haJ at length • hewn to B. itain, that Irishmen of every descrip- tion were united in holding it in detestation. So far, therefore, were thev from having succeeded in their plans respefling Ireland, that there was not one part of Ireland, he believed, wh'ch had not ex- pressed its sttong d' « ipprobation, arid that was not beginning to perceive that And a union of all could alone protect them from the grasp of an insatiable enemy, from the oppression and tyranny of false and wicked Ministers. The CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER explained, that he had been misunderstood in the expression he bad employed, that the British army in Portugal was stronger at this time by 10,000 men than it was at the same period last year. He did not intend to be understood, that reinforce- ments to the extent of 10,000 men only, had been sent out, but. that on a calculation of the whole force, the augmentation was to that amount. The question was then put on Mr. Creevey's Motion, and negatived. The Report was brought tip, read a first and second time, and agreed to. It was ordered that it be presented to the Prince Regent by such Members as were of the Privy Couucil. HOUSE OF COMMONS— THURSDAY, JAN. 9. Sir S. ROMILLY m ved that an Address should be presented to the Piince Regent, pray- ing that he would be pleases! to order that there be laid before the House returns of the number of persons committed to the different gaols of Eng- land and Wales, during the year 1810, stating their different crimes, and the manner in which they had been disposed of. CASI OF MARY ANNI P1XOM. Lord FOI. KSTONE said, he held in his hand a Petition from Mary Ann Dixon, who bad quar- relled with another woman, when some abuse passed, in consequence of which she was excom- municated, ordered to do penance, and had been confined near two years in the gaol of Newgate, in Bristol, for the costs incurred, amounting to « C30, and had no expeflation of being liberated, not having it in her power to pay that sum. It had been usual to introduce a clause into the In- » olvent AfU occasionally pas:, ed, but upon the petitioners applying to take the benefit of ( he late Atf, it was found that that particular clause, was omitted. It was his intention now merely to move, that the Petition be ordered to lit* on the Table ; liut he should hereafter, if the Petition was receiv- ed, move some further proceedings upon it this day wet k. t rie Petition was then brought up, read, and ( rdtird it. be laktu into consideration thu day we*- FtNtN'CFS OF IRT'. ANP. Sir J. NEWPORT said, in - ising ro move for the re- appointment of a Commi'tee to inquir" info ' he state of the Fin- tices of Ireland, as ii had al- ready been recommended m the Speech from ' he Throne, he should nor have to detain the House long. During the last Session he had proposed certain re olutions to the House on the stat" of the finances, but, at the desire oi* the House, he had withdrawn them, and proposed a Committee, This motion, however, was negatived bv a large majority, amongst whom were all his Majesty's Ministe- s; yet, in six days after, the Irish Chan- cellor of the Exchequer came forward arid propos- ed the same Committee. This Committee report, ed during the Session, and credit was taken in the Speech, at the conclusion of the Session, for the progress of that Coinmi'tee. The measure, he contended, wak originally his, and therefore he had a right to come forward now and move re- appointment of this Committee. The Right Hon. Bamner concluded with moving, " That certain Papers relative to the finances of Ireland should be referred to a Selefl- Committee to inquire into and to report to ' he House onjthe same." Mr. PERCEVAL conceived the Right Hon. Baronet had been somewhat mistaken in his sup- position that the idea of appointing a Committee had been his originally, he ( Mr. P.) having given notice of his intention of moving for such a Com- mittee previous to the Hon. Baronet bringing for- ward his motion, and therefore that motion was negatived. - ON the present occasion he had con- ceived the Right Hon. Baronet's motion as pre- mature ; but, as he seemed so anxious to share the fame of this measure, he ( Mr. P.) had no ob- jection to his naming the Committee, if he would name the same Gentlemen as formed the late Committee. Sir J. NEWPORT said, he had no objection, with the exception of two Gentlemen, namely, Mr. L. Forster and Mr. M. Fitzgerald, who had never been able to attend to their duty in the Committee, and to name in their room Lord A. Hamilton, and the Member for Cork. After a few words from Mr. Perceval, a Com- mittee was appointed— with Mr. Hutchinson as a Member, in the room of Mr. M. Fitzgeral. i. STATE OE MIS MAJISTV'L HEALTH. Mr. RYDER moved, that a seleil Committee be appointed to examine the Physicians in atten- dance on his Majesty's person, touching the state of his Majesty's Health, since the Physicians were last examined. The motion was agreed to, and the following Members appointed of thsiCominittee:— Mr. \ V. Adam Mr. Ryder Mr. Perceval Mr. Psnsonhy The Master of the Rolls Mr V/ hitbrea. 1 Mr. Sheridan Mr. Wilherforce The Attorney - General Mr. Charle » Long Mr, Tierney Lord Jocelyn Sir J. Newport Lord Castlereagh Mr. Canning Mr. S. Bourne, & c. & c. PLACES AND PENSIONS. Mr. C R F. EVEY made some observations on the appointment of the Committee of Supply, and took that opportunity to advert to the number of Pensions and Places enjoyed and held by Members of the House, the numbers of which were increas- ing; and even since the end of last Session three additional Placemen had b en introduced into the House, namely, a Marshal of the Admiralty, a Clerk of the Council, and a Paymaster of Widows' Pensions ; and who could doubt of the motives for bestowing these places I On one of them he must make some observations, namely, the appointment of Col. M'Mahon. He had the honour of know, ing that Gentleman, and highly respefle I him, and believed him worthy of re'vard from hi lustrions master ; but he would say that th > se who had advised the Prince Regent to give him this office, had advised him to fly in the face of P liament, and had done Col. M'Mahon an injury in bestowing on him so invidious an office. An office which, as far back as 1733, had been recomme. ided to be abolished at ' he . ieath of the then holder, Gen. Fox, Gen. Fox was dead, but the office was not abo- lished; on the contrary, it was given to Col. M'Ma- hon, in the face of a resolution of the House. If this was allowed to pass unobserved, the Honse wouid fit and resolve in vain. The House was now asked to go into a Committee to grant supplies for ihe year ; before he could consent to the motion, ke must submit another, as an amendment, " That the House shouH go into an Inqnrv relative to the number of Members of that House holdii g Places, and the Emoluments arising therefrom." The SPEAKER said, at present there WHS a mo- tion for supply, and that the House should go into that supply to- morrow. That motion might be postponed, but could not be amended by an- other motion. Mr. CREEVEY said, he would then move to postpone the Committee till to- morrow se'nnight, to give an opportunity, in the mean time, to con- sider of the emoluments arising from Piaces and Pensions held by Members of the House. Mr. PERCEVAL said, that with respedl to the appointment of Members of Parliament to places, the appointment to those places vacated the seals of those who accepked them ; and the Hon. Gen- tleman should have waited till they were again returned, before he had made these observations. Was the being a Member of Parliament to inca- pacitate a man of talent and learning from hold- ing a place ? that was the otily objection which j had been made to the persons, to whose appoint- ment lie had alluded, namely, that they had been thought wortky to represent some constituents in that House. To one, however, he had made par- ticular allusions, vir. to that of Coloael M'Mahon, to whose chaiaAer the Hon. Gentleman had only done justice— for a more honourable man did not exist. This appointment, however, was said to be disgraceful to the Prince Regent, and highly in- sulting to the House—( Hear, hear). The Hon. Gentleman, before he made the observation, should have infoimed himself better of the particulars. This had never been a patent office, or granted, a « the Hon. Gentleman supposed, for life; but on the contrary, it was intimated to Col. M'Mahon, by the command of his Royal Highness, that it was given to him, subjeit to the opinion which Parliament might entertain of the office. It had been determined by the House, that public ser- vants should be remunerated, either by pensions or sinecures ; and could there be any grounds for finding fault with the appointment of a person, held by every one as worth/ of rev.' atU, u> a ! sinecure offire, which became vacant, " id which the House had not yet determined should be abo- lished ? Mr. RROTTGHAM paiH hi* tribute of applause to the charafter of Col. M'Mahon ; but consider ed the insult of t^ e House sis greater on that » c- connr. \ became the more dangerons, from the virtues and chamber of th•• person on whom the office wis bestowed. After the Commissioners had advised th- abolition of this Office, and after the House had pass - d a'resolution, confirming that Report, the Ministers granted the office in ques- tion to the Hon. Gentleman, whose name had been so repea'edly mentioned. Therefor.* he was not ss'rsfied with any of the explanations that were given respecting these sinecures ; and he considered this as a case of insult to the House, which it was called on to inquire into. Mr. OROKER said, with regard . to the office of Clerk of the Council, it had been granted in reversion 25 years ago; and maintained that it was not given for the purpose of gaining a vote in Parliament. Mr. CREKVEY and Mr. BROUGHAM explained. Mr. STEPHF. N thought it would have been candid in those Gentlemen who brought forward the subjefl of his appointment, to have given some notice of their intention to discuss it. The office which he ( Mr. Steph » n) held was an independent one, being granted for life; it was an office of business, and it could not properly form a part of such a discussion as was now brought forward. He could not help deprecating, as a wicked and dangeroU6 system, the practice of condemning gentlemen of the law. for accepting public judi- j cial situations. Nothing could tend more to pre- vent such situations from being filled by compe- tent or honourable men. Mr. WHITBREAD said, that nobody meant to disparage the great talents and the competency of the Hon. and Learned Gentleman ; but the point objected was, that the appointment was given to a man, for his support of Ministers in the House of Commons. On the same principle, he condemned the appointment of Col. M'Mahop; particularly so, when no duty was attached to thj j " office. It was impossible for Ministers to have j * ions 1,. f a 1 The metropolis has not on any day in the me- mory of the oldest inhabitant, exhibited such sombre appearance as it has done this forenoon, and seems likely to do throughout the day. tn the city, the Courts of Law, he public offices, counting- houses, an 1 sh^ ps, have all til• » ordinarv complement of lamps and candles in full blaze for the transaction of business, the saoie as ; f th • town was enveloped in the shades of night; and even in private houses it is impossible to re . J or write close to a wind"*?, or * o gn o* with the or. dinary business without artificial light. In the principal streets of the city the features of ' he human countenance cannot be distinguished at the distance of two yards; indeed, the streets, particularly those that are narrow, are darker than they are at midnight— rh;- lamps not being lighted, and the density of the atmosphe- e, from accumu- lative smoke and fog, such as not only tc he irn- pervious to the rays of the son, but also to inter* cept evsn a re9e£ V! on o' light from the sky. The Roval Exchange, celebrated for being the very focat of commercial luminaries, and its cloy- sters the scene of bustle and " the busy hum of men," is at this hour ( one o'clock) the srat of Silence and Soli'uds ! At Matk- laoe no business was done : the buyers not being able to distin- gui h good from bad samples, and not wishing to, give the sellers such manifest odds. We fear, that unless the darkness dissipates a the sun dtrUrte., we shall have many untoward occurrences to rccord. A le" er has be » n received from Cadiz, which notices a very gallant afftir on the part of the armed merchant- vessel Resent. She was attack- ed on the 25 h ot Nov. off Ayamonte, bv three French privateers, with which she sustained a smart atfion for a considerable time ; till being at length able to bring the whole of her guns to bear on one of the assailants, she gave her such a broadside as sunk her immediately ; whereupon her companions, with difficulty, made their escape. The Regent carries 12 guns, and iiS men. BELFAST Cntr^ SF OF F. XTTANTR, ic. JAN 13.— Belfast on Union ( tflds.) percent.' B » ' ifust on Dul. iin ( St 1 cent. Belfast on Glasgow 7 6^ per cent. / rij « . JAW 3 — 3| per cent Gov. Deb. 7<| 5 per < ent. I? itto iClf / HRSR. MI, J**. 2 — ri per cent. Consol » " c4 6: 5j JAN. 3 — Dub. on Lon. 7J | JASI. 2 Lon , i Dub 9$ A • TRIVILD. 1 J MAILS SINCE OUR LAS T. Bir DONAGUABII Bv DUBLIN oua 1 1 shewn their studied Contempt of the Resolutions of the House of Commons more than by the ap- pointment of Colonel M'Mahon. Mr. Secretary RYDER asked, what possible disadvantage could arise to the Public from mak- ing the appointment in question, subject to any regulation which Parliament mi£ ht adopt ? Mr. WHITBREAD answered, that the money of the Public was thu-' given to men who did no public service in return. The House then divided— For the motion, 53 — against it, ll. SI KF CURES. Mr. MARTTN gave notice, that this day for'- ntght he would move for a Committee of the whole Honse to take into consideration the Re- port of the Committee on Sinecure Places. AKSWER OP PRINCE RF. OENT. Lord Geor » « Thyae reported to the House the gracious answer of bis Rnyal Highness the Prince Regent to their Address, which was as follows: " I thank you in the name and on the behalf of his Majesty, f r the assurances you have expressed of your support in the gieat and important contest in which we are engaged, in conjunction with our allies, and be assured tl at I shall be ready always to do every thing in my power to maintain the true dignity of the British Crown, and the welfare of the people. Tiie condolence of the House upon the continued, indisposition of my Roval Father, will, I trust, enable me to bear the affliction 1 suf- fer with the morefivtiitide. Friday, January 10. PRIMCESS CHARLOTTE OF WALES' BIRTH DAY. — The observance of the Princess Charlotte i f Wales' Birth- Day was noticed on Tuesday in a particular manner, by the Royal Family and others, than it has hitherto been done. Her Royal Highness completed her 16th year, upon which occasion her Royal Father, the Prince Regem, g ve a grand Dinner, at Carlton- tiouse, to the Queen, See. who came expressly from Windsor for that purpose. Ht r Majesty arrived at the Queen's P d ce in her travelling carriage, escorted by a par- ty of light horse, at 12 o'clock, accompanied by Princess Augusta and M iry, attended by Lady Ay- lesbtry. Soon after, her Majesty and the Princes es were visited by the Duke of Cambridge. About half- past one o'clock, the Prime Regent's carriage, with the coach out! and three footmen in their state. liver;" s, arrived at the Qu- en's Palace, and took the Queen and Princesses to Carlton House, where the Dukes of Kent and Cumberland were in attendence to receive them, and conducted them to the Prince Regent, who received his Royal Mother with the most filial afFcAion and attention, and introduced his beloved daughter the Princess Chariot e, who thc- y congratulated on the return of the day. Her Royal Highness appeared ex- tremely well. The Prince conduced the Queen and Pitncesses to view his elegant house, and the repairs lately done to it, till near four o'clock, when the Royal Party sac dowu to a sumptuous dinner in the crimson velvet room. The Queen was attended by Lady Avlesbury. The Piince by Generals Turner and Keppel, and Colonel Congrrve. The Princess Charlotte t- v Lady De Clifford. At a quarter past six the Queen and Princesses left Carlton- Hou » e by torch- light for j Windsor. The Queen was conduced to her car- riage by the Prince, as were his sisters. The day was observed as a day of rejoicing generally at Carlton- house. WINB- SOR, JAV. 9— This morning Dr. R. Willis set off for London. Dr. J. Willis has been absent since Sunday. This morning the Pi incess Mary walked to Frogmore. The Duke of York arriv- ed there in his carriage, and walked back to the Castle with his Royal Sister. A vessel arrived fro: n the Dutch coa: t, brings intelligence, that, including ships of war, fifteen vessels perished off the Texel. Government has resolved to grant no import licences in future from any port without the Bal- tic, except to such vessels as shall have previously eiported from this country for each ton, by admeasurement, in British manufaflurei or colo. nial produce. This order does not affeel France, Holland, or the White Sea. A private letter from Heligoland of the 3d inst. says, " There arrived yesterday t'.- o vessels from the Elbe, by which we have received H imburgli Papers to the 26; h ult. They bring '^ formation of the signing of a treaty of p. ace between the Russians and Turks." FRENCH THHATRFS An ordinance relative to the exterior and interior police of the Theatres has been issued, prohibiting expressly all parsons from re- selling tickets bought at the rfiice, or selling s'ich as have been obtained from a. iy other source. None are to disturb the audience by noise, applause, or hissing, fcefore the curtain rises, nor between the afls. In the great Theatre, during- the whole representation, no on*.- is to keep his hat ft on after the curtain rises. Every individual ir, to obey provisionally the Officer of Police. In con- sequence, when he is invited bv him to quit the Theatre, he is to proceed immediately to the Po- lice Office, to give such explanations as may be demanded of him. One of the two persons, who nearly 18 years ago committed two dreadful murders on the person of Mr. C rter, an I his daughter, at Cratfield, has '> een appri h- nded, a: id his companion in wicked- n° ss is daily expelled to be lodged in safe cus- tody.—( Bury Paper ) Th* Magistrates of the Public Office, Bow street, were principally engaged during Tuesday and yesteralav, in the investigation arid private ex- aminations lespecting the neiariotis practices lately detefled at the Admiralty, the Navy Office, Green- wicii- Hospital, & c. Mr. Croker, the Secretary to the Admiralty, and other official Gentlemen, at- tended during the proceedings. One man was undor the examination six hours on Tuesday. The murderous instruments, th& maul and rip- ping chistel, of which so much has been said as to the murders at RatclifTe, were brought from the Shadwell Office, on Tuesday, and deposited at the Public Office, Bow- street, by order of the Secretary of State. BELFAST, Wednesday, January 15, 1812. In another part of this day's Paper, an ample and comorehensive Report of the Proceedings in both Houses of Parliament is laid before our Readers ; among which are several motions of considerable importance to Ireland. The ani- mated Debate on bringing up the Report on the Address to the PRIMCK RECENT, will be found highly interesting. Earl FITZWILMAM'S motion for the considera- tion of the State of Ireland, is postponed till Fri- day the 24; h inst. Excepting the Parliamentary Proceedings, the English Papers received since oi; r last, do not con* lain any intelligence of the slightest importance. The accounts of peace being signed between Russia and the Porte, are reiterated from variou* quarters; but rs> aftual confirmation has yet reached us, even letters from Russia, make no mention of such an important event having taken place, though they state, that axchange had risen to 1C, a circumstance, which, it is alleged, can ouly be accounted for on the supposition that peace has been established. pur- DUBLIN, Monday, January 13. The three following persons, John Keegan, Owen Adams, and Thomas Q iartermass, have, we understand, been committed to the jail of Kil mainham, charged with having traitorously feloni- ously conspired against the King and Govern- ment. Keegan and Adams were brought up this day to the Head Office of Police, where they un- deiwent an examination before the Magistrates of that Office.—( Patriot.) Friday night, about nine o'clock, the post- boy conveying the Mail, wr h the Waterford, Cionintl, and Tipperary letters to Limerick, was attacked by two fellows armt J with cudgels, at Barnacurra, within a mile of Pallis Green, who carried off the bags. We lament to hear, that a boy and a girl, the eldest of whom did not exceed the age of twelve years, were poisoned, in Loughrea, on Christmas- t ve, in consequence of a compound prepared for the destrutSion of rats, being placed in a press, where also was some flour, a pait of which the children took, for the purpose of preparing what they themselves termed " a feast," and meeting with the fatal compound, which had the appear- \ ance of a lump of dough, the girl worked it with the fl > ur and some treacle into a cake, which, when baked, they bo: h partook of with apparent satistatfion— but alas! it was their last meal 1 We are sorry that the barbarous practice of killing sheep in the vicinity of this town is still | continued; in addition to three killed at the i! Nunns' Island, a few We learn with satisfaction that the Duke of ^ h^ " b^ T^^^' ^ £ imbrtdge hi. District j of Pa, kmore.-/ Gafaw Chron.) J It is with real concern we have to notice the arrival of accounts at Plymouth from Basque Roads, stating the loss of the barges and cutters belonging to the Conqtiestador and the Colossu- t, of 74 guns, commanded by Captains Lord W. Stuart and T. Alexander, with aboqt t'X) men of the crews of both ships. They rrert employed ir » a spirited attempt to ctl? o! F or destroy a convoy on tv. e Fren^. i coast. We understand that the greatest part of the boat;' crew* were made pn~ sonets. At the last meeting f> f the Cbamfc3r of Com- merce of Glasgow, we understand a Committee, composed cf the following Gentlemen, was ap- p..' r. ted to consider and report, what steps ought to be taken upon the approaching expiration of the East India Company's Charter, that that im. mense field of Commerce might be opened to the individual enterprise and capital of the Merchanti of this Cou. itry, in the sam « way that it has, for so long a time been to traders from America Messrs. ! Cirkman Finlay, James Dermi . torm, JanW » Hopkirk, Francis Garden, James Robertson, Da- vid Connell, Alex. Campbell, James Buchanan, Jainos Buchanan, Jun. James Ewing, and Du; » » id Bannatyne.— The Magistrates ar. d Council havs also appointed a Committee for the same pose. The American ship Middalena, Williams, fr- m Savannah, arrived at Greenock on Thursday, in 33 days, and has brought American papers till the . » th uk. In the Colutr. oiim Museum and Sa • vaanah Adver'iser, there is an interesting corres- pondence bef. veen Mi. Monroe and our Minister, Mr. Foster, regarding the rencontre between the President and Little Belt, which want of rcx< m precludes us from giving— Toe Nenu- Turk Hera fa of lCch November, brought by this vessel, con- tains a complete contradiction of a story which appeared in the American papers some time ago,, against Captain Bingham, of the Little Belt, and sworn to by a John Aikins, who pre'ended he was an American, and on board at the time of the action. It appears, that Aikins is not an Ame- rican, but a Canadian, and was horn in Canada ; he was never on hoard the Little Bdt, nor either of the two men whom he says were pressed at the same time that he was, until taken from the ship Traveller, of New- York, long after the engage- ment with the President. The Herald concludes," thus—" We trust that the measures taken to dis- cover this Aikins may prove successful, in order that a disclosure may be obtained ot the names of those who have been guilty of indticirg a wicked and ignorant wretch to commit so gross a perjury, from motives, on their part, iy> t difficult at this time to divine "— The crews ( a set of ruffians of all nations) of the two French privateers lately burnt at Savannah, were all committed to prison, and at. terwards sent off in a vessel to Charleston. The affray took its rise from the death of the second mate, and two men ( Americars) belonging to some vessels, who had been stabbed by ihs ae villains. The following Irish Regiments of Militia, are stationed in England :— Carlow, Clare, Cork North, Dublin City, King's Ci unty, Lcitrim' Limerick, Cout. ty Louth, Mayo Sou, h, Roscom- mon, Sligo, Tipperary, Waterford, and West, meath. The following English and Scotch Regiments of Militia, are quartered in Ireland :— Argyles- shire, Anglesea, Cardigan, Carnarvon, Cornwall, Cornwall and Devon Miners, Dumtiies, Hants North, Hertford, Huntingdon, Kent Eas', La- nark, Leicester, Merioneth, Middlesex East, M > nt-_ gomery, Norfolk East, Northampton, Northum- berland, Nottingham, Pembroke Radnor, Rut- land, 2d Surrey, Warwick, Westminster, and Westmorland. The Royal Meath Militia are under orders for England, and the Londonderry for Scotland. • It is stated that the next Regiments that will | follow, are the South Cork, Galway, Cambridge has resigned his DUrict Command on a pri ciple which has been determined on, of reducing the enormous expence of the Home Staff, which is greatly enhanced by the employ, ment on it of Generals instead ot Major- Gene- rals. nights since, we learn that | North Mayo, and Queen's County. tll. O Hucrrnnu.! .. r, » !,.. I . 11 _ ' Kerry, [ of Par kmore.—( Galway Chron.) The Right Hon. Lor- t Kiltarton, has given the liberal donation of one hundred guineas, towards ' J I the ertition - of a Methodist Chapel in Limerick | and the Right Hon. Colonel Veteker has present- JJ ed fifty tor DIE » itnie JJUI J; By a late decision of the Secretary at War, regimental Officers proceeding to the Iales of I'iance and Bouibon, are to be a/ lowed six months , pay in advance ; and when otdered out in the , Last India Company's ships, ait to be pheed ou the same footing, as to their accommodation ou li board, as Officers proc'eoiJSr^ lg Ccvlun, BELFAST COMMERCIAL CHRONICLE Messr:. Moore and Hamilton Eclilin, A'torneys, bave remnred ( heir Office from No. 16, Ann- street, to No 76, Mill- street, Belfast, where their business will be cond') fled in future by Hamilton Echl'n— Mr. Henry Waterson having been dis- continued in their emploympnf. Belfast, Jannary 2, No. 76, Mill- street, 1812. HENRV WATERSON, agreeable to notice given by him to Moore and Hamilton Echlin, Attornies, — in June last, has, several months ago, withdrawn ' hiTiself from the management of their business in Belfast.—- His Office is, as usual, at his House, No- 58, Ann- street. January 14, 1812. Oil Wednesday evening last, Mr. Joseph Lan- caster delivered a lefture lf> a very respeflable assembly at the TUoUel, in Kilkenny, which w. is received with marked attention and approbation. Ladies Ormonde and Canick were among the company. Lord Ormond has engaged Mr. Lat . caster to procure a Teacher for a School to be established in Kilkenny, and there is a disposition in many TestVedlable persons here to second the be- nevolence of thai much- respefled Nobleman. The Committee of the Poor- House have received from Thomas Verntr, Esq. Sovereign, tout tons of couls, penalties inflicted on four C. ipt. iii^ i of colliers, for charging at a considerable higher rate by the bag than by the toil, to the distress and injury of the poor. On Friday, Thomas M'Comiick was committed to Cari: i> kjergus Jail by Thomas Veruer, Esq. Sove- reign, and Gilbert M'llveen, Esq. for attempting to jack the pocket of Doctor Magee, at a book auction, in Corn- market on the evening of the 9th, when that jrentleman detected him in the act.— It appears M « - C-. tn. ick is an old offender. On Sunday mornirg, the 5th inst. about four o'clock, a man was found lying on the high road leading along the outside of the demesne of* F loridn. w'tli his head frozen to the ground ; he was imme- diately removed into the house of an adjoining far- rier, where every effort was made for his recovery which hum.'. i ity could dictate, but the vital spark had been nearly extinguished, and death ensued in about * qua' ter of an hour. He proved to be James M'- Anally, serj< ant in the 4- 6' th regt. on his way from N.' wry to his friends near Comber, and having impru Gently drank some liquor, was. benumbed by the frost, an I peiislied by the inclemency of the weather Ceo. Stephenson, Esq. the coroner, attended the rext day, and an inquisition having been held, on the bodv, the verdict of thf Jury was, that he died fioiu the cause before mentioned. A fellow was taken up about a fortnight ago, in Yorkshire, on a strong charge of a footpad robbery, and tvinfj committed for trial was found next morning suspended by a handkerchief, in his cell, quite lifeless;— On the wail of his cell he had written in chalk, " is not thU better than bothering a Jury?" PORT OF HELFAST. Quantity erf Goads on Bond, on Saturday the 11 th day of January, 1812. 4? 9 Puncheons, 95 hogsheads Rum. 4 Pipes Brandy, 162 Pipes, 75 hogsheads Portugal Wine. ii Pipes, IS hhds, 3 quarter casks, Spanish Red Wine. 3 Pipes, 16 hogsheads, I qr. cask Spanish While Wine. 11 Pipes Teneiiffe Wine. 7 Pipes, I hogshead Madeira Win*. 22 Hogsheads French Wine. 1795 Hogsheads, 394 tierces, 270 barrels Hiewn ; Mus- covado Sugar. 1125 ions, 14 bushels Hock Salt. 8451 Huslicl* AVhite 01 Bay Salt. 771 Hogsheads Tobacco, 362 Hags, 9 » 3 tierc- s, ity) barrels Coffee 10' Pipes O dmary Olive Oil. BELFAST ACADEMY. ' ipHE SCHOOLS will Open on MONDAY the 20th, at I TEN o'clock. In consequence of the sudden death of that worthy man and able Teacher, MF. TIIIITT, his Son, Mr. W GOTER, will take charge of the English School till the First of Feb- ruary, or till a Successor to hi* Father shall be appointed. It is hoped t! at no Person* will apply for the situation, vacant by the death of Mr. OOTER, except such as are well qualified to succeed him, both in respectability of conduct, and in Literary Acquirements. 377) Belfast, January 14, 1812. DANCING. R. HULL respe& fully informs his; Pupils, that be ii returned, and will Open hi. different SCHOOLS, on the daj > and hours of the wek as usual, commencing this evening for the Young Gentlemen, S75) January 14. BOARDING SCHOOL. RS. BUNTING'S and MISS ASH's SCHObL will open on MONDAY the 20th inst. 380) Belfast, January 14. Married. A few days ago, at Bailymena, after sn enterparlance ml Marly ninp weeks, by the Rev. i. Fkisr. nmons, Mr. JOHN DOWNING, Innhclder, to the agreeable Mis- DOVTDLE, for- merly of Ahoghill On Sunday evenirj last, by the Rev. Mr. Chrlity, Mr. JOHN DAVISON, ol Dmmsoe, to M, u RACHALL E< JR* « , of lajlymena. • J- ord HALMCBS roNt to Miss SBIIIVANI an 1 Liw- » * nrt SULLIVAN, Esq. of Pontsborne Park, Herefordshire ( the bribe's brother), to Miss ELIAA Tlnrr. « , Lord Pal- toerttone's si- ter. Mr JAMES C « Avrr< MiD, merchant, to Miss JACKSON-, both of I. arne. At Lame, Mr. SAMUEL JOKNSTOKE, of Glrnn, to Miss M'FJIUSI, only daughter to Captain M'FARLANE, of th't p ace. ~~ Dkd. Suddenly, on Sunday last, Mr. WILLIAM GOTER, late Teacher of the English School, in the Belfast Academy. At rhe Brae- of l. echaher, » he 16rh Dec. last, the Rev. Mr ANGUS M'GILLIS, Roman Catholic Priest, 40 years in that mission, much and justly regretted by ail who knew Jiim. Mr. DIMOND — W « learn that this Gentleman, who had long bren Manager at the Theatre at Eath, tfied last week in thar city. He commenced his theatrical career at Drury- lane Theatre, under the auspices of the immortal Garrick, and wai an a& or of no inferior in rit. He r! id not perform 1 » npj in London, !* ut was soon induced to transfer his talents to the Bath Theatre, where, by his merit as an a « 5> or, and the uniform propriety of his con< iu&, he obtained the esteem © f aJfcrhe inhabitants and frequenter? of that city, and be- came Manager and one of the Proprietors of the Theatre.— Hi* death is said to have been occasioned hy an apoplexy. BELFA5 r SJill" N flfi v » h. The Minerva, Courtenay, sailed for Liverpool on Mon- day last. The Commerce, Bishop, sails for Liverpool first fair wind after to morrow. The armed brig Factor, M'Niece, sails for London first fair wind after 18th inst. The new ar. ned brig Geo ge, James Caughfey, master, hence for London, was safe at Portsmouth 9th in< t rhe coppered an I armed brig B itannia, Aberdeen, loals for London, to rail in a few days. The armed brig Vine, Montgomery, is loading at L » n- d„ n for this port, to tail immediately on delivery of the l eas from the Sales. rhe Marjaret and Nancy, Galbraith, for Glasgow, will ( ail in a few days T! ie Bee, Rankin, it loading for Dublin. The Hawk, M'Cormick, at Gl sgow ; and the Dispatch, Jamison, at Dub: in, are loading for Belfast. PORTADOWN MARKET, JANUARY 13. LONDON SUPERFINE CLOTHS. WILLIAM NEWSAM HAS ' list imported, per the Britannia, from LIVERPOOL' an additional supply of LONDON SUPERFINE CLOTHS, Consisting of BLACKS and BLUES, of the very first de- description. Also, DRESS V UNDRESS CASSIMERES, Of the most fashionable Colours, the quality of which he is confident will please. He daily expefirs the arrival of OIL CLOTHS, of every denomination;— Likewise Superfine G » ARPETING and HEARTH RUGS— His present Stock of CARPETINGS is very extensive, and of the best fabric 379) 20, High- street, Jan. 14. ROBERT HOLMES MOST respeilfully acquaints his Friends and the Public, that he has removed from Warehouse l ine, to No. es Mill- street, and has now for Sale, CORK PORTER, SUPERIOR STRONG ALE. brewed by Messrs. S. GIB- ION, & Co— DEVONSHIRE CIDER. BROWN and WHITE SPRUCE BE; R, and GENUINE SODA WA. TER, i: i prime Order, in Bottles. R. H. takes . his method of reurning his most gratefu' acknowledgments to his Friend ® for the very liberal encour- a ageinent he has received sine* his commencement in businecs i; From his after.. ion to the Quality, moderate Prices, & c. he hopes for a continuatior, of that preference which he has hitherto so amply experienced. 581) Belfast, January 15. DUBLIN WHISKEY. WILLIAM WIG HTM AN • JPXAILY expe « 3s the arrival of a large parcel of WIIIS * • KEY, of cn Excellent Quality, from DUBLIN, whit*. h « ofeis for Sale. TOGETHER WITH Yellow Pinf Timber— 6 and 9 Feet Deals— Plank— Jamaica Rum— Spanish Red I Vint, fsfe. 378) LISRVRN, January 14, IS12. Wheat 23 I O 23 d. 6 Barley llere Oil •• 13 13 11 0 — 14 0— 0 12 ® ( per cwt. of 112lb o 3 NLIWRY MARKETS, JANUARY 11. Wheat 45 1 Oatmeal..- 20 B11 ley 26 Fiiit Flour S9 f - ond ditto...—...- 37 Tuird ditto 35 t Mirth ditto S5 Pollard... 7 Bran « fiutter 122 Rough Tallow « Flax Dre « . ed 23 l'Jitt" Undressed..... 13 Barilla ( Sicily) 28 Ditto ( Alicant) ... 34 Pot Ashes 45 i. 0 — J » 1|- I 0 — 22 0 — iS 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — « — 8 — O — 126 3— 9 0— 25 6 — 1 « O — 30 0 — 36 6— 0 0 i per barrel of 20*. 5 ^ per stone of 141b. 6 * f per cwt. of 1121b. 0 ^ per barrel of 16u. 0 T O 0 o o oj per cwt. » fI12lb. 10 V p « r stone of 16lb » . troB( Swedi « h)....^ 23, 15..—^ 25 Do. ( British) 15..—^ 17,10 » . Beef ..... Pork Liverpool Coalt. Swansea ditto... Malting ditto.. . per too. O — 55 O — 34 l£— 36 0 — 34 - .0- 34 . Weight of Bread at the Public Bakery this Week. White Loaf, 134 Sib. 9o* I HouwboM L » ' - - i b- 1 - 48 , 81 , 34 , 32 32 il 0 ') 0 Cptr « wt. of ll2lb « . 0 J | per ton of 20 cwt. ° | per cwt. of 1121b. M LEASES OF HOUSES BY AUCTION, On WEDNESDAY th< 22J but at th Htur , f TWELVE 9 Click, 9n tbe Prcmisa, will be Sold ty Auction, npHE LEASES of THREE HOUSES, in A « THB « - STBKET with Back- houses and l. flfts to each.—- Also, TWO HOUSES, ig DoNraALL- sQBARE, Ea< t. Any Person desirous to purchase, may see the Houses, by applying to i HOMAS MAY, at the Office in the rear of the Houses, in Arthur- street, each day ( Sunday excepted; from tweive to three o'clock, until the Day of Sale. 382) Belfast, January 15. AMERICAN POT ASHES BY AUCTION. GREG & BLACKER, WILL SELL BY AUCTION, at their Stores in Ann- s- reef, on FRIDAY next, the 17th January, at the Hour ef TWELVE o'Clock, About 60 narrds of A mric/ w Pot Ashes Terms of Payment at time of Sale. 372) Belfast, January 13- CORK WillSKKV. 1 AH - TRUNCHEONS, of Prime Quality, just arrive^ I W Jt and for Sale by JOHN & THOS. CUNNINGHAM. January 6, 1812. ( 340 CORK & DUBLIN P'HE SUBSCRIBER WHISKEY. Landing, and has frr is no v — Sale, 60 PirNCHKON\ of a remarkable nice Qua lilii ; Which, with JAMAICA RUM, at short or long Pr ce i SPANISH RED WINE in Pipes, and every Article in the SPIRIT LINE, will be disposed of on mederate terms, at his Stores, Marlbro'- strcet. Belfast, Jan. 10. SAMUEL CRAIG. N. B. BOTTLED PORTER, and SPRUCE BEER, in nice order. ^ ( 3.59 COUNTY DOWN. JOHN SAKAGE,~ 1 WO BE SOLI), iy th Sfllluwraf PUiffff, I tbe County of Down, on MON- THOS. E1) 3AR, >- VAT lit 20( 4 day of January inst. at ' Defendant 1 Noon, in tbe House of Afr, jAJtllS J NORTH, » f Hilbhrougb, by virtue of a Writ of Fieri facias, in this Cause, All the fiigbt, Title, and Interest in and t, a Part of th LANDS of BALLYLOUCH. LIN, beld by tbe DHPBNDAKT, for a term of years. WM. SHARMAN, Sheriff". Dated January 10, 1812. ( 376 •' OUNXT DOWN. THOMJS WALTER, Plaintiffi Th Rev. HrM. SiKBr. n DICKSON, Defendant. WO BE SOLD by tbe Sleriff of tbe County of Down, on M'JNDAY the 20th Day of January \ J inst. ct Noon, in tbe House ' of JAMES NORTH, of Hill, borough, in said County, Inn- Iteeper, by virtue of a Writ of Fieri Facias, in this Cause, marked 4407, 14s. Id. All tbe Wight, Title, and Interest of tbe Defendant in and to onr- thir / part of tie Townland of RING- NEAL, in tbe Parish of TullyncUll, held under tie Represen- tative• of the late Hr. ttHT WiKiya Knox, Esq. deceased, for a Term if Years Dated tbii 3d Day of January, 1812. WILLIAM SHARMAN, Sheriff. ' . a- 1 l . MEETING THIS DAY. - NOTICE. AMEETING of the WHOLESALE MERCHANTS and SHIP- OWNERS will be held in the CENTER- ROOM of the White Linen- Hall, oil WEDNESDAY the 15th January next, at the hour of ONF o'C > ck, for the purpose .' f el. aing a person as MEMBER of the CORPO- || RATION, for Preserving and improving the Port and Har- of Belfast, in the place of GEORGE JOY, Esq. de- bour eased. Ballast- Office, Belfast DecrmOer 19. ROBT. GETTY & JAS. LUKE A RE now Landing, ex the NEJ. SON, from CORK, 100 Punchcom Cn> k / 1 ' hiskey ; Which they offer for Sale, with rhe following, viz : — New Orleans and Upland Georgia COTTON, New- York POT ASHES, Bleachers'' SMALTS. ( 85 6 SAMUEL & JAMES CAMPBELL ITT AVE received, per the 1' AC I'OR, from LON- A- l DON, 87 Chests Congou & Green Teas, assorted, FOR SAJ. E, WITH Very Fine and Fine Scale j S a Island Cotton- Wool, Sugars, Refined Sngir, Rejinrd Saltpetre, Spanish Indian, Black Pepper, Pimento, Ginger, All of which tile* 338) Georgia Ditto, West indi't Ditto, Pot tu! Pe tri Ashes, Rle'tchers' Smalts, Alicante Barilla, Leaf'Tobttcco, will di.- pose of oil reasonable terms Januarv 6 EDUCATION. npHF. REV JAVIES CAR LEY intends to Open a * School in An'rim on the 3d of March next, in which the various Branches of CLASSICAL and ENGLISH EDUCATION will be regularly taught. He can accom- modate a con- iilerable number of Boarders, having prepared a arge and commodious House for that purp * e. So far as situation and attention are necessary to the health and improve- ment of Pupils, he hopes that nothing will be wanting to render ihe Antrim School deserving a shaie of Public Pa- tronage. • Terms— For Boarders 34 Guineas per Ann Classical Day Scholars.... 6 Ditto. . English Ditro 4 Ditto. Classical Scholars will be instructed in the various branclys of English Education, viz Spelling, Reading, Writing Grammar Arithmetic, Book- keeping, History, Geography, and Marheim'ics, gratis. No entrance required. Vacations— four weeks at Midsummer, and two at# ChrisN mas: each to be preceded b a public examination. Payments— quarterly. For further particulars, apply to the Rev. J: CARI. EY, Antrim. January 10, 1812. Cheap He4ery and Lace I Warehouse, HIGH STREET, NEAR CORN- MARKET, Next Door to Mr. JOHN PATTKKSON'S Ironmongery Warehouse, rHOMAS SINGLEHURSr respeflfully informs the PtiSlic, that he has received, p « r tiie Commerce, Kelly, and Britannia, from I. iVhRroor., a most extens: ve Assort- ment of GOODS, of the first Onaiity and Fashion, which he will sell Wholesale an I Retail, on terms very advan- tage,, us ro Purchas- H- s, for Ready Money, viz. Thread and C. t/ on Lace, White and B'. acl l. acc Frill, White and Black Lttf i Ska rAt, White, Black, and Coloured Sill Gluves, White, Black, and Coluured Cation Ditto, Leather Slaves, White and Black Sill Stockings } And all kinds of COTTON, WORSTViD, I. AMB- WOOI., ANGOLA, Sc MERINO STOCKINGS— LAMB- WOOL TIPPETS & SCARFS— and a great Variety of STOCK- ING- WEBS, & c. Belfast, January 10. STREET MANURE. , the TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, on SATURDAY next, 1 Stb January inst. at the Hour of ONE o Clock, SEVERAL PARCELS of Excellent STREFT MA. i1 5 NURE; to commence at the Rear of the FOUNTAIN, and proceed by YORK- STREET. Terms— Immediate Payment, and to be removed before the st April, otherwise forfeited and resold. 371) January 13, 1812. SALE THIS DAY. TO BE PEREMPTORILY SOLD BY AUCTION, On WEDNESDAY the 1 ~, th day of January instant, at ELEVEN o Clock, and continue daily until the whole shall be disposed of., at the Dwelling- bouse of Marabinch, near Moira, in tbe County of Dspivn, ? HE ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, with ' Farming Utensils; also Cows, Horses, Pigs; a Gig and Harness; with Wheat, Barley, Oats, and Potatoes, for Rent and Arrears of Rent due to the Subscriber, WILLIAM BATEMAN. Dated Oth day of January, 1812. ( 391 TO BE SOLD At the House BY AUCTION, ./ the late DAVID M'CORMICK, Esq near Dundonald, qp'HE entire HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, fashionable I and in good order, consisting ot MAHOUANY TABLES, SIDEBOARD, EIGHT DAY CLOCK, BED- STEADS, FEATHER- BEDS, PLATE, & c & c. & c Also, the HORSES, COWS, & FARMING UTENSILS. Sale to commence on MONDAY, the 27th inst. at EI. EVEN o'clock, and to continue until the whole be dis- posed of.— Terms Bank Notes CHARLES JEFFERS, AufHoneer. Dundonald, January 13. ( 370 r '> S » v- The Public are respectfully inform, j. S ed, that the following St^ MWV REGULAR TRADERSWM<£ W, U >* Vfor their re. peHivM / oris, with th fret fair Wised after tbe dates mentioned : FOR LONDON, The Armed Brig FACTOR, M'NIECE 18th January The Armed Brig END b A VOU R, Fi r i s i M o N 3,14 days after. FOR LIVERPOOL, The COMMERCE, Bisuoi- 16ih Jariutry. The CERES, SAVAGE Eight days alter. FOR BRISTOL, The SWIFT, NEEI 21st January. FROM LIVERPOOL FOR BELFAST* The FANNY. MARTIN. 18th January. The MINERVA, COURTENAV Eight days after. FROM LONDON FOR BELFAST, The Armed Brig DONEGALL, COURTENAV, on first de- livery of Teas from the Sales. For Freight, in l. oodon, apply to Messrs. ALEXANDER and WILLIAM OGIl. BY, Abchurch- Yard. Gentlemen who have Lmens to forward, will please send them to GEORGE LANGTRY A few Stout Lads Wanted as Aff, entices to tbe Sm. A I lay Exhibition— Fridays. JOHN MACARTNEY, BA I- LAST- MASTER. ( 232 MECHANIC THE4T1& I EXCHANGE. MANY applications being made to Mr. HADDOCK to. a DAY EXH1UI HON on FRIDAYS, He feel) it Irs duly, as well as inclination, to comply with the wishes of his Fneods. Dootsupen iv- ry Eiida, at bait- past Tivcive o'Ciock, and Exhibition begins at One. H xea is. 6cl. — Upper Bnx<- s Is. 8d.- Chil. lren UNDER TWK1. YK YEARS OF AGK, Half- p. ice, trif! in? inhibitions, as usual, opens at Half-; » ast Seven, and begins at tuglit. IVkeis and places Ht his Lodelugs, vo. ti, WsuiNo sTanET, wit), Uooksdescriptive ot the An- j droides, containing a I degraphic Dictionary, BENJAMIN BROAD LEY, Cotton, Woollen, and Tow Card Manufacturer, and Iron Wire Drawer, NO. 21', MILLFIELD, BELFAST, ; n F. TURNS bis sincere Thanks to the Gentlemen in the II V Cotton Spinning Line, for the liberal encouragement he has experienced since h's commencement in Belfast, and hopes, by his attention, and the general satisfaction his Cards have given for these seven years past, to merit their furrWer favours. Having extended his Btisines-, can at all times furnish any quantity on tile shortest notice, 10 per cent, lower than the English Cards, and as good; not liable to the danger of rust by carriage. N B Draws all sorts of IKON WIRE far Card- Makers, Ree l- Makers, Brush- Makers, & c. Sec. 224) Belfast, Dec. 13. NEW YEAR'S GIFTS. NEW STATE LOTTERY, Only 12,000 Tickets, AI. L TO BE DRAWN 21sT JANUARY, 1812. Containing upwards of Txvu Thousand Four Hundred Prizes, and Two oj ' T'wenty Thousand Pounds. ' IPMCKF. TS and SHARES from rhe CONTRACTOR'S oL OFFICE, can now be had ill every Variety, froin THOMAS WARD, WHO SOLD THE GRAND PRIZE OF iJ30,000. An early Purchase alone can remedy the inconvenience of a disappointment, so generally experienced at the close ol every Lottery Sale. ( f^ j* Prizes paid on demand. HIGHEST PRICE GIVEN FOR GUINEAS. 242) IS, High- street— Belfast, Dec. 18,1811. The Twenty- first of the present Month,, the Lottery wili be all drawn, ( I T consists of but 12,000 Tickets, and yet the Scheme lL abounds with GREAT CAPITALS, vix. 2 Prizes of >£ 20,000 are =£ 40,000 2 6 000 12,000 a 4,000 8,000 6 1,000 FIOOO 2,396 from £ 500 to 20 54,000 It has becom- s a prevalent practice at this season, to dispose of Shares as NEW YEAR'S GIFTS, which has occasioned I a very brisk demand, a. id in consequence, a rise rn the price may be expedied. An early purchase is recon. mer. ded, at JOHN DOHERTY'S, BELFAST. ( « 5 THE NEW YEAR'S S T A T E h © T T E R Y Will be Drawn January 21 st. CAH, WELL, 28, Cor. LEGE- AR* « N, DUBLIN, is O now Selling at the lowest Prices— WHOLE TICKETS, I EIGHTHS, HALVES, AND QUARTERS, | SIXTEENTHS. ALSO, ET Ar. Halyday, Newry ; Archer and I Fining, Belfast, li. and J. Hodgson, ditto, and by P. ATGouran, ditto. Those who intend to speculate in the present I. ottery, are recommended to apply immediately at any of the above Of- fices, as the Scheme consists of 12,000 Tickets only, yet the Capitals are, two Prizes of =£ 20,000— two Prizes of =£ 6000 — two Prizes of 414000— six Prizes of =£ 1000— eight Prizes of =£ 500— with 2388 smaller Prizes, from =£ 100 to =£ 20 ( 331 HIGHLAND SHEEP. T'OheSold cheap, a score of them.— Inquire of JoHw 1 LEARMONT, at Clifton, near Belfast. 296) December 30 WANTED, A COACHMAN, on the First of February, who can •' A show satisfactory Discharges.— Apply at CHRONI- CLE- OFFICE. ( 369 £ i ,6'<)(>, < r> r, 0 be Lent, on a mortgage of Lands, situ? te in the 1 County of DOWN — Apply to JOHN CR \ IG, Attor- ney, Downpatrick, Januarys, 1812. N. B. It must be the first incumbrance. ( 353 AF/ W.- Y. SWEDISH IRON, PLANK & TAR. AUCTION SALE AT NEWRY. rHE large Cargo, per the Tbetes, Captain LONGRIN, nuw landing from Stockholm, will be - iol.| b public Auftiott without reserve, at my Sior s 011 ti. e Merchant's- quay,' on MONDAY, the 20th inst. at the hour of ONE o'clock. DENNIS CAULFIELD- Spade makers and persons wanting THR*. B INCH IRON, will tii'. J their account in attending this Sale, as up- wards of Sixty to Seventy Tons oi the Car^ o is of thai de scription, and the remainder js w ill assorted ' or gene ai pur- poses The terms of sale will be liberal to large purchasers. Newry, Jmuary 12. ( 373 *>* By an error of the Press, in the former insertion of this Advertisement " three- inch Iron" was made " three- iuch Rope." MONEY WANTED. ' 1 ' EN TH9USAND POUNDS wanted, on the most un .1 exceptionable S curity — 1' he interest to ba paid in any manner most agreeable t « the lender, Application to be made to CORTLAND M. SKINNER , E- q Uelfast; or ROBERT HAMILTON, Esq. Sackviile- strce:, Dublin. ( 323) January 3, 1812 good Payment!. 344) • ANDREW AIKEN XS now Landing from en board the CONCORD, from J) GXEENOCI, ' 27 Hogsheads of prime, dm, and well flavored Virginia TOBACCO; Wh'cli he is determined to sell 011 moderate Terius, for NEWRY, 7th January, 1SI2. KING'S STORES, DUN. MLK. LEAF TOBACCO BY AUCTION. •' ir'O BE SOLD BY AUCTION, on TUESDAY the 4ih it of February next, at the KING'S STORKS, in he Tows of DUNDiU. K, at the Hour of ELEVEN o'clock, 147 Hogsheads Prime Hearing Tobacco, Or whatever Quantity of the same, that nay remain unsol j on the above day. In the interim, any Persons desifons of Miri. ir, w;| j please apply to Messrs. JOHN £ c HENRY QUINN, Mer- chants, Newry. ROBERT MOLLAN, Broker. Nawav, January 1,1811. ($ t' 3 THROSTLE SPINNERS WANTED, " JOHN BELL & SONS, Newry, will give constant jjl Work to Six or Eight good Spinners— Also, wants I'wo or Three Boys, who have been accustomed to Sharping, and cleaning Ciiding Engines, to whom good encourajctaent will be given. N. B. Also a WARPER wanted. 357) Nswrv, January 7. SOAPBOILER & CHANDLER WANTED IMMEDIATELY, - JT N a Country Town,— TO one perfeiSly mas- er of his BI » . LI siness, liberal encouragement will be ^ IVEN ; and to save trouble none other need apply.— References as to character abilities, & c. will be required. Application by Letter, ( past- paid), to A. B. . will be attended to. 362) December 26. : this O. Tica, NOTICE. rHE Creditors of Huan WILSON, Cooper, Belfast, ar* requested to furnish . heir accounts immediately to the Trustees, as i dividend 011 this Vstate is intended to be mads the 20th Inst no claims can be admitted that are not re- ceived prioi to th? above date, or without being regularly attested. SAMUEL SMITH, 1 r PHELPS, } rrastres' WILLI/ VM Belfast, January 9. ( rea A FKK- SIMPLK ESTATE IN THE COUNTY O? DOWN. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, at th DONEGALL- A* MS, Belfast, on FRIDAY tbe ( itb Day if March next, at ONE o'Clorl, I^ HE Townlands of HOI. YWOOD and KNOR- R. MAGONEY, situite and being within four Miles vf the Town of Bellas:, containing in all about One Thou- sand Acres; free of all manner of Tythesj and subji- FL to a very small Chief Rent only.— The Townl. nd of . iotv- VOOD is at present very low Set, and will rise considerably. The MANSION- HOUSE is ve- y large and commod'ius, with a large range of OFFICES, of all sorts, and in com- plete order; - with a GARDEN, Containing Eight Acres, walled in, and weil stocked with all sorts oi Wall, and other Fruit Trees; and the Demesne contains upwards of Two Hundred Acres. For every information respefling the same, application to be made toTHOMAS L. S IE WART, Esq. Belfast, where the Title- Deeds and Rent- Rolls can be seen. 327) Dated Belfast, 1st January, 1812. TO BE SOLD. ' TRIHAT HOUSE, BLEACH- YARD, and FARM of ' I LAND, in the Parish of Dcrryairhy, containing 15A. 2R. 24P. English Measure, subject only to £ r, 0 ii. na. dly) formerly occupied by the late ROBERT DUNCAN, L, Q LT is situated within live miles of Beliast, and two of Li- burn ; held by lease under the MARQUIS of HERTFORD for one good- Life only 15 years of age, AND - he remainder of 21 years from November, 1800. The Bleach- Green was ca- pable of finishing from 4000 to 5000 Pieces of Linen in the driest season.— For further particulars, apply to EDWARD CURTE1S, of Glenburu, Esq. 11) l November'. TO BE SOLD, ABOUT Sixteen Acres of ti. e Townlsnd ot D0NBGOR, for the remaind r of a lerm of Sixty- one Years from November, 1798: and about Fifty Acres ( with Houses), Part of LOUGHANMORE DEMI SNE, will be Said, or Lc,\ lor such a term as may be agreed on. If the above Lauds are . iot di- posed of before the first day of February next, of which notice will be given in this pa- per, they will on that day be sold by Public Auction on the Piemises. ( 198 TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION MMLCHIOVKSS of DoimsHtHK, N IjjJURSU ANT to n Plaintiff; h I cree of hi, Maiestv6-; HJMUTON MOORM, E, j. F Court of Exchequer inIre 71 » • . { H « A> MADE in { HIS CAUR;; Defeniants. \ THE Townland. of UAI I V — — ' MACREELY and CAR* the Barony of Dufferin, and The Public are respectfully inform- ^ V^ \ ed, that it is intended the following m& w N- E- traders ^ i^ fy ^^^ MM& S Shall fait at tbe undermentioned periods FOR LONDON, The armed brig BRI TANNIA, ABERDEEN, 18th instant. The armed brig VENUS, PENDLETON... 1 1 days after. These Vessels being armed and completely well found, Insurance by them will consequently be effected on the mpst reasonable terms. FOR LIVERPOOL, The KEf. LY, M'ILWAIN 11th January. FROM LIVERPOOL FOR BELFAST, The NF. PTUNE, DAVIDSON First fair w nd. The JAOTI, BUSBV Seven davs after. FROM LONDON FOR BELFAST, The Armed Brig VINE, MONTGOMERY, on first delivery of Teas from the Sales For Freight, in London, apply t » Messrs. WM. & JOHN WHARTON, Nicholas' Lane ; or, in Belfast, to R. GREENLAW, Agent, Who will receive an '. forward LINEN CLOTH ar. d other MERCHANDIZE with care and dispatch, ty. A lew Stout Lads wanted as APPRENTICES to the Sea, to whom iibersl Encouragement will ue^ ivtn, RICKRUSKY, situate County of Dawn. Further particulars, with the Rental and Dav of S ' will be published at a future period. 934> : —_ JELFR-. T. Jnnu TV J. , v.- _. FOR G 1. A SGOW, THE DIANA, JOHN M'C.\ LLUJVJ, , Via SI TR, ( A constant Trader), to Sail in a few uays. FOR DUBLIN. The PEE, RANKIN To sail 17th inst. For Freight apply to GEO. MONTGOMERY. The HAWK, M'CORMICK at Glasgow; .-.. id the DIS- PATCH, JAMISON, at Dublin, are loading lor Belfast. Belfast, January 12. ( 117* SHIP FOR SALE. THE sure T A M E S BAILIE, AHMKA3UK1NG 282 TOM, Copper- bolted, and Coppered to the Bends; only twelve month- O'd ; built of the best Materi. Is, extremely well T'ooud in every RE'PEFL.— For inventory, AND further p » I-- trculars, apply to MOulT'E, BATLJF, ^ W7TITLA, S', 307) Done « ATT.-^) T.'* » . vlMKRCl. U, CHU0N1CLE. TRANSLATION • V TBI TELKBHATCA STANZAS, WRITTEN BT A GERMAN PRINCE • N TANNT BEAOHA* NOIS, BERORE HER MAR" MIASR WITH THE LATE KINO Ot HOLLAND. Fair is the lllly of the vale, Beneath the tall tree « shade that bloum, Sweet is the Summer's whispering gale That robs each flowrets rich perfume. Soft is the rosy blush of morn, When blossom'd shrubs are gemm'd with dew; v yet softer charms thy face adorn, And fairer far than these are you. Dear is tile first faint view of home That cheers the Weary traveller1! eye, Dear i » that light when night winds roam, That tells the Seaman land is nigh. 4weet to the pining captive's ear, Is the glad word that sets him free; Yet nought of these » •> lov'd, so dear, As thou fair Maid of France to me. MILITARY PROMOTIONS. WAR- OFFICE, JANUARY 7. Sd Regiment of Dragoon- Guards— Cornet Thomas Clubley to be Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Maunsell, promoted, ith Ditto— Cornet Joseph Pattison to be Lifutewnt, with- out purchase. ? th Dittn Lieutenant David Robb, from the 71st Foot, to be Lieutenant, vice Gem, who exchanges. 4th Regiment « f Dragoons— Lieutenant Thomas Charles Fenton to be Ceptain of a Troop, by purchase, vice HH gonin, promoted. 13th Regiment of Light Dragoons— Cornet George Philips to be Lieutenant, without pnrchme, vice Macrae, who retires. 16th Ditto— Captain lames Hay to be Mnjor, without pur- chase, vice Stanhope, promoted in the 17th Light Dra- goons. 17th Ditto— Major the Hon. Lincoln Stanhope, from the 16th Light Dragoens, to be Lieutenant- Colonel, without purchase. 18th Ditto— Major the Hon. Henry Murray to be Lieute- nant- Colonel, without purchase; Brevet Major Philip Hay to he Major, vice Murray; Lieutenant Edward Burke to be Captain of a Troop, vice Hay. 22d Ditto Colonel Thomas G. Montresor to be Lieute- nant- Colonel, without purchase; Captain Thos. H. Dawes to be Major, vice Montresor; Lieutenant Wm. Wood to be Captain of a Tioop, vice Dawes; Cornet A. Moor- head to be Lieutenant, vice Wood; Cornet E. G. Urqu- hart, from the 2( 1 Dragoons, to be Cornet, vice Moorhead. S5th Ditto— Colonel James M< ire, from the 23d Light Dragoons, to be Lieut - Colonel, without purchase. 1st Regiment of Foot— Brevet Lieutenant- Colonel Frederick Muller to be I. ieufc- Colonel, without purchase ; Captain Peter Fr- iser, to be Major, vice Muller 7th Ditto— Brevet Lieut.- Colonel J. M. Nooth to be Lieu- tenant- Colonel, without purchase; Captain John William Beaity lo be Mfjor, vice Nooth. jjrh Ditto Major William Henry Forstein, from the 4th West India Regiment, to be Major, without purchase. To be C \ ptains af Companies, without purchase.— Licute- ! nant Charles Crawford, vice Asluon, promoted; Lieire- " nant George Llewellyn; Capta n John Campbell, from the Royal York Rangers; Captain Richard England, from the 65th Foot; and Lieutenant Ronald Macdonald, from the 17th Foot. To be Lieutenant— Lieutenant and Adjutant Walsh, from the 6th West India Regiment To be Ensigns, without purchase— George Money and Johu Morgan, Gents. 17th Ditto— fc~ n* ign H. W. Wa'ibridge to be Lieutenant, without purchase, vice M Donald, promoted in the 12th Foot; George Garth Robinson, Gent, to be Ensign, vice Walbritlge. 25th Ditto— James M. Noble, Gent, to be Ensign, ky pur- chase, rice Compson, promoted. 26th Ditto Brevet Lieutenant- Colonel Fountain H » pg to lie Lieutenant- Colon;!, without purchase; Captain James Conol'y to Le Major, vice Hogg; Lieutenant James Nash to be Captain of a Company, vice Conolly; James Mahon, Gent, to he Ensign, without purchase. 86th Ditto-— Brevet Lieutenant- Colonel I. ewis Davies to be Lieutenant- Colonel, without purchase, Captain Molyneux Smith to be Major, vie* Daviei; Lieutenant Richard Gil- bert to be Cap'ain of a Company, vice Smith; Ensign Gecrge Cairnes to be Lieutenant, vice Gilbert ; Gentle- man- Cadet Henry Ormsby, from the Royal Military Cnl- lege, to be Ensign, vice Cairnes ; Thomas S. Breacoti, Gent, to be Ensig", without purchase. 46th Ditto— Ensign Wm. llickiy, from the 4th West India Regiment, to he Ensign, vice Miller, who exchanges. 56th Ditto— Brevet Colonel B. Travers to be Lieutenant- Colonel, » ithout purchase; Captain Joseph Hanna to be Major, vice Travers; Lieutenant J. R. Barry to be Cap- tain of a Company, vice Hanna; Ensign John Arcbbold, to be Lieutenant, vice Burty; Wm. Lynch, Gent. t,> he Ensign, without purchase, vice Williams, whose appoint- ment has not taken place. £ 9th Ditto— Lieutenant Edward Scott, from the South Cork Militia, te be En.- ign. 64th Ditto— Ensign John I, eiham to be Lieutenant, with- out purchase, vice Harrison, who resigns; Thomas Allen Lascelles. Gent, to be Ensign, vice Letham ; Lieutenant Edvard Windsor to be Adjutant, vice Harrison, who re- signs. 65th Ditto— Major Colin James Milnes to be Lieutenant- Colonel, without purchase ; Brevet Lieutenant- Colonel T. Henry Fitz Sinn n to be Major, vice Milnes; Lieutenant Thomas Strangwayes to be Captain of a Company, vice Fitz- Simon. 67th Ditto— Lieutenant Robert Davis, from the Antrim Miiitia, te be Ensign. 71st Ditto— Lieutonant Richard Gem, from the 7th Dra- goon Guards, to be Lieutenant, vice Robl>, who exchange'. 75th Dittc— Lieutenant J Craig Dumas to be Captain » f a Company, without purchase ; Ensign Archibald Fraser to be Lieutenant, without purchase; Ensign Duncan Mac- pherson to be ditto, vice Dumas. 91' t Regiment— Brevet Lieut- Colonel B. W. Ottlev to be Lieutenant- Colonel, without purchase; Brevet Lieutenant- Colonel Robert M'Nab to be Major, vice Ottley; Lieu- tenant Rnbt. M'Donald to be Captain of a Company, vice M'Nab; Ensign R. S. Knox to be Lieut, vice M'Donald. Royal Staff Corps— Gentleman Cadet Charles Scott, from the Royal Military College, to be Ensign, without pur- chase, vice Croad, promoted in the 104th Foot. 4th West- India Regiment— Captain Mathew Read to be Major, without purchase, vice Fortsteen, appointed to the 12th Foot; En « ign Charles Miller, from the 46th Foot; to he Ensign, vice Hickey, who exchanges. 6th Ditto— J-. hn Pcnniger, Gent, to be Ensign, without pur- chase, vice M'Donald, who resigns. 8th Ditto Yates, Gent, to be Ensign, without pur- chase, vice Anderson, promsted. Royal York Rangers— Brevet I. ieurenant- Colonel Mathew Mahofl to be Lieutenant- Colonel, without purchase; Cap- tain Godfrey Stark to be Major, vice Mahon ; I ieutenant Thomas WJjite to be Captain of a Company, vice Stark. Royal West India Rangers— Ensign William Long, from the Invalid Company in the West Indies, to be Ens gn, vice Prendergast, promoted. Sd Garrison Battalion— Captain cliarleb Bayly, from the 63d Foot, to be Major. 10th Royal Veteran Battalion— Serjeant- Major William M* Cance to be Ensign. BREVET. >' ajor Xavier de Sade, of the 97th Foot, to be Lieutenant- Cdlonel in the Army. STAFF. 1 icutetiaBt- Colonel Jasper Nicolls, of the 14th Foot, to be Deputy AOjutaut- General to the Forces serving in It eland, v.. i Major- General Raymond, f- unant- Co'onel Samuel Brewn, of the York Light In- [ I V Volunteers, to be Deputy Quarter- Master General - j] ' Forces serving in Ireland, vice Major- Gen. Murray. Ca| I* Thomas Finn Addison, of the 94th Foot, to be Se- c'Jfrfry to the Governor of Annapolis Royal. Assistant- Commissary- General Thomas Dumaresq to be De- puty- Commissiry- General to the Forces. Deputy Assistant Commissary- General Charles De Bels| to be as Assistant- Commissary- General to the Forces. BARRACKS. To be Barrack- Masters to the Forces ' in Great- Britain, Da- vid Logan, George Logan, and Henry Hulton. The King's German L gion. 2d Battalion of Light Infantry— Lieutenant George Wac- kerhagen to be Captain of a Company, with temporary rank, vice Robertson, deceased; Ensign M. T. H. Jobin to be Lieutenant, vice Wackerhageii. 4th Battalion of the Line— Ensign C. I. ichtenberger to be Lieutenant, vice Heimburg, who resigns; Cadet Serjeant Henry De Witte to be Ensign, vice Lichtenberger. MEMORANDUM. The exchange between Lieutenant Trevison, from Half- pay of the Royal Regiment of Malta, and Lieutenant Ma- laipin, of De Watteville's Regiment, as stated in the Ga- zette of the 22d October last, has not taken place. Lieutenant Wm. Jones, of the 7th Foot, is superseded. F. RRATJ in tie Gaieties of tie 1 6ti February and Sib I ' iv. last. 73d Foot— For James Gregorson, Gent, to be Ensign, vice Campbell, promoted; read Ensign James Gregorson, from the 66tb Foot, to be Ensign, vice Campbell, promoted. 24th Ditto— For Robert Marsh, Gent, to be Ensign, vice Hodge, whose Appointment has not taken place; read Robert Marsh, Gent, to be Ensign, withoutipurchase, vice Fraser, promoted. SCOTLAND. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICIARY. John Lindsay Crawford and James Bradley. Thursday came on, before the High Court of Justiciary, the trial of John Lindsay Crawford, some time of Dungannon in Ireland, and of James Bradley, some time schoolmaster and clerk at Castledawson, in the County of Londonderry, in Ireland, accused of forging and falsifying a va- riety of wri ings, and of feloniously using, or ut- tering, or causing to be used, or uttered, forged and falsified writings, knowing them to be such. The pannel, Crawford, in March, 1810 purchased a brief from Chancery, directed to the sheriff of Edinburgh, for serving him lawful and nearest heir male to John Crawford, first Viscount Gar. nock, therein designed his great grandfather.— He then lodged a claim under the brief, in which he described himself as the eldest lawful son of the deceased Robert Crawford, farmer, at Bally, ruilding ; the third son of Hugh Crawford, at Castledawson ; the second son of the Hon. James Crawford, some time factor to Mr. Dawson, at Castledawson, who was the third son of John, first Viscount Garnock. He was charged with having in the proof, which ensued in the cause of the competition betwixt him and Lady Mary Crawford Lindsay, under the brief, and with and by the assistance of the other pannel, Bradley, forged, falsified, and feloniously altered a variety tacks, letters, & c. all specified in the indictment, for the purpose of supporting his claim. The pannels having been brought to the bar, was sta ed by the Counsel for Crawford, that, as the greater number of the alleged acts of for- gery is said to have been committed in Ireland, whence many of the witnesses must necessarily be brought, a short delay would be required to en- able the pannel to enter on his defence. On a motion for the pannels, therefore, which was con sented to on the part of the prosecution, the pro- ceedings were accordingly adjourned till the Sd day of February next. iii | as COMMERCIAL. By the late arrivals from the Baltic, we received from a Correspondent, on whose veracity we can rely, a letter, of which the subjoined is aft extraft, giving an account of the extraordinary interview between Bet nadotte, the Prince Regent of Sweden, and Moniieur Alqnier, the French Minister at Stockholm, relative to the admission into Gotten- burgh of vessels furnished with American papers, but arriving from British ports. " COPENHAGEN, DKC. 22.— M. Alquier, the French Minister at the Court of Stockholm, hav. ing received information from the French Consul at Gottenburgh, that Count Rosen, the Governor of the last- mentioned place, had been remiss in preventing ships with American papers, though known to have left an English port, from entering Gottenburgh: M. Alquier had thereupon adr dressed remonstrances to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, who immediately called upon Count Ro- sen for an explanation of his condudl. " This Count's exculpation was communicated to M. Alquier, who not deeming it satisfaftory, solicited an audience of Bernadotte, and stated, that as it vras a known faft, that ships arrived with convoy from England, he considered it to be his duty to remonstrate against such proceedings. Bernadotte, in answer, observed, that Baron Eng- strom had already investigated the business, and that the French Minister ought to be satisfied with the explanation that had been given. " M. Alquier then intimated, tti; fr an alierra- tion from the French system might involve Bcr- nadotte in the same contingencies with Gustavus Adolphus j and concluded by expressing his re- gret at being under the painful necessity of dis- patching a courier, to acquaint the EmpCrpr of France with the result of the discussiou* " Bernadotte replied, ' Your Excellency your self may be the beater of the report to your Em- peror, if you think proper.' Beimdotte withdrew fro .> the audience- chamber, and M. Alquier in a jew hours quitted Stockholm, without the forma- lity of taking leave, and arrived a few days ago at this place." THE REGENCY. The arrangements for a permanent Regency, rendered necessary by the hopeless state of his Majesty's mental malady, will be accompanied with a permanent provision for the custody of his Majesty's person. This provision wi l combine^ with every comfort of which his Majesty's condi lion is capable, all the splendour that his exalted station commands, and that the love of his people, conciliated and fixed, by his long and virtuous reign, would naturally wish to see cast round him even n the seclusion to which he is constrained by his affiifling malady. The servants to whom his Majesty has been accustomed wiil be kept about him, in order that his lemming peiceptions may f> e always gratified by the recognition of rhos with whom heifc As familiar. The offices of State be- longing to his Majesty's household will undergo an investigation by a Commission, at the head of which will bs the Groom of the Stole, in order to decide which of them shall remain at tached to his Majesty's Court, and which sb, iH be transferred to that of the Regent. His Ma- jesty will continue to reside at Windsor, where, we understand, the Queen will also remain, watch- ing over his Majesty with that exemplary solici- tude which she has so strongly and uniformly evinced since the commencement of his malady. The Princesses will have an establishment at Buck- ingham- house. The King's privy purse of JS60,000 will be con- tinued in his Majesty's name, because there are pensions upon it granted by his Majesty to the amount of near £ 40,000 a year, and the remain- der will be applied to the expence of the medical treatment which must be provided for his Majesty. Thus it is proposed to take a sum from the Civil List, for the King's Establishment, towards which the Prince Regent will contribute a part out of his present Establishment, and the remainder will be appropriated to the carrying on the arrangements made in 1803, for the gradual extin& ion of his own arrear of debts, when we believe his Royal Highness gave up a just and allowed claim that fee had on the public Treasury for half a million, the amount of the receipts of the Duchy of Corn- wall, during his minority. A sum is to be added to the Queen's pi ivy purse, for the maintenance of j her separate Establishment. And it is proposed to relieve the Prince Regent from the burthen of j the Property Tax, which lie has all along paid, to the amount of j£ l 2,000 a year. It is a fafl little known, that the Prince has had to pay rent and taxes, public and parochial, for Carlton- house, amounting, in the course of 30 years to above £ 100,000, exclusive of property tax, though it is a Royal Palace. At the commence- ment of the Regency also, the Prince provided all the regal appointments for State ceremony, re- quisite for the holding of Levees & nd Councils, & c. ( what may be called the equipments for exer cising the Royal funftions), and which were not necessary to his own establishment as H:; ir Ap- parent. All this, we presume, will come into dis- cussion at the proper time; but we do not con- ceive that this is the day for even opening the sub. j « < 3 Pilot. FRAUDS IN THE NAVY OFFICE. ^ London, January 7. The following is given as a correct account of a late discovery of frauds in the Naval depart- ment :— A man in Spitalfields being on some occasion examined by the Magistrate at Union- street stat- ed certain circumstances which appeared to justi- fy a suspicion that there existed a confederacy for defrauding poor seamen, under pretence of pro- curing their discharges, and the public, by ob- taining Greenwich pensions for persons who were not entitled to tftem. Though the information was not very precise, and was in some particulars rather suspicious, the Magistrate thought it his duty to transmit it to the Secretary of the Ad- miralty, who, on ah accurate examination of the man, thought that his account was probably cor- rect. Measures were therefore concerted for de- tecting the offenders ; and at last, proof was ob- tained of Gawler, late a clerk in the Navy- Office, having given a seaman a false discharge, and of his having certain public papers and documents in his house. An examination was then had at the Admiralty before Mr. Croker, the Comptrol- ler of the Navy, and Mr. Graham ; and warrants were issued against the person of Gawler, and for the seizure of his papers. Gawler himself ab- sconded, but his papers were taken, and on ex- amination disclosed a series of extensive frauds, and implicated another clerk in the Navy- Office, of the name of Needham, who, with four or five inferior agents, is now in custody, and will, it is to be expected, brought to justice. The investi- gation is, however, so extremely intricate, and the papers so voluminous-, that it is not possible to speak with certainty as to the extent of the frauds ; but we hear that it is already ascertained, that on Greenwich Hospital, alone they amount to about jS1,000 a year ; and we do not doubt, from what we hear of the activity and industry which are exerted in the investigation, that the whole system of fraud will bo detected, that the offences already committed will be exposed and punished, and that measures will be taken to prevent, as far as possible, occurrences of similar impositions on individuals and the public. It is not true, as stated, that one of the Admiralty messengers ap- pears to have been a principal confederate. One of those persons is in custody ; but he was, we hear, a very inferior agent indeed, and his offence is small compared with that of the others. Yesterday Lavender apprehended another man charged with being concerned in the late mal- practices at the Nary- Office, and took him to Bow- street- office, where he underwent a long pri- vate examination before the Magistrates, Mr. Croker, and Mr Bicknell. POPULATION OF JAVA. ( From Stockdale's Sketches, Civ ! and Military, of the Island of Java.) When the Dutch first established themselves in Java', it was divided into three empires, Bantam, jaocatl- a, and Soesoehoenam j but it is now sub- divided into five States, containing altogether 123 Provinces. Valentyrf's statement of the Population of the Island, at the commencement of the 18th century, taking every family, at five persons, was 3,311,250, but since that time, the population has been amaz- ingly diminished. It was formerly even much greater, but the long and bloody wars, with which the country was harrassed for near a century and a half, sufficiently explain"(- he paucity of inhabi- tants in so fertile an island. After Valentyn, Huysers computes the popu- lation at between one and a half, and two mililfass, exclusive of Batavia, and taking six individuals to each family. In 1738, the population of the territory oi^ oes- oehoeman amounted to 1,853,200. In 1777, the numbers were found to be reduced to less shan one million. From the calculation of Valentyn, which is the highest, even in his time the whole popu- lation of the Island was little more than three millions. RETRIBUTION. The following Letter was lately sent to Messrs. Clatke and Sons, Booksellers, London :— " GENTLEMEN— Ab;, ut the latter end of the year 1807, as the writer of this was passing through Lincoln's- inn- square, he found a Bank of England note for £ 30, folded up, and lying on the ground, at the bottom of the first stone steps, as you come in from the Strand. In a few days after, passing the same way, he saw an advertisement offering a reward of five guineas lo the finder of the note, with direction to apply to Messrs. Clarke & Sons, the corner cf Portugal- street. The want of money, in an unlucky moment, tempted him to pay no at- tention to the advertisement. F'or this one false step he has suffered many a sleepless night and uneasy hours; he most earnestly begs forgivenness, and, as some atonement ( having now justly acquired the means of refunding), now sends to Messrs. Clarke and Sons £ 30, together with four years interest ; and h? is sure that their respeflable char- afters will prompt them to return it to the right owner with all convenient speed. X. X. " £ 30— i'our years interest to DCC. 20, £ Q,— Totil MISCELLANEOUS. The estate of Mr. W. Adam, in Scotland, is diminished in value £ 1200 per antrum, by the ex- traordinary transversion of. ji fine river- salmon fishery, which formerly ran extensively through his lands; but, by. a late immense flood, has ex- cavated a new course for itself of more than a mile, through a neighbouring estate, entirely leaving that of Mr. Adam. In consequence of this defalcation of his income, Mr. A. has signi- fied his intention of retiring from Parliament ear- ly in the course of the present Session. One day last week a Peregine- Falcon was shot at Paugdean, Sussei, whilst in fierce combat with a raven. This species of bird was formerly much used in falconry, and being a bold and powerful bird, was held in great esteem ; it was pr incipally employed for taking ducks and other water- fowl, from which circumstance it attained the name of the duck- hawk. It is several years in arriving at its full plumage, and at a certain state it has beep considered as a distinft species. Forty- five British prisoners have been released: by Bonaparte, for having made a bridge oyer the river Maese, for the Emperor to pass over ; and 11 of their passports have been received at Mor- laix, by the Commissary. When the Duke d'Aremberg came on board the Mermaid, to be conveyed a prisoner to Eng- land, he was accompanied by an English Officer, to whom, in the course of conversation, he ob- served, " That Rome < wai the secand city of the French Empire." The English Officer seemed surprised, and observed, that could not be, as Rome was in Italy. " It mas so," replied the Duke, " but the Emperor by an edifl has annexed it to the Empire."— Shortly afterwards, when the Mermaid was getting under weigh, the English Officer took leave of the Duke, and said to him, that " in two hours he would be in England." The Duke could not comprehend this, until the Officer added, thtt, " The King of Great Britain has annexed the seas to Lis dominions." The following is the number of the commis- sions of bankruptcy in the Gazettes of 1811:— Jan. 212, February 212, March 187, April 163, May 137, June 14!), Jply 197, August 119, September 77, Odlober 112, November 151, December 130 — Total 1837. Monday a Court- Martial assembled on board his Majesty's ship Salvador Del Mundo, in Ha- moaxf, Plymouth, for the trial of Mr. Gordon, the gunner of the Amazon frigate, charged with drunkenness, & c. He has been sentenced to be broke, and serve before the mast of any ship the Admiral shall be pleased to appoint. A Court- Martial was held on Saturday on board the Prince of Wales, at Sheerness, for the trial of Mr. S. Bligh, Master's Mate of the Nym- phen, for desertion ; when the Court were of opi- nion that the charge was not fully proved ; but adjudged that Mr. S. Bligh be severely repri- manded, and admonish d to be more eircumspect in his conduct in future. The Court next proceed d to the trial of J Mooney, private marine, belonging to the Mus- quito brig of war, for striking his Serjeant, and using mutinous language; which charges the Court decreed were in part proved ; but in con- sideration of circumstances, did adjudge that he should only receive 100 lashes on his bare back, at such time, and alongside of such ships as the Commander - in- Chiet shall think fit to direct. In the Court of King's Bench on Tuesday, an Insurance Case upon a Baltic risk, the Attorney- General, in adverting to the difficulties under which Underwriters laboured in inventing defen- ces to these aflions, made the following parody upon the well- known passage in Shakespeare ;— " The pleader's eye, in a fine frei zy rolling Doth glance from heav'n to earth, fram earth to heav'n; And, as the young attorney bodies forth The forms ef things unknown, the pleader's pen Turns them to shapes, and gives to airy nothing A local habitation and a name." CURIOUS IRISH AKTIQUITIES.— The lovers of Irish antiquities will be pleasei} to hear that Mr. L. Foster, and Mr. J. Rochfort, in their late in- spection of the mountains in Kerry, have discov- ered a perfect amphitheatre of cut stone. It is 20 feet high, 90 feet diameter, with several flights of stairs, on the inside the wall is seven feet thick at top, and about 14 feet at the base, of hammer- ed stone, without cement. These gentlemen made an accurate drawing of it, from which a model is preparing for the Dublin Society. This is the work of the Rev. Dr. Ledwich's Savages ! Let the reader turn to the Statistical Review of the county of Down, by Rev. Mr. Dubourdieu, and he will there find another trifling work of these barbarians I It is a circular temple of the Sun, new known by the name of the Giant's ring ; it is of earth 579 feet diameter— 15 feet by the out- side slope, and 12 feet broad at top. This tem- ple wouid contain five thousand people, allowing a square yard for each ; there is an engraving of it in Vallancey's Essay on the primitive inhabi- tants of ikitain and Ireland. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, On MONDAY the ' 20lb dn of January next, at the H the Town of Portodtrwn, in the County of Arrrrto'j, AL[„ tisat the Interest of Mr. JAMES WATSON in TWO DWELLING- HOUSF. S, in the Town of Porladcwn, with the Back- Houses, Orchard, and Garden, at the rear thereof; and Turf- Bog, in the Townland of Armagh ; now in the occupation of RICHABD SHEPHAKD, or his Under' tenants.— Also, the Interest in the DWEI. LING- HOUSP. and OFFICES, lately in the Possession of WILLIAM WENT- WORTH, Esq and the GARDEN, situate at the foot of Mr. WATSON'S Tan- Yari; ' with THREE ROODS of ! URF- BOG, in Armagh Moss.— Also, that Piece of GROUND in the Half- Meadow, in the Townland of Tavatiagh, nt;, r the Town of Portadnwn, containing Five Acres, or theric- abouts; and lately held by JOHN WATSOV.— And liken ise,. the Interest in the TAN- YARD and PREMISES in Por- tadown; formerly . in the occupation of HUGH WATSON,. and now unoccupied. The said Tan- Yard and Premises, are held in fee farm, stibjedl to the small yearly Rent of £ 22, 15/. and are now out of l. ease, and are well- worth the attention of any Person in the Tanning business.— (' lie several other Premises above mentioned, are held in fee- farm, subject only to a nominal Rent of 2J. Yearly, and ex- clusive of the said Five Acres of Land, ( which are well worth four Guineas per Acre), now produce a yearly profit Rent of £ 70, Kb. 6J. For particulars, apply to CURRAN WOODHOUSE, Esq. Portadown; Mr. HUGH M'DONALD, High- street, and CHARLES MEARES, Attorney, S3, Dorser- st. Dublin. Deeemhi- r 28. HOMRA- GLEN HOUSE & FARM. Te be Let, ot tie Interest in tie Lease Sold. THE above FARM, situated in the County Down, with- in one. mile arid a half of Hillsborough, and two of Lisburn ; is held at a low Ri nt, under the MAKQSIS of DowNtHIRE, for one young life and 12 years: it contains 55A. 2R. and 7P. English Measure.— The H » tixi and Of- fices are large and in excellent repair, and the l. and is in the very best condition, the greatest part of which wis manured and soiled last season. The HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, STOCK, and FARMING UTENSILS, may be had at a valuation, and immediate pos- session given.— Apply to Major GATES, the Proprietor; or at the Office of tbi » Paper. S] 9) Homra Glen House, Jan. 4. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE SALE, rjpHAT FARM of LAND iti DUNMURRY, formerly JL occupied by the late TIIOMAS M'CLURE, Esq and his Undertenants, containing 44 Acres, Irish Plantation Mea- sure; held direct under the MARQUIS of DONEOA: I , lor his Lordship's life, and the remainder of 61 years from N >- vemher 1798, subje6l to the yearly Rent of 7s. and to a Life Estate bequeathed by Mr. M'CLUKE to bis Sis ers. It is at present Let to good Tenants on I. eases which wiil espire in a few years, at a Profit Rent of £ 116, but which, otr the expiration « t the present I. eases, will yield upwards, of £ 200 per annum.— It is 4| miles distarrt from Belfast, and three from Lisburn.— A considerable part of the Pur- chase- Money may remain at Interest, if required. Written Proposals will be received, and further particu- lars communicated, by Mr. JOSEPH BOYD, 7, Margaret- street, Belfast, or by ROBERT MONTGOMERY, Castle- Place, Sept. IS. Attorney at Law. ( 759 HOUSES TO BE LET, THE HOUSE in Arthur- street, lately occupied by the . Subscriber, as formerly advertised, to be Let, with or without a Fine. Also, a HOUSE in Castle- Place, suitablefer a small gen- leel Family.—— Apply to ROBERT MONTGOMERY, Attorney at Law. Castle- plaee, Nov. 12. ' ( « 3> TO BE EES, At Killovgh, near Downp, itricl, ASTORE- HOUSE, with a KILN, for drying Corn, la complete repair, and immediate Possession given. Apply to A. C CUMINE, Esq. Killongh. Mr. PAT CORRAN will shew the Premises t : JI^ COUNTY OF LONDONDERRY. PROPOSALS will be received for the Sale of the Towrr land of UMRICAM, ai formerly Advertised in this Paper, till the 20ch of February next, wh? n the Purchasi r will be declared, if the value is ofleied, at DRUMCOVIT, DUNGIVEN. Application, by Letter, to RICHARD HUNTER, E « q. Coleraine. ( 133) Dared Nov. 3I>, COUNTY OF DOWN. FEE SIMPLE ESTATE TO BE SOLI}, TTJW. EE from all Incumbrances, the Title under an Aift of JL' Parliament. The Townlands of LOUGHORN, SHIN, and IJSNA- REE, containing above 760 Irish Acres, within a R njf Fence, and situated within four miles of Newry. Proposals may he made for these Townlands together, or for any of them separately, to THOMAS GREER, New y, or to GEORGE CROZIER, Dominick- street, Dublin. ( 444 COUNTY OF ARMAGH. To be Let " will a Fine, or tic Interest in tie Lease Sold. qpHE BLEACH GREEN, DWELLING HOUSE, & L FARM of ANN- VALE, ( containing 33| Acres, Irish measure) as formerly advertised. — For particulars, inquire of Mr. A. DAVIDSON, Armagh, or J. and C. HARDY. 189) Ann- vale, December 6. A BLEACH- GREEN AND F* RM WITHIN A QUARTER Of A MILE OF IIA N'RKIDGK, To be Let, for ever, r> r the Interest Sold. qrtHE HOUSES are in complete repair; and the MA- I CHINERY has been all put tip, new, within these twelve Months, on the most improved plans There is abundance of excellent Spring Water; and the Mills have the whole command of the river Bann. The FARM contains 70 A,- es with a jnod DWELL- ING- HOUSE and OFFICES, a large walled- in GARDEN, well stocked with Fruit Trees, and two good ORCH ARDS. Application to be made to the Proprietor, \ V , VI HAYtS, on the Premises; or WM. HAYES, Millmount. The Foreman Bleacher, who has lived in the place for several years, now wants a situation, and can be very we1! recommended. ( 123 COUNTY OF LONDONDERRY. TO BE SOLD, ' ipiHE Town and I. ands of Tobermore, Gortamny, Mor- : JL asser, Calmore Upper and Lower, Cloan, and Fort- william, situate in the Barony of Loughensholleti. in » aidCouti ty, held by few- larm Grant, at the yearly Rent of £ 11. Part of the Estate of the Right Honourable Sir GEORCC FITZOFRALD HILL, Bart, containing 1111 Acres, or there- abouts, and now held by solvent Tenants at a clear yearly Profit Rent of =£ 780, IOj. 10rf. the greater part out of I ease, and that in Lease held on very short Tenures. The Laiifls are now valued at =£ 1303, 9j. 6d and if all out of Lease, from the nature of the Soil and the abundance of Limestone, may be valued at 3CV. per Acre, round. Said 1 anils will b « sold separately or together ; and the Purchaser or Purchasers, declared as » oon as the value shall be offered. Proposals in writing, will be received by MARCUS SAMUEL HILL, ES^. Londonderry; ANDREW LITTLE, Coleraine ; JAS. GREGG, of Londonderry; and JOHN CHAMBERS, 11, Lovver- Gardi- ner- street, Dublin, Attorney at Law, will furnish Rentals of said Premises, and give ail further necessary information, and with whom may be seen a Map of said Premises.— Mr. THOMAS M'CLELLAND, Newtonlimavady, will shew the Lands. 871 BELFAST: Printed and Published by DRUMMONO ANDERSON, for Self and the other Proprietors, every Mtnddi, IVednuJay, and Saturday.- - Price of the Paper, when sent to any p. irt of the United Kingdom, £ 3, St. id. yearly, paid in advance.
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