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The Glocester Herald


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The Glocester Herald
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The Glocester Herald

Date of Article: 03/08/1811
Printer / Publisher: G.F. Harris 
Address: Herald Office, St John's Lane
Volume Number: X    Issue Number: 514
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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n ' W p •> - r< i\) i ( jj- yfQ; PRINTED AND PUBLISHED, FOR TIIE PROPRIETORS, BY G. F. HARRIS. vol,. X. No. 514. SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1811. PRICE SIX- PENCE HALFPENNY WEDNESDAY'S POST. LONDON, TUESDAY, JULY 30. FROM SATURDAY'S LONDON GAZETTE. DOWS1SG- STHPET, JL'I. Y 27. A dispatch, of tehich the feiUaahr' is an ertrarf, has hen r- rs/ veti from licit.- General Viscount Wellington, dated ?•< nti de St. Jooc, Jane 11, 1 SI 1. THE enemy continued i. i the positions reported in my. dispatch of the 4th instant, td! theTth, when they moved ; i large hodv of cavalry anil about two bat- tal ens of infantry fiomMontigo towards the Xevora, and from thence upon Villa de Key, Le Hoca, and . Albuquerque. The obiect of this movement w as ap- parently t" cut off our detachments employed in uj>, - crving the enemy on that side; in which, however, they did not succeed, Major Cocks having retired with nil i. is detachments upon St. Vincente, still keeping c'imtnunications open with Arronehes and Portalegte. Theeneuiv's troups retired from Albuquerque on the << h, and . Itajor C.' ocks again entered that ( mvn with his partus on the same day. The arniv of Portugal n're a^ ain in tbe same position on the right of the Gua deira which tbev occupied when 1 addressed your I. ordsbip on the 4tb instant. Geneial tilake made an attempt toobtain possession of Niebla, on the night of the. 1: 0th of June, m which place the enemy bad a jSurisou of about three hundred infantry. I am sorry tp sav lies attempt! failed, rind he remained before the place till the i2d instant, and then retired towards the r.' iuidimiu. On Ihcrjth, two divisions of infantrv aud the cavalry of the. 3th army, under tbe Conde de LJt; » ine Yallamur, were crossing the Guadiana, on a hridfc Constructed for them at St. I. ucar by Colonel Arrstiii. The artillery was embarked at Ayamonte, arid Oereral llallastcios with the. advanced gua.' d re- mained upon the; Hirer St, Piedro. Il appeared to be General lilake's intention to embatk bis troops for V'adi2, hut neither General Castauos nor I have beard from him since he marched from . Inramenha on tbe IStb of June. In Ihe ninth, Marshal Bessieres had re- turned a lit in to VaHmbHid from Benin ente; and- iii the end of the month of June the enemy assembled at aild in the ueighborirbood of Valladolid a considerable body ef troops. General llouuet, however, still le- lnained- in the neighbourhood of Leon and Benavente u . tb the troojis- under his command; and I have re cent d from General . Silveira a report ofthe defeat of the Fieneh in an attack made upon a Spanish detach- ment from the army in Gallieia, in front of Astorga, <,.; the 25| b ultimo. The Guerillas likewise continue their operations, and besides the alarm given to Valla- dolid on tbe 15th ultimo, Don Julian gave a similar alarm to Salamanca ou tbe 29th ultimo; but a con- siderable party of Guerillas belonging to different chief's, which bad taken a convoy at Peuaranda, were afterwards surprised 011 the 30th'of June, and dispers- ed, about two hundred having been killed, wounded, and made prisoners. The rumours of an approximation between this Country and Russia continue to gain ground ; and it is now confidently affirmed, that several vessels laden • w ith warlike stores, for Hie use of the Russian army in Poland, are on the point ot tailing lor the Baltic. All the points in dispute between this country and Russia are said to be adjusted, and the Court of St. Petersbnrgb only waits for an accommodation with Turkey, to declare against France. The letters from St. Petersburg!), by the Anlio,'.' mails, are expressed in terms highly favourable to the continuance ofthe intercourse with Great Britain, through the medium of neutral vessels; and a great number of ships were either laden, or in a progress of loading, with valuable cargoes, in the ports of Russia. We are also informed by a letter received 011 Mon- day, dated the 19th inst. of a homeward- bound con- voy of about 50 sail, then waiting a favourable wind, in Hanno Bay. It will be seen by the following letter, that some disturbances have arisen in Dantzic, in consequence of the animosity which prevails between the French and Russian troops:--" DANTZIC, JULY 16.— This place lias been thrown into great confusion by au alarming riot that occurred among the soldiery a day or two since, in which between 70 and 80 lives were lost. General Rappe was giving an entertainment on his birth day to a select party of the officers of the garrison, which consists of 25,000 men ; and during the absence of their commanders, many of tbe men be- came intoxicated, particularly the Germans. While they were drinking, flic Frenchmen proposed as a toast * The Emperor Napoleon and success to his soldiers.' The Germans were inclined to drink it on the condi- tion that the Emperors of Germany and Russia were included, which the French refused. A dispute arose, in consequence sw ords were drawn, bayonets fixed, balls fired, and the slaughter of the number I have mentioned took ( dace. In the midst of this scene the officers arrived, but their interference bad little effect with the inebriated soldiery, aud the riot yvas not qncllcd until several officers were among the sufferers. The result is, that General Rappe has sent about forty to prison, who will be tried by a militaiy commission tor disobedience, rebellion, and intoxication. It is probable that a terrible example will be made of them." We are happy to learn that the repugnance of the Spanish Govt rnment to allow their troops to be placed tinder tbe command of British officers is likely at length to be overcome. A British officer, who lias served in tbe Spanish armies with distinguished reputation, has, we understand, arrived in town, for the purpose of submitting to Government a propo- ;- i; ioii for forming a Spanish legion, to be disciplined ar, d commanded by British officers, in the same man- ner as tbe Portuguese troops under Marshal Beresford. The proposition has been submitted to Lord Welling- ton and General Castauos, a\ J has their entire appro- bation. It is also sanctioned by the Spanish regency. We have been favoured with an official paper from Bonrdeaux, by which it appears that not only those American ships have been set at liberty by Bonaparte, in the ports of France, which contained the property er produce of the United States, but also ships of which the cargoes consisted of cocoa, cofl'ee, logwood, bark, pepper, sugar, and other articles of Spanish and British colonial produce have been permitted to un- load and reload without any obstruction, and every vessel which has arrived in France since the 2d No- x ember last has been placed under the same favourable circumstance-. THE COLUMN NAPOLEON.— What has been called a tower, erecting at Boulogne, is, it seems, a sort of column formed of marble fonnd near Boulogne, and which is to be called the Column Napoleon. It is 162 French feet iu height, and square. On the sides .. re two lions « f bronze cast by Houdon, 17 feet in height.- In front is a representation ip bronze of Mar- dial Soult presenting the model oi this monument to Napoleon in the name of tbe Army of the Coast; the ' figures are 1.5 feet in height. On the sea- front is a representation also in bronze of Admiral Lalnnche Treville with marine attributes and allegorical figures • of. prudence and strength. These, two bronzes are < ased with porphyry. The column is surmounted by three eagles in bronze, cast by Getti, seven feet in licinlit, supporting on their wings displayed the bust of Napoleon. There is in one ofthe American democratic papers a very extraordinary document, for the authenticity of which tbe editor pledges himself, purporting to be a communication from Champagny, Duke of Cadore. dated in October last. He maintains, that the " Con- • tinent will never rest quietly in submission to the sway of Bouapiyte, while the example of tbe free Govern- ment of England exists to encourage resistance of despotism." He says, " England must fall prostrate, if the Continent remains upright." He is of opinion that tbe King of England is a slave, because he is obliged by the organization of his Government, to consult the w ishes of the people of his kingdom in the appoint- ment ofhis Ministers. The English populace, he says, are " a set of petty tyrants."—" In England, as has been the case in France, factions can never be mended, they must be. extirpated. Some few persons, ambitious or bankrupt in character and fortune, will always, under the' existence of the actual constitution of a royal democracy, find opportunities to mislead the. ignorant, and to head the needy and disaffected in committing excesses, dangerous to the peace of Europe by contagious examples."— After deprecating the Eng lish factions, lie adds, *' No more neutrals shall be en- dured. Capital punishment shall be inflicted on the master and crew of any foreign vessels trading with England. Without the adoption of these plans, a truce only can be signed, but a peace can never be concluded between Great Britain and the Continent." A more daring avowal of a diabolical design never cer- tainly escaped from the lips or heart of main The 23d light dragoons, under the command of the Earl of Portarlington, are in daily expectation of re- ceiving orders to embark for Portugal. This fine re- giment sustained great loss at the battle of Talavera, and came home shortly after to recruit. Madame Catalani's three eldest children, by Mons. Vallebreque, are, a girl born in Italy, a second girl in France, and the third, a boy, horn in England; as a provision for them respectively, he has invested the funds derived from Madame Catalani's professional talents iu either kingdom, for the Child born therein, in property belonging to that particular country, in- tending that each should become a citizen thereof; the boy first born in England he calls Jack Bull, and for him he has made two considerable purchases of houses and land, not many weeks ago 1 , A few days since a labouring man engaged in plough- ing in a field at Bignor, near Petworth, in Sussex, found the plough obstructed by a heavy stone, which he obtained assistance and removed; it is of marble, aud beneath it a flight of steps, of the same, leading to a largo arched passage, when they discovered an entire Roman bath, with tesselated pavement, in per- fect preservation. The bath is of a hexagonal form, surrounded with seats, in the centre is a metallic pipe — the bottom of the bath is about two feet below the pavement, and five feet wide; the tesselated floor re- presents various figures in dancing attitudes, most beautifully wrought. In digging further, they found a dolphin and various other antiquities of the most costly materials. It is supposed to be the remains of a Roman Palace. A Roman road has also been dis- covered leading through the field, and supposed to ex- tend much further, but it is not at present suffered to be explored. A gentleman in the vicinity has an an- cient manuscript which particularly speaks of this place, and many attempts had been made to discover it, before it was so fortunately accomplished by ac- cident. In this manuscript, many other curiosities are spoken of, which are expected to be discovered on a further exploration. Persons from all round the vicinity, have been to exainir. the place. A very considerable sum has been offered for the field on a spe- culation, but refused. A person, assuming the appearance of a clergyman, and pretending to be ill, requested a gentleman on Westminster Bridge to assist him to a coach, in doing which the pious man eased the gentleman uf bis watch, his pm- se, and his pocket- book. Last week a respectable and wealthy farmer, residing near Norwood, Surry, and who is remarkable for keeping a large quantity of corn by him, desired his labourers to remove a large wheat- stack. The men had, however, no sooner got on the roof, than it gave way, the inside having been almost totally devoured by rats; and they were precipitated to tbe ground, amidst, it is supposed, not less than 5000 of these • vermin, the greater number of which unfortunately made their escape. Sunday, the 14th instant, Charles Giddins, coach- man to the Duke of Portland, was apprehended in passing through the burgh of Annan, with a break, a heavy carriage, and two single- horse cars, w ith bag- gage, and fined by John Dalgleish, Esq. one of the present Magistrates of that burgh, in 101. Scots, with 5s. expeiiccs, for profanation ofthe Sabbath- day. A dreadfiil accident happened a few days since, at the Hotweils, Bristol. The men employed in blast- ing the rocks blew up several mines in succession ; but one of them missing fire, they conceived that the failure was occasioned by the touch- hole being too small. They accordingly determined to enlarge it, by chipping away the sides with a steel instrument; in doing which they imprudently neglected the pre- caution of wetting the charge, and a spark unfortu- nately falling into the chamber, the powder exploded instantly.— Of the two men at work, one had his skull fractured by a fragment of rock, and his com- panion had also his skull fractured, and a band shat tered to pieces. The catch of the famous delicious fish the John Dory has been so immense in Cawsand Bay, that j several mounds full of that fish have been sold at from 5d. to 9d. each ; each fish weighing 5 or 7lbs. FASHIONS FOR LADIES. Walking Dress.— A high round robe, with full long sleeve, trimmed with Vandyke lace at the throat and cuffs, and ornamented round the bottom with a Tus- can border and needle- work. A short capuchin cloak of buff- coloured shot sarsuet, fastened with broaches on the shoulders and trimmed with deep Chinese ? ilk fringe of the same shade. A Moorish turban bonnet, gathered into a broach ill centre of the forehead. Pur- ple ridicule, with gold snap and tassels. Half- boots of buff- coloured kid. Parasol with deep Indian awning, tbe same as the cloak. Child's Dress.— A short sleeve Spanish vest and trowsers in one; an Indian dimity waistcoat with long sleeves, and collar trimmed with a naimw border of muslin. High shoes of purple or black Morocco. A college cap, of purple velvet, with crimson band. Evening Dress.— Grecian robe, with demi- train, of fine Indian muslin or Italian crape, trimmed with silk or silver fringe, a Circassian sleeve, and bosom finish- ed a la chemise. A Roman tunic of Sardinian blue sa- tin, confined with correspondent cord and silver but- tons in front. A neckchain and locket of silver filigree or pearl, with ear- rings and bracelets en suite. Hair worn tint, ' waving in curls on the forehead, and confin- ed behind with a row of twisted pearl; the same plac- ed across the front. An occasional scarf or cloak of thread lace. White satin slippers, with silver clasps. Gloves of white French kid, and fan of carved rs._ ry. A correspondent wishes to recommend to all per- isons employed in the fields, during the hot weather, to wear a light straw hat, or even paper cap, ill order to shield the top of the head from the scorching rays . ofthesun. He is aware how liable they are to throw their hats aside; but he cautions them earnestly against this practice, as he well knows the fatal effects which often result from the coup desnleil, or stroke of the sun, in hot climates. He is inclined to think that this may be a catt- e of the frequent sudde n deaths which are often said to happen in this country in ex- treme hot weather; and lie will este>:' ni himself hap- py, if this well- meant advice should be any means of diminishing their number. Mr. Garrow, the Counsel; received fees of fifteen guineas each, on :> 50 briefs, all arising out of six special jury causes, ; md the whole of these confined lo the failure of on-- banking- lionse— the perusal of one brief only, therefore, saved him thejroijbi.-; dtasdiag all the rest. _ On Monday se'nnight, tbe Union Lodge, No. 15S, of Free, and Accepted Masons according to tbe old iusti- tu'ton, was opened and constituted at the Old Ivy- Bush, Carmarthen, by the B. W. Brother, Ji. i'luni- mer, P. S. G. W. under a warrant from the Grand Lodge of Ancient Masons, his Grace the Duke, of Athol, Grand Master. After the Officers appointed to govern the Lodge had been regularly installed in their offices, there were twenty- three gentlemen transferred from the St. David's Lodge of Perfect Friendship, No. 623, aud three others from Haverfordwest, who ? t- tended on this occasion, and were initiated into the mysteries of the ancient order. The Brethren depart- ed at an early hour, highly gratified with the polite and unremitting attention of Brother Plunimqr, who pre- sided, as well as the other officiating grand officers.— A Lodge will be opened under this warrant on tbe first Tuesday in each month at the above- mentioned inn. SAD), En's BALLOON.— Mr. Sadler, tbe celebrated British aeronaut, who will ascend on the 12th of Au- gust, in honour of the natal day of his Royal Highness the Prince Regent, is to be accompanied by Captain Paget, who was to have been the partner ofhis voy- age at Cambridge, bad circumstances permitted. The following, it is said, is to be the inscription round the centre of tbe balloon: " Sacred to the xi. txth anniver- sary of the I'rince Regent's nativity, G. I'. IV.— The hope and cons- olation of a sorrowing empire." DUKC OF DEVONSHIRE. - Tuesday died suddenly, at Devonshire- house, Piccadilly, his Grace William Ca- vendish, Duke of Devonshire, Baron Cavendish of Hardwicke, aud Baron Clifford, which last title be possessed in right of his mother. His Grace was a Knight of the Garter, Lord Lieutenant and Custos Kotulorum ofthe county of Derby, aud I. L. D. He was in the 63d year of his age, aud is succeeded in his honours and foitune by bis son Won George Marquis of Harrington, who has lately come of age. THE MARQUIS OF TOWNSHB. SD.— The death of the Marquis Townshend took place suddenly on Saturday at Richmond. His titles were Marquis Townshend, Earl of the county of Leicester, Viscount and Baron Toivnsheiid, Baton de Ferrars of C'hartly, liaron Bourehier, Lovaine, Basset, and Compton. He was the sou of George tbe late Marquis, by Elizabeth Ba- roness De Fertnrs of Chartley. He had but recently succeeded to the Marquisate, but had- vrijuyed the ho- nours of the Peerage tor a long time. B A NKRUP'/ S from SA IUR DA 1 V GAZETTE. George Hods- ens, Birmingham, button- maker, d. c. August 14, 15, Sept. 7, nt the Swan Inn, Birm fl'gham. Alls. Egertoo, Gray's Inn i or Spurrier and Co. Birmingham. John Land, Exeter, rotifectioncr and white Iread- maker, Aug. 2, 3, sept. 7, at tie Hotel, Eseter. At is. Turner, Exeter; or Col- leu and Co. Chancery- lane. John Holt, Purtsea, green grocer, d. r. August 12, 13, Sept. 7, at the George, Portsmouth. Atts. Pouiden, Poitsea; or Shelton, Sessions- House. Joseph tradby, Milford, Wilts, timber- merchant, August?, 8, Sept. 7, at the Spread Eagle, New barum. Atts. Tinney, Salisbu- ry •, or Lowten, Temple. George White, sen. Bingham, Nottingham, grocer, August 1,2, Sept. 7, at the Rain, Nottingham. Atts. AUsopp and Co. Notting- ham ; or Tavlor, Gray's Inn. John Hill,' tAissoa, Lincoln, mason, brick- maker, d. c. August 8, y, sept. 7, at the While Swan, Scrooby, Nottingham. Atts. tistier, Gainsburgh, Lincoln; or Clarke and Co. Casde- court, Budge- row. John Duniirhy, Pitt Bank, Oldham, Lancashire, Cottoi- inanu- fai. turer, d. c. August9, lo. - ept 7, al the Mosley Aims, Man chester. Atts hasnett, Manchester; or Huxley, remote. Sjmutl Stead, Leeds, cabinet- maker, Augu. t SO, HI, Sept. 7, at the whita Horse, Leeds. Alts. Lee and Co. Leeds; or Sykes and Co. New Inn Hichard Homer, Rowley Regis, Stafford, victualler, gun- barrel- maker, d. c August'. 0, 21, Si pt 7, at the Lyttteton Arms, Penk- lidge, Stafford. Atts. Fellows, Dudley; or Williams, Chancery- lane. George Crown, Bilston, Stafford, linen- draper, d c. August CO, 21, Sept. 7, at the Union Tavern, Birmingham. Alts. Swain and Co. Old Jewry; or Whatelev, Birmingham Thomas Gamer Richmond', Church- street, Rotherhithe, merchant, vvhai finger, d. c. July 3U, August 6, Sept. 1, at Guildhall. Atts. Palmer and Co. Copthall- cotlrt, Throgmorton- street. James Byrn, Broad- street, insurance- broker, d- c. August 3, 10, Sept. 7, at Guildhall. Alts. Blcasdaleand Co. Hatton- court, Tlnead- ne .- die- street. Jam s Augustine Greenland, Lamb's Conduit- street, Middlesex, liaberdadier and hosier, d. o July 30, August ti, sept. 7, at Guild- hall. Att Farren, church eourl, Lothbury. Benjamin Noble, Bedford, taylor, d. c. August3, 10, Sept. 7, at Guildhall. Att. Jopson, Castle- street, Holborn John Archer, Chesham, Bucks, baker, d. c. August 3, 17, Sept. 7, at Guildhall. Att. Stevens, sion College- gardens. Joseph Mason Gaitskill, Si. John of Wappmg, . Middlesex, ma- ihematical- instrument- maker, July 31, August^, Sept. 7, at Guild- hall. Atts. West, Red Lion- street, Wapping. Jesse Coles, Hanvvay- stteet, Oxford- street, jeweller, August 10, 13, Sjpt. 7, at Guildhall. Att. Mavhew, Symond's Inn. Hubert Salmon, Tavintock- street," Covent- garilen, linen- draper and- chapman, July 31, AugustSS, Sept. 7, at Guildhall. Att. Ro- binson, Hull Moon- street. DIVIDENDS.--- August 2& William Harry, Weston, Hereford- shire, at the Kings Head, Koss. CERTIFICATES.— J. Farm, Bristol, druggist. T. Andrews, jun. Hot W ells, Glocestersfure, coach- maker. BANKRUPTS from TUESDAY'S GAZETTE. William Raphael Egirlion, Handsworth, Stafford, painter on glass, d. c August lti, 17. sept. 10, at the Royal Hotel, Birmingham. Aits. Baxters and Martin, Furnlval's Inn; or Maudslcy and Webb, Birmingham Joseph Dingle, Charlestown, Cornwall, merchant and ship- owner, d c. August < 10, 30, Sept. 10, at the New Crown Hotel, Plymouth Koek. Alts. WillLims and Darke, Prince's- street, Bedford- tow; or Bozon, Plymouth Dock. William Jackson, Knottinglev, Yorkshire, lime- bumer, d. c. Au- gust 2o, 27, Sept. 10, at the star, Pontefract. Alls. Towns, Pon- tetiact; or Blakelock and Makinson, ' l'empie. Thomas Beck, Upton, Cheshiie, and Peter Berk, Salford, Lan- chshire, common- brewers, d. c. August 13, 14, Sept. It), at the Coach and Horses, Manchester Alls. Ellis, Clianceiy- lane; or Hit'soh and Atkinson, Manchester. Robert Thornbortuw, jun. Kendal, Westmorland, linen- draper, manufacturer, d. c. August ' Cb, 27. Sept. 10, at the Commercial Iuu, Kendal. Atts Bowman, Kendal; or Calon and Bruxnell, Al- dersgatc- street. Francis Barns, 8hepton- Mallelt, Somersetshire, baker, d. c. Ait- gust 8, 10, Sept. It), at the George, Shepton- Mallet. Alts. King, Bedford- row; or llyeltaild Maskell, Sliepton- Mallet. Samuel Every, Bet ami- Green, Middlesex, merchant, d. c. Au- gust 10, 13, Sept. 10, at Guildhall. Atts. Harrison, SatteiVHail- cuurt. Thomas Bryan, sen. Bampton, Oxfordshire, shopkeeper, d. c. August 8, 1- 1, Sept. 10, at toe Staple Itall Inn, Witney. Atts. Att- wood, Lnsliam ; or Slierwin. Great J. unes- stieet, Bedford- row. Isaac Meggitt, Selby, Yorkshire, grocer, d. c. August ' 23, 21, Sent. 10, ai he George, Selby. Alts. Parker, Selby; or Wigtes- wnrih. Gray's Inn- square. William Ai.< terson, late of Church- street, Eethnal- Greer., Mid- dlesex, d c. Augu.- t 3, 17. Sept. 10, at Guildhall. Alls. Hughes, Chrislchureh- pasiage, Newgate- street. William Stracev, Heel- street; London, silk- mercer, August 3, ' I (.-..,., in ... A., c... .... at Peaise, Oid lewrv ' Jumes Mt- sres, Kingsland- road, Shoreditch, victualler, d. c. Au* g'cht 3, 10, Sept. LO, at Guildhall Att. Loxley, Cheapside. ' John Graisiae IVe. ddell and Joseph Lloyd, Fen- court, t enclmrch- street, London, cornfai tois. d c. . ind partners, August 3,10, Sept. 10, ai Guildhall. Ait Druce, Billiier- squarc, Lontion. Chins f& nicken, Beil- iane, Spitaltields, Middlesex, sugar- refmcr d c. August 6, 13j Sept. 10, at Guildhall. Atti. Clutton, St. Tho- mas's street, bouthwark, John Champion, Llovd's Coffee- house, underwriter, and of Snov/- hill, London, . tea- dealer, grocer, d. c. Augu.- t 3, 10, Sept. 10, at Guildhall. Atts. Lowiess and Cross, St. Mildred's- court. Poultry. Richard Bishop, How, Middlesex, jewellei, August 3, 10, Sept. 10, at Guildhall Att. Bennett, New ! nn- buiidiiigs, Wych- street. BANKRUPTCY SUPERSEDED. William Barker, Wigton, Cumberland, uianufaciui er. DIVIDENDS — August Tt. John Prr>::\ Dn.- t » !, baker, at the Rummer Tavern, BrisioL John Lewis, Bristol, wuuiien- druper, at tae Bush Tavern, Bristol. CERTIFICATES — August 00 Jam>: Pyerf Br stcl, druggist. Jhnry Charlton, Oxford, dealer if » corn. IIEATH's GENERAL COACH OFFICES, LovcerNovthgate- strcet, £ p Btll Inn, Southgate- street, GLOCESTER. . THE Public are respectfully informed, the follow- ing MAIL, POST, and other COACHES, set out from the above Offices as usual. Mail Coach to LONDON, every day, from the Bell Inn, at Three o'clock iu the afternoon. Mail Coach to CARMARTHEN, every day, from the Bell Inn, aud Coach Office, after the arrival of the London Mail, through Ross, Monmouth, Abergaven- ny, Brecon, and LluiidoVerv, at One o'clock. Mail Coach to MILFORD, Sundays. Wednesdays, and Fridays, from the Bell Inn, and Coach Office, through Brecon, Carmarthen, and Haverfordwest, at One o'clock. Mail Coach to HEREFORD, Sundays, Wednes- days, anil Fridays, from the Coach Office, Nortligate- street, through Ledbury, at One o'clock. MiliI Coach to BIRMINGHAM, through Gloces- ter, from Bristol, every night at Twelve o'clock. Mail Coach to BRISTOL, through Glocester from Birmingham, every night at One o'clock. LONDON COACH everyday, from the Coach Office, Northgate- street, through Cheltenham, Ox- ford, and High Wvcomb, at One o'clock. LONDON'ACCOMMODATION TELEGRAPH COACH, from Hereford, ( from the Bell Inn,) every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings, atTwelve o'clock. HEREFORD COACH, through ROSS, every Tuesdav, Thursday, and Saturday mornings. LONDON COACH from Hereford, Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, at One o'clock. BIRMINGHAM COACH, through Glocester from Bristol, every morning ( Sunday excepted), at Nine o'clock, from tbe Bell Inn. BIRMINGHAM POST COACH, through Glo- cester from Bath, every morning ( Sunday excepted), at Eleven o'clock, from the Bell Inn. WORCESTER COACH, through Glocester from Bath, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at Three o'clock in tbe afternoon, from the Bell Inn. BRISTOL COACH from Birmingham, every day, ( Sunday excepted), at One o'clock, from the Hell Inn. BATH POST COACH from Birmingham, every day ( Sunday excepted), at One o'clock, from the Beil Inn. BATH COACH from Worcester, Tuesdays, Thurs- days, and Saturdays, at Twelve o'clock, from the Bell Illll. LEICESTER POST COACH, from Bristol, Tues- day, Thursday, and Saturday Mornings, atTwo o'clock, through Evesham, Stratford, Warwick, and Coven- try; returns the next Evening by Five o'clock, on its way to Bristol, from the Bell Inn. Performed by the Public's most obedient humble Servant, JOHN HEATH, Gloccster. *„* To prevent mistakes, no Places in any of tbe Mails, or other Coaches, ( which pass through this City, to or from London,) can be promised or taken, till such Coaches actually arrive at tbe above Offices; nor can the Proprietors be accountable for valuables above Five Pounds, if lost or damaged, unless booked as such . aud paid for accordingly. A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. Patronised by their Rot/ al Highnesses lite PRINCESS OF WALES and DUKE OF SUSSEX, and most of the Neobilitu. MACASSAR OIL, FOR THE HAIR. THIL Virtues of this OIL, extracted from a Tree in the Island of MACASSAR, in ihe East In- dies, are far beyond eulogium for increasing theGRowTH OF HAIR, even on BALD. PLACES, to a beautiful length and thickness, preventing it falling off or changing colour, strengthening the curl, bestowing an inestimable GLOSS and SCENT, rendering the hair inexpressibly attracting, nourishing it after sea- bathing, travelling in hot climates, violent exercises, & c. promotes the growth of whiskers, eyebrows, & c. In fine, it is the first production in the world for restoring and beautifying the hair of Ladies, Gen- tlemen, and Children. Such celebrity has it attained that it is daily honoured with the sanction of Royalty, Nobili- ty, Gentlemen of the Navy and Army, the Faculty, and Public at large. It is innoxious and suited to all cltniales. Sold, at 3s. 6d. per bottle, or large bottles, containing eight small, with a Treatise en the Hair, at one guinea each, by the proprietors, RowLANb li SON, Kirby- street, Hatton Garden, London; and by appointment by Mr. Wood, Hemld- Ortice, and Ingram, Glocester; by Henney, Selden, and Ruff, Cheltenham; Stevens and Watkins, Cirencester; and by all perfumers and medicine venders in every market town throughout the United Kingdom. Beware of servile imitators, as tbe Genuine Macassar Oil has the signatures— A. Rowland anil Son. SWEDISH SOAP. MILFORD- HAVEN, SOUTH WALES. THIS NEW SOAP will be found beyond all comparison the best preparation known for the MILLING, & c. of WOOLLEN CLOTH, and to be a most important improvement. Made only as ordered, and sold iu CHESTS, Price Fifteen Pounds sterling each, containing in general about Three Hundred Weight but regulated always by the current value of London Curd Soap, it bearing the same price. Orders for any quantity not less tnan a Chest in post- paid Letters( enclosiiigKemittances in Bankers' Paper, or they will not be attended to,) addressed to the sole Manufacturers, " THE MILFORD- HAMSN SOAP AND ALKALI COMPANY," Pembroke, will be executed within three weeks' notice, and delivered free of expence at any of the principal ports iu the united kingdom. V NO CREDIT WHATEVER. Solomon's Guide to Health, 3s. WHICH points out the most simple and efficaci. ous remedies for asthma, consumption, nervous diseases, female complaints, lowness of spirits, rliem matism, scurvy, and scrofula; together with a Disscr ta'tion on the properties and effects of hot and Cold bathing; also an Essay on secret venery; and a Dis- course on impotency ill the male, and sterility and barrenness incident to females.— Likewise advice to young men ana women. London : printed for the Author; and sold by Mat- thews and Leigh, No, 18, Strand; Sherwood, Neely, and Jones; and Longman and Co. Paternoster- row; by Washbonfn, and Ingram, Glocester; Selden, and Henncy, Cheltenham; Stevens and Wuikins, Ciren- cester; Pearce, Hartlebury; Redtlcll, Tewkesbury; Wilson, Stroud; Goodwyn, Tethury; Riekards. Dursley; Meacham, Ledbury; anil all booksellers. N. B. Purchasers are particularly requested to ask for " Solomon's Guide to Health." as the great cele- brity of this work lias induced unprincipled persons to publish books, under similar titles, with a view to m'slead the public. WHEREAS a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued forth against WALTER LEWIS, n iwor late ofCheltenham, in the county of Glocester, Grocer, Dealei and Chapman, and he being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby required to Surrender himself to the Commissioners in the said Commission named, or the major paH of them, on Friday and Saturday, the tweuty- sixth and twenty- Seventh days of July in- stant, and 011 Saturday, the tliirty. first day of August next, at eleven o'clock in the forenobn of each of the said days, at the Ram Inn, in the city of Glocester, and make a full and true discovery and disclosure of bis estate and effects: when and where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts, and at the se- cond sitting to choose Assignees, and at the last sitting the said Bankrupt is required to finish hii examina- tion, ahd the Creditors are to assent to or disSent from the allowance of his Certificate. All persbns indebt- ed to the said Bankiupt, et that have any uf bis ef- fects, are not to pay or deliver the same but to whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but give notice to Mr. John Meakiugs, liare- court, Temple, Lon- don ; or to Mr. Gardner, Solicitor, in Glocester. RICH. DONOVAN. S. RICKUTTS. G. W. COUNSEL. J .. I — V a Commission ot Bankrupt is award- ed and issued forth against HENRY GOD- SALL, ofSudbrook, in the County ofGlocester, skin- ner, dealer and chapman, and be being declared a Bankrupt is hereby required to suhender himself to the Commissioners In tiie said Commission named, oir the major part of therttj on the IStli and i9tli days of July instant, at seven o'HoCk in the afternoon, and oil the24tli of August next, at eleven of tbe clock in the fere- noon, at the White Hart Inn, in the city ofGlocester, and make a full discovery and disclosure ofhis Estate and Effects; when and where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts, and at tile second sitting to choose Assignees, and at the last sitting the said Bankrupt is required to finish his examination, and the Creditors are to assent to or disSent from the allowance of his Certificate. All Persons indebted to the said Bankrupt, or that haVe any ofhis Effects, are not to pay or deliver the same but to whom the Com- missioners shall appoint, but giVe notice to Mr. James, No. 12, Gray's Imi- sqnare, London; or Mr. Thomas Okey, Solicitor, Gloeester. WE, WILLIAM HILL; formerly of Oxford", but late of the city ofGlocester, Coachman to Mr. John Heath, Coach Proprietor; and WIL- LIAM MAISHFIELD, formerly of Shlpton Olive, iu the Coubtv ofGlocester, but late of tiie city ot'Olo- cester, Innkeeper, now confined in the City Gaol, within the city of G'DCester, and not being charged in custody on the Fust day of May; One thousand Eight Hundred and Eleven, with dny DeBt ot Debts; Sinn or Sums of Money, exceeding iu the whole the Suiit of Two Thousand Pounds', do hereby give tliii THIRD PUBLIC NOTICE, That vVe intend to take the benefit of an Act passed m the Fifty- first Year ofliiS present Majesty's Reign, intituled," an Act tor the Re » lief of Certain Insolvent Debtors in England;" And we do hereby GIVE NOTICE that a true and perfect selie* dule, containing* discovery of all our real and personal Estates, hereafitr to be sworn to, is novt ready to bis delivered to any Creditor applying for the same, to tlife Keeper or Gaoler, or bis Deputy, of the sa < 1 prison. WM. HlLL. WiTNfiSs, The mark of DAN. TAYSCM, Keeper. ' A 1VM. MAiaHFIELP. WALSH'S MEDICINES. CGAMAGE, No. 32, BRVDOEs- STREfef> o Strand, Proprietor of Walsh's Antipertussis, tut the Hooping Cough, Astlunas, and Complaints ofthe Lungs; and Walsh's Colisfoot Lozenges, for Coughs and Colds, respectfully informs the Public, that in future, Walsh's Medicines to be genuine, vi ill be sighfcd C. G » - mage, on the Stamp. PRICES or His MEDICINES. I. » . d. ft. Walsh's Antiperlmsis.. Hand 3 6 Ditto Colsfoot Loiengrs...... 1 If F. C. Walsh's Ginger Seeds. 11 2 9 Ditto Powdered dinger 8 4 O Ditto Aperient Pills' 11 4 6 Ditto Digestive Dinner ditlo. 11 4 6 Ditto Aromatic Vinegar 2 9 Ditto Improved Huxhani'* / JJ 2 ^ Tincture of Bark \ Dido Improved Paregoric 2 JJ go Elixir.... J A liberal allowance to Merchants See. for Exporlatioii. The above are sold, Wholesale and Retail, by C. Ga- mage, Cliymist, No. 32, Brydges- street, Strand ; anil also by Ingram and Washbourn, Gloceuier; Selden; Hennsv, and Ruff, Cheltenham ; Redded, ahd Bennet, Tewkesbury; Pearce, Hartelbury; Wilson, Stroud; Goodwin, Teibury ; Meachain, Ledbury ; Harding, and Rickards, Dursley; Harris and Richardson, Bristol; Wright, Bath ; and Jenkins, Swansea. SIR, Bath, June 4th, 18( 16. The cause of my troubling you with this, is, that t thought it a duty which J owed to yourself and Society, that 1 siiould mention the salutary effects that the Anti- pertussis had upon mv child, who was afflicted with the Hooping Cough, ina most dreadful degree ; he was at- tended by some of the most eminent of Ihe Faculty there, who for three days gave him over. At this time a Friend of mine mentioned ihe wonderful cures that, had been ef- fected by your Medicine, and though wc had no expecta- tion that my chilJ could possibly recover, yet I resolved to try it; I did, ant! at Ibis time have the happiness to say that he is quite veil, and not the least symptom of his complaint remaining. I remain, Sir, ^- eur humble Ser- vant, JAS. ELI. 1S TOM KINS. HEUMATISMS, PALSIES, and GOUT? AFFECTIONS, with their usual concomitants,' spasm, or flying paiuS, flatulency, indigestion, and general debility, ( originating ill whatever source), are relieved and frequently cured by Whitehead's Essence of Mustard Pills, after every other means had failed. The Fluid Essence of Mustard ( tfsed with the Pills, in those complaints where necessary) is perhaps the most active, penetrating, and effectual remedy in the world, generally Curing the severest SPRAINS AND BRUISES in less than half the time usually taken by Opodeldoc, Arquebusade, or any other liniment or embrocation ; and if Used immediately after any accident, it prevents the part turning black. WHITEHEAD'S FAMILY CERATE is equally effit acions for all ill- conditioned sores, sore legs, scorbutic eruptions, blotches, pimples, ring- worms, shingles, breakings out on the face, nose, ears, and eyelids, Sore and inflamed eyes, sore beads, and scorbutic humours of every description. Prepared only, and Sold by R. JOHNSTON, Apothe- cary, No. 15, Greek- street, Soho, London. The Essende and Pills at 2s. Od. each; the Cerate at Is. ljd. and 1-. 9d. Sold by Waslibmirn, and Ingram, Glocestcr: Selden, and Henney, Chelten- ham; Stevens and Watkins, Cirencester; Pearce, llartelbury; Reddell, Tewkesbury; Wilson, Stroud; Goodwyn, Tetbufy ; Richards, Dursley; Meacliam, Ledbury; and every Medicine Vender in the United Kingdom. %* The Genuine, has a black ink Stamp, triik tkt nime. of R. JOH. SSTON inserted on it. ' HUllSDAY's POST, LONDON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31. ' PARTS paper? have been received to the 26th inst. They furnish two ' dispatches from Marshal Sonlt, respecting the recent operations in Spain and Portu- gal. In the reconnaissance of22d June, the French General says, that " two squadrons. of the 11th reg. called the English light horse, and of the Hanoverian hussars, were destroyed ; three officers and 150 horse- men, with their horses, remained in our power; tiie enemy had besides a good many killed and a great number wounded." In both dispatches it is said that Lord Wellington had continued his march towards Lisbon ; njjd that he had sent 3000sick and wounded to that place.— [ By accounts, however, since receiv- ed- from " lie allied army, its head- quarters were at St. Joao on the lltli inst. and no mention is made of any intention at that period to retrograde fiirther.]- Soult's second dispatch concludes as follows: " The English are very much dissatisfied with Gene- ral B' i- esfoid, who has been suspended and sent to En tland. for bavins exposed * the English troops, and spai- od the Poltuguese and Spaniards. It. Is true that the fatter,'- who were more numerous, were less exposed than the Kn flish, and suffered less loss. — A great num- ber ot'deserters from the English army come in to us. ' t'hey all assort, that the English feel their inability to snnport the contest in Spain ; aud every thing in- duces me to think, that when the army of reserve, which vnu^ lj. ighuess has announced to me, shall have arrived upon Almeida, they will be convinced of the iinjiossibTitv even of maintaining themselves at Lis- bon. ' I he Knglish have experienced a great want of provisions and ot" money. Money is become very :- carce wiih them , they rio longer scatter it with tiie tame profusion. They attribute this to the unfavour- able st.' U- of t'ne exchange.— The breaches in the for- ties-; of Ijadajoz are repairing with the greatest ac- tivity. The place has been revictualled for seven mouths; we have just " discovertd a new magazine of 100,000 e. eight of gunpowder, which had been cou- cuaUnl iu the vaults.— 1 have caused Olivenza to be rased." * At the battle of' Albuera. The Moniteur contains also a report of the late Spanish Governor of Tarragona, addressed to the Council nf Regency, on the events which took place at the close of the siege of that unfortunate city. This report, evidently composed under the eye of the French Government, throws the loss of tbe place on the want of co- operation on the part of Campoverde, who promised to succour it, but failed to tiillil his promise -, and on the English, who also appeared with 3 division before it two days before the assault, but refused to assist in the defence. Besides the letters from Soult, the French papers contain some advices from Catalonia. It appears from these, that tlie army under Campoverde is still in a state to give uneasiness to the enemy. Snchet, after the capture of Tarragona, is said to have re- paired ' o Barcelona, and from thence directed l^ is match to Monserrat, where Cauipoverde had taken tefuge. Bonaparte has put an end to the session of the Legis lative Body! The closing speech, by which they were dismissed to their homes, takes notice of the flourishing state of the French finances, a subject tipon • which the people of France are carefully kept in the dark. It is a fact, however, that the annual deficit increases yearly, and cannot do otherwise so long as Bonaparte chooses to do without trade, and to inter- dict all commercial intercourse. The state of the war in Spain, and tile junction of Generals Martnont aud Sonlt, with the relief of Badajoz, and the success ofSehliet at Tarragona, are themes of congratulation and triumph. The speech is seasoned with the usual abuse of this country, and with expressions of Bona- parte's desire for peace and the freedom of the seas. He says nothing about the Synod of Cardinals and Bishops held at Paris: he has found them refractory, and some have been sent to prison. Bonaparte has lately passed two decrees, which it would be difficult to match among the most sanguin- ary decrees of bis most sanguinary predecessors, Robespierre and Marat. By one of these decrees, no young lady who has an annual income of 6000 francs, or above, is to marry without his pel- mission 1 — By the second decree, any person detected 111 a correspondence with the subjects of Great Britain, and in drawing or negociating bills of exchange, is to be shot within twelve hours after detection, if found guilty. A letter has been received, dated Rio Janeiro, 1st Qf May. in which it is stated,, that the Princess Char- lotte, the wife of the Prince Regent of Portugal, is contriving with the concurrence of the Spanish Am- bassador, the Marquis de Yrujo, to take possession of the territory of Buenos Ayres, situated on the north coast of the River Plate. Every day almost is received some account tending to strengthen the opinion that a change has taken place in the politics of Russia, favourable to this country. The important intelligence is just received that two Russian harbours are to be declared free ports, in order to favour the commercial intercourse with this country, viz. Archangel, in the North Sea, and Liebaa, iu the Baltic. There are licences iu town for shipping goods di- rect from this country to Russia. They are signed by the Emperor Alexander, and are principally for the importation of drugs. An Auholt mail arrived yesterday, by which letters have been received from various parts of the Baltic. Those from St. Petersburg!! are to the 7th, and from Gottenburgh to the 21st inst. The exchange was at 13 § to ISf. An additional duty of 10 per cent, is to be imposed in Prussia, on those articles of colonial produce which, under the present law, are admissible into her territory. Cupt. Serrell, of liis Majesty's ship Holder, 011 10th iust. captured the Flink Danish privateer boat, having on board one swivel and 15 men, with small arms.— Lieut. Templar, commanding the Earnest gun- brig, on 7th inst. captured a French privateer, Le Sacripan, of 5 guns and 25 men.— Lieut. Moore, of the Pigmy cutter, relates his having, in company with the Decoy cutter, run on shore and destroyed a French lugger privateer, between Gravelines aud Dunkirk, on 26th inst.— GAZ. The Prince Regent lias ordered that the 99tli reg. of foot shall in future he styled the 99th, or Prince of Wales's Tipperary regiment. The reinforcements embarked at Plymouth and Portsmouth, for the army in Portugal, have sailed for their destination. They consist, in all, of about 6000 men. Wolsey's Tomb- house, at Windsor, obtained by that prelate by grant from Henry the 8th, is under alteration and repair, and intended to be the burial- place of the Royal Family. It is built after the man- ner of the Egyptian vaults, 100 feet in length, 30 feet in width, and 14 feet iu depth. In the recess at tbe end of the vault are intended to be deposited the remains of their present Majesties; and along tbe passage are arranged depositories for the future Kings of England. A subaltern officer of one of the Bengal native regi- ments has lately arrived in this country, in order to policit redress of the Court ef Directors, under very extraordinary circumstances. The appellant, it ap- pears, having distinguished himself iu the field on many occasions, had on that account been promoted from the ranks. Tbe circumstance occasioned a jea- lousy among some of his countrymen, who'arensed him of the crime of sorcery. However ridiculous the charge, he was tried and found guilty by a court- mar- tial, and dismissed the service. The extensive grape vine at Hampton- Court ex- hibits at this time 2750 branches ofthe finest fruit that this celebrated tree has overproduced. Tuesday the proprietors of a Portsmouth coach were convicted by the magistrates at Union- hall in penalties tn the amount of 501. for carrying more outside passengers than allowed by the Act. Mad. Blanchfti'd, in one of her late ascents from Pari:, in. a balloon, was caught in a storm of hail and rain; but notwithstanding ascended so high, that she was lost in clouds and whirlwinds, and did not alight from her balloon near Vincennes till fhe day after she arose from' Paris. In consequence of the prodigious height the balloon ascended, Madame Blancbard fainted, and continued insensible for some time. Her ascension occupied 14 hours and a half. A meteoric stone, ol the weight oflSlbs. fell to the earth on 1st March, in the village of Konleghowsk, in tile government of Tfchernigoff, in Russia; its fall was preceded, by three violent claps of thunder. When it was dugout from the depth of more than three feet, throngha thick layer of ice, it still possessed heat: it was remarked, that at the third clap of thun- der, there was an explosion, with a loud hissing noise, and throwing out a great quantity of sparks. A satire 011 equestrian theatricals, under the title of " Quadrupeds of Quedlinburgh," was produced at the Ilaymarket Theatre 011 Friday night, it is tlifc Ger- man play of the Anti- Jocobin, with a prologue, ail introductory scene between the manager and the author, and a concluding exhibition of battle, bine lights, and cavalry. The cavalry were centaurs of a new description, half man and half basket work, and their appearance and spirit were admirable. The performance was rather too long; but was received upon the whole with great applause.— A similarsatire was produced last week, with equal sncsess, at the Lyceum Theatre, under the title of " Quadrupeds, or the Manager's Lust Kick." The ground work of this latter piece is Foote's tragedy of " the Tailors." This morning, the lottery, to be drawn 011 Nov. 19th, was contracted for by Messrs. Bish and Co. There were only two parties attended, viz. Messrs. Bish and Co. and Messrs, Richardson and Co. The for- mer bid 141. is. 9d. and the latter 141. Is. A footpad stopped the carriage of Mr. Morris, sur- geon, on Hounslow Heath, 011 Thursday, and robbed Mr. Morris of two five- pound notes ; two ladies in the coach tremulously held forth their money, begging him to take it, but he gallantly refused, saying, he should have a kiss a- pieee from them instead— it was, he said, the first, and should be the last robbery he ever committed— he was a stout well- looking man, and had the accent of an Irishman. JAMES BELCHER.— This once celebrated pugilist, and a formidable champion of England, died yester- day, at his house, the Coach and Horses, Frith- street, Soho, in the 31st year of his age, after a lingering ill- ness of two years, which had reduced him to a mere skeleton. The deceased was a descendant ofthe cele- brated pugilist Slack, of Norwich, whom he far ex- celled in ail the requisites of boxing, with the excep- tion of strength. On Sunday last, Crib, the celebrated pugilist, ar- rived in Aberdeen, on a visit to a gentleman there. He is at present in training at Ury, the seat of Cap- tain Barclay, preparatory to the great battle to be fought with Molinenx, on the 27th September, near Doneaster. On this match not less than 50,0001. are already betted; and Crib stakes 100 guineas of his own money 011 the issue. Betting, however, is equal. This celebrated boxer is at present the champion of England, having fought and gained the following pitched battles, besides several casual ones, in which he never was beat, viz. with George Maddox, Jan. 1805; Thomas Blake, Feb. 1805; Ikey Pig, May, 1805; Richman, the black, Oct. 1805; James Bel- cher, 1807; Horton, May, 1808; Gregson, Oct. 1808; Belcher, Feb. 1809; and Molineux, Dec. 1310. Crib is now only thirty years of age. INVASION. From the recent indications that have been making at Boulogne, and fiom the necessity, the imperious necessity, we may say, which Bonaparte must feel to maintain an audacious front againt this country, the last strong hold of Europe, where the lamp of freedom is yet kept alive, and where nations gioauiivg under the oppressor may still light tbe torch ot resistance, we are persuaded that, at no distant period, we shall bear the threat of invasion renewed. We will never say, as some have said, that invasion is a farce. Whatever puts the life, even of a single individual in jeopardy, ought no* to be regarded lightly, still less what affects the interests and feelings of a whole community. We have never considered the threat of invasion as wholly to be disregarded. Under some circumstances it may certainly be effected, but. never, we will contend, to an extent seriously to endanger the safety of the king dom. Should the French, favoured by winds or tides, get over, according to the burthen of the old song, " Still Britons they'll find to receive them on shore." We do not at all mean to deny the possibility of in- vasion, but there is that heart m the country, we will maintain, which ought to set all our fears at rest with respect to this tremendous bug- bear which the enemy holds over our heads. The only. invasion that Fiance, in the present relative condition of her mai itime foice, could make on England, would be productive only of individual anxiety and distress, in the same way as if we n'ngetf their coasts, without piodncing any national results. We believe, however, that fortified as all our vulnerable posts are, that it is not even possible forthe enemy to effect a landing without an adequate chas- tisement. We speak of those military posts chiefly which are to be seen in Sussex, where invasion will be most seriously threatened, and is most to be appre- hended. To venture his forces against, our extremities, is what Bonaparte will not attempt, but, like a know- ing politician, he threatens our vitals, because his game is desperate, and it is indifferent to him what stakes he hazards.— Is the condition of this country such that we should fear the attempts of such a man ? Is not every heart and hand united to resist every overture of this military ruffian? Everywhere that Frenchmen and Englishmen have met, since French- men have been under their present ruler, have not Englishmen maintained their ancient superiority ? l. ong may they uphold their superiority, and, as at Barrosa and at Albuera, shew how much superior the British forces are to any which France can produce I While the United Kingdom continues to yield such heroes, what have we to diead from invasion ? Ought we not rather to be satisfied that the threat of the ene- my will be turned on himself? In the great contest in , vhieh we are engaged, the continental system, 01 any other system, in which we may happen to find our interests clash, is of no consequence; the grand con- clusion to which we look is, is England safe; is the common wealth sound at heart, as our ancestors would have said, so that nothing was to be apprehended in- jurious to the common cause, to the lives and safety, as we may say, " ofthe most thinking people of Eu- rope?" These words, though used in derision by one of ourselves, ought not to pass without notice. In deeds of arms, the British people have shewn them- selves unrivalled. It is 110 small stake for which they are now contesting. It is not merely whether they shall change their present form of government and authority, but whether, after subsisting through along series of ages under a mild form of government, they shall yield themselves to a military despotism ? We fear no such results, hut we only wish our readers to be imbued with true English sentiments and opinions, and to hold alliance with France, under her present Governor, as the grave in which the happiness of both countries may, most probably, be buried. GLOCESTERSHIRE, Lower Halford, adjoining the Road leading from Chel- tenham to Stow, twelve miles from the former, and four from the latter place. NRO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY 1 T. ACOCK, On Thursday, the 15th August, 1811, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, at the King's Arms Inn, in Stow, sub- ject to such conditions as will be there produced;— ALL THAT DESIRABLE ESTATE, Called LOWER IIALFORD, 111 the occupation of Mr. CHANDLER, the Proprietor, comprising a sub- stantial Farm- House, Barn, Stables, Cow- sheds, with other conveniences thereto belonging; also about for- ty- tive Acres of exceeding rich Meadow, Pasture, and Wood Land, and thirty A cres of Arable ditto. A fine Trout Stream foimsa boundary to the Estate, and is a most delightful situation for any one wishing a Country Residence; is Leasehold under Corpus Chris ti College, Oxford, for a term of years renewable every seven, eighteen years of which are unexpired. May be viewed any time preceding the sale, on ap- plicationto Mi. C'laniiler, 011 the premises; and fur- ther particulars may be known ofthe Auctioneer. August 2, 1811. GLOCESTERSIIIRE. TO RE SOLD BY AUCTION, by L H'. MOORE and SON, At the HOP POLE INN, in Tewkesbury, precise- ly at four o'clock in the afternoon of Wednesday, the 21st day of Xngiist, 1811, ( and not on the 14th as before advertised, on account of Worcester Races happen- ing on that day,) in Lots, and according to conditions of sale to be then and there produced;— About Seventy Acres of Common Field ARABLE LAND, and a Homestead, and several Inclosures of ME- VDOW- and PASTURE LAND, situate in the hamlets of AstonHrpon- Carrant, in the parish of Ash- churcb, in the comity of Glocester, and Kinsham, in the parish of Breedon, in the county of Worcester, now in the occupation of Mr. William Havnes, the Proprietor, and who, 011 application to him for that purpose, will cause the same to be shewn. The Premises are in part Freehold, and other part Leasehold, for, a term of 1000 years and upwards; and the Lands are of the most fertile description, and the situation extremely convenient, particularly as an lii- closnre of the hamlet of Aston is about to take place, by means of which the property cannot but be greatly benefited. Descriptive particulars of the several Lots will be ready for delivery within one week from this time, at .'. he g'- veral principal tuns in Tewkesbury, Chelten- ham, £ vesham, and Winchcomb ; or the Auctioneer's house also in Tewkesbury; and the like particulars or anv other information relative to the Premises, may be" had 011 application to T. Williams, Solicitor, in Winchconib. HPO be peremptorily SOLD bv AUCTION, 1 By W. MOO'S'. E and SON, At the PLOUGH HOTEL, in Cheltenham, pre- cisely at six o'clock in the afternoon of Thursday, the 15tll day of August, 1811, in Lots, atxl subject to con- ditions of sale. to be then and there produced; The following Freehold Premises :—-- LOT 1. A MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, with a large Piece of Ground thereto adjoining, the whsje now or late in the occupation of Mr. Edward Mar- shall, Builder, situate in the town of Cheltenham afore- said, near the much- admired Crescent, arid next to a place called Sadler's Wells, close to the public carriagc- road leading to the Old Spa and Bays- hill Lodge. LOT 2. Two unfinished MESSUAGES, withalarge Piece of Ground adjoining, situate in Cheltenham Field, within a very short distance ofthe town, adjoin- ing the turnpike- roail leading from thence to Gioces- ter, and a most excellent situation for building. LOT 3. Another large Piece of GROUND in Chel- tenham Field aforesaid, and nearly adjoining the last lot. Possession of lots 2 and 3 may be had immediately, and of lot l m a few weeks, or sooner, if desired by a purchaser. F'or further particulars, apply to Mr. R. Pruen, Cheltenham; or T. Williams, Solicitor, in Winchcomb. July 12, 1811. ~ GLOCESTERSHIRE. rO be SOLD by AUCTION, by W. MOORE emit SON, At the WHITE HART INN, in Winchcomb, pre- cisely at live o'clock in the afternoon of Saturday, the 17th day of August, 1811, subject to conditions of sale to be then and there produced;— The following FREEHOLD PREMISES, In two Lots:— LOT 1. An extensive and well brick- built MES- SUAGE or TENEMENT, called the RED HOUSE, with a Brewhense, Workshop, and other Buildings, and large Garden behind and adjoining the same, situate near the top of Glocester- street, in Wincbcomb aforesaid, and fronting the said street, and now in the occupation of the Proprietor, Sir. John Jones, Also another well brick- built MESSUAGE or TE- NEMENT, adjoining the above, on the west side thereof, and fronting the said street, and now iu the occupation of Anthony Jones, as tenant thereof at will. And also another stone- built MESSUAGE or TE- NEMENT, likewise adjoining the said Red House, on the east side thereof, and fronting the said street, and now in the occupation of Thomas Richmond, as tenant at will. These Premises form, together, a very desirable property to a person engaged in any trade requiring room, and are most conveniently situated, being bounded by a public road at the back part thereof, and to which there is an immediate communication. LOT 2. A COTTAGE and GARDEN, situate in Wmchcomb aforesaid, at the back of Lot f, also ad- joining the saul public road, and now in the occu- pation of Jane Stoneham, as tenant at will. For a view of the Premises, or further particulars, apply to the said Mr. John Jones, or'F. Williams, So- licitor, in Winclicomb. July 12, 1! U1. Eligible Freehold Premises, Key- Head, CITY OF WORCESTER, - po be Peremptorily SOLD by AUCTION, at JL thfc Exchange Coffee- House, Bristol, on Tues- day, the 3d day of September, 1811, at one o'clock in the afternoon, in one lot, and subject to such con- ditions of sale, and abstract of title, asshall be then and there produced;— The following very eligible FREEHOLD PREMISES, Viz. All thatfnnt many years since) newly built Messuage or Tenement, with the Warehouses thereunto belong- ing, heretofore in the possession of Alderman Edward Jackson, deceased; situate in Woodstaff- street, other- wise the Keyn- street, in the parish of Saint Andrew, in the city of Worcester, and stretching in length from Woodstaff- street aforesaid, unto the Key- Head there. Also, all that other Messuage or Tenement, and Ware houses, with the Appurtenances lying near or adjoining to the said first- mentioned Premises, in the said parish of St. Andrew, and city of Worcester, and haviug the Key- Head thereon the west pait thereof. These Premises have for years been held by Mer- chants and Owners in Woicester, are considered very valuable and improveable, and are subject to the pay- ment of Five Shillings yearly to the King's Majesty, his Heirs, and Successors, and to deliver yearly One Ton of Coals for the use of" the poor of the parish of All Saints, and one other Ton ot Coals for the use of the poor of the parish of Saint Andrew, in the city of Worcester afores'aid. For further particulars, please to apply to James Weekes, AttOmey- at- Law, John- street, Bristol. 10th July, 1811. HHO be SOLD by AUCTION, in the latter end JL of the month of August, 1811, unless disposed of by Private Contract before that time;— The much- admired and TRULY DESIRABLE ESTATE. Called SANSOME FIELDS, adjoining to. and partly Within the li: nit3 of the city of Worcester; consisting of a comfortable MANSION- HOUSE with requisite Offices, Coach- house, Stables, Barn, walled Gardens, and several Inclosures ot' the most luxuriant Pasture aud Meadow GROUND, divided into small Pad- docks, containing in the whole 60 Acres and upwards, let to Samuel Wall, Esq. and other most respectable Ten.. nts; And two very rich Meadows, called D'EG- LISE MEADOWS, containing upwards of 26 Acres, situate upon the banks of the river Severn, in the parish of St. Peter the Great, in the county and near to the city of Worcester, and occupied by Anthony Lech- mere, Esq. This Estate possesses those advantages which few others can boast of, and will equally suit the active merchant and the man of retirement, being situate within a few minutes' walk of the centre of that elegant city, which is the admiration of every traveller, and yet affording all the comforts of a rural retreat; or it will give ample scope to the mind of a man of taste, being easily divisible into lots for the erecting of Villas. The whole is held under the Lord Bishop of Wor- cester, for Three Livesabosulute. The Mansion- House, offices, coach- house, stables, and buildings, and the Land occupied by Mr. Palfrey and Mr. Knapp, may be entered upon at Michaelmas next, and tUe residue of the Land at the Candlemas following. For a view of the Estate apply to Mr. John Rerre, at the House; and particulars may be had of Mr, Blayney, at ins office in Evesham. T° BE SOLD BY AUCTION, bv J. AGG, On Thursday, the 8 th day of August, 1811, at six o'clock in the afternoon, at the Rose and Crown I1111, in Evesham;— A CAPITAL BRICK MESSUAGE, Now divided into FOUR TENEMENTS, with a MALT- IIOUSE and STABLE adjoining the same, situate in the High- street, in Evesham aforesaid, and occu- pied by Mrs. Morse, Mr. Clements, and others, at several yearly rents amounting to ,£ 44 and upwards. These Premises are Freehold, and are welt adapt- ed for a Manufacturer, or may be easily converted into a handsome residence fbra genteel family. Mr. Henry Smith, Builder, in Evesham, will shew the Premises; and particulars may be had of the Auctioneer, or of Mr. Blayney, both of the same place. GLOCESTERSHIRE. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, A CAPITAL AND MOST DESIRABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE, With the Messuage, Garden, Barns, Stables, and other requisite Farm- buildings, several rich and highly valuable Pieces or Parcels of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture GROUND thereto belonging, which together contain 164A. 2R. 36P. or thereabout, 7? acres of which are in Pasture or Meadow. This Estate is situate near a good turnpike- road leading from Glocester to Hereford, in a most delight- fill and healthy part of Glocestershire, distant about seven miles from Glocester, 11 from Ledbury, 16 from Cheltenham, and three from Newent, at which place there is a Spa equal to the best Cheltenham water. This Farm is capable of great improvement, is well planted with fruit trees, and is now let at a low tent to a tenant who will quit 011 Candlemas day 1813. Also to be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, a most valuable and compact FREEHOLD RYELAND FARM, Comprising a substantial Messuage, with a Garden, and good and well- built Barns, Stables and other neces- sary Farm- buildings, and about 218A. lR. 32P. or thereabouts, of tine rich, healthy, Arable, Meadow, a nil Pasture LAND, together with about 14A. lR. 3P. of Coppice, well stored and now fit to cut. The soil of this Estate is equal to the best Ryeland of Herefordshire or Gloeestershire, sound and good for Sheep and Turnip Husbandry, is in good cultiva- tion, but still capable of great improvement, is well planted with fruit trees, and the present tenant, wiio now holds at a low rent, will quit onCandlemas day, l 813. This Farm is situated about nine miles from Led- bmy, eight from Glocester, 17 from Cheltenham, and two from Newent. Forftirther particulars, and to treat for the purchase, apply to Mr. Hartland, Solicitor, Newent. ( One Concern.) TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS. WHEREAS RICHARD EDGECUMBE, late of Tewkesbury, in this county, joiner and ca- binet- maker, deceased, did, by deed of assignment, bearing date the 8th of June last, make over to Willi- am Price and George Hale, of this city, timber- mer- chants, his estate and effects, in trust, for the. benefit of his creditors; all persons who have any claim or de- mand 011 the aforesaid estate, are requested to trans- mit. statements thereof to William Price cr George Hale, in order that the same may be adjusted : and all persons indebted to the aforesaid estate, are requested immediately to pay the same to William Price or George Hale, who, by virtue of the said deed, are du- ly authorised to receive the same. To Cabinet- makers, Upholsterers, Joiners, Ironmongers, Painters, and Dealers in general. TEWKESBURY, GLOCESTERSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Mr. CREED, ( Under a deed of assignment.) on Monday, the 5th day of August, .1811, and following days, till the whole is disposed of ';— All the large and valuable STOCK of TIMBER, CABINET and UPHOLSTERY GOODS, CABINET BRASS WORK, IRON- MONGERY, PAINTS, & c. of Mr. RICHARD EDGE- CUMBE, deceased ; consisting of three logs of mahoga- ny, a large assortment of mahogany; English and Ri- ga. oak; elm, ash, pine, pear- tree, and beech boards; oak and elm single and double quarter, sundry blocks of oak; English pine and elm ; 4" sets of bedstead stuff; 350 deals ; and about 3000 feet of prime veneer. Two hundred and sixty yards of stair carpeting, 300 yards of floor carpeting, three new floor carpets, 12 pair of Brussels and Scotch bedside carpets, 10 handsome hearth- rugs, 50 yards of painted floor cloth, 150 yards of hair seating, seven pieces of bed- furniture, six pieces of moreen, three pieces of dyed calico, nine gross of bed- lace, several gross of fringe lines and tas- sels, 470 pieces of paper for rooms, and about 100 pieces of bordering. A large stock of cabinet brass work, and ironmongery goods of all descriptions; ca- binet and joiner's new tools; painter's colours, oils, varnish, ai. d turpentine. New four- post, tent, and stump bedsteads, with new cotton and moreen hang- ings, new feather and flock beds, mattrasses, 15 pair of capital new blankets, and so bed- rugs and counter- panes. Eighty- seven swing and dressing- box glasses, 12 pier ditto, and 60 shaving ditto; several sets of new mahogany, walnut, and Upton chairs; dining, tea, and dressing- tables; nine portable desks complete ; > 5 handsome tea- chests of various wood ; two complete cellarets; 30 mahogany oval tea- trays, four pair ot ma-- hogany carved bed- posts, 40 pairof gilt picture frames, 13 bed- sackings, 60 yards of ditto, 23 sets of new bed- rods, with numerous other articles too tedious to insert. The sale to commence each morning at ten o'clock; the timber will be sold the two first days. N. B. The whole will be sold without the least re- serve. Glocester, July 3, 1811. ( One Concern.) Glocestershire Freeholds. Under aDeed of Assignment for the benefit of Creditors. - TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY 1 JOHN THOMAS, On Monday, the 5th day of August, 1811, at Twining Fleet Inn, in the parish of Twining, between the hours oT four and six o'clock in the afternoon; Two new- built MESSUAGES OR TENEMENTS, With timber yard, work- shop, sheds, and three- quarters ofan acre of excellent GARDEN GROUND, situate iu the parish of Twining aforesaid, in the occu- pation of Mr. William Ellt and Mr. Thomas Twining. The above Premises are pleasantly situated, com- manding au exlensive view of the Malvern and Bredon Hills, and mav at a moderate expence be made a com- fortable residence for a small genteel family; ate 1 is- tant from Tewkesbury two miles ; eleven from Mal- vern and Cheltenham; four from Upton- upon- Severn ; and seven from Pershore, If more convenient, the purchaser may be accommo- dated with a considerable part of the purchase- money. (£ j= T''(> r a view, apply to Mr. Weaver, Builder, Twining; and for further particulars, to Mr. Sandi- lands, Solicitor, or the Auctioneer, both of Tewkesbury. Whereas the above- named William Ellt, of Twining, in the comity of Glocester, Wheelwright, hath by indenture of lease and release tearing date tl. e 28th and 29th days of June last past,' assigned over all his real and personal Estate and Effects to us, the undersigned, William Weaver, of Twining aforesaid, Capenter and Joiner, and John Thomas, of Tewkes- bury, Auctioneer, both in the county of Glocester, in trust for the benefit of such of his creditors who shall come in and execute the deed of Conveyanceand assign- ment within the space of two calendar months from the date thereof:— Notice is therefore hereby given, that thesaid deed is deposited at the office of Mr. Sandi- lands, Solicitor, Tewkesbury, for the purpose of receiving the signatures of the creditors of the said William Ellt; and such creditors as shall omit to sign thesaid deed within the space of two calendar months from the 29th June, 1811, will be excluded the bene- fit of the said instrument.— All persons who stood in- debted to the abeve- uamed Win. Ellt on the 29th of June last past, are desired to pay their respective debts to us without delay, or thev will be sued for the same. WILLIAM WEAVER. ( Om- Concern.) JOHN THOMAS. HEREFORDSHIRE. Bordering on Worcestershire, and within nine miles ef the city of Worcester. AVERA'desirable and highly- improvcablc FREE- HOLD ESTATE, ( except a small part, which is Copyhold of Inheritance) with earlv possession WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY W. HANDY; Comprising upwards of 300 Acres of extreme rich Meadow, Pasture, A rable, Coppice aud HopGroimd, with one of the best Plantations of Fruit Trees in the two counties; known bv the name of the HALFH END, situate in the parish of Cradlev, now 111 the occupation of Mr. Thomas Rascter, the Proprietor. Time and Place of Sale will be inserted in afuture Paper; in the mean time particulars may he known by applying to the Proprietor, on the Premises; Messrs. Long and Beale, Solicitors, Uptnn- uwinl Severn; or tbe Auctioneer, Worcester, who has a Map oflbu said Estate. Capital Freehold Estate for Sale BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY IF. HANDY, T° At the White Lion Inn, Stratford- upon- Avon, on Wednesday, the 4th day of September, 181J, at'four o'clock in tiie afternoou, ( subject to conditions then to be produced);— A capital Freehold Tytke Free Estate, Called BROUGHTON, situate in the parish of Whit- church, in the county of Warwick, comprising a good House, part newly erected, with all necessary'" offices and Outbuildings, anil 252 £ es of Grazing," Meadow' Arable LAND, and ORCHARDING, part of the la t. T improving young Trees, and the rest now in full bearing, the whole lying witlnn a ring fenee, and divided into suitable inclosures by thriving quirk hedges with an abundant quantity of excellent Elm TimWgrowiii<* thereon. Broughton is a manor of itself, in a fine sporting country, Lord Middlefon's ( late John Cor- bett's, Esq.) justly celebrated f'nx hounds and several packs of harriers, being kept in the immediate neigh- bourhood; is distant only five miles from Stratford aforesaid, ShipMon- npon- Stour, and C- mipden, thi;„ teen from Warwick, and t ui from Evesham.' The stage conches from Birmingham to London, passing v\ ithin a mile of the house. Possession may bo had . fc Micin el as next, and half or more of the purchase* inoiiex, if required, may remain on mortgage of the premises for ten years certain. The Purchaser or his Tenant may be accomodated by taking to the Crop* and Fodder at a fair valuation. For a view, apply to Mr. Robert Evans, on the premises; and for further information and particulars, to Mr. Thomas Evans Priory, Deerhurst, near Tewkesbury- Mr. Thomas Evans, Thomas Price, Attorney, or the Auctioneer, all of Worcester; with cither of whom a Map of the Estate mav he seen. N. B. Parochial Rates remarkably low. CAUTION * Against unlawfully sending, carrying, and con vening Letters. GENERAL POST- OFFICE. By the Act of the I'M GrC. III. 8t. IT is Enacted, that no person whatsoever shall send, OR CAUSE To BE SENT, or tender or deliver in order to be sent, otherwise than by the Post, or bv the authority of the Postmaster- General or bis Depu- ties, or to the neatest or most convenient Post Town to be from thence forwarded by the Post, auv Letters' 011 pain of forfeiting for every offence 51. to be reco- vered with Costs by my person who- will inform and sue in any Court of Record at Westminster— one moiety to the King, and tbe other to the Informer. Under this Law a Person carrying a Letter mav in- form against a person sending one. There is an exception in the Act as to Letters which concern Goods sent by Common Carriers, so as they are sent with and for the purpose of being deli- vered with thegoods withozt hire, reward, or advantage for receiving or delivering. Carriers, Masters of Stage Coaches, Coachmen, Owners, Masters or Commanders of Vessels, or Pas- sengers, Watermen and Bargemen, are liable to the penalty ot 51. besides Costs, for every letter which they shall receive, carry, or deliver, even without hire or reward.— And to a penalty of tool, for every week that such practice shall be continued -. and these penal- ties may be sued for by any person who will inform. The Postmaster- General hereby give Notice, that all persons acting contrary to Law will be proceeded against with t , e utmost severity, and due encourage- ment will be afforded to persons wlio shall give infor- mation. By command of his Majesty's Postmaster- General FRANCIS F REELING, Secretary. MINTY INCLOSURE. " ™ WE, the undersigned, fhe Commissioners nameil in the Act of Parliament passed in the 5lst year of the reigu of his present Majesty, for Inclosing Lands in the parish of Mintv, in the county of Gloces- ter, in pursuance of the powers vested in 11s bv the said Act, and also by a ccrtain other Act of Parlia- ment passed in the 41st year of fhe reign of his said Majesty, for consolidating in one ct certain provi- sions usually inserted in Acts of Inclosnre, and for other purposes, DO HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, that our first Meeting for carrying the said Acts jntn execut on, will be held at the Fleece Inn, in Cirencester, on Monday, the 5th day of August next, at eleven o'clock iu the forenoon, at which Meeting it is intended to appoint a Banker, to whom all monies to be raised under the said Acts, shall from time to tinip be paid aud deposited; and the Proprietors of Lands and Hereditaments with- in the said parish, are requested at the same Meeting to deliverin tneir respective claims in writing.— Dated this 16th day of July, 1811. JOHN EDMONDS. ROBT. WRIGHT HALL. SOUTH CERNE V iiNCL T^ TT TI7- E, the undersigned, the Co" missicners ap- VV pointed in the Act of Parliaine t passed in the 48th year of the reign of his present Majesty, for In- closing Lands in the parish of South Ceruey, in the county of Glocester, DO HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, that our next Meeting will be held at the Fleece Inn, ia Cirencester, ou Monday, the 5lh day of August next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, for the pur- pose of reading over and settling the Draft of onr Award, and for other purposes relating to the said Ii> closure.— Dated thei7th dav of July, 1811. JOHN EDMONDS. ROBT. WRIGHT HALL. OVERBURY ENCLOSURE. ~~ NOTICE is hereby given, that all Persons and Bodies Corporate or Politic who have or claim any Common or other lights to or in any of the Lands or Grounds directed tnfbe divided and inclosed by vir- tue ofan Act of Parliament, intituled" An Act for I « - " closing Lands in the parish ofOverbnry, in the. couu- " ty of Worcester," are jeqtiired to deliver, or cause to be delivered to the Commissioners ( appointed by virtue of the said Act) or one of them, upon Monday, the 19th day of August next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, at the Swan Inn, in Tewkesbury, in the county of Glncester, an Account or Schedule in writ- ing, signed by them, or their respective Husbands, Guardians, Trustees, Committees, or Agents, of sucli their respective rights or claims, and therein describe the Lands and Grounds, and the respective Mtssnagen Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments in respect whereof they shall respectively claim to be entitled to any, and which ot such rights in and upon the same or any part thereof, with the name or names of the Per- son or Persons then in file actual possession thereof", and the particular computed quantities of the same respectively, and of what nature and extent such right is; and also in what rights, and for what Estates and Interests they claim the same respectively, distinguish- ing the Freehold from the Copjjhokl or Leasehold, and describing such parts thereof as are held under Settle - ment; or on non- compliance therewith, every one of them making default therein will, as far only as res- pects any claim so neglected to be delivered, be total- ly barred and excluded of and IV 111 all right and title, in and upon such Lands so to be divided respectively, and of and from all benefit and advantage m or to any share or allotment thereof. Dated this 17th day of July, 1311, THOS. BLAYNEY AND WM. LAW PHELPS, Clerks to the Commissioners, SATURDAY'S POST. LONDON, THURSDAY, AUG. 1. r— PRICE OF S TOCKS THIS DAY. 5 per Cent. Cons, tor nion. G2jl— Do. foracc. 62J£ Navy 5per Cent. 94j.— Omnium dis. Heduced 625— 4 per Cent. 79Jf. Ex. Bills ( 3< l.) is. dis. to 2s. pre. Bonds lis. to 12s. pre. THE KING. IT has become an uniform duty, week after week, for n-. to report the melancholy situation of onr afflicted Sovereign; but we rejoice to say that fie bulletins ot this- week furnish some faint hopes ofhis amendment; they are as follow: July 26. His Majesty continues nearly in the same state.— July v7. His Majesty is no better to- day.-- J « ! y28. His Majesty is neurit as be was yesterday.— July 29. Tbe King has hail several hours sleep in the course of the night. The swnptoms of his Majesty's disorder arc much the same.— July 30. The King has passed another good night; in other respects his Ma- jesty remains the same.— July 31. 1 he general fea- tures of the King's disorder continue much the same, buthis Majesty's strength is improved.— Aug. X. There is no alteration in his Majesty's state since yesterday. Tbe bulletins since Monday have been favourable, and the sleep and food his Majesty has taken, have g. vcn him some increase of strength. It is said, too, that his Majesty has been able to take a short walk in his apartments. The following are extracts from the most respect- able papers of to- day : — " We had the pleasure, last night, to learn, that a material improvement has taken place in His Majesty's health. His appetite has returned ; and his strength from this circumstance, and from the greater portion of sleep he has lately had, lias very considerably in- creased."— Times. " The accounts of last night stated his Majesty to he in a tranquil state, and that his spirits as well as his bodilv strength had been somewhat improved. The refreshment, which he has lately been prevailed upon to take, has produced this favourable effect, and some are of opinion that his present state may be considered as indicative of the crisis of Ins disorder having happily passed away.— Amen!"— Morning Past. " We stated yesterday the favourable change that had taken place in bis Majesty's afflicting malady. He eat some solid food on Monday, and in the mom- ins of Tuesday his constitution appeared to have rallied, and he continued more quiet throughout the day. The Physicians now inform us, that, though the bodily strength is improved, the features of the disorder ( a new personification ofthe disease) continue much the same. We hear that they are now convinced there is an effusion on the brain, for experience shews them, that whatever changes his Majesty's bodily frame under- goes, and whatever refreshments he obtains, either by food or sleep, the mental disorder remains nearly the same. With this certain symptom ofthe malady so appa- rent, it is in vain to hope tor his Majesty's restoration to sotmi health, though the strength of his constitution may evenyetprolong his lifefora time."— Morn. Chron. " We trust it will not be long before we shall be furnished with an ample refutation of this statement, relative to an effusion on the brain,— now for the first time communicated to the public."— English Chron. # iocestet\ SATURDAY, AUG. 3. We received this morning some more Paris papers of a recent date, from which we have made the fol- lowing extiact:—" By letters from the Southern De- partments, we learn that the coasting trade is much more safe and active than in former years. We no longer see English ships on the coast, and we begin to send by sea merchandize destined to Leghorn, Naples, & c. The Sicilian craizers dare not approach our coasts. Marseilles keeps up commercial relations with the ports of Barbary, and does something in the levant tratle. The grand fleet is still at Toulon, and performs evolutions. The greatest activity reigns in the docks— uew ships of the line are building. The chief force of the English is near Minorca. There have been but few ships for these two months at Mes- sina. The greater part of the British troops have left . Sicily."— Journal del Empire ) Bonaparte, it appears, is making most extraordi- nary exertions to collect stamen, for manning the ships of war he is fitting out in the ports of France and Holland. Letters from tbe coast of France, dated the 28th, state, that great numbers of foreign seamen had recently been conducted to the different depots prepared for their reception. These men are con- veyed to their destination under escorts of gendar- merie, and are very strongly guarded. The kind of naval conscription which Bonaparte had established, has not been found sufficiently productive to answer his present demands, and he has issued orders to the Hans Towns to furuish immediately, in proportion to their population, a number of men fitted for the naval service. These orders, we understand, have already been carried into execution ill a very rigorous manner at Hamburgh. The French governor of that city, it is said, caused the gates to be shut during thrte suc cessive days, and after sezing every man who had been at sea, and a great proportion of those employed in the navigation of the river, sent them off under a strong guard for Holland. It is supposed that these men are desrined for the fleet in the Scheldt. What excellent crews for the French ships must be obtained by this ransack of seamen from the countries ruined by Bona- parte, aud detesting both him and France! The decree issued by Bonaparte, imposing the pe- nalty of death upon all persons delected in a corres- pondence with Great Britain, and in drawing or ne- giiciatmg bills ot exchange, is done with the view of encouraging the importation of gold coin into France, and of preventing altogether dealings by bills. Thus, persons coining to buy goods in French ports must not pay for them by bills upon London, but must bring specie. Letters have been received from the Carracc. as, dated .->* late as the 2d of June, in which it is stated, *• that the revolution proceeded with every prospect of success in that settlement; that the adjacent pro- vinces were firmly united in thesame cause; that in ail classes the utmost enthusiasm prevailed in its support, and that the wise measures of the established govern- ment bad attracted confidence, invited respect, and enforced obedience." It is reported that Sir James Saumarez has bad on Iioard his fleet for some time, military accoutrements for BO, 000 men. A great number of pursers and warrrant officers beta go nt of employ, in consequence of so many ships having been broken up, the Lords of the Admiralty have very judiciously determined, that no additional warrant officers should be appointed until the whole of the officers now without ships shall be again in ac- tive service. Letters from Dublin state, that the election of dele- fates lo the Catholic Committee had taken place iu several parishes ofthe city, and that the counties were prepureing to return the number of mauagersappointed bv the last aggregate meeting. ' Mr. Hase, on the Stock Exchange this morning, stated, that the Bank had agreed to make all the future payments upon the Omnium till tiie 28tb of February. The China fleet is hourly expected, and that from India about the middle of next month. By a remarkable coincidence of circumstances, it has happened, that four noble Dukes, all the residents of one street, Piccadilly, have died successively with- in so short a period of each other, vis. 1st, the Duke of Portland ; sd, the Duke of Qtieensbnry; 3( 1, the Duke of Grafton; and 4th, the Duke of Devonshire. Mr. Fawkener's death was so sudden, that bis ser- vant had no knowledge of his master's indisposition when he went up at Ills usual honr to dress him, and found that be had just expired. He lias left two daughters, remarkable for their personal and mental accomplishments, to each of whom be has bequeathed a fortune ef 40,0001. one of whom, as report says, is to be united to Lord Walpole, and the other to Mr. H. Cavendish, sou of Lord G. Cavendish.- The office of Clerk ofthe Privy Council, vacant by the death of Mr. Fawkener, is of fhe first importance, and the emoluments of which are estimated at 4,0001. per an- num. No successor to u has yet been named by the Pirnce Regent. CHELTENHAM ARRIVALS. Count Zenobia, Countess of Powis, Lord Ucnnikcr, T. adv Clon- wort, Sir C. Ross, Sir II. Thompson; Lieut.- Cols. Scott, Munro, ainlBryne; Colonels Anion, Dunn, aud Otway; Majors Milling, Gordon, Rauken, Harding, andTyriel; Capl/ iri's Ciar'. ton, Jack- son, Gordon, Mendow, and Lob!); Rev Melsrs. Heinpwurth, Slvtes, Beelv, Fountain, Kirkland, and Blackmail; Mr. and Mrs. Lowell, Leader, Vise, Ross, Davis, Bate, Brown, Petherick, Blan- dy, Skatelv, Ingram, looes, Vere, Gale, Christophine, and Lee; Messrs Duncan, Ansell, Reede, Uuiler, Putten, llane, Criichett, Brooinefield, Parish, Hall, Millateman, Somers, Halford, Sober, Trial, Brian, Villan, Birr, Bennet, Turiillt, Potter, Nobury, Kelly, Ilatherell, smith, Maakary, Langdon, Pant, Ingram, Roberson, Hanison, Stannard. Gale, Singleton, Rani, O'Connor, Bernose, Leiliurd, Joseph. Lewis, Walhnan, Carmirliall, Mackay, Baker, and Bate j Mi presses Sutton, Cowan, Lewis, Anneslcy, Wood- house, , Riekard;, V khan, Reilly, Loelcet, Belcombe, Dawson, Sbendon, Oliver, Redout, Fisher, Surman, Loyd, Cooke, DeWl- nat, Tavlor, Irwin, Franco, Oinsans, Clayton, Matthison, and Styles; . Misses lliniey, Clicllingworth, Goodon, Charlton, liroad- stock, Kirkland, Davis, Johnson, Stratum, Jones, Maxwell, Jackson. Lewis, Magen, Patrickson, Muland, Sliarpe, Tyndall, Matthews, Gower, Dickenson, &* c. The Rev. John Goldesbrougii, B. D. Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, has been presented by the President and Fellows ot that Society, to the Rectory of Slymbridge, in this county, void by tbe death of the Rev. C. Walker. Wednesday, Mr. Davy, of Trinity College, and Mr. Charles Hellicar, of Eton, eldest son of Joseph Hellicar, Esq. of Bristol, were elected demies of Magdalen College, Oxford. There were two vacancies, and 28 candidates.— Rev. Mr. Hutchins was, same day, electcd Probationer Fellow of the same society. On Thursday last was married, at Blockley, Wor- cestershire, by the Rev. Thos Jee, vicar of ' l'haxted, Rich. Jce, Esq. of Hartshill, in the county of War- wick, to Miss E. Roberts, only daughter of Thomas Roberts, Gent, of Paxford, near Cainpden, in this county. Oil Monday last was married, at Moreton- in Marsh, in this county, Mr. Wm. Bishop, of Chuselton, in the county of Oxford, to Miss Elizabeth Taylor, ofMore- ton- iu- Marsli. Lately died, at Rendcomb, in this county, W. George, Esr}. universally and most deservedly regretted by all who enjoyed his society. On Monday last died, in the 84th year of her age, Mrs. Sarah Harris, of theSouthgate- street, in thiseity. Lately died, after a long and painful illness, Mr. Clias. Beak, of South Farm, near Fairford, in this county. He has Itft behind him an unblemished reputation ; anil his death will be long lamented by a verv numerous family. On Wednesday died, aged 57, Mr. Jacob Sturge, of Westbtiry- upon- Tryin, in this county. Last week died, in her 44th year, much esteemed and regretted, Mrs. Moore, relict of Mr. Charles Moore, of Tewkesbury. She retired to betl the pre- ceding night in perfect health, and in tilt; morning was found a corpse by the side of one of her children! sur- viving her husband scarcely nine months. On Saturday morning died, at the advanced age of 81, after an illness of only three hours, Miss Hay ward, of Tewkesbury. A few days since died, the wonderful Mrs. Anne Moore ( the fasting woman), of Tedbury, Stafford- shire, who existed four years without eating, and nearly three years without drinking even so much as a glass of water: she was 50 years of age. Sunday the annual sermon for the benefit ofthe In- firmary, was preached at tbe Cathedral, in this city, by the Rev. Dr. Hall, one of the Prebendaries, who, from Luke ix. 2, delivered an excellent and highly appropriate discourse. The collection at the doors, in aid of the charity, amounted to about 351. The Treasurers of our Infirmary have received 501. for the use of the charity, being a legacy from Sirs. Jackson, ofSneed Park, in this county. A gentleman of this city, who is a Proprietor of the Bank of England, has received a letter from the Governor, stating, that as soon as an adequate supply could be obtained from tbe mint, this place would be amply furnished with the new silver tokens; so that there is very little doubt but the hoards of small silver will soon re- appear, especially as the late Act of Par- liament prevents it being sold at a premium. There will be an Election to a Scholarship at Cor- pus Christi College, Oxford, ou Friday the 18th of October next. Natives of this county, between the age of 12 and 19, are eligible. The candidates will be required to attend for examination on Saturday tbe 12th, and at the same time to produce certificates of age. Last week, a numerous and respectable body of freeholdeis in Stroud, and its vicinity, met the cham- pion of their independence, Sir 15. W. Guise, Bart, at dinner, at the George Inn, in that town, Sir Samuel Watlien in tbe chair. Many loyal and constitutional toasts were given; and the healths of those gentlemen who had supported the worthy Baronet were drank with enthusiasm. The company remained till a late hour, and the meeting was enlivened by a variety of appropriate songs. The influence of the sun upon the wheat has been very perceptible within the last few days. The crops are every where most promising, both in quantity and quality. POPULATION.— The following are the returns ofthe number of inhabitants in the different parishes of this city, delivered to the Magistrates at the late ses- sions, as directed by the Population Act: Males. Females. Total. . 332 503 835 St. John Baptist. 490 6' J9 1119 St. Owen 191 155 316 Parishes. St. Mary de Crypt.. St. Mary de Lode. Holy Trinity St. Nicholas St. Catherine St. Aldate St. Mary de Grace St. Michael 278 419 697 257 370 627 931 1074 2005 374 432 806 288 312 600 121 148 269 383 494 877 3645 4536 8181 General Lyman, the American Consul, has been for sometime past at Cheltenham, trying the waters and air for the recovery of his health. The daughter of Lucien Bondparte, we are informed from respectable authority, is shortly to be married to a Mr. Charlton, a young man of 24 years, and possess- ing a considerable landed property. The fair foreign- er is very handsome, and very highly spoken of. Mr. Charlton is of. the family of the Lechmeres. The match is approved of by all parties, and promises to prove a happy one. By the exertions ot the Committee of the Worcester Severn Associasion, informations have been lodged against several persons for fishing with unlawful nets, one of which has been seized. On Saturday, John and Betty Sadler were commit- ted to our county gaol, by John Timbrel), Clerk, charged with breaking open the workshop of Moses Sexty, at Greet, and stealing therefrom sundry pieces of timber. Elizabeth Harris, of Ross, has been committed to Hereford goal, for trial at the next sessions, as a vaga- bond. This woman practised tbe calling of what is vulgarly termed a " Fortune Teller;" and much praise is due to the Magistrates of Ross, for tiie effectual manner in which they have put a stop to her imposi- tion. Thesfollowing melancholy accidents happened at Tewkesbury last week :— Oil Wednesday, a little girl was killed by her brother, who took up a gun, not knowing it was loaded, and discharged the contents into her head.— And on the following day, a barge- man, named Walsh, on going on board the vessel to which he belonged, after being out all night, aud it is supposed somewhat intoxicated, fell overboard and was drowned. Coroner's verdict in both cases, acci- dental death.• A few days since Michael Lynch, a private in the 30th reg. foot, stabbed Mr. Edw, Gadsby, the land- lord of the Green Dragon, Dei by, in the low er part of his belly, in so shocking a manner as to occasion his death. Lynch, with some of his comrades, had been engaged in an affray in the street? some time be- fore, and returning to Ins quarters with his drawn bayonet, he plunged it into the body of the deceased without any provocation. Mr. Gadsby has left four young helpless orphan , his wife having died about a year ago. Lynch is committed to the county gaol. About two o'clock, on Saturday morning, an alarm- ing fire broke out in the soap and candle loft of Messrs. Brown and Kibble, chandlers, Ross. The flames raged with such fury as to threaten Ihe destruc- tion of a whole row of houses ; but by the spirited exertions of the inhabitants, aided by two excellent engines, the fire was happily got under, after the workshop was burnt down, and considerable damage done to the dwelling- house and another adjoining. The premises were fortunately insured. CAUTION.— We are requested to insert the follow- ing extract from 32d Geo. 3d, c. 45, sec. 8— where " It is enacted, that if it shall be made appear to any two Justices that any poor person shall not use proper means to get employment, or if lie is able to work, by his neglect of work, or by spending his money in an alehouse, or places of bad repute, or in any other im- proper manner, aud shall not apply a proper propor- tion of money earned by him towards tbe support of bis wife and family, by which they or any of tliein shall become chargeable to their parish— he shall be considered as an idle and disorderly person, and punished accordingly by the said Act." Excessive Drinking.— Tuesday, John Sadler, la- bourer, of Wotton- mider- Edge, after drinking three pints of gin at one public- house, went to another; where boasting of his prowess in drinking whilst a soldier, he made a bet with a person in the house, that he would drink a quart of gin ill an hour! The liquor being brought iu, he took off the half of it at one draught, and soon after finished the remainder with as little ceremony ! He then boasted of the feat, and the instant afterwards fell down, and expired! ASSIZES. Oil Wednesday evening tbe Commission of Assize was opened in this city, by Mr. Justice Lawrence and Mr. Justice Le Blanc, and on the following morning their Lordships attended divine service in the Cathe- dral; after which the busines of the assize commenced, when the following prisoners took their trials, viz.: James Stratford, for breaking open the honse of Thomas Tombs, of . Kempsford, and stealing there- from sundry articles of wearing apparel, & c.; John alias Janics Thomas, for a burglary in tbe house of Mr. Jennings, the Beil Inn, Cheltenham, and stealing a quantity of plate and other articles; Ann Hillier, for breaking into the dwelling- house of John Carter, of Wapley and Codrington, and stealing therefrom 51. 16s. fid. in gold and silver; and Mary Price, for a burglary in tbe house of John Thomas, of Westbury- npon- Trym, and stealing therefrom sundry articles of plate, Sec. were severally found gniltv, and received sentence of death. Martha Jakes, charged with aid- ing and assisting Edward Hill in assaulting Maria Preene, with intent to commit a rape; John Loveridge, charged with stealing timber at Tytheiington ; and Hetty Sadler, charged with breaking open the work- shop of Moses Sextv, of Greet, were found not guilty. Against IVilliam Glover, Eli:. Stratford, Catherine Brookes, Mary Newman, antl John Sadler, no bills were found. And Mary' Ludlow, was discharged by proclamation. The city calendar contained the name of but one prisoner, Mary Edwards, aged 16, who was found guilty of stealing a shawl and a muslin handkerchief, the property of Thos. Wiltshire, and sentenced to be imprisoned six months, and kept to hard labour. At these assizes yesterday, the cause ofWhittick versus Hogg, Esq. was tried before the Hon. Mr. Justice Lawrence, for a breach of promise of marriage, iu which a verdict was obtained for defendant, to the satisfaction of a crowded Court.— Mr. Daiincey's speech, for the defendant, was one of the most elo- quent and impressive ever delivered.— He stated that his client was a gentleman of high respectability and fortune, and that he came into Court for the express purpose that it might not be said it was possible a man of his character could have made such promise; and though several offers of compromise had been made him, he very properly rejected them, fully conscious of his own rectitude, possessing the mens s'lbi conscia- recti. At Worcester, Richard Lane, for stealing 21 sheep, and John Jenkins, for house- breaking, received sen- tence of death, but were afterwards reprieved. John Hodge. tts, for coursing the deer of Richard Bourne Charlett, Esq. with intent to kill thWfli; ahtt Francis Ricketts, fnr robbing an out- house, were sentenced to 7 years' transportation. William Baylis, for stealing 5 pigs; Thomas Bayl. s, for stealing money out of a barge at Pershore; and William Parsons, for em- bezzling money, were sentenced to 6 months impri- sonment. Catherine Winwood, for stealing goods out of two shops at Stourport, was sentenced to 5 days' imprisonment, and to be privately whipped. William Yates, for child- stealing, was fonnd guilty, but dis- charged. Twelve, were found not guilty ; and against five no bills were found. GLOCESTER MUSIC- MEETING, 1811. STEWARDS: Right Hon. LORD REDESDALE, JOHN PAUL PAUL, Esq. THOMAS SMITH, Esq. The Very Rev. the DEAN of GLOCESTER, Rev. Mr. LYSONS, Rev. Mr. CLUTTER BUCK. THE MEETING ofthe THREE CHOIRS of GLOCESTER, WORCESTER, and HERE- FORD, for the Benefit of the Widows and Orphans of the Poor Clergy of the Three Dioceses, will be held at GI. OCKSTRR, on TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, and THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, It, and 12, 1811. At the CATHEDRAL, on Tuesday Morning, a SERMON will be preached by the Rev. Mr. I. YSONS, Rector of Rodmarton. In the course of the Service will be performed— Overture, Esther— Dettingen Te Deuni— Anthem, " Lord thou host been our Refuge," with the Duet, " Here shall soft Charity," and Handel's Coronation Anthem. In tlie Evening, at the BOOTIIAI. L, A Grand. Miscellaneous Concert. On Wednesday Morning, at the CATHEDRAL, A Grand Selection of Sacred Music. From the Works of Handel, Haydn, & c. In the Evening, at the BOOTHALL, A Gritnd Miscellaneous Concert. Cheltenham Chapel Anniversary. HPHE TRUSTEES of the NEW CHAPEL in A Cheltenham, respectfully inform the Public that the Second ANNIVERSARY MEETING to com- memorate the Opening of this Chapel, will be holden at Cheltenham, on Tuesday, the 6th day of August, when two Sermons will be preached. One in the forenoon, by the Rev. Rowland Hill, and one in the evening, by the Rev. William Bishop, of Glocester. Divine Service will begin at eleven ill the forenoon, and six in the evening precisely. Cheltenham, July 29, 1811. " GLOCESTERSHIRE. STONEHOUSE SALINE SPA OPENS ON THE Prince Regent's Birth- das/. THE Public are respectfully informed that the above Spa will be opened on Monday, tbe 12th of August instant, with A PUBLIC BREAKFAST. The Water of this Spa, from long experience by numbers of Persons, not only in the middling and lower ranks of life, but of much respectability, having been found extremely beneficial in a variety of cases, the Proprietors are induced to offer it to tbe Public, not doubling but when the superior qualities of it are more generally known, it will become a place of much resort. The pleasant neighbourhood of Stonehonse, and de hghtful Scenery adjacent, with good and level Roads, cannot fail to attract the notice of Visitors. Tickets to be bad at the Libraries in Stroud; the Fleece Inn, at Rodborough ; and at the Spa. Breakfast at ten o'clock; with a Band of Music. August 2, 1811. " ~~ ~ N. VILSH ORI'H. TO be LET,— A convenient newly- built DWEL- LING- IIOUSE, with Garden and small Field adjoining, situate in the preferable part of Nailsworth, late m the occupation of Samuel Jenkins, baker. There is an oven suitable for the business, and as by his removal there is at present no baker in that popu- lous place, a very desirable opportunity presents itself for a person to settle there in that line of business. ~ COLEFORD, JULY 30, 1811. NOTICE is hereby given, That a TOLL- FREE MARKET will be held at COLEFORD, and continued Annually, on tbe FRIIIAY before Die 30th of August, for Horses, Cattle, Sheep, and Pigs, but particularly for SHEEP. As Coleford is situate near the Forest of Dean, and the Gentlemen, Farmers, and Breeders ofSheep, in the Forest and neighbourhood, have pledged them- selves to bring the disposable part of their stock to this Market, it will be well worthy the attention of pur- chasers. BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. THE greatest blemish to Beauty is super- fluous Hairs on the Face, Neck, and Anns. HU- BERT'S ROSEATE POWDER immediately removes them ; is an Elegant article, perfectly innocent, and plea- sant lo use. Price 4s.; or two in one pared rh. Sold by the Proprietor, No. 23, Russell- street, Co- vent Garden, London ; also by D. Walker, at his New Medicine Warehouse, Weslgste- street, and bv Whlttick, Glnccster; Seidell, H'ennev, Huff, and Whittfck, Che! tcnliain; Stevens and Watkins, Cirencester; Wilson, an; Jenner, Stroud; Heath, Monmouth j Roberts, Rossd Reddetl, Tewkesbury; Ai; g, Ev « sham; Tymbs, Wnr- cesltf; Prusscr, fifistol; uu) ty oae jjoinunia every » » o. On Thursday Morning, at the CATHEDRAL, THE MESSIAH. In the Fvenlng, at the BOOTIIALL, A Grand Miscellaneous Concert. Principal Vocal Performers: Madame CATALANI, Mrs. VAUGHAN, Miss FANNY ROSS MELVILLE, Master HOWES, Mr. BKAHAM, Mr. VAUGHAN, Mr. GOSS, Mr. BELLAMY, And Mr. 1JARTLEMAN. Second Edition, corrected and enlarged, of PRACTICAL REAIAKKS and PRECEDENTS of PROCEEDINGS in PARLIAMENT on PRIVATE BILLS ; comprising the Stauding Orders of both Houses to the Prorogation of Parliament, on the 21st day of June, 1810; with it Supplement com- prising the Standing Orders made in Session 1611. By CHARLES THOMAS ELLIS, Parliamentary Agent, of the Inner Temple. London: § old by J. Bntterworth, Fleet- street; W. Clarke and Sons, Portugal- street, Lincoln's Inn; W. Reed, Bell- yard, Temple Bar; and T. Egerton, Whitehall, London. The Supplement is publish d separately. CAUTION. Thames and Severn C. inal. THE Company of Proprietors having suffered much injury front persons BATHING in the Canal, and the neighbourhood having been much dis- turbed by the same, persons exposing themselves inde- cently on their towing- paths and banks; have found it necessary to commence proceedings against the fol- lowing individuals, who having acknowledged their fault, were in consequence suffered to go unpunished. " Whereas we, the undersigned, have been guiitv of 1 indecently aud illegally Bathing in the Thames ani ' Severn Canal Navigation, to tin; injury cf the same, and annoyance of passengers and the inhabitants of " Stroud and its neighbourhood, for which said offence " a prosecution was commenced against us, but in " consideiation of our youth, and our promise of never " committing the same offence, the Company of Pro* " prietors ofthe said Navigation have stopped all far- " titer proceeding." Signed in the presence of me, Charles Hodges, Tythingmau of Stroud, July 29, ml 1. SAMUEL PAUL, FREDERICK RUDGE, FELIX EVANS. This is to give Notice, That tiie Company have given direction to their Agents to prosecute to the utmost, all persons who shall offend in future. By Order of the Committee JOHN R. DENYER, Agent, Brimscombe Port, July 30, 1< M1. Principal Instrumental Performers: Leader of the Band, Mr. F. CRASIER. Messrs. Marshall, G. R. Ashley, Griesbaeli, Mahon, Nicks, Holmes, Loder, Jackson, R. Lindley, C. Lindlev, G. Percival, Boyce, Philpots, Petridcs, Mariotti, Hvdes, Jenkinson, Sic. Sic. Sic. Harpisichord, Mr. KENOE.— Organ, Mr. DARE. And the other parts of tbe Band ( which will be full and complete,) consist of upwards of One Hun- dred Performers- For tbe Chornsses, the Lancashire Women are en gaged ; and in this department they will be assisted b v the best performers from the Choirs of Worcester, Hereford, London, Lichfield, Oxford, Bath, Bris- tol, ice. & c. The whole lo he Conducted by Mr. MUTLOW. (£ j> The Performances to begin each Morning at Eleven, and each Evening at Seven.— Books and Tickets to be had at tbe Booksellers, Gloccster. POWELL, COACH AND HARNESS MAKER, '"" I'MKES the earliest opportunity of returning his _ L grateful thanks to the. Nobility, Gentry, Inn- keepers, Sic. who have honoured him with their fa- vours during his residence at Glocester; and solicits a continuance of the same at Cheltenham, where he now resides, ( having wholly given up his Manufacto- ry in Glocester.) He most respectfully informs the Nobility, Gentry, Visitors, anil Inhabitants of Chel- tenham, and the Public at large, that every branch in the COACH and HARNESS LINE will be car- ried 011 at his Manufactory, Winehcomb- etrcet, where he hopes, by constant assiduity and dispatch, and keeping the best workmen, to merit a continuance of their favours.—— Cheltenham, July 24, 1811. Obe'sOLD by AUCTION, ( in Lots,) some time in the month of August, 1811, ( unless dis- posed of in the mean time bv Private Contract;)— A substantial FREEHOLD MESSUAGE, with Barn, Stables, and other convenient Out- buildings, and se- veral inclosed pieces of rich PASTURE LAND, well planted with Fruit Trees, situate at Westburv- upon- Severn, in tbe county of Glocester. For particulars, apply to Tnomas Okey, Attor- ney, Glocester. UPTON- ST.- LEONARDS, near GLOCESTER. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Mr. READ, O11 Tuesday, the 20th day of August, at the King's Head, at Upton- St.- Leonards, in Lots;— Several very desirable Parcels of FREEHOLD PASTURE and ARABLE LAND, partly inclosed, and in common field, with a Farm House, Barn, and three other Messuages, situate in the parish ofUpton- St.- Leonards, and adjoining the parishes of Brockworth and Matson. For further particulars, apply to Messrs. Wilton, in Glocester, at whose Office a Map of the whole may be seen. Printed particulars of the different lots may be bad on Wednesday, the 7 th instant, at the principal Inns in Glocester, and at the Place of Sale. The sale will commence precisely at one o'clock, 011 account ofthe number of Lots. SALE POSTPONED. ' GLOCESTERSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Mr. PHILLPOTTS, At the Bell Inn, Glocester, on Tuesday, the 27th of August, 1811, ( instead of Tuesday the 6th, as btfore advertised,) at five o'clock in the afternoon, in lots, unless disposed of in tlie mean time by Private Con- tract;— Tbe valuable impropriate REC TORY of the extensi veParish of U PTO N- ST.- LEON A RD' « , with. n about three miles of the city of Gloccster, consisting of theGreatand Small TYTHES, issuing and arising out of the several Tytheable Farms and Lands within that Parish, containing in the whole about 2500 acres. Part of the Premises are holden by lease under tfie Bishop of Glocester, for three good lives, and the re- mainder under the Bishop and Dean and Chapter of Glocester, by two several leases for 21 years. Particulars of the different Lots may be had, by applvingtoMr. Wm. Frankis, at the Parsonage, Upton- St.- Leonard's; or to Messrs. Whitcombe, Griffiths, and Phillpotts, Glocester. GLOCESTER. To Brewers, Maltsters, Publicans, Ire. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, bv Mr. PEACH, On the Premises, on Wednesday, the 7th of August, 181 I, precisely at seven o'clock in the evening, agree- ably to conditions then to be produced;— All that well known and long established INN, called the DOLPHIN, now in full trade, centrically situated in the Upper Northgate- street, in this city.— The HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, STOCK, & C. to be taken to at a fair valuation.— Nothing would have in- duced the present proprietor to decline business, but an ill state of health. N. B. Possession may be had at Christmas next, or sooner if required ; and half the purchase money may remain on the premises. For particulars, enquire of John Hoskins, the Land- lord; or of the Auctioneer, Northgate- street. GLOCESTERSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by 1 If . PEACH, On Thursday, the 8th August, 1811, and the follow- ing days, 011 the premises of Walter Lewis, of Chelten- ham, iu the county of Glocester, Grocer, Dealer and Chapman, a Bankrupt;.- All the STOCK INTRADIi, Household Goods, and Effects of the said Bankrupt, now standing upon tbe said premises. The sale will begin each morning precisely at eleven c'clcck, by order of the Assignee. THOS. GARDNER, Solicitor, Gloceiter, RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR SHOOTING upon the HILLS belong* to His Grace the Duke of BEAUFORT, and ti. e Earl of A HERGAt'ENNY, in the Counties of Breck- nock and Monmouth; for the year 1811. 1. No person will be allowed ft) shuot without leave under the hand Of the Duke of Beaufort, or Lord Aber- gavenny. 2. No person mill be allowed to sport j but in company with one of the keepers. 3. No person will be allowed to kill more than Itvo brace of grouse in one day. 4. Leave given by the Duke of Beallfort to shoot, will not entitle any person to shoot upon the hills belonging to Lord Abergavenny.— Nor will leave given l-. y Lord Abet- guvenny entitle any person to shoot on the Duke cf Beau- fort's hills. 5. No person will he allowed to shoot, but on the days mentioned in the card given for that purpose. 6. Owing to the great scarcity of game, no person will be allowed to sport this year aftkrihe 20f/ i of August. BEAUFORT. London, July 17, J811. ABERGAVENNY. Penalty for sporting without a certificate SOI. Do. for sporting, not being qualified in respcct of property 51, Do. for sporting beforelhe 1of August 51. N. B.— If any Poachers or other Unqualified Persons shult be found trespassing, they will be prosecuted as the law directs; and the person giving information to the Gamekeepers so that the offenders may be convicted, shall receive TtVO GUIS'F. ASreward, over anduboce what is allowed by Att of Parliament. t ' Cf No person will be allowed to hunt for game before the \< Zih of August, for the purpose of breaking dogs, or under any other pretence whatsoever. WORCESTER RACES, lSiT In the Morning of Tuesday, the 13th August, ASWEEPSTAKES of ONE HUNDRED and FORTY GUINEAS, p p. for all ages; two- mile Heats. Sir Thos. Wmnington's br. c. Fourth of June, by Cesario, 4 years old. Lord Foley's hi. f. Black Eyes, by I'aynator, dam by Highflyer, 3 years old. Lord Oxford's Poultou, G years old. Mr. Gordon's b. f. Mnrgiana, by Coriolahus, 4 veal's old. Mr. Benson's b. f. Aiglette, 4 years old. Mr. E. L. Charlton's b. h. Weaver, fi sears old. Hon. W. II. Lyttelton's br. h. Allegro, by Delpini, 4^ ears old. Hon. W. B. Lvgon's b. m. Louisa Maria, 4 years old. Mr. Robarts's b. c. by Diamond, out ofa Precipitate Mare, 4 years old. Colonel Newport's br. f. Plague, by Sir Peter, out of Queen Charlotte, 4 years old. Lord Stamford's b. li. Gustaviis, aged. Mr. Astley's b. m. F. lve, by Sorcerer, 4 years old. Mr. Jenner's O. P. by Hainbletonian, 4 years oid. Mr. It. Jones's Runny- mead, by Coriander, out of Victoria's dam, 4 years old. And in the Afternoon of the same Day, An Entire MAIDEN PLATE of FIFTY POUNDS, forallages, given by A. Robarts, Esq. and W. Gordon, Esq. tbe Members tor the City.— The best of three three- mile Heats. In the Morning of Wednesday. A Gold Cup of 100 Gitineas value, Bv Subscriptions of 10 Guineas each, p. p. ( The Surplus in SpecieJ— One four- mile Heat. Lord Foley's br. h. Hambletonian Jack, by Shuttle, dam by Overton, 5 years old. Lord Oxford's Victoria, 7 years old. -•• Ponlton, 6 years old. Sir Thomas Winnington's br. c. Fourth of June, by Ccsario, 4 years old. Mr. E. L. Charlton's b. h. Weaver, 6 years old. Mr. R. Canning's b. f. Vermin, dam by Alexander, 3 years old. Mr. Gordon's b. m. Louisa Maria, 4 years old. Mr. T. Giliard's br. h. Allegro, by Delpini, 4 years old. Hon. W. H. Lyttleton's b. g. Forest Jack, by Cesario, dam by Sir Peter, 4 years old. Hon. W. B. Lygon's Valantine, 5 years old. Mr. Robart's b. c. Hopeless, ( late Little Jack), by Boaster, 4 years old. Captain Chambers's b. f. Morgiana, by Coriolanus, 4 years old. Lord Deerhurst's r. c. by Lignam, dam by Moorcook, 4 years old. Mr. Benson's gr. h. Lntwiche, 5 years old. Mr. Jenner's 0. P. by Hanibletonian, 4 years old. Mr. Stevenson is a Subscriber but did not name. The LADIES' PLATE of FIFTY POUNDS, for all ages The best of three two- mile Heats. And in the Afternoon of the same Day, The HUNTERS' PURSE ofo£ 50, given bv tbe Hon. W. B. Lygon, and the Hon. W. H. Lyttleton, the Members for the county, with additional private Sub- scriptions of Five Guineas each, Ten Subscribers ; to be run for by Hunters, the property of Freeholders, and proved to have been bred in the county of Wor- cester; ( subject to the Conditions set forth ill the Rac- ing Calender, No. VI. in which the weights and othi r particulars are set forth.)— The best of three four- mi e Heats. And in the Afternoon of Thursday, A HANDICAP SUBSCRIPTION of5 GUINEAS each, to which will be added £ 50, the County and City Subscription.— The best of three three- mile II ats. — The Horses to be named and the Subscript. ons paid to Mr. COBLEY, 101, High- street, Worn ter, by four o'clock in the afternoon of Wednesday, tii; 14th August. EDM. LECIIMERE CHARLTON, Esq. STEWARD. SCBSCP. IPTIONS received by Mr. COELEY, 1O1, High- street, Worcester.— The Horses, & c. for t ie se- veral Plates and the Hunters' Purse, are to be s ev. n and entered at the Unicorn Inn, Worcester, on att r- day, the loth August, between tbe hours of font a . d s « - veri in the afternoon* BERKELEY PEERAGE. MINUTES OF EVIDENCE ( Continued from our last.) MAY 8, 1811. The Lord Walsingham in the Chair. The Order of Adjournment was read. The Minutes of the last Committee were read.— Then Sir Samuel Romillv of Counsel for the Petitioner stated, he would now offer in evidence a deposition made by Parker upon a Bill filed in the Court of Chancery, between the Honourable William Fitzhardinge Ber- keley commonly called Lord Dursley, the Honourable Frederick Maurice Fitzhardinge Berkeley, the Ho- nourable Agustus Fitzhardinge- Berkeley, and the Honourable Francis Henry Fitzhardinge Berkeley, infants, under the aire of twenty- one years, by the Eight Honourable William Lord Craven, their next friend, Plaintiffs ; and Thomas Moreton Fitzhardinge Berkeley, otherwise Thomas Moreton Fitzhardinge Berkeley calling himself Lord Dursley, the Honour- able George Charles Grantley Fitzhardinge Berkeley, infants, by the Riaht Honourable William Lord Grnntiey their guardian; and the Honourable George Cranfield Berkeley, and George' Henry Frederick Berkeley an infant his son, by the said George Cranfield Berkeley his father and guardian, Defend- ants ; antl which Bill was filed for the purpose of per- petuating testimony of the legitimacy of the said infants, Plaintiffs in the said Bill; and being heard to state the grounds upon which he offered the same, as a deposition; Mr. Attorney General on behalf of the Crown was heard in objection to the said deposition, as such, being received in evidence.— Sir Samuel Romilly was beard in reply. The Counsel weredirected to withdraw. The Counsel were again called in, and the Lord Walsingham informed them, that the Committee had resolved that the deposition offered could not be re- ceived in evidence as a deposition. Sir Samuel Romilly next requested permission to call a witness to explain a circumstance spoken to by Mr. Tudor in his evidence on Friday last. Whereupon JOHN HONE was again called in and exa- amined. Are Messrs. Forster, Cooke, and Frcre, the Solici- tors for the claimant in this case? They are.— Arc von a managing clerk of Messrs. Forster, Cooke, and Frere in this business"? I am.— Were yotr present on Friday last, when Mr. Tudor was examined? I was. — Did you hear Mr. Tudor state to their Lordships 1] is having seen some deposition in a cause in the Court of Chancery? I did.— Are you the peison whom lie d( Scribed to have shewn him that document? I am— Be so good as to state to their Lordships what it was that yoy shewed, and which he described to be a deposition? I think it was the day before the Faster Rece son which the Committee last sat, or the first day alter the Easter Recess, I was standing at your Lordships' b. tr, waiting for the Committee sitting; Mr. Tudor was also below the bar: the Counsel were here, and their bags were here with their papers iu them. Mr. Tudor was nndi r an apprehension that he shou d be called that day. Seeing me there he called me aside, and told me that he was net quite certain that he could be precise as to Ihe time of his leaving Glocester and Mr. Parker's; » id he then asked me, if I could shew him what he called the deposition. I knew perfectly well what he meant, it was nothing more than one of the Counsel's briefs, iu which it was • stated his being with Mr. Parker, aud when he had left Mr. Parker: I told him I could. I eame to one of the gentleman's bags, and took out one of the briefs; there were a vast many persons below the bar, I did not think it right to open it there. I went out of the House withliim, and went I think into the Writ- ing Clerk's Room; I then turned to that part wliert it was stated; he looked at it, read it, told me he was satisfied, returned it, and I came into the House and put it into the Counsel's bag again.— Have you at any time shewn him any thing else which he could Ijave mistaken for that deposition? I do not think I ever spoke to Mr. Tudor before. Cross- examined. Have youseenMr. Tudor at Lady Berkeley'shonse ? I think never to the best of my recollection ; I never saw Mr. Tudor at Lady Berkeley's: I think I did not know him except bv name till this Petition was before this House; and that I never sa\ y him till I saw him below your Lordships' bar.— Are you sure you never shewed him any paper of any kind rn the house of Lady Berkeley? Certainly— That paper which you did shew to Mr. Tudor, had you at any time before shewn to Lady Berkeley? Never.— Have you shewn to Lady Berkeley the copy of the deposi- tions taken in the Court of Chancery ? Certainly not; it is impossible I should shew Lady Berkeley copics ofthe depositions.— Papers purporting to be the sub- stance of the depositions ? No, certainly not— Have yotl shewn any paper on the subject of the cause to Lady Berkeley ? I do not know that I have; I cannot say what confidentially may have been entrusted to jne to deliver to Lady Berkeley from those who employ me; but I do not know that I have.— What do yon mean by confidentially entrusted to you? I may have taken some papers sealed up; but I have no knowledge of having taken to Lady Berkeley the depositions or the substance of what the witnesses had stated— You do not know if you ever did carry any papers to Lady Berkeley, what their contents were ? I mean to say this: that it is possible in the course of my going there at various times, that I may have taken papers there, the contents of which I may not have known; but I do not know that I ever did— Do not you know that Lady Berkeley has been made ac- quainted with the result of the enquiries that were fnade subsequent to her first examination in this House, and prior to her cross- examination? I do not know it of my own knowledge.— Have you no reason to believe that to be so? Mr. Moore of Counsel for the Petitioner objected to the question.— The Solicitor General was heard in support ofthe same.— Mr. Meoie was heard in reply. The witness was directed to withdraw— The Counsel were directed to withdraw— The Counsel were again called in. And the Lord Walsingham informed them, that the Committee had resolved that the question could not be put. Then John Hone was again called in, and asked ; You are understood to say you had not had personal and verbal communications with Lady Berkeley upon the subject? Certainly not— Nor were ever present when any were made to Lady Berkeley? None that I recollect.— Have you been present when either of the Solicitors for the Claimant have been in the com- pany of Lady Berkeley since her Ladyship's examin- ation at this bar? Certainly not.— The question is as to her first examination; her examination in chief? I believe not.— Are you sure of that? 1 think I am.— How soon before that, if at all, was it that you had seen either of the gentlemen at Lady Berkeley's? It is father difficult for me to state that.— Was it w ithin a mouth before ? I have been at various limes cer- tainly at Lady Berkeley's— The question is not as to your being at Lady Berkeley's, but when yon saw- either of the gentlemen who are Solicitors for the Claimant, at Lady Berkeley's; how long previous to bet- Ladyship's examination? Perhapsa month before. — Which of them was present at the time you speak of? I have seen both Mr. Forster and Mr. Frere at different times with Lady Berkeley, but at neither of those times, or at any one of those times did tliev ever speak before me on the subject of the examina- tion iu this Hott^ e.— Do you mean to say that you did not hear what passed between them? Certainly not; 1 have not the least hesitation in stating that I never did. I have been there at various times on other business, iu other rooms; I have wanted to speak to Lady Berkeley on other business, but then Lady Berkeley has come out to speak to me, and then I retired.— Mr. Forster has seen Lady Berkeley, and Mr. Frere has also seen her; but they never conversed in my presence on this subject.— That other business you allude to was private business of Lady Berkeley's own ? Not at all relating to the business before this House. lie- examined. Lady Berkeley resides in the house of Lord Berke- ley, and where he resides in London? She does,— The witness was directed to withdraw. Then Mr. Serjeant Best stated to the Committee, that he had no further evidence to offer to the Com- mittee on the part of the Claimant, till the opinion of the Learned Judges was given upon the questions referred to them; the further evidence he proposed to adduce consisting of the several letters written and the declarations made by the late Earl of Berkeley, which he had mentioned in his opening of the case on the part of the Claimant. The Counsel were directed to withdraw. The Learned Judges desiring further time to answer the questions which had been propounded to them . ordered, tliat the Learned Judges do deliver their opinion upon the questions propounded to them, on Monday next. Proposed to adjourn the Committee to Monday next, at two of the clock. Accordingly, adjourned to Monday next, two of the clock. MAY IS, 1811. The Lord Walsingham in the Chair The Order of Adjournment was read. The Minutes ofthe last Committee were read. The Counsel were called iu. Sir Samuel Romilly stated, that he was desirous to put a few questions to the Lord Chief Justice ofthe Common Pleas, npon the subject of his former exa- mination. Whereupon, the Right Honourable the LORD CHIEF JUSTICE of the Common Pleas attending in his place on the Woolsack, was again examined as follows: In tl* evidence which your Lordship gave before, you stated that you ditl not recollect whether, when yotl were first consulted by a lady upon this subject, you did or did not know it was Lady Berkeley. Has your Lordship, since yon were last examined, had occasion to refresh your memory upon that subject? I certainly have endeavoured to recollect every thing that passed when Lady Berkeley first consulted me; and now I have a full impression npon my mind that she did not at first disclose to me who she w as. I should rather think in all probability she did ; but npon considering further I should rather think she- did not.— Does your Lordship recollect what was the subject upon which you were first consulted by Lady Berkeleyj I stated that circumstance to their Lord- ships before, when I was first asked that question, I certainly must have understood it was something re- lating to a second marriage, but I had no recollection of what passed ; but on recollecting the circumstance since, I very clearly remember, and have no doubt that her Ladyship consulted me on the prudence and propriety of a second marriage, with respect to the credibility or validity of that now called the first marriage; and after some conversation had passed respecting the propriety of a future marriage, I re- member now perfectly that Lady Berkeley, in a great degree of agitation, said to me, or exclaimed, " It was already done." That the second marriage had already taken place, or words to that effect; that leads tnc to conclude necessarily that what had been said before related to a future second marriage. — Your Lordship has stated that Lady Berkeley said in great agitation " that was already done f was that after or before your Lordship had given her your opi- nion upon the propriety of a second marriage?! suppose it was after I had given my opinion, from the nature of the thing ; for I perfectly recollect that was the circumstance, that with a great decree of agitation she either said, " Oh Sir, it is already done," or " there has been a second marriage."— Does your Lordship recollect what was the particular question on which your Lordship was consulted respecting the existence of the registry ? No; I do not think that any thing was said to me at that time about the regis- try ; a great deal was said about it two or three times afterwards; and a further conversation about the re- gistry was, when I suggested, and pressed indeed, the propriety of examining very accurately the regis- try; and it was determined upon at my chambers, by Lord Berkeley and Mr. Boodle, that the clergyman, Mr. Carrington, and another person, should be sent dc vvn immediately to Bet keley to search for the registry as accurately as possible.-- Your Lordship is understood to have said, that in the first consultation you had, no mention was made of the existence ofthe registry? I have no recollection that it w- as; I will not say that there was no mention, but I do not recollect particu- larly any thing of that; very likely it might, when the prudence or propriety of a second marriage was talked of; but I cannot say that I have any distinct recollection of it— Then, according to your Lord- ship's recollection, there was one consultation with Latlv Berkeley alone, and, as your Lordship thinks, more than one with Lord Berkeley.— Yes, I think with Lord Berkeley there were several, I cannot tell how many at present, and am not able to say when the last consultation was, though it may be found. When I pressed the necessity of having the registry accurately searched, I should imagine that Lady Berkeley in her conversation stated to me that the re- gistry existed of the first marriage, as a reason why the second marriage had been celebrated; but I have no recollection of it, but from the nature of the thing I can hardly believe but it must have passed.— Has your Lordship any recollection of what was stated when you were first consulted by Lord Berkeley res- pecting the existence of the registry? I think the first thing said to me, and which I suppose was when Lady Berkeley came to me herself, was, that there was no registry of the first marriage, from the nature of the conversation, though I have no particular recol- lection of if.— Is your Lordship to be understood to mean th; C there never had been any registry, or that it was not iu existence? I believe, but I speak hire from a loose recollection, and not any thing certain ; but I believe that the representation made was, that there was no registry existing, certainly I understood that there was no registry existing; but there was nothing said, as well as I recollect, when I first saw- Lady Berkeley, of a registry having existed, but hav- ing been destroyed. Cross- examined. Is your Lordship to be understood that yotl did or did not give any opinion respecting the propriety of a second marriage? I dare say I did, but I do not at all recollect what that opinion was.— Whether it was in favour nf or against it? It was hy word of month.— Your Lordship does not recollect whether it was an opinion in favour of a second marriage or against it? No; but from the exclamation of Lady Berkeley on her speaking to me w ith great agitation; saying it was already done, it is probable that I might have said a second marriage might raise questions respecting the first. Mr. Attorney General being asked if he had any questions to put to the Lord Chief Justice, said he had not. Q. ( By a Lord.) Can your Lordship fix nearly the time when the first conversation took place be- tween your Lordship and Lady Beikeley? No, I cannot; it must have been after the second marriage from the nature of the conversation; and I cannot say that I have any doubt in my own mind ( though I have no particular recollection of it) that at the time 110 existing registry of the first marriage was mention- ed in her conversation with me, and I believe a part ofthe conversation was to the same effect that Mr. Carrington's letter to me was, whether the existence of a first marriage would be destroyed by there being no registry of it— Whether your Lordship was informed that there were any living persons who had been present at the marriage? I believe not; but I must have said I dare say in answer, that if there were any witness, that witness might prove the marriage, and the want of the registry would not invalidate the marriage.— Whether you were ever informed that there had been a registry of the marriage in tiie hand- writing of Lord Berkeley? No, I believe not; the re- gistry was very soon brought up to town, I think in the course of a very few days I saw it— Have you the. means of ascertaining the various dates ofthe consul- tations? I have no means myself, I have desired my clerk to look for ii; bnt the only paper which exists was not within his reach. If there is any trace of its existing he will there find it; I have not under my own care any paper relating to transactions iu busi- ness iu the year 1799, if there is such paper, the per- son who was my clerk may be able to lay his hand upon it. He says there was such a paper, and per- haps in that paper something may be found of the time, not when that consultation with Lady Berke- ley took place, but when the last consultations w ere held.— When tiie registry was brought up did your Lordship see it? Yes; very soon after.— Has your Lordship seen it since? I rather believe I have seen it once since, if not oftener; it is a great while ago. — When your Lordship saw the registry, were you informed that the body of the registry, though not the signature, was in Lord Berkeley's hand- writing? I either was informed of it immediately, or knew of it- very shortly after; I fancy as soon as it was brought up; in a very few days after the search I saw it; and then I think I understood that the body of the re- gistry was the writing of Lord Berkeley. The Coun- sel were directed to withdraw. The Committee ad- journed during pleasure. The Committee was again resumed. The Counsel were again called iu; and the Lord Walsingham in- formed them, that the Committee had resolved that the deposition ofthe Earl of Beikeley, offered in evi- dence on the Sd of May last, as a declaration, could not be received. Then Mr. Serjeant Best, of Cottnsel for the Peti- tioner, informed the Committee, that lie felt it his duty to state, that the remaining evidence he propos- ed to offer, consisted of two letters, written by the late Earl of Berkeley, one to a Peer of this House, the other to the Prince Regent; though he could not state that the matter in question was not in dispute previous to either of those, letters being written. There were also several declarations made by the late Earl of Berkeley at different times to his Royal High- ness the Prince Regent, though he was not certain that any of them w ere made previous to the discussion which took place in this House in theyear 1799. If that proceeding should be considered as a sufficient agitation of the matter now in question to affect the evidence he so had to offer, he could only bow w ith submission to the tleci- ion of the House; buf if it should be thought ailmissable, he was ready to produce it in any manner the House in their wisdom might think proper to adopt on the occasion. Mr. Solicitor General was heard to object to the evidence, as being precisely of the sam- s nature as that which the House had just decided could not Vie re- ceived. The Counsel were directed to withdraw. Moved fo resolve, That the evidence now offered on behalf of the Petitioner cannot be received, The same was agreed to and ordered accordingly. The Counsel were called in, and informed by the Lord Walsingham, that the evidence now offend on behalf of the Petitioner cannot be received. The Counsel were directed to withdraw. Proposed to adjourn this Committee to Wednesday next, at half- past two o'clock. Accordingly, adjourned to Wed- nesday next at half- past two o'clock, MAY 15, 1811. The Loyd Walsingham in Ihe Chair. The Clrtjcr of Adjournment was read. The Minutes of the last Committee were read. The Counsel were called in. *„ Then Sir Samuel Romilly as Counsel for the Peti- tioner, stated, that he had been given to understand that it was the desire of their Lordships that, previous to his summing up the evidence on the part of the Claimant, the several registries of the parish of Berke- ley, which had been ordered to be brought before their Lordships, should be produced. Whereupon the Reverend CALEB CARRINGTON was again called in, and producing fire books, icas examin- ed as follows: Q. ( By a Lord.) What books have yotl there ? These are all the registry books of the parish of Ber- keley which ever came into my custody, with the ex- ception of two. Those tw o books were delivered by me in the year 1799, to a Committee of this House, and not returned. No. 1. Register of the parish of Berkeley, containing Christenings from 1676 to 1707. Marriages from 1677 to 1707. Burials from 1676 to 1707. No. 2. Christenings from 1.707 to 1757. Marriages from 1707 to 1757. Burials from 1707 to 1757. No. S. Christenings from 1757 to 1787. Burials, from 1757 to 1787. Christenings from 1787 to the present time. Burials from 1787 to the present time. Banns from 1790 to 1801. Marriages from 1790 to 1801. " What do you know ofthe death of Mr. Htipsnian? I only know by hearsay. I believe it is tolerably au- thentic. Some time after I heard he was tlead, I applied for information upon the subject to an office for the assurance of livt s, in which I had understood his life had been insured. I have been vicar so many years that I have no doubt of his being dead. I suc- ceeded to him.— Where did yon apply for information? It was at the Equitable Assurance Office, Blackfriars Bridge.— Do yon know of any proof of his death laid before the Bishop of Glocester, before yon were pre- sented to the living ? I laid no proof before him.— Do you know of any fact connected with his death or in- terment? I do not,— Has he a widow living? I be- lieve he has.— Do you know where she resides? She resided at Bath the last time I heard. Then the book of the registry of" banns and mar- riages produced in the year 1799, was shewn to the witness and he was asked ; Look at the registry of the years 1783 and 178- 1, and state if you know whose hand- writing the several entries in pages 8 and 9 are ? I do not. I believe they are all of one hand- writing, but! do not know of whom.— Look at that at the bottom of page 9. Is that the same hand writing as the others? I think that is rather doubtful; I should apprehend that was not the same hand- writing.— Yon cannot form any belief whose hand- writing it is? I cannot.— Is there any other book containing a regis- try of banns at that time besides that which is now shewn you ? I do not understand the question.— Is there any other book containing a registry of banns published at that time ( 1783 and 1784) except that ? To the best of my know ledge there is not.— None of these are subscribed by the minister, was that the practice in the parish of Berkeley? At present they are not subscribed by myself; most likely these were written by the clerk.— Who was clerk when you succeeded to the vicarage of Berkeley? The clerk de facto was Henry Clarke, the officiating mail.— Was there any other person who was appointed chhk at that time ? I believe not; not regularly appointed at that time.— Do yon know how long Henry Clarke had been officiating clerk? No, I do not.— Was John Clarke ever officiating clerk ? I do not recollect ever to have seen hirn officiate.— Did you ever see him write ? I think I have.— Do you believe any of these entries in pages 8 and 9 to be his hand- writing? I cannot positively say, but I think they are; if any are not, No. 45, in page 9, I should think is not his ha., i- writing; it appeals manifestly to me to bt of a No. 4. No. different hand- writing— Do yon think that ( No. 45.) is Mr. Hupsman's hand- writing? I cannot say; Mr. Hupsman's band- writing varied at different times very much.— Did you know Mr. Thomas Hicks, who ap- pears to have sometimes officiated as curate ? I did not. — Then the registry ofbnrials in the parish cfBcrkc- ley, in the year 1810, this day delivered in, was shewn to the witness, and he was asked, Can you inform the Committee whose hand- writing these two words, " Frederick Augustus," are; it has been written the Right Honourable the Earl of Berkeley, and there are then inserted the words Frederick Augustus," in whose hand- writing are those two words ? I know not.— Do you mean to swear that you do not know whase hand- writing these two words are? Certainly I do.— Then the book ot banns, delivered in the year 1799, was shewn to the witness, and he was asked, — Doyoti know whose hand- writing these tw o words, " Frederick Augustus," are? It maybe Mr. Hups- mau's ; but I cannot positively say.— This registry of burials belongs to Berkeley now ? Yes,— Did you bury Lord Berkeley? No.— Were yon present at his funeral? No.— Whose hand- writing is the body of this registry, in which you find these words, " Frede- rick Augustus," interlined ? I should think the clerk's, Henry Clarke.— You see that is a different hand- writing? Certainly.— You see the words, " Frederick Augustus," arc of a different hand- writing ? They are. — Do you mean to say that you cannot form a belief whose hand- writing those words are ? No, I have no conception, not the least.— Whether or no you were instituted to the living of Berkeley on the death, the cession, or the resignation of Mr. Hupsnian ? On the death.— Is he said to have died and been buried at Berkeley? He was buried, I believe, at Cranford.— Whether it is the custom, in the diocese of Glocester, to deliver in transcripts every year of the marriages, births, and burials, at the annual visitation either of the Bishop or the Archdeacon ? I believe it is.— Did you ever trace in the Bishop's registry that transcript of Lord Berkeley's marriage? Never.— The marriage is said to have taken place in the month of March ? I believe it might, the book is here.— Tliffn, probably, as the visitation generally takes place in the month of June or July, that transcript would have been regis- tered in the Bishop's register ? If that registration had been in its proper place, that must have been the ease, but being concealed, it probably could not be transcribed, the- transcriber of the book could not have seen it.— As you have not seen that registry in the Bishop's record, voti do not know w hether that is the fact ? I do not.— Yon are understood in your for- mer examination to have said that Lord Berkeley never mentioned the circumstance of his first marriage to you till the time he v, as making out his return to the income tax; is that a right supposition? Yes.— He never before mentioned to you the circumstance of the first marriage ? No.— When he first mentioned to you that he had been married the first time, did he state that the register had been destroyed, or that the marriage had never been registered ? As far as my memory goes, that the marriage never had been regis- tered.— When did lie first inform you, that in point of fact the marriage had been registered ? About the time of his seeing Mr. Mansfield, the Counsel, in London.-—— When he first mentioned his marriage to yon, was Mr. Hnpsman alive or dead? Mr. Hnps- man was then dead.——- When he first mentioned the marriage ? Yes, when he first mentioned it.— When he told yon that the marriage hail never been registered, did he at the same time inform yon, that there were living witnesses of the marriage ? I do not recollect that he did.— You w ere a subscribing witness to the second marriage? I was.— At the time when you subscribed yourself as a witness to the second marriage you we're aware that Mr. Tudor was the other witness to the second marriage ? I was.— Did Mr. Tudor say or did he not say any thing of his hav- ing been a witness to any other marriage ? I do not recollect his saying any thing upon the subject—- You have said that the time when Lord Berkeley mention- ed the marriage to you first, was, when he was con- sulting Counsellor Mansfield, can you specify the month and year ? It was before he consulted Counsel- lor Mansfield ; it must have been about the beginning of February in the year 1799; it was only a few days before.— In the evidence which you gave in the year 1799 you proved the extract of the registry of the baptism of Thomas Moreton Fihthardinge, and stated at that time that you had compared that extract with the original ; do you now recollect so to have com- pared and proved that extract with the original ? Yes; it was omitted to be registered at. the time of the bap- tism, and was entered afterwards by me as an omis- sion, perhaps if the book is here it would explain it bet- ter.— Then the registry of baptisms in the year 1799 was shewn to the witness, and he said, It follows the bap- tism of the 25th of March 1799. When I was sent to enquire, on account of proving the pedigree, for the registries of different persons of Lord Berkeley's fami- ly, that of the Countess Dowager of Berkeley could not be found; Mr. Lewis the then curate went some where and sot information of the date of it. The baptism of Thomas Moreton Fitzhardinge, who was baptised by myself, had also been omitted to be regis- tered. I at that time having no connection with the parish, and merely acting in the family as chaplain to Lord Berkeley, recollecting the month in which he was baptized but not the day of the month, I made this entry at that time, ill the presence of Mr. Lewis the curate, and with his approbation, which entry is " 1796 omitted, Thomas Moreton Fitzhardinge, Son of the Earl and Countess of Berkeley, born October 19th, 1796 ; was baptized at Berkeley Castle, in De- cember following, by Caleb Carrington, Chaplain to the Earl of Berkeley."— Are yon to be understood that it was in 1799 that yotl made this correction in the re- gistry ? It was in 1799 ; this insertion in the registry is between the 25th of March and the 5th of May follow- ing.— And it was then on the 5th of June, in the same year, that you stated in your evidence, that you had compared the extract with the original ? With this very original.— Which original w as created in the month of May in the same year, is that to be so understood ? I did not know till I saw the books but that Mr. Lewis or some person by the direction of the family had register- ed it at that time, as is usually done where there are private baptisms, when the child is not carried to church, because at such a time the registry is uot in the hand of the officiating clergyman.— It docs not appear in the printed evidence of 1799, that any statement was made in that report of the omission and of the subsequent insertion of this registry ; whe- ther yon did in yonr evidence at the time you deliver- ed in this extract explain that circumstance ? 1 do not know that I did: I should have thought probably, that it. was unnecessary, as the establishment ofthe fast of this person's birth seemed to me to be the whole that was sought after by the enquiry.— Then you did consider this to be a correct and sufficient re- port of the entry, and the circumstance of so recent a correction of the entry not of sufficient importance to be reported? t beg leave to state, that that is not quite correct. This was no correction, for there ne- ver w- as any other entry on the subject.— Are you then to be understood that you did not deem it a material circumstance to state the entry of a baptism to have been made three years after it had taken place ? Cer- tainly, I did think it was not necessary; such omis- sions often happen, and are inserted as soon as they are recollected. The registry of the Countess Dow- ager of Berkeley was in the same situation, never en- tered.— What material circumstance was in existence that brought this registry or the omission of this regis- try to your recollection? I was sent to Berkeley to make out or trace the registries of all the family of Lord Berkeley, to be found in the parish registry books of Berkeley.— What is the House to understand you to mean by making out or tracing, was it to sup- ply omissions, such as this which you did supply, or what else is to be understood by the term " to make out?'' To make out copies for the purpose of laying before this House in the pedigree business. They were all found in the books except two, one of the late Countess of Berkeley, which Mr. Lewis supplied from some other evidence from some information he got; this being thus, was supplied from my own knowledge, as I was personally acquainted with the fact.— Did you know when you made that entrv that the baptism had been registered in St. Martin's- church? I did not.— Was it the ceremony of the fune- ral ofthe Countess of Berkeley that was omitted? Yes; of the funeral ; there were two omissions, one of them did not come within my personal knowledge, the other did.— State which was the one which caipe within your knowledge? This of Thomas Moreton Fitzhardinge.— By whom was the otlu r suggested ? By Mr. Lewis ; somebody informed Mr. Lewis; I do not know who.— The witness was directed to with draw. Then Sir Samuel Romilly was heard to sum tip the evidence adduced on behalf of the Claimant.- Tim Counsel weredirected to withdraw.— Projtosed to ad- journ the Committee till to- morrow at two of the clock.— Accordingly, adjourned till to- morrow at two o'clock. ( TO EE CONTINUED ) arfcets. CORN- EXCHANGE, LONDON, JUI. Y 29. The supply of wheat ( as is usual during harvest time) was not large to- day. Fine samples were in demand, and last Monday's prices fully supported— Fioitr likewise ( the best marks) maintained the advano d currency of last week ; viz, 80;. per sack— Inferior wheats did not go off with the same avidity as the line, nor did they fetch pr ices in proportion— Rye and barley were both dearer, the latter a short supply.— White peas were without any material alteration.-— Grey peas and tick beans rather declining articles.— Oats nearly as last quoted, the quantity here not large. — Other grain as beneath. Wheat 60 to 7S Fine ditto 86 to 92 Superfine ditto. 94 to 97 Rye 32 to 40 Barley 26 to 38 Malt 60 to 70 Boilers 50 to 56 Grey Pease 44 to 50 Beans 38 to 50 Ticks 34 to ah Oats 22 ro SO Poland ditto 31 to i> 2 White Pease 42 to 48 ! Potatoe ditto ... 00 to 34 PRICE OF FLOUR. Fine 75s. to 8<> s. per sack. Seconds 70s. to 75s. ditto. Bran lis. to 13s. Oil. per qnar. Fine Pollard 22s. to 25s. Od. ditto, AVERAGE PRICE OF SUGAR, Computed from the returns made 111 the week ending July 24,1811, is 33s. 9jd. per cwt. Exclusive of the duties paid or payable thereon ou im- portation thereof into Great Britain. PRICE OF SEEDS, ic. Carrawayp. cwt. 36 to 40 j Rye Grass p. qttar20 to 56 Coriander ditto., 40 to 50 I Mustard, wh. bns. 8 to 10 Red Clover ditto70 toioa Dtto, brown, do. 14 to is White dittodiftr. 90 tol20 Turnip, ditto 12 to 24 Rape, 381. to 42l. peTlast... Trefoii, 18s. to 60s. p. cwt. Oil- Cake. 161. 16s. per thousand. PIUCiToF TALLOW; TownTallo\ vperewt... 63s. i Me! tingStiiff, perewt. 52s. Yellow Russia 64s. I Ditto rough SOS. White ditto 61s. I Graves 16s. Soap ditto oOs. | Good Dregs 9s. Yellow Soap, 80s... Mottled, 88s.... Curd, 92s. Candles, lis. 6d Moulds. 12s. 6d. PRICE OF HOPS. RAGS. I. S. I. S. I POCKETS. 1. S. I. « , Kent 5 )•; to fi 10 | Kent 6 0 to 7 0 Sussex 5 5 to 6 0 j Sussex 5 16 to 6 16 Essex Sv 5 to 6 10 1 Farnham... 9 9 toll 11 Old Hop Duty, laid at .-£ 165,000. PRICE OF MEAT AT SMITHFIELD, Sinking the offal... per stone of Bibs. Beef.... 4s. 8d. to 5s. 6c!. 1 Veal ... 5s. Od. to 6s. 8d. Mutton5s. Od. to 5s. 8it. I Pork... 5s. 4d. to fis. 4d. Lamb, 5s. 61I. to 7s. 4d. NEWGATE AND LEAD EN HALL, By the Carcass. Beef... 4s. Od. to 5s. Od. I Veal.., 4s. 4d. to 6s. 4d. Mutton4s. 8d. to 5s. 2tl. | Pork... 5s. 4d. to 6s. 4d. Lamb 5s. 0d. to 6s. 8( 1. RAW HIDES. Best, heifers & steers, perstone 2s. 6( 1. to 3s. Od. Middlings 2s. 2d. to 2s. 4d. Ordinary is. 8d. to 2s. Od. Market Calf ( each) 14s. Oil. to Os. Od. English Horse las. Oil. toiSs. od. Lamb Skins. ... Is. fid. to 2s. tid. PRICE OF LEATHER. Butts, 50 to 56ibs. each 21d. fo 22* d. perlb. Ditto, 56 to 66lbs. each 24d. to 25( 1 Merchants'backs I9d. to 20d. Dressing hides 17d. to 18 Jd. Fine coach hides to sod. Crop hides, 35 to 1011). to cut .. 17( 1. to 19d. Ditto 45 to 501b 19d. to 22d. Calf Skins, 30 to 4 » ib 28d. to 34d. Ditto 50 to 70lb 35d, to 39d. Ditto 70 to 30lb ,34if. to 38d. Small Seals ( Greenland) OOd. to 36d. Large ditto, 120s. to 150s. per dozen. Tanned Horse Hides, I6d. to I9d. per lb. PRICES OF HAY AND STRAW. ST. JAMES'S. Hay... 51. Os. to 81. 5s. Straw.. 31. 12s. to 41. is. WHITECHAPEI.. Hay... 61. Os. to 81. Os. Clover?!. Os. to 91. Os, New.. 01. Os. to 01. OOs. StrawSI. 12s. to 4t. 4>. SM ITH FIELD. Hay... 71. 10s. fo 81. 8s. Clover?!, los. to Si. Ss. New .. 01. Os. to 01. 05. Sti- aw. 31. 5s. to 41. 0.?. CORN EXCHANGE, LONDON, JUI. Y Si. Wheat .... 58 to 90 Beans. .43 to 49 Fine ditto. 92 to 9 » ) Tick Beans.... ... 34 to 40 Rye .. ... 38 to 42 Oats .. 21 to ' 29 Barley...... ,30 to 37 Polandj. ... 30 to Si Malt 66 to 72 Potatoe ditto. ... 32 to Sli White Pea s — to — Fine Hour ...'/., to ilti Grey Pais 4i to 4.7 . 70 to 73 Cotmtrii ItlscfifK. G/. OCKSTER Wheat, 13s. 6it. to 15s. Od Bar. ley, 6s. Od. to 6s. 8d... New Beans, 6% Od. to 6s. 8d... Old Beans, 7s. to 7s. 4d Oats, 3s 6.1. to 4s. Od. per customary bushel nf nine gallons and a half, Ross Wheat, 139. Od. to 16s. Od. .. Barley 5s. £ d„ to 6;-. tid.... Oats, 4s. 3d. to 5s. Od.... Pease, « is. 6d. to 7s. Od. Rye, OOs, per bushel. HEREFORD Wheat, 14s. Sd .. Oat?, 5s. Od... Peas 7s. Od Beans, 6s. lOd.. Ilarley, Os, 04. WORCESTER. ... Wheat, 12s. Od. to 13s. i,\ i Bai- ler, 5s Od. to 6s Od Beans, 6s. Od, to 6s. ad. .. Pease, 5s. 6i. to 6s. 4d Oats, 4s. fed. to . is. 3d. per bushel.... Hop;: 00 pockets weighed 011 Saturday, current prices, from 01. Os. to 01. Os. per cwt. BiusTor Wheat, S> Js. fo 96s, per quarter Fine ditto, — a. Od..... Malting Barley, — s. to— s. per quarter. Grinding ditto, OOs. to 00s.. Oats, 23s. to OOs... Fine Flour, V4s to 80s SefOnd do. 63s. to 73s Horse Beans, OOs. to — s Clover, OOs. to OOs Quarter Loaf: Wheaten, lSd. Standard, 12d,; Household, lid Hay, 80s. to 130s Straw, 36d. to 42d. DEVIZES Wheat, 76s. to 98s.... Barley, 34s. to S9s.... Oats, 24s. to 30s.... Beans, 4- ls. to 48s. NEWBURY—. Wheat 70s. to 103s... Barley 34s. to 37s.... Beans 46s, to 503.... Pease46s. to50j... Oats 26s. to 34 s. WARMINSTER... Wheat, 85s. to 93s... Barley, 37S. to 41s.... Oats, 30s. to 32s.... Beans, 513. to 5t. i, READING Wheat BOs. to LFT7 » .. . Beans 34s, to 36s... Pease OOs. to OOs,... Oats 28s, fo 31s, ... Bailey Sis. to SfiS.
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