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The Glocester Herald


Printer / Publisher: G.F. Harris 
Volume Number: X    Issue Number: 488
No Pages: 4
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The Glocester Herald
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The Glocester Herald

Date of Article: 02/02/1811
Printer / Publisher: G.F. Harris 
Address: Herald Office, St John's Lane
Volume Number: X    Issue Number: 488
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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i / - r / 7 < PRINTED AND PUBLISHED, FOR THE PROPRIETORS, 13V G. F. HARRIS. - L VOL. X. No. 488. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY % I8ii. PRICE SIX- PENCE HALFPENNY. WEDNESDAY'S POST. LONDON, TUESDAY, JAN. ' 29. PARIS papers to the 22( 1, anil Dutch and German papers to a late date, arrived yesterday. The THonittur contains a report ofthe military operations 111 different parts of Spain, by which we are sorry to find that the important post of Tortbso ( so commaml- imily situated near the mouth of the Ebro) has fallen after a vigotous siege of thirteen days' open trenches. Its garrison, consisting of 9,300 men, are prisoners of war; and in consequence of this event, the enemy immediately marched to invest Tarragona.—' The fai- lure of a small English expedition sent against Pala- nios, a small port to the eastw ard of Barcelona, is also stated in this report. It is said to have consisted of 1,100 English, who landed from two ships ofthe " line, a frigate, and two other vessels, and the result, according to the enemy's statement, was, that we lost 800 nter. killed, and 150 taken prisoners; among the latter of whom are a Captain James, ofthe navy, and several midshipmen. This affair is stated to have taken place on tiie 13th of December.— The official report ofthe operations in Spain concludes with say- ing, " the inhabitants loudly call for being united to the French Empire." It is not unusual for Bonaparte « o announce projects of the greatest importance in this incidental manner. An article from Constantinople states, that the nt- gociation between Russia and Turkey had been broken off, in consequence ofthe demands of the former be- ing considered unreasonable; but that overtures had afterwards been made by Russia, and that the nego- tiation was recommenced. It appears from a bulle- tin issued at Constantinople, that ten thousand Janis- saries fell in the late insurrection; three thousand bled by the hands of the public executioner, " antl the same number, ( says the bulletin) by the just laws of our religion, have been condemned to imprison- ment, until they are released from the torments of this world to experience those of the next. A detachment of Danish sailors reached Hamburgh • n the 8th inst. on their way to Antwerp. Accounts fiom Lisbon to the 10th inst. have been received by avessi 1 arrived from thence at Plymouth. The news from the army is to the 6th, at which time BO movement of any. consequence had taken place in either ofthe main armies, but there was a Very gene- ral expectation that Massena having been strongly reinforced, wonld very shortly at ton the offensive. An application was lately made by Massena to the British Commander in Chief, in behalf of the Mar- chioness of Aloroa,. confined in one ofthe nunneries at Lisbon: but his Lordship declined all interference, and referred the business to the Regency. Prince Dolgorueky, the Russian Ambassador to Holland, has been recalled, in consequence of that country being annexed to France. The vessels belonging to the Hanseatie Towns, or- dered to be detained at the beginning'of last week, have received permission from the Board of Trade to Bait without liienccs. The King of Sweden, it is said, speaks freely in company on the state of affairs in his dominions, but without any asperity. He mentions his countrymen with affection and respect, ascribing to them the best disposition; and lamenting, that a people whose an- cestors wire so distinguished by valour, patriotism, and loyalty, should have been betrayed by artifice and imbecility into a degrading submission to tyranny, and a low- born usurpation, which will most probably be strengthened bv an accession of force and the arts of corruption, in such a manner as to rivet their chains, arid preclude all hopes of deliverance. A foreign vessel, laden with pot- ash, was seized • n Saturday se'nnight at Harwich, by the officers of the Kite sloop of war, on suspicion that she was bound to Franco. Ori boarding her an officer was knocked down, and a seaman had his linger bit off by the Captain, who made great resistance. It was • discovered, on examining the ships papers, that the licence was an old one, that the date and names had " been erased, and others inserted. Suspicions are entertained that goi. l coin is secreted tinder her cargo, as the Captain offered 15001. to the officers who boarded to desist from searching. New- York papers) to the 21st ult, are received, containing the proceedings in Congress up to the 13th — in the House of Representatives to the 12th The Speaker laid before the House the Annual Rt - . port of the. Secretary af the Treasury. It exhibits a favourable state of the revenue and treasury. The • Secretary, however, in order to guard against any deficit itt the receipts for the year 1812, suggests to Congress the expediency of a considerable and im- mediate increase of the present duties on importations. One of the Paris papers contains the names of six farmers, and two merchants, amerced in tines of from 800 to 4000 francs, with limited imprisonment and whipping, for aiding the escape of some refrac- tory conscripts, to whom they were related. A Dutch paper of last month announces the sale of 77 houses at . Amsterdam, the proprietors of which had shut them up and absconded, being unable to pay the taxes. The Indefatigable, 44, arrived at Plymouth, brings an account that the French frigates in L'Orient, three " in number, have escaped during the time we have been blow n off the coast, and sailed, as it is supposed, fir the East Indies. Saturday morning, about eight o'clock, the Lord Chancellor and Mr. Perceval left town in the latter's - earfflage and four for Windspr, where they arrived at eleven, and proceeded' to the Castle, antl had an interview with the Queen and the King's Physicians, after which they were admitted to the King's presence, and continued with his Majesty for some time. The demurrer in the cause Sir Francis Burdett and the Speaker, which comprehends the whole merits of ' this so ohstinati ly contended question, will be argtted in the King's Bench on Friday next. Serjeant Shcp- - herd will argue the. cause fqr the worthy Baronet, " and the Attorney- General for the Speaker. A young lady, described as of " a very interesting appearance, and from the elegance of whose manners, and her stile of dress, evidently of the first rank and fashion," was detected on Friday stealing a roll of silk, at a silk mercer's in Holy Well- street; being • taken to Bow- street, and there expressing the most poignant anguish and contrition, humanity prevailed aver justice, and sfie was'discharged. It is a curious fact, worthy of the investigation of our natural philosophers, that for some years past, the winters have been much more severe in London thau in Edinburgh', and much more snow and frost it! England thau in Scotland. The legacy duties, oil the property of the late Duke « f Queensbury, amount to one hundred. and twenty ' fh'.- usand pounds. By a gentleman who left the River Plate on the 2d of November, we are informed that immediately on the return of the Misletoe schooner of w ar from Rio Janeiro to Buenos Ay res, Captain Ramsay requiring of the Commander of the squadron from Monte Video to raise the blockade, much altercation ensued, and a duel was expected between the irritated disputants ; bnt in the sequel the Spanish officer w ith his squadron withdrew to Monte Video, threatening, however, to transfer the blockade to Ensanada. In the interval of these differences, all the ships which had been or- dered into Maldonado and Ensanada, quitted the roads of those places, and entered Iiuenos Avres in triumph. Maldonado had been taken possession of by a garrison from Monte Video, at which latter place Admiral de Courry was left endeavouring to settle the differences with the new Governor, who had come from Europe full ofthe prejudices so familiar in the parent State respecting colonial possessions. Direct intelligence has at length been received from Norway, which confirms the rumours that have been recently in circulation, respecting the tumults in that part of the Danish dominions. Letters from Christiansand to the 8th instant state, that the dis- turbance at one time threatened the most serious con- sequences, but that tranquillity had been restored without the loss of blood. It appears, that ill con- sequence of the Danish seamen refusing to obey the unnatural mandate of their Government, to serve on board French ships of war, the military were ordered out to reduce them to a compliance I but the soldiers were not less refractory than the seamen, and peremp- torily refused to enforce the commands of the Govern- ment; ou the contrary, they avowed sentiments simi- lar to those of their brethren in the navy, not to fight the battles of any nation bnt their own. Meet- ings being held, thisjqjnt determination of fhe navy and army was transmitted, in the form of resolutions, to the Court, by a deputation from the parties. Their loyalty and attachment to the King's person and go- vernment were expressed in the strongest language, together with the declaration, that they were ready to devote their lives iu defence of either; but that no coercion should compel them to serve on board the ships or in the ranks of othernations. After some con- sideration, an answer was returned, with a full assu- rance that their services to France should be dispensed with; but, at the same time, they were required to embark on board of Danish ships at Copenhagen, whither many of the seamen were about to repair. There is, therefore, we fear, strong reason to suspect, that treachery may supply the place of force, in giving effect to Bonaparte's intention. REGENCY. On Saturday, it was coninimiicated at the Lord Chamberlain's Office, and to those who have the management of the Chapel Royal, that it was the in- tention of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales to receive the Sacrament on the next day at the Chapel Royal, St. James's, agreeably to the directions in the Bill, to qualify him to take upon himself tin- office of Regent. It was signified that it was hi Royal Higliriess's wish to be received in as a private a manner as possible; however, it was thought some preparation was necessary, antl a number of workmen were employed to affix a crimson velvet canopy at the left side ofthe altar, which was always prepared when their Majesties were in the habit of attending at that chapel to receive the Sacrament. About twelve o'clock his Royal Highness, accompanied by Lords Moira, Dnndas, and Keith, arrived in the Palace- yard of St. James's in his carriage. The guard of the day was drawn but, with the colours flying, and the drums and fifes playing. The Prince was received with the same honours as his Majesty would have been. His Royal Highness proceeded tip the grand staircase, and entered the Royal closet. He took his seat in the front of the right side, wlien the service of the day commenced, Which was read by the Rev. Mr. Pridderi, as was the Litany by the Rev. Mr. Hayes. On the Bishop of London ( the Dean of the Chapel) and the Rev. Mr. Holmes ( the Sub- Dean) entering the altar to read the Communion service, they turned to the Royal Closet, and made their obeisance to the Prince, in the same manner that they would have done if the King had been there. The sei irion was preached by the Rev. Mr. Madley, from the 4th chapter of the Acts ofthe Apostles, and 12th verse. After which the anthem of " God is our Hope antl Strength," was sung. At the conclusion of the an- them, the organist struct: tip a solemn voluntary on the organ; and at a quarter past two o'clock Ills Royal Highness descended from the Royal closet, followed by the above three ' Noble Lords tip the ai'le. of the chapel; his Royal Highness took his scat in the canopy, and the three Lords took their seats on the opposite side of the altar.— The Dean, after taking the sacrament himself, administered it to his Royal Highness, to the three Noble Lords, and Mr. Mailley, who had preached.— At the conclusion oftlieservice, the Dean bowed to his Royal Highness, who then left the altar: and when he got into the aisle, he turned and bowed to tljf Dt'ifn and Sub- Dean, as did the Noble Lords. On his Royal Highncss's leaving the chape1 to get into 1ii « carriage, he was received with tin? same military honours as when he entered ; and .' the yard, was nearly filled with spectators, who greeted his Royal Highness with acclamations, aiid cheered him with huzzas as lie left it. Notwithstanding the Prince had received the sacra- ment, it was asserted yesterday that Ministers have hopes of obtaining the Royal Signature in time to supersede the necessity of a Regency. This report is given in the Ministerial papers. The Regency Bill on Friday went through the Committee of the House of Lords, and on some of the clauses an interesting discussion took place. On the Household clause, the Marquis of Lansdowne moved au amendment, for omitting that part o, f ) he clause which went to place the greater part pf the Officers ofthe Household under the controul ofthe Queen, and iiijistituting iu its place the follow ing:— " That such portion of tho establishment of his Slav jesty's Royal Household, as shall be by any other Act reserved for the due care and attendance of lii4 Majesty's Sacred Person, and the maintenance of his Royal Dignity, be committed to the care and charge of the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty; and that until such Act shall pass, no arrangement shall be made ( except what the due attendance upon his Ma- jesty may require), or that no Officer shall be liable to be removed from the same, & c." The anieud- nier. it was opposed by the Eail of Liverpool, the Lord Chancellor, ami Lord Sidmouth, and mpportcd t> y Earls Grey and Stanhope. The House first divided on Hit question for retaining the original clause as it stood in the Bill, which was carried against Ministers by a majority of twelve. They then divided on the question for substituting the amendment, which was carried by a majority of 10. CHELTENHAM. AUCTION- ROOM, Repository, Register If Estate Agency- office. J. GOOD ALL, Auctioneer, Appraiser, Builder, Sf Common Agent, RESPECTFULLY begs leave to inform the Public, he has opened A COMMODIOUS LARGE ROOM, Opposite Stiles'* Boarding- house, in the centre of the town, TOR THE SALE OF ESTATES, MOUSES, and RECEPTION ofall sorts of GOODS, intended for immediate" Sale. Also, keeps Books for the, purpose of Registering Estates, « 5ic. intended for Sale by Private Contract, and made public; anil RegisteringFurnished and Un- furnished Houses, and Lodgings to Let and Hire. N. B. As this concern is conducted on tiir most li- beral principles, Persona in embarrassed circumstances, having property of any kind to dispose of, will find this an eligible medium for the purpose. Those who may be in want of CHEAP GOODS, w ill at all times find a general assortment, for money, of all sorts. An ACTIVE YOUTH wanted as an APPREN- TICE, with whom a premium is expected. Letters will not be answered unless post paid. rO he LET, and entered upon immediately, for a term of seven or fourteen years;— all that VERY ELIGIBLE FARM, called SHERIFFS LENCH, situate within two miles of the Borough of EVESHAM, in the County of Woices- ter, anil consisting of 350 Acres of Arable, Meaootv, and Pasture LAND. The House and Offices are extremely well adapted for the reception of a respectable Tenant. For Par- ticulars-, enquire # f Mr. Loxley, Evesham. NEW PLAN OF DRAWING. STATE LOTTERY, Numbored from No. 1 to No. 20,000,) All in One Day, 15th of FEBRUARY, 1811. SCHEME. Prizes of .£ 20,000 are £ 80,000 2,000 16,000 1,000 12,000 500 10,000 100 i..., 2,400 25 3,600 ,-..... 20 76,000 4,012 Prizes. .£ 200,000 TICKETS AND SHARES CHEAPER! MORE CHOICE OF NUMBERS! AMI NO INCREASE OF TICKETS! MORE CAPITAL PRIZES! AND NO PRIZE UNDER TWENTY POUNDS! TICKETS and SHARES are selling at all tiie Licensed Offices, and by every Lottery VGFNT-, in ti e United Rmg linn, on' much cheaper Terms, being nearly Two Pounds per Ticket less than in the last Lottery; yet the Scheme contains superior benefits to tiie public. Ait early Purchase is recommended, as the demand has already exceeded any former Lottery at the same period before the Drawing, and it is most probable both Tickets aud Shares will considerably rise in price. W.- I ERE AS a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued forth against JOHN HYDE, of N'iiiisworth, in the county of Glocester, Clothier, and he being declared a Bankrupt is hereby required to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the said Commission named, or the major part of them, on the 7th day of January instant, at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, on the 8th ofthe same month, at 10 in the forenoon, and on the 9th of February following, at 4 of the clock in the afternoon, at the Old Bell Inn, iu Dtirsley, in the said county of Glocester. and make a full discovery and disclosure of his Estate and Effects; when a, id where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their debts, antl at the second sitting to choose Assignees, and at the last sitting the said Bank- rupt is required to finish his Examination, anil the Creditois are to assent to. or dissent from the allow- ance of his Certificate. All persons indebted to the said Bankrupt or that have any of his Effects, are not to pay or deliver the same but to whoin the Commis- sioners shall appoint, but give notice to Mr. Blox- snme, Solicitor, iu Dursley aforesaid, or to Messrs. Price Wiiliams, Lincoln's Inn', London. Dursley, Jan. 3, 181!. WHEREAS- a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued forth sgamst GILES HITCHINGS, of the parish of Rodborougb, m the county of Glacestef, Meatman, and he beiug declared; a Kakmpt is hereby required to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the said commission named, or the major part of them, on tiie 21st and 22nd days of January instant, and on the 9th day of February next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of each of the said days, at the house of Ann Manning, commonly called the. George Inn, in Stroud, in tiie county of Glocester, and then and there to lie examined and to. make a fnlWM true discovery ami disclosure oftiis Estate and fffects, when and where the creditors are to come prepared to prove their debts, and at the second sitting to dlmse assignees, and at the last, sit- ting the said Bankrupt is required to. finish his exami- nation, and the Creditors « i: e to assent to or dissent from the allowance of his certificate. Aii persons in- debted to the said Bankrupt, or that have any of his Effects, are not to pay or deliver the same, but to whom the Commissioner! sliail appoint, but give notice to Mr. W. A. Cooke, Solicitor,' Stroud; or Mr. Charles Constable, Solicitor, Symorfdls. Iftn, London. RICHARD DONOA'AN. M. LAM BURN. P. H. FIs'HER: W HERE AS a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and lfsueil forth against WILLIAM PAGETT, ofthe city of G! uces, t. er, saihe'r, dealer and Chapman, and lie being declared it Bankrupt is hereby required to surrender himself lo the Co'ininissioners in tiics. u. i Commission n . tied, or the major j, art ot theiu, ou Ihe litli and 0th of January instant, and oil tiie l2til of February next, at eleven of the clock in the fore- noon on each of Ijlie, said days, at tjie White Hart Inn, in tiie'city of Glocester aforesaid, and make a fall dis- covery and dsclosiire of his Estate aud Effects; when and where the Creditors are to cmiie prepared to prove their debts, anil at the second sit ting tocliuse Asignees, and at the last sitting the. said Ha n nipt is required lo finish his Ex limitation, and tiie Creditor? are to assent to or dissent from tic allowance of Ins Certificate. All pel- soils indebted to the sa. il Kankru,> t, or that have any of Ins iff cts, are not ti> pay or deliver the same bin to whom I he Commissioner shall appoint, but give notice to Mr, George Chilton, , Ewue'q< icr- Olfice, Lin- co: ii's- Inn, London j cr to Mr. W. C. Ward, Solicitor, Glocester. THE REGENT'S PROCESSION TS at this crisis interesting to the Country; and this jtyementp is at this time interesting tooursel- es; - « - for if the new Administration adopt the expected new measures, there will lie No ^ lioits LOTTERIES ; there fore the ONLY opportunity we may ever have to gain an independent For, tune by the risk of a small Sum of MoiV? y, is the PRESENT STATE LOTTERY, containing Four jt20,000,— 4- 4 Capitals,— upwards of Four Thousand Prizes, and the lowest Prize ^ 20, amount- ing t() Two Hundred thousand Pounds in Money, which will be paid immediately on demand; and it being the only Government Lottery, the WHOLE will be drawn in ONE DAY The 15th of This Month. N. B. Tickets and Shares may now be had of all the Lottery Ag * nts in this Countv, or by sending Post- Office Orders or good Bills, Postpaid, to any Li ttery Office in London. , SWEDISH SOAP. ' ~~ MILFORD- HAVEN, SOUTH WALES. ' HIS MEW SOAP will be ( bund be wind all comparison the best preparation known for the MILLING, < Sc. of WOOLLEN CLOTH, and to be a most important improvement. Made only as ordered, and sold in CHESTS, Price Fifteen Pounds sterling each, containing in general about Three Hundred Woishf, but regulated always by the current value of London Curd Soap, it bearing the same price. ( Cf" Orders tor any quantify not less than a Che t, in post- paid Letters ( enclosing omittances in Banket:*' Paper, or they wi I not be attended, to,) addressed to the sole Manufacturers, " THE Mtu- naii- Hms SOAP AND ALKALI COMPANY," Pembroke, will b, executed within three weeks' riot ice, a d delivered free of expence at any of the principal ports in fhe united kingdom. V NO CREDIT WHATEVER. Oil Saturday, November 17, 1811, was published, No. I. price only SIXPENCE, Embellished with a fine Portrait of Sir 1''. Blackstone, ( To be completed in 25 or 30 Sixpennv Numbers,) OP THE COMPLETE ENGLISH LAWYER ; or, EVERY MAN HIS OWN LAWYER.— Containing a Summary of the Laws and Constitution of England, including Magna Cliarta, the Bill of Rights, & c. & c. taken principally from the writings of Blackstone, Burn, Coke, Lyttleton, Vyuer, Ray- mond, and other Authors. To which will be annexed, or incorporated with the work, the Statutes relative to Master and Servant, Husband and Wife, Guardian and Waid, Landlord and Tenant, Lodgers, Parish Officers, Arrests for Debt, Bankrupts, Distress for Rent or other D- es, Wills and Codic. ls, Bills of Exchange, Income Tax, Assessed Taxes, & c. & c, & c. The whole carefully compiled, and the Statutes digested and brought down to 50 Geo. III. inclusive. BY A STUDENT OF THE INNER TEMPI. E. The utility of a work of this kind must be so obvi- ous to every one, that no apoloiry, we hope, will be required for briiiginsr it before the public. A Compendious, System ofthe Laws, written in an easy and familiar style, must be useful to thousands. Indeed, there is no individual whatevi r that may not, ats ine time of his life, require the assistance of such a book Though it he not neccs< ary for every man to be a Lawyer, it is surely incumbent upon every one that he should posse s some knowledge of the laws undet which he lives; yet how few have the least claim to this desirable and useful branch of learning. This might have been formerly imputed to the want of pro- per Treatises on the Laws and Constitution; but since j the appearance of Blackstone's Commentaries, no such excuse can remain. The great price, however, of that w a k considerably diminishes its genera! diffu- sion. By making this, therefore, attainable by all, and by giving the most material parts of rtlackstone, w'e hope that it will meet the encouragement of a liberal and discerning Public. London: Printed for A. Whellier, 3, Paternoster- row ; and sold by al! Booksellers iu the United King- dom. STATE LOTTERY. AZAZD, BURNE, and Co. Sto< k Bro- kers, respectfully inform the Pnbuc that TICKETS and SHARES for the NEW STATE LOT- TERY, are now on sale at their Office, No. 93, ROYAL EXCHANGE, LONDON. ' the Lottery consists of 20,000 Tickets, numbered from 1 to 20,000, on ail entire New Plan. The Scheme contains Four Prizes of 80,0004.— Forty other Capitals, — ami no Pr ze 1 wer than 201. All to be drawn the \ 5th FEBRUARY Next. In the late October Lottery, No 27, a Prize of 20,000/. and 2,388; a Prize of 2,0001. were bothsold in Shares at the above Office. Letters post paid, duly answered Schemes gratis. *„* No Shares, but those of a State Lottery, sold by Hazard, Burne, and Co. T' HA RHEUMATISMS, PALSIES, AND GOUTY AFFECTIONS, with their usual concomitants, spasm, or flying pains, flatulency, ibdigestion, and genera! debility, ( originating m whatever source), are relieved and frequently cured by Whitehead's Essence of Mustard Pills, after every otiier means had failed. The Fluid Essence of Mustard ( used with the Pi, is, in those complaints where necessary!) is perhaps the most active, penetrating, and effectual remedy in the world, generally curing the severest SPRAINS AND BRUISES in less tha i half the time usually taken by Opodeldoc, Arquebusade, or any other limm'ent or embrocation; and if used immediately after any accident, it prevents the part turni ig black, WHITEHEAD'S FAMILY CERATE is equally efti" aciotis for a I ill- conditioned sores, sore legs, scorbutic eruptions, blotches, pimples, ring- worms, sbingies. breakings ont on the face, nose, ears, and eyefuls, sore and inflamed eves, sore heads, and scorbutic humours of every description. Prepared only, and sold by R. JOHNSTON, Apothe- cary, No. ) 5, Greek- street, Soho, London. Tiie Essence and Pills at 2s. 9d. each; the Cerate at Is. 1 id. and 2s. 9d. Sild by Washbourn, and Ingram, Glocester; Sehlen, and Henney, Chelten- ham; Stevens and Watkms, Cirencester; Pearce, Hartelbliry ; Reddell, Tewkesbury; Wilson, Stroud ; Goodwyn, Tetbmy.; Rickards, Dursley; Meacliam, Ledbt\ ry ; and every Medicine Vender in the United Kingdom. *„* The Genuine has a blacle ink Stamp, with the name of It, JOHNSTON inserted on it. This day is published, a new Edition, being nearly Three Hundred Pages, price only 3s. SOLOMON'S GUIDE - TO HEALTH; or advice to both sexes, on female diseases, nbr'- c us, hypochondriac, and consumptive complaints. . This bottle is lieebmmended to young men and boy?; has been the labour of many years exnerience and obser- vation on the calamitous conser1.. cnces of a secret and destructive vice. Tb winch is added an essay on dis- eases incident to fema. es, and au appendix on the subject of a solitary and di stinctive vice; also anad dress to parents, jntar inns, tutors, and tliose who have the car • and education of you'h. Likewise ad- vice for bathing, explaining the incae of treatment,; in the different stages of the seun. y, leprosy, king's evil, gout, rheumatism, and Vfi. ereal disease, cautions to young persons of the danger of improper connexions or improper treatment, ,\ r. To" HT. azing sale of this Book is the best crite- rion of its vast util. ty. Loudon: printed for the Author ; and sold by Mat- thews and JLeigli, No. 18, Strand; Sherwood, Neely, and Jones; and Longman and Co. London; by Wash- bourn, Walker, aud Ingram, Glocester; Seidell, and Henney, Cheltenham ; Stevens and Watkins, Ciren- cester; Farce, Hartlebury; Reddell, Tewkesbury; Wilson, Stroud; Goodwyn, Tctbury; Rickards, Dursley ; Meachain, Ledbury; also by ail booksellers ill the United Kingdom, price 3s. only. N. B Purchasers are particularly requested to ask for " Solomon's Guide to Health, " as the great cele- brity of this work lias induced unprincipled persons to publish books, under similar title;,, witha view to mis- lead the public, a COOKE'S NOVELS. iOORE's Elegant . Editions of the most esteemed anil popular Works, superlih '" miieil , iieil ; » ' i, lt) numerous l^ iwraviiig's by Batlo'io/./ i, R. A.; liialli, A. E. ; Smith, E. A. ; Sharp; Neaylt1; U'lirre'r. ; Arm- strong, tie. And sold at a Cheaper Rale than ihe ( iiblt* common and unailvrned, SELECT POETS. Warton... Falconer. Congreve Fen ton... Rone Mickle 1 Broome Mallett. Moore 1 Tieliell Cunningham 1 LansdoVne. 1 0 j Addison 2 0 s. d. Hammond and Spratf..,, ... 0 6 Gray ... 0 ti Collins..... .. 0 6 Otway ;. o 6 Rochester.. ... o 6 Walsh ... 0 6 She.' held.... ... 0 6 Armstrong. ... b 6 Sirtolletl.... .'.. o 6 Johnson.... ... l 0 Garth....... ... l 0 Pomfret.... ... l Dodsley.... ... l 0 Lyttellon... ... i 0 Goldsmith. ... l 0 i. d. • '! • iiil, Savage .. 2 0 .1 0 Plfrn'et.' .. 2 fl .1 6 Akensllte.-.. .. 2 6 .1 6 Watts..,.., .2f! t> .1 0 Glover...... fi .1 6 Sojnerv ille.. ... a s .1 6 Thomson..', ... 3 0 .1 6 Milton ..... .. 4 6 .1 6 Prior... .'.. 1 ... 4 0 I 6 ' Butler . .... .. 4 0 .16! G'stv..'.- ... 4 0 .. Y. o'UIS .. 4 » ' i> .. 2 0 Piibt'— ,. 4 6 .2 0 < i Hvo . .. 6 ( » Lani<! iorne.... 2 0 J 8' rtCJilliore.... f 5 SELECT NOVELS. s. d. s. A. Gulllver'sTravels 2 0 Sisters..,, 3 0 Henrietta 3 0 Joseph Andrews 3 0 Female Qnixotte 3 6 Telemachiis 3 6 Solyman ar. l Almena... 0 6 Nourjahad.. 0 6 Almoran and Hauiet....) 0 Zadig. 1 0 Sentimental Journey.... I 0 Castle of i 6 Rasselas :....! 6 Thcodosi us & Constant ia 1 6 Belisarius '.. .. 1 6 journ. tothe next World 1 6 Poinpey the Little ....... I 6 Candid ..... 1 6 Jonathan Wild...., 2 0 Peruvian Princess 2 0 Louisa Mildulay 2 0 Adventuresof an Atom 1 6 I Gil Bias, Vicar of Wakefield 2 W Perogrine Pickle.... . Chinese Talcs .. 2 0 ' Tom Jones Tale ol a Tub 2 6 Arabian Nights. Lancelot Greaves... .'.'..' 2 6 Don Quixotic Devil on Two Sticks.. 2 6 Pamela SACRED CLASSICS. Fenelon's Pions Retlee- | Voting's Centaur,...•. ! lions ,. 0 6 Economy ol", HinnanLife 1 0 Death of Abel 4 ti Dodd on Death ! 6 Dodil's Prison Thoughts 1 6 Hnuiphtev Clinker 4 0 Moral Tales CoiinlFathoni........ Tales of the Genii.. Roderie Random.... Tristram Shundy.... Ainielia . Roi> lnson Crsisoe 5 Adventures of a Guinea 6 40 ... i 6 .... 4 li .... 4 t) .... 5 0 .... 5 0 6 6 .., 66 ,, 7 6 ... 8 0 ... 9 0, .. 10 0 .. II 6 .. I 6 I Black more Creation 1 6 | Adtlisonon the Christ an Religion I 6 Pilgrim's Progress 2f 6 Ruive's Letters 3 0 Ro-. ve'sDevoutExercises 1 6 i Hervev's Meditations.... 3 0 BRITISH CI. ASSiCS Goldsmith's Essays 1 6 SheuiftoneVs Essays I- 6 The Idler 3 0 Citizen ofthe World.... 3 6 Adventurer ; 6- 0 Rambler-.'! 7 6 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. N » w Bath Giiide ' 0 6 Stevens's Lecture oii Heads 0 6 Life of Col. Gardiner I 6 Fenelon's Dialogues ... 1 6 . Walls's Logic ,.„ .. 2 0 Witts's Essays Whttsli Inip'roveinellt Of the Mind Cooke's Description of London and West- minster 2 0 2 0 2 0 The above Works may be had bound, or in separate lum- bers, price Sixpence each, fo accommodate the Virtuoso in Embellishments and the Admirers of beautiful Printing, are P'ibtiihed Superior Editions on the hesC V" Hum Paper, and containing additional Plates, which editions are sold at double the price of the above. London, printed for C. COOKE, No. 17, Paternoster Row; and Sold, by J. J. Hough, J. Washbourn, and Roberts, Glocester; and evr\ other Bookseller, ^^ Dr. SOLOMON'S CORDIAL BALM OF GiLEAD. THIS invaluable restorative lias been admi- nistered in private practice, ti. lli tiie greatest success, for a series of years4 to youth and age of either sex, Where the stoiuach is disoidered, tiie body is weakened; paleness, bodily decay, emaciation, and the eyes sink into tue- head ; where nervous, astii- inatic, and hypocliondrical complaints, have shattered the constitution, 111 sickness of stomach, violent purg- ings, flatulencies and obstructions, it is a safe and efficacious remedy. The first symptoms of its good effects are serenity and chearfulness, hy removing head- ache, weakness, heaviness and lowliness of spirits, dimness of sight, contused thoughts, and wan- derings of the mind, vapours aud melancholy, and all kinds of hysteric complaints. A Saving of Nine Shillings in Two Guineas. The Cordial Balm of Gilead is sold in bottles, price half- a- guinea eacii; there are also bottles, price 33s. containing equal to four bottles at 10s. 6d. by which the patient s.. ves 9s. including also the duty; the stamp of which bears the proprietor's name and ad- dress, " Saml. Sohnon, Liverpool," to imitate which is felony. N. B. The postage of ali letters must be paid, and a fee enclosed fot advice. The Cordial Balm of Gi'eatl, Anti- lmpefigiues, Abstergent Lotion, anil " Guide to Health," may be had of Wasbbonri', Walker, and Ingfam, ( successor to C. Jones, SoHthgate- st « ett,> Gioctster; Selilen, a d Hciiney, Cheltenham; Stevens and Watkins, Ciren- cester; P arcfe, Hartelbmy; Reddell, Tewkesbury; Wilson, Stroud; Goodwvn, Tel bury; Hickards, Duis. ley; Meacham, Ledbury; and by every reputabl/ vender. i Htli> DA\' s POST. LONDON, wfnvinvT, JAN. 30. THE KING. THF. following arc the bulletins issuedfromfWind- sor Castle, of bis Majesty's health, since onr last:— Jan. 25.— His Majesty continues'in the same state in which he was yesterday. Jan. 26.— His Majesty goes on in a satisfactory manner. Jan. 27.— His Majesty continues in the same state as before. Jan. 28.— His Majesty is rather better to- day than lie was yesterday. Jan. 29.— His Majesty goes on favourably. Jan. 30.— His Majesty continues as well as he was yesterday, Jan. 31 — His Majesty continues in the same fa- vourable state in w hich he has been for the last week. Dispatches. were received this morning from Lord Wellington, dated the 5fh and 12th. A Lisbon mail also arrived w ith intelligence to the 13th. The rein- forcements under General Drourt have at length joined Masscna. They came by the same road which M issena took, and being much superior in numbers to the force occupying Coimbni under Colonel Traitf, the latter was obliged to evacuate it, and to cross the Vouga towards Oporto. Colonel Wilson, upon the approach of the enemy, fell back from Esptnhal, and crossed the Mondego, but as the enemy marched from the Alva to Espenhal, he re- crossed it, and on the 25tli and 2fith harrassed them greatly. They con- sisted of 11 battalions of the 9tli corps. Gardanne's corps remains at Pinliel, and the detachment that w as sent to Castel- Branco has rejoined the main army. We have not heard that the dispatches hold out expec- tations of a speedy battle. Our army has made some movement towards the left of Cartaxo, and has ad- vanced to Tremez. From the army in Sicily, Ireland, and this country. Lord Wellington will receive a reinforcement of not less than 13.000 men. Some more French papers have arrived to the 23d inst. They contain a long statement of the positions of the French army in Portugal, and from w hich great hopes are expressed that the meditated attack upon the British lines can be made with great advantage. If these hopes should really induce the enemy speedily to act upon the offensive, we trust wc shall have no- thing to regret from the result. A gentleman is arrived, who left France three days later than the date of the Journals last received. He was on the opposite coast on the 24th inst. and at Paris on the 21st. The city had been illumiuatcd for the success at Tortosa, ami there was much bustle and splendour on the occasion, hut the people seem to feel severely for the cause of Spain, and if they parti- cipated in the demonstrations ofjoy, they affected to have no portion of its reality. He was at Antwerp on the 7 th instant; the fleet there had been wholly brought down before Flushing, and only waited the arrival of tiie seamen from Norway, and a few from Riga, to complete them for sea. An American ship is arrived which spoke one of our ships, and informed her that a brig of ours ran ashori near Belleisle on Christinas night; the Cornn an ler, in his indignation, immediately shot the master and pilot, and then blew his own brains out. We purposely ab- stain from mentioning the name of the Commander of the brig. A Prussian vessel, arrived at Falmouth, has brought a report that two French frigates sailed from Nantz on the 29th of December. We have noticed in out- last page the escape of three from L'Orient, and all these frigates are stated to have troops on board. India is supposed to be their destination. Some more American papers have been received by a vessel, which, we understand, brought dis- patches to Mr. Pinkney. Tiie Merchants of Ameri- ca appear to have taken alarm at the probability of a rupture with Gnat Britain. Several petitions have been presented by them to the Congress, stating the great loss and inconvenience they would suffer from the effect of the prohibitory law which is to take place on the 2d of February. The Regency Bill was read a third time in the House of Lords yesterday. It will be sent hack to the House of Commons to- morrow, and the Great Seal may be put to the Coiumisson to pass it into an Act on Friday. Mr. Perceval had an interview with his Majesty yesterday, which continued for some time. It is reported that the conversation related to the army in Portugal. Princess Sophia is still confined to her room by indisposition, autl mends but slowly ;— we are happy to say that Princess Mary is quite recovered An evening paper, in giving an account of the interview which the Lord Chancellor and Mr Perce- val had on Saturday with his Majesty, makes the following statement, viz.— His Majesty, upon the entrance of the Lord Chancellor and Mr. Perceval, delivered himself to the following effect: " I am glad to see you, my Lord Chancellor, and I am happy in saying that I can see your features almost as well as I ever did. I cannot see Mr. Perceval so distinctly, but I observe his back is to the window." Upon ap- proaching the window, Mr. Perceval turned, and a a full light falling on his face, hisMajesty is said to have added, " Aye, now I see Mr. Perceval's features dis- tinctly." Brigadier- General Cox, who commanded the garri- son of Almeida, is detained a prisoner at Verdun. — The French officer, to whom he surrendered the garrison, gave him, in testimony of his bravery, a passport to return to England— but this document was not regarded by his Government. There is a rumour, that at length Ministers have conciliated Lord Melville, and that he has sent them up five proxies for their day of need. GLOCESTERSHIRE. TO BE SOLI") BY AUCTION,, by RICHARD H HITS, On Thursday and Friday, the 7th and 8th days of Fe- binary, 1811, at the School House, in the village of Tvewland;— All the neat, elegant, and modern HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Harpsicord, valuable LIBRARY of BOOKS, Pair of ( Holies, Linen, Glass, China, regular assortments of Kitchen and Culinary' Requisites, Brewing Utensiis, Casks, fie, ofthe RHV. 1) AV> D EVANS, who has re- signed the School at Ncwland; comprising eleven prune feather beds, fine Witney blankets, sheets, quilts, and count erpanes, handsome four- post and tent bedsteads, with rich chintz and dimity furniture and window- curtains to correspond, floor and bedside car juts, pier and swing glasses ill elegantgilt frames, night tables and bason- stands, mahogany chests of drawers, two sets of mahogany dining- tables with circular ends, mahogany bre. iklast, card, and dressing tables; maho gain sideboard and cellaret, handsome mahogany sc. cretaiy anil hookcaseHvitli glass doors, excellent eight dav clock in mahogany caSe. parlourand bedroom chairs, n pair Of twenty- inch globes, valuable library of books, iu divinity and classics, neatly 30 ; in number; two sets of fashionable tea china, a • dinner" service of blue ware, ditto of white Wedgwood, cut. glass decanters, tumblers, salts, fee, patent and other tea- trayelegant plated silver- beaded tea- inn, ditto coffee- pot, tea- pot, • r-.: a- caddy, candlesticks, a set - of knives and forks in ivory handles, common ditti, a regular assortment of kitchen fuinituie and brewing ulei. shs, with a great variety of other useful articles. The safe to commence each morning at eleven o'clock precisely; li. e whole will be sold without the least reserve. Further particulars may be had of Mr. James, So- tiutor, Colloid; or of the AuttioLCer. Capital Oak and Fhn Timber. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, G)' J) 1 Prime LM TIMBER TREES, vvi h • W—' 1 their Lop and Top, now standing on the Manor of Pool, near Cirencest't, all marked and numbered with white naint. Also, Two Hundred and Neve ly- eight OAK TIMBER TREES, standing on the aforesaid Manor, also numbersd with white paint, with their Lop, Top, and Bark. The above timber is id' the best quality, the Elm particularly sound, lengthy, and of large dimensions, for the most part affording capital keel- pieces, and Timber adapted to Canal, Wharf, and Pipe- work I'lie Oak will be found well worlli the attention of Shipbuilders and Timber- merchants. To treat for tins Timber, which will be sold iu two separate lots, apply to Mr, Hayward, Kemble, near Cirencester, who will shew the Timber, and produce Conditions ofC ntract. N. B The Thames and Severn Canal adjoins the Manor of Pool, within a mile and a half; the best markets are therefore by its means attainable. 1MKKN up at Ross, the Eleventh of December, 1810, A BLACK IIGRSE, about fifteen hands high, a star in the forehead, saddle- marked on both sides.— Whoever can prove it to be their property, may have it again, on paying the expences incurred, by applying to the crier of Ross. - Ross, January 22, 1811. GLOCESTERSHIRE ELECTION. AS SIR THOMAS CRAWLEY BOEVEY's name has been partlcuaily introduced in a Let- ter published in the Glocester Herald ofthe 26th inst. signed " A Freeholder" he thinks it necessary to give to the County at large a plain Statement of the cir- cumstances that led to the transaction there men- tioned, and to leave the integrity of a character which he has always endeavoured to maintain unsul- lied, to their decision. On Tuesday, the 22d instant, Mr. J. PIULLPOTTS, accompanied by Mr. DE VISME, called early in the morning at Flaxley Abbey. The purport of their visit seemed to be to deliver a note from Sir B. W. GUISE, requesting the early attendance of Sir T. C. IJOEVEY and his Sons at the Boothall, on Monday, 28th. After breakfast, Mr. PHILLPOTTS produced some papers which he said were Contracts for the Redemption of the Land- Tax, and to which the sig- nature of Sir T. C. BOEVEY was requested as a spe- cial Commissioner. Sir T. C. B. replied, that he had not been in the habit of transacting business for several years, and ( observing the erasure of Mr. MUII's and Mr. TUR- NER'S names, which had originally been PRINTED,) he desired to know tile reason of it. Mr. PIIII- L- POTT'S answer was that Mr. TURNER WAS OUT OF Glocester, that Mr. MEE when they called was not up, and that the Clerk of the Commissioners having withheld these contracts as long as lay in his power, dispatch w as rendered necessary. This, to the best of Sir T. C. BOF. VEY'S recollec- tion, is a correct statement of every circumstance that then occurred; and, upon a supposition that NO GENTLEMAN of any party whatsoever would ask his signature in a business that, upon consideration, must appear to every one so improper,— he unwarily signed, the contracts. Eastgate- street, Glocester, Monday, Jan. 28th. ~ YIFYIIEYUBLIC. ~ AREPORT having been industriously circu- lated, that the Hand- Bill this day distributed in the name of SIR THOMAS CRAWLEY BOEVEY, Bart, is a malicious Fabrication, I beg leave to as- sure the Public that I received directions to publish the same from one of the Sons of the w orthy Baronet; and that the Original is now in my possession, and ready to be produced to any Gentleman desirous of seeing it. JOS. WOOD. Herald- Office, Glocester, Jan. 29, 1811. GIocestcrshire hand- Tax Contracts. SIR T. C. BOEVEY, Bart, having alledged that one of the inducements held out to him to procure his signature to the Contracts alluded to in his publication, was, " my having, as Citric to the Com- missioners, withheld such Contracts as long as lay in my power:" in order to repel so unfounded an accusation, I am induced to submit to the County at large the following short statement :— On Thursday, the 17tli instant, about one o'clock, Mr. John CoJke, Attorney, of Glocester, called on me with Certificates for about 70 Contracts, which lie said he wished to take with him to Glocester in the afternoon, " as Mr. Mce and Mr. Turner were waiting to sign them." I immediately began to make them oul, informing him that I had only forms for about 13, and in his presence sent a letter to the Tax- Office for more. Mr. John Cooke left me instructions for 11 Contraots, and I took him 9, being all that I was en- abled to make out during the tim • he remained iu Cirencester. He asked me if I should have any ob- jection to have the remainder prepared for me, will li I said I should not; I also told liini I should be in Ox- fordshire the whole of next Saturday, from whence I returned about nine o'elock in the evening, and hear- ing that Mr. Cooke had been at my house, I immedi- ately let him kilow of my return, and between nine and ten o'clock,- Mr. Peter Cooke, ( a brother to Mr John Cooke) called on me with Certificates for about 140 Contracts, and the Contracts printed and filled up, with the exception of the date, the amount of the stock, and a few other particulars which I was to n- sert, and then to enter the Contracts in my books On Sunday morning I began filling up the Contracts, and with the assistance of Mr. Peter Cooke and my Clerk, finished them by five o'clock ill the afternoon, and delivered them to Mr. Peter Cooke, who called on me next morning with instructions fur about 5b more. Those I immediately set about, anil he took them with him about lie middle of the day. The total number of Contracts was I believe 211 TIM. STEVENS, Jim. King's Head, Glocester, Jan. 3tst, 1811. " Defiance of the Laws! " First Effort of the DUTTON PARTY ! " T AND- TAX Assessments supplied to the JLi" Agents of Mr. DUTTON; withheld from the " Agents of Sir WM. GUISE!!! and the OFFICE " CLOSED FOR TItE PURPOSE!!! " N. n. The Clerk of the Peace is the Brother of the " Countess, and Uncle of the Furl of Berkeley. " Numerous Freeholders have called to inspect the " Assessments, hut ACCESS eonld not be obtained to " the Office. PENALTY, payable to EVERY such " Freeholder, FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS. " The Clerk ofthe Peace, and his Deputy, forfeit " their Office, and are declared incapable of holding " the same again, in this, or any other County.— See " the Act, 20 Geo. III. c. 17." s. 16." Mr. BLOXSOME ( the acting Clerk of the Peace) having seen the above Advertisement circulated as a hand- bill, felt it his duty, by a counter hand- bill, to declare, that both the assertions and insinuations respecting the Office lie holds, were infamous for their falsehood, and base from the cowardice of circulation witliou t tiie name of their author. The assassin, how- ever, who is dastardly enough to aim a clandestine blow, is too depraved to repent the injury he lias de- signed ; and the author of the malignant calnmny al- luded to, sheltering himself under the confnsed and hasty publications of a contested Election, has dared to repeat his slander ill the Glocester Journal. To him w ho can abase himself w ith circulating an anony- mous LIE, to injure the character of a professional man, Mr,. Bloxsome can only publicly declarer, that whilst he conceals himself in the dark, tit is the object jtif his contempt, and that if he will disclose himself he shall receive the chastisement due to cowardly calumny. Mr. Bloxsome is desirous to add, that so far from withholding the Land Tax Assessments from the Agents of Sir Wm. Guise, whilst lie furnished them to Mr. Dutton's friends, copies of every Land Tax Assess- ment iu his Office were supplied by him to Sir Win. Guise's party before any portion of them was delivered to Mr. Duttou's Agents. Clerk ofthe Peace's Office, Gloeester, Feb. 1,1811. Glocester, Jan. 28, 1811 , independence with t'fngeancc. THREATS OF THE GU1SK1TES ! COPY of a Letter frtHn CHARLES WOOD, Esq of Preston Court, which was attempted to be read in the Booth- Hall, this morning, but which, from the Turbulence ofthe GUISE PARTY, proved ineffectual, Preston Court, Jan. 28, 1811. Dear Sir, I am sorry to say there are two or three who pro liiiscd me their Votes who are compelled ( I am confi- dent against their inclination) to go for Sir Wil. iam, by the ungenerous and most arbitrary conduct of Mr; MOGGRIDGE, of which the following is an instance — Mr. M. went on Saturday last, and took with him Mr. Hankins, an attorney, to call upon those few friends who had given me their votes for Mr. Dutton; to - endeavour to prevail upon them to turn to their party, but 1 am glad to say they found them firm to their promise. Mr. M. ( as Iain informed) then stat- ed to them he was a Commissioner of the Property Tar, and that he itxaiW certainly tote tlym very much higher if they would not tun to him, but he could not prevail'with all his threats. Uufi rtunately some. of these poor fellows live upon the side of a small Coni- | Dion of which Mr. M. is Lord of the Manor, and bad ' inclused some small quantity of laud adjoining their property, and because they would not forfeit their word to me, Mr. Moggrulge aild h s party began de- stroying their fences, telling them lie would certainly put them in Court— in fact be their ruin it'tliey did not give him their. votes. I saw Mr. Moggridge in the evening myself, aud HE told ME, it' tho. se men did not. vote for ? ir William, \ He would spend his last shilling, rather than not ruin them for ever 111 This is the language of INDEPENDENCE, which I am ready to swear Mr. Moggridge made use of to me last Saturday. I hope you will be able to fintl someone to tell him of his independence at the Hust- ings. 1 remain, Sir, wishing you success, truly jour's, " C, WOOD, HINTS TO THE BLUES. GENTLEMEN, AS one of that respectable body I came to the Election on Monday last, for the purpose of witnessing its progress only, determined not to vote for either party ; my mind was therefore perfectly unbiassed, and without prejudice for or against either; but after having attentively viewed the conduct of both, ami having seen the letter of that very honoura- ble and respectable man, Sir T. Crawley Boevey, Bart, on the subject of Penny Contracts, I look at this con- test in a different light to vyliat I once did ; I see it as a contest not only involving the Blues ami the Yellows, the Whigs and the Tories, but the Inde- pendence of the County also; it is necessary, there- fore, that on this occasion we should act cordially together, to prevent our being plunged into ruin in one common mass; for what availcth it, whether Whig or Tory, Blue or Yellow, if at one stroke we are rendered incapable of participating ill the Re- presentation of this great and opulent County ? this, Gentlemen, would have followed as a matter of course, if these Penny Contracts had been carried into effect; to whom then are we indebted for our present Independence? not to Sir Win. Guise, or his party* their act is still the same; but to the Com- missioners, who ( be it spoken to their immortal honour) refused to ratify these vile and abominable instruments, intended to have been carried into a law by artifices and untruths disgraceful in the ex- treme. Consider, my friends, for one moment, to What an extent Jhese Penny Contracts might have been carried, look at the number of Cottages that is in every Parish, and recollect that the Land- tax for Ten Thousand might have been redeemed for the small sum of =£ 1,000. where would then have been your Independence, and of what consequence would it have been to you whiit party you espoused, or what principles you professed, if your House of Commons was filled by the Representatives of Cottager* only, to the total exclusion of the Landed Interest ?— These, Gentlemen, arc plain facts, and facts are stubborn things: hesitate no longer, but rally round the stand- ard of virtue and independence: support the Honou- rable Mr. Dutton, and drive these destroyers of the Elective Franchise, of the rights, the liberties, and the glory of Britons, to the rocks and caverns, there to hide their diminished heads, and destroy them- selves by their own reflection. A TRUE BLUE. Glocester, Jau. 31,1811. PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED. THE Partnership, if any there ever was, subsisting between the undersigned JOHN LEO- NARD, and J IIN PARISH, of Hinton- on. the- Green, i ' the comity of Glocester, Millers and Mealmen, is OISSOLVED by mutual consent from the 29m day of September last.— Ail debts due to the Esta'e, are to be paid to John Leonard'; by whom the busness will be carried on in future; and all persons having Demands on the Partnership, are requested to send the same to Mr, Leonard without delay. JOHN LEONARD. JOHN PARISH. Witness, Rd. Gem. ' SEVERN HORSE TOWING PATH EXTENSION BILL. HOP- POLE, WORCESTER, January 30th, 1811. ROBERT LUC\ S, D. D. IN THE CHAIR : AT a MEETING held heretnis Day, of the Proprietors of Land, and others, to take into consideration the intended HORsETOWLVG PATH front Worcester Bridge to Arlingham, m the county ofGbicester, it appeared'to the Meeting- that from the evidetieealready adduced on the subject, the adoption of the Horse Towing Path instead ofthatby Men only, would lie attended with great advantage to the Com- merce of the river Severn, a; ul also a^ insiderablead- vantage to the Landed Proprietors an* their Tenants by the said l iver, in preventing the frequent depreda- tions which occur where the latter mode of Towing is used; and under the manifest impression of this fact upon the Meeting, Dr. LUCAS proposed the following RISOLUTIONS, which were unanimously adopted:— Resoiveet,— THAT this Meeting is not willing to east any obstacles m the way of any scheme which may prove beneficial to tiie Trading Interest of the Coun- try, provided the projectors of such scheme be willing to indemnify and make proper satisfaction for such damage and loss as the said Towing Path, and the use thereof, will unavoidably occasion to the Land anil Property of the Proprietors or tiieir Tenants ou the banks of the said river. 2.— THAT it appears to this Meeting, by the evi- dence this day produced of several respectable Pio- pnetors of 1 . and, ami of others accustomed to the trade oil the river, that in those parts which have ex- perienced the effects of the various kinds of Towing Paths, the U'a> se Towing t'ath has been found to be much less injurious to the Pi> prietors and Occupiers of Land- by the said river than tile l owing I'atu used only by Men, 3 — THAT, for these reasons, this Meeting cannot consistently deny its approbat on to the intended Horse To wing Path from Worcester Bridge to Arlifig- am ; and then eoysent is hereby declared for this, among other substantial reasons, that the Public wilt be manifestly benefited in proportion to tiie ease and facility Willi which many of the essential articles of common use are conveyed up and down the said river, , 4 Resolved,—' THAT the proceedings of tnis Meet. iug- he advertised twit e in each of the Worcester and ' Glocestei Papers. > Sailed by order and on behalf of the Meeting, H. LUCAS, CHAIRMAN. The Chairman having left the Chair, the Thanks of the Sheeting were unaiiumoiisty voted to him ou the motion OF ANTHONY LKCIIMEIVS, Esq. CAPITAL GARDEN GROUND, ( With early Possession,) Adjoining the town of Upton- upon Severn. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by W MOORE and SOX, At the Cross- keys Inn, Upton- upon- Severn, Worces- tershire, on Thursday, the 21st day of February next, precisely at four o'clock in Ihe evening, subject to such conditions of sale as shall be then and there pro- duced ;— The following lots of most capital GARDEN GROUND, adjoining the town of Upton- upnn- Severn aforesaid; affording the best situations for building of any in the neighbourhood, of which early possession may be had : LOT I — A singularly rich Piece of Gr mid, adjoin- ing the foot- path leading from the Pig Market to the Horn. Lor 2. Another Piece, adjoining Lot I. LOT 3. Another Pece, adjoining Lot 2, LOT 4. Another Piece, adjoining Lot 3. LOT 5 Another Piece, adjoining Lot 4. LOT 6. Another Piece, adjoining Lot 5. LOT 7. Another Piece, adjoining Lot 6, LOT 8. Another Piece, adjoining Lot 7. LOT 9, Another Piece, adjoining LOT 8. LOT 10, Another Piece, adjoining Lot 9. All the above Lots have been admeasured, staked, and marked out, and are now in the possession of Messrs. Waring, Proctor, Li- idiard, Grove, Hall, and others, as yearly tenants. They are all Freehold of Inheritance, and the purchasers may be accommo- dated with any reasonable part ofthe Purchase- money, on mortgage ofthe Lits to he purchased by them. For a view of the Lots, and other particulars, apply at the Office of Long and Beale, in Upton- upon- Severn TO W. CAPEL AND T. GltAY. E'XPOSED and degraded as yon are, by the dis- j eovcry of the shameless part you took in the nefarious transaction respecting the'Penny Voters, I am not surprised that your contempt of all decency, and your disregard of all public and private character, should have led you to couple and league your uames together to impose again upon the Public. I tell you to your head and to your front, that you are grossly guilty of having misapplied a public and sacred trust to electioneering and party put poses. There is nothing strange, therefore, in your attempt to smother your misdemeanour in a violation of the truth. This last act, however, is a vain effort which your friends in the chosen bund of Commissioners may be disposed to compliment, not so much for its discretion, as for its consistency with the other parts of your unblushing conduct. In the paper to which you have had the hardihood to put your names, you have fallaciously misrepresented that I would " throw unmerited obloquy upon the friends of Sir William Guise, for having acted under the provisions of the Land Tux Redemption Rill IN FURTHERANCE of the INTENTION OF THE LEGISLATURE, to give those freeholders who, from neglect, had lost ilteir Elective Franchises, an op- portunity of recovering them." In these few words you have twice perverted the truth. You know that the intention of the Legislature was not that which yon would impose upon the pubhe mind, and y il know also that what you did was not in furtherance of it. Yon know, too, that the Land- tax Act, as welt as the Redemption Act, has been violated. The question, however, between lis, is not what are the pmecrs of cither one or both of these Acts, but how far you k irc abused them. In putting the Penny Voters upon the Rates, it is clear that the only object was basely to serve electioneering and party purposes. The whole transaction is full of evidence to substantiate the charge. Why were so many persons rated at the same amount of one penny each, not only with a dispro- portion as between the value of their respective pro- perties, but with a greater disproportion to the pro perties of the former payers upon the old rates? Answer this question, and deny the charge if you can. That you have a conscience to do it I can easily give you credit, if it did not inyolve you in an alter- native equally degrading. By your own confession, those in the long list of Penny Voters were persons to whom it was kindly wished to give an opportunity of recovering their Elective Franchises. Yon knew, therefore, that they possessed property of 40s. a year as the least qualification of an Elector. Yon knew, also, that in no parish ill your list is the- Land- tax rated so low as a half- penny iu the pound— in few parishes less than one shilling. Now then yon, a- Com- missioners, have rated or recognized persons whom you admit to have 40s. a year , each at one half- penny in the pound, thereby defrauding the rest of the pay ers, and leaving them without a remedy for ever, all per- sons who have redeemed tflcir Land- tax not being liable to be affected by any future equalization of the Rates. Acquit yourselves if you can. Offer an ex- cuse by saying, " all is fair at an Election,"— that the end justifies the means. In like manner the Baronet's partisans might get possession of all the Land- tax Rates in the County, erase the ngme of every sup- porter of Mr. Dutton, and then otier the Rates as authentic documents. Tins you know, perhaps, would be a forgery, where a man would risk his neck, and where it would avail him nothing to say " All is fair at au Election;" but the two cases, in morality, are much tipun a level. I have but a word or twe for your friend, who has assumed tlie name of" Sylvanus," because what serves to expose you, will serve also as an answer to him. There are, indeed, but two points in his address which call for an answer. The artifice of one is quite upon the surface. The other he has, warily enough, put in the shape of a question, because he did not like the answer. Ill the first place, he says he is a great Copyholder having but a small Freehold, and that there was nothing improper in having the tenures separately rated for the purpose ot clearly ascertain- ing hi; Franchise. Be it so. I suspect, however, that this one solitary instance ( which may not iu fact exist) is adduced for no other purpose than to draw aside the attention ofthe Public from the other 205 cases iu the long, list of Penny Voters. A'our friend " Sylvanus," therefore, or yon, will now have the goodness to point out how many more instances there are of the same kind. He next affects to tell us very learnedly, that the power of the Commission- ers for making Contracts inn ler the Redemption Act, is either ministerial or judicial, and if the former, he then asks iu effect, but not very clearly, whether Commissioners are not bound to sign the Redemption. I answer without tear of contradiction, that in the eases under consideration they were not bouud; whe- ther their office be ministerial or judicial, and what is more, that tven ministerial officers, putting their names to give effect to a purpose which they know- to be fraudulent or base in its foundation, arc par- ties to the crime. Both you and your Friend " Sylvaims" have been afraid to touch upon the abon illations practised upon Sir Thomas Crawley Boevy and the Rev. Mr. Coxwell. Yoii are cunningly aware that there is such a strong connection through the whole transaction that you would be implicated in all its parts. The paper pub- lished by Sir Thomas Crawley Boevy, most honoura- bly to himself, has put the Comity in possession of some facts relating to the maimer m which he was im- posed upon. This paper; as it was to be expected, remains unanswered. Kir. De Visme, it appears, was also present when the imposition w as practised BponSir Thomas. Unless, therefore, this harmless Son of Freedom and Independence, who is so loud in his cries against Plot aud Combination, steps forward to rescue bis character, he w ill justly stand charged with infamy. In my former letter I stated how the impo- sition was attempted upon Mr. Cuvwell; that a letter was written to him containing falsehood and fraud, autl hisoienson made t lie hearer of it. All tins, 1 sup- pose, we are to be told is fair at au Election, that it is ail nothing. What! is it nothing to impose upon gentlemen by fraud ami falsehood? ts it nothing to make the soil the pander to seduce his father':, honour? If these are the negative vices of your friends, it is ip vain to look for their positive virtues. A FREEHOLDER. OLOCESTEttSHIRl'.. TO be SOLD by AUC TION, on Tlmr- d;, and Friday, the 28th and 29th days c f Mar.-: i, Kill, on the premises of Mr. Wrliam Rogers, at Corndcan, ( who is going to leave the Firm,) in the parish and near the town of Wincheomb;— Ml the VERY VALUABLE LIVE STOCK, together with the Waggons, Carts, Ploughs, Harrows, and all other the Implements in Husbandry, now on tiie said Farm. The Live Stock consists of 20 Dairy Cows, 8 3 yr.< Id Heifers, 21 yearling ditto, one Bull six year old by Sultan, one ditto two years old, nine yearling ditto and ten Oxen, ( all whereof are descendants of Mr. Fowler's Breed,) 260 fat Sheep, and ten useful draught Horses. N B Further particulars will be publ lie i prevj » ons to the time of Sale. To the Independent Elec ors and Freeholders if the County of Glocester. GENTLEMEN < T BROTHER FREEHOLDIES! rTT~ TIE favourable Reception which my former A|>- JL peats to von, on the subject of'the F.'- etiie Franchise, have met with, seems to render it needless to use many words by way of preface, tooall vour at- tention to this Address. And surely, Gcutleiiicu, cannot imagine that any Address is, or can !>•', more calculated to command your f.: elings and attention, than one which ielates ii> the exercise of vour cha- racteristic and most valuable privilege— than one which excites you to rescue your oppressed Franchise from tiie servile, bondage to which it is now endea- voured to be exposed— than one which aidentlv de- sires deeply to imprint in your minds the Franchise* that from age to age, have been delivered d. nvn tit you bv vour renowned Forefathers, and wh'cli tliey so dearly bought, und vindicated at the expend- of so " much blood and treasure—: h » n one which, in a wind, implores never to let those Pranf- lnse- peri- h in ym. r bands, but. rather let yon make your lives glorious i « the constitutional engagement of them, piously trans, milting them untarnished to your posterity. Gentlemen and Freeholders, Th grand question of your cxeicise of this Ulective Franchise is now, oneo anain, about to be brought iuto. nction: the question, whether a combination of Nobjes and unconstitutional Interests, or a body of Freeholders, sba'l prevail; vvheth r the Constitutional Line of Election shall bo adopted, or whether the interested projects of di* vidbals, who want to bring the opulent Count v of Gloeester to a level with a Rotten Borough, sliail suc- ceed. And who are ihe- e Nobles, or undue Interests, or what, hare tliev done? is the question thai presses on my understanding, ivlien I - ee them adianee such arrogant pretensions over the Mleeiionsof vour COUIIT ty. Who are they ? Can any one di cover a e. aim iu their titles which should induce you to rei oi i ce the experimental advantages of your Franchise, and adopt the invidious, seiti- di sug'.' estioi's of intere- led Parties ? Who are they ? Ask Glocesier h re, and consult men of everv persuasion in politics anil reli- gion ; look to their political cived, and evninme their political conduct ; and then von en,, decide theqoutt* tion, whether thev should be trusted wit n tne conduct of the Election of your County. Gentlemen, Tour Country possesses, or ought t? nosess, vast advantages, local, inoia', and political — r But where are they, aud what baneful ludni. ine .... » counteracted their operation ? With a soil and situa* tiou the most. favourable ; with institutions the most liberal; and a population, iog nious; enterpr'siiii% ' and industrious, we have seen Hie comforts, fnedon,, and social sympathies of the population gradua v dis- appear, and, iu the midst of blessings, a svstein of mi- eryrear its head !— A most injurious anil iufaiif— ated system could have alone perverted ail the ait*. ficial and ua'urai advantages uf v mvCoo, i', i v-~ r> j have transformed a people, who ought to be hap • v,• into what t ey. now are, tUftheiied and d: « Cont « ir « « U and yet these Noble fords, this An;-* wintieal Coiii- bination, under whose benumbing influence t his b :- jilt has happened, have tile etffon'erv to tell voii, Ilia till* very system is congenial toyow ivautsand i- hes, and that you ought, to return a man, o r if their own no- mination, who may assist to shackle and to r£ ude4- your situation worse. Gentlemen; Beware of the undue and unconstitu- tional eve cj. se cf the A rintocrntiCal influence in Flec- tions: the essenee of Fu- ciloirs consists in tbeiriudeta pendence ; n,. dtbis essence is foi « tMo> e » , fa iy h- strov- erl, the instant that the Nobtlit v eui> coimnan i your Elective franchise, or any undue jwwver repugnant to the l, aw. But you tell me that t over- rat Ihi- • , lege, and that the Elective Franchise is not a un iir of t but comfort and cons, qnenee w hieli I bau rep. e- sented it to be :— Gent'emeri, Taxes and I'a - ga- therers, Peculators and Pensioners. Pris ns and !•' ar- racks, now constitute Hie prom. nenl otc!. iucfiy., v ea- tnres of your situation ! And to tvbat attributed ? U> the abu- e ofthe K'ecll > e Franchr- e ! Your gau • ay crowded with debtors and eninma's; vowr workh'- u-, a with u'nfortirfinie trade- men; and your street-- •-. Ii vagrants, ruffians, and thieves! ' nd to hat s ; s stale to he atlribnted ? To the abuse if'U Klectup Fianchi. se! To Freeholder- and to Klectors, w o, from the'infhieuce of unconstitutional Parties, or f IU a hop.- of reward, return Members to - erve i> 1' u; a- ment who cannot be deemed p ' rely and rtv? 11 >' c ri- al y elected. It is. Gentlemen, a very common thing, to fulmi- nate declaiantiun-' against Minrdeis and ineil ad- herents, and to attribute the cnlatniiresof a nation lo its Goveruois. I n inv ii mble- opmion, in viewing ihe causes of the dec! ue and f « fl of Sraie* aud Urn piles, such decline and fall are not to he, a- tribined to the Elected but to the Elee. toi s. [ f ihe Electa* s would not be influenced bv the Mobility in their 1- at. ctious— If the Freeholders would not sell I heir votes, and act like a base Judas, sett theirb'rth- rtght and tlveii country f- m a groat— it Pensioners, Officers, t. au vers, and needy aud ambitious meii, weie not leturned » Parliament, then would the Country not hat e to complain nfwiehed men aud wicked measures, or lament to see t tie Ku\ al Oak de. troved bv the worthless anil ' Corroding vy that clings around it. Gentlemen Electors, ' Tis f- r vou to Vnovv vour po- litical consequence, aud thai it is- in thepo- ver of F. I. EC- TORS to secure the happiness and prosperity of a Coun- ty. Endeavour, therefore, to rise to a knowledge of that consequence ; endeavour to ehust iiie. u of wisdom and coinage, who will no' be bribed or dragooned out of their dut es bv the ptotnises or sco « Is of men.— Never bad yoo inote need to revive th. e Old F. nglishi spiri' that dares be faithful andjnsi ngatpst all temp- tations than al the present aji fid moment.' Make it your business tochusesuen as are resolved lo stand by, aud maintain, tne Lib, ities of the People together with the power and/'.?/ riahts'of ne Crown, according to the Laws of the Kiuirdom, so as the one may not entrench upon the other. — ludividuiy , cwniyurisuiis ; ute invidious; aod I refrain from uiaking any : but in se- lecting a Representative, or giving a preference tw Candidates, I would, on general and broad rtnctp'* s, and mi pure constitutional views, rather give mv - uf- frage to au Imlejieivdeut ' ouuuouer, than tonne n ho is connected with the Peerage, or suppotted b Aris- tucratical Influence. Were two Candidates in ecerif other rapeetsqual, I think liieadvaniages to tiie P e.- le would preponderate on the sideeftln Coo; inoner; Rini derthis impression, my vote, and ' merest, titth. uri' is, ( if requited-,) ivtll be given lothe Honourable Bam et, not because I haie the honour ofSu- tic W. ( jui.- ie'a qc* quainian. ee, but from reasons aboie slated. Gentlemen, It mav be asked, why I, as an indivi- dual unconnected with any interests, Vai t- those of t'iie People, should so often rivKt; inv voice', and eodha our to make mvself heard in tnv Native Cvun- Vtv, and I' 4r- ticulurly on questions relating to M> UI Elective Fran- ebi- e: AIMI why? Frem the motives •> oil I nave stated in the body of this Address ; f. oin a'conv ieftoii that the calamity of the Country is to b attributed to hi d general y of I'lleetqrs ; and that If Ihe fniiotawi of all power, that of Eleet. io s, were pure aud nneon- laminated, the Cou. itrv would display its wonted fea- tures of happiness aud constitutional freedom. When I seethe F. lective Franchise of my Native County, threatened or abused, 1 cannot resist exer- cising my ftebie voice ; because I u- gard this Fran- chise as the grand pillar of fjigltsb Liberty ; as the fundamental privilege wjiereby we have been, and aie, preserved more fre" and nappy tnan any other Nai ion under rhe canopy of Ilea\ en. A ndI conclude by asserting, that whoever shall de- ign to impair, per- vert, or a, use, this inestimable privilege, strikes at the very vitals of the Constitution, MI the verv exist* eneei'f eveiy thing which; as ail tod. pendent IV- up e, is valuable and dear to ns, and is laying ihe basisi. f eff- otiyg. i lie permanent bondage and slavery of poste- rity, and of sinking in the 2n pb of perdition our best' and IUO.- I chatuetei- i- tie blessing- a- Free- born Onion* 1 I have the honour to be, ( ftimiMEX, and lift, IH ,. K i InottlF. M, Your attacned and obedient humble Servant, WAU'l'lktt liW. NVVVu^ l> Y. VT6- Bath, JaiK )'<, 1* 11. SATURDAY'S POST. LONDON, THURSDAY, JAN. 3L. PRICE OP STOCKS THIS DAY. 3 per Cent. Cons, money, 65J 66— for account, 66?. " Navy 5 per Cent. 98JJ— Omnium— Kednced 66| j|— 4 per Cen t. 83J J. Ex. Bills 3s. to 5>. prem.— Bonds 23s. to 26s. prem. Eunderstand it is certain that the present Mi- \ V • listers w ill be dismissed on Tuesday next.- COURIER. Although the Regency Bill has passed the Lords « nd Commons, the several conferences still necessa- ty, pro form a, between the two Houses, and other in- cidental ceremonies, will occasion a further delay ; so that the Bill, it is thought, cannot now be passed into a law sooner than about Tuesday. Portuguese papers to the 13th, and letters of the name date, aie arrived. It appears that Mortier's corps is advancing bv the Way of Spanish Estrama- dura, in order to co operate vjijh Massena. It is supposed that lie intends to make a diversion on the south of the Tagus. Marshal Bercsford is now on that side of the river, with 30,000 Portuguese. Advices have been received at Badajoz of the arri - val in Estramadnra of French reinforcements to the number of about 11,000 men, 4,000 of whom had been sent by General Souit from from St. Mary's. An intercepted letter from Paris to the French ar- my in Portugal states, we are assured, that Junot was > o jealous of Massena, that he never acted cordially with the latter, and had consequently been recalled. The same letter states, that Junot had given so Tnnch offence, by his conduct in obstructing, or at least not assisting zealously the proceedings of Mas- sena, of which Bonaparte fully approves, that it is doubtful whether some signal punishment will not be indicted on him, to make the example more striking, as directed against one w ho w as formerly a great fa- vourite with the French Ruler. By the same communication it appears, that it was strongly rumoured iu the political circles of Paris, that Ferdinand the Seventh is to be married to a Princess of Austria, and to be restored to the Crown ofSpain; that Joseph is to return to his throne in the kingdom of Naples; and that Murat is to be the future Mo- narch of Poland. Li tters from Cadiz to the 30th ultimo, state that Home successful attacks had been made on the enemy's lines by the allied gun- boats and batteries. A smart affair of this kind took place on the morning of the 27th, and another on the 29tb, which had not con- cluded when the letters were forwarded. The French have gone through the ceremonies Of taking possession of the Hanse Towns, asjisnts of Prance, and the inhabitants now see themselves sub- ject to the rigour of tlie conscription laws, as well as debarred from all their commercial resources. The Spanish General Ellis, according to atlvices re- ceived in town yesterday, is now on his voyage to Buenos Ayres, on board a frigate, with 2500stand of arms, and a quantity ofSmnnmition. He sailed from Carthagena, w ith full powers to act to the best of His judgment, in bringing to subjection the revolutionary government of Buenos Ayres. He refused to take any trot>|> s with him, being confident that - onhis aixk_| val with the arms anil ammunition aboVe stated,, he viould find adhtrcnts to the cause of the mother coun- try nifficicnt to enable him to accomplish the object of his enterprizc. Sir Joseph Yorke, with the large reinforcements for Lord Wellington's army, . s'; t. il<,' d, yesterday, from Ports- mouth, with a fine wind at , N. I" The East and West India convoys sailed « * t tht; same time. A cartel from Dunkirk arrived at Dover yesterday, with the persons saved out of the East India ship Eli- zabeth, as under: — Captain R, W. Eastwiek, Wm. Jackson, Wm. Eildis,' Mr. Land, Mr. Baker, Mr. Hay ward, and sixteen Lascars, They were extreme- ly well treated by thq, French. The inhabitants of Dunkirk made > a collection for them, aud cioathed the Lascars, and supplied them with warm nourish- ment; 5tc. They are sent home, we understand, to be exchanged for an eqrtal number of Dunkirk men. There was no news of consequence ill France from tiie armies in Spain and Portugal. Yesterday being the anniversary of the Martyrdom of King Charles, the two House , s of Parliament, as usual, attended divine service, but did not meet to transact any business. ~ . A petition for leave to bring in a Bill to erect a third Theatre will be presented to the House of Com- mons in the course of a few days. Alexander Davison, Esq. was liberated from New- gate on Saturday last, the term of his confinement being expired. We bave - already stated that his Majesty's evvt- eight has of late become considerably improved. - The first symptom of this was discovered by his observing Dr. Heb'erden reading a newspaper, arid that he hail a great coat on; his Majesty had also ' observed, that ah the Doctors had their hats off. One day when be was at dinner in a room under Blenheim. Tower, adjoining his private apartments, where he has lately dined for the convenience of the Doctors, and being better adapted for his dinner iu be served up from the kitchen, ftp distinguished k'^ articular tureen on tlie. table. Since that time, his Majesty's sight has be- come still more improved. COUNTY ELECTION. On Monday, agreeably to notice from the High Sheriff, a County Court was held at the Bootliall, for the election of a Knight of the Shire in the room of Lord Viscount Dursley, now Earl of Berkeley. After the usual formalities, the Hon. John Dutton was proposed, as a gentleman every way qualified to fill the important station of Representative for the Comity, by Col. Kingscote ; and seconded by E. - Slicp- pard, Esq.— Sir B. W. Guise was then nominated by Sir G. (). Paul, Bart( Mr. Probyn being prevented from attending to renew liis nomination by a severe fit of the gOntl and seconded by T. de la Berc, Esq. Tift- show of hands beiug declared in favour of the Baronet, a poll was demanded by the Friends of' Mr. Dutton. The question of adjournment to the Hust- ings being put, Sir Henry Prothcrocattempted to ad- dress the meetiugin behalf Of Mr. DrUton, but in con- sequence of its being understood to have been previ- ously agreed between the agents of the parties, that to prevent delay the speeches Of the respective friends of the candidates should be dispensed with, it was found impossible to obtain a hearing for the worthy Knight, and the Court adjourned to the Hustings at twelve o'clock. The following is the daily state of the poll: — FIRST DAY.— Guise 263 Dutton 147 Majority 116 SECOND DAY. — Guise - 5> 3 Ditlton 432 TIIIUD DAY.- Majority - 126 — Guise - 482 Dutton 307 FOURTH DAY'. Majority 85 — Guise - < llt Duttoii Majority 157 FIFTH DAY.— Duttqn , .' lull G uisc - 338. Majority Total Majority for Sir'Win. Guise 13 464 TO TUB GENTLEMEN, CLERGY, & FREEHOLDERS, OF, THE COUNTV OF GLOCESTER. , GENTLEMEN, . , » , . IT seems my AtlrersarJcs vainly imagined if they could by any effort* or stratagems pall their strength inafcif tlays, and t^ herebu procure a ti mporarjlifiujority, thit i should he driven . from that eimfidenec of success which ivafrants a determined pcscvi ranee in tKe present contest. They hare egreginushj diceited thonselres. ' t% e Toll of the succeeding ten days wilt best testify to my Opponent, that although from the nearness of Hi- gl i nt mass of his Totes to the scenZvf polling, he was enabled t1 exhaust himself in a few days, yet tiiat a decided ma/ ori- ty of Freeholders before the termination of the contest will ensure me thi first object of my ambition. lily Opponent is not ignorant, that on th'sday in par- ticular, he owes his success to the distant roads being impassable from snow. It remains for me only to add, that so far from being dismayed by a transient majority. I have mterbern more confident of success than at I his moment, and ' am ner- siiaded, that on this day week, my Opponent would be proud to exchange situations lui.'/ i me on tht Toll. My heartfelt gratitude is due for the distinguished support I receive, and commands me to say that I urn, « md ever shall be, GENTLEMEN, Your most faithful and obliged Sen- ant, JOHN OUTfOS. Gloctstcr, Jan. 31, 1811. T Silling, time t, i : Present appearances indicate a most determined contest :•— the friends of Sir William Guise ( from tiie state of the poll,) are in the highest spirits; whilst on the other hand, the partizans of Mr. Dutton, calculat- ing on the great numbers they have to bring up from the more distant parts of the county, and many of the. n havilig been prevented from attending in consequence of the badficss of the weather, entertain not the least doubt of success. There arc 21 subscribers to the Gold Cup, at the ensuing races at Oxford. * On Monday evening last, about eleven o'clock, as Mr. Wm. Williams, Master of MarchantsMlall- School, in Bristol, w as passing over the draw- bridge, lie tell into the river, and, although taken out imme- diately, and conveyed to his home, died at four o'clock the next morning. In the Court of King's Bench, ' rill Saturday last, the Attorney- General moved for a riilc to shew cahje' why a criminal . information should not lie granted against Capt. Gregory, of the North Gloce'ster Militia, for a public insult offered to J. H. Wilcox,- Esq. of Bristol, for the purpose of provoking him to send a challenge.— Rule granted. / , On Saturday,' John Smith was committed to our Comity gael by the Rev. C, Canatiguvn, on suspicion if stealing a silk bonnet, the properly of St Long,' of AlkingtOn; and on Simdav,' Sarah- Blood, by H. Burglrand S. Wathen, ESqrsi andthe Rev. P. Hawker; charged , with stealing a piece of broad cloth, the propefty of Francis Tocknell. i 1,. iCI. Ot'iiSTER INFIRMARY. Numbtr of Patients in the house. ' To the Electors f r the County of Gloccstcr. TIE. CO MM! ITEES . lor conducting Vic Election on tin part of Ml. DCT'ON, are now ml • will, dnrmg- ihe, present Contest, ro ;- to Sit, at the'following places :— viz.— Tit* (] KNTR\ L CoMMtTTKti, At • « ! « '- Kltl( f « | Head hill, loiici. stcr; and I > ISRITICT COMMITTEES at the Fin , ir, Uri » t< I; a; Cirencester; Sfforitf; Slow, Cum Teyvki sb'. ry, Wincl/ ftimbe, i. iic | tfenli'am, Berke- ey, Newport, Kiugscote, ami Tockingtoii, It is most respectfully requested that Connmuiica tior. s tending t? insure Mr, Dunn's Election, be made lo Jjticli i. f^ tiiose . Committees is may be most Convenient ; such Coimiiuiiieatioiis will be thankful!)- received, and evpry ie^ ai yssist nice furnished t/> con- vey the V, iters to and frijin the Poll.' King's Head Inn, . Giocester, January 19, 1811. SALE POSTPONED. ' O BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Mr. PHJLI. POTIS, ') n Monday, the iBth of February, 1810, and not on tiie 4tli, as' before advertised, at the Royal Oak, in the parish of the Benow, in ttic Comity of Worcester, at twelve o'clock:— Si . ty O AKS, ami Forty ELM TREES, viz.- Lot. i. Forty OVKS, No. 1 to 4< j, on a Farm, at Berrow, in the occupation ofTboihas Perkins. Lot. 2 Twelve ELMS, No. 1 to 12, on the same Farm. Lot. .1. Twenty OAKS, No. t to 20, on Land be- longing ( o Yeiyiians, at the Ben ow aforesaid. Lot 4. Twenty- eight ELMS, on a Farm, called Shott's, in tlie parish ot Eldersfield, in the comity of Worcester, and in the occupation of Thos Bradstock. N. Bi— The Occupiers of the Land will. shew the Tim- ber; Htid for further Particulars apply to Mr. Michael WadVv, at Maisemore, or to the Auctioneer. OAK COPPICE AND ELM TIMBER. O BE SOLD HY AUCTION, by MR. PUILl. POTTS, On Thursday, the 14th of February iiist. at the Swan Inn, Tewkesbury, al four o'clock in the afternoon, 40( 1 ELM TIMBER TREKS, now standing and growing on the Estate of Mr. TIIOS. HOWIE, at Appt'liy, fnnr miles from Tewkesbury, ii the county of Olocestpr, viz. JOHN HILL AND JOSEPH EV VV- CARRIERS . .... ^ j.-.,, , . bvis mic from the PLOUGH LVN, Norfligate- strecr, Glocestu, every Monday Morning, at Seven o'Clock, and arrives at Ihe GREYHOUND INN, Broadmead, PiistoJ, caily in the Afternoon,— Leaves Bristol Tuesday Morning at Nine o'clock, ami arrives . it Glocester the same Even- ing; and from thence forwards goods.. to Tewkesbury, Worcester, Birmingham, aud all parts of the North, with the greatest expedition. ,, > Sets out fropi the Piot'Git INN, Norlhgate- street, evpry Thursday, Friday, and Saturday Moruiugs, St. Eight o'clock, to the Crown Inn, Chelrt nham; returns from thence to . Giocester the same Afternoon HILL anil EVANS , beg leave lo assure those who may phase to favour them w ith tlieir patronage, that, the strictest attention and punctuality will be paid to their commands; as it will be their constant endeavour to merit a continuance of their favours. N. B. floods of any kind will be. received and book- ed, at John Hill's Wholesale and Retail Boot and Shoe Warehouse, Northgate- street; where a large as ort- ment is kept ready- made, which will be sold on reason-, able terms, for ready aioney.— Good Accommodation for Passengers. ( One Concern.) 1 to 50, in Estptire'sGround ,£>! to lot), in ditto, to 157, in ditto. Men,, Women, 6ft- .4'.) Beds, 72 45 Olocf^ tcr. THE ANNIVERSARY ' » < F. THE CONSTITUTIONAL TRUE BLUES WILL BE HELD T the BELL INN, on Monday, the 4th Febriiarv, 181 L^- ORDINARY 3S. 6tl. J. MOUNTAIN, PtttsiDFkT. Tliosii Gentlemen who wish to dine, are requested : to siguifv the same at the Bar of the above Inn as soon as possible. Dinner " oil Table at Four o'clock. A1 STROUD ASSEMBLIES. TH£ STROUD ASSEMBLY, advertised fo beheld at the GEORGE INN, on Tuesday, February 5th, is POSTPONED on Account of the Election. •' - r • A LL 1 ersOns having any claim or denihnrf on the estate of the late Mr. KIDMAN, of Cirel- f- tenliim, are requested to send the particulars thereof . to Ml Jell of Giocester, the Executor, in ordei. to tlieir being discharged; and all Persons stai. ditisdm debted to the said estate are required immediately to , pay the sane to the said Mr. Jelf. MRS. KIDMAN MOST gratefully returns' thanks to her Friends aud the Public in General, for Ihe fit- vours bestowed upon tier late Husband, and begs re- spect'nljy to inform them, tiiat ni partiieiship' with i her Son, honoured with their patronage, she purposes , to Continue the Business. < 0lctestnY SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2. BIRTHS.— A t Hie Parsonage, Much Marcle, Mrs. Money; of a daughter.-.- The lady of Colonel M'- Do- Uell, of Glengarry,- oftason, athcr'house ill Charl- ton, near Clieltienham,' on the 21th ttlM H-) J Oil Tuesday was marrietl, at Woodcliestcr, in tliis county, Mr. George Banaster, of Tewkesbury, * o Elizalitth, eldest daughter of Mr., Hcwart), of Wood- Chester. • ; . Sunday was married, Mr. Thomas Draper; to Miss Jane Bates, both of Cheltenham. Ou Thursday was married, Mr. John Walker, of M'estingjon, to Miss Mafy Smith, of the Brookhouse, iieaf. lirmnyard. ' ' Saturday died, at liis seat, at Bevere, near Worces- ter, at the advanced age of 86, the Rev. T. R. Nash, 1). D. Rector of Leigh, author of the History of . Worcestershire, and the oldest Magistrate in that county. i . a A few days since died, aged 61, Mr. Evan Evans, of the Coach and Horses Inn, in Ross. Dr. Mansel, the Master of Trinity College, Cam- bridge, and Bishop of Bristol, lias had a living given him of 20001. a year by the Minister. The Berkeley Hunt Ball, given on Friday evening, at the King's Head Inn, in this city, was attended by a select and fashionable company,, who,' after con- tinuing the merry dance till a late hour, departed highly gratified with the politeness and liberality of Ilk- Members. The sumptuous and elegant supper antl entertainment prepared by Mr. Dowling, receiv- ed justly merited pruise. Nothing indicates more forcibly the encreascdnnm- IHT of new residents iu Cheltenham and neighbour- ' bood, tliau the establishment, for the first time, ( lur- ing tiie winter months; of regular stagecoaches to the Various parts of the kingdom. C. Wqlseley, F. sq. of Wolselcv Park, Staffordshire, Jb. is publicly, announced his intention of opposing Sir John Wiottesley for the representation of the county of Stafford, should ihe latter offer himself when a vacancy ocfors. .. On Thursday evening, a servant belonging tp the Pev. Mr. Mills, of Mlscrdine, was attacked by tw< ' font pads, between Birdlip and Forston'Asli turnpike, and lobbed of bis watch and money. M. KIDMAN ajtd Son, WOOLLEN AND LINEN DRAPERS. Funerals P « rnishrd. A HEARSE, MOURNING COACHKS, CHARIOT; And every Article of FafniK- MOURNING. • 1) 1! ' l- vl THE DEAF AND, DUMB. ''" MR. T. S. WOODMAN, having directed fiis studies for several years to the instruction of the DEAFand DUMB, as well as to the removal of Impesliments- ii: Speech, and having reduced scientific principles to extensive am) successful practice, intends to open immediately, near London, a private Esta- blishment,- for sie reception of a limited number of pupils.— Consc^ iis of the want and importance of an institution addlwmal to those, already established, and solicitous to extend the advantages of an An, by which the Deaf and Dumb are taught not only to ex- press their ideas by a distinct articulation, hut even to acquire science and polite accomplishments, lie is determined t. i devote himself to the promotion of this new anil useful branch of instruction. Impressed with humane views, his terms will be as moderate as tlie expences at tending such an establish- ment, and the ease and couit'oi t of his pupils, will admit. Those, who require farther information, will be fully satisfied on application to Mr. W. at Gordon- House, Kentish Town, Middlesex. iNotice to Debtors and Creditors. Persons having any claim or demand A LI 8ii the Estate of the late MRS. ELIZABETH PRICE, Victualler and Maltster, of Abergavenny, are requested to send the particulars thereof to L. Os- borne, Esq. at the. Bank in that town, in order to their being discharged.— And all persons standing in- debted to the said estate, are requested to pav the same immediately, to L. Osborne, Esq. aforesaid. Abergavenny, Jan. 30, 181 L To THE GENTLEMEN, Ci i'. llOY, , Y FREEHOLDERS, O*- THE COUNTY OF GLOCESTER. GENTLEMEN, HOW far th? j) l( d^< tk> en by my Opponent, that by the muldh nf the u- Pelt, any temporary advanlagt I might derive from situation would bi d'me away, has been redeemed, is best ansirvred by lite State of the Poll. Though vty Opponent appears lo hare obtain: d a mujn ritijuf 1; J. Votes. on this day s Poll, it u- ill he found, that this seaming adcantuge lies bu n procured by the success- ful manccuvre nf referring to the Sheriff etery rase which could gvi/ iibly admit of Hi, most trh ial nut si ion Th< • ituinlief of those cases, either not decided, or not taken iltlo the aUpuUUiini of this day's Poll, amounted, at the close, lo 41; while not one case on the part of my Oppo- nent remained undecided. O f IkeSe taxes, ten hitue aheudy been determined in my favour; ami nodoubt whatever can be eiiter! ( lined, that a similar decision will take place as to the greater proportion o f the. remainder. After the grand effort which « /< y- Opponent lias this dan mtubt, J. hesitate wit to declare, Halt, so farfrom feeling anesuamtnt's anxiety from the result„ il hai inspired me tpith uijditfo/ ial f/ tmid,( ucf, , ... . A aiiitiniiapce of those efforts by which lite zeal of my fj- iend's has Hceii'io eminlniltj displai/' ed,' ivill ensure h stic- ces'sjW ' ffautt to this Contest, and'erinfit un obligation, UieTvmeltWi ant^' iif ttlli'ch can ouhj terminate with my life. ' ' / huVe the hoimr to be, it'ith the highest respect, - GEM'LEMISN, Your very faithfulmid obliged Servant; , KEKKPLEY WILLIAM GUISE. Glocestc'r, Pel. 1, 1811. ' I Majority at the close of the Fifth Day's Poll; 464. ' Tq: mj. ndcp. eiidyit. Freeholders | Gl'NTLEMEri, LOT 1, 50 Trees, No. 2, 50 ditto, — 3, 57 ditto, — 10.1 4, id ditto, — 158 to 17. ij in Little Shaw 5, 32 ditto, — 176 lo 207, in Lane- endGronnd 6, 33. ditto, — 208 to 24", in The Wimi wiligs 7, 40 ditto, — 241 to 21) 9, in Church Mead 8, 4<> ditto, — 890 to ill ditto. . 9, 36 ditto, — 33il to 365, iii Home Orchard Iff, ' 41 ditto. N' H, 3 Acres and growth. Tiie Timber is PARTNI iRSH IP D1SSOLV KD. OTICE is hereby given,, that the Partner- ship between JOHN, ANN, and Ki JIIA AN- DREWS, of the Borough of Tewkesbury, in the county of Giocester, Linen and Woollen- Diapers, Cloth- Mai ntifacturers, Arc. trading. nniler the firm of ANDREWS and Co. has been DISSOLVED by mutual consent;' anil that the same will in future be carried , on by John Andrews only, who returns sincere tiianVst, Ins friemlA. and the public, for the liberal ciicouiagement he has received with bis late partners, and begs leave to su- S on Land held by I licit a continuance of theirfavours.— Witness our hands," | Jolni Newman. | this 22d day of November, 1310. 366 to 4i' 6, i Half ot Oak Coppice, 22 years' . , , . seneiiil of superior quality, the whole within half a mile of the river Severn, and ad- joining the Combe- Hill Canai. For particulars, apply to Mr. Thomas Dowle, at Appeney, or to the Auctioneer, at G'locester. JOHN ADNREWSI ANN ANDREWS. KE? I. A ANDREWS. T° BE GLOCESTER. SOLD BY AUCTION, by IT. Pi ACfj, J At the Dolphin Inn, in this citv, on Thursday, ifie tonrteeu. Hi,( lay of February, in? tant, at 4 o'clock ••• afternoon; . in the ALL THOSE TWO LEASEHOLD MESSUAGES, With a Mall house. Stable, and Brewhouse adjoining, well Situated for Trade, in the Eastgate- street, 111 this oily, and now in the occupation of Mrs Merrrtt, and her undertenants; possession of which may be had im- mediately. The above premises are held hy Lease under the Dean andChapter of Giocester, for the term of 3 years, commencing at Lady- day, ldotl, at the yearly rent of 18s. and ' il. Ss. ( id. in lieu of Land- tax. For further particulars, apply to Thomas Okey, Solicitor; or William Peach, Auctioneer, Gloccsfer. "(> BK SOI. l) BY AUCTION, CHARLES SHARE, day of February, 1811; i^ y On Wednesdn ay. the sixth All the.' Lire ttnd' Dead Farming Stock, J. WASli^ OUI^ N l- ioni- spr r r „ lmpleim> iiis- i, f || lnsbandi y, and oiher Kfieets, the pro- - . . GI OCl STFR ' perty of IIIOMAS Cox, Lsq. al thr C. fIA PPK1. ft , RM 1,1 ' ^ L^ 1?'- 1 L, ill the parish of Re. linarlv d'Abitot, in the < ouuty J „ . /' f « i</'' i/ « re published, price 6u. sewed ,\ V( » r<' » » <, Ht S Pnrniii'iv i ,.. r ..... f. l __ 4 ,1- - liV .1. ( : i HIV Xfzi. Ji^^ l O ... I. _ n . .. FOR SALE BY THE C. ANDLR, AT Garraway's ColFee- House, Cornhill, London, on Tuesday, the 5th of February next, at Oiie o'Clock, ( for Account of the Undei writers About Eight Himdied Bags of SPANISH WOOL, damaged, being part of the Cargo , of the Resource, Captain Nicholas, froin Vnllencia, stranded neat Alar gate.— To be viewed on Monday, and Day of Sale, at Messrs. JohnPearsi nand Son';! WarBhoiises, Seethu. g- Lanie and Steel- Yard, Where Cataiognes will be de- livered, andhy - » IVlARSH and F, US WORTH, Brokers, No. 9, Tokenhouse- Yard. London, Jan. 25, 1811. '. STATE LOTTERY. SWJFT and Co. remind their Friends and the Public, that the above Lotteiv will begin and fi- nish Drawing on the • 15th ipst. FEBRUARY. , The Tickets arc cheaper than in the l& st Lottery, and the Scheme contains , FOUR PRIZES of £ 26,000. besides Fi rty other Capitals, and no Prize less tharf Persons in tlie Country may lie supplied with Tickets and Shares, bj sending tlieir Ord is, per Post, or otherwise, w tli remittal ccs, lilrecied " Swift and Co. State Lottery Office, Loiidon," or by : i| phcaliorf to their Agent, of Glocestersfiu, GLOC I'. STERSHI R E. O be LET and entered upon immediately, the ROYAL OAK. INN, in Minciiinhauipron, adjoining the Marketplace.— The premises iiud sta- bles are roomy, and convenient tor any ( filer business with the public. The tenant wiil not be compelled take to anv stools, and iviy be had with or without six Acres of LAND. For particulars, enquire of Mr. Chambers, Sen. near the Premises, AS an individual warmly interested in the glo- rious struggle to preserve tlie constitutional freedom of Election, I take the liberty of addressing . you on the subject of Ihe Land- Tax, antl the sta- emeilt { that'iippeari'd in the Giocester Herald of Saturday last. The Hon. Gentlemen, w ho acte as Commissioners irt ihe proceedings. there alluded to, acted with strict pi. pnetv, and iu conformity with the intention of Hie ' Legislature, as expressed in the several acts relating to that subject. The 20 George III. c. 17, enacts that,'' If the name I of any owner, or owners, of any messuages, lands, or tenements, in such parish, or . lace, intitled to vat-, j shall, not appear, of be included in such assessment; It shall, and may be lawful for Such person, or persons, j by himst- If, or themselves, or by his or their Agent, or 1 Agents, to appeal to the Commissioners of Ihe Land- Tax,'! & c. " And the said Commissioners shall amend the dpplipatcs of such assessment iiy inserting therein the name, or names, of tiie aciual occupier, or occu- piers j and of the ovyter, or. ownei s, of such messuages," isp, " And such person, or persons, shall be taken arid deemed to be rated iu Shell assessment, or assess- ments, as effjotnally to all intents and purposes, as if the name, or names, of siic" ft person, or persons, had been originally inserted itt sueu assessment." For the purpi ses of redemption ai d sale of . the Land- Tax, there- have been thirteen statutes pasSeu; the principal one is that of 42 George III. c. 116, which contains twu hundred sections, besides nine pages of schedules. Tnis act was made by the Legislature with the view ofhrdilii/ K out every possible inducement to purchase the Land- Tax - It ope.. 9 the door to the alienation and disposition of a 1 property, real and per- sonal, which was before unalienable^- It gives the Commissioners the most copious p wers to carry con- tracts into effect. - Where the Laud- Tax to be redeem- ed is under per annum, it enables the party to pay the purchase- money to the Receiver General of the County, or his deputy. It autnorises the Com- missioners for the sale oi'ithe Land. Tax to contract with the p utios desirous of redeemiil!!, although they do not pioduce certificates of the amount from the Acting commissioners of tlio Land- fax. Speakiim of the Contract by the Commissioners for Kale, the language of the act is, " And the said last- niiinfioned Comm. v., oners are hereby authorised, and required to co tf^' t and agree." JTitlnevery possible sentiment of respect for the gen- tlewVu wlio refused to ratify tli « contracts alluded to ( aiVl there can be no sort of doubt of such refusal pro- ceeiiiiiL, from the most honourable motives,) 1 must subnt l, that I think they were not justified in so doing. The A- tt does not, iu that respect, give them a discre- tionary power; it is imperative. It was meant to embrace the very case before us:— There appear to be several hundred Freeholders in this County possessing all other qualifications to give them the elective franeh se, hut that of being on ihe Land- Tax Assessment. Is it not to be lamented that Eng- lishmen should lose their most valuable privileges from the inattention of the Assessors of Parishes? Iu this neighbourhood the Land- Tax Assessments have been coined year after year front the former rate, and now exhibit the names of numerous Freeholders who have long been in their graves. GENTLEMEN, The advertisements fi- mnotir enemies are inserted with the view of taking tip our tune and attention from m re important matters. They want to decoy us into personalities and a ri crmi atiou of calumny, which is unworthy of our caise. Oun CAUSE IS the CAUSE of the COUNTRY ; the CAUSE of TRUTH, as opposed to FALSEHOOD and HVFOCUISY : — Tue CAUSE of the KING, anil the BRUSH CON STITUTION.— The eyes of the nation are uion us, and upon our success rests the future INDEPENDENCE and INTEGRITY of the REPRESENTATIVES u'the COM- MONS I have the honour » o remain, Geutlemn, Your faithful luimhlc serant, Worces'. ei 1 comprising six useful cart geldings and mar- -., six suits of good geering; two'very excellent TS, the one rising five, the o'her six years o'd; a grey brood mare bv Alfred, in foal by Fugleman; a bro-. vn brood mare !> y Nimrod, in foal bv Fugleman ; also a yearling colt by Fugleman, and a very fine. gn- y colt by Woodpecker, ri. siim two years old, out of the grey mare ; a good Veai ling cart colt; and about one h, nidr « d ewes in Venn, in lots of ten each ; ten fat wethers ; one boar nod three capital hilts, two exceed- ing good nairww- n heel waggons, nearly new, with iion arms; a half boded harvest wag| on, and two good nar ( lie. wheel carts ; twelve ploughs nfearly new, of va o is makes; three pair of horse harrows, single nai'iows, drags, and scuffler, a large quantity of hur- dles, a two- furrow, drill, li'dl- rake, aud patent chaff- engine with two sets of knives, witii fans, . riddles, measures, and variety. of other useful Farming Imple- ments, which will he fully described in Catalogues.— Two capital large pipes, containing upwards of fifteen hundred gallons of good family PERRY, and upwards of twenty hogsheads of family CIDKR and PliRliY, and a quantity of good seasoned empty hogsheads; two nine stone rick- staddks, well timbered; two arge Wheat ( ticks, and one of Hurley, the straw; of w:, ich may 1|.' taken of! the promises i. iy the purchaser. The sale will commence at leu o'clock in the morning. N T / - .?"!> P « Mshed, price Vs. Oa. sewed. Uy J. (. allow, Medical Bookseller, 10, Crown PrinCe's- street, Solio/ • Court/ REM/ RKS on the NOMENCLATURE of the NEW LONDON PilARMACjbPffiiA, read before the Liverpool Medical Socletv By JOHN BOSTO'CK,- M. D; Where may be had, lately published, price fs. R, 1 By a Physician. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on Saturday the ltSth day of February, 1811, at the House of Mr. John Morgan, at the sign of the King's Arms, in Newport, in the county of Monmouth, at two o'clock in the afternoon ; the REVERSION to an undivided moiety of the following ESTATES:— The Manor or Lordship of Duram and Ragland, in the said county of Monmouth, with the chief rents; and a Messnaae called Vorlands. And also several pieces of Land called or known by the names of the Tnree Acres, Henry Croft, Trustor,- House Farm, and the Twelve Acres, situate in the Manors of Traston, Preston, and Milton, in the said county. Also a large Flitul House and Buildings, and several pieces or parcels of very excellent Meadow or Pasture Land, situate in Redwu'k, in the said county, and now in the tenure of Mr. Adams and others, containing One hundred acres and upwards. The in- lety of the above property will be sold, sub- ject to the life of a gentleman aged 38. The. several Estatesm iy he viewed, on application to the respect- ive Tenants, and any further particulars may be had of Mr. Daniel Taunton, solicilor, Oxford; or Mr. William Holmes, Solicitor, No 25, Great James- Street, Bedford- row, London. Tnis day are published, hi 8vo. price 6s. boards, by J. Callow, Medical Bookseller, it), Crown- court,' PrinCe's- street, Soho, OBSERVATlONSon the NAT. URAI, HIS- TORY, CLIMATE, and DISEASES of MA- DEIRA, during a period of eighteen, years. By WILLIAMGOURLAY; M. D. Fellow oftlic Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh f and Physician " to the British Factory at Madeira. Where may be had, just published, prifce 4s. 6d. in boards, OBSERVATIONS on the CLIMATE, MAN- NERS,. and AMUSEMENTS of MALTA; princi- pally intended for the information of Invalids repairing to that Island for the recovery of health. By Wiliiairi Dotneier, M. D. of the Royal College of PhySiciausj London, See. < N'e. -- USEFUL MEDICAL BOOKS. New Books on Surgery, Published by J. Callow, Medical Bookseller Crown- court, Print'es'- street, Soho, 1 di CAPITAL OAK AND ASH TIMBER. rj o beSOLDby AUC TION, attheCRowN JL INN. Bridgnorth, in the county of Salop, pur- suant to an order of the Court of Exchequer, iu the latter end of January or the beginning of February next, ( of which due Notice wiil be given,) FOUR HUNDRED capital OAK TREES, and FlY" HUNDRED ASH ditto, now growing Upon tiie Es- tate of Mrs. Long, at SIDBURY, in the said comity. For particulars, and viewing tiie said Timber, ap- ply to Mr. Jolm Devftiell, at Sidbury aforesaid. The above- mentioned Timber is of the finest Quality and largest Dimensions, fit for the Royal Navy, and ' 1 other purposes w hif. li require first- rate Timber. Sidbury is within five miles of the Severn. Cheltenham, Jpi. £ 8, ROBERT HtGiiTS, ! 8! 1. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, in Fee, by Mr. FORD, ( of Withm*,) On the Premises, on Friday, the Utli day of February, 1811, at four o'clock in toe afternoon, ( subject to toe conditions of sale which will be then produced, ( unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, when notice will be t'iveti thereof; — The capital MESSUAGE and PREMISES consti- tuting the long estab tslttd and well accnstrtnied INN, ciiiled the SWAN INN, situated in the Higu- street, of the post town of Chipping Sudbury, in tins county, replete Willi every accommodation for the public busi- ness, now in the occupation of Mr, Thomas CoX, who is about to retire therefrom. Chipping Sudbury is a most healthy situation, sur- rounded by a line country ; is 11 miles from Bristol, ( in the direct road through Tetbury and Cirencester to Oxford,) 13 from Bath, ten from Wotton- under- Eilge, anil 28 from Giocester.— The Premises are re- deemed from land- tax, and possession may be had on the completion of tile purchase. For a view, apply to Mr. Cox ; and for particulars or to treat for a private sale, to Mr. Hetling, in Chip jung Sodbnry aforesaid. 1. /^ VBSERVATIOiNlS on the DISEASE of V-/ tue HIP JOINT; to which are added, soitic Remarks on White swellings of the Knee, the Cane j of the Joint of the Wrist, and other similar Complaints/ The whole illustrated by Cases and E gravings, taken from the diseased Parti By the late EDWARD FORIJ, Esq. F. S. A. The Second Edition, revised carefully; with soin^ additional Observations by Thomas Cop land,- Fellow of the College of Surgeons, and Assistant Surgeon t( j the Westminster General Dispensary. Illustrated with Eight Copper- plates, 8vo. boards, 12s. 3. A TREATISE ou RUPTURES; containing ad Anatomical Description of each Species ; with an Ac- count of its Symptoms; Progress; and Treatment, Illustrated with'Piates. B) William Lawrence, Mem- ber of the Royal College of Surgeons, and Demon- strator of Anatomy at St. Bartholomew's Hospital/ Second Edition, corrected and very coi. sidi rab. y en- larged, 8vo. boards, 10s. 6d. In One Volume, Octavo, price 5s. 6d. 3. A PRACTICAL ESSAY on CANCER; being the Substance of Observations, to which the Annual. Prize for 1808 was adjudged by the Roval College of Surgeons, London, By Christopher Turner Johnson^ Surgeon, of Exeter, Member of the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh. In 8vo. prite 7s. boards, the 2d Edition, with Ad- ditions, of 4. OBSERV VTIONS on the EFFECTS of various ARTICLES of the MATERIA MEDIC, A, in the Cure of LUES VENEREA. Illustrated with Cases.' By John Pearson, F. R. S. Senior Surgeon of lire Lock Hospital and Ajvilfui; and Surgeon to tiie Pi, he Dis- pensatory ; Reader on the Principles and Practice of Surgeryr i ,' , In One Vol. fJvnj price 6s. 6tl. in lioafds, 5 PRINCIPLES of SURGEKY, for the U f- of Cbirifrgic'al . Student*. A mew Edition, wit.. Addi- tions. By John IVrvif, F. K. 3. Senior Santeon to flie LoCls" Hospital and Asvlunif and Stir- Con to the Piibl c Dispensatury, mid Ros ier o'n the Prflu rp. eij and Practice of Surgery. 6. OBSERVATIONS on sonic of lie P,!- Mpaf DISEASES of the HECtfUM and tNU-'; pa^' iCM larly Stnoture of the Rectinn,- the Hitaiin r ouj. il i s-' crescence, and the Fistula in . mo. By T. iimi. is Cyc- land, Fellow o; the College of'rfurgeons, and. is « i> f, iiilJ Surgeon fo the Westminster General Dispel, iaiyj 8vo. boards, ys., 7, An ESS vV 011 th « N ATURE of SCROFUl. V ; With Evidence of its Origin from Disorder of tin- Di- gestive Organs; illustrated by a number of Casessui* CessfulH treated; and interspersed with Observatfo< is on the Gemtnl Treatment of Ckildieii. Bv Ricuaril CarmicliaeJ, Surgj- ofi; 8vo. board.-, 5s.' 8. An ESSAY on the EFFECTS of CARBO- NATE, and other Preparations of IRON t, Motf CANCCR; with an Imp * " " " and otiier Ricbari/ i iquifv info the Nature Of thai: ter Diseases for. vfllirii it beins a Relation;. J Cift'inwaljcly. Hdl'iivii. tffo, bbardi, l( i> Bit 4i, X a^ isccllaneous. r~|"' HE whole of th. vessels for Portugal have sailed _ 1 from Pltpnouth. The convoy got mitler weigh on Thursday afternoon, and stood to the westward with a gentle breeze fiont the north- east; tliev are aecomp inietl hy the Standard, a frigate, and a brig. The ships bound for Cadiz are laden with stores ; and those for tiie Tagus take out troops for Cord Welling- ton's army, all of which are remounts for the cavalry, namely id dragoon guards, 1st, 4th, 13th, 11th, aud 16th dragoons, and the 1 st German hussars. The Cortes, in their sittings up to the 3d ult. have granted a general amnesty to deserters from the army and navy, and to all minor offenders. - Respecting the inviolability oftheiv members, they have declared that th< y cannot be called to account for any senti- ment or opinion delivered in the assembly: all com- plaints against them . ire to be laid in writing before the Cores; and no action, either civil or criminal, can be entered against them but before a special tri- bunal appointed by the Congress, to which the sen- tence must in all cases be submitted, previously to its being definitively passed. On the subject of ec- clesiastical livings, they have resolved that no vacant be uc'iee shall be filled up, except livings with cure of souls and some prebends ; ami that the income ari ing from the same shall be applied to the wants of thessate. They have likewise reduced, until further orders, the appointments of functionaries of 2000 dollars a year, with the exception only ofthe Regents of the Kingdom, Ministers, Ambassadors, Generals, and Admirals, actually employed, among whom are included the Captains- General of provinces and Governors of towns. The French have now collected in the canal of Troeadero all the naval resources which tliey intend to employ against Cadiz. It is no very encouraging omen that they were obliged to drag tilt h- flotilla up- wards of half a mile over land, to avoid the fire of our gun- boats and the Puntal Fort. General Belliard, Governor of Madrid, it is re- ported, has been killed in the absence of King Joseph with his royal guard. He was universally hated, on account of his cruelties. At one time, he murdered in cold blood 150- persons taken by his soldiers in Castile. The Parisians are extremely solicitous for the con- clusion of the war in the Peninsula, not having any doubt, from the ignorance in which tiicy are kept of it. progress, of its terminating in their favour; and they flatter themselves that Spain and Portugal once subdued, and the colossal power of the French em- pire thus cemented, England would gladlv accept terms of peace, rather than risk an invasion. It is reported in Paris, that a national bankruptcy is ex- pected in Loudon, which is likely to be followed by a civil war! It is said, that Bonaparte, ill some quarrel . with the Empress, expressed his resentment with so much severity and violence that a miscarriage was appre- hended. The report of tiie failure of Messrs. Hi lermaun and Co. of Paris, is unfoun ied. The execution of the burning decrees is still carried on iu various parts of the continent; the search for contraband commodities from the frontiers of old France to the Elbe, proceeds with iiualiating rigour. It is supposed that the system of visiting the ware- houses, & c. at uncertain intervals, w ill be continued until Bonaparte is satisfied that the commercial inter- course with this country is wholly broken off. The last search at Amsterdam w as productive of seizures to tut amount of JO waggon loads; and, being chiefly English m'jnufactni es, tin y were immediately consign- ed to tlu- flames, wi th all the solemnity of an auto da fe. A smart firing on the French coast was heard at DOVIT on Friday evening. The cause not having been ascertained, it is feared that it was iu consequcu. e of some favourable news from Portugal. Madame C. italuni's head- dress at the Opera, on Tuesday evening, is said to have contained diamonds to the value of 15,( 1001. During the representation of a new tragedy at the Theatre de ITmperatrice, in Paris, last month, one of the principal characters, a young nobleman, dis- trusting flu fidelity of his confident, draws iiis sw ord, and is aoout to plunge it in his bosom, when the sub- missive attitude of the man, with the remcmbrancc of lii « former services, darts across his mind and dis- arms his anger. The play had gone on smoothly to this scene: in the progress of it th< nobleman's w rath is raised: he draws liis sword, but his confident being di tieient in his part, neglected to draw bark, or fall upon his knees, and before the other could command liis weapon, the point had inflicted a deadly wound. Assistance was afforded on the instant, but the nil- fortunate man expired before lie could lie removed from the sta^ e.— The result of this accident made i diep an impression on the survivor, that after an ill- ness of four days, during which lie incessantly be- waib d the deed, lie died, bequeathing the greatest part of his property to the family of him he had unin- ttMionaily slain. Lord Comtney's estates in England and Ireland produce a clear rental to liis Lordship of fifty- two thousand pounds per annum. Oil ' 1 lies. lay night one of the gentlemen of the grand jury, attending the county sessions at Chester, had a most miraculous escape : he slept at the White Lion Inn, and bev. rp alarmed about twelve o'clock at night, mistook the window for the door of the loom, and ac- tually fell through the same, three stories high, on the pavement below, without sustaining any material injury. The principal barley- growers in Norfolk held a meeting b. t week at Norwich, to consider of a peti- tion to the Legislature, against farther prohibiting the use of grain in the distilleries. On Saturday last a new 74, called the Edinburgh, was launched from Deptford. The t iilire of tin pilchard fishery of the last season has been compensated on the southern coast of Corn- wall by llic vtr. iordinary shoals of herrings that have visited it. In Helstonc harbour alone, the quantity caught since August, mid sold, is said to he little slu. rt of 2000 bhils. or 5000 barrels, worth about 42s. a barrel. A small island of the Danube, called Engcl, near Pichineut, li t exhibited the phenomenon of a floating is.,. ml. In the memory of the oldest persons, it had remained stationary until May last, when the rapidity ami pressure of the stream are supposed to have de- tached its bottom; its inclination is uniformly to the ri;; ht bank of the liver, but its motion is not per- t. pliole, What ii not the least singular, it lias, from the eager and unabated curiosity of tiie Germans, made the fortunes of three persons who obtained a temporary proprietorship of it, The number of cattle landed at Parkgate from Ireland, in the two last quarters ending the 5th inst. were 2530 cows, 3,' iflti pigs, and 160 horses.— This importation is trifling, when compared with the ar- rivals at Liverpool, Whitehaven, and Portpatrick, independent of the arrivals in Wales. A new plant, called epidendron, has been imported into this country from the Island of Java ; it is une- qualled for the beauty of its flowers and the strength of its perfume, and possesses the sjngular peculiarity of deriving no nourishment from the earth or water. Suspended npon a wall, or from the ceiling of a room, it will vegetate freely and abundantly for several years. Chevalier Rosa, known in Italy hy his works on medicine an i natural history, lias apprised the Go- vt rum' nt that he lias found an indigenous substance, proper to be substituted for indigo in the process of elying. sili:, wool, thread, and cotton, of a blue colour, equal to tiie plant it is designed to replace in the beauty and brilliancy iff its dye, and not less dsn- able am} unfading. If we may credit the statements given in the Mi- nisterial papers, various difficulties present themselves in the formation of the Regcney Administration. They state that Lord Grcnyijje declines taking his former office of First Lord of the Treasury ; that his Lordship ami his party have agreed that Earl Grey shall hold that situation ; that Mr.. Tierucy is to be Chancellor of the Exchequer ; and" flint Lord Greit- ville will take the Foreign. Department. They then goon to state that the great Wfiig families having made those arrangements, intend liken isc to stipulate with the Prince that ho shall dismiss his present ad- visers, among whom are Mr.' Sheridan, and Earls Yarmouth and Moira; " hence," says the Courier, " it is supposed that his Royal Highness is looking to the formation of a new Administration, having Lord Holland at its head, to which Lords Grey and Gren- ville, may, if they choose, join themselves, but should they decline, an attempt will be made if possible to do without them. How the great offices of state may be disposed of, cannot be foreseen by any one. The Prince long toasted in all companies the Duke of Cla- rence as First Lord of the Admiralty, ami his Royal Highness is supposed to be pledged to appoint the Duke of Kent Commander iu Chief." That part of the statement which relates to Sir. Sheridan, & c. certainly seems improbable. The workmen are employed night and day in pre- paring the grand entrance to the House of Lords for the accommodation of the Regent. In the tragedy of Cato, performed on Saturday at Covent- Gariien Theatre, the verses ill which Cato observes. to Jtiba— " Thy virtues, Prince, if I foresee aright, " Will one day make thee great" were seized by the housw with the most lively emo- tion, and four distinct enthusiastic hursts of applanse demonstrated the feeling of the public. The share of the Civil List expenditure, placed af the disposal of the Queen, by the Regency Bill, amounts to 400,0001. a year. A hand bill, to the following effect, has been cir- culated at Bath :—" A meeting of the freeholders of the county of Wilts will be held at the Antelope Inn, in the city of New Sarum, on Tuesday, the 29th inst. at twelve o'clock in the' forenoon, to consider of an address to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, upon the present important occasion, when the vital interests of the kingdom are so manifestly at stake, and when duty to his Royal Higliucss, as well as to themselves, so loudly call upon the people for a clear aud candid expression of their sentiments." A requisition to the Lord Lieutenant of the county of Somerset was signed on Tuesday, to call a meeting for the same purpose as the above. There was a meeting, on Monday, of Members of both Houses to form a new Club, at the house lately held hy Lord Auckland, in Old Palace- yard. It was agreed, that the subscription should be 10 guineas a jtSar, and that 300 Members should be in the first place admitted as original subscribers. A committee of 15 noblemen ami gentlemen was chosen as mana- gers, to settle the rules antl regulations of the Club. It is not only an act of justice to wart Is a nobleman whose virtues render him an ornament to society, but amoral duty also for the sake of example, to mention the following interesting fact; — Twelve hundred persons, in the neighbourhood ofHimley, Stafford- shire, have been recently supplied with the finest beef and the iiest bread, in proportioH to the mini lit r in each family, in quantity sufficient to last tlielii for a week, for four successive Sundays, This princely donation, we understand, is an animal practice;- ami when the seasons have been particularly severe, it has been extended to a longer period. Tiie papers have been misled in stating that fears are entertained for the safety ofthe Lion, 64, Captain Heatlu- ote, which sailed from Portsmouth with the Persian Ambassador, for Bombay. She arrived at Rio Janeiro on tile l ltli of September, after a very favourable passage, anil toward, the tatter etui of that month she proceeded on her voyage for the Cape of Gootl Hope. It Is impossible, therefore, there can be any well- grounded anxiety felt about her; sufficient time not liaviug elapsed to admit of hearing of her ar- rival at the Cape. The late Mr. William Lewis acquired a princely fortune by his talents and industry. It is said he died worth upwards of 50,0001. Counsellor Const and Mr. Frederick Reynolds arc his executors. He had made a very liberal and equitable partition of his property. I, ate- in the evening of Sunday se'nniglit, as some servants in the employ, of Mr. Wake, ofNacton, Suf- folk, were searching for sheep, supposed to be buried in the snow, they observed the track of a man's foot towards a saw- pit, near the side of a lane leading to Dunham- Reach, from the Nacton- road, which was rendered nearly iitipassnhle by the drifted snow; and pursuing the footsteps, tlicy found in the pit au elderly man, namcil Turner, a farmer ofStowpland, seventy- four years ofage, who, from his own account, had left his residence ahont four o'clock on Friday after- noon, and was proceeding towards London; but hav- ing mistaken the road, had fallen into the pit, which w as blown over with snow, in which he had remained six or seven hours. At a fox hunt,' co the 8th inst. in the parish of West Kilbride ( Scotland) a young man fell from a place called the Three Sisters, the highest point of that elevated and precipitous ridge, called Arncil Bank, a height of about 180 feet to the bottom, upon a bed of small stone, aud, astonishing to tell, was taken up, not only alive, but without a broken bone, and walked a distance of about five wiles the third day after. A gentleman of equestrian celebrity, in the town of Grantham, has undertaken, for a bet of 1000 gs. to ri le from York to London, a distance of 180 miles, iu the space of nine hours, and is to perform the task in March next. Bets are six to four against the per- formance. Mr. Bader, Counsellor of Mines at Munich, in Bavaria, has invented what hp terms an aquatic sledge, constructed on such a principle that it may be impelled and guided on the water by the rider himself without any other aid. The first public ex- periment was made with this machine on the 89th of August last, before the Royal family at Nymphcn- burgli, with complete success. It consists of two hollow canoes, or pontoons, eight feet long, made of sheet copper, closed oil all sides, joined to cach other in a parallel direction, at the distance of six feet, by a light wooden frame. Thus joined, they support a seat resembling an arm- chair, in which the rider is seated, and impels and steers the sledge by treading two large pedals before him. Each of these pedals is connected with a paddle, fixed perpendicu- larly in the after part of the machine behind the scat, aud in the interval between the two poutoons. In front of the seat stands a small table, on Which the rider may read, write, draw, or eat and drink. His hands being at perfect liberty, he may even play an instrument, load and file a gun, or do whatever he pleases. Behind the seat is a leather bag, to hold any thing he may wan tin liis excursion. It is evident that this machine must lie admirably calculated for the purpose of taking sketches on aquatic scenery, as also for the diversion of shooting water fowl, in which case the sportsman conceals himself behind a slight skrecn of branches, or rushes, so as to approach the birds uuperceived. This vehicle is far safer than a common boat, the centre of gravity being constanly in the middle of a very broad base ; a cireu mstance which renders upsetting, even in the heaviest gale, absolutely impossible. It is moreover so contrived, that it may be taken to pieces in a tow minutes, packed in a box, and put together again in a very short time. It is nnt improbable that this highly original inven- tion may in time be applied to more important pur- poses than mere diversion. The Prince of Wales has Exchanged his box at the Opera, for that which belonged to the late Duke of Queensberry, being nearer to the stage than his Royal Highness'*. Besides the two' frigates which lately escaped from Brest, three others have got out of I'Orient, and are snpposefl to have gone to the Isle of France. These will increase the enemy's squadron ill the East to ten large frigates. At a court martial held on board bis Majesty's ship Hiberniii, iu Port Mahou, on the 27th and 28th Nov. ItllO, Rear- Admiral Sir H. Hood, Bart aud K. B. President;— tiler Court proceeded to try Capt. George M'KCinley, the officers and crew of his Majesty's late ship Lively, for the loss of the same ship, on running in shore ou the morning of the 13th August last, on the Point of Salina, the south- eastern entrance ofthe Bay of St. Paul's, in the Island of Malta ; and bavin? inquire- dinto the cause of the loss of -' he said ship; maturely weighed and considered all the circumstau ees attending the same, the Court is of opinion, that the loss of the Lively vvas occasioned bv that ship run iling oil shore on Point Cowra, in the Island of Malta and not ou Point Salina; that no blame is attached to Captain George M'Kinley, the officers and ere of the said ship, except Lieutenant the Hon. A. F. Berkeley, and Mr. Michael Richards, master; tha every exertion vvas made bv the, said Captain, Ofli cers, and crew, in endeavouring to get Ihe ship ofl and to save the stores and provisions, and doth ther fore, with the aforesaid exception of Lieutenant Bet ke- lev and Mr. M. Richaids, master, adjudge the Can- tain, all the other Officers and crew, to be acquitted The Court is also of opinion, that some decree blame is attributable to Lieut. Berkeley; he ought have made bis Captain acquainted when the ship vva discovered to be iu danger; but as his conduct iu an other respects appears to have been correct, no otite punishment is deemed riecesnarv hut an admoiiitim for his future conduct, and with that lie is adjudge to be acquitted. The Court is fuilherof opinion, thn great blame is imputable to Mr. M. Richards, mast - i, for havimt brought the - hip lo with her head in shore antl doth therefore adjudge him to be elismissed fron bis office as matter in his Mnestv's nav v. and to sei ' wo years as second master, or petty officer, on tun- such ship ns the Commander in Chief may think pro per, before he can be eligible to be again promt'!,. . CATHOLIC PETITION.— The following are tin heads of grievances to be enumerated ill a petition o' the Catholics to Parliament: — 1st, As incapacitating the Catholics from sitting in Parliament. 2d, From holding municipal offices in corporati cities and towns. 3d, From holding offices relating to the adminis- tration and profession of the laws. 4tli, From rank in the army and navy, and the ex- orcise of their religion therein. 5th, From various other offices of trust, honour, and emolument in their country. 6th, From voting at parochial vestries, which im- pose heavy taxes upon Catkolic landholders. 7th, From using arms for the defence of themselves, ice. upon like terms with their Protestant neighbours. 8th, From receiving or granting permanent support for their houses of worship, schools, and other chari- table foundations, anil as otherwise aggrieving tile ir clergy. 9th, From enjoying the due protection of the laws, and especially of trial by jury, in eases where religi- ous prejudice may operate. 10th, As inculcating oil the minds of Protestants, sentiments of contempt towards the Catholics pf Ireland, stigmatising them as disloyal and superstition -; excluding them from power and respect, as an in- terior race, and inviting insult, and fomenting di- vision and hatred, amongst fellow- subjects and equals. LUCJEN BONAPARTE.-- Several travellers have lately talon Ludlow in tlieit way to sec this person- age, and he knowing the circumstance, generally walks round tin Castle for an hour about mid- day to gratify their curiosity.— One day lately, the weather being indifferent, be did not take his usual walk ; a gentleman who had come a considerable distance, and who could not slop, was disappointed, but bein£ n ry an\ ioimto see Ltrien sent his compliments, and requested to look at him for a few secontls, Lucicn, w ith much good humour, desired that tlir gentleman might be introduced, and when he entered, politely begged Him to be seated, an- 1 handed him several dif fcrent kinds of wine, concluding w ith a half pint bumper of Champagne.— He frequently gives dinners to select parties. BELL ROCK.— It appears that the light on the Bell Rork, is to be distinguished from all others by the light appearing alternately of a bright yellow and of a deep red colour, by means of coloured glass. From the gnat height of the building, twelve miles advanc- ed into the German ocean, it is confidently expected that the light will, iu ordimwy Weather, ne visible at « o gnat a distance, as greatly to assist in preventing the recurrence of such mi- takes as have this w inter happened, in what seafaring people term Berw ick Bay, IRELAND— The Vaccine Institution in Dublin, under the patronage of the Lord Lieutenant, hat just published their annual report; and after noticing the number of persons vaccinatcd, they make the following remarks:—• " The Directors of this Institution have nothing material to add to, or subtract from, their Reppr* of 1809. The addition of, four thonsand cases during the year 1810, tends only to confirm their belief. in the efficacy, safety, and policy of pursuing Vaccina Inoculation. t t < " Some alarming accounts of tl » e failure of Vaccina*' tion in the vicinity of Dublin, were propagated, during the last year. On a careful investigation, they were found to have originated from falsehood, and ultimately tended, after numerous trials, tn con* firm the security afforded by Vaccination " In the last Report, three cases were recorded, in which the Vaccine Infection formed fairly on the arm, anil appeared to go regularly through its several stages, though the patient- were not constitutionally afiected. During the year 1810, one failure only of this kind has occurred. There appears no good reason for supposing that contingencies of this nature will be more frequent in Vaccine, tluu they have been in Variolous Inoculation. " The Register docs not afford a single instance of Cow- Pock exciting in the constitution any new or unheard of complaint; nor does t,; appear that olnl- lreu who have had the Cow- Pock, are more subjee-^ haii others to eruptions on the skin. " The following Extract from the Register ofPa- iients, al the General Dispensary, iu London,- af- fords ample proof of this fact: Total Number Number of Chronic of Disco * es. Cu tnneous i-. ructions* III the Year 1797 1730 ............ 85 1798 In64 88 1804. 1915 . 89 1805 1974 94 " The most satisfactory accounts of the progress of Vaccination throughout the interior of Ireland, have been received from several Correspondents of the Institution. And the Directors have great pleasure in observing the zeal and disinterestedness of the Country Practitioners, who sacrifice private interest to the public good, in strongly recommending tue practice. " The Directors have to acknowledge with grati- tude, the privilege of a free and ublimited transmis- sion of Letters, re lating to the Institution, through the Post- Olfice, which has contributed essentially lo extend tie benefits of Vaccination throughout this Island." FRANCS.— The Moniteur of the 8th ult. contains a detailed rport, presented by the Central Committee of Vaccimtion, of the introduction and progress of this practt e, with Bonaparte's decree of March 1789, for est, ill thing elep& ts of Vaccine Conservation in 24 principal'ities ofthe Empire: anil another Decree i- sued infNovember last, allotting annual prizes to those wl » may be adjudged the most zealous aud suc- cessful vcuinatyrs. PRICE OF FLOUII.— On Friday a great number of country iiakers, resident within the bills of mortality, were summoned before the Lord Mayor, some for ne- glecfing'to make their weekly returns at the Cocket Office, and others for making false returns when they came to show their incalman's bill of parcels for the flour they had bought. Many of them had returned five shillings a sack more than they had paid, or meant to pay. His Lordship explained to them, that the Act of Parliament empowered him lo inflict a fine of 20l. npon every baker who was found guilty of making fake returns. Some pleaded poverty, antl Ignorance of the Act of Parliament; and others, that they hail sent their weekly returns without knowing what they were to pay. SticttA of them were fined 10s. and the expellee. II 1 \ h- firPT* from ft A TURD A V » G JZF. Vf'F. Thomas Tall'mack, Petersham, Surrey, dairyman, dealer in cattle, d. c. Feb. 2, 9, March' 9, at Guild- lall. Atts. Willett and Co. Fiiisbury- square ' Villium find man, . sen. Queeii- sireef, ' outhwark, vic- • Itaier, d. c. Feb. 2, 9, March 9, at Guildhall. Att. fbhnson, Charlotte- street, Fitzroy- square James • Fain, late of' Brxton, Surrey, clothier, d. c. Jan. 9. Feb. 9. March 9, at Guildhall. Att Higlimoor, tush- lane, Cannon- street . William Bridgeus, late f Great Wild- street, victualler, d. c. Feb. 2, 9, larch 9, at Guildhall. Att. Bovil, New Bridge- Meet Joseph Webb, Bristol, linen- drape , Feb. 6. 5, March 9, at Oluldhall. Att. Thomas, Waihrook uiu. s llawkini, Qiieen- street, Limo- heiise, timber- • terohant, Jan. 29, Feb. 9, March 9, at Guildhah. tts Evitt and Co. Haydon- sqnare Henry Leech, • illy kt Edmund's, merchant aud maltster, Feb 11, 12, Marc . 9, at the All. el, Bury St. Edmund's. Att. parke, Bnrv St. Edmund's John Krauss, Man- chester, merchant d. c. Feb. 18, 19, March 9, at the Star, Manchester. Atts. Tarrant and Co. Chan- cery- lane; or Byfield, Manchester Robert Colins, Im n- court, Broad- street, and of Kuuston- Hul , N rtliampton, builder, d. c. Feb. 2, 9, March 9, at I'l. l'lhall . Att. E i on. White Ilart- court, Lom- bard- street Thomas Proctor, Nightingale- lane, brewer, Jan. 29, Feb. 9, March 9, at Guildhall. i tts. Mavn aid Co. I lncolu's Inn- fields. William How, Hertford, tanner, d. c. Jan ' J9, Feb. 9, Match 9 at Guildhall. Atts. White and Son, Lincoln's Inn. fumes Hyde and John Cleiason, Manchester, dyers, d c. anil copartners, Feb. 9, It, March 9, attlu Mosey Arms, Manchester. Atts. Biirktv, Manches- ter; or Milne and Co. Temple William Hcntly, Swansea, victualler, < 1. c. Feb. 1, 4, March 9, at the Mackworth Amis, Swansea, Atts. Blcasdale aud Co. New lun: or Berrington and Co. Swansea John Camp, West smilhfieid, stationer, d. c. Jan. 29. Feb. 9, March 9, at Guildhall. Alt. Bnurdo,,, Temple- street . John Salisbury. Highga'e. victualler, d. C. Jan 29. Feb. 9, March 9, at Guildliali. A, ts. Price and Co. Luiconi's Inn.. Frauds Adrian Fan Oych. Feiichm oil- buildings, merchant, snip- anem. ti c Jan. 30, l;' t h. 4, March 9. at Gtnl r all. A ts. Willet u ml Co. lnUvSbnrv- sqnai e Charles Haley lijite of Wiemme- streef, watchmaker, d. c. Feb 6, 15. Mare 9, at ^ uiiditi)! . Atts Kihrtlewhite au'.. Co, Gray's Iiui- jjlace . Robert Iiuchanan, Liverpool, vender of ini dirj- ies, Feb 15, 16. Match 9, attlu fjleoi. e, Liverpool. Atts. Ch'ambre, Chapt l- street, Bedfi iti- revv'; or St„ t-. ani and Co. Liverpool .. .. William FJxwWtn, Westbuiy, Glncestershiro, d. c J in. 21, Fen 16. Marcu 9, at the Rammer. Tavern, Bristol. Atts. Wnitconilu and Co. Serjea'ts Inn ; or Frankis. i Br stol. . Ihomas Haigh Mithnjtul, Bow- lane, Che « | side, warehi usema t, e. c. Jan. in , let 13, March 9, at Gm el had, Atts, R nbow a , d/ Co Luictilii'slnn .. , Rd. Lee and Darid Fame, Chea. snie, shawl printers and merchants, J ... 22 Fell, to, Mat. 9, al Guildhall. Atls. Preslatni. au. f Ci:. Brunswick- square ... It Hliiim Hapnold, Livt'r1, blevver. Feb 12, 13, Marc t af tue Swan, Birmingham. Atts. Egerlon, Gray's inn- squat b n'o'r Spurnt"!- and Co. Birmingham .... Robert Hunt, Isucklirsb fy, ware- houseman, d. c. Ft b. '}, II, Mairh 9, at Guihfhal . Atts. CatoH iutd Co. Al leis_' ite- streei... jl. .. dimes Richardson, Sioaiifc- slreef,' Chelsea, . apothecary, d. c Jin. 29. Feb. 9, March 9, at. Gmiduall, Atts.' vva. Soil Co. Old Jewry .... Thomas. - Vorria, Manchester merchant, manufacturer, d e. J. til. 30, Feb. 2, Marc. I 9; at Guildhall. Alts. Cooper aud Co. Southampton in fldihsrs Peter Godurt, late of Wi iintit- siix v Bni. nwick- sqnare, ami , f Tottenham- court- road, oi - hum and iaih. w- e anthei, ri. e. Feb. 2, 9, March 9, a. Gntldhall. ft, Nind, ' fijiOMiinrton- sti tet... E( l ward- Paine, Dowgate- kiil, snerciiant, d. c. Feb. 2, 9, March 9, at Guild . all. Att. Bo. vdl, New Bridge- ktreet : iXh'Rl PTS from TlT'SDAY's GAZBTTR. Chrismas Saint, Noiwich, iiivv|- inai. utat : mer, tl. r. Feb. 8, lo. Marc . 12, at tne ' Ki it's Head, Norwich. Vtt. Abbott. Ci. a cerv aoe; of Byarave and Gen. ti- wnj, Norwich. I bouiu. f irh'le, > iverpon], inerphant, Feb. 25, .' 6. March 12, ft'the Go be Tavtrn, Liver- pool. Ai s. Wi'ndie, Jeln,- street, Bedford- tow; oi • Irttfifb and Hiii ie, Liverpool. .. Wilt- inm Churn/ on. ' Hinckley, c . rrier, Feb. I, 1, Much 12, at ihe Bu i's , Head; Inf., H eklty. Au. Ware, Gray's Ln; oi J irvis, Hi ckic. .. William Jackson, late of Siier- IHi, ine lane, merchant i'i'b. 9,, March 12, at Cffdld- iiall. Aft. Higlimonr, Bush- iai. e, eaunon- stiVet .. t'hamas Richardson, late of CMoxto. i- juxta- Kfat^ i' Glaiifo^ ansiute, < 1. c. Feb. 28, March 1, 12, at ihe Bush, Swansea. Aits. Bl'- asnaie, Alexander, and Holme, New- Inn; or Berrington and Jenkins, - wan- s a Edward Roberts, ami Joshua Welsh, - uftnlk- lane, Ca moil- street,, cotto . and mell^ o brokers, < 1. q, ' Feb. 5, y, March 12, at Guiidliall. Att Wible„ Wgr- wwk- square ... Edward Procldtr, Lutlgate- Hu'l,( Twin: diater, d. c. Feb. 4, 1 i, March 12, at Guildhall. Ati. Smith, Dorset- street, Saiisbnrv- sqnare Richard Bundy, Bristol, common- brewer, d. c. Feb. 4. 14, if March 12, at the Rummer Tavern, Bristol, lit*. Ste- phens, Bristol) or Sweot and Stokes, Temple James Foster, jun. Manchester, grocer, d. c. Fob. 2 . 1 21, Marcn 12, at tiie Taibot, Mane ester. Atts. » Hewitt and Kirk, - Manchester; oi El is,. ^ hat cerj- I lane G. Goddem ate of Cnarlton, Hants, now ol Damarv Farm, ISiandtbrd, Dorsetshire, nialster, d. c. Feb. 19, 20, Mar. ch. 1,2, at the Masqu's Arnvs, \ ndti- ver. Aits Mr. Breuindee, Inher I'eTnirle, Lon- don- or Mr/ RiHtafrt Footner, Audover, Hauls./. ... John Iiobson, lale'ot Leve sou nie, dyer, jjA". Feb 2, 18, March- 12, at llie Mtifley Amis lull, M. nln Wester. Att. :!> iabb, Manciiester ..... Sawiiiii• Jnfttl ot Wardour- Mreet, Soho, gr cer, Feb. 6, 15,' iturrh li',' a Guildhall. Atts. Blake and Soil; Co. iK's eoui >. Carey- street, London lltel WillMif, of Rninney, Monmouthshire, shopkeeper, d c. IVtk J8. 20, March 12, at the White Horse Inn, Unstof. Atts. Daniel and Sons; or Pearson and Son, Temple, Loudon Joshua Cayton, of H rbury, Yorkshire, clofn- maker, el. e. Feb. 15, 16, Marc i 13, attne Wonlpacks Inn, Hortinry, Atts. Sehoiefiled, H- rhurv ; or Batlye; C . aucerv- lane, London H it iam Woodward, ofTot- teiiham, Middlesex, salesman, d. c. Feb. 2,19, March 12, at Gnidhali, It. Taylor, Old- strcet- roail .... James HanHcitts, of Qneeu- stieet, L. iucliouse, builder, d. c. Feb. 2, 9, Vlarcn 12, at GoiitiiialU Atts. Ev. tt and Rixon, Hay el mi. square, Mninries Michael Jo- sephs, of Great Piescott- street, Goodmnn's- lields, met- c . ant, ( I. e. Feb. 2; 19, March 12, a; Gimdliall, At- torntes, Pearce and Son, SwititiiiVtaiiii, London ....'. James Cooke, of Houghton Diaylon, Ha is, ntttlei, d c. Feb. Is), 20, Marcti 12, at the Mason's Arms Inn, Andover. Atts. Breniinlge, Iiin& i IVjnt^ ie, Loudon; or Footmr, Andover, Hants... John Iitjfle- by, of Lynan- y- wern, Flintshire, mil Charles Ingleby, uf. Sopghtofl, lead- merchants, eu c„ Feb. 1,1, 12, March 12, at the Featners Inn, Cnesiei. Att-. Roberts, duly wed; ••! Mime aud Parry, Temple, London James Withers, of Fresufuvei, Somersetshire, corn- taetor, d c. Feb. 13, 19, March 12, at, ihe Full Moon Inn, Batti. Atts. Higbuioor, Bush. lane, Can- uon- stree. t, London ; or W. ngate, Bath... James Lay, of Oxford- street, Mitldlestx, baiter ami nosier, d.,-. Feb 5, 12, Marc , 12, al Guildhall. Atts. Tuck- er, Bai tlettVbiiii.! im. s, Holbofn, London ... John Cousins, of South Lambeth; Surrey, underwriter, Feb. 2, 12, March lg, at Gudtlhah. \ tis. Lowless' an. I Crosse, St. Mihlred's- cnurt, London Isanc Parry, of Depiford, potter, d. o. Feb. 5, 12, March It, at Guiiiliiall. \ tts, Watieson, Barlow, aud Gros- veuor, Austin Friars, London. DIVIDEND. Feb. 22, John Sere, of fiinnilii- Irain, woolen- draper, at the Saracen's Head lnu. BRISTOL* HIP NEWS. C\ ME IN,— The Gulgh ofP. iria, Parfit, ami tut* Beresford, Outerbridge, from'Cork; the Daniel, . from Contmia; and the Britannia, Vickcry, from Waterford. SAILED,— The Good Intent, Kenny, for Jersey; the Bristol Packet, Gilmore, and the Cornwall in, Rich, for Cork; the Salty, Elmes. antl the Elizabeth, B er, for Waterford; flic Maria, Callosu, for Malta : the Steill'ust, . Saints^ for llarbadoes; the West Indian, Garnian, for St. Croix; the Sophia, Madia, for Jamaica; and the Mary Alicia, Waggett, tor Cork. ARRIVED,— None. ENTERED O- J r,— The Elizabeth, William, and the Hope, Griffiths, for Dublin; the George, Perchords, for Guernsey and Jersey; the Sarah, Heady, for Cork ; and the Nancy, Fiott, five Guernsey. COASTERS ENTEREII our,- The Cambria, Hind, tor Carmarthen ; tin William and Jane, Roberts, anil the Amity, Jenkins, for Swanse- a. Jflarfcets. CORN EXCHANGE, LONDON, JAN. 28, 1811. Our arrivals of English w heat this morning, consti- tuted a tolerable supply, and which being iu demand, obtained in the fore part of the day, ahont 20s. per quarter i ore than last Monday. This briskness, bow- ever, did not continue until the close; previous to. which the mealing trade became rathei heavy.—• Barley, of which we had likewise- a tolerable quanti- ty, sold freely, and some samples as high as 43s. per quarter.— White peas kept their price, antl the two soi ts of beans were something dearer.— Oals have ar- rived in plenty, but did not acquire last week's terms. s. Boilers 48 to 54 Grey Pease 34 to 43 Beans 38 t - 55 TICKS 34 TO 50 OiUs 24 to ta Poland ditto 32 to Potatoe d tto....— to — • V! eat 60 tn 82 Fine ditto... . 86 ' o 9 ) Superfine ditto. 90 ml 00 tfye SO to 40 tarley. 26 to 43 vlatl" 56 to 74 • Vlnte Pease.... 38 to 41 PRICE OF SEF. DS, \ c. Carrawayp. cvvt. 38 to 40 RyeGrassp. quar20 to 56 Coriavter ditto.. 28 to 30 Mustar.!, vvh. biis. 7 to 10 ted Clover elit o70 telgi !> tto, brown, do. 12 to 15 White ditto dlttoBO 10126 Turnip, brio . 38 to 4 « Rape, 461. to 511. per last Trefoi., 25*. to 60s. p. cwt. Oil- Cake, 16 . 16s. per sand. AVEK \ GF. PRICE OF SUGAR, Computed from the returns made in the week e ding Ja: . 23, 11110, is 45s. 9| tl- per cwt. Exclusive of tie duties pattl or payable fnerco 1 on im* portat on thereof nto Great Britain. PRICE OF FLOUR. Fine 85s. to - s. per sack. Seconds . .75s. to 80s. ditto. Bran 14s. 10 16s. Od. per quar. Fine Pollard.. 26s. to 30s. O. l. ditto. PRICE OF HOPS. H\ GS. I. « i I. « . POCKETS. 1. S. I. » . - Kcnf. ... 3 111 tn 5 12 ! Kent, .4 0 to 6 10 • iiss/ ex.,,,.. 3 0 to 5 0 ! Sussex 3 10 to 5 It TAVCX ..... 3 01.5 0 Farnhini., 11 0 tol4 0 o rt IS. 30s tt. 8= is, o • cvvf. j. - -. 1 . - - * 1 -- PKIC . OF. VlEVr \ i SMI. 1 1 Li>, ^ inking the offal .. per stone of8! bs. ' teef. 4s. 8' V to 6s. 0: 1. 1 Veal 6-. o'l. to 8s. 8d. Millions*. 0.1. t 6s. 01. ' Pork. 6s. 0 1. to 7s. Od. Lamb, Os. Od. lo Os. Oil. NF. WJATF. AND LEADEVHVLL, Bv the Carcass. h^ Wli. 4*. Od. to 5s. 01, Ve. il 5s. 0- 1. to 8s. Od. |\ lnftoii4s. 41. to Oil. V ' rh 6-'.' Otl. to 7s. Od. Lamb, y, os; od, to os. Otl. PK. CE Ol-' rVT. L. ilih ~ ' FownTall w; iercvvt.,. 74s. ! MeltiiiaSti. ff, percwt 57s. Ye'low Russia 72s. Ditt rougli SO, ft. ire ditto C8 » . Graves. , f, a ditto Good Dregs. Us. Yellow Soap, 80< Moftl" d, 90s. Curd, s94s. Candles, 12s. 6d Moulds, lSs. 61I. RUV HIDES. ' Best, heifers& steers, petstone 2s. 8tl. to 3s. od. Mitldiiti s ...'.... 2s. 4d. to 2s. fid. Ordinary is. iod. tn 2s. od. Market Calf ( each) 15s. Od. fo Os Od. Eni?*. H'rse ..,;.... 1: s. of. tolls. OtL Lamb Xkms .„,... 09. 0 I. fo Os. Oil. PRICE OF LF. VrilRR. " tutts, 50 to 56', bs. eScli .1 20tf. to 2 fd. per Ik. Ditto, 56 to 66; bs. each 23d. to 24'!. Merchants'backs 19ld. to vld. Crossing hides .'.. 181. fo 20d. ' f'iile coach hides 1.. . 20 1. to aid. Crop hides, 35 to 401b. to cut 17d. to ,19d. Ditto .. .. 45 tb 50lb I9d. to 22d. tlalf Skins, O to 40lb. 28 I. to 33d. D. tto 50 II. 701b. 34d. to 42d. Ditto ... ..^ O to. 801b. ... : I6' I. lo 4() d. Small Sea', » ( Gre^ hlantl) 36 I. to 37d. Large litto, J40s, to 130*. per dozen. fanned Tloise Hides', 18d. to god. perlh. " PRICES OF HVY AMI) STRAW. ,. OST. J » MES'S. • I Hay... CI. 6s. to 10i. I0, s. Straw.. Si. 12s. to 31. 18s. TVIIITFRIIVPEI . Ijiy 6 . 6 • to10',., 6s. Clover8t. rOs. to 10 . 18s; \ ew .. 01.' Os. to 0..' 00s. Straw 21. ,6s. to 31. lOi. SMITIlFtKf'. W lav 91. •^ ne. hfo lo;.- n-„ CloverOl. Os. to 10.. A% Sew ,. 0i. Os. to 01. Os. . Straw, 3h 5s. to 31. CORN EXC ;\ NGE, LONDO, N, JAN. 30. This day the remaining quautit es of wheat are some- what considerable, antl last prices readily maintained. Sotiu: select samples on Monday aud lo- day rather, en* ebed the general rurrenry.- Barley and malt fully a( last prices. — Pt- as and beans of each duscription like- . viitju- Oats are also in tolerable remaining snp|> iy, ! M » d ttiis trade is not quoted cheaper. Prices of flouf at the late quotution. ( vVlieat 66 to 92 Beans — tn — 1 ie ditto . p.,..: 96 10 98 Tick Beans — to — Rye 32 to 18 Oats .. 94 fn 28 Barley . ; 28 tn 41 Po ands. . ..,, 30 to 34 Mail ( 16 10 73 p. vtatoe ditto.... 3'' to White P, as ..... — to — Ft e Flour.. fo 8a Jrey Peas 35 to 42 Seconds„...:... .75 to M Countni ' t'arftcts. GLOCESTER Wheat, I4T O'L to 17s 61 .... Baa. » ( III 11 6s 4.1 Beans,' 71. Oil. to 8s. oil .. Oats, 3s 61. to 4s ( id }> er customary lw* hel of nine gallon* and a half. Boss .. Wheat, 17s. Ol. to I8s. 9- i. ltarlev. 7-. 0( L to 7s. 6d. •. Oats,- 4s. 6 I. to 5s. Od. .. Pease, 6s. 6i to 7s. Otl. RVE, oils. per bushel. WORCESTER Wheat, 13S Otl to 14s 61I . .. Bar- lev, 5s Oil- to 5s od Beans, 6s 2d. to 7s 4d. ... Pease, 6s 2d to 7* 4d ... Oats, 4s. Otl to 5s. 01. per bushel. .. Hops: 194 pockets weighed 011 Saturday current prices, tiullf " I. Os. to Hi. p r eiet. HEREFORD... Wheat, 17s .. Oats, 5s. 0.1 Peas, 8s. Oil Beans, 7s. 61 Jtaucy, 8s Otl. Bn » SToL....' W. ieat, 9 « > s to 1 Cs. per quarter ... 1. Fine ditto, — s Otl Ma ti u iiariey, S8s. to — » . per quarter Grinding ditto, ( XK t 00s ... Oat, s, — s to s .. Fine Flour, 90 » . to,£ 9* Second do. 7- 5s to 8,' jS.. . Horse Bean,, 56s to fiOs ... Cbivef, Otis to fHfs . n,. Ouarter Loaf: Wheatcit, lit'.; Standard, 14- 1 ; H iisen ' Id, l3l ..... Hay, 85s to 132s Straw, SO I to 42d. WAif, MH » STJSH . Wiieat, 99s to 115s... Barley, 38s. to 429 .. Oats, 27s to31s ... Beans, 52s t.- 66s. DEVIZES Wui'at, 86s to KHs . liuv ev. 33s to 36s. .. Oats, 27s. to 32s . Beans, 58-' to' 62s NEWBURY .... Wiieat 85- to H3s .. Barley 28s. to 38s. . Beans 47s. to 57s.... Pease43s to 51s .. Oals . is. to 37s. KB\ DING Wheat 80s. tn 107s.... Beans 4 s. ta 55s:.. Pease'to 49s.,.. Oats to Barle, « to 40s.
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