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The Salopian Journal


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The Salopian Journal

Date of Article: 18/07/1810
Printer / Publisher: William Eddowes 
Address: Corn-Market, Shrewsbury
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 860
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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CORN- MARKET, SHREWSBURY\ PRINTED BY WILLIAM EDDOWES, Price Sixpence Halfpenny 7Vis Paper is circulated in the most expeditious Manner through the adjoining Counties of ENGLAND and WAIVES.— Advertisements not exceeding ten Lines, inserted at Five Shillings and Sixpence each. DESIRABLE FREEHOLD ESTATES, IN THE COUNTIES OF SALOP AND MONTGOMERY LONDON, 126 2 10 Samuel Gittins and Richard Piitchard. 1 23 John Evans, Turnpike Tolls io Lei, IN STAFFORDSHIRE AND SHROPSHIRE. TOTICE is hereby given, That the NEXT " M EET1NG nf the Trustees ofthe Turnpike Ron I lead- John Hughes, 7 2 13 Undertenant to Ed. Menlove. Richard Wilde, or his Under- tenants. LONDON. FRIDAY, JULY 13. A ship arrived yesterdaV from the French coast, • which she ieft four davs ago. According to the advices brought by her, Bonaparte had enacted a law, • which inflicted the penalty of death agathst any subject of with the recent information received from Mr. Mac- kesrii?, in Frmce: that gicrttlmnan ii said to have stated, in his letters, that his miss on goes on smoothly'; that lie was every where well received; and that he expected shortly to he callcd from Morlaix to Paris. The la-, 1 Imperial Decree respecting the prohibition of corn, & c. reads thus :—" The prohibition of grain ( established by tlie Decree. of th$ 22d of June,) from the island of Schowen to 1' Oricnt, extends itself also | to vessels provided with Ticencssv— No grain may be exported betVecti J/ Orieiit' W' Boimlt'ahx but bv French ships, which shall, at the same time, he obliged to take half their cargoes ' of wine or brandy.— Foreign Vessels, provided with licences, which may enter the ports of FraVe, shall not be allowed to make any farther use of the Ratine.— The coasting trade iS reserved exclusively',' according to the old law, to French vessels, of w'hich tho crew must consist of a French master, aud three- fourths French sailors." The annexation of Holland to F'- apce will probably be soon announced inform; in substance, indeed, it has been so long attached to that country, that the wonder is, the Dutch should depiccate the loss of their Independence' by a piece of paper, when they must know they have been the slaves of France from the moment they thought proper to throw themselves under her protection. A rupture between France and Russia is considered as an improbability in the l'rcnch papeis. Improbable, however, it certainly is not; because in these days, nothing Ol the kind can be deemed improbable; but as to any advantage that can be derived from it, we consider that as highly improbable. Our share in these quarrels has been perhaps too expensive for far- ther experiments. There is a report in circulation of the escape of the King of Sweden. Upon receiving intelligence from his friends in Sweden, he is said to have determined upon returning immediately, and endeavouring to re- gain his throne. His escape from Switzerland was not known till four days afterwards, and he is reported lo have reached the Baltic coast in safety, and embarked 011 board a British vessel— Nay, according to some ac- counts, he is at this moment 011 board Admiral Sauma- rez's ship. The Queen of Sweden and her children have been confided to the care of the Duke of Baden. The last part of this rumour ina!- es us doubt the whole. The King of Sweden, tenderly attached to his family, would 1 ot leave tin m in the hands of a Prince, who, however willing, is not able to protect them. It was on the territory of Baden that Bonaparte seized the Duke d'Enghien. Admiral Sir Richard Keats is appointed to the * command of the British squadron in the Bay of Cadiz. -— He is universally considered one of the best officers in the Navy. Mr. Rose, as Treasurer of the Navy is employed at this time on a plan for ameliorating the condition of our seamen, by a more regular and prompt pay- ment of their wages and, prize- money on foreign stations. His Majesty has written private letters to the Persian Monarch on vellum, which are to be com eyed over by his Ambassador. They are to be deposited in'two embossed silver tubes, each two feet long, resembling a large telescope, with three silver padlocks, and se- » cured from outward injury by seal- skin eases, The junior Mr, Brickwood, who since the failure of the house made an attempt to destroy himself, is still living, alid hopes are entertained that he will recover from the effects of an attempt caused by a momentary frenzy, arising from a mistaken but delicate sense of honourable leelings. In consequcnce of abase and groundless report, there was a sharp run on Wednesday, upon a highly respect- able banking- house in the city ; which, however, tended only to manifest ti stability.— Four persons have been traced as the propagators of the malicious report, and were yesterday served with special actions. Exchange of Prisoner's.— O11 this subject, so interest- ing to humanity, the following articlehas appeared, aud is conceived to be official: ' « So much interest must natura ly he excited, both in this country and in France, relati ve o the exchange of prisoners, that if is not sur- prising that the public expectation 011 this subject should have oiit- ran the facts. It is very true, as our cotem poraries have stated, that a negociation for that pur- pose was some months since commenced ; but we can venture to say, that the discussion between the two Governments has not yet reached that state which can authorize the expecta ions so confidently expressed, of its speedy and successful termination. The negociation still continues; aud it is much to be desired, for the sake of humanity, that it may be brought to a satis- factory conclusion. Nothing of conciliation, and even of concession, as far as it justifiable and consistent with national honour, Will, we trust and believe, be wanting ontlie part of the British Government; buthffOre the friends and relatives uf the prisoners, and those detained in either country, flatter themselves with tlie assurances of the speedy release of those persons, they should re- collect, that it may ho doubtful whethei the ottier party to the negociation brings into it Ihe same conciliating temper, the same moderate pretensions, or even the same anxious desire for its completion, thai will, we hope, be found to Inne marked the conduct of the British Government."- Mr. Livingston has brought an action, in the Vir- ginia Federal Court, against Mr.. Jefferson, for the recovery of 100,000 dollars damages, on the ground of Mr. Jefferson, during the time he was President of the United Stales, having ejected him from the batture of New Orleans. Wednesday, in the Court of Exchequer, Sir W. Lewis obtained a decree for tlie possession of his Welsh estate, of which he had been deprived :> 7 years, by the glorious uncertainty of the law.— The landed estate thus recovered, is ( we are told) ascertained by the affidavits of Surveyors appointed by the Court to be worth twelve thousand pounds per annum ; and the minerals to be capablc of producing one thousand pounds per week. Some of Ihe papers now formally announce that Sir Francis Burdett has come over to the Ministry, aud is to have the high otlice of Steward of the CHILTERN HUNDREDS, which is in Ihe immediate appointment of the Chancellor of the Exchequer! his friend Mr. Perceval I I I There is now residing at Priestgill, near Strathaven, William Ruthven, a naiive of that parish, iu the llltli year of his age. He served many years iu th « 41< t regiment, and afterwards in the Scotch Greys; wrought at the coopery business many years in Dumfries, and for the last fifteen years since the death of his wile, and the loss of his eye- sight, he has traversed Lanark- shire, Galloway, & c. with his daughter and Iter husband, who are tinkers. His mental faculties arc not impaired. Soldiers deserting a s- cond time are in future, in addition to any other punishment, to be marked 011 the left side, two inches below the arm- pit, with the letter D. half an inch in length. A11 Irish gentleman speaking of suicide, said the only way to stop it was to make it a capital offence, punishable by death. Last week us a number of persons were digging for and some of the ancient Kings of Scotland, and it is supposed have been in the ground nearly. 600 years. Though Sir Sidney Smith is now made a l) octor of Civil Lin,', we hope he will not abandon Ihe practice of ithe' cfttfrt. uij law, in which he has hitherto been so eminent. It was observed by an Irish officer a few days ago, w hile speaking of a certain regiment, that for three weeks- he never saw any regiment improve so little in • his" life.; for do you know , added he, they grow worse and icorse every day. Pickpockets.— The depredations by jlickpockcts and hustlers have become not ouly so frequent but so for- midable, in consequence of their assembling in gangs in the public streets, and at all places of resort,, that it may he of some servi^ u to the community to state the law on the subject. If A. is hustled in a crowd by B. C. D. and F. and any Other pick the pocket of A. at such time, A. mav be said to be thereby put in fear, and they are all accessary to the highway robbery. If A. loses his property, he may, without a constable, apprehend any of the offenders. The offence is death without benefit of clergy. On the trial of three men, . Rango, Finch', ami Smith, afew years ago, Judge Buller observed, that taking from the person by hustling, was highway robbery equally as if a pistol had been presented— these men were convicted and afterwards executed. The Revenue.— We have the greatest satisfaction in submitting to our Readers the following account of the produce Of the Consolidated Fund, in the quarter just elosed, together with its produce in the corre- sponding period of the last year < from which it will be seen that the public revenue is iu a very flourishing state, even as compared with the year 1809, the most favourable which had ever before been known. NET 1' lvODUCE. IN THE QUARTER 8HDED 5th July, 1809, bthjuly, 1810. Customs - - - 1,066.095 Excise - - - 3,787,331 Stamps - - 1,292,441 Assessed Taxes - - 2,448,187 LandTax, Sugar Oaties, Im- prest Monies, & e. 2,019,872 Charge Surplus df 10,613.926 10,139,87* 2' .£ 474,034 1,07.0,744 3,777,960 1,377,322 2,700,135 • 2, O06', 22O 11,022,331 10,400,000 peat at a placfc called Big ;, near Gretna, one of them accidentally knocked off the top of an earthen jar, which 011 being examined was found to contain a great number of ancient coins and belt buckles, all silver.— The coins were mostly of King Edward I. of England, 622,381 Court of h'in^' s Bene1', July 12.— Tophtim v. tlie Overseers and Chunh- narderts nf Great Driffield, Yorkshire.— Tins was au appeal againsta rate, laid upon a money- payment, as rent fortythes; and which had never been made a claim of, till the appellant, as we understand, as a Magistrate, presented ! the liigli roads of the township ill question. After stich claim had lain dormant 60 years, the right of it was thus claimed, 011 an idea that the Precentor, under whom the estate was formall y held, had paid, as rates, the sum of 6s. 8; 1.—- Alter bearing arguments from Mr. Const ( the Editor of Bolt's Poor taws), on the part 0! the appellant; and Mr. I'nrjt, King's Counsel on the part of the respondents, who did every thing he could for Ins clients, tlta following rule was laid down by Lord Chief Justice Elienboroogh : " To ' eon- end that the appellant is bound to reduce the rate', it going a most extravagant length. You prove that he had property 111 the parish to the atnouni of lis 8d. and yii'ti assess him at illo sum of 2501. You might a- well haVe lated him at 10001. But Chinch- wardens ami Overseers cannot be'permitted, without reason and without, proof first given by them,, to rate a person at random, and to leave him to work his way out ol it ( lie best way he can," This being a novel case, we give the determination thUs at large. SATURDAY, JULY U. The Gazette of this evening contains dispatches froth Rehr- Admiial Drury, Commander 111 Chief in the East I11O. es, announcing the total destruction of a nest of pirates which had long harassed the trade with impunity, in the Persian Gtilph ; th; s service was effected by a squadron of frigates mil smaller vessels, under the command of Captain Waiuwright, of the Chiffonne. Seventy vessels were captured and burnt on this occasion ; and Ras al Kydaah, the principal town inhabited by the pirates, was likewise destroyed. The Eng- lish squadion having to encounter several batteries tbrowll up by the desperadoes, had 4 men killed, and 35 wounded. Tt. te eneinv sustained a verv severe luss, having upwards of 50 killed'. The King has been pleased to appoint Capt. MonrSom, of the Roy al Navy, Surveyor- General of the Ordnance of tiie United Kingdom,— Gazitte. The Philomel sloop of war has arrived from Lisbon; and has brought dispatches foi Government, the con- tenis of which have not transpired. Down to the time of her sailing, ( Ihe present month) no battle had been fought, and tbe armies remained 111 their former situations. Letters of the 8th of June, from Madrid, are in town. They stale, that King Joseph was making preparations for a journey into Murcia, the more readily to com municate with the French forces al Port St. Mary. Government received this morning dispatches from Cadiz of tuo 28th , ilt. ant! from Sir J. Sauuia. cz of the 26th. The former mention nothing of an action said lo have taken place at Ronda, between the troops uu- der General Lascey, and the French, The latter are totally silent with respect to the report of the gallaut Gustavus's escape from Switzerland, aud his aruVal on board Sir J. Saumaruz's licet. The Madras Courier Extraordinary, of Feb. I, 1810, communicates the welcomo tidings of the safe arrival at Rio de Janeiro, of the Company's ships Lady Jane Dundas and Duchess of Gordon. They had suffered severely in a gale of wind, w hich separated thein from the rest of the fleet. Tire - French papers of the 4th instant, give an account of an alarming lire which took place on the occasion of a fete given by the Austrian Ambassador, at Paris, to Bonaparte, and other exalted personages forming his Court. Napoleorf and the Empress quitted the room as soon As it was found the flames began to spread. The members of his family, who were present, also escaped, hut not w ithout being in some danger. The Princess Paulino Schwarzcnbcrg and one of her daugh- ! ters, unfortunately peiished in the flames. The Russian Prince Kurakin was dangerously hurt, and about 15 persons were more or less wounded. The particulars of this singular accident are minutely given; but Ihe origin of the lire is not clearly accounted for. Private letters from Holland insinuate au idea of its having been the ellect of design The French papers also contain a long article, pub- lished by authority, giving an account of the military life of Gen. Sarrazin, lately arrived in this country. It represents him as of a restless, dissatisfied temper, often reduced from his rank, and again replaced; mentions his having served in Ireland under Humbert; but ex- limits no charge against him as having acted at any lime unbecoming his public character, except iu his recent desertion. l) u! ch papers to the 8th instartt, aud a variety of letters from Holland of the same date, are also receiv- ed. The Leaden Gazette announces the arrival at Amsterdam of a French army, and observes, that their orderly conduct in that city has materially diminished the fears of the inhabitants, which were at first excit- ed when the intention of Bonaparte was made known to them. The private letters communicate, that the late King of Holland had left the interior; and it was suspected, his objcct was to procoed to Tonningen, and thence to America; from this circumstance it is confidently believed, that the abdication of the Throne by Louis was entirely unknown to Napoleon; indeed, the conduct of Bonaparte to his brother is said to have occasioned great dissatisfaction among the Dutch, who are stated lo be very much attached to their late King, fro. n his uniform endeavours for the benefit of the country. At the time of his abdicating the Throne, some uuplciisant appearances of disorder prevailed a liiong the people, which the Dutch papers seem anxi- ous to contradict; they observe, tiie most perfect harmony reigns throughout the City of Amsterdam; but from the le. ior of the private letters, it is very evi- dent sor, to disturbances had taken place, and the ar- rival of tiie French troops, was purposely to keep in would have rapidly increased, had it not been for the fear of being overcome by " the tyranny of Francs, and' the inactive state of the Continent, Tho private accounts frora Holland are most melan- choly. No doubt now remains of the destruction of that State. While hopes of pence with England remained, Bonaparte was measured in his conduct, from an opi- nion of the interests of this country beini connected with those of the Dutch. Eut now the full effects of his evil genius will be felt by that unhappy country. Having gradually squeezed them of all the money he could possibly obtain, it is now his aim to ptecipitale a national bankruptcy, to free tho country from its debts previously lo its incorporation with France. He wishes Ihe bankruptcy to take place while Holland yet re- mains a nominal Slate, that it may, and HE may not, have the odium of such an event, and that it may afford a pretext for seizing on the country. His object is, to unite the naval arsenals to those of France, as well as to exclude Ehglish commerce. We learn from the Spanish papers, that considerable interest is attached to the appearance of the Due d'Orleans in the Peninsula. It seems to be expected that the presence of a Prince of the House of Bourbon, so nearly related to Ferdinand VII. Will, at the same time, add to the enthusiasm of the Spaniards, and de- tach some of the French from the bannei s of Bona- parte. The I) uke was invited to Spain by the Regen- cy, aad he landed first at Tarragona, whither, we understand, he is to return, after having had a confer- ence with the Regency and British Commanders al Cadiz. It is said, that he is to have the command of an army on the coast of Catalonia, The Diane of Tarragona, of the 8th ult. contains a Proclamation, announcing the arrival Of the Duke of Orleans, which has been translated into French and Italian, in order to its circulation in the enemy's armies. By the arrival of two vessels at Portsmouth, from Corunna, which sailed from thence on the 5! h instant, we are informed that an Expedition is fitting out at that place, in order to proceed towards the Province of Biscay, with a view of expelling the French intruders from that quarter. From the intelligence we have rc- e'eived on this subject, there appears a very ureal pro- bability of its being attended with success. The Expe- dition will laud at St. Andero, and then proceed to the execution of' its ulterior objcct. Transports have been provided on the occasion for the conveyance of 2000 troops. Towards the North of Spain it fs assert- ed, that persons of all ages were anxious to join the patriotic forces, but they complained very much of the want of armS. , The Commercial Treaty which has just been con- cluded between his Britannic Majesty and the. Prince of Brazili is highly advantageous to the commercial', in- terests of this country. British subjects and shipping are put upon the same footing as those of Portugal. We are at liberty to trade with St. Catherine's, Goa, and, iu short, with all the Portuguese possessions in every part of the world, the Prince Regent reserving to his subjects only the exclusive trade of tobacco, ivory, gold dirst, and Brazil wood. In the event of any alteration taking place on ei her side, in the duties, as settled by the two contracting parties, the permis- sion to alter is considered mutual. No veAatious arrests, nor visits in search of papers or bdeiks, are to be allowed; but in case of treachery, or other capital offence, the party accused is to be examined as speedily as possible, in the presence of tiie Representative of the nation to which he belongs. The Treaty, npo; i the whole, is founded upon the equitable basis of mutual advautage ; and from its removing all the old restraints upon British trade, must prove highly beneficial to our commercial interests. No doubt is entertained by the best informed persons, of the two sons of Queen Louis being the sons of Na- poleon. It is well known that from physical causes that King Louis cannot get children : Queen Louis is a fine woman, of warm passions, of great ambition, " hud of much intrigue. The tavour mill manner in which she has lived with Napoleon, leave no doubt of her children being his. She is the daughter of his former wife, Hence the favour shewn to her and her children, in appointing her Regent, and they successors to a throne. Gallant Action in the Mediterranean, ( Letter fiom an Otlicef to a Friend in London.) Hit Majesty's ship Spartan, Malta, 16(/ i May, 1810. MY DSAP. FftiEKb—" AwaTe that an old messmate ( par- ticularly a once Spartan)' will derive some gratification from the. particulars of our recent glorious contest, I will willingly avail myself of the first conveyance to enable you to par- ticipate in the feelings of your old shipmates. On the t st instant, we, in company with the Success, chased into Na- ples a frigate, corvette, brig, and cSitter. Ou tbe 2il. fiom a supposition on tbe part of our truly gallant Captain ( Jahlcel Brentou) that these fair weather birds would never put to sea, whilst menanced by two British frigates, he ordered the Success ( being a junior ship), to pait company; the ma- noeuvre succeeded, and on tbe following morning, at day- light, the enemy's squadron was with pleasure descried standing towards us, in a regular line df battle. It Was not in out nature to run !— but, agteeable to out Usual system, as well as their astonishment, wo m^ de sail for them ; and being aided by a light breeze, were enabled, about 40- iniuutes after seven, to commence against fearful odds," what our gallant brother tars on this station, as well as the Conquered foe, acknowledge to have been one of the most brilliant actions ever fought by an English frigate. The battle took place off Naples, and was commenced within pistol- shot by the French frigate Ceres, of 42 guns, she being the leading ship of the enemy's line, and after a truly trying, yet, thank God, glori- ous contest of two hours aud ten minutes ( during which time the awful scene was witnessed by bis mod; Majesty Murat, and tbe whole population of the proud city of Naples, we succeeded in capturing the national brig L'Espervoir, by oili brave fellows gallantly boarding her, in the face of the enemy's whole torcc, who were, like unto ourselves, almost torn to pieces— When we had approached this host of foei" sufficiently near to be distinctly heard, we welcomed) them with " three cheer's," which was proposed by our gallant Captain, and given by our brave tars rath heartfelt sincerity for th'e honour of our beloved country and glorious profession. From the officers whom we have taken prisoners, we1 have been as- sured, that our cheering, tended forcibly tj> nnn'- ive their seamen, as. jt. taught them lo believe we had, in the first instance, elecided on death or victory ! Our loss has been severe— 10 brave fellows killed and 22 wounded ; yet when I refer you to the annexed unprecedented superiority to which wc weie opposed, you must think with me, that those heroic Britons Could nevfer have fallen on a more glorious occasion. Among the killed, I have to deplore the death of that gallant youth Mr. Robinson, mastei's mate, whom you, as an old Spar- tan, must recollect ; and in the list of wounded the name of our truly heroic and distinguished Captain unfortunately stands conspicuous. He was dangerously wounded by a grape- shot, about tlie middle of the action, Whilst fearlessly standing on the capstan,. and hy his judicious- manoeuvring, and gallant example, imbibing a confidence of success in every officer and man around hiai. He was bounded in the lett side, and lias since suffered almost Incessant pain, with becoming fortitude ; but I am happy tu add, he is liovV pronounced out of danger, and the ardent prayers of his officers aud brave crew, continue to be offered up with sea, maulike sincerity, for his speedy re- storation tn the service of his country : with whom his zeal, ability, and heioism must ever stand unrivalled ! aud by whom, if genuine merit wants not admirers, fie will no doubt, be amply rewarded. He has already received the Order of Knighthood and of Merit, froi-. i his Majesty the Kin-; of the Two Sicilies, which i| 0 doubt will be followed on the part of our good . Sovereign ( flo<| bless him) by the Order of the Bath, and an adequate pension to support it. We have just learned by a flag of truce, the enemy's loss to have been severe beyond precedent, 154 killed, aud 316 wounded , . SIIIITTWSBUKY, Wednesday, Mj 18, 1810. ({ Sf fV„ Eddowes, Printer of the Salopian Jour- nal, respectfully informs the Gentlemen of the FacuHy' and Stifdents of . Medicine within Ihe circuit of this Paper, that the FIRST NUVUF. R of a New Volume of that valuable - Professional ( Vork, tha MEDI- CAL and PHYSICAL JOURNAL, conducted jy Doctors Bradley, Batty, and Nihrden, ttas pub- lished on the Thirst Day of this Month j and Persons who are disposed to take it in regularly from this time, are requested to send their Orders to him, or the Newsmen, on or before the 25III Instant, BIRTH. On the 5th inst. at Boningale, in this countv, the lady of John Bi- oughall, Esq. of a daughter, after having been mar- ried 17 years without env offspring. MARRIED, At Onihury, in this county, Mr. Holmes, of Weston, to Miss Ann Mnrston, of Padmore. At Llaniestyn, on Tuesday, the Rev. John Kyffin, v'car of Bangor Cathedral, to Miss Ann Owen, second daughter of the Rev. Edward Owen, rector of Llaniestyn. A few- days ago, at Dudley, John Randies;, E « q. of the Twlth, near Barigor, to Miss Phillips, daughter c. f Mr. Phillins, maltster, Dudley. Thursday last, at Bath, William Bowen, Esq. of that, rityr, to Miss Sophia Boycott, daughter of the late Thorn si Boy- cott, Esq. ot Rudge, ill th. scouoty. DIED. On Sunday last, Mrs. Vaughan, ol Onslow, near town; this Your's truly, FEXGLISH FOB EN". guns. men. Spartan 38 253 Total 38 258 JAMES DUNH, Purser. ERESCH FOITCG. guns, CS& t 42 Fame 28 Espervoir 8 Aclailla 12 7 Gun- boats, 7 guns, with 40 men each ., men. 300 28( 1 98 120 2R0 Total 97. 1078 The first escaped, tbe second was dismasted, and the third taken. Queen Louis hates Holland and her husband. At Bonaparte's late marriage she fainted away, conscious of the blow it gave her aud her family. Site is for- bidden to come to Paris, a great mortification to her. She lately, while in Holland, imagined she had been poisoned by some of Napoleon's Agents, aud " set off to Plombiers for the benefit of her health, where she now is. The whole Government of Holland is managed by a Council in Paris iu her name. A Gentleman saved .£ 25,000 from falling into the lata ruinous vortex iu Lombard- street, by his Agent, through mistake, paying the sum on his account, a few days since, in a houSe in Pali- Mall, instead oi that, which he had directed, of Brickwood and Co. The commercial embarrassment in Dublin appears to be not inferior to that iu London ; paper, to a large amount, was yesterday returned from Ireland, A great provision merchant of Limerick is said to have stopped for naif a million. Yesterday, in Doctors' Commons, Sir Wrh. Scott pronounced a divorce, or separation from bed, board; aud mutual cohabitation, between E. L. Loveden, Esq. and his wife, on the grouud of criminal conversation with Mr. Barker. On Wednesday, his Majesty's pardon for the three ( mutineers of the Defiance 74, condemned to deat'i by sentence of court- martial, came down to Ihe Port- Ad- miral at Plymouth, and was read to them on the quar ter- deck of tbe flag- ship, by the chaplain, viz. John Hunt, agcJ 19, and Geo. King, 18, to be transported for life ; and T. Bayntun, aged 16, to have a free par- don. The poor fellows were so rejoiced, that they fell on their knees, burst into tears, and loudly blt- Ssod the King for his clemency. In the course of last week, 4000 lobster-, unfit for use, were thrown overboard from a smack, intended for the Londou market. The following is an authentic account of the number of Beasts, Sheep, Lambs, and Calves, killed in London within the last twelve months: Beasts, 144,980; Calves, 24,778 ; Sheep and Lambs, 1.025,483; Horses, 20,118. Making a grand total of 1,215,859. Among many other instance's of the beneficial effects resulting from the establishment of the ROYVL HU- MANE SOCIETY, the following was laid before Ihe Managers on Tuesday last:— On Sunday, the 17th of June, J. Sowter was providentially the means of saving two fine children from a premature death. Oue had accidentally taken into a pond near Bridge Road, Lam- beth, aud the other ( her brother) iu order to save her, plunged iu after her, when both luitli nearly been drowned, but for the prompt assistance given by the above person; who instantly jumped in. With his clothcs on, and fortunately brought them both ou shore. The first who had fallen in was iu a state of in- sensibility for some tune. Sowt: r has been very deservedly rewarded by the Society, on account of his great attention and hum nity. FIRE.— Yesterday evening, about five o'clock, a very alanfting- fire broke out in Mr. Reeves's premises, in . little Titchfield- strcet, in consequence of the men neglecting: some turpentine, which they bad occasion to use in the business ( tloor- cloth manufactory). The flames were so rapid iu their progress, that tbe adjoin- ing houses on either side soon tell a sacrifice, and a general consternation prevailed. Notwithstanding the favourable circumstance ol daylight, the sufferers were not able to save the whole of their furniture, the furi ous rapidity of the flames compelling them, with very great danger, to quit their respective houses. The ar- rival of tho engines soon afforded effectual assistance, and eventually succeeded iu putting a stop to the con- flagration ; hut we are s irrv to say seven houses are ^ DBtSCrtpt LONDON, Monday Ni'ht, July 10, 1810. French Papers are received to the 10th inst. The Moniteur contains a decree, dated Palace of llamboiliet, July 9th, of which tho following is an extract: — " Holland is united to France.— The City of Amster- dam shall be third City of the Empire.— Holland shall have six Senators, six Deputies to the Council of Slate, twenty five Deputies to the Legislative Body, and two Judges in the Court of Cassation.— T he officers by sea aud kind, of whatever rank, shall be confirmed in their employments. Commissions shall bo delivered to them signed with our hand. The Koyal Guard shall be united to our Imperial Guard.— The present contri- butions shall continue to be levied until the 1st of January, 1811, at which period the country shall be eased of that burden, and the imposts put oil the same footing as for the rest of the Empire.— The colouial produce, actually iu Holland, shall remain in the hands of the owners, upon paying a duty of 50 per cent, ad valorem. A declaration ol the amount shall be made before the I st September at farthest. The said mer- chandize, upon paytueut of the duties, may be imported into France, and circulated through the whole extent of the empire.— In the course of the piesent month, shall be nominated by the Legislative Body of On the 10th inst. at Bishop's Castle, after a long and pain- ful illness, sustained with christian- resignation, in the 39th year of her age, m ist sincerely and deservedly lamented bV iier relatives and friends, Sarah, the wife nf Mr. Oakeley, attorney at law. At Crows Moor, on the 7th inst. Mrs. F. li.- ibeih TTrwick, relict of the late Mr. William Urwick, of Broome, in this county. At Whitchurch, aged 64, Mrs. Murliall, wife of Mr. R. Murhall, of that place. On tbe 4th inst. Mr. Thomas Glover, of the Farm, near Whitchurch. A few days ago, much respected by his friends, Mr, . Swanwick, draper and mercer, of Market Dravton. On the 8th inst. at Hatton, in the 33th year of her age. Mrs. Sarah Anne Wynne, the only remainingdauihter of the Rev. Dr. Parr.— With becoming resignation to tbe will of Heaven, she endured a long aiid paiiifui illness, brought upon her by the pressure of domestic sorrows, on a constitution iin". turally weak. Her genius and her intellectual attainments were quite extraordinary. Her merits as a friend, wile, and mother, were most exemplary, and her piety was rational and sincere. At Birmingham, on Saturday last, very suddenly, Thoma3 Rose, of Coaibiook Dale. 1 NEXT LORD'S DAY Afternoon a SERMON will be preached at Swan- Hill Chapel, in this Town, few tha Benefit of the SUNDAY SCHOOI. belonging to that Place, by the Rev. SAMUEI. BRADLEY, of Manchester. — Service to begin at half- past two o'Clock. Visiting Clergyman tbis Week at the Infirmary, Rev. Mr. Scott:— House- Visitors, Mr. John Hughes, jun. and Mr. Wiliiam Hughes. At the General Quarter Sessions for this county, last week, Hugh Rogers, for stealing a sieve, was sentenced to two months imprisonment ; Margaret Barrow, for stealing a waistcoat, and Mary Read, for taking goods tirtder false pretences, were sentenced to imprisonment one month.— At these Sessions, the complaint of the overseers of the parish of Westbury, versus those of Pontesbury, for entailing on them the expenses of a lying- in patiper, lately in die service of Mr. H. Warter, of Cruck Meole, and discharged by him for the pur- pose of preventing tho woman from obtaining her parochial settlement, without a cause de bonos mores, was determined in tavtiur of the plaintiffs. By order of the Magistrates at our Town Sessions, on Friday last, three Xets were burnt, the meshes thereof being under tho Standard prono-. b/. t by tht Act of Parliament for the preservation of fish in tho Severn.— VVe understand that no Nets whatever are allowed to be used during the months of August, Sep. lember, and October. The Ilev. Mr. Wade, has been inducted into the Rectory OF Hanwood, near this town, vacant by the decease of the Rev. George Holland. In our mention of the Congratulatory Poems lo the new Chancellor at Oxford, we omitted to notice those' recited hy the Earl of Clare, and Mr. Herbert Oakeley, of Christ Church. The former concluded the business of the Week in h nlost beautiful and pathetic address, to which the tone of his voice was admirably adapted,, a id of which every line was given with peculiar feeling check Ihe disposition for tumult, which, it is observed, I conmnrf, and also Mr. Huntingdon's chapel \ titer Holland, a Commission of 15 members, to proceed to Paris, iu order to constitute a Council, w hose business j shall be to regulate definitively all that relates to the public debts, and to conciliate the principles of the union with the localities aud interests of the country.'- Dispatches have been received from Lord Wellington; also a number of letters from the British army to the 17 th ulti and t . vo mails from Lisbon, with letters and journals to the 5th instant.— No battle has yet been fought; nor any attempt been made by the enemy to come to action; although Masssna has lately been con- siderably reinforced, and has now under his command no less than bo, 000 men. Ciudid Kodrigo, on the SpatnSh frontier, is at length regularly invested. The garrison had previously been supplied with additional stores and ammunition by General Craw furd. Masseiias' force consists of the divisions ot Ney Junot, and Regnier, besides a considerable reinforcement wnich lie brought with him from France. The enemy having thrown bridges over the Agueda, our advance^! guard, under General Crawfurd, had fallen back on the main body, which was advancing to its support. When these accounts left the army Lord Wellington still continued to maintain his defensive position. He has with him 20,000 British, aad 10,000 Portuguese. General Hill has 5000 British aud 5000 Portuguese; and General Bereslonl about 10,000 Portuguese em Lord Wellington's left. Thus the whole of me actual force oV the allies in the field is 50,000 men. In ad- dition to these, then aie 10,000 Portuguese, and some British, in garrisons, and about 20,000 militia, regularly armed— making, in all, a force of 80,000 men. We regret to state lhat fresh failures continue lo lie? announced daily. Six respectable Houses, chiefly in the Liueu Trade, have stopped payment since Saturday last. Some of them are known not only to be solvent, but will have a large surplus after paying all the claims against them. However, while their Warehouses are fi lei with merchandise nothing can be expected, and time is wanting to bring it to a proper market. The want of money has bad an influence ou the funds : Consols were to- day at 70JJ for the account, aud Omnium at about i discount. Goverumen , it is said, has it iu contemplation to aid tlie embarrassed Merchants who can give security, in order to stop tbe mischief from spreading further. II Government had granted licences a short tune ago for Ihe exportation of British merchandize into France, allowing the ships to return witli French wines aud brandie, no sucti mischiefs would have occurred. The merchant presuming from tha reason of the thing that licenses would bo granted, with the provisions above- mentioned, bought largely ; and hence a number of tlieni have been almost involved in itiiu. Dublin Papers were received this morning to the 13ih. The Bank of Xrelend' has agreed to advance • ti' 200,000. to relieve the Manufacturers, aud a Com- mittee his been appointed to receive applications-. and effect.— His Lordship was heard with the most lively interest, and crowned with Ihe highest applause.. Mr. Oakeley spoke a very fine copy of verses, we un- derstand, of his own composition. The contrast be- tween the triumphal pomps of Rome and the present, scene ilt Oxford, was well painted ; and the principal) features of Lord Grenville's political character, as well as his taste for classical literature, ntosl happily intro- duced. This Gentleman displayed great oratorical talents; every woiM was audible in al! parts of the Theatre, and his anniination and appropriate tones made a deep impression.— The applause which followed this performance was most distinguished. The Earl of Clare is . son of the late Lord Chancellor of Ireland. Mr. Oakeley, is a son of Sir Charles Oakeley, Bart, of this town. It appears by an Advertisement inserted in ths first page of this paper, that the Proprietors of The RE- SOLUTE Coach from the Talbot inn, in this Town,, intend in future, for the accommodation ot their t Friends and Travellers, to run their Coach daily ( Sun- days excepted) from Shrewsbury to Liverpool and return the same day, being a distance of 110 miles. Our Assizes commence on Saturday, the 18th of August. A list of the different circuits will be found, iu last page. | The Gwyneddigion Society ou Monday., July 2d, j presented to Mr, John Parry, an elegant Silver Medal, ; i'or his ingenuity in adapting Euglish words bo a selec- tion of Welch Melodies lately published,—- After the. usual toasts were gone round, he was addressed from Ihe chair in the British language, by Mr. Thomas Roberts, of Llanrudd, ( the then president) in the fol- lowing short but appropriate speech Y C) faill Siou Parry, y mac yn falch gennyf gael yr aiirkydedd yina o eicb anrhegu a Bathodyn Arian, yn enw a thro* y Gymdeithas Wyncddig ; a'r anrheg hon sydd cr niawr barch i chwi am eich doniau, a'ch cywfeinr. wydd, fel y gwelir yn eich Cyfansoddiad rhagorol o Beroiiaetl*. Gymraeg ; derbymweh hwn megis arwydd o garedig- rwydd o Gynideithas hon tu ag attoch."— Mr. Parry- said, " that lie felt more proud on the occasion than he could poss. bly express. His chief object was to give public! ty to the truly beautiful Cambrian airs, and gain the approbation ol' his countrymen ; how far he had succeeded, the honourable token bestowed on him by the Gwyueddigion Society that evening shewed— whicli he received with the most grateful acknowledgment." The convivial Society of Breyddenitcs held their twenty- first annual festivity oil Breyddcu Hiil on llt « Gill insl. John F. M. Dovas on, Esq. President. The company was numerous, and the day particularly IV vourable.— They dined at the Well m the Valley, at one, and at three atljourued to the pillar crected in commemoration of Rodney, where the annual comic song, composed for the occasion by their poet Eer- neat, ( the present president) was sung with much humour and spirit, hy Mr. Thomas Yates, the Vice- president; the general gleo aud chorus was also sung, with a variety of songs, catches, and recitations.— The following gentlemen were elected to fill Ihe respective offices for ihe next year; Jixlia Ciaveriug Wood, Esq. to be President, John 1", AL. Dovaston, Esq. Poet Eerneal, aid Mr. Thomas Yates, ltecorder. Tlie cjmpany then returned to tbe Well, wiie- re thosong and glass again went round ; and it was almost ui. v. wheu thev quitted the mountain. IS * - I' p u te MS ie ' ' p h « s [• I fro- k- e- I ft r it e d > f i. ) f St t- II,. ir a- id of' oA d, il, ac- he m iai nl- till dd jb » wi iv Jtllt. p- tjry iai'. iVK kill iad ty itu » 1 tti* ' 1) 0 L kt T r- ch I r r ct l< On Friday evening last the celebrated and ingenious Mr. Joseph Lancaster, the inventor and unwearied promoter of the. Roval British system of Education, in passing through this town availetl himself of the opportunity of delivering a Lecture on that very interesting subject, in tbe long room at tha Talbot Tun; and though notice of his intention had been published only a few hours previous to the Lecture, the room was filled with a most respectable company of ladies and gentlemen. The utmost attention prevailed whilst this friend of humanity developed, in a clear, elegant, and impressive manner, merely the outlines^ f h; s system for educating the children of tbe poor, which he very forcibly contrasted with the usual modes of tuition, antl illustrated liv a set of appropriate drawings ( executed by one of his pupils, on a larse scale) exhibiting his own tnethad of instruction, the distribution of rewards as an incitement to attention, industry, and emula- tion, the modes of punishment or disgrace for neglect, impro- per behaviour, & e. which he accomoanied with a variety of amusing and instructive anecdotes of their effects on his pupils. Our limits will not allow us to do justice to the whole of Mr. Lancaster's observations, but he asserted that he had found by long experience, ONE MASTER alor. e can educate 1000 children in reading, writing, and arithmetic, as effectually and with as little trouble as ' 20 or 30 children have hitherto been instructed by the usual method; and it appears by his new system, that a mast extraordinary saving of expense is made in books of everv description, one or two copies of eacn being found sufficient for 500 or 1000 children. Mr. L. expressed, in the highest, terms, his ' gratitude for the Royal patronage, and for the liberal support which he received, not only from his Maiestv. but also from the Queen, and we believe the whole of the Royal Family, as well as a consider- able number of tbe nobility, & c. au example which we trust will be followed by every benevolent mind impressed with the importance of extending the benefits of education to the poorer classes of the community; for most assuredly the ignorance which prevails amongst this class of the people ought to be regarded as a national calamity, and is the great source of th depravity of manneis, which no serious mind can contemplate without regret. During the last 10 or 11 years,' upwards of 6000 children have been educated at Mr. I. ancar/ er's own school in the Borough ( Snuthwark), inde- pendent of thousands mnre at the numerous institutions on the fame plan which are established in many of the principal • owns of the kingdom ; and hitherto no instance has come to hif knowledge . of one of his scholars ( although composed ol the lowest classes in society) having been charged in a court of justice with a criminal. offence, nor has any one instance occurred, where any of the children educated by Mr. Lan- caster had been induced to embrace his peculiar religious tenets; which . assertion will no doubt be a satisfactory reply to the scruples of auy who may have withheld their pationage or support to his benevolent plan on account of his being a dissenter. Mr. L. wa3 very frequently applauded duriug the Lecture, which, after some well merited compliments paid to his original patrons, John Duke of Bedford and Lord Somer- ville, and contradicting the unfounded report of his Majesty having withdrawn his patronage and support, he concluded • with a strong appeal to the audience, in which he asserted his most established right and claim to the original invention of ihe system he practised, and a very liberal offer of his gratuitous assistance, should the inhabitants of Shrewsbury feel a wish lo realize the anxious desire expressed bv our ainust Sovereign, that ecty poor child lit He nation should ie able lo tend the bible." We shall rejoice to find Mr. L's - very generous offer is accepted, and that we may add Shrewsbury to Ihe list of p'aces which have encouraged the labours of this worthy mail. Mr. L. proceeded next morning to Oswestry, where he delivered a Lecture to a numerous and genteel audience in the Town- hall, from which he received the most respectful attention and applause. Alter the Lecture he went to the Rev. Mr. Lloyd's, at Whittingion, to inspect a school, already consisting of 200 children, which has lately been established under Ihe patronage of that gentleman on Mr, L.' s system, and is flourishing under the direction V) f one 6f his young schoolmasters. On Saturday se'nnight, as a man was conducting a boat along the Warwick and Napton Canal, having given the care of the helm to his sort, a youth about eight or nine veafs of age, the boy, being lulled to sleep by the extreme heat of the sun, fell overboard, in seven feet water, opposite the wharf of Mr. K. Smith, near Warwick. The workmen, Oti missing the bdj, concluded lie had fallen into the canal, and called to the man, who, on turning round, and net perceiving liis soil, ran back along the towing path', and', in the first moment of his agitation and alarm', jumped into the water, long before he came to the place where the child had fallen in( but on being directed to the exact spot, where the boy had been seen lloatiog by those who first ran to the canal side, and where his hat still remained, he again plunged in, and brought his child up under one arm in a state of insensibility, when they • were both taken out by the people on the bank. The boy soon began to recover, which the father, nearly overcome by terror and exertion, witnessed with emo- tions which every parent can feel, but which it is im- possible to describe. At the General Quarter Sessions for the cduniy of Wai wick, nine of the persons charged with having on the 28th of May last riotously assembled at the house of Mr. Wheeley, at EdgbasUm, near Birmingham, • were all found guilty, fined, and sentenced to various terms of imprisonment.— Two persons were tried for a like offence at the house of Mr. Wilkes, of Edgbaston, on the 291b of May ; and three others were indicted for pulling down the stalls in the market place at Binning fiam ; all were found guilty, and feceived similar Sen- tences to the nine first ' stated.— There were others concerned in these practices, whose crimes arc of a deeper dye, and who are reserved for trial at the en- suing assizes. Five persons were tried at Stafford quarter sessions for riotous conduct about the same time at Wolver- hampton, and found guilty. Two of them were or- dered to be imprisoned 6 months, kept to hard labour, aud to give security for their future good behaviour : the other three to be imprisoned three months, to find security, and to remain in prison till such security be given. ASSIZE OF BREAD, Set the 17th of July, 1810, for the Town and Liber- Penny loaf, or two ? , po we; j, halfpenny loaves $ Twopenny loaf ...,, Threepenny loaf Sixpenny loaf - Twelvepenny loaf .... .. j All Wheaten and Household Bread must be made of Wheat only.— Wheaten to be marked with a large W.— Iiou. ic. bold with a large H. New Kind of Early Cabbage Seed. THIGGINS respectfully acquaints the Public, . that he has just received a Quantity of the above SP. K15, called THE SUPERFINE EARLY POM FRET, which his Seedsman pledges himself for, to be much earlier. and in every Respect superior to any he has every before sent him from London.— Price 2s per Ounce All other Kind of Cabbage and Cauliflower Seed, par- ticularly Fine and New, at the usual Prices. ARCHDEACONRY OF SALOP, DIOCESE OF HEREFORD, THE SUBSCRIBERS to the Relief of distressed Clergymen, their Widows, and Children, within the abovenamed District, are hereby reminded that the ANNUAL MEETING will beheld at the Crown, in Church Stretton, on WEDNESDAY NEXT, the 25th Instant. Longnor, July 18, 1810. Dinner on Table at two o'Clock. High Ercatl School. T WILDING and SON respectfully inform their » Friends, that their SCHOOL re- opens on MONDAY, the 23d Instant.— July Ylth 1810. Caslle Buildings, Oswestry. JY^ RS. DA VIES' SCHOOL opens on TUES- ] blh July, 1810. DAY, the 31st Instant. MEREDITH respectfully acquaints his Friends tJ> • that his SCHOOL will open againon MONDAY NEXT, the 23d Instint. — Westbury, July I Uh. Church- Siretlon School. XBELTON begs Leave to inform his Friends, • and the Public respectively, that his SCHOOL will re- open on MONDAY, the 23d Instant.— July \\ th, 1810. ISS WISEMANS respectfully acquaint their Friends and the l'ublic, tlietr SCHOOL will re- open on MONDAY NEXT. Shrewsbury, July 17, 1810, Fashionable Dancing. RS. MERCEROT respectfully iniorms her Friends and the Public, that she is returned from LONDON, aud intends introducing the most fashinablc and elegant Dances, with tho improved Method of teaching, us practised in the first Seminaries in the Metropolis. The SCHOOL, in St. Alkmond's Squate, will open again on WEDNESDAY, the 25th Instant. Meadow Place, Shrewsbury, July 17, 1810. Lincoln Hill, near Cna/. broofc Dale. AASTON, impressed Willi a graleful Sense • of the many Favours she has experienced iu Ihe Coutse of 21 Years, returns her sincere Thanks lo her Friends, and informs them that her SCHOOL will re- open on MON- DAY, July- 23d. The Situation of the School is pleasant and healthy, being ori the Side of the Hill, and commanding a beautiful and ex. tensive Prospect of the surrounding Country. BY MRMISSTOS 6F TTIE RIGHT WORSHIPFUL THK MAYOR OF SHREWSBURY. 4T the LARGE ROOM, LION INN, Shrews- bury, on THURSDAY and FillDAY Evenings next, will be presented the followhie Entertainments : WONDERFUL CHILD. The Royal Infant BtLLINGTON AND ROSCrA, Honoured with the Patronaee of th- ir Majesties and every Branch of the Royal Fumili/, before whom she had the Honour to perform, when ONLY IOUR YEARS OF AGE. A great Variety of Comic, Laval, Sentimental and Original RECITATIONS AND SONGS Will be recited and sung bv A CHILD ONLY TEN YEARS OF AGE, Assisted bv her Dramatic Tutor, who will give Specimens of INTERNAL ELOCUTION, Or, LA VE. YTR11,0 QVE. Performance to begin precisely at half past seven o'Clock. Admittance, Front Seats 3s. Back Seats Is. 6tL— Further Particulars in the Hand- bills. To Printers and Booksellers. TO RE DISPOSED OF, A N established Business of a Bookseller and Sta ' tioner, in a large Market Town in the County of Salop. The Concern, would answer the Purpose of a voting Man who well understands the Printing Business. The Stock, which is modern, is to be taken to at Prime Cost; and the present Proprietor, who has fixer'anolher Engagement, wruld introduce a Successor among his Customers— Applications, bv Letter Po< t paid, directed to 7' i, at W. EDDOWES'S, Shrewsbury, will meet wilh due Attention. Merionethshire Bank. rriHE Public are respectfully Informed, That the i NOTES and DRAFTS of Messrs. THOMAS and HUGH JONES, of Dolgelley, Merionethshire, drawn on Messrs. Brickwood and Co. will be paid at the Banking- House of the Hon. SIMON PRASE*, Sir JOHN PEERING, Earl, aud Co. Cornhill, London. Dolgelley, Uth July, 1810, RICHARD BRISCOE, DRUGGIST, OIL, AND COLOUR- MAN, CHURCH STREET, WREXHAM, MOST respectfully acquaints his Friends, that in Addition to his very extensive Assortment of Drugs, Oils, Colours. See. he has laid in a large Quantity of BRITISH WINES of superior Quality and Flavour, viz Tent, Froutihiac, Calcavella, Raisin, Currant, Orange, Ginger, ^ ofcai,,,. & c> & r_ whioh wi„ be , d asonaj,| e Prices. The most, approved PATENT MF. DICINFS TWO APPRENTICES miums will be required. whom Pre- Baschurch, July 11, 1810s- m/| nss JONES most respectfully returns Thanks i- V. M. to her Frie. ids and the Public, for the liberal En- couragement she has received since the Commencement, of her School, and begs Leave to remind them, that it RE- OPENS on MONDAY, the 23d Instant, and solicits their further Patronage anil Support. ' TERMS AS FOLLOWS: Board anil Instruction in English and Needle Work, EIGHTEEN GUINEAS per Ann. Entrance ONE IJUINEA. £., s. d. Geography, per Ann '. 110 Entrance to Ditto 0 5 0 Writing and Arithmetic, per Ann 2 2 0 Entrance to Ditto 0 5 0 Dancing, per Ann. * 4 4 0 Entrance to Ditto 0 10 6 Vacation ., ' 2 2 0 , Washing, per Ann. 2 2 0 y youug Lady ver bring a Table Spoau, Knife and Furk, for'n Towels, and a Pair of Soeets. The Linen to be return- ed. No Deduction lor occasional Absence ; and previous to leaving . School to give a Quarter's Notice. B lis paid Half- yearly. Newtown Baschurch, July 11, 1810. WILLIAM JONES, jun. tnost respectfully in- foitr. s Parents and the Guardians of Children, that be immediately intends assisting his Father in the Education of Youth iu general, and flatters himself the Experience he has acquired, as an Assistant during eigtit Years in a very reputable Academy near Loudon, has fully qualified hnn for the Undertaking. He also begs Leave to add, that the Morals, Comforts, aud Improvement of those Pupils intrusted to th'eir Care, wilt bo strictly attended to ; and humbly soli- cits their Patronage anil Support.— For further Particulars, please to apply as above. NEW M i " SIC. PARRY'S WELSH MELODIES with EN- GUSH WORDS.— The Persian Dance, and the Lvrist, consisting of the popular Airs of Bang up, Lorenza, Rosa, kc SEE. Also a Variety of Publications for the Piano Foite, Flute, ant] Flageolet, may be had of the Author, No. 8, Richmond Buildings, Soho Square, London, and at any Music Shop in Town and Country. SALES BY AUCTION. BY JONATHAN PERRY, On MONDAY NEXT, the 23d Day of July, IBtO, on the Premises of] Mrs. SI. ANEY, in Saint Mary'*. Place, Shrewsbury: \. , ALL the valuable HOUSEHOLD GOODS and FURNITURE, which were purchased new within the last 12 Months ; consisting of Four- post and Tent Bedsteads, with Chintz and printed Cotton Hangings, capital white Flock Mattrasses, Blankets, anil Counterpanes; Chamber Chairs, Dressing Tables, and Swing Glasses ; prim*: Spanish Mahoganv straight and sweep Front Chests of Drawers; Spanish Mahocnny Pembroke Tables, ora; two- leaf Maho- gany Dining Table,, and Dumb Mahogany Waiter,, 12 hand, some Diamond Back Grecian Chairs; a green Ro- deret! Haize. and Scotch Carpets; two Pair of Chintz Window Curtains, with Bronze and burnished Gold Cornices, &. C. complete; a large sized Sofa, with thick Hair Squab Seat and two Feather Bolsters, and Covers to match'Curtains ; a capital Stop Watch, iu Gilt Case, jewelled ; a painted Cloth, on Carpet 14 Feet bv 13 Feet six Inches; Wire Fenders Fire Irons, See. also a capital Eight- Day Moon Clock, in Maho- gany Case, and other useful Articles. The Sale to begin precisely at ten o'Clock, and continue till the whole is disposed of. At the Talbot Inn, in Shrewsbury, on Saturday, the 28th Day of July, 1S10, at five o'Clock in the Afternoon, subtect to such Conditions as will be then produced : BY JONATHAN PERRY: A CAPITAL FARM situate at HASTON, in the Parish of Middle, about five Miles from the Town of Shrewsbury; consisting of a good FARM HOUSE and convenient Outbuildings, with TWO HUNDRED AND SEVEN ACRES, or thereabouts, of very excellent Arable, Meadow, anrl Pasture LAND. Several Acres of the Meadow Land are judiciously irrigated, and produce a great Abun- dance of Grass : the whole iu the Occupation of Mr. George Hilditch, The Tenant will shew the Premises ; and further Particulars may be had of Mr. JEI. I. ICOE, of Benthall, Mr. LLOYD Attorney, Shrewsbury, and THE AUCTIONEER, with whom a Map of the Estate is left. BY JONATHAN PERRY, At the Cross Keys Inn, Oswestry, in the County of Salon, on Thursday, the 30th Day of August next, at two o'clock in the Afternoon ; SUNDRY valuable FREEHOLD ESTATES. comprising the whole Estate of LLORAN, situate in the several Parishes of Llansilin, Llanarrnon, and Llancadwaladr, in the County of Denbigh ; Llansaintffraid, aud L'lanfechan, in the County of Montgomery ; and at Llanyblodwel, in the County of Salop. Particulars will be inserted in a future Paper;" and further Information may be had by applying to Mr. PRYNNALT, at Oswestry, where Maps of the Estates are deposited ; of Mr. GRIFFITHS; Attorney, Dolgelley; Mr. THOMAS, Attorney, Llanfyllin; Md.- sis. GRAHAM, KINDERLEY, ami DOMVILLE, No. 6, Lincoln's Inn, London; and of THE AUCTIONEER, in Shrewsbuiy. SALES BY AUCTION. At the Sigti of the Strap, io Whitchurch, on Friday, IV 8- j'h Day of tbi » Instant Jr-. iy, between the Hours of live nnd six in the Evening : LL those TWO COPYHOLD MESSUAGES, or DWELLING HOUSES, and S& OP, situate neat the Old Pool Dam, in the HIGH- STREET, in WHIT- CHURCH aforesaid, in the several Holdings uf Mary L-. rjt. Widow, Elisabeth Huxley, and Martha Youde, Widow. There is a good Work Shop and. a Bla.- ksmi'. li's Snap on the Premises, which are well suited , for carrying on ths Trade of a Wheelwright, or any otbir Business, and t, i • Situation will he mtioh v.: pioved l. v tl| c proposed Extension of the Whitchurch Brdach of the F- llesmero Caual lo Castle Well. For further Particulars apoly to Mr. TURNER, Attorney at Law. in Whitchurch aforesaid. Id July, 1810. On Ihe Premises, on Saturday, the .' 3ist Day of 1810, at four o'Clock in the Afternoon: and July, Turnpike Tolls, ^ TOTICE is hereby given, that the Tolls arising i V at the Toll Gate upon the. Turnpike Road leading from Shrewsbury to High Ercal, in the County of Salop, called or knowii by ihe Name of WALTON GATE, will be LET BY AUCTION to the best Bidder, at the House of Mr. William Harrison, knowu by the Sign of the Eleohant antl Castle, in SHAWCURY, and County of Salop aforesaid, on TUESDAY, the THIRTY- FIRST Day of JULY Instant, between tbe Hours of eleven o'Clock iti the Forenoon and two o'Clock in the Afternoon of the same Day, iti the Manner directed by the Act passed in tlie 13| h Vear of. the Reiao. of his present Ma- jesty King George the Third, " for regulating the Turnpike Roads."— Whoever happens to be the best Bidder, must at the same Time give Security with sufficient Sureties to the Satisfaction of the Tiustees of the said Turnpike Road, for Payment of the Rent agreed for, aud at such Times as they shall direct. Stanton, Uth July, iBlO. EDWARD HANMER, Clerk to the Trustees lb., dr. Wheaten 0 3 9 Household 0 4 12 White . 0 2 K'- i Jd. ditto 0 1 H , Wheaten 0 7 2 j Household 0 9 8 , Wheaten 0 10 11 Household 0 14 4 1 Wheaten 1 5 6 1 Household 1 12 8 , Wheaten 2 10 12 1 Household 3 9 0 To Watchmakers. WANTED, APERSON well acquainted with tbe Watch- making Business; a married Man will lie preferred. He may have a very good House to live in, Rent aud Tax free. His | Character for Sobriety and Integrity must hear strict Enquiry ; and none others need apply.— A Man answer- ing this Description will meet with every reasonable En- couragement by applying to IIARLEY aud SON, Corn Market, Shrewsbury.— Such ati Opportunity rarely offers. N. B. All Letters must be Post- paid. Shrewsbury, 11th Jw'y, 1810. WANTED, In a small Family, in Shrewsbury, ASERVANT MAN to wait at Table, take Care of one Hoise, aud manage a small Garden. None ueed apply who cannot bung respectable References for Character. Apply to THE PRINTER OF THIS PAPER. BY S. TUDOR, Without Reserve, , Wb jrnicorn Innj Shrewsbury, on Mon- day, the 30th of July, 1810, at tive o'ciocn lii " lie Artet- noon, subject to Conditions to be then produced : LL those TWO substantial, well built DWEL- LING HOUSES, pleasantly situated iii the Abbey Foregate, and near the Conduit; the largest of whibh con- sists of a Parlour, Kitchen, Brewholise, Cellai-, Yfti- tl. find an excellent Pnmp thereih, in perfect Repair; second Floor, handsome Drawing Room, 18 ft. bv 13, two good Lodging Rooms, and Closets to each ; three very good Lodging Rooms over, aud Closets to two, and three, very good Attics over them, in the Occupation of Mr. Jonathan Knight.— The smaller House consists of a Shop, Back Room, Cellar, aud Yard, three very good Lodging Rooms, with large and con- venient Landings on the Staircase, in the Holding of Mr. Richard Pearce. The Tenants will shew the Premises ; and further Par- ticulars may be had by applying to THE AUCTIONEER, or Mr. ASTEKI. EY, Solicitor, Shrewsbury. BY MR. TUDOR, At the Oak Inn, iu Welshpool, sometime in the Month of SEPTEMBER, 1810; EVERAL MESSUAGES in, and SEVERAL PIF. CF. S of LAND near and adjoining, the Town of WELSHPOOL.— Particulars of which will appear in a future Paper. LI MARKET HERALD. Price of Grain incur Market on Saturday last- Wheat ICis. 7d. to IS'. 4d. per bushel of 38 quarts. --- Oats 7s. to 7s. Od. per customary measure oi 37 quarts ' WORCESTER.—^ Wheat 14s. 8d. to 17s. fid.— Barley 5s. 6d. to 8$. 0d.— Oats 4s. OiL to is. 9d.— Beans 6s, 4d. to 8s. Od. jjtr bu- hel of 36 quarts.— Hops 31.. las. to 41. 15s. per cwt. GIOCKSTCR.— Wheat 15s. 6d. to 19s. 0d.— Barley 5s. 6d. to 9s. 0d.— Beans 7s. 8d. to 10s. Od.— Oats 4s. Od. to 6s. Od. per bushel of 38 quarts. Morh'Lane, July 13. This day there are again considerable remaining supplies of Wheat; sales aie heavy, and hardly support last prices- scarce any fine Barley ; second antl Interior qualities are dearer— Malt heavy sale.— Pease and Beans of the two kinds fully at last prices.— Oats are in tolerable supply, aud this trade is quoted somewhat cheaper. Current Price of Grain per Quarter ns under:— Wheat 80s. to 110s. | White Peas 00s. to 00s. Barley 34s. to 48s. | Oats 22s. to 33s. Beans 56s. to 68s. | Malt 76s. to 82s. Fine Flour, 95s. tolOOs.— Seconds 90s, to 95s. per sack. JULY 16.— there are short supplies of Wheat coastwise to- day, but considerable of last week's arrivals of Foreign, upwards of 24,000 Quarters ; fine keeps its price, but interim is somewhat cheaper. With the exception of Beans, which aie rather lower, tnost other articles remain at last prices. Montgomeryshire Canal. AT a General Assembly ofthe Company of Pro- prietors of Uie Montgomeryshire Canal, liolden at the Canal Office, Pool, on Monday, 2d July, 1810: RESOLVED, That a DIVIDEND of £\ per Centum on each Share of .£ 100 be paid by the Treasurer to cach Proprietor, upon Application for the same at the OLD BANK, in Pool, alter tbe 12th of August next. 4// r July, 1810. J. HILL, Clerk. , LOST* ABOUT a Week ago, from WEM, in this Coun- ty, a WHITE POINTER WHELP, with a black Spot on the Bottom of one Ear ; both Ears very small ; answers to the Name or PONTO — Whoever will bring him to Mr. WILLIAM DAWES, of Wem aforesaid, shall be rewarded for their ' Trouble. CAUTION* ALL Tradesmen ami others are hereby cautioned not to trust SARAH, the Wife of SAMUEL. UN1TT, Labourer, of HINTS; inthe Parish of Corley, in the County of Salop, as he the said Samuel Unitt will not be accountable for any Debts she may contract. Hints, I3( N Juiij, 1810. To Farmers and Graziers. TO BE DISPOSED OF BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, For the Remainder of a Term of 6 Years FIIOM LADY- DAY LAST ; AFARM, consisting of 95 Acres ( liltle more or less) of Arable, Mea. low, and Pasture Land ; together with the STOCK, CROPS aud FARMING UTENSILS, and Implements; thereon.— For further Particulars apply to WALFORD aud 11 ASSAIL, Solicitors, in Wem. Church Preferment. TO BE SOLD HE NEXT PRESENTATION to a REC- ' 1 ORY in the County of Salop, of the annual Value ot ^ 500. under Value ip the King's Book, and with a Prospect of early Possession.— For Particulars apply ;( Post- paid) to Mr. TVNDALE, Solicitor, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, Slrellon and Longden Roads. 1\ J" OTJCE is hereby given', that a Meeting of the L ' Trustees of tin.- , STRFIT TON and LONG DEN Roads is appointed to be held at the Guildhall, iu Shrewsbury, 011 MONDAY, the SIXTH Dayof AUGUST next, at eleven o'Clock iu the Forenoon, to take into Consideration the Pro- priety of advancing the Turnpike Tolls on the said Road-. JOHN JONES, Clerk to the Trustees. Shrewsbury, July 16, 1810. At the same Time there will be an Election of new Trustees for the above Roads; also for the Welsh Gale and Baschurch Roads. Pauper eloped. HEREAS EDWARD MANSE! L bath run away, and left his Family chargeable to the Parish of UFFlNGTON, in the County of Salop: any Person who will apprehend, and convey him to Mr. JOHN ALLEN, Over- seer of the said Parish, shall receive a Reward of ONE GUINEA.— E. M. i about 25 Years of Age, of the middle Size, Iris Ilair sandy coloured, Eyes weak, one Leg less than the other, and had on, when he left, a black Coat, yellow Waistcoat, and Beaver Hat. N. I!. He has Relatives living near to Oswestry. STATE LOTTERY. NEW SCHEME. Only 4000 Numbers— 5 Prizes of ^ 20,000— Tickets much cheaper than in the last I. ottery, and not Three Blanks to a Prize. THERE being 1000 Numbers less, and one Prize of Twenty Thousand Pounds more, than in the last Lottery, it must be clear that the Chance of each Ticket or Share is increased pne- ffth, and in addition to the superior Advantages in the Scheme, the Prices ate considerably lower than in the last Lottery ; though, fiom the circumstances of tbe Lottery, there can be little doubt of an Advance of Price before the Drawing, viz, the 19th of October next. SWIFT & Co. Contractors with Government for the present Lottery, re- spectfully inform their Frieuds and the Public, that the Tickets antl Shares are on Sale in great variety, at their Offices in London, viz,— No. 12, CHARING CROSS; No. II, POULTRY ) No. 31, ALDGATE HIGH STREET ; Where, ill the LAST LOTTERY, NO. 4,469, A PRIZE OF .£ 20,000, Was sold in SIXTEEN SIXTEENTH SHARES. Also by their Agent, T. WOOD, Printer, Shrewsbury. Doctor Freeman, s Gutta Sahilaris, IS A CERTAIN CURE FOR VENEREAL, GLANDULAR,' AND CUTANEOUS DISORDERS, GLEETS, & c. Sundry valuable Messuages or Dwelling Houses, Stable, and Workshop, situate An and near THE n YLE COP, SHREWSBURY. BY W~ SMITtI, At the tTnicorn Inn, on Monday, the 30th July, 1810, at four o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions as shall be then produced, in the following, or such other Lots as may be then agreed upon: LOT !• ASUBSTANTIAL well built MESSUAGE or DWELLING HOUSE, SHOP, and other commodious Buildings, with a convenient Yard, situate on the Wyle Cop, in the Occupation of Mr. Edward Leake, Upholsterer and Cabinetmaker. LOT II. A substantial well built MESSUAGE or DWEL- LING HOUSE, SHOP, and other commodious Buildings, with a convenient Yard, situate on the Wyle Cop aforesaid, and adjoining the last Lot, iu the Occupation of Mr. William Underwood, Sadler. Lo, III. A MESSUAGE or DWELLING HOUSE, and Yard, situate on or near the Wyle Cop, and adjoining Lot I. iu the Occupation of Mr. John Pool. LOT IV. A large, commodious STABLE and WORK- SHOP, situate in the Back Lane, near the Wyle Cop, in the Occupation ofthe said Edward Leake. The above Premises are well situated for Trade; the re- spective Tenants will shew the same ; ami further Particulars may be had by applying to THE AUCTIONEER, or Mr. ASTERLEY, Solicitor, Slnewsbury. ALL that capital well- known accustomed INN, known bv the Name of THE GEORGE, in the Borough of BEWDLEY, inthe County of Worcester; with the Stables, Outbuildings, and Appurtenances thereto be- longing, now in the Holding of Mrs. Mary Crump These Premises have for thirty Years and upwards^ trecu occupied by the Proprietor thereof, who is now retiring from Business: arc large and commodious, and in everv respect caculated to command the principal Business of Be\ vdley and its Neighbourhood, being very roomy and extensive, and he only Inn iu the Town where any Carriage is kept. A Purchaser may have immediate Possession, and ba accommodated with two thirds of the Purchase Money oil Security of the Premises. For further Particulars apply to Mass's. CLARKE anrl PARDOE, Solicitors, iu Bewdley. Unless previously disposed of by. private Contract, of which due Notice will be given, at the Royal Oak Ion, in the Town of Pool, in the County of Montgomery, on Monday, the 20th Day of August, 1310, between the Hours of four and six in the Afternoon, in one or more Lots, as shall be theii agreed upon, and subject to Conditions to be then produced; LL that MESSUAGE and TENEMENT, called LLWYNDERW, with the CtMtage, Outbuild, ings, aud Lands thereunto belonging, situate in the Parishes of Pool and Castle- Caerinion, in the said County ; containing together about forty- two Acres of LAND, Statute Measure, and now in Ihe Occupations of Thomas Haines, and another, ai Tenants thereof. The above Estate adjoins the South- easterly Side of the. Turnpike Road tedding from Pool to Newtown, and is distant from the fdruier Place about two Miles arrd a half, aud from the Montgomeryshire Canal about half a Mile. The Tenant will shew the Estate ; and for further Particu- lars apply to Mr. THOMAS DANIF. L, Varchwel- Hall; near Guilsfield ; or to Mr. NICHOLLS, Pool, with wboin a Plan of the Estate is left. Willi Possession at Lady- Day next, At the Crown Inn, iu Wem, in the County of Salop, on Thursday, the 26ih Day of July, 1810, at live o'Clock io ttre Afternoon, either together, or in such Lots as shall be agreed upon at the Time of Sale : ASM ALL, compact ESTATE, called THE NEW HOUSE, consisting of a convenient Messuage or Dwelling house, with the Outbuildings, Gardens, Lands, and other Hereditaments thereunto belonging, Situate, lying, and being in the Townships of WEM and EDSTASTON, rrr the Parish of Wern aforesaid, late iu the f ) ccupation of Mr. JOSEPH WALM.- LET, deceased, and containing by Admeasure- ment 49OR. TP. be the same more or less; 42 Acres, more or less; of which are Copyhold, arid the rest, together with the House; Outbuilding!, Garden, Fold, and Stack- yard, are Freehold. And also, one undivided THIRD PART of three several Pieces of Freehold LAND, called DUN'N's BRITCH. situate in the Township of EDSTASTON aforesaid, near to the above- mentioned Premises, the Whole thereof containing by Admeasurement 12A. I It. 38P. and now in the Occupation of George Astley, his Assigns, or Undertenants. The Shart of the Timber growing on the Lynn's Briteh will be sold therewith. The Trees growing cut the other Part of the abort-. mentioned Premises marked with a Serine, are reserved to the Vendors, and the Remainder of the Tiees to be taken to by the Purchaser, at a Valuation to' be produced at the I'irtie of Sale. The above- mentioned Premises lie about a Mile from the Town of Weui, and the same Distance or a little more from the time Wharf at Quina Brook. To view the Estate, aud for further Particulars, apply to Messrs. LEE and NICKSON, Solicitors, Wem, with whom a Map is deposited. Edg/ nond, near Newport, Salop. BY MR. BAGNOLD, At the Red Lion Inn, in Newport, in Ihe County of Salop, on Saturday, the 4th Day August, tSjO, between the Hours of tour and six in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions as shall be then produced : ADESIRABLE ESTATE, sLiuate in EDG- MOND, in the said County, within one Mile and a Half from the Town of Newport, and the like Distance from Lime and Coal: in the following, or such other Lots as shall be agreed upon: Lots. Promises. Tenants. StnwHlhs. A. R. 1'. A, R. V. 1. House, Garden,/.., patrioW5 rHeinpbutt, 4tc. - S " ? 2. Two Messuages, } Thomas Rogers, S and Gardens, See. - ^ and T. Axtori J 3. Two Messuages, ^ John Bold and and Gardens, & c. - 4. Hampton Wall Valuablp Furniture. BY JOHN BROOM?, On Wednesday, the 25th of July, 18) 0, on the Premises at Montgomery, in the County of Montgomery, without Reserve: ALL the valuable HOUSEHOLD GOODS and FURNITURE, be. longing. to MAURICE JONES, Esq. ( wno is changing his Residence): consisting of Four- post,- Tent, andother Bedsteaiis and Hangings, good Feather Beds, three large Mahogany Tables, a Ditto Card Table, a Sofa antl Cover; Eight- Day Clock, Common Ditto, Mahogany anil Oak Bureaus, Chests of Drawers, Mahogany and other Chairs, & e. together with the Kitchen Utensils, Barrels, arid a Variety of other Articles, which will be enumerated in Catalogues, to be had at the principal Inns in Montgomery, Pool, aud Bishop's Castle, and of the Auctioneer, in Ctiurch Stretton. The Sale to begin precisely at 10 o'Clock. Cordy Leasow Cordy Meadow ^ Ann Smith | Robert Blakemure I 5 2 27 1 4 1 11 0 I i 0 1 10 0 0 28 — 5 0 32 tto - 33 30 Montgomeryshire. T' ABOTTLE or two will convince the patient of their salutary effects ; a few buttles have effected a cure, after salivation aud every other means have proved abortive, aud even when the disorder has ueen standing several years. No remedycau he better contrived, more safe, or more con- venient than this, for such as are obliged to go long Journies, or to Sea, as it needs no confinement, or restraint of diet; and 40 years experience by Dr. Freeman iu an extensive practice < has proved it no 1 - ss successful ill those debilities which arise mote from imprudence than a certain cause— to such patients it holds out a never failing; permanent, and speedy relief. Sold wholesale and retail at Mr. Butler's, 4, Cheapsjde, Corner of Paternoster Row ; and retail by Etldowes, Wood, Palin, and Morris, Shrewsbury ; Baugh, Ellesmere; Painter, Wrexham; Pr. ce, Morrall, aud Edwards, Oswestry; Houl- stons, Wellington; Silvester, Newport; Scarrott, Sh- ffnal; Smith, Iron Budge; Gitton aud Baugtiain, Bridgnorth; aud most Medicine Venders, in Bottles at 2s. " Jd, aud 4s. bd. each. 6. Fat Birchmoor ) u , , ., .. t 3 3 20 ? Near Ditto - - \ Hanriah Ma,, seM \ 0 3 10 f 7. Red Lake Mea- [ Rev. William dow - . J Pigott - 4 0 16 Tile above Lots are held from Year to Year. 8. A commodious Farm House, Bricl,"^ and Tile, with a Malthouse, two Barns, I aud other suitable Outbuildings, Gardens, | and the several undermentioned Lauds | iu the holdings uf Mr, Robert Blakemort, ^- 150 2 8 unuet a Lease for the Lives of himself, i anil his wife ( each aged 38, and of tbe | survivor of them, at the clear yearly Rent | of 1701 J If this Lot should not be sold entire, it will ba divided into the following Lots : 9. Little Moor --. ; 15 0 ! 0 10. Moor Field 41 22 11. Newport Leasow - - - - • - 8 2 23) Near Newport Meadow- - - - - 4 3 3l V20 1 10 Far Ditto Ditto - - - - - - 6 2 31) 12. Scotl's Croft - -- - -•---. 22 17 13. Great Park Field [ IA. 2r. of flis is Copyhold], Before the major Part of the Commissioners named ami authorised in and by a Commission of Bankrupt, award- ed aud issued, and now in Prosecution against DAVID WILD, of the Town of NEWTOWN, in the County of Montgomery, Flannel Manufacturer, Dealer and Chap- man, at the Bear's Head Inn, in the Town of Newtown afotesaid, on Tuesday, the 24th Day of July, 1810, at five o'Cliick in the Afternoon, in the following, or such other Lots as may be agreed Upon, and subject to such Conditions as may be then proloced : LOT I. ALL those FOUR DWELLING HOUSES, Weaving Shop, Wool Factory, aud Warehouse, situate iu the Town of Newtown aforesaid, and now or late in the Occupation of the said David Wild, Elias Meredith, John Barber, William Griffiths, and Jane Morgan, Lrr II. All that extensive, new erected Building or SPINNING FACTORY, and Gardeh, adjoining Lot 1, and late in the Occupation uf the said David Wild. Lor III. All those THREE DWELLING HOUSES and GARDENS, situate in a Street called Pentre. yr Efel, in the lo. vn of Newtown aforesaid, and no. v or late in the holding of Joseph Peter, Edward Bembow, and John Woola, The Tenants will shew the Premises; and further Par titulars may be had by applying to T. Ef MARIH, Solicitor, Uauidluei. 11 3 31 ] 8 1 9 4 0 17 i 4 2 20 j 2 0 35 I 10 S Little Ditto Ditto Low Ditto Ditto 14. Low Well Leasow Upper Ditto Dilto 15. Spring Piece i ..... . Hi. Ward's Cockmoor ---.-- 17. Long Withy ....... 18. Sandy Well Leasow - . - T - 19. Butter Hills ...... 5 Far Foxholes - 6 Near Ditto .-.--.. 5 20. Bowdeu's Leasow ...... 21. Great Birchmoor - - - - . 12 0 30' Long Ditto - -- -.„. 6 0 1 { Middle or second Ditto ... 713/ Near Ditto ------- 320 22. Dole in the Queer ..... 0 Ditto Ditto ....... 0 23. The above mentioned Dwelling! House, Malthouse, Buildings, V- 2 Yard, Garden, & c. . . . } Horu ..... Shoemaker's Yaid - 24 1 17 3 15 2 27 2 23 23 ) 11 ' 17 3 4 2 1 3 - 3 I 21 10 .29 0 0 2 18 1 25 I - - - 6 0 30 ^ 15 . . - 3 2 7 Robin - - 3 0 17 | 3 3 15 j ISI 1 A And furth » r Particulars may be known on Applica. ion at the Office of Mr. Moaais, Solicitor, in Newpou afare.- a d, Summonsof the Cndnh to appear bef orothcirAccusers, FROM THE LOWER WORLD : A Poem by Mr. PRATT, occasioned by Lord ERSKINE'S Biil for preventing wanton Crucify to Animals. One of the manv * Critics who have alrcailv made report of this publication, fvhich the author assures us in his preface is to be last of the poetical kind he intends giving the Public, states truly, " that it is of the same species as many of the writings of its author, who has, in nutnerous instances dis- played the happiest art in seizing upon subjects in which the benevolent passions, the humane talents, and the pious sensibility of the people range at once on his side." And f another has proclaimed that " Compassion is the inspiring Muse of the anther, who lias poured forth his whole soul in the cause which he here advocates, and has eiVen to the interesting subject rill the weight and variety of which it was capable," we shall select for our readers the passages in wbich some of the injured animals are introduced as lodging formal complaints against their tyrants.— Book the Second opens as follows. STAND forth, thou chiiTtiplbh of a Ruffian band, At Mercy's bar uplift- thy savage hand ; A train of u- tcrg'd Accusers standing nigh, Truth, Justice . Nature, the dire cause shall try: Yes, haughty culprit, tyrannous and base, The blushing Muse shall mark'thy deep disgrace; And should- st thou spurn her charge, by crimes made bold, . If thy cheek pales riot, as those crimes unfold, Harden'd by habit, warp'd by baneful art, All " grace of Nature has renonne'd thy heart. First, answer to thy Dog, as first ill place, Friend at tliy board, companion of thycbace, His no foul crime of " friend remembered not," F. nch kindness eherish'd,. and each wrong forgot; And though full oft he feels thy stripes unjust, He bears them all, and humbles fo the dust; Unmurmuring bears them, a nil one slight caress, Tho' smitten to the bone, again can bless. Thv day of labour he is proud to share, And guards thv slumbers with a lover's care; Thy presence hails, thy absence fondly mourns, While bounding raptures mark thv tvish'd returns ; To rage, fn anguish, e'en to Death, resign'd— \\ hat ri.}) ler feelings boast tliy nobler kind ? fly nature finer, at length subdued, and mild, To each kind office of a duteous child— Who, a dark Sire guides through the pressing throng, Pee buw yon Terrier gently leads along The fetble Beggar, to his customed stand, With piteous tale, to frco the bounteous hand j In willing bonds, but master of the way, Ne'er leads that trusted friend, his charge, astray With slow ; roft step, as conscious of its care, Aj if bis own deep sorrows form'd the prayer— Should yielding Charity the scrip supply, Tbo' hunger press'd, untoueli'd the boon would lie; Kyes to ihe blind, he notes the passing- thief, And gtranls the good Samaritan's relief; A faithful steward, midst unbounded power, .. Patient he. waits the home- returning hour; Then, reconducts his master to his shed. Arid grateful banquets oti the coarsest bread. And were that cheerless shed, by Fortune plac'd In the deep cavern, on the naked waste, The sport of every storm, unroof'd and bare. This faithful slave would- find a palare'there ; Would feel the labours of his lor e o'erpaid, Near to his monarch master's pillow taid ; Vnchang'd. by change of circumstance, ot place-: O SACRED t. ESSON- TO A PROUDER RACE ! But, Reasoner; say, are these thy gifts of art, Or, native graces of the canine heart ? Sr. v, does be ou e this rocial change ot state, To imitation of the fair and great ? Copied from thee, ar. d do his virtues rise From man's example of Ihe Good and wise ? If than hast thus reclaim'd from savage strife, And made him thus a link of social life, Ask thy own soul— that every harshness knowr- a, llow oft his joys are follow'd by his woe? ? And, if like ttiee, this Slave could count his gains, Say, would his pliasures balance to his pains? Behold those pains in varied forms- display'd, Then reckon what the poor reclaim'd, has paid I'or all thy boasted patronage, to prove The proud distinction of thy vaunted love. Reckon those scars, which thv utikiiidness gaye, A still forgiving, still insulted slave; Reckon that wanton gnsh, that mangled limb, Prom hateful vengeance this, and that from whim ; Reckon that stunning stroke, which to the ground Brought thy true friend, to welter in his wound ; Count too, the anguish of those sounding blows, And the deep stream, that blushes as it flows From yon stak'rl Bull, whom thy slip'd Dogs annoy Their mutual rage, their pangs, , thv savage joy I A sport for demons in their central belli— To FORCE the combat terrible and fell, At which the direst of the fiends might start, , Rouse the stior. g instinct of a mother's tvart; ' fhe PARENTS' LOVE AND FEAR at once inflame, And swell to acts the Muse forbears to name ; Foibears such guilty horrors to rehearse. Or stain with crimes so foul her sacred verse. Yet e'en this massacre, were life rcstor'd, The mangled servant, would forgive his lord ; His love would all thy cruelty survive, And, by another - piece- mat death, to please thee strive! Wretch I could'st thnu see him when thy useless breath At last shall give thee to the grasp of death, When, haply, thy sole mourner, fix'd he stands, Watehesthy couch, and lick? thv barbarous bands ; \ ' Those hands that long have tried their force to prove Thy heart w dead to pity, truth, and love. . All! could'st thou view him, seem to look a prayer, Or heave the moan that seem'd to speak despair : Then follow sad thy body to the, grave, There, cach extremity of hunger brave ; Nor quit the spot, till famine, fraud, or force, Drove liini awhile to quit thy innc. h- lov'd corse; Soon to return— euamoni'd of the spot— Thy savage nature, rage, and stripes forgot; Could'st thou see this, perchance, one tear w. ruld start, One brief compunction stir thy stony heart; Then miiiht'st thnu wish Ingratilnde forgiv'n. And dread, that crime of hell, to shew offended Heavtt! # European Magazine. f Monthly Review-. " nderstand that I think somewhat differently : because, they are not only mediums for conveying sentiments in n way to afford amusement to many, but they restrict the writer to limits; and therefore prevent the readers from being wearied with diffuscness. The formation of an acrostic, even on this simple plan of merely epithets, it not soeasy as some may, at fust view, imagine.— If they doubt it, let thein try their skill in such matter. Probably one experiment would convince them better than many arguments. As these were formed for my own amusement, if they should amuse others who peruse them, tbe object of their mission to you for insertion, as soon as- convenient, will be so far answered. " 1 am, sir, respectfully, A PHILOLOGIST. CIRCUITS OF THE JUDGES. • 2 J- V IS s< . - - RR* L2- Q. J- N B U a " S v, v g. • „ _ e. tL<! o « p „ GS • ill W 10 > OD - 1 to to >- 0 - > Q <— O OC 3" ^ T CaI '- C 00 CFR CO — — C ST: r. rz S? " GENERAL ORDER. IfonsK- GoAKDS, JoyR 22, 1811. In reference to his Majesty's warrant of this date, which provides so liberally for the comfort and pro- visioning of the troops on a march, the Commander- in- Chief deems it proper. to explain, that the Officers in command ( if corps or detachments, are authorised ( upon its being proved to their satisfaction, that there is an urgent necessity for their so doing) to sanction the substitution of other articles in the place of those specified, or a variation, in the respective propor- tions; the most pointed regard, however, being had to the sufficiency and quality of the soldiers' meal, as well as to the accommodation of the Innkeepers. By command of the Right Hon. the Commander- in- Chief, . ( Signed) IIARRY CALVERT, Adjutant- Gcrteral. " GEORGE R. ... " Whereas, by an Act passed in the last Session of Parlia- ment. it is provided and declared, that the Innkeepers, and others, who, by the act commonly called tbe Mutiny Act, are liable to furnish Nnii- Commis « ioned Officers anil Soldiers, with full diet and small beer, shall, from the 25th inst. in- clusive, only be liable to furnish each non- commissioned offi- cer, trumpeter or private man, with one hot meal ( if required) in each day, and that the quantities of the articles nf which tbe said mral shall consist, may be fixed and specified in and by such regulation as may be established in that respect, not exceeding certain quantities specified in the said act — Onr will and pleasure, therefore, is, that the Commanding Officeis of our regiments, corps, detachments, or parties, and individual Non- Commissioned Officers, or Soldiers on duty, and entitled thereto, may, and they are hereby autho- rised to demand and require from Innkeepers and others, li- able to furnish such meal, one pound and a quarter of meat, previously to being dressed, lib. of bread, and lib. of pota- toes, or an equivalent of other vegetables, and two pints of small beer, wilh the necessary quantities of pepper, salt, and vinegar. Aud whereas, by the Act first above- mentioned, it is declared, that the sum of eight- pence shall be paid lo the lrinleeeper br other person who shall have furnished every such meal; Our further will and pleasure is, that the said sum be | punctually paid to snch Innkeeper , or other person aecord- I ingly, each non- commissioned officer and soldier contributing towards the satire, the sum specified in the Aid, namely, each horse soldier the sum of Id. out of his pay hnd beer- money, and each foot soldier the sum Of 5d. out of his pay and fceer- mdirey. And it is bur further will and pleasure, that the difference between the sum of one shilling and four- pence per diem, now paid to the Itwbeeper or other persons fur- nishing foil diet and small beer, and the <• » " be paid from „„ j = f » « . at. u !.. » i « in, namely, eight- pence, shall be paid or accounted for to each non- commissioned officer, trumpeter, drummer, or private man, who, instead of being furnished with full diet and small beer, shall lie provided with one meal only, as aforesaid : which sum tfeare graciously pleased to allow to such Non- commissioned Officer, or Soldier, to en- able hiifr, under the directions df his Commanding Officer, to provide trie other articles of subsistence ' he may stand in need of, in addition tb tbe ' meal provided for him by the inn- keeper. " Given at our Court, at St. James's, the 22( 1 day of June, 1810, in the 50th year of our reign, " By his Majesty's command, ( Signed) " PALMERSTON." b s g; 0: 2 C3. 53 v c o - c ; a 5 . a. n ' c- " h, o* ~ § : « 3-: K 05 D. - <•- 2 . S 00 I 3.: 3: 5 * ! T 8 : as: ft c c- r : rC 5' * p SI : o : * *> : . FT M r> : O vf : c : • s. • to X. f o S> • O. >' n V o C « a o o • cT. 3 . o < T • r • £: a c " ST « * • c CB5- HO magnitude", and one- which the Cortrt was caller' upon to visit with severe punishment. Notwithstanding the numerous in- stances, with which yon have been acquainted, of punish ments inflicted upon libellers, yet you still persevere in spreading, by your efforts, a most destructive poison thronsh the nation. Some restraint, however, must be laid upon such conduct ; Government most be respected ; the army must he convinced That the people are satisfied with them ; and foreigners, whilst in our service, and holding themselves in readiness to shed their blood in our defence, and labouring} in common with the rest of our military force, to support the dignity of the eulpire, mast not be traduced and disgusted with the service in which they are engaged. All these mis- chiefs, and many more, the libel of which you are the anther is calculated to produce; and to the good sense of the people is it owing that they have not been produced by it. For these reasons, tbe Court feels itself called upon to inflict such a punishment upon you as may deter others from being guilty of similar offences." The learned Judge then passed the sentence as giveii in our last. Public Monies.— The abuses by persons embezzling monies, issued for public services, have been a subject of considerable complaint, for which the Legislature has lately interfered, by passing an act, the severity of which, it is to be hoped, will be the means of prevent- ing such abuses in future, viz.—" That if any collector, • BANKRUPTS- JULY 6. J. Normington, St. Martin's- le- Grand, trimming manufacturer, July 10, 24, August 18, at Guildhall.— I. M Donald, Woolwich, victualler, July 1- V, 21, August IS, at Guilahail— C. Altftidgp, Aldersgate- street, slatter, Jjly 14, 24, August IS. at Guildhall. — W. Harvey, Chiswell- street, currier, Jub 14, 24. . Augint 13, at Guildhall.— F. Eccles, Crispin- street, draper, July 17, 21, August IS, at Guildhall.— T. Ashton. Portsea, draper, July 14, 17, August 18, at Guildhall.— J. and J. Briekwood, J. Rainier, W. Morgan, and J, Starkey, Lombard- street, bankers, July 10 24, August 18. at Guildhall.— J. Hippius, Albion- slreet, merchant, July 14. 21, August 13, ot Guildhall — E. Blandv, Widcombe, dealer, July 17, 21, August IS, at Guildhall— W. Harrison, Charlotte- street, Rjthbone- plaee, victualler. July 10, 24, August IS, at Guildhall.— F Abell, Fenchiirch- strect, merchant, July 10, 17, Auinst 18, at Guildhall . Aldridge, Nadsworth, clothier! July 17, 21, August 18, al Guildhall.— T. Chandler and T. N> w- Foni, Norton- fslgate, grocers, July 10. 17, Aug is: IS, at Guild- hall.— W. Field, Trowbridge, innholdcr, July It.', 17, August IS, at the Christopher, Bath— J. Critlen, Haleswortli, plumber, Julv 20, 21, August IS, at the Angel, Haleswonh.— H White, Man- chester,. iron liquor- maker, July 23, 30, August IS, at the DOL;, Manchester.— S. Dyson, Huddersfield, merchant, July 25, " 2fi August 13, at the Packhorse Inn, ' Hudder- field.— J. Davles, Ri, ca Monmouthshire, merchant, July 20, 21, August IS, at the Kind's Head, Monmouth.— J Eastwood, Lfggett, cal- co- maker, . lulv 21, 23, August 18, at the Palace; Manchester.— G. and .1. Carr, Shef- field, grocers, July 23, 2- 1, August. IS, at the Tontine, Sheffield. — T.. Dawson, Siierhnrn, shopkeeper, July 24, 25, August IS, at the White Horse, . Leeds; July 9.]— Charlotte Villars, Conduit- street, milliner, July 14, . - . " ~ » J .-- j . n. A. 1, milliuri, IIUIV receiver, or other persons to whom any money, or I 21, August 21, at Guildhall W. Coles, Mincing- lane, broker, s s: » : • Z. ,. a. f?! o P5- or . a. B C. i! ie- r- a < '< e 79 COURT OF ARCHES, DOCTORS'- COMMONS, JULY 9. Andrews v. Bope.— This was originally a cause voluntarily promoted by Lovcday Bone', wife of Wm. Bone, of Plymouth- Dock', in the county of Devon, against Grace Andrews, by reason of adultery, alleged to have been committed with the said Williarrt Rone, her husband. It appeared that the C'onsistorial Court of Exeter admitted the allegation in this cause, from which admission Grace Andrews prosecuted an appeal. On the part of the Appellant, ( who resided in the house of the Respondent, in the capacity Of shop maid,) it was contended, that the party had no opportunity of defending herself against a charge of this nature', iii the manner the articles had been pleaded before the Court', no specific fact having been set up. ) t- Was also <-"•• tended, that under an Act of Parliament of his present Majesty, it was enacted, " that a suit of this description must be brought within eight months of the oflence securities for money, shall be issued for public services shall embezzle the same, or in any manner fraudulently apply such monies to his own use or benefit, or for any purpose whatsoever, except for public services, every such person so offending, and being thereof duly con- victed, shall be adjudged guilty of misdemeanour, aud shall be sentenced to be transported beyond the ssa, or shall receive such other punishment as may be inflictcd on persons guilty of misdemeanour.'''' Pedestrianism.— Mr. Sanderson, of Whitecross, Hunts, started a few day ago from his own house, | for a wager of 500 guineas, to go 72 miles a day for i seven days, which is three miles an hour for the 1 whole time, without stopping. The pedestrian is : m i athletic man, but when he had finished his third day's J task betting was two to one on time; and on the fifth day he gave up the task, in consequence of swelled legs. . Idv. 17 Poultry 21, August 211 hatters, Julv at Guildhall.— S. DeJImau and W. Banks, 14, 24, August 21, at Guildhall.—.)! I illy 14, 24, fiatchelor and J. Petrie, Larkhall- place; builders, July 17, 24 August 21, ' al Guildhall.—- 8. Slocks, L. lev Cluugh, clotl ier, Julv 27, -. t tho Wooiparks, Wakefield, J, il,-" 28, August 21, at the B e. ck Bull, Mirrtreld.— J. uamieson, Liverpool, ship- broker, Jnlv • 26, 27, August 21, at Ihe Globe, Liverpool.— D. Rome, Liver- pool, cabinet- maker, July 24, 25, August 21, at the Geor-*, Liverpool.— J. Walrnstey, Sall'ord, cotton- twist dealer, July 04 25, August 21, a! the Dog, Manchester.— M. Middlelntr. t, Wisan| coin dealer, July 50, 31, August 21, at the Globe, Liverpool J. Balls, Bury Si, EdijiuiVd's, carrier, Julv 25,26, Augu. t 21, at the Angel, Bury St. Edmunds— R. Marshall, Bedminster Down, victualler, July 17, 24, August 91, at the Bush, Bristol,— J. \ V. and R„ Staliburv, Plymouth- dock, salesm ' n, Julv 24, 25, August 21, al the Prince George Tavern, Plymouth- dock, By Hie King's Authority. R. SMITH'S I'LOUGHMAN's DROPS for the Cure of the King's Evil, Scurvy, Venereal Disease, " II tl » w. rk->. r • V. . U- t | Barrenness, Weakness,• & c. & e. — The astonishing Cures At the late Chester Fair tnere was but a thin shew of that are daily performed by this invaluable Med. o? ne have neat cattle, which took good prices; pigs had a considerable | fu|| y established its Reputation. During the last twelve advance, owing, it ,„ presumed, to the smallness of the j Months only one remai„ ed out nf two hundred and sixty numbers; there were fewer horses than usual, and good | Patiants in the Neighbourhood of Shrewsbury, but was res. ones fetched high pr. ces; inferior little sale. In the hop j „ ied from the Jaws of Death, aud perfectly cureti • tbe markets there was but little variation of price. A con- Flesh of that one unfoitunate Per siderable quantity of Irish linen was brought, on which an | .• tdvance is made since last fair. Manchester goods were not i so abundant as formerly, but maintain higher prices, we am I told, froth the great and increasing demand in the roreign i rnorbet. mrarpers were pretty successful in their J depredations on the unwary. A servant had brought his mas- ter s horse ftom Liverpool, and sold him, for which pay- ment was offered ift countiy notes, to which he objected ; For the SALOPIAN JOVllNAL. Pro. Contra. | Honourable, - 1 a right y, Eneigelic Eloquent, Noble, Noisome, [ Renowned, Rapacious, Yoke- fellow, Yare, ( Deliberate, Designing, IjUnehangitigv Unprincipled j'Navy- paying, Notorious, liDeterrnineo, Detestable, ; Able, Avaricious, | Statesman. Scotchman. TAKE YOUR CHOICE. Two Pair of BPITHBTIC Acrostics, ON TWO CELEBRATED DEFUNCT SENATORS; A FIRST LORD OF THE TREASURY, AND A TREASURER OF THF NAVY. Fro. Contra. Wise, Wasteful, • Incorrupt, Improvident, learned, . Lavish, Laborious, Lofty, Inflexible, Impolitic, Admirable, Ariogant, Magnanimous, Malignant, Persevering, Plausible, Intiepid, Insidious, Trusty, Talkative, Treasury Lord, l ax- maker. Mr. EDITOR, There is a itiajtim, which says, " De mortals, ml rusi lonvm but it contains more charity than wisdom; because, on this principle, a man's vices are to be forgotten, the moment he ceases to breathe, or at least not to be mentioned. If this maxim were rigidly adhered lo, historical writings would not be so instructive as they are. It seems more just and more consistent with prudence, to state both their virtues and theii vices; that posterity may learn to imitate the former, and to abhor the latter. In the present instance I have endeavoured to lay before your readers, in a fete words, the diversity of human opinion respfcti - g two men who had their share of popularity and odium, of eulogy and of obloquy, praise and censure.- shall not here attempt to determine which of the two was most deserved or most- applicable, though of course, retaining the right ofprisulc. iudgmiut.— Here are good and ifU placed - before them ; let them ehoose that which they like best. If any nf your readers should be so fesiidious as to deem acrostics but achrestic!, orvciy useless compositions, let tbcm The Oxford Balloon.— On Sunday Mr. Sadler and his son arrived in a post- chaise, with the poles only of the flags at the windows of the chuisc, having lost Ihe flags. After they had partaken of some refreshment, they visited the Heads 6f the Colleges, & c. who all received them with n hearty welcome. A great many of the Collegians followed them, anxious in their en- quiries as to the effects of their flight above the c? otids. The balloon descended at half past, fonr in a field be- longing to Mr. Marshal, a Quaker; the gas began to exhaust about twelve miles from Oxford, and they threw out ballast in order to clear the tops of trees— and observed people loading hay, who took it for a kite in the shape of a tea urn, and hesitated to come near it; it was then about the height of a church steeple ; they previously called to some women sitting at a cottage door, who, at first vrere alarmed, but after- wards ran to the balloon. The w ind blowing fresh N. E. they then passed over their heads very rapidly, and de- scended and rose again, with a rebound, on touching the earth in a wheat- field; and descended again in a field of barley adjoining, slightly rebounded from. that, and threw out the grapling- iron ; the car entangled in a quicksct- hedge, when a number of haymakers camc up, and carried all to an adjoining field, and, by the assistance pf at least 50, emptied the balloon, aud packed it into a cart belonging to Mr. Marshal, who sent one of his workmen with it to Newport Pagnell, gave the party refreshment, and sent to Newport for a chaise, which met them at North Crawley, and brought thera to Oxford. A policy of insurance of a singular nature has been exe- cuted at Hull. Mrs. B. wife oi" an auctioneer in that town, being about tn tuke a trip to London by sea, Mr. B. has insured 200/. upon her person, and 50/. upon her wearing apparel,— In case ol' capture - by the enemy, the expense of her main- tenance is. to be defrayed by the underwriters. If the assured, on proof ef the capture, abandon his interest- in Mrs. B. and ' thereby recover a total loss, the Underwriters, in ease of an exchange of prisoners, are not to lay'clalm to her person for their own use and benefit; hut it is stipulated that on her return she shall be restored to the arms of her affectionate husband, upon his- le- payment of the sum insured. — Hull Advertiser. Some time ago, there was a woman who liVed in a village in Glamorganshire, South Wales, whose hus- band, with the little fortune he got with her, bought a small farm ; he had hardly closed the purchase, when death - closed his eyes; however, not intimidated with this, the w idow married a second husband, who sowed it; he likewise died, and she tried a third, who reaped I it, but death soon snatched him away ; she then married a f ourth, - who threshed it, but he'also followed the fate of his predecessors ; and she then married a fifth husband, with whom she enjoyed the produce of it. All this happened in less than 18 months. Tbe conditional rule for a trial at bar in the case of Sir F. Burdett ti. the Earl of Moira and the Serjeant at Anns of the House of Commons, has been made ab solute in the Court of King's Bench, Mr. Ser- jeant Shepherd, on the part ot the Plaintiff, made no objection, hut wished the court to fix a day for the trials. The Attorney General wished to have the demurrer in the action against the Speaker, to be argued before the trials. The Court said, the demurrer was not before them, and they could take no notice of it on that motion. They then fixed Tuesday, the 20th of November, for the trials at bar. AD inquiry of damages took place lately, at Litch- field, in Hampshire, before the Sheriff and a Jury, between Admiral Thompson, of Titchfield, aud the Trustees of the new turnpike- ioad from Cosham lo Titchfield. By a recent Act of Parliament, power is given to the Trustees to carry the road through a va- luable meadow belonging to the Admiral, which, being attached to his dwelling- house, rendered his residence a place of pleasing retirement, suited to his age and feel- ings. The venerable Admiral,. now arrived at the age ot 91, has been proprietor awl occupier of the dwtll- ing- house for the last 55 years, and of the meadow nearly half that period. The question was, what re- compense he should receive for the injury to be sus- tained by carrying the road through this meadow, close to be dwelling- house and garden. The Admiral de- manded 5001. aud the Trustees offered 2201.— The Jury., after au investigation of ten hours, gave a verdict lor the full amount of Ibe Admiral's demand. alleged to have been committed between the parties." - After th » /. earned Civilian had been heard on the part of the Respondent, the Learned Judge ( Sir J. Nkhol) observed, that suits of this kind were very rare ; that he did not recollect any one being brought during his attendance in Doctors'- Commons; at the same time, he was bound to attend to it; but it was a suit of a very novel nature, it being brought by a married woman against a single woman, for adultery committed with her own husband. The Learned Judge further Observed, he was not aware that a married woman was allowed to be the voluntary promoter of a criminal suit, without the consent of the husband, therefore he would be sorry to establish the principle. The Learned Judge after several other observations, rejected the allegation, and dismissed the party. CourVof King's Bench.— Tbe plaintiff in this action is a Master Brewer, and the defendant a Publican who lives in one of the plaintiff's houses, the King's Arms, Brook- street, Ratcliff Cross, who went to the Counting- house of the Brewery to order some beer ; but plaintiff would not send it, unless the defendant would sign an agreement to deal with the plaintiff for porter, ale, and amber, under the penalty of •£ ICO. if he dealt else- wherc: the defendant was willing to sign an agreement to that purport, provided the plaintiff would sign an agreement to supply him with good porter; this the plaintiff refused, and the defendant went elsewhere for porter-; on this the plaintiff brought an Ejectmeht against the defendant without serving any notice on him, skying, he never acccpted as tenartt the plaintiff. Witnesses being called, fully established the case for the I defendant, and much to the satisfaction of the Court.— Plaintiff nonsuited. On Tuesday & n action was brought by a linen- draper kgainsl the proprietor of a stage wjggon, to recover .€• 193.3s. for goods lost from the defendant's waggon. The tlefeiidant had paid £ 5. into Court, and contended, that he was not liable to pay any greater sum, there being notice posted op in the office, informing all per- sons that the proprietor would be answerable for no parcel exceeding me value of £ b. unless stated lo be so at the time of its being left, and paid for accordingly. The parcel, the subject of the present action, had, it appeared, been booked at the time it teas left, and ' 2th paid for the hooking of it-; this, Mr. Garrow, on the part of the plaintiff, contended, was sufficient to render the defendant liable.— Mr. - Justice Eityley < wss of a different opinion ; the booking the parcel ' omy proved its- being left at the office "; nothing having at the time been said as to its value. The defendant was Only li- able to the amount of £ f>, being the sum mentioned in. Ihc notice posted in the public office; and which sum i t appeared he had paid into Court.— Plaintiff nonsuited. Mr. Justice Grose's Address to Mr. Cobbett previous ; to passing sentence. " Win. Cobbett, you have been convicted of writing Slid publishing a most foul, wicked, and seditious libel; for which offence yon are now brought up to receive the sentence Ofthe. Court. That libel has, on a recent occasion, been read from the Bench, and so ably commented - upon by his Lordship, that it is unnecessary for me now to. repeat it. It has been . submitted to a Jury, and yon have been allowed a fair and patient hearing ; an opportunity was given you : of removing from the minds of the Jury any doubts, if doubts they enter- tained, of the nature of the libel in question ; and the argu- ments used hy you on that occasion, did remove theirtloubts, and their verdict confirmed your guilt. The malignant ten- I dency of this libel is obvious, and the crisis at which it was published aggravated the offence ; at a time at which, consi- dering tbe state of this country with France, no pbrson could read such a libel, and, for a moment, doubt its intent.— Fiance, become a military Government, at war with this country, looking out for plunder, and separated from us hy a nariovv strait only ; apainst such enemies it became the duty of Government to adopt every measure for Our security, which our limited population Would allow of. With this view, the measures of raising the Local Militia and introducing the German Legion into lilts country, were adopted, dnd thus | became measures of State, Amongst the former ( the Local Militia) a mutiny took place, and the German Legion were called in to suppress it. It was suppressed, and the ring- leaders were sentenced th receive 500 lashes each, part of which punishment was inflicted, and part remitted. This serious mutiny you represent a » being a meie squabble for a marching guinea, tbe price of a knapsack ; that the punish- ment inflicted, upon them for it, to which they " submitted like trunks of trees," was oppressive and severe ; and that the German troops were not brought into this country for our protection, but to oblige Englishmen to submit. With regard to our own tioops, you have endeavoured to insinuate that the means adopted to engage them in Ihe service of their country, is more arbitrary than those used hy the French Government; anti, with regard to the foreign troops, you have endeavoured to degrade them, by insinuating that they weie only brought into this country For the puri » ose of superintending the punish- ment of Englishmen. The tendency of this was obvious— it was intended to render the Govei nnieut unpopular, and to paralj!* the efforts of the army ; it went to excite a spirit of mutiny and disalfection among the troops, au offence little short ot high treason. This ofleuce was committed by one not unacquainted with life. You have been warned before from couVniittmg such offences. It it is not to be imputed, to you, that your ob} eet is only to distract mid embarrass ihe Govern - nieiil, then it must be imputed to a motive, if not equally dangerous, yet equally base, namely, the writing of libels for ihe shameful purpose ol obtaining base and dishonour- able lucre and profit, ' Ibis of itselt was an offence of great two bye- standers immediately offered to give him cash foi tbe notes, as they pretended to lie acquainted with his master, and took him to a house for that purpose; they then pro- duced a pur* e or gold, and began to conn notes, but as the than had forgot the saddle fetch it whilst they counted the money so, but never saw them more, . they having decamped in the mean time with the notes. • sou was pirrified, his B'ood exhausted, aud his Bones rotten, by the Use of Mercury. The Ploughman's Drops destroy the pernicious Effects of Merouriul Preparations, and never fail in restoring the Body- to Health and Vigour. Females in particular will find ( certain Relief in the Infirmities incident to the S . x, and I ought never t. o be without thein as a. valuable Household j Medicine. For all Disorders! arising Iro n Impurity of th ® i Blood, they stand unrivalled. These Drops are to be bad In square Bottles, with these- , Words moulded on each " Mr. Smith's Ploughman's Drops " I all others are spurious, at £\. 2s. the larre. and lie lh » count the cash for the small, Duty included, at the Doctor's House, Upton M^ na. addle they told htm to | near Shrewsbury ; and may be hadof Eooow. S, Shrewsbury ? : y; he very simply did Capsey, Wellington; Yates, I onbridge ; Partridge, BrWrl aving decamped in the j north; Silvester, Newport; Griffiths, Ludlow • Baugn Files- Tandragee, in the north of Ireland, is said to have constructed a perfect chamber repeating clock, and a set of bagpipes. The clock, cxccpting the spring barrel, springs, and fusee; and the bagpipes, with the exception of casting antl soldering thcVdver pipes, arc all the work of his own hands. CONVICTS TLRNED COUNSELLORS!— The following General Orders were lately issued at Sydney, New South Wales:—" Lieut- Governor Foveaux has learned, with equal mdignation and surprise, that men, who have been prisoners in the colony, have so far for- gotten their former condition as to obtrude themselves into Courts of Justice, in the characters of Counsellors and Advocates. Determined to prevent the continu- ance of a practice as injurious to decency as it is, in fact, destructive of justice, Lieut.- Govemor t'oveaux feels it incumbent on him to forbid any person from presuming to interfere wilh causes- pending before the Courts, without an especial licence from him for that purpose.-' Landed Property.— These few ( Successions shew very strikingly how landed property may he managed in these times of dash and speculation. The estate of Allerton Man- | leverer, in Yoikshire, so called to distinguish it from North Allerton, consists of 4525 acres, leverer family till 1736, when Lord Galwav sold it to his Royal Highness the Duke of York for 100, COOI.— The Duke, in 1789, sold it to Colonel Thornton for 110,0001. The Colonel christened it Ihomvilte Iloynl, because two Royal Guests ( the Prince of Wales and the Dulse of York) had set foot upon the premises. In February, 1805, the superb mansion, pleasure- grounds, park, See. together with the estate paitienlarly annexed to them, were sold at Gar. raway's, to Lord SourtOn, for 163,8001. Twenty- eight jother'j lots of the Manleverer estate were sold for 62,5001. making a ' total of 246,3001 of 19 years-. Nicholson, Stourport; Gore, Printer, aud Jones, Dru » i Havmarket, Liverpool. list, rpO the Proprietor of Dr. TAYLOR's REMEDY for DEAFNESS. SIR— For three or four months 1 had been so deaf that I could not hear tbe clock strike, but through the blessing of God and the use of about one- third of one of your small bottles I' experienced such relief that I can now hear tolerably w'etl the conversation of my friends. I wish that it may be published for tile public good. My age is 76. MARGARET SOUTHERN. Burton Banks, near Newcastle- upon- Tyne, Nov. 8 1808 The above esteemed Remedy is sold wholesale drily by Messrs Barclay and Son, 59, Fl « et. market, London; and" may be' bad of W. EDDOWBS, Printer, Shrewsbury, price 3 » 6d ner bottle, with plain directions; of all venders of genuine me- dicine. ' his Day is published, A ti4w EDITION, price only three shillings, Containing nearly - 300 pa- es, of SOLOMON'S GUIDE TO HEALTH- or O ADVICE TO BOTH SEXES, in a Variety of'Com! plaints: — Explaining m a concise and plain manner, the mode, treatment, and most efficacious remedies for the acres, and continued in the Man- | following diseases, which are treated of uuder their respec « mlvnn T .. /" I — ... _ . Vi I i A.. l 11 V. l hr* tl. lo Hi"* more than do- itile, within the short space 1' he Colonel, too, according to report, bad cut down timber to the amount of 30,000b and still kept land of tho value of 40,0001. The whole amount, therefore, may be taken at 296,3001. If this sum," adds Mr-. Mutton, to whom the public are indebted for the above information, " does not shew us the value of land, it shows for what price land will sell!" ' tive heads, viz. Abortion or Miscarriage Asthma Appetite, Loss of ' Barrenness- Bilious Complaints Chlorosis or Green Sickness Child- bearing Consumptions ' Female Diseases Fits Fluor Albus or Whites Flatulence or Wind Gleets Gonorrhoea Hypochondria or Melau- nholy Complaints ' Indispositions attendant on Pregnancy Indigestion Juvenile Indiscretion >, ovvness of Spirits Menstrual Evacuations Nervous Diseases Onanism, or Secret Veuerv Pregnancy Phthisis or Cough Rheumatism Scrofula Seminal Weakuestej Scurvy 1' uruof Life, & c. & c. Cannibals— The ship City of\ Edinburgh, T.- hich lately arrived at tbe Cape, brought the following particulars of a calamitous event respecting tbe Captain and'crew of the Boyd ( Thompson) at New Zealand, in October last-, ft ap- peals that, whilst the Bovd was at- Botany Bav, the Captain met with one ofthe two Chiefs who govern the Island of New Zealand, of the name of J'ippohee, and agreed with him in the purchase of some timber, to take thenae to Eneland, as soon as tbe voyage would permit. The ship arrived at the Island, and the Captain being introduced to the Chief, who had got home before him, he wns promised the timber in two days.— In the mean time, the Captain was invited on shore, and at- tended the Chief, with part ofthe ship's company in tbe boat. Nothing transpired with respect to them ; but the Chief re- turned onboard the Ship, attended by a number of canoes, full of men-, who Were permitted to examine the ship, as they wished it as a matter of curiosity. 7ippohee was treated with great respect-, and having continued on board some time, he got into the boat, for the purpose, it was supposed, of meeting the Captain of the ship, who, he said, had gone to see the timber; instead, however, of leaving the ship, he gave a yell, which was a signal for the butchering of the whole of the ship's company. There were about 30 in all, 20 of them. they have torn limb from limb ; and, horrid to relate, re- galed upon the flesh of their unfortunate victims. About 10 of the men, to save their lives, climbed the masts, and two women passengers and a lad, ran down below. The Chief hailed the men, and told them they had got all they wanted, having plundered the ship, and that if they would come down, their lives should be spared. The deluded men obeyed, and fell, like their comrades, a sacrifice to the brutal appetites of the cannibals. The two female passengers and Ihe boy, * vere taken on shore and their lives spared, but the savages burnt the ship; the Captain and men, who were ou shore, were never heard of. The rival Chief Pari, situated at a different part of the Island, heard of the affair, and expressed his sorrow on the occasion to the Captain ofthe City of Edin- burgh, who was at the Island for timber, and proposed to accompany him with an armed force, to release the women aud the boy, in which they fully succeeded, ar. d they are now safe on board the City of Edinburgh. . The speculators in hay and grain are reported to have burnt their fingers, calculating on a continuance of dry weather. Providence has frustrated their evil designs, and their monopolizing ardour is likely to be cooled by the genial rains that have lately fallen, and are likely to fall; so that if a rope of their own hay be not sufficient to settle their accounts, they may apply to hemp,- which is the ultimate and sure friend of disappointed speculators and monopolizers. The Bishop of Derry.— The paragraph which has successively appeared in the Newspapers, stating, that an Irish Prelate had become a bankrupt, has been formally and indignantly contradicted in the capital of his Lordship's See. A prosecution, it is. said, has been commenced asaiust the English Paper iu which the lalsehood was first inserted ; and hy which so many others were innocently led to propagate the injury. • To which is added, An ESSAY on the Venereal Disease, Gleets, and Seminal Weaknesses. - The whole illustrated and interspersed with a variety of authentic tacts, never before published. BY S. SOLOMON, M. D. Orders given to any bookseller iu Town or Country, for " Solomon's Guide to Health," will be dalr executed at only 3s. each copy, Free of carriage. For the very excel- lent character of this book, see the different Reviews. Sold bv EDDOWES, Wood, Sandford, and Newling, Shrews- bury ; Gnest, Broselev ; Gitton, nnd Partridge, Bridgnorth - Haiding and Seurrott, ShitToal ; Dean, Newport; Houston;', and Mobbs, .' Vellington ; Miller, arid Smith, Iron Bridge- Trevor, Much Wenlock; Kvans, Welsh Pool ; Fallowes', Baugh, Jackson, and Birch, Ellesmere; Wright, Whitehnroh; Snelson, and Craig, Nantwicl\; Painter, Wrexham ; Price", Edwards, and Minshall, Oswestry; and by the principal Venders of Patent Medicines in every Town throughout tne Kingdom. • T Death, unto man; seems most conceal'd, when near, And sends the dreadful tidings IN THE BLOW." Dr. You No. HERE cannot perhaps be a more forcible illustration of this solemn warning than is so commonly afforded by the aw fur effects of that mortal malady, the Apo- plexy. Those who are subject to epileptic and convulsion fits, paralytic affections, and such as are of gross habits, gradually increasing bv indulgence, are the most jo danger of a deadly attack of apoplexy.— It behoves them therefore to adopt the safest method of prevention; and for this pur- pose we should be happy to point out a specific if possible. All the remedies which have been prescribed by the facultv foi Epilepsy, have failed in numerous instances; and this, unwelcome truth is'candidly acknowledged by the editors of tlie Edinburgh Dispensatory. Bonaparte, it was confidently reported some time ago, was attacked by a violent epileptic fit, which endangered bis life : " Tbe paths of glory lead but to the grave !" Since that event some ing'niaus French physician has dis- covered a new way of curing epileptic fits, aud this wonderfully sagacious discovery is gravely reported in our London papers. It consists ( risum teneatisl) in causing the person attacked with this dreadful malady to spend his nights and days in a cow- house, and to inhale tbe breath- of cows I We think John Bull won't relish this recipe, tho' for ought v/ p know it may bo as efficacious as the remedies prescribed by our own falcult'y.— Having noticed these prescriptions, and their fail- ure, it is incumbent upon us to state, that a medical gentlc mau of the present day, now practising with uncommon suc- cess, has beeu prevailed upon to publish, through this public medium, a Remedy called Dr. TAYLOR'S ANTI- SPASMODIC PILLS, which is the surest and most, effectual medicine in tho cure of epileptic and convulsion fits, and for the prevention of apoplexy ; and we hear from all quarters instances of iis ex- traordinary success. It is Sold by W, JvUlovvea, Printer, Shrovvsboiyj ' anil moj- t venders of patent medicincs, price 4sr. a duty in- cluded. Vnnled and published by W. £ d, ioicest Com- Ma ket, Sircirsoun,.
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