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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset


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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset

Date of Article: 13/11/1809
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Address: The Printing Office, Canal, Salisbury
Volume Number: LXXIV    Issue Number: 3796
No Pages: 4
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BURY AND WINCHESTER J AND GENERAL ADVERTISER OF WILTS, HANTS, DORSET\ AND SOMERSET [ NUMBER 3796. VOLUME LXX1V.] MONDAY, NOVKMBEll 13, 1809. PRICE SIXPENCE HALFPENNY./ Stamp •• I Paper and Print, 3 « . Monday's and Tuesday s Fats. FOREIGN NE> S FROM THE DAXU& E, OCTOBER 11. LOME movements have taken place since the be* ginning of the present month which indicated a • speedy breakingup of the al'my ; but excepting the- cavalry necessary for the Emperor's escort, which went to Upper Austria, ' Bavaria, and Swabia, no corps has as yet broken up to return. The exchange Of Couriers between the French Imperial head- quarters and the Court of St Petersburg!) is extremely brisk, and every thing seems to indicate that some important negotiations are 011 foot be- tween France and Rus- ia. FRANKFORT. Oct. 21.— The following cessions are men- tioned as included iu the conditions of the Peace concluded tin the 4th :—'" The • Littorals,' as far as Agram and the js » ver or Sail,— Upper Austria, the Invieftid, and Saltz- hargh.— Those Provinces of Gallieia which,- in the two last ^ partitions of Poland, fell to the share of Austria, ahd which now go partly, to the Duchy of Warsaw.— The Tyrol, against which several corps have marched, returns under the dominion of Bavaria.— Paymtmtt in kind are to be takenin discharge « f tile heavy war contributioiis." LOWER ELBE, Oct. .17.'-— Ft is asserted that tile Officers of the Imperial Guard were informed, that they would be allowed to remain only three days on their return to Paris, when they would be obliged to set olfwith all speed to Spain.. LONDON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6. Ce inan pap: rs to the 2T3th lilt, were reflet el", th's morning. " 1 lit ir contents only s! x: w that little w. s Known In Germany of tlie. terms of the late peace; b » jt the . Ham- burgh Correspondent of the 29th, received at a late, hour ill ths daj- » ~ eo » t « uns an article under the dale of Frank- fort ( given aborts), . wjiicb was probably authorised by the French Government, and from which we learn that the t rills are more disadvantageous to Austria than has ever before been stated. The. Empire is indeed nominally to continue in existence, but Francis is stripped of the terri- tory which should itei. ititle him to su proud. a distinction. The wings of the, Austrian Eagle are clipped to the very pinion, whilst the bright star. of Napoleon glitters iu the. horizon with superior lustre. It i . rumoured that a considerable degree of coolness has taken place between the Emperor of Russia and Bonaparte 5 the former, it is said, has expressed his disapprobation of the terms demanded from Austria, anil Bonaparte is stated to have publicly Complained to the Russian Minister, that the Russian Army had not. performed w? iat was promised, nor had they in any manner answered his expectations. Letters from Holland' of the fid inst. state that a formidable force will shortly be assembled round Wal- ehereri, for the purpose pf depriving us of that Island. The army that was Forming in Westphalia has already been ordered to march for the neighbourhood of Antwerp and Bergeiwip- Zoom ; anil a strong detachment from the corps under the Command of Davoust lat ely passed through Bayreuth, for the same destination. It was reported that Napoleon had arrived at Fontainbleau 011 the night of the 27th ult. " • - ; Louis Bonaparte has issued a Proclamation, forbidding '. all intercoms'.' between liis subjects and tbe British in the " island of Waleheren. The penalty for tbe first offence is joo L.' uis d'Ors, or two'months'imprisonment— for the second, 201) Louis d'O'rs, and imprisonment for six months 1— and for the third offence, the forfeiture of all goods and chattels, and unlimited imprisonment. Letters from Gijon, received this morning, slate, that there bad been actions during several successive days, between the Spaniards and Freiich at Astorga; that, on the Sd, the Trench retired to the cj. iy, from which they were soon expelled by the patriotism of the inhabitants, aided by the valour of the native military without the gates, and With considerable loss. The same letters also mention, that . General Ballastcros, with a detachment of- between t- n and twelve thousand men, had - marched to Ciudad Rodrigo, to reinforce that city, threated by the Duke of Elehingei). A soldfcr was hanged at Bclem, near Lisbon, 011 the SOthult. pursuant to the sfcriteuce of a Court Martial, fe r robbing General Bere- fnrd'of Several valuable articles. All the British troops at Lisbon atteneled' 011 the occasion. The Lords of the Treasury have this morning given notice, that no more licences will be granted for the iin- p jrtation of coI'll or grain froin. France or Holland. Lord Liverpool, iu arrarfging the business of- bis tiew office, has made the business of the Under Secretary in the War department entirely military. The. Officer who fills it { Col. IJunbury) is to transact what relates to the army only, and is not to'have a seat in Parliament. Mr. Jenkinson, the other Under Secretary, is to tr: n act all Colonial business. The partisans of the Marquis Welleslpy say he is a mm of very extraordinary talents, aud he certainly ap- pears to be employed on extraordinary business.: he was sent to Spain to pi- ce and patch together a weak and in- efficient Junta, and he is now said to be returning home on tbe ver. It. same errand. It is to' 6 « a- Ked also, » hst pond has he dope in Spain or what good is he likely to do by " iabouring- in his vocation" at ihonuij? William Jacob, Esq', is elected Alderman t; f Lime- • rtieet Ward, in the room of John Prinsep, Esq. resigned. ELOPMIK^ V.—; Miss Nicholson, daughter of Colonel Nich- dsni!, of th I V'st y. iOt',' by his first Lady, and a Ward in eiiam- ery, having tiStd 14,000.'. left her by her mother's relations, was lately at Tii>; bri.. ge WVlla with her step- mother, where she met with Mr. Giles, a y. mug fellow of i: teresting manners and appearance, at the cireiilap ig library; a id the young Lady having selected several Volum s from the literary repository, Giles politely offered his services in- conveying them home, which were accepted. The Lady had see. i Giles before, for he was a public charac- ter, b ' i - g the hero of the company of comedians then pei- formi g at Tollbridge Wells; she contrived, on the follow- ing eve'liing, to drop a note from thy stage box, which was picked op by Giles unobserved, and wherein she avowed lier partiality for him ; a correspondence hy letter ivas sfter yards tarried on, and the parties frequently met in friv. ite walks, till Mrs, Nichol- on was informed of the young Lady's conduct, and confined her to the house; but « ' L re laughs at Locksmiths;" the lovers exchanged billet- j',,>..', inch the key- hole of the door, and at . the early hour F fi ' M:- N wouid repair to the window of her apart- Len^ u'id hold inverse with her lover below. In these inter- views the plan of an elopement Was concerted Poor Giles wanted the needful to ea.- ry this into effect « but a brother actor, who had'had a favour^ benefit, lent bin, 30/. with which they procured a nost- chato . from the neighbourhood of Seven- Oaks, a, ul carried the Lady tf?' to London They took lodgings at Westmoreland- place, Chy- ioad, had the banns publfchi d ou two Sundays at two dilteriut churches ; yesterday would have been the third publication, and this • day they intended to have tied the indissoluble knot; put • after running thus far before the wind, misfortune over- took them. ' Mr. Cardale, an eminent solicitor in Bedford- row, is one of the young Lady's trustees; to him Mrs. Xichol on sent advice of the elopement, and he employed those keen- scented terriers the Bow- street Officers to seai'cb fur the fugitives. On Saturday two of the Officers entered the apartment where the lovers Were at dinner, cemmnni- « ated their unwelcome errand, and after some unavailing lamentations on the part of the lovers, followed by halt- frantic exclamations and Vows of eternal constancy, they handed Miss to the care of her trustee, and left the dis- appointed actor to soliloquize on tbe abrupt termination of this act of the drama. ANOTHER ELOPEMENT.— Miss P. F. a Inly of consider- able independent property, and about thirty- eight years et' age, left her friends at West Quantoxbead cm Monday fce'nnight, on a matrimonial expedition. The age of the parties made au elopement unnecessary ; but the Lady would surrender 011 no other terms than being run away with; and as ths youth could not obtain her fortune with- out her person, he was, obliged to comply with lief caprice. MARK- LINE, Monddy, Nov. 6. We had a tolerable large sup*- ply of English Wheat fir to- day's market, and a considerable arrival from different parts of the European Continent, suf- ficent Upon the whole to give a material check to the brisk- ly ss which seemed to be arising in the mealing trade on Fri- day, and to make our buyers quite shy of purchasing at any advance upon the terms' of Monday ; in tact our sales were extremely dull, for all but the finest runs, and a large pro- portion stands over the day; single superfine samples of White Wheat, such as are fotlnd from some districts of a far superior quality to the general run, continue to find higher prices than the course of the trade in general justifies our specifying in the eurrency at large ; the like may be said of White Peas, whereof the foreign importation isquite abundant.— Grey Peas arc dearer; also ne'w Tick Beans, for such as are perfectly hard and fair; and Rape Seed for the finest of our own growth. In other paiticulars we find little variation in the value, nor any thing material to observe; Spring Corn comes very freely to hand, Grey Peas excepted : Mealing Red Wheat 63s. 90s. to 96s. fine 100s. to 104s. White ditto 70s. 92s. to 100s. fipe, 104s. to 108s. sup. 112s. Foreign Red ditto 70s. to 84s. fine 86s. to 100s. sup. 106s. to 112s. Ze; aland White 80s. to 100s. fine Dantzicand American 106s. 116' s. to 120s. Black, 68s. to 78s, fine SQs. to 88s— Rye 50s. to 56s.— White Peas 56s. to 70s. boilers 76s. to 88s. sup. to 90s. Grey Pea's 42s. to 49 s. fine 50s. to' 52s. new 53s. to 56s.— Horse Beans, new, 46s. to 54s. old 56s. to 65s. Tick Beans, nevV, 40si to 46s. fine 47s. to 48s. old50s. to 54s.— Barley, 32s. to ,44s. Malting 46s. to Sis, fine new 63s,. to 55s — Malt 70s. to 76s, fine 78s; to, R2s.— Oats, long feed,. 24s. to 33s. short 34s. to 36s. fine Poland 37s( to\ 40s. sup. 4Is. to 43s.— Broad Beans SOs, to 100s. L6ng Pods 42s. to' 56s. per quarter.— Tares 6s. to t> s. Gd; per bushel.— Rape Seed 38/. to 461. fine new 501. to 54/. per last. English Household Floiir 96s. per sack. American ditto 40s. to 45s. 52s. fine 54s. to b'Os. sup. to 63s. per. barrel. POR'I SMOUTH'VICTUALLING OFFICE, November 9, 1809. ON Thursday, the l6t/ i inslaut, I shall le ready to receive Tenders in writing ( sealed upj and treat for 1000 Quarters of CLOSB- DRIED AMBER MALT, for the service of this Port, answerable to a sample that trill, be pro- duced at the. time of contract, to he deliuered. in one Month ; which will be paid fur by bills payable with interest 90 days aj'ler dale. No regard will be had to any Tender, in ivhich the price shall not he inserted in words at length, or that, shall not l- c delivered before twelve o'clock on the said \ 6th inst. nor unless the persons who make the same, or some person on their behalf, attend lo answer thereto when culled for. WM. REEKS. N. B. The Conditions of the Contract may be seen at my Office. [ 56' 9 Barrack- Office„ Spring- gardens, London, 6th Nov. 1809. TO BUILDERS. UCH Persons as. are willing to CONTRACT for Executing certain Alterations, Additions, and Repairs, to the KING'S HOUSE at WINCHESTER, in order to con- vert the same into a permanent Barrack, may see the list of- articles to be tendered for, and also the terms of contract, and bond ( to be entered into for the due performance of the same,) at the Barrack- office in London, or at the office of the Barrack- Master, Winchester, any day ( Sundays excepted) after the l- lth instant, between the hours of ten and four o'clock. Tbe proposals must be addressed to " The Commissioners for the affairs of Barracks, Barrack- office, Spring- gardens, London," with " Tender for executing certain Works at the King's House at Winchester," marked 011 ths cover, and deli- vered at the Barrack- office in London, on or ' before two o'clock on Monday the' 4th of December next, after which hour no tender will be received. The parties tendering must transmit the names of two sureties for the amount of the sum stated in the bond. [ 56- 30 Sl WILTSHIRE LIEUTENANCY. N'OTICE is hereby given, —-—' That, a General Meeting of the Lieutenancy pf the County of Wilts will be holden at my House, iu Crane- street, in the City of New Sarum, in the said County, on Friday the 17th day of November next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, for executing the Act 4.9 Geo. 3. ch. [ 5500 By order of the Lord L'eut- nanf, THOMAS WINCH, October 28, 1809. Clerk of the General Meetings, Sc. DORSETSHIRE. IVTOTICE is hereby given,— That the next Ad- journment of the General Quarter Session o. f the P, ace for the County ot Dorset will he hoiden at the Town- Hall, at Blandt> rd Forum, in and for the said County, on Saturday the 18tb day of November inst.— Dated this - 1 tli day of No- vember, 1809. Bv Order of the C > urt, StJOOj. WM. BURNET:, Clerk of the Peace Com. Dorset. SINGLE- STICK.—.— ATSJDOVER, HANTS. ON . Monday the 2( Lh of this Month,— A PURSE of TWENTY GUINEAS will be played for at SINGLE- STICK. Also TEN GUINEAS to be played for by the Losers of the first Prize... * [ 562t) On account of the shortness of the days, the gamesters are requested to attend at nine o'clock, at which time the condi- tions of play will be made known. Proper and impartial Umpires will be apni inted; by whom ail disputes are to be determined:— No Padding- or Sham Play will be allowed. Chris! church AgrurxUura. Society. "^ HF. Fourteenth ANNUAL MEETING of this Society will be held at the George Inn, in Christchurch, 011 Monday the 20th of November, 1809, when the Pre- miums will be adjudged, agreeably to the Resolutions of the Society. [ 5597 The Rev. JAMES WILLIS, President. The Rev. Dr.- THOs. WYNDHAM, Vice- President. PROPOSALS for publishing a PRINT, in mez- X zotinto, to be dedicated, by permission, to the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Salisbury, Chancellor of the Most Noble Ordei'- of the Garter, & c. & c. from the Great Altar- Piece in St. Thomas's Ghurch, Salisbury, Parted by DOUGLAS GUEST, Professor, Lecturct on the Fine Arts iu the Royal Institution of . Great Britain, & c. & c. To be engraved by VALENTINE GKEEN., Senior Associate Engraver of the Royal Academy, Mezzotinto Engraver to the King, & c. & c. . « THE TRANSFIGURATION." CONDITIONS.— The. dimensions of the Plate will be the sapae with the one engraved from Rubens, 4' Descent from the Cross," viz. 36 inches high by 24 inches wide. The price of proofs, tour guineas each, and of plain prints two guineas each. Half to be paid 011 subscribing, and the remainder on delivery of the impression. Subscriptions received by Mr. Guest, High- street, Sa- lisbury; and in London, at No. 13, Cockspur- street, Pail- Mall,—- November I, 1809. [ 5- 562 An extensive Variety of new and elegant. Patterns in plain and twilled Printed Cambric1 and Muslins, India Garment Dresses, rich coloured Silk and Cotton Vetve\ s, plain and figured Satins and Sarsncts, Lustres, Opera Nets, u- ith various other fancy articles entirely neivfor Dresses, At BECKINGSALE's WAREHOUSE, Silver- Street, SALISBURY, TWO Bales of ell and yard- and- half wide Cambric Muslins, curiously fine, per yard. Stout Ell- wide Sheeting, l- 2^ d. and 133. per yard. The best patterns in dark Ginghams, 74i/. and sd. per yd. Irish Linens, Sheetings, Blankets, and Counterpanes.' A vari ty of superb coloured Muslins for Ball Dresses,- & c. Rich plain and figured Silk Lustres, 9s. & 10s. Gd. the dress. Imperial Sarsncts for Dresses, particularly cheap. A fresh- supply of Silk Hosiery, likewise Cotton Stockings, from the best manufacturers? With an extra allowance by the ha 1fdozen. Real Thread Lace, white and black Veils, Ind. ia Silk Shawls, Opera Neckerchiefs, & c. in the greatest variety. Black Cambrics, plain and'twillcd Sarsnets', Bombazeens, & c. for Mourning. [ 5629 w. Andover, Hants.— Toadies Boarding School. ISS MAY respectfully informs her friends ar. d tbe public, that tor the better Accommodation of her Pupils, she has removed to the House lately occupied by Mr. Marecr, deceased; whereshe solicits the continuance, of that patronage and support she has so liberally experienced ; and tor which she embraces this opportunity of returning her most grateful acknowledgments. [ 56- 21 IT M O N E Y. A NY Sum of Money, not exceeding ,£ 2000, fx. may be had immediately, on mortgage of Freehold Land, by application ( letters post- paid);, to Mr. Rylt- y, Soli- citor, Hungerfoid. [ 5640 TO BUILDERS AND OTHERS. URRY, JUKES, and Co. hare two cargoes of Dye Square TIMBER, DEALS, &- c. & c. arrived from Norway, which they are selling on reasonable terms, GOSPOAT, NOV. 10. [ 5654 DOLPHIN INN,- ROMSEY.' WM. TINSO- N begs to return his sincere thanks to the public for the encouragement he has already met with at the above Inn; and most respectfully begs leave to inform those Ladies and Gentlemen who ' may travel through Romsey, that they may be accommodated with good Chaises, Horses, and careful Drivers ; he has also furnished his house with genteel Beds aud Furniture; and hopes, by the strictest punctuality and attention to business, to merit those ' favours the public may be inclined to confer on him. [ 5561 Cheap Shoe Wit- rehouse, Milford- Street, Salisbury. JAMES JEBOULT returns his sincere thanks to his friends for the very liberal encouragement with which they honoured him in the SHOE BUSINESS, and respect- fully informs them, that he has just received an extensive assortment of Men's, Women's, and Children's Shoes, fre- m the first manufactories, at the following money prices, viz.— Good Men's Caif 8s. per pair Ditto Hide, 8s. Women's Spanish, 4s. Gd. Women's Velvet, - Is. 6d. Ditto Seal, 4s. 3d. Double Soles, is. extra 1 Fishertan, Wilton, Hcytesbury, Willoughby- hedgc, and Redhone Turnpike. '" TPHE next Meeting of die Trustees will be held 0I1 JL Wednesday the 16th inst. at the house of Wm. Cowdry, the Bell Inn, in Wilton, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. JAMES CHARLES STILL, Clerk. KNOYLE, id Nov. 190.9. [ 5559 To MASTERS OF \ ESSELS, CHARITY of the late JOHN CLINGAN. TVfOTICE is hereby given, That the next - Meeting of the Trustees of this Charity will be held at the George Inn, in Christchurch, in the county of Southampton, 011 Monday tbe Q7th day of this instant November, at twelve o'clock, for the purpose of Placing out Poor Ghildren as AP- PRENTICES, under the directions of the said Charity, when, according to the same, Apprentices to the Sea Service Will be preferred; and a premium of seven pounds paid to such Mas- ters of Vessels who may apply to the Trustees with any such Apprentice, whether of the parish of ClTristchurch or any other parish.— Dated the lk day Of Nov. 1809. 5536] JOHN RICHMAN, Receiver. Boys' and Children's in proportion to size. A good assortment of Gentlemen's Boot Trees. Si '. well and Tongue's ( of Bath) Japan Liquid Blacking; also their Superlative Liquid for Boots and Saddles. - N. B.— A good assortment of PA TTENS, at the usual prices. ^ [ 5015 28, HIGH- STREET, SOUTHAMPTON1. HDARWIN, ( from LONDON), Tailor, Man's • Mercer, & c. returns his sincere thanks to his friends and public in general, for the very liberal enouragement he has been honored with in the above business; respectfully informs them that he is returned from London with a fashion- able assortment of articles for the Winter season, particularly Fancy Waistcoats and Stocking for Pantaloons, which he in- tends to pflf- r at the lowest prices. L/ adies' Habits, Pelisses, Naval and Military Uniforms, and Liveries of all descriptions, executed in the first style, on the shortest notice. An APPRENTICE wanted. [ 5644 MARKET- PLACE, POOLE. MRS. STROUD respectfully informs the Ladies of Poole and its vicinity, that she is just returned from London) with a fashionable selection Of Millinery, Mantles, Pelisses, & c. & c. most particularly adapted for the present season, such as she flatters herself are Well worth the at- tention of those ladies who will please to honour her with their commands, Mrs. Stroud lias added to her present large assortment of Child- bed Linen a new collection of beautiful Caps, Robes, Frocks, & e. & c.. which, from her extreme sale, she is enabled to sell at very reduced prices. All orders from the country- executed with fidelity atljl punctuality. N. B.— Stroud has also added a choice selection of Drapery, Haberdashery, Hosiery, arid other coeds. [ flOSi Irish Linens at the old prices. BASINGSTOKE WHARF, Nov- 11. 18( 09. rfi^ IIE Public are respectfully informed, that the JL Carriers of Goods from Basingstoke Wharf to Salisbury re compelled by the times to raise the Price of Carriage FOUR.- FENCE per cwt.— to take place from the 20th of this present month.. A Waggon to SALISBURY every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. [ 5633 I GILLINGHAM AND MOTCOMBE INCLOSURE. JOHN B1LLINGSLEY, ' the sole Commissioner named and appointed in and by an Act of Parliament made and passed in the 49th year of his present Majesty, inti- tuled " An Act for inclosing lands'in the several parishes of Gillingham and Motcombe, in the county- of Dorset," DO HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, that I have closed my meetings for receiving claims from the several proprietors Or persons claiming to' be interested or entitled to any rights or interests in, over, and upon the lands ot grounds by the said Act in- tended to be divided or allotted. i FURTHER GIVE NOTICE that A GENERAL OB- J ECTION has been delivered to me the said Commissioner against the said several claims whiclThave been made or de- livered in to me as aforesaid under the said Act, and that I shad hold a Meeting at the Phoenix Inn, in Gillingham afore- said, on Monday the 20th day of November next, at eleven o'clock in the form, - n, when, and on the four following days, I shall t i t > investigate, hear, and determine the said several- claim's and objections: and I FURTHER GIVE NO TICE, that all arid every person or persons who have made or delivered in any claim or claims to mc the said Com- missioner as aforesaid, are hereby required to produce suf- ficient evidence before me at my said next meeting in support of their said several and respective claims; and all such claims ( where the objection or objections theieto shall- not be withdrawn at my said next meeting) which shall not be then substantiated by evidence will be wholly disallowed, and the person or persons making default in proving and substantiating the same will be wholly debar red from all benefit or advantage in respect thereof under the said Act. Dated this 37th of QtMtr, 1809. 6560J JOHN BILLINGSLEY. I NEW SALISBURY AND LONDON WAGGONS, From the THREE SWANS, Salisbury, to J/ ieSALisBiikv AHMS, COIV Lane^. London. MATCHAM, MITCH ELI... and. Company, beg leave to inform their Friends and the- Public in general, they have ^ established WAGGONS for the Conveyance of Goods Jfrom London tv Salisbury,- ami • from- thence to Yeovil and Weymcu> th> on the most reasonable terms. The Proprietors will not be answerable for any Goods above tbe value of 5!. unless entered and paid for as such. [ 4213 EXLTKRANb SALISBURY MAIL. THE Public are respectfully informed,' that a new ROYAL MAIL COACH, carrying four inside and two outside passengers, will commence running Monday the 16th of October, at half- past seven o'clock every morning, from the Red Lion Inn, Salisbury, through Shaftesbury, Yeovil, Crewkeine, and Chard, to the New London Inn, Exeter, where it will . meet the Plymouth and Falmouth Mails, with coaches tb Barnstaple and all parts of the west ;— it will leave the New London Inn, Ext ter, every morning at three o'clock, by the same route, to the Red Lion Inn, Salisbury, where it will meet the Portsmouth Royal Mail, the Portsmouth and Gosport coaches, with others to London, & c. Performed by ISAAC YOUNG and Co. Who will not be accountable for any article above the value of 5/. unless entered as sueh and pakl for accordingly. [ 4997 NOTICE is hereby given, That the: Copartnership between WM. AMOR and THO. NICHOLS, of, the town and county of Southampton, Attornies at LaW, was this day DISSOLVED by mutual consent.—-- As witness our hands the 31st day of Oct. ! S09i WM. AMOR. 5617] THOS. NICHOLS. PARTNERSHIP WANTED. AGentleman, who has been accustomed to the Retail Trade, is desirous of. joining aii established and respectable Concern, iii which he would embark about 1000/. The most satisfactory and respectable references can be giVen, and will likewise be required. None but principals need apply. Letters ( post paid) with leal names, to be directed to. Y. Z. Post- office, Bath. [ 5575 WANTED,- A PARTNER iu an old- estp^ lished TAN YAUD, to take one- half part of the Business.- I. Person who has been brought up to the trade, the more agreeable. [ 6623 For particulars apply to Mr. Thomas Guillaume, Botley. WANTED to RENT, FURNISHED or UNFUR- NISHED, for a small family,— A detached HOUSE or COTTAGE, standing in a Lawn or Garden, and from ten to twenty acres of Grass Land, situated near a town or village, either in the counties of Hants, Dorset, or Somerset; the house must consist of not less than two good sitting rooms, three or four best- bed chambers, arid servants' rooms; coach- house, stabling, dairy, and convenient offices, with good water tin the premises. Letters ( post' paid) directed to M. N. Post- office, Char- mouth, Dorset, will be attended to. [ 5609 CURACV WANTED. WANTED, by a Clergyman in Priest's Orders,— A CURACY, with a prospect of a Permanency. The Advertiser w « uld have no objection to take charge of one or two Churches ( for the present) for two, four, or six mouths, cither in Wiltshire or any of the adjoining counties. Apply ( if by letter, post paid) to the Printers of this Paper. LAW CLERK. WANTED,— A MANAGING CLERK, who writes a good hand, and is well acquainted with con- veyancing and criminal law, together with a general know- ledge of professional concerns Salary .£ 100 per ann.— An unexceptionable character for ability and integrity will be re- quired.— Apply ( if by letter, post paid) to Mr." Curry, town- clcrk, Southampton, [ 5455 WANTED, where but one male servant is kept,— A light active MAN; who perfectly understands his work in house and stable: a good character will be required. Good wages given to one deserving. Apply to the Printers; if by letter, postpaid., £ 5598 MEN WOOLSORTERS. TWO WOOLSOllTERS, Who understand their Business well, might meet with constant employ and good wages, by applying to M. Wing, Saint Martin's Church- street, Salisbury. [ 5612 WANTED,— A voung Man who is thoroughly acquainted with the CHANDLERY Business.—- Otic who has a knowledge of the Grocery Business would be pre- ferred. Apply ( if by letter, post paid) to Mr. J. Horlock, High- street, Newport, Lie of Wight. [ 5616 WANTED, in the Tallow- Chandlery and Gro- cery Business,-- A steady, active LAD," who can fill such a situation ; he will be under a managing servant, and will be expected to bring a good character with him. Apply ( if by letter, post paid, or personally) to the Printers of this Paper. [ 5580 TO JOURNEYMEN SHOE- MAKERS. WANTED, One MAN's MAN, and one WOMAN'S MAN ; good hands may meet with con- stant employ and good wages, by applying to Thomas Moore, Andover. [ 5533 To Jobbing Smiths and Tin Plate IVorkers. WANTED immediately,— Two good JOBBING SMITHS ; if one has been used to heavy work, he will be pfeferted.— Also a TIN- PLATE WORKER, who will have constant employ. [ 5607 Apply ( if by letter, post paid) to Mr. Johnson, bookseller, & c. Oospore.— None but sober men will be treated with. CHEAP TRAVELLING. SALISBURY, Inside .. 16s. Od. .. Outside .. 10s. 6d. BY the OLD SALISBURY COACHES, from the BLACK HORSE INN, SALISBURY, to the BELL and CROWN INN, HOLBORN, and the SARACEN'S HEAD INN, FHIDAY- STREET, CHEAPSIDE, every day ( exccpt Saturday) at half past three o'clock. All parcels sent by these Coaches will be received without any charge for booking, and will be safely and expeditiously delivered to all parts of Loudon and Salisbury, without any charge for porterage. N, BROWN, T. FAGG. H. WHITMARSH, W, PENNY, and Co, PnofRU'caRS, [; 1S6 TO JOURNEYMEN COOPERS. WANTED,— A Person in the above Line : a good workman, and who has been used to country work. Apply to Mr. George Hay ter, cooper, Southampton, who will give good wages and constant employ. [ 5634 ANTED, A Journeyman BUTCHER ; a steady, sober Man, who can be recommended for his attention, will meet with great encouragement: he will be required to keep the accounts, and otherwise superintend the bus- iness. A single Man will be preferred. Apply to M. Palmer, the agent > 0 this Paper, Winchester. On Thursday next, Nov. 16, will be published, price Is. ASERMON preached in the Parish Church of St. Laurence, Southampton, on Wednesday the 25th of October 1309, before the Mayor and Coipor& tion of that Town, and published at their request; By the Rev. THOMAS MEARES, M. A. Rector, and - Chaplain to the Corporation. Southampton 1 Printed by T. Skelton, for the Author; sold by C. Law, Ave Maria Lane, London; Brodie, Dowding, and Luxford, Salisbury ; and other booksellers. [ 5649 TO NURSERYMEN AND MILLERS. ALarge Assortment of CHERRY TREES to be disposed of, at 3/. lbs. per hundred;— also a capital OAK MILL SHAFT, With gudgeons and rings. Enquire of William Alexander, Stert Farm, near Poole ; if by letter, post- paid. ' [ 5650 TPO lie DISPOSED OF, An old- established 1 MANUFACTORY in the SALISBURY FLANNEL Line. For further particulars ( if by letter, post paid) apply to the Printers oftlTis Paper. SARI M, Oct. 3!, 1809. [ 5531 TO he SOLD,— TWO CAPITAL HUNTERS: Grey Horse, by Fortunio, price 180 guineas; Mare, by Rcgulus, 120 guineas. Enquire of Mr. Evamy, Sadler, Southampton. ' - [ 5641 rlPO be SOLD,—^- A handsome new GIG, with or X without'Harness ;— also a vety good second- hand GIG, with head ;— and a light POST COACH,- in good repair, and fit for immediate use." Apply at Edward Pearce's, coach- maker, Draghall- strect, Sarurn. [ 55-^ 8 T) be SOLD, by Mr. JOHN COXETER, at his Blanket Manufactory, Greenham Mills, Newbury,— A regular Assortment of common, . medium, and superfine BLANKETS, from 6 qrs. tol4qrs. wide; likewise 500 pair of thick common Blankets for servants'beds, charities, e- r pa- rishes. - The above to be sold in small quantities, for the accommodation of the public. No abatement made from the pi ice fixed. [ 5536 HAMPSHIRE. TO be SOLD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT— A modern MANSION and 171 Acres of LAND, within three miles of Andover, 67 of London, arid 43 of Bath. The House, is spacious, in good repair, ahd amply supplied with, commodious offices, excellent water, and every convenience for the comfortable accommodation of a large family. Immediate possession may be had, and part of the money may remain on mortgage. [ 5174 For particulars apply to Messrs. Forster, Cook, and Frere, Lincoln's Inn; or to Mr. Fleet, attorney at law, Ahdovcr. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, some time in No- vember or December next,— Several very valuable and improvable well - timbered FREEHOLD MANORS and ESTATES, situated in the counties of Hants, Wilts, Dorset, Devon, Somerset, and Oxfordshire, containing nearly 7000 acres : the principal part in demesne, and the remainder held for one, two, and three lives, of the yearly value of TEN THOUSAND POUNDS and upwards ; with the Advowson of a very desirable Rcctory and Glebe in Dorsetshire, from 500/, to 600/-. per year. Descriptive advertisements and particulars will shortly be published, when further application may be- made to George South, Esq. of Market Lavington, ijiia'r Devices, or to Mr. Bond, 4 » < i- sujrviiyer( A « niriStor, ' [ 5137 4 , ^ TWENTY GUINEAS REWARD. ON the morning of Sunday the 2S'd of October,, three Men, shabbily dressed in carter's frocks, SHOT and CARRIED . AWAY A BUCK from the Paddock of Botley Grange. Whoever frill give me such information as shall lead to th* conviction of any or all of the said offenders, shall receive a - Reward of TWENTY GUINEAS.— This Reward is extended to either of the parties concerned in the felonv, who shall; by his evidence, convict his accomplices, except to the pet* son who actually shot the Buck. [ 5611 BQTI. F. Y, NOV. I, mop. JOHN MAURICE EYRE. TEN GUINEAS REWARD, ESCAPED from JUSTICE, charged With stealing Timber from the lands of R. W. SLEAT, E> q in th » parish of Christchurch,— WILLLAM SHAVE, late of Nea- Croft, in the parish of Christchurch, labourer, about 20 years of age, 5 feet 6' inches high, sallow complexion, sandy hair, his face much summer freckled, and very slender mad » about the thighs and legs:— Also, THOMAS EDWARDS, an accomplice, who made his escape at Romsey, on' the evening of the lst of Newember, from two constables who were conveying him to the county bridewell. The said Tbo. Edwards is about30 years of age, 5 feet 11 inches high, black hair, had on a round frock, leather breeches, and dark worsted stockings. Whoever will apprehend either of the above persons, ot cause them to be lodged in any of his Majesty's goals, shall receive a reward of TEN GUINEAS, on application to WM. BALDWIN, Solicitor to tbe Christchurch Assoc'ation.-. ClIRlSTHUBCI), Nov. 2, 1809. [ 5653 LOST, between Andover andHur^ thourne, Oct. 1 8, — A Yellow and W'hite POINTER BITCH; a slit- on one or both ears* with a bell about her neck; answers to the name of JUNO. Whoever will bring the said Bitch to Mr. Godden, Ilurst- bourne Park, shall receive a Guinea Reward. [ 5639 STRAYED from Longham, in the county of Dorset, • on the I3th of Sept. 1809,— A DUN RED NORMAN COW, straight heavy body, with short thick crumpled horns, the off horn a. liple damaged, a brown mulish nose, and a scar on the off pin- bone ; the hair of her tail cut close to the stump, inside, and the long, hair left in outside ;— supposed she is gone back { o Netley Abbey, near Southampton, where she was bought. [ 5635 Any person who will send or bring her to the White II rt Inn, at Longham, shall receive One Guinea Rewind, with. reasonable cxpencesa LONGHAM, NOV. 10, 180,9. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. * ALL persons having Demands on the Estate of the late THOMAS SILVESTER, of Froxfield, in the county of Southampton, deceaseased, are requested 10 send an account thereof- to'Mr. William Silvester, of Froxfield aforesaid, or Mr. James White, of Purbrook, the Fx . cut re and Trustees, or - 6 their Solicitor, Mr. Cornthwaite J< tin Hector, of Petersfielil: and all " persons indebted to the said Estate, are requested forthwith to pay- the amount of their respective Debts to the said Executors or theit Solicitor. PETERsriELD, Oct. SO, 1809. . [ 5525 ALL Persons who have any claims or demands on the estate and effects of- DfANA WHITE, late of the Plough, in the parish of Kington St. Michael, in the county, of Wilts, widow, deceased, are requested to leave them at the office of Guy and Michell, in Chippenham ; arid'all persons indebted are desired to pay the same forthwith. Noneniber 6, 1809. [ 5604 HEREAS a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued forth against. WILLIAM RANDALL and JONATHAN MARCHANT, of Stockbridge, in the county of Hants, Innkeepers, Dealers and Chapmen, and Copartners, and they being declared Bankrupts, are hereby required to sur- render themselves to the Commissioners in the said commis- sion named, or the major part of them, on the twenty- seventh day of November instant, at one o'clock in the afternoon, on the twenty- eighth day of this- same month, at. eleven o'clock in the forenoon, and on the twenty- third day of December next, at twelve o'clock at noon, at the Coach and Horses Inn, in the town and county of Southampton, and make a full discovery and disclosure of their estate and effects]; when and where the creditors are to come prepared to prove their debts, and at the second sitting to choose assignees, and at the last sittting the said Bankrupts are required to finish their examina- tion, and the creditors are to assent to or dissent from th « allowance of their certificate. All persons indebted to the said Bankrupts, or that have any of their effects, are not to pay or deliver the same but to whom the commissioners shall appoint^ but give notice to Mr. Thos. Nichols, solicitor, Southampton. LADIES' BUFF DRESSES. * THE objections to Buff Dresses, from their liabi- lity to stains, and tbe difficulty of removing them, ara now entirely obviated ' » y the use of HUDSON's CHEMI- CAL Bi. EACHi. 4G L. WUID, which removes Stains of red port wine, tea, coffee, fruit, mildew, and every vegetable matter fiom buff dresses, table linen, leather, cottons, mus- lins, and lace, without injuring the buff colour or the tcxtur » of the cloth. Prepared and sold by Fludson and Co. her Majesty's Chy- mists, 47, Haymarket, London; sold also by. Brodie, Dnw- ding, and Luxford, Salisbury; Messrs. Trewman, Exeter j • Fiamp'ton, Dorchester; Brohier, and Larkworthy, Wey- mouth ; Rogers, and Williams, Honiton ; and the principal psrfumcrs and medicine venders throughout the united king- ik> m, in bottles at 5s. a » . and is. each! [ 21 tf'd PYTUN^^ JliZARSOEN^^ ACID, for Punch, Lemonade, Shrub, Negui, Saiices-, • Jellies, and every purpose of Cookery. Families, Taverns, and Inns, wili find it extremely conve- nient to keep by them : it possesses all the grateful flavour o£ the lemon, saves trouble, and is always cheaper Officers and Gentlemen travelling. Captains of ships and others going long voyages, will find it particularly desirable, as it is perfectly DRY and portable, and will keep in every cli- mate.' Prepared only at their warehouse, 163, Borough, London; sold in bottles at 2s. 6d. and 7 quantities in 1, 15s. by Brodie, Dowding, and Luxford, Salisbury; also at most grocers' shops and libraries in everytev.- n. ' [ 826 Patronized by Her Royal Highness the PRINCESS of WAI. IS,, His Royal Highness the DUEL of SUSSEX, and most of tlu* Nobility. MACASSAR OIL,, for improving the GROWTH of HAIR, preventing. its falling oil or changing colour, particularly after sea bathing, vyhieh often proves very inju- rious to the hair, bestowing an universal glbss ofi tire tresses, and prodiii- iug extraordinary effects on children's hair. Observe, this is the only preparation for the hair that is sanctioned by any part of the royal family. Sold, at 3s. Gd. per bottle, by " the proprietors, Rowland and Son, Kirby- sfreef, HattOn- garden, London ; and by Brodie. Dowding, and Luxford, Salisbury; Savage, Winchester; Simmonds, Portsmouth; Harvey, Weymouth; Langdon, Sherborne; and all perfumers and medicine venders in the upiredkingdom: where may be had, an Essay on the Human Hair, by A. Rowland, : jun. [ 5475 Health, Beauty, a CtVa- r- SMn, and a Good Complexion. MRS. VINCENT'S GENUINE GOWLAND'S LOTION stands, unrivalled for clearing the face and skin from all eruptions, freckles, extraordinary redniss, ef- fects of surfeits, heats and tumours, scorbutic impurities and dryness: of the skin, all blotches and pimples, from whatever cause arising, hard lumps 0j knobs in the skin; the greasy or oily appearance, livid and sickly paleness, and for clearing; and improving the most delicate complexion. Faithfully prepared from the original recipe of the late Dr. Gowland, bv Mrs. Vincent, the sole original Proprietor for many years before any person exisfing pretended tbe'leist knowledge of the recipe. ' [ 4797 ' This truly Genuine Lotion is sold by Mrs. Vincent, at No. 6, Davies- street, Grosvc. nor- square, London ; and in Salis- bury by Brodie, Dowding, and Luxford; in Southampton by Harvey ; in Winchester by Flight and Earle; iu Poole by \ Ioore; in Bhuidford by Simmonds ; aud by every respect- able Vender of Genuine Medicines, in Quarts, 8s,; Pints, 5s.; Half- pints, 2s. 9i/. to- To prevent Counterfeits, please ask for Mrs. Vincent's Gowland's Lotion ; and see her Name signed upon all that is Genuine. Dr. Fotherq ill's Nervous Cordial Dtops, FROM experience are found a most ethcaciout Medicine for tbe following disorders : lowness of. spirits and nervous affection :, consumptions, hypochondriac- ism, hys- terics, spasms, palsy, apoplexy, loss of appetite; bilious com- plaints, consumptions, fits attending pregnancy, indigestion, ac- companied by sick. head aches, heart- burn, &' c. Sold at Mr. Butler's, 4, Cheapsidd, London; Brodie, Dnw- ding, and Luxford's, Salisbury j awj by wvjl jasditiue venders, . in battles af 4s. &(. ca « l>, J. 548S THE SALISBURY AND WINCHESTER JOURNAL', Wednesdays and Thursday s Posts. FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE OF NOVEMBER 7. T WHITEHALL, NVV. 7. HE King has heen pleased to constitute and ap- point the Right Hon. Robert Dunda;, Earl Cam- the Earl of Liverpool, Earl Bathurst, the tic It. Right Hon. Richard Ryder, the Right Hon. Spencer Per- ceval , Lord Lovame, Baron Teignmouth, the Right Hon. Thomas Wallace, and Lord Francis Almario Spencer, to be hi- Ma jesty's Commissioners for the Management of the Affairs in India. The King has heen pleased to grant to the Rev. W illiam Howley, D. D. the Office and Place of Regius Professor of Divinity iu the University of Oxford, together with the Place a d Dignity of a Canon of the Cathedral Church of Christ in the said University, properly belonging to the the Reaius Professor of the said University; being both void hy the promotion of Doctor- Charles Henry Hall to hJ Dcawry of the said Cathedral Church. The King has been pleased to present the Rev. Hugh Chambres Jones, M. A. to the Vicarage of West Ham, in the county of Essex, and Diocese of London, void by the resignation of the Rev. Gerald Valerian Wellesley. QUEEN'S PALACE, NOV. 1.— The King was this day pleased to confer the honour of Knighthood on Alexander Johnston, Esq. oil his being appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Judicature 011 the Island of Ceylon. The King was this day pleased to confer the honour of Knighthood on Franci" Macnaghten, Esq. one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of Judicature at Madras. WAR- OFFICE, Nov. 7— 3d Reg. of Dragoon Guards.— Capt. G. Holmes to be Major, vice Strutt, deceased. l()// i Reg. of Foot.— Capt. Octavius Carey to be Major, by purchase, vice Shortt, promoted. ' Ditto.— Major G. Middlemore to be Lieutenant- Colonel, vice Donellan, deceased; Brevet Major William Brooke to be Major, vice Middlemore. f S& h Ditto.— Lieut.- Col. John Colbourne, from the 5th Garrison Battalion, to be Lieut.- Colouel, vice Murray, who exchanges. BREVKT.— To be Major- Generals in the Army.— Colonel Frederick de Watteviile; Col. Fjancis T. Hammond, n half- pay ot the 120th Foot; Col. William Murray, on the half- pay of the 24th Light Dragoons; Colonel J. T. II. Elwes.' on the half- pay of tbe 7th Garrison Battalion; Col. A, Lord Montgomerie, on the half- pay of the late Royal Glasgow Regiment. STAFF.— Major Andrew Pilkington, on half- pay of the 2d Ccy in Regiment, to be Deputy Adjutant- General to the Forces serving in Nova Scotia, with the rank of Lieut.- Colonel in the Army, vice Bowyer, who resigns. GAKUISON.— Charles Newton, Clerk, to be Chaplain to the Garrison of Tobago. ItANKItUlTS. Samuel Wright, sen, of Orainge- Road, Rermondsey. bricklayer. John I'larKson, of Mount- It' ™ -, City- ltnad, eoal- mcreliant. < i. Geddcs, A. Geridcs, & T. illillikiri, of I'cnchurch- buiMings, dealers. Francis l. a" ne, of Rrnmyanl, Her, ford, maltster. Henry Docker, of Aston, Hirmingham, woollen- draper. Samuel Hart, of Radford, Nottingham, dealer. William Alton, of Alfreton. Derby, Innkeeper, rbomas Weipin, of Caniberwe'I, post- master. John Tordolf, of Leeds, woolstapler. Alexander Fenton, of Liverpool, merchant. John Withingeon, of Runeorn, Chester, stone- mason. Matthew Harker, of- Oakham, Rutland, mereer. William Habgood and Riebal- d Bernard, of Old- Parade, Nortll- Audley- street, Grosvenor- square, carvers. Alb, rt I) i I. a Cour, of New Lisle- street, Leicester- square, jeweller. William Hancorne, of Swansea, shopkeeper. LONDON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER Hamburgh papers yesterday arrived to the 20th. It is stated in them that the Toulon fleet had sailed, sup- posed for the relief of Barcelona, and that Lord Colling wootl was in pursuit of it. The fortresses that were intended to- protect Constantinople are rapidly filling; Ismail sur- rendered on the 14ih of September, without resistance. The loss of territory and population sustained by Sweden in ihe present war, i thus stated in the foreign Journals : — Wismar 60 square miles, and 81,000 inhabitants; Po- meiania and Rugen 70 square miles, and 70,000 inhabitants ; Finland 3,500square miles and" 00,000 inhabitants. Total, 3,5~ S square miles. 731,200 inhabitants; or in other words, one- fourth of her whole territory, and one- sixth of her population 1 The Rotterdam Coarant of Thursday last was re- ceived yesterday morning. it contains a copy of the Treaty of Peace concluded between France and Austria, the terms of which do not . materially dilfer from those men- tioned in the preceding- pilge; at least, tbe cessions of Austria- are not there exaggerated. The er*- sioris divide themselves principally into three parts 1 those to tbe sovereigns of the Rhenish League - ge- nerally ; thoie to - Bonaparte ; aud those for the King of Sax'ojiy individually. To one of tbe fust of these ( the King , of Bavaria) Austria resigns , the Tvrol, with Sitltzburgh, and a portion of Austria, exten ling on tbe Danube from Passau to the vicinity of Lititz. To tbe second, Fiume and Trieste, and, in general, the whole of the country to the south of the Save, till that river enters Bosnia. And to the last, a few villages in Bohemia, and ( to be united to the Duchy i f Warsaw) the whole of Western Gallieia, extending from the frontiers of Silesia to tbe Bog, together with Cracow, and a district round it iu Eastern Gallieia. To these three is added a barbarous cession to Russia, in. the easternmost part of Gallicia, of so much territory as to eontain 400,000 souls. Sueb arc the cessions which Francis makes. The terri- tories which he keeps are Lower Austria, part of Upper Austria, Bohemia, Moravia, and Hungary.— It is argued by some, that Bonaparte has not obtained his views— that he has been foiled in this treaty,— because his threat of annihilating the Princes .. f the ilouse of Lorraine has not been literally fulfilled— because the Emperor is- left in pos- session of his capital and his titles. Bonaparte thus acquires for himself but little additional territory ; but he gets possession of tbe coast of the Adriatic, which is of more consequence to him than hun- dreds of leagues of inland territory. It will further hi. views against the commerce of this country, and give him a command over the Turkish territories. To the cession of territory are added other cessions, which shew the necessity of making peace to which the Emperor of Austria was reduced. He recognizes Joseph Bonaparte King of Spain, and be even engagss to recog- nize any other Soverign whom Napoleon may ehuse to no- minate for Spain. • The deposition and imprisonment of Charles and Ferdinand, the deposition and imprisonment of the Pojie, are all indirectly sanctioned, and a sweeping pledge is' given to ratify whatever Bonaparte may do in Spain, Italy, or Portug& l I ' Il is Stipulated that a full pardon shall be granted to the Tyrole'o ; and it is hoped these gallant men will accept the same, and not sacrifice themselves in an useless contest. With rc- inl to this country, there is an article which stipulates the co- operatiou of the Emperor of Austria in procuring a maritime peace, and for that purpose prohibits his intercourse with England. I This treaty was signed on the 15th of October, and the ratifications were to be exchanged in six days, or sooner, if possible. Bonaparte ratified it the day after its signa- ture, and he lost no time in acting upon it, for he imme- diately decreed that the Carcle of Villaeh, Istria, Fiume, Trieste, ihe Litterale, the ceded part of Croatia, Dalmatia, and its " islands, should be called the lllyrian Provinces. It is said In- received the ratification of the limperor Francis r> » the 22d, when he was at Munich, on his way back to I-' aris. Moniteurs and othef Paris papers to the 31st ult. were received this morning. They contain little besides accounts of rejoicings for the peace with Austria, anil de- crees of Napoleon, as King of Italy, creating various new dignities of that kingdom. Marshal Ney is arrived at Paris from Spain.— The accounts of Bonaparte's illness, which appeared iu the London papers, arc noticed and ridiculed. The doubts which exi'teil of the arrival of Bonaparte at Paris are completely removed. lie held a Council at Fon- tainbleau on the 27th ult. The Duke of Bern- fort is a Candidate for the Chan- cellorship cf ti s Unto" ~' ty of Oxford, and a warm canvas is carrvhis on for his Grace aud the other two Candidates, Lords Gruiville and I'. ldon. The Carteret packet has brought fails from Malta and Gibraltar of late dates, as a' a report that the Toulon fleet having put to sea, had been chancd for three days by that under the command of Admiral Lord Collingwood, but bad at length escaped by taking shelter under the Hyeres islands. It is supposed by some that the object of the sailing of the enemy was to land a force in Sicily ; and by others that it was bound to Barcelona in Spain. Letters from Halifax state, that a Court Martial had sat for ten days on tlie boatswain, carpenter, and about twenty- five mutineeis belonging to his Maje- ty'sship Columbine, who had lain a plan to murder the Captain and Officers, and to take the ship's boats and proceed to the American shore. Tbe boatswain and five others have been hanged; four of them in chains; the remainder have been severely flogged, and are to serve as convicts abroad for different periods. If one of tbe mutineers hail not re- pented and informed, the consequences might have been as bloody and fatal as in the ca e ot the Hermione. The Deputies from the Tyrol paid a visit yesterday to the Bank and India House. They were received with the greatest politeness by tbe Chairman and Direttors of those two great Companies.— When they entered the Ro- tunda and Transfer Offices of the Bank, tbe national in- terest in the fate of the braVe people they represent mani- fested itself by repeated acclamations and eheerings. Proper persons were appointed at both places to shew them the interior of the respective buildings, and they returned much gratified by the honours and attentions they received. A most lamentable accident occurred last week at Tally- bont, near Bangor. Mr. Jolm Thomas, a respectable farmer, having occasion to attend the mill at the above place, his coat unfortunately caught in one of the wheels, when, dreadful to relate, his body was nearly separated before he could be extricated, and his death was instanta- neous. His wife, who was in the mill at the time, has been almost in a state of distraction since the fatal period. SBICIBE.— Early on Monday morning, the body of a genteel dressed man was found under a tree in the Park, with his head blown to atoms. A pistol was found near the spot, aud a terrier dog was sitting by the deceased, whose abode was discovered by a collar rouud the dog's' neck. His name was Sibley ; lue had occupied lodgings for some time in Paddington, but he was originally a schoolmaster in Wiltshire. LAW.— Monday being the first day of Term, the several Courts in Westminster Hall were opened. The usual re- turn of the state of the convicts at Woolwich, Portsmouth, and Langston Harbour, was made to the Court of King's Bench ; and in that Court a new trial was moved for in the case of" SviurKiNS r. HUNT, Esq. Mr. Easburn stated, that this was an action brought against the defendant for trespass, iu going upon the plaintiffs land to kill game, after he had received notice not to do so. The defendant had suffered judgment to pass by default, and attended himself at the execution of the Writ of Enquiry before the Sheriff, and conducted his own cause ; on which occasion he addressed the Jury, maintaining that the plaintiff had received no injury; and he cross- examined the principal witness, asking him, whether he thought that the plaintiff had received damage to the amount of one shilling ? The witness said, he did ( lot think he did. Then he asked, whether lie thought the damage amounted to sixpence ? He said he thought it did not, and perhaps not to an halfpenny or a farthing. Upon which tbe defendant ad- dressed the jury in a speech of considerable length, main- taining that they were bound by the oath they had taken, to give a true verdict according to the evidence ; and that evidence was, that the plaintiff bad not sustained damage to the amount of the lowest denomination of coin within tbe realm, therefore the verdict should be accordingly.— Upon this address the Jury retired, remained locked up for a considerable time, and returned a verdict, " That the plaintiff bad sustained no damage." He moved, that this Inquisition be set aside, and a new JVrit of Inquiry be executed, on the ground, that as tbe defendant bad suffered judgment to pass by default, there must be some damages given for the plaintiff— for this verdict was re- corded.— Lofil EUenborough.—" That verdict must be recorded. Take a rule to shew cause." Yesterday Mr. Serjeant Williams applied for a Rule to shew cause why a nonsuit should not be entered in the cause respecting the living of Brampton- Bryan, which had been presented by the Earl of Oxford to his brother- in- law, the Rev. James Scott; and Mr. Scott afterwards accepting the endowed Curacy of Tittley, which had been augmented by Queen Anne's Bounty, this was held to have voided the , living of Brampton- Bryan, and tbe Noble Earl and others then presented it to the Rev. Mr. Graham.— The learned Serjeant said, that the Judge who tried the cause ( Raron Thompson) had afterwards recommended him to move for a new trial. I^ ord EUenborough said he should communi- cate with Mr. Baron Thompson, aud if be really entertained doubts on the subject, the Defendant should have his rule. In the Court of Chancery, Mr. Richards moved for an attachment against Mr. John Giles, for carrying off Miss Augusta Nicholson, a ward of that Court; anil also for having a fit and proper person assigned by the Court, to whom tbe care and custody of the infant should be en- trusted.—[ 77ie particulars of this case will be fouiul in our first pag- e.^— yIr. Bligh appeared for Mr. Smith, against whom an attachment had issued, and expressed his con- trition for the share he had had in the business.— The Lord Chancellor ordered an attachment against Mr. Giles, and directed that all the parties should appear before him on Tiiar- day, together with the Clergyman who bad published the banns, the law being particularly strict in requiring that care should be taken to ascertain the situation of the parties requiring such banns. His Lordship farther directed that Miss Nicholson should be placed under the care of an aunt, her step- mother hav ing made affidavit that it was inconvenient to her to have the care of the young lady any longer. The Court having some time since issued an injunction, prohibiting the Marquis of Lansdowne from cutting down trees on his estate at Bowood, on the plea that the interests of the heirs in remainder were injured, Sir A. Pigott yes- terday applied, on behalf of the Marquis, for the removal of this injunction. He produced a variety of affidavits from the surveyors of woodlands, the object of which was to shew, that though the Marquis in the space of four years had cut down timber to the value of more than 40,000/. yet so extensive were the plantations, that this had only thinned th in, and was necessary for the growth of the younger trees. It was also contended that the ornamental parts of these woods in the park surrounding the mansion, had received no deterioration, and that nothing had heen cut down which could be considered as ornamental to the grounds. Mr. Alexander was heard at some length on the same side, and the further hearing was postponed. OLD BAILEV.— Yesterday the Recorder passed sentence on thirteen prisoners, capitally convicted ijuring the pre- sent sessions, and on one prisoner whose judgment at the last sessions was respited.— There is nothing particularly- worthy of notice in any of their cases.— This day the sessions were adjourned. BREAD.— The price of the quartern loaf, wbeaten, is continued at 1 CORN EXCHANGE, NOV. 8. Wheat supports last prices. Rye is lower. Barley and Malt are also rather cheaper, as are Peas, excepting fine. White Beans vary but little. Oats as before. There is no alteration in Flour. GAME DUTY.— LIST I. CONTINUED. A LIST of Persons who have obtained General j- 1 Certificates, at the rate of Three Guineas each, for the year 1803, in the County of Wilts. Names. Residence, Arnold, William Corsham. Comly, William Sopworth. Harford, Charles Corsham. Meech, John Westbury. Pepi- r, Richard Coulstone. ' Smith, Thomas, Esq. Easton Grey. Shcddon, William Staverton. Examined, J. P. TINNEY. Publ'shed by order of His Majesty's Commissioners for the Affairs of Taxes. 5659' j MATTHEW WINTER, Secretary. GAME DUTY.— LIST II. CONTINUED. ALIST of Persons - who have obtained Game- keepers' Certificates, at the rate of One Guinea each, for the year 1.809, in the County of Witts. Kteper's Name. Name of Manor or Royalty. R< j u hom appointtd. Brown, Charles Easton Grey Tho. Smith, Esq, Examined, J. P. TINNEY. Published by order of His Majesty's Commissioners for the Affairs ol Taxes. 5660J MATT MI W WINTER, Secretary. This List is made up lo the 10th of Nov, t gflg. FARM MUAR riASINuSTOKE. IX) be DISPOSED ( IF, and entered upon imme- diately,— A capital FARM, consisting- of a good Farm- house, w til excellent farming buildings, and 415 acres of , ood Land, of which 62 are meadow and pasture, IS hedge- rows, and the remainder arable, situate at Farleigh Wallop ; term unexpired of the Lease, 13 years.- » - The crops of this year's hay and corn, with the lease, to be purchased, and the preparation's for future crops, and the live and dead stocks, to be taken at a valuation. None but experienced farmers of undoubted property need apply. Personal applications to be" made at Farleigh House, near Basingstoke. [ 5162 SOUTHAMPTON. F^ O be SOLD, A substantial and convenient DWELLING- HOUSE, fit for tile immediate re- ception of a genteel Family, and most desirably situated, No. 2f% on the east side of the Above Bar Street, Southampton ; commanding, from the back front, an extensive view of the River Itchen and the surrounding country. The ground floor comprizes entrance hall, stair case, and an entrance for ser- vants, dining parlour, and two others;— one pair of stairs, drawing- room, and three good bed- rooms with closets;— two pair of stairs, four good bed- rooms with closets, and way to the roof;— basement story, large kitchen, scullery, larder, pantries, cellars, and vaults for beer, wine, and every other convenience ;— a large garden at the back of the premises, tastefully laid out, with a small green- house, vine- house, & c. The whole inclosed with lofty brick walls covered with choice fruit trees in full hearing, and an uncommon good supply of spring and rain water. [ 4741 Fsr viewing the premises, and further particulars, apply to Mr. Watts, builder, at his office in East- street, Southampton. SHORTLY will be SOLO by AUCTION, under a Commission of tlankruptcv,— All the valuable FUR- NITURE, Horses, Chaises, Stock of Wines, Spirits, Farm- ing Stock, & c. belonging to the King's Head, Stockbridge.—. Particulars in the next Journal. 6652j J. YOUNG, Auctioneer. WEST WELLOW, NEAR ROMSEY. " FOR SALE by AUCTION, on the Premises, by J. YOUNG, on Thursday the 23d day of Nov. inst.— All the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Brewing and Dairy Utensils, Horses, Cows, Ste. belonging to Mr. PIKE, leaving Wellow; comprising four- post bedsteads and furniture, prime beds, blankets, sheets, counterpanes ; mahogany tables and chairs, chests, of drawers, carpets, eight- day clock, kitchen requisites, & c.— Also two draught horses and colt, four milch Cows in calf, sow and pigs, and 7 shuts ; dung cart and tax ditto, plough, harrows, drags, roller, and a variety of other useful articles. Sale at half- past ten o'clock. CO" The neat DWELLING- HOUSE, together with the Barn and Outbuildings, and fourteen acrcs of Land, to be LETT.—— Enquire of Mr. Warner, or of the Auctioneer, Romscy, [ 5616 PORTCHESTER DEPOT, HANTS. - TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by H. HICKS, on Thursday the 16th of Nov. 1809, at eleven o'clock,- J- The following Serviceable and Unserviceable STORES ; viz. 75 commissariat field waggons with covers ( most of which are nearly new), 76 sets of four- horse iron trace harness in good condition, 2 carts, 1 dray, 2 horses, a quantity of hemp'hal- ters, pack saddles, necessary bags, washing machines, Flan- ders tents and tent poles, marquees, blankets, pal lias case's, haversacks, accoutrements, new black gaiters, leather straps, packing mats, filtering stones, bathing tubs, large copper furnaces, a quantity of iron and pewter, tin kettles, slipper and shower baths, hand stuff, and 160 bars of iron. Catalogues may he had in due time at the principal inns in the neighbouring towns, at the Dep6t, and, of the Auctioneer, Gosport. [ 59I8 Gorely, JElingham, Ilarbridge, iSf Fordingbridge, Hants. rT, 0 be SOLD, TX THE FOLLOWING LOTS :— A Lot I .— A very good BARN- YARD, Cart- house, and Stable, with six closes of Arable Land, containing together by measure about 10 acres, situate in Gorely, adjoining the New Forest, in which it has great advantages of Common Right; now in the renting of Farmer John Saunders, Lot i.— A CO'PTAGE, much out of repair, but consisting of a considerable quantity of good brick and timber materials for building; with."* Garden, Orchard, and close of Arable Land adjoining, containing by measure 1 acre and 2 roods, situate at EKngham; in the renting of Mr. Hide ; and also the Cut yearly on an average of 2 roods and 15 perches of Water Meadow, in Elingham Common Mead, with an un- limited Right of Common therein ; now in the renting of Farmer John Saunders. Lot 3.— The CUT yearly on an average of about 1 acre, in Harbridge Common Mead, with Common for two Cows or one Horse therein ; now in the renting of Farmer Lot 4.— A Close of PASTURE br MEADOW LAND, with a little Coppice, adjoining, called Fussell's, containing about 5 acres, in Fordingbridge; in the renting of Mr. Fran- cis Pope. The Timber on cachlot to be taken at a, valuation, Several parts of lots 1 and 2 arc pleasantly situated for building, and worthy the attention of any gentleman who has a wish to reside on the verge of the New Forest. Any person desirous of purchasing either of the above lots, are requested to deliver Tenders in writing at the Office of Messrs. Hodding, in Salisbury, or at Fryern Court, near Fordingbridge, on or before the I st day of December next: if not disposed of by tender on or before that day, it will soon after be sold by public auction, [ 5465 PUULIC- HOUSF, AND WINE- VAULTS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. TDCKER anil PITTIS, at tbe Green Dragon Inn, on Thursday the 17th day of November 1809, between the hours of four and five o'clock in the evening, ( unless previously disposed of by private contract, of which notice will be given),— All that substantial FREEHOLD well- built Brick DWELLING- HOUSE called the ROSE and CROWN, situate in the centre of South street, Newport, Isle of Wight; comprising good parlours, a large tap- room, good bed- rooms and attics, capital cellars, with useful out- offices ;— also a LEASEHOLD DWELLING- HOUSE, communicating with the above; comprising a good pirlour, kitchen, yard, & c. on the ground floor, with convenient chambsrs and attics i now in the oc- cupation of Mr. Wm. Rose, the proprietor. Tlie east part of these premises, containing by measure in length 28 feet 4 inches, and in depth 110 feet 4 inches, or thereabouts, is Freehold ; the remainder is Leasehold for the residue of a term, of winch 14 years were unexpired on the 25th of March last, at the yearly rent of £\ 1. N. B.— Trie above oeiog a Free House and most eligibly situated, and having of late been fitted up in a convenient manner, is well worth the attention of brewers and others, as the returns have been ,£ 2000 per ann. and upwards for many years past.— The Fixtures to be taken at a valuation. For particulars apply to Mr. W. Rose, the proprietor, or the Auctioneers ; if by letter, post paid. [ 5552 HAMPSHIRE. MANOR, or reputed Manor, of WIMERING, WIMERING- HOUSE, and the Farm and Lands called WIMERING- FARM, containing upwards of 700 acres of luxu- riant meadow and arable land in a ring fence, coppice, and down land; within 5 miles of Portsmouth, 15 of Southamp- ton, 13 of Chichester, 20 of Winchester, and 68 of London; in lots- Lot 1.— A most desirable Dwelling- house, in excellent re- pair, called Wimering- housej situate in the parish of Winter- ing, in a genteel and social neighbourhood, with suitable do- mestic offices, coach- house, stabling, yards, gardens, pleasure- ground and home- ground, containing about 11 statute acrcs, laid out with great taste, and ornamented with plantations, shrubberies, and walks, forming a most desirable and com- modious residence, now in the occupation of Harris Bigg Wither, Esq. the proprietor, with possession at Lady- day next, if required. Lot 2.— Pettymore Coppicc, containing 7 A. and 31 P. ad- joining Southwick Park, in the parish of Wimering, in the occupation of Mr. Pittis. Lot 3.— A Piece of Pasture Ground, called the Moor, con- taining 10 A. 2 R. 10 P. situate at Potweli, in. Widley parish;. also in the occupation of Mr. Pittis. Lot 4.— A singularly valuable Estate, called Wimering Farm, possessing local advantages in respect of markets, roads, manure, & c. of the first description ; containing 620 statute acres of naturally fertile and highly cultivated mea- dow, pasture, and arable land, and 160 acres of down; a substantial farm- house, farm and rick- yards, barns, stabling, and agricultural buildings of every description, situate in the parish of Wimering, and adjoining the London and western roads, in the occupation of Mr. Pittis; together with six labourers' cottages, four of which have been recently built. The buildings and fences are in excellent repair, a consider- able sum having been expended thereon within the last two years. The above Estates, which are FREEHOLD, and exonerated from land- tax, will be SOLD by AUCTION, at Garraway's Coffee- house, Cornhill,. London, in the month of February or March next, unless an acceptable sum should be offered for the purchase of either or the whole of the lots by Tender, signed by principals only, addressed to Harris Bigg Wither, Esq. Wimering. house, near Portsmouth ( free of postage), on or before the 1st day of December next. The timber, tellers, and underwood on the farm and in the coppice- ground are to be taken at a fair valuation i the tellers down to the value of 6d. Lot l may be viewed be- tween the hours of eleven and three; and lots 2, 3, and 4, by leave of Mr. Pittis, the tenant. ( fif* Personal applications to treat will not be attended to. for particulars apply ( if by letter, free of postage) to Mr. Popi en, solicitor, Portsea, Hants, at whtfse ofhc « a plan of the estiate may b « seen. £ 3587 COPPICE WOOD, W1NTERSLOW, WILIS. rPO be SOLD by AUCTION, at Winterslovv Hut, JL on Monday the 20th day of November inst. nt eleven o'clock in the forenoon,— About fifty Acres of COPPICE or UNDERWOOD, in East Winterslow, in the county of Wilts.— The above will be sold in small Lots, for the accom- modation of purchasers. For particulars of the Lots, & c. apply at the office of Messrs. Tanner and Cooper, Salisbury ; and for a view of the Woods, to John Prince, Winterslow. [.") 567 rpO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Town- X Cellar, on the Quay, at Poole, on Thursday the 16th of November, 1809, at three o'elock in the afternoon, if not previously disposed of try Private Contract, of which notice will be given,— A HORSE CORN MILL, with nvo pair of stones, and dressing mill, floor boards, and other appurte nances. It is well adapted to be used upon a small stream of Water, and will be sold' together or in lots, as may be deemed most convenient at the'tims of sale. The mill may be viewed the week preceding the sale, by applying at the Cellar, or to J. Bristowe and Co. Brokers, Poole. [ 5485 FRUIT AND FOREST TREES, FLOWERING SHRUBS, EXOTIC AND OTHER PLANTS, RPO be SOLD by AUCTION, at Mr. FISTCH'S J. Nursery Grounds, situated at St. Mary's, Southampton, on Monday the 13th of November 1809, and following days, by GEO. HOOKEY,— A choice Collection of EXOTIC and other PLANTS, Flowering Shrubs, Everereen, Fruit, Forest, and other Trees, consisting of 4,000 Exotic and other Plants, among which are 50 double white, red, and striped Carmillas, Japonicas, Magnolia, Ulang, I'yrus Japonicas, Parconia, Arboria, and other choice anil valuable Plants. Also, 100,000 Flowering Shrubs, Firs, and Evergreens, 10,000 Standard'and Wall Fruit Trees. 1,500 Trained do. 50,000 Forest Trees. Which will be put up in small Lots, for the convenience of purchasers ; to be removed before the 21st of December next, fhe lease of the premises expires at that time. To be viewed with Catalogues, 6i/. each, to be h? d on cr after the 6th of November, at the George Inn, Winchester ; White Horse, Romsey ; White Hart, Salisbury ; and at the Auctioneer's, Southampton. [ 5487 WILTSHIRE. ( BY ORDER OF THE ASSIGNEES.) TO be SOLD by AUC TION, on tho Premises, by W. VIGOR, of Bristol, on Tuesday and Wednesday the 14th and 15th Of November 1800, and following days,— All the handsome HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Linen, Books, Prints, Plate, China, Glass, handsome blue and white Table Service complete, & c. of Mi. EBENEZEC BROWN, a bankrupt, at Chantry- House, Bradford, in the county of Wilts. The Drawing- room Furniture consists of handsome blue damask window cuftains, with cornices ; handsome sofa ; conversation stools, and chairs covered with blue damask, to correspond; two large- size pier glasses ; mirrors and giran- doles ; pier, card, and Pembroke tables ; one Axminster car- pet, fire screens, & c. The other Household Furniture consists of mahogany carved, fluted, four- post, field, and other bedsteads, with white dimity, chintz, and other furniture; prime feather and mill- puff beds; hair and mill- puff mattresses; blankets, sheets, quilts, and counterpanes ; table cloths, napkins, See. handsome oval- corner cellaret side- board ; large- size secretary and book- case ; dining, card, and Pembroke tables ; maho- gany wardrobes ; round and straight- front chests of drawers; mahogany night tables, bason stand, and medicine chests; ma- hogany brass- nailed and other chairs ; pier, swing, and other looking- glasses; Brussels, Kidderminster, and other carpets; handsome parlour window- curtains, roller- blinds, & c. The Plate consists of one tea- pot and stand ; one coffee- pot; table, dessert, tea, and salt spoons; tea tongs, soup ladle, cream ewer, & c. & c. The Books consist of the Encyclopedia, 18 vols.; Henry's Bible, 3 vols. fol.; Rapin's History of England, 2 vols.; Blair's Sermons, 5 vols.; Hunter's Lectures, 6 vols. ; Spectator, 8 vols.; Lyttleton's History of England, in loose numbers-; Pope's Works, 6 vols.; and sundry other books, A quantity of kitchen furniture and brewing utensils.— Two carts, capital saddle horse, new gig harness; quantity of prime hay ; elm and oak quarter, anil about 1000 feet of. elm boards; with various articles used in the manufactory,— parti- culars of which will be expressed in the catalogues. The whole to be sold w ithout reserve i the plate on the first day, and the china and table service on the third day. QQ^" Catalogues, 6d. each, to be had, four days before the sale, of Mr. Samuel Nicholls, cabinet- maker and upholsterer, Bradford, or of the Auctioneer, Bristol. And at the same time will l- e Sold, The following FREEHOLD PREMISES, situate in Folly- row, in the parish of Bradford, viz, ^ ann. One Tenement, lett to J. ' fucker, astenantatwill; at j£ 8 8 0 One —— Wm. Simes, as ditto 8 8- o One IL Poritch, as ditto 6 6' 0 One James Ford, as ditto 10 10 0 Also, Two FIELDS, Freehold, situate near Bradford Wood, in the parish of Bradford, lett to Mr. F. Everett, at 101.10s. subject to the payment of 7<. 10s. per year to a widow now about 40 years of age; the land- tax redeemed, and the tenant paying all taxes.— The whole of the above premises, & c. are considerably under- lctt. N, B.— The Machinery, with the Lease of the House, Work- shops, See. to be sold by private contract. [ 5545 For particulars apply to Mr. P. Clissold, solicitor, Bristol. Wilts.— Little Bedwin Manor and Estate. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. SCOTT, on Wednesday the 22d of November, at twelve o'clock, at Garraway's, London, IN THREE I. OTS, unless an acceptable offer shall be made for the whole by private contract. A capital FREEHOLD ESTATE, the MANOR or reputed Manor, of LITTLE BEDWIN, with Fishery, Rights, Roy- alties, Residence, two Farms and Cottages, situate in a healthy, admired, fine sporting country, adjoining Marlborough Forest, 1 mile from the Bath road, 4 from Hungerford, 7 from Marl- borough, 13 from Newbury and Andover, 40 from Bath ; comprising about 590 acres of excellent inclosed meadow, pasture, arable, and wood land; the mansion ( which is a very comfortable family house), with lands and woodsadjoin- ing, containing about 100 acres, are in the occupation of the proprietor, who will give early possession; the remaindsr is in two Farms, lett for short terms at low rents. The estate is finely timbered, ornamenting and screening the lands, which possess a pleasing inequality of hill and dale, commanding beautiful views, and abounding with game, with the advan- tage of the Kennet and Avon Canal, and the pleasure of a fine trout stream bordering the estate i the buildings have been recently repaired. This interesting property is highly improvable, and eminently merits the attention of gentlemen desirous of residing on their estate fond of field sports : a pack of celebrated fox- hounds is kept within a very easy reach, and a pack of harriers within two miles. Descriptive particulars may be had at the principal Inns at Salthill, Speenhill, Hungerford, and Marlborough; Bear, and Crown, Reading; Bear, Devizes; York- house, anil White Hart, Bath; Bush, at Bristol; York Hotel, Clifton; White Hart, Salisbury; of Messrs. Crowdy and Son, solici- tors, Highworth, Wilts; at Garraway's, and of Mr. Scott, 28, New Bridge- stieet, London, where a plan of the estate may be seen. [ 5474 SOUTH WALES. Roath Court, Freehold Villa. Sf Lands, in Glamorganshire. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. CHRISTIE, at Garraway's Coffee- house, on Wednesday the 29th of November, 1809, at twelve o'clock, in three lots. Lot 1.— An elegant and modern MANSION, delightfully situated near tbe great western road from London to Milford, one mile from the seaport town of Cardiff; has been recently finished in a stile of superior taste, and contains three par- lours of good proportions, nine good bed chambers, several servants' apartments, and excellent attached offices of every . description ; detached are stables for eight horses, a newly- erected porter's lodge, two barns, cow house, piggery, dove house, and other convenient out buidings, with a black- smith's shop, extensive malthouse, eight cottages, an excel- lent walled garden and orchard, together with 122 statute acres of arable and meadow land within a ring fence, of the most fertile quality, and in a regular way of cultivation. Lot 2.— An elegant, handsome, and newly- built residence, called ROATH- tODGE ; consisting of three good parlours, four airy sleeping rooms, a well- arranged kitchen, and many other conveniently attached offices, together with 60 acres of rich arable and meadow land, and lawn adjoining thereto. Lot 3.— Forty- eight acres of excellently fertile Arable and Meadow LAND, in five fields, most desirably adapted for building, in an open healthy situation, near the great turn- pike road. The above valuable property, it is presumed, is too well known to require observation, being in a situation ( near the Bristol Channel) of the first respectability, surrounded by good roads, with every local advantage to render it an object the most desirable for a genteel residence. Part of the purchase- money ( if required) may remain on mortgage; and the elegant and modern assemblage of Furni- ture,' with the Live and Dead Stock of Roath Villa, may be taken at a valuation. The premises may be viewed at any time previous to the sale, and printed particulars of the respective lots had at the Office of Charles Bowles, Esq. Shaftesbury; of Messrs. Ta- houtden, solicitors, Argyle- street, London ; at the Grecian Coffeehouse, Strand; ' the Bush Tavern, Bristol; at the Place of Sale; and of Mr. Wm. Upjohn, land- surveyor, Rumney Great Ilouse, near tbe Villa, or at Canti Cottage, near Shaftesbury, at either of which two last mentioned places plans of tile estate may be seen, [ 5201. ELEGANT FAMILY MBLK IN OCTAVO. This day is puH. shcd, , hy Rnlert Srtiolm. 46, P„ ie,. « ,.;, » • London; Brodie, DoinHUg, and Liijfird, . .-.- may be had oj every bmkseUtr in town and e- a THE HOLY BIBLE, for the usi of E n, - illustrated from the works of the most approved commen- tators, British and foreign. Price in medium 8vo. 1/. 4,. boards; royal Svn. which bind ;•„ one or two volumes, 1'. 16s. in- boards; imperial Svo. 2 vols a splendid book, 4/. it boards. The Bible in its different sizes may de had bound; a quantity done in the best manner being always kept. f. oM 1 ' This day is published, price 9s. in boards, THE Annual MEDICAL REGISTER, vol. I. comprising a review of every publication relating to medi- cine and surgery which appeared during the year lbOS, togedn , with an historical sketch of the discoveries and improvement, in these and the collateral sciences wit bin the same period; j report of tie general state of health and diseases tn the metro- polis ; and a variety of useful miscellaneous intelligence. By a SOCIliTY of PHYSICIANS. London : Printed for Taylor and Hcssey, Flect- sliret. and W. Blackwood, Edinburgh; and sold by Biodie, Dowding and Luxford, Salisbury. [ 20? tJ CULPEPER'S ENGLISH HERBAL, Corrected and enlarged by Dr. PARKINS, - of Grantham. This day was published, in i2mo. embellished with copper- plates, price 7s. Sd. extra boards, pn fine medium p iper, coloured plates,— price 5s. bound, on demy paper, with plain plates, CULPEPER's ENGLISH PHYSICIAN, or BRITISH HERBAL. To which is now first added, Three hundred and sixty- nine Medicines made of British Herbs, being the best remedies fbr diseascs incident to English constitutions.— Also, A Present for the Ladies, forming a complete Family Physician. *** Please to ask for Crosby's edition of Culpepcr's Herbal. Printed tor B. Crosby and Co. Stationcrs'- court, Paternostw- row, London; and sold by Brodie, Dowding, and Luxford, Salisbury. [ 5592 THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED, Neatly printed in israo. price 3s. 6rf. the 7th edition corrected, improved, and enlarged, A KEY to POLITE LITERATURE; or, Com- x A. pendious Dictionary of Fabulous History. Containing the Characters and principal Actions'ascribed to the Heathen Deities and Heroes; with the Manner in which the Ancients represented the Deities and Heroes, Virtues and Vices, in their Paintings, Statues, and Gems; and some Acoount of their principal Poets. Intended for the assistance of those who would understand Mythology, Poetry, Painting, Statuary, and Theatrical Entertainments. Printed for Soatcherd and Letterman; J. Walker; J. John- son; Wilkie and Robinson; Longman, Hurst, Rets, and Orme; C. Law ; and Pote and Williams ; and sold by Brodie, Dowding, and Luxford, Salisbury. [ SK03 ASTRONOMY SIMPLIFIED. This day is published, price 4s. 6d. illustrated by numerous large plates, on a new plan, THE WONDERS of the TELESCOPE; or, a Popular Explanation of the Wonders of the Heavens and the various celestial phenomena, adapted to the meanest capaety.— By the Authur of the Wonders of the Microscope. Printed for Richard Phillips, London ; and to be hail of Brodie, Dowding, and Luxfotd, Salisbury, and of all book- sellers. Also,— The Wonders of the Microscope, illustrative of the Creation in regard to minute objects; with very large plates, price 3s. lid. Gregory's LecturesonNatural and Experimental Philosophy, 4 vols, 13s. Blair's Grammar of Natural Philosophy, 3s. ( Id. [ I36t To Sportsmen, Farmers, Grooms, ( f Dealers w Ih. rses. This day is published, the ipth edition, corrected and un- proved, 6s. boards, CLATER's EVERY MAN I- IIS OWN FAR- RIER, or the whole Art of Farriery laid open. Mr.. Clatcr's Reciues for the Cure of every Disorder, have been drawn from his own as well as his Uncle's Practical Know- ledge of upwards of 50 years in Nottingham, Newark, and Retford ; the increased sale of the latter extensive editions is the strongest proof of its worth.— To which is added an AP- PENDIX, containing tbe methods of preparing and com- pounding all the Medicines, and remarks on the manner of applying them, Printed for Crosby and Co. Stationers'- court, Ludgatc- streef, London; and sold by Brodie, Dowding, and Luxtofd, Salis- bury. [ S5p3 HEALTH AND BEAUTY. " ~~ BURGESS's LILAC FLOWER SOAP IS far superior in iis fragrance, and infallible in its efficacy, to any other Soap, being prepared with the milk extracted " from the flower : this milk, being of an oily sub- stance, will make the complexion beautifu lv white, soft, and smooth ; it braces and cherishes the skin, for even in old age it produces a blooming appearance of youth. It is unneces- sary to comm nt upon this valuable discov- ry, as the Pro- prietor will pledge himself to return the monty, if not found to answer the desired effect. f4o71 Sold wholesale only by the Proprietor, at h's manufactory, Cursitor- street, Chancery- lane, London ; and retail ( by ap- pointment) at every principal town in the united kingdom, Butler's celebrated Restorative Tooth Powder. EAUTY of Countenance and Regularity of Fea- tures are allowed to distinguish die British Fair ; but the Proprietor of BUTLER'S TOOTH POWDER would beg leave- to remind his countrywomen, . that the lustre of iheir chamis loses half its influence where the Teeth are discoloured, or she* a rotten or unhealthy appearance : this is the more inexcusable, as the present preparation affords the infallible means of removing every blemish of Ihe enamel, and is safe in its application, being composed of vegetables. It is recommended to the attention of all ranks, as clearing away every imperfection, either in the Colour or the decay of the enamel of the Teeth ; as rendering the breath sweet and delectable, and making tbe gums of their proper shape and vermdlion hue; and a certain preventive against the Tooth- ache.— No composition of this kind ever brought forward to public notice, lias met such universal appro- bation ; and the proprietor has to boast that il is in daily use of Royalty itself. Sold wholesale and retail, at Mr. Butler's, No. 4, Cheapside, corner Paternoster- row, London ; by Messrs. Brodie, Dowding, and Luxford, Salisbury; and retail by most countiy medicine venders and perfumers, in boxes at 2s. 9</. each. Of whom may lie had, Butler's Aromatic Pectoral Lozenges, far improving the voice, and for coughs, colds, sore throats, asthmas, See. in boxes, at ls. ljrf. each. [ 5517 B Under the immediate 1 Vv. it, patronage, of his Royal Highness the IINCE or WALES. J. T. RIGGE's celebrated MAGNETIC RAZOR TABLET, AN ENTIRE NEW INVENTION. THE di stinguished honour with which the In- ventor of the above Article has been favoured by so ele- vated a Patronage, renders a laboured encomium on its me- rits unnecessary: he therefore briefly states, that the Tablet requires only to be seen to prove its decisive superiority over every invention for similar purposes; and he further adds; that himself or his agents will undertake to prove practically its uses, in so unequivocal a manner, that even the most in- credulous will immediately see proved, beyond a possibility of doubt, its superior effects. It possesses ail the advantage of a hone and strop combined, without the unpleasant necessity of using oil or any greasy composition, and its surface ( which is a dense level) never requires any addition— consequently always acts equally in every climate. Sold at 7s. b'ri. cach at the Inventor's warehouses, 52, Park- street, Grosvenor squarc, and 65, Cheapside, London; also by- his sole agents in Salisbury, Messrs. Brodie, Dowding, and Luxford. N. B. To prevent tbe public from being deceived by spurious imitations, each Tablet is sold with, the Inventor's signature, John Thomas Rigge, in red ink, and numbered.— No others are genuine. [ o360 TO PARENTS AND OTHERS. WORMS are known to be the most frequent cause of Children's complaints, they produce the most alarming disord rs, pains in the stomach and bowefs, with the loss of appetite, and sallow complexion, convulsions, af- fections of the head, emaciation, consumptions, and a general wasting of flesh,— the cause Of these complaints is often mis- taken by Physicians, and this is provc^ by the high testimo- nies of the Right Hon. the Earl of Exeter, the Lord Chief Baron and the Right Rev. the Bishop of Carlisle, their Graces the Dutchesses of Leeds and Rutland, the Countesses of Darnley, Shaftesbury, Mountnorris, and Cork, and many others of the first rank and character, who have both admi- nistered in their own families, and recommended to oth r- CIHSG's PATENT WORM LOZENGES, which havi been the happy means of rescuing thousands from the jaws of death in the last stage of the above Complaints. Sold by Brodie,' Dowding, and Luxl'onl, Salisbury, and most Medicine Venders in cverv town, in boxes ut'? t. 9</.' and as. lid. each, and for charitable purposes in boae « at each. r5i2J. AND GENERAL ADVERTISER OF WjLTS, 13 A NTS, DORSET, AND SOMERSET. Friday's and Saturday's Posts. FOREIGN NEW S. MILAN, Oct. 22. YESTERDAY morning, at eleven o'clock, Te Deum was performed in the Metropolitan church, in acknowledgment of the peace. The same cere- mony took place in the Chapel: her Highness the Vice- Queen assisted,-* ith all the great Officer of the Crown, and the Authorities, who were afterwards admitted to offer their congratulations.—( Moniteur, Oct. 3\.) - LONDON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10. Monitewrs to the 2d inst. have reached town, but thev contain very little news. On the 28th, a deputation from the Ser. ate'of Milan, composed of Counts Mescati, Gttiscanle, and Teste, had an audience of Bonaparte. Count Mescati, after a speech replete, with flattery, pre- sented an addiess of congratulation from the Senate of the Kingdom of Italy, on the Peace. Some of the" letters recently received from the Con- tinent state, that Bonaparte has it in contemplation to restore the Monarchy of Poland in favour of Eugene • BeauharnoiS, They also state that Bonaparte is determined to carry into execution his threat against the Spaniards, viz. that he will divide that kingdom into provinces, and give them to his favourite Generals. Joseph Bonaparte, it is said, is to he sent back to Naples. Letters have been received from Sweden to the 3d instant. A report prevailed at Gotteuburgh, on the - au- thority of communications from Stockholm, that the four principal Powers of the Baltic, Russia, Sweden, Denmark, and Prussia, had come to a determination to close that sea against the shipping of every other nation, with the ex- ception of the French. Some tise has within these two days taken place in the Funds, which is ascribed to various reports of a pacific tendency, which have been put in circulation. According to one; there have been received from France some propositions for Peace. Another repeated, that Marquis Wellcsley was on his journey from Spain, ' to commence a negociation in the Freuch capital. Letters of the 5th inst. are also said to have been re- ceived from Holland, stating, that King Louis had assured his Senate, that a General Peace might be. expected in a few months. A Mail from Malta and Gibraltar arrived on Wed- nesday. The letters from Sicily state, that the greater part of the troops that had been lately employed in the demonstration against Naples, were equipping for a new and more serious expedition. The advanced guard, con sisting of 2000, had sailed on the 23d of September, and a muebgreater forco was expected to put to sea in a few days after. The destination of the troops was kept secret; but it was generally supposed they were going to take pos- session of some of the Greek Islands, with the concurrence of the'Turkish Government. General Stewart and Sir Robert Wilson have arrived . in the Quebec frigate, from the Tagus. They bring intelligence . of a very satisfactory nature. The Duke . Del i'arque has obtained a complete and signal victory over tile French in the neighbourhood of Salamanca, and little doubt was entertained but that the Spaniards would drive the Frcnch entirely from that place. The French force amounted to about 12,000 men ; they lost one piece of camion, one stand of colours, 300 stand of arms, and about 1400 men. After their defeat, the French retired to the northward of Sala- manca. The battle was fought on the 18th ult. , Letters of the 4th inst. from Walcheren state, that from intelligence received there it appears, the Frcnch have collected 2'-', 000 men at Antwerp. A very con- siderable reinforcement hats been sent into Bevelatid. ' Dispatches were oti Wednesday, received by Go- vernment. from Spain, not from Seville direct, but by the way lif Gibraltar; they are not therefore of a very late date ; their contents, however, not having yet been suf- fered to trau- pire, it is probable they are not of a very flattering description. The sickness and mortality among our troops on the b irders of Span: continue in a most, distressing and alarm- ing degree. By tlio returns for the month of September, • the deed amo'-. ited to upwards of .1000, and in the week . from the ? fh to the loth - yf October, to near 350 ; and still th-' hospital-: were crowded with the sick. - It^ wos reported yesterday that ' General Don, to whom the co* im1ud of the island of Walcheren had been given, had declared to Ministers the necessity of evacuating it without delay, as- It must otherwise fall ' into the hands of the enemy ; and that it is incon- sequence resolved to give im mediate orders for its evacuation. " By the Materosa, a vessel Trora the riygr, Plata . and Rio de Janeiro, letters of the Ititll of August have been re- ceived from Buenos Ayres. They inform o* that the. terms of tbe proclamation of the new Viceroy Cisrieros, respecting the admission of ships iifto Rio de la Plata, have been rigidly enforced. Several vessels under English and Portuguese colours had appeared in the river, both* with cargoes and in ballast, but were all refused admission, and consequently could neither discharge nor be allowed to load,; they were ordered away within 2- 1 hours, with an, assurance that, without a licence From tbe mother country, it would be impossible to have leave to enter. It appears that there still exist, in South America, tw v parties,* one of which is favourable and tbe other averse to the new Viceroy ; both these parties- had strong votaries, but the preponderance appeared in favour of the new order of things. It would appear hy letters from. Smyrna, that Persia 5s about to make common cause with the Porta against Russia. They state that a well organised army of 150,000 men, at the head of which were several British Officers from India, was in motion to co- operate with tbe Turks. The Persian Ambassador, who has been for some time ex- pected here, had arrived at Malta, with his Secretary and suite, and were to embark shortly in one of our frigates. Sir Harford Jones is in great credit and estimation at the Court of Persia. At a meeting of the Roman Catholics of the city and county of Cork, held on the Ist inst. several resolutions were passed, declaratory of* the intention of the Catholics of Ireland to petition Parliament next session, and to co- operate in their endeavours to attain the great object of their « ishes— a release from the penal disabilities under . which tliey now labour. LORD MAVOICS DAY.— Yesterday the new Lord Mayor, the old Lord Mayor, Aldermen, Sheriffs, anil City Officers, proceeded instate to Blackfriars- brrrlgs, from whence they embarked in thefr barges, adorned with flags and streamers, and rowed to Westminster, where they visited the Courts of Law, invited the Judges to dinner, and returned in their barges to Blaekfriais,. where. they landed, and againforincd a cavalcade to'Gtuldh'all, to dinner. The upper table was ornamented by a fine portrait of tbe . King, surrounded by pillars, artificial flowers, and beautiful devices. The new Chief Magistrate-. of the City presided at this table. On his left hand were the Judges, the Attorney- General, and'otber great law officers. On his right hand sat the Duke of Norfolk, the Earl of Liverpool, Lords Bathurst, Erskine, and Moira, Mr. Perceval, &' c. On tbe other side, Sir Sidney Smith, the Spanish Minister, and the Aldermen took . their seats. There were side tables for the accommo- dation of other Members of the Corporation ; and, at the table on the right side, were the Tyrolese Deputies. These gentlemen were dve- sed in the costume of their country, and the urbanity of their manners attracted ge- neral observation. The principal table was adorned by beautiful ladies. Miss Smith, the Lady Mayoress, wore a splendid diess of white satirt, richly embroidered with silt- er, draperies of net, also crtibroidered with silver, and festooned with cords and tassels suspended from silver doves, which produced a nouvelle and beautiful appearance. Her bead- dress was feathers and diamonds. The late Lady Mayoress wore a most beautiful purple dress, with a pro- lusion of rich lace, and jewels. rAbo* t ten o'clock the Indies retired to dancing in the Council Chamber, where the Ball was opened by the Lady Mayoress and Capt. Ken- nedy, of the Navy. The Court of King's Bench was also ^ hrown Open for dancing, with the hustings in the hall, ^: id the votaries of Terpsichore enjoyed the pleasures of th* gav tuuastie roufld to a law hour. - On Saturday came on the election of Vice- Chan- cellor of toe D iversity of Cambridge for the ensuing year. The Rev. Dr. Browne, Master of Christ College, and the very Rev. Dr. Milner, President of Queen's- college, and Dean of Carlisle, were the gentlemen nominated by the Heads of Colleges; an opposition very unexpectedly took place, when the numbers were for Dr. Browne 38, and for Dr, Milner 44; the latter was of course declared by the Senior Proctor to be duly elected, and he soon after attended the Senate, and was sworn into office. Yesterday morning the remains of the Duke of Portland were removed from Burlington House, and interred in the family vault in Mary- le- bonne Church, Yesterday, in the Court of Chancery, Mr. Alexander, one of tbe King's Counsel, was appointed Master in Chan- cery, in the usual form, in the room of Mr. Orde. ELOPEMENT.— Miss Nicholson's cause was again men- tioned yesterday in the Court of Chancery. Mr. Richards stated the necessity of immediately placing the young Lady under sufficient protection, as she had avowed her inten- tion of taking tlie first opportunity of giving her guardians the slip, and running off to Mr. Giles.— Mr. Blythe, on the part of Mr. Giles and Mr. Smith, stated that they weiy ready to submit themselves entirely to the Court. The Lord Chancellor intimated that petitions ou their behalf should be presented to the Court ( which were accordingly presented in the course of the day) and he would come to a decision on the case to- morrow. Colonel WAROI. F. and Mrs. CLARKE. Yesterday Mr. Serj. Best, moved the Court of King's Eench for a rule to shew cause why a new trial should not be granted in this case, upon the grounds that at the time of the trial the Defendant had not an opportunity of bringing forward that evidence which he had subsequently obtained, and which would. shew that the verdict had been obtained by means of conspiracy and gross perjury. The Court gianted a Rule to shew cause. Crim. Con..— Mr. Garrow, on behalf of Mr. Loveden, the plaintiff iu an action of damages against Mr. Baker, moved for a rule to shew cause why the verdict for the defendant should not be set aside, as contrary to evidence, and a new trial granted.— Lord Eilenborough said, the question of fact had been fairly left, to tbe Jury, and there was no pretence for putting it to another Jury.— Rule refused. LORD LEICESTER.— Mr. Serjeant Manly, on behalf of the defendants in an action wherein the. Earl of Leicester had. obtained a verdict of 1000L damages for a libel, yes- terday moved the Court of Common Pleas for a rule to shew cause why the verdict should not be set aside, the damages being exoessive. He could not conceive how a Jury of rational men could have given such a verdict, the defendants having produced a strong justification; it was impossible Lord Leicester's character could have been materially injured by'the paragraph, therefore one shilling damages would have been sufficient.— Mr, Serjeant Best, in opposing the motion, said, if there was a new trial, he should entertain no doubt of obtainining for his noble Client a verdict for 20,0001. Sir James Mansfield observed, that great surprise had been excited by the verdict. He recollected the evidence for the plaintiff, and especially that of Mr. Mills, his attorney,, who had J'cnccd a good deal; but at last admitted, that the prevalent reports of his Lordship's character induced him to believe the para- graph alluded to him. Under such circumstances, he could not sec what damages the character of the Noble Lord could sustain. lie should be glad to hear no more of them after ; and lie advised Lord Leicester to remit tbe damages, and as much as possible avoid coming before the public; but lest his advice should be rejected, he should grant the rule. CORN EXCIIAVOE, Nov. 10— The supply of Wheat this day is considerable, with some more, fresh arrivals of foreign ; sales, however, are readily effected fully at for- mer prices.— Good Barley and Malt also maintain their price.— White Peas being in plenty this week, are lower. — Beans of each kind as before. The supplies of Oats are also considerable ; inferior sorts are dull sale, and rather cheaper.— Flour as on Wednesday. BIRTHS.] On the 31st ult. at Radley, Berks, the Lady of Sir George Bowyer, Bart, of a daughter. On Tuesday, at Holland- house, Kensington, Lady Holland of a daughter.-— On Friday last, at Corhy- castle, near Carlisle, the Ladv- of Col. Howarn of a son.— On Wednesday, in the New Road, Marybone, the Hon. Mrs. Gwyther of a son and heir.— Yesterday, in South Audley- street, Mrs. T. t5heridau of a daughter. MARRI ED ] On the 30th of October, at Dublin, Capt. Macdougall, of the 32d regiment of foot, to Miss Sheri dan.— Oil Monday, Elwes Steele, Esq. of the Navy, to Miss E. Co weber, fourth daughter of John Cowcher, Esq. of Upper East Hayes, Bath. DIED.] On Friday last, at Worlington, Suffolk, Lady Cooper, relict of the" late Right Hon. Sir Grey Cooper, Bait.— Same day, Walter Bedford, Esq. late Clerk of the Cheque at the Victualling- office, Plymouth.— A few- days ago, at Camberwell, Mr. Edward Fennel', aged 82 . years, a Member of the Court of Assistants of the Sta- tioners Company, to whom he has bequeathed the sum of 2000/ e— On the" 27th ult. at Scarisbrick- hall, Lancashire, William second son of Thos. Eecleston, Esq. aged 12 years; and on the Ist iu « fc. in his 5fth year, the said Thos. .' Ecelevton; Esq, ipuch lamented. On Wednesday, at Paddington, in the 84th year of his age, Paul Salldby, Esq. K. A.— Lately, in his 83d year, Christopher Pember- ton, Esq. many years Rec iver- Generat for Cambridge- shire.— Oil Monday, at Camberwell, Lady Rose, widow of sir John William Rose, late Recorder of London.— At Watham, Norfolk, Captain Isaac Eyles Warren. He was a volunteer in the sieie of Quebec, and it was his solemn task to support, on the rock, and witness the last moments of the immortal Wolfe.— On Saturday, at Fyfield- hou- e, Berks, in his 45th year, the Rev. Wm. Musgrave, LL. D. — Oil Sunday, at Cheltenham, io his 72d year, Major- General Duncan Campbell, of the Royal Marines.— Last week, at ' lis apartments iu Windsor- castle, aged near 90. Sir John Diiiely, Bart, of Charlton, in the county of Worcester, and many years one of the Poor Knights at- tached to the Order of the Gartei. He was a very eccen- tric character, dressed fantastically, and so fraught with vanity; that in his oltl age he thought himself an object ot admiration far the ladies, and often offered, both . person- ally and by public advertisement, to lead to the altar anv lady possessed of youth, beauty, and large fortnne ; and the failure to accept of this otter did not, at all lessen his vani ty. Wilts.— Bcchahmpton Turnpike Tolls. WHEREAS in pursuance of notices given in the manner directed by an Act of Parliament pass- din the 13th year of the reign of his present Majesty, lor l. gu lating the turnpike roads," the tolls arising upon the said turn- pike road were put up to auction, to be lett to the best bidder, at the house of William Edmunds, being the Catherine Wheel Inn, at Beckhampton aforesaid, on Monday the Gth day of Nove mber inst. at the sum of being the clear sum tHesaid tolls were 1' tt for the last year, but no bidder ofi - red ; — NOTICE is therefore hereby given, that the sai. iTC,. LS will be LETT bv AUCTION,' to'' the best bidder, at the house of ihe said William Edmunds, on Monday the 11 th day of December next ensuing, between the hours of eleven o'clock in the forenoon and two in the afternoon of the same day, in the manner directed by the said Act. Whoever happens to be the best bidder must at the same time give Security, with sufficient sureties, . to the satisfaction of the Trustees or the said turnpike road, for the. payment of tlie reiit at such time and in - such manner as they shall direct. Dated this 7th. day of November, 1809. By Order of the said Trustees, 5S05J ROBERT GRIFFITHS, Clerk andTreasurer. W1MBORNE BANK. AN unfounded alarm having been excited respecting the CREDIT of the WIMBORNE BANK, the fol- lowing Noblemen, Gentlemen, Clergy, and others, have authorized their names to be published, as a proof of their being satisfied of its perfect Responsibility, and that they are willing to take in payment the Notes of the said Bank. , Leer, mr. Humphry Longden, rev. H. Lander, D. esq. Lester, Benjamin Lester, esq. Lane, mr. William Miller, mr. R. Mayo, rev. James Muilcr, Emanuel, esq. Moore, mr. George Muston, mr. li. Mackrell, mr. William Michel!, C. W. esq. Miles, mr. Charles Moore,- mr. Joseph Manning, mr. Thomas Notley, mr. J. Neave and Banks, messrs. Notley, mr. Charles Newman, mr. William ( 1) Newman, mr. William ( 2) Oke, Gaden, and co. messrs. Oakley, mr, Richard Oakley and Drew, messrs. Okeden, D. O. P. esq. Park, mr. David Pond, mr. William Penning & Charmbury, mess. Pooley, mrs. Sarah Parmiter, mr. John Place, rev. M. W. Panton, mr. James Porter, mr, Edward Penney, messrs. Geo. and co. Pugh, rev. Hugh Reeks, mr. William Howe, mr. John Reeks, mr. John ' Reekes, mr. Thomas Roe, mes. srs. E. T. and W. Ridout, mr. John Rooke, H. esq. Randell, J. K. esq. Randell, mr. Robert Randell, mr. Richard Rebbeck, mr. John Strong, messrs. John, and co. Simmonds, mr. Moses Slade, mr. John Slade, mr. Robert Stroud, mr. Benjamin Sarjeant, mr. A. Sarjeant, mr. James Sims, mr. Joseph Smith, mr. Gould Stradling, mr. W. S. Simmonds, mr. Samuel Shipp, mr. John Spicer, mr. John Small, mr. William Self, mr. James Self, mr. Robert Short, mr.- William Self, mr. Philip Self, mr. John Self, mr. James Spear, mr. William Smart and Goodridge, messrs. Tory, mr. Richard Towsey, mr. James Tice, mr. M. Towsey, messrs. J. and Son Target, mr. John Tanner, mr. John Thring, mr. William Templeman, P. esq. Targett, mr. John Tcmpleman, rev. N. Vince, H. C. esq. Willett, J. Willett, esq. Willett, H. R. esq. White, mr. Edward Webb, mrs. Ann White, messrs. H. and Son Worly, mr, Charles White, Samuel, esq. Waters, mr. Thomas ( 1) Waters, mr. Thomas ( 2j Weston, mr. Samuel West, Young, esq. Young, mr. John Young, mr. G. B. Young, mr. George Bowles, Ogden,& co. Shaftes- bury bank Bastard, Sollers, & co. Bland- ford bank Bower, William and James, Weymouth bank Cox, Merle, and co. Dorches- ter bank Hicks and White, Ringwood agricultural bank Wilkins, R. B. Isle of Wight bank Sleat, Aldritlgs, & co. Christ- cliurch commercial bank Tunks, Dean, and Adams, Christchurch and Hamp- shire bank. [ 5656 Earl of Shaftesbury Countess of Strafford Rev. sir J. Hanham, bart. SirR. C. Glyn, bart, Allen, Edward, esq. Austen, Richard, esq. Ainsworth, mr. James Ainsworth, mr. William Abbot, mr. J< 5hn Bankes, Henry, esq. Bristovve, messrs. J. and CO. Baskett, mr. Charles Budden, mr. J. Best, mr. W. B. Butler, mr. Thomas Belbeft, mr. George Bailey, mr. John Belben, mr. Noah Butt, rev. Edward Baskett, rev. John Baskett, rev, John, jun.. Barfoot, mr. John Barnes, mrs. M. Barfoot, mr. William Butt, mr. William Biggs, messrs. H. and J. Baskett, mr. Robert Brine, Admiral James Bailey, John, esq. Baskctt, mr. Charles Barnes, mr. P. A. Brice, rev. George Tito Bowie, rev. Charles Burt, mr. Stephen Budden, mr. George Batt, mr. George Bell, J. esq. Biddlecombe, mr. John Burt, mr. John Bingham, rev. P. Clark, messrs. Samuel & John Crutchlsy, mr. John Cull, mr. Joseph Castlcman, Wm. esq. Csulie, mr. Charles Cooth and Smith, messrs. Crawford, Andrew, m. d. Crosse, mr. William Carpenter, mr. Stephen Cull, mr. George Carlton, mr. John Complin, mr. John Cheyney, mr. James Courtney, mr. William Coles, mr. Thomas Carter and Strong, messrs. Dean, mr. Thomas Dean, mrs. Mary Druitt, mr. Thomas Druitt, mr. Robert Durden, mr. Joha Evans, mr. William Eilis, mrs. Mary Frampton, nir. James Force, mr. John Fisher, messrs. W. and Son Fowle, mr. R. Fisher, mr. R. Friend, mr, Robert Fookes, inr. Henry Garland, George, esq. Garland, messrs. Joseph & CO. Goodeve, mr. W. D. Gibbs, mr. John Gould, mr. William George, mr. J. Greathed, Edward, esq. Game, mr. Thomas Gulliver, mr. Isaac Gillett, mr. Joseph Hooper, mr. W. jun. Hooper, mr. Edward Hussey, mr. G. E. I lussev, mr. J. H. Howse-, mr. William Heywood, W. C. m. d. Harris, J. G. esq. Hooper, mr. Thomas Harris, mr. William Harvey, mr. William. Hughes, mr. David Hooper, ror. John Jolliif, rev. Peter Jam- s, mr. Joseph Jenkins, mr. Henry Jolliff, mr. Christopher, jun. Jolliff, mr. Christopher Jolliff, Allen, & co. messrs. Joy, mr. Frederic Kemp, messrs. G. & J. & co. Kendall, mr. John K: - ping, mr Joseph King, mr. R. King and Johns, messrs. Knott, mr. William King, rc. v, Roc Lester, sir John, and co. Ledgard, mr. G. W. Ledgard, mr. Richard TURNPIKE TOLLS TO BE LETT. NOTICE is. hereby, given,— That the TOLLS arising at the under- mentioned Toll- gates upon the turnpike road from the North Gate of the citv of Winches over Worthy Cow- down, through Whitchurch and c.> her' places, to Newtown- riv- r, in the county of Southampton, will be LETT by AUCTION, to. the- best bidder, at tbe house' of James Blake, known by the name of tbe White Hart Inn, in the Borouih of Whitchurch, on Friday the 8th day of De- cember next, between the hours of e'e ven and two of the UNION INSURANCE OFFICE, Established in March .1797. TRUSTEES : The Right Hon. EARL CRAVEN, Sir JOSEPH SCOTT, Bart. JOHN HENRY LOFT, Esq. M. P. STARLING DAY, jun. Esq. and Aid.—& G. & C. Secretary— Mr. THOMAS BIGNOLO. IN this Ollice, all the Premium is relumed to the Insured, except what is wanted to defray the. losses. The num> er ot persons combined amounts to near 17,000, and the property insured to many millions. The returns are made to each member at the expiration of seven years from the com- mencement of his insurance, and the deposits have been found so mueh more than sufficient to meet the expenditure, that dividends of j£' 50 per cent, and upwards have been made to a very considerable proportion of the insurers, the names of a few- of whom are inserted below: Paid in Rec. ot it 0....£\ i 17 0 16 15 0 52 1- 2 ;. 26 15 .. Sfl - 6 .. 40 8 0... o.. o.. lowing sums, viz. Swan- lane Gate... £ M7 Newtown Gate ;.. 137 being the respective Sums at- which those gates are now lett for one year. Whoever happens to be the best ! : r, must at the time and place of letting give security, with sufficient, sureties, to the satisfaction of the Trust ; s/ for payment of the rent agreed for, an. l at such tithes as they shall direct, WILL MON. CKTON, Clerk and Treasurer. WuifcBuasB, ' tiev.' s, isost. ' l& t* Mr. Tntty, sen. Reading ....£ 29 15 Mr. Blow, Whittlesford 97.19 Mr. Ansa?, Newcastle 105 5 Mr. Bate- nan* Chatteris- 53 11 Messrs. Ashton & Co. St. Ives,. 52 10 Messrs. Burnett & Co. Ancliff., 80 17 ALL POLICIES GRATIS. Agent for Dorchester, Mr. Wm. Beach ; Blandford, Geo. Moor ; Btidport, W. Williams ; Cerne Abbas, R. Williams; Poole, John Foot, jun.; Sherborne, W. Harbin; Weymouth, J. Svines, jun. Farming Stock insured at the reduced rate of 2s. per ceot. without any average clause UNION OFFICE, For the Insurance of / Aces, granting Annuities, and Endowment of Children. ' TRUSTEES: • The Most N-- hie the MARKETS TOWNSHEND The Right I n. EAR! GRAVEN Sir JOSE:'* SCOT?, Bart. Sir ROB: F. T ' BURNETT, Knt. JOHN o. TTESC :, Es M. P. and Aid. JOHN HENRY t- OFT- ,. M. P. Scc. ii- fee. - Secretary, Mr. THO' \ S BIGNOLD Actuary, Mr. RICHA: > MORGAN. The advantages, of Life Inturar. are too numerous to be cor. . :> sed within the limits of a :• vV sentences ; but the great tti- . of it will be in some d jree illustrated by a single example. A person 28 years ofj age may, by an annual payment of il. 6. s. OS. insure woi, payable to his executors at his decease-; or for 231. 6s. Sii. may insure. HIQOf.; and thus, at a moderate yearly expence, secure his family from distress. THE RATES or THIS orficE ARE NEARLY 102. TER CENT. LOWER THAN THOSE OF OTHERS. The surplus cat ital, after satisfyingthe claims of the insured, is returned to them at stated periods, by additions to the sums to which their policies entitled them. The following Allowances will be made upon all insurances for the whole- duration of lifj, whicn shall be effected with this institution previous to the 31 st of December, 1809. Where the sum insured amounts to 80uI. and upwards, ( and for sums between woo and 500Z:) the whole amount of the * lamp duty I Foi sums between ' 001, and 300^. and between 500/. and 800/. an allowance of half the duty. No ckarge is made jus entrance money, for non- appear-. mice at the chief office, for policies, or for neglect of paying the annual premiums in dot time, ( except the mere interest lost by the del- ay.) The office makes a liberal allowance for the policies, if the insured carmot continue to pav the premium. The agents for the Union Fire- office are also agents for the Union Life- office,— f0 « e Concern J [ 5G4i TO be SOLD, PARKSTONE MILLS, one mile from Poole, a most desirable situation for a Miller, or any other factory that requires powSe by water. The Pre- mises consist of an Edge- tool Mill complete; a substantial brick and tile Dwelling- house, with a roomy mill house, with a water- wheel and lying 6hafts, & c. & e.;' a capital garde:-:, tastefully laid out, arid Well stocked with choice fruit trees; store- roo. oms, waggon- house^ pig- styes, & c. with a small Field adjoining, and six acres of moory Land. Immediate possession may be h: id. For particulars apply ( if by letter, post paid) to Mr. Rowden, attorney at law, Wimborne ; or on the premises. f6fS6 HAMMOON, DORSET. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by M. BAKER, at the Swan Inn, in Sturminster Newton, on Tuesday the 14th of November, 1809, at three_ o'clock in the afternoon, on such conditions as shall be then and there produced, The REVERSION ( after a life aged Si years) of all that Tenement, Orchard, Garden, and" several closes of Land ( Meadow and Pasture) thereunto belonging, siiuate in Ham- moon- aforesaid,- containing by estimation S4 acres ( be the same more or less), now* in the occupation'of Mr. John Crane, as tenant thereof, which premises are held under Wm. Trenehard, Esq. for the term of 99 years, determinable on the deaths of two healthy fives, one aged about 40 years, and theothei aged aboutn4 years. For further particulars apply to Mr. John Templeman, Dorchester, or the Auctioneer; and. for a view of the prc- mises to Mr. John Crane, the tenant. [ 5589 P E L H A M S - H O U S E, DORSE T. J aluable Household Furnitui e. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by PERCY and FORCE, on Wednesday the, 15th day of November, 1809, and two following days,— A considerable patt of tbe elegant and modern HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, the property of LEWIS WILLIAM BrtpuscKER, Esq. leaving pelhams ; comprising handsome mahogany four- post and tent bedsteads, with printed cotton, chintz, and check fur- niture; about fifteen fine seasoned bordered down and goose feather beds; hair and mill- puff mattresses, blankets, and counterpanes ; mahogany wardrobes ; book cases ; din- ing, card, Pembroke, and dressing tables; mahogany side- board ; chests of drawers ; bureaus ; wash stands ; fire screens ; ea6y and other chairs and night stools ; pier, swing, and chimney glasses; Turkey, Brussels, and Kid- derminster carpets; Rumfoid, register, and Bath stoves; fenders and fire irons ; a very good alarum ; copper furnaces ; kitchen range; smoakjack; and an excellent assortment of kitchen, brewing, and dairy utensils; also a well- tuned piano forte, maelc by Longman and Broderip. The principal part of the above furniture was purchased of Messrs. Gillows, one of the first upholsterers in London. Pclhams is six miles from Christchurch, seven from Ring- wood, six fcom Poole, and six from Wimborne. |" 50a2 Catalogues may be had on the 1st of November at the George Inn, Christchurch, and at. the principal Inns in the above- named towns. The furniture may be viewed two days preceding the sale, which will commence at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of each day. On the last day will be Sold,— A Rick of excellent ivell- made French Grass Hay ( about 13 tons), together with one dung pot, two ploughs, chaff cutter, and sonic other useful articles in husbandry. WAREHAM, DORSET. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on the Premises, on Saturday the 2d day of December, 1809 ( subject to the conditions then to be produced), unless in the mean time disposed of by private contract, of which due notice will be given, All that old and well- established, well- built Inn, called the RED LION INN, situate in Ware- ham aforesaid, and now in full trade; with the Stables, Outhouses, Gardens, Rishts of Common, and Appurtenances thereto belonging. This Inn is well known to be one of the best on the western road, having every accommodation; the premises are spacious and roomy,, and in good and substantial repair ; the under ground cellars are arched and very complete. The purchaser may have possession on St. Tho. mas's- day next.— The premises would not have been disposed of but for the recent death of Mr. Baker, the late tenant. For a view of the premises apply to Mrs. Baker, the pre- sent tenant; and for further particulars ( if by letter, post paid) to Mr. Geo. Luscomb, Portsmouth, or Mr. Bartlett, attor- ney at law, Warebam. [ 5457 ALL persons bavin; any Demand, on the late Mr. BAKER, are desired to' send in the same to Mr. Bart- lett, attorney, Wareham ; and such as are indebted to the late Mr. Baker, are requested to pay the same immediately to the said Mr. Bartlett.— WARKHAM", Oct. SO, 1S09. THE REAL JAPAN BLACKING, M A n F. BY D AY AND MARTIN, LONDON. THIS invaluable Composition, with half the usual labour, produces the most biilliant jet- black ever beheld; affords peculiar nourishment to the leather, will not soil the finest linen, is perfectly free from any unpleasant smell, and will retain its virtues in any climate. Sold, wholesale, by Day and Martin, removed to No. 97, High Holhorn, London; and by Brodie, Dowding, and Lux- ford, Salisbury, wholesale agents for the West of Fngland; Coulton, Devizes; Simmonds, Blandford; Penny, Sherborne; Clarke, Dorchester; Harvey, Weymouth ; Harold, jur.. Marl- borough ; Skelton, Southamp'on ; Martin, Lvmitigton ; Crockford, Castle- Carey; Moore, Poole; Shipp,' Blandford; and A. Tucker, Christchurch, in stone bottles, price is. ad. each. - [ 4311 For Disorders of the Head, Dimness of Sight, Defect of Hearing, THE CORDIAL CEPHALIC SNUFF. AS a proof of its efficacy, Mr. RECHAB THORN, of Itchen Stoke, Hants, writes, in Feb, 1805, to the Proprietors as folUws: " I am noipV 74 years old, and can see to read with common glasses, and my memory is as good as when I was only IS. In July 177S ( 29 years ago) I was seized with a dreadful giddiness in my head. Mv doctor gave me various medicines: ' they did me no good. He admitted th| s, and candidly advised the use of your Cephalic Snuff. I took it, and in a few weeks was much better. After this I took it more freely, and in six weeks was as well and hearty as ever, and so have continued to this day." In consequence of the increased expence of the ingredients of which this elegant and efficacious Snuff is composed, and the high duty upon the bottles, the Proprietors are under tile- necessity of raising the price to Is. 1Jd. per bottle, stamp in- cluded. [ 5669 It is sold only by F. Newbery and Sons, at the ware- house for Dr. James's Powder, No. 45, in St. Paul's Church- yard, London, and Brodie, Dowding, and Luxfurd, at Salisbury; and none is genuine, unless the words " F. Newbery, No. 45, St. Paul's," is engraven on the stamp ; and by their1 appoint- ment by Mollis, Romsey ; Anderson, and Earle, Winchester ; Thomas, Whitchurch : Maud, and Painter, Andover; Skel- ton, Hookey, Randall, Baker, and Moon, Southampton; Clarke, and Smith, Devizes; Kellaway, Fordingbridse; Lu- cas, and Thome, Ringwood; Grove, and Briel, Lymiritton ; Moore, Poole ; Hussey, and Force, W'inborne; Hurd, Shaftesbury; Frampton, and Clarke, Dorchester; Musson and Co. and Bowling and Co. Newport, Isle of Wight. This day is published, handsomely printed iu tour Volumes, small octavo, price 16s. in boards, a new Edition of THE WORKS of Mrs. CHAPONE ; containing Letters on the Improvement of the Mind— Miscellanies, in prose, and verse— Correspondence with Mr. Richardson ou the subject of Paternal Authority and Filial Obedience ; a se- ries of letters to Mrs. Elizabeth Carter; some Fugitive Pieces, and many Miscellaneous Letters. To which is added, an authentic LIFE of the Author, drawn up . BY HER OWN FAMILY. " We strongly recommend these volumes to the attention of young female readers in particular, as containing a fund of entertainment and instruction, which, may in vain be looked for in many modern publications, repeated editions Of which have been obtruded by fashion upon the public."— British Critic, January 1808. [ 467 Printed . for J. Murray, 32, Fleet- street, London; and A. Constable and Co. Edinburgh ; sold by Brodie, Dewdiny, and Luxf'> rd, Salisbury ; and by every bookseller and newsman. PRACTICAL ARCHITECTURE. The following Books, publish d by J. Taylor, High llolborn, are sold by Brodie, Dcuding, Lin ford, Salisbury : ICHOESON' 9 Carpenter and Joiner's Assistant, illustrated with 79 plates and copious explanations, IBs. bound. 2. Nicholson's Carpenter's New Guide, a complete Book of Lines for Carpentry and Joinery, with 78 plates, 15s. 3. Nicholson's Student's Instructor in drawing and working the Five Orders, su plates, 6s. boOr. d. 4. Pain's Practical House Carpenter, 148 plates, 18j. 5. Designs for. Monuments, Gravestones, Wa l ueces, and Tombs, 40 plates, 16s. 6. Elevation and Plan of Blackfriars Bridge, 5s. 7. Plans, See. of the Machines and Centering used in erecting the Bridge, 7 plates, 10s. 6. 8. Ornaments displayed to a full size for working, 33 folio plates, 15s. 9. Cooper's Designs for the Decorations of Rooms wit Pi- laster arid Frieies at large, 20 plates, iZ. is. 10. Busbv's Modern Embellisher— Designs for Drawing- Rooms, Folding- Doors, Chimney- Pieces, Varaadas, Friezes, & c. 95 plates, coloured, 11, in. ' id. [ 2083 PERUVIAN „ A K I-.. J ."> ACOJf's Dr. II uxIIAM'S genuine T1NCT1 RE - J of PERUVIAN BARK, as directed by the Royal Co. l, yt of Physicians, London. This very elegant arid'efficacious preparation has for twenty years past obtained a most decided superiority over every other. As a corroborant, or strene tbener of the solids, and as a stomachic, and for nervous complaints, it has been long unrivalled, possesssing the greatest efficacy as a tonic and febrifuge, and attended with the happiest elite ® when taken after long fevers. Sold by J. SANGER ( successor to Bacon & Co.) No. 150, Oxford- street, opposite New Bond- street, London ; and Mess. Brodie, Dowding, and Luxford, Salisbury, in bottles at 2s. !> d. and 8s. each. [- 2121 SOLOMON'S ABSTERGENT LOTION, for eruptions and impurities of the face, from whatever cause arising— as pimples, blotches, ringworms, carbuncles, black- worms, freckles, sunburn, and immoderate use of paint; it need only be tried to convince the most timid person of its superior efficacy in clearing and beautifying the tace. it is warranted to be harmless to the tendenst constitution, and innocent to the most delicate complexion ; on the con- trary this will restore the skin to its wonted pureness, and preserve it thin, soft, transparent, and elastic. N. B.— Each bottle has a certificate signed by the proprietor, without which it cannot be genuine. It is sold in bottles, with directions, pints, 4s. 6d. half- pints, 2s. od. by Messrs. Brodie, Dowding, and Luxford, Salljbu'y- [ 2650 DEVON'S ANTI- BILIOUS PILLS. From Mrs. Martin to Mr. Dixon, Apothecary. C' >— I have some vears used, and continue to use, LJ your DIXON'S ANTI- BILIOUS PILLS; as a family Aperient I do not know their equal; since I have taken them, I am relieved from a bilious complaint, particularly sick htad- acbs, which frequently were very distressing to me. I re- commend them to every family I am acquainted with, parti cularly those who live at a distance from medical advice. Yours, &- c. „. , J- HAMILTON MARTIN. Sirehmore- house, near JVoburn, Bedfordshire, March, 2, 1802. Sold by Mr. Butler, 4, Cheapside, London ; Brodie, Dow- eling, and Luxford, Salisbury ; and most medicine venders, la boxes at 2s. 9d. and iis. each. [ 55m Cases at Walton- on- the- Hill, Epsom, Surry. LUCY BAILY was four years afflicted With Scor- butic Ulcerations in one " leg, and speedily cured bv SPILSBURY's PATENT ANTISCORBUTIC DROTS V ELIZABETH MATHEWS also cured of an ulcerated lee b » taking seven small bottles. JAMES SXSLTON, aged 26, reduced to great weakness, with the loss of ninety pieces of bone, restored to health and a laborious occupation ; though the loss of his leg was thouzht necessary U) save his life. p) laJ The genuine medicine has the words " By the King's Pa- tent" expressed on the bottle, bill of directions, and o'utsido wrapper ; and tbe King's duty is printed in black ink. - Sr- M at the Dispensary, 15, Soho- square, London, in sir..- 11 bottlei at 5s. 6d. ; double bottles 10s.: and larger U. - 2s. Compound Essence, to allay unpleasant irritation, 8s. Tho Medicine to be had of Brodie, Dowding, and Luxford, Salisbury, whole- sale venders for the West of England; and Bowliug. and Co. Newport, Isle of Wight. HOPE'S HECTIC PILLS. ALL COUGIIS which are produced by Colds, Winter and Chronic Coughs,' are cuied in a very.- hurt time by these Pills, lu all the early stages of consumption, they have never yet been known to f; uL Where Heclic Fevei ha « long preyed upon the patient, these pills as- ceruinly Cure it, a » bark m intermitting fevers, la the last stage of consumption, many persons have been restored to health ; and there is 110 statu of that deplorable disease, where visible and great benefit ij apt received. r5CH) Sold wholesale and retail by G. Walker, 10( 3, Great PoitLnd- street, 2f. 9</. each box;— also by Brodie, Dowdint, and Lux- foru, Salisbury, and may be had ol all ' their agents 5c newsmen. ——— AGUES and Intermittent Fevers effectually cured bv BURY's AGUE PILLS, if ever so longstanding.— this valuable medicine has succeeded in curias a great nun- bef of persona ( after regular practice had been unsuccessfully tried) and m the experience of thirty years has never been known to f » ! L Its operation is generally imperceptible, and il may he taken at all seasonwithout danger of cold. Hitherto it has been admi- nistered gratis, but this method necessarily circumscribed its utility, and therefore has iuduced the proprietor in this manner to present it to the public. They are sold by appointment o'f the proprietor- by R. Johnston, chemist, 15, Greek- sticck, S0I10, London ; and maybe had of Messrs. Biodie, Dowding, and Luxford, Salisbury,* at 2s. Hj. each box The genuine aro distinguished by ihe name of R, Johnston, insetted ill the government stamp, and printed with b! ac^ '" k- _ CJ013 Ilobbcrds's Balsamic Elixir or Cough Drops. ' I1ERE cannot be too much said in praise of this Medicine, as expericr. ctf in almost innumerable cases has proved it the most extraordinary and beneficial discovery cvex made: it is a certain, efficacious, speedy, and easy Cure for Coughs, Colds, Asthmas and Consumptions, C. From Lord BENTIKCIC to Mr. BUTLER. OL R, I HAVE frequently experienced the'greatest satisfaction in ROBBERDS's Balsamic P. H. xir or Cough Drops ; I do not recollect one instance in which they have failed. A very old gentleman, a friend of mine, above 80 years, has takqa them in verysmall quantities these six month's, and lies found the greatest benefit fiom them, and intends persevering in the use of them. I am, Sir, your humble servant, Ramsgate, Feb. 2, 1808. K. BENTINCK.' Sold at Mr. Butlet's, 4, Cheapside, London ; and by Brodi^, Dowding, and Luxford, Salisbury, and by most medicine venders, in bottles at 2s. si. and <! J. Si. each. [ 5522 THE STONE, GRAVEL, AND LUMBAGO. ICKMAN's PILLS are a certain cure for that most painful and distressing Complaint the Stone and Gravel, in all its various forms, as lumbago, and excruciating pain in the bowels. This disease is known to proceed from a faulty secretion in the kidneys, connected with the weaknesses of their vessels. The use of Hickman's Pilis, by krating tliesa organs, restores the secretion of the Urine to a healthy state, a » 4 prevents tlietartber production of that matter wljieh forms stone and gravel. It is from success in private- practice, arid at t:; « strong recommendation of numbers who have been cured by thorn, that they are brought before the public, and expeiimc* will convince every one ul- their unparalleled efficacy against tliip fatal disorder. Sold at Mr. Butler's, 4, Cheapside, London; by Messrs. Brodie, Dowding, and Liixlord, Salisbury; and most niedicin » venders, in bottles at 2s. 9</. | each. " 155 0 EPILEPSY. r | NIIS Malady is said to have carried off the lat « JL Duk. E of PORTLAND, after he had submitted to, and sur- vived, a most painful operation. T'ie Death of die Noble Duke might, and 110 doubt did, origin'. te i: i that disease, but that Epilepsy was succeeded hy A- xiplexy is at ieast as certain. It will be seen on reference to an advertisement in the newspapers, that the epilepsy is a disease which lias, ill most cases, resisted the power of medicine, and which very commonly terminates ill apoplexy ; but that a professional gentleman has at length disco- vered a lemedy ( Dr. TAYLOR'S ANTI- SPASMODIC PILLS) which is the only preparation that was ever offered as a specific in that complaint; ami which is also a Preventive of that mortal malady the Apoplexy. In the North of England particularly, jt has been applied with wonderful success, and is there in such general request, tint orders, most anxiously p es- ing, have been received by the proprietors for fresh supplies.— Dr. Taylor's Anti- Spasmodic Pills are sold, wholesale and retail, by Barclay and S1H1, 95, Fleet Market, London ; by Brodie, Dowding, and Luxford, Salisbury ; and ad respectable medicine venders! price 4s. 6 /. per box, with explicit direbtiens. A CARD TO FA MALES. Dr. FOTflERGILL's FEMALE PILLS. THE Happiness of being a Mother is too often pre- vented by those irregularities of female health which it is m the power of, physic to relieve : iu this respect, Dr. Foihergill's Female Pills, a composition of a physician so much admired for his gre it professional, abilities, has justly gained the highest repu- tation in restoring tbe functions of female kealtli to ji regular condition, so as to enable them* to perforin, the offices which pe- culiarly belong to them.- Sold wholesale mid retail at Mr. Butler's, 4, Cheapside, Lon don ; by Brodie, Dowding, and Luxford, Salisbury, and ' iiojt medicine venders, in boxes at 2s. 9d. each. ' [. 531S Afresh Supply just received by Jirodie, Dowdiug, and Luxford, Salisbury. SOLOMON'S CORDIAL BALM OF GILEAD. IVTOTHING evinces the superior efficacy of this II celebrated Medicine more than the extensive, and, in- deed, very extraordinary demand there, is for it in this country. Many astonishing cures have been effected by it, particularly in consumptions, nervous and hvpochondiiac complaints, lowness of spiriis, and ine various direful calamities so nften attendant on youthful indiscretions, some of which have been cemmuni* cated to the public thiough the channel of the different newspa- pers, and many others have been performed which have not been permitted to be published, which, howev, r, have operated within tl-. e circle 01 private, recommendation so forcibly, as te render the demnnd lor it rapW beVontl example. Sold in bottles.*; 10 » . 6d. and 33s. t ach. [ 5491 THE SALISBURY AND WINCHESTER JOURNAL. esSET MAUWAS Sunday's Post. By Express. ® LONDON GAZETTE, PUBLISHED ON SATURDAY NIGHT, NOV. II. At the Court at Hie Queen's Palace, Nov. 8, 1309, PRESENT, The King's Most Excellent Majesty in Council. " fHIS day the Right Honourable Charles" Man- ners Sutton was, by his Majesty's command, sworn of his Majesty's Most Honourable Privj' Council, and took his place at the Board ac- cordingly. WAK- OFFICE, AW. U.— 60th Regiment of Foot,— Bre- vet M* t « r Jaina, s Grant to be Major, without purchase ;— Majt* j. P. Fitz- Gerald, from the New Brunswick Fenci- ble-, to he Mejor, vice Drumuioitd, who exchanges. BREVET.— Major R. Hamilton, on halt- pay of the Lime- rick Fentibles, and Major T. Marlev, on half- pay of the Ut Foot Guards, to be Lieutenant- Colonels in the Army. Commissi1) n signed by the lord Lieutenant of Hants.— South Hants Cavalry,— Cornel Charles Ward to be Lieu- tenant, viee Crouch resigned. [ This Gazette contains an account of the capture of the Milan French ship of war by the Seine frigate ( sec the Plymouth News), and - also accounts of two other naval captures, of little note.] BANKRUPTS. John PucVett, of Wtymout. li, merchant. Wm. Randall anil Jonathan Miuthant, of fltockbridge, Lnukeepfrl. . tame, Martin Hoiwett, of Sidmouth, haberdasher. James Betttie, of Longtown, Cumberland, draper. Vi'm. MTr. ndv, of Manchester, dealer. Wm. CroHCh. >. f Charlotte- street, Rathbone- place, linen- draper. Wm, Harco- art, of Norwich, linen- draper. Charles Coleman, of Gnswt- H- srreet Hoad, scavenger. TMward Young, of Spalding, liquor- merehant. T Lambert and S, Lambert, of Leeds, wooistaplcrs. It. B. Pouss-' tt, of East- lane, li - rinondscy, cod- merchant. J. N. BiU. inge, of iswithin's- lane, London, victualler. Joseph Holmes, of Kirkb- irton, Yorkshire, merchant. TWoinas D-, wne. s. jun. of Hereford, money- scrivener. Joseph Cooder, of Moorfields. paper- hanger, R. Fre,- bairn fic J. W: i on, of Queen- street, Oheapslde, warehousemen. James Rawstorne, of Stiorler's- eourt, Throginorton- sti- eet, merchant. LONDON. SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER COVENT GARDEN THEATRE. The tumults continue nightly at this Theatre, in the same style as heretofore, and without any. prospect of a termination! PRICES OF STOCKS THIS At Three n Clock. DAY, Bank Stock, 282 3 ft. Cent. Red. 6£> J J 3 ft Cent. Cons. 70} | J 4 ft Cents. 84} 5 ft Cent. Navy, 102g ( 5 ft Cent. 1797,— . Long Ann. 18jt j { J ' Imperial 3 ft Cents. — Irish 5 ft Cents. — India- Stock, — India Bonds, 33s. 3! s. p. South Sea Stock, — Exchequer Bills, 12s. 17s. p. Omnium, 9} p. English Lot. Tickets, Consols for Aoc. 70J § Dutch papers to the 5 th, with Paris news to the. 2d inst. were received yesterday. It appears the l'rench Legislature is not to meet till the Istof next month ; the. report of a pacific message having been transmitted here by Bonaparte appears therefore unfounded. The rumour of a negocialion, however, still prevails in tha city, and the Funds in consequence continue to rise. The Bavarians have entered the Tyrol in great force, and the natives were retiring to the mountains. The Dutch papers state that an assemblage of the Princes of the Rhenish Confederation will be held at Paris this month. The Cardinals have also been sent For from Italy, to hold a Conclave. The former are probably summoned merely to do homage to their Master,— the latter, to depose the Pope. A French army of 60,000 men is to be kept in flie Countries ceded by Austria. A Gentleman from Rotterdam reports, that the English fleet in the Mediterranean has intercepted a French convoy, from Toulon to Barcelona ; captured the convoy, and drove one French ship of SO guns, Cnd one of 74, on shore, which the French themselves burnt, and a frigate, which must be lost. A Mail from Cadiz his brought Spanish Papers to, the Stjth ult.— The health of our troops on the fron- tiers of Portugal is said to be greatiy improved. The British army is stated to muster about lt), 000 men. The French forc « beaten by the Spaniards under the Duke de la Parque was that corps lately com- manded by Marshal Ney, who is now at Paris. It was commanded by Gen. Marchand, who, moving from Salamanca in a southerly direction, meant, it is supposed, to make an attack, in concert with Soult ( who is at Piacentia) upon Ciudad Rodrigo, which ' was foreseen and provided for by the Spanish General, . tvho took a position, with IS, 000 infantry, on the " rabrhts near Tamames, where he was attacked 011 the , TSm ult. by about 1 2,000 French, and his cavalry, which were not half so strong as the French, were driven in, but the Spanish infantry remained steady, and obtained a complete victory. On the 21st the Duke was joined by Gen. Balastros with <) 000 men, aud intended marching towards Salamanca, lo drite the French from that city. The Spanish Journals contain a Declaration of War by the Supreme Junta of Spain against Denmark. Yesterday morning dispatches were received at the ' Admiralty from Admiral Rowley, at Jamaica, giving an account of the Lark sloop of war having upset, and sunk in a dreadful gale— All her crew, it is said, perished, except three men and a carpenter. By tbe Chichester packet we have received letters . and papers from Jamaica to the 10th of September.— General Carmichael has made an advantageous com- mercial arrangement - with the Spanish Government at Santo Domingo ; and the British merchants trading with that island will now enjoy the same privileges with Spanish subjects. The packet from Jamaica has also brought an ac- count of the loss of his Majesty's gun- brig Dojpinica, Of 14 guns, Lieut. Charles Walsh, Commander, upon the same station. The Plantagenet man of war, which arrived at Yar- mouth the 8th inst. sailed from Scarlscrona the 6th ult with the trade assembled at that port. The Mer- curius joined off the harbour with the trade frofla Stockholm, and were joined at the south entrance of the Great Belt on the 14th, by a convoy of .8 1 sail, itnder convoy of the Tartar, making together 356 sail. They got all safe ten leagues round the Sound, when a gale of wind at W. N. VV. and a very thick fog, dis- persed them into different Swedish ports, between Got- tenburgh and Droust, on the 31st: 170 sail got into Gottenburgh with the Plantagenet, and sailed on the Cd instant; 4- 1 sail were collected between that port 4nd the Naze; also about 60 or 70 sail bound to Hull and Leith, and parted on the 3d; SO sail of the fleet was seen under convoy of the Mercurius, arrived at the Nore. About 80 sail parted from the Plantagenet off Yarmouth ; some arrived with the Chanticleer. The Vanguard arrived at Yarmouth the 8th, parted with several of the fleet off that port. The Cerberus ar- rived at Yarmouth the Gth, with part of the fleet. The Tartar and the Lynx were left by the Commodore off the Dogger Bank, to look out for stragglers Upwards of 150 sail of the Baltic fleet were entered at the Custom- House yesterday. Orders have, we believe, been already issued to provide transports and make the other necessary ar- rangements for withdrawing the remains of our army from Spain and Portugal.— Star. Preparations are also making, for, the immediate eVacuation of Walcheren.— lb. An association is formed at Liverpool, for the purpose of suppressing the cruelty so commonly practised 011 animals. The first object of this society's notice is the over- lading and ill- treatment oi cart- horses. F. LOPEMENT.— The Lord Chancellor yesterday said, he had read the affidavit of Mr. Smith, was satisfied that he had erred unintentionally, and therefore discharged him from further attendance 011 tne Court.-^ The decision with respect to Mr. Giles was deferred. Pott Betog. FALMOUTH, NOV. 9. The rumoured plan of re- moving part of the naval establishment of this port to Milford has, it appears, been wisely abandoned. The WindsonCastle packet sailed on Monday for Jamaica ; and the Princess Elizabeth packet, 011 Tuesday, for Lisbon. The Countess of Chichester packet arrived on Tuesday from Jamaica, after losing an officer and six men by fever. Accounts were received from St. Domingo of the City being put by the British into the possession of the Spaniards. The outward- bound Mediterranean fleet, under convoy of the Frsderickstein, passed this port oil Tuesday, with a fair \ vind. The Nocton packet arrived yesterday in ten days from Cadiz. The Marquis Wellesley was expected to embark fur England on the day after her departure.— Nothing new of importance bad been heard of the armies, PLYMOTUH, November g. His Majesty's ship Quebec, of 3( 5 guns, arrived yesterday from Lisbon. Gen. Stewart, Sir Robert Wilson, and Col Waters came home in her. She sailed the 2gtb of October, at which time Lord Wellington was on his journey to Seville, from Lisbon, for the purpose of having an interview with the Marquis, Wuliesley, hefore the latter embarked for England. The recent appoint- ment of Lord Wellington, as Captain Generalissimo and Supreme Head of Portugal, has raised great con-' fidence, and given general satisfaction. The Quebec also brings intelligence that a very smart action, has been fought between the French and Spanish armies, in which the former were defeated, with tbe loss of 8000 men in killed, wounded, and prisoners, Gen. Stewart, Sir Robert Wilson, and Col. Waters sat off from hence in a chaise and four for London ; the former appears a convalescent, and has returned to Eugland for the benefit of his health. Oti Sunday last arrived a beautiful and fast- sailing French corvette, called the Milan, of 1624- pounders, and two long- nines, manned with 120 men, and commanded by Capt. M. Le Tousel; taken 011 the night of the 30th ult. by his Majesty's ship Suryeillante, Capt. Sir George Collier. She sailed from the river Loire the e\ ening before her capture, bound for G. audaloupe, and has on board a variety of stores and provisions, on account of the French Government. She threw her dispatches overboard. On Monday cjme in jR'Espiegle, of 18 guns, from a cruize. On Wednesday came iu the American brig Acteon, Thomas Mason, Master, from New York, arid last from Penzauee, laden with " sugar, coffee, tobacco, logwood, aud ivory, bound to Tonningen ; sailed on the 3d of Sep- tember, and was captured ou the I Ith of October, near Limerick, by the French brig privateer Le Charles, be- longing to B. iurdeaux, from Rochelle, and recaptured by his Majesty's ship Christian yil. of 74 grins, Captain Sir J. S. York, on the 30th of October, about five miles from Ushant. The Acteon is in a very leaky state, making two feet water in the hold. On Wednesday also came in the brig Traveller, ( Thomas Coulson, late Master,) from Gibraltar and Malaga, laden with shuuiach, raisins, and grapes ; bound to London : was captured ou the 24th of October by the French schooner privateer Confiance, pierced for 16 guns, but had only six mounted, and manned with 40 men, who took out her crew ( except one man, . Jacob Bastfield, who was pemitted to remain 011 hoard, in order to assist in navigating the vessel) ; she was recaptured or, » he 4th inst. in lat. 2<). 30. N. long. 7. 4. W. by his Majesty's sloop Pheasant, of 18 guns, Capt. Palmer. Sailed the Dolphin store ship to the Westward. Put in here, by contrary winds, the Dumber hired armed ship, with a convoy from Falmouth for the East- ward ; Sophia transport, Captain May, and several other transports, from Lisbon, with sick soldiers, and the widows of those Britons who gloriously fell at the battle ol Tala- vera, 011 board, from the British army in Portugal; his Majesty's ship Brisk, from Lisbon. Friday ( this day) sailed the Scipion, of 74 guns, Admiral Stopford, Tor Basque Roads. PORTSMOUTH, NOV. II.— The Danish ships of war, lately fitted up for the reception of prisoners of war, are to be continued for that purpose, Portches- ter Castle, being ordered to be retained as a Military Depot. It were much to he wished measures could be taken to keep the prisoners 011 shore, as it has been well proved by the Commissioners of Revision, that the expence Government is now at would be reduced to on^ fourth part, besi les allowing a number of seamen and soldiers to. be more beneficially employed. Monday.— Sailed the Comus, of 22 guns, Capt. Smith, with convoy for Lisbon; Leyden, of 64 guus, Captain Usher; l'odargus sloop, Capt. Hellard ; Blossom sloop, Capt. Beaufort; and Rolla brig, with convoy for the Downs, and transports for Flushing. Tuesday— Arrived the Iris, of 32 guns, Capt. Tower; and Royal Sovereign yacht, from Weymouth ; Sarpedon sloop, Capt. Green; Crocus sloop, Capt. Fowler; and Port Mahon sloop, Capt. Lawson.— Sailed the Ulysses, of 44 guns, Capt. Lake. Wednesday— Sailed the Sceptre, of J4 guns, Captain Ballard; Alfred, of 74 guns, Captain Watson, for the West Indies, to assist in the reduction of Guadaloupe; Iris, of 32 guns, Capt. Tower, on a cruize. Thursday— Arrived the Osprey sloop, Capt. Donovan ; and Abundance store- ship, from the Downs, the latter bound to the Cape of Good Hope.— Sailed the Crocus sloop, and Transit cutter, of - 1 masts. The Spartiate, of 74 guns, is ordered to be paid off and dismantled at this port. Friday— Arrived the Growler gun- vessel, Lieut. Cross- man, from Falmouth, with transports from Lisbon ; and Sprightly cutter, Lieut. Gordon, from Flushing. Saturday— Sailed the Freva, of 38 guns, Capt. Hayes; Orpheus, of 3G guns, Capt Tonyn, for Guernsey, to take in troops for the West Indies; and Tisiphone sloop, Capt. Love, tor Lymington.— Arrived the Linnet brig, Lieut. Tracey, from olf Havre. Went out of harbi ur the Argti, of 44 guns; and Jason, of 32 guns. We have to notice amongst the celebrations of the Jubilee on the 26th of October, the donation of Andrew Berkeley Drummond, Esq. of a fat Ox ( above forty score weight) to the. pool' of the parish of Fawley, in Hants, which was roasted whole 011 an eligible spot ou Ash Down, near the parish, It was spitted and put down to roast the preceding evening, and kept before the fire till two o'clock 111 the afternoon of the 25th, when it was cut out and di- vided amongst the poor, at tables erected on the down for the purpose, aud who were at the~ same time supplied with 100 gallsn loaves, and regaled with six hogsheads of pood strong beer, by a subscription from the gentlemen of the neighbourhood.-— The whole did great credit to the con- ductor, and the day passed off much to the satisfaction of the donors, and to the comfort of the poor, who concluded by singing " God save .. the King" in chorus, and retired with gratitude and thaukfulufcss. It is stated in a respectable provincial Journal ( the Exeter Flying Post)- that a private iu the North Hants Militia has heen sentenced by a Court Martial to receive 300 lashes, of which 100 wer< actually inflicted, for no other crime than because he had MARRIED, without having previously obtained the leave of his Commanding Officer ! On Friday the 27th ult. died, at Wickham, in the 88th year of her age, Mrs. Jane Warton, sister of the kite Dr. Joseph Warton, of Winchester College, and of the late Mr. Thomas Wharton, the Poet Lau- reat, She was herself an elegant writer, and was much esteemed for her suavity of manners, and many polite accomplishments. On Saturday the 4th inst. died Mrs. Colridge, ageel 88 years, relict of the late Rev. John Colridge, Vicar ofOltery St. Mary, Devon. On Thursday died, after a lingaring illness, Mrs. Silke, wife of Mr. Joshua Silke, schoolmaster, of Southampton. She has left a young family to regret her loss. WINCHESTER. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11. SALISBURY, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1809, The late Jubilee day was celebrated in almost every parish in this and the adjoining counties, iu sucli a way as to make the poor man's heart rejoice. It is impossible within our circumscribed limits particularly to notice all the various celebiations. We have hitherto given place to nearly every account which we have been favoured with : some further accounts appear in this page; hut we fear they will now begin to pall on the public appetite, and must therefore be excused if we decline any further details 011 the subject. At Andover, in addition to every festive celebration of the day, upwaids of 200/. was raised hy subscription, and given ill provisions and money to the poor. At th? village of Beaulieu, after divine service, the Duke of York's Ne^ v Forest Volunteers fired three vollies, and were dismissed to make room for another display— not so gay, but gratify ing to every one possessing a heart to feel— the sight of 6J0 happy human faces, round tables covered with well- dressed beef, mutt > n, vegetables, and plum- pudding, the gentry waiting on them, and rejoicing in their happiness. The Marquis of Bath gave, in commemoratian of the Jub'lee, four fat oxen to his neighbouring parishes of Honmiigsham, Corsley, Longbrldge Deverill, Moncktou, and Kingston Deverill, which, with tlie assistance of pri- vate donations, produced a comfortable dinner to every family there resident. Also ten - guineas towards the sub- scription at Frome, ten guineas to Warminster, and five guinea^ to Sutton Veny; a quart ' of strong beer to every member of the several friendly societies in each of the above vijlages, and a dinner to 120 children, in the great hall at Longleat; together with a day's pay to his nume- rous labourers and artificers, including the workmen em- ployed on the extensive improvements at that ancient man- sion under Mr. Jeffrey Wyatt. - His Lordship's Christmas gift of three fat oxen, bread, & e. to the surrounding poor has never been noticed in our Journal, though annu- ally and regularly observed ; but on the present occasion we cannot refrain from publishing the charity of this noble family, inhabitants of Wiltshire. Colonel Jervoise, ever one of the most attached of his Majesty's subjects, displayed the purest feelings of genuine loyalty, hy his liberal donations to his Majesty's ieast opulent subjects 011 the 25th ult. the 50th comme- moration of the King's Accession to the Throne, The parishes pf Britford and Stratford St. Anthony, near thi city, and Herriard, near Basingstoke, Hants, exhibited an appearance of a most pleasing and gratifying nature nearly 1100 persons were sharers of his munificence, by having a good dinner of roast beef, & c. and a plentiful supply of strong beer, 011 the lawns in front of his respec- tive mansions. The inhabitants of Britford, to evince a tribute of respect to their worthy, benefactor, offered to take the horses from the carriage on his arrival in the pa- rish a few evenings ago, aud draw it themselves to the mans'on ; which the Colonel declined permitting, by in- forming them, that the opportunity; he had of making those hearts glad on su « h an occasion, was the greatest pleasure and satisfaction that could be offered him. Lately was married, at Cbickerell, ( the seat of Charles Bowles, Esq. of WcyniQuth), Bovvlos 1' ripp, Esq. of Kingsdown, near Bristol, to Frances youngest daughter of the late llcv. Edward Bowles, of Bradford, in this county. On Thursday the 2d instr was married Yice- Admi- raJ Aylmcr to Frances youngest daughter of the Rev, T. Pearson, of Quern- Camel, Somerset. On Monday last was married Mr. C, Finch, of Moortown, near Ringwood, to Mrs. Ilill, widow of the late Mr. Hill, of Yenson, Somerset. On Wednesday last was married Mr. R. Webb, of the Close of this city, to Miss Selina Attwood, of Ensham, Oxfordshire. Lately died, at Worcester, Mr. James Charlton, land surveyor, brother of Mr. J. Charlton, of Stourton, in this county. On Tuesday morning died, at Blandford, Mr. Ed- ward Percy, aged 6' f), for many years a well- known auctioneer in Dorsetshire, 8 « v On Wednesday died, at Bath, Eliza second daugh- ter of the Rev. Dr. Bergucr, Rector of Everley, in this county. HOME MARKETS. Prices nf Corn, per Quarter— liread, per Gallon. Wheat. Barley. Oats. Beans. Bread N i. s. s. s. s. s. s. s. s. d. Salisbury, 7 102 / » U6 44 to 50 28 to 42 IS2 to 74 2 6 Basingstoke 8 92( ol20 41 to 51 30 to 38 58 to 63 2 2J Devizes, 9 90/ O131 42 to 54 ! 37 lo 42 58 to 68 Newbury, 9 95/ 0130 36 to 48 30 to 41 50 In 70 2 4 Andover 11 93 < ol26 40 to 51 27 to 40 50 to 65 2 3i Warminster 11 86/ 0120 40 to 58 35 to 47 58 to 72 Weight of the GaXlon Loaf, Sib. 11 oz.— Half Gall. 4lb, Sjos DORSET.— MILITIA GENERAL MEETING. New Almanacks and Pockcl Hooks for IS 10. ON TUESDAY, November 21, a very large and complete Assortment ot' all the BOOK and SHEET ALMANACKS, will be published By BRODIE, DOWDING, and LUXFORD, At the Printing- OJice, Cental, Salislmry, Wholesale and retail, by appointment of the Company of Stationers, London. A1 SO LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S POCKET BOOKS, and every other Annual Publication, at the lowest London prices. Oh the same day, Nov. 22, will be published, Mr. MOON'S WESTERN BOOK and SHEET ALMANACKS, FOR Hants, Wits, Dorset, Somerset, Devon, and Cornwall. These Almanacks will be found peculiarly useful to all per-, sons residing in or connected with the Six Western Counties, as daily companions for the whole year. To prevent disappointment, persons in the country are re- quested to transmit their orders without delay. * *• Those who prefer dealing for money, will be served 4 T a General Meeting of the Lieutenancy of the said County, held at the King's Arms Inn, in Dor- chester, on Tuesday the 31st day of October, IS0£ 1, for carry- ing into execution the Acts, of Parliament relating to the Militia, it was ordered and directed, that the first Meetings within each of the Subdivisions of the said county, for re- ceiving the Militia Lists and hearing appeals thereto, should be held at the times and places hereinafter mentioned, by ten o'clock in the forenoon, viz.— Subdivisions. Towns, < 5rY. ll'ben held. Whe? e held. Wareham. Wareham Dec. 4, Red Lion. Wimborne & Poole Wimborne S, New Inn. Blandford Blandford 6, Greyhound. Shaftesbury Shaftesbury 7, Red Lion. Sturminster Sturmin. Newton 7, Swan. Sherborne Sherborne 9, Half Moon. Cerne Cerne Abbas 9, New Inn. Dorchester.. Dorchester 9, County Hall. Beaminster Beaminster —— 4, White Hart. And it was further ordered, that this present Meeting should stand adjourned to the County Hall, at Dorchester aforesaid, on Saturday the 16th day of December next. By order of the Lieutenancy, ED. BOSWELL, Clerk of the General Meetings. greatly to their advantage. [ 56' 13 ^- Stewards. SALISBURY ASSEMBLY. I^ HE next ASSEMBLY will be on THURSDAY . the 33d of November. H. BROOKE, " 1 H. EYRE, U W- B. BRODIE, J Dancing to commence at eight and end at twelve. . 5614J Mr. GOOBAI. L, M. C. DEVIZES ASSEMBLY, THE SECOND SUBSCRIPTION ASSEMBLY will be at the New Town- Hall, on Tuesday the 21st of November instant. [ 5. f? i3- 2 WIMBORNE. THE First SUBSCRIPTION ASSEMBLY will be 011 Tuesday the Twenly- first of November, 1809, at the King's Head Inn. [ af. 36 STI/ HMINSTEK, Nov. 9, 1809. '" jpiIE next STURMINSTER- NEWTON BALL ALDERBURY INCLOSURE. SPREAD EAGLE INN, SALISBURY. THE Commissioners met, pursuant to notice and advertisement, and proceeded in carrying into execution the powers of the Act; but several new exchanges having been agreed on since the last meeting, it became ncccssary to make considerable alterations in and to the Award: therefore they postponed executing the same. The Commissioners give Notice,— That they will hold a special general Meeting at the Spread Eagle Irm, in the city ot New Sarum, on the 2d day of December next, for the purpose of executing the said Award ; when all persons may attend, if they think proper.— Given wider our hands this 24th day of Oct. 1809. FRANCIS WEBB. 1 ""• ' "" RICHARD RICHARDSON. 561.7} JOHN HODDING. will be on the Twenty- third instant. Pickets to be had at the White Hart Inn. f5631 MRS- BAKER respectfully begs leave to solicit the attention of her friends in general, to an entire new assortment of MILLINERY, PELISSES, and FANCY ARTICLES, for the Winter Season. N. B.— Children's Caps, Robes, & c. & c. fSGM MiUinery Rooms, Southampton, Nov. 13, 1809. E- HIGH- STREET, WINCHESTER. CRTJCEF1X most gratefully thanks her friends and the public in general for their liberal support, and informs them she is returned from London, and will open for their inspection on Thursday ntxt a new and fashionable Assortment of DRESS, and MILLINERY, Pelisses, M » ntlcs, & c. & c. Nov. 11, 1809. {" 5638 THE GRAND JUBILEE MEDAL. THE Proprietor of the Grand Jubilee Medal returns his sincere thanks for the distinguished patronage his Medal has received from a loyal and patriotic public, and as they are still worn at all the Concerts and Assemblies, begs leave to inform them he has supplied his Agems in various parts of the country with an assortment of them, particularly an elegant one in silver. Those ladies and gentlemen of Salisbury and its vicinity who were disappointed on the Jubilee day, may be provided at Mr. Harrington's, silver- smith and jeweller, cutler to the Duke and Duchess of York, and the Princesses, Catherine- street, Salisbury.— Mr. Lucas, jeweller, High- street, South- ampton ; Mr. Bailey, 2.9, Hanover- street, Portsea ; Mr. Sym- monds, circulating library, Blandford ; and Mr. Pitter, gold and silver laceman and jeweller, 4, Bath- street, Bath. [ 558- 2 WILLIAM SPARSHATT, COACH and HAR- NESS MAKER ( from Messrs. Hopkinson and Sons, London), respectfully informs the inhabitants of Sdisbury and its neighbourhood, that he has taken th? premise lately occupied by Messrs. Fort and Cooper, in Gueen- street and Milford- street, where he intends carrying on the above Trades in their several branches. Those Ladies and Gentlemen who may be pleased to favour him with their orders, may depend on their being executed promptly, and in the most fashionable style. [ 5616 PEWSEY, WILTS, NOV. 10, IS09. DSPENCER, Widow of the late Wm. Spencer, * Plumber, Glazier, Szc. respectfully informs the friends of her late Husband, the Business will be carried on as usual, with the assistance of her Son and able hands. [ 5661 TO JOURNEYMEN SHOEMAKERS. WANTED,— A good BOOT- MAN— Apply Mr. Neate, Market- Place, Salisbury. None but sober men, and good workmen, need apply. to OST out of Salisbury Market, on Tuesday the LOS' 7 th the off rump, and two notches on the pin ; the property of Mr. Counsel!, of Mark, near Wells, Somerset. Whosoever has found the said Beasts, and will give information of them to the Printing- Office, Sarum, shall be rewarded for their trouble, and all expenccs paid. If detained after this notice, will be dealt with according to Jaw. They were seen go through Fisherton turnpike gate on Tuesday last towards Wilton. [ 5663 A Small neat HOUSE Furnished,' hear Soiithamp- A 3L ton, to LETT for a few " months, on moderat t rms. [ 0648 Apply to Baker and Fletcher, Southampton. IX) be LETT, furnished, by the Year, or for Six Months,— A HOUSE in Moira Place, No. a. For particulars enquire of Mr. Skeltnn, High- street, Southampton. NEW FOREST,- HAMPSHIRE. , TO be LETT, furnished,— A HOUSE and COT- TAGE, with CoactUHousc and Stables to- each, situated on the borlers of the New Forest.- Enquire of Mr Hodkcy, Auctioneer, at Southampton ; if by letter, free of postage; TO be LETT, for the Hunting Season, A con- venient COTTAGE, sitaated in thecentre of the Hump- shire Hunt; consisting of aporlour, dtawing- foom, entrance* room, housekeeper's room, pantry, kitchen,' buck kitchen* laundry, & c.; three best bed- roofiis, and three tor. ser. yajits ; stabling for six horses, and a good Jtiftdieit sardeu. For particulars enquire of Mr. Faithfulf, Winchester, or Mrv Bell, Swan, Alresford. - " Jfc'lM — —— — —* FARM BETWEEN ANDOVER AND SALISBURY. rp() be LETT by TENDER, for fourteen years, J.. from Michaelmas 1810,-.—- A FARM, situate at Over Wallop, adjoining the western turnpike road, in the tenure- of Mr. John W. jls, containing 185 acres ( little more or less) ® f Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land. The tenant, or Mr, Richard Holloway, will shew the land; and particulars may be known on application to Mr. Toddi Andover, who will receive proposals until the 25th, day of D » cember next. [ 6606 SOMERSET. ————— « * TO be LETT by Tender, for a Term of Years, an* entered upon at Lady- dav next,— A compact and desirabls ESTATE, called HORSELEY FARM, the greatest part of which is Tithe free, situate in the sever ! parishes of Nortel Bruham, Bruton, and South Bruham, in the county of Son merset; oansjstiog of a good Fatm- House, with convenient outbuildings, and 270 acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pastur* Land,- in i ring fence,— rHorseley Farm is distant onlv two miles from Bruton, three from Castle Cary, i'pur from ' Win- cantori, and tight from Sbepton Mallet, all good market towns* Further particulars, with tbe conditions of letting, may be had at the Office ot Mr. Edward Dyne, attorney, Bruton, what will direct a person to shew the. premises. Attendance will be given at the Bluq Ball Inn. in Bruton. on Thursday the 80th day of November instant, from four ti » six o^ clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of receiving teiv dcrs in writing, specifying the highest yearly rent that will b ® Ilises. snhipnt lo nrmrtitinn. PELICAN OFFICE, For INSURANCE on LIVES and granting ANNUITIES. THIS Office was established in Lombard- street, London, in the year 1797, by a numerous and respect- able Proprietary; and the Board of Directors, with confidence, arising from the increased prosperity and permanency of the establishment, as well as from the experience of its useful- ness and benefit to the public, think it due to those who may be still unacquainted with the importance and advantages of Life Insurance, briefly to suggest some of its leaduig and pec culiar recommendations to almost every degree and rank in society. Life Insurance is of manifest consequence to all who hold estates for life, situations and offices, civil, ecclesiastical, or professional^ to officers in the army and navy, & c.; as, by payment of an annual premium, the party insured is enabled to provide for wife, children, orothers, whose future welfare he may wish in vain, by other means, to promote. It affords a permanent ultimate security to those who advance money upon annuities or otherwice. It renders leases, determinable on one or more lives, nearly equal in value to freehold estates, as an insurance to the amount of the fine, payable on the demise of a party nominated in such leases, will produce the sum required for renewal. It is a cheering refuge to parties engaged in extensive and speculative undertakings ; it affords to persons in ttade the certain means of indemnification against a bad or doubtful debt; in short, Life Insurance, established in policy, sanctioned by government, and con- firmed by the test of experience, is become, to almost every situation of human life, a measure equally important, useful, and beneficial. Annuities are granted upon the most equitable terms, under special Act of Parliament, granted to this Office. THOMAS PARKE, Sec," COMPANY'S AGENTS at Salisbury, Mr. Burrough; De- vizes, Wm. Cook ; Portsmouth, T. C. Mottley; Lymington, J. Wesi; Ringwood, C. Hodges; Bridport, J. Williams; Beaminster. Wm. C'lift; Weymouth, Thos. Richardson; Bristol, Wm. Reid ; Taunton, C. Drake; Bath, FI. Mailt; Martock, J. Crabb. [ 4003 A genteel Residence for a Family, in a pledsant and healthy part of the West of Englaad. TO be LETT, for a term ol years, and entered upon immediately, A handsome DWELLING- HOUSE., either Furnished or Unfurnished ( plate and linen excepted), with a six- stall- stable, coach- house, harncss- hduse and large room over, a court- yard in fiont of the dwelling- house walled in and well planted with choice fruit- trees, and a small green- house. The dwelling- house consists of two entrance- halls ( in one of which is a very spacious and light staircase), lofty and well- proportioned drawing, dining^ and morning rooms ; study or library 18 feet square and 1- 2 feet high, seven convenient bed rooms and dressing room, with closets, and three attic rooms for servants; housekeeper's room, two good kitchens, niost excellent arched larder, large under- ground arched wine and, beer cellars. The premises have been lately fitted up hy the owner with every domestic convenience, aud fit for the recption of a large family. The house is situated in the pleasant market- town ot Blandford, on the great western road from London to the Land's End, and within a short distance of that very fa- shionable and much frequented watering- place Weymouth, the surrounding country very beautiful and abounding with game, fox- hounds and several packs of harriers kept in the neighbourhood; the roads particularly good. Further particulars may be bad by applying to Mr. Mon- day, solicitor, Blandford; if by, letter, postage paid- [ 4- 271 given for the premises, subject to the ooriditiorw. BKUTON, NOV. 3, 1809. [ 565S CAPITAL NAVY TIMl^ ER.— HANTS. rFO he SOLD by AUCTION, at the CROW*, J. Bipckenhurst, on Tuesday tbe 21st of November, 180^, at twelve o'clock, together or in lots,- One Hundred and Nine prime OAK NAVY TIMBER TREES, of 31 feet meetings and upwards, now standing and numerically m: rke<\ in the manor of Brockenhu. rst, about four miles from Ly- mington, with the Lops, Tops, and Eark thereof. Also a considerable number of FIR TREES, now felled and lying in Brockenhurst Park. Mr. Peter Jenvcy, of Brockenhurst, will shew the timber, of whom printed particulars may he had, as wall as at the place of sale. [ 51," os CLATTERFORD, ISLE OF WIGHT. TO be. SOLD by AUCTION, by LOVE, AND PALMER, at the Bugle Inn, in Newport, on Saturday the 25th of November 1809, at four o'clock in the afternoon, — All that substantial and well- built Freehold COTTAGE, situate at Clatterford, in the parish ' of Carishtooke, Isle of Wight, late the property of Mr. T, Noyes, deceased; com-, prising a large underground cellar, two front parlours, kitchen arul pantry, four, good chambers, and two attics ; a garden at the back, and a lawn at the front of the premises, with a well of excellent water..— The above Cottage is d lightfully situate near the village of Carisbrooke, about a mile from the town of Newport, with a picturesque view of Carisbrooke Castle, &>. For further particulars and a view of the premises, apply to Mr. R. Noyes, at Great Pann Farm, or at the respective office^ of the Auctioneers, at Newport, [ 5658 NEW FOREST, HANTS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at I. yndhurst, by order of the Right Hon. Lord Glenbervie, Surveyor-. General of his Majesty's Woods, Forests, See. on Thursday the 30th ( lav of November, 18& 9,—" Thirty- seven ENDS of small BEECH TIMBER, in four lots, in New Coppice En- closure ;— also a large quantity of Coalfirc CORD WOOD aud BAVINS, as will be expressed with the conditions of sale. For further particulars enquiieof Joseph Mortimer, Esq Owct. ' [ 5644 ,—.. .... ,. ——. Freehold Tenements.—,— Ramsey. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by CLEMENT SHARP, at the White Horse Inn, on Wednesday the 22d of November, at si* o'clock in the afternoon, subject to such conditions as will then be produced, Lot 1— FIVE TENEMENTS, situate in the Hundred of Romsey, now In the occupations pf Holloway, Moodvrt Thomas, and others. Lots— PART of a HAY RICK, standing m Rack Close, near Priestlands. At the same time will be LF. TT, to the highest bidder,— The said CLOSE of LAND, containing- about two acres, b, e the same more or less. - For particulars enquire of the Auctioneer, at his Cabinet and Upholstery Warehouses, in RomSey. [ 5637 TO BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, & c, & c. TO be DISPOSED OF, in one of the pieasantcst and most populous Towns in the South of Eniland,— A well- established BUSINESS in the BOOKSELLING and STATIONARY LINE; together with the House, Outhausis, & c. & c. The Stock is entirely modem, and consists of such articles only as are hi daily request. The House is new, sub- stantial, and commodious; contains, on the ground floor, a large shop, parlour, kitchen, pantry, itc.; on the iirst story, a handsome spacious drawing room, a bed ; oo: n, and larga closet; on the second floor, a very large dining room ( bow- window), and a bed room ; and four good " bed rooms on the attic story. The outlet consists of a square court yard, with a pump and well cf excellent water, a workshop, store loft, coal houses, tic. & c. The whole of the premises are in very good repair, being built not more than ten years : situated iii the centre of the High- street, by far the most eligible situation for business of any in the town. They ate leasehold for nearly nine hundred years unexpired, at the low rent of 6s, lid. per annum. ThfyLand- tax is redeemed. If any accommo- dation to the purchase!*, LOOPI. may lay on mortgage; and if requested, the I louse will be sold separate from' the Stock in Trade. For further particulars and to treat for the purchase, apply in person, or by letter ( post paid), to Mr. S. Thompson, proprietor and occupier, Newport, Isle of Wight. S^ To prevent unnecessary trouble, none but principals will be treated with.— Oct. 19, 1803. [ 5183 HAMPSHIRE. Manor of Hordle, with Taddiford, and other Farms and Lands, TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, The MANOR of HORDLE, in the county of South- ampton, with Comts Baron, Copyhold and Leasehold ES- TATES on lives, Royalties, Immunities, and Appurtenances belonging thereunto.— The Manor is nearly ten miles in cir- cumference, and is most congenial to the rise and support of all descriptions of game. 1 ' In the Manor is comprised the valuable Freehold Farms 0$ Taddiford, Picks, and - Becktort, containing upwards of 40ft acres of most excellent arable, pasture, meadow, and coppice land, tythe- frce, with a good farm- house, barns, stables, and all requisite out- buildings ; unlimited rights of pasturage, tui- bary, and pannage, in the New Forest; and land- tai redeemed. This most desirable estate is situated in the parish of Hordle, in the county aforesaid, neatly within a ring- fence, close ( q the sea, which washes its southern boundary, an< 4 fronv various parts of the estate the most delightful and extensive sea views of the Isle of Wight and the Channel, as well as those of rural landscape, are obtained. The shore abounds* with froii sjone, where is also found a species of coal, by nq means precluding the opinion that this valuable production, in a more perfect shape, may be concealed under the surface of the estate, which, if once ascertained, would render the property incalculable in value. That desirable manure,- matl. is also found in plenty on the premises. Adjoining this property, and within ( he manor, is anothes FREEHOLD ESTATE, of less extent, but having an excel- lent Mansion- house on it, which is also to he Disposed of. Further particulars rr^ ay be known on application to Mr. Richtnan, solicitor, Lymington, Hants, at whose office a plati of the estate may also be seen. [ 5192 PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY W. B. BRO. D1E, J. DOWDING, AND J. LUXFORD, AT THE PMNTIN^- OEFICE, fANAL, SALISBURY; Where Orders, Advertisements, and authentic Articles of News are received ( Postage paid). by Ae FKKTERS and BO « * SEM. ERSI( the West of England; by the respective NI W^ SSEK; and in London by Messrs, TAYLER and ^' EWT. ON, No. 5, Warwick- Square, Wary$ k- Lare, Neyvgt if- Street , and Mr WJI. K1F, BAOL^ LKR, Pat? rnc » t<! r. fc<. «
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