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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset


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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset

Date of Article: 10/04/1809
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Address: The Printing Office, Canal, Salisbury
Volume Number: LXXIV    Issue Number: 3764
No Pages: 4
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SALISBURY AND WINCHESTER JO AND GENERAL ADVERTISER OF WILTS, HANTS; DORSET\ AND SOMERSET\ ro. rr ttf • ' » ' o -[ NUMBER 3754. VOLUME LXX1V.] MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1809. PRICE SIXPENCE. / Stamp Duty.... 3 jrf. \ Paper ami Print, Sid. Monday's and Tuesday's Posts. FOREIGN NEWS. BRANNAU, March 12. ALL the information which we receive con- spires to announce that an extraordinary move- ment of troops is remarked upon the Austrian frontiers, and that 011 the other side the French troops are advancing ; so that if hostilities break out, the fron- tiers of Bohemia will probably be the theatre of war. Five corps will, it. is said, assembl there. FnANKro. iT, March 22. Swabl* begins to be filled with French troop , which arrive from all quarters. A part of the di. sion <. f General St. Cyr, which had gone into can- tonments near Nancy, has already repassed the Rhine. Legrand's division, which was stationed at Menu, is ex- pected in a few days. The divisions of Molitor and Boudet, whiih were in the provinces of Lyons and Burgundy, are hl- o on their march for Swabia, where they will quickly arrive. From another quarter we learn, that from 20 to 25,000 French troops are going to Swabia by way of Geneva. LONDON, MONDAY, APRIL Dutch Papers to the 31st ulj. reachcd town yester- day. France and Austria continue their exertions for opening the campaign with vigour. The French armies destined for the attack upon Austria are, of course, to be commanded by Bonaparte in person, assisted by Berthier, D'AvotJSt, Massena, Lel'ebvre, and Bernadotte. It is also stated that Augereau is again to be employed. The Austrian army will can-. ist of live grand divisions, of which the Archduke Charles is the Generalissimo, uncontrouled by the < Udie Council. The Generals to be employed under him are Bellegarde, Hohenzollern, Schart/ enberg, Ro seinberg, and Licbteostein.— Bonaparte has not yet quitted Paris ; and it appears even by the Dutch accounts that the Austrians are the most forward in their preparations. The ttlarm lest they should break into Saxony had not subsided. COMMON HALL.— On Saturday the Livery of London assembled in Common Hall at Guildhall, when the Lord Mayor stated that he had called them together in conse- quence of a requisition, to deliberate on an important question, which they might dispose of as they thought proper.'— Mr. VVaithman then came forward, and after some severe remarks 011 the conduct of the Lord Mayor, in attempting to prevent tbe Livery of London from ex- pressing their sentiments on the late detected abuses in high departments, stated that as the decision of the House of= Commons had been directly opposite to that of those by whom they were delegated, it was necessary for the people 10 express their unequivocal sentiments 011 the sub- ject ; and as the dauntless spirit of an individual had never- theless effected that which various Committees had failed in doing, it was the duty of the people also, as it was their indubitable privilege, to express their sense of such public Virtue, and their determination to support that individual by whom it had been displayed. The removal of the Duke of York from the office of Commander in Chief, the ex- posure of the sale of offices in Church and State, the de- tection of the scandalous abuse of patronage in the India Company, were all attributable to Col. Wardle. He had been opposed by the leaders of the three parties in the House of Commons, and supported only by a few honest men, a few disinterested stragglers; but by undaunted courage, by unwearied perseverance, he had obtained a victory for the people of England, and he now called on the Livery to express their sentiments of such conduct.— He then read a string of resolutions, purporting that it had long been matter of notoriety, and had lately been ' proved beyond a doubt, that abuses of the most corrupt nature and ruinous tendency existed in various branches of the Administration of public aifairs; that to detect such abuses, and expose those who had connived at, or partici- pated in them, required no small degree of virtue, inde- pendence, and patriotism, all of which have been eminently displayed by Gwyllym Lloyd Wardle, Esq. in the late en- quiry; that the" said G. L. Wardle, Esq. is therefore en- titled to tlie thanks and gratitude of the Common Hall; that on the same principles the Common Hall highly ap- prove of the Conduct of Sir F. Burdett ( the seconder), Lord Folkestone, Mr. Whitbread, Sir S. Romilly, and the rest of the 129 honest and independent Members, who sup- ported Mr. Wardle's proposition on the 15th of March, and trust that, uninfluenced by party or feelings of interest, they will support every measure calculated to remove abuses and root out corruption; that these abuses form only a part of a corrupt system, and no permanent good can arise from the late investigation, unless followed up by a general reformation of public abuses; that the Corpora- tion of London did, in petitions presented to both Houses of Parliament during the last Session, state that their burthens bad been considerably augmented by gross abuses in the management and expenditure of the public money, and by a profusion of sinecure places and pensions; that no measure to remove these evils had yet been adopted ; that it. has since appeared, by a report of the Committee of the House of Commons, that 78 Members of that House are iu the receipt uf 178,9.91/. per aunum out of the public money, which must give a preponderating and dangerous influence to Minister ; that if any doubt could remain as to the baneful effect ol such influence, it has been exempli- fied by the rejection of Mr. Wardles late proposition in Parliament, against evidence and the sense of the country; that other Governments have crumbled into ruin,— other States have been subverted by the folly and vices of their rulers, and unless this overwhelming tide of corruption is resisted by temperate and timely reformation, it must inevitably had to the ruin and subjugation of this country; that it will be expedient for the Livery of London, during the present Session, to meet for the purpose of laying a statement of their grievances before Parliament, and pray- iug a redress of the same. He concluded with moving the first resolution, which was seconded by Mr. Miller.— Sir Wm. Curtis attempted to address the Livery, but could not be heard for hisses and groans.— The Lord Mayor en- treated that order might be kept, and that the worthy Alderman might be heard. Sir W. Curtis then stated his dissent from the declaration that a corrupt system of Go- vernment existed; Unfair endeavours had been made, both in and out of Parliament, to criminate the Duke of York, but he was firmly convinced from the evidence that the Duke was free from all corruption and guilt, and upon that conviction he had given his vote; some corrupt practices had existed through the machinations of the Duke of York's mistress, but not with the privity of the Duke himself. ( The worthy Alderman was heir obliged to retire, his voice being drowned with h'isses and cries of " No Con- tractor.") Mr. Wm. Payne proposed an amendment, by including the name of General Ferguson in tbe thanks to the minority on the 15th of March; which being adopted, the several resolutions passed unanimously.— Mr. Waithnian then moved the thanks of the Hall to Mr. Alderman Combe, fur the support he gave Mr. Wardle's motion, and for his uniform independence and incorruptibility in Parliament; and a resolution that Messrs. Curtis, Price, and Shaw, the other Representatives of the City, had by their recent conduct shewn a contempt and disregard for the opinions and interests of their Constituents, and a base subserviency to the will of Ministers, and are therefore unworthy of the confidence of their fellow citizens; both which resolu- tions passed unanimously. Mr. Waithman next moved that the Lord Mayor, by refusing to convene a Common Hall on three different requisitions, by presuming to dic- tate the terms and object of the present requisition, by the reluctance he afterwards evinced, and by the trouble arid delay he had created, had shewn a contempt and disregard of the rights and privileges of the Livery, and is unworthy the confidence of his fellov^ c'tizens. The Lord Mayor expressed great indignation at this motion, and at first refused to put it; hut after much clamour, he changed his mind, in order, as he said, " to preserve the peace of the City," and called for a shew of hands, when only about • even persons appeared against the motion, and all the rest for it. Mr. ( Join moved tbe thanks of the Hall to Sir. Waithman, for his manly conduct iu bringing this business forward; which having passed unanimously, the meeting vas dissolved. MARK- LANE, Monday, March 27. We had a plentiful arrival of most soj^^ tf grain fresh up for this day's market. The mcalingiratle for Wheat proved extremely brisk at the opening for sppeifmc saiWjles, White especially; and there being a largeMyapotKoan- gf that quality than we have seen for some time^ ost, - an Trance ot 2s. per qr. was complied with for such; SOt Red Wjjieat and inferior White did not equally participate" S& ijrin the rising value or the readiness of sale, some quantity , anding over the day. Rye is nearly Si. per qr. cheaper again— White Peas 12s. to 15s.— Tick Beans 2s. to 4s. middling and coarse Barley as much— Oats Is. foi the best, and 2s. for light Horse Corn— With rather a dull trade for all. Red Clover seed is much wanted, but did not exceed in value this morning the terms lately quoted, except for some small parcels singularly fine. The currency in other respects has found little variation, as' per particulars subjoined : Me ding Red Wheat 62s. to 84s. 86s. fine 87s. to 88s. ditto White 52s. to S0.5. 86s. fine 88s. to 90s. 92s. sup. 93s. to 95s. ditto Black Gos. to 78s.— Rye 50s. to 58s.— White Peas 84s. to 116s. Boilers 100s. to 125s. Grev l'cas 50s. to 55s.— Horse Beans, new, 56s. to Cos. Tick Beans, new 44s. to 46s. 48s. sup. 43*. to 50s.— Barley 25s. to 34s. . Malting 38s. to 44s. fine 45s. to 46s.— Mult 72s, to 76s. fine 78s. to 80s.— Oats, long feed, 26s. to 35s. short 36s. to 39s. Poland 44s. Seed 45s. to 48s. perqr.— Trefoil 12s. to28s. fine 30s. to47s. per cwt.— Rye Grass 9s. to 23s. to 48s. per qr.— English Household Flour 78s. to 85s. per sack. ADMIR. U. TY- OITICE, 16th March, 1809. WHEREAS several Lieutenants of his Majesty's Fleet, who are not employed, have omitted to send to this Office information of . the places of their residence ; it is the direction of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, that such Lieutenants as come within the above description do forth- with. trunsmit to this Office their respective Addresses ; and that suck of them as arc incapable, of service, either from age or bo- dily infirmity, do report the same, and in the"! utter case trans- mit a certificate from a Surgeon of such inability, that their Lordshivs ' may judge how Jar it may be proper to call upon them for service. W. W. POLE. [ 1089 II. H. IN consequence of the QUARTER SESSIONS failing on TUESDAY the 11th instant, the II. H. Meeting is POSTPONED until the DRY following. 1250] HENRY ST. JOHN MILDMAY. II. H. THE next Meeting of the II. II. will be held at the White Hart Inn, Winchester, on WEDNESDAY the 12th of April 1809. W. GREENWOOD, Ess. Istewards SIR H. ST. JOHN MILDMAY,/ bteWdras' N. B. The following Horses are named for the Cup : Mr. Dtummond's Hotspur. Mr. Nunes's Somerset. « Mr. Lowth's Repeater. Mr. Graeme's Burfcrd. AttJ. for the Sweepstakes: Mr. Atkinson's Coachman. Mr. Villebois's Aro Pretender. Colonel Sprye's Traveller. Lortl Rodney's Cockney. Sir Henry Mildmay's >/ rs. Clarke. Mr. Drummond's Bir ' Ingham. The Hsrses to start at one o'clock precisely;— and Dinner to be on table at six. [ 1053 TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. OTICE is hereby given,— That the BOUN- .1 _ TV • t_ A/ TTT T*/" VXT n .... „ ( N DARIES of the Parish of MILTON, in the County of Hants, will be PERAMBULATED on Tuesday the 25th of this instant April,— Dated at Milton, April 4, 1809. WM. HOOPER, Minister. ,188] JOHN BRAMBLE, ^ Churchwardens. Hampshire Association for Prevention of Robberies, tfc. and Prosecution if Offenders. NOTICE is hereby given, that a general Meeting of the Subscribers to the above Association will be held at the Star and Garter Inn, in Andover, on Saturday the 15th day of April inst. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of examining and settling the Treasurer's accounts, anu to consider of the propriety of renewing the subscription. RICHARD FOOTNER, Solicitor to the said Association. ANDOVER, April 5, 1809. ft 191 N. B. Persons desirous of beboming Members are requested to attend the meeting, or send their names to the Solicitor. Nearest Roadfrom London to Southampton, THROUGH ALTON, BISHOP'S WALTHAM, AND BOTLEY, OVER NORTH AM BRIDGE. ON the 25th dav of March last commenced a Re- duction of the " toils upon Post Chaises and other four- wheel pleasure Carriages, public Stage Coaches and Wag- gons, of one half the former amount at all the gates between Southampton and Bishop's Waltham. The distance from London to So uthampton by this toad is considerably shorter than by way of Winchester; it is more free from h'dls, and since the above reduction of tolls is be- come preferable in every respect. [ 1179 ORCHESTON SAINT GEORGE IN'CLOSURE. 1. TOIIN GALE, the sole Commissioner appointed by an Act of Parliament lately passed, intituled, " An Act for inclosing Lands in the several tythings of Orci. eston Saint George, in the county of Wilts," do hereby give notice, that 1 do intend to hold my first sitting for x : uting the pur- poses of the said Act at the house of Will on Lawes, being a fommon inn or public- house calle ' the Crown, situate in Tilshead, in the said county of Wilts, on Monday the 17th dav of April next, at ten of the clock in the forenoon: at which sitting a Banker is t be appointed, agreeably to tbe provisions ofthe genera! .. iclosure Act.— Dated this a lit day of March 1809. JOHN GALE. NORTON BAVANT INCLOSURE. WE whose names are hereunto subscribed, Com- missioners named and appointed by virtue of an Act of Parliament made and passed in the 45th year of the reign of his present Majesty King George the Third, intituled " A • Act tor dividing certain Lands in the parish of Norton Bavant, in the county of Wilts," do hereby give Notice, that we shall hold our next Meeting at the Angel Inn, at Warminster, in the said county of Wilts, on Monday the 24th of April next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of reading over and executing our Award; when and where tbe Pro- prietors may, if they think proper, attend. Witness our hands the 13th day of January, 1809. GEO. BARNES. Witness RD. JNO. COUGH, JNO. CHARLTON. Clerk to the Commissioners. [ l 184 EDUCATION. HAVING taken a house in the Polygon, South- ampton, to which it is their intention to remove during the Midsummer vacation, the Miss LUDLOWS presume to make known the general outline of their plan. They propose to receive sixteen young ladies; and it will be their aim to unite every female accomplishment with those solid and domestic qualifications which must be the object of every thinking parent. Their time will be entirely devoted to their pupils, and by this means they trust even the hours of recreation will not be destitute of improvement. As it is their wish to render school as much as possible like private tuition, the more abstruse studies will be pursued in the mornings; and. m the evenines, which the young ladies will always pass in the Miss Ludlows' society, it will be at- tempted to blend amusement with instruction. The Miss Ludlows have permission to refer to many re- spectable friends, as well as the parents of several of their pupils, fir testimonies in their favour. [ 1173 Cliristchurch, Hints, Mdrchli, 1809. DORSET LOCAL MILITIA. AT a general Meeting of the Lieutenancy of and for the said county of Dorset, held at the County Hall in Dorchester, on Tuesday the 2Sth day of March last past, for taking into consideration his Majesty's pleasure, signified by the Secretary of State's letter, dated the 24th of February last, for appointing the times and places for training and exercising the Local Militia of the said county for the present year, and in case it should be judged expedient such training and exer- cise was allowed to be performed at two distinct periods in- stead of one. It was therefore directed and appointed, That the two Bat- talions of Local Militia to be raised for the said county, be trained and exercised for twenty- eight entire days at the time and places following; namely, That the Eastern Battalion be assembled for the above pur- pose at the town of Blandford Forum, in the said county, on Monday the first day of May next, at nine o'clock in the t'ore- n° That the Western Battalion be also assembled for the above purpose at the town of Dorchester, in the said county, C" Mon- day the first day of May next, at nine o'clock in the toienoon; being the time and places adjudged least inconvenient to the public, regard having been had to the local circumstances of the county, and to the season most important to the course of industry and cultivation within the same. It was also ordered, that the Clerk of this Meeting do issue orders to the. Constables, Titbingmen, and other Peace Offi- cers within this county, stating the time and places so ap- pointed for assembling the said Militia, directing notices thereof to be served on the persons enrolled, in pursuance of the directions contained in the several Statutes in that case made. And it was also orderetl, that the Clerk of this Meeting do give notice of the time and places so appointed in the news- papers circulated within this county. By order of the Lieutenancy, E. BOS WELL, Clerk of the General Meetings. DOH. CBESTES, April 10, 1809. [ 1202 SOUTHAMPTON, March 16, 1809. MESSRS. C. and E. WARREN tun ing taken the Business of the late Mr. R. TAYLOR, STONE MASON, humblysolicit a continuance of the favours of the friends and customers of the late Mr. R. T. as their utmost endeavour will be to give every satisfaction to their employers. Mr. C. Warren also embraces this opportunity to return his mcst sincere thanks to his numerous friends for the very libe- ral support he has hithert" experienced. [ 1154 SOUTHAMPTON, Aprils, 1809. JOHN TURTON, 45, High- street ( late French- street), mcst respectfully informs his friends and the public that he is just returned from London, where he has purchased an elegant assortment of FASHIONABLE PRINTS, Muslins, Shawls, Turbans, Ribbons, Veils, Laces, Lenos, Gloves, French Cambric Pocket Handkerchiefs, Silk ditto, & c. & c. which he is determined to sell very low. J. T. begs leave to acquaint those Ladies who are in the habit of purchasing goods to give the poor, that he has bought largely of several articles well adapted, both for durability and cheapness, which he will sell to them at cost pricc. N. B.— Country Shops supplied with all sorts of Drapery, Hosiery, and Haberdashery Goods, at the London prices. *„*' From 6 to 7000 yards of remnants, in Prints, Muslins, & c. will commence selling on Wednesday next. [ 1205 QUEEN's ARMS TAVERN AND HOTEL, Newgate- Street, London. JSTAPLES returns his sincere thanks to his • friends arid the public in general for the liberal en- couragement he has received since taking the above; and begs leave to inform them that he has fitted it up with the best accommodations for Gentlemen and Families. J. S. hopes, by constant attention and moderate charges, to merit their future favours; assuring them he shall spare no expence in procuring his Wines and Liquors of the very best quality, and in furnishing his Larder with every thing in season. N. B. From the centrical situation of the house, he presumes his friends, and country gentlemen, will find it particularly convenient. [ 1220 A CARD. ! V¥ R. ANSELL, SURGEON, APOTHECARY, and ITA MAN- MIDWIFE, being settled at Warminster, takes the liberty of soliciting the patronage and support of the in- habitants of the town and its vicinity. Mr. A. having been several year? in the army, flatters him- self that his. professional abilities will bear the strictest scru- tiny; and hopes by his attention and exertion to merit the confidence of those who may do him the honour to employ him. [ 1216 CHEAP TRAVELLING. SALISBURY, Inside .. 16s. od. .. Outside .. 10s. Gd. ANDOVER 10s. 61/ 7s. Od. By the OLD SALISBURY COACHES, from the BLACK HORSE INN, SALISBURY, to the BELL and CROWN INN, HOLBORN, and the SARACEN'S HEAD INN, FRIDAY- STREET, CHEAPSIDE, every day ( except Saturday) at half past three o'clock. All parcels sent by these Coaches, and by the Salisbury Expedition Coach, will be received without any charge for booking, and will be safely and expeditiously delivered to all parts of London and Salisbury, without any charge for porterage, N. BROWN, T. FAGG, II. WHITMASH, W. PENNY, 643J and Co. PROPRIETORS. CHEAP TRAVELLING. SALISBURY COMMERCIAL COACH, from the THREE SWANS, SALISBURY, to the BELL SAVAGE, LUDGATE- HILL, LONDO- . Performed by EDWARD PROCKTER, 637] * GEORGE MATCHAM, and CO. SALISBURY, Inside .. 16s. od... Outside.. 10s. 6d. ANDOVER, 12s. Od... 8s. od. POOLE, April 3, 1309. PETER LODGE and Co. Anchorsmiths, White- sviiihs, Braziers, Edge Tool- makers, Gunsmiths, and Furnishing Ironmongers, respectfully inform their friends and the public, that they have opened their Shop in FISH- STREET, where they have laid in an entire new Stock of useful and or- namental Goods, of the most modern and elegant patterns. They avail themselves of this opportunity to thank their friends* for favours already conferred ; and beg leave to add, they hope by strict attention to merit a continuanceof them. N. B. Ship's Iron- work, Mill- work, Bell- hanging, and every other work connected with their various branches, ex- ecuted, with punctuality and dispatch. [ 1128 BSTROUD, sen. Upholsterer, Auctioneer, and • Sworn Appraiser, Market- Street, Poole, most respect- fully informs the public, that he has opened commodious WARE- ROOMS, replete with every branch of useful and ornamental Household Furniture, with a new and extensive assortment of every article appertaining to the above branches, on the most moderate terms. A great variety of handsome modern Carpets, planned to rooms without waste. Choice collection of Paper Hangings, hung with neatness and dispatch. Houses completely fur- nished on the shortest notice, with a liberal allowance for furniture in exchange. POOLE, March 25, 1809. [ 1057 A CARD. MESSRS. BAYLEY, BOSANQUAT, and Co. return their most sincere thanks for the favours paid them at their new- established SHOP in WINCHESTER, near the Square ; and humbly beg to'lay before the public their new- invented LIP- SALVE, which answeis the purpose equally as well as, if r. ot superior to, tbe Cold Cream. This excellent composition may be had at Bayley and Co.' s Warehouse, near the Square, Winchester, at Is. 6d. per box. Caution— All others, except signed by J. Bayley, with a black stamp, is counterfeit. [ 1108 BUY before Wednesday next, APRIL 12, 011 which day the present Grand Lottery begins Drawing, and presents to Adventurers the Greatest Chance of gaining a splendid Fortune, by the Purchase of a single Ticket or Share, ever known. The Free Gift of One Thousand Whole Tickets, which will be given to the First Prize above ^ 15 on the first Day of Drawing, affords a prospect of realizing a Prize great beytsnd all calculation, as through them one Adventurer may gain all the following Capitals: 4 Prizes of £ 20,000 2 Prizes of. £ 10,000 16 of £ 1,000 2 5,000 I 10 500 Besides£\ 00, & c. & c. as usual. Tickets and Shares are selling at all the Licensed Lottery Offices. [ 1194 THE dawn of Old England's good fortune by sea, in the American war, began the 12th of April, 1782, a day to be had in grateful remembranceof every lover of this happy country ; but what gratitude will the fortunate possessor of thefirst- ilrawn Prize above £ l*} be impressed with the next 12th of April, when One Thousand While Tickets are pre- sented to him, which may gain upwards of ,£ 100,000. THE glorious 12th of April will be Next Wednes- day, when the Grand State Lottery will begin drawing in London. Those persons who have delayed purchasing their usual adventures, are requested to apply, without delay, to either of the Lottery Agents in the country, in order that they may be in time to obtain the grand additional Prize of 1 , ooo Whole Tickets. From the great demand, it is doubtful whe- ther the supply of Shares sent from London will be sufficient; therefore, delays we dangerous, [ 1819 Woman, of respectable connections, hav- ing a particular wish for an immediate situation, as English Teacher to a Boarding School, Private Governess to two or three youns Ladies, or'Companion to an elderly Lady, where she is to be considered as one of the family: salary- shall be no object for a few months, till those who may honor her by employment are enabled to judge of her abilities and study to please.* If any acquisition, she'has some know- ledge of French and Music. Letters addressed to S. W. Post- Office, Portsmouth, will be instantly attended to. [ 1231 CURrACY WANTED. ACLERGYMAN in Priest's Orders wishes for a CURACY immediately, in either the county of Devon, Dorset, or Somerset. The addition of a house and a few acres of land will render the situation far more desirable. References will be given, if required. Address to D. P. Upham's Library, Bath. [ 1110 HOUSE AND LAND in THECOUNTRY. AHOUSE in the Country, in a'* Iiealthy Situation, fir for the residence of a Gentleman's Family, with from • 10 to 100 or 150 acres of LAND— IS WANTED. [ 1105 Communications (" post paid) must be sent to the Printers. WANTED to RENT, at Michaelmas next, in the New Forest, Hants,— A SMALL FARM, from ten to one hundred Acres of Land; with House, Barn, Stable, and other Offices.— A reference can be given. Any Gentleman having such Farm to lett, on intimating the same to J. B. Printing Office ( if by letter, postpaid), will be referred to the advertiser. [ 1185 TO GROCERS, & c. APerson of respectable connections, and has a knowledge of the GROCERY Business, wishes to en- gage as an active PARTNER in the above line. Letters addressed ( post paid) for J. K. at Mr. Shipp's, book- seller, Blandford, will be duly attended to. [ 1225 WANTED,— A young or middle- aged MAN and his WIFE; the former, who is to go withaTeam, and to be otherwise employed upon a Farm, must understand and be able to work well at all sorts of Farming Business; antl the latter must be capable of attending to a small Dairy, and to Poultry. For further particulars apply to the Printers ; but, none ne< d apply but persons who can produce unexceptionable characters for sobriety and orderly life. If the man has a son fit for Under Carter, he will also be engaged. [ 1114 WANTED, in a genteel house of business, in the Millinery and Dress line,— A young PERSON as an APPRENTICE.— A moderate Premium will be expected. For particulars apply to Mr. Devizes. Joye, expected, Attorney at Law, [ 1223 WANTED immediately,— A genteel, active LAD, as an APPRENTICE to a SILK- MERCER, LACEMAN, and HABERDASHER. For particulars apply to' Mr. Charles Foreman, 41, Milsom- street, Bath; if by letter, postpaid. [ 1107 TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. WANTED,— An APPRENTICE to a CHE- MIST and DRUGGIST. A youth of respectable connections and active disposition will be taken on moderate , terms. Apply to C. Moon, Chemist, & c. Southainptor 5 or to the Printers ; if by Ltter,' post- paid. [ 1153 WANTED immediately, in the GROCERY Busi- siness,— A YOUNG MAN who has been accustomed to a Retail Trade. [ 1212 Apply to Musson and Co. printers, Newport, Isle of Wight. • SAWYERS WANTED. ANTED immediately,— Four or Five Pair of SAWYERS, to saw new oak; two months certain work, and if approved a longer continuance. Apply to Mr. J. Dennett, Newport, Isle of Wight. [ 1243 HOUSE- PAINTERS WANTED. THREE or FOUR good Workmen, who have been regularly brought up to the Trade, and are capable of undertaking work in the first line, may have employment by applying to J. Jeboult, Salisbury. N. B. Wages from 18s. to 28s. per week. [ 1254 JOURNEYMEN WHEELWRIGHTS. WANTED immediately,- A COACH WHEEL- WRIGHT.— A good hand may have constant em- ploy and good wages by applying ( if by letter, post paid) to Mew and Barnes, Newport, Isle of Wight. [ 1211 WANTED, A NURSE- MAID, perfectly qualified for the situation, in which she must have lived some time, and must have a good character from her last platie. Apply to the Printers; if by letter, postpaid. [ 995 WANTED, in a Gentleman's Family,— A clever, active Man as GARDENER;— also a LAUNDRY MAID. None need apply that'do not perfectly understand their business. Apply at Mr. Painter's, Andover. [ 1227 WANTED, in a Family where there are no Chil- dren,— A SERVANT MAID, to act as Housemaid, occasionally to wait at table, and make herself useful;-— also a good PLAIN COOK in the same family;— » - and a MAN SERVANT to wait at table, and take care of two horses, to which he must be perfectly competent. A good character will be indispensable. Apply to Mr. Jacobs, pi inter, Winchester. [ 1147 FASHIONABLE CHARIOT FOR SALE, rpo be SOLD,— A modem CHARIOT, built by A one of the first makeis in London, painted patent yel- low, with morocco squabs, barouche seat, and every tiling complete ; it is fit for immediate use, and well worth the at tention of any person wanting a fashionable carriage, as it will be sold a great bargain t it is the property of a gentleman who parts with it because he has more cani'ages than he has at present occasion for. Apply ( if by letter, postpaid) to Mr Johnson, bookseller, Gospor't. [ 1235 po be SOLD,- - A handsome dark Chestnut GELDING, 14 hands 3 inches high, eight years old, a remarkably safe goer, and steady to- rule or drive. Price forty Guineas. .[ 1237 Enquire at the Post- office, Beaulieu, Southampton. PRIME HAY. TO be SOLD, at Edmondsh'am, near Cranborne, Dorset,— Two Ricks of prime HAY, containing in the Whole about twelve tons. Enquire of Joseph Vincent. [ 1199 HPO be SOLD,— About 40 Tons of excellent good For) Farm.- SOUTHAMPTON", April!, 1S09. per , Dennis on. [ 1239 TO be SOLD /" by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— A SAIL . BOAT, schooner- rigged, 25 feet long, copper- fasten/ d, brass sheaves, iron ballast, sails complete ; not three years old ; she is a remarkably fast sailer, and very stiff. Enquire of Messrs. Baker and Fletcher, Southampton. WINE an.* PORTER BOTTLES. NOW Landing from the Leith Glass Company, a Cargo of BOTTLES ; which will be disposed of on the mcst reasonable terms, on application to W. Smith, at his Office, Bathing- house Square. [ i210 PORTSMOUTH, April 4, 1809. RED HERRINGS. ' AQuantity of Yarmouth full RED HERRINGS, of fine quality, 1020 in each barrel; also a few half Barrels, forsale on reasonable ter ns, 1 y POOLE, April 7, 1809. JOSEi'H GARLAND & Co. TO be DISPOSED OF, AnldcUstablished MANUFACTORY in the SALISBURY FLANNEL and LLNSEY- line, replete'with Machinery of various kinds. For further particulars apply by letter ( post paitl) to A. B. to be left at the Printing Office. * r206 TO CLOTHIERS. TO be DISPOSED OF,— A very old and exten- sive CONCERN, including every branch of the Salis- bury ffoollcn Manufacture, with Fulling Millsand Spinning Machinery attached thereto. Looms, Racks, Presses, & c. The STOCK of Manufactured GOODS to be taken or not as may be agreed on. The Warehouses and Fulling Mills will be Lett at an annual rent. Fir farther particulars apply to the Printers. [ 613 ALL Persons having any Demands on the Estite and Effects of Mr. THOMAS CROOKLATE, of Rowde, in the county of Wilts, are desired to send particulars of their demands to the office of Mr. W. W. Salmon, in De- vizes ; and all persons indebted to the said estate, are desired immediately to pay the amount of their respective debts to Mr. Salmon, who is duly authorised by the Administratrix to re- ceive the same.— Dated the 3\ st ofMarch, 1809. [ 1251 DIVIDEND. THE Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt awarded and issued against ISAAC COLE, of Marn. hull, in the county of Dorset, Dealer and Chapman, in- to meet at the house of James Cheltenham, knovvn> name or sign of the White Swan, in Shaftcsbr. ry, on Mox day the 1st day of May next, at twelve o'clock in the fore noon, in order to declare a Dividend of the Estate and Effects of the - said Bankrupt; when and where the Creditors who have not already p- oved their Debts are to come prepared to prove the same, or they will be excluded the bein. fii. pf the said Dividend. The payment of the dividend will be made at an earlv day after the same is declared. f:;> 7 TO CREDITORS. THE Creditors of T. SCARD the younger, of T° tton, in the parish of Eling, in the county of South- ampton, Merchant, who have executed the deed pf covenant with Mr. Thomas Scard, senior, are hereby informed that they may receive the first dividend of ten shillings in the pound ( on the amount of their respective legal demands:, by apply, ig at the office of Messrs. Daman and'Warner, of Rom sey, any day from the 6th to the 30tli day ot April instant, between the hours of ten o'clock in the morning and four in the afternoon. DAMAN & WARNER,' Solicitors. FELONY. WHEREAS on the. night of Saturday the 18th of March last, some evil disposed person or persons did maliciously and feloniously cut, maim, and wound a MARE, the property of Mr. William Piatt, of Grafton, near Marl- borough ; Whoever will give information of the offender or offenders, shall, on conviction, receive a rewad of FIVE GUINEAS from the said William Piatt, over and above the reward al- lowed by the Hampshire Association for Prevention of Robbe- ries, & c. and Prosecution of Offenders. RICHARD FOOTNER, Solicitor to the said Association. ANDOVER, April 5, 1809. 1190 TWO GUINEAS REWARD. ESCAPED FROM JUSTICE, JAMES HAYWARD, late of Wimborne Minster, in the county of Dorset, Labourer. He was seen at Southampton about a month since. He is a stout man, has a fresh complexion, and about 5 feet 8 inches high. [ 1248 The above sum will be pa: d to any person who will appre- hend him, or give such information as mav lead to his detec- tion, on applying to THOS. MITCHELL, April 6, 1809. Constable of Wimborne. STRAYED, from a field in the parish of Chick- lade, Wilts, on Sunday the 5th of March, 180.9,— A BLACK MARE PONY, marked with the letter L; and a GREY PONY, about twelve hands and a half high. Whoever has found them, and will send them to Mr. Vincent, Crown Inn, Hindon, shall receive ONE GUINEA Reward, and ail reasonable expences, [ 1228 EAST STOWER, DORSET. ' ' TAKEN UP on the 17th of May last, An IRON- GREY PONY MARE, about 12* hands high, and about five years old. Whoever can prove her to be their pro- perty may have her again, on paying the expences, by applying to Edward Godwin, East Stower";— if not owned within a month from the date hereof, she will be sold to defray the cx- pences.— March 20, 1809. [ 983 TAKEN UP STRAYING, at Shrewton, on the 4th of February last,— A BAY PONY, aged, about 12 hands high, cut tail, and has a Forest mark. Whoever can prove him to be their property, on payins the expences, may have him again, by applying to John Miles, of Shrewton, Wilts.— If not owned by the 2d of May next, he Will be sold to defray the expences. [ 1256 ASS AN 10 will COVER til'l the middle of May, at Stockton, at Two Guineas, afitl Seven Shillings the Groom. N. B. His Stock are very larg- and handrome. [ 1206 TO COVER this Season, at Barford St. Martin's, near Wilton, at One Guinea a Marc, and Seven Shil- lings the Groom, That well- known good Hunter OLD MARSK, late the property of Capt. Jervis : he was got by Clayhall Marsk, out ot Rutilia, and is own brother to Sir Edward.— Apply tojohn Swetman, at Barford. [ 1955 TO COVER this Season, at Dean- House, Kilmis- ton, SELIM, got by Hugh Capet, at one Guinea, and three Shillings the Groom. Enquire of Mr. John Lynes. [ 523 KING BLADUD will COVER, this Season, at Christchurch, Hants, at two Guineas and a Half a Mare; he was got by Fortunio, dam ( Magnolia) by Marske. For his performances see the Calendars of 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, and 1800. In. all his running he has been remarked for his honesty ; no horse now living has won more king's plates ( car- rying 12 stone) than King Bladud ; for action in all his paces, substance, bone, constitution, shape, gentleness, and co. our, no horse can excel him, and he is at this moment one of the best hunters in England, and perfectly sound and free from blemish. [ 979 Applications respecting King Bladud to be made to the Hostler at Humby's Hotel, Christchurch.— March 16, 1808. STALLIONS— the property of Col. Thornton. TO COVER this Season, at Two Guineas a Mare, and Five Shillings the Groom,— That well- bred Horse THORNTON CASTLE ( late Esterhazy), by Father O'Leary, dam by Sir Thomas, Eclipse, & c. He will attend at Cable Tuesdays, Devizes Thursdays, and Chippenham and Marlbo- rough alternately on Saturdays. Also that well- bred Morse THEODOLITE, by Sir Peter Teazle, dam by Young Mask, Bosphorus, & c. He will at- tend at Calne Tuesdays, Devizes Thursdays, and Chippenham Saturdays.' [ 1104 NEW RUPTURE SOCIETY, for the Relief of Poor Persons, of both Sexes, afflicted with Herniary Complaints and Prolapses : ORDERED, " That public Notice be given to parochial " Officers, Superintend an A of Hospitals, antl the Conductors " of other Charitable Institutions, that the Benefits of this " Society are extended to all parts of the kingdom; exact " descriptions of the cases, with proper measurements < f the " patients, being sent by subscribers ( post paid) to Mr. BLAIR, " Surgeon of the Institution, No. 69, Great Russell- street, " Bloomsbury." No. 35, Red Lion Square. J. MILLER, Secretary. Every Contributor of One Guinea per annum, as well as every Life Governor, is entitled to recommend Two Patients' in the year, requiring single Trusses; or One Patient requiring a double Truss; and a similar privilege is extended, in the like proportion, to subscribers of larger sums. * » * Subscriptions and Donations are received 011 account of the New. Rupture Society, by Messrs. Henry Hoarc ; nd Co. the Treasurers, Fleet- street; Hankey and Co. Bankers, Fen- church- street ; Fuller, Chatteris, ana Co. Bankers, Lombard- street ; Ransom and Co. Bankers, Pall Mall; or by James Crump, Collector, No. 15 Gloucester- street, Queen Square, London, of whom may be had the printed Plan antl Regu- lations, gratis. [ 1187 JAMES SKELTON, aged 26, of Wa! ton- on- the- Hill, Epsom, Surry, was seven years afflicted with seven or eight holes in his right leg, and between 90 and 100 pieces of bone came away during that period. The discharge and weakness increasing, unable unassisted to move; taking off his leg was proposed to save his life. He then confidently applied to SPILSBURY's PATENT ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS ; in a year and a half, by them alone, he is restored to health, and it is now three years since he has followed his laborious occupation. Hewillsatisfy anyenquiries, personally, or by letters post paid. The genuine medicine has the words " By the King's Pa- tent" expressed on the bottle, bill of directions, and outside wrapper; and the King's duty is printed in black ink. Sold at the Dispensary, 15, Soho- square, London, in small bctties of 5s. 6d. ; double bottles 10s.; and larger 1/. 2s. Compound Essence, to allay unpleasant irritation, 8s. The Medieine to be had of Brodie, Dowdinir. and Luxford, Salisbury, whole- sale venders for the West of England; and Bowling and Co. Newport, Isle of Wight. [ it IS TITE SALlSEtny ANT) WtNCMESTElt JOURNAL, 1 Wednesday's and Thursday's Posts. FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE OF APRIL 4. WHITEHALL, April 4. \ I! E King has been pleased to constitute and appoint the Hight Hon. Francis Lord Napier to be his Majesty's High Commissioner to the Ceneral Assembly of the Church of Scotland. WAR- OFEICE, April 4. 8fit Reg. of Foot.— Captain Edw. Cotton to be Major, ticc Maxwell, deceased. Hid Ditto.— Brevet Lieut. Col. John Lamont to be Lieute- nant- Colonel, vice Napier, deceased; Capt. James Mitchell to be Major, vice Lamont. Mh West hulia Reg.— Major John Buchan, from the Id Ceylon Reg. to be Lieutenant- Colonel, without purchase, • vice Horsford, appointed to thc 18th Foot. 2d Ceylon Riv.— Captain James Armstrong to be Major, without purchase, vice Buchan, promoted in thc 4th West India Regiment. BANKRUPTS. Jaike TV'aHir, of NoltUn- haia, dealer. » F.< l\ vanl . leiili'ms, ot' Twieke'ulianr, innkeeper. Jvhvarrl tit. ire, of Lhxrpnol, mcieliant. M- trySiienvooil, M Donrastir, jeweller. William M't. vft. 1, of tlppur (.' roWn- street, Wettininitcr, urmy- ageat. J- ahvnril Oeeir Winimll, of elaiiles, Worc « ternhii' « , miller, yMia Holland, of Clictipside, I. ondhrt, haberdasher f. Hiabeth L'ropton, of Bishop Wear mouth, milliner. LONDON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5. Qvietlo Gazettes to the lQth ult. reached town yes- terday, antl have afforded us some official intelligence Respecting the operations of the corps levied in the A turias. It appears that these troops have left tlnir own province, and have attacked the enemy in Gallieia on the one side, and in Leon on the other. A detachment, commanded by Dou Juan Pnrlier, made an attack, on the J 2th, of March, on a corps of the enemy in Cervera. The French defended themselves obstinately, but the Spaniards had finally the advantage, and took General Monet, the commander of tbe bo stile corps, prisoner. Accounts have reached town this morning from Rotterdam of a vei v leoent date, which suite, that the Moni tents of the 28th ult. have reaeht d that place. They do not contain any articles of a decisive nature with regard to Austria, hut as Bonaparte Was to assemble tbe Senate on the 1st of this month, it was expected he Would then communicate his final determination ; no doubt whatever was entertained that a war was inevitable. The unfortunate General DupOnt, who, with his army, pnrrend'Ted prisoners of war in Andalusia, last summer, has fallen a victim to the resentment of Bonaparte He was tried by a Court- martial, and, as- a inattei of course, he" was condemned to death. This sentence was imme- diately after put into execution, and he w, t* shot by torch- light., Thc expedition under Gen, Hill sailed on the 27th ult, from Cork i it is supposed to be destined for Portugal, where Sir A. Welle- ley is about iui . - diately to proceed. Major Napier; of the Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards, and Aide- de- Camp to General Moore, arriv ed a few days ago in England. This intrepid and gallant Officer, pierced with wounds, was supposed to have died in the field. Under this impression I. is family went int > mourn- ing; but how agreeably astonished were his mother ( Lady Sarah Napier), the Duchess of Leinster and other relatives, when they were informed on Thursday last ol his safe ar- rival. Aaer thc battle, he was removed from ( he field to t!\ e hospital that was erected for the reception of the wounded, and, by proper care and treatment, was cured of his wound. While he was yet convalescent, he projected bis escarp, which he happily effected. The' French General Lefebvre, wha was taken prisoner in Spain, left town on Sunday, on bis return to France. He U, we understand, exchanged for Gen. Abercrombie, who Hhere a prisoner on parole. A Court of Common Council was held on Wednesday at Oxford, when a vote ol thanks to Sir, Wardle was moved. It was objected to the motion, I hat a fe ver had been created in the public mind which might lead to serious conse- quences, hy making this subject a rallying point for bad and disaffected men ; that Colnnei Wardle bail indeed dis- charged his duty honourably, h it thc object had been ob- tained, and, it wa, unnecessary further to wound the feel- ing? of the King, who was become an old ma i, and who had long reigned beneficially for his people. No rep'y was made to these suggestions, but the motion was withdrawn. An Address has been sent to Col. Wardle by the inhabi- tants of Glasgow, thanking him for his conduct in the late investigation. About 4000 names are attached to it. E. viTF. n Mosrwv.— The Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Sheriffs went in Slate to Christ- Church, us usual, aul attended divine sen- Ida, with the Governors of Christ's Hospital, and the hoys belonging to that institution. The sermon was preached hy the Bishop of Norwich. The Lord Mayor afterwards gave the customary d oner in the Egyptian Hall of the Mansion- House. The tables were sumptuously covered with every delicacy, and the Hill splendidly lighted. Lords Liverpool, Castlereagh, and Mulgrave, Mr. fanning, and other Members of Ad- ministration, Earls of Pomfret, Portsmouth, and Morton, were aiming the company. The Ball was opened ivith a minuet by the Earl of Morton and Miss Flower, the Lady Mayoress; but the pressure of the crowd was so great, that they, were soon obliged to leave off dancing. Country dances commenced about two hours after, when many of the company had quitted the apartments, and were conti- nued with spirit till five o'clock yesterday morning. The Lady Mayoress was much admired, both for the beauty of her person and the elegance of her dress: she wore a lilac crape train on a white body, trimmed with rich lace, with large ostrich feathers in her head, and a profusion of diamonds. A Stag was turned out on Monday, as usual, on Epping Forest, near the Bald- faced Stag, before a numerous field cf sportsmen, of all descriptions: he dashed into Fair- maid Bottom, sought refuge in tbe Forest, and wa; no more S ' ou by his motley pursuers, b « t gave an excellent day's spoet to a few real sous of Nimrud, the dogs laying close to his. hannclies for nearly two hours. He was secured for awiilier day's spott. S, idler's Wells, Astley's Amphitheatre, the Circus, the Sins Pared, and minor Theatres, were opened for the season on Monday evening. The Circus, under Elliston's management, has new scenery, a large addition to the pit, jiew boxes, and thirteen boxes made private. It was crowded in every part. The important cause, brought to determine the validity cf the late Earl of - Massereene's will, was tried at the last ( arrickferg s Assizes, aud occupied the attention ot the < ourt three days.— In this long investigation, various instances of such conduct iu the late Earl, as could have proceeded only from a lunatic, were recited by the wit- nesses for the plaintiff ( the present Earl); and though the Attorney who made the will, and other witnesses for the defendants ( the widow of the late Earl and her present hit . band George O'Doian) deposed positively'that the Earl • was of sound mind when he made tbe will, that it was done wholly by his direction, and that th.) Counters ins not even present when he gave and repeated his directions re- specting it, the Court ai. d Jury considered the prepon- derating evidence to establish his Lordship's lunacy, and that he acted solely under the- unfiuenee ol Mrs. Blackburn, before and after his marriage to her. A verdict was ac- cordingly given for the plaintiff, by which the whole of the estates, bequeathed to the Dowager Countess, pass to the present Earl as heir at law. At the Assizes for the county of Lancashire, on Wednes- day, J. Hanson, Esq. was tried for having unlawfully en- couraged a number of persons to riot, when the weavers assembled in great numbers on the ' 24th of May, near Man- chester. It appeared in ci idence that the defendant arrived « n horseback, attended by his grobm, went up to Captain Tratford, ( who commanded the dragoons), and asked if he might speak to the people ? Capt. T. said, not unless he could persuade them to depart peaceably, otherwise be- thought his pre- ence would only irritate tlieui ; and told him that he would much oblige him if he would quit tile field. This he did not immediately; but as he rode along, the people huzzaed, and lie pulled olf his hat, aud spoke to them to the following effect:—" My lads, iyour cause is good-,— be firm, anil you will - uceeed—- 1 will support you as far as 3000/. will go, and if that will not do I will go further. Narlin anil his faction shall not drive you from the field this day.— I am sorry your bill is lost.— My father was a weaver, 1 am a weaver, and hale got my money by j- nitr industry, ai d I am, the weaver's friend." On this thf* petiole became more unruly, huzzaing when he poke, ao . be - innu'd the vom liment. Oil this evidence the , u> -' found a verdict— Guilty.— The defendant vroi rccu.'< 5 • • » ... i i the « ourt ol King's Bench next Ten*. Ten million* is said to be the sum wanted for the Loan ; fi r which the holders are to recsyve 3 per Cent. Stock, re- deemable at BO. From the severity of the late winter, the mortality among the deer throughout the country has been greater than was ever known. Between four and five bundled have died iu Salcey Forest, Northamptonshire, since No- vember last. On Friday morning a very fine third- rate line- of- battle ship, Carrying 74 guns, was launched at Milford. She was named after that town, the Milford. Two brothers, one 14 and the other 11, hid entered the house of Mr. Watts, of Sloaire- street, a few nights since; the youngest was found concealed in a chest, with a pistol loaded with powder by his side, and some money that had been taken from the cloaths of Mr. Watt-. The eldest brother was taken in another part of the house, with money Upon him to the amount of 23/. They were taken to Ilaiistown wateli- liouse, but, before morning, the eldest worked his Way out through the roof, and escaped. The youngest has undergone several examinations in Queen- square Office, but, in consequence of his tender age, was sent to the Marine Society. Harriet Fincham, servant at a house in Oxford- road, was killed one night last week, by falling through a sky- light at t- he next house. The evidence before the Coroner on Monday disclosed some curious facts:— It appeared that the deceased aud several other men and maid- servants at the upper end ot" Oxford, met frequently together to cafou^ e at the tops of the houses. On the above night, in consequence of an alarm, they separated in a hurry, when this unlucky girl, who lived next house to tbe place of meeting, slipped off the leads on to a sky- light, which broke and let her into Mr. Dallioitsie's parlour, whilst the family were at supper. Her skull was fractured in thc fill, and she died a few hours after. An inquisition was on Saturday taken by Mr. Hodgson, at 11 olio Way, on tbe body of Sarah Scurrill, who had died by poison, administered by her own hand. It further ap- peared that this unhappy young woman had respectable connections, and had some time resideded with her aunt, Mrs. Wd- tern, at Islington, hut having become very de- jected, though no one knew the cause, she was sent home to her mother at Holloway, and every exertion was in vain used by her friends to remove her melancholy, the cause of which she refused to disclose. On Friday she procured two drachms of arsenic from Mr. Brabham, an apothecary : in the evening she complained of sickness, and Mr. Dunn, a surgeon, being sent for, found she had taken something improper, but she did not answer his questions till she be- came violently disordered : she then owned the cause, ex- pressed a hope that lier friends would forgive her, and shortly after expired.—— Miss Scurrill was only 10 years of age, lovely in person, and interesting in manners : she was the victim of seduction, and deserted by her se ducer, in a situation wbieii she c mid not long have con- cealed, and which doubtness occasioned the rash act. Ver- dict, / Muar. y. Yesterday Mr. Hodgson took an inqili. ition at the Coach and Horses, oil the Harrow road, oil the bodies of Francis Bottem, and another person known only by the name of Marple Jack, who were killed on Friday night by the ex- plosion of a barrel of gun- powder, on board a barge on the Grand Junction. Canal. The evidence relative to t', is catastrophe was very singular. John Parnel stated, that he was in a barge following that iu which the explosion took place,• and which was freighted with puncheons of - obits, gun- powder, oranges, & c. There were seven p'* rs ms on board, and five escaped unhurt. The accident happen d at T. vyf'onl, aud by fahe explosion, witness, who was steering his barge 30 yards astern, was blown several yards into tbe air with the rudder. The deceased, Bottem, was found So yards from the canal, aud the other man w; s blown hall' the di- tlnce. There were also found in a field, about GO yards from the barge, nine barrels of gun- powder, which had been blown thither without exploding, although the barrel which caused tire- mischief was placed with tbe others. Seven bay- staeks, fifteen yards from the canal, were con- sumed, containing i& O tons of hay, the property of Mr. Willan. There, was- no evidence before the Coroner to prove what caused the explosion ; but it was understood that the deceased men were boring a hole with a gimlet in the barrel of gun- powder, taking it for spirits, and the friction is supposed to have produced tbe catastrophe.— Verdict, Accidental Death. Mit. tnr. it.— The fish belonging to Hervey Felfard, Esq. hi vie home ponds at StiUhuuse, Bucks, having' been istojen at various times, two of his servants Wefe set. to war en on Sunday night. About two o'clock on Monday morning, two fellows were observed laying their Hues and on the servants approaching, one of the fellows fired a pistol, and shot one of the servants, who fell dead on the spot: his comrade found it in tessary to retreat, antl the murderers escaped. They were strangers in the neighbourhood, and have not. yet been traced. EXECUTION.— Yesterday morning the four following convicts were executed on Horsembnger- lane Gaol, pur- suant to their sentence at tbe last Surry Assizes, viz. Henry Edwards, for shooting at Win. Smith, Esq. atClajliam, with a pistol charged with powder aud ball; James Harriett, John Biggs, alias Mason, and James, alias Samuel Wood, for different offences. BRF. AD.— Yesterday, there being no Court of Aldermen, the Lord Mayor ordered that the price of the quartern loif should remain at Is. wheaten, If. ljr/. household. CORN- EXCHANGE, Afrit 5. There ate middling sup- plies of Wheat to- day, sales are heavily effected, and scarcely at lust prices.— Rye is cheaper.— There is a large supply of Barley, chiefly inferior, which is much lower, and almost without buyers. — Malt heavy sale.—- White Peas, of tbe best quality, are rather dearer.— Beans, of tbe two kinds, continue at little variation.— There ale 1 urge art reals 0f Oats from Lincolnshire ; sgeoiul and ordi- nary samples are lower.— Flour at our last currency. HANTS SESSION?. N'OTICE is hereby given,— That the General Quart r Sessions of the Peace for the county of South- ampton, will be ' holden at the Castle of Winchester, on Monday the loth day of April next, atone o'clock m the aftefiiioit, at which time the Court will be opened, and immediately adjourned to the George Inn, in the city of Winchester, for the special purpose of inspecting and ex- amining the Treasurer's Accounts; and also all bills and other demands on the county, pursuant to the resolutions enters.! into at a former Session. The Court will bo adjourned from the George Inn, and opened again at the Castle of Winchester, on the Tuesday following, viz, thc 11th day of April next, precis ly at ten o'?' oek in the forenoon, when all Constables, Bailills. Jurors, and others concerned, are hereby required to give their attendance. And in order to give all possible dispatch to the- business, the Attornies, Parties, and Witnesses prosecuting any Appeals, In- d'Ctmer. ts, or other business, must be prepared at the opening of tile Court on Tuesday morning, and during the whole of the Sessions, that the Court may call on the Causes in such order and at such times as they shall see convenient. Appeals must be entered with the Clerk of the Peace, pre- viously to the opening of the Court on Tu. sday morning, or the parties will net be permitted to try. Recognizances, Informations, and Records of Convictiorls are to be returned to the Clerk of tlie Peace by the respective Justices' Clerks, on or before the day preceding the Sessions. Dated this 27th day of March 180.0. THOMAS WOODHAM, Deputy Clerk of thc Peace. ( T^ j^ All persons who have entered into Recognizances to appear at this Sessions concerning Assaults-, 6ec. are required to take notice, that they must, in pursuance of their recogni- zances, ajSpearat this Sessions, either personally or by their attornies, in order to withdraw the same, although they may previously have compromised the matter. [ 1081 SOUTHAMPTON ( TO WIT). ELECTION OF TREASURER. PURSUANT to tWstmVng Order of Sessions, I JL do hereby g ve No" v, that his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said county v, ill proceed to the election of a Treasurer of the said county, for the yearensuing, onTucsday the 1 It'n dav of April next," precisely at one o'clock in the af- ternoon. THOMAS WOODHAM, Deputy Clerk of the Peace. WINCHESTER, March 27, 1809. [ 1082 DORSETSHIRE. NOTICEis hereby given,— That the next General Quarter Session of the Peace for the county of Dorset will be holdeu at Sherborne, in and for the said county, on Tuesday, the llth day of April next, on which day thc Court will be opened precisely at twelve o'clock at noon, and immediately adjourned to the Antelope Inn, in the said town of Sherborne, for the special purpose of examining all bills and demands on the county, and taking into consideration such other business as may occur relative to the civil concerns therein, pursuant to a resolution entered into at a former Session. And on Wednesday morning the Court will be opened precisely at ten o'clock, and the business of the Session will begin with trying Appeals, next Traverses, and lastly the Prisoners. All Appeals ( except those to be entered for the purpose of adjournment) must be ehtcred with the. Clerk of the Peace, on Tuesday, thc first dav of the Session, and on failure thereof, the adverse party shall have a right to enter a Ne Recipiatur. And in the forenoon of that day, all Recognizances, In- formations, and Records of Convictions, are to be returned to the Clerk of the Peace by the respective Justices' clerks. And all Constables, Jurors, Bailiffs, and otter persons having business to do," and Bills of Indictment to prefer, are required to attend accordingly. . WM. BURNET, 1037J Clerk of thc Peace of the County of Dorset. SiiEnaOBNii, March 23, 180.9. . ' WILTSHIRE, " • That the General for the county of Wilts will be holden at New Sarum, in and for the said county, on Tuesday thc llth day of April next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, pursuant to the resolutvi entered into at a former Sessions, for the special purposes of examining all Accounts, and all Bills and Demands on t'he county; and of attending to all business relative to the Militia, conveyance of Soldiers' Baggage, the Gaols and Bridewells, and of all other business as may occur relative to the civil concerns of the said county; and no bills will be'allowed, unless deli- vered in at the sitting of the Court on that day. The Court will open on Wednesday morning, precisely at ten o'clock, for general business, which will begin with the . Trial of Traverses, next Appeals, and lastly Prisoners. AH Appeals ( except those entered for the purpose of adjournment) must be entered with the Clerk of the Peace previously to the. opening of the Court cn Wednesday, and on failure thereof, the adverse party shall have a right to enter a Nc Recipiatur. The Bailiff's and Constables of the several Hundreds, out of Which the Jurors are taken, are hereby ordered to attend the Court, with proper wands, during the whole time of the Sessions ; and to remain in such place or places in the Court as shall be then appointed, to assist in keeping peace and good order, and to execute the orders and processes of thc Court. JOHN SWAYNE, WH. TON, March 23, 1809. • Deputy Clerk of the Peace. In order to give all possible dispatch to the business of the Sessions, the Clerks to the Justices of the Peace of the said county are particularly requested to send to the Clerk of the Peace, on or before the frst morning of the Sessi ins,, all Re- cognita teas, Informations, and Rccor.- ls of Convictions, taken , ciorc su e, J ustices of the Peace respectively. [ 1014 NOTICE is hereby given,- Quarter Sessions of the Peace f< KENNET AND AVON CANAL NAVIGATION, NOTICE is hereby given, that at a General Quar- terlv Meeting of the Committee of Management of thc Affairs and Business of* the Company of Proprict'rt of the Kennet and Avon Canal Navigation, held at the White Mart Inn, in tbe city of Bath, on Wednesday the 29th day of March lsop, at eleven o'clock . in the forenoon, pursuant to public advertisement, the said Committee did find a Call froni tlie several Proprtetors'of such of thc New Shares, authorised by an Act of Parhament made and, passed in the - loth vetir of the reign of his ; r. sent Majesty, entitled, " An Act for enabling thc Company of Proprietors, of the Rennet and Avon Canal Navigation to complete the same, and for altering and en- lar.' ing the powers of the several Acts passed for making the saiil Css ial," to be taken and subscribed for in the Navigation and Uridt- rtakf/ ig authorised to be made and carried on by'the said Company of Proprietors fen which shares the whole amount of the money agreed to be paid for the same hath not been alrceif ealjsd tor , for the sum of Ten Pounds per ccn- tum, for a '.- a Inspect of every such share, to be wanting and n cess... r , t t„ r fo defray the expecces of and to ca. ry on the sain : o drti irake a C 11 from the said several Pro- prietors f r' • ,- i .'-.-• f ten pounds per centum, for rid in r so ct of ,-. iv socb - bare in th • said Navigation and Under- taking tor mo, e ;> « •,-• ses o cordi gly ; and did appoint the same to be paid into ti'. e h . ids o Messrs. IS , r! ord, Davis, and Company, Treasur is of the-. a, d Company, in Bristol, on or before the 9th day ol May tn- jji. Bv onltr - f th' s id Committee, JOHN WARD, Principal Clerk. MARLBORO!'^:, Ap- ll 5, l" i. r| [ 1217 N. B. Tile ii tv Call ap; I'. es only to the last Subscription for £ 2U shares, creite i ror the puspose of raistug - i" 2~,' i? 0. ' GRAND LOTTERY. Begins Drawing \< 2th of April, 1809. SWIFT ar. d >: o. solicit the attention of their Friends to the Scheme of tne above Lottery. They can with confidence recommend it as an improvement on that of the last Lqtterv, which i Ceived the decided approbation of the Public, and created a Sale far btyond former Lotteries. Only 18, Son Tickets can be sold, a number smaller than was ever known before, and as the demand is now greater than in the last Lottery, when the Pickets became extremely scarce, and ultimately rose to each, i< is expected that the Prices will be much higher. The Scemecontains the following Capitals: 4 of .£ 20,000 are £ 10,000 2 10,000 20,000 2 .5,000 10,000 C 1,000 fi', 000 10 400 S, 000 besides inferior Prizes of 1001. and 50/. & c. Arc. as usual. And on the First Day of Drawing, the'Adventurers will re- ceive a Free Gift of 1,000 Whole Tickets, and on the Second Day of Dewing, 500 Whnlfc Tickets, by which they may gain a Prizi equal in value to all the Capitals put together of many former Lotteries! [ l 123 Tickets and Shares are selling at SWIFT and go's. Offices, iu London, viz. No. 11, Poultry, established in the year 1759, No. 12, Charing Cross, and ill, Aldg - e High Street. Price of a Ticket :. * 22 4 0 Half........ in i 7 o j EighiR 2 18 fi Quarter 5 15 0 j Sixteenth 1 .9 '! GRAND LOTTERY Jfefim Drawing the I - 2th if April, .1809. FREE GIFT OI 1,000 . WHOLE TICKETS for the First- drawn Ticket above £\'> the First Day : FREE GIFT of - 800 WHOLE TICKKTS for the Firet- drawn Ticket above £\ i the Second Day, BESIDES 4 Prizes of £ 20,000 j 2 of £ 5,000 2 10, oo « I ri 1,1) 00 & c. tc. & c. The Value of th e above 1,109 Tickets is incalculable, as they may contain all the Capital Prizes. Tickets and Shares are selling in great variety at present; hut as 1,500 Tickets are GIVEN GRATIS, and locked up in the Bank of England, out of the 20,000, which the Scheme con- tains, consequently there were but 18,500 for Sale at first : a speedy puichase is'thereforc recommended by Mrs. O. HOP- KINS, Silversmith, Bradford, Wilts, agent to BISH, of London, who sold 9,151 Thc Last £ 20,000 17,0) 1 The Last £ 25,000 fi, 6: 33 I T. t „„, j 30,000 6) 457 } The Two Last ^ 30; OCK) Prizes ever drawii, all in Shares. Persons in the country may be supplied the same as if pre- sent, by sen. ling their orders ( post or carriage paid; accompa- nied with good b Us, bank notes, cash, or post- office orders, to BISH, 4, Cornhill, or 9, Charing- Cross, London. [ 988 ATLAS FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE COM- PANY of LONDON. The President and Directors of this Company solicit the attention of the public to the fol- lowing advantages proposed by them, viz.— To pay rent in is se of fire, without any additional premium.— To assure farming stock, without an average clause, at 2, s. per cent, per annum.— To make good- damage- by lightning, and— To issue polices, make indorsements and surveys free of expence to the assured. Printed proposals may be had on application at the Office in London, or to the following Agents in the Country. By order of the Board, HENRY' DESBOROUGH, Jun. Secretary. & JXT' < ie, London, March 10,. 1809. [ 9- 24 AGENTS.-- Salisbury, Mr. John Finch ; Bradford, Messrs. Smart and Edmonds ; Westbury, Mr. Wm. Phipps. Persons of respectability desirous of being appointed Agents to the Company, are requested to apply to the Secretary. ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE FIRE- OFFICE, Established by Royal Charter in the Reign of King George the First, for Assuring Houses, Buildings, Goods, ComHay, Livestock, S1c. and also for the Assurance of'Livcs. MAUCH 23, ,180.9. THE Corporation of the Royal Exchange Assurance do hereby give Notice, that they have authorized their respective Agents to receive proposals for the Assurance of Farming Stock at the rate. ® f 2. s. per cent, per annum, in lieu of the late charge of 2s. lid. per cent, and the Agents arc in- structed to reduce the Premium on such assurances as they become due. Persons whose Annual Premiums fell due on the 25th inst. are hereby informed, that receipts are now ready to be deli- vered by the Company's respective Agents; and the parties assured are requested to apply for the renew ' of. their Policies. N. B. Fire Policies will be allowed free of expence, where the annual premiums amount to 6s. or upwards. This Company have invariably made good Losses by Fire, occasioned by Lightning. *** Proposals may be had of the different Agents. SAM. PENNING, Jun. Secretary. Assurances on Lives being found to be advantageous to per- sons having offices, employments, estates, or other incomes, determinable on the life or lives of themselves or others ; Tables of the Rates for such Assurances, and for the granting Annuities en Lives, may. be had of the said Agents. And, for th - . greater convenience of the public, the Company have determined to extend ( by special agreement) tlie Aisurance'on Lives to the age of 75 years. [ 1187 LY'E MEAD, IN EAST KNOYLE, WILTS. TO be LETT by TENDER, with immediate possession, All" that Close of Meadow or Pasture GROUND, called LYE MEAD, in the parish of East Knoyle, containing bv estimation thirteen acres and a half ( more c r less';— with the APPURTENANCES, late in the occupation of Edward Sheppard, and now untenanted. Further particulars, if required, are to be had of Mr. Chubb, solicitor, Salisbury, to whom tenders arc to be made ; and if by letter, tbe postage to be paid. [ IItil A\ i eligible Situation for a small genteel Fumilu. TO be 1: ETT,— A HOUSE in the Cottage Stile, at Milstwe, near Amesbury; consisting of a parlour and drawing- room, with a riressnig- toom fur a gentleman, three bed rooms, anrl attics ; a Garden and Orchard adjoin- ing, and a coach- house and and stibic for five horses. For particulars enquire o!\ Mr. Cl^ ibb, Salisbury; or Mr. Robbins, Bui ford, who will shew theprcmises. p2- 2 —, __ - - - v - • • - nno be LETT, ami entered on immediately, in thc fl n? iahbourhood of Calne, Wilts,— A convenientDWEL- L1NG- HOUSE, in good repair,. consisting of two parlours, kitchen, pantry, thiee bed- rooms, & c. etc. with fixtures; a large Garden well stocked, and from 3J to 5£ acres of capital Land adjoining, if desired. The l- louse and Garden arc free of all taxes, at the yearly rent » f ,£'-? o. For further particulars enquire of Mr. John Chivers, cabi- net- maker, Calne. ' [ 888 T1LSHEAD, WILTS) TO be LETT, and entered upon immediately,— A neat ready- furnished COTTAGE, late in the occupation of the Rev. Mr. Batchelor; consisting of a kitchen, two par- lours, three bed- chambers, besides servants' rooms ; a stable, wood house, & c. together with a good walk'd Garden. Tilshead is a small village on Salisbury Plain, 14 miles from Salisbury, 8 from Devizes, 7 from Hcytesbury, and 10 from Warminster ; and is allowed to be one of the most healthy spots in the. West of England'.— For further particulars apply ( post paid' toThomas Law'es, of Tilshead aforesaid. [ 1101 CHETTLE, DORSET. TO be LETT, and entered on immediately,— A good FAMILY HOUSE ; containing an exceeding good dining, drawing, and breakfast room; with suitable bed rooms, and dressing rooms; 10 miles lrotn Salisbury, and 6 from Blandford; very convenient offices, with coach- house and stabling for 14 horses; excellent kitchen walled garden and green- fiouse ; a very good farm- yard, with a barn and 17 acres of land adjoining to it; within a mile of two packs of fox- hounds, and ia the neighbourhood of several packs of harr ers. For particulars enquire ( if by letter, post- paid) of Mr. John Bennett, Chettle, near Cashmoor Inn. [ 1010 Capital Inn to be Lett, at Yeovil, Somerset. < 0 be LETT by PR IV ATE. CO NXR ACT, and entered on immediately, or at Midsummer next,— Th it well accustomed INN called the FLEUR DE LIS, situate in thc borough of thc excellent market town of Y ovil; consist- ing of a large parlour, dining- room, bar, tap- room, and a good kitchen ; 4 good r oms on the first floor, and 4 oil the second; a very convenient brew- house, with store- rooms, and a malt- house adjoining, which may be taken with the bouse or not, at the discretion of the taker.— A quantity " of Wine arid Spirits, and 170 hogsheads of prime old Brer, in casks, together with the brewing utensils, to be taken at a fair valuation.— The Household Goods may be taken or not, at the option of the tenant. For furthei particulars apply to Mr. Robert Tucker, the proprietor and occupier, at Y'eovil. [ 10,99 GENTEEL COUNTRY RESIDENCE, IN THE VICINITY OF 11, Mil. r|^ 0 be LETT, wiih immediate possession,-— A 1 compact - DWELLING- HOUSE, with suitable offices attached and detached, a coach- house, stable, extensive w illed garden, and an orchard which produce* good cider, and about ten acres cf excellent meadow land adjoining, situate at Middlehill, within the parish of Box, in thc county of Wiits, about four miles from Bath, late in the occupation of Mr. Neate, thc proprietor. The house is roomy, and replete with every convenience for the accommodation of a genteel family, and- the neigh- bourhood in every respect unexceptionable. The situation is delightful, possessing a picturesque view of the adjacent country, and is within a quarter of a mile from the turnpike road leading from Bath to London, and stage- coaches antl other public carriages are almost constantly passing to and from Bath. For a view of thc premises apply to Mi. Noble, at the Spa- house ; aud for other particulars ( if ly letter, postpaid; to Mr. Neafe, at Upton Scudamore, near Warminster, Wilts; or Mr. Lee, wine- merchant, Gasooync- pie. ce, B- rh. CHRISTCHURCH, HANTS. ' T'O be LETT, REAm'- FURJiisHErvfor a Year and .1 a Half, from the 25th day of March instant,— All that handsome modern brick- built MANSION- HOUSE, called KtiBBORNE f. tiDOE, with a Lawn in front, surrounded bv a Shtubbery. It is situated on an eminence, about two miles from the beautiful shore of Muddiford, to which is a got 4 road : it commands beautiful and extensive \ lews of the sea, Irie of Wight, and adjacent country; is bordering on the New Forest, near fox- hounds and haricrs, and in the midst of a genteel neighbourhood. The Mansion consists of an entrance hall; breakfast, dining, and drawing rooms; five sleeping rooms, with convenient. closets ; a servants' hall, kitchen, laundry, and cellars ; detached are servants' sleeping rooms, brewhouse, and other offices; stabling for seven horses; coach hous", barn, and yard; with a cottage and garden for a labourer; a gootl walled garden, well st ' eked with fruit trees; am! about two acres of land adjoining. Tickets for viewing the premises and further particulars may. he had of Mr, Hooper, attorney at law, Ringwood. Letters to he post paid. [ 733 GREEN PARK PLACE, BATH. nPO be SOLD or LET 1', with immediate possession, 1 — An excellent well- planned FAMILY- HOUSE, pos- as well Ss fashionable part of the'eitv, being near the Market and places ol" amusement; lately fitted up ' in a most elegant style; the- property and late residence of G. L. Wardle, Esq. M. P. - Application ( if by letter, post paid) to Mr. C. Pitt, agency- office, Southampton, will be punctually attended to. Also a large FAMILY- HOUSE, with Park, in Flintshire, to be LETT ; and two FREEHOLD HOUSES in Southamp- ton to be SOLD. f5< s2 T W O C A P I T A L F A R M S, In Hants and Dorset, TO be LETT by sealed TENDERS in writing, for a Term of Seven Years from Michaelmas next, clear of a> » rates, taxes, impositions, out- goings, and incumbrances whatsoever, parliamentary and parochial, except the land- lord's property- tax, and the repairs of the walls and tiling of the farm- houses and out buildings, and the timber under the • tiling ; iiz. EAST PARLEY FARM, situated in the parish of Christ- church:, in the county cf Hants, six miles from Ringwood, five from Wimborne, and ten from Poole ; consisting of a good farm- house, with all necessary out- buildings, and about 251 acres of meadow and arable land, of the first quality, ( mostly tithe- tree), with an unlimited r » hton an extensive c mimon adjoining, together with 34 beast leases on tbe New For, st. AI$ o, WEST PARLEY FARM, in the parish of West Parley, and county of Dorset, adjoining the last- mentioned Estate, and containing about 117 acres of meadow and arable land, of the aforesaid quality, with a goorl farm- house atid all necessary out- buildings, and 16G acres of common, together with 1C beast leazes on the New - Forest. No person need apply for either of these estates, unless he can give sufficient security for the payment of the rent, and performance of the covenants to be entered into betwixt land- lord and tenant, to the satisfaction of the agent Mr. Alexander Law, ofLUtleham, near Exmouth, Devon. All tenders must be directed to the said Alexander Law ( free of postage), at the Crown Inn, in Fordingbridge, in the said county of Hants, on or before the first day of May next, when the approved applicant will have notice sent him as soon after as circumstances will admit of. LITTI. SII. IM, March. 4, 1809. [ 799 rpo be SOLD bv TENDER, in One Lot,— X DODWELLaml MISSINGS FARMS, with other Lands belonging to them ; two good Farm Houses, three Cottages, three Barns, one Scaffold Barn, Stabling for 14 Horses, two Granaries, Cow Pens, Piggeries, and other offices ; with 170 Statute Acres ( more or less) of Arable, Meadow, and Coppice LAND, in tbe highest state of cultivation, which has been in the proprietor's hands for 30 years.— 1There is a large Growth of Oak and otherTimber, which, with the Undciwood, must be taken at valuation.— Thc Growing Crops may be taken to, and possession lnd of thc whole a; Midsummer. The above Estates have an unlimited Right of pasturing Cattle of ali descriptions on the adjoining Common ; they lie ill a good sporting country, and command pleasant views of the w.- iter and Isle of Wight: distance from Southampton 4 miles, Bursledon 1, Botiey 2, Waltham S, FarehiunG; thrie of which are gord mark't towns. N. B. Part of the purchase money may remain on mortgage; and for further particulars apply on the premises.—' f he tenders must be sent free of postage, directed to Mr. James Cleverly, sentirr, D. dwell Farm, near Bursiedon, Hants.— No tender will be received after th « 1st day of May 1S09. [ 1152 ryo be SOLD, - The HEADS of about 30JJU A OAK TREES, standing in Loosehanger Park, Biichen Coppices, and Wormstall's Coppices, situate in the parish of Downton, in the county of Wilts. Applv at the Office of Mr. Tubb, Land Surveyor, Fisher- ton, Salisbury. [ lioi DORSET. CAPITAL OAK TlMBER. TO be SOLD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT,— 204 capital OAK TIMBER TREES, with Lop, Top, and Bark, standing at Henbury, in the parish of Corfe Mullen, 5 finiles from Poole, and adjoining the turnpike roar! to that place. For a view apply to Mr. Harding, Bailiff, on the premises; and for turtle r particulars, or to treat lor the same, to Mr. J. B. Knight, Andcrston, near Blandfoid, Dorset; if by letter, post- paid. ' ' [ 1144 —— 1 Capital Ork Timber.— Cranbomc, Dorset. ' O be SOLD bv AUCTION.— Two Ih- nlred capital OAK TIMBER TREES, wiih their Lr ps and Tops, as they now stand on lands near Crauborne,— on Wed- nesday the 19th day of April n. o » , at thc Fleur de L s, at Cranborne. at three o'clock, by Mr. GARRARD, in eight lots. Particulars u ill be. delivered in due time at tile Black I h rse, Salisbury ; Red Lion, Ringwood; Gnyhound, Fording- bridge;' Antelope, Poole; and by Mr. James Stroud, v' r) will shew the said timber. p''! " CAPITAL NAVY TIMBER.— HANTS, rgx) be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Crown, A Brockenfcurst, on Tuesday the 11th of April imiil, at three o'clock, together cr in lots, One Hundred and Nine prime OAK NAVY T IMBER TREES, of 30 feet meeting? and upwards, now standing an.! num . ric illy marked in the r- imior of Brockenhurst, about four miles from Lymington, • li the Lops, Tops, and Bark th rem'. Also a considerable number of Flit TREES, now fellnd and lving in Brockenhurst P nk. Mr. Peter Jenvcy, of Biockcnhiust, will hew thc timber, of whom nrinted particulars may be had, as well as at thc place of sale. . [ HI7 NAVY OAK. \ TO be SOI. D by AUCTION, by Mr. YODSG, on Wednesday the 12th of April inst. at four o'clock in the afternoon, at the White Horse l:„ n, Komsey. Lot I.— 100 Oak Timber Tiees. and 2 Elms, standing in Badslap and Home Coppices; in the parish of North Stone- ham. Lot 2.— 150 Oak Timb.- rTrces, standing in Foul moor Wood, in the said parish. Lot!).— 20' 0 O. k Timber Trees, standing in Hurt Wood, in thc said parish. For a view of thc same, and particulars, apply to George Ddswell, at Stoneham Park, near South impr n. ( 1127 TIMiiER. nno be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. Youse, A oil Wednesday the ' 2th of April, 18np, at four o'clock in the afternoon, at the White H. rise Inn, Romsey, the under- mentioned Lots of OAK, ASH, and ELM TIMBER. Lot 1.— 86 O il; Trees an 4 Ash Trees, standing on the south side of Mtghtingal" Wood, . n tbe parish of Ri. msey Extra, where the underwood is now cutt. c ,. Lot - 2.— 33 Oak Trees and Ash, standin in the east part of the above wood, where- the undcrw rl cutting: abo J Elm Trees felled, two of which lie in a fi. la adjoining Fanner Snclgrovc's yard, at Ashfie. d, antl the other li s near the Lodge, leading from Romsey to Broadlands. For viewing the timber apply to John Durnfonl, B inning- street, Romsey. P218' LYNDHURST. Fourteen Hundred Bottles of very old superior choice WINES. 57OR SALE by AUCTION, by J. YOUNG, on JL the premises, on Wednesday the 19th of April 1809, at twtlve o'clock,— 116 Dozen and 8 Bottles of high flavoured PORT, MADEIRA, CLARET, and SHERRY, the property of Cui. t. iNG SMITH, Esq. at Foxlease.— These Wines arc par- ticularly fine, some in bottle 15 vrars. Catalogues, at ieach, at the Auctioneer's, Romscy; Dolphins, Southampton; Anchor and Hope, Lymington; Hotel, Christchurch ; and Crown, Lyndhurst. ' [ 1239 ^ SOUTHAMPTON.-,— CAPITAL OAK TIMBER. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Sun Inn, Southampton, on Friday the 14th of April 1809, at four o'clock In the afternoon,—- 272 Fine OAK TREES, and five ASH ditto, together with their Lops, Tops, and Bark, as tbey are now standing or. the Manor of Hall Court, marked I. K and a cross with white paint; 261 TREES in Hall Court Wftod, and 16 in the Moor adjoining. ' [ 1238 Applv to Mr. Chiddel, Shidfield, foraviewof the same; and to Mr. John Colson, Southampton, for further particulars. OAK TIMBER. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Angel Inn, Chippenham, on Friday, April 1- lth, 1809,— About One Hundred . OAK TREES, chiefly maiden, with thc Lop, Top, and Burl:; now standing antl growing on an Estate at Norton Sain'Philip's, in the county it' Wilts, adjoining Malmesburv Common, in thc tenure of Mr. Ephraini Beedle. The said Estate is distant from Malmesbury about 9 miles, from Tetbury C, from Chippenham 8, and from Bristol 23 miles. For a view of the Timber apoly to the. Tenant; and for further particulars, tii Mr. Harry Rnss, auctioneer, Chippen- ham ; Mr. Jacob Sturge, survevor, Westbury ; or Samuel Williams, College Green, Bristol. [ 1207 CAPITAL OAK NAVY TIMBER. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. MAST, at the Fox Inn, in Bramdean, on Tuesday the 25th day of April inst. at I o'clock in the afternoon,— About 70 prime la^ ge OAK TIMBER TRF. ES, now standing and growing on Woodcutt Estate, near Alresford, Hants. For particulars, and a ilew. of the same, apply to Mr. Bar- nard, at tile said Inn. [ 1213 Genteel Modern Household Furniture. < 0 be SOLD by AUCTION, on the premises, by Messrs. BAI. F and GODWIN, on Tuesday, Arril 18, 1809, til the genteel modern HOUSEHOLD FURNI TURE, Glass, China, Books, and Priiits; together with a neat Gig and Harness, and other effects, the property of the Rev. CIIARI. ES POWIETT, leaving his residence at lichen Stoke, near Alresford. The furniture comprises a handsome dome bedstead, with rich prioied hangings ; lofty field b d- ' steads, With printed and oth r dimity furniture, and window curtains; lull bordered prime seasoned goo, e feather beds, mattresses, and bedding ; sofa, in printed cotton ; Bttti- sel* and Kidderminster room carpets, stair carpets, and bed rounds; pier and swing landscape dressing glasses.— In ma- hogany are dining tables, in set antl portable, han Vmi - side board, card and Pembroke tables, set of dining- toom chairs, in hair seats and brass nailed ; mahogany and painted chests of drawers, dressing chests, and tables ; painted and dyed chairs, bason stands, and other chamber furniture ; an eight- day clock, a very good and convenient small sized mangle, dinner set of brown edged Wedgwood's ware, and good aart general assortment of copper an. I t" i culinary requisites ; bait- hogshead brewing copper, gootl large mash vat, with brewing utensils, barrels, anil wash tubs: together with Humer us, other articles of hou- ihoald requisites and furniture, which, will be given in ct dogues, to be had m due time on the premises: at thc Swan, Alresford,- and of the Auctioneers, Winchester. The effects may be view'd thc dav preceding thc « ale, which will begin precisely at eleven " o'clock. [ 1234 LARGE OAK, ASH, ANI> ELM TIMBER. ' O be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. IULB A and GOD- WIN, on Wednesday the i2th day of Apitl 1809, at the Dolphin Inn, Botiey, in the county of South- ampton, precisely at two o'clock iu the afternoon?, subject to conditions to he then and there produced, 53 OAKS. 4R small ditto, 8 ASHES, and 4 ELMS, with their l. op, Top, and Bark, as they now stand, ( and not at per load when fallen, as before advertised.) Lot 1.— Eleven Oaks, marked with white paint, ten of thira, standing in Barberry Coppice and field adjoining, and one in a field called Seven Acres, 45 feet meetings, nit re or less. Lot 2,— Ten Oaks in Barberry Coppice and field adjoining, marked blue and white, 27 feet meetings, more 1 r. lcss. Lot 3.— Eighteen Oaks in Barberry Coppice and field cd- loiuing, marked blue, 13 feet meetings, more or less. Lot 4.— Fourteen Oaks in a field called Copyhold Put of. Roles' Croft, marked blue, 1- 2 fe> t meetings, more or les'. Lot 5.— Forty- six Oak Flitterns, in Barberry Coppice, marked with a white dot. Lot 6.— Eight Ash Trees, in Barberry Coppice, marked white, 15 roet meetings, more or l^- ss. Lot 7.— Four Elms, standing round thc garden of the farm- house, 46 feet meetings, more or less. Nearly the wh de of thc above timber is standing close adjoining the navigable river at Botiey, whence the purchaser may derive the convcni. ency of w ter carriage, imnvdntcly on thc spot, to any part of the kingdom. The tenant, Edw. Emery, of Marks Farm, at Botiey, will shew the timber - I"'! U. U_ J ... , .•—,. T whom particulars may be. had, and e. t the Dolphin li at, the Coach and Horses, Southampton; Red Lion h. m; White Horse, Romsey; the GeUi. e, and Auctioneer's, Winchester of also t the- [ I2J4 AND GENERAL ADVERTISER OF WjLTS, HANTS, DGRSET> AND SOMERSET. Friday's and Saturday s Posts. AUGSBORGH, March 20. THE exchange of Couriers between Vienna and Paris still continues very frequent. The divisions of Le Grand and St. Cyr are on their march towards this city, and those of Boudit ami Molitor through Upper Swabiu. LONDON, FRIDAY, APRIL 7.- DntcTi Papers to the 5th inst. were received yester- day. Their contents are not very interesting, and are principally occupied, with accounts of the march of troops towards the Austrian frontiers. . The Rotterdam Paper, of the lib, mentions a report, that a meeting is to take place between th" Emperor of Austria and Bonaparte, and that orders have been given for the French troops that were on their march towards Swaliia to halt; hut this report is so directly ; it variance with the intelligence from other quar- ters,^ that we do not think it entitled to much credit. The Austrian Minister to the Court of Bavaria,' Count Stadion, has left Munich, and returned to Vienna; but all the per- sons attached to tbe embassy remained at Munich. Accounts are said to have been reecived by Govcrn- " mont, of. a recent date, from Rotterdam, stating, that, M miteurs to the 25th ult. had readied that place, and that tliey aunounce the entrance of tbe Austrian? into the Tyrol, where they had gained some little advantages over the French. Letters received yesterday from Holland furnish the outline of a Decree, issued on tbe 1st. inst. by the Dutch ' Government, in which the various articles which are in future to be allowed for export aud import from and to the ports of Holland are enumerated. The articles for ex- portation are such as the Dutch markets are overstocked • with, among which there are but few of real consequence to England. Those allowed to be imported are such as France are in tbe greatest want of. It is already understood that our Government are determined not to sanction, by their licence, the means of carrying this decree into effect. Recent letters from the Cape of Good Hope mention a formidable insurrection there, which had happily been soon discovered and put down ; five of til" insurgent* were hanged. The Hon. Gen. Grey enjoyed better health than he had done for the two former v, irs, and Generals Wfea- therall and Cockle were well. The 89th regiment had sailed for Ceylon, ami the garrison consisted of the 21st dragoons, 24th, 7Cd, 33d, and 89th regiments of foot. Orders have been issued for the sailing of the Got- tenburgU convoy, which was detained at the Nore on the first intelligence of tbe revolution in Sweden ; and letter.* from Slrerness state that it accordingly sailed yesterday. This circumstance proves that our Government have a- sti- rantes of the preseut • friendly disposition of the ruling powers in Sweden. The Marqjuisof Ely East India ship was Seized at Crsveseiid a few days since, with 100 stand of arms on ' board. She wan afterwards permitted to pro : d to Ports- mouth, and t# o Directors were deputed to investigate this extraordinary bu mess- on board. The Captain, Mate, and » phrsf r, lrave", in consequence, been suspended, and ordered to i vn, to give i i account of their conduct to the Court eft) i; ectors! They have been superseded by Capt. Brooke, Mr. Andrew Eyre, .' id Mr. Stewart, whb were sworn iu and reached Portsmouth ju-' t in time ..; y arrangements for sailing with the is said, means, after the recess, to : m- y into abu- es consequent upon every : i:, istration, arising out of tbe courtesy .,.- to the present system, by the new ir predecessors in office. It is said there rial in the intended motion, and that it is nerally against the system. Court of Common Council was held or tbe purpose of voting Thanks to Mr. t at the. India llou' to, mi'r. i tbe n<- Cbina iieet. Mr. Ward!-.', move for an cm, ebsnge of Ari ni shqw i, accord' Ministers to the, is nothing per to be directe d Yesterday at Guirdhail', , . Wardle for h iate ' conduct! In Parliament, relative to the Cotamander Chief. Mr. Deputy Goodbehere observed, it was not necessary for him to state that the question which he was about to sub- mit to theCounwas line of very great importance. No Otle could deny that Mr. Wardle had deserved well of his country. The services he had rendered to it, were far mote extensive than any it couftl derive from victories, however'brilliant and decisive. A secret influence had, for the last 50 vean, rendered our victories abortive, and bad always pie'vailed to trample down the liberties and insult tbe feelings of the country. Mr. Wardle had been threatened bV the eomJiinati > n which exercised this influ- ence, but he was not dismayed by those threats; he had shewn that if the, country was roused it might yet be saved. That tbe Corporation of London might forward the magnanimous efforts of this individual, he proposed seven resolutions, which be read; the first staling that ties Court - had on frequent occasions evinc d if dett- s- tat on of public aba e-, and eo e. ot but condemn the cor- rupt practices developed by the late investigation; the Sd, that G: L. Wardle, Esq. having, umwed by Ministerial threats, exhibited seri.- u. charges against the late Com- mander in Chief, which have been clearly substantiated, and have in fact induced his Royal Highness to resign a situation of which be was unworthy, is entitled to the esteem and gratitude of this Court and the country ; the 3d, that the thanks of this Court, and the freedom of the City in a gold box value 100 guineas, be presented to Mr. Wardle, in testimony of the high sense entertained by the • Court of hi* intrepidity and patriot!. in ; the 4th, that the " thanks of the Court be given to Sir F. Burdett, Lord Folkestone, Mr. Whitbreid, Sir S. JlomiHy, General Fer- guson, Mr. Alderman Comb?, and the rest of the 125 in- dependent Members who attempted to stein the torrent of corruption,- on the important question relative to the Duke of York; the 5th, that as a considerable number of those w ho voter! in favour of tbe late Commander in Chief, on the 18th of March, hold lucrative appointments at the pleasure of the Crown, the vote of acquittal, under all the circumstances, appears to have been produced by that, pre- ponderating influence of which this Court has before com. plained ; the Gth, that these and other public abuses call loudly for rcdrcv, and evince the necessity of u radical aud speedy reform, a, essential to the security of the just prero- gatives of thji Crown as to the rights of the. people ; the 7th, that the.? resolutions be published, &<!.— He con- cluded with moving the first resolution. « Mr. Miller seconded it in a short speech. Mr. S. Diem said, he was willing to concur in a motion of thanks to Mr. Wardle, whose exertion* merited every praise, but lie could not consent to go farther, What bad the Court to do with Sir 1-. Burdelt and the other Gentle- men included ir. tbe next resolution? Not one of them, except the Noble Viscount ( Lord Folkestone) displayed ar. v zeal it> support of Mr. Wardle. Mr. Deputv KemUe reprobated the expression attri- buted to All . Vorke, in tbe House of Commons,— that a jaeob'. oieal conspiracy existed, from whieh the invc- tiga- ' tieu had emanated. The country . was. never more loyal than at this in luiynt: there was no bad spirit but among the men of family and fortune : he was ashamed to see them grasping at" every thing they could catch, whilst hiitueli and others of his rank were ready to lay down their lives and fortunes, if needful, for their King and < ountrv. The base spirit to whiclrhe had alluded was not cot& ned ,<> anyone party; it infected them all. Wba. t/- ever Ministers were In, their only object appeared to be to fasten and prey yn the public. The last set of Ministers Were in office tut) short, a time fully to feather their nests, though tolerably industrious. The present set, he was persuaded, would make good use of tlieir time, and scarcely leave a feather behind them. Those who were, gaping to succeed them posse sed the same rapacious spirit. Such was the constitution of our present parties, and he was not for lending the vote of that Court to any of them, but wished to confine tb • thanks to Mr. Wardle. Mr. Waithinan spoke at " considerable length on the. dangers to be apprehended from the progress of corruption in th' State, and declared that tbe whole of the resolutions bad his concurrence. Mr. Alderman Princep regretted that the Court should be called on to vote on the present resolution, which nearly affected the feelings of our Sovereign ; but its pro- priety and necessity were sti evident, that he could not t see anv grounds whereon to oppose it. Tbe" first resolution w as then put and carried unani- mously. Mr. Dixon made some objections to the second resolu- tion, which were answered by Mr. Kemble and Mr. Mavv- \ man, and it was then put and carried, j On the third resolution being put, Mr. Iveuible objected i to voting the gold box, on tbe ground that in these times all public bodies should be frugal, and the freedom of the City was , alone a great honour, when voted as a mark of respect for public virtue. Mr. Dixon spoke in support of tbe original question, which was then put and carried. The fourth resolution, amended by inserting Mr. Al- derman Combe's name, which was not originally in the list of Members, pasred unanimously. The fifth resolution was opposed by Mr. Dixon, Mr. Alderman Birch, Mr. Stokes, and Mr. Kemble, on the ground that great danger would result to tbe constitution if the motives of the Members of any branch of the Legisla- ture were to be called in question. . Mr. Waitbmau maintained tbe propriety of the resolu- tion, and quoted Blackstone, in the case of the five Ayles- bury men imprisoned by the Commons, ( where tbe Lords made a stand with the people) to shew that the resolution was constitutional. An • amendment in the latter part of the resolution, omitting the assertion that " no doubt could be enter- tained of the motives" which induced the majority tb ac- quit llie Duke of York, was at. length agreed to. The Gth and 7th resolutions were then passed, and the Court adjourned. ASTOMisttlNG PERFORMANCE..— The mare belonging to Mr. Wilson, the liveryman, which performed thirty miles ill. one hour and forty minutes, yesterday finished a task unprecedented in the racing calendar. The owner of the mare backed heron the 28th ult. for a wager of 200 guineas, to go 50 miles in three hours and a half, such being at the rate of nearly fifteen miles an hour. The auiinal went off in high condition yesterday on the Woodford road, and did above fifteen mile* within an hour at a steady trot, and Continued to do tbe same in the next two hours. The difficulty in the performance was the last five miles in the half hour, which was done in four minute* less than the given time.— We admire the generous nature of this noble animal, but. we cannot say tbe same of its task- master. A brutal fellow, whose dress is genteel, has lately infested Mary- le- bone, 1' addingtoli, aud Hyde Park, whose object has been to treat, with the greatest indecency, the moat respectable dressed women he in rs, by serving them in the manner a nurse would use rude child. A lady, whore n . me, through regard to 1. ' ' lings, we suppress, residing in Jermyn- street, was atta , by tbe ruffian, near the King's Head and Artichoke, in ,,' y- le- bonne fields, on Friday evening, - and treated in this disgusting manner for nearly 10 minutes,. A young woman, companion to a lady inJBentiuck- street, also fell into the monster's clutches on Monday evening, and his brutal conduct threw her into hysterics, in which situation she was found iu Park- lane. He was, however, taken into custody on Tuesday, in the neighbourhood of Walham- green, and safely lodged iu the cage,' for an assault on two young ladies at Turnbain- green. He is supposed to be a man of property, BIRTHS.] Oil the 31st ult. the Lady of T. B. Leth- bridge*, Esq. M. P. of a daughter.— On Saturday, in Cbarles- stre-- t, Berkeley-' quart-, the Lady of Win. Sturges Bourne, Esq. M. P. . of a daughter.— On Sunday, at Queen's Elm, l « dy Elizabeth Brickendeit of a son.— Yes- terday, in Portnian- square, tile Lady of Sir J. Johnstone, of We=',: rhall, Bart, of a daughter. MARRIED.] Yesterday, at Twickenham, James Merry, _ M. D. of Bath, to Mr-. Podniore, widow of tile late Rev. R. Podmore, Vicar of Cranbrook and Appledore, in Kent. — Lately, A. B. Grenville, M. 1). Surgeon in the Royal Navy, t.) Mis* Kerr, of the Portsmouth Theatre.— OA Thursday, Mr. Richard Helling*, of Alpbington, Devon, aged ninety years, to Miss D. : hit- ford, mantua- maker, of Barnstaple, aged nineteen years I DIE:).] On the 26' th uit. at Edinburgh, the Dowager (\ runie- s of Kintore.— On Friday, at ins seat in Denbigh- shire. Gabriel Piozzi, Esq. who married tbe once justly celebrated Mrs. Thrale, widow of Henry Thrale, Esq. M. p. for Snuthwark.— On Sunday, at his house in Dover, in his Gj) th year, John Bazely, Esq. Admiral of the Blue, leaving tw I sons, both Post Captains in the Royal Navy.— On . Monday, John Cam, Esq. of Hereford, Receiver Gene- ral of that comity.— Same day, at Bath, in bis 38th year, Glynn Wvnn, Esq. a Special Pleader in the Court of (" ban- eery.—' Yesterday, at his house , t Battersea Rise, Alexander Champion, Esq. a Director of the Bank of England.— I ra t week, tile Rev. Malachi Hitehins, Vicar of St. Hillary and Gwinriear, in Cornwall, aud principal calculator to tbe Board of Longitude. A LB- I- ON I\ COMPA: \ Ta Meeting of theGuil'd Stewards, Burgesses, and II Inhabitants of the Borough and Town of CALNE, called for the ; urposeof considering the propriety of Thanking COL. WARDEK for his patriotic conduct in Parliament,— the follow ng Address being proposed and seconded, was unani- m.. us. y carried .. rid signed by all pre- rent :— To G. L. WARDLE, Esq. M. P. The Mover of the Charges in the Ilonse o/' Commons against his Royal Highness the Duke of York. WE, the Guild Stewards, Burge, sses, and Inhabitants of the Borough and Town of CAI.-:. E, assembled, feci it our duty, as members of a free country, to express our sense of your public conduct. We admire alike your courage and manliness in standing forward singly and unaided, and laying your Ch . rges " in a tangible shape" b - fore the Representatives'; of the People your firmness and judgmentjn support- ng them; and your mode- ration when truth had silenced the warnings of reponsibility and th threats of infamy from ministerial arrogance. We consider that no efforts of genius, nor any feats of he- roism, can, at this time, render the country such essential service, as the honest exertions of independent Members of Parliament to expose and exterminate corruption ; and we most unfeignedly give you our cordial, sincere, and grateful thanks. We love our King and Constitution, and complain of no sacrifices that we are called upon to make f i tnc. r security and support, but we cannot . b: insensible that too much of our treasure is diverted from the proper channels of National Benefit, and lavished on Party Adherents and sieeping Place- men. We however confidently trust, that throu th the course of your political career, so vigorously and us - fully begun, you will maintain your independence, and sutler no attach- ment to party to warp you from tile People's Cause. GUII. DHAI,!,, MarcliiiO', i » 09. [" 77 N FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE - H&. COMPANY, Ntw BRIDGE- STREET, LONDON, em- powered by Act of Parliament. AGENTS :— Salisbury, Mr. Jas. Lacy, High- street; War. minster. Mr George Strode, clothier ; Blandfiprd, Mr. R C. P. roley; Sherborne, Mr. John Wm. Gill, druggist; Bris- tol, Mr. Bartholomew Barry, bookseller: Gloucester, Mr. Joseph Roberts, bookseller; Cheltenham, Mr. Robert Hughe's, solicitor; Tewkesbury, Mr. Wm. Edgcumbe, builder; Bull, Mr. Thomas S. Mey'ler, bookseller; Taunton, Mr. Richard Meade, solicitor; Cnar'K Mr. Thomas Guppy, ironmonger. Insurances falling due at Lady- day;- should be renewed within fifteen daystrom that period. Abatements are made, according to the plan which origi- nated with this Company, on the Premiums of all Fire In- surances out of London. A large advantage is allowed on Lite Insurance; and every facility is afforded by which the interest and accommodation of the public may be promoted, torn] WARNER PHIPPS, Secretary. PHCENIX FIRE- OFFICE, LOMBARD - STREET, LONDON. H-' HF. Directors of the PtICENIX FIRE IN- A SURANCE COMPANY return their acknowledgments for the patronage they Continue to experience, and they refer with confidence to the system which has been pursued in the management of the concerns of the Office for a period of up- wards of twenty- five years, and by which every possible ac- commodation and advantage has been afforded to the public, as well in the arrangement of rates as in the prompt aud liberal adjustment oflosses. Stock on a Farm may'be insured in one sum, without the average clause, at as. per cent: per annum. The Receipts for Policies, falling due at Lady- day, are ncVf in tire hands of the several Agents. • J* Th " important sums annually paid by this Office to sufferers by fire, strongly prove'the benefits resulting from Insurance, as well to Noblemen and Gentlemen to secure the value of their mansions and effects, as to Farmers, Manu- facturers, and all the Commercial Orders. - Persons insuring for'fnree Hundred Pounds, or upwards, will not be charged for the Policy. By order of the Directors, 9S9j H. A. HARDY, Sec. of Country Department. X) Cover this Season, at the White Lion Inn, Salisbury, at One Guinea the Mare and a Crown the Groom,— That well- bred Chesnut Horse CHlGWELL, own brother to Asparagus. Chigwell was got by PotSo's, his dain by Justice, his grand- dam by Squirrel, his great grahd- darr by G11 Cade, his great great grand- dam the little Harley Mare, by Bartlet's Chi'lders, out of Flying Whig, Williams's Woodstock Arabian, the Saint Victor Barb, Whynot, son of the Fcnwick Barb, Sec. The" money for covering, and ail expences, to be paid at the time of covering. Chigwell will attend at Warminster and Rornscy every otlitr we. » . His stock is lar^ e and handsome. , HPO be SOLD,— FREEHOLD LANDS, Carnar- - 1- vonshire; within four miles of the Sea, and three mil s of the Road now opening between Dublin and Loudon, by way of Porthdiulleyn Harbour. This improvable and valuable Estate is comprised in several good F'irms, with Buildings thereon, in the occupation of good tenants, and a considerable part in a ring lence, with extensive right of common, producing'a rental of upwards of ( lovl. per annum, possessing a Turbary and other valuable acquisitions. ^ Apply ( if by letter, postpaid) to Mr. C. Pitt, Architect and Surveyor, at his Agency Offices, either Southampton, or No. 79, Baker- street, Portman Square, London. Also to be Sold in Southampton,— Several FREEHOLD HOUSES, recently built.— N. B. Good Bargains. A Quantity of Marble Chimney Pieces constantly on sale at the Southampton Office. [!> 6li WARMINSTER. HPO be SOLD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT,— A A small, comfortable, genteel DWELLING- HOUSE, W'th a small walled Garden behind, and all convenient offices, situate in. a pleasant and public part of Warminster, late in the occupation of Mis. Starr, deceased ; held by lease under the M. trquis'of Bath for two good lives. The situation is eligible f,. r busin" ss ; and, with a'little alteration, the room in front may be converted into a shop. For further particulars'apply ( if by letter, postage paid) to Mr. Gouih, solicitor, Warniie. stcr. [ 88: 3 WESTBURY,' WILTS. HPO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— £ All those desirable'FREBHOLD I'RF. MlbES, consisting of a newly- erected Factory, Falling Mill, and two comfortable Cottages ; also one other Cottage and Garden ; also an ex- cee ting good Water Meadow. The above premises are supplied by a copious and constant stream of the finest water, and are peculiarly suited for either a Woollen Manufacturer, Dyer, brewer, kc. tire situation being centrical to the ) rincprl clothing towns in Wiltshire. The whole of the Machinery may be taken at a fair va- lUition,— and immediate possession given. For further particulars apply by letters ( post paid) to Mr. Meech, Coldharbotjr, Westbury Leigh. [ 902 TO be SOLI) by PRIVATE CONTRACT, at Alton, in the county of Hants, A genteel FAMILY RESIDENCE, consisting of a substantial- built and neatly fitted- up Mouse, with ' a good Garden and convenient Out- buildings. The house consists of two good siz * d sitting- rooms, and a small back parlour, a good kitchen, wash- house, and a dry under- ground cellar; on the first floor'are five good bed- ro ens, and in the attic one servants' bed- room, but more, if required, can conveniently be made. Attached to the house is a large Building used for a Hop Kiln and Store- room, which can, with little ex pence, be con- verted either to the enhirg. nrent of the dwelling, or may be altered to furnish a laundry, oach- house, and stables, or othef officcs, as may be required. 1 The premises, which are Copyhold, are in good repair,. and fit for a small genteel f imily, or ari well ' calculated tor a la- dies' boarding school, the situation being particularly dry and airy, at the western extremity of the town. For particulars apply.( if by letter, postpaid), to Mr. John Andrews, builder, Alton, who - will shew the premises— of which a purchaser may have immediate possession. Fieehultl- Public- house and Store- house for Sale. GOSPORT, TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, ( either fw » terror separately1,— that lsrge and well- built PUBLIC- HOUSE called Tin. ttnti. x DRAGON, with the Yard and Offices thereto adjoining, rijost fuaurah'e s" - ated at th - lower end of North- street, contiguous to' ( Josp tt Beach. The I louse is 23 feet wide in front, containing a !., go and . dry cellar, four roMns on the ground floor, rv goedp. ,- lour and three bed- rooms Cn the first floor, and four bed- rooms ovel. In the Yard are a large kitchen with two rooms fur soldiers, a pump with a we'd of good spring wau r, and a laigc tank for rain water. There is also a very convenient side passage. Also all that STORE- HOUSE and YARD, adjoining to and communicating with the above premises on the south, and Poitsmooth Harbour on the north. The Store- house c nit- ins two s'- rriea- is in width 15 feet, and in length 51 feet. The Yard, including the scite of the store- lie > se, is in width at the n rth end 29 feet, ar. d at the. south end 211 feet 8 inches, and in length at the west side 74 feet, and at the east side 68 feet. The above Estate, comprising a depth of 150 feet, at an average width of about 27 feet, is not only well adapted lor its pr sent use, but may be also converted ( with a small ex- pence) Into a very c. i vuodions mercantile residence, and will be rt ndercd extremely valuable'by the taking place of the pro- jected demolition of the wharfs and store- houses on tbe mote eastward part of the b. a- h. The Land- tax Ls redeemed. Part of the. purchase- money may remain on mortgage, and early possession will He delivered. A . For particulars, and to treat for the purchase, apply to Mr. Henry Mitt n, the proprietor, on the premises, or to Mr. C'- mpigne, solicitor, Gosport. f920 ISLE OF WIGHT. Farming Stock and prime Meadow Hay, TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by MKW and PORTER, On Wednesday April 12, 1809, on the Pre- mises, at Messrs. Saunders' Farm, near Newport; consisting of three capital cart horses, two saddle ditto, an excellent waggon, two light earts, one dung pot, a good winnowing machine, plough, harrows, draes, and roller; Cart anil plough harness, one 10 and one 217 round bidder, rick settles and settle stones, bushel, rudders, prongs, shovels, pickaxeS, & c. & c.; cloth van, and Other implements in husbandry. Likewise, on the above premises, five ricks of prime Meadow Hay, well saved, and of the very best herbage, containing about lao tons. S . le to begin exactly at two o'clock in the afternoon. N. B. Further particulars may be had of the Auctioneers, Newpoit; if by letter, postpaid. ISLE OF WIGHT. TO TANNERS AND LLM0NGERS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. MEW and PORTER, at the Wheat Sheaf Inn, Newport, Isle of Wight, on Thursday the 20th day of April, 1809, at three o'clock iu the afternoon, either together or in parcels, and subject to such conditions as will be then and there produced, — A substantial and well built FREEHOLD MESSUAGE or DWELLING- HOUSE, with convenient offices attached, also a large Garden occupied therewith ; and averydesirableTAN YAliD, now in full trade, situate in the town of Newport aforesaid, late in the occupation of Abraham Clarke, consist- ing of 78 pits capable of holding 2,000 hides, a bark mill, scowering house, beam house, drying house, and a large bark barn, with every other convenience for carrying on the trade of a tanner.— A fine stream of water passes close to the tan yard. ' - Also Two Freehold Cottages under one roof, adjoining to the above mentioned premises. Also a Freehold Messuage or Tenement, stable, and cart- house, with a large orchard adjoining, containing about half an acre, situate in the town of Newport aforesaid. Tbe above premises are well worth theattention of any person wishing to carry on the trade of a Tanner or Fell- monger, there being sufficient room to build and increase the number of pits if required. For a view of the premises, and for further particulars, apply ' if by letter post- paid; to. Mr. Worsley, solicitor, New- port, Isle » f Wight. fioif) HAMPSHIRE. A compact and desirable Residence, Lawn, Arable, Pas- ture, and IFood Land, in a ring fence. nno be RE- SOLD, by Messrs. ADAMSOJJ A FIELD, A on Tuesday the Ifith of May 1809, at four o'clock in the afternoon, at the Crown Inn, Portsmouth funless an accepta- ble offer is in the mean time made by private contract:,— A most desirable FREEHOLD RESIDENCE, called BI-. I. MORE LODGE ; consisting of a good modern House, calculated for a moderate family, standing in a handsome lawn, and com- prising a small* entrance- hall, large drawing- room » S ft. by 17 ft. fodr gocd bed- n- orris, and dressing- room, with servants' rooms detached, water closet, kitchen, pantries, cellars, large brew- house, and sculleries, with a go " d oven, and a plentiful supply of fine water; capital four- stall stable with lofts over, double coach- hoase, granary, and other convenient out- offices, and an excellent walled garden ; together with about 101 acresof fine arable, pasture, and wood land, surrounding the house, in a ring fence. The above estate lies in a peculiarly dry and and healthy situation in the middle of the Hampshire hunt, has e. ery command of field sports, and forms altogether a singularly compact and desirable fcsidenCe for a sportsman, or gentleman of moderate family who wishes. for a pleasant and independent retirement in Hampshire.— The roads and neighbourhood are most excellent ; within 3 miles of the market and pc, « t town of Bishop's Waithrm, 7 from Winchester, 12 of Southamp- ton, lSof Gosport, 19 of Portsmouth, and SO of London. Particulars to be had of Mr. Pinlictt, solicitor, No. n. Elm- court, Temple, London ; Mr. Shugar, solicitor, Portsmouth; Mr. Gunner, solicitor, Bishop's' Waltham, who Will'give di- r. en nis- t- T viewing the prem ses ; and of Messrs. Adamson and Fietl,' S ® 1 Fenvhureh- etreet, London, where a plan of the es( ate may be seen. [ IS 14 I^ OR PUBLIC SALE, at the Star and Garter . Tavern, Portsmouth, on Thursday the 13th of April 1809, at noon,— The following GOODS' For Home Consumption: Nine Block's Marble- One Marble Chimney- piece and two Marble Slabs A large quantity of Alabaster Ornaments for okinmey- pieces, & c. of most beautiful workmanship. Two casus of Natural Curiosities ;— and. For Exportation, Fifty- six casks Currants'! . , Eighteen ditto Smyrna* fvzry much damaged One hundred and sixty bales Juniper Berries— damaged Five casks Violet Root One case Picture Frames One small box Snuff One case Guitars One ditto Books anil Prints, Being part of the cargo of the Danish brig Maria, J. H. Hoist, master, condemned as'prize to his Majesty's gun- brig Sharp- shooter, Lieut. John Goldie, commander. ' [ 1148 For viewing the above, catalogues, & c. apply three days before the sale to JOHN MOYLE, Broker. COWES, ISLE OF WIGHT. [ fCR SALE by AUCTION, at the Fountain Inn, on Wednesday the 1 - 2th of April | R09, ^ eleven o'clock, For Home Consumption, 626 Bales 1' ERNAMBUCA COITON, 320 BRAZIL HIDES, 48 Packages TALLOW, 20 Logs BRAZIL WOOD, The whole in the best condition : per the Flora, lately arrived irora the Brazils. For- catalogues and samples apply at the office of Thomas Day, at Cowes aforesaid. *** Prompt. One Month. [ 925 For Account of the Underwriters. npo be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Fountain A Inn, in West Cowes, on Thursday the 20th of April, 1809, at twelve o'clock,— One CA B LE, 110 fathoms, 20 inches, with 45 fathoms, 191 inches, spliced thereto; One CABLE, 100 fathoms, 20J inches; and Two ANCHORS, stocked suitable to the above cables. The whole in good condition, having belonged to the True Briton In liaman, and lately saved and brought into the port of Cowis. To be viewed by application to'Mr. Auldj6. EAST C'- IWES, April 4, 1809. [ 1180 NEW FARM, NEAR HURSLEY, HANTS. Prime South- down Sheep and Lambs, capital Rams, fine Meadow Hay, Sfc. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on the premises, by Mr. MECEY, on Thursday the 20th day of April IS09, precis - lv at eleven o'clock,— A number of prime South- down EWES and LAMBS, fine RAMS, meadow HAY, & c. the prop rtyof Mr. RICHARD WILKINS, leaving the farm ; comprising about 100 couple of fine South- down two- teeth ewes and lambs, 5 capital singularly handsome rams, about 30 tons of prime me tdow hay, about DO doz, n of hurdles, Sc. The ewes and lambs will be sold in lots of 20 couple each ; the hay > n lo: s of fjiie tons each. - To be viewed two days pr ceding the sale, when catalogues may be had on tbe premises, and . of the Auctioneer, Win- chester. ' (" 1192 WUST G R E EN l- IOUS E, Near Hartford Bridge, Hants. Modern Furniture, large Pier Glasses, Mirrors, Town- built Chariot Brewing Utensils, Garden Lishts and Frames, about Thirty Load of Meadow Hay, and Effects, HO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr: HERMON, on the premises, on Thursday the 13th of April 1809, and following days, at eleven o'clock.——- The excellent and genuine Household Furniture, comprising a drawing- room suit iu elegant chil t/: window Curtains, japanned chairs And sofas; two brilliant Pier Glasses, 79 jnehes by 3t each ; mir- rors ; an assemblage of well- made cabinet articles, consisting of a Capital li rary bookcase with wings, secretaries, ward- robes, chests of drawers; dining, card, and Pembroke tables; sideboard and pedestals, parlour chairs, etc. four- post and field bedsteads and bcddinr, Turkey and Brussels carpets, kitchen requisites, an eigrrt- day dial, brewing utensils, garden lights and fram a i. iangle, register . and pantheon stoves, coppers, about CO load of prime meadow- hay, and a variety of effects. ' To be viewed on Tuesday and Wednesday preceding the sale; and Catalogues had Oil'the premises ; at'the White Lion, Hartford Bridge; Crown, B isingstoke; White Hart, Win- chester; Crown, Reading; P lican, Newbury ; Wheat Sheaf, Popham Lane; and of Mr. Hermon, Conduit- street, Hanover- Square, London. fuss CAPITAL ESTATE IN WILTSHIRE. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. TIMROOK, at Deptford Batch Inn, in the " county of Wilts on Monday the 17th day of April, 1809, ar three o'clock or the aftepioon, in one or more lots,— The MANOR, MANSION- HOUSE, and capital ESTATE of MADDINCTON, in the county of Wilts, with its Rights, Royalties, and Appurte nances; comprising a spacious and convenient mansion- house with requisite offices, and about '. 500 acresof arable, meadow, pasture, down, and wood, land, 1100 of which are in demesne, and the residue is held by sundry lease and copyholders for one, two, aud three lives ; " with the Great and Small Tythes arising thereon, and on other estates contiguous thereto. Maddington is situate in a fine open part of the county of Wilts, celebrated for field sports; about 6 miles from Ames- bury, 9 from Salisbury, 11 from Warminster, and 12 from Devizes.— Mr. Henry Washbourne, the tenant, will shew the premises. Printed particulars will be ready for delivery by the 30th day of March, and may afterwards be had at the Printing Office, Salisbury; Lord's Arms, Warminster; Bear, De- vizes; George, Amesbury; of Mr. Dyne, Serjeant's Inn, London ; Mr. Field, Sh cptoR Montague ; Mr. Messiter, so- licitor, Shaftesbury ; and Messrs. Messiter, solicitors, Win- canton, where, a Map of the Estate may be seen. [ 706 DORSET. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by J. JF. ANES, at the Star Inn, in Shaftesbury, on Thursday the 13th of April 1803, between the hours- of three and five in the after- noon, subject to conditions then to be produced,— All that Piece of LAND, called POTTLEH1I. LS, situate, lying, and being within the parish of Motcomb, and one mile of Shaftes- bury aforesaid ; and now in the occupation of Mr. George Butt, as t-.- rtant thereof. For particulars enquire at the Office of Mr. Bowles, solicitor, Shaftesbury ; or to the Auctioneer, Red Lion Inn, ISourton, Dorset. [ 1134 FREEHOLD ESTATE, DORSETSHIRE, nno be SOLD by AUCTION, by WIXSTANLEY a and SON, at the Antelope Inn, Sherborne, on Tuesday the Sd of May, at two o'clock, in lots,— An eligible and very improvable FREEHOLD ESTATE, comprising a firm- house, with barns, stabling, Sic. and about seventy- two acres of excellent meadow, pasture, and arable land, situate at Allweston, in the parish of F" ke and county of Dorset, 3 miles from Sherborne, 5 from YeoVil, 9 from fencanton, ls from Blandford, and about 35 from Salisbury. To be viewed by applying to Mr. French, at Allwcston ; printed particulars mav be had at the Antelope, Half Moon, and King's Arqis, at Sherborne ; Mermaid, Yeovil; the Bear, and the Greyhound; Wlncanton ; the Swan, Stilrminster; Messrs. King and Johns, solicitors, and at the Crown and the Greyhound, Blandl'Ard; at the Antelope, Salisbury; and of Winstanley and Son, Paternoster- row, London— where, and at Messrs. King and Johns, Blandford, plans may be in spected. fl 156 ISLE OF PURBECK, DORSET. T'O be SOLD by AUCTION, at thc'Rcd Lion a. Inn, in Wa r, ham, Dorset, on Saturday the 6th day of May 1809, at three o'clock in tl. e afternoon, subject to con- ditions then to be produced, The Fee Simpls; and Inheri- tance of A MESSUAGE and FARM, ealltd HRRSTON, otherwise HARRISON, situate within the parishes of Swan- age and Lanston Matraveise, in the Isle of Purbeck and county of Dorset; and consisting of a dwelling, or farm- house, stable, barns, out- houses, " bartons, garden, orchard, and 213 acres ( by estimation) of arable, meadow, and pasture land, l'o the farm are also attached several va- luable Stone Quarries, the dues arising from which annually amount to ,£' 20 and upwards, exclusive of the rent derived from the farm, which is ,£ 132 per annum. The above- men- tioned premises are demised to Messrs. N. and J. Chinchen for a term of 14 years, determinable at the end of the first seven years, two of which are nearly expired. This estate is distant from the sea- port and bathing- place of Sv.- Ij. nage one mile, from Corfe Castle five miles, trom Wareham nine miles. It adjoins the turnpike road leading from Wareham through Corfe Castle toSvvanage; at which places letters by the general post daily arrive from London and every other part of the kingde- rp. From various parts of the farm are picturesque views of Swanage Bay, Corfe Castle, the British Channel, the. Lies of Wight and Purbeckand the neighbourhood abounds with game of every description. At the time and place above mentioned will also be Sold,— The REVERSION of four TENEMENTS, consisting of cot- tages and gardens ori- jinally attached to the said farm, but which are now separated therefrom, and demised to different persons for terms - of years determinable on lives. For the convenience of purchasers, the premises will be di vided into lots, particulars and a view of which mav be t b- tained or. application ta Mr, Filliter, solicitor, Wareham, Don?!. . [ 793 VALUABLE FREEHOLD LANDS. - iO. ve '< Sii SHIRK rpO be SOLD by AUCTION, . by Me,**,, n,.,'.'.• JL NBA, DYKE. TOCIIIN, and FORK EST, on M- m-'.. y tli 10th of April, punctually at two ' o'clock, at the M, lrluvi- Arms, Queen CSrn.- l, in 43 Lots,— A veiy'eli- FRFI-' HOLD ESTATE, advantageously S'te.' a:. a Ch il on h,''.',••- thorne, five nnles liom V- mear. ton, S, erbomc, mid Qe. n Camel; consisting of about - lim aer- s « .-' M a-' ow » > Orcharding, Arable, and Woodlands ; with an ol. i M ui- non house and Offices, Farm- houses and Buildins an ' si miry Tenements, m the occupation of Mr. John Foot, Mr Wn, field and others, at rents amounting to ortlv Four Hundred and 1 hirty Pounds per Annum.— Land- t x is rulee. ued I o be viewed by applying to Mr. John Foot, the t ' riant, of whom print. , particulars may be had, nnd at the place of safe, where a plan ijiay be seen ; particulars also at tire Grev- hour- ici, W mean ton; Red Lion, Somen ™ ; Golden I e. i- w n ! ' hSrg?< CJ'stl, e C8fy; Swat:, Langport; Swap Wells; ot Messrs. Bro. bc, Dowding, and Lutford, printers Salisbury; of Mr. Cruttwell, p, inter, Bath; Mr. Gu'ch printer, Bristol; Mr. Langdon, printer, She! Mr' Marnot, printer, Taunton ; Messrs. Hrays, solicitors Great Russell- street, illoomsbury; and of Messrs. Skinner, Dyke Urchin, . anil Fojrest, Aldersgate- street, London, where a plan may also be seen. rs,- 1 TIMBER.— SOMERSET! SHIRE. rr° be SOLD by AUCTION, bv SKINNER, A DYKE, TUCHIN. aiid FOR REST, on Tuesday and Wed- neselay the nth and lath ot April, punctually at two o'clock, at the Mildmay Arms, Queen Camel, in so'lots, for the ac- commodation of every class of purchasers, suitable not only tor timber merchants, but for carpenters, w c- lwri- hf coach- makers, turners, millwrights, coop-, is, and workmen in general,-— Two th msnnd t nr hundred ? nrl eig! t\- twt> KI. M, WALNUT, SYCAMORE, MAPLE; and other IIMBER TREES, with the lop. Lop, ami I- irk the greatest part maiden trees, very cm- enable stuff, and suitable'tor various purp s.- s, now standing ami growin* on sundry estates at Queen Camel, five miles from Ilchrsur; at Ham, a short distance from Longport, the navigation to Bridgewater, and the Bristol Channel ; at Hornblotton near Castle Cary ; and at Charlton Hor. thorne, on the turnnike road between Wincanton and Sir rborne. Some of the timber is very handsome, and of large dimensions. rst(,' 4 To be viewed by applying to Mr. Mullen, at the Mildmay Arms, Queen Camel; Mr. W. Sherrin, at Low Ham • Mr. Symes, at Hernblottorr ; Mr. Foot, Charlton Horcthorne, " f whom catalogues may be had— also of M ssrs. Bro. ti • Dow- ding antl Luxford, printers, Salisbury ; Mr. Langdon, winter, Sherborne; Mr. Marriot, printer, Taunton ; Mr. Cru. tvvell, printer bath; Mr. Gutch, print- r, Bristol; at tile Goi. ien Lion, Yeovu; Greyhound, Wincanton ; Geor- a, Castle C v • Swan, Langport; George, Bridgewater; of M. ssrs. Hi vs solicitors. Great Russell- street, Bloomstury; ami of M ss'i- Skinner, Dyke, Tuchin, & I'orrest. Aldersgate- str et, Lo d 11. rpO be SOLD bv AUCTION, bv m7~ mZ7. rAr ANr, nrAT,"-" The f" lklw> ng FREEHOLD and LEASE- HOLD 1 REMIsIib, under the conditions to be ptodu- cd at the times and places of sale ; At the Packhorse Inn, in Frame, o « Wednesday the 1 ith duu of April inst. at three o'clock in the afternoon .- Lot 1.— Four Tenements and Gardens, situate in Blimt- Street, in Fromc, now in the several occupations en W l'i m Needs, , White, Edw.- rd Millard, and G. i is Lapharn, held by Lease under Edward Barnard. Esq. for a term of years now determinable on two healthv lives. Lot 2.— A Tenement and Garden in Starve Acre, in l'rome, in the occupation of George Whittingt'on. Lot 3.— A Tenement and Garden in Starve Acre, in the occupation of — Spencer. N. B. The last three lots are held for the remainder of a term of yens, ofwh. ch upwards of cooare unexpired. At the George Inn. in Nnnxci/, on Thursday the 13th day of April inst. at three o'clock precisely in the afternoon : Lot1.— A Freehold Dwelling- house; Garden, large Stable, and Shed adjoining,. and a small Tenement ( now used as a stable) near adjoining, situate in Nunney, late m tbe occupa- tion of Mr. Hurtles.— These premises adjoin the river running through Nunfiey, are well worth the attention of mai u ac- turers, and arc admirably adapted for a steam engine, t ie being a sufficient space iir the g.- rden to erect a I'hge ( ac • : v. 1 ne dwelling- house is roomy, and at a small eApence may be rendered very commodious. I. ot2.— A small Paddock of Pasture Land, containing about H acre ( more or less) situate near Nunney, in the occupation of Mr. Miles, held for the remainder of a ternl ot y, ari Whereof upwards of S00 are une- xpirt eh For further particulars apply to tire Auctioneer, cr to G. Rotton, solicitor, FrOme ; and for a view of the premis- s to the respective tenant.*.—( One property.) [ 1126 Mrs. CtAHKl-:. ' On Saturday the 8th of April trill he published, closely printed on/ me paper in mo. price only 3, v. « </. embellished ti- jh a line Portrait, the only sh iking likeness of Mrs. Clarke eZhnlt, rPHE AUTHENTIC and IMPARTIAL L! f? 1 of Mrs. MARY ANN CARKE, containing most asto- nismng Intrigues,- with m my . ur ous. original Letters ot ibis celebrated La ly and the Luke, ol York , never le . rt pub! • . •!) from authentic sources and documents " f her Relativ s T""- sons in high Office, .& c . disclosing her secret irrrwri, and many singular and important Facts / ife/ i/ i, imtieui .• io every British subject, and which have never yet appear at any publication whatever. By W. CLARKE, Esq. Those who wish to possess this genuine edition ar r vt.... - 1 tob: particular in ordering ot the booksellers C.' n.- lrV £>/: of Mrs. Clarke, printed tor'!'. Kelly, No. 52, P tern v t. rnoiv- London ; and sold by Brodie, Dowding, and Luxiord (' a nl' Salisbury. ' j-| 0; 4 " This dan is published, in one barge vol. is. C> d. hoards CENTLMENTAL BEAUTIES fi- om the WRIT- 0 INGS of the late Da. BLAIR; in luring the Ia'"* t editions ot his Sermons, Lectures, & c. ike. alphabetically arranged. With a copious account of the Life and Wntirr'- s of the Author. Carefully abridged from the larger w. e, ks of Ihe late John Hill, LL. D. and Dr. Finlayson. A new edi- tion, with considerable additions. By W. HAMILTON RF1D. London : Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Ormc, and Sherwood; Nevly, ' and Jones, Parern wer- re w ; and s" Id by Brodie, Doweling, and Luxt'crd, Salisbury. . [ itlSli ' ': is iuV w published, in one neat and ten/ closely printed octavo volume, p- ice 15;. in boards, A DICTION ARY of PRACTICAL SURGERY; 1. i collected front th,: best and most original sources of in- fo. mation, and illustrated bv Critical Remarks ; including observations on the most important Remedies, Applications Instruments, & c.. a copious Pharmacopeia Ckn. urgira, and the Etymology and Meaning cf the principal Terms. The whele forming a complete ' Compendium of MOHLRN SUR- GICAL KNOWLEDGE, for the Use of Students, private Practi- tioners, and Naval and Military Surgeons. By SAMUEL COOPER, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons in London, and Author of " The First Lines of the Practice of Surgery." Printed for John Murray, 32, Fleet- street, London ; Brodie, Dowding, and Luxford, Salisbury; John Ballantyne and Co 48, North Hanover- street, Edim urgh ; and Wogan and Gum- ming, Du! hn; and may be procured of Motticy, Portsmouth • Rees and Curtis, Plymouth ; Brash and Reid, and, Lumsden) Glasgow; and any bookseller and newsman in town and country. [ 1186 HITE HANDS have ever been esteemed a per- sonal beauty in both Sexes, and in some parts of Europe are essential to persons of rack. The BANDANA SOAP, or Indian Washing Cakes, possess this peculiar pro- perty of- giving the most exquisite delicacy of texture and inconceivable f. umeSs to the Hands which are constantly washed with this Soap, Even in cases where the skin has been injured by labour or other violence, the baldness and coarseness are effectually, infallibly, and permanently re- moved, and succeeded by a smoothness, fairness, ar. d delicacy of appearance, which cannot be acquiied'ty- anv other means whatever. It is by experience only that any one can fcrnr an adequate idea of tiie superior excellence of tin's soap. [ 10S8 Sold by the Proprietors' Agent, whose sfgnatu* itb- ars, William Withers, No. 22S, Strand, Temple R; ir, London • and the Proprietors, as a further security, beg them tob par- ticular in noticing, that the name a: « l address o! thi printer, E. Spragg, No. 27, Bow- street, Covent- g rden, is" affiled to the label and wrapper. All others ah: Counterfeits. Sold by Messrs. Brodie, IMwding, and Lijiford, Sal sbiirv, and many other'iespectable Perfumers and Medicine Venders. Price is. eae. h cake. But it is at all times n. cessarv to be particular in observing the above caution, which will be tbe m. ans of pre- venting the imposition which has of late been prjctis d. DIXON's ANTI- iapOUS 1' ILLS. From Mrs. Martin to Mr. Di. ccn, Apothecary. SIR,— I have some vears< usc< l, and . continue to use, your DIXON's ANTI- BILIOUS PIl. l. H: as a family Aperient I do not know their equal; since I have taken them, 1 am relieved from a bilious complaint, particularly sick hcad.- achs, which frequently were very distressing to'me. I re- commend them to every family I am Acquainted with, parti- cularly those who live at a distance from medic I advice. Yours. Sc. J. HAMILTON MARTIN. Birchmore- hoiise, near H'ohirn, Bedfordshire, March 2, 1802. Sold' by Mr. Butler, - 1, Cheapside, London ; Brotlie, D w- ding, and Luxford, Salisbury; and most medicine venders, in boxes at is. 3d. and Us, each. fWfiS THE SALISBURY AND WINCHESTER JOURNAL. Sunday's Post. By Express. LONDON GAZETTE, rUBLlSIlliD O. N SATURDAY NIGIIT, APRIL 8. WHITEHALL, April 8. H| HE King has been pleased to appoint Archi- bald Campbell, Esq. to be a Lord of Session L in Scotland, in the. room of Sir Wm Nairn, Bart, resigned. . WAR- OFFICE, April 8. 3d Reg-, of Dragoons— Captain W. L. Clowes to lit Major, by purchase, vice Wood, who retires. Till lies?, of Light Dragoons— Lieut.- Col. John Earl of I'oiuvlington, from the 10th Foot, to be Lieut,- Colonel, vice Ros', who exchanges. Sth Reg. of Foot— Lieut.- Col. the Hon. H. King, from the Stuff in Neva Scotia, to be Lieutenant- Colonel, vice Mackenzie, ds ce tsed. 81 St Reg. Of Foot— Capt. E. D. Maurice to be Major, vice. Crigau, deceased. BREVII.— Lieut.- Col. L. Macquarrie, of the 73d Foot, t., have the rank of Colonel in the colony of New South " Wales. BANKRUPTS. Joseph ftovle, of Prestburv, tannei. ] ,. er TcaTNi r. of Nottingham, dealenand chapman. Thomas Oram?, of Stowniarkel, ironmonger. Thorn H olt v, of Birmingham, victual!. .-. Samuel Hort-' n, of . Birmingham, draper. Jonah t i y I mo., of Pilkington, cotton manufacturer. I) a id L. iw tij yoooi-. T, ot' Manchester, common brewer. John Davenport, of Njaochestcr, baker. W. Tuob on! ,1. 1- 1. A. s. iott, of pimlico, nursery and seedsmen. John Bull, of Deptford, victualler, Jolin Sunderland, of. Emley, corn- dealer. Jofin Burwell, of North Shields, upholsterer. LONDON. SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 8. Letters were yesterday received from Alicant, dated in the beginning of last month, which state that great activity prevailed there, antl throughout the whole king- dom of Valencia, in making preparations to resist the enemy. The old fortifications at Alicatlt had been repaired, and a new citadel was building.— The garrison of the place consisted of 3000 well- disciplined troops, but they were stated to he but indifferently supplied with arms. A report was strongly prevalent this morning that the King of Sweden had been delivered from confinement, and restored to the possession of regal authority. This event, it is said, was accomplished by General Toll, and a large body of Dalecarliaus ; and that, in consequence, the Duke of Sudermania had thought proper to retreat to Fin- land, and place himself under the protection of Russia. It is not said bv what means this intelligence' was received, consequently it merits little attention. Advices received at the India House from Governor Duncah, at Bombay, dated the 30th of October aud 4th of November, confirm the private accounts, previously received, that a treaty of friendship antl alliance had been concluded by the French General Gardanne and the Mini- sters of Fatali Shah, Sovereign of Persia, by which the latter is to cede to the Corsican Emperor an island or islands in the Gulph of Persia. The islands of Ormus and Kishtni are both mentioned as likely to be so ceded ; and it was reported at Sural, In October last, that the island of Carek, higher, up the Gulph, would also fall into Na- poleon's bauds. By these acquisitions, he would be enabled to annihilate our trade in that quarter, and to establish depots for the attack of our most valuable possessions. Yesterday a General Court was held at the East India House, when the resolutions of the last Court, ap- pointing a Military Secretary, and two Assistant Secreta- ries in the Examiner of Indian Correspondence Office, were confirmed, as was the Plan for forming a Seminary for the Education of Cadets for the Artillery or Engineer Corps in the Company's Service. Yesterday a Court of Directors was held at the East India House, when the undermentioned ships were thus stationed and timed, viz. Henry Addington, for Bengal diiect; to be afloat the 14th of April, sail to Gravesend 30th ditto, stay there 30 days, and be in the Downs the 8th of June.— Charlton, and Windham, for Madeira and Bengal;— Lady Lushington, Sarah Christiana, William Pitt, aud Sir William Pulteney, for Bengal direct;— Union, and Northampton, for Madeira and Bombay ; to be afloat the 30th of April, sail to Gravesend 14th of May, stay there 20 days, and be in the Downs the 9th of June. Mr. E. J. A. Woodford has written a letter to Mr. Angerstein, solemnly asserting the integrity of his cousin, Mr. Thellusson, in the disposal of his East India patro- nage,— that he was not even guilty of negligence, or want of due precaution, in attending to the recommendation for the three Writoi ships which he ( Mr. Woodford) disposed of; and expressing the utmost remorse at the effect of his misconduct therein, and at having abused the confi- dence reposed in him by his relative. A Danish privateer, taken by the Ranger sloop of war, in the Caltegat, arrived at Yarmouth on Wednesday: she mounted four large guns, besides swivels. After she was manned by the English; she fell in with and engaged a Danish Indiauiati for an hour and a half, and was prepar- ing to carry her by boarding, when two privateers hove in sight, which obliged them to leave her: they had only one man killed, none wounded. The celebrated Mr. LUDLAM has made his pseape a third time from the Lunatic Asylum where he was confined. His keepers have been in search of him ever since Saturday last, without success, though he has frequently been seen by other people. He was taken to Maty- le- bonne wateh- 1 . is,- oil Sunday night, for striking at some watchmen v.: iti a thick cane, and he was released at Marlborough- street Police- office on the following morning, without its being then known who lie was, the magistrates excusing liis conduct towards the watchmen on account of his ap- pearing somewhat insane. He told them he lived in Beau- mont- street, and promised to go immediately, home. On Tuesday morning he was seen walking very composedly along Pall- Mail. ANOTHER ELOPEMENT.— A Noble Lord, well known in the gay circles of the Bean Monde for his great taste in theatrical exhibitions, elbpeJ, about ten days since, with the young and beautiful wife of a Mr. B. a West Indian.— The attachment of the Lady had long been perceived and lamented by the friends of the parties. Mr. B. is now on his way for Jamaica, having quitted this country previously to the unfortunate denouement iiaving taiyen place; The fugitives have been traced into Norfolk. FIRE.— On Tuesday night, at ten o'clock, the family being about to retire, an alarm of fire prevailed at the house of the Rev. Mr. Moulds, at the village of. Hackley, Oxoli, which consumed the same, with stabling, & e. and four other houses adjoining. The flames burst forth from the btewhouse,. where a file had bein left, and with such impetuosity, that, although the fire was discovered in its infancy, it could not be crushed. Two horses were burnt; and it is supposed that damages to the amount of 5000/. were sustained, and the premises altogether, were unin- sured. Mr. MouUle was in Loudon at the time of the fire. At the Assizes for the county of Stafford, nine first cou- sins of the late Mr. Barber, who died soon after his return from India, at Bates's Hotel, obtained a verdict which gives them half M1. Barber's property ; nine first cousins o: i the mother's side, who obtained a verdict at a former Worcester A. sizes, and were the defendants on this last trial, will still have the other moiety, and each of the 18 first cousins will have uiornftban 11,0001. Mr. Dixie, a farmer at Toseland, in Huntingdonshire, and-, his shepherd, died last week of poison. Mr. Dixie had been- u sing arsenic in dressing his sheep, and carelessly lift the fatal powder near the flour tub : his servant girl mixed it in a pudding, of- whicli her master and the shep- herd ate heartily :' she disliked the taste, and ate sparingly, but she remains in a very dangerous way. Sarali Newton, a wretched woman who cohabited with Brumhall, a trooper in the Horse Guard. Blue, was found murdered in her lodging at Cluer, near Windsor, on 1 hurs- dav morning last. Her son, a youth of 15, found her on the bed, with her clothes on, dreadfully beat in her head, face, & c. several of her ribs beat in, and altogether a dreadful spectacle. It appeared in evidence before, the Coroner yesterday, that Brumhall often beat her dread- fully, that he was with her at two o'clock on Thursday morning, when she was heard to cry. Murder 1 but. as tW- s was frequently the. case, the neighbours paid no atten inn to it. The Jury's verdict was IVUjkl Murder by Bum- hall, who was sent olf to Reading Gaol. PRICES OF STOCKS THIS DAY, At Three o'Clock. Bank Stock, 2f3 § ex. d. India Stock, shut South Sea Stock, a Cent. Red. S7J ex. d 3 ^ fi- Cent. Cons. 67 J 4 Cents. 82$ ex. d. 5 is- Cent. Navy, 9BJ 5 » Cent. 17.97, shut Lons Ann. 18 5- I6ths ex. d. Omnium, — India Bonds, 12 a 13 p.. Exchequer Bills, 9 a 11 p. Irish 5 f- Cents, shut Imperial 3 ^ Cents, shut English Lott. Tickets, £ 32 4 Ditto Prizes, full money. Port getog. FALMOUTH, April 6.- The lfith regiment of dragoons embarked here on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday last, about 800 men. The transports ( 24 sail) under convoy of the Magicienne frigate, put to sea yesterday morning, but returned in the evening on account of an unfavourable change of wind, and still remain. The destination continues unknown, but is supposed to be Lisbon. The Sybille frigate sailed on a cruize on Saturday. The Princess Elizabeth packet sailed for Lisbon on the same day. The volunteers from the North Hants Militia ( at Petidennis) into the line, marched off this morning to join, their regiments. PLYMOUTH, April 7. The report that Major Napier, of the 50th, who came home from Corunna in the Cadmus sloop of war, had made his escape, is wholly un- founded. Capt. Winter, of the Cadmus, having sent a flag into Corunna, to enquire after Major Napier, he had the satisfaction to learn, by a polite answer from Marshal Ney, that the Major was recovered of his wounds, and might come to England on his parole; he was in consequence received on board the Cadmus. He had been treated with the most humane attention by the Marshals Ney and Soult, to which he is indebted for the preservation of his life : the latter sent his own surgeon to attend him, and on dis- covering that he. had been plundered by some French soldiers, presented him with a sum of money to the amount of his loss, Several wounded British soldiers, some women and children, in all to the number of 66, were sent home at the same time.—- A monument to the memory of Sir John Moore was preparing to be erected on the late field of action, by the express sanction of Marshal Soult. The Amelia, of 38 guns, the Hon. Captain Irbv, from Gibraltar with a convoy, passed by on Sunday for the Downs. On Monday a cutter came in from Roebefort, where our fleet continued anxiously watching the French, but had not been able to make an attack on the squadron in Basque Roads. The San Josef, of 110 guns, went out of dock on Mon- day, thoroughly repaired, and is getting ready for com- mission. On Thursday came in the French ship La Nvmphe, from Nantz, bound to tlje Isle of France, laden with provisions, wine, and brandy, captured by the Indefatigable, of 38 guns, in company with the Foxhound, of 18 guns; and the French zebeck Julia, froiii Marseilles, laden with sun- dries, captured by the Imperieuse, of 38 guns, last from Cork. . Sailed the Sprightly cutter, of 10 guns, with a fleet of merchantmen, under convoy, for the Downs; the Helder, of 32 guns, for Cork ; the Valiant, of 74 guns, to the eastward; the Alert, of 18 guns, for Portsmouth ; the Pheasant, of 18 guns, westward; and the Swallow, of 18 guns, for Guernsey. PORTSMOUTH, April 8. The Antelope, of 50 guns, is fitting to receive the flag of Vice- Admiral Holloway, for Newfoundland. Lieutenant Ellarv is appointed to the command of the Desperate gun- brig, in the Downs. Monday.— Arrived the Diomede, of 50 guns Capt. H, Cooke, from Guernsey ; Camilla, of 32 gwns, Capt. Bowen, from the Mediterranean; and Comet sloop, Capt. Muddle, from Plymouth. Tuesday.— Sailed the Loire, of 38 guns, Capt. Scboin- berg, for Spain, and Ariel sloop, Capt. White, for ti e Baltic.— Arrived the Coquette sloop, Capt. Forbes, and Alphea cutter. Wednesday.— Sailed the Ruby, of 64 guns, Capt. Hall, for the Baltic, and St. Albans, of 64 guns, Capt. Austen, with the East India convoy. Friday.— Sailed the Comet sloop, Capt. Muddle, with convoy for Newfoundland, and Frederickstein, of 28 guns, Capt. Searle.— Arrived the Helder frigate, from Plymouth. WINCHESTER. SATURDAY, APRIL L. T. Worslev Holmes, Esq. eldest son of Sir Henry Holmes, Bart, is elected Member of Parlia- ment for Newport, in the Isle of Wight, in the room of Sir Arthur Wellesley, who has accepted the Chil- tern Hundreds. BIRTH.] On Sunday, in Gloucester- place, Lon- don, the Lady of Charles Hulse, Esq. eldest son of Sir Edward Hulse, Bart, of Breamore House, of a son and heir. Latelv was married, at Southampton, Captain Harvey, of the 18th Light Dragoons, to Lady Ho- noria Lambert, eldest daughter of the Earl of Cavan, and widow of Capt. Woodgates, R. N. On Monday last was married, at Edinburgh, Capt. T. F. Baugb, of the Royal Navy, to Miss Scott, damghter of the late Francis Scott, Esq. On Tuesday last was married, at Ringwood, Mr. Wm. Hicks to Miss Catharine Biddlecombe, second daughter of Mr. Joseph Biddlecouibe, of the same place. On Monday died, at Staning, near this city, sin- cerely lamented by her numerous relatives and friends, Miss Mary Fitt, aged 25 years, second daughter of } dr, William Fitt. On Wednesday last died Mrs. Mary Nicklin, a re- spectable Lady of Southampton, who on that very day had attained the advanced ageof'g2 years. On Thursday last died, at Lockerly, very much respected, Mrs. Sarah Edney, wife of the late farmer William Edney, aged 73 years. A CAPTION— Last week the gardener of Charles Wall, K « q. at Norman Court, having been clearing a horse- radish bed, threw out a quantity of the horse- radish. Eight cow-:, grazing near, got to the horse- radish, and ate a great quantity ; the consequence was, that four of the cows died, apparently in a state . of wild intoxication; the others were with difficulty recovered. SALISBURY. MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1809. BIRTH.] On - Saturday the 1st inst. in Harley- street, London, the Right Hon. the Coutitess of Pembroke of a daughter. The Guild Stewards, Burgesses, and Inhabitants of Cabie have voted an Address of Thanks to Colonel Wardle, " for his patriotic conduct in Parliament," a copy of which Address appears in the preceding page. The Pantomime of MOTHER GOOSE was brought out at our Theatre on Monday, and repeated on the two following evenings. The scenery has been painted and the machinery, & c. prepared under, the direction of Mr. Williams, of Covent- Garden Theatre. The performers successfully exerted themselves to do justice to his skill and taste, and to the liberality of the Manager ; the pan- tomime went off with eclat, and was each night warmly applauded by the audience, * J_ Oil Monday last was married Mr. Horder, of Wi. ikhain Lodge, in this county, to Miss Sylvia Gojld, of Donhead St. Andrew. Oil Tuesday was married Major George Evans ( Major of Brigade to the Forces in the Portsmouth Dis trict) to Miss Spalding, only child of Dr. Spalding, of Devizes. On Wednesday" was married Overburv, Esq. of " Nailsworth, Gloucestershire, to Miss Anstie, daughter of Ber. jamin Anstie, Esq. of'Devizes. On. Thursday was married the Rev. C. Phillott, Rector of Kingston Deverill, to Miss Pender, only daughter of Rear- Admiral Pender, of Hardenhuish- Hduse, in this county. A few days since died, in the 6oth year of his age, Mr. Goodfellow, of Teffont Mill, in this county. On Tuesday last died Mrs Williams, wife of Mr. Thomas Williams, whitesmith, of this city. The Assizes for the county of Somerset began at the Castle of Taunton on Monday, and lasted the whole of the week. There were 41 prisoners for trial, and also 41 causes. , Ten prisoners were capitally convicted, and received sentence of death, viz. James Biggin, for maliciously cut- ting Henry Clothier in the ancle with a bill- hook, with intent to do him some grievous bodily harm ; Stephen Hockey, for breaking into the shop of Mr. Wilcox, and stealing a quantity of handkerchiefs ; Elias Ingram and John Archil), for sheep- stealing ; James Nicholl and Wm. Few, for robbing James Hitchings on the highway ; Isaac Elliott, for robbing Elizabeth Andrews on the highway; Thomas Baker, for breaking into the house of James Burt, and stealing notes and cash to the amount of 13 guineas ; Thomas Coombs, for burglariously breaking into the house of Joseph Ru- fOtis, and stealing upwards of 110/. in cash and bank notes, and a draft for II/. 18s.; and James Taylor, for the wilful murder of John Dyer, at Bath. This trial came on on Friday,. and lasted eight hours. The prisoner having pleaded Not Guilty, the cir- cumstances of his gambling dispute with Johnson, Guyon, and Dyer, and of bis running up stairs for his pistols, with which he first shot Guyon in the face, and immediately after shot Dyer, who instantly fell dead ( as related in this Journal of the 2d of January), were given in evi- dence. The prisoner, in liis defence, put in a well- written paper, which stated, that when, on re- enteriug the tap- room, he heard his mother's screams, and thought that her life was in danger, he lost all government of himself, and ill a moment of frenzy committed the fatal deed which he had ever since most deeply deplored.— The Court and Jury considered that his going up stairs for his pistols manifested that deliberate purpose which consti- tutes the crime of Murder, of which he was found Guilty, aud sentenced to be hanged on Monday ( this day), and his body to be dissected.— He behaved with propriety during his long trial, and seemed to be prepared for his fate.— Indeed it is understood he meant to have pleaded guilty, from two motives,— the certainty of his conviction, and the dread of pleading a falsehood so near the awful moment of his death, the instructions of the Rev. and worthy Chaplain of the Gaol havi* g produced the proper effect on his mind. He is 22 years of age. James Nieholls, condemned for robbing Mr. Hitchings, is 21 years old ; Few, his accomplice, 20; Coomb-, con- demned for the burglary in Mr. Parsons's house, 18; and Baker, for breaking into the house of Mr. Burt, only twelve years old.— The other condemned criminals' are all much further advanced in life. John Clatworthy, alias Adams, and William Webber, were found guilty of having forged Bank of England notes in their possession, and sentenced to be transported for fourteen years. Eight other prisoners were found guilty of different offences; nine were acquitted; seven bills were thrown out by the Grand Jury ; and no bill was preferred against William Foster, charged with uttering forged 1/. notes of the Bank of England.— The trial of Robert Chaftney, charged with stealing a promissory note for 52/. 10s. was put off. Elizabeth Pope, tried for the murder of her bastard child, was found Not Guilty of that cffence, but was sen- tenced to twelve months imprisonment for concealing the birth.— The trial of Jane Birth, for a similar offence, was not finished when our account left Taunton on Saturday. Of the 41 cau es, two only were tried by Special Juries, aud there was not one interesting cause among them.— The King v. Baker and others, for a riot at Castle Cary, is gone to a reference. There have been tried at the different Assizes, on this whole Circuit, no less than one hundred and sixty- nine Causes, which is full fifty more than the general average of the Spring Assizes. HOME MARKETS. irn, per Quarter— Bread. Wheat, j April Salisbury, 4 Basingstoke 5 Devizes, 6 Newbury, 6 Ando. er S Warminster, 8 freight of the Gallon Loaf, Sl. b. 11 at..— Half Gall. Ub. 5ioz. Wheat. Barley, Oats. Beans. Bread. s. s. s. s. s. s. .1. s. s. d. 82 to 91 36 to 49 34 to 48 AS to 88 2 0 76 to 9S 40 to 49 36 to 43 64 to 74 1 11S 64 to 98 34 to 52 38 to 46 34 to 73 72/ 0105 .10 to 50 30 to 47 16 to 7 - 2 2 0 70 to 99 30 10 47 28 to 4t> 58 to 69 1 10 f> 0 to 9) 32 to 55 3o to 44 60 to 80 WYKEHAMIST MEETING. TH E next Meeting of the Noblemen & Gentlemen educated at either of the two St. Marv Wmton Colleges, will be ! eld at the Crown and Anchor Tavern, Strand, on Thursday the 27th of April 1809, at five o'clock precisely. STEWARDS : Rt. Hon. Lord Brooke Sir John Rogers, Bart. Benjamin Bathurst, Esq. Edward Knatchbu 11, Esq. Colonel Hilliard D. B. Mathew, Esq. Rev. Charles Richards Rev. Wm. Moreton Tickets to be had at the Crown antl Anchor Tavern. [ 1215 WILTS YEOMANRY. THE HINDON TROOP are to parade in field- day order at the London Elm on Monday the 10th'of April. THOMAS GROVE, Major. FEBN, April 2, 1809. [ 1084 Wiltshire Regiment of Yeomanry Cavalry. THE WARMINSTER TROOP are to parade in the Market- Place of Warminster, in Marching Order, on Friday the 14th day of April inst. precisely at eleven o'clock in the morning, at which time the attendance of every Member will be expected. [ 12.53 Aprils, 1809. RICHARD LONG, MAJOR. THEATRE, SALISBURY. ON MONDAY Evening the 1 Oth of April I8O9, will be presented, by desire of Captain BAKER and the GENTLEMEN of the SALISBURY TROOP of Yeomanry Cavalry, TIME'S A TELL- TALE ! And The BLIND BOY. On WEDNESDAY Evening, THE STRANGER; with MOTHER GOOSE. On FRIDAY Evening,— The MAID OF THE MILL, and a Farce, as will be expressed in the bills. [ 1250 A CARD. MRS. ARMITAGE returns her most grateful thanks to the Nobility and Gentry of SaALisau RY and its environs, for the very liberal support she has experienced since her establishment, the continuance of which it wili be her study to merit. • She now requests the attention of the Ladies to some very fashionable SPRING ARTICLES she has procured for their inspection, [ 125.9 Mil. BEEBY is just returned from LONDON with a variety of NOVEL ARTICLES for the Spring Season. NEW CANAL, SALISBURY, April. 10, 1809. [ 1958 PURCELL's MUSIC. . This day is published, dedicated by permission to Miss SUSAN E. BECKFOUD, THE BEAUTIES of PURCELL; consisting of the most favourite Songs, Duetts, Trios, & c. selected from his various works: revised and arranged By JOSEPH CORFE. Price U. 5s.— Subscribers to the 2d Vol. will be entitled to the 1st at the subscription price, One Guinea. N. B.— Books delivered and subscriptions received at Mr. Preston's, No. 97, Strand, London; at Messrs. Brodie, Dcwding, and Luxford's, Messrs. Banks's, and at Mr. Corfe's, Close, Salisbury. [ 1200 STATE LOTTERY. BUY TO- MORROW, as the Drawing begins on WEDNESDAY, on which day the first- drav. n Ticket above Fifteen Pounds will be entitled to ONE THOUSAND TICKETS, and these may obtain all the great Money Prizes, viz. 4.... of.... ,£ 20,000 2 of.... £ 10,000 I 6 of.... £ 1000 2 Of. 5,000 I 10 of. 500 & c. & c. & c. This GRAND SCHEME offers to Adventurers, who may be in the Wheel before the Drawing beeins, the greatest chance of gaining A SPLENDID FORTUNE ever known in the Annals of Lotteries. TICKETS and SHARES, in great variety, are now selling by BRODIE, DOWDING, and LUXFORD, at the PRINTING OFFICE, SALISBURY, for Sir J. BRANSCOMB and Co. A Sixteenth ( registered) for £ 1 10 0 may gain jt' 6,250 An Eighth, for 2 1.9 0 may gain 19,500 A Quarter, fort 5 15 6 may gain 25,000 A Half, for ll " 7 6 may gain 50,000 AND A WHOLE TICKET MAY GAIN ,£ 100,000 for £ 22 4 6!!! HJEFFREY, CHEMIS I- and DRUGGIST, Market • Place, Salisbury, thanks his friends for all favours, and solicits their continuance ; assuring them they may de- pend 011 being supplied with Drugs and Medicines of the best qualities. H. J. begs leave also to inform those families who have been disappointed in receiving their Wines and Glass, that he has now a stock of capital BRITISH WINES; consisting of Calcavella, Orange, Ginger, White Currant, and Malaga, which he can with confidence recommend. Considerable part of his GLASS STOCK, which has been so long detained by the late floods, is now arrived, and the remainder expected in the course of the week : it will exhibit Decanters, Jugs, Trifle and Dessert Dishes; Wine, Ale, and Beer Glasses ; and every other article in the line, of the most elegant cut patterns, as well as plain, and each article marked its lowest price. QCJF OILS, COLOURS, anthVARNisiiEs; and every article used in Painting, dry or ground. [ 1257 MRS. WEST ( late Miss A. BRUGUIER), of the. Opera House, London, and late of the Theatre, South- ampton, respectfully informs the Nobility, Gentry, & c. of SALISBURY and its vicinity, that having settled at this place, it is her intention to open an ACADEMY at the Assembly Rooms, on the 17th day of April 1809, for the purpose of teaching DANCING in the most graceful and fashionable manner. " [ 1230 Terms may be known on application being made to Mrs, West, at her apartments at Mis. Arnold's, Queen- street. NUFFIELD SWEDISH TURNIP SEED. JTHRING, of SALISBURY, has just received a • Parcel of the NUFFIELD SWEDISH TURNIP SEED, in bags of 56, 28, and 14 pounds, warranted to be of the true yellow kind. N. B.— May likewise be had of Mr. Robert Ricards, Het- ling- house, Bath, for ready money. [ 11.98 LODGINGS, LYM1NGTON. TO be LETT immediately, for three Months,— The HOUSE in occupatiou of Col. Howard : consists of drawing- room, two parlours, ten beds ; coach- house and three- stall" stable, & c. [ 1116 Apply to Mr. William Perkins, High- street— post paid. rpO be LETT, and may be entered upon imme- JL diately,— A veiy neat FARM- HOUSE, about 9 miles below Salisbury, near the great western road. The house is fit for a small genteel family, who could be accommodated with ground sufficient to keep two cows, and a stall stable. Apply to the Printers. [ 119S INN AND PUBLIC- HOUSE AT ROMSEY. TO be LETT, and entered upon immediately, The DOLPHIN INN, situated in the Corn Market, in the centre of the town of Romsey, and commanding the whole custom of tiis market. For particulars apply to Messrs. Daman and Warner, at Romsey. [ 1209 WINCHESTER. TO be LETT, and entered upon immediately,— A good COACH- HOUSE, Stable for nine Horses, with Corn and Hay Lofts, and a neat DWELLING- HOUSE ad- joining ( if required), well adapted for a Corn Factor, or Post Master, which latter business has been carried on for near 40 years by the proprietor, now declining business. N. B.— Letters addressed ( post paid) to Thomas Vinn, will be immediately attended to. ' [ 1252 TO be SOLD, at Warsash, in the parish ofTitch- . field, Hants,— A comfortable FAMILY HOUSE, on the banks of Hamble River, with 52 statute acres of Copy- hold Land, and suitable, convenieneies of every kind; only eight miles and a half from Southampton, and ten from Gosport. For a view of the premises enquire at the house; and for particulars apply ( by letter, post paid) either to Bates's house- agency- office, Welheck- street, London; to Mr. James Col- lins, solicitor, Gosport; or to Mr. Hookey, auctioneer, Southampton. [ 1183 GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Fire, Life, and Annuities. NOTICE is hereby given,— That persons desirous of raising Money for Redeeming their Land- tax, im- proving their Estates, or for other useful undertakings, by the Grant of adequate Annuities on Estates held in fee simple or fee tail, may on application to the GLOBE INSURANCE COM- PANY be enabled to effect the same, provided the security proposed be approved. Proposals and Rates for Fire and Life Insurance, Annuities for Widows and others, and Endowments for Children, may be had gratis of the Agents of the Company in the principal towns in the united kingdom. No charge is made, for fire Policies for 300/. and upwards. No extra " Rate is required for Officers in the Army or Navy, unless called into actual ser- . vice. Fire Insurances falling due at Quarter- day next must be renewed within 13 days from that time. The Capital of the Company is One Mil. ion Sterling, which has been all paid up, and invested in Government, or real. Securities.— The shares arc 100/, each, paying a dividend of six per cent, exclusive of the property- tax. The number of proprietors is upwards of 900. DIRECTORS.-— Sir Frederick Morton Eden, Bart. Chair- man ; Sir Theophilus Metcalfe, Bart. Deputy Chairman; • Miles Peter Andrews, Esq. M. P. William Bloxam, Esq. C. Cockerell, Esq, M. P. Thomas Coles, Esq. Harvev Chris- tian Combe, Esq. Aid. M. P. William Devaynes, Esq. Jo- seph Dorin., Esq. Sir Richard Carr Glyn, Bart. Aid. Edward Goldsmid, Esq. Claes Grill, Esq. Isaac L. Goldsmid, Esq. John Latham, M. D. Frederick Moiling, Esq. Frederick John Pigou, Esq. Sir Matthew White Ridlev, Bart. M. P. John Richard Ripley, Esq. George Abercrombie Robinson, Esq. Sir Walter Stirling, Bart. M. P. Arthur Shakespear, Esq. JamesTaddy, Esq. Robert Taylor, Esq. Charles Edw. Wtlsonn, Esq. Glynn Wynn Esq. ' J. C. DENHAM, Assistant Secretary. Pall Mall, London, March 18, 1809. [ 9S7 PELICAN OFFICE, For INSURANCE ON LIVES and granting ANNUITIES, THIS Office was established in Lombard- street, London, in the year 1797, by a numerous and respect- able Proprietary; and the Board of Directors, with confidence, arising from the increased prosperity and permanency of the establishment, as well as from the experience of its useful- ness and benefit to the public, think it due to those who may bestill unacquainted with the importance and advantages of Life Insurance, briefly to suggest some of its leading and pe- culiar recommendations, to almost every degree and rank in society. Life Insurance is of manifest consequence to all who hold estates for life, situations and offices, civil, ecclesiastical, or professional; to officers in the army and navy, & c.; as, by payment of an annual premium, the party insured is enabled to provide for wife, children, or others, whose future welfare he taay wish in vain, by other means, to promote. It affords ' a permanent ultimate security to those who advance money upon annuities or otherwice. It renders leases, determinable on one or more lives, nearly equal in value to freehold estates, as an insurance to the amount of the fine, payable 011 the demise of a party. nominated in such leases, will prod ..- e the sum required for renewal. It is a cheering refuse to parties engaged in extensive and speculative undertakings ; it affords to persons in trade the certain means of indemnification against a bad or doubtful debt; in short, Life insurance, established in policy, sanctioned by government, and con- firmed by the test of experience, is become, to almost every situation of human life, a measure equally important, useful, and beneficial. Annuities are granted upon the most equitable terms, under a special Act of Parliament, granted to this Office. THOMAS PARKE, Sec. COMPANY'S AGENTS at Salisbury, Mr. Burrough; De- vizes, Wm. Cook; Portsmouth, T. C. Mottley ; Lymington, J. West;- Ringwood, C. Hodge?; Bridpn- rt, J. WtUiams; Beaminster. Wm, Cljft; Weymouth, Th s. Richardson; Bristol, Wm. Reid; Taunton, C. Drake; Bath, H, M t; Martock, J. Crabb. flS T{, J* LETT or SOLD, A DWELLING- X HOUSE and SHOP, most desirably situated tor busi- ness in one ot the most public streets of SALISBURY.— lirf- mediate possession may be had. For particulars apply at the Printing Office., [ me- Water Corn Mill, and Lands, near Hehton. npO be SOLD or LETT,— A WATER CORN fi. MILL, capable of grinding about 13 Loads of wheat per week, situate m the parish of Wcndron, within one mile ot Helston, Cornwall, and within a mile of the navigable river Queeg, and only four miles distant from Falmouth, and other principal towns; together with 80 acres of Land, ad- joinming thereto, and a capital store- house at a short distance from the same. __ Also may be Rented,— A FARM of 73 Acres, with a good f arm House and outbuildings, about half a mile from the above. Possession may be had immediately ; and further particulars ot George Mailt, Esq. Arundel, Sussex, or of Mr. Maat, solicitor, Bath. . ' CALNE, WILTS. TO be LETT or SOLD, and entered on imme- diately,— A good DWELLING- HOUSE, in Church- street, having a large and convenient Shop antf Warehouses, in which the grocery, soap and candle, wirie and spirit trades have lor many years been carried on; with good stable- room, and a walled garden ; formerly the residence of Mr. Thorn*; in cent Also a good DWELLING- HOUSE, in Calne Green, af. fording accommodation for a gentel family, stable- room, and warehouses, if wanted for any trade; with walled flower and kitchen Gardens. For particulars enquire of Mr. Vincent, Calne Green Calne is 19 miles from Bath, on the London roati. [ ig4ti CAPITAL INN FOR SALE. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, , , That very desirable and good- accustomed INN called the MNG's ARMS, situate in the city of Salisbury, the centre of the Great Post Road from London to all parts of the West of England, and now in full trade. Possession may be had at St. Thomas dav next. For further particulars and to treat for the same apply ( if by letter, free of postage) at the Office of Messrs. Vvilmot and Godwin, solicitors, in Salisbury. [ 1170 MARCHWOOD. TO be DISPOSED OF by PRIVATE CON- „ ™ , T5ACT' on Wednesday the rath inst.— A DWELLING- HOUSE, with Offices, with one Acre of Land, Cows, Horses, & c. to be taken at a fair v: iuation. The premises may be viewed by applying to Mr. Wm. Holley, at Maichwtxid. ISLE OF WIGHT. ' ~ Valuable Freehold Estates for Sale. TO be SOLD,— Several Valuable FREEHOLD , f- STATES, ( exonerated from Land- tax), situate in Ihe Isle of Wight. rn( 3i For further particulars, applications ( free of postage) may be made to Mr, Worsley, solicitor, Newport, Isle of Wight. NEW FOREST, HANTS. TO be SOLD,— A compact ESTATE, of above one hundied acres of Land, beautifully and Centrically situated between Lyndhurst, Southampton, Romsey, and Ringwood. Immediate possession may hehnd. Enquire for particulars at Joseph White's, Esq. No. 6, New- square, Lincoln's- inn, 01 of Charles Harbin, Esq. solicitor, Ringwood, Hants, [ 10- 21 To be DISPOSED OF,- A PRINTING PRESS which takes off . a sheet of demy paper;— or, a smaller one for a sheet of pot only : both of which are on the improved plan, and in excellent order,— only one of them to. be sold. The purchaser may receive instructions hi the letter- press and copper- plate printing business on moderate terms, bv apT plying ( if by letter, post paid) to R. Hallett, Bridpoit. Dorset, Also for Sale,— A large elegant metal King's Arms, gilt. npo be SOLD bv AUCTION, towards the end of I April,— Part of " the LIVE STOCK at Haselbury Farm, in the parish of Box. near Bath :— It consists of South Down Sheep of all- ages, Cows, & c & c. Further particulars will be advertised in due time., The above stock is disposed of on account of the greater part of the farm beins lett off. [ 1 tpg. RR° BE S0LD BY AUCTION, by J. ALIEN, O„ X Monday the 10th of April 1809, at the Coach and Horses Inn, Cadnam,— A Capital WINDMILL, which works two pair of stones ; with an exceeding good DWEI.|. INO- HOUSE, known by the name of Frankpledge, two acres of Arable Land, good Stables, Piggery, & c. & c. eligibly situated ip the New Forest; and distant from RomseyJ the Southampton River, and Salisbury and Andover Canal, each four miles. The sale will be at five o'clock. [ 1282 OAK AND A'H TIMBER. TO be SOLD by AUC1I ) N, by J. ALI- EW, oa Monday the 10th day of April 1809, at the Coach and Horses Inn, Cadnam, A few LOTS of OAK and ASH TIMBER, comprising 121 Trees, with tpeir Lops, Tops, ana Bark, growing at iSramshaw, Hants. For a view of the Timber, apply to Mr. Peckham, on thp Estate. QCJt Sale at three o'clock. [ 1261 TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the White Horse, at Marchwood, on Friday the 21st of April inst. at two o'clock in the afternoon,— A COPYHOLD ESTATE, held by one Life, situated at Marchwood, in the parish of Eling, Hants, callcd or known by the name of Tarrants ; containing about 20 acres of Arable Land, with Farm House, and othep buildings, and Common right. For particulars, and a view of the premises, apply to Mr. Robert Taylor, at the White Horse, Marchwood. [ 1241 A NEAT DWELLING- HOUSE, IN DEVIZES. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by R. KNIGHT, at the Bear Inn, Devizes, on Tuesday the 25th of April, 1809, at four o'clock in the afternoon,— A very desirable and substantial DWELLING- HOUSE, with modern sashed front, situated in Long- street; having two pari urs, a n: at drawing- room with marble hearths and chimnev pieces, study, five sleeping rooms-, and servants apartments - - st convenient domestic offices, dry cellaring, a large new- buil out- building, three- stalled stable, chaise house, and garden vailed in; the whole forming a respectable and comfortable own residence, and may be en: ered on immediately. To be viewed any day previous to the sale, by applying to Mr. Ludlow, Hillworth- house, or the Auctioneer, Devices; of whom further particulars may be known. [ 1168 BARNSLEY, NEAR W1MBORNE, DORSET. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by PERCY and FORCE, on Tucsdav the 1 itb day of April, 1809,— Part of the LIVE and DEAD STOCK of Mr. Wiliiam Hooper, quitting his farm; comprising nine cows with and well sea- soned in calf, one barrenner, two rollers, ploughs antl plough harness, drags and harrows, with various other implements of husbandry; also about 14 tons of excellent Clover Hay. Th' sale will commence at two o'clock in the afternoon. CAPITAL CART AND SADDLE HORSES. Dorchester, Dorset. O be SOLD by AUCTION,' by M. BAKER, on the Cornhill, Dorchester,- on Saturday the isth day of April, 1809, precisely at twelve o'clock at noon,— Five capital » Black long- tail CARTHORSES, one Bay ditto, six good Harness, one good Waggon with iron axles and patent boxes, seven Saddle Horses with seven Saddles and Bridles; the pro* perty of Mr. Bartlett, of Weymouth, quitting bus ness. The abtTve Cart Horses will be found well worth the atten- tion of gentlemen farmers, or for road waggons; and the Saddle Horses for post coaches, chaises, or any other use. CAPITAL OAK TIMBER. HAZELBURY BRY'ANT, DORSET. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by M BAKER, on Tuesday the IRth of April 1809, at two o'clock n the aft. rnpon, at the Antelope Inn, in Hazelbury Bryar. t, s bject to such conditions of sale as shall then be produced,— One Hundred and Fifty OAK. TIMBER TREES, numerically marked, and now standing on Loeketr's Farm, in the par'su of Hazelbury Bryant aforesaid. No 1 to It Lot. 1 Ten Trees in Home 1 Cowlease j 2 Eight do. in Pond") Mead and Little VI1— IS Hayman's Field.. J 3 Eight do. in Longl , g_ s6 Close J i Seven do. in Lower 1 „ 7 ,,,, Marsh 5 Twelve do. inMtddle Vg^ ^ Marsh j The above Timber is sou Ship Builders, Carped s. p- V- n.' t M r S Lot. A'o. b'Seven do. in Hiirberl ,,. .„ Marsh } « •>-'* 7 Twelve do. in do.... 5.'- ;; 8 Eleven do e 9 Ten do 10 Fifteen c| c: 11 Ten d . in M : Brake, .. , 12 Ten -. : - 13 T : 14 T: N PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY W. B. BRODIE, J. DOWDING, AND J. LUXFORD, AT THE PRINTING- OFFICE, CANAL, 8 41. JVhere Orders, Advertisements, and authentic Articles of News are received ( Postage paid). Also by the PRINTER? and BopKsjF.!, tER9 ip the West of Englan. tJ 5 by the respeetive NI, WSMJ? N ; and in London by Messrs. TAYLER and NEWTON, No. 5, Warwick- Square, Warwick- Lane, Newgate- Street - : ;
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