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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset


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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset

Date of Article: 03/04/1809
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Address: The Printing Office, Canal, Salisbury
Volume Number: LXXIV    Issue Number: 3763
No Pages: 4
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ivW.'^ prot- THE iSTER JO AND GENERAL ADVERTISER OF WILTS, HANTS, DORSET, AND SOMERSET vj-. trtyy, mjx [ NUMBER 3763. VOLUME LXXlV.] MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1809. PRICE SIXPENCE. / Stamp Duty. ... (. Paper ami Print, 2irt. Monday's and Tuesday's Posts. FOREIGN N E W S. U- LM, March. 13. THE Marshal Duke ' of Auei> fadt is arrived here. It is reported that- this place is to'lia. the head- quar, ters of the Rhine army. from, the Tyrol we learn, that a considerable French array is entering the Venetian territory.— Frtnn Munich of the ' 8th instant, we learn that Amlreossi has taken the ultimatum of the Austrian Court to Paris. " DELFT, March 21 • In Austria, all: newspapers published in France, or the Confederation of the Rhine, have been prohibited.— Field- Marshal Stipsiu has been appointed Commander in Chief of the frontiers of Upper Austria : he has his headquarters at Lint/. .;.„.. '.-"• LONDON, MONDAY, MARCH 27. MAIIK- LANE, Monday, ' March 27.] The supply of most articles was scantier to- day" than for some time past. Wheat- in particular came to hand very sparingly, whilst th* buyers were more numerous than at several past markets; but under the various ideas that prevail respecting, the American em bargo, they were averse to giving higher prices, or to the taking off any of the inferior or middling samples, without some abatement: on the whole we consider the market rather Cheaper, and a large proportion was: left unsold. Rve is full 35, per qr. lower. Tick Beans a- trifle dearer for the finest, but not for any other quality. Clover- Seed in great demand, and from IOs. to tSs.- per cwt. dearer.— Wheat52.5., to sGs. fine 87s. to 90s. Ryc6tfs. tp. fi3s.. Barley 2R. « . to 36 s, Malting 4us. to 47s. Oats 28*. to 45s. per quarter. Clover Seed 66s. to 156s. per . cwt. Flour 80s. to per sack. SMITHFIEI. D MARKET, March 27. Our supply to- day amounted- to nearly- 2I5o head of Neat Cattle,' IS, 500 Shisep and. Laffl. bs. i >- 25 Calves, and 250 Pigs. Beef Ss.' Oil. to ( 5s. 4d. Mutton 5s. 6d~ to' 6s. 6d. Veal fts. Oik to 7s: 0d. Pork 5s. 8d. to i/ s\ 8d. per stoijc- of Sib. to sink the'ofial.. BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. liS ELLIOTT continues to Board and Edoc& te ' a few Young Ladies. It having been currently reported that Mrs. E. intends shortly to relirtciuis- h the instruction of youth, she takes this opportunity of informing, her friends, there is not any founda- tion for such a report. DEVIZES, March 28, 1809. [ 1142 STROUD,' sen. Upholsterer, Auctioneer, and Sworn Appraiser, Market- Street, Poole, most respect- fully informs tile public, that he has opened commodious WARE- ROOMS, replete with every branch of useful and ornamental Household Furniture, with a new and extensive assortment of every article appertaining to the above branches, on the most moderate terms. A great variety of handsome modem Carpets, planned to rooms without waste. Choice collection of Paper Hangings, hung with neatness and- dispatch. Houses completely fur- nished on the shortest notice, with a liberal allowance for furniture in exchange. Poot. F., March 25, 1809. [ 1057 Dutch Papers to the S! 2d inst. have been received ; and though they do not announce the commencement of hostilities, they afford additional proofs that, war isinevita*' We. The first column of Oudftiot's army, BO," « K> strong, is now at Augsburgh. The'second . column filed'off through Dim on the' tat, and proceeded- in the same direction. The number of French in Germany, including the Rhenish contingents, is estimated at 180,000 men. The Austrian troops are encamped at Egra, in Bohemia; Lintz, in Upper Austria; and on the side of Italy.) Considerable apprehensions are entertained in Saxony on account of the contiguity of the Austrian army, and the treasure and Archives have been sent off ill great haste from Dresden. Yesterday afternoon a Messenger- arrived at the Foreign Office, with the remarkable intelligence of. a Re- volution iu Sweden, by which the King is dethroned and imprisoned; and the Duke of Sudermania, formerly Re- gent, has assumed the reins of Government, What may be the ultimate consequence of the revolution does not yet appear. Two proclamations have been issued. One from the Palace of- Stockholm, subscribed by the Duke of Sudermania, declares, " that the King'is. incapable of acting, or of conducting the important affairs of the na- tion," and proposes to refer the state of the kingdom to the States, or Great Assembly of the nation. The other | s signed by the Commander of the troops in Woruiland, and discovers a purpose to effect a reconciliation Russia and Denmark. His Swedish Majesty has. been eonveyed to the Royal Palace of Drottiiiiigtioini, situated in a small island about seven miles from Stockholm, wiwre be still remains cor, fined. The chief object of the revolution being said to. be the restoration of peace, couriers were immediately sent to the Courts of London, Paris, St; Petersburg, and Copen- hagen-,' with a view to accelerate that desirable event. As the new Government of Sweden is said to have no objection to accede to the annexation Of Finland to the Russian Em- pire, there will be' few topics of protracted discussion between those two Powfers. A later proclamation of the Duke of Sudermania has been published, in which'he convokes. a General Diet on the 1st of MSy, and declare? his- purpose to propose the Juriner limited Cofisti'tution of Sweden. Spanish Papers- to. the 3( 1 irtst. were reteivcr? this Smomiiig. They give accounts of several' small advantages gained oVer tlie enemy; but the only important fact they mention respects the proceedings of the Duke de Albu- querque, who drove the enemy from Mora in Castile, on the 18th ult. with great loss; Mid oft the 22d. iiiade a skilful 1- etreat ' from Consuegra, which lies considerably to the iouth of Mora. it , is annoanred in the lijt letters from Cadi*, which are of the 10th instant, that tranquillity- has. been restored in that city; and that the several persons condned iu the Capuchin Convent, on the charge of treason, are to be trie4. A prAclamatioji ot" the Supreme Junta of Spain to tne People of Cadiz has been- published i it asserft' the iimOeente oi'tlie Sjlwquis de Villel,; and, iirorder. to'prove it more fully, States tlrat- the Commissioners, who are to examine his conduqt are " riot to be ehusen out of their own foody, but ortt ifiSersorts indifferent to his person, and par- tial only to the cause of their country. His papers are said to have discovered no symptoms Of ' treason. Admiral Purvis is said to have lieen employed in assisting to fit out the ships of war in Cadiz,. and preparations for the defence of the town were daily . continued. .. Letters are received from Lisbon' of the 17th inst. It appears that the troops which were sent under General M'Kenaie to Cadiz, have returned to* Lisbon; and in the meanwhile General Shjjrbrooke is arrived there with the - expedition from Cork, making, the British force there 20,000 men, and more were expected. Concerning the French armies Tiear Portugal, the accounts are not clear. It is said tlrat 7000 Had advanced to Chaves. The resolution passed in the House of Representa- tives of the American Legislature, for repealing the em- bargo, from the 4th of March, as far as respects all countries except Great Britain and France, was carried by ' 6 li votes to 2. There seems' however, to have been a great- dif- ference of opinion respecting what measure ought- to be adopted instead' of the embargo,—- Mr. Nicholas. moved to follow it up by issuing letters of marque and reprisal, but the - motion was negatived by a majority of 57 to 33. This proposition being rejected, lie reported a bill to interdiet all commercial intercourse between the United States anil Great Britain antl France, and their dependencies, and for other purposes. The bill provides, that if either Great Britain or France shall revolie their orders or decrees, vio- lating neutral rights, the operation of the law as it respects the power of revoking, shall ' forthwith cease. A resolution to the same effect bad been, carried in the- Senate, by a majority of 23 to 9; but- at the date of the last accounts the House of Representatives had not come to any decision upon the subject. ' In Boston, and other towns of the Eastern states, . reso- lutions have befn passed to seek redress from the restric- tions imposed on commerce by Congress, by an appeal to tiie Assembly and Laws of their own States. CHRIST'S HOSPITAL.— A . General Court of the Governors « f this institution was held on Friday, when a report was read'respecting the son of- the Rev. Dawson Warren, . Vicar ' of Edmonton; and also a long' letter fro in Mr. Warren, _ Wherein he stated his income at 8Sei. par annum,, and also admitted that his life was insured for 30( KM< fasdiad been asserted by. " Mr. WaitEinan), besides some- expectation). He insisted, however, that his son was a propel- object of tfc charity.— Mr. Deputy Kemhle stated, that he had before voted against'an enquiry into this- case, « pon the statement of a worthy Alderman, and under an impressiim that Mr. Warren's life was neither insured nor ifisiiraJilf!; but noiV he found that he was insured - at the . very' office of which' lie ( Mr. Kimble) was a Director,- and that if Mr. " Warren lived till next. January',• that insurance would be., • worth 4000/. Mr. Kemble,- therefore,- fctt it his duty'to 1 move « that the'child be expelled;"— The'Ear! of Radnor declared that. at the former Court he was taken by sdrpriie',' and had voted in favour of the presentation from under- standing ' that Mr. Warren-' was in a precarious state- of iiiakh, tind that iu case of bis Heath, his son- would be left • destitute. He now. thought it " the ' boumlen duty of file Cnvernors to expel this youth, for which' he should', of Course vote.— Messrs. - Shade, Beeston tiding, Tbbrpe, At- dernf. in Wood, & c. also supported the motion ; which was opposed by Sir James Graham; Mr. Dent-, Mr. H* wk, ius Browne, Mr. Foster, the Aldermen, Birch and C- Smith; and on a division it was lost- by a majority of 4, there being 41 . for expulsion, and 45 against if.— After the decision, a letter was read from the City Solicitor, written by direc- tion of the Committee of Common ' Council,' now pro- ceeding to obtain a reform of abuses, ih this charity, re- questing permission to inspect several presentations, & c. This letter occasioned much perplexity. It ' was at length ordered to lw laid on the table, and that an answer should be returned hereafter. i A duel was fought, on Saturday, on Battorsea Common; between Captain Siblett, . of the cayalry,• ami Mr. Dawnev, a gentleman in Nuttingliam- stieet, in consequence of a dispute relative to the late discussions iu Parliament. The Captain was seriously wounded in the small of the arm, in the seesnd fire. AOMIKAITY- OIFICE, 15th March, 180"). WHEREAS several Lieutenants of his Majesty's Fleet,' n- ho are not employed, have omitted to send- to this ttfjicc information of the flares of their residence ; it is the direction: of the Lords ' Commissioners of the ' Admiralty, that su'ch Lieineumits as. co » : e within the above description do forth- with transmit to this Office their respeetive'Addresses ; and that pich of them as are incapable of service, either from age or bo- dily infirmity,- do report the same, anil in the jotter rase transr Mil a cieUijicute. from a. Surgeon of such'inability, tljat their Lordships'may judge , how jar it may be proper to catl upon themfot. service. ' W. W. POLE. [ 1089 ^" GTK'Eis hereby,' glvfen,' . that the Lord BISHOP _ . of. BRISTOL intends holding.' bis' primary Visitation' in the course of this year, and has issued his Inhibition, whereby all proceedings in the Court of the Archdeacon of Dorset are at present suspended. Alt persons haying wills to. prove, of who are entitled to administer, the effects of persons dying intestate within the diocese of Bristol and county . of Dorset, are- to apply at the office. of. Messrs. CoOth and Smith, at Blandford. EDMUND COOTH, Dep. Reg. BN NBI OBIII, March id, ISO'S. . [ 1091 SOUTHAMPTON' r- fo'WIT). " - • E h FA', r 10 N O. F xK E AS UR; E R. PURSUANT to the standing Order of Session's, I do hcv; by. give. Notice, that his Majesty's Justices of the Peace frjr the said county . will proceed to the election of a Treasurer of'the said county, for the year ensuirig, on'Tuesday the 11 til day of April next, pr. eciseU" at - one o'clock in tile af- ternoon. THOMAS WOODHAM, Deputy Clerk of the Peacc. WISCIRSST- EB, - Marth. 27-, 1. R09. ' ' [' 082 . . WILTS YEOMANRY. THE HINDON TROOP. ; ife to parade iu fiekl- day order at the London Elm on Mondav the 10th of April. , THOMAS GROVE, Major. FEHN, April 1809. (• 0P4 H. IL rIPHE - next Meeting of the H. H. will lie held at 1 the White Hartlnn-, W. r. chester, on Tuesdav the 11th of April 1809. W, GREENWOOD, Estj. \ Stewirds- Sia H. ST. JOHN MILDMAY,/ st(- wlras' N. B. The following Horses. art framed for the Cup : Mr. Drummond's Hotspur. Mr. Nunft's Somerset. Mr. Lowth's Repeater. Mr.. Graeme's BurJ'ord. And for the Sweepstikes: Mr. Atkinson's Coachman. Mr. Villeliois's Ho Pretender. Ceilonel Sprye's Traveller. Lord Rodney's. Cockney. Sir Henry Mildmay's Mrs. Clarke. Mr. Drummoud'- s Buckingham. The H « rses to start at one o'clock precisely< md Dinner to he table at six. . Df) r' 3 SARUM & EALING, TURNPIKE. NOTIGE is hereby pyen, That the next Meeting of the Trustees is appointed to be. held, pursuant tc the last adjournment, at the house of Joachim Hibberd, known bv the name of the Maidenhead Inn, in the City of New- Sa- runv, on Friday the 7th day of April next, at . eleven'o'clock in the forenoov. W. BOUCHER, Clerk andTrcasurer. SARUM, March 30, 180.9. FIVE THOUSAND POUNDS, to be advanced immediately cm the execution of the Mortgage deeds, on ample Freehold Security, situate eithtr in the county of So- merset, Dorset, Or Wilts. [. I JOS Apply to Mr. Jenkins; Solicitor, I. incoln's- inn, London. HOUSE. ASO LAND IN THE COUNTRY; ' AHOUSE in the Countrv, in a healthy Situation, fit for the residence of a Gentleman's family, with from' 40 to wo. or iacj acres of LAND— IS WANTED. fU05 Communications ( post. paid) must'be sent to the Printers. CURACY WANTED. AC1/ ERGYM AN in Priest's Orders wishes for a CURACY immediately, in either the cottoty. of Devon, Dorset, or Somerset. The addition of a house and a few • acres of land will render, the situation far more desirable. References will be given, if required. Address to D. P. Upham's Library, Bath. [ 1110 POOLE, April 3, 1809. PETER LODGE and Co. Anchorsmiths, WMtc- smiths, Braziers, Edge Tool- makers, Gunsmiths, and Furnishing Ironmongers, ' jespfctfully inform their friends and the public, that they tiavefopened their Shop in FISH- STREET, where they have laid in an entire new Stock of useful and or- namental GbotlSi of the roostmodein and elegant pattern's. The}- avail themselves of this , opportunity to thank their friends for favours already conferred; and beg leave to add, they hope by strict attention to merit a continuance of them. N. B. Ship's Iron- work, Mill- work, Bell- hanging, and every other work connected with their various branches, ex- uted with punctuality and dispatch. [ U2.8 A BAILIFF. WANTED, in a Earm,— A married MAN, who understands the Farming Business in all its branches, and his WIFE' to manage the Dairy ahd take care of Poultry. N. B. No children. A good House will be provided, and encouragement given. No- one need apply but persons well qualified for the above, and who can be well recommended. [ 1159 Enquire of Mr. Jones, Antelope Inn, Salisbury. . SOUTHAMPTON, March 25, 1809. MESSRS, C. and E. WARREN haying taken the Business of the late Mr. R. TAYLOR, STONE- MASON, humbly solicit a continuance of the favours of the friends and customers of the late Mr. R. T. as their utmost endeavour will be to give every satisfaction to their employers. Mr. C. Warren also embraces this opportunity, to return his most sincere thiirfte to his numerous friends for the very libe- ral support he has - hitherto experienced. [ 1154 WANTED,— A voting or middle- aged . MAN and ' his WIPE: the'formfcf, who is to go with a Team, and to be otherwis. employed upon a Farm, must understand and be able to .--, ork well at all sorts of Farming Business,; and the ]. • :.. j must be capable of attending to a small Dairy, and to Poultry. For further particulars apply to the Printers ; but, none need apply but persons who can produce unexceptionable • characters for sobriety and orderly lite. If the rn'an has a m fit for . Under Carter, he will also be engaged. [ 1114 G1 CHEAP AND IMPENETRABLE PAINT. 1 F. ORGE & JOHN BO WEN, No. 2, Princes'- street, Bristol, MANUFACTURERS af the IMPROVED PAINT FROM FISH OIL, for EXTERN A, 1. WORK. These paints are particularly recommended to Noblemen, Gentlemen, Proprietors of public Buildings, and others, for beautifying and preserving all- wood, iron, brick, and plajstpr work, exposed to weather. These paints. do not- crack, blister, or peel off: is a sure remedy, against the dry rot, and bids de- fiance to worms 5 requires no heating, and may be laid ou by any common labourer. , Sold ( for ready money) in any quantity above f ewt. and sent to any part of England, with instructions, at the follow- ing prices": v U-. . Tf. lt. Subdued Green, at 6d. Black, at 6< L Bright.. ditto 8d. Yellow 5d. WORKING MALTSTERS. - WrANTED immediately, in a Malt- House which a Man ha:; been obliged to leave on account of ill health,— A sober and industrious Man, who is capablc of un- dertaking the business . OF a working maltster. AN able Man also, of the same description, may have con- stant employ in the next saason. in the same concern. Enquire ofthe Printers. [ 1147 Superior ditto. White Lead Colour .. LOII. . .-. Bii. .. 6d. Red id. Stone Colour ( id. Chocolate Colour 6d. Prepared Fish Oil, prefet.. blc b Unseed, apd at half its pricc. Oils and Colours o'f all sorts on the lowest terms. [ S9f OH the glorious Twelfth of April, The Grand STATE LOTTERY commences Drawin npiiK Scheme 53 tfrtfteeedented, and besides the 1 FREE Gift o'f' 1000 WHOLE TICKETS for the First Prize above £ 15, the First' Day: and 500 WHOLE TIC- KETS for the First Prize above £ 15, the Second Day, TLTERX ARE 4 Prizes of. . £- 20,000 .. 111,000 5,000 6 of .£ l, 00 « 10 500 & c. & c. All of whieii may be gained by One Ticket, if purchased be- fore the Drawing commences. -[ 1032 (£$ » Tickets wiU- surely rise as' the'Drawing approaches. LONDON. & SOUTHAMPTON NEW ROAD, THROUGH BISHOP'S WAI. THAM. THE next Meeting of the Trustees of the sii'd Road is appointed to be held, at the Dolpfiin " Inn, Bishop's Waltham, on. Saturday the 15th day of April nexty at twelve o'clock at. noon. WILLIAM GUNNER,, Clerk. BISHOP'S WALTHAM. March. 39, ,1809. [""> TO CANAL DIG6ERS'& OTHERS. PERSONS willing to, contract for Cutting through and Removing Part of a HILL near StockWidge, in the county of Southampton, to make a new line of, road over the . said hill, for the improvement of the turnpike road fr( jm Lon- don to Salisbury, are hereby informed that a Plan and Speci- fication, of the saki intended Road are now lying at the Office of Mr. Attwood, in Stockbridge, for inspection, . The Trustees of the said road will meet at the King's Head Inn, in Stockhridge, on Thursday the Gdi day of April next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, to receive tenders for malting and . completing the said cut. All tenders must be delivered in writing, sealed up, and the contractor must give security to complete the work on or be- fore the S9th day of September 11' 0' xt. W. H. A'FFWOOD, Clerk to the said Trustees. STOCKBRIPGK, M^ rch* l-,. 1809. ... . 1: 11.24 - ROUNDWAY, & c . SEVERALTY. WE whose Names are . hereunto subscribed, being the Commissioners named and appointed in and by an Act of Parliament made arid passed in the 34th year of the reign of his present Majesty, intituled, " An, Act for dividing, allotting, and lading in severalty, thb open and commonable Fields snd, Downs, comr^ onab'le Meadows, and otlterqpen and commonable" lands' and Grounds ' within the stver. al tithings o. f. Roundway, Bedborough, Chittoe, and Bishop's Cannings, and in tlfe. parish of' Warden, in, the county of WUts," do hsr- bv gjve notipe, that we shall hold our next meeting 4t the New Hall' in Deviites, in the said county of Wilts,, on Monday the 17th day of April next, at eleven o'clock, in . the forenoon,' for the fiirtHcf carrying into execu- tion the several powers vested m us by the said Act; and that wc shall proceed qri Friday the, 91st day of April, at eleven o'clock' in. the forenoon, at the same place, to tead over and settle the'draft of our award i when all persons interested. in any of the allotments or exchanges made, or proposed to be made, pursuant to- the said Aet, may attend if they think proper. Given under out 1045] - THOMAS WYATT. JOHN- GALE.. CHEAP TRAVELLING. SALISMTIY COMMERCIAL COACH, from . the . Time SWANS, SAt. isncRy, to the BELI. SAVAGE, LUDGATE- HJLI., LONUAN—— PeilormcAby EDWARD PROCKTER, GEORGE'MATCH AM, and CO. titside mi. Qd. . lis. oJ. Outside I OS. 6d. 84. 0d. 63,7] • SAMSUCHV, • ANDOVER, CHEAP TRAVELLING. SATISBURY,.' Inside,.., i6s.(\ l".'. Outside.; 10s. Gif. AN- OO- V. BR, WV.(|>' • * I •• 7s. Od. Y the OLD SALISBURY COACHES, frpm • the BTA. cs HOKSB INK, Sws. au. RY., to the Br. f. i. and CROWN INNJ HOIJIOHS, anil the , SA « A<; ES FHin- AY'STRtiT, CHEAPSIDE, every day ( except Saturday) • at half past three- o'clock. . All parcels - sent by these Coaches, and by the Salisbury Expedition Coach, will. be - received without any; ch- arget for booking, and wilt be.' « feJ^ and expeditiously ' delivered to all parts of London and Salisbury, without any charge' for ' pofteragi.' ' -"•,-'•••" „ SALISBURY EXPEDITION; a new and elegant Post ' Coach, from the Cn, ousn 1- NN, Mj( TKET- PLACT, ' S. SIRStiU IIv, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evcji. ir. gs, at six ojclock, to the Bei. I. ardCuowit INN, HOI. EOJIN ; returns to'S'. ihshury Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday evenings, at six'o'tioik. N. BROWN, T. FAGG, H. WHITMASH, W. PENNY! and Co, PROPRIETOHS. [ TI'LA ALL the Powers of Ffne cannot prevent the fortu . nate Possessor of the first- drawn Prize above £\ 5 en the sth of April next, from being, entitled to moo Whole Tickets, the produce of which tnay. yield upwards of,£ Jtoo. ooo. GRAND. LOTTERY Begins Drawing the 1 ith if April, IgOfl. 7> REE GIFF of 1,000 WHOLE TICKETS for the ... First- drawn Picket above £. 16 the First Day : FREE OLFT of floo WHOLE TICKETS.. for the First- drawn Ticket above £ l 5 the Second Day, BESIDES 4 Prizes of £- 20,000 I 2 of..., .£ 5,000 2 10,000 I 6 1,000 & c. & c. & c. The Value of the above 1,500 Tickets is incalculable, as they may contain all the Capital Prizes. Tickets and Shares are selling in great variety at present but as 1,500 Tickets are GIVEN GRATIS, and locked up in the Batik of England, out of the 20,000, which the Scheme con- tains, consequently there were but 18,500 for Sale at first: ; speedv purchase is'therefore recommended by Mrs. O, HOP- KINS, Silversmith, Bradford, Wilts^ agent to BISH, of London, who sold 9,161 The Last.........£ 20,000 17, fill The Last... i' 25,000 6,( 133 J Th- Two Last, f 36,000 6,457 / ' h" 1 W° L3Sl! •:•* 130,000 Prizes eYer drawn, all in Shares. Pefsons in the country may be supplied- the same as if pre- sent, by sending their orders ( post or carriage paid) accompa- nied with good bills, banknotes, cash, or post- office orders, to BISII, 4', Cotnhill, or .9, Charing- Cross, London. [ 968 GRAND LOTTERY. Begins Drawing Vlth of April, 1809. SWIFF and Co. solicit the attention of their Friends to the Scheme of the above Lottery. They can with confidence recommend it as an improvement on that of the last Lottery, which received the deci# d approbation of the Pubhc,- and oreated a Sale far. beyond former Lotteries. Only 18,500 Tickets can be sold, a number smaller' than was ever known before, apd as the demand is now greater than in the last Lottery, when the Tickets became extremely scarce, and ultimately rose to £ 60 each, it is, expected, that the Prices will be much higher. The. Scetne contains the followirig Capitals: 4.. . of.... .£ 20,000 are £ 10,000 2. 10,000- 20/ 000 fi 5.000 10,000 t; - t, ooo .6,000 10. 500 5,000 besides inferior Prizes of 1001, and 507. & c. & c. as usual And on the First Day of Drawing, the Adventurers will re- ceive a Free Gift of 1,000 Whole Tickets, and on the Second Day of Drawing, 589 Whole Tickets, by which they may gain a Prize equal in value to all the Capitals put together of many former Lotteries. . [ 1123 - Tickcttand Shares are selling at SWIFT and Co* s. Offices, in London, viz. No. ii, Poultry, established in the year 1759, No. 42, Charing Cross, and 31, ' Aldgate High Street. Price of a Ticket.. ..'...£ 22 4 0 Half £ 11 7 JO I Eighth 2 18 G Quarter 5 15 0 | Sixteenth I .9 6 WANTED, at Midsummer next, or sootier,— A _ MAN and bis WIFE, ( without Family), as Master and Mistress to Lymiiigton Poor House. None need apply who cannot have go6d characters for honesty, sobriety, It will be necessary fpr the Man to understand plain" accounts. Apply ( if by letter, post paid) to the Overseers of the said parish. : ftM; i TO GROCERS, & c. APERSON of respectable connections, and has a knowledge of tin? GROCERY Business, wishes to engage as inactive PARTNER in the above line. - Lut'ters addressed ( post paid) for J. K. at Mr. Ship's, bookseller, Hlimdford', will be duly attended to. [ 1145 SALISBURY. WANTED, in a GROWER'S SHOP,— A young MAN who can as'sist behind the Counter, and'would be willing to do the other parts of the business.— A good cha-. ractcr will be expected. For paiticulars apply at the Printing- office ; if by letter, post paid. fl l. ifl ALL Persons who still remain indebted to the Estate of BENJAMIN CHARL. ES C n MNS, Esq. late of Salis- bury, and of Mortimer- street, Caven- 1 sh- square, London, who died in January 1303* arc arnestly. requested to pay the same, without fiirth'r delay, to JOHN. TJQWIUNG, Bookseller, on the Canal, Salisbury, who is authorised by TOWNKEY WARD, - Esq. the Acting Executi r, to receive the same : and if any, persqn or persons have any Claim upon the Estate, and have not yet delivered an. Account of their' Demands, they are now desired to transmit the same immediately to the said JOHN DOWDING, in order that they may be dischaiged. SALISBURY; March- 10, IS09. [ 1165 WHEREAS a Commission of Bankrupt is award- ' ed and issued, forth against THOMAS NORRIS, late of Gosport, in the county of Sputhampton, Corn Merchant, Dealer and Chapman, and he being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby required to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the . said commission named, or the major part of them, on Friday the 14th- day of April inst. at seven o'clock in the af- ternoon, on Saturday tho 15th tlay of the same month, at one o'clock in the afternoon, and on Saturday the 13th day of May next, at twelve o'clock at noon, at the house o'f Mr. Michael Mulbollan, situate in Middle- street, in the town of Gosport aforesaid, and called or known by the name of the Ihdia Arms litn, and make a full discovery. and disclosure of his'estateand effcets;. when and where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their debts, anil at the second sitting to choose Assignees, and at the last sitting the said Bankrupt is required to finish his examination, and the Creditors are to assent to . or dissent from the allowance of his- certificate. All persons indebted to the said Baukrupt, or ' that have any of his effects; are not to pay qr, deliver the same but to whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but giye . notice to Messrs. Bleasdale, Alexander, and Holme, solicitors, New Inn, London, or Mr. R. Cruiekshank, solicitor, Gosport. [ 1130 IIEREAS We whose Names arc hereunto subscribed did, on Sunday evening the 26th of Mat ch 1^ 09, conduct ourselves in a vctv improper manner; and, further, by. our riotous behaviour disturbed the neighbour- hood from Marchwood to Eling, by oyer- iturning " a cart, unfastening many, field gates* and opening several wickrtg, some . of which- we broke in picces— fur which ill conduct Mr. Thomas King. Mf. John Fox, aud William Littleeott, have . instly threatened us . with a prosecution j but on our thus pub- lisly asking p irdo-, 1, and promising never to be guilty of the like offences, and ty our paying £' 4.. 2., o for the damage done by us, and the eXpcnc. s of this advertisement, they have consented to refrain fr > m all further proceedings against us.— Aa witness ihe marks of JONAS - 4 OSMOND. JAMES X . ROGERS. WILLIAM ^ ETHERIDGE. "' 3j JOHN y, ETHERIDGE. O. ST, Irom, the New Forest,,— Two three- year « -( old HEIFRRS, both cropped in the near ear, and rosirked in the near horn with vV C, aud about half the long hair of the tail cut eft'. Whoever should find the above I leifers. and bring them to William Collis, at the Rose and Crown, Brockenhurst, shall receive ONE GUINEA It. ward for each, and all reasonable expences paid.- No higher Reward will be given, 8CI" Whoever is known to detain them after this public notice • will: be, prosecuted. , [ ni8 WOOL- SORTERS. AFew good Hands, sober Men, may hear of con- stant employ and good wages by application to Mr. Heal, - Wilton. WANTED;— A JOURNEYMAN GLAZIER and PAINTER. A sober man mav meet with constant employ by applying to I. Whitmarsh, Pliimber, See. Wilton, Wilts. ' [ 1112 WANTED, in a respectable Shop,— A voung person as an APPRENTICE to a Milliner and'Dress- maker. For reference apply to the Printers; if by le tter, post- paid. [ loot AN APPRENTICE WANTED to a MUSIC- ENGRAVER ; a Yqu, th of respectable connections. A reference to the principi- J may be had by application to G. Currell, perfumer, Winchester; if hv letter, post paid. TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. WANTED,— An APPRENTICE to a CHE- 1VIIST and DRUGGIST. A youth of respectable connections and active disposition will be taken on moderate terms. Apply to C. Moon, Chemist, & c. Southampton; or to the Printers ; if by l. tter, post- paid. [ 11,53 WANTED immediately,— A genteel, active LAD, as an APPRENTICE to a. SiiK- MERCER, LACEMAN, and HABERDASHER. For particulars apply to Mr. Charles Foreman, 41, Milsom- street, Bath ; if by letter,, post paid. ' [ HO? QTO LEN'or STRAYEl), from the New Forest,— A HEIFER, rising G years old, mostly white, with red ears, horn marked I. ft. E. and two hoisc- shots ( thus DC), she has a slit in her near ear, and a triangular piece cut out of the tip of the off ear, so as to leave a piece in tiie middle. Whoever will bring the above ihifcrto Mr. Bramble, of Envbnry, or John Crouchcr, of fypley, shall receive FIVE GUINEAS R EW- ARD on conviction if stolen, ar. d if stiayed • ONE GUINEA ar. d all . reasonable charges paid. The above Heifer has not been seen since the last Pound- drift. [ 1023 Ensbury, near Hrimbonie, Dorset, March 17, 1809. WANTED, A NURSE- MMD, perfectly qualified for the situation, in which she roust have lived some time, and must have a good character from her last place. Apply to the Printers ; if by letter, post paid. [. 095 YNTED,— A steady HOUSEMAID; one who has before lived in that capacity, in a gentleman's family. Apply to Mr. Fishlake, Salisbury ; or to the Post- Office, Crahborne. [ H17 1,500 J&' tra Chances, of the mine of. £ 33,. 000, Is given, over and above the nsualamuunt of capital and other Prizes,' and which Cbances- are so arranged as to produce'an immense sum of Money- in the* present State Lottqry, which ' Begins Drawing. the't^ th of next month, HORNSBY atld CO. STOC- K- BROKERS-, r^ pect- fully acquaint the Clubs, Societies; fend individual Pur- chasers,' that the present Scheme is far more advantageous to the Purchaser than any former Lottery; and further, there is only 18^, 00 Tickets for Sale,- which are fewer than ever were known. In the last Lottery, Tickets tose as high as £. 55.— Purchasers of Halves, Eighths, and Sixteenths, will be enti- tled to their Proportion of the 1,500extra Chafices, as well as all the grqat and small Prizes. Orders, by. letter or. carrier, executed exactly on the same terms as if present, ' at their'old- established State . Lottery Of- fices, No. 2tL Corn- hill', and St. Margaret's- liiU. Borough. HORNSBY and Co. have Shared aud Sold- id the last Two Year's Lotteries, 18,544 10,2- 94 19,544 133 ' 2,279. ... £ 20,000 20,000 . .. : . 20,000. ..... 10,000 . ta. oOo 17,127 ,..-. » ..£ 4,0p0 3,536 , .. 2,000 10,873 1,000 12,241 1,000 1^ 50 560 44 500 10,337 500 • S; F> 3 » ..-.'.- ...."' 5,000 8,7 11>. 5,00( 1 19,570 5,000 And were thiffifst Office, td srll two of £ S0,000. ' PriJiS pan'; on Demand. TicStets aitd:' Sh » res arcsetlmg bv >\: ADAMS, Bboksellei, ' • - SHAFTESBURY. [ 86e , WANTED, in a Family where there are no Chil- dren,— A SERVANT MAID, to act as Housemaid, occasionally to wait at table, antl rpake herself useful :— also a good PLAIN COOK in the same'family ;— arid a MAN SERVANT to wait at table, and take'eare of two horses, to which .. he must be perfectly competent. A good character will be indispensable. Apply to Mr. Jacobs, printer, Winchester. [ 1147 • SERVANTS. : " " WANTED, in . a small regular family in the country,— A steady FOOTMAN ( where no butler is keptVthat perfectly understands his business, and can'be well recommended from his last place:— Also a GROOM, who must undertake to'clean a carriage. Enquire at Mr. Targett's, Silver- street, Salisbury; if by ' letter, post paid. [ 1037 WrANTED, by a family in the country,—- A HOUS, EMAIL), who thoroughly . understands her business; she must work well at her Needle, and Wash and Iron well. Likewise wanted',— A single man as GARDENER, to live in the House-; he fnustbe capable of- training and pruning Fruit Trees,. and undertake the work of a Kitchen Gardener." Also waitted,—- A steady. I. AI), about 18 or an years old, to look after Horses, clean a. ( ar. iage, wait table, and do any tiling that may be required. Nonp heed apply in the above several capacities, unless . they, can have unexceptionable characters from their last places. Apply to the Printers; if by letter, post- paid, [ 1125 RIPO. be SP. L1), by a. gentleman having iio further A. occasion for him, anil for no' !:< ult,- — A clever DARK BAY GELLUNG, very' well bred,' fit for a light v, Tight, i » » ' good lfe'iper; has citpital action,- and a handsome figure, • ' For'further- pfertlculajsi apply to- Mr. Thomas- Spener, Doi- phin'Inn,-' Kingston, near vVi- nborne.. |" tuGi. i EAST STOWFR, DORSET. TAKEN HP Oil the I71I1 of May last, An IRON- GREY PONY MARE, about 12 hands high, and about five years old. Whoever can prove her to be their pro- perty may have heif igain, on paying the expences, by applying to Edward Godwin, East Stowvt;— if not owned within a month from the date hereof, she will be s >! d to defray the ex- pences.— ilarck HI, xion. [ ysa HPO COVER this Season, at Dean - House, Kiiinis- I ton, SELIM, got bv Hugh C; pet, at one Guinea, and three Shillings the Groom. Enquire of Mr. John. Lynes. [ 553 rPO COVER this Season, at the White LiolT, II Pimperne,. near Ulandford,— That Dark Brown Horse TRIU MVI R, by Volunteer, out of a sister to Old Tat by High- flyer, at One Guinea and a Half eucli Mare, and'Hali'- a- Crown the Groom. If any mare should not have been in foal last year, she will be covered this season at One Guinea. [ nus STALLIONS— the property of Oil. Thornton. TO COVER this Season, at Two Guineas a Mare, and Five Shillings the Groom,—- That well- bred Horse THORNTON CASTLE ( late Rslerhaii/)," bv Lather O'Leary, dam . by Sir Thomas, Eclipse, & c. He will attend at Calne Tuesdays, Devizes Thursdays, and Chippenham ' dnd Marlbo- rough alternately on Saturdays. Abo - that Well- bred Horse THEODOLITE, by Sir Peter Teazle, dam by Young Mask, Bosphorus, & c. ' He will at- tend at Value Tuesdays, Devizes Thursdays, and Ciiwpenham Saturdays. [ 1104 HPO COVER, this Season, at the White Hart, .1 STOCKHBIOGE, Hants,-— WITCHCRAFT, at Five Guineas and Five Shillings.— Thorooah- bred Mares, Hunting and other Mares, at Three Guineas and Five Shillings. Witchcraft was got by Sir' Peter out. of Ousen Mab, the dam of Remembrancer, & c.— For his performances see the Racing Calendars. N. B.— The. money to be paid at the timeof covering. Good accommodations for Mares at the usual price. Any Mare covered by Young Pip'ator la- t year, and not in foal, will be covered by Witchcraft this year at Two Guineas and Five Shillings.. (" 410 rpU- UMPH will COVER this Season, 1 1 Guinea and a Half each Mare, and Half a Crown the • Groom.— The money to be paid at the tune of covering, or before.. Midsummer next, to the. Groom, as he is accountable for the same.—— Triumph, is a very handsome dark brown Horse, with'black legs,- rising six years old. l. i hands 2 inches high, very powerful, with- great bom-, and good action, and is, allowed by .. the best judges to be a very complete Stallion. He was got by Mr. Crook's Old' FortutlStus, his dam Lord Berkeley's Spanker', . g « jttd- dimi- by. Highflyer, & c. Sc.- Wr. Crook's Old Fo'rtunatis was got by the'Vernon Arabian, his • darn Jemima, sister to Mexico, Tiiurnph will attend the Markets as last year.— Grass tot Mares as usual, [ 1070- Tiiumph is the property of Mr. Thcs. Heady, MiUbropk. XT INGBLADUD will COVER, U « s Season, It Chrlsiohurch, Hants, - at two Guineas and a Half a ' Marc-, he was got by i-' ortunio, dam ( Magnolia) by Mark.'. F01 Ills performances see the Calendar's of'a.">, t> 7, SK, 99, and IS1 « . Ill all his, tunning he lias' Been remarked for his honcity; no horse now Iftinghas won moreking'splates ( car- rying 12- stone) than King B'fadud • for'action in all his paces, - ubstance, bene,. constitution, shape, gentleness, and colour, no bone can excel him, i: nd he is at this moment one of the best hunters in England, and perfectly sound and free from blemish. [ 979 • Applications . respecting King Bladud to be made to the Hostler at H'umby's. Hotel, Christchurch.— Marsh 16', 180S. ' H<.' l « ES.- TO be SOLD, together or separate,— A Pair of Strong jBROWN fc\ Y" C'OACU GELDINGS.— They- have. bee;'. used cither to ride or- drive, are steady 111 Harness: one ef. them would prove a most valuable, horse for " a- lady or titiipiotts jie'rspri' fn' a onE- llgfse chair, being perfectly good tempered and gentle. * Ehquire df'iVit. T. Adams, Shaftesbury, who will give a reference to the owner. N. 11.— A set of good Harness may be bad with the Horses, if wanted. ' \ ' HiOO ~ " PASHtONABtli CHARUXf FOR SALE. TO be SOLD,,—- A modern CHACIOT, built by one of the first mikei' in, Lp'ndon, painted patent yel- low, Willi morocco squa. bs, barouehe seat,.- and every thing complete; . it js fit for immediate use, and well Worth the at- tention of- any Person. Vv- a'ntiiig a frisjiionafile carriage, as it will bq'Sotda great bargain : it is the'ptoptjfty- of a geudctnan who parts with it . because ' he lias nlore carriages than- he has at present occasion for. , . Apply i'if. by later,, postpaid) to Mr. Johason, bookseller, Gosport. ' £ 1189 7' i> Cicnllciru'n, Farmers, Graziers, i)' e. FIFTY Years; Experience would be inadequate to the iiitiiimeraViltf testimonies,- and. the sale of so mary thousand bottles tnrasinum, whereby the reputation of ti e CALVES' CORDIAL is established as a certain cure in all cases of Scouring of- Calves, Oxen, Cows, ilorw's, Sheen Sic. Honoured with, the, approbation of many coilrctit holder; oi'. ali- kiadsof livestock, and, from lt » V; ufcrnor efficacy in all kinds of, S. eour, the p'ropri<> t > r, Wf, I- » . BK; GS is induced to publish it more miivers& fly.' It ' rhe'lintiw of an advertise- in. nt. vvoald admit, ui> cwe8fonabU> authority mk- ht be pro- duced to certify the great suecrss of ft is Cordial i: i the most difficult cases,-- at) infallible rcuMy when given atanei- rjv stage of, th'.- disorder, ar. d from its trenetd teuriencv well known to cause all kinds of eatf « to thrive and rait. « soon- r, „ So dwholesrie by Howard end Eva. s. 12, Lon- r- lane, West Shiithfveld; and retail - by- Hmdie, Dowdiug, and Luxford, Salisbury; Pimg, Wanninstet; CHt. k, DeviZlSi Hatr. id Marlborough ; Maud, Amlover.; llulbeit, Bus-. r. gsloke • Ful- ler,: Nevvbyry ; Snare, Heading; Sparks and Co. an-.! Geriard Fronie ; • l oiy. Cbri' rohurch; Robbins, Wiuchestcr ; tr. d all other venders fit metlicincs. j.; 7iJ TPE SAL1SBU& Y AND WIKCpStl-. R JOURNAL, I ARMY PROMO no>\ s— The new Commander in Chief has made known in. General Ot'd'erj, tli. it his Majesty li'a| thought fit to' c'otftmaFid, ' that the: follbvviiig regulations shall hereafter be striutl. v observed in regard to Promotions " 111 the Army, iuid Apjiuintnients < m tl*' Staff :-— Nu . Uffiwr. shall be promoted to tile rank of Captain until he ha: been three years a Subaltern. No 0: f; i.' el* slia- ll be promoted u> the rank of FielifOrlieer until he has bee'n seven years in the service, of which two vears at least a. Captain. No Officer shall be promoted to the rank of Lieutenant- Colonjel until he has been nine year's in . the service, of which at least two years a< Major. No Officer allowed to fill any Staff, appointment, that of Aid- de- Camp excepted, until he has been one year a Captain. - . A Common Hall was on Monday held at Rochester, pursuant to ' notice, to consider' the propriety of votin'g tlijmkj to Mr. Wardle, and other Members of the House of'Commons, for bringing forward and prosecuting; the enquiry into the conduct- of the liuke of York. A Resolu- tion of thanks': to Mr. Wardle was first proposed; next, thanks to Mr. Calcraft, one of the Members for Rochester; and lastly, to Lord Folkestone, Sir F. Buidett, and Mr. Whitbroad, with the Members who voted with them ; all of which passed unanimously, as did a vote of t- banks to tl) e Mayor, for convening the Hall, and lor his conduct in the Chair. The Lord Mayor has had two distinct requisitions from Gentlemen belonging to the Diverv of London, to convene a Common Hall, to consider the late disclosure of corrup- tion in the exercise ot' patronage in a high office, and of the steps proper to be taken . by the Livery of London thereon. His LortUhip objected to the first inquisition as informal, and de. layed giving- any. answer to the second till the requisit'umists declared their determination to call a meeting of the Livery without him. . He then directed a Common Hall to be convened on Saturday. A requisition is handing about '. or signatures, to call upon the Lord Mayor Ui conveni a Court of Common Council, for the purpose of voting the Freedom of the^ City to Colonel Wardle. . Yesterday information was given to the Lord Mayor of a surprising large fish having been kilted'iil the Thames, within his Lordship's jurisdiction, near G.' aveseal. This fish is of the whale species, and measure, about 75 feet in length. The Lord Mayor ordered the' Water Bailiff, with his as- istnils, to go down with barges to bring it to London; It has since been claimed as a lloyai Fish, a d therefore a . Droit of Admiralty, and has been taken possession of by the King's Officers. Lady Charlotte W- y, who had been conveyed by her relations to the seat of- Lord Cailogan, at'Downhairi, in Suffolk, has escaped from thence, and has rejoined, her lover m London !. , The Assizes for the county of Surry ended at Kingston on Saturday night, when fourteen prisoners received sen- tence of death, only fourofwhpm ( James liartlett, hlenry Edwards, John Mason, and James Wood, for different offences) were left for execution,—- Among . those reprieved is John Stenning, condemned for forgery, the punishment for which is seUom tuitigaled.^- Lieut.- Col. William John Speed, convicted of bigamy, was sentenced to be trans- ported for seven year-.' ,- Alary iiateman, the pretended sorceress, whose trial and conviction- at York, for murder, we - mentioned in our last, was executed Oil Thursday at York, pursuant to her seo- tenc -, and her body Sent to the iufii'mury at Leeds for dissection. An immeu- e crowd of spectators witnessed her execution. To the last hour, of her life, she made hypocritical preten ions to sanctity of character and super-; natural povvei ; and, strange as it may appear, she lud de- luded followers to the last'; but she made iu » - confession of her enormous guilt, norsiicwcd any symptoms of that deep contrition which alone could have become her situation. Mr. CalcraJI stated, that being a « Magistrate of Dor jet- shire, and hearing of Mr. White's complaints, he had visited him in that gaol, and had given such directions as occasioned the gatder to remove ail unnecessary restraints, and he understood that Mr. White was at that time satis- fied wit'i the arrangement. Mr. IVhilbrcad said, he was glad the treatment Mr. White received'was less severe than had been stated. tu him. lie had the petition from Mr. White's son, who had corrected some parts of it. The Speaker observed, that there were many' erasures avd interlineations in the petition, in a different' hand- writing from the body thereof; and it could not be re- ceived by the House in that imperfect state. It was in coil- sequence withdrawn. Mr. John Vane presented a petition from Capt.. Huxley Sandon, now a prisoner in Newgate, stating that he had been 32 years in his Majesty's service, during which period, by a fall from his horse over a precipice, lie had received a violent c infusion in bis- head,. by which his ni ' inal faculties had been impaired, to which his apparent eontiadictio » « , in his evident*' before , the 1 f use, were greatly owing. He was convinced of the impropriety of his conduct, and deeply lamented that- he had incurred the di pleasure of the House, and implored its forgiveness.— Mr. Fane- moved, that Capt. Sandtm should be brought to the bar to- morrow, in order to his being discharged; which passed without observation from any one. Lord Castteyeagh presented a return of the troops which embarked la- t year for Fortugal atid Spain, including the cavalry and infantry, and specifying the number of those that, had returned. Lord Castlereagh next called the attention of the Hou- e to tile-. Local Militia Act of last Session, which had been so favourably received throughout the country, that there are now 850 battalions of Local Militia, consisting, on an average, of 800 men in each battalion ; of these, 125,000 metj had transferred their services from the Volunteers. He proposed some alterations ; particularly that the bounty should be reduced from two guineas per man to one guinea, and that it should be levied bv local assessment; that the met* night be marched out of their counties it, to an ad- joining county for the convenience of training; and that the Officers Commissions should be exempt, from Stamp Duty.'— He took occasion to mention, that it was the in- tention of Government to equalize the Yeoman Cavalry allowances, by . making them all five guineas.— He con- cluded with moving for. leave to bring in a bill to amend the Local Militia Act.— Leave was granted, the bill after- wards brought in, and read a first time. The Chancellor of the Exchequer moved for leave to ' bring in a hill to prevent the sale of offices, and to make jt penal to negoeiate such sales.—- After some pointed obser- vations from Tsird Folkestone, on the time and manner of moving for this hill, leave was given. Tire Irish Flax Seed Bill, the Malta Ship Register Bill, and the Dover Lands Bid, were read a third time and passed. The Chancellor of the Exchequer ( in reply to a question from Mr. I'arnell; stated that he had fully considered the subject of Irish Tythes, and found it so pregnant with difficulties, that he conld. not propose any thing thereon- during the present session.—- AtljouVned. TW KSD. VY, March < 28. J The Westminster Bridge Sun- day Toll Bill was read a second time. Capt. Sandon was brought to toe bar, reprimanded by the Speaker, and discharged. A Bill for the relief of Insolvent Debtors in Ireland, a Bill for promoting Inland Navigation in Ireland, and a Bill for completing the Militia of Ireland, were severally brought in, and read a first time. On the order- of- the day for going into a Committee on the Innkeepers Allowance Bill, IVeStem wished it to be put off for some time, until a memorial that had been presented from a numerous body of publicans in the county of Kssex, thoulil ba taken into consideration. These persons stated the great hardship* they were subject to, in consequence of the number* of troops on their march that were billetted on them, and for which they did not receive an adequate allowance. The Secretary at IPar admitted that the publicans in that part did labour uod- r many burthens on that account"; and tie assured the Hon. Gentleman that Government would be ready to afford every possible relief. But as to" adopting any thingin the present bill, which was a'general and annual measure, it would be highly inconvenient. After some observatiiuls fuuo Mr. Strutt, relative to the above hardships, the bill was commi'ttcd, and ordered to be repotted to- m ; rrow. Lord Citsllercagh moved the Order of the Day for the Committee on the Militja Exemption Bill. Lord Hamilton eoriiplailied of the measure as bucthen- ing the country with afresh ballot. Lord Cu: iftercw> h said,- tile Noble- Lord mis- coi- cnived the ir. it ore of the Bill. The ballot wis not to take place until June 1810; anil not even then if the vacancies should have been filled up without a ballot. Mr. liiddulph said it was his intention to propose a clause to render all I'cers liable to the ballot; and all other persons above a certain age, and possessing a eel tain pro- perty. _ The House then went into a Committee on the Hill, which merely passed pro forma. The report was afterwards brought up, and ordered to be taken into further con- sideration oil the 13th of April next. The Local Militia Bill was read a second time.— Adj. BREAD and . CdM.— Tbe price' of Bread remains the same as Ja- t week.—- Every article at the Corn Market is this morning oil the decline, WILTSHIRE. NOTICE is henlby given,— That the General Quarter Sessic u of the* Pt ace for the county of Wilts will. be holtlen at New Snram, in and for the said county, on Tuesday C-. e 11th day of April next', at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, pursuant to - the resolution entered into at a former Sessions, for the special purposes of examining all Accounts, and all Bills and Demands on the county; and of attending to all business relative to the Militia, conveyance of Soldiers' Baggage, the Gaols and Bridewells, and of all other business as may occur relative' tn the civil concerns of the s. iid county; and. no bills will be allowed, unless deli- vered in at the sitting of the Court- on. that day. The Court- will op. n on Wednesday morning, precisely at ten o'clock, for general business, which will begin with the Trial of Traverses, next Appeals, arid lastly Prisoners. All Appials ( cxCcpt' tl'ose, entered - for' the purpose of adjournment) rimst lie entered with the Clerk of'the Peace previously to the opening of the Court oil Wednesday, arid on failure thereof, the adverse patty shall have a right to enter a A'e Refipiatur. The Bailiffs and Constables of the several Hundreds, out of which the Jurors are taken, are hereby ordered to attend the Court, with proper wands, during the whole time of the Sessions; and to remain in such place or places in the Court as shall be then, appointed, to assist in keeping peace and good order, and to execute the orders and processes of the Court. JOHN SWAYNE, WILTON, March 23, IROfl. Deputy Clerk of the Peace. In order to give all possible dispatch to the business of the Sessions, the Clerks to the Justices of the Peace of the said county are particularly requested to send to the Clerk of the Peace, on or before the/ osf morning of th/- Sessions, all Re- cognizances, InfoTmstions, and. Records of Convictions, taken before stieh Justices of the Peace respectively. f 1014 DORSETSHIRE. N'OTICF. is hereby given,— That the next General Quarter Session of the Peace for the county of Dorset will be holdeu at Sherborne, in and for the said county,' orr Tuesday, the 11th day- of April next, on which day ttie Court will be opened precisely at twelve o'clock at noon, and immediately adjourned to the Antelope Inn, in the said Sown ' of Sherborne, for the special purpose of examining afl, bills and demands on the county, and taking into consideration vuch other business as may occur relative to the civil concerns therein, pursuant to a resolution entered into at a former Session. ... And on Wednesday morning the Court- will be opened precisely at ten o'clock, and the business of the Session will lie- in with trying Appeals, next Traverses, and lastly the Prisoners. ! ' Ml Appeals ( except those to he entered for the purpose of adjournment) must be entered with the Clerk of the Peace; on Tuesday, tlie first dav'of the Session; and on failure theieof, the adv erse party shaft have a right to enter a Xe RecipUtur. And in the forenoon of that day, all Recognizances, In- formations,' and Records of Convictions, arc to be returned to the Clerk of tilt Peace by the respective Justices' clerks.. And all Constables, Jurors, Bailiffs, and other persons Having business to do, and Bills of Indictment to prefer, are required . to attend accordingly. WM. BURNET, 1037J Clerk of the Peace of the County of Dorset. Snf. rbornf., March ay, 180.9. HANTS SESSIONS. NOTICE is hereby given,— That the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the connty . of South- ampton, will he fioldrn at, the Castle o{ Winchester, on Monday the Vnth day of April next, at one o'clock in the afternoon, at which time the Court will be opened, and irntn * diat* ely adjourned to the George fni^, in the citv of Winchester, for the special purpose ct" inspecting, and ex- amhiiTvr the Treasurer's. Accou- its ; and also all bills and other demands on the county, pursuant to the resolutions entered ' into'tit a former Session. The Court will be adjourned from the George Inn, ^ nd opened again at the Custla of Winchester, orf the Tue « 1ay following, viz,. the Hth day of Apr 1 next, precisely at ten o'clock in the fprenoon, when all Constables, Bailiff's,' Jurors; and others concerned, are hereby required to give their . attendance. . ' And in order to give ell possible dispatch to the business, the Attornies, Parties, and Witnesses prosecuting any Appeals, In- dictments, or other business, must be prepared at the opening of the Court on Tuesday . morning, and d urinpj the wnolc of 1 the Sessions, thut the Court mHv call on the Causes in such, order and at such times as they shall see convenient. Appeals must entered irith the Clerk" of the Peace, pre- viouuy to the opening of t/ ic - Court, on Tuesdln/ mornmg, or the . par Hps will not be permitted to ' try. Recognizances, Informations, and R. ecords of Convictions are. to. be returned to the Clerk'of the Peace by the'respective. Justices' Clerks, on or before the day preceding the Sessions." Dated this - 27tli day of March'TP, 09: TNOMAS WOOD! JAM, Deputy Clerk of the Peace. AU persons who have entered into Recognizances to appear at this Sessions Concerning Assaults* & c. are required to take notice, that they must, in pursuance of their reco^ ni-. zances, appear at this ^ s^ ns, eitfier personally or by therr attornies, in order to withdraw the same, although they rmy previously have compromised the matter. | ' i 081 LONDON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH Another Gottenburgli Mail arrived this morning. No disturbance whatever has taken place in consequence of the late revolution. The plans of the ascendant party appear to have been well laid, and their subsequent operations prompt and vigorous. The moc L prominent article brought by the Mail is a Proclamation which has been issued by the Regent, setting in view his object, arid that of the army, in contemplation of, the measures which have been adopted, namely, the restoration of peace to their exhausted country ; an . object in the pursuit of which, it U stated, Great Britain ( still called an ally) never threw any impediment, but on the , subject of which the King would never suffer himself to be addressed. A Russian Messenger, who on Monday landed sat Dover from a French schooner, in which' he came from Bbulopie, arrived in town yesterday. He left Pet rsburgb the latter end of February, and it. was at fir » t reported that - tie had brought new overtures for a negocVation ; but it being afterwards learnt that the messenger is Mr. De ' Saas, the same who carried to Russia dispatches from Admiral Sinavan, it was then reported that his dispatches related solely to the Russian fleet in deposit at Spithead ; but this, like the first rumour, rests wholly on conjecture. The contents of the dispatches are unknown. Dispatches were yesterday received from Lord Col- lingwood, brought" by the Success frigate ; their contents have not transpired. The Success left Malta on th. e- .2d, and came direct to this country. She brought two. Austrian Messengers, who came from Vienna by way of Trieste, and are supposed tq have dispatches relating to the warlike- state of aIfairs on the Continent. She also brings an ac- count from Malta of the capture of a French 40 gun ship in the Mediterranean. A fresh Expedition is preparing with activity, con- sisting chiefly of cavalry. Two brigades are under orders for embarkation ; one of Light Dragoons, to be com- manded by Major- Geheral , Stewart; and one of • Heavy Horse, by Major- General Payne. The 7th, 1 Oth, and 15th Regiments, we, understand, are to-- eompq* e. the former, and they are to be supplied with horses from the 13th and two other regiments. The 3d and 4th Dragoon Guards, and part of the Hanoverian Legion, go with Gen. Payne. The men dismounted from the " 1,5th and other regiments, to supply horses to the 7th, 10th, and 15th, in place of those lost in Spain during the late campaign, are to be sent to India, and will probably proceed thither in the fleet to be dispatched in April. On the iGth 5nst. in the night, the Prince George, one of the transports belonging. ty General Sherbrooke's expe- dition, ran down an American veise!* Mas- m master, whs, with his crew ( except one man, asleep below) got on board the transport, which had no sooner* got clear of the wreck than she ran foul of the lsis frigate, and remained some time athwart hawser. The soldiers and crew of the trans- port, with her new passengers the Americans, . then at- tempted to jump on board the Isis: Col. Hulse, Captain Christie, and about 50 of the Coldstream Guards, with all the Americans, succeeded in getting on hoard ; Jmt. Knsign Long and two" or tln'ee privates fell overbuard, and were drowned. The Prince George afterwards1 g< it cl& tr of the Isis, with the loss of her mizen- mast, and considerable other damage. . BANKRUPTS. Thomas P<.* at, of Wood- slre t, ChCapsido, hosier. Thomas Thompson, of Utvat Amwcii, . jobber. Thomas DavU s, of Haverfordwest, mercer. Omar Hall, • " Stafford, banker. Th > ma* Austin, oi' Chester, euach proprietor.' ^ 3vl « rar « l D- jane, of Liverpool, merchant. John Henry'Maund, of Coven? vv, grocer. Isaac (' lapson, of Henriotta- street, Hacknev- rnafl, nrpCntfr. . J-'. L. Mead and E. Lewis, of Holies- street, Cavenc! ish- sq. milliners. Ann Neve, of the Strand, Middlesex, milliner. Matthew Samuel ftayiU's,' of Queenbithe, London, insurance- brokor. HOUSE OF LORDS. MONDVY, March 27.] A bill to divur^ Col. Ponlett from his wife was bt- ouglit in by Lord / Falsingham, and and reail a iir- t time. A enpy of the Treaty ol'Alliance with Spain was laid on the table. Lord Darnley nmved for a copy of Sir John Moore's letter of the kith of January to Lord Ca. tlereagh. Lord Liverpool again stated that the letter was a private communieatbm; but a* more importance than belonged to it snetued to be atlac'hed, merely beewse Ministers had < leeinod it improper to produce it, he sjmuld no longer ) e « ist the motion. The'motion was consequently passnj. O. i the motion of Earl Grey, the House was ordered to be summoned for the 18th of Apr!!, when he . means to move for an enquiry into the conduct ot the campaign in Sjra i 11.— A< Ijourned. TUESDAY, March 28.] The Tlax- seed Growth Bounty J, Jill, ami Dover and Portsmouth Lines Kill, were received ironi die Commons, and read a first tinie. The Corn Export Hill, atid Spirits Wash Duty Bill, wer « read a second time.— Adjourned. HOUSE OF COMMONS. MONDAY, March « ;.] A hill for the construction of an Archway through Highgate- Hill was brought in, and lead a first tune. Tin' hill for removing the seite of Smithfield Market, to a field adjoining to B:\ gnigge WelU, was read a first time. The bill for establishing a Sunday. Toll'on Ulackfriars- bridje, to deliay the repairs thereof, was read a second tiiu -. A hill for a Sunday Toll on Westminster- bridge was brought in, aild reid a first iiuie, Mr. Canning lakl on the table a copy of the treaty be- tween '. lis Majeity and 1'. rdinand V'jI. of - Sjiaiti, Mr. IChitbread > tat<- d ( hat he held in his hand a petition £.• ' in Mr. Henry White, confined in Dorchester Gaol for a Jitel, stating various hardships which he endured, in eon- g : rjU ' nee of restrictions In taking air and exercise, and of . iwvfe and family not having free access to him. The Hon. Member observed, that he was not responsible tor th- j truth of tbe< e allegations: hn merely presented the jr'ti. i m liecatue he was desired to do so, and because he v- i lied that no Engli hman should meet a: i impediment in t: ttiieg to that liJuse his real or supposed grievances. f DORSET.-— CAPITAL OAK T1MBEI?. t qPQ t; e SOLI) fev RRIVATE CONTRACT,— 294 ; 1 capital OAK. TlMBE'R TKUSS, with Lcp, Top, ah. l > Bark, standing at Henbury, in the parish of Corfe Mullen, ' a miles from Poole,. and adjoining. the. turepil5e. r0ad to that 1 place. ' > pi r a view apply to Mr. Harding, Bailiff, on the premises ; [ and for further particulars, or to treat for the same, to Mr. , J.. P. Knight, Anderston, near Bland ford, Dorset; if by [ letter, post- paid. - [ IH4 ' " OAK. TIMBER. TO be SOLD by TENDER,— 154 OAK TREES, with the Lops, Tops, and Bark, standing on Great Bcntley Farm, in the pari- li of Mottisfont, near Romscy. in Three ' Lots, viz. - its in Clayhills Row, marked X ; 55 in Long Cop- pit-;', marked I 5 and So" in Long Coppice, marked 11. For particulars and a view of the Timber, apply to Mr. 3. • Marft- y, East Tutierley House. Proposals to be sent to him, • sealed up, on. or before the 1 - 2th of April, when the tenders , wilt be opened, and/ an answer given. BEAULIEU, NEW FOREST. TO be SOLD BY AUCTION, by Mr. DELL, on Wednesday the 5th of April iSOfli at the Mo tague 1 Arms, \'. i lots,—-- V2V OAK TIMBER TREKS, now standing on the Manor of Beiulieu. [ 353 i • For further particulars enquire at the Montague Arms. TIMBER. F rrxi be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. MANX, on 1 Thursday the fith of April ISO.'), at the Phoeoix Ion, in . Twyford,— Several Lots of OAK & ASH TIMBER TREES, now standing and growing in the parishes of Twj ford and Ouslcbury. For particulars, and a view of the same, apply to John Berry, of Twyfoid aforesaid. Sale to begin at three o'clock. .185? OAK TIMBER. R|^ 0 be SOLD bv AUCTION, by Mr. MANT, on J. Friday the 7th day of April, 1809', at the Dolphin Inn, ' Botlev. precisely at two o'clock,— Several lots of OA K. TIM- HER TREKS, now standing and growing in Pyland's Coppice : and the Kiln Ground, in ihw parish of Bursledon, in the ' county of Southampton. For a view of the same, apply to William Dowling, on the premises. . [ KM. PRIME OAK TIMBER, HANTS, rpo lie SOLD by AUCTION, at the White Hart, .11 Ringwood, on Wednesday. the. Mh of April, at three o'clock, in - 14 lots,— 187 MAIDEN TREKS, with Bark and Tops, standing on the Manor lands in Ringwood. Mr. Carver, or his woodman, w II shew the timber; and particulars may be had of them and at the Inns in the neigh- ' bouring towns. . [ n! 3tf NAVY TIMBER. TO beSOLD by AUCTION, at the Dolphin Inn, Botley, Hants," on. Friday the 7th of April, 180.1; at twelve o'clock,— About lxn OAKS, (" mostly large prime trees), and about ino small ASH- TREE'S, standing on the manor of Swanwiek, near Botley, and near to Curbridge Wharf. - The timber will be marked on . Wednesday ( He 5th of April, frim which time, till tne time of sale, Mr. Thomas Cooper, of Cagets Green, will shew it a^ d. fjrnish parjiqalars. £ 1001 CAPITAL NAVY, T$ IBER.— HANTS. -• TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at tlje Crown," Brticketthoree, en Tuesday the nth of April Igop.' at. three o'clock, together or in lots,—— One Hundred and Nine ' prime OAK. N; AVY TIMBER TREES, of Ou feet meetings and upwards, now starfding anil numerically marKed in the minbr of Brockenhurst, about four miles from Eymington, with the Lops, Tops, and Bark th.- reof. Also a- toosiderable number of FIR TREES, now felled and lying in brockenhurst Park. Mr. IVterJcnvey, ot BrockenhuTst, will shew the timber, of Whom printed particulars may be had, as ; WeH aj at the place of sale. • '• ' ; - ' ' flll7 OAK AND ELM TIMBER. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. LIMPUSJ at the Dolphin Inn, Botley,': on ' Thursday utie 6' th of April 1S09, at four o'clocft in the afternoon,—— About 1450 OAK TREES, in six lots ;— also SS ELM TREES, in one lot. The Said timber is no » v standing in tbe parishes of Dur- ley and Bishop's W'altVia'm.' ' For a view of the timbrr apply to Mr. Edward Hough' . n, Durley Mills, or Farmer John flail, Calfiot Farm.; and lor further particulars to the Auctioneer, Bishop's Wirittv. nj;' - Hants. [ 105( 1 HAMPSHIRE— OAK AND ASH TIMBER fOR SALE. T? OR SALE by AUCTION, " bv J. Youiio, on JL Wednesday the stfi of . April 1809,' at the White Horse Inn, Ilomsey, precisely at three' o'clock ir. the afternoon', . subject to certain conditions,— The following Lots of OAK, ASH, and FIR TIMBER, with the Lop, Top, and Bark, now, growing yu Chill worth and Ranvills : v tales. Loi 1.— iuo Oak Trees marked P S, in Long Ccppiie, Chillworth. Lot '>.— 105 ditto, marked P S, in the Monr, Chi- liworth. Lot 3.— 103 ditto, ditto. .. P. S, in Hoa'r's- wood," ditto. Lot 4.— 7( i ditto, ditto. .. PS, in Smith's- ccppice and field arrl ojn Pragnc^ l'. ditto. Lit 5,— SB ditto; ditto... P S, in plantation by Sandy- lane, and a field called Cossets, and drove, afici dro\ c Ly liroom- close and Copj) icerpa; Jdock. f Lot (>.— 121 ditto, matked ditto, in Foxhill- coppice and fields adjoining, - at Ram ill's. Lot 7.- 39 Ash and 1 Beech, in Foxhill- coppice, & c. at Ranvills., P S. Lot s.— 37 Ash, at Chilhvorth, marked P S. Lot 9.— 14 Fir Trees, numbered 1 to 1.4, on Chillw, orth- hill. ' Lot 10.— 14 ditto, ditto 15 to as, ditto. Lot 11.— 14 ditto,.... ditto ,29 to 42, ditto. - Lot 12.— 70 Oak Trees, marked P S,. in Lord's- wood, hillworti. . Lot HI.—( 5 Waliut Trees, lying in Green- lane, ditto. Lot 14,— 270 Oak Flifterings," marked with ruddle, ' in Hoar's- wood, Chiliworth. . . Lot 16.— 170 ditto, ditto, in Long- coppice, ditto. Lot 16.— 131 ditto, ditto, i- rv- tlie Moor, ditto. Lot 17.— lit- ditto, ditto, with a X. ruzcd, in Lord's- wood, ditto. ••:-.• . For viewing the Timbar at Chillworth, apply to Joseph Whreii, Chillworth Lodge ;.' and-" tSs"' rimberat Ranvills, to Mr. Tarver, Ranvills Farm. .. At the sam," time and pface will'be: Sold bv Auction,— The following Lots Of NAVY OAK TIMBER, growing on a farm called Moorley's, at A- nipfield, in. the parish of llursley, near Romsev. ... : Lot 1.-—' 1315' Oak Trees-. with the Lpp, Top, and Bark, in, the moor: by Hock bottom, marked with a raze. Lot 2.— 3- 5 ditto; marked ditto.) in poppice and fieLls at. Ratlick. . ', /..;''— ',-. Lot 3.-^ 23 ditto, tlkto, in fcoppice and fields south side. of. farm- house. v - K. . Lot J.'— 32 ditto,"' ditto,' in coppices west of farm- houje and • Kilpnt's- raAdow.'" " - •.. . .. » [ U 73- F'ora view of the Timber atiAmpfii'fd. f". Snply to William- Bishop, at the White Horse,-. Ampfi- Id and for p- rticulars;' I apply to Mr. John'Kieklir, Tinrl) er. Sutvcyt) f,. Brrash'fiel(; l.. - NAVY' () AK. - .'.' . . . ' TO We SOLD by AUCTION, - by Mr. Y< dvno, on Wed'Aesday'the 12th of A6iil iAst.' at. four o'clock in , the afternoon, at tli • White Horse Ian, Ronis.- y. ' -. Lot 1.— ion O ik Timber Trees, and 4 Elms,' standing in Ba'l^ lap antl Home Cuppices^ in the parish o;' North'Stone- ham. Lot 2.— 1 '•() Oak TimherTrces, standing in Fou'moorWood", in the said parish. ' -,..--. - . Lot 3.— 2Rft0. k Timber Tries, standing in Hint Wood1, in'the sai l parish. For a view ' of the'sarn^, and particulars;,; apply to George ' Doswcl], Kt Stolu- ham Park, near South imptiin. .. f 1- 127 •, LARGE OAK, ASH, A ELM TIMBER. I •' ' rpO be SOLD by AUCTION, on AV- yducsday the. 5. 12th day oj April i. m( 19j at tie Dphjhin'lntyiBo^ li- y, in the county of Southampton, at two b'ctock in the afu rnoon„ unless before disposed of liy tender, 53 OAKS, - fii small ditpo, 8 ASHES, and 4 ELMS, with their Lop, Top, and Bark,, at per load when fallen. Lot 1.-— Eleven tfaks, marked with white pain'f, t-- n of them, standing in Barberry Coppice an- 1 field adjoining, aiid one in a field called SeVen Acres, 4^ feet meeting. ' * Lot 2.— Ten Oaks in Barberry Coppice and field adjoining, • matlii'd blue and White, 27 feeL meeting. l. ot' 3.— Eighteen Oaks in Barberry Coppice and ft. Id ad- loining, marked blue, 13 feet meeting. ^ I. ot' 4.— Fourteen Oaks in a field called Copyhold Part of Rolis'Crofr, marked bine, 12 feet meeting. 1/ t 5.— Porty- svrx Oak Flittcrns, in Barberry Coppice, ' marked with a white dot- Lot V.— Eight Ash Trees, in Barberry Coppice, marked white, 15 feet meeting. Lot 7-— Four Elms, standing round the garden ofthe farm- house, 46 feet meeting. Almost the whole of the above timber is adjoining close to the river at Botley. The tenant, Edward F.' nery, 01 Marks'Farm, nenr Botlev Chnrcli, will shew- it; and tendeis will be received by William Neuil," Estj. taston, near Win- chester. floia ' - ItlJL;-./.. .;_ " u6hsF. T. I Valuable Oah, Ash, and Elm Timber Trie?. vHpo borSt. iLD by AUCTION, by M. BAKI: K a. Peter's Fiuger Inn, in Lytehet Minster, on \ V>. tu- rtle 5th day of April, 1S09, atone o'clock in the a", rii subject,. to such CQnditiQtJs of sale. as will be. then. an. l t ' produred,- 342 OAK TIMBER TRKES, with tfi ' ir.' ltlp; and Baik ; ISO ASH ditto ; and (,' 3 ELM ditto, aiphabt!- marked with paint, and now standing on the Estates m chet Matravers and Lytchct Minster, aixnit li miles Ir- im la 6 from Warehaih, tf'from Wimbome, anil s from Bl.- flitli adjoining the turnpike road ftom Dorchestfr to I'oole, tieulars will . he gwen '. r> hand- bills. at the place. of sale, I Auctioneer's; Comhill. Dorchester, and p'isfed in the sei towns near tile place of sale. '" -' For further particulars apply to Mr. Joseph Hartwell, penter, at Higher Lytclutt. ' [ in- PRIMV; ASH, ELM, AND WALNUT TJMMUI. I^ O'LT SALE by AUCTION, by HAIIRI RLS ; J. the Red Lion Inn, Corslam, on Wednejilny the fltfi of April instant, precisely .. « ' three o'clock in til., after:, intHe following Lots, subject 10 » ach conditions as <- ha then produced),— 73 PIECES and TQPS- of H LM, ASH WALNUT TIMBER, as new felled, an- llayingin the 1. mentioned- closes of land in the parish of . Cmsha^ i, w county pf Wilts, about 9 mile's fr. tji Bath-, and near th< road from thence to London ; all numbered. antl rwV'tj. Lots. Name's of Heidi. Numbers. Lot. N* ui'.'* of F^ eMs. Tium , / Culver Leaze .. 1. fPoUn. il Mead,. .44 tt \ Riley and Sands « to IP. .. Xnig'. s Me'W.. , C0. ... Jj'odlev.....".::.. o'i tt (" Moor 20 to . 3. Yeoi- if •'! t 2,~: Gallimorcs 21 toS3. Hom.. Me, idv . . JS7 tc ,'" I BrookLeaze 34 to -.- 4. ' ^ VbsrOow 71 ; Mr. Daniel Wy- att, of Westweh's Farm, in the par s Corsham aforesaid, will shew the Tirnl-' etj and ( Hi Ftit particulars apply to Mr. K. Leir, Ditch^ at, near Sljq Mallet;— if by. letter, pout paid: ti( j-: CAPI TAL OAK. NAVY TIMlT. R ' RREES.— HANT TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by .1. EI HP. KIU at the Rodney's Head Inn, llythe, on Th'Uislay 6th of April lfco. 9, at three o'clock- in the afternoori,—- prime OAK TREES, wiih the. Lops,' Tops, atll Bark the: as the same are nQwsUmling in the under ni: nrion- d grout situate within one mile of llyihe, where the. timbjr tniy shipped,— and three ASH TREES. Lot 1.— 2S Oak Trees and 3 Asli ditto, in a field occu| by Mr. West.' > [ 10; Lot 2,— 9 Oak Trees in Shor^ strip- field 1 occupied by ' Lot 3.— 11) ditto, in Long- strip ditto . J. Pinnieit. N. B.— The timber is of lar^ e dimensions, spiny and sou / For a view of the same apply to the Auctioneer.' Hvth*. nno B? SOLD'by AUCTION, by Mr. MA i. timber surveyor and auctioneer, on Tuesday the 1 day of April inst. at the Lamb Inn, in Hindon,' Wilts,- 233 prime OAK TIMBER TREES, with their Tfips. !.- and Bark;' and 121 ASH TREES, and 14 ELM I RE! with their Tops and Lops, now standing at Sedeehill, n Shaftesbury, 1 Dorset. " . The trees are progressively numbered with white paint, i will be sold in small lots, for the accommodation of- purchasers. .. . For further information apply at Sedeehill- house. { Jilji Capital Oak Timber.—(' ranborne, Dorset. TO be SOLD bv AUCTION.— Two Hunt! capital OAK TIMBER TREES, with their Lojis : - Tops, as they- now stand on lands near Cranbome,— 011 W .'. newsy the 19th day of. April 1508. at- the Flrur de Lis, Cranborne, at three o'clock, by Mr.. GAnKMip, in eirlit 1. Particulars will be dtlhered in dye time. at the BlitCK I » < : Salisbury; Red Lion. Hingwood ; . Greyhound, I. oj > I i bridge; Antelope, PtxiW; and by Mr. James Strouil, w will she; w the said timber. fl « 9; ' • • ' POSSET. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by JonvWAi! on Tuesday tile 4th day of Aprd 1809,— All tile Ll' and DEAD STOCK, & c. < S£* c. tlie property of Rt.- GUA-!' Esq! at Loder's, Farm, near B'idport, who is going to li- the farm ; consisting of SjOO prime couples of the Dorset Hre- Oo very good chilver hoes,- 6 eHofeding good rams, 4 fat- h fers; 3 usespl cart- horses, harness for three horses ; wagg' 1 9 dunS pots, sails, drags, harrows, roller, Cooke's scarili new bean mill, barley anil, m ilt ditto, chafi cutter { by M; dugall),' calves'peh^ apple milfand press,. C> butts of ex? lent cider and casks, " uo big* cf ei^ fecding good potatoes quantity of hay, sheep racks and pig troughs, wiih ma otbet useful implements jn husbandry. •, Tlie. sale. to bjgin iwecisely .' at one o'clock. QCi' Thc.. Sh'eep Stcck is warranted sound and free fri " goggles.- '•'.'-- ' fldl WESTBURY, WILTS. FOR'SALlv by AUCTION, by JOSEPH WA T£ Rs, on the p'teniises, 011 Friday tiie l4th dry of A, fSTO',—— ATI the IIOUSSCI'IOLD GOODS, FUltNlTHh and other Effects, of CuiRLES Vise, lare- of- Westbttr- y, Wil a Bankrupt; comprising four^ pciftt mahogany bedsjeadsy w coaon arnl oilier furniture; feathef-' beds, polstcrs, and) lows, quilts, blank's,' Sc.' mahogany bureau and hook- c mahogany and other tables, pier and swing glasses, < thii plate, painted and other- chairs ; exeeetling good' kite!) r. mge, Bath stov. es. and fire irons, roasting- jack, and all kit of kitchen furniture.— Also' an exceeding good Cart wither axles. ' • • :' v. Also in the evening of the above day will be Sold hv At tir. n, at the Crown Inn, in' Westhurv, precisely Kt s'ttfo'cloi —' The ESTATE and INTEREST of. the said Bankrupt iti late DWELLING- HOUSE, Gafden, Work- shops, and: l> rfuses, situate in Westbury. afores- iid, l'. eld for the re. miiun of a term of seven years j— together also with ihow- ll- is bllsh'ecf Trade or liuslness of a. Soap- boiler ; and Tallrt chandler, fof carrying - on which the above premises afii, every d^ nVenicpce. . .. ' The purchaser may he put into immediate possrwion ;' s for. his aeconimod'itmn the coppers, vats, and otiigf fl> tu and utensils, > may he- taken a? a fair v- ilu tiori. • , . • For other particulars- apply. to Mr. William. Vine or 1\ Samuel Greenhtll, in Westbuiv, or to Mr.• Williams, Tr< bridge. ' ..',.. . - . - ' j'iflpW CAPITAL ESTATE IN- WILTSHIRE. rpQ be SOLD by AUCTION, bv Air. Tii. li* po 8. at Deptfotd Batch Inn, in the county of WtUs, Monday the 17th day of April, 1809, at three o'clock 111 I ' afternoon, ' inorieor more lots-,— The MANOft, MANSIG HOUSIv, and capital ESTATE of Ma6i) lNfltTOs, in t county of Wilts, with its Rights, Royalties, and Afpur nance's; comprising a spacious and convenient mansion- hot with requisite offices, and about 1500 acres of arable, mrado ' pasture,' down, and wood land, I ) 0(> of which are in defnesi and the residue is held, by sundry lease and copyholders one, tw^, and three lives-; with the Great and Smalll'yti arising thereon, and on other estates coiitiguous theretp. Maddington is situate in a fine open part of the co, unty Wilt's, celebrated'for field sports; about ( 1 milos'from Am. bury, 9 from Salisbury, 11 from Warminster, and 1 a. firr DeviZ- s.— rMr. Henry Wasliboutne, the tenant, will sh; the premises. ' ' • Printed particulars will be ready for delivery by the - in _ dav of filareh, and may afterwards be', had at the Print: ' Office', Salisbury; Lord's Arms, Warmins'ef; Bear, T . vOKS. f George, . AmcSbuVy; of Mr. Dyije, Strjet. nt's In London; Mr. Field, Shepton Montague; Mr. Messit r, . ' bettor, Shi'ff. shury ; gud Messrs. M-? s tejj » . l. citois, W: o I'fitoo. v5htre a Map of the Estate may be seep. f? 00 —: —— 1—-—; r - T . SBOVIIAML'TON, March T' 8, IBOF, ,\ W under m i-. ioo { la pe pul'lisln d hj r, dsi viptiwt), ' lit- > -|. is.( E[. LANKOUS WORKS nf' RICifAR 1V4. COX ;.- cousistlng of Fables in verse and iitosc, Ess, in ^ ro^ K,- verse., and- bbink verse ; also- 1. : t rs an'd Re'mtirks laid 1 efte Messrs. Goodeve, Paul, and 1' orbt^, of Gos;, e afbitratois. betwixt the Authur'and J Kent, til K'- aihamptoi Must virnte how,— jnfernal p'lsSioqs rule,' * Vice wear ti Vbrazen frol.' t, aiid lord o'< 1 all, •' Antfhiaven's attributes le s- t at i, aUibtt?' ' fjis* -' ' , , f -— — .. —^ ( ' ON the l'st of-- Afciil wrb ba nriMi- hcd, ill 8ro.'- TheMCpCl- KStASTlCAL and UNIVERSITY ANNI, AL- REGlSTEIi for f8 » . » » » ' To' this first viVlumi: will be r. diled, by way of appe ( lis, a, complete 1st t; f all the English fec'tories, > vicr- r , curaci. es/" and donatives, alpliabet. taily arranged ;' Vith t if valaations ill the king's books, names of- patrons, and. ntu- ber Of' parishiont rs. i. ondon:. Printed for C. and It, Ktl. dwin, N « r I'ri l - i. stn- et; and tray be procured on application t< v Brti'V', D dimr, and Luxfotd, Sal sbury; 01 to any books. fur tt u man in the united kingdom. , , fd 1 ON the 1st of May \ vfH be | iublisltei| cmiplete, 11 18 l'. rte vols, 4to. the'Ahrldeclorrt rtf'the 1 » IIIU> SC- PHICA1. THAN'SACI LiNS of tbe Rov* r. Kotffiiv. mm its institution in 1 ( MS to the year I son itit. Husivc; with; numerous biographicalsketclits of tbe prnrcipi. 1 cdnfri ® *.. 1 , and a copions index. Bv Dr. HOTTOS, Dr. SHAW, and Dr. R. Pi JH- DV. Lond'- n: 1' rintolinrC. and, R. li^ ldwiti. New lirnkf- strat, aivls Id bv Brodie, D- iwtJin'e, and Lnxlord, Saii^ ra*,; fi' ' Ihe- pabiish. is take th s opportunity of iiiinini"! •• that the h'Sterical arid bitiel'iphicitl volume, iotni'd companion to tl. is vy. rk, ai d prom seil in the pn v. vtti in cohsidirafcL- ferwaida.- ss,. and will he pubhsl. JdMi ' . • inter. ' • . " i' . r^ B ^ Wednesday's and Thursday's Posts. LONDON GAZE PTE OF MARCH 28. DoWjj; i m &- Sr k E kt, March 27. DISPATCHliS have been received from Lieut, den. Beckwith, Commander of his Majesty's Foreas in the Leenjtrd Islands, containing detail' of 1 ie landing of tie' army, in- two division-, in the inland ol' Martinique, on the - elth of January; tile first division, consisting of between six and seven thousand men, under th • orders of Lieut. Gen. Sir Geo. Pi'evost, at Bay Robert, on tlh- Winibvaisd,.- coast; the Second division, consisting o| VU> vva: diof 3U!/ 3m - n, under the command of Maior- Gen IvJ . dtland, 11 - ar Leree aud Point Solomon ; of the'occu- pation of . the. lu; ights; of Sul'ivey, after a warm contest on iMorne BHino, and the iuvestitufe'of i'ort Bourbon on the Ka « t, by Sir (>.." I. I'. revost; r. 1 ( it of liie ea;.' tuie of Pigeon 1' iand by the division under General Maitbtid, add the i"! abiiihu/' nt of his division .' at- ia Coste, above Point Wiixt oe, which completes the investment 0: 1 the West Hide, [ These official dispatches have been anticipated, by the ample d. tail \ v. e > a- ve of these ',/. ijturiantyvents in our lastj from which detail they in no resnpet . dider.—' I lie greatest praise is b • towed oil t. he'gallanfr;. eand general giioit con- duct of the troops, whose services weto- greatly facilitated bv the judieiou., inatvlv, aud prompt assistance of tlif Navy.] ' : • • " The returns of killed, wounded, and missing of the first division of thcarmy are,— 1 Field Officer, l>. Captains, '•! Ser- j ants, 77 Rank id l-' ile, killed ;— 2 Field Officers,' 3 Captains, 4 Su i. dterns, 1 S; aff, .8 Serjeants, 5 Drummers, 2 bugles. 309 Stank and File, wounded ;— I Subalter.;, 2 Serjeants", ic Rank and File, missing. . . Oficers killed.— M ijor Maxwell, Pth reg. ; Capt. Taylor Royal Fusiieers,, acting Deputy Quarter- m:.- tee- Gen era! C. i; it. Sinclair, "" three:. UJ/ icers naundtd.— Hon. Lieut. Col. Pakenbam, Captain; Rowe and Cholwick, 7tlr reg.; Lieut. Roskelly, Surgeon Power, 2() d; Major Campbell, Capt. Gledstaues, Lieutenant! Johnson, Jackson, and HopWood; West India corps; ant C ipt. Coore, Aid de- Camp to Sir G. Pr'evost, slightly. Officer missing.— Lieut. Gilmour, 1st WeSt India regiment a prisoner. There is no retqru of Casualties from'thc 2d division ;. bu as General Maitland met with little opposition, they are pro- bably very tew. Advir, Ci. ty - Office, March 28. Dispatches from Rear- Admiral Sir A. Cochrane detail the capture oi Pi.; eon Island, with the great exertions of Capt. Coekburn. of the Pompe ', a, id the seamen under his orders, ^ vlio ably pave support to Crigailier- Generals Sir Charles Shipley anil Steh lin, commanding the Engineers hud Artillery; in wh eh service we had only two seamen killed and one sol- dier wounded. The Rear- Adii. iiral alio relates the destruc- tion of the Amphitrite, of 44guns, and all the shipping in the harbour, by the enemy,- to prevent their falling into our hands; and the capture of the Topaze French national frigate, of 48 guns and 330 men, from Brest 47 days, and hid on board 100 troops and 1100 barrels of flour, for Cayenne, but meeting with superior force off that port, she was obliged to push for Guadaloupe, where she was attacked under the batteries, in shoal water, by the Cleo- patia and Jason, and carried with the lo. s of two seamen killed a: id one . wounded on board the Cleopatra.— The Rear- Admiral also incloses' a letter from Capt. Beaver, of Iiif Acasti, detailing the landing of General Maitland's divi ion i 1 Bay Robert,- Extract of a Letter pom Capt. M Kinley, of hi1 Majesty's shiii the /. " ('//, dated Villa Garcia, March 15. IT i; . vith the 111 , st heartfelt satisfaction that I can with confidence assure their Lordsips that the spirit of the Gal- lieians is aroused to the mo3t. enthusiastic ardour, governed by a cool and determined courage, which the feelings of loyalty and patriotism naturally inspire, and they confi- dently look for aid to the generosity of the British Govern- ment speedily to succour them with arms and ammunition to enable them to succeed in the glorious and just cause which they have undertaken, to expel the perfidious in- vaders of their c untry. The enemy is much distressed by a malignant fever ; not less than two cart loads are buried dally from the head quarters at St. lago; the Military Governor and. Com- manding Officer of Artillery, with a number of other Officers, have fallen victims tn it. Skirmishes daily take pl;; ce between the peasants and the enemy, which renders their procuring provisions both difficult and harrassing, - and many fall victims to fatigue. 1 i this perpetual warfare, the enemy invariably suffer, par- ticularly 011 the id inst. when 105 Frenchmen were pil- laging the co. ivsnt of St. Bernardo de San Clludio, where Don Bernardo Go. 5ties, wiih 32 Spaniards attacked them, took many horses laden with pillage, and only IS of the enemy e. ea| ed. On the Sih, 10th, and 11th inst. the French attacked the peasants of Deza and Trasdeza, sus- tained by those of Banos and Tabeiros, and were obliged to retreat with the lps; of 114 men and an Officer. The app'ia. ranee of his Majesty's ship has very much gra- tified 111 i Spaniards, who are incessant in their praise aud gratitude to the British Government. On my coming to this place on the 11th inst. I left the Plover at Marin, the French being at Pontevedra, but have received information" to- day, that a division of the Spanish army, under the Command of the Marquis de Valladares was attacked 011 the 11th by Marshal Soult, who lias since retired ty Tuv, and ordered all his detachments in the vicinity of Vigo to join him by forced marches; I would not therefore detain her longer. 1 have the honour to be, itc. ( Signed) GEO. M'KIN LEY. Whitehall, March 28. The King has been pleased to grant the dignity of a Baronet of the united kingdom of Great Britain antl Ireland, unto Sir David J laird, Km. Lt- m tenant- General of his Majesty's Forces, and his heirs male, with remainder to Robert Baird, of Newbvth. in tiie county of Eh-' t- Lothian, Esq. ( brother to the said Sir David Haird) and hi s heirs male. N'D GENERAL ADVERTISER OF WjLTS, HANTS, DORSET, AND SOMERSET, Friday's'and Saturday's Posts. I FOREIGN NE \ V S. ' ' BANKS OF THE EI. BE, March 17. ALL the accounts received from Uppcr Germany tend to confirm the general Opinion, that a war between Austria and France will certainly take place. The Vienna Court Gazettes have lately not been delivered in Lower Germany. All the French and Dutch troops still at Hamburgh are to march in a few ( lays for. Upper Germany, and all the Ffench infantry that rem lined behind have broken up this morning. The Prince of Ponto Coiivo has acquainted the Senate* that he sets out for Hailover in a few days, to or- ganize an army there, but that be will soon return. The Dutch, it is said, will speedily make an expedition from their coasts probably with the Texel and Flushing squadrons. His Pru- sian Majesty will not, it is said, return to Ber- lin u 1 id r the present circumstances. HOUSE OF tortus. WEDNESDAY, March 2,9.] The pension Duty Bill, and several other bills, were brought tip from the Com- mon', ami read a first time; ami other bills were forwarded ill their respective stages.— Adjourned. THURSDAY, March 29.] The Royal Assent was given ty Commission to the Tobacco General importation Mill, the X i'vt'ouodland Judicature Bill, the American Fishery. Bill,' and several other public and private bills. The bills 011 the table Were forwarded a stage. Adjourned to the Hrirof April. HOUSE OF COMMONS. WEDNESDAY, March 29.1 Mr. Maddox gave notice, that after the holidays he would make a motion respeeitng farliauientary Reform; The . Malta Registry Bill was read a third time, and pa.- ed. The Lord Aduncate brought in a bill to amend the Bankrupt Caws i. t' Scotland, which was read a first time. Mr. UCaekburne, Chairman'of the Committee to whom the" petition of the working weavers, p. iaying for the esta- blish men c of Minimum of wages, was referred, reported ( he opinion of t'htf Committee, that the prsyer'of- the pe- titioners could nnt be granted; as it would be ruinous evels to themselves. It was also the opinion of the Committee, that iru legislative measures whatever1 could care the evils existiBg'ui the trade. The report ordered to be printed. " Mr. Potter brought in a Bill for laying a Duty on Spirits distilled from Sugar in Ireland, which Was read a first time. The Bill for amending the Local Militia Act went through a Cpmpittee ; report to be considered on the l.' ith of April, and the'bill in the mean time to be printed. On tji<! motion lit. Sir 8- Romiltjf, the Bill for altering and amending the Bankrupt- Law^ was read a second time. After a few- observations upon its tendency by Mr. Jacob, Mr. • Pimsgnbii, and Air. Jiercrombie, the. bill was ordered to be committed this day fortnight. Lord- CaiiUtmgh presented a copy of the last dispatch from the late General . Sir John Moore. The Nob'e Lord soon thereafter presented some farther papers from Spain. Adjtntrned-. THURSDAY, March 30.} After the return of Mr. Speaker from the Upper Honstij where the Royal Assent, bv commission, had been gi.' en to several bills agreed upon bv Goth Houses, the Chancellor of the - Exchequer moved that tile House adjourn till Tuesday • the 111 h of; April. The m ' tioti passed unanimously, and the House adjourned accordingly, LONDON, FRIDAYMAliCII at. On Wednesday night a Mail from Heligoland ar- rived. It dues nst annour. ee tlie'actual commencement. of hostilities between Fraacb and Austria, but no hopes are . entertained that the war will be avoided. Bonaparte is rapidly withdrawing his troops from the North of Europe, for tile purpose, of employing them against Austria. Even Swedish Pomerania has been evacuated'by the French, and the Duke of Mecklenburgh has been ordered to occupy it; with his forces until it shall suit the convenience of Bona- ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE FIRE- OFFICE, Established by Rojjal Charter in tlic Reign of King George the First, for Assuring. Houses, Buildings, Goods, Com, Hay, Lice ' Stock, & c. and also for. the Assurance of Lives. MARCH 2D, 1809- THE Corporation of the Royal Exchange Assurance, do hereby give Notice, that ' they have authorized their respective Agents to rCcCive proposals for the Assurance of Farming Stock at the rate < rfSs. per cent, per annum,' in lieu of the late charge of 2S. '<></. per cent, and the Agents are in structed to reduce the Premium on such assurances as they become due. Persons \ vhos » Annual Premiums fell due on the 2* th iost. are hereby infiarYai'd, that receipts are 110W ready to be deli- vered by the Company's respective Agents under- mentioned; a id the parties assured are requested to apply for the renewal of their Policies on or before the'loth of April next,, as the usual fifteen days allowed for ' payment beyond the date ot each policy will then expire. SAM. PENNING, Jun. Secretary. The following persons lire Agents of the Royal Exchange Assuf. ncc Company, within the district of this " Journal:— • WILTS ill A*.— Salisbury, Edw. Humphreys ; Cable, Wm. Bailey; Ciiippenhavu, Mary Taylor; Devizes, John Ban- nister; Marlborough, Avery Warner; Swindon, J. Heath; and Warminster, Chas. Pressley. HAMPSHIRE.— Alton, Win. Hale ; Alresford, Sarah and Peter Houghton,.; Andover, J. L; Maud; Basingstoke, Win. Bishop ; Bishop's- Waltham, W. Jennings ; Foidingbridge, john Roach ; Gosport, W111. Burridge and Son, ( of ports- mouth; ; Lymin; tou, Charles St. Barbe ; Newport Isle of Wight), J. Love; Odiham, T. Gregory; Portsmouth, G. Luscombe ; Pet rsfield, R. Andrews ; Kiiigwo sd, John Cran- ston ; Romsey, Aim Whiting ; Stockbridge, W. IT. AuwooU; Southampton, T. Skelton ; and. Winchester, J. Downes. DoKSfTSHiRE.— Blandford, ftenrySnell; Beamister, Wm. Oliver ; Bridport, Matthew Knight"; Dorchester, T. Gould Reide ; Poole, John Aid ridge ; Sherborne, Win. I lodges; Weyniou'th; John Wood ; and Wmibcurne, G. Oakley. SOMERSETSHIRE.— Aitbr'ulge, Thos. Nicllolls ; Bath, 1". M. Cruttwell ; Bridgewater, Wm. Intnan ; Castle- Carey, Win. • Paull; Fromc, John West; Mineheadt Edw. Lee,; Sheptort- Mallctt, M iry and'Joseph Cary ; Taunton, John and Isaac B idcock; Wmcanton, Thos. Dcanc ; arid Yeovil, Samuel Watts, jun, GLOUCESTERSHIRE.— Bristol, J. C. Rose; Cheltenham, Richard Pruen ; Cirencester, John Smith ; Dursley, Henry Vizard; Gloucester, Samuel Ilicketts; l. echlade, fhomsS Barr 5 Newniiani, John Morgan, jun.; Chip ng- S. dbury, Moses Brutori; Stroud, T. M. Croom; Tetbury, Humphrey Tugwell ; Tewkesbury, II. 11. Fryer ; and Wobtton- under- Edge, II. H. Pafslow. N. B, Fife Policies will be allowed free of expence, where the annual premiums amount to Gs. or upwards. This Company have invariably made good Losses by Fire, occasioned by Lightning. *.** Proposals maybe had of the different Agents. Assurances on Lives beiug found to be advantageous to- per- sons having offices, employments, estates, or other incomes, determinable on tlje life or lives of themselves or others; Tables of the Rates for such' Assurances, and for the granting Annuities on Lives, may be had of the said Agent-.. And, for the. greater convenience of the public, the Company have determined to extend ( by special agreement) the Assurance on Lives to the age of - 75 years. fl 1 s. 7 parte that his own troops shall return to re- occupy it. A the French and Dutch troops iu Hamburgh were unut orders to march for Upper Germany. By a vessel from Gijon; lelters have been receiv Which state, that iu the kingdom of Asturias, the spiiitf patriotism is in great vigour : 30,000 men' are trainedo service, hut the want of . muskets is severely felt. The Lisbon Gazette announces thtft the. Bri'h General 11 uesford, in considerations of his high merit is nominated a Mjlrshal of Portugal, and'Connnaudf in Chief of tbe Portuguese forces. Letters of the lAtfi of February have been retried from Hayti; by wliieli it appears that a- negoeiatii was eairylng on between the two rival Chiefs, PetU and Chri- tophe. Twelve' sail of fine transports) which ha< been converted into fire- slups, having had their marks ad num- bers erased, and been filled with cipnMustiblesy saed from the Nore last week for Portsmouth : these, with aiumbcr of Cot. Congreve's rockets, which are shippingtt Dover, it is conjectured, are intended fopan attack on He French fleet in Basque Roads ; the destruction, of whio, from its exposed situation, it is thought, miiy by thes means be , accomplished. .. i. ,.. . Sir James Saumarez, it is stated, has. leon sent to Sheeriless and Chatham, to eiiperintend theequipmeut of 20 Sa'il of the Line and 15 Frigates, for the North. These shies are to have oti board several supermintrary Captains and Lieutenants, who are to be employed orspeeial occa- sions. Sir Arthur Wellesley has vacated his s< at in Parlia- ment, and is about to resign the office of Chef Secretary, in Ireland, in order to take' the command if the troops, now in Portugal, which are to bp joined, by apart of the expedition now equipping. It is - aid Sir Amur's whole force will airiolmt to nearly 40,000 men. The tight. Hon. Thomas" Wallace is to succeed him as Chief Secretary in Ireland. • WESTMINSTER MEETING.— In consequence of a reqni- siiioii having been signed by a number of the Electors of Westminster, a Meeting took place yesterday, in West- minster Hall, for the purpose of pas- ing a Vote of Thanks to Colonel Wardle, Sir Franci. Burdtkt," Mr. Wliitbread, and other Members who took an active part in the ex- amination of witnesses relative to thl?' conduct 01 the Com- mander in Chief.— Vfter the High Bailiifhad informed the Assembly ( which was one of the fullest ever known within ' these walls) - of the purport of the meeting, Mr. Stureh nlnved a resolution, io substance as follows:— <• Resolved— That this city, by means of its local situ- ation, has witnessed the most corrupt practice in the dis- posal of Commissions in the Army, and they cannot too much - applaud the integrity and intrepid manner in which .<,\ 4on. l Wardli" commenced and Conducted the whole of the I tin u try, which had met tire most warn) and decided approbation of the. city <) f Westminster." Tliis was fol- . low. ed by a string of resolutions, thanking Sir F. Burdett, Lord Folke- tono, Mr. Whitluead, Sir S. Romillv, General Ferguson, Mr. Mmiit, Sir T. Turfon, Messrs. Coke, Cur- Wen, Brand, Wynne, Lord Milton, and the glorious Mi- nority 011 Mr. Wardle's Motion ; and also the Minority on, Sir T. Torton'S Amendment; as well as the Minority on the Chancellor of the Exchequer's Amendment to- the Original Motion. And lastly, two Resolutions to the fol-. lowing effect :—" That any man, who should advise his Majesty, to reinstate the Duke of York in his situation as Commander in Chief, was an enemy to his country."— T} iat the people ought to animate their Representatives to prosecute ihquiry ihto abusCs ; and,' in Orderto accomplish that end, Elector. s should, return lit men, of their own. nomination,, ftye of cixpenee, as honest, imlepefidaut Re-, presentatiies." " Mr. Wishart, seconded the resolutions.— Sir F Burdett tlialikcd his- cottstituents for having, elected him free of essence, argued* the iiece. , ity of stemming- the torrent of corruption, and the propriety'of prising these, resolutions.— Mr. Wfritbread. also addressed the meeting, expressing satisfaction that, the Citizens of Westminster had declared their sua intents on thisl/ ccas'ifm, and a hope that their, example " would be. followed hy'every city in the kingdom.—' The resolutions were all passed unanimously-; as was a vote of ( hanks to th « High Bailiff far calling the meeting, and for his conduct in the Chair. The thanks of the city of Glbucis'teiv together with the freedom of the city, have been voted tt> MR-.• Wardle. It 1; saTd Ml'S. Clarke iiwa. recc^ mia douceir of 5000/. and an annuity of 400/. per annum, Tti'eonsideratioiV trt- w hieh, she has surrendered all the letters of his Royal Hijhness the Duke of York. RICHARDSON, GQODLUCK, & co. STOCK- BROKISHS.- rtsprectfully tfcqua'uit tbe Public, that 1,500 State Lottery TICKETS w 11 lie positively " given to the Adven- turers- in the NEW LOTTERY, which is to commence Drawing on the 12th of Next Month, April. 1000 ' Pickets to the first- drawn Prize above £ 15 the First Day of drawing, and 51) 0 Tickets to the first- drawn Prize'above £\ o on the Second Day of drawing, iu addition 10 the other Prizes, viz. .. 1 . . J.' nr\ orio ci Of .* o 4;:".-..: of.. ' 2 2 , £ 20,90.0 : 10, two 5,000' . .. of £' i, ooo .5.09 & c. & e. & c.- Oat'f 18,500 Tickets for Sale. The Tickets and. Shares are now on sale at the old Offices, corner of Bank- huilings," Cornhill, and facing the gate of the King's Mews, Oharin'g- cros$,'' bv Kiihmdsott, GubdUck, and Co. the only persons that evci sold in Shares Two Prizes'ot '• ••£• i0,000; : - " Who allso shared arid sold in the two last" Lotteries Nos. 2,609, 10,1.97, both Prizes of £ 20,000, And 7,950 a Prize of 10,000", And in former Lotteries Capital Prizes to a great amount, Tickets and Shares are also on sale for them by J. Moore, High- street, Poole; J. I. angdon, printer, Sherborne; W. Meyler, Bath ; Baker and Fletcher, Southampton ; and F, ' Oeiuiton, Devizes ; and at most of the principal towns in the Kingdom, where the full schemes may be had gratis. [". 987 HERE AS in pursuance of Notice given, in the manner directed by an Act of Parliament passed in the 13th year of the reign Of his present Majesty King George the Third, " for regulating turnpike roads," the Tolls arising at the Gates called Calne- gate, Hillmarton- gatc, and Lyne- ham- gate, being the second' District of Road compris - d in a certain Act of Parliament, entitled " An Act for- amending, widening, and keeping in repair the roads leadmgfrom Swin- don to the centre of Christian Malford- bridge, and from Calne to Lyneham- green,. and from the direction- post in Long Leazc- lane, near Lydiard- marsh, to Cricklade, in the county of Wilis,"- were, 011 the 21st day of February last, put . up to. be Lett by- Auction,' to the best bidder, at. the Wheel Inn, in Caln- e aforesaid, at tbe sum of .£' 145, being the sum the said tolls- were lett at for the last year, but no bidder offered:— Notice i, therefore hereby given, that the said TOLLS will be LETT by- AUCTION, to the best bidder, at the'White Hart Inn, in Calne aforesaid, on Tuesday the • 4th ( lav of April next, between the hours of eleven of the clock in the" tarenoon and one of the clock in the afternoon^ in the manner directed by the said Act-. [ 797 Whoever happens to- be the best bidder, must at the same time give security, with sufficient sureties, to the satisfaction of the' Trustees of the said turnpike road, for payment of the rent agreed for, a id at sec'", times as they shall direct.' BENJAMIN GABY, Clerk to the said Trustees. Calne, March 1, 1809. BREWTON TU R! N PI K E. • OTICE is- hereby given,— That the TOLLS arisine at the respective Toll Gates upon the Erewton turnpike roads, called or known by th names of Lusty Gate, Western! Gate, Creech Hill Gats, Hedgcstocks Gate, Leigh- ton Gate, Miehelt's Ash Gate, Frome Gate, Nunney Gate, hrtgill Gat.-, Nunney Catch Gate, Barrowm- ld Gate, Horn- ngshamCate, Redlyncli Gate, Yarrifieid Gate, Shcepsleight Hill Gate, and Sutton Veny Gate, will be LETT by AUC- TION, to the best bidder, at the house of Thomas Bennett, atljrewton aforesaid, called or known by the name or sign of tlic Blue Ball Inn, on tile 2d day of May next, between the hours of eleven in the forenoon and two in the afternoon of that day such letting to Commence from the 1st day of June next), in the manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th of the reign of his Majesty King George thc'fhird, " for regulating the" turnpike roads;" wi- ich tolls were lett for or produced the preceding year tile sums hereafter mentioned, above the expences of collecting them; and will be put up at tbe, same yearly sums either jointly or separately. Whoe cr happens to be the best bidder, must at the same time give security and produce sufficient suretii s, to tbe satis- faction of the Trustees of the said turnpike- roads, for pay- ment of the rent agreed for, and at such times as tbey shall direct. £• « • d. Lusty Gate til s 0 Westend Gate. y. 9 0 0 Creech llill Gate and Hcdgestocks Gate..... 107. 10 0 Lcighton Gate and Michell's Ash Gate—-.... 40' 0 0 Frome Gate K2 5 0 Nunney Gate, Hartgill Gate, and Nunney Catch Gite, '. . lCoirt 0 Burrowfis'ld Gate. 3tJ 5 0 Hur'nihgsham Gate 34 5 0 Redlvuch Gate. 109 .0 0 Yarn'field Gate and Sheepslcie, lit Hill . Gate... 117 10 0 Sutton Veny Gate 1 .... 11 IS. 3 JOHN PENNY, Clerk to the said Trustees. Hrewton, March la, 1809. [ 959 HOPE INSURANCE " COMPANY. Fire, Life, and- Annuities.— Co/' itul Vtro Millions. Ol't'lCE, LUDGATl'.- H- tl. I., LoNDON. T^ OLICIES of Insurance, which expire at Lady- JL day, should be renewed within fifteen days from that period. Persons insured with this Office, Whose Policies expire at . tffe above perio. d, are respectfully informed, that prihfd cer- tificates of renewal are now ready for delivery at the Office, and with flic respective Agents of the Company throughout the United Kinedom. This Company offer to Insurers the following Advantages Persons insu'rine, or procuring to be insured, 100&'. against fire, or 5001, on life, . have the option of becoming interested in tlie establishment.—- Persons insuring for more years than one allowed a considerable discount on premium and duty.— No Charge for policies of 800/. and'upwa- rds— or for policies under tlifit amount, when effect d for three years or more— nor for endorsements,' alterations, or surveys.— No - deduction in the payment of losses.— Damage by lightning made good —- A brokerage of it. percent, on shipping insurances.- Abatements on insurances OUT or LONDON, from iofcto -! o/. percent, on the premium, and a liberal allowance on duty. ——" Elves insured,- annuities, and Children's,' endow nents efarited, on equitable and advantageous terms.—.- SdUeators and others allowed aiommissipii on bringing. lite, insurances • to this office. Farming Stock ius. iired at 9s. per cent.. - By brder of the Board of Directors, 13I8J. WM, BURY, Secretary. The following; agents are ip) foint;< i b) this office, < jn the' counties of Wilts, Hants', Dorset, and Scrtierset, front whom " proposals may be had- gratis,. arid every infofraatiob obtained: .' Mr. Beeby, Salisbury"; Mr. Smith, Wootton Ifassetj Mr. Baster, Devizes;' Mr.' Sharp, Portsmouth; Mr. Sharp, Rpm- sev; Mr. Hardley., . Newport,'. Isle of Wight's Mr. Jujinijfcn Alton; Mr. Sutton. Southampton ; Mr. Strachaij, Wineries ' ter; Mr. Perkins,, Lymingr'on ; Mr. llowse,. Blatdford ; Mr Baflisw, Wcvmouth.; - Mr. Havter, Bridoort; ; Mr. . Baker, Borch. ster; Mr. Lee, Bath ;' Mossr". Martin ." nd Hopkins, " Bristol; Mr. - Go'llard, sen. Wiveliscombe; Mr. Daniel, S^ uth Petherton; Mr. Bennet, B'rutoh; Mr. Dean, Btidgwat Mr. Tory,. CUri5tcboroJj; Mr. R « uct » . Cj> wes, Isle of Wight. COWES, ISLE OF WIGHT. FOR SALE by AUCTION, at the Fountain Inn, on Wednesday the 12th of April 1809, at eleven o'clock, For Home Consumption, 526 Bales PERN'AMBUCA COTTON, 320 BRAZIL HIDES, 48 Packages TALLOW, 20 Logs BRAZIL WOOD, The whole in the best Condition : per the Flora, lately arrived from the Brazils. For catalogues antl samples apply at the office of Thomas Day, at Cowes aforesaid. *** Prompt One Month. [ 92,5 TTU) R PUBLIC SALE, at the Star and Garter JL Tavern, Portsmouth, on Thursday the lath of April 1809, at noOn,— The following GOODS For Home. Consumption: Nine Blocks Marble One Marble Chimney- piece and twtt Marble. Slabs A large quantity of Alabaster Ornaments for chimney- ' pieccs, iyc. of most beautiful workmanship. Two cases of Natural Curiosities ;— and, For Exportation, damased One hundred and sixty bales Juniper Berries-'- damaged Five casks Violet Root One case Picture Frames One small box Snuff One case Guitars One ditto Books and Prints, Being part of the cargo of the Danish brig Maria, J. H. Hoist, master, condemned as prize to his Majesty's gun- brig Sharp- shooter, Lieut. John Goldie, Commander. [ 1148 For viewing the above, catalogues, & c. applv three days before the sale to • JOHN MOYLE, Broker. CHARLTON, NEAR ANDOVER. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, 011 the premises, by T. RAWLINS, oil Wednesday and Thursday, the vth and ( ith of April, 1309,- The HOUSEHOULD FURNI- TURE, and other Etiects, of the late Mr. Seth l. awes, de- ceased, at ' Charlton - aforesaid; comprising four- post bed- st. ads and furmtute, - mahogany bureau and stump bedsteads, goose and . other / feather beds, mattresses, blankets, coun- terpanes, chests of drawers, mahogany and oak bureaus, painted clothes press, pier, chimney, and swing glasses; mahogany (" lining, card, arid other tables ; mahogany and other chairs, prints, framed and glazed, china and glass, plated cups, tea urns, Miller's natural history in folio, and other books; a piano forte, Bath stoves, good thirty- hour clack, time piece, neat comer cupboards, kitchen range, large settle, deal dresser, considerable quantity of pewter, roasting . jack, and kitchen requisites ol" every d scription; large and " siaiai 1 copper an. i brass boilers, kettles, bell- metal pots, copper fountain, & c. brass furnace of 42 gallons, and a copper of about 1 ditto as fixed, with lead work, & e. lead cistern, iron oven lid and frame, excellent oak bacon bin, brewing and washing utensils, iron- bound mash tub for mashing 12 bushels, large iron bound casks, hogsheads, half- hogsln- ads, & c. & c. a one- horse chaise, two side saddles, and numerous other articles. [ 9o9 Sale to begin each day precisely at one o'clock. . MONXTON, NEAR " ANDOVER. nro he SOLD by AUCTION, hy T. RAWLINS, 1 on Friday, tile' 7th of April, 1809,— Part of the FARM- ING STOCK of a person quitting a Farm, at Monxton aforesaid; comprising four excellent draught horses, one saddle ditto, exceeding good half Norman cow in calf, wag- gons, carts, plough, harrows, capital oak roller, cart and plough'harness, bell halters and bells, set of rumbUrs ditto almost new, cow cribs, hurdles, a quantity of sacks, and various other articles in the husbandry line.— Sale to begin at one o'clock. [ fOtJ- 4- A CAPITAL TAN YARD. FOR SALE by AUCTION ( ir not disposed of by Private Contract), by Mr. LIMPUS, at the Grown Irm," Bishop's Waltham, 011 the 7th cay of April, 1809, at three o'clock in the afternoon, agreeably to conditions. Lot !.— A very desirable and improvable Tan Yard, now in full trade, situate at Bishop's Waltham, now in the occupa- tion Of the'proprietor; consisting of 63 pits, bark mill, scouring house, beam house, drying shade, large bark barn and stable, ahd other, conveniencies ; together with an excel- lent piece of meadow laud adioining, and a fine stream of water running close to the yard. The above premises are iv 11 worth the attention of any person wishing to engage in the business of a tanner or follmonger, there being sufficient room to build, and increase the number of pits if required. Lot 2.— Consists of a heat bricked'and tiled Dwelling- house and Garden adjoining the aforesaid tan yard. Lot a.— Consists of a capital piece of Arable Land, contain- g four acres ( be the same more or less), situated but a small distance from the above pr - miscs. For a view of the whole and to treat by private contract, • id for further particulars, apply ( if by letter, post paid) to Mrs. Upsdalc,. at Bishop's Waltham,, tbe proprietor. [ s44 • X) be SOLD,— FREEHOLD LANDS, Carnar- . vonshife; within four miles of the Sea, and three miles of the Road now opening between Dublin and L6nddn, by way of Porthdiulleyn Harbour. This improvable and valuable Estate is comprised in several good Farms, with Buildings thereon, in the occupation of good tenants, and a considerable part in a ring fence, with extensive right. of common, producing a rental of upwards of ( ioo/.. per annum, possessing'a Turbary and other valuable acquisitions. Apply ( if by letter, post paid) to Mr. C. Pitt, Architect and Surveyor, at hU Agency Offices, either Southampton, or No 79, Baker- street, Portmau Square, L'ondon. Also to, be Sold in Southampton,— Several FREEHOLD HOUSES, recently built.— N. B. Good Bargains. A Qiuantity of MarbleChimney Pieces constantly on sale at the Southampton Ofilee. [ 966 PRINCE EDWARD'S ISLAND, BRITISH AMERICA. TO be SOLD ( in Fee) by PRIVATE CON- TRACT,— Twenty Lots of LAND, of 200 Acres each well stocked with prime Timber. The soil is fertile, pro- ducing all sorts of fruits, vegetables, Sic. in as u rea; perfection . as in England. Tiie furthest lot from the harbour where ves- sels load is not above four miles. The present high price of timber tells us. it is a valuable acquisition to those purchasers' of lots who w; ish to go abroad arV- i reside there. Several lami- • lies who arrived tlierelast year aretotftfortablvsituated. The price is from TEN SHILLINGS to ONE GUINEA per Acre. The only l ax is EIGHT SHILLINGS per Lot per annum to be applied in repairing bridges,' roads', and churches. I'or a view of the" plan of each lot, further particulars, and to treat for the purchase ' and' passage to tbe island, apply to' Mr.' Edward Jones, No.' 5, High- street, Bristol; and if by letter, post paid.. T602 rIX) be peremptorily SOLD, pursuant to two several A orders o. f the High Court" of Cbadccry, made in a cause Bricc, aoaiust Stokes, by JOHN KIN- G, of Lymingtcn, in the cocp'tv of Southampton, solicitor, the person appointed by RoO'erV'Sfet'l, Esq. one of the Masters'of the said Court, at WEST GREEN HOUSE, Near Hartford Bridge, Hants. Modern Furniture, large Pier Glasses, Mirrors, Town- built Chariot, Brewing Utensils, Garden Lights and Frames, about Thirty Load of Meadow fiay, and Effects, TO be SOLD bv AUCTION, by Mr. HERMON, on the premises', 011 Thursday the 15 th of April 1809, arid following days, at. eleven o'clock. The excellent and genuine Household Furniture, comprising a drawing- room suit in elegant chintz - window^ cu'itains, jajiann- d chairs and sofas ; two'brilliant Pier Glasses, 79 inches by 3 i each ; mir- rors ; an assemblage of well- made cabinet articles, consisting Of a capital binary bookcase with wings, secretaries, ward- robes, chests of drawers; dining, card, and Pembroke tables ; sideboard and pedestals, parlour chairs, ixc. four- post and field bedsteads and bedding, Turkey and Brussels carpets, kitchen requisites, an eight- day dial, brewing utensils, garden lights and frames, a mangle, register and pantheon stoves, coppers, about 30 load of prime meadow hay, and a variety of effects. To be viewed on Tuesday and Wednesday preceding the sale ; and Catalogues had on the premises ; at the White Lion, Hartford Bridge; Crown, Basingstoke.; White Hart, Win- Chester; Crown, Readme; Pelican, Newbury; Wheat Sheaf, Popham Latie; arid of Mr. Hermori, Conduit- street, Hanover- Square, London. ' [ ll' 55 the Anget . Inn,, m Lymington aforesaid, on Saturouv the. jZ.' itii'day'of April 180.1, between the hours of foui and five ' o'clock in ' theafternoon; in- cleven lots,— Certain FREEHOLD ESTATES, late the property of JOHN FIELDER, of Lyming- ton aforesaid, gentleman, deceased, situate in the several pa- rishes of Milton, Hordle, and Lymington, in the said county of ScJutharbpton ;— and also, two PEWS in the parish Church of Lymjngton aforesaid. ' Printed particulars whereof may be had ( gr » ti%) at the said Master's chambers in Southampton- buildings, Chancery lane, London; of Messrs. W. and J. Allen, solicitors, Clifford's- inn -, of Mr. Shervvin, solicitor, G/ eat James- street, Bedford- row, London ; of Mr. John King, solicitor, at Lymington aforesaid ; and of Mr. Launcelot Lipscombe, solicitor, at ' Alresford, in the said county of Southampton. [ 1191 r|~, 0 be SOLD in FEE, by AUCTION, at the J. Golden Lion Inn, in the borough of Lyme Regis, on Friday » tic 7th day of April inst. at four o'clock in the'after- noot. i subject to such conditions as . will be there produced,— Ar. excellent modern and substantial DWELLING- HOUSE, pleasantly situated in the borough, near the public- rooms, late the residence, of William Daniel, Esq. deceased ; com- prising On the ground, floor an en trance- hall, parlour about 16 by 15, eating- room about 17 feet square, and withdrawing- room about 20 by 17, with kitchen, scullery, and ether necessary attached and detached offices ; over are five principal bed- rooms, and , two servant's bed- rooms; there are three spacious underground cellars, and a watur- close't. Iirime- d'ately behind the house is an excellent Garden, well stocked with the choicest fruit trees; and commanding a fine view of the country. ' The premises have lately beer, fitted up at a considerable cxpence, and are in excellent condition, and may be viewed at any time before the auction. For further particulars, apply, to Messrs. Smith and Taun- ton, solicitors, Axminster, Devon. [ 11- 13 HPO he SOLD bv AUCTION, bv Mr. ALEX- 1 ANDER, The following FREEHOLD and LEASE- HOLD PREMISES, under the conditions to be produced at the times and places of sale ; At the Packhorse Inn, in Frome, on Wednesday the \ 2th day of April inst., at three o'clock in the aj'ternoon: Lotl.— Four Tenements and Gardens, situate in Blunt- street, in Frome, now irt the several occupations of William Needs, White, Edward Millard, and Giles Lapham, held by Lease under Edward Barnard, Esq. for a term of years now determinable on two healthy lives. Lot a.— A Tenement and Garden in Starve Acre, in Frome, in the occupation of George Whittington. Lot a.— A Tenement and Garden in Starve Acre, in tbe occupation of Spencer. N. B. The last, three lots are held for the remainder of a term of years, of which upwards of 500- are unexpired. At the George lmi, in Nunney, on Thill'stlity the 13// t day of Aprilinst. al threq o'clock precisely in the ajteniooh: Lotl.— A Freehold Dwelling- house, Garden,, lirge Stable, and Shed adjoining, and a sjnall Tenement ( now used as a stable) near adjoining, situate in Nunrtcy, late in the occupa- tion of Mr.. Hughes.—' These premises adjoin the river running thropgh Nunney, arc well Worth the attention of manufac- turers, and are admirably adapted for a steam engine, there being a sufficient space in tile garden to erect a large factory. The dwelling- house is roomy, and at a small cxptince may be rendered vCry co'mmodiods. Lot 2.— A small Paddock of Pasture Land, containing about 1J acre ( more or lsss) sitnate qear Nunney, ill the occupation ot Mr. Miles, held for the remainder Of a term of years whereof upwards of 500 are unexpired. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, or to G. Roiton, solicitor, Frome ; and for a view 0; the premises to the respective tenants.—( Onepoverty. J [ 1 litf VALUABLE FREEHOLD LANDS, SOMERSETSHIRE. R| X> be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. SKIN- X. NER, DVKE, Toe III M, and FORREST, on Mood., v the 10th of April, punctually at two o'clock, at the Miliinijiy Arms, Queeri Camel, in —- jLliiilY rlil'j'lf- EHKL- HOLD ESTATE, advan 1 I I ' TTWHWIHm thorne, five nules from Wiqcant& n, Sherhorot, and Ouc- n Camel,; consisting of about 400 acres onMrt^ aV- vP ~ Orcliardi ng, Arable^ and Woodlands,;- w. i ill Li, ol-. 1 $ house and" Offices, Farm- houses and Buildings^ and sundry Tenements, in the occupation. of Mr". " John Font, Mr. Wm. Field, andothefs, at rents ainouriting'to only Four Hundred and. Thirty Pounds per Annum.— Land- tax i's redeemed. To be viewed by applying to Mr. John Foot, the tenant, of • Whom printed particulars may be had, and ' at the place of salej where a plan maybe seen; particulars also at the Grey, hatted, Wincanton; Red Lion, Sometton; Golden Liori, Yeovil; George^ Castle Cary; Swan, Langport; Swan, Wells; of Messrs. Brodie, Dowding, and Lukford, printer's,' Salisbury; of Mr. Crutrwc| l, printer, Bath; Mr. Gutch; printer, Bristol; Mr. Langdon, printer, Sherborne; Air. Marriot, printer, Taunton; Messrs. Brays, solicitors, Great Russell- street, Bloomsbury; and of Messrs. Skinner, Dyke, Tuchin, and Forrest, Aldersgate- street, London, whe re a plan may also be seen. HENSTRIDGE, SOMERSET, npo be SOLD bv AUCTION, by H. TAYLOR, " on Wednesday the 5th day of April l' 8o9, and following days,— All the neat HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Linen, China, Plate, & c. of Mr. WM. MARTIN, deceased ; comprising handsome mahogany four- post, field, and other bedsteads, with chintz, cotton, dimity, and other furniture, and win- dow curtains to correspond ; excellent goose feather beds and bedding; hair and flock mattreses; talple and bed linen ; ma- hogany dining, Pembroke, claw, and dressing tables; sofa, bureaus, chests of drawers, handsome mahogany nisht table, bason stands, & c.; a lalge painted wardrobe • mahogany, painted, and other chairs ; Wiltou antl Scotch floor and bed- side carpets, pier and swing glasses, stove grates, fenders, and fire irons ; china, glass, and Queen's ware ; a useful assort- ment of kitchen requisites, in copper, pewter, brass, and iron ; sundry brewing utensils, & c. one hogshead of cyder, lour hogsheads of old strong beer, a quantity of wine and spirits, seven iron- bound hogsheads, arid sundry other casks; one hackney horse, bridle, and saddle; two ricks of meadow hay, about 14 tons; a quantity of sawed rafters ; gate stuff, board plank, & c. & c. To be expressed in Catalogues to be had five days previous to the sale; at the Half Moon, Sherborne; Tipling" Philosopher, Milborne Pbrt; at the inns in Henstridge; at the place of sale ; and of the Auctioneer, Stalbridge. [ 1039 FROME, SOMERSET, npo be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. BIGGS, at jiL the George Inn, in Frome, on Wednesday the 5th of April, 180.9, at three o'clock in the afternoon. — All the valuable FR1.12HOLD'PROPERTY of the late Mr. WILLIAM SI NOT a, deceased, situated at Froome aforesaid, in the following lots, subject- to such conditions of sale as shall be then aiid there produced: Lot 1.— A Close of Arable Land, two acres ( more c- r less), adjoining a piece of land the property of the Earl of Cork, near Eggford Water, in the occupation of Mr. John Moon, or his undertenant. Lot 2.— A Close of Arable Land, one acre ( more or less), near, the'above lot, in the occupation of Mr. John Moon, or his under- tenant. There is a good waggon toad to this and the last lot. Lot 3.— A Close of Pasture Land, called. Harp Acre, with a never- failing spring of water on the same, near Gould's Ground, and adjoining'the dye- house, Close- lane,' with a new- built wall at the upper end, in the occupation of Mr. John Moo'n. Lot 4.— A large walled Garden, near Long- row, in the front of the brick House occupied by Mr. T. Morgan. Lot — A Dwelling- house . witil'a walled Garden, situated in Badcox- lanc, in the occupation of Mr. David Dyer. Lot l>'.— A desirable Piece; of Land for building, with a large, walled Gaulen behind tile same, stable, a good pump ot water, and buildings thereon, situated between the last lot and the dwelling- house of die late Mr. W. Sifigcr, containing 45 feet in front. Lot 7.— All that valuable Piece of Pasture Land, called Hooper's Close, near Badcox: a desirable spot for buildinr, having stone and til. under the- same; including, a valuable Cooperage in the . occupation of Mr. Jukes, a Garden in the occupation of Mrs. Hiriton, a Garden in the occupation of Mr. Strong, and a Garden in the occupation of Mr. I kirvey, with two Stables in the- occupation of Mr. John Moon,". and- a never- failing, spring of water on the same. . Possession of this and all the above lots may, be'liiid at Michaelmas- ritst." For a view of tht premise^" " apply to Messrs. Baynton and Tuck; and . for further particulars'to Mr.- Gilbert Ronton, Solicitor, Fromc. Tickets far admission to be had of the Auctioneer, and i t the bar of the above Inn, at is. each. [ 1119 ~ ~ SLE OF PURBEClC DORSET. *"" npo, be.. SOLD by AUCTION, t? t the Red Lion A Inn, in Wareliain, Dorset, 011 Saturday the ( ith day of May 1809, at three o'clock in the afternoon, subject » « con- ditions then to. he produced, The Fee Simple and Inheri- tance'. of A MESSUAGE and FARM., caljtd HERSTON, otherwise. HARRISON, situate within the parishes of Swan- age and Langton Matraverse, in the Isle of Purbeuk and county of Dorset; and consisting of a dwelling or farm- house, stable, barns, out- houses) baftons, garden, otchaid, and 24a acres ( by estimation) ot arable, meadow, and pasture land. To the farm arc also attached several \ li- vable Stone Quarries, the'ducs arising from which annually amount to .£ 20 and upwards, exclusive of the rent der. ved from the farm, Which i's £ 182 p r annum. The :, b. vcm oi,- 11 on ed premises are demised to fvhssrs. N. and J. Chinchen for a term of 14 years, determinable at the end of thi first seven years, two of which are nearly expir-: d. This estate is distant Irom. the sea- pott and bathing- place of Swanage onp mile, from Corfe Castle five, miles. Irom Wartham nine miles. It adjoins tile turnpike ro., d leading from Warehara through Corie Castle to Swinage ; at winch places letters by the general post daily arrive from London and every other part of the kingdom. From various parts of tke farm are picturesque views of Swanage Bay; Corfe Castle, the British Channel, the Isles of Wight and Purbeek ; and the neighbourhood abounds with game of every description. At the time and place above mentioned'will also be Sold — The REVERSION of four TENEMENTS, consisting*)! col- lages and garden's originally attached to the said'farm, but which are now separated therefrom, and demised to different persons for terms- of years determinable 011 lives. For the convenience of purchasers, the premises will be di- vided into lots; partculars and a view of which mav'be cb- tained on application to Mr. Filli'ter, solicitor, Warebam, Dorset. '• [ 792 This da:,' is published, price , i'i.. l.. O i. i boards, ANEW PicTuuii of the ISLE of WIGHT, illustrated with Thirty- six Plates of the most beautiful and interesting Views throughout the Island, in imitation of the original sketches, drawn and engraved by William Cooke. To which is prefixed,- an iNmi'ootnifORV ACCOUNT pf the Island, and of a VovAor. round its Cousr, " A precious stone set in fhe silver sea 1" • London: Printed tor Vefrycr, flood, and Sharpe, Poultry ; J. Harris, St. Paul's Church- yard ; W. Ceokc, y, ClaTeiuv- place, Pentonvil- lc; Baker ami Fletcher, Southampton; and sold by Brodie, Dowding, and . Luxford, Salisbury. X" 01 " BEAUTIFUL WOMENI NPILE greatest XJlemish to Beauty is STJPERFJ. COUS 1 HAIRS on the Face, Neck, and'Arms; HUBERT'S RQ § EATE POWDER immediately removes them; is an elegant article, perfefectlv innofcen't and pl-.- asant to use. P if ice 4. i. and 7s- 83* Sold by the proprietor, No. - i- i, Russeli- s'treet, Covert- garden, London ; ' Brodie, Dowding,. and Luxtord, Cam l, Salisbury;. Langdon, Sherborne; Harvey, Southampton; CUrrell, Winchester;' Lancaster, Ports::. outh and Gcsport; Bowling; Newport; Gould,, liatli; and in every town. -*% Good allowatiee to dealers. f(?: 30 \ HE Proprietor."), of this Paper. have just . received a .. fresh Supply of Dr. GILBERT'S PECTORAL TINC- TURE,' a medicine" which sia'fids or rivalled in the Cure of Consumptions, Coughs,_ Colds, Shortness of Breath, and the Asthma. • [! 0u7 Credo riagis iti opeyibus, quain in rerl- is. The above Pectoral' Tincture is sold in bottles of 4s. 6d. each, . and- may be. h; d, wholesale or retail, " of lirodie, Dowding, and T- Oltford, Salisbury, or of the Newsmen :-— sold also by Ching and Butler, No. - 1, Cheapsidc, London } ll.'. rvey, § sw. thampton; Simmor. ds, Bhindt'ord; Belam, Portsmouth ; Legs, Gosport; Grisi, Portsca, & c, &' c. \ MES SKELTON, aged « ti, of Waiton- gn- ihe* Hill, Epsom, Surry, was scvciVyears afflicted v/ itli seven or eight holes ill his right leg, and between 90 and 100 pieces of bone came away during th'it period. The discharge and weakness increasing, u'rialVle unassisted to move ; tal. i g off his leg was proposed to save his life. He then confidently applied to SflLSBURY's PATENT ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS ; in a year and a fialf, by them alone, lie is restored to health, and it is now three years since he ha? followed bis laborious occupation. He willsatisfy any enquiries, personally, or by letters'" post paid. The genuine medicine has the words (< By the King's Pa « tsnt" expressed on the bottle, bill of. difoctior. S, and outsails wrapper; and the King's duty is prirtcd in biaek ink. Sold at the Dispensary, 15, Soho- square, I ondon, in small bottles of 5s. Gd. ; double bottles 10s.; and laiv. er U. is. Compound Essencc, toatlay unpleasant irritation, vs. The Medicine to be bad of Brodie, Dowding, nfid Luxford. Salisbury, wh - I - sale venders for the West o'f Engladd; and Bowling' and Co. Newport, fclj of Wight. . ills The Report of the Cofnmitte< iuted td Kn( lu"' u the existence of corrunt practi the apiwintment and nomination of Writers'and Ca'„ tbe ^ st India Com- pany's service states a great nu, f, ab" ses' principal of whiijh,— at, least in the amir th* h" hes,- are three' , . Writerships, all of the nom* ol George W oodford Thellusson, Esq. a Director ' I11 r"^ on> b'lt,, Candidate for the next elec ! t , shl," id however he ' ] premised, that the Commit? ma, k' lhat tb( il'e 18 ' 1 nothing v, the evidence wb1"* 8 « » e corrupt or . improper bargain to anv Dili ' aud t! wt, Mr- * 1 " son, who is a Member of I'a'nt> ' V , llle C" m7 ' mittce the following'iiistant « ' hien his eonfid nee had < ' been abitofd:— Mr. Edwillf8 S"" th w? 3 n » m;;, lltcd a ' writer to Bengal in the sea-' 0""''' b5' Mr; A " « ,!,,, 5< 0 » i ! • the appointment was'givenshrstc. ous, n- ••. u. in'ror ( .1. A. Woodford, who sd,: m » W? » " lu?. e » t ^ r- JoOOf. ' through the agency of Mbourdiu, solictor, who re- ceived 100/. out of that " lh* r Pei'f coneerne. l in this negoeiatieu were V", lb;, lu'h aml Laing.— • Mr. Fi v Magniac was- nctcd w,' itrt' t, J brcSal the year 1807- 8, by Mr. TiSU" : this appointment was : also » giveu to'the- samKVVoi" 1'(, » ' d' a" d s"' d tbl » uSb the agency of Mr. Tal1"- Ml'- Ueate w » '; thu K" 1-- , chaser, and the sum T>. v ' » "> « « « 3500 guineas, of . wJiieh Mr. Woodford r'd MOO'.- Mr.' Tabourdin ! R, N/.; [ the remainder was divPetVV> en Mr. Donovan and A, r. Garrat/- r- Mi Henry wa< UOnfiliated a writer to , Madras by Mr. Tiiell" the seasqi, lfe07- 8: This , ^( Liutwont was li- 1,' S'ven to Mr. Woodford, and S0t » l. was received - 1Vo » » Gardiner, by Mr. Taboiirdin, for his USH > but upon IMI uifuiertaking that lie, is to proeu" next- pi'esentafion to » living of the value of 3007 - nnum tor a friend of Mr. Wood- ford's. * Mr. Boase - rt" ei' iu the house ot Messrs. Ran- som- and'Co. was r io.. the bargain between Mr. T « - 1 bofirdin and Mr,, ''" f- Mr. ( ireenslade received an appointment fur C"' » » the way. of exchange fortius wrttership, In ta'e Gailet - appointments, Joint Anne. ley Shee (•" name has often been before the public without jonourable distinction annexed lo it) was often an T- e< LUd ree- eived from the purchaser* dif- ferent sums, \ lg from ' Ml to 500' guineas. Tin: late Ladv Lumin arle ': ltl' Lady Leigh used sometimes tii' obtain the nom" 11 ' base anpouitments from different Direetor- and '- hem through this man, " Mr. Donovan, and other a « vf- Tbu '* uv' Thomas Lloyd, Chaplaiii to the Duke of • ence, obtained iionmiations from Mr. Reiil, > ir jL, sot3iftBll » and another Director, all of which 1 he sold.—- Mr ornton, on the reconimemlation of the Rev. c. Cor4' S3^ a nomination to Miss - Spinlulf, 1 whk- U that L sold ; but it. seems she was not acquainted with the v: i"' the appointment; she- got only 7W.' for it • M'Kerc Shee ( brother of the Sliee before named) and a Mrs orisiiu pocketed the rest of Lhe plli'cbase money. y oho Power, was appointed a Cadet in 4804,5, bv Lord ' lereagh, on ilie reconmiendation of Lord Loii"' uevil'u'ough the Earl of Westmoreland,— yet Mr. Power paSOO'- tor his appointment to Matthew Spilhuan Salt and'- to M'K. Shee, who. was the agent of both parties i- iother of Lord Castlereagb's nominations was • riven tolr* Etches, " on account of servfces performed by Mr. bes for the. Govei uinent," whioh Mr. E. sold for 2:-) 0'; V'nong tile liunjernus other Cadet appoint meiits sold 8severa\ of Mr Thellusson's, but none of tluse appear bava passed through the liautU of Mr. Emperor Wood" i", st dreadful tralisaetion has involved the family. of Sir jskley ShuekburgU, in the ebunty of Warwick, and thejd'y of Lieut, Sharpe, of the Bedford Militia',, in the dee't distress. Lieut., Sharpe having paid his addresses to iss Shuekiiurgh, which were disapproved by the fa- ' m; formed ( if he should he disappointed in obtaining tlpbjeet of his affections) the horrid determination of piing an end to his own arid her life, which he carried ii execution oil Sunday morning last, in the plantations .. huekburgh Park. They were overheard in earnest dis- f. rse. by this butler, as it Lieut. Sharpe wa; ' persuading :• to elope with him ; and, as Miss Siiuckburg'a uttered ewords Wof No! lie immediately heard the report of ' pistol,. which, in a few seconds, was succeeded by another, ' ad they wfare instantly lifeless corpse-!'.— After a most deliberate investigation of all the circumstances of1 this most aifecting anil awful event, before John Tomes, E-, q. • and a respectable Jury, and the Rev.. Mr. Brainfielil, a Magistrate of the county, a verdict of Lunacy was given respecting Lieutenant Sharpe, and that Miss Sliuckburgh died by his hand. Lieut. Sharpe had beep occasionally lor some weeks preceding in a state of mental derangement, and in confinement. Early, . yesterday morning the premises of Messrs. But- ler's, - wholesal*, grocers., in the Borough, were broke open, ami robbed of cash and bank- notes tp the amount of 800/. BIRTHS.] Lately, m Hamilton- place, the Countess of Cork and Orrery of a ;- lid— The Right Hon. Lady Water- park of a daughter. MARRIED J On Thursday, Capt. Richard Jones, of his Majesty's ship Nassau, to Miss Jane Prince, of New B: idge-< treet, Blaeki'riars.— Lately, at Tiverton, Mr. J. B. Dusourd;' of Saintes, in France, to Miss M. C. Tucker, third . daughter til Wm. Tucker, Esq. an Alderman of. Tiverton. . DfEl).] On the 32d inst. at his hnither's house, Chig- . well- row, Essex, Capt. Joseph ilonyman, of the Royal Marines.— On Saturday, at the Episcopal Palace in Liteh- • field, the . justly celebrated Mrs. Anna Seward.— Same day, at. his father's house in James- street, Edwin foufth sou ol G. L. YVardle, Esq. M. P. THE SALISBURY AND WINCHESTER JOURNAL. Puis pmate'er bas fun during the war, ami has beeu very uceessiul in capture-. Sailed the Smpurieitse, of 40 guns, fcapt. tArd Cochrane, to join the sqhadi- oh oil' Rochetbit. PORTSMOOTIJ, April 1. The Camel store- ship arrived on Monday fiom the Cape of Good Hope. Shi' brings advice ( hat his Maje- ty's ship Albion sailed from Madras oil the 25tb of October last, bavins; under convoy the Lord Kelson, Phoenix, Preston, Cifyton, Experiment, Tigris, Glory, Ann, and Diana Indiauien. On the 224 of Nov. in lit. 10 :>. tlie ' fleet was separated in a violent gale. The Albion arriwd at the Cape on the 19th of January, but had suftered - eveiely, having lost h. T mizen- mast, and thrown oveih> a; d £< j of h" i- guiK. The Phcenix Indianian had previously arrived the Ceylon, Preston, Tigris, and Ann went in with tha Albion ; and no apprehensions were entertained at the Cape for the safety of the other ships. The Bellerophon, of 71 guns, and Archer gun- brig, sailed on Tuesday far the Baltic. On Wednesday ariived a convoy of traders from the Downs. Mr. Congreve sailed from hence on Wednesday, for Rochefort, carrying with him a large quantity of his rackets. Oil Thursday sailed the Thalia and Termagant, with a fleet under convoy for Quebec.— Arrived the Alpha cutter, from a cruize. Yesterday arrived the Charles and Lark schooners, with a convoy from the Downs, for Lisbon. This day arrived the Metcalfe East Indiaman, from the Downs, outward bound. Sunday'* Post. By Express LONDON GAZETTE, PUBLISHED O. N SATURDAY NIGHT, APRIL. 1. WHITEHALL, April 1. THE Kino; has. been pleased to grant the dignity of a Baronet of the United Kingdom of . Great Bii- tain and Ireland unto Sir Samuel Hood, Knight of the Most Hon, Order of the liath, and Rear- Admiral of the White Squadron of His Majesty's Fleet, and his Heirs Male, with remainder to Alexander Hood, Esq. Nephew of the said Sir Samuel Hood. The King has been pleased to present the Reverend Gerald Valerian Welle ley, Master of Arts, to the Vicarage of West- Ham, in the eouotv of Ks ex, and diocese of Lull- don, void by the death of Doctor George Gregory. ADMIRALTY OFFICE, April 1.,. Vice- Admiral Rowley, at J- imaiea, has transmitted a letter from ( apt. Daslnvoud, of the Fnmehise, dated Jan. 16, relating Iris having. oil that day captured the French letter of marque L'lphigenie, pierced for 1 guns, ( f> mounted) and - o me :, laden.. with naval stores and merchandize.— Vice- Admiial Bertie, at the Cape of Good Hope, has transmitted a letter from Captain Corbett, of the Nereide, dated oil' the Isle of Fiance, stating his having on that day captured La Gobe Mouehe Imperial corvette, pierced for li guns, but ino- t thrown overboard during the chane, commanded by Enseigue de Vaisseau Sugar, from the Seychelles, bound to Port Louis • with disjiatebes, Which he threw ovurbosrd, but were saved by the activity of the Nereide's boat's crew. Commission signed by the Lord Lieutenant of Hamp- shire.—. Worth Hants Regiment of Militia,—£ d\ v. Thorpe, Gent, to be Ensign. A VBBY CAPITAL ASSORTMENT OF ACCOM/' T BOOKS, BIBLES, COMMON PRAYER BOOKS, AND ALL KINDS OF BOOKS AND STATIONARY, Are now on Sale fwholesale and retail), at the lowest London Prices, by BRODIE, DOWD1NG, and LUX. FORD, at the PRINTING- OFFICE, CANAL, SALISBURY; WINCHESTER. SATURDAY, APRIL I Where the following WRITING PAPERS are selling, at the under- mentioned ( Money) prices: A few lots of thin quarto post paper (- 20 quires, no outsides) at 15s. the ream; fine yellow wove post at IB.?.; thick ditto at Ifls.; and fine thick ditto at 20s.; extta large thin wove post, for bankers remittances, & c. at 21s.; a good'second pot at 16s. 6tl.; fine ditto at IRs.; fine thin foolscap at 20s.; fine thick ditto at 25s, ( hi.; superfine ditto at 28s; and law- yers draft or copy paper at 24s. th: ream folio. N. B. Orders for the country executed on the same terms as if present, and the money returned if disapproved. HANTS. THANKS TO ME. WARDLE. SUCH of the Noblemen, Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders of the COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON, who are of opinion, that the tribute of this County's THANKS is due to Mr. WAUDI. E, and to those who supported his motion recently made in the House of Commons, relative to the late Inquiry, will please to meu at the George Inn, at Winchester, on Saturday next the 8tli of April, in order to sisn a Requi- sition to the High Sheriff to call a county meeting for that purpos:. • [ 1115 GAME DUTY — LIST I. CONTINUED. ALIST of persons who have obtained Game Cer- tificates, at the rate of three. Guineas each, for the year l8o;), in the county of Wilts. Nam? s. Residence. Coleman, William Kington Langley, esq. Pinnegar, Jacob Lin. ham, gent. Piilcfcncy, Robert Marlborough N. B.— Tills additional List is made up to the 1 st of March, 180:>. Examined.— J. P. T1NNEV. Published by order of his Majesty's Commissioners for the Affairs of Taxes. 1 MATTHEW WINTER, Secretary. TH K AT R K, S A LIS n U R V. MOTHEli GOOSE. MR. SIIATFORD respectfully informs the Public, , that the. PANTOMIME of MOTHER GOOSE U up in a stile superior to any thine ever attempted in thi; Theatre : the Scenery is by one of the first Artists of the present Age. and the Machinery adapted and inspected by him. The Manager hopes, as he has been at an enorn us expence in pr. paring this piece, the public will honour it with their support. On MONDAY EVENING,— THE EARL OF ESSEX, and MOTHER GOOSE—. VU Half Price can be taken any part of the cveninv except fir children under ten years of age. TUESDAY,— ROMEO AND JULIET, and a Farce as will be expressed in the Bills. WLDS'ESDAY,— THE WORLD, and Farce as in the Bills. FPIDAY,— The last time, MAN- A NO WIFE, and THE FORTY THIEVES. And on MONDAY the 10th, by desive of Capt. BAKER, and the Gmtlemcn of the Salisbury Troop of" Yeomanry Cavalry, TIME'S A JELL TALK, and THE BLIND BOY. DEVIZES ASSEMBLY. TIIE next SUBSCRIPTION ASSEMBLY will be on Wednesday the 5th day of April 1809, at the r. ew Town- hall. fqsfi On the 1.7th inst. was married W. P. Brabazon, Esq. of Donecaruey Lodge, county Louth, to Letitia, second daughter of the Rev. John Vigholes, of Portar- linjgton, in the Queen's county, Ireland. Early 011 Tuesday morning died, at West Bourne, Sussex, Major Thomas Whitcoinb, of the GoSport and Alverstoke Battalion of Volunteer Infantry. His remains were interred on Friday at Gosport with mili- tary honors. On Wednesday morning died Mr. Thomas Bungy, a very respectable farmer of Hurn, near Ringvvood. On Wednesday last died, at his seat at Thorndon Hall, in Essex, the Right Hon. Lord Petrie, who is succeeded in tHle and estate by his eldest son, the Hon. William ( now Lord) Petrie. BANKRUPTS. Abraham Richardson, " fSt. Datijtan's Hill, London, Victualler. Tli-. 11. as Gaitlnd, of Cravea-^ treet, Strand, VVine Merchant. TUtiniatt Nanis, of Gosimrt, Com- Merchant. J. iia joa Newton, of Griiy'e- lnn- I. ane, Ironmoncer. Jo.-. > h Brown a< id Jane jji- owii, of Neweastto- upnn- Tvne. Sndlcrs. Sarmi Olton and W « i. Cotton, of Scinvby, Cmr. nhit Cmt- M< n hirits. James Hitoicock, otherwise David James, of Seulcontes, Yorkshire, White Merchant ' I Ionian Hawkins Pan >, of Brury- Lane, Victualler. Jolin L. acli, nfTurnlwm- Gree Shopkeeper. LONDON. SATURDAY F 1 ~ E NING, APRIL l Some dispatches were yesterday received from the army of the Marquis de Romana, whose head- quarters, we und- rstand, are established at Villai'ranca, where he commands a f rce of 18,000 men : the re t of his army is stationed at Lugo, to the amount of 13,000 men. It is said to be intended to have in the Baltic, in the omirss of the present Spring, 18 sail of the line, and ffigates, brigs, and sloops ; making 50 pendants. Up to the present day, the greatest activity has prevailed in the Thames and the Medwav, in forming a flotilla of row aim- boats, to carry one gun each. Two hundred sail of the* gun- boars are to be attach- d to our cruizer? in the Baltic. • Sir Arthur Wellesley will immediately proceed to Portugal, to undertake the defence of that country against the common enemy. Sir Arthur will ha accompanied by 3000 men, principally cavalry. There are about as many on their way from Cork ; other reinforcements to a more considerable amount will follow. There are already about J8,000 Britith troops at Lisbon, or in its immediate vici- nity. It is understood that Sir Arthur will have the abso- lute command, and that his force will be made adequate to any the enemy can bring against him ; with an a surance that he will, in no event, be superseded, nor subjected to any interference such as that which, in a former instance, was supposed to have eliecked his career of victory, at the moment when he was about to complete the defeat of the elemy. DIED.] Last week, at his house at Taekbronk, in Warwickshire, Thomas Smith, Esq. in the 101st year of his age: his benevolence and friendly disposition occasion him to be universally regretted. He retained his faculties to the last, and used to walk 20 miles in a day to superin- l ; nd his farms, which task he performed a week before his death. SALISBURY. MONDAY, APRIL a, 1803. On Wednesday the remains of the Hon. Mrs. Grant, runt to the Earl of Radnor, were ' Conveyed to Britford, near Longford Castle, and deposited in the family. vault there. , BIRTH.] , On Erid tv the 23d tilt, at her father's hou- e at Sidtnouth, Lady Keiuiu. vay of a son, which survived only a few hours. On Tuesday last was married, Mr. Swain, of North Cadburv, Somerset, to Miss E. Oram, youngest daughter of Mr. Oram, of Coward Shoot, near Shaftes- burvj Dorset. On Wednesday last was married, at Fisherton Church, bv the Rev. Mr. Marsh, W. A. Sarjeant, Esq. of Stratford, to Miss Green, eldest daughter of J. H. Green, Esq. of Fisherton. On Thursday was married, at the Abbey Church, Bath, W. A. Hupsman, Lieutenant of the Royal Navy, to Miss Matilda Othen, daughter of Mr. C. Othen, of thiycity. Died, onjKie 14th of March, at Halstock, Dorset, at an advanced age, the Rev. Henrv Havmanton, Re ctor of Lucam, and formerly of Queen's Coll j^ e, Oxford. On Wednesday the 22d ult. died, at bis house near Gloucester, John Parker, Esq. late of Hasfield Court, in the county of Gloucester. On Monday the 16th ult. died, at Stratton, fiear Cirencester, in his 76th year, the Rev. Clement Glynn, Rector of Great Clulfield, in this county. O. n Monday died, at Plymouth Deck, after a few days illness of a typhis fever, Mr. John Palmer, son of the justly celebrated actor of that name, who died 011 the stage of the Liverpool Theatre. Mr. Palmer . was one of the established performers at. Mr. Colenian's Theatre in the Hayuiatket, London, and performed two or three* seasons at the Theatre here : though long familiar to the public, paving " written man," and married, at the early age of 17), he was only in his 33d } ear at the time of his death. Mrs. l'almer has been long in an iniinn state, and is left in circumstances of great distress. • The following account of a recent melancholy event in Northamptonshire was sent to us by an anonymous Cor- respondent. It differs in. some points from the statements in the provincial and London papers-— On Sunday la^ t a ums: melancholy event took place in the summer- house, belonging to Sir Stuekley Shuckborough, near Daventry, ill the county of Northampton : an officer, of the name of Sharp, in the Bedfordshire Militia, now quartered at Daventry, paid his addresses to the eldest daughter of Sir S. Shuekborougb, and about five o'clock on the above morning they were found locketl up in the stumlier bouse, having put an end to their existence, there being a brace of pistols lying rear them. The young lady was immedi- ately carried to the family residence." The Assizes for the county of Devon ended 011 Monday, when, sentence of death was passed 011 William Way and Thomas Woolley, for stealing notes and cash ; John Lee, f.. r sheep- stealing; and Robert Wade for horse- stealing. Way and Wuolley are left for execution 5 Wade and Lee are reprieved. ASTONISHING CRT; DULITY.— The destruction pf the city of Bath, by a convulsion of the earth tliat should cau- e " Beacon Hill and Beachcn Cliff to kiss each other," was predicted to come to pass on Good Friday last, at noon. This tremendous sentence was reported to have beefi fore- told ^ by Joanna Southcott, or by some other old woman, who was said to have derived her information from a good- natured Angel, whom she met on one of the adjoining hills. This report, strange as it may appear, had such an effect on the weak minds of piany of the inhabitants and vi itor. s of Bath, as to render the former truly miserable, and occasion crowds of the letter to quit the city !— The portentous hour of twelve having passed without any indi- cations of the threatened calamity, those inhabitants of Bath who bad paid attention to this wicked and absurd re- port were sincerely ashamed of their own credulity, and chagrined that a similar feelmg in others had broken in on a promising season, and robbed them of hundreds of their best visitors. WEYMOUTH, March 31, Last- Monday Mr. Henning's hounds, attended by a large field of horsemen, assembled at Bineotnbe Downs for the last time this season. The weather being very fine, it afforded them a most ex- cellent day's sport. On this occasion the Members of the Hunt' held their anniversary dinner at Luce'?, the Navy Tavern. Mr. llennirVg presided, and the company partook of a most sumptuous entertainment: the whole of which was conducted in a style nf cotfrivialitv that proved them equally staunch to the bottle HS to the ftports of the field. The Volunteering from the Somer et Regimont of Mi- litia to the 9th and dOth Regiments, commenced 011 Thurs- day, and goes on with great spirit. PRICES OF STOCKS THIS DAY, At Three o'Clack. Bank Stock, shut 1 Lone; Ann. shut India Stock, shut Omnium, — South Sea Stock, 72J India Bonds, 7 a 3 p. S ^ Cent. Red. shut Exchequer Bills, S a 7 p 3 ^. Cent. Cons. 67$ Irish 5 y Cents, s hut 4 Cents . Imperial';) Cents. 6fi$ 5 ^'"• mt. Navv, ! ts{ English Lott. Tickets, S y Cent. 1797, shut I Ditto Prizes, lull money. SALISBURY ASSEMBLY. rHE next ASSEMBLY will be on Thursday the Gth of April. H. BKOOK. E, ") 1075J H. EYRE, VStewards. W. B. BRODIEJ Dancing to commence at eight, anil end at twelve. Mr. GOODALL, M. C. Ipatt JiMti0 FALMOUTH, March 30. I. e Celestine, a large French ship, of - lo guns and 6s men, from the Isle of France, with a very valuable car:,') of India goods, prize to the Cossac frigate, arrived here 011 Suuday. She had been several times chaccd by different cruiscis 011 her passage, ind was near the coast of Trance when taken. " Ihe Cossae- ( which irrived with the Oelcstine above- mentioned on Sunday) ail d yesterday for Plymouth. The Duke of Kent packet sailed for Gibraltar, . Malta, and Sicily, yesterday. The Constantia, a Spanish schooner, arrived last night in four days from Gi. jon. The reports by her are many ; hot seem entitled to credit only so far as that 110 French troops remained at Gijon,— that their numbers at Corunna and Vigo were greatly reduced,— and sotn- detached parties had been surprised and defeated by the rallying Spaniards, in different parts of the country. The 16th dragoons are to come into this town in four divisions, to- morrow, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, and embark as they arrive on board transports which now await their arrival.— It is understood their destination is either the south of Spain, Lisbon, or Sicily. PLYMOUTH, March 31. On Monday came in the Phoenix, Capt. Hillj from Barcelona, with wine and fruit for tins port. She left Gibraltar the 18th of February, with 67 sail of vessels under convoy of the Active, of 32 guns, Woolwich, of 44 guns, and Lord Eldon anned ship. On the £ d of March they descricd a fleet of men of war ( twelve sail), which is since thought was j- he squadron from 1' Orient— this was in lat. 43° 10' N. long. 23 W. They did not attempt to molest the 0 nvey. The Ae- tivs and Woolwich are passed up with 47 sail, and the Lord Eldon is gone to Bristol and Liverpool with the other 20 ail. Came in also the Triumph, of 74 guns, a d Vdrian eir- ter, from off Rochefort; a French corvette, nf Hi guns, prize to" the Emerald ; and French ketch privateer, of 18 guns and 96 men, piize to the Bittern. Saiied a convoy of victuallers, for the fleet off Roche- forte. On Tuesday arrived the French brig Caroline, pierced for 16 guns, " but only four mounted, and manned with 30 men, from Bayonne, laden with wine, brandy, and flour, bound to Guadeloupe, captured on the 23d iust. by the Amethyst frigate, Capt. Seymour; the French shin La Ser- pent, ' Louis Doheyrat Commander, armed with six guns, and manned with 42 men, from Bayomie, laden with wine, flour, & e. bound to Guadeloupe, captured by the Amethyst frigate, Capt. Seymour : this vessel was formerly the Earl Sj.' . cer packet, belonging to Falmouth.— Also the French jehoo; ier L'Aventure, of and from Bourdeaux, armed with two gun « , and maimed with 16 men, laden with wine, flour, and cordage, bound to Guadeloupe, captured by the Emerald f. i; ate,- Capt. Maitland. Sailed the Comet sloop of war, to the westward, and the ' scorpion sloop of war, on a cruize.. The Cossack sio jp c f war has captured to the westward a valuable Freneli e'. ast lndiaman, burthen about 500 tons, from the Is'ie of France, bunud to 1' OHent, latleii with silk, . nankins, & c. On Tuesday sailed tire Imperieuc* frigate, Capt. Lord Cochrane, wfth bombs anil shells for Hocliefort, to a- sist in an attempt to destroy the French fleet in " Masque Roads. Came in the Caledonia, Capt. Read, from Greenock,- bou . 1 to Malta, laden with eoffee, sugar, and cocoa: Shi Vvas captur d by the Jiouvelle Giionde, of IS gir s and 83 men, and retaken on the S5th inst. by the Minerva frigate. HJEFFREY, CHEMIST and DRUGGIST, Market . Place, Salisbury, thanks his friends for all favours, and solicits their continuance ; assuring them tpey may de- pend on being supplied with Drugs and Medicines of the best qualities. II. J. begs Lave also to inform those families who have been disappointed in receiving their Wines and Glass, teat he has now a stock of capital BRITISH WINES j consisting of Calcav | la, Orange, Ginger, White Currant, and Malaga, which he can with confidence, recommend. Considerable part gf Ins GLASS STOCK, which has been so long detained by the late floods', is now arrived, and the remainder expected in the course « f thewetfc: it will exh bit Decanters, Jugs, Trifle and Dessert Dishes ; Wine, Ale, and Beer Glasses; and every other article in the line, of the most elegant cut patterns, as well as plain, and each article marked its lowest pi ice. FFJ" OILS, COLOURS, and VAUKISIIES ; and every article us d in Painting, dry or ground. [ 1160 SALISBURY, April 3, ISO/). CAND .1. IlACKETT, from their Stocking Ma- . nufactory, N'o., 0', Wine- street, Bristol, beg leave to inform their friends and the public, that they have this day opened at M -. Lai kam's, Oatmeal- roie, a lars; e assortment o" f Ladies' an 1 tfentiemen's real Tewksbury COTTON STOCK- INGS, which they will render on very reasonable terms N. B. A lure- e assortment of Approved Sewing Cottons. A CARD. MESSRS. HAY LEY, ROSANQUAT, and Co. return their most sincere thanks for the favours paid them at their new- established SHOP in WIN. CHESTKR, near the Square ; and humblv oeg to lay before the public their new- invented LIP- SALVE, which answeis the purpose equally as well as, if not superior to, the Cold Cream. This excellent composition may be had at Bayley and Co.' s Warehouse, near the Square, Winchester,. at is. erf. per box. Cuutttyt— All others, except signed by J. Bayley, with a black stamp, is counterfeit. [ 1103 \ Liver coloured POINTER DOG, with a white 1\. breast and throat, followed a person from the neigh- bourhood of Lyntilrarst, about a month since, and is now in the possession of Mr. Robert Perrev, at Blackwater', near Christcfcareh : the owner may have hun again on paying th: trcp nees. flira RIX) be SOLD, A Dozen or Fifteen TONS 0 A POTATOES, of excellent eo id quality. For further particulars enquire of Mr. J. Wilkinson, St. Dennis Farm, near Southampton. ft 14JI POTATOES FOR SALE, AT BOLDRRWOOD LODOT, NEW FOREST. ABOUT Eighty Sacks, at 4s. per Sack, called the Philadelphia Whites, fine eating potatoes— also recom- mended for planting, as their produce was 160 sacks on an acre of forest land, N. B. Any person approved of w shing to plant, may take any quantity by engaging to return t: ree fcr two Of equal quality next fall when ripe. [ 118- i YARN FOR SALE. FOR SALE by PRIVATE CONTRACT, in a commodious room in Rolest? ne-, street, Salisbury,— A large assortment ot fine SALISBURY FLANNEL YARN, and a small quantity of Spanish Yarn. Attendance given from ten o'clock in the morninpc till four o'clock iii the^ afternoon, on Monday, Tuesday, and Wed- nesday, during the Fair. [ lOGtf HOME MARKETS. Prices of Corn, per Quarter— Bread, per Gallon. jWheat. Barley.! Oats. Beans. Bread, Miirch j s. s. | s. s. i s. s. .?. s. s. d. Salisbury, anjsa tn 9 » ' 35 In St / » 49 SO lo ( fl 2 0 Basingstoke aplsn in ! H 133 ln- 0013? < « 44 H to 74 1 ltj Dev- I7. es, OOjSn la yf 134 In 5- 2 138 lo 46 H lo 78 Newbury, 30r70/ nt0t | S!) to 47 30 In 4S to lo 70 , 2 0 Andover April'. ,($ to !' H • : io lo 40,30 I; - IS " 0 In 01 j 1 10 Warminstvr, 1 78 In 9?| 3. J to b5 |! J< i to 44 ltd to W> i l/' tiighkiit the Gu'ion l. nnf, 8lb. 1 ioi.— llaifGnll. 4th. oioz PRIMED AND PUBLISHED BY W. B. BROOIE, J. DOWDING, AND J. LUXFORD, AT THE PRINTING- OFFICE, CANAI., S VLISRURY; Where Orders, Miertisements, and authentic Articles of Xews are received fPoslifgf pai'O,. ; hs and BooKsr. 1 tr. HS lu t'ae'West of England; by the respective Newsmen; and inLoadon b>- Messrs. TAYLliR andls'EWTON, No. 5, Warwick- Square, Warvvick- Lane, JJewpts^ treet, and Mr. WILKir, Bot> kr » 1ler, P » » < smo « ter- Row. St. P. mV RliD LION INN, OILLINGHAM, DORSET. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by H. PLOWMAN, on the premises, on Monday and Tu. sdav ihe 3< i and 4th of April, t8 » 3,— All the genuine HOUSKliOLIJ l-' UK- N ITU RE, STOCK of LIQUORS, CASK. S, BREWING UTENSILS, excellent BEDDING, and other valuable Goods of the said Inn. The EUKNITURS comprises four- post, tent, and other bed- steads, with cutton and other furniture ; pr une gecst feather beds, mattresses, blankets, and cotton counterpanes ; tables,' chests of drawers, pewter, brass, and copper articles, itc. The STO. CK consists of Strong Beer, Cider, Spirits, & c.; a number of prime iron- bound casks, large brewing copper and grate, coolers, mash tubs, and other brewim atei. sils. The Stock of BEER, SPIRITS, & C. will be sold on the first day, and the sale will begin exactly at eleven o'cl> ck each morning. [ uinn DORSET. npo he SOLD by AUCTION, by J. JEANES, at X the Star Inn, ir " Shaftesbury, on Thursday the 13th of April 1868, between the hours of" three and fivc'in the after- noon, subject to conditions then to be produced, All that Piece of LAMD, called POTTLEH1LLS, situate, lying, and being within the parish of Motcomb, and one mile of Stiaftcs- bury aloresaid ; and now in the occupation of Mr. Cieorge Butt, as tenant thereof, for particulars enquire at the Office of Mr. Bowles, solicitor, Srtaftesburv - t or to the Auctioneer, Red Lion Inn, Bourtcn, Dorset. * ^ [ 1134 A NEAT DWELLING- HOUSE, IN DEVIZES. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by R KNIGHV, at the Bear Inn, Devizes, on Tuesday the 36th of April, 1809, at four o'clock in the afternoon,— A very desirable and substantial DWELLING- HOUSE, with modern sashed front, situated in Long- street; having two parlours, a mat drawim* room with marble hearths and chimney pieces, study, five sleeping rooms, and servants apartments ; most convenient domestic offices, dry cellaring, a large new- f uilt out- building, thrce- staHed stable, chaise house, and garden walled in; the whole forming a respectable and comfortable town residenpe, and maybeenicred on immediately. To be viewed any day previous to the sale, by applying to Mr. Ludlow, Hillwortn- hcuse, or the Auctioneer, Devices ; of whom further particulars may be known. [ 1158 ISLE < fG rv. fnluahle freehata es for Sale. TO be SOLD,— Severable FREEHOLD r ESTATES, ( exoneraVy Land- tax), situate in the Jfile of Wight. [ 969 41 For further particulars, ap|, ns ( free of postaeei may N be made to Mi'. VVorsley, sah « eWp0rt, Isle of- Wight. L NEW FOREl| ants. ^ rpo be SOLD,— A cor, j-; STATE, of above s, J. one hundred acres of Laiaut; fy] y and centrically b situated between Lyndhurst, i\ mpton, Romsey, and c Rin « wood. Immediate possemav he had. Enquire for particulars at Jose^ j,^ Esq. No. fi, New- n square, Lincoln's- inn, or of Ch| qartyul> Esq. solicitor, a Rmgwood, Hants. [; i) 21 —•—-— — ( SOUTHANkj e TO he SOLD by PRIViic'oNTRACT,— A - GRINDING- MSLL to go^ e-. a iC- feet wheel, two nuts and spur wheel, with stq^ spindle— well worth " the attention of any person that wi, y thing of that kind, as the » hole has been put up new n tjie j^ t 13 months, I and will be sold on reasonable term t For further particulars enquire rm_ Sheldon, No. 3, 1 French- street; if by letter, post- pal [ 1171. I CAPITAL INN FOuE TO be SOLD by PRIVA'fftNTRACT, That very desirable and gookjtomed INN called f the KING'S ARMS, situate in ihe, of Salisbury, the centre of the Great West Road fronton t0 an parts of the West of England, and new in rade. Possession may be had at St. Thomas day next. 1 For further particulars. and to treat 6. <, atI) e apply ( if by letter, free of postage) at the Office olmot and Godwin, solicitors, in Salisbury. £ 1170 , FREEHOLD, SARI ~~ . T3 be SOLD by PR! VATE) NTRACT,— Two neat compact TENEMENT DWELLING- HOUSES, pleasantly situated in Exet^ t lett to rr. ost respectable tenants. ' fni3 1- or particulars apply to J. Snook, Eastnham.'€^ rum. FREE PUBLIC- HOUSE. IN SA^ TTRY" TO be SOLD,— The SIX BELL Winchester- street. To be entered ? n at Michael next • and the purchaser may be accommodated with paf the'pufcl,.',.' money on mortgage. Enquire further particulars of Mr. Joh^ dding, at his Office in Castle- strtTet. [ UC2 TO SADDLERS. ~ fyo he SOLD bv PRIVATE CCrR\ cT-~ JL The new and fashionable Assortment 0) ODS in the | SADDLERY LINK, lately laid in by Mr. < TnE, nt- as, of Taunton. An. i to be LETT for a Term of Yeaft,— vmmodious DWELLING- HOUSE and SHOP, with conient Officts, situated in High- street Taunton, in Which the) ve business has for some time past been carried on.~(~ 0ne irern.) For further particulars apply ( if by letter, fre « rv< tage) to J. L. Clarke, saddler, lioniton, Devon, or Mt- s^ lead'cand Warren, solicitors, Taunton. TO be DISPOSED OF,— An establish BUSI- NF. SS in the LINEN and WOOLLEN DS> ERV( a genteel town : n the south of Hampshire. ro^ y For a refer nee apply to the Printers ; if by letter, paid. ri^ O be DISPOSED OF, An old eMiXd i MANUFACTORY in the SALISBURY FI. A6I, ; MJ LIN- SEY line, re| dete with Machinery of various kin F t further particulars apply by letter ( post paitlj R. to be left at the Printing Otfic - j^' g TO CLOTHIERS." rpo be DISPOSED OF, A very old and ten- I sive CONCERN, including every branch of thtalis- /••<". If" ooUen Manufacture, with Fulling Mills and Sihing M.'. ehinery attached thereto, Looms, Racks, Presses, The STOCK of Manufactured GOODS to be taken or,, as" may be agreed on. The Warehouses and Fulling MilVil'l be Lett at an annual rent. For further particulars apply. to the Printers. [( TO-* DISPOSED OF, and may he entered immediately, in an eligible situation in the count., f Som- rset,— '. n established concern in the SAIL CLO] MANUFACTORY, with extensive and suitable Prernis- comprising a dvvelling- houSe, spacious g. rden, orchard, y » and buildings requisite for carrying en, or extending the aV' business, with the Utensils and Stock in Trad .— The above Situated whtdfrhrbour is easily obtained, ail m s odera terms. For particulars enquire of Mr. J-> hn Mullen, Flax Mill* llmiuster, either personally, or by ie. ter pos' pai I. [;, » ', STATE LOTTICRY. THE Drawing begins on WEDNESDAY the 12th of THIS MONTH, with A FREE GIBT of 1000 Whole Tickets 011 the First Day, and 600 ditto on the Second Day, JBESIDES 4 PRIZES OF .€ 20,000!!! 2 Of.... £ 18,000 I 0. ... of £ 1000 a of. 5,000 I 10 of. 500 & c. f? c. & e. The firsi- dtawn Number on WEDNESDAY the l? th will be entitled to ONE THOUSAND TICKETS ; and as the great Money Prizes are all floating, the whole may come up on the first day of the Drawing ; therefore these who ar: in- clined to put themselves in FORTUNE'S way should make a point of being in the Wheel when it first goes round. TICKETS and SHARKS, in great variety, are now celling by BRODIE, DOWDING, ond LUXFORD, at the PRINTING- OFFICE, SAI. ISBUKY, for Sir i. BSANSCOMB and Co. v A Sixteenth fregistered) fur ,£ 1 10 0 may gain £ 6,250 An Eighth, for 2 1.0 0 may gain 1- 2,500 A Quarter, for 6 15 6 may gain 25,000 A Half, for It 7 6 may gain 50,000 AND \ WHOLE TICKET MAY GAIN 100,000 .,>... for .£ 22 4 6!!! OLD GEOUGEI. VAr, Winchester, St reel, ' Salisbury. npo be SOLD by AUCTION, by J, ELDKKTOK, J en Wednesday the ot'n of April I80n, and following dav, — Ali the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, brewing Utensils, and other Effects of Mrs. Brown, leaving the said Inn : com- prising four- post, half tester, and stump bedsteads, with theii hangings ; goose feather and other beds, with bedding ; chest.! of drawers, tables, chairs, & c.; mahogany dinner tal'. le with circular ends, neat sofa, spinet, prints, china, glass, Vitcheu r. qu: sites, & rc ; also a Beer Machine, with pipes compltV ; a - 2 hogshead copper, coolers, and mesh tub, almost new } Several iron- bound casks, and numerous other articl s. May be viewed on the mornings ot' sale, which will begin each flay at eleven o'clock. [ 1141 QUIDHAMPTON, NI-. A » WILTON. TO be SOU) by AUCTION, bv WHITMARSK • an t RII. Y, en Monday the'Id dav of Ann!,- — Ali ' he HOUSEHOLD. GOODS ind STOCK ot M JONATIUSI TURNER, of Quidhampton, Biker; consist ne ' iir-; a> st bedstead with rotion furniture, frtitbi r h> d, rrW- d y etecfc almost new, Bath stove, with us fu kitchen nrn it-. i. . br:-.; furnace and grate, dairy utensils, c; » k ; cr < w in c t{ . & c. & c. The sale to begin at > leven o'el- ck. [• " 1 Chilhaniphn, near WU' - n..-—- Hau for &, te T) be SOLD by AUCTION, by WtfijNfAV. su and RILV, on Frid- v the 7th day of Ap il. 0 1 ti < pre- mises a « Chilhampton Farm, , he pvperty ot Mr. yn, quitting the same,— About 20 Ton of renimkal ly fit c t LO- VER HAY. in Rick, Maybe viewed , iny fime pr vieus to the ? ale, wi eh will commence at'J o'clock'in the afternoon. [ t 1 ® ' WINCHESTER- STRF. ET, SA LISB- U RV- TO be SOLD by AUCTION*, by Messrs. GATF- iiousr,, on Monday the 8d day of Api 1 mst.—- All the HOUSRIIO'D GOODS and FURN1 TURE end STO( Kin, TRADE of Mr. WM. Thrjsh^ h, ot VV. nchesta-. tieet, Sack- maker. And on Fridiv the 7th day of April inst. at thr^ e o'clock in the aftoruc- n, will be Sold by Au: t/., a. . it the S: raecn's Head Inn, 111 the city of New Sarum,— All these two 1- REE- HOLD MESSUAGES or TENEMENTS, W , rk- shop, Gar- den, and Premises, with the Appurten nees, siuate in Gifeil; Croft- street, in the possess- or. ol — Can- iv . n 1 John Sewell. N. B. All p". rsons indebted to the said Vy'ilbain I nreshcr are desired f'. rthw th to pay the same to Messrs. Tanner and Cooper, Salisbury; and those who have any d maud on the said William Thresher u's requested immediately to nd an account of the same to Messrs. Tanner a nd O ibp- i, at whose office a deed of assignment for tie benefit of the- Creditors of the said Win. Thresher remains for then execution. ( Qnt ' Concern.} [••?> FREEHOLD, With immediate possession, near the Forest, Hants. FOR SALE, A neu- buik Brick and Tiled, Sash- windowed COTTACt, having every convenience for a small genteel family, sittt te in the pl.- a'sant villaee of Wellow, about one mile from The Shoe at Plaitford. The buildings are new and freehold.— Three acrcs of valuable in closed Land, with Common Rights over a rich common. KS* The Timber and Fixtures to be taken at valoati'< Q. Mr. Petty, at Wellow, will shew the property and treat for thesame. No letters will beanswered. flioa SALISBURY, March 17, I803. rjpO be LETT, and entered upon immediately,— A A genteel HOUSE, with a Garaen, Sec. Src. pleasantly situated by the ri> er Avon ( from the upper part of Castlr- strect), commanding a picturesque view of the meadows and adjacent country. For particulars enquire of G. Morris, builder, surveyor, & c. Endless- street. [ sC4 r jPO be LETT, and entered upon tiie 5; h of April A next,— All that Meadow Ground called LADY MEAD, containing 10 acres, in Milford, adjoining to the City of New Sarum. For further particulars, and to treat, apply to Mr. Arn » y, Close, Salisbury. flo71 VICARIAL TITHES, WIL I S. rlPO be LETT immediately, for a Term to he ajfrerd i upon j—— The VICARIAL TITHES of Great Woodford, Little Woodford, and Wdsford; alsoa Moiety of The TITHES ot Lake, with the Vicarage House at Great Woodford, and a Croft of Land adjoining. Forjlurther particulars apply ( if by letters, postpaid) to Mr, Wilkins,' Dunkirk, near Deviz. es. £ i0+ 1 WES'I BURY, WILTS. TO be LETT, and entered on immediately,— A genteel DWELLING- HOUSE, situate m the town of West bury, with a laige . garden weil stocked with excellent fruit trees ; workshops and stabling adjoining; a very desirable situation for a vvoolstapler, or any person concerned with the wooden- manufactory. For particulars apply ( if by letter, post- paid) to Mr. Thomas Salisbury, Crown Inn, Westburv. [ 10? 5 LODGINGS, LYM1NGTON. TO be LETT immediately, for three Months,— The HOUSE in occupatiou of Col. Howard: consists of drawing- room, two parlours, ten beds ; coach- house and three- stair stable, Src. [ 111G Apply to Mr. William Perkins, High street— post paid. : ISLE OF WIGHT. TO be LETT, with immediate posscssien, for the term of Two Years,— A DWELLING- HOUSE, lit for the reception of a genteel family ; a Stable for three horses, a good Garden, and about 100 acres of Pasture Land in front of the house, pleasantly situated in the centre of tile Isle of Wight, and about one mile and a half fromNt wpoit. IMI further particulars apply ( if by letter, post pait| to Mr. Worsley, solicitor, Newport, Isle of Wieht. [< i(.' l OHO he LETT immediately, and entered on at Old £ Ladv- day,— A good accustomed SHOP, four years past in the Linen Drapery and Grocery I n -, a large and com- moddious House fit to, any kind of business, in a good mar- ket- town m Dorsetshire. For furth- r particulars apply ( by lettsr, post- paid) to the Printers. ftO! B r| X) be LETT, and entered upon immediately,— A I good COACH- HOUSE, Stable tor nine Horse's, with O, rn and Hay Lofts, and a neat DWELLING- HOUSE ad- joining ( if required), well adapted for a Corn Factor, or Post Master, which latter business has been carried on for near 40 years, by the proprietor now declining business. N. B.' Letters addressed ( post paid) to J. Vinn, Winchester, will b'e duly attended to. [ 1 ISO , ROMSEY. nno he SOLD by AUCTION, by J. Al;, f. N, in I. the Com Market, on Monday the ltd of April isofl,— A very handsome GIG, nearly new", two T « T>' d CARTS with Harness, a good useful MARE, Saddles, Bfidlrs, Trace and Thill Harness, Ac. & c.— The Saleat twelve o'clock. [ 11C6 SALISBURY, WILTS. rO he SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. GATBH HOUSE, at the Three Swans Inn, in W. nch, st. r- strett, * Tuesday the 4th of April I sow, between the hours of - 4 . nd yclock m the afternoon, subject to such conditions as shall tVn be produced,— 18 SERONS of WOOL, a, d Package of Sins fir ditto, from Spanish America; which may be viewed tv » ', avs previous to the sale. tlso,— Four Packs of prime Somerset LAMBS' WOOL, anttour ditto sorted ditto F. M. of the best quality. [ 871 Sample of the Wool may be saen at the Auctioneer's-^ WOODFORD, WILTS. Pbe SOLD bv AUCTION, by Messrs. GATE - loesr, 011 the premises, on Wednesday the ith of April, 1809 All the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and STOCfc of the late Mr. Philip Self, deceased ; consisting of four- post bedsteads, with d'rmity and check furmturt;, b< d- steads, bankets, and quilts; chest of ciri. was. bureaus and book- cars, pier and swing glass..*, mahogany d. mng and pillar tioles, chairs, Wilton ami Scotch carpi's, thirty- hour clock, etsy chair and cushion ; iron- bound hogslm d am halt- hogsheid asks, large copper furnace, mash tub ant* stand, brewiig and dairv utensils. The Stock consists ol eneliand- somecbw and calf five years old, and on barrermer, a ride stadrJe upon nine stones, beams and scales, a quai : ity otold iron, ditto coal and firewood; about ao feet ot elm timber, witt lop and top, ao feet of arbeai ditto, with ditto Ttie whole to be sold without reserve, and the atue to com- mence at eleven o'clock. Catalogues may be bad of _ the Auctioneers' the ikiy prcv; ' us t'. the sale. f' ! « •'•) ~ FREEHOLD ESTATE, DORSETSHIRE, npo be SOLD by AUCTION, by \ VINSTANCE* I and SON, at the Antelope Inn, Sherborne, on'lues lay the « d of May, at two o'clock, in lots,— An eligible and very improvable FREEHOLD ESTATE, comprising a farm- house, with barns, stabling, & c.' and ,. , ut seventy- two. acres of excellent meauovv, pasture, and arable land, situate at Alhv Ston, in the parish of F ke and county of Dorset, a miles from Sherborne, 5 from Yeovil, 9 from Wtncanton, 18 tiom Blandford, and about 3-> from Salisbury. To be viewed bv applying to Mr. French, at Allwwton^ printed particulars may be had at the A telope. Halt Moon, and King's Arms, at Sherborne ; Mermaid, Yeovil; the Bear, and, the Grevhound, Wincanton ; the Swan, Stunninster; Messrs. King and Johns, solicitors, and at the Cn wn and the Greyhound, Biamlford ; at the Antelope, Sale, bun ; an^ of Wiiisttnley and Son, Paternoster- row, London- where^ and at Messts. King and Johns, Blandfonl, plans may be in- spected. . [' '" t> GOSPORT. rrt() be I O .1) by AUCTION, by I. HODSO^ A on Tuesday the- ith of April, 180S, at eleven o.' cluik,— A quantity of RAGS, Canvas, Hand Stuti, Sl. akmts of Junk, and Pieces of Hide; also a quantity ot Fire Wood, Packing Cases, and a variety of other articles. . At the same time will be sold,— A capital Boat, fe, t long, and a small Lighter The place ot sale, and other particulars, may be known by applying to the Auctioneer. 7 HARBRIDGE, HANTS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Crows Inn, in Ringwood, on Wednesday the rth day of A, rt IW at five o'clock in tile afternoi n, - The under- m. ationtc LANDS' Lot 1 .— The Western Fields, situate at i- 1 irbridge, by esti- mation eleven acres. Lot 4.— Otis acre and a quarter, under New ,,: e.. d Hedge in Harbridgp Meadow. Lot;). About two acres and an half m the same meadow. Lot- 1.— A Close of rich Pasture Land, called Ghurch- iam Field, by estimation two acres and an half. N. B. The three first lots are Leasehold for three ysrun; lives ; the last lot is held for two lives, Immediate pos session may be had. For a sight of the premises app'y to Mr. Hayter, th<- t( nant; and tor further particulars tp Mr. Baldwin, Rinsvtvie; Hants. ' "
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