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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland


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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland

Date of Article: 21/02/1809
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No Pages: 1
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! C2118 ( Ireland.)— EIGHTH REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS [ Appx. No. 90. Copy of the Board's Reprefentation, dated 18th November 1807, on the Memorial of John Croker, Efquire, Surveyor General, for compenfation. May it pleafe your Grace, Excife Office, Dublin, 18th Nov. 1807. We have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of a letter from the Right honourable Sir Arthur Wellesley, dated the 17th inftant, inclofing the Memorial of John Croker Esquire, Surveyor General, fetting forth the fundry I'ervices performed by him in the reduction of arrears in the diftridt of Dublin on Irilh fpirits, by infor- mations filed, and fines obtained to the amount of ,£. 41,152. 16s. 8d. for non- payment of Duty, which fines, except one, which was applied to the difcharge of arrears due by the Diftillers, were remitted by the Board of Excife upon payment of the Duty. That he had the fatisfaCtion of perceiving by thefe his exertions a gradual reduction of the faid arrears to almoft extinction; and praying, that as he has been five years employed in the extra official attention to the arrears of Excife due by Distillers in Dublin, to be granted fuch relief as he may appear to deferve. And Sir Arthur Wellesley having fignificd your Grace's defire that we fhould take the fame into our confideration, and report to your Grace our opinion thereupon. Agreeable thereto, we beg leave to reprefent to your Grace, that the fafts ftated by Mr. Croker are founded in every particular; that at the period mentioned by him we were totally without information with refpett to the fituation of the arrears of Duty which were suffered to accrue in the diftriCt of Dublin on the diftillation of fpirits, the encrmous amount of which at that time having caufed great anxiety and alarm to us. Mr. Croker did, as Hated by him, fubmit to us the plan and returns to which he alludes, which not only on their adoption had the falutary effe£ t of forcing in a considerable sum of money then outftanding, but prevented the poffibiiity of the like happening in future. The returns in queftion afforded to us the moffc accurate knowledge, weekly, of the precife fituation of each Dilliller's account. We, therefore, taking all the circumftances into our moft mature confideration, the great and highly beneficial fervices rendered to the public by Mr. Croker j the recovery, by his attention, of a very large fum of money in the cafe of E. and J. Edwards, • late Distillers, the moiety of which he was entitled to by Law, and had been appro- priated, as stated by Mr. Croker, to the Difcharge of the Diftillers arrears of Excife, have no hefitation in ftrongly recommending Mr. Croker to your CJrace's moft favourable attention, and in fubmitting it as our opinion that Mr. Croker is juftly entitled to the remuneration he feeks, and that the fame fhould be paid to him out of fines and fcizures at large, or placed to account of Revenue Incidents, and to be in full confideration of any claim he may have on account of the extra'official duty he has performed, as detailed in his memorial, as well as on account of the penalties which have been levied and appropriated to the arrears of duty which appeared due by E. and J. Edwards, late Distillers, at the time they became Bankrupts. We have the honour to be, Your Grace's moft obedient, and very humble fervants, Annesley. John Townsend. Richd Longfield. His Grace th? Lord Lieutenant, R. P. Dundas. &' c. See. & c. Thomas Odell.
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