The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 21/02/1809
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No Pages: 1
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N' 89.] ON F EE5K G R A T U I T I E S , & c , - ( E x c i f e Duties'.) 287 week, and to lay the fame before the Board, to enable them to judge how? far the propofed plan had operated in diminifhing the arrear, and adding to or increafina the Revenue. 0 That the firft return made from the Colle& ors Office, ftated an arrear of jC- 35> 86J- 14 whilft the number of gallons of fpirits which had gone into confumption before payment of the. Duty thereon* amounted to 101,707 gallons, which was particularly fet forth in Memorialift's fi:: ftAbftraCUo the Board. ° That your Grace's Memoriaiift, on perceiving the arrears. of any Diftillery in creasing, whilst his stock of spirits was dimir. ifbiog, regularly filed informations for the recovery of the Duties in arrear, according to Law. -• " • That Memorialist had the satisfaCtion in a ( heft time, to perceive the good effeCt of those measures, not only by the gradual reduction of the arrears, bur by the alrnoft total extinction of any arrear whatloever, except the preceding and the'current Week, whilst they were a check on the dangerous and improper praCtice offending fpirits- into consumption, without payment of duty. That your Grace's Memorialist, in the courfe of his execution of this bufirrefs, was frequently oblige to file
informations againft individuals who had from time to time neglected to pay their Excise, and has aCtually obtained judgments againft them belore the Sub- Commissioners, between the years 1801 and 1806, for penalties to the amount cf ,£. 41,152. 16 s. 8 d. all which penalties were remitted by the Board, on payment of the arrears of Excise, except two fines againft Eliza and George Edwards, amounting to £. 2,113. 13 s. 4 d. but which fines'were, on the bankruptcy of laid Edwards, levied by the ColleCtor on their property, under and by virtue of Warrants ifiTued by the Sub- Commissioners, on the convictions obtained on
Memorialift's in- formations, agreeably to the Solicitor's opinion, to fatisfy the penalties, notwithftand- ing which opinion, an order was issued, initialed by only two Commiffioners of Ex- cife, that the money fo levied should be applied agreeably to the Collector's fuggef- tion, to difcharge the arrear of the Bankrupts, thereby depriving your Grace's Memo- riaiift of a fum of £. 1,066. 12 s. o d. which the law gave as his moiety of the penalties, whereby the Information Book remained unfettled from that moment to this, and the fines fo levied unaccounted for in it, otherwife than by the mifappiica- tion aforefaid. That your Grace's
Memoriaiift, on finding his moiety of the fine withheld, applied to the Board of Excife for redrefs j but he was not fo fortunate as to bring his claim to a conclufion, before the change in the late Board of Excife had occurred. That Memoriaiift, convinced of the propriety and legality of his claim, fubmitted the queftion again to the prefent Board of Excife, but fome doubts having been en- tertained, whether it ffiould come before them in the firft inftance, determined your Memorialift humbly to fubmit his claim to your Grace. That Memoriaiift humbly begs leave further to reprefent to your Grace, that he has been five years employed in the
extra- official attention to the arrears of Extife, due bv the Di'ftillers of Dublin, from whence he hopes confiderable advan- age has been derived to the Revenue, as is herein fet forth, but without receiving any emolu- ment or recompence f r fuch fervice, to which he ventures humbly to ftate he has a fair claim, efpeciallv when it ( hall appear upon reference to the Board, under whcfe cognizance the whole has parted ( if your Grace fliall be pleafed to make fuch refer- ence) that all the circumltances herein fee forth are perfectly true and corredly ftated. ... Memorjalift therefore moft humbly and refpedfully entreats your Grace will be
pleafed to take the whole of his cafe into confideration, and grant fuch relief in the premifes, as in your wifdom and juftice Memoriaiift may appear to deferve. And WlU John Croker. $ 2. ^ E /