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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland


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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland

Date of Article: 21/02/1809
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
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456 ( Ireland.) Eighth REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS [ Appendix P No. 87. * f . as pail Tlie following is a R E T U R N of. ail Sums pai l by the feveral Proprietors againft whom Proceedings have been taken in tlie feveral Cautes following, oil account of Cofts due to the Revenue, and which were received by the Solicitor for the King's Rents, or were fettled with by the; Parties, at the Times ftated, as nearly as can now be afcertained by him ; and alfo, an Account oF feveral Colls discharged by the Board's, & c. & c. His Majefty ; a' the Rectory of Moyglare - Same ; a' the Tythes of Oldtown and Kilcarn Same; a' the Tythes of Ballymaglason - - Same ; a' the Rectory of Laracor - - - - Same; a' the Rectory of Ballmadon - - - Same; a'the Rev. Wm Ould.. - - - - - Same; a' the Rectory of Knockmoy - - - Same ; a' the two Rectories of Cookstown and Dirpatrick, and the Tythes of Great and Little Derricks --.----_) Same ; a' the Rectory of Knockmoy - - Same; a' the Abbey of Mothill - - - - Same ; a' the Parish of Inniscarra & Mathy Same; a' the Tythes of the Parish of Kil- murry -------- Same; a'- the Tythes of Fermonfeighan, and alfo the Rectory of Mayne Same; the Old Custom- houfe, in the 7 • City of Dublin -------- J Same; a' the Lands of Archersgrove - - - Same; a'the Rectory of Belclare - - - Same; a'the Fairs of Dunlavin - - - - Same; a' the Rectory of Timelinbeg - - Same; a' the Rectory of Carbury - - - - Same; a' the Rectory of Kilsallagh - - Same; a' the Rectory of Westerna- Same ; a' the Tythes of Saint Bridget and the Tythes of Walterstown - - Same; a' the Rectory of Culmullen - - Same; a' the Tythes of the Parish of Ma- gourny -----.. « ._-- Same ; a' the Tythes of the Parish of Clon- droghed - -- -- -- -- - and Cofts psid to the Solicitor about the month of June 1S06, accounted for to the Board ------ Like; fome time in the year 1807, aul alfo" 6cccuntcd for Like; in the year 1806, and alio accounted for Like; and alfo accounted for ------ Like; in 1807, and alfo accounted for - Like ; and alfo accounted for ----- - Like; in the year ! 806, and alfo accounted for - Like ; in the year 1S05, and alfo accounted for - Like ; in the year 1806, and alfo accounted for The Cofts in this Caufe remitted by order of the Board, on pay- ment of the large Arrears of Crown Rents due ( being def- perate) ---------- Cofts received in the year 1807, and accounted for to the Board Like; and to be accounted for by the Solicitor to the Board The Costs in thefe two caufes were reduced by order cf the Board, on payment of Arrears, to the fum o(£. 50. and which was received by the Solicitor in 1808, and will be accounted for by him to the Beard ------- Costs received by the Solicitor as taxed, and fhall be accounted for by him alfo - -- -- -- - The Collector's Clerk pending the Proceedings, received the Arrears due and parted a receipt for fanre, not knowing Coft incurred --------- Costs received by the Solicitor in 1807, and accounted for to the Board - - - - - Like," in 1808, and accounted for alfo - Costs,- ordered to be refunded by the Board, on payment of the Arrears due - - .- - - - - - Cofts received by the Solicitor 1807, and to be accounted for by him to the " Board - -- -- -- - Like, and to be accounted for to the Board - Like, and to be accounted for ----- - Debt received by the Colledtor's Clerk, not knowing that Pro- ceedings were taken out ------- Costs received by the Solicitor in 1808, and to be accounted for to the Board --------- Costs received by the Solicitor in 1807,' and to be accounted for to the Board - -- -- -- -- Like - d. 5th December 1808. Samuel Bradshaw, So! ir Ks Rents. Of the above, Accounted for by the Solicitor To be accounted for by D° - Remitted by Order of the Board Yet to be received A<
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