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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland


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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland

Date of Article: 21/02/1809
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
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272 ( Ireland.) — Eighth REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS [ Appx. ftated, has been accounted for by Examinant, with the exception of about 200. of which fum too. or thereabouts was at the time of the laft fertlement, in Auguft 1& 0S, remaining in the hands of this Examinant, and the remainder had not been then received from the parties from whom the cofts had been fo recovered. The fuits carried on by Examinant for the Recovery of the King's Rents, have, with a very few exceptions, been againft Church Livings. In all proceedings for the recovery of thefe arrears, Examinantemploys the Counfel. to the Commiffior. ers of the Revenue, • and in fome inftances the Attorney and Solicitor General; their fees are included in the Bills of Coft furnifhed by Examinant. In cafes where legal proceedings are re- farted to, the cofts of which are fubmitted to taxation, Examinant never charges any article relating to fuch proceedings among the mifcellaneous cofts. Examinant's profits arifing from his Bills of Cofts amount, on an average of the three years Jaft paft, to £. 600. or 700. per annum, befides his falary, which he receives without performing any fervice in return. This increafe, fince the year 1804, has been occa- iioned by the increafed number of fuits and by other bufinefs. Saml Bradshaw, Fredk Geale. Robert Alexander. Cha1 Stewart Hawthorne. John Hamilton. No. 83. ( B) The further Examination of SAMUEL BRADSHAW, Esq, Solicitor for the King's Rencs; taken upon Oath, the 15th and 16th days of December 1808. This Examinant faith. That it is not the pradtice of his office regularly to furnifh the Board of Excife with Accounts of the cofts which the Revenue is entitled to receive from the parties againft whom fnits have been determined in favour of the Crown, nor does he recoil eft any fuch to have been ever called for; the cofts fo recovered are paid to this Examinanr, except in a few inftances where they have been received by the Collectors, and in order to alcertain the amount to be paid, the bills of colts, fhould the parties require it, are taxed; generally they are paid without fuch taxation, Examinant making fuch abatement as he th. nks advifable, conceiving that he has a difcretionary power for that purpofe. Examinant admits that in a bill of cofts furnifhed by him in Auguft > 807 to the Board of F. xciie, and paid by them, afcer having undergone the ufual taxation and examination, there is an overcharge to the amount of ,£. 98. 19. 2. in confequence of the cofts in one caufe having been, through miftake, added to the colts in four other caufes. This Examinar. t faith, that the fum of £. 2,738. 10. 4. to the belt of his know- ledge and belief, is the total amount of the feveral Tunis paid to the fcveral Col- ledtors by the Proprietors of lands, tythes, and rectories, in confequence of proceed- ings having been taken by him, from Trinity Term 1S04, no Trinity Term 1808, inclufive, or in confequence of. proceedings which were at that time depending. Fredk Geale. Saml Bradshaw. Robert Alexander. Chas S. Hawthorne. John Hamilton. No. 84. Samuel Bradfhaw of the City of Dublin, Solicitor for His Majefty's Rents, maketh oath, That the feveral particulars and charges in the foregoing Account and Bill of Cofts for the faid employment are juft and true ( errors excepted) to the belt of Deponent's knowledge, remembrance and belief; and alfo that this Deponent hath expended, or is accountable Tor the feveral fums therein mentioned to have been paid to Lawyers, officers and others, in fuch manner as the fame are fet forth in the laid bill of cofts. And that the feveral fums fet down therein as fees due to this Deponent as an Attorney, on writs and Law proceedings, are the ufual and accuftomed fees, as this Deponent hath been credibly informed, and verily believes. Sworn before me this 2.9th day of July 1807. Saml Bradshaw. Wm Norton.
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