The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 21/02/1809
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No Pages: 1
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- ••' - Mr. Daly, Prime Serjeant, for arranging and pre- paring the great Revenue Bill, and three other Bills Mr. Osborne, Board's Counsel - - the like Mr. Stewart, Solicitor General - - the like Board's Solicitors, usual allowance for attendance on the Chancellor of the Exchequer - D° - - for preparing Drafts and making CoDies of three Bills - D° - - in lieu of fees for preparing the Money Bills -----.__ Robert Johnston, Board's Counsel - the like Prime Serjeant ------- the like Solicitor General ------ the like YEAR ended 25th March 1801. Attorney General, in lieu of fees ... Charles Ofborne, Board's Counsel, for confolid. iting into one Act
the great Revenue Regulation Bills of 1797, and Atts of the following years, and comparing the Distillery Laws here and in Eng- land -------- Robert Johnston ------ the like Prime Serjeant, for settling with the Crown Lawyers the great Revenue Bill, and live others Board's Solicitor, for his trouble on fame bufinefs - - - - D° D » - Charles Osborne - - the like at 50 Guineas each - - the like - - - - - the like - - - - - the like - - - for their trouble in preparing a Bill for Hawkers, & c. - Board's Counfel, for examining and fettling Sche- dule of Duties ------ Charles Osborne, Board's Counfel. for his trouble in preparing Bill for Hawkers - R. Johnston
D° - - - - the like J. Stewart - -- -- -- - the like S. George Daly - tjie like John Toler the like Board's Solicitors, for attendance in examining and fettling Schedule of Duties - R. C. Carr, Board's Solicitor, for extra trouble pre- paring several Bills in the two laft Sefiions of Parliament ------- R. Johnston - - J. Stewart - - J. Toler - - - Board's Solicitors, Sir, No. 74. Excise Office, Dublin, 16th January 1809. Having had the honour of receiving and laying before the Commiffioners of Exciie your letter of the 6th inftant, fignifying the requeft of the Commiffioners of Enquiry to be informed, whether there is any order for regulating the payment of
Fees and Allowances to the Law Officers and Solicitor for their trouble in preparing Money and Regulation Bills fince the Lord Lieutenant's order of the 23d May 1791 ; and, that if there be any fuch, copies thereof may be tranfmitted to you for the informa- tion of the Commiffioners of Enquiry :— . I am dire died by the Commiffioners of Excife to tranfmit to you, for the informa- tion of the Commiffioners of Enquiry, a copy of Mr. Secretary Elliott's Letter of the 10th March 1807, being the only one received by them on this lubject. I have the honour to be, Tbo* R. Babinvton, Efq. & c. & c. & c. Sir> Office of Enquiry. Your moft obedient
Servant, 1 1 Ed. Hardman, jun. ill