The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 21/02/1809
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No Pages: 1
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N » 73.] OK F E E S, G R A T U I T I E S , & c.-( Excife Duties.) No. 73. AN ACCOUNT of Fees paid to Crown Lawyers and Board's Counf. l, for preparing and fetthngMoney and Regulation Bills; alfo theSums paid to the Board's Solicitors for the fame- in the years ending the 25th March 1792, 1793, 1794, 1795, ,796, ,797, 179S, 179g* 1800 and 1801. Midfummer Q^. 179!. Michaelmas Q;. 1791 • . Lady- day Q^. ( 1792. Midfummer Q\ 17.92. . Lady- day • 1793. Midfummer Q^. 1793. Michaelmas Q^.. 1793- Lady- day Qj 1794- Midfummer Q^. i794- Lady- day 1795- S YEAR ending 25th March 1792. Marcus Beresford, Board's
Counsel, for preparing and settling the several Money Bills last Seffion°, ufual allowance Mr. Wolfe, Attorney General - - - the like - Mr. Fitzgerald, Prime Serjeant - - the like - Mr. Toler, Solicitor General - - - the like - Messrs. Waller and Carr, Solicitors, in conlidera- tion of their extraordinary attendance on the Chancellor of the Exchequer during laft Selfion - The fame - - - for fair copying and preparing the Bills of laft year The fame - - - fees due Crown Lawyers and Board's Counsel, for preparing and settling Bills of last Session - R. Waller and R. C. Carr, Solicitors, ufual allo v- ance for attendance on the Chancellor of the Ex chequer last Session - The fame - - - the established allowance for fair copying, & c. the Bills of lall Seffion - Marcus Beresford, Board's Counsel, the cftabliihed allowance in lieu of fees, for preparing and fettling the fevcral Mon - y Bills of the Sefiion 1792 Mr. Fitzgerald, Prime Serjeant - - the like Mr. Wolfe, Attorney General - - - the like YEAR ending 25th March 1793. Mr. Toler, Solicitor General - - - the like Messrs. Waller and Carr, Solicitor « fees due to Crown Lawyers and Board's Counfel, for attend- ance and settling the Revenue Bills laft Seffioa 1792 Marcus Beresford, Board's Counsel, the eftablifhed allowance for
preparing and fettling the feveral Money Bills of last Session - Messrs. Waller and Carr, Solicitors, the ftated allowance for copying, ^ c. of the feveral Money Bills of last Session The fame - - - for attending the Chancellor of Exchequer last Seffion ----- YEAR ending 25th March 1794. Mr. Wolfe, Attorney General, for preparing and settling the Money Bills of laft Seffion Mr. Fitzgerald, Prime Serjeant - - the like Mr. Toler, Solicitor General - - the like Messrs. Waller and Carr, fees due Crown Lawyers and Counsel for settling Revenue Bills of this Seffion - The fame - - - ftated allowance for copying, & c. the Money Bills - YEAR ending
25th March 1795. Mr. Beresford, Board's Counfel, ufual allowance for preparing Money Bills, & c. this Seffion - Mr. Wolfe, Attorney General - - the like Mr. Toler, Solicitor General - - the like The Prime Serjeant the like Messrs. Waller and Carr, for attendance on the Chancellor of the Exchequer laft Seffion - The fame - - - fees due Counfel, for preparing and fettling Revenue Bills laft Seffion The fame - - - for attendance on the Chan- cellor of the Exchequer - The fame - - - for copying, & c. the feveral Money Bills of hft Seffion - B