The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 21/02/1809
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N° 7 2.] ON FEES, G R A T U I T I E S , & c.-( ExcTe Duties.) 2y j and Seizures have been paid to them, to be afterwards accounted for. IT requires the Solicitor to produce Vouchers for all d. fburfements, and allows their Fees tor bunnels done according to regular and accuftomed Rates. In examining the Accounts he alfo reports to the Board fuch obfervations as occur to him. The dif- burfements on account of Fees to Counfel were allowed upon the production of the Lawyers receipts, but they now make no part of the Solicitors difourlements, as within thefe few years an Order has been made that the Account of iuch Fees
should be furnished and certified by the Solicitor directly to each Board, whenever a Warrant is iffued for payment, but to whom it is made payable, Examinant cannot itate. When Examinant was appointed to his prefent Office, he found a Book containing the accuftomed Fees and Allowances to the Solicitors, and the cuftomary Fees to the Crown Lawyers and Board's Counfel. In the year 1805 Examinant was ordered by the Board to examine the Bills of Cofts furnished by the Solicitor for the King's Rents. He examines the Tots, to fee that they are correct, and the leveral items, to afcertain that the fame charges do not occur a
fecond time; but he admits that he is incompetent to decide whether fuch charges are juft, or made at a fair and reafonable rate. He requires from the Examiner of Incident Accounts a Certificate of the feveral Sums advanced to the Solicitor, but no Vouchers are produced for Sums claimed credit for by him 011 account of difburfements. Fredk Geale, Thos Witherall. Robert Alexander, Chas Hawthorne, John Hamilton. No. 72, Dublin Castle, 23d May 1791. Mv Lord and Gentlemen, The Lord Lieutenant having taken into confideration the changes that have been made in the formation of the Money Bills, in confequence of the
confolidation of the Duties, by which the number of Bills is lefiened ; and the lofs the Law Officers would fuffer, if they were paid as heretofore, according to the number of Bills only, their attendance and trouble in preparing the MoneyBills, as now formed, continuing nearly the fame as heretofore; his Excellency is of opinion, that it will be equitable to give them fixed annual allowances equivalent to the Fees hitherto paid in each year; and his Excellency having received your Report of the 12th Inftant, inclofing, purfuant to his defire, an account of the Sums paid to the Law Officers for preparing the Money and Revenue Bills of the
feveral Sefiions of Parliament in the laft five years, and a like account of Sums paid to the Solicitors for the Excife and Port Departments for the fame purpofe; I am commanded by his Excellency to acquaint you, that from thofe Accounts, it ap- pears to him, that the Fees paid to the Prime Seijeant, Attorney General, Solicitor General, and Senior Counfel to your Board, for preparing and fettling the Money Bills, and exclufive of the Revenue Bills for the laft five years, deducing the Fees on the ten months Money and Malt Bills in 1789, as they were occafioned by accidental circumftances) amount to the fum of three thoufand four
hundred and eighty Pounds fifteen Shillings to each of the faid fourLaw Officers; which, on an average of the five years, is fix hundred and ninety- fix Pounds three Shillings per annum to each. It alfo appears that the payments to both the Solicitors in the fame time for drawing, preparing, and fair- copying the Money and Revenue Bills ( deducting the charges for the ten months Bills of 1789, for the reafons before mentioned) amount to the fum of four thoufand two hundred and eighty Pounds fifteen Shillings, which, on an average of five years, is eight hundred and forty- one Pounds fifteen Shillings per annum to the faid two
Solicitors. His Excellency therefore defires that you will pay the following annual allowances to the Law Officers, and to your Solicitors, for pre- paring the faid feveral Bids; viz. . . To the Prime Serjeant, Attorney General, Solicitor General, and Senior Counlcl to your Board, feven hundred Pounds a- year each, for preparing and fettling the Money Bills in each Seffion of Parliament. To the Solicitor for the Excife and Port Departments, eight hundred and fifty ,2 4 A Pounds 5 ' Half Sheet.