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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland


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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland

Date of Article: 21/02/1809
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No Pages: 1
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272 ( Ireland.) — Eighth REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS [ Appx. Port and DiftriCt of Dublin ufually attending to affift in the preparation of the Bills, but this proving inconvenient, it was determined in 1805 that all Money and regula- tion Bills should be fubmitted to the Law Officers in Ireland, in like manner as before the Union ; but no final arrangement has been made on the fubjed, nor has the practice been uniformly adhered to. So long ago as 1791 a compact wasentered into by Government with the Law Officers, to whom Money Bills had been ufually fub- mitted, that each should receive 700 in every Seflion wherein fuch Bills were passed, in lieu © f all other Fees thereon. J. S. Rochfort, C. M. Ormsby. Fredk Geale, Robert Alexander, Chas Stewart Hawthorne. Dublin Castle, Iith June 1803. No. 69. My Lord and Gentlemen, It appearing to the Lord Lieutenant, that it will be of advantage to the Interetts of His Majefty's Revenue, that the Attorney General fhould be confulted on Revenue bulinefs, in like manner as your Counfel; his Excellency defires you will give direftions that the Attorney General be put upon the fame footing with your Counfel as to Cafes, Informations, Trials before the Sub- Commissioners, and in all other refpedts, in which there may be occalion for legal advice and assistance. I have the honour to be, & c. A. Marsden. Commiffioners of Cuftoms, See. No. 70. Sir, Custom House, Dublin, 1,3th June 1803. . A. Marfden, efq. Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant, having by his Letter of the 11 th lnftant fignified that it appears to his Excellency, that it may be of advantage to the interefts of His Majefty's Revenues that the Attorney General fhould be con- fulted on Revenue bufinefs, in like manner as the Board's Counfel j The Board direCfc, purfuant to his Excellency's desire, by Mr. Marsden's faid Letter, < c, that the Attorney General be put on the same footing with their Counfel as to " Cafes, Informations, and Trials before the Sub- Commissioners, and in all other " refpc& s, in which there may be occafionfor legal advice and assistance." By Order of the Commissioners, J. E. Madden, Mr. Edwards, Sol. -•••- - - ' '• ".-•" -- • . VT No. 71. The Examination of Mr. THOMAS WETHERALL; taken upon Oath, the 18th and 29th days of November 1808. - This Examinant faith, That he is Examiner of Solicitors Bills for the Department of Cuftoms and Excife, and was appointed to that Office in the month of September 1801. 1 he duties of his Office are to examine the Accounts of the Law chfburfements of the refpeCtive Solicitors of Cuftoms and Excife in all Revenue Cafes, except fuch as are proceed- ed on in the ordinary Courts of Law ; and to take care that all Sums of Money ad- vanced to enable them to carry on the bufinefs of their refpedtive Offices, art duly accounted for. The Solicitors are required to furnish thefe Accounts annually to the Examiner of Solicitors Bills, and when not regular in doing fo, Examinant reports their negledi to the refpeCtive Boards. To enable him to check their Accounts, he is informed by letter ofall Sums of Money advanced to each Solicitor to carry on the bufinefs of his Office, and before any part thereof is actually paid, the Warrant for fuch payment is produced to Examinant, who enters and figns the fame; but he has no official information of any money received by the Solicitors on account of the Revenue other than fuch advances, except in fome cafes, when the amount of Fines and
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