The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 21/02/1809
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No Pages: 1
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iS.] OK F E E S , G R A T U I T I E S , ( ExcifeDuties.) greater Fee is given if the importance or difficulty of the cafe is confidered to require it. The Board's Counfel receive alfo each three guineas a- day tor their attendance on Trials at the Cuftom- Houfe, exclufive of the Fees given with their refpeftive Briefs. The Attorney General, though employed in all Cafes in Dublin, is not expefted to attend unlefs fpecially required; and if he or either of the' Board's Counfel fhould be at any time abfent from Dublin, fo as that their advice . or affiflance could not be obtained, the Fees on all Law bufinefs tranfadted in their abfence are regularly
allowed to tliem as if they were prcfent, even though they fhould while abfent be employed on other Revenue bufinefs, and receive Fees thereon. Befides transacting the ordinary La; v bufinefs of the Inland Excife Department, Examinant is fometimes employed to prepare Drafts of the Excife Regulation Bills, intended to be propofed to Parliament in each Seffion. For perufin^ and fettling every fuch Bill Counfel receive 40 guineas, unlefs the Bill be fhort, in which _ cafe a fmaller Fee is paid, and ten guineas for each confultation, and the Solicitor teceivesa Fee equal to one Counfel. Previous to the Union the Solicitor of Cuftoms
and Excife were jointly employed in preparing the Regulation Bills of both Department?, and received on each'Bill relating to either, a Fee equal to that allowed to one Counfel. But fince the divifion of the Boards, Examinant alone prepares the Regulation Bills for the Excife Department, and is only paid for fuch Bills. The Solicitors of both Boards are likewife employed in preparing the Money Bills, which are laid before the Attorney and Solicitor General and the fenior Counfel to the Boards, to each of whom, previous to the feparation of the Board ' of Excife and Cultoms, was paid by order of Government a Fee of 700, whether
there were one or more fuch Bills. Since fuch feparation each Board pays a fum cf /. 350 for the Money Bills relating to its own Department, and Examinant receives for his trouble therein a Fee of 475, being the ufual Fee paid to his predc- cefi'or in office previous to the Union, and which is now paid to him in pursuance ' of an order of Government made in the year 1807. Since the Union the Money and Regulation Bills have not been uniformly prepared in Ireland i for the firfl: two or three years they were all prepared in England, and feveral of them are now, after being prepared there, fent over here to be fubmitted to Counfel, to
whom, as alfo to Examinant, the fame Fees arc paid as if prepared in this country. In the year 1805, it was in contemplation lo ieparate the Boards of Cutloms and Excife, and to render the Duties and the Regulations for collecting them perpetual, in con- fequence the Law Officers and Solicitors had much extraordinary trouble in pre- paring the neceffary Bills, by which a great portion of the expence that appears to have been incurred in the year ending 5th January 1806 was occafioned, thefe Bills were not then brought into Parliament. Examinant faith, That the payments made to Local Agents in the Excifc Depart- ment in the
year 1807, greatly exceeded thofe of former years, owing to the great number of Informations that were prolecuted in that and the preceding year for penalties againft Parifhes in which unlicenfed Stills had been found. J. S. Rochfort, John Edwards. Fredk Geale, Robert Alexander, Chas Stewart Hawthorne. No. 68. t , • , ? 1 • The Examination of Sir C. M. ORMSBY ; taken upon Oath, the 7th and 21 ft days of December 1808. This Examinant faith, „ _ „ , _ .. ~ _ A That he is firft Counfel to the Boards of Cuftoms and Excife, and was firlt appointed by Commiffion in Auguft 1801. He has a Salary on the Cuftom Efta- blilhment of£.
100 per annum, in confiderationofwhichhedoes not perform any duty, beine paid his regular Fees for profeffional bufinc- fs. In the year 1801, at the com- mencement of the Union, the intention of the then Chancellor of the Exchequer of Ireland was, that all Money and Regulation Bills should be prepared m England, and that one of the Counfel to the Commiffioners, or one of the Crown Lawyers, fhould attend there to fuperintend that bufinefs. That for about two years fubfe- ouent to the Union thofe Bills were prepared in England, the Deputy Cuftomer and Colleaor, the Solicitors of Cuftoms and Excife, and the Surveyor General
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