The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 21/02/1809
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No Pages: 1
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.! U ties.] on F E E S , G R A T U I T I E S , & c. Corn Bounty papers are previoufly examined by the Examiner of Cuftoms, in like manner as every other bounty paper. The Land Carriage - Officers, though paid on the Cuftom Eftabliffiment, more properly belong to the Excife, their duty being to attend at the principal avenues into Dublin, to examine all carriages loaded with goods, and to fee that fuch as are fubjeCt to Duty, are accompanied with proper Permits. The manner of performing this duty, renders it quite nugatory, thefe Officers rarely reforting to the Stations feverally allotted to them, and then merely for the purpofe of
Signing the Surveyor's Book ; but even if the Officers were ftationary, and the duty executed with greater attention, it appears to be an office from which little advantage could be derived to the Public, - as they can feldom venture to aCt unlefs upon good information, and upon - fuch ground any other Officer of the Cuftoms or Excife may proceed equally with the Land Carriage Officers. The annual laving that would accrue to the Public by abolifhing the offices which we have thus enume- rated as ulelefs or unneceSTary, would amount to 7,823. in. 4 \ d. Some further diminution of expence in the Excife Department, might be
etfeCted by the reduction of fuch Officers as aCt by Deputy, and have converted their Situations into Sinecures. Of thefe offices we annex a Lift, including fome belonging to the Cuftoms, the grofs emoluments attached to both, amount to £. 2,297. 10^ Per annum- 111 abolifh- ing ufelefs offices, we cannot approve of the general praCtice of com- penfating the feveral perfons employed, by an allowance or penfion to the full amount of their emolument, as it is not reasonable that while they may employ their time in other profitable purfuits, they fhould receive as much from the Public as they did wheti they continued in its fervice ;
and we alfo think, that much expence might be faved by transferring the holders of fuch offices to other Situations in the Revenue. The charge of this Eftablifhment might alfo poffibly be diminiftied, by employing fewer,, of the regular Officers in fuch places, as are entirely 1 J O ^ _ unproductive of Excife Revenue, 01* where the amount received within 101 Appendix. N* 48 & 49. Appendix, N4 5a. Appendix, N° 5i. the ye ar is very trifling. According to the Excife divifion of Ireland, it Appendix, Ns 52. conlifts of 33 DiftriCts, 127 Surveys, and 541 Walks. There is a Collector appointed to each diftriCt, a furveyor to each furvey, and at
leaft one Gauger to each walk, befides fupernumerary Gaugers, generally in the proportion of one to each furvey; we find that in 71 of thefe walks, there does not appear to have been any produce in the year ending 5th January 1808. If we take the falaries of the feveral Gaugers ap- pointed to thefe walks at £. 84. per annum each, which is the average amount of Gaugers falaries, we have an expence of £. 5,964. incurred without any return whatever of Revenue to the Public; and though we are bv 110 means of opinion, that it is unneceffary to employ Officers in any ftation where there are no Excife Duties to be collected,
probably fome faving might be effeCted under fuch circumftances, by placing more than one walk under the charge of the fame Gauger. Appendix, N° 53. INCIDENT EXPENCES. BESIDES the regular and afcertained expenditure of this Department, arifino- from the fataries of Officers, confiderable payments are made under* the head of Incidental or Contingent Expences. Thefe payments in