The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 21/02/1809
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No Pages: 1
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272 ( Ireland.) — Eighth REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS [ Appx. appointed ; and fince that time the pra& ice has always been to appoint two Counfel- There is no other difference between the Emoluments of the two Counfel in the Cuftom Department,, than what arifes from the Fees for the Money Bills, which are paid to the firft Counsel only. Fredk Geale, Richard Waller. Robert Alexander, Cha Stewart Hawthorne. No. 67. The Examination of JOHN EDWARDS, Esq; taken upon Oath, the 14th November and 22d day of December 1808, and x 8 January 1809. This Examinant faith, That he is Solicitor for the Inland Excife
Department, to which Office he was appointed in the month of December 1802, by the Commiffioners, with the ap- probation of the Lord Lieutenant; he receives a falary of £. 200 a year on the Eftabhfhmenr, and £.$ o on Incidents. It is his duty, without any ether remuneration than his falary, to attend daily at the Cuftom- Houfe, and anfwer all references, often to the amount of fifteen in a day, made to him by the Board ; to attend the Law Officers of the Crown and the Board's Counfel on Excife bufinefs, to take the opinion of Counfel on all cafes referred to them, either by fpecial order of the Commiffioners or at his own difcretion,
which however he rarely exercifes, it being the pradtice of the Board to refer every cafe in the firft inftance to the confideration of Examinanr, and if recommended by him, to dired Counfel to be confulted; to prepare all Informations for offences againlt the Excife Laws intended to be tried either before the Chief or Sub- Commiflioners, to attend the Board's Counfel with the fame, make copies thereof to be filed with the Clerk of the Informations, to attend the trials of fuch Informations held before the former in Dublin, and alfo all hearings in the Court of Appeals. Examinant receives, in addition to his Salary, according to an ufual and
long- eftabliflied rate, one guinea for the draft and one fliilling per fheet for the Copies of all Revenue Briefs laid before Counfel not relating to proceedings in the Courts of Law or Equity, and alfo 6s. 8d. for each motion in the Court of Appeals requiring the Appellant to profecute his appeal. For his own attendance or that of his Clerk, on Trials of Informations before Sub- Commiffioners in the country, he receives two guineas a- day, and his travelling expences; and for all other bufinels tranfaded as Solicitor to the Excife, he is entitled to charge his regular cofts. Local Agents are employed to tranfaft Revenue bufinefs at Aflizes,
and attend the Trials ot Informations in the counin', in the abfence of Examinant or his Clerk ; they are appointed by the Board without any interference on the part of the Solicitor, other than his reporting, if required, whether they are fit perfons to be fo employed. They furnilb regular Bills of Cofts, and charge for their trouble as Attornies; thole Bills of Cofts are ulually taxed by Examinant, except in cafes of Information againtl Paridies where unli- cenfed Stills have been found, which are generally taxed by the Clerk of the Crown of the Court of King's Bench, and after taxation fuch Agents receive the amount of their feveral Bills,
without the participation of Examinant diredly or indiredly in any of their profits. Examinant furnifhes generally once a- y ar an account of his charges and difburfemenrs for bufinefs done in all Revenue Cafes, not proceeded on in the Courts of Law or Equity, in which accounts he gives credit for all fums advanced to or received by him on account of the Revenue, but has furnilhed no Bills of Cofts for bufinefs of the latter defcription, fince his fiift appointment to the Office of Solicitor. By an order received from Government in the year 1803, the Attorney General is direded to be employed in all Revenue Cafes as well as the Board's
Counfel ; previous to which order, the Attorney General was employed as the Solicitor General is now, only in the Law and Equity Courts, and Court of Appeals, and in Cafes of Confutation. The rate of Fees to the Crown Lawyers, as well as to the Board's Counfel, is regulated according to the difcretion of the Solicitor, but the ulual Fee on each information is two guineas, and the like on a great proportion of Cafes fubmitced to their opinion; but a greater