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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland


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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland

Date of Article: 21/02/1809
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No Pages: 1
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* 7 7 6 ( Ireland.) EIGHTH REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS [ Appx. No. 65. ( D.) Aw ACCOUNT of the Particulars of the Sum ftated in the Account of all Inciden'a1 tin^ ent, nr Extraord nary Expences, as the Amount of Payments under the He^ d of I. AWCH in the Department of the EXCISE, for the Year ending jih January 1807 J diftinguilhing to and for what Purpofe paid. , Con- AR G ES, whom, TO Standish O'Grady, late Attorney General, amount of Fees for bufinefs done in the inland Department ---------- Geo. Carr, Administrator of the late Cooban Carr, formerly Solicitor, the balance due him for Law Charges and Dilburfements commercing 15th November 1793 to 20th November 1V02 ------ C. M. Ormsby, Board's Counsel, for perufing ar. d preparing the Excife Regu- lation Bills ------------ John Edwards, Solicitor, to be pa: d by him to Tho ® Latriffs, Attorney, being the amount of Damage and Cofls awarded again!} J > hn Downe;, Purveyor ofEvci'e - -- -- -- -- -- - H. D. O'Grady, board's Counsel, for bufinefs for the Inland Department, from the 3 1 ft M^ v 1805 to 26 h October 180J ------ John Edwards, Solicior, an advance -------- C. K, Bushe, Solicitor General, an ourt of Fees, for bufintfs done by him from 3 1 It October to id February 1806 -------- Richd Martin, Solicitor for the Cn- fual Revenue, an advance - John Bourne, Attorney, amount ot his Colls on the Norrh- Ea. t Circuit, Lent and Summer Assizes 180, --------- James Galbraith, Attorni- v, Bill'' f Cofts for bullnefs done on the North- Eaft Circuit, at Summer Assizes 1805 -------- John Edwards, Solicitor, balance, of his Bill of Coils, year ending 5th January 1805 - Henry D. Grady, one of the Board's Counfrl, Fees for bufinefs in the Inland Department, from 28th Odt ber 1805 to ig'h May 1806 - - - - W. C. Plunkett, Attorney General, Fees forbufinels in the Inland Depattmenr, from 23 d October 1805 to 2 1 It April 18- 6 - C. M. Ormsby, late first Counsel to the Revenue Fees from the S: h January 180; to 1 yth April 1806 --_-----'. St John Rounds, Expences ferving Notices of "' rial on Perfons in the County of Wicklow John Edwards, Solicitor, an advance Patrick Barrett, Attorney, Bill of Cols conducting the Profecution cf a Perfon who assaulted a Revenue Officer in the Diftrift of GaLvay - William Croker, Attorney, Bill of Coils for br. finefs done at the Lent Ailizes of Ennis - -- - - -- -- -- - Samuel Bradshaw, Solicitor for the King's Rer. ts, balance of his Bill cf Colls - John Edwards, Solicitor, an advance ------ Richd Martin - - D' James Galbraith, Attorney, amount of fundry Bills of Cofls whef- e Stills were seized ----------- Peter Burrowes, Board's Counsel, forbofinefs done in Exci:" e Department Richard Martin, Solicitor, the balance of his Bill of Cofls between 29th Sep- tember 1805 and 25- 11 March laft -------- Henry Robinson, Tide Waiter, Cost incurred by hitn 0: 1 a Profecution carried on against him - t Samuel Bradshaw, Solicitor, an advance ------- D" - - - D° Attorney General Plunkett, amount of Fees for bufinefs done to 5' h November H. D. Grady, Board's Counsel, for business. done to 5th November Richard Martin, Solicitor for the Casual Revenue, the balance of his Cofts to 29th September ------- _ P. Burrowes, Board's Counsel, Fees from 5th July to 5th November Solicitor General Bushe, D", from 22d April to D° - Geo. Taggart, Attorney, amoun of his Costs in Galway District - John Edwards, Solicitor, an advance -------- William Croker, Attorney, amount of Costs for business done in Ennis D'ftn't John Edwards, Solicitor, to pay Damages and Costs incurred by Meflrs. Day and Griffin John Browne, Attorney, amount of his 3ili of Costs John Bourne, Attorney, in full for his Coits incurred on the North- Eaft and Leinster Circuit, Lent Assizes 13o6 ------- Thos Chickley. Attorney, amount of a Bill of Costs for prosecuting sundry Persons per Order 26tn June 1806 - - - '- . " . . Express, with a Writ of Scire Facias and ferviug fame on Sheriff County Tyrone ----„__'_ £ 14,883 14 8i Incident Office, i Sept. 19th, 1808. j 77/ 0' Conolly, Exr of Incidents.
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