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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland


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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland

Date of Article: 21/02/1809
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
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N' 77> 78> 79-] oK FEES, G R A T U I T I E S , & c.-( Ex c i f e Duties.) t79 ( continued.) CORK PORT: Mr. Johnflon, Attorney, amount of his Bill of Cofts - i „ D U N D A L K : Messrs. Purcell, Tide Surveyor ; Reid, Coast Officer; and four Boatmen at Dun- dalk; amount of Fees left on the Calendar, having been found guilty of an Assault - LIMERICK: To the Sheriff, for holding an Inquiry - -•- « .. « , 8,599 i9 1 Fra. Kiernan, Exr. No. 65. ( A.) Aw ACCOUNT cf the Particulars of the Sum ftated in the Account of all Incidental, Contingent, or Extraordinary Expences, incurred in the Department of the EXCISE, for the year ending 5th. January 1804, as the amount of Payments under the Head of LAW CHARGES. rTO the Right honourable Arthur Browne, Prime Serjeant, amount of his Fees from 5 July to 5 December 1802 - -- -- -- -- Messrs. Dunn and Netterville, Attornies, amount of their Bill of Cofts John Edwards, Solicitor, an advance for to carry on the bufinefs of his Office Justice Osborne, late Counsel to the Cortimiffioners, the Balance of his Fees Richard Martin, Solicitor for the cafual Revenue; an advance for the bufinefs of his Office Richard Waller, being Costs due to Anthony Murphy - D. Courtney, Fees due to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, for fealing green wax process ------------- John Browne, Attorney, amount of his Bills of Cofts - Charles Osborne, Commissioners Counfel, amount of his Fees to 5 July 1802 - James Galbraith, Attorney ^ amount of his Bill of Cofts - Richard Martin, Solicitor, the Balance of his Cofts from 29th September to 25th March 1803 - Samuel Bradshaw, Solicitor for the cafual Revenue, an advance for the bufinefs of his Office - - - -- -- -- -- - Solomon Rounds, to enable him to attend Trials at Waterford - Amount of Costs and Damages awarded against Arthur Murphy, Ganger - Richard Martin, Solicitor, in advance - -- -- -- - Samuel Bradshaw, Solicitor for the King's Rents, the Balance of his Bill of Cofts H. D. Grady, Board's Counsel, amount of his Fees for business done - Robert Win, Attorney, being in full for his Cofts on a trial at Enniskillen - Richard Martin, Solicitor for the Casual Revenue, an advance - His Majefty's Solicitor General, amount of his Fees due for business done in the Inland Department ----------- John Fullarton, acting Solicitor, amount of Costs against Richd Kearney - C. M. Ormsby, Board's Counsel, Fees due to him from 15th December laft john Edwards, being Fees due to James Croker, junior, adting as Local Counfel at Tralee ------------ ! Richard Martin, Solicitor, amount of his Cofts ------ Right honourable S. J. Stewart, amount of Fees to 26 May 1803 Right honourable Isaac Corry, amount of his Fees for Trinity Term John Galbraith, Attorney, amount of his Bill of Gnfts - - - - - John Bourne, Attorney - - D° ------- • H. D. Grady, esquire, Board's Counsel, amount of his Fees to 26th November 1803 -'---- C. M. Ormsby, amount of his Fees to 26 November 1803 - - - John Stoyte, Attorney, amount of his Bill of Costs- for business done at Kilkenny Right honourable Standish O'Grady, Board's Counsel, amount of his Fees - Right honourable A. Browne, Prime Serjeant, amount of his Fees - Rd Martin, Board's Solicitor, an advance for the business of his Office - John Edwards, the Board's Solicitor, an advance 1 or the business of his Office - ' John Watts, Surveyor, hii Expences amending the Assizes of Omagh I I
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