The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 21/02/1809
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No Pages: 1
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{ continued.) Attorney General Plunkett, Fees commencing Michaelmas 1805, endina oth April 1806 - - - . - . - _ . . _ _ H. D. Grady, Board's Counsel, Fees commencing fame time, ending 19th April 1806 ----------- John Bourne, Attorney, Bill of Costs, for bufinefs at Carrickfergus in 1805 - C. M. Ormsby, Board's Counsel, Fees for perufmg and fettling the Cuftom Regu- lation Bill _ . . . ----- D0---- Fees due him, commencing Michaelmas Term 180;, ending 16th April 1806 ----- D0---- Fees as late Counfel, which would have been due to him had he been here, during his attendance in Parliament D° - - - - for preparing and fettling the
Money Bills of this Session - - - - - - - Richard Waller, Solicitor, on account of his Bill of Cofls - Fleetwood and Darley, Attorney's Bill of Cofts in the cafe of Kirkpatrick ao- ainft Weld - - ' - - _ - - - - - - - - Richard Waller and John Edwards, Solicitors, for their attendance in perufing the • Cultom Regulation Bill - -- -- -- -- - - - - - - D° - - - - - Quarter's Allowance to 1 oth Gflober - Solicitor General, usual Fees for perufing the Cullom Regulation and Jurifdiftion Bills Attorney General, the like - Peter Burrowes, Board's Counsel, the like H. D. Grady - - D° - - the like - - Richard Waller, Solicitor, an advance to enable him to attend Trials at
Cork - - - D° - - - on account - -- -- -- - Peter Burrowes, Board's Counsel, amount of Fees ------ Fees paid Counsellor Ellis, by Mr. Worthington, Surveyor General - - - Richard Waller, Solicitor, amount of h. s Bills of Cofts, commencing Eafter and ending Trinity Vacation 1806 ------- - - - - D° - - - an advance on account - - - - - H. D. Grady, Board's Counsel, amount of Fees, commencing Eafter Term, and ending 2d November 1806 - Reeves and Ormsby, Attornies, for preparing a Leafe of Ground at Dunlary - Peter Burrowes, Board's Counsel, amount of Fees, from 13th September to ad November 1806 - -- -- -- -- -- Solicitor General
Bushe, Fees due him from 8th March to 2d November i8c6 - Attorney General Plunkett - D° - from Eafter Term to 2d November 1806 - Richard Waller, Solicitor, Bills of Cofts, commencing Eafter Term, ending Mi- chaelmas 1806 - - - - BALLY RAINE: Samuel Sproule, Attorney, for attending Revenue business at Letteikenny - CORK: Richard Waller, Solicitor, an Advance ------- Mr. Connon, Collector Cork Excise, for attending a Revenue Trial Messrs. Franklin and Foot, Attornies, for preparing feveral Affidavits - DINGLE: Expences incurred in delivering Writs, at the Suit of the Crown - ENNIS: Mr. Greene, Attorney, for attending
the Sessions of rhe County of Clare, on Revenue business - - 7 . , " Bryan M'Mahon, local Agent, Bill cf Cofts on the Prosecution againlt Edm" Vaughan and Daniel M'Mahon , . - D E R R Y: Richard Waller, Solicitor, on account of Expences on Trials at Derry and Cole- raine - - - - - " John Harwood, exp^ nces ------ Fra. Kienian, Examr No. 64.] ON FEES, G R A T U I T I E S , See. —( Excife Dutiss.)