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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland


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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland

Date of Article: 21/02/1809
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
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100 Appendix, N° 44. Appendix, N* 45. Appendix, N° 37. Appendix, IVS 46 & 47- ( Ireland.)— Eighth REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS [ Excife pradices, they will be prompted to exert themfelves in the difcovery and purluit of the illicit Trader, while the vigilance of the regular Officers, if properly encouraged and affifted, will be fufficient to guard againft any extended fyftem of connivance between him and the preventive Officers. In this capacity the Supervifors and Colle& ors in the Hearth- money Department, amounting to 144 in number, and who already have the power of making leizures, might, we think, be employed with great advantage, and without any additional charge to the Public. While performing the duties of their refpe& ive offices, they would have fre- quent and peculiarly favourable opportunities of difcovering private Stills or Malthoufes, and of dete& ing perfons felling Spirits without Licence, or committing the various other frauds pra& ifed againft this branch of the Revenue. Should the Excife Duty on Tobacco be rendered payable before the Tobacco leaves the King's ( lore, according to the fuggeftion in our laft Report, and no Drawback allowed on the exportation of unmanufactured Tobacco, which is the cale iti England, the feveral Accounts kept by theRegifter General of Tobacco, delcribed in the annexed Examination, o ' would become unnecelfary, and this office might be difpenfed with ; and if the ftamping of Cards and Dice, fhould be transferred to the Stamp Office, as likewife figgefted in our laft Report, the Officers of the Stamp Matters and their Affiftants would become ufelefs. Of the fame de- fcription are the Office of the Tobacco Stock Officers, the Inland Excife and Malt Permit Offices, and the Infpeftor of Malt bufinefs. By the Examination of one of the Tobacco Stock Officers, it appears that little benefit can refult to the Public from that Eftablifliment. To the three latter Offices 110 duties are now attached, and to the firft of them, no perfon has been appointed for fome years; the Officers of the Malt Per- mit Office, and the Infpector of Malt bufinefs, have been for lome time paft under fufpenfion, as however they continue to be enumerated as part of the Eftablilhment, and have falaries refpedively affigned to them, we have thought it right to include them in the Lift of fuch as we conceive ought no longer to exift. Though we thus propofe to abolifh the Excife and Malt Permit Offices, we continue of opinion that a general Excife Permit Office, as recommended in our Fifth and Sixth Reports, for Spirits and Malt, would be, if pro- perly arranged and conducted, an ufeful Eftablifhment. To this Lift we may likewife be permitted to add fome offices 011 the Cuftom Efta- biifhment, which appear to come within the fame defcription ; viz. The Paymafter of Corn Bouuties in the Port of Dublin, and the Exa- miner of Corn Bounties, whole reipe& ive duties are detailed in the an- nexed Examinations, and the Land Carriage Officers. The only boun- ties payable 011 Corn exported from Ireland, fince the abolition in 1806, of the bounty on exportation to Great Britain, are thofe 011 Foreign export, which, under . the exifting Laws, will very rarely take place.; fhould, however, any fuch occur in the Port of Dublin, the bounties might be paid by the Colleaor, in like manner as they have hitherto been by the other Port Collectors, and the Regifter General of Corn Returns, might perform all the other funaions of the Paymafter. The office of the Examiner of Corn Bounties does not appear to be neceffary, as the . Corn
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