The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 21/02/1809
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No Pages: 1
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430 ( Ireland.) Eighth REPORT of THE COMMISSIONERS [ Appendix ( continued ) To John Croker, Surveyor General, two guineas a- day while attending Donegal and Derry Assizes - - - - - f - Thomas Wetherall; for examining the Board's Solicitor's Accounts - - Richard Waller and John Edwards, Board's Solicitors, one year's Salary, to 5th Ja- nuarv 1804 t - William Preston, Richard Moore, ttc. Sic. Commissioners of Appeal ; amount of ' rheir Salaries, at £. 50 a year each To sundry Sub- Commissioners of Excife, for the number of Days they fat on Revenue Trials in this \ tar Custom House, Dublin, October 29th, 1805. 6,901
12 3f. Fra. Kieman> Examiner of Incidents. 1 The difference be'ween the Total of this Account, and the Sum of£. 6, q 12. 12s 3d. formerly returned, ariks from a clerical error committed by a Clerk who is not now in office. Francis Kiernait, Examiner. No. 64. ( B.) An A C C O U NT of the Particular' of the Sum of £. 4,351. I6j. cd. dated in the Account of all Incidental Expences, under the Head of LAW C « ARG- ES, in the Department of the CUSTOMS ; for the Year encing 5th January 1805. DUBLIN: TO Richd Waller, Solicitor, for the Port Department amount of his Bill of Cofts - John Glasse, Attorney, amount of his Bill of Cods -
Willm Cosgrave, D°; amount of his Bill of Colls in an Aftion brought againft the Collector of Wexford Richd Waller, Solicitor, an advance -------- C. M. Ormsby, Board's Counsel, amount of his Fees t » 6th April 1S04 Rt hon. Mr. Prime Serjeant Browne, amount of Fees due to him ... Rt hon the Attorney General O'Gradv, the like ------ Rt hon. Mr. Solicitor General, the like ------- H. D. Grady, esq. Board's Counsel, the like ------- Richd Waller, Solicitor, an advance -------- - - - D° - - - the Balance of his Costs Amount of Fees paid the Attorney General and Solicitor General, refpefting the Duties on Woollens --'--_.-_--- Josh Miller,
Attorrey, amount of his Bill of Cols for preparing a Leafe of Mr. Murphy's Stores ------- ... j Richd Waller, Solicitor, amount of his Bill of Cofts for fuing on Colleftor's Bonds - - - D* - - - in advance for Law Difburfements - - - - C. M. Ormsby, Board's Counsel, amount of Fees ------ H . D. Grady", I) 0 - - - - D° - - - - - . - . Rt hon. Mr. Prime Serjeant Browne* amount of his Feesas Crown Lawyer Richd Waller, Solicitor, sn advance to put the Bonds of all deceaftd and difniifled Collectors in Suit ----------- Rt hon. Solicitor Genl Plunkett, amount of Fees due to him as Crown Lawyer - Rt hon, the Attorney Genl O'Grady, amount of Fees due to
him as Crown Lawyer Richd Waller, Solicitor, for an Abstract of all Revenue Leales for the ufe of the Surveyor of the Revenue Buildings - - • - - - - D" - - - the amount of his Bills of Colli - - - - DERRY: Andrew Alexander, Attorney, for attending on Trials - WEXFORD: A Commissioner, for taking the Affidavit of the fen- ice of fix Writs on the Sheriff- - - D° - - for f. i earing an Affidavit -------- Delivering la- Writ- to the Sheriff againft the Heirs of the late Geo. Parker - BALLYRAINE: John Caldwell, Preventive Surveyor, his Expences for felf and Witneffies attendance cn Revenue Profecutions - - - . - " _ _ . NEWRY: A Commiffioner, for
having the Sheriff of the Connty of Down served with a Writ of Scire Facias -