The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 21/02/1809
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No Pages: 1
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•^ 54 ( Ireland'.)—" EI'GI- ITH'REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS [ Appx. fhall carry the fame to the credit of the Public Account ; and the Parchment Sorter fhall deliver an account of the meafure and value of each roll of Parchment to the Comptroller, after the fame fhall have been fo cut and meafured. A Cafli Book and Ledger fhall be kept by the Cafnier, and balanced annually on the firft of January. All monies received from time to time by the Cafhier, fhall be paid by him into an account to be opened at the Bank of England, in the names of the Comptroller and Calhier of His Majefty's Stationary Office; and no money fliall
be drawn from that account without the joint fignature of the Comptroller and- Cafhi<* r; nor lhall the Cafhier authorize any payment without the Comptroller's approbation. The Comptroller lhall inform himfelf accurately of the amount of money paid - from time to time to the Cafhier of the Stationary Office, by having recourfe to the Departments making the faid payments, and by frequent examination of the ftate of the Cafh at the Bank and in the hands of the Cafhier, who fhall furnifh him with a weekly Account of all Receipts and Payments, together with a lift of Bills be- coming due in the fucceeding week. The Balance of Calh
fhall be ftruck, when required by the Comptroller; but it lhall be cbferved as an invariable rule, that the Cafh Account fhall be cloftd, and the Balance carried forward on the firft of January in each year. When the Account is fo clofed, there fhall be annexed a lift of all Arrears due from the feveral Offices, and the fums owing to the feveral dealers on that day. To every quarterly Account the proportionate amount of the expence of the Sta- tionary Office for the faid quarter fhall be added, charging eacli Public Office ac- cording to the proportion which the amount of the Stationary furnifhed to each bears to the quarterly general
expenfe of the Stationary Office; and the Comp- troller lhall certify the proper fum to be paid by the faid fcveral Offices. At the end of every quarter the account of each Office fhall be delivered, and payment then demanded accordingly. Ail appointments of Officers, Clerks, or other perfons employed or to be em- ployed in the Office or Warehoufes, lhall be regiftered in the Comptroller's books, and alfo in the Office for auditing the Public Accounts. The Comptroller fhall: alio fee that the feveral Officers do the duty required of them. No contingent ex- pences whatever lhali be incurred or paid without the concurrence nnd
approbation of the Comptroller. No coals, candles, oil, turnery wares, or any other articles fhall be allowed, except for the ufe of the Stationary Offices and Warehoufes ; the allowance for private ufe is ftriCtly prohibited. The Comptroller fhall infpeCt and fign, from time to time, ail Books of Accounts relating to or kept in the Office; which Books of Accounts, and all other official Bocks, Papers, and Accounts, lhall be deemed public property, and fhall not, cn any pretence whatever, be taken away. The Calh Account, atcei being examined and counterfigned by the Comptroller, fhall be annually trar. fmitted to the Commiffioners for
auditing the Public Ac- counts, duly attefted on oath by the Comptroller and Cafhier, together with the Stock Account, attefted by the Storekeeper, and all other Documents and Vouchers in fupport thereof, as foon as the lame can be made up, not exceeding twelve months from the annual period of fuch Accounts; and no payment fhall be ad- mitted fubfequent to the day on which the Account is ftated to be clofed, in order that the balance cf Cafh may be accurately afcertained. A Book fhall be kept, in which lhall be entered all the Regulations prefcribed for the government of the Stationary Office. The Comptroller lhall take care
that a fufficient number of thefe Regulations be printed, and a Copy thereof delivered to all Officers on the Eftublifhment, with an injunction to govern themfelves accord- ingly, fo far as they are refpeCtively concerned. All Officers and Servants are hereby enjoined to obey fuch further Injunctions as. the Comptroller may from time to time - think it neceflary to iflue for the better conducting the bufinefs of the faid Office.