The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 21/02/1809
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No Pages: 1
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No. 56.1 OK FEES, GRATUITIES, &<?.-( Excife.) 251 of the Examiners of Excife, of Gaugers Books, of Hearth- money, and of Permit Vouchers, the Examiner of Surveyors and Land Waiters Books, the Examiner of Surveyors Diaries, and the Inlpedor General of Hearth- money j all thefe Perfons have the priyjlege of fending and receiving, free of poftage, Enelifh as well as Irifn letters. All letters inwards are brought to the Office of the Clerk of the Poftage, accompanied by a docket from the Poft Office, dating the number of letters- or packages, and the amount of ( he poftage; they are directed fometimes to the Office, and
fometimes to the individuals by name. They are ufually made up in bundles, the poftage of each amounting from £. 1 to £. ib or £. zo. Examinant reckons the bundles, and compares the poftage maiked on them with the charges in the docket; he then feleds the letieisof the feveral Commiffioners and of the two Secretaries, the remainder he delivers to the mefTeogers, to be by them diftributed among the Offices. All letters to be fent outwards are brought to his Office, and being ftamped by Examinant, or his Affiftant, with C. H. are fent by him to the Poft Office, accompanied by a docket containing the number lent. The private
letters are not generally initialed by the individuals to whom the/ belong, but diredpd in their hand- writing. By the Board's regulations, Examinant is to take care that no private letter fliall go cut or come in with a fcaled inclofure, but he admits that if the inclofure is wafered, it will be very difficult of detedion. Exa- minant is direded by the Board to ufe his difcretion as to the number of private letters to be received by or lent from any individual the number he allows to pafs in a day feldom exceeds two, but js never above three. At the clofe of cach week Examinait makes up two accounts ( one for Cuftoms, the other for . Excife) which
are fent to the Examiner of Poftage along with the Poft Office dockets. The Examiner compares the accounts with the dockets, dividing the whole charge on account of Revenue Poftage between the Cuftoms and Excile, and certifies a moiety to each Board, whereupon an incident order Iffues for payment to be made to the Clerk of Poftage accordingly. The Clerk of the Poftage pays every Saturday to the Cleik of the Alphabet in the Poft Office, the whole amount of the Revenue Poftags for the week ending the Thurfday preceding, agreeably to the dockets received from the Poft Office, faking his receipt either on the docket or on
the weekly account. Examinant attributes the great increafe of Revenue Poftage in the laft year to the regu! ations of the Excife Board, re- quiring all Permits and Permit Vouchers to be returned by poft to the Examiner cf Permit Vouchers, and to the pradice of fending by poft other packages, which formerly were conveyed by car6, or by the mail coaches, as parcels. Of the letters received by the Receiver General, Examinant has no knowledge, but the Poft Office fends monthly to the Receiver General a docket of his pottage inwards; this he fends to Examinanr, who lays it before the Board of Cuftoms, who make an order for the
payment. The letters outwards from the Receiver General are fent to Examinant's Office with the other Revenue letters, and included in the Poft Office docket for poftage inwards. The Commiffioners and Secretaries of the two Boards, and Clerk of the Poftage, receive Englilh and Irifh Newspapers; the expence of the former is paid out of Incidents, that of the latter is charged in the Houfekeeper's Accounts. Examinant receives no Fee, Gratuity, or Perquifne of any nature or kind whac- foever, except the Salary and Allowances above mentioned. Fredk Geale, J• E. Madden. Rob' Alexander, Charles Saxton.