The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 21/02/1809
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No Pages: 1
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422 ( Ireland.) Eighth REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS [ Appendix No. 55. ( B.) AM ACCOUNT of the Amount of Revenue Pertage in Dublin, exclufive of the Receiver General'* Portage; for Five Years, ending 5th January 1808 ; diftinguithing cach Year, and the Portage Out- wards from the Portage Inwards. Cuftom- houfe X9', h July , Dublin, "} 1008. 5 J. E. Madden, Clerk, Portage. No. 56. The Examination of J. E. MADDEN, Esquire; taken upon Oath, the 28th of July and iftof Auguft 1S0S. This F. xaminant faith, That he is Clerk of the Poftage for the Departments orCuftoms and Excile. He has a Salary'of £. 100 on the
Cuftoms Eftablifhment, 20 guineas a- year for extra trouble, 10 guineas for fupplying Tide notes at the Caftle, and 40 guineas for his trouble in paying meffengers, exprefles, and carriage ol books; the three laft are paid out of Cuftom Incidents. The following perlons have the privilege of re- ceiving and fending private letters free of poftage: the Commiftioners of both Boards, the two Secretaries, and all the Clerks in the Offices of the two Secretaries, the Surveyors General, the lnfpectors General, the two Accountants General, the two Clerks of the Abflrad, the Examinators of Cuftoms, Excife, and Hearth- money, the Examiner of
Surveyors and Land Waiters Books, the Examiner of Surveyors and Gaugers Books, the Examiner of Incidents, the Infpeftor of Re- venue VefTels, and the Examiner of Coaft Office s Diaries, the Examiner of Sur- veyors Diaries, the Examiner of Permit Vouchers, the Regifter General of Tobacco, the Clerks of the' Stationary Stores of both Cuftoms and Excife, the Examiners of Information Books for Cuftoms and Excife, the Clerks of Informations for Cuftoms and Excife, the Boards Counfel, and the Solicitors f < r both Departments, the Solicitors fir the Kings Rents and cafual Revenue, and the Examiner of Au& ion Duties, the
Collectors of the Port and Diftrifts of Dublin, the Col- lector of the County of Dublin, the Examiner of Navy Payments, the Examiner of Fifhing Bounties, the Examiner and Certifier of Fees, the Examiner of Spirit Books, the Clerk of the Securities, the Clerk of the Quit Rents, the Infpedor General of Imports and Exports, the Regifter General of Shipping, and the Receiver General. Examinant computes the number of Perfons who thus fend and receive their letters free of poftage to be about no; and, with the exceptions of