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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland


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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland

Date of Article: 21/02/1809
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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' JILFAL- Kos. 54,55.] ON FEES, GRATUITI ES, & c.-( Excife.) JN'o. 54, Aw ACCOUNT of all Incidental, Contingent, or Extraordinary Expences incurred in the Department of the Excife ; for One Year, ending the Sih January 1S08; diftinguifliing the Amount paid under each of the following Heads refpeftively. Allowances to Officers for Houfe Rent, & c Salaries ---------- Penfions .... Rents - Seizing private Stills - - - - - . Law Cnarges ------ ____ Officers Expences or. Infpeftions « ---___ Officers Expences on their Removal under the late General Arrangement Stamps _ _ Compenfation and Gratuities -------- Poftage - - - - Auditor General'sFees on pafiing Colleftor's Accounts - Taxes 011 Revenue Houfes - - - -- -- - Collectors Allowances on Navy Payments ----- Medical Aid, and Sick Allowances ------- Gauging Inftruments - -- -- -- -- Fees on appointing of Cotnmiffioners ------ Fees on Green Wax Procefs -------- Advertisements ---------- Exprefles and Carriage of Books ------- Maps ------------ Furniture ----------- Cafuals.' - -.-.--..-. Subfiftence to difabled Officers Militia - Buildings and Repairs - -- -- -- - Coals and Candles - -- -- -- -- Englifti Newspapers - -- -- -- -- Houfekeeper's Dilburfements -------- Boats on Lough Erne - -- -- -- -- Travelling Charges - -- -- -- -- Transmitting Prisoners --------- Army of Reserve ---------- Delerter Stationary and Printing --------- Fras Kiernati, Examr Cuftom- Houfe, \ Deduft Amount of Stamps on Hearth- money, Acquit- May 3d, 1808 tances, and on Permits and Certificates received by Colleftor of Dublin Excife, which he dedufted from his Incidental Accounts in this Year - - - j No. 55. ( A.) An ACCOUNT of the Sums charged on Cuftoms and Excif: Incidents, under the Head of Poftage; for Five Years, ending 5th January 1808. Years ending 5th January 1804. 1805 - 1896 1807 i - - - 1 Amount D* D° D° 11,19+ 17 12,096 6 14,940 11 16,757 12 26,242 o d. 9 7 3f 9 i II Francis Kiernan.
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