The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 21/02/1809
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No Pages: 1
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418 ( Ireland.) Eighth REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS [ Appendix No. 46. The Examination of RICHARD F. SHARKEY, Esquire; taken upon Oath, the 19th and 25th days 6f July I8D8. " This Examinant faith, That he is Pavmafter of the Bounties on the export of Com from the Port of Dublin, which office he has filled for four years, during which period he has had but one demand made on him for Bounty, although, at that time, there was Bounty al- lowed on the export to Great Britain. He receives from the Colleilors of the feveral Ports, a return of the prices of Corn, Grain, & c. made to them by the chief magiftrate of the
Port, copies of which he fends weekly to the Regifter of Corn Returns in Dublin. He like wife receives from the Collectors half- yearly, an account of all Corn, Grain, & c. exported and ( hipped coaftways, from their feveral Ports refpe& ively. It is his duty to exa- mine whether the export has, in all cafes, been comformable to law, and to make, half- yearly, a report thereof to the Commiffioners of Cuftoms, and to lay a copy of his report before the Lord Lieutenant, but he does not recollect ever to have reported an inftance of an Export having taken place contrary to law. It is likewife his duty to fend to each Collector in Ireland, an
account of each Port wherein the export of Corn, Grain, & c. ( hall be prohibited, but he does not recollect ( even when the export to Great Britain was under limitation) more than one or two . inftances to have occurred requiring the exercife of this branch of his duty. Examinant faith, That he receives a falary ot £. 340 per annum, out of which he pays to a Clerk £. 22. 155. per annum. He has likewife the ufe of a houfe, the rent and taxes ot which, as well as his coals and candles, are paid by the Revenue; thefe he eftimates at £. 153. 7s. per annum, rendering his total net emolument j£, 470. 12s. per annum. He does not receive
any Fee, Gratuity, Perquifite, or other Emolument, of any nature or kind whatfoever. Rich. F. Sharkey. Fredk Geale, Robert Alexander, Charles Saxton. No. 47. The Examination of PAUL LE BAS, Esquire; taken upon Oath, the 19th and 2zd days of July iSo8. This Examinant faith, That he is Examinator of Corn Bounties; it is his duty to examine all Vouchers and Bounty Papers for the payment of Bounties on the export of Corn, Grain, Malt, Meal, and Flour from Ireland, which ( hall be produced to him, and to keep an account ol fame ; for this purpofe he goes to the Accountant General's Office, and takes from it the Collectors
Quarterly Accounts, and if any Papers fur Bounty on the export of Corn are returned with them, he examines them; but Examinant admits that all fuch Papers muft have previoufly undergone the examination of the Examinator of Cuftoms, before the Board's order for payment of the Bounties could have been obtained. Examinant faith, That fince the abolition of the Bounties on the export of Corn to Great Britain, which took place in 1806, he does not recolleft an inftance of a Corn Bounty Paper having been found by him returned with any of the Collectors • Quarterly Accounts, except one or two cafes for Exports which had taken
place previous to 1806. He has a falary of £. 300 per annum on the Cuftom Eftablifhment, and has received an annual grant of £. 200 from Parliament for his trouble in keeping the Accounts of his Office. Helikewifeis paid out of the Cuftom Revenue^". 211. 2;. 2 d. per annum, as compenfition for the lofs of Fees, in confequence of the abolition of the Inland Canal and Coaft Bounties on the carriage of Corn to Dublin, of which he was • fir many years the Examinator, He receives no Fee, Gratuity, Perquifite, or other Emolument, of any nature or kind whatsoever. Paul Le Bas. Fredk Geale, Robert Alexander, Charles Saxton.