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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland


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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland

Date of Article: 21/02/1809
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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N' 77> 78> 79-] OK FEES, G R A T U I T I E S , & c . - ( E x c i f e Duties.) t79 Preventive Surveyors Names. ( continued.) Allan Armstrong Francis Waldron Allan Armstrong Francis Waldron James Stafford - James Stafford * Richard Irwine - James Stafford Richard Irwine James Stafford - Richard Irwine - Horses. 4 3 Malt. i Sack Gallons Whifkjr. Tob. icco. Ending 5th January 1807. 141 ... 6 ,3 ... 3 Ending 5th 2 73 January 1808. 10 18 7 3 8 18 Cavan; Year ended 5th January 1805. Edwd Hardman, Junr No. 44. The Examination of JOHN HATHORN, Esquire; taken upon Oath, the 18th day of November 1807. This Examinant faith, That he is chief Clerk in the Office of the Regifter General of Tobacco; his firft appointment in the, Office took place in the year 1788; in the year 1794 he was appointed to his prefent fituation by commiffion. The duty of the Regifter • General of Tobacco is to keep an account of all Tobacco imported, and how it is difpofed of. The principal Books kept in the Office are, an Import Ledger, a Bond Ledger, a. Permit Entry Book, an Excife Ledger, a Letter and Order Book. A feparate blue Book is given to the Land Waiter for every cargo of Tobacco imported, and returned monthly to the Office of the Regifter General. The importers of Tobacco make monthly returns of the particulars of all Tobacco fold and delivered by them in the month, fpecifying the date of fale, the purchafer's name and place of abode, the date of entry inwards, the ( hips and mafters names, the plantation mark and number, the landing mark and number, and the weight at importation, and weight at delivery on fale of each hogfhead. Thefe returns made by the importers are never figned by the purchafers. In Dublin they are made dircdly to the Regifter, and in the out- ports to the Colleftor of the Diftrift, who from them makes out a general return for his Diflri6t for the Regifter. Separate accounts of each quantity of Tobacco exported are made out for the Regifter General, and fent to him once a month figned by the Debenture Officer in Dublin, and by the Land Waiter in the out- ports, and in both cafes certified by the Colleftor; they contain the name of the veffel in which exported, the matter's name, the Port of deftination, the number of caflcs exported and the weight, the time when the Duty was bonded or paid, the importer's name, the veffel in which imported, the date of invoice, and the date ot exportation, the plan- 52. 3 Q tatl0n
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