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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland


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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland

Date of Article: 21/02/1809
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
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414 .^ Ireland.')— EIGHTH REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS [ Appx. the City of Dublin within the circular road, who are required by law to have Licences, take them out in proper time. It is his general practice, a fhort time be- fore the period for taking out Licences arrives, to require the Officers under him to make a return, as well of thofe perfons who had been licenfed in the laft year, as of thofe who propofe to take out Licences for the enfuing year ; and after having re- ceived fuch return he goes round to all the Traders mentioned therein, to fee that they have regularly taken out their Licences; but Examinant is not furnifhed at the Cuftom Houfe with any Lift of the Traders who have been fo licenfed. It is his practice, and that of his Officers, to go round his Survey, to detect perfons fraudulently dealing, who have no Licence; but neither he or his Officers have, fince his appoint- ment, discovered any perfon fo trading. Examinant has been occafionally in charge of the South Survey, and while acting in that fituation, has made a very accurate In- fpection thereof, but did not difcover. any perfon trading without a Licence. J. S. Rochfort, Fredk Geale, Robt Alexander, John Hamilton. William Kelly. No. 42. The Examination of WILLIAM B. SWAN, Esquire j taken upon Oath, the 14th day of January 1809. This Examinant faith, That he is Infpector General of Excife and Licences of Ireland. That there are attached to the Office of the Collector of the County of Dublin, two Licence Sur- veyors, eight Licence Officers, two fupernumerary E) 0, and one Affiftant: that thefe Officers have been generally appointed from perfons unacquainted with Revenue bufinefs, and he conceives they do very little ufeful duty as Licence Officers: he alio thinks, that the Land Carriage Officers are a very ufelefs Eftablishment. Examinant faith, that perfons taking out a Licence to retail Spirits in Dublin, Cork, Waterford, or Limerick, are entitled to receive an allowance out of their Licence Duty, not exceeding one- third of fame, in proportion to the quantity of ftrong beer or ale they ( hall refpectively fell. Examinant is of opinion, that frauds to a great extent are committed in obtaining this allowance, and that it fhould be discon- tinued. J. S. Rochfort, Fredk Geale, Robert Alexander, Chas Stewart Hawthorne. Wm B. Swan, Inspector General of Ireland. No. 43. AN A C C O U N T of the SEIZURES made by PREVENTIVE SURVEYORS, and of the FINES levied in confequence thereof, in the Diftrifts of KILLYBIGS, SLIGO, and CAVAN; for Four Years, ending 5th January 1808; diftinguifhing each Year and each Diftrict. Preventive Surveyors Names. Wm Mostyn Allan Armstrong Francis Waldron Wm Mostyn Allan Armstrong Francis Waldron Horfes. Malt. Gallons Whifky. Tobacco. o £ Sligo and Killybegs; Year ending 5th January 1805. 2 Bass 0 1 Sack 28 11 8 10 I Ending 5th January 1806. 3 10 * 3 64 3s 3 5 9 8 1 1 5 12 Amount of Fines. ( continue J. J
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