The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 21/02/1809
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Volume Number: Issue Number:
No Pages: 1
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Nos. 39,40, & 4 i . ] ON FEES, G R A T U I T I E S , & c.-( Excife Duties.) 239 No. 39. The Examination of Wm JOLLY, Esquire j taken upon Oath, the 7th day of July 1808. This Examinant faith, That he is Pro- Collector of Excife for the District: of the County of Dublin • the Collectors Office is held in the Cuftom Houfe in the City of Dublin. Formerly the Duties impofed on all Licences for dealing in excifeable com- modities within the Diftri& s of both the City and County of Dublin, were received at that Office, but at prefent the receipt of thofe Duties is vefted in the Stamp Office. 1 All the Duties of Excife payable by Traders in the
Diftridt of the County of Dublin, are received by the Collector at his Office in the Cuftom Houfe in the City of Dublin j the Collector likewife receives the Quit Rents both of the City and County of Dublin ; only a fmall portion of thefe Rents are paid at his Office, the remainder are collected by perfons appointed by the Collector. Fredk Geale, • Wm Jollybert Alexander, Charles Saxton, Chas Stewart Hawthorne. No. 40. AN ACCOUNT of the Amount of the DUTIES received by the Colleflor of the County of DUBLIN, for Three Years, ending 5th January 1808. Diftinguifliing each Year, and each Heati of Duty. Sam1 Hood, Assist Examr
Excise. April 2d, 1808. No. 41. > ,- I 1 The Examination of Mr. WILLIAM KELLY, Surveyor of Licences; taken upon Oath, the 13th day of January 1809. This Examinant faith, . . c ... That he is a Surveyor of Licences in the North Survey in the Diftnct of Dublin . he was appointed in the year 1803. His duty is- to fee that aU perfons refidingm 52. ,