The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 21/02/1809
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Volume Number: Issue Number:
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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( Ireland.) EIGHTH REPORT OP THE COMMISSIONERS Grofs Amount of Duration How Salaries and fixed Allowance?. Name. appointed. oilier Emoluments. Inteteft. Officers. D DISTRICT, Geo. Griffith Edwd T. Savage John McNeal Jos. Richardson Will. Armstrong • Jno McDowell Geo. Bingham Chas Jordon Jas. Espey Willm Finlay Joseph O'Connor Leond Dick - John Kelly - John Pollock Perfon. Commiffion, Ple. ifure. Hearth- money Collector Giles Shelton Abram King John Stannistreet Barry Leake Danl O'Leary Thos Coates Will. Eager - Willm Hunt - Gaugers Perfon. ( Commiffion Pleafure. Patk Doran - Rogr Lambard
Danl Mahony Chas Frizell Robt Bernard E. McGillicudey Supy Gaugers Supervifor of Hearth- money. Hearth- money Collectors. Collector John Swift Geo. Askins Geo. Wm Foster Mawe Cuff Saml Holderness Jno Hillman Patrick Proudfoot Lewis Morgan Rd G. Kellet Robt N. Tomkins Robt Roberts Edwd Fitzpatrick - John Ward John Norcott Jno Wilson - John Wynne Ralph Charleton - John Moore Saml Querne Isaac Jones - Henry Mulloy John Little - Ham. Richardson - Edwd. Mulligan - John Magrath John Lamenson - Robt Johnston - Valentine Chaloner James Naghton - Nichs Dale - joseph Armstrong Thos Headon
Surveyors ) Commiffion Pleafuie. Perfun, Gangers Supv Gaugers 1,320 11/ 11