The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 21/02/1809
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Volume Number: Issue Number:
No Pages: 1
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202 ( Ireiand.')— EIGHTH REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS [ Appx. N° of Officers. Defcription. Name. MARYBOROUGH DISTRICT— continued. 3s 44 Supernumerary Gaugeis - - Supervifor of Hearth- money Hearth money CulieClois - Brought forward - Walter Vandeleur John Rea - Thos Lewen Sargent Pratt . Rodney Peacocke Joseph Calcutt Chas Meredith - Jas Lawless Thos Palmer Willm Brereton - Will. Mitchell Warren Tarleton - NAAS DISTRICT. 24 4i Col! e£ lor - - Surveyors - - Gaugers - - Supernumerary Gaugers - . Supervifor of Hearth- money. Hearth- money Colleitors Patrick Welch Joseph Frizell Richd
Conway Adam Leech Denis O'Regan - Peter Conway john Atkinson - Hugh Henderson George Meares - George Cowell - Walker Davenport Francis Morton - Heny Ferris Jno Long - Barrington Lodge John Roberts Wm Hughes Thos Carter Richd Gratton - Robt Bridges James Williams - Peter Bell - John Ivie - Thos Hipwell Will. A. Hunt - Jno N. Wade - W. D. Harvey Jas Williams" - Owen Greaghan - Booth Dawson - john Barrington - Robr Pear - Edwd O'Neill Thos O'Flaherty - Willm Hops - | Chas Warren Thos Thompson - Peter Burchell Thos Taylor Patk Wemys Robt Craig - N. E W R Y DISTRICT. Surveyor Gaugers - - Sup1'
Gauger Hearth- money ColleClors John White - Andw Wallace John Mortimer Willm Black - Law. Sankey Neal Gilmore Edwd Boland Thos Woolsey Wm Bryden John Irwine How appointed.