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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland


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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland

Date of Article: 21/02/1809
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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Full (unformatted) newspaper text

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* 7 7 6 ( Ireland.) EIGHTH REPORT OF THE C O M M I S S I O N E R S [ Appx. N° of Officers. Defcription. Name. How appointed. LOUCIIREA DISTRICT. 16 27 Colle& or - - Coir « Clerk - Surveyors- - Gaugcrs - - Sup* Gaugers Supervifor of Hearth- money Hearth- money Collectors Jno Power Trench J. Ormsby - Arthur Lynott Matw McDonogh - Ambrose Rushe - Fras Sargent - Tobias Long Robt Leech - Wm McDermott - Edwd Cane - Richd Pilkington - James Dawes James Roche Patrick French Will Carroll Arthur Murphy - Lewis Potter James Comer Jas Haskins - EdWd Kearney John Merrick Denis Dale - ' John Dolphin Carbery Byrne CommilTion. By Collector. V Commiffion. / | John Stuart John Donnellnn Addison Low LONDONDERRY DISTRICT. Surveyors - - Gaugers - - Sup'' Gangers Hearth money Collectors Wm Hendrick Henry Hervcy Basil Gray Daniel Glennan Adam Tedlie Thos Hearse - Alexr Ogilby Thos Giles - Nath. Gordon J. M. Hitchcock Edwd Bates - Fras O'Kane Willm Hudson Matw Quin - Mich. F. Ryan Joseph McCay Lau. Dooley - Jno Caldwell Heny N. Elliott Commiffior.. / . LETTERKENNY DISTRICT. Surveyors Gaugers - - Sup5' Gaugers Chas Dunlevie Geo. Cooke John McIlroy Fras McClure Geo. Macartney Andw Gray - Elias Murphy John Moore - Chas M Neill John Hackett Edward Moran Robt Whyte - CommilTion. Duration of Ir. tereft. V Pleafure. ITeafure. Pleafure. How executed. in Perfon & } by a Clerk. S Perfon. Grofs Amount of Perfon. £ Perfon.
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