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The Glocester Herald


Printer / Publisher: G.F. Harris 
Volume Number: VIII    Issue Number: 385
No Pages: 4
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The Glocester Herald
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The Glocester Herald

Date of Article: 11/02/1809
Printer / Publisher: G.F. Harris 
Address: Herald Office, St John's Lane
Volume Number: VIII    Issue Number: 385
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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- lj. 1. f /&? A /£ TF A^ NRR- 5 A- U A PRINTED AND PUBLISHED, FOR IE PROPRIETORS, BY G. F. HARRIS. ILfjLiMK. VO_ r. 17/ 7. ATo. , SC5. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1809. PKICE SIXPENCE. W1' LVS-^ V.) A. Y'S POST. CONDON. TUi-. su <\\ FEBRUARY 1. WE arc extremely sorry to stale the separation ol the expvtUUtm under life command of. Va- jor- Gen. Sherbmoke, \ rIm- juaU< Sl from Portsmouth on the VSVh v\ U. wpiMJu'tl to be- destined to take possession of Ceuta; the Lord lidetl transport, one o{ Vl\ e. convoy, \ mback to VWv'iwunrt. h on Friday : she separated trom the ml of lhc tied on t - heSOlb in Vat. 4$. a'O. long. TO. 50. \ V. in a tre- mendous gale, at u hich time only thirteen saill_ o/ transports wevein comoanN. Uv,' Aim's, awlSa- ixih transports, t\<<> of the convoy, are arrived at Cork ; iV. vv parted on v\ v ' V\ « cow05 con- s/ sled of the Aiohe frigate, Capt. Lairg ; and I ho Iris, Capt. NVI. nxL vift'. i about ftirtv transports, Laving nn h. oaid - 1,300 men, under the command of Major- General blierbrooke, Rri^ itf- Gene: al Catnp. velt, an- I Major- Cvnera! Ttkon. > hi srmy co.' isiV ed of tlie fir » ! battalion of OoWsUean. gbai • Colonel .' i<-> w ; liie ( st battalion of the 3( 1 frvanh, , H. m Co... . I Mopl'oril ; tlie 31th regimenl battalion) Major 0rose; and lite 88th regiment, Colonel Duff'. The Gazette contains dispatches from Sir A. Cochrane, Commahdet in Chief of the I . eewurd Is- Jaiids, giviiu? an account of the destruction of ihe French corvette Le Cvpne, which Had sailed from Cherbough on the 12tli of November, with the Papillion, another corvette, and La Verrus, La Junoii. and L'Amphitrite frigates. « In perforniinp this service 1 am sorry ( savs the Admiral) to send the inclosed report ofthe loss ( 12 killed, 13 wounxl- ed, and 26 missing) which has been sustained by the several - vessels engaged, owing to the corvette being supported by the batteries, field- pieces, and lliusketrv from the shore, in her attempt to reach Pierre's; but the object is folly accomplished, assheis bilgfd in such a situation as to render it im- possible to recover the vessel, or the flour with which she was loaded. One of the schooners in company - with her was burnt, and the other drove on shore" and destroved; each ofthem also having been loaded - with Hour and provisions. The Ga- zette also contains an account ot the capture Of three French privateers.' Foreign OJjice, Jan. 20.— Tiie King has been pleased to appoint Joseph Charles Mellish, Esq. to be his Majesty's Consul ill the territory of Louis- iana. The King has also been pleased to appoint . Andrew Snape Douglas, J? sy, to be his Majesty's Secretary of Legation to the Court of his Sicilian Majesty. T he" importation of wine from Oporto has for some time past exceeded, 011 the average, frfly thousand, gallons weekly. The importation of wims from France is to a surprising extent, considering the difficulty which attends our intercourse ••.••! that country. The entries at the Custom House for thelast week, were3020 galbns: and, during the preceding, 6S59 gallons. The Ccu. ii c des littles, a Frencn brig, from the Isle of France, has been captured and brought into Plymouth by the Alcmene. Two French West Jndiamen have " been also captured by the same vessel. Among the passengers arrived from Lisbon, are , some British merchants, who state, that all our countrymen were embarking with the utmost expe- tlition, and that Admiral Berkeley had taken pos- « ession of the arsenal, the magazine, and stores. All the property, whether belonging to the Court, to the Government, or to British aud Portuguese subjects desirous of emigrating, was embarking, or ready to be put 011 board the vessels in requisition. We learn there was only one Portuguese ship of the line worthy of removal from Lisbon, she is called the VascodeGama, of 71- guns, and was under re- pair when tjie Prince Regent sailed for the Brazils. ' There are three or tour others, which it is Sup- posed will be destroyed. The custom house has been thrown open, and all owners of property had been permitted to remove it without uaymeut of the usual duties. We are enabled to state, from undoubted sources, • that most of the officers who lately returned from Spain, having obtained permission lo visit'their friends in the metropolis, have leceived orders to hold themselves in readiness to join their respective corps at a day's notice. The immediate destination of the armament is not precisely known, but it is supposed that the greater portion will rendezvous at Cadiz. The whole plan was finally arranged in the Cabinet Council on Saturday. It is admitted that the important position of Ceuta is to be garri- soned by British troops.— London ChrorMe. This morning papers and letters irom Gibraltar to the 16th nit. reached us. The Gibraltar Chronicle, *> f the 14th, contains an address from the Marquis De Viliel, one of the Supreme Junta, exhorting the inhabitants of Cadiz to exeit themselves for the safety of the country, and to make every possible sacrifice for the common good. A meeting of the citizens of Glasgow is called, to consider of a monument to be erected to the iate Lieutenant- General Sir John Moore. Captain Coombe, of the Heureux, an excellent officer, was lately killed in a very gallant attack made by him on some forts and vessels at Guada- loupe. Among the Spanish Generals accuse^! of treache- ry, we find Thomas Morla, who was entrusted by the Junta with the defence of the city of Madrid. A letter which he wrote, after the surrender of Madrid, sufficiently exposes the dishonesty of his heart. The following extract embraces the more striking features of this melancholy evidence of de pravity:— " The greatest difficulty was to restrain the fury Of the populace, who continued their exclamations, to conquer or die. At my return I found consider- able difficulty in delivering my answer at one of the principal works. ' J he friars were the first to commence a 1 uproar. The same obstacles w ere opposed to the hoisting of a white flag upon the tower of Santa Cruz, which was a signal agreed upon in the suspension. The multitude were much divided 011 this occasion ; thenumber of inurnuirers was much greater than that of those who approved of this signal. The irresolution and confusion of the Junta were increased by the fury of the popu- lace, and the diversity of opinion among its mem- bers. But the occupation. of all the posts by the enemy, the want o! ammunition, the loss of seve- ral pieces of artillery, and the greater part of the men that worked the guns; the exhausted condition of the few troops that remained, and almost all of them new recruits, were all strong argumentsagainst any further resistance. But how tn capitulate * guinsf the general voice of the people? Here was v as tie- difficulty. At length I again went out with !}(.!> BernardoVriarfe to treat with the Prince of Neufci. atei, though nothing had been determined o.- j; and tee mere - obliged previously to inform the popuiace that xeew charged to announce to the enemy our determination to defend ourselves to the fast extremity . " U < relumed lo Mad- id aiid convoked as many erf I've, tribnnais, -< oAhovi\, i « s, the auxiliary avclv bishop, piiests, and prelates, at we could. Though mati wet" absent, Vlie assmblj was twunctou* and contentions. They wished to treat uith the enemy upon just and reiismsable terms, and not to be con* trolcd by those prescribed Iry force. At length, find- ing thai both the peopie a.. A tV. e troops had wilb- drami themselves from the batteries and retired to Aheir houses, and that the enemy was by no means disposed to act. contrary to good faith, it irk* the general wish to capitulate. Articles were accord- ingly drawn up. f again went out with Field ' -'. ishal Don Fernando de la Vera, Governor of . Madrid. At day- break we presented ourselves to the Prince, who conducted us to the Emperor. We were ordered to enter his tent, and were received with great affability and condescension. He grant- ed what we asked, ami dismissed us. Tlin capitu- lation is very gracious, as your Excellency will per- ceive by the annexed copy. " Upon our return, we found that Castellar, and several military men, with others of considerable character, had emigrated that morning, and on the preceding day. I thuught that 110 time was 10 be lost, and that" Madrid ought not to be exposed to the cruelty of being sacked. I concluded that I ought to prefer the preservation of so many thou- sand souls, and the residence of the Court, to my own safety, as I had already done at Cadiz. Thus I have remained here a prisoner of war, con- soling myself with the good 1 iiave procured for Others. " I have only. to add, as being particularly in- terested in the good of the nation, that I believe it would be most conducive thereunto for the Junta to give the Governor of Cadiz to understand, with proper reserve, that the English oujht not to be permitted to erect forts in Cadiz or its environs. They are insensibly increasing their numbers. They make use of dissimulation to conceal the ob- ject of their maritime views, fn erecting new works about Cadiz, they have no motive but that of ena- bling them to resist the French with more effect. " Let the Governor of Cadiz reinforce the garri. son ; let him send dispatches to the Indies, to pre- vent them from disposing of property or elfects to the benefit ofthe English. " As Counsellor of State, I was introduced to Prince Joseph, our intended monarch, and the ob- ject of the sarcasms of the populace, and I do as- sure you, with all that frankness that belongs to me, that I found him a judicious philosopher, and even ati enthusiast iu the most salutary ma:, im 01 '.; rtraH. ty, IK, .-., I, iiky, tmti aiiectton toftie people over whom he is destined to reign. My good opinion ma\ possibly be suspected by those who do not know me well. Many may wish t « suppress it: my only view in thus pubiicly declaring my sentiments, is, that the Junta may regulate their future conduct and resolutions, in conformity with this intelligence. The whole of my talents and abilities shall in fu- ture be exerted ir, support of tiie honour, the per- manence, and the integrity of my country. " 1 shall not wrong myself so far as to suppose any of the nation will suspect my fidelity. My probity is known and acknowledged', so far that I have always been in the habit of speaking with can- dour of every affair in which 1 have been con cerned.— Madrid, D<? c. 7." Note affixed by the Junta on publishing the fore- going. " Don Thomas Moria, author of this official let- ter, and of the capitulation which precedes it, is that false and corrupt Chief who issued the procla- mation to the city of Cadiz and its loyal vicinity, 011 the 5tii inst. addressed to the Marquis de Viliel, by whose order the public has been informed of the same, in order that this circumstance may not ope- rate to the prejudice of any other person.'* The votes of four Norfolk militia- men, who held tenements in Norwich, were deemed legal by the Court of King's Bench, 011 Saturday, notwithstand- ing their absence with the regiment. in a rate made in the year 1807, for the poor of the parish of Twickenham, the property of Miss Hotham was assessed greatly above its actual value, and that of the Rev. George Owen Cambridge, Archdeacon of Middlesex, much under, against which assessment Miss Hotham appealed lo the Middlesex quarter sessions, and it was agreed in Court to submit the value of their respective pre- mises lo the arbitration of two eminent surveyors, whose decision was made an order of the next ses- sion as a final settlement of that appeal. By that decision and order the rate on the appellant Miss Hotham was very much reduced, and that ofthe Archdeacon considerably increased ; but as soon a, s new officers were appointed, they, in contempt of the award aud order of the Court, recurred to the former assessments upon both parties, and obliged . Miss Hotham to undergo the trouble and expence of a second appeal ; the Court, however, thought proper to mark their disapprobation ofthe conduct of the officers by their decision, which was to the following effect:—" Let the rate stand according to tiie award— It is a most troublesome and vexations rate.— Let the appellant's costs he paid by the overseers." A young lady, who was on the point of marriage with a banker, eloped from a friend's house in the neighbourhood of Portland- place, where she was on a visit, on Saturday night, with a Lieutenant of dragoons. The parties are pursued by some of- ficers and servants towards the north, it having been discovered that they went to Enfield in a Lon don chaise. There are two other boxing matches made, which will take place in two months, between Jem Belcher, the unsuccessful opposer of Crib, and Dutch Sam, and Young Belcher and Cropley. Sam is matched for 500 guineas: he is two stone and a half lighter than Belcher. 1' he two Belchers are considerably the favourites. For tlic tauit'aciion of tho^ c persons who have a par- tiality for partictrar numbi- rs in the ensiling State Lottery, they aie infoimetl tliat tl. e number ® of the 1,500 Tickets given by tiie Contractors, are published in the Scheme in- serted in tliis P. tper ; and on no account can they be alter- ed. An early application must be made if oilier numbers are warned, as nearly 3,000 Tickets, out of the 18,500 lor sale, are already taken from the Bank at' Englatui, and disposed of. Horsntan's Bankruptcy. "" JHHE Creditors who have proved their Debts Jv. under a Commission of Bankrupt awarded and is- sued forth auainrt EDWARD HORSMAN and JOHN HORSMAN, of Chippiuj - Campden, in tke county of Glocester, Bankers, are desired to meet the Assignees of the Estate and fffects of said Bankrupts, on Tuesday, ti e 21st day of Feb. inst. at eleven o'clock in the fore- noon, at the White Hart Inn, in Broadway, rn the county of Worcester, lo take into considetation the best mode fo be adopted to compel t/ ie Purchaser of an Estate at TSether HeySott), in the county of Northampton, ( part nf the Estate of the said Bankrupts) to complete his Pur- chase, Ai d to assail* to, or dissent from, tV. e said Assignees acceeding to the proposals of tlie said Purchare. e then and tt-. tive to be produced, and c.'. i oiUet special afiVus. LA VENpKR i,, d BYR. CH, Sniiciton. Monmouthshire JUKI < outli Wales Newspaper. SHORTLY WT . L EE PUBLISHED, ( Of which due notice will' • oven in the Swansea, Glo- eester, Hereford, a » u' ilristol ftrpcrs,) ANEW WEEKLY PAPER, Price Sixpence, printed on a tui « Wove Paper, of a V.\ rp, e sue ; wilh an elegant new Tvpe, cast on pnrjwse for '/ le Work j entitled THE CAMBUUN MESSENGER, AND PUBLIC ADVERTISER; FOR. THE CQUNVIES OF Monmouth, j Brecon, Carmarthen, Gloccster, I Radnor, Poitibroke, and Hereford, f Cardigan, Glamorgan. This Paper w\ U be published every Ft Way Morning, and will contain all Uie Foreign and Donvcsfic News of ( he pre- ceding week, carefully selected from the Foreign Journals, Gazettes, London ape) Country Papers, Correspondents, and other sources of information*- down to the lost hour of going to Press: Including every article of Importance that can be received by the Mails t! t- » t arrive from London, Portsmouth, Plymouth, and Falmouth, on Thursday Night; and forwarded with the utmost expedition to every part ofthe - surrounding country, ( free of Postage,) - Besides the usual contents of a Newapaper, it will con- tain a Critical Review of Ku'v - Hooks; Biographical Sketches of Eminent Persons j Agricultural, Commercial, and Philosophical Reports; candid Strictures on the busi- ness of . the London Stage; Naval Register, and oilier in- teresting Information; combining ail the advantages of a Newspaper, Magazine, and Literary Journal. As this Paper will be regularly circulated in all the above Counties, and filed at the principal CofiVe- houses in Lon- don, Bristol, Bath, and other large Towns and On?- ports of the Kingdom, it is particularly recommended to Gentle- men, in the profession of the Law, Land- Agents, Stewards, Auctioneers, and Tradesmen in general, who will find i; a convenient channel for Advertisements, and at a moderate expence. Postmasters, Printer?, BookseU'fs, and others, who re- tide beyomHhe circuit of the Newtnrn of this Paper, and who are willing to become Ageats . ar it, on procuring six purchasers, and sending their name ui the Publisher, will be entitled to one Paper for themstjves, which they will receive by post,, free of expence, N. B, Further Particulars may b* known on perusal of a Prospectus, which is now in circ. htiorv Printed and puUSinhcd by M. vv at the Office, Moore- street, Chepstovr ; where Oruefs for the Paper are requested to be sent. INSURANCE AG. lIXbr FIRE. ONE Thousand Five Hundred Tickets will ( be given on the FIRST and SECOND Day of ) drawing ( he GRA^ D STATE LOTTERY, which begins on the 12th of APRIL NEXT, besides the under- mentioned Prizes. SCHEME. m PHOENIX LOMBARD • IRE OFFICE STREET. THE Trustees and DmMprs of the Phcsnix Fire- office, of London, have appointed Mr. JOHN GARN, of Cheltenham, to be Agtnt for the said Com- pany for the town of Cheltenham- ind parts adjacent, in the room of Mr. William Gam, deceased* The Company insure Houses, Bui dings, Goods, Wares, Merchandize, the Stock of Fanwerj, and Ships Buildmg or in Harbour; and, in case of aHdent, pay the full amount of the loss without any ' deduction whatever. Persons assured by this Coii'|> an? arc- riot liable to calls to make gqod the losses of others, as is the case in some Offices. Printed Proposals, containing the Rales and Conditions, may be had gratis, by applying to the said Agent, By Order ofthe Directors, H. A. HARDY, Sec. of Country Department. A NEW BOOR OF MARTYRS. To be comprised in sixty weekly numbers, price 6d„ each; forming a handsome Volume in Quarto, cmbej- lisl ei and illustrated with numerous engravings, frona original drawings. On Saturday, Feb. 11, 1809, rill be published, NUMBER, R, PRICE SIXPENCE, Embellished with a superb Frontispiece, designed by Cor- bould, and engraved by Springsguth, ( T<> be continued weekly,) of THE HISTORY and PERSECUTIONS of the CHURCH of ROME, and complete PROTES- TANT MARTYROLOGY; including the substance of FOX's BOOK, of MARTYRS, Burnet's History of the Reformation, and various other Boob. Also, a Histoiy of ( he Ten Persecutions by the Roman Emperor*, a4 History of the Inquisition, and a . Review of Circum- stances attending the Tate Rebellion in Ireland. By the REV. HENRY MOORE, D. D. Author of the Lif « of our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. London, printed for A. Whellier, No, 3, Paternoster- row ; and sold by every Bookseller in the United Kingdom. At no period could a work of this nature appear wbU greater propriety than the present: the bold attempts ofthe Catholics to procure emancipation ; a late daring attack upon the Royal Prerogative; but above all the fallacious but too popular sentiment that the Roman Catholic Religion is changed, that its persecuting spirit is evaporated, has in- duced the Author to undertake this work. We lay it down as an incontrovertible position that PoperV is always the same,—- In support of it. let us appeal to fact's. Ha\ e any of the cruel d crees of former coun- cils been revoked or rescinded? Have the Pope, th? Cardinals, and the whole body of the clergy announced that Faith is to be kept with Heretics? that oaths to Pro- testant Princes may not be dissolved und$ r any pretence whatever? If those events should take place, we shall have reason to believe that the Church of Rome, 9s a body, is ashamed of its former persecuting principles, and renounces them. In the present work will be found a complete and connected View of the Persecutions of that An'ti- christian Church, collected from a great varie'. y cf authors, chronologically arranged j and we venture lo affirm it will be found superior to any other Martyrolo^ v. In tiie course of the work an extended Account of t{ i$ Inquisition will be given from Philip a Limborch, ( as translated by Dr. Chandler) and other authors. We shall incorporate the substance of those invaluable works Fox's Book of Martyrs, and Bishop Burnet's History of the Reformation. Throughout the History many scarce and some original facts will be inserted. The Engravings will be of a supe- rior class* We close with* appropriating the dying words of the illustrious Father Paul Sarpi to our pure Religion and our glorious Constitution-*-" BE IMMORTAL." 4 of.... f. 2t), 000... ... are..,. .... <£. 80,000 2 10,000 . .... 20,000 a 5,000 . 6 1,000 . ., 6,000 10 500 ., 5,000 20 100 . 2,000 4- t 50 . 3,' 200 100 25 . ... t 2,500 4,820 15 . .... 71,500 00,001) Tickets. £ 200,000 DAYS OF DRAV/ INC. WeJwsday April \ 1 VFriday .. April < il Thursday April 27 J Salurday.. t, April 29 The Contractors have permission of the Lords of the Treasury to make a FREE GIFT of 1,500 Whole Tickets, in addition tothe Prizes in the Scheme. First Dav, a FREE GIFT of 1,000 WHOLE TICKETS, for ti e first- drawn Prize abov# 151. the numbers of which are as follows:—- 3,001 ... 4,501.... .. to... ... 3,100 8,501,.. . to... .. 8,600 .. to... ... 4,600 9.001 . ... to.... ... 9,100 5,001.... . to... ... 5,100 10,601... ... to.„. ... ( 0,600 6,501.... .. to... ... 6,600 11,001.. ... to.... ... 11,100 1,001.... . to... .. 7,100 11,5.0 J... ... to.... ... 11,600 Second Day, another FREE GIFT of 500 WHOLE TICKETS, for the first- drawn Prize aoove 131. the num- bers of which are as follows :—- 13,001 to 13,100 14-, 501 to 14,600 15,001 to 15,100 16,501 to 16,600 17,001...... .. to 17,100 Tickets and Shares are on sale- at every Licensed State Lottery Office in London, and by their Agents in this county. Lately zvas published, In weekly Numbers, and quarterly Parts, Without the smallest abridgment, AN IMPROVED QUARTO EDITION OF MATTHEW HENRY's FAMILY BIBLE, By the Rev. JOSEPH HUGHES, A. M. One of the Secretaries to the. British and roreiyn Bible Socicy And the Rev. GEORGE BURDER, Secretary to the Missionary Society, IfC. NUMBER I, price Eight- pence, containing a highly finished frontispiece t. y Mr. Fit'ler, from a beautiful design by Messrs. Drummond and Burr. sy — a well- executed map by Mr. Alexander, on the new principle, The numbers are continued Meekly until finished, each containing ( on an average) 20 pages of letter- press, with a plate occasionally, until seventy plates, useful maps, a portrait gf the author, and other embellish- ments have been introduced; and also Part I. price 8s. containing four plates and a map, and ^ 40 pages of letter-— The « nc ' regularly published every three months, each containing 240 pages, and a just proportion of embellishments, till the proposed number have been inserted. To gratify those who desire to be possessed of a more splendid copy, some are taken off on royal wove paper, hot- pressed, put into boards, and sold in parts only, price 12s. The Life of the Author is written expressly for this edition, by his successor, the Rev. Samuel Palmer, from many valuable materials in his possession; and numerous greek and latin quotations are translated, and useful maps and notes added : notwithstanding these and many other advantages, this edition is completed in eewer numbers, and is cheaper than the ponderous folio dition. To give THIS edition of Henry's Family ISible a decided preference over every other, and also to complete former editions, Mr. Bagster proposes to publish a new^ and ele- gant edition of the MISCELLANEOUS WORKS Lately were published, very superior editions of the following estimable Works:— 1. A new translation of PASCAL'S THOUGHTS, in one vot. 8vo. with an elegant head, 7s. boards. 2. CASES OF CONSCIENCE RESOLVED, in one vol. Svo. 7s. boards. In all Mr. Bagster's Editions of religious Pub-, cations, Ministers who purchase six, have one gratis; ten two gratis; or when fifteen, three gratis; and so on for any number. London: printed for SAMUEL BAGSTER, No. 81. Strand; and sold by all other booksellers. I- IEUMATISMS, PALSIES, and GOUTY AFFECTIONS, with their usual concomitants, Spa- ms or flying Pains, Flatulency, Indigestion, and ge- netsl Debility ( originating in whatever source), are re- lieved and " frequently. cured by WHITEHEAD'S ES- SENCE of MUSTARD PILLS, after every other means had failed. CHILBLAINS, SPRAINS, and BRUISES, in les3 than half the time usually taken by Opodeldoc, Arrpiebusadc, or any other Liniment or Embrocation; and if used immediately after any accident, it prevents the part turning blae.<. WHITEHEAD'S FAMILY CERATE, is equally efficacious for all ill- conditioned Sores, Sore Legs, Scorhutic Eruptions, Blotches, Piinplits, Ringworms Shingles, Breakings out on the Face, Nose, Ears, ' and Eyelids, Sore and Inflamed Eyes, Sore Heads, and Scor- butic Humours of every description. Prepared and sold by R. JOHNSTON, Apothecary, No 15, Greek- street, Soho, London. Tl. e essence and pills at 2s. 9d. each ; the cerate at Is. ljd. and 2s. 9d. Sold also by J. WASHBOURN, Glocester; and by every Medicine Vender in the united kingdom. The genuine has a black ink stamp, with the name of R. Johnston inserted on it. MR. JONES has just received a fresh tup- ply of WITHERS's BALM of QUITO, price 2s. yd. a most convenient, safe, aud infallible remedy for nervous, bilious, gbuty, and rheumatic disorders, and every kind of debility or relaxation in persons of either sex, young or old, whether hereditary, natural, or occasioned by residence in hot or unhealthy cli- mates, the immoderate use of tea, spirituous liquors, or other noxious fluids, too sedentary a life, or too close an application to sludy, excessive grief, injudicious ad- ministration of mercury, dissipation, excess, improper practices, & c. This Restorative and Re- animating Balm o^ Life and Health will piodnce the happiest effects; the cold anil tremulous nerves wiII be warmed and steadied; the re- laxed fibres will be iTraced and rendered firm ; th. muscels will be invigorated ; the sinews tii! l be strengthened ; the emaciated limbs wilt be covered with firm flesh; the ex- hausted vessels wiil be replenished ; the impoverished watery blood will bccome rich and balsamic, and its lan- guid circulation restored to the sanative impetus, which is the true criterion of health ; the languid drooping spirits will be revived and exhilarated; digestion will be pro- moted ; iu short, the ton- of the nerves will he restored, and by these means the whole constitution will be renovated. The Baim of Quito is prepared and sold by William Withers, 229, Strand, London; retail by Jones, and Washbourn, Glocester; Tyuibs, Worcester; aud all the sgec& b'. e medicine venders. NICHOLSONS ENCYCLOPE DIA, Complete in six large vols 8 t o. This day is published, price 6t. 6s. nt boards, Neatly printed by Whi'. tirglittv, with upuards of 150 Engravings, by Lovvrv and Sco't, THE BRITISH ENCYCLOPEDIA; or DICTIONARV or AJLTS AND SCIENCES; CM- prising an accurate and popular view of the pr,- ient im- proved stale of human knowledge. By WILLI ft. M NICHOLSON, Aulhtfr ami Proprietor of the Philoso- phical Journal, and various other Chemical, PtntoSqphi. c. v, and Mathematical Works. Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Or mr, Pute. r- ftosier- row, London, and the rest of the Pror. rlnors; and sold by Washbourn, Hough aud Son, and Roberts, G\ on » er; Rufl', Cheltenham; Wilson, and Jenner, Stroud • Allen, and Wilde, Hereford. *** Ttvrt work may i-', tber W 1.... 1 complete, or taken oi'rri h: v, In 12 part,, firice lOi. Uti. REES's CYCLOPAEDIA, *' ( SECOND EDITION). This day is published, Part t. price 20s. in hoards ( to be Continued mmitldv") of It-. t NEW CYCLOPAEDIA, or UNIVERSAL DICTIONARY of ARTS, SCUNCRS ami LITF.- RATURE, formed upon a more enlarged plan of arrange- ment than the Dictionary of Mr. Chambers, compre- hending the various articles of that work, ti ith additions and improvements, together wh^ v the new subjects of Biography, Geography and History, and adap.' rd to ths present state of Literature and Science. , Ry ABU A14AM REES, D. D. F. R. S. Editor of the last Edition of Mr. Chambers's Dictionary, with the assistance of eminent Professional Gentlemen. Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rce » , and Orme, Pater- noster Row, and the principal Booksellers of London ; and sold by J. Washbourn,- Hough and Son, and f. Roberts, Glocester; H. Ruff, Cheltenham; W. S. Wil- . ton, and S. Jenner, Siroud; James Allen, aud James Wilde, Hereford ; and all other booksellers. The following are the principal recommendations of this work :— 1. The plan is intended as an improvement upon si- milar Publications, being a medium between the plan of a Dictionary and that of treatise;,, and comprehending the advantages of each. 2. The Editor is of Acknowledged learning and industry, and of unquestionable experience in this department of literary labour, the greater part of his life having been employed inlediting and improving the lust edir'on ot Mr, Cliambers's Dictionary, and in collecting materials for the present work. 3. Among the Gentlemen who have engaged to con- tribute their assistance to this work are many of distin- guished eminence. 4. The embellishments are of a very ^ Aperior descrip- tion, and will form, when completed, an ir. comparably more elegant and. correct set of scientific and other plate* ( hah ever has been produced. The scicntific subjects ara engraved by Mr. Lowrv, whos^ accurate knowte% e and improved method of execution in this branch of the art have n;> t Titeuojecw'of natural history arc engraved by Mr. Milton, and Mr. Scott, with cor- responding taste and beauty. 5. The drawings are almost wholly new. The p'ates, which are already engravtd, ale from drawings by Messrs. Flaxman, Howard, Stubt)*, Lowry, Edwards, Donovan, Sowerby, Strutt, Mushett, E. Aiicin, P. Nicholson, Da- niel, Nayler, Anderson, Kirkman & c. 6.' The Maps will he double the size usually given in similar Publications, and are diawn and engraved under the direction of Mr. Arrowsmitb. A few copies are printed off on roval paper* with proof impressions of the plates, price 11. 16s. each part. Parfs I. to XXFI. ( to be continued every two or three months) may now he had, price eaeh. This day is published, pric.' only 8d. Containing sixteen quarto pages of letter- press, elegantly printed on new types, and superfine demy paper, em- bellished with a most superb frontispiece, from an original drawing by THURSTON, and engraved in th « first stiie by C. WARREN,— NUMBER I. The succeeding Numbers lo be . published weekly of A NEW AND COMPLETE HISTORY OE ENGLAND, DRAWN FROM- genuine'sources of information, established by the concurrent testimony of the^ most celebrated wri- ters, and collated with original manuscripts and records in the British Museum, Bodleian Library, gazettes, states papers, and other official documents. Including a faithful and accurate account of all th « momentous events from the landing of Julius Ca- sar to tha commencement of hostilities with France in 1803. By GEORGE COURTNEY LYTTLETON, Esq. Illustrated with upwards of 130 engravings, descrip- tive of the most prominent circumstances in the vart* - QU8 reigns, and portraits of all the Sovereigns who have swayed the sceptre of Britain, l rom William t lie Conqueror* A large whole sheet chart of the opposite coasts of Eng- land and France, and whole sheet maps of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Every number of this work contains sixteen pages of letter- press, with one elegant engraving, and many of the numbers are embellished with two engravings, which is more in quantity than is given in aoy other works sold at t.' e low price of eight- pence per number. A FINE EDITION is printed on wove veHnm p-,!> er3 hot- pressed, with proof impressions of (!•>' pia: co- loured maps, and elegant vignette title pages to each volume,— Price one shilling each number. The whole of this history is just printed off, and may be had in 120 numbers, by one or more weekly, ot in three vols, handsomely bound in calf, and lettered. In order to render this work as complete as possible, the author is new publishing a Continuation to the History of England, from the commencement of hostilities with Bonaparte in 1803, price Is. each number, printed in a handsome uniform manner, to correspond with the above vork, which will continue it through the progress of the present war, and form a complete Journal of the Events of Modern Times. Each number will be embellished with a superb engrav ing, executed in the most masterly manner, representing the principal sea fights— battles— seiges— bombardments, & c. & c. from original drawings. Ala whole Sheet Maps of Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Spain, Plan of the Harbour of Bologne, & et & c. Twenty- two numbers of the " continuation are already published ; the remainder will be brought forward progres- sively, an. d will form a complete History of the various revolutions in tiie different States of Europe. Various have been the plans ami expedients of f!? e most respectable booksellers, to enable th em to stem the torrent of that arbitrary mandate, the rise on paper,— Some' have continued their numbers a* the original price, by redtYcing the quantity in each number; while" others have increased the price, and continued to give the ori- ginal stipulated quantity. The proprietor of LyUletnn's History of England, by the advice and approbation of numerous subscribers, has adopted the latter method, in consequence of which the numbers in future must, u: a- voidably be charged eight- pence; and they will eaih contain sixteen pages of letter- press, with the engravings thoroughly r- paired and restored to their original lustre. A superior edition is printed, price 2s. each number. London, printed and published by J. STRAIEORP, No. lll2, Holborn- hill; and sold by all other tuwk> sellers and n « wsme » in the United Kingdom. TJi KSOAY'S POST. t. nXPOX, WFWNESDAY, FEBRUARY ( SbviiKNMRNT have received advices from JT Admiral Cochrane of a gallant atiack made oil two French armed letters of marque, laden with colonial produce, King under the batteries of Bay Hamant, Guadaloiipe, by the burse, boats, and pinnace of ihe Heureux sfpop of war, commanded ' liy Capt. Coombe; on 20th Nov. The attack was led by Capl. Coombe, who, in storming the outer and inward fur's, which were soon carried by the bayonet, unforHinaietv fell bv a cannon shot. The guiis of the batteries " were spiked, and the two let- ters ( if marque taken possession of by Lieut D. Law- rence, on whom the command devolved, and who was' wounded in the arm by a musket ball. Un- fortunately for want of a pilot, the captured vessels grounded' as they were towing mil : on seeing this, the enemy brought down their field- pieces, the heavy fire of which compelled the captors to aban- don " their prizes. Our loss w as only Iwo men kil- led, and two wounded ; the enemy sulT- red severe- ly. The service has, however, on this occasion, to lament Hie loss of an able alid gallant comman- der, in the fall of Capl. Oiomlie. All the principal families in Lisbon have resolved to emigrate: and the t » o most wealthy men in i. is- con, Quintella and Bandeira, will come to Eug- land in ( lie frigate which is to bring home Geo, Craddiick.— Such Brilisli troops as had been sent up tlie e. uiiitrv,' have all returned ( o Lisbon. with the exception* nl ! he 4- Oih reg. which had been or- dered lo march fmrti Eb'as ami lo proceed along the coast lo Seville,. lo w hich otac<? the road was clear of the eoenr.. I o •' Holland left I'. i. boii on the21sl ult. for Seville, intending totake advantage of ( he escort r* f ' his i-- giinent.— Tile guns al. Ion St . Inlieo had been lelt for defence, but those cf I'ort Uelem 1' iact been spiki-< l : all those which boie upon tin; south side of the Tagus w- e. re len- deied unservicable, but no guns were thrown into the sea. A Portuguese 74 gun ship has been fitted out, and on board this vesiel are to be transported the Government archives, snd iliemosl valuable move- able treasures. The Members of the Regency purposed to proceed, ill the first instance, to Ca- diz or Seville. Many of Ihe Portuguese merchants had determined to go to the islands, while others, meant to proceed to England. Several Grandees, and oilier Spaniards of : 1k- tinciion, landed at Plymouth dining last week, from Ciironifa and Vigo. Some ol iheiri have brought over considerable quantities of specie. (' oiiapaile proposes, it is said, 10 adopt the line oTdemarkation of Charlemagne. Bi « ca_ V, N. tvarre, Arragoi!, and Catatonia, will be added to France The Ebro jvill be the new boundary ; au< l extend- ing it from Tortosu, its source, to St.. Andcro. As a recompense to Spain lie will re- unite with it Por- gal. Sir John Moore left 300 sick at Lugo, which could not be got off in time, under the care of Staff Surgeon Henry Gresly Emery. We are sorry to learn, that Sir David Baird is- not so well as when he landed ; his wound his bet- ter, but he has been attacked with a vjolent fever. Among the emigrants of distinction who left Co- runna on the embarkation of the British army, was the Duke de Vera Aguas,. the lineal descendant of perhaps the greatest man Spain ever produced, Christopher Columbus. The Duke met with an asylum on board Admiral De Courcy's ship, the Tonnant. Directions have been given for the blockade of the ports of Coinnna and Eerrol, by the Norge, Elizabeth, Zealand, and Implacable, each of 74 guns. A bill was lately submitted to the Legislature of Virginia, to suspend the collection of debts till 90 days after ( he raising of the embargo. Appointments.— Captain Whitby, to the Cer- berus ; Capt. Thompson, to the Pearlen ; Captain Soinerville, to the Rosa; Capt. K. Maxwell, to the Nyinpheri ; Capt. Coctrell to the Nyaden ; Capt. Raton. pro tempore, to the Mars; Capt. It. Peilowe, to the si- a fencibles at Slieerness; Capt. Moubray, to the Rodian ; Capt. Muddle, to the Comet; Lieut. Btirgoyne, to the Defender. The follrfwing gentlemen have been called to the Bar, by tlie Hon. Society of Lincoln's- lnn :— J. W. Hopkins, J. F. Gyles, Esqrs. Hon. George Lamb, arid H. J. Shepherd, Esq. WAR- OFFICE, Feb 6,— 76th reg. foot, Lietit.- Col. Meyrick Shawe, from 5th Gar. Batt. to be Lieut.- Col. vice Symes, dec.— 81 st. Lieutenant J. Lutman to be Captain, vice Digby, dec.— 95th, Lieut. J. B. Hart, and Joseph Logan, to be Capts. — 78th, Capt. W. M'Carthy, to be Major, rice Tucker, dec.; Lieut. Zwinkej, to be Capt.— 5th • Gar. Batt. Major J. Colborne, from 10th foot, to be Lieut - Col. vice Shawe. The King has conferred Ihe honour of knight- hood on Sir. C. Robinson, his Majesty's Advocate- Geiwral; and has appointed C. f'akeley, Esq. to be Secretary of Legation lo the United States of America — Gaz. Tlie Hoii. Mr. Herbert does not prosecute a petition against the silting member for Hampshire. The brother of the celebrated Mrs. Clarke, here tofore known as Captain C. F. Thompson, of the 59th regiment, was last night arrested for a long tailor's bill, at the door of the House of Commons. The arrest took place, close to his sister's chariot, into which, after Mrs. Clarke had alighted, the Captain, and Wilson, the Sheriff's officer, im- mediately got, and drove away. Monmouth.—•' I he flood wh'ich took place here in 17.95 dirt not occasion such public inconvenience as that which was experienced from the 25th to the 30th ult. The Rivers Munnow and Wye began lo rise on Wednesday with astonishing rapidity, and in the course of the day the lower part of Munnow street was completely inundated. The inhabitants were soon compelled to take to the upper apart- ments of their dwellings, for safety, nor was it till Monday morn'ig that liiev could return again to the ground floo' of their houses, the water having been several feet high in the street.' Happily no lives were lost. Mr. D. Piatt, of Munnow Corn Mills, and two servants, were upset in that river in a boat, but they had the good fortune to escape to a tree, where they remained for two hours, till a boat relieved them from their perilous situation. The timber- merchants have been great sufferers, as well as otlie rindividuals on the banks of these ri vers. Mr. Vaughan, of Parthyre Corn Mills, had ten out of twelve store pigs drowned, and himself confined to his mill for a day and a night before he could gel away from il. The rxeriions of Mr. Edward Phillips, of the Post Office, and Mr. James Prodyu, w ith their boats, is bey ond all praise, being up night and day, distributing food and fuel to all who stood in need of the necessaries of life. The mail froiVi South Wales was landed from a boat near the White Lion, in Munnow- street, a circumstance unknown to the oldest inhabitants. The market on Saturday Xvas almost deseited, no communication subsisting but with the Hereford shire side ofthe county. Oxford, Feb. 4.— On Wednesday last the follow- ing gentlemen were admitted to degrees:— Rev. G. Rashleigh, of Oriel College ; Rev. E. Dtirell, of Pembroke College; Rev. \ V. Dow ell, of Wad- ham Colli ge; Mr. B. Dent, of Worcester College ; Rev, J. Harward, of Trinity College; Mr. R. Els- dale, of Corpus Ghiisli College;— Masters of Arts. Mr G. W. Newton, of Brasenose Cojlege ; Mr. J. Gordon M'Caul, of Balliol College Bachelors • f Arts. GLOCESTERSH1RE. TO RE SOLD BY AUCTION, Hy IV. PEACll, Oil Monday, the 13th of February, 1809, beginning precisely at ten o'clock, on the prebnses of Mr. William Townsend, Farmer, Saint Bridge, about a mile and a half from the city ofGloeester, and adjoining the turnpike- road road leading lo Painsuick ;— All that capital truly valuable LIVE STOCK, IMPLEMENTS of HUSBANDRY, CASKS, DAIRY UTENSILS, and part of tlie HOUSEHOLD FUR- NITURE. The Live Slock comprises 6 prime Dairy Cows in . good season, 4 four- year- old dido, 2 three- year- old ditto, 3 one- year- o'd ditto, 2 Barren Heifers, I well- bred Yearling- Bull ; 1 stoiit handsome Cart Gelding, rising five- year- old, 1 ditto rising three- year- old, 1 Stallion, one aged Cart Horse, 2 Cart Mares ; 1 Sow ill farrow, 1 diuo with 0 Pigs ; 7 Ewes of the Rycland and Leicester breed, 29 Wether and Chilver Hogs, 2 Rams, 2 Wethers, aud 2 Hog Rams. The Implements iu Husbandry consist of 1 Road Waggon, 2 Xarrow- wjieel ditto,- 2 six- inch- wheel Carls; 2 Barley Rolls, 2 Ploughs', 2 Pair of Harrows, 8 bets of Long, and 1 Set of Tbiller's Gecring, and 1 long Ladder-, The Dairy Utensils comprise 2 Cheese- presses, 1 Bar- rel Chum, I larje Cheese- cowl, 3 Milk- skeels, 2 Milk- pails, anil 2 Brass Kettles. The Household Furniture consists of . Mahogany and Oak Dining and Pillar Tables, a sound Mahogany Chest of Drawers, ditto Bedstead, Walnut tree Rqrean, Oak Chest of Drawers, a good Clock and Case, 1 Srotch Floor Carp-.- t, a quantity of Pewter, 18. empty Hogs-, heads; together with a general Assortment of Chamber, Parlour, and Kitchen Requisites. William Peach begs, leave to inform . the public, that nothing wouUI have induced Mr, Townsend to part with so valuable a Stock but his leaving, off the farming business. T GLOCESTERSHIRE. O BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY W. PEACH, Oo Tuesday, the 21st of February, 1809, precisely at four o'clock in • the afternoon, at the. Crown Inn, on Corse Lawn, agreeable to conditions then to be produced. LOT I. Twen'Y- iwo ELM TREES, together with some OAK and ASH TREES, now growing on two pieces of pasture land occupied by Mr. James Broadstock, in the parish of Hartpury, about one mile from the afore- said Crown Inn. LOT 2. T"' enty- five ELMS, now growing on a piece of arable land in the occupation of Mr. John Edwards, nearly adjoining Lot 1. For a view of the Timber, apply to Mr. John Edwards. Valuable Property in Cheltenham. O BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. NFJVBJJRY, • At the Fierce Inn, on Friday, the 17th of February, 1809, precisely at seven o'clock in the evening, subject to* such conditions as- w. ilI tl » j? n be produced ;— All ' the truly desirable PREMISES; consisting of a / very con- venient DWELLING- HOUSE, with suitable Otficts, and a very extensive Garden, and well stocked with the choice*! Fruit and other Trees, in the highest perfection, late the property and residence of Mrs. Lloyd j deceased. The above premises are delightfully situate opposite the Hon. Miss Monson's new hou* e, and have the privilege of the most interesting views both of the hills and neigh bourhood. For particulars, aiid to view the premises, apply to Mr. John Gardner, Cheltenham;, HEREFORDSHIRE, po BE SOLD BY AUCTION, i- By It. WHITE. On the premises of the late Mr. Thomas Miles, at Glew- ston, in the parish of Goodrich, three miles from Ross, on Tuesdav, 21st dav of February, 1809;— All the LIVE AND DEAD STOCK, IMPLEMENTS in HUSBANDRY, CORN, HAY, CIDER, CASKS, and other Effects; corsisting of 7 Horses and Mares, 2 two- ye » r- old Cart Colts ; 3 Cows in calf, 1 Barren Cow, 1 two- year- old Heifer, 1 Yearling ditto ; 56 Ewes in yean, 21 Wethers, 42 Yearling Sheep ; 1 Sow in farrow, 8 Store Pigs, 1 Fat ditto; 2 Wheat Ricks; ! Barley Rick; 3 Ricks of Hay; 2 ditto Rye Grass and Clover, and 1 ditto Latter- math Clover j 1 Road Waggon, 2 Corn ditto, 3 Cart's, Ploughs, Harrows, Rollers, and sundry other Implements; about 20 Hogs- heads of Cider, and the Casks. The sale to begin at ten o'clock in the morning. • Catalogues to be had, ten days preceding the sale, at the King's Head, Ross; the . Place of Sale; and of the Auctioneer, Coleford. This Slock will be found well deserving the attention of Farmers, Dealers, & c. as the Cows and Horses are very useful, and the Sheep are of the genuine Ryland Breed. N. B. The Auctioneer solicits an early attendance, as the whole is intended to be sold in orte day. STROUD, GLOCESTERSHIRE. ' To Tinmen, Braziers, Ironmongers, and others. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By DANIEL EFANS, On the Premises, on Tuesday, the 21st day of F& bruary, 1S09, and following days ;— all the large and valuable Stock in Trade, Household Goods, and Furniture, Of Mr. AMBROSE MAY, late of Stroud, Brazier, The Sale will commence with the Stock in Trade, con- sisting of a large assortment of Brass, Copper, Tin, and Ironmongery Goods, & c. See. which will be sold separately or in lots, to accommodate the Trade and Individuals in general. And on Friday, the 24th, will commence the Sale of the Household Goods and Furniture, consisting of Bees, Bedsteads and Furniture, Dining and otherTables, Parlour and Bed- room Chairs, Pier and Swing Glasses, with a ge- neral Assortment of Kitchen Furniture, Brewing Utensils, & c. & c. The Sale will continue till the whole is sold. N. B. All Persons indebted lo the Estate of the late Mr. May, are requested to pay their Debts immediately, either to Mrs. Elizabeth May, his Widow and Administratrix, or lo P. H. Fisher, Solicitor, Stroud. O be SOLD by AUCTION, on Monday, the 27th day of February, J809, at the Farriers' Arms Inn, in Evesham, in the county of Worcester, between the hOur3 of three and six o'clock in the after- ter.-. oon, subject to conditions then to be produced, by JOHN AGG ;— The LIFE INTEREST of JOSHUA SMITH, late of Evesham, Innholder, of and in LOT 1, All that MESSUAGE, TENEMENT, or INN, called the FARRIERS' ARMS, situate in the borough of Evesham and county of Worcester, with the Stables, Offices, and Outbuildings thereto- belonging; together also with a most convenient Malthouse adjoining the same, now in the occupation of Walker, as Tenant thereof. These Premises are most advantageously situated for an Inn, being opposite the Market- place, and are now in- good repute. LOT 2. The INTEREST in a certain POLICY of INSURANCE, No. 1,591, under the hands and seals of three of tho Directors of the Globe Insurance Company, bearing date the ,18th day of May, 1808, whereby the said Joshua Smith's Life is' insured to the amount of. 1,5001. which will be paid to the purchaser in case the said Joshua Smith shall , die within the term of one year from the date thereof. The Purchaser of this Lot, on paying the Directors of the Globe Insurance Office the sum of 741. 13s. 9d. on o/ before the lS. h day cf May in each year, may, at their option, continue ' he Insurance for the whole Life of the said Joshua Smith, on the conditions mentioned in tHa said policy, which will be produced at the time'of sale. For further particulars, apply to the Auctioneer, or Messrs. Lavender and Kyrch, Solicitors, Evesham. CERNEY WICK. TO be LET or SOLD, and entered'on im- A mediately ;— A FREEHOLD GROUND of ARA- BLE and PASTURE, containing 4Af 24P. situate in Cerney Wick, in the parish of South Cerney, and lately occupied bv Mr. Thomas Habyood. Al. o, an Acre of MEADOW LAND, in Thames Furlong, in the said, paiish, with the Commonable Rights belonging thereto; or an Allotment, in lieu thereof, upon the intended, inclosure there. For particulars applv to Mr. Wiltshire, of Faringdon \ • r Mosars. Crowd}- aud Son, Solicitors, ijighwartb. FARMING STOCK. Cerney Wick, in the parish of Souih Cerncy, Glocester dure. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, Bil JEFFERIES and SON, On the . premises, on Thursday and Friday, February 23 and 24, 1809, all the LIVE STOCK, Implement? in Husbandry, Dairy and Brewing Utensili, part of the Household Furniture, See. the property of the late Mr. Thomas Parker, of Cerney Wick, deceased; — Comprising fourteen useftrl Daifv Cows, with Calves or to calve; two thrce- year- old- and one Uvo- ycar- old Hei- fers, in- calf; one Fat Cow, two ditto Heifers, thi^ ee Year- ling ditto, ( both well bred, of the Hereford kind) ; forty Fat Wethers^ twenty ditto forty Ewes with Lambs or to lamb, all between the Leicester and Rylatul breed ; two Sows in Pig; three Draft Horses, four Horses' Har- ness; three Waggons, one Broad- wheel Cart, one Nar- row- wheel ditto; Drags, Harrows, Plough?, Oak Corn Roll ; a Threshing Machine bv Cox, a Winnowing and Chaff ditto ; four Four- stone Corn Staddles, with Tim- ber ; Sheep Racks, Hurdles; a. Rick of yood Hay, a Stack of ditto j two Cheese Presses, with Leads; Cheese Cowls, Whey Kivers, a Bar/ el Churn; Cheese Vatts, Cheese Shelves, a quantity < pf Cheese ; Brewing Utensils, large seasoned Casks, a Cyder Mill and Press, See. as will be specified in Catalogues. Catalogues to be delivered, in due time, on the Premi- ses.; at Mr. Gregory's, Nursery and Seedsman, and the Bear Inn, Cirencester ; and at the Auctioneers', Somer- ford Keynes. May, be viewed the da'y preceding, and morning of sale, till. eleven o'clock, at which time the Auctioneer most respectfully requests the attendance of the Public, to begin with the Live Stock. . ft;^ A Person : cill attend zv/ th Refreshments. All Persons having any Claims on flip Estate of the said Thomas Parker, are requested to forward the Particulars / thereof, .' w; t » S the nature of their securities, ( if an)'), to Mr. Wm. Parker, of Siddinglon, near Cirencester, Glo- cestershire, hrs Executor, ofi or before the 25th day of March next, in order that the same may be discharged : — And all Persons indebted to. the said Estate, are requested to pay- their r « » spect- ive l) ebts to the'said Wm. Parker, on or before the said 25' h of Mftfrchy or the'y" will be sued for the same without further Notice. January 30, 1809. ( One Concern.) EVESHAM, February 1, 1809. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By THOMAS JAURETT, Before the major part of the Commissioners named and authorised in and by a Commission of Bankrupt, awarded and issued, and now in prosecution against Josh. ua Smith, late of Evesham, in the county of Worcester, Innholder, Dealer and Chapmn^, at the Farrier's Arms Inn, in Evesham aforesaid, on Monday, th « 20th of February in- stant, between the hours of two and six in the afternoon, in lots, subject to certain conditions which will be then and there produced;— Tivo Freehold Cottages or Tenements, situate in the parish of." St. Peter's, in Bengworth, in the Borough of Evesham, in the occupation of, John Beachf and Feirdj veartr Also all the ESTAlfc, TERM, and INTEREST, of the said Joshua Smith, iu a capital Messuage, and MAN- SION HOUSE,: with a Very good walled Garden and Orchard thereto adjoining, containing together about four Acres ; and three several pieces or parcels of exceeding rich PASTURE LAND, lying near to the said House, containing together about 30 Acres, more or less, and called Hinton Greens, situate at Hinton- on- the- Green, in the county Of Glocester, held by the Bankrupt, under Lease from John. Baker, Esq. granted the 29th of Septem- ber, 1806, for 12 years, determinable at the end of the fir3t 4 or 8 years, on either party g'ving six months' no- ti « e to the other, at the yearly rent of 901. payable half yearly. Hinton is About three miles from Evesham ; the turnpike- road from that place. to Cheltenham, Tewkesbury, Glocester, Bristol, and Bath, leads through the parish.— These Premises are i very desirable residence for a gen- teel Family. The Tenant is to leep and leave the House and Build- ings in repair. Also, all the ESTATE, TERM, and INTEREST, of the Bankrupt, of and itta COTTAGJS or Tenement, Barns, Stables, Fold- yard, aad other Buil dings, with about 85 Acres of exceeding rich ARABLE, MEADOW, and PASTURE LAND, now in a very high state of cultiva- tion, and situate at Little Hampton, in the parish of Great and Little Hamptcn, in the county, of Worcester. These Premises ire held by, the Bankrupt, under Lease from Mr. John Beutoa and others, commencing Michael- mas, 1790, for 21 years, and together form a very com- pact and valuable Estate.—. Hampton is distant from Evesham about one mile, and the turnpike- roati from that place to Tewkesbury leads over part of the Lands. The Tenant is to keep anc leave the Buildings in repair. And also, all the ISTATE, TERM, and INTEREST of the Bankrupt, of and in several Closes, Pieces, or Parcels of LAND, containing together about 42 Acres, held under the Rev. Mr.. Smith, from Michaelmas last, for one year, situate 5t Great Hampton aforesaid. For further partjeuars, apply to Mr. Loxley, of Hamp- ton aforesaid, who wil cause the respective premises to be shown. On the 21st, 22d, ind 23d of February, will be Sold bv Auction, on the "^ remises ;— AH the very neat and useful HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Growing Crops, Live and Dead StotTr, and other effects of the said Joshua Smith. Catalogues of which will be distributed in due time. GLOCESTERSHIRE and WORCESTERSHIRE. A FALL OF CAPITAL OAK, ASH, and ELM TIMBER. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By CHA RLES SHARE, On Wednesday, February 22, 1809, at the Feathers Inn, in the town of Ledbury, in the county of Hereford, between the hours of three and six in the afternoon ;•— The following valuable Lots of OAK, ASH, and ELM TIMBER, • now standing on the Farm, Burtons, Swords, and Judge- ments Estates, in the pa- ish of Dymock, and county of Glocester; and, alsp, on Morton- court, the White- house, and Birch Farms, in the parishes of Birtsmortoi* and the' Borrow, in the county of Worcester aforesaid. LOT 1. Sixty- eight very capital MAIDEN OAKS, numbered from 1 td< 58 inclusive, on the aforesaid Bartons Estate. ; LOT 2. Sixty- fo* r MAIDEN ASH TREES, num- bered from 1 to (^ inclusive, or* the aforesaid Farm and Burtons Estates. LOT 3, Forty- two capital MAIDEN ELMS, num- bered from 1 to 42 inclusive, on the said Farm and Bur- tons Estates. LOT 4. Twenty- five MAIDEN ASH TREES, num- bered from 1 to 25 inclusive, on Swords aud Judgements aforesaid. LOT 5. Forty- five capital MAIDEN ELMS, num- bered from 1 to 45 inclusive, on the said Swords and Judgements. LOT 6. One Hundred and Four capital MAIDEN OAKS, and 28 capital POLLARD OAKS, numbered from 1 to 132 inclusive, on the aforesaid Moreton- court Estate. LOT 7. Twenty capita) MAIDEN OAKS, numbered from I to 20 inclusive, and 82 capital POLLARD CAKS, numbered from 1 fo 82 inclusive, on the aforesaid White- house and Birch Farms. LOT 8. Twenty- eight MAIDEN ASH TREES, num- bered from 1 ( 0^ 8 inclusive, on the said- White- hcuse and Birch Farms. LOT 9. Forty- six capital MAIDEN ELMS, num- bered from Ljg ve, On the said While- house und Birch Farms.. The above Timber Is of large dimensions and good qunl ^', worth the attention of Timber- merchants in ge- nera'; and possesses every advantage of conversion aud delivery, the Hvmock TimDcr being part of it close to the sides Of the Herefordshire and Glbces'tershire Canal, and the whole within one mile. The Worcestershire Timber is contiguous to " good roads, and within six miles of the River Severn. For a view of Lots 1, 2, and 3,' apply'to tbe Proprietor, John . ThackweH, Esq. of the Farm", who will send a person to shew- the same;. Mr. W. Smith, of Swords, will . shew Lots 4 and 5 ; and for a view of Lots 6, 7, 8, and 9, apply at the R'Ve- court, '' where are proper persons appointed to shew the same ; and for further particulars, ta R. Tomes,, © f the Brickhonse, near Ledbury. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, Ily Mr, PHlLLPOirS, On Tuesday, the 14th of February, at Ihe White Harl Inn, in ( his city, at six o'clock in the evening ;—— All those very desirable HOUSES AND PREMIES, situate in the Black Fryars, in the parish of St. Mary de Cript, viz. — LOT 1. A DWELLING- HOUSE, Yard, Workshops, and Garden in front, IJOW in the occupation of Mr. George Wood, Statuary. LOT 2. A large BUILDING, also In the occupation of Mr. George Wood; and the Land in front"' thereof, now- used as a workshop and stone- yard ; also, a Garden, in the square behind the same. These Premises are very desirably situated, com- manding a most delightful prospect of the River Severn and adjacent country, and being an eligible spot for building.^ LOT 3. A HOUSE, and Garden behind the same, now in the occupation of Mr. Owen Jones. The whole arc freehold, and the Land- tax is redeemed. Also, at the same time, will b- sold, TWO SHARES in the Gloccsicr MILL COMPANY. For further particulars, apply to Mr G. Wood afore- said ; or to the Auctioneer. B£~ SOLD BY AUCTION, By MR. PHILLPO'JTS, On Thursday, the 16th in^ ot, at the Dwelling- House of Mr. G". Wood, Statuary, iu the Black Friars;— all the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE of the late Mrs. BRYAN, deceased, consisting of Mahogany Chests of Drawers, Ta- bles, Chairs, Beds anfl Bedsteads, Sofa, Looking Glasses, a very good Piano- forte; together with Kitchen Requisites, Brewing Utensils, & c. See. . The Sa e to bei'jn at ten- o'clock. To Brewefs, Cider- Merchun's, ^ v. rTX> be peremptorily SOLD, without Reserve, A By MR. PHI LLP OTTS, Under the Sheriff's Execution, at the Brewery of Nathaniel Hi'lman, at Rooksmoor, in the parish of Rodborough, on Monday, the 20lh of February, 1809, at the hour of Twelve at Noon precisely ;— All the remaining VALU- ABLE STOCK in the said Brewery, consisting of an ex- ceeding good Copper Furnaee, containing 388. gallons, to- gether with a Lead Pump, Lead Pipes, and a tar tie Mash- ing Tub, Under- back and Cooler; also thirteen capita! Store Casks, of different sizes, from 150 to 12 barrels each : the whole in excellent condition, and well worth the atten- tion of the public. CITY OF GLOCESTER. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, liy CHARLES MELSOM, On Tuesday and Wednesday, the 21st and 22d of Feb- ruary, 1809 :— All the v HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, BOOKS, BED and TABLE LINEN, CHINA, GLASS, KITCHEN REQUISITES, BREWING UTENSILS, CASKS, BEER, ALE, CIDER, PERRY, HOPS, See. of Mr. Newton Brabant, deceased, at his la\ e D> vellin£- house, in Upper Northgate- street, in this city.; consisting of Feather and Mill- puff Beds; Four- post and other Bedsteads, with Cotton Furniture ; Mahogany D- ning, Pillar, and Card Tables; twelve. Mahogany Chairs, with Elbows to correspond ; Mahogany book- case ; Chest of Drawers ; Wash- hand Stands ; Pier and' Swing Glasses; Scotch Floor and Bedside Carpets; numerous Kitchen Requisites; Scales, Beams, and Weights; Casks and Brewing Utensils ; several Hogsheads of Family Beer and Cider and Casks ; four Hogsheads of prim © Perry and Casks ; two Hogsheads of prime Cider and Casks ; and three Hogsheads of old Beer and Ale and Casks; three Pockets of Hops, and three half Pockets ; a useful HACKNEY, Saddle, aud three Bridles; also a quantity of Potatoes, and Building Materials. Among the number of BOOKS, is, that large, elegant, and beautiful Work OI' Sir Robert Atkyns, fully describ- ing the ancient State of Giocestershire, published in the year 1712, with original Engravings of all the Noblemen and Gentlemen's Seats in the county j also the Works of Flavius Josephus, translated into English by Sir Roger Lestrange, Knight; the Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testament, translated out of the original tongues; a Family Bible, by the Rev, Alexander Fortescue; and Smollet's History of England ; with many other valuable authors. The sale to be « in each morning at ten o'clock. CHELTENHAM. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Messrs. MOORE and SON, At the Crown Inn, precisely at five o'clock in the evening of Tuesday, the 14th of February, 1809, subject to con- ditions of sale \ thich will then be produced;— A capital newly erecting FREEHOLD DWELLING HOUSE, with Offices in an unfinished state, being in St. James's- street, on the west side thereof, and nearly at Ihe top of such street. For further particulars, apply to W. H. Jessop, who has also a power of disposing thereof by private contract. In case the same be disposed of before the day of sale, pub- lic notice will be given, MYTHIC ESTATE, Postponed on account ofthe late high Floods. TOBESOLD BY A UCtl O N, ( IN LQTS) By IV. MOORE and SON,, ' On Tuesday, the 21st day of February, 1809, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, at the Cross Keys Inn, in Tewkes- bury, Giocestershire, unless previously disposed of by pri- vate Contract, of which notice will be given ; — A very desirable Freehold Estate, consisting of 125 Acres ( or thereabouts) of exceedingly rich PASTURE and MEADOW LAND, within a ring- fence, with convenient Feeding Stalls thereon, most plea- santly situate at the My the, in the parishes of Tewkesbury and Twining, in the county of Glocester, adjoining the turnpike- road leading from Worcester to Bath and Bristol, and the navigable River Avon; and occupied by Mr. Joseph Buckle, Mr. William. Procter, Mr. Henry New, and Mr. John Mason, all yearly Tenants*. Also, five Acres ( or thereabouts) of very fertile MEA- DOW LAND, in Severn Ham, in . Tewkesburv; occu- pied by Mr. Buckle; and six COW- PASTURES, in the Lower Cow- pasture, Shutonger, and Cowham, in Twin- ing ; tenanted by Mr. Patrick. To view the Estate, apply to the respective Tenants ; and printed Particulars may be had of Rob. L. Apple- yard, Esq. Lincoln's- Inn, of George Jenkins, Esq. Gray's- Inn, and of Mr. Robinson, Warwick- street, Golden- square, London ; at the Office of Messrs. Blayney and Phelps, Solicitors, in Evesham, Worcestershire, where a Plan of the Estate may be seen ; and of the Auctioneers, Tewkesbury, VERY VALUABLE FARMING STOCK, The whole of which is of the true Herefordshire breed, and in Symmetry exceeded bfj few; TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By W. HANDY, On Friday, the 3d day of March next, at Mr. Thomas Sivell's, of the Gate Farm, in the parish of Berrow, five miles from Ledburv, eight from Upton, and nine from Tewkesbury, in the county of Worcester ;—? Composing one fine black Stallion, rising five years old, called YOUNG SNOWBALL, 15 hands two inches high, got by Sweet William, hi3 dam by Old Snowball,,, which horse is well known in Worcestershire, Herefordshire, and Giocestershire; four capital Waggon Geldings and Mares, from three to seven years old, black Hackney Gelding, six years old, a very fast trolter, blood bay Mare, with Filley Foal by St. Vincent, brown Hackney Mare, with Fill'y Foal, brown Cart Mare and Filley Foal, black Cart Mare and Filley Foal; and black two- year old' Cart Colt; three Cows with Calves, seven in- calving Cows, six in- calving two- year old Heifers, eleven two- year old Steers, four working O^ cen, two three- year old spayed Heifers, two two- year old dilto, one barren Cow, three new milch Cows, one fine three- year old Heifer with a capital• Bull- Calf, sixteen rearing Calves, one four- year old Bull ; about 70 Ewe and Wether Sheep, three Sows in Pig, eight • strong Stope Pigs and one Boar. Mr. Sivell quitting theEstate, the said Stock will be sold without reserve. Catalogues may be had, in due time, at the' principal Inns in Worcester, Hereford, Glocester, Ledbury, Tewkesbury, Upton, at the Place of Sale, and ofthe Auctioneer, F^ egate- street, Worcester. The Sale to begin precisely at ten o'clock in the Hom- ing, and commence wilii the Horses, Cardial Farming Stock. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By T. ACOCK, On Tuesday, the 28th of February, and Wednesday, the lst of March, 1309, without reserve, on the premises, at Rapsgate Park, in the parish of Colrsbourn, Giocester- shire -— All the LIVE and DEAD FARMING STOCK* and IMPLEMENTS in HUSBANDRY, the property of Mr. John Cook, who is leaving the farm : comprising 90 Ewes and Theaves in yean, 20 She « r- hogs ; 12 Work- ing Oxen, 3 meaty ditto, 2 three- year- old'ditto, 1 three- year- old Herefordshire Bull, 7 Co « s and HtfferS in calf, 5 Barren ditto, 3 Stirks, 3 Steers, and 4 Yearlings ; 6 useful Cart Geldings and Mares, 1 Hackney Geldingf and 6 Store Pigs. The Implements consist of Waggons, Cart, Ploughs, Drsgs, Harrows, Hurdles, Sheep Racks, Ox and HaPhess, Staddles, Stone Troughs, & c. & c. Also, a lew Lots of Household Furniture. The whole will be expressed in Catalogues, to be dis- tributed in due time. The Live Stock will be sold - tlie first day, beginning with the Slieep, at eleven o'clock. Rapsga'e Park is situate about 7 miles from Cheltenham, ' 6 from Cirencester, and 5 from Froginfll. A person will attend with refreshinynt- s for the company. Large and Valuable TIMBER, and WOOD- LANDS. HP O BE S O L D B Y AUCTIO N, - 1 By W. HANDY, On Monday, the 13th day of February, 1809, at Mr. ' Davis* a% the Lion Inn, KHderminsler, in the county of Worcester ; the following LOTS OF TIMBER, Subject to Conditions then pro- lured. The Sale to conw mencc precisely al three o'cloc k in the afternoon. LOT I.— Consists of 17 Elm Trees, 11 Ash uit- ip, 4 Maiden'Oak ditto, and 2 Oak Pollard Trees, now stand- ing on a Farm tailed Burlish Farm, in the occupation of Mrs. York. LOT 2.— Consists of 17 Elm Tree;, 27 Ash dilto, 7 • Maiden Oak ditto, and 10 Pollard Oaks, now standing oa a Farm at Blacksfone, in ihe occupation of Mr. Horn- blower, adjoining the first- mentioned Lot. These two Lots are situated between Bewdley anil Stourport, and nearly adjoining Hie River Severn. LOT 3.— Consists of 25 Elm Trees, 13 Maiden Oafc ditto, 3 Oak Pollards, 47 Ash Trees, 12 Pollard Ash, 4 Aldcu, aud 4 Wych Eliii Trees, now standing on a Farm at Wribbenhall, adjoining the Town of Bewdiev, in th* occupation of Mrs. Dobson ; also, 36 Maiden Oak Trees, and 12 Ash diuo, numbered with red Paint, now standing on Lauds let to Mr. Corbyn, near Eympre Wood. LOT 4.— Consists of 36 Maiden Oak Trees, 6 Pollard ditto, 55 Maiden Ash, 4 Pollard Ash, 2 Birch, 5 Wych Elm, 10 Alders, and 6 Poplar ditto, now standing on a Farm in the occupation of Mr. Jolm Hillman, called Whorstone, nearly adjoining the lasl- roenlioti'ed Lot. . LOT 5.— Consists of 102 Maiden Oak Trees, 15 Pollard Oaks, and 1 Ash, now standing on a Farrh called theHoie, in the occupation of Mrs. Green, near Park Attwood Wood, adjoining the Turnpike- road leading from Kidder- minster to Bridgnorth, and within two Miles of the for- mer place. Lo r 0.— Consists of 562 Maiden Oak Trees and Poles, and 1 Ash Tree, now standing and growing in Park Alt- wood Wood, of superior Quality, and likewise adjoining the Turnpike Road. LOT 7.— Consists of the well- grown Underwood in the Park Attwood Wood, 21 years' growth, which wili be sold at per Acre, and consists of 14 Acres, 1 Rood, and 2tt Perches, more or less. LOT 8.— Consists of 81 Maiden Oak Trees, 61 Ash Trees, and 6 Wych Elm Trees, now standing on Birch Farm, in the occupation of Mrs. Holmes, adjoining the last- mentioned Lot. LOT £>.— Consis - of 5S Maiden Oak Trees, 34 A* li Trees, 1 Wych Elm Tree, and 4 Poplar Trcii*,. now stand- ing on Castle Hill Farm, and Lands adjoining, . in the oc- cupation of Messrs. Chillingsworth, Waklron, and Pardoes, in tbe Parish of Wolverley, and nearly adjoining the Wor- cestershire and Staffordshire Canal. LOT 10.— Consists of 77 Maiden OakTrec*, 15 Pollard Oaks, 152 Ash Trees, 1 Poplar, 8 Wych Elm, and I Sycamore, now standing on the Park Farm, in the occu- pation of Mr. John Chillingsworth, in Ihe Parish of Kid- derminster, and near to Park Atlwood Wood. LOT 11.— Consists of 70 Maiden Oak Trees, 11 Pollard Oaks, 62 Elm, Ij Poplar, 23 Asfc, 4 Pollard Ash, and 1 Sycamore, now standing on Woivcrley Court Farm, ia the occupation of Mr. Morris, in the Village of Wolver- ley, and nearly adjoining ihe Canal. LOT 12,— Consists of 42 Maiden Oak Trees, 7 Elm, 3 Poplar, and 6 Sycamore Trees, now standing oti a Farm called Wellington, in the occupation of James P.- atl, Esq. in the Parish of Chaddeslev Corbet, adjoining the Turn- pike- road leading from Hartleburv to Hagley. LOT 13.— Consists of 19 Sycamore, 2y Maiden Ash, 7 Elm, and 30 Maiden Oak Trees, now standing on Deaa Ford Farm, iu the occupation of Mr. William Wyld^; and also 6 Maiden Oak and 32 Maiden Ash Trees, stand- ing in the New Wood and Lands adjoining; likewise 2 Walnut Trees and 5 Ash Trees, standing « n Lands at Bel- lington Mill, the whole contiguous loeach other, and num- bered wilh while and blue Paint, about Midway betweea Kidderminster and Stourbridge. LOT 14.— Consists of 26 Maiden Ash Trees, now stand, ing on Wannerton Farm, in the occupation of Mr. Edw. Pratl, within one mile of ihe last- nientioned Lots, num- bered with white Paint. LOT 15.— Consists of 136 Maiden Ash and 15 Elm Trees, now standing on Djnelent Farm, in the occupation of Mr. Dugard, in the Parish of Stone, within about tw. Miles of Kidderminster. . LOT 16.— Consists of 52 Maiden Elm, 30 Oak Pollard, 14 Maiden Ash, 11 Maiden Oak, 5 Elm Pollards, and 8 Ash Pollard Trei s, now standing on Lands in the occupa- tion of Messrs. Shirley, Knowles, Ncwcopibc, Slyles, Pur- lin, and Hooman, in the vicinity of Kidderminster, mark- ed ivith blue Paint. LOT 17.— Consists of 46 Alder, 2 Poplar, 16 Maide. Oak, 32 Elm, 3 Maiden Ash, 3 Oak Pollards, and 1 Ash Pollard Trees, now standing on Aggbcrrough Farm, in th. occupation of Mr. Hilhnan, adjoining Ihe Town of Kid- derminster, numbered wilh white Paint. LOT 18.— Consists of 1050 Oak Trees and Poles, of su- perior quality, marked and numbered with white Paint, now standing and growing in Lower Shuler's Wood, i « the Parish of Elmlcy Lovet, nearly adjoining the Turnpike Road leading from Droit wicb to Kidderminster. LOT 19.— Consists of Ihe valuable Underwood in the above- mentioned Wood, upwards of 28 years' growth, and remarkably well_ platiied, which will be sold bv lh « Acre, and comprises 23 Acres, 3 Roods, and 29 Perches, more or less. LOT 20.— Consists of 530 Oak Timber Trees and Poles, many of which Trees are fit for the Navy, blazed and marked with while Paint, now standing on Part of Upper Shuter's Wood, in the aforesaid Parish of Elmley Lovet. LOT 21,— Consists ot the valuable Underwood in Upper Shuler's Wood, Acres,' situated on the left hand side o£ Upper Shuter's Wood, entering the same from Snedge Green to the Broad Common, which will likewise be soii by the Acre; upwards of 30 years'growth. LOT 22.— Consists of 300 Oak Timber Trees aud Poles, now blazed and marked with red Paint, and 7 Ash Trees, marked wilh w hile Painl, liow standing on'the other side of the aforesaid Upper Shuter's Wood. Lo r 23.— Consists of the remaining Part of the valua- ble Underwood standing on the right hand side of the road in Upper Shuter's Wood, hading from Sncdge Green t « the Broad Common, of 3- J years' growth, and well s orer1. LOT 24.— Consists of the Fee, or Site of the Wood Laud called Lower Shuter's Wood, which will be sold by the Acre, and the Stores thereon, with a Messuage or Tenement, Garden, and piece. of Lau • adjoining. LOT 25.— Consists of the Fee, or Site, ot that part of Upper Shuter's Wood that is on the. left as you enter the same from. Snedste Green to go to Ihe Broad Common, with the Stores thereon. LOT 26.— Consists of the Fee, or Site,' of that part of Shu ter's Wood on Ihe right h ind, side of the road leading from Snedge Green to the Broad Common, with the Stores thereon. Lo r 27.— Consists of a small Meadow, situated be- tween ( he Upper and Lower Shuter's Woods, ' Acres, The whole of the above- mentioned Timber is situated within from 100 yards to 4 miles of the town of Kidder- minster, adjoining the River Severn, the Worcester an4 Stafford Canal, and excellent roads.— The respective- te- nants, on application, will cause ( he lots to be shewnani for further particulars apply to Mr Sergeant,, Sourport, or the Auctioneer, Forejate- ilreet, Worcester. ! POSTSCRIPT. T. O. YDOJ?, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9. THE. official intelligence brought by ( lie Achates from Admiral Cochrane has been kept secret; but rumours prevail with great confidence, that the attack on Martinique has been abandoned on ac- count of its having been ascertained that large sup- plies of men and provisions have recently arrived boll) at Martinique ami Guadalouyc. Extract of a letter from an of his Megesitjs sMp , dated off. Mnrtiniqw, Jan. 4:— " I wrote to you yesterday, aud my. letter will shen- VOU bow much 1, w'uh every body else, am, ex- isnera'ed r. t the termination of the expedition Mavtmqne. I* U, " » leed said, that a General iiromin' forth from Madeira to take the command. — 15 Vlusbe tact, there are stilt some hopes that tins prize mav not be eventual!.? given up. " Jan T kree o'doct.— The Achates is geltmnunder ieav The Admiral has ioined v\ s, but v. irV. otrt Uoops. IVe arc now in Fort ltov. il fine, in company with the HV.' ie st^ tuAron. ' VW ? ten « ; Vv t*\? a'eswe tan dwAiu- rerr dfartv in the C" ld* Smk " ^ omt WeWxe. eucttlvasbetn received from Spain, bv a Vt— rl froin St. Andero, » hich the quillet) on xW 2rj\.\\ vo. v. wultVv\ l\ through harm me for Pari* on the iflh lilt. \ Vj \ c\\ ev=, o\ AV. e Satraay » sa, that fortress was in full possession of the Spaniard* wuk- r Ya\ atox, attack*. Catano? is said to have been put to dealli. ' Vbecnnmvar. ce ol\ Ve Kmn'ow embav^ o has produced a considerable sensation upon the Con- tinent. So fewer than cic; ht American vessels, laden with cotton, bavebroV. e. i \ be embargo, awiaxmeOv at Liverpool. Tfc « - v are (>. n( of 22 sail, u Inch ran out of Nw York harbour on Vbe wgks oi Vbe 13th and lf> th it It. Messrs. Madison and Clinton are rteclwl, tbe former President, and Hie taller Vice President of America. The official documents, such as licences, pro- tests, Sec. issued in the sea- port towns on the Coast of Spain in the possession of ( lie French, are executed in the name of Joseph tbe First, King of Spain and the Indies. Stocks experienced this morning a rise of about fine- halt per cent, ' l he three per cents, were as high, for money, as Cu ' Hamburgh and AUona papers, to the 28th of Januarv, are received. Ii is now ascertained that Jlaslap'ua Bairactar, from whose vigour ami energy a favourable change was' expected in the Councils of that decayed and loitering Empire, lost bis lite in the late insurrection at Constantinople. So Isle as December the 10th Mr. Adair remained on board the frigate which carried him out, in the . Dardanelles; and, at that date, it was understood a negociation for peace was in train between Turkey and Russia. The Fresburgh paper mentions the loss, off Londstrup, of an ' English frigate, of 4- 1 guns,, on the 5th of December." Only live officers and 55 seamen were saved. We are inclined to believe that the account is untrue, from the circumstance of its coming ( fom the centre of Germany. Of the officers and crew of the Crescent, lately wrecked in* the North Seas, 20 have marched through Copenhagen, on their way to Sweden. The Orsle French corvette, of 22 guns, and 200 men, is captured by L'Aimabie frigate, the Hon. G. Stewart. An argument, as curious as it is interesting, isde- pending In the Court of King's Bench, respecting the marriage of illegitimate children. The case be- fore theCourt upon this subject is as follows :— A gentleman dying, left his natural daughter a very considerable estate. At that period she was living under the guardianship of her mother, and before she attained the a,' e of 21, she was married with her mother's consent. The question before the Court is, whether the issue of that marriage can in- herit the estate felt by tbe arnmlbdher. DUKE OF YORK. HOUSE OF COMMONS.—- TUESDAY. Concluded frnin wage 4. The Hor. se resolved itself into a Committee, to con- sider further of the conduct of the Duke of York; Mr. Wharton in the chair:— Mr. Few, an Auctioneer, was examined about a . debt- Mr. Stowers, relative to Mrs. Clarke's mar- riage; Mr. Comri", Mrs. Clarke's Solicitor, proved that the Duke, when Mr. Adam was present, agreed that Mrs. Clarke should be allowed 4001. a year; but it was expressly mentioned, that she should pay her own debts; and on his naming that she had told him - she was verv short of money, his Highness said she bad some furniture and valuable articles which she ikight dispose of. Mr PEARCE.— Q., " With whom do you now live as butler? A. With the Hoii. Mr. Turner. Q. Did yon live as butler ill Glocester- place, with Mrs. Clarke, when she was under the protection of the Duke? A. Yes. Q. Do you recollect any servant being or- dered by the Duke to get a banV- note changed? A. No; but I do recollect the housekeeper, Sirs. Favorite, one niorr. ing giving a bill to Ludovick to go out with, and of seeing her get it back, and take it np stairs. Q. Was the Duke in the house at the time? A. Yes, lie was up stairs. Q. In what year was this? A. About July or August, 1806, when Mrs. Clarke - went to Worthing. Q. ( By Mr. Lyttleton) Is that the only note you recollect Lndovick to have been sent to change? - A. Yes. Q. Was it the morning of the day the Duke • went off? A. Yes. THIRD CHARGE. CAPTAIN si* HEN'S EXAMINATION. Q. What interest had the witness in Col. French's Levy? A. I was concerned with him in the Levy. Q. Does he know Mrs. ' Clarke? A. I do. Q. Did lie or Colonel French apply to her for her influence, in • order that thev might have the levy? A. Thev did no t know it was Mrs. Clarke, till after they had obtained the letter of service. Q. Who gave witness the ill- formation that took him to Mrs. Clarke? A. Mr. Cockayne, mv Attorney. Q. Did he recommend him to Mrs. Clark? A. To her agent. Q. Who? A. A music- master, of the name of Coni. Q. Had he an interview with Mrs. Clarke? A. Colonel French asked me to go with him to the agent; I did not know - whether male or female. On my arrival at Glocester- place, to my surprise I found it to be a female.-—../ laugh. Q. What were the terms of the agreement? A. 300 guineas. O. What sums of money have been paid to Mrs. Clarke?. A. From 8001. to 13501. Q. Can he state whether the 8501. arose out of an agreement to pay so much per man? A. It was part of a general mm.' If the levy succeeded, we were to pay 20001. to Mrs. Clarke; if it failed there was no explicit agree- ment. It failed, and she was the only gainer. He then stated, in answer to other questions, that though he was of opinion Mrs. Clarke had no influence ( from the length of the time ill obtaining the letter of service after they applied) yet he was induced to pay h ' r money in compliance with the desire of Colonel French, who wished to try the experiment. He did not think their request would have been refused, but merely applied to Mrs. Clarke to facilitate the levy. That Mrs. Clarke desired particularly that the business should be kept secret, and had never told him she had informed the Duke of York of the circumstances; on the contrary, wished it kept from him and all the world. The next witness called was Mr. Dowler; his ex- amination was to the following effect:— By Mr. Wartlle.— Has the witness seen Mr. Cock- ayne lately? A. I have not. I only returned from the Continent on Thursday last. Q." Has he known Mrs. Clarke long? A. For several years. Q. How many? A. Eight or nine. Q. Does the witness re- collect ever having seen Colonel French and Captain Sanden, at Glocester- place while Mrs. Clarke was un- der the protection of the Duke of York? A. I do. Q. Did the witness ever hear either cf these Geutle- Jsen speak to Mrs. Clarke on the subject ef thair levy? A. Yes. < 5. Did you ever cfinverse with Colonel French or Captain Sanden, on that subject, by tbe de- sire of Mrs. Clarke? • A. Several times. Q. What was the nature of these conversations? A. I saw Colonel French at Mrs. Clarke's house, and was in- formed that lie mis there on the subject of a letter of service. For curiosity sake I asked Mrs. Clarke the nature cfltis business, and on learning it, told her I highly disapproved of it, and endeavoured to dissuade her from a perseverance in that anil similar plans. She told n\ e that she was to reeeive 1000 guineas, and a guinea for each man, until the levy of 500 men should be completed. I was also present when Colonel French or C iptain Samlen, I do not know which, gave Mrs. Clarke 500!. of it. f afterwards saw Colonel French at Mr*. Clarke's, when he stated to her, that it was not possible to procure the number ot'nien at tbetaual bounty, and begged that the number of boys should be increased iu the levy, which, as I understand, was afterwards done. Q. When the witness remon- strated a£ aipst Mrs. Clarke's conduct what answer did she make? what causes did she assign? A. She said t.' ic Duke of York was so distressed for mono y that she could not, bear to ask bind for any, atvl that tlvat was the only way by which she. could support her establish' ment. C- ( R'j L/ tr< l Folk stone) Is not the witness in the e& m. r.' to& umY? ,\. l n, ti. How \ ong taste been & « > .4. Since the year 1805. CJ. How did he obtain his commtssrtm? A » 1 pwvt'uviseA \ t ot' " N\ vs. C\ a\ ke. Q. Did the witness apply directly to Mis. Clarke for t, Ue wppbVntaneat? A. CcrtaviiW not she 3v. ™ « esteii it to me. Q. Did yon rive her any pecuniary reeom- pctvte? A. Iu the firstptaee, 10001.-, ae. il at other rimes different stuns of money to a large amom. t. Q., Y) 14 you at the same time make a direct and regular application to any person in office? .4. To no one. Q. lu what department of Government is the presen- tation to the situation which yon hold vested? A. In the Treasury.— Mts. G'arke told me I should be ap- pointed sooner to it than I was: and stated, that the reason of the delay was, that Mr. Langley, of the 10th regiment of dragoons, must first be Gazetted. Q. V Jitt / 7/ r. Hufsfcisson) Did the witness under- stand from Mrs. Ciarke that she made a direct applica- tion to any person in the Treasury; and if r. ot, through what cliaunci i A. The Duke of Y nrk. O. Between the time of his having paid the premium to Mr,*. Carke, and of bis having actually received tbe. commission, did lie receive any information, from any person in the Treasury that his expectations would be favourably entertained? A. Mr. Vernon said to me one morning, that he bSieved I was going to be. appointed Assistant Commissary ; that the proper documents had been executed, and that he had no doubt but that the ap- pointment would take place. (). ( By Alderman Comb,-) Does the witness recol- lect a conversation which he had with me in Coventry- street, soon after his appointment? A. I recollect seeing Mr. Combe, but I do ni. t recollect what oc- curred. Q. Dues the witness recollect that I con- gratulated him on his appointment; that I told him I iiad heard he had Obtained it through the interest of Mrs. Clarke, but that I expressed my hope it was by that of Sir Brooke Watson ? A. I recollect only the congratulation. An adjournment now took place to Thursday, when Mrs. Clarke will be the first witness examined. On Monday, Mr. Wbitbread brought forward' his motion declaratory . of the impropriety of the ofiice of Chief Secretary for Ireland being held by Sir Arthur Wellesley during his absence on foreign service. The motion was, however, waived by the previous question. — Mr. Hnskissoii assured the House, that the specie which fell ioto the liands of the enemy was not more than between .10 and 40,000!. — The MilitiaVohmteer- ing Bill went through a Committee. The only new clause added, was that for allowing one Serjeant and one corporal to enter into the regulars with every SO men from the militia. Glocesfer, Saturday, Feb. 11. FROM the South of Spain, where what small hope exists of the success of the Patriot arms alone finds encouragement, no information that can be deemed official has arrived, for some time.— tt would seem, that the British troops have quitted the Portuguesetemtory, incliidini; tho.- e wlu> were more advanced" in the country. Government shew a strong disposition to maintain a footing, and se- cure from the French the fleets, at Cadiz ; and we trust no unexpected event wiil arise to baffle them in an undertaking so important. But nothing is said concerning the Spanish colonies; though their value is so greatly enhanced, and the policy of protecting them so additionally strengthened, by recent reverses. The silence which reigns on this head proceeds, let us hope, from any thing but an indifference to their fate. Great and glorious works may be effected- in South America, by the advo- cates for freedom and independence in Spain. There, we should conceive, the power of France can find no sway, if measures of common pru- dence be taken to repel it. America has now finally resolved to confine her- self to her own territory, and await the issue ofthe crash of arms in Europe. Mr. Jefferson's late sa- cretary is elevated to the post of President. It is unnecessary to explain his politics!— The attack on Martinique, it is rumoured, has been suspended ; but the cause is not clearly known. An article from Berlin ofthe 3d ult. states, that " ai a change is about to take place here, Field Marshal Moljendorffis on the point of selling his establishment at I. ichtenburg, near Berlin, with all the furniture and orangerie." What change is meant? Berlin has been evacuated by the . French, and, as we were told, restored to its owner. The King of Prussia and his Queen are at Peters- burgh, suing, most probably, for a longer lease of their Crown, assigned, it is presumed, to another head, at the Erfurth meeting. There was no foundation for the report that Messrs. Canning and Whilbread bad had a meet- ing, in order to adjust a warm dispute between them. On Wednesday se'nuight di" d, at Wotton- nnder- F. dge, Mis. Dauueey, widow of the late J. Dauncey, Esq. aged 75. On the 1st instant died, in the 74- th year of his age, Mr, Daniel Dimery, of Staneombe Farm, near Durs- ley, who maintained through life the respectable cha- racter of an upright, active, and intelligent man, and who strenuously exerted his industry and talents for the advantage of his family, and the benefit of the public. On Wednesday last died, in the 55th year of his age, after a short illness, which he bore with christian patience and resignation, Mr. William Birt, of this city. He was a tender and affectionate parent; and bv his friends and acquaintance, was beloved and res- pected. On Wednesday died, Mr. Dovey, of the King's Arms, in this city. On Friday se'nnight died, Mr. M. Hook, a very res- pectable farmer, ofTibberton, in this county. On Sunday last died, at Kington, Herefordshire, in the3! st year of her agV, universally lamented, Miss Givynne, eldest daughter of Bridgwater Meredith, Esq. of the same place. On Saturday last died, at Cirencester, after a linger- ing illness, the Rev. John Kings, many years pastor ofdissenting congregation there. On Monday the 30th ult. Mr. James Riulge, of this city, was admitted an attorney of his Majesty's Court of King's Bench, at Westminster. The Rev. John Trumper, A. B. of Jesus College, Ox- ford, was lately instituted by t!: e Lord Bishop of He- reford, to the vicaiage of Clifford, on tine presentation of Thomas Trttmper, Esq. On Wednesday*' next, Mr. Littleton, M. P for Wor- cester, brings forward a motion respecting military courts- martial. Sheriffs appointed far 1809. Gloucestershire, .1. II. Moggridge, of Dymock, Esq. Worcestershire, Postponed. Herefordshire, W. Wall, of Leominster, Esq. Moamo'tthshirc, J. K. <>. Kmeys, of Peitliolev, Esq. Oxfordshire, J. Harrison, of Shelsw'ell, Esq. Somersetshire, J. Norton, of Milv.- rton, Esq. IVa.' jikkshi'- c., A. Bracebridge, of Atherstone, Esq. Stafordshire, T. Levett, efWhiclmer, Esq. Mr. Wardie, who prefers charges agaiist Ihe Duke of York, is a gentleman of independ'nt for- tune, and has been in the service of his country : he was a Major in Sir W. W. Wynne's refiment, during tbe rebellion in Ireland. He is a mUve of Cheshire, is married, and has several children.— He is remembered to havf been in this city, with Sir IV. IV. Wynne's regiment, when it was quartered here some Sears back. On Wednesday morning, a young woman, be- longing to tlie parish ol Stokes Orchard, susjiernkd herself by. acord to a beam at her house in Tewkes- bury, but was cut down in time to save her life, She had previously sworn herself pregnaut by a man who was taken the day before, by tbeparish officers of Stokes Orchard and lodged iu Orison. She said she committed the rash act, because the man would not marry her. She attempted to cut her throat the preceding evening, aud shoued the scars she had made in bet neck, tt> a neighbour, on Ihe morning she atlem/ Acd to liang herself. ' fhe gentleman who ira? unhappily drowned on Thursday se'mVu^ ht, whilst heAm » conveyed across the Severn at Neu- nham passage, was Mr. Hewlett, o\ VYivnyiVoW, He Ivad been liv\\ lately mauled. The names of the boatmen are Thomas Knight and ' VViomas Uooke. Tbe former bad a> U'. mVn\ \ b » t ferry for IS years: he has left to lament his untimely loss, a family oS seven cbMOtven\ 4v » companion, P. ookc, three; and each a pregnant widow I It appears, \ bat \ bey were unexpectedly overt. Aen by the bore of the tide, which set in uith unusiial force ancl rapidity. Yy'e believe all tbe bodies are not jet picked tip. Mr. Hewlett, it is said, had fifty jxmmls in bis pocket. The application for a new ( rial in the cause ffill v. Smith, ( in which Die right of tbe Sheriff of Wor- cester to take a toll of all corn sold in that market, was disputed) has been refused. Dr. Stock, of Bristol, has undertaken to write a life of the lale Dr. Bed docs, with the approbation of the family and friends of the deceased. On Sunday morning last a voting traveller was decoyed into an inn near Worcester, by two per- sons who pretende/ l that lliey were strangers to each other; but it is evident they had a premeditated design to plunder him, I or before lie left Ilia above house, they managed to defraud him of about 401. The Herefordshire Agricultural Society was very respectably attended on Monday, and the exhibi- tion of bulls was much admired. The successful candidates for premiums were Mr, Walker, of IVormesley, Mr. Hardwick, of the U'eir, Mr. Bennett, of Netherton, and Mr. Jefferies, of the Sheriffs. In awarding the premium of.( he two- years- old bull, the merits of the animals shown by Mr. Hardwick and Mr. Galliers were deemed so equal that the decision was determined by lot. Hereford Candlemas, fair on Monday, was but thinly attended, and the show of cattle rather small. The prime beasts sold very quickly ; it ad- vanced prices, and lean stock also sold well.— Horses were very dear, and few good ones jo the fair. Of sheep but a small quantity, and prime ones met with a quick sale at good prices. The pigs yvere pot numerous, and no alteration in value. Hops sold from 56s. to 75s. per cwt. Cheese, best making, averaged 84s. to SSs. and two meal 70s. to 74s. per cwt. The following is the substance of a letter from a young man in the royals (. to his nullier in Hereford) and who was wounded in the action of the 16th at Ctirunna : i— " 1 got my wound on the 16rh of January, in the action near t'orunna, which, was dreadfully severe. I was on the out piquet, and most of us w\ re killed or wounded before the army Bioved to our assistance. The 81st regiment was very much cut up. My firelock was broken by a shot, i. ny right hand man killed, aijd as I stooped down to pick up another musket, my rear man was shot over me .-^ The French had 50,000 ljien^ and we were only 15,000, but we beat them completely, and ef- fected our embarkation. We began our retreat on Christmas Hay, and we were from that lime till the 14th of January, and never got anj thing to eat but what we could pick up on the toad.; is- deed our marching was worse than lighting, and the Spaniards always behaved very ill to us. I was without shoes and stockings, and the roads verv muddy, but when I saw the officers the same, " T could not Complain. We often lived on turnips and water, which we picked up in the fields. On all the march we lay in the open air, wet or dry, and it was very dreadful to see the number of fine fellows that were constantly dropping on the road, perishing from fatigue; a very great number of women also dropped. When we got on board flie transports, we were obliged to cut the cables, and five were left aground, for the'French; I have heard people say, Generals never go where the balls fly, but this is not the case, as ours were all in the hottest part of the battle, and our two head ones killed and wounded. Our officers fought, if possible, better than the men, and more1 of them were killed and wounded in proportion.— I am getting well of my wound." LORD FOLEY'S HUNT. The hounds throw off on the following days, at the places annexed:— Monday, Feb. 13, Wednesday, 15, Friday, ' 17, Moifday, 20, . Wednesday, 11, Friday, ' 24, At ten o'clock each morning. MARRIED.— Mr. Thomas Pearce, barge owner, to Miss Powles, . both of Hereford Mr. Henry Helme, dancing master of Birmingham, to Miss Ann Piatt, of the same place Mr. Hampton, of Holly's End, to Miss Siddons, of the Mitre, Stourbridge Mr. Robert Wagstaff, jun. of Bickenhill, to Miss Jane Sunierland, of Yardlev, Worcestershire Mr. Jas. Lovell, to Miss Ann Givyer ,... Mr. Oavey, to Miss Green, of Bristol Mr. Jacob James, to Mijs Hutchings, daughter of the Rev. Mr. Hatchings, of Keynsham... Mr. James Salmon, of Strattun- on- the- Foss, to Miss Maria Reeves, of Bath At Bath, Mr.. Sharp, of Kmitsford, Cheshire, to Miss Martha Whittaker, late of Belvedere- house. DIED.— At Goytree, Monmouthshire, aged 27, Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Lientenant- ColonelBird, late of the 54th regiment, At Monmouth, Mr. Edward Coman, son of thelate Mr. E. Coman, mercer, of that, town Mr. Kinson, owner, of VV'yebridge- street, Monmouth In the 73d year of his age, Mr. Jenes, Worcester Aged 70, justly lamented by a numerous lamilv, Mrs. Harford, ofthe White House, Eastnor, near Ledbury .... At the rectory house, in Broughton, Lincolnshire, Mrs. Radcliffe, the cele- brated authoress In bis40tli year, liem'y Rogers, Esq. ofthe island of Jamaica, late" of Bristol.......... At Antigua, oil the Stli of November last, Captain Asa Rosseter, lately trading from Bristol to New York...... ... In London, aged 35, " Mrs. Kershaw, late of Leather- head, ill Survey Mrs. Maxey, wife of the Rev, Mr. Maxey., of Ityford, Herefordshire Mr. R. Smith, second son of Mr. Smith, of Boulstone, Herefordshire. Mr Edward Moore, of the Old Forge Corn Mills, in the parish of Goodrich, Herefordshire At Leo- minster, aged 78, Mrs. T. Tudor. Cliffy WoDd. Okeridee Wood. Walsal Wood. Tiddesley Wood, Bishop's Wood, ' Oakley Wood. To his Majesty's Deputy Lieutenants fur the County of Gloucester, and Cities of Bristol and Gloucester. GENTLEMEN, H. AVING received a Warrant, under his Majesty's Royal Sign Manual, I hereby appoint a General Meeting of Lieutenancy for the County of Glou- cester, and the Cities of Bristol and Gloucester, to be holtkn at the KING'S HEAD INS, in the City cf Gloucester, mi WEDNESDAY, the liitli of February instant, at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, for the pur- pose of carrying into effect the Provisions of an Act lately passed, intituled " An Act for enabling his Majesty to establish a permanent Local Militia Force, under certain Restrictions, for the Defence of the Realm," 8rc, BERKELEY, Lietitennnt of the County of Gloucester, and City of Bristol and Glocester. To Journeymen Printers. WA1SJTE. D immediate^, TWO STliADY MEN, that fan work at Press and Ca. e; or a l'RKSMM ami COMPOSITOR. or hv letter, to E. Reddbll, Printer, Tewltethtirv. NloAetaVttTree. chmgli. xpev'rces ^ VA heaV. ovea, on immediate application. " GLOCtSTER. ~ WANTED, as a MASTER, in the Work- house ot the cit. v of Glocester, a sober, active, industrious* umuarried MAN, without a family, not ex- ceeding 50 year* ot age, who understands the care and management of a family ; and can also write, and is con- | versant with accounts, as he will not only have lo keep the current account* of ( he house, but to leach the chit- dren r art'ins, writing, and arithmetic. Vie. will he es- p'- cret/ to devote his whole time and attention to the duties ol his othc*. Those who wish to offer themselves as candidates for ,\ hc office, are requested to w. v.\ Vneir wames, of abode, age, and testimony to character, to the Governor auA Ouatdians ot the PWOT of the city of G\ ocester, on or before ihe QQd of February, 1809: and they are also requested to he iu - waiving at the Wmkhou* « . « n the day of election. There arc Rules to be observed and enforced by the Master, that may he seen at any time by applying te Ihe Mislress of Ihe Workhouse. The Salarv^ wiU be Forty Pounds per annum, over and above' Board, Washing, aud Lodging found by the house. February 10, 1809. TURNPIKE TOLLS TO LET. XTQT1CE i-, hereby given, That the TOLLS arising at tlie several Toll- gates wittrin the Chel- tenham and Birdlip Districts of Roads, in the county of Glocester, will be LEI' by AUCTION for one Year, on Tuesday, the 21st day of February next, at the Lamb Inn, in Cheltenham, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. The highest bidder must be prepared with sufficient sureties, to the satisfaction of the Ttuslesl,, for payment of the rent, and one month must he paid in advance. THEODORE GWINNETT, Clerk to the Trustess. Jan. 2S, U02, FIFTY POUNDS KEWAKD. BURGLARY. WHEREAS some Person or Persons did, on Tuesdav evening, about seven o'clock, BREAK OPEN the COUNT1NG. HOUSE belonging to Mr. CHARLES CHURCH, in Ihe Lower Northgate- slreet, in this city. A Reward of FIFTY TOUND3 will he paid to any one who w ill discover the Offender or Offen- ders, to that they may be convicted thereof. CHARLES CHURCH. An Accomplice making a discovery will be entitled to the same reward, and every means used to obtain a pardon. Glocester, Feb, S| 1809. ( jTociTsTERSH I RtE ANY Person or Persons having a Claim or Demand on the real or personal Estate of RICH- ARD LEA, late of Norton, Carpenter, deceased, is and are earnestly requested to send an. account of the parlicu-. larsof their respective Demands to Mr. Jessop, Chelten- ham ; and Ihose indebted to the said Richard Lea, are solicited to pay their Debts instantly to Mr. Jessop, at the request of ihe jegal Representative, who will, without delay, bring to a settlement the affairs of Ihe deceased. This will not again be inserted, Cheltenham, Feb. 9, 1809. KINGSTON, HEREFORDSHIRE. Naval Timber, of the first Quality. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By WILLIAM IVATKINS, ( IN LOTS) At the Bull Ring Inn, in Kingston, on Thursday, Feb- ruary 23, 1' 809, between the hours of three and six in the afternoon;— Two Hundred OAK TIMBER TREES, 55 ELM, 46 ASH, 2 ASP, and the FALLAGE of all that COPPICE, called BIGSTY COPPICE, chiefly Oak, of nineteen years' growth. LOT 1. Sixtv- nine OAK TIMBER TREES, of fine dimensions, standing and growing on Hanley- ccmrtEstate, in a Wood, called the Nitchels, marked with a X in white paint. Lor 2. Twenty- two ASH, in the same Wood. LOT 3. Eighty- one OAK Timber Trees, of fine growth, fit fov plank and thick stuff, standing and growing in the Nilchels, on the left hancl from Hanley Court* housCj marked with a X in white paint, andAsps. LOT 4. Sixteen ASH Trees, growing in the same Wood. LOT 5. Thirty- two fine OAK Timber Trees, marked with a X in white paint, standing and growing on the different Lands, called the Hither Pitts, Mich Meadow, Cow* Pasture, and Daniel's Flock. LOT 6. Fifty- five fine ELM Timber Trees, standing and growing on the different Lands, called Hither Pitts, Mich Meadow, Cow Pasture, Daniel's Plock, the Cunne- gar, Cold Well Field, West Field, and Church Field. LOT 7. Eighteen fine OA. K Timber Trees, and 8 ASH Trees, standing and growing in Church Field, and Field adjoining to Church Field, Withy- bed, and West Field. LOT 8. About 2 Acres of" fine OAK COPPICE WOOD, called Bigsty Coppice. LOT 9. About 2 Acres of COPPICE, in the same Wood, and adjoining the last Lot. LOT 10. About 4 Acres of COPPICE WOOD, and adjoining the Lime- kiln Field. LOT 11. About 4 Acres of COPPICE, in the same Wood, adjoining the last I, ot and the. Fifteen Acres. LOT: 12. About 4 Acres of COPPICE WOOD, adjoining the last Lot and Burrow's " Ruff. N. B. The Timber and Coppice Wood lies very near the River Wye, and not seven miles from Hereford. For a view of the Timber and Coppice Wood, apply to Mr. Preece, Bull Ring Inn, Kingston ; and for other particulars, to the Auctioneer, Eign- gate, Hereford. CHELTENHAM. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, a Substantial, Modern, Brick- built DWELLING- HOUSE, most desirably situated in the centre of the town, nearly opposite the new Market- house : containing a good Dining Parlour, Drawing Room, and Breakfast Room, Housekeeper's Room, Kitchen, Brew- house, nu- merous Bed Chambers, and various convenient Offices. Also, Stable, Coach- house, Saddle- house, a good Garden, a very desirable Piece of Ground, about 54 feet in width, and 150 feet in depth, which adjoins the Garden, and extends to the back Road nearly opposite the Honourable Miss Monson's Villa, and is delightfully situated for Buildirig, commanding picturesque and beautiful views of ihe surrounding hills. The above Premises are calculated for the residence of a genleei family, or may be appropriated for lodgings or trade. Immediate possession maybe had ; and for further par- ticulars, or to treat for the premises, apply to Mr. Smith, Bank, Cheltenham. WHEREAS a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued forth against JOSHUA SMITH, late of Evesham, in the county of Worcester, Innhoider, Dealer and Chapman, and he being de- clared a Bankrupt, is hereby required ! o surrender him- self to the Commissioners iu the said Commission namec, or the major part of them, on Tuesday, the 24th, and Wednesday, the 25th days of January inst. at eleven o'clock in the morning, and on Tuesday, the 28th day or February next, at twelve o'clock * n the morning, at the House of Edward Walker, called or known by the name or sign of the Farriers* Arms Inn, in the borough of Evesham aforesaid ; and make a full discovery and dis- closure of his Estate and Effects ; when and where the Cre- ditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts, and at the second sitting to chuse Assignees, and at the last sit- ting the said Bankrupt is required to finish his examina- tion, and the Creditors are to assent to, or dissent from, the allowance of his Certificate^— All persons indebted lo the said Bankrupt, of that have any of his Effects, are not to ( jay or deliver the same but to whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but give police to Mr. Bousfield, So- licitor, Buuverie- jitreet, Fleet- street, London. R. MENCE. WM. PHILLIPS. WM. LAW PHELPS. OL'OtESTERSimt. TO BE SOLD BV AUCTION, on The prem[ sep, ( Subject to Conditions,) on Wednesday, the 2Eil <* ay of February, 1& 09, flit four o'clock in t/ ie afternoon, ( u » ! csi disposed of in the mean time bv prhale Contract, of whick due. notice uin be given)±— The very o'd- esfah! i* t:< ( i and weU- accustomed INN or PUBLIC HOUSE, ca) U> d THE PRINCE AND PRINCESS, situafe in the Market- place ." of the Town of Tctbury, with the Yard and convcnii- nt Siaf'/ es adjoining, fate in itic occupation ot' Mr. Wright> deceased, and now in fvili bu^' mes?. Immediate Possession mat btt ( rdd, Fov p'.\ rticuVars, app\ y to Mr. t. mll, Solicitor, Tctb. ury j or to Mr. Christopher Brown, Cirencester. The Stock, See. to be taken dt in appraisement, if re- qnired, • Capital Oak further, and Coppice Woods, MON M Q\ 3T H S VITRE. nro RE SOLD BY AUCTION, X B;/ Messrs. IV/ IKEMAN and Co. ^ At the Kunbury Arms Inn, Garleon, OW Thursday, the 23d of February, 1809, suJyect to such Conditions of Safe as shall be then and there produceo! :— LOT I.— Comprising 161 TREES, viz. 84 capita/ OAK TREES, numbered with red lead and o'rt, from \ to " No. 84. inrUisrve> now standing in a Coppice Wood, called Coed Carnt- Powell; together \< Uh l\ ie SaiA COPPICE WOOD, containing bVaries, more or less, situate in the parish of Panfigt and Q- sarly a^ joinm^ liieToropk " R. oa.<\ Yvom Pont\ poo\ \ o" k*- v. poTt.—. Also 33 capital OAK TREES, numbered « i'h red ! esd o\\, SVCATY '& o. « vn<\ fuv* V\'\ TVS \ ncW.>\\ r, new standing on the Lands of the Race- G/ our. d Farm, V> etween Cued Cutvw Pow?.'\ » u<\ Coe<\-\ - G - u » v\ e parish of Pantig.— Aho35 capital OAK TREES, hum- hercd vUU red \ ead w\\ A o\\, ftom ^ o.. WuUVung vA No. 84 inclusive, standing in Coed- v- Guailod Coppice, on live Race- Ground Farm, in vheparish of Vam— A.\ so 9 capital OAK TREES, numbered with red had and vil> from No. 1 to No. 9 inclusive, standing vi\ the Plantation near Cross- y- Ceilog, and situate only a short distance from Coed Catrw Powell, in the. parish of Lanfreclua Lower. LOT IL— Comprising 182 TREES, viz, 94 capital OAK TREES, numbered with red lead and oil, from No. 2, ancf finishing at No, 140 inclusive, now standing in Coed Canrido Coppice ; t6i> cth< r with tbe satd COPPICE or UNDERWOOD, containing 18 acrcs, more or less, in the parish or Laufihangel — Also 5 capital OAK TREES, numbered with red lead and oil, fiom No. I, and finishing at No. 136 inclusive, standing in Errw Las- coed Coppice, near Coed Camida, in the'parish of I. anli- hange!.— Also 43 capital OAK. TREES, numbered with red lead and oil, from No. 1 lo 43 inclusive, staml.' ng in a Coppice Wood called Coeii Cwm Alee, on a Farm in ihe occupation of Daniel Daniel ; togcUier with the said COP- PICE or. UNDH. RWOOD, containing acres, more dr less, ill ihe parish of Lanfihangel.— Also 31 capital OAK TREES, numbered with red lead and oil, from No. I to No. 51 inclusive, stand ng on the Lands of the aforesaid Daniel Daniel.— Also 9 capital OAK. TREES, numbered with red lead .- nd oil, from No. I to No. 9 inclarivf, standing on the Lands in the occupation of VVm, Jones, as , tenant, situate in the parish of Pantig. LOT III.— Comprising 210 TREES, viz. 101 capital OAK TREES, numbered with red lead and oil,, from No. I to No. 101 inclusive, standing, in Craig Ctinfin Coppice; together with thewhflleof ihe COPPICE or UNDERWOOD, containing 20 acres, mure or less, situate about half a mile from the head of the Canal above Pont\ pool, and within a quarter of a mile of ihe Rail- road, in tile parish of Trevethin.— Also 35 capital OAK TREES, numbered wilh red lead and oil, from No. 4 Vo No. 53 inclusive, standing in Craig- y- badam Conpiec, situate about two u ' • » from the head of Ihe Canal above . Pnnt. vpool, and adjo'idng lie; Blainavon Rail- road.— A' 80 capital OAK TREES, numbered with red lead an ! wf, Irom No, 1 to No. 80 Inclusive, standing iy Coed- Gobor- rig, about four miles from the head of the Canal, above Pontypoo!, and through part of the Rail- road tliat lead* from Blainavon. The Timber comprising the aliove Lots is of excellent quality, fit for Navy use, and lies extremely convenient for carriage. Several other Coppice Woods, before advertised, will lie put up hy Auction on the same day. For further particulars, enquire of Mr. Smith, Ponty- poot; Mr. Richard Jonas, Goytrev ; or of the respective Tenants on whose Farm, th"? Timber stands. WALES. MARRIED.— At Builth, Morgan Llewelyn, Esq. of Blaengrwacli, near Neath, to Miss Margaret Williams, of Llwynyberllan, near Llandovery. The floods in several placos in Wales have been greater than were ever remembered. A part of the town of Llanelly was inundated, and tlie v, - ter entered the house of an old man who had it- sided in it tipwards of 54 years, without haviug be- fore experienced such a visitation. Brecon was similarly circumstanced ; and the bridge over the Usk at Crickhowell'was carried away. The river Wye rose higher than has been known for inany vears, and tlie flood swept from its banks every- thing that could not withstand its fury. On Tuesday, tin- 24th inst. at half past six o'clock, during a tremendous gale of wind, his Majesty's hired transport Argo, marked Y. E. John Palin, master, buuncl from Portsmouth lo Spain with stores, consisting of hay anil shoes, was driven on shore and stranded on Pet . brev sands, Carmarthenshire ; but by the meritorious exertions of the officersof his Majesty's customs of the port of Llanelly, the Captain and his crew, and Mr. Win. Davis, the Earl of Ashburnham's bailiff, the greater part of the stores and materials are saved, SHERIFFS FOR 1809. Glamorgan, Jeremiah Hotnfrav, Llandaff, Esq. Brecon, Thomas Wood, of Owernivett, Esq. Carmarthenshire, R. Starke, of Laugharnc- castle, Esq, MARKETS IN WAI. ES. Aben/ stxith. Wheat Os. Od. to 10s. 6d — Barlev Os. Od. to Os. 0d.—- Rye 6s. 6d. to Os. 0d.— Oats 2s. ' hi.— Muncorn 8s. Od.— Pilcorn 7s, 6d. per bush.— Eeef 4d. per lb.— Mutton 4d. — Pork 6d.— Lamb OOd.— c'resh butter Is, 0d.— Salt ditto lOAd - Cheese 4d.— Tallow 9d. GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO be LET;— AH that capital BOULTING MILL, wilh a DWELLING- HOUSE adjoining, called ST. FAGAN's MILL; well supplied with » « ;- r, capable of making 200 sacks of flour per week, and has a peculiar convenience for cleaning black wheat; situ;. ie about four miles from the town of Cardiff, and eigle i um the town of Cowbridge, two very good market: tor corn, about four miles from the Glamorganshire Canal, communicating with the very populous and gready in- creasing town of Merth vr Tidvil. For further particulars, apply t © B. Grover, Ely, near Cardiff, if by letter, post- paid. CARMARTHENSHIRE. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, in one, or several'Lots, as may be agreed upon :•— 495 ASH, 257 FIR, 320 SYCAMORE, 35 ELM, 35 BEECH. 36 C RES NUT, 1 CHERRY, 1 HOLLY, 8 POPLAR, and 5 DUTCH ELM, j Growing and being upon the Demesne of PANTGLA^ and other Lands, in the parishes Of Lanf\ nydd and Lancg- wad, in the county of Carmarthen, within nine miles of the sea- port town of Carmarthen y to which there is easy access by good Roads. The Ash are of particularly large dimensions. The Purchaser or Purchasers will have ample Credit, upon appDved security. Apply to Nicholas Burnel Jones, Esq. at Pantglas ; or to Messrs. Davies and Berrington, Attornies, Swansea j who will respectively direct how the Wocds may Lie in- spected, and treat for Sale of them. y TREES, Scribe- markcd, HOUSE OF COMMONS- FRIDAY. THE DUKK OF YORK. A FTF. R some immaterial examination of Mr. t % Ward'e with respect lo his first seeing Mrs. Chrkc tlx- ' lutse proceeded in ti e investigation.— 1 lie Attorney General called upon Mr. Adam to produce the letters sen' to him bv Mi s. Claike, to which she had alluded in jier evielence.- The first letter stated, that Mrs. Cla. ke- had al lied to the Duke of York for tin- t- avmeot. of her promised annuity of * 001. per annum, of which SOW. was then due to her, but to mo t> orro « e Sin f'mid, she said, that he was a man de- void Of honouraud principle, and that Ins word eoq. d not be relied 011. She requested Mr. Adam to inform lv ftovat Highness, that unless lie agreed lo seeuie. her aVinnitv, she wonid publish every circumstance' against him that had taken place during their con- nection, and a!', his letters to her, which amounted to • oniet bine' serious. That lie was inpre in her power than might be imagi. e d - But she wished to avoid the pain she herself nin- t feel at exposing him. Bet., re she did, she' would send a copy of the proposed pub- lication to his f « i « ',\ v. She requested that he would Ho-.: Highness, which would give weight to her char- es She had promised, she said, to give them noon the Tuesday Wowing, and it would be after- vt'-. nV iuipo- xihh to leenl ' hem. It was not to pub- 1i- he. s she- would give them, but to gentlemen as orulent as hi* l,'" fa! ( light, and mo, e met, me, i- elent; and if the Duke vU, W* M. eve her, they vvooid These letters were di.' eeted to Mr. Adam, Blootns- lim y square, and signed " M. A. Clarke." - ••/,. LA'.,, erwnra in the Attorney General. M, ' Man said these must he the letter*, as he was eonlidesit he had received no other, etiee. pt per- Jiaps a note of twp or three lines, winch lie did not very well recollect— it was not m his possession. fj Did his Roval Highness express nnv apprehen sions as to what Mrs. Clarke, might be able to commu- nicate ?— A. None whatever. Q Did you communicate the letters or their con- tents to his Royal Highness?- A. Yes, I did. Q. The letters themselves?— A. Yes, the letters themse'ves, and he read them in my presence. Q. After that did he betray the slightest apprehen- sions ?— A. Not the slightest. ' the. Attorne.'! Genera' then desired T. udovie Armor f I be called. " Mrs. Clarke, he observed, bad said that she was sure she Duke of York knew she got the 2001 I:-- ause his servant had been sent by hull to get, it changed. Now he would shew that only one ser- vant belonging to the Duke of Yoik ever attended at Glocester- place, and he had never gone out to get a note changed. , Ludovie Armor examined by the Attorney Genera'. Q. In whose servic are you?— A. In that of his Royal Highness the Duke of Yoik. ... Q. How long have von been .111 his service f— A. Eighteen years next JSe. irember. « . Has the witness b - en constantly in toe service of the Duke of York dt ring that period ?— A. Y s. O Did he l'emember when hi; Royal Highness Visited Mrs. Clarke at Glocestur- place ?— A. Yes. Q Weresnv, and what, servants accustomed to attend his Ro,- al Highness on the?- occasions ?— A. None bnt myself. • . . O. Ill what capacity did you serve tne Duke ot York?— A. As foot man. Q \ t what time of he dav was you wont to go to his Royal Highness?— A. At eight o'clock in the morning. , . ,„ Q. For what purpose aid you use to go >— A. lo take his eioaths. Q. Did tfte witness ever see Mrs. Clarke there r— A. I s.. w her once. . . . Q. During hon' long was the witness in the habit or going to bis Royal Highness at Glocester- plaee ?— A. from 1802 to 1806. Q. Is he suretliatno other servant went there ?— A. Yes. CJ. Was the witnes. frequently there during the period he has mentioned ?— A. Yes. Q. What was the single occasion on which he saw Mrs. Clarke ?— A. When he took a favourite dog of his Koy'al Highnff s for Mrs. Clarke to see. Q. Was his Royal Highness there at that time?— A- No , u , Q. Are ynu sure you never saw her but once?— A, Never lint once. < 3. Was you liver sent by his Ttoyal Highness or Mrs. Clarke while at Glocester- place to get a note chaneed?— A. Never. Q. Was the witness sent by any one at that place • to get a ; io! e changed ?— A. No. Q. Was the witness quite certain of that?— A. Yes. Examination by Mr. Wardle. CJ. The witness has taken it upon himself to say that no other servant went to Glocester- place to the Duke of York but himself. On what ground does he s.- ryso? - A. Because I had orders to bring those things and no other servant; no other servant vvas permitted to do it. Q. He would ask if the witness asserted of bis o" n knowledge that 110 other servant went to Glocester- place ?— A. Yes. Q. He asked whether the witness dbnld assert that no other servant took a letter to Mrs. Clarke to Glo- cester- place ?— A. None but . me. C). Ho v many men servants were there in Glo- eester- place ?— A. I don't know. Q, Speak as near as you can guess bow many you saw there?— A. Sometimes I saw two servants; never anv more in livery. Q. How many " out of livery ?— A. One. Q. Anv other ?— A. No. Q. Was 1 here a man cook there ?— A. I do not know that there ever was. < 2. ( low often w. is you in the habit of carrying let- ters to Glocester- plaee ?— A. Very seldom. Q. I understand you say that no oilier servant carried letters there to your knowledge ?— A. None to mv knowledge. Q. Did you know any other person who took letters there ?— A. No. Q. Did the vitness carry any letters to Glocester- place from the Horse Guards ? r- \. I did. Q. Many?— A. No; not very many. d. I think he said he only saw Mrs. Clarke once at . Glocester- place?— A. Only once. « J. To whom die! he deliver the letters ?— A. Mostly to i> he housekeeper. Q. What vvas her smer- A. Favourite. Q. What was the name of the butler ?— A. I believe his name was Pierce, but I do not very « ell recollect; ene of them was so called, I believe. I do not know what vvas the name of the last.. lit/ Sir K flure/ ett. Q. The . witness said, that he saw Mrs. Cla, rke only once at. Gloeester- plaee, Did he ever see her ai. y where oh -?— A. Yes. Where?— A. I saw her walking in the street before Somerset- place. I saw her but three times in jny life. Q. Had yon any communication with any one as to the evidence yon have given to- night?— A. His Royal j Highness asked me if 1 had ever changed a note. Q. Had yes 1 any communication vv ith any person 1 • besides his Royal Highness?— A. I was asked the ! same question by Mr. Adam. 2. Had you any conversation with any other per- j son on the subject'?— A. Yes, with- Mr. Wilkinson. I 2. Who is he?— A. lie is a gentleman from Mr. I Low ten's. 2. Had you any conversation tvitli any other per- son ?— A. No. By the Attorney Gene. red. 2. Were the servants at Gioeester- place Mrs. Clarke's servants'— A. Yes, as far as 1 know. 2. Does lie know that tliev were not the Duke of York's servants? — A, I believe they were not. &. Wete the elirect'ousgiven by the Duke of York, that none but von should go to his Royal Highness at Giocester- place ?— A. Yes. 3. Wlieu his Royal Highness asked whether you ever carried a note to be changed from that place, what did you immediately answer ?— A. I told him I was certain that I did not carry any note to be fhatlged. 2. Can the witness say positively that he never did ? — A. Yes, 1 can. 3. Did he say the same thing to Mr. Adanf, Mr. Xowten, Mr. Wilkinson, and others ?— A. 1 did. " 11, j Mr. H urdle. 2. Are you certain that the Duke of York never went in his carriage to Gloeester- place ? — A. He never did. 2. Nor 011 horse- back ?— A. He never t| id as far as 1 know. I wish the witness to state, as near as he can jiossibly recollect, what passed between Mr. Adam, Br. WilkuMon, and others, and Unwell", on this sub- ject !_ A, Mr. Adam a? ked me If I ever was in tho habit of going to Glocester- plac'e; 1 told him I was. He asked me whether I ever carried a note to be chanced; I told him I never did. Mr. Lovvton and Mr. Wilkinson asked the same questions, and I gave the same answers, Mr. Wilkinson also asked my name, mv age, and how long I had served his Royal Highness. That was all that, passed, as nearly as I can recollect. 2. Whether the Duke of York liad any Valet de- Chambre with him at Glocester- place, either at night, or in the morning ?— None, as far as I knovy. Here the examination of this witness finished. Mr. U'ardle stated, that be meant, on Tuesday, to call another witness, with respect to matters arising from what had come out in examination of the last witness. SECOND CHARGE AGAINST THE COMMAN- DER IN CHIEF. That Cant. Maling had, in the short space of two years, and three months, received his three com- missions, and was appointed to a company over the heads of many subalterns who hail made application to the Commander in Chief for. leave to purchase, and who were old Ensigns and Lieutenants long before that gentleman left Mr. Greenwood's otl'ice. Cohnel ( iiireion examined by Air. Ward! e.— 2. Is it within vour knowledge that a number of subalterns, who had served longer than Capf. Maling, were passed bv; although they bad signified their wish to purchase?— A. Unquestionably a very considerable number. It is the invariable practice of bis Royal Highness, that no junior officer should be promoted oyer the head of a senior in the same regiment. This regulation did not extend to the routine of the whole army. It is mv duty to report, that tiie officer recommended was 3 fit and proper person, and within his Majesty's regulations. That Capt. Maling vvas so 1 did believe. 2. Could not the Major of one regiment be put as Lieutenant- Colonel over the head of another Major, is senior in the service?— A. Undoubtedly not.— 2. Was not. Col. PigiVt, of the HUi dragoons, promoted over a senior Major 111 that regiment ?— A. When I said that such an occurrence never took place, I did mean that it was the uniform regulation of the army so i. j recommend officers, unless- where some, special occasion far a contrary conduct took place. 1 believe ( hat Colonel Pi. gott belonged to the 21st regiment, and I am certain that he vvas specifically recommended by the Commanding Offi « er,' Lieutenant- General Tarle- ton.— Do you recollect hearing that an unpleasant occurrence took place in consequence of this pro- motion ?— A. I cannot say tbet 1 do.— 2. Car, you recollect whether at the period of Captain Maling's promotion there were a,. y number of recommen- dations of subalterns senior io him, for leave to pur- chase, before the Duke of York?— A. A . r- it num- ber, but this vacancy was not filled up by purchase. — 2. Without purchase?— A. It is Yery rare that these were. The applications most be very numerous iu such air extensive army. There were no regu- lations in the army till they were introduced by the Duke of York. Before that, an officer who had money, might purchase tip the length of a Lioatenant- ' Colonel in three weeks or a month. Examined by the Attorney General.-^ The witness de- clared, that where a commission was to be procured by purchase, he never knew a junior officer . ut over the head of ,1 senior officer,' who was willing to pur- chase, and that when it vvas bestowed without pur- chase, be did not know any instance in which, vvh re the conduct and character were unexceptionable, a junior officer was put over the bead of a senior officer, except in some eases which could be satisfactorily explained. The e- 1Iter witnesses not being present, M\ Perceval prop'. s./ d that the Chairman should report progress, and inquired of Mr. Wardle when he would be ready to ro 011 u ith anv of the other charges. fir. It'ardle said he should attend on Monday, and should then fix an early day ( Murmurs),. Mr. Sheridan stated that, lie had used the freedom some days ago,' understanding that his H011. Friend ( Mr. V.' ardle) was about tobiing forvvatd charges of the kind, to send to him, requesting that he won I be cautions . o'. y he interfered in the business, he ' ( Mr. Sheridan) having reason to believe that, with the very best intentions, his Hon. Frie id had lent hiuis. If to an association of an unprincipled kied. He vvas sorry to understand that his Hon. Friend had not re- ceived that message, for, in the end. he was assured he should find that he had been decoyed ini > a foul and unpiincipled association. Were we, how- vet. to be told that so grave rnid important charges— charges by which the vital interests of the country at this critical moment were affected ; in which it was a question whether any officer o. soldier in the Britith army ought or ought not to look, up with reverence and respect to t. h: ir head; whether iu- lecd, lie wax worthy of continuing . i moment longer in the com- mand of the army. Were we to be t- ild that ill such a case as this any delay ought to be admitted?. The Hon. Gen. fovsooth,. was r. ot ready to provehisckarges. Yes, buthe vvas ready to make them'. Of delay in such . lease, the honour, the best interests of the country, would not aamit. If the Gentleman chose to make his charges, he^ iustbe ready to prove ' '" 11. It was at length settledTiat the Commit' • shou 4 :. I again ou Tuesday. LordCastlejeagli moved thesecond readingof the bill lor tiie miiitia to volunteer into the line.— Vfr. Calcraft saiti : he; e vv..-, no distinct account o' jur losses, and theory of victory wasevfr whereshouteci inourea. s. Why then as there ,1 draft of 20,000 ir- . i ' manded 10 fljpply the losse- v. < , > could 1101 > t- e? Last year the statement ot our atary lOrcepiaced it at 239,000: ain. .1 . - w we were told hat it is reduce- 1 to 210,000 . .. nd at the < ame time, that' our loss- in ' he las; '• nmpaif. .' id " ' t amount to more than 4000 m-- There was then a chasm of hut. 4000 to bt tilled or and : would be but becoming 111 the Noble Lc- « 1 to state for what he wanted the remainder,— Lord- Castlereagh con- tended, that the struggle ; o Spain was not al an end. The bill was read a 9.( 1 time. Mrs. Clarke, who is now the general topic of conversation, is the daughter of Robert Farrjuhar, who was a journeyman printer th? OH — of Mr Hughes, and who, about 18 years ago, resided in a smail court thai leads in of Fetter- lane v Cursi- tor- street. It was there Mr Clarke, wlic was then apprentice fo Mr. Burnell, mason, in Cursiror street, first became aqttainted with her. They eloped irgetl- e r, and afterwards married. I ' or several eat,-, they lived in a comfortable maimer. ISiie bore liim seyi-. tal children, lour of whom are now ib bi!*. Mr t .' larke giving himself up to aH irregu- lar i. e., she left him, and is said to have lived with sev<--. l Gentlemen prior to her aquainttnee with Hie iJuke of York. Mr. Aiy, , dtirina the course of his examina- tion in tie. 1''.. itse 01' Con. motis, on Friday, staled, that he had received an anonymous letter, written in red ; nk, imputing to him a subservience to ( be Duke of Y01 k's pleasures, and a suppleness to iiny- alty, iiat had procured for his son a ColomIcy at die age of 20, and a ship for another of his boys. The House of Commons, in this letter, is called a Bear Garden, with the gross inference, that its de- cision will be either damnation or salvation to the character of ( lie House and Mr. Adam. A few days since, the skeleton of a human body vvas discovered at Chiswick, in Middlesex, v> liich has excited a very interesting inquiry in that neigh- bourhood. A new tenant taking possession of a farm, belonging to the Duke of Devonshire, in that parish, in stubbing up the roots of some pop- lar trees, discovered a skeleton, buried only 18 indies under ( hem, with a fracture in the skull, and without any appearance of a coffin, or other usual covering of interment. ' Some causes of suspicion arising among thentiricipal inhabitants, a coroner's inquest w as summoned before George Hodgson, Esq. when the following singular circumstance ap- peared in evidence before them ; viz. ( hat Mr. Q , father of the late tenant of that farm, dy ing about ten years ago, had bequeathed a considerable property jointly between his two sons, the one who succeeded to the business, and another vvlio was an ieleot, and who lived with his elder brother for about a year after their father's decease, and was then missed one night, said to have got out of the window, and iiis foot steps traced ( owards the Thames, in which lie was supposed to have been drowned. The: surviving brother had the river dragged, in search of the body, and advertised a considerable reward for its discovery ; but no tid- ings were heard of it vvhaleve.". It alio came cut in evidmce, that the very morning on which the unfortunate man was missed, his brother had given particular directions to his carter not to come and load for Covent- garden market, as had been his usual custom, and had also planted with his own hands, the same day, the poplar trees under which the skeleton has been found. The coroner's inquest, after sitting several hours in deliberating on this strong circumstantial evidence, adjourned, and have been again assembled, but their verdict has not been declared. In the interim, however, the natural object of suspicion has absconded. The King has conferred on the 8- itli regiment, commanded by Lieut. Gen. Bernard, the name of " York and Lancaster," in addition to its numeri- cal title. The Lord Provost and Magistra'es, and the Ministers of the city of Glasgow, went to church 011 tfie fast day, in mourning, in testimony of their respect and esteem for, and as a tribute due to the memory of their much- regretted fellow- citizen, Lie- ut. General Sir John Moore. IN MEMORY OF SIR JOHN MOORE. GENERAL ORDERS. The benefits derived to an army trom the example of a distinguished commander, do not terminate at his death : his virtues live in the recollection of bis associates, avid his fame remains the strongest Incentive to great and glo- rious actions. In this view, the Commaneler in Chief, amidst the deep auel universal regret which the death of Lieutenant- General Sir Johu Moore has occasioned, recalls to the troops the military career of ttiat illustrious officer for their instruction and imitation. Sir John Moore, from hi* youth, embraced ( he pro- fession with the feeliugs and sentiments of a soldier; he felt, tlvat a perfect kuovledg*, and an exact performance of the humble, but important duties of a subaltern officer, are the best foundations for military fame ; and his ardent mint!, vihlle it looked forward to tho u brilliant achieve- ments for which it was formed, applied itself vritii energy and exemplary assiduity, to the duties of that station. To the s^ iioof of regimental duty Ii£ obtained ( hat cor- rect knowledge of hi. profession 50 essential to the proper direction of the gallant spirit of the soldier; aud he was enahleel to establish a fbaracteristie order » '..'! regularity of couducft, becausc the troops fbund iu their leader a striking example of live discipline which he enfoiced 011 oihers. Having rigen to command, be signalized his name in the West Indies, in Holland, and in Etfvpt. The un- iemitting attention with which he devotee! himself to Ihe duties of every branch of his profession, obtained him tiie confidence of Sir Ralph Abercromby, and lie became the companion in arms of that illustrious officer, who fell at ( he head of his vicloriotis ( roops, iu au action which maintained our national superiority over the arms of France. Thus Sir John Moore, at an early period, obtained, with general apprbbation, that conspicuous station in which he gloriously terminated his useful and honourable life. In a military character, obtained amidst the dangers of climate, the privations incident lo service, and the suf- ferings of ren -. iled wounds, it is difficult to select any one point as a preferable subject for praise ; it exhibits,, how- r • , one tV. vmre ; o particularly, characteristic of the mail, u ei so imp r'anl to ihc best interests ot' the service, that the Commander in Chief is pleased to mark it with his peculiar approbation. , The life of Sir John Moore wa3 spent among the troops. Duriag the season- of his repose, his time vras devoted to the care and instruction of the officer and soldier; iu v ar. he c- iurted service m every quarter of the globe. R-.- ga'dies-, of persona! considerations, he esteemed that to which his country called him, the post of honour; and by his endaunted sp rit, and unconquerable perseverance, he pointed the way to victory. His country, the fcbject of his latest solicitude, will rear a monument to his lamented memory, and the Comtnan- de- r in Chief feels he is paying the best tribute to his fame by thus holding him foitii as an example lo the army. Bv order of the Commander in f/ hief, Horse O nils, Feb, 1. H. CALVERT, Adj.- Gen. The 29th French bulletin closes » . !,); two short sentences, one of which slat tin . Joseph would make his public entry, which is equivlaent to the cereiv r y cf coronation practised in other coun- tries, 0: 1 the 17th or I'StL* The other states, that relay? of horses y. ere • iaced between thecipi- f.: d jit! iiavonne, whe-;-..- it is to be inferred, that Bonaparte; after fulfiiii:: g > is promise of " Crown- ing his brother at Madrid," would return immedi- " tely to Paris, leaving Joseph to finish the war for him. In the 3C. h bulletin, the French claim the victory • inder the walls af Comma, Our readers will smile | at this absurd claim to a victory, when they, in pljeu truih, have taken only a handful of disabled soldiers, lvlio were left behind, and not a single standard, or piece of artillery:— The asstnlt was made upon the English by the first brigade of the division of Mermet, which overthrew them, anddrove them from the village of Elvina. The second regment of light infantry covered itself with glory. General Jardon, at the bead of the veiltigeurs, ' v ejg'•>. a terrible carnage. The enemy, driven from his positions, retreated to the gardens which surround Cortinna,. The night growing very dark, it was necessary to suspend the attack." The enemy availed himself of this to err.' oark with pr cipitation. Only 6000 of our men were engaged, and every arrangement was made for abandoning tiie positions of the night, and advanc- ing next tiay to a general attack. The loss of the eneiii: hes been immense. ' Two of our batteries play- ed upon them during ( he whole of the engagement. We counted 011 the field of battle more titan eight hundred of tbeir dead bodies, among which vvas ( he bod. of General Hamilton, aud those of two other General Officers, whose names we are unacquainted with. We have taken 20 officers, 300 men, and four pieces of cannon. The English have left behind them more than 15U0 horses, which they had killed. Our lo: s amounts to 100 killed and 150 wounded. The Colonel of the 47th regiment distinguished him- self. An Ensign of the 31st infantry killed with his own hand an English officer, who had endeavoured to wrest from blm his Eagle. The General of artillery Bomgeat and Col. Fontenay have signalized themselves. At day- break on the 17thj we saw the English convoy under suii; on the 18th, the whole had disappeared. The Duke te DaTioatia hud canned a cannonade to be commenced upon the vessels from the Fort ofSantiago, Several transports rail aground, and all tiie men who were 011 board were taken. We found in the establishment of the Palloza ( a large manufactory, & c. iu the suburbs of Corunita, where the English had previously been encamped), 3000 English muskets. Magazines also were seized, containing a great quantity of ammunition and other effects, belonging to the hostile army. A great num- ber ® f wounded were picked up in the suburbs. The opinion of the inhabitants on the spot, and deserters, is, that the number of wounded in the battle exceeds 2,500 men. Thus lias terminated the English expedition which vvas sent into Spain. After having fermented the war in this tinhappy ennntry. ihe English have abandoned it. They had disembarked38,000 men and 6,000 horses. We have taken from ( hem, according to calculation, G. 500 men, exclusive of the sick. They have re- em- barked very little baggage, very liltie ammunition, and v eiy few horses. We have counted 5,000 killed and left behind. The men who have found an asylum on board their vessels are harassed and dejected. In another season of ( he year not urn ofthoin whet It! have escaped. The facility of cutting the bridges, the rapi- dity of the torrents, which in winter swell to deep rivers, the shortness of the days, and the length of the nights, are very favourable to an army on their retreat. Of the : 3S, 600 men whom the English had disembark- ed, we may be assured that scarcely 24,000 will return to England. The army of Romana, which at the end of Decem- ber, by tne aid of reinforcements which it had receiv- ed from Gallicia, contisted of 16,000 men, is reduced to 5,000 men, who are wandering between Vigo and Santiago, and are closely pursued. ' The kingdom of Leon, the province of Zamora, and all Gallicia, which tfie English had been desirous to cover, are conquered and subdued, ' The General of Division Lapisse has sent patroles into Portugal, who have been well received there. General Maupetit has entered Salamanca j he met there witij ssoie $ ick of the Kugli'sb troops, The editor of [ he Washington Monitor, says lie received the following propositions from France and Russia to England, from his correspondent at Ifottrdeaux; aud he adds they may be implicitly re- lied on :— 1st. Hanover to be restoi » ; I to Great Britain. 2d. Brunswick to be restored to the heirs ofthe Duke. 3d. Holland to be restored to the Prince of Orange. 4tb. Portugal to be restored to Ihe Duke of Braganza, or to become a British colony. 5th. King Ferdinand ( of Naples) to retain tiie Island of Sicily. 6th. Joseph Napoleon to become King of Spain and ( lie Indies. These propositions vvere re. jected by the British. H American papers were this Meek received in town to the 1th nit. The following is an abstract of the proceedings of the American Legislature, on the present relations of the United States with the Europe- ail powers. It appears f/ iat a bill to enforce the Embargo Act has passed tlve Senate, with seve- ral penalties attached to the breach of it, and many rigorous precautions against its evasion ; and that a resolution which is to form the foumiafion of Hie Non- intercourse Bill was likewise carried, on the 17th of December, iu the House of Representa- tives, by a majority of 54. OS the 201 h, a bill to that effect was reported ; and on the 29th, a bill, with various pains and penalties, passed, recalling American vessels home, and prohibiting them from sailing under a foreign flag or licence.— The Non- intercourse Bill, which has only as yet passed one House, enacts, that its provisions, and ijiose of the Embargo Act, shall cease to either of the. Bellige- rents who may first withdraw their commercial re- strictions. ft Bill to denationalize American vessels (. H fionapartecalied ii) or ( as Ilia American Legis- lators denominate it) to deprive ( hem of their Ame- rican character, was postponed. The principle, as well as the expression of this Act, it is obvious, came from France.— There can be no dotibf but that both the Embargo and Non- intercourse Bill, together with that against foreign licences, may now be considered as the laws of the United States. — A resolution for raising, arming, and equipping 50,000 volunteers, for two years, passed a Com- mittee of the House of H^ presentafives, on the 30th of December, and a Bill vvas ordered iu conse- quence. Notwithstanding the strictness of the American Embargo, not less than seven vessels have arrived in British ports during the last week, They have brought such commodities as they could easily put on. board, though but half laden. The correspondence between the American and British Governments, on the subject of the Orders of Council, lias been presented to the House of Commons: The greater part of the documents of which it consists lias been long before the public ; and the only material addition is a letter from Mr. Maddison to Mr. Erskine, dated March 25, con- taining no new fuels. A vase, of a hundred pounds value, is given by the Committee of the Patriotic Fund at Lloyd's Colfee- house, to George Harding, Esq. in honour oftbe memory and fame of his nephew and adopt- ed son, the admired and lamented Captain ofthe San Fiorenzo. Horrid Murder.— Tuesday an inquisition was held at the house of Mr. D kes, the Five Beds1, at New- cross, Deptford, on the body of Lieut. John Johnson, of the navy, who was found about seyen o'clock on the morning of Saturday last, in a ditch, by the white gates that lead to Mr. Hardcastle's mansion- house, most inhumanly murdered. Mr. Jemmette, the coroner, opened the case, and the w itnesses were called in the following order:— James Smith, who has for 20 years past, driven • he waggon of Mr. Robert Edwards, gardener, of New- cross, Deptford, said lhat about half past one in ( lie morning of Sau'. rday, he was coming up with his team, when, on his way, a man accosted him with the brogue of an Irishman, stout, and armed with a large stick, who asked first, how far it was to London Bridge? He said, three miles from the' next stone. He then asked where he was ? Smith replied, at New- cross. He accompanied the vit- nrsi forneaiiy 200 yards, until he stop! at the Five Belts, which was more for the purpose of getting rid of the man than any other reason ; he saw a comrade or two of his Walking 011 Ihe road, but they did not speak to him. They were less than the first In an. They must all three have got out of the ditch. Mr. Blanchaid, surgeon, at Peckhain, who at- tended, fully stated the condition of the deceased when he saw him. His throat was cut from ear lo ear, and bis head yearly severed from his body. He bad nine wounds about his face, and in parti- cular at the lower part of the back qt' his head were several very severe contusions and cuts:— his left thumb nearly cut off: there could be no doubt that the wounds he received ( probably inflicted in . a, dreadful struggle) were the cause of his death. It appeared that the deceased was a Lieutenant in the navy, and from his earliest years bad been in that service. He was about 45 years old, and bad of late belonged to the ship Eddington, or Evde- reen, Capt. Pengelly, now lying at iheNore; that he had for a while past been absent on leave at the house of his brother, Mr. Johnson, a surgeon, in Mortimer- street, Cavendish- square, from whence he came away on the Friday afternoon to join his ship, and having sent all his stock down, iie bad borrowed a shirt, in which be died, marked F. W. from his brother- in- law, Mr. Frederick Willate, of Brewer- street, Golden- square. It is understood, but cannot be positively ascertained, that he had about live or six pounds in his pocket ; that he was a man of great personal courage, and most likely made great resistance when attacked. On the whole of the case a verdict of wilful murder against persons unknown, was taken and returned. During the last week there have been imported iuto Liverpool— 3967 bags of cotlon from the Bra- zils, 339 bags from Portugal, 560 bales from the Bahamas and Madeira, and 130 bales from New York. There have- been likewise imported from Virginia, 330 hogsheads of tobacco. The whole of the money has been subscribed for the purpose of erecting the intended new markets, in Hereford. BANKRUPTS from SATURDAY'S GAZETTE. John Billing, late of Ravensthorp, Northamptonshire, vvoolcomher and grocer, Feb. 17, 18, March 18, at tl. « Wheat Sheaf Inn, Daventry, Northamptonshire. Alt. Baucurt, Long Buckley, Northamptonshire. iridium Matcson, late of Kendal, Westmoreland, cotton- spinner, d. c. Feb. 22, 23, March 18, at the White Hart Inn, Kendal. Atts. Chamhre, Chapel- slreet, Bedford- row ; or Richardson and Fell, Kend1. • - Ifi/ licm IValson, of Tothill- strect, Westminster, linen- draper, d. c. Feb. 14, 21, March 18, at Guildhall. Att. Httrd, King's Bench- walk, Temple. Joseph Broiene, of Liverpool, merchant, Mar^ h 1,2, 13, at the Globe Tavern, Liver- pool. Atts, Griffith and Hiudle, Liverpool; or Windle, John- street, Bedford- row.—,— George. Willis, of Bath, cabinet- maker, upholsterer, d. e. Feb. 20, 21, March 18, at the Christopher Inn, Bath. Alls. Edmunds, Chancery- lane ; or Miller, or SheppardJ Bath. • Joseph Marlon. of Kifigston- upOn- Hnll, d. c. Feb, 10, II, March 18, at ( he Dog and Duck Tavern, Kingston- upon- H, ill. Atts, Cotsworth, Hull; or Exley and Stocker, Furnival's Inn.—— Stephen Ete, late of Cannon- street- rnal, St. George, Middlesex, mason and builder, Feb. 11, 15, March 18, at Guildhall. Att. Burt, Gould- square, Crulehrd Friars. Samuel Mother Tomkins, of Slanton- St.- Jolin, Oxfordshire, d. c. l-' eb. 17, 18, March 18, at Ihe Angel Inn, Oxford. Alts. Walsh, Oxford; or Tovvnsend, Stap. e Inn. llertry Ehtobe of Sunderland, near Ihe Sea, Durham,, mercer and draper, March 1, 2, 18, at tlie Bridge Inn, Bishop Wearmouth, Durham. Att. Blakiston, Symond's lun; or Thompson, Bishop Wearniouth.—— Jams Home, of Walcot, Sumcrsot, sro- eer, d. c. " Feb. 17, 18, March 18, at the? Christopher Inn, Bath. Atts. Shephard and Adlington, Bedford- row ; or Sheppard, Bath. Andrew Detoar, late of St rood, Kent, niill- wright, Feb. 11, 18, March 18, at Guildhall, Alts. Gilibs, Rochester ; or Aubrev, Took's~ court, Cursitor- street. John Scott, oi Gray's Inn- fane, Middlesex, builder, d. c. Feb. 11,21, March 13, at Guild- hall, Att. Wmckley, Elm- court, Temple. George Richards, of CornhiH, b- okseller, Feb. II, 18, Maiek IS, at Guildhall. Atts. Bolton, Lane, and Lan « , Law. rence Poultney Hill. Daniel Allen, of New sale- street boot and shoe- maker, Feb. 11,18, March. 18, at Guild- hall. Atts. Jones and Roche, Church- yard, Covent- garden. BANKRUPTS from TUESDAY'S GAZETTE. DavidHetherington, of Lowerosby, Cumberland, dro- ver, Feb. 20, 21, March 21, at ( he Green Dragon, Car- lisle. Atts. Birkelt, Bond- court, Wafbrook ; or Blow, Carlisle Roderick Mackenzie, of King's Arms- yard', London, merchant, Feb. 11, 13, March 21, at Guildhall. Alts. Messrs. Blunt and Bowman, Oid Pay Office, Broad- street. Henry John Powell, of Uxbridge, builder, Feb. 11, 18, Marc.!, 21, at Guildhall. Alt. Mills, Ely • jjr. ee, ——? fidiom Allen, of Chandos- streel. shoe- maker, Feb. l i, 18, March 21, at Guildhall. Alts. Messrs. Pitcho and Samson, Su ill ill's- lane. Jonas Kasl- nvi and John EosUmod, of CpptTUiiil, Yorkshire, dyers, Feb. 22 23 at the Neiv Inn, New Delph, March 21, al the KoseYnd' Crown, Huddcrsfel'l. Aits. Ingham, Dobcross, Yotk- shire; or Messrs. Meredith and Robbins, Lincoln's- Inn New- square. - John James, of Bristol, cooper, Feb. 9, 23, March 21. Atts. Stephens, Bristol ; or Sweet, King'J Bench- walks, Temple. iCillian Glover and John Glo- ver, of Poultry, haberdashers, Feb. I-)-, 21, Match ij, at Guildhall. All. Mason, St., Michael's Church- vard, Cornhill, London. William Si npson, of Sheffield, inn- keeper, Feb. Id, 17, March 21, at the Tontine Inn, Sheffield. Atts. Messrs. Parker and Brown, Sheffield; or Messrs. Blagrave and Walter, Symond's Inn, Chancery- fane. rhomns Lewis, of Bedminster, Somersetshire, bacon- factor, Feb. 11, 2.3, March 21, at Guildhall, Lon- don. Atts. Means. Frovvel anil B'. anilford, Mitre Court- buildings, Temple. John HaffitU Merry, of West Smithfield. oilman, Feb. II, 18, March 21,' at Guildhall, Alls. Russen, Crown- court, Aldersgaie- streei William Jon° s, of Reading, Berks, nursery and seedsman, Feb. 21, 22, March 21, at jhc Upper Ship Inn, Reading. Att. Holmes, Grea( James's- street, Bedford- row, London. MARKETS. CORN- EXCIUNGI , LoNnosi, MONDAY, Fr. n, 6. Our supply of wheat to- day was chiefly from Essex and Kent, and in which there were but few fine sam- ples, nor was the quantity of any description great. In the sales there teas an evident dullness, tritb a re- duction, from last Monday's prices, of about two shil- lings per quarter. The arriv als of barley were rather short to- day ; but that article did not obtain the terms last quoted. Neither had we many white pea- or beans of the two sorts; the prices of these were gene- rally somewhatunder tl o. se of Monday. Oals were likewise a short supply, but they were deemed rather dearer. Wheat 68s. to 70s. 7Si, Fine ditto.. SOt. to 8- ts. 0d, Fine New,. 92s. to 93i. Od. Rye 48s. ( 0 64). Od. Barley .... 40s. [ o 48s, Od. MaU 70s. to 82s. ( Id. White Pease. 90s. to 120s. Boilers 125 fo 145s. Od. Suffolks.... 000. to 148s. Od. Grey Peas 46s. tn 56s. Od. Beans 50s. to 64s. Od. Tick!*.... 50s. (., 67 » . Oil, Oats.* 32s, to 38s. I'd. Polands 40i. to 44s. Oil. Aver. ngs Price of SUGAR, 51,-. 5$ d. per cwt. PRICE OF MEAT. SMITUFIELD. Per Stone of 81b. sinking ( ha Offal Beef. 4s, 8d. ( o 6s, Od. Mutton,.. 5s, Od. to 6s. 6d. Veal 6s, Od. to 8s. Od. Pork 5s, 8d. ( 06s. 8d. Lamb 0s. Od. to 0s. Od. NEIVGATE, LEADENHAL It, Per St. of 31b. by ( lis Carcase, Beef. 3s. 3d, to 5s. Od, Mutton... 4s. ( Jd. to 5s. 4- J„ Veal 5s, Od. to 7 » . 6d, fork 5s. 8d. to 6 » . 8< t Lamb 0s. Od. lo Os. Oil. PR ICE OF HOPS IN THE BOROUGH. BAGS, Kent 31. 10s. to 41. 16s. Sussex 21. 16s. ( o 31,3s, Essex 31. 10s. to 41. 10s. Kent.., Sussex, Farnh. POCKETS. 31, 16s. to 51. lOi. 21. 16s. to 41, Of. 61. 0s. ( o 81. Oi. PRICK OF TALLOW (( o the Trade), Town Tallow 109s. Od. toOs. Russiando,( cand.)— s. Od. ( o OOOs. Od. Soap do. 000s. to — s. Od. Melting Stuff, 81s. ( o 84s. Ditto Rough, 55s. to 61i, Good Dregs, 14s. Graves, 14s, Yellow Soap, 116s.— Mottled, 126s.— Curd, 130s. Price of Candles per don eu, 15s. Od.— Moulds 16s, Od, PRICES OF LEATHER AT LEADENHAI. I.. I8id. to 2Id. 25d. 20d. 20d. 22d. 18Sd. 32d. S8d. 38d. 37d, to 140s. to 20d. .. 23d. . lSd. . lid. . 18id. 18| d. . 17d. . 26d. . 33d. . 33.1. ,. 36d. , 100s. , ISd. Od. ( o 0s. 8d. to Is. Od. to Os. Od. lo Os. Od. ( ol7s. 8d; 0a. lOd. Od. Od. Od. Butts, 50 io 561b. each Ditto, 56 to 661b. each Merchants' Backs Dressing Hides f ine Coach Hides Crop Hides, for cuttiBg Ditto, 30 to 40 t. Calf- skins, 30 to 401b. per dozen .., Ditto, 50 to 7011, Ditto, 70 to 801b '.. ., Small Seals ( Greenland) perlb, Large Dilto, per dozen Tanned Horse Hides, per pound ... PRICE OF RAW HIDES. Best ( perstone) J... 2s. 6d, to 2s. Middling 2s. Ordinary Is. Hea^ y Calf Skins ( each) 12s. Lamb ditto 0s. Eng. Horse ditto , 15s. COUNTRY MARKETS. Glocester. Wheat 13s. Od. to 15s. Od. Barley, 5s. 6d. ( o 7s. 2d. Old Beans, 10,. Od. to ! 0s. 6d. Ross. Wheat, 15s. 0d. to 16- 0d.— Barley, 5- 6d. (• 6s. Od. Oats, 4s. 6d. — to 4s. 9d.— Pease, Os. to 0,. Od. Worcester. Wheat 12s. 0.1, to 14,. 0d.— Barley 6s, Od. to 61. 81I.— Beans 7s, Od. to 10s, Od.— Peas 7s. 6d. to Ss. Od. Oats 5s, 4d. to 5s. 10d. perbushel of 9^ gallons.—- Hops, weighed on Saturday, 163 pockets; current prices froua Oi. 00s. to Oh 00s. per cwt. Bristol. Red Wheat 63s. Od. ( o 64s. Od. While 00s. to 64s. Rye, 00s. to 00s. Barley, 44s. to 46s. pen- quar. Malt, 80s, to 88s. Oafs, 24s. to 23s, Poland, 34s. to 44s. Beans, 56s. to 74s. Boiling Pease, 120s. to 130s. D-. ir. tzic - Wheat, 00s to 00s. American ditto, 00. s. to 00s. Fiue Flour, 78s. to 85i. per sack; Seconds, 70s. ly 74s. American Flour, 00s. to 00s, per barrel. Quartern Loaf; Wbeaten, I3jd. Standard, 12Ri antl Household, 11- 1.1. Hay, 72s. t » 95s. 6d. Straw, from 18it. to 23d. * Heading. Wheat 65s. Od, to IOls. Od. Beans 00). t » 51s. Peasa 00s. to ( IDs. Oats 35s. to 42). Barley 35l, to 50s. Od. Devises Wheat 60s. ( 0 96s. Barley 32s. lo 54 » . Oats 39s. to 40s. Od. Beans 72s. to 80s. Newbury. Wheat 70s. to lOOi. Barley 32s. to 52t. Od. Beans 60s. to 78s. Pease 58s. to 60s. Oals 25s. ( o 42s. Od. ' PRICES of CORN and FLOUR at LIVERPOOL. Corn Exchangt, Tuesday, Feb. 7. s. d. s. d. Wheal, English .. 16 6 to 17 0 per 70U » , New Do ... 15 9 — 16 6 Ditto American ... 16 0 — 17 0 DUlo Quebec ... 14 6 — 15 0 Ditto Irish .. 14 0 — 15 0 Ditto Barley, Norfolk and Suffolk 7 6 — 7 9 per 60lbs, Irish ... 6 9 — 7 6 Ditto 6 — 13 9 per 36 qts. Middling ... 12 6 — 13 3 Ditto Oats, C. d Potstoc ... 5 4 — 5 6 per 4511,1, Limerick .. ... 5 4 — 5 5 Ditto Waterford ... 5 3 — 5 4 Ditto New Potatoe ... ... 4 10 — 4 5 Ditto Limerick... ... 4 10 — Ditt ® Waterfortj. .. 4 6 — 4 7 Ditto Rye, English ... — per Qr. Irish. ... 40 0 — 45 0 Ditto Bcaas, Small „. 68 0 — 72 0 Ditto Ticks .. 00 0 — 00 0 Dili* Peas, White .141) — 145 Ditto Grey ... 60 0 — 65 0 Ditto Flour, Fine ... 83 0 — 84 per sack 2801b,... Seconds ... 81 t) — 82 0 Ditto American ... 00 0 - » 0 pe 11961hs. Do. Sour ... Oo 0 — — 0 Ditto THE ^ LOCESTEK IIEKALD is seat. Post- free, to any Part ot the XhlKnom; ami ORDERS for it, and for the insertion ot AB- VCRTISEMF- NTS, are received at the Office, in St. JohnVlnnos In- Messrs. TAHLERand NEWTON, Warwick- square, UiuMDf by the NEWSMEN; and the Couut'- jr AGENTS.
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