The Seventh Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Seventh Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 31/01/1809
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No Pages: 1
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N° 40.] os FEES, G R A T U I T I E S , & c.-( AuCtion Duty, & c.) 81 <{ jelly's ( lores, or have been exported, as the cafe may be." With refpeCt to Dice, the Manufacturer makes entry of the number of pairs for which he intends to pay Duty, and makes oath, « that the quantity entered by him is all the Dice made by " him, or for his ufe, from the laft return to the time of his prefent entry." After the Duty has been paid, the ColleCtor iflfues an order, fpecifying therein the number of packs of Cards, or pairs of Dice, for which Duty has been paid, to the Stamp Master, who is required, upon the receipt of this order, to affix the proper
ftamps or marks. No stock account is kept, nor does Examinant fee how it could be done, from the nature of the manufacture. Copies of thefe entries and affidavits are fent to the Examinator of Customs. Examinant is of opinion, that this branch of the Revenue might be transferred to the Stamp Office. Examinant does not believe, that there are in Ireland any Makers of Cards and Dice except in Dublin and Cork. The establishment consists of this Examinant, at a salary of £. 40. per annum on the establishment, and £. 137. 17J. 6d. on incidents; a Card Labeller at £. 30. a- year, and a person who keeps stock at £ 20. Examinant
does not, either direCtly or indirectly, receive from the Manufacturers any fee, gratuity, perquifite or emolu- ment, of any nature or kind whatsoever. Examinant is of opinion, that Dice also might be ftamped at the Stamp Office. Sackville H. Lovett. J. S. Rochfort Fredk Geale, Charles Saxton. zbi E \( EM Olo X