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The Seventh Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland


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The Seventh Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland

Date of Article: 31/01/1809
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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33 ( Ireland.)— SEVENTH REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS [ Appx. Manufa& urers, the number of hogfheads of dry leaf on hand and the weight of the hole in futtlepounds ; % wife the number of pounds weighed out for manufacture, he number of pounds charged in the month, and the amount of Duty thereon ; like wife the number of pounds of Tobacco and Snuff perm. tted out, and the total ftock of Tobacco and Snuff remaining, on hand; likewife an account of all Permits received in the walk for unmanufactured Tobacco during the month, Rating the date and numbers of the Permits, the place from whence permitted the importer or perfons from whom permitted, the fhip's name in which imported, the date when' Duty was paid, the Manufacturer to whom permitted, the marks and numbers of each cafk the number of calks and the weight; this voucher is examined by the Surveyor, and figned by him and the Gauger, and returned to the Regifter General or 1 obacco. He makes up another monthly voucher for the Stamp Duty on Permits and Certi- ficates itiued by himfelf, which, after it has been examined and figned by the Sur- veyor, he returns to the ColleCtor, to whom he alfo pays monthly the amount of fuch Duty. Examinant alfo makes out a voucher of all Permits granted by him, which is examined and figned by the Surveyor, and returned to the Regifter General of Tobacco. Examinant has no charge of retail dealers within his walk, but underfrands there are two perfons appointed" by the Commissioners, who go through tiie fbops of the feveral retailers within the city of Dublin, to examine their flocks and take up their Permits, but he has heard that they have no power of making any ftizure without firft: applying to a regular Officer. Examinant receives a Hilary of£. 40. a- year, fubjeCt to the dedudtion of 1. to the Charity Fund. The fees ufually received are from id. to 2\ d. for every Permit granted, according to the quantity of goods fent out; he thinks they may have amounted to from £. 10. to 15. per annum. He alfo receives from each Manufacturer of Tobacco from is. Gd. to $ s. Britifh, on the breaking up of each hogfhead; he thinks thefe fees may have amounted 10 £. 10. or /'. 12. per annum ; he receives from fome of the Manufacturers a Guinea, and from others half a Guinea, at Chriftmas, thefe fees amount to about four Guineas per annum. The whole not exceeding £. 70. per annum. This Examinant receives no other fee, gratuity, perquifite or emolument, of any nature or kind whatfoever. Booth Dawfon. J. S. Rochfort, Fred* Geale, Charles Saxton. No. 33. The Examination of Mr. CHARLES DUNLEVIE, Sur- veyor of Excife'; taken on Oath, the 23d of OCtober, and 13 th of November 1807. This Examinant faith, That he is a Surveyor of Excife, and at prefent in charge of the fecond Tobacco Survey in the diftriCt of the city of Dublin; the furvey confifts of three walks, in which there are eighteen Manufactures of Tobacco. The duty of the Surveyor is occafionally to vifit the feveral Manufacturers in his furvey; he vifits each once a month at leaft, and has not been ciireCted to do fo oftener, nor has he ever received a Tobacco InftruCtion Book. On each vifit he takes a declaration of the ftock from the Manufacturer, and enters it in the ftock- book ; but if he had any reafon to fufpeCt fraud he would weigh off the ftock. He has detected in the Snuff- cafe an increafe' beyond the quantity declared, to the extent of 200 lbs, and found the Cane- cafe that had been declared at 325 lbs, to contain 781, and the dry leaf 173 lbs, that had been declared at 508 lbs; this was admitted by the Manufacturer to have been effected by taking from die dry leaf and putting into the Cane- cafe, in the abfence of, and without having ferved any notice on the Gauger, a pradice which he believes is now common among Manufefturers of Tobacco ; on the fame occafion the Snuff- cafe had been declared tothe Officer to contain 590 lbs, and the Stalks 437 lbs; but Exami- nant on his vifit did not find any Stalks, which were then declared to be in the Snuff- cafe He has known alio a Manufacturer to obtain credit by his declaration for - 1,027 ^ s. in tne Snuff- cafe, when in faCt he was entitled to credit for 700 lbs. only therein.
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