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The Seventh Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland


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The Seventh Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland

Date of Article: 31/01/1809
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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m ( I r e l a n d . ) - Seventh REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS ( Excife.- country are distinguished in the Notice Book and Ledger according to their respeCtive DistriCts, and examined, computed and compared with the monthly Returns of the receipts of Auction Duty,- made by the Col- vj Mors to the Examinator of AuCtion Duty, for the purpoie of enabling him to ascertain that all Auctions of which notices were lervecl have been dulv accounted for ; of fuch as are not, notice is given to the Board of Excife, and informations filed againft the defaulters. In Dublin the Ajftioneer verities his lale account on oath before the Examinator ot Auction Duty, who thereupon clafles the feveral items under then- proper bcadsi computes the Duties accordingly, and makes out a ccr- . tificate of the amount thereof. The account is then returned to the Auctioneer, and, together with the certificate, is carried to the Office of the Examinator of Excile to be re- examined; both are then returned to the Office of the Examinator of Auction Duty. The certificate is delivered to the Auctioneer, and being lodged with the ColleCtor, becomes his authority for receiving the Duty; the lale account h retained by the Examinator ot Auction Duty. The feveral Collectors of Excife, at the clofe of each month, tranfmit duplicate returns of the AuCtion Duties received bv them to the Examinator of Auction Duty, who, after ex* aminingr and checking thefe returns with the lale accounts he has received o o during the month, countersigns and returns them to the ColleCtor, one to O O be retained, the other to be tranfmitted by him to the Examiner of Excife, as an authority for that Officer's quarterly certificate to the Accountant General of the charge to he made cti the Collector. In the Country DiftriCts the Auctioneer produces his fale account to the Officer of the walk in which he relides. This Officer computes the Duty thereon, and ftates the amount in the account, which is then taken to the Col- lector's Office by the Auctioneer, who verifies it upon oath and pays the Duty, the Collector firft approving the computation. The amount of the AuCtion Duties is, along with other Duties, returned by the Collector to the Examiner of Excife in a monthlv voucher made out bv the Surveyors - J and Gaugers, atul contained in the quarterly certificate, of the feveral fums to be charged to the ColleCtor's account by the Accountant General, APR* N° I. The Board of Excife direCted the Examinator of AuCtion Dutv, to cettiiy quarterly to the Accountant General, the fum chargeable again ft each Collector on account of his receipt of AuCtion Duties, an order which he has omitted to comply with, in confequence of the Accountant General having reprefented that it would be ulelefs to Supply him with a document, which, in the ordinary courle of duty, would be transmitted to him by the Examinator of Excife. In 1803, an Officer, under the title of Examinator of Au< 3ion Duty, was appointed by letter of the Board of Excile at a Salary of 140! The duties of the Office were then in a great degree fimilar tothoSe at prefent attached to it, but its authority was more confined, extending at that time no farther than to Auctions within the city of Dublin and its particular limits, whereas it now has fuperintendance of all Auctions that take place in Ireland. The Salary of the Examinator, as the Sphere of his duties is enlarged, has been raiSed to £. 200, with an allowance of I. 00 per annum for a clerk. The principal difference between the duties of his former and his preSent Situation as Examinator of AucTion Duty, confifts in his being required to take the affidavits refpefting Sales by
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